Helicopter Emergency Medical Service

Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

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Page 1: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

Helicopter Emergency Medical Service

Page 2: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year
Page 3: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

The GoldenHour, A Questionof Life or Death

A little girl suffers a major head injury in a car crash. She is 75 km

from your hospital as the crow flies; much more by winding country

roads. Statistically, if she is admitted to paediatric neurosurgery

within 60 minutes she can be saved. This is the ‘Golden Hour’.

Beyond this time, she has a 30% chance of dying. And an even

greater chance of being permanently disabled.

Send an emergency unit by road? At that distance it will take more

than an hour just to get to the scene of the accident, much less back

to the hospital.

Her only hope is a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS).

Because only a helicopter can fly in a straight line to the accident site at

250 km/hr, reaching the injured child in just 18 minutes. There,

paramedics or a doctor can quickly work to stabilize her condition.

Eighteen minutes more and she will be safely in surgery, with transport

side effects on wounded brain reduced to the minimum. Time to spare: an

average emergency mission by road is 40 minutes each way. The same

mission for a helicopter is around 17 minutes each way.

Each year 2% of the population of a developed country will need emergency

transportation to a hospital. Many of these millions of victims live beyond the

‘Golden Hour’ zone for ground emergency vehicles. But most can be reached

and saved by helicopter.

Page 4: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

The HEMS. No ground service is complete without it.

Every year, 1 person in 175 in Europe (1 in 43 in the U.S.!) will suffer a cardiacinfarction. 10% of them will die unlessthey reach a hospital within the GoldenHour. If they succeed, the death tolldrops to 1%! For the thousands ofvictims who live more than 25 km froma hospital, their only hope is theHelicopter Emergency Medical Service.

A study at a 2,000-bed Europeanhospital with both HEMS andemergency ground vehicles showedthat, over a 4-year period, 38 survivalswere "indisputably" due to the helicopter.

In cases of victims with cardiac arrest,ground units had 0% success in Returnto Spontaneous Circulation (RSC); theair medical unit had 27% success and11% leaving hospital safe.

For patients in cardiogenic shock, theaverage death rate is 80%, reduced tohalf (40%) with fast angioplasty helpedby helicopter transport. In brain traumacases, 40% of patients brought in byground units died. Of those brought in by helicopter, 31%died. A quarter more survivals!

Hospitals and HEMS operators around the world increased their purchases

of helicopters by almost 40% between 2001 and 2005.

But they increased their purchases of Eurocopter emergency medical

aircraft by 100%.

Maybe they know something you don't know.

Tricks of the trade

Only an emergency medical helicoptercan deliver medical care where noground vehicle can possibly go.

Eurocopter© Jérôme Deulin



y Michelin

Page 5: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

In cases of non-fatal brain trauma, if circulation and oxygenation can be re-established within 90 minutes, the patient has a good chance ofrecovering. If the ride to the hospitaltakes longer, the patient is more likelyto require a lengthy stay and sufferafterward from debilitating losses ofbrain function. Using the GlasgowComa Scale (GCS), 48% of patientsdelivered by HEMS showed good brainfunction upon admission. Of road unitpatients, only 15% showed acceptablefunctions. 36% of air medical patientsrecovered; only 15% of road unitpatients did as well. More than twicebetter recovery!

In some countries, where a doctor flies with the HEMS, he can make adiagnosis, start treatment and callahead while he redirects the helicoptertoward a specialised hospital unit, suchas a burns unit, an intensive care unit ora neurosurgery centre, rather thangoing to a general hospital. This helpssave even more time and lives.

Finally, the founder of the EuropeanHEMS and Air Rescue Committeeestimates that "10% of medicalhelicopter missions save a life thatwould otherwise be lost. The 60,000 missions flown each year in Germany save at least 5,000 lives."In considering HEMS there are practicaland political issues as well. In many countries, local small-townhospitals and services are being closed or downsized as expensive, orbecause they have too few activities toremain safe; and specialised services(trauma units, burns units and neonatalintensive care, etc.) are centralised inmajor urban hospitals. The only way tomaintain medical care for the rural andsmall-town populations ‘left behind’ isthe air medical program.

By the same token, the best way tomake expensive centralised servicescost-effective is to fly in patients fromfar and wide.

In this regard, the HEMS also has a vitalsecondary mission as air medical

transport between hospitals. Fitted with advanced life-support (ALS)equipment, it can provide seamlessintensive-care during the transfer ofpatients who require specialisedmedical attention at a distant hospital.The medical helicopter has far feweraccelerations and decelerations and far less vibration than a ground unit,and of course there are no tight turns,screeching stops and bumpy roads. It thus provides a stress-free, stable,comfortable ride, which is especiallyimportant for trauma patients.

Only a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service:- Gets to victims 3 to 5 times faster than road units- Flies over obstacles and straightens winding roads- Never gets caught in traffic- Vastly enlarges the health security footprint of a hospital- Reaches victims far from roads- Provides the quickest relief from major pain- Reduces the risks of high-speed road missions- Increases the output of EMS teams- Carries victims directly to specialised services- Saves people from certain death- Saves victims more than 25 km away- Gives the same chance to all, wherever they are.


Urgence Pratique/Dr Desland

esDDSC/Base Marignane

Page 6: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

How a multi-million-dollar investment can pay for itself.Cost-effective?Don't take ourword for it.Researchers at the Department ofEconomics, Clark University, tested thecosts of an HEMS versus ground units ata major Boston hospital. They created anexperimental model that replaced thehelicopter service with a hypotheticalground-based system. Assuming similarresponse times and staffing, in order forthe ‘new’ ground network to do the samejob as the helicopter, covering the sameservice area, it would require an annualbudget two times greater than theoriginal HEMS budget. And the cost perpatient carried would be 60% greater. The economists' laconic conclusion?

“The commonly held notion that

condemns helicopters as an

excessively expensive technology

for patient transport is incorrect.”

Another example: A 2,000-bed hospital inFrance has 7 ground emergency vehiclesand 1 emergency medical helicopter. The helicopter picks-up all severepatients and takes into account the longdistance transports. To replace thehelicopter would require buying 7 moretrucks, with all the associated runningexpenses and staff. And the trucks wouldstill not save as many lives as thehelicopter because they go, on average,only one third as far and three times moreslowly.

When you consider the cost of 1 day

in intensive-care (€2,000), 1 day in

surgery (€1,000), 1 treatment for

haemophilia (€3,000/day) or a new CT

scanner (€952,500), the cost of a

flight hour by helicopter is not a lot

of money for saving lives that might

otherwise be lost.

Consider again those 60,000 helicoptersorties in Germany. They saved at least5,000 lives. And each sortie cost, at amaximum, €500. Then each life savedcost €6,000. How often do you get achance to do so much with so little?



ter© D.R.


ter© Jérôm

e Deulin

SA Gendarmerie/Digne

Page 7: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

Another academic study said this: “Ask a patient whose life was saved by a helicopter if the program is cost-effective, and he will undoubtedlysay ‘Yes’. But what is the

cost-effectiveness of saving a life?

There is a dramatic impact upon theindividual and society as a whole.Increasing the survivability of a criticallyill or injured patient who may return togainful employment, may reduce theoverall cost to the patient and tosociety by avoiding a lifetime ofdisability and welfare.

An air medical program may also becost-effective by extending a regionaltertiary care centre's capabilities to alarger geographic area. This decreases

the need to duplicate expensive

trauma centres, burn centres, high-risk prenatal units and neo-natalintensive care units. Finally, an airmedical program also decreases the

An economic model study for a Köln,Germany, fire department HEMS"analysed the cost-effectiveness of a15-minute response time (stateregulation) of advanced life support(ALS) equipment provided by helicopter(€1,083,800 annual [inflation-adjusted]cost ) versus a ground-based system(€690,884 annual cost) covering an 80-km radius. In the first instance, the region wasallocated 1 additional helicopter andhad 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times andsaved nearly €1,032,200 per year[inflation adjusted]. The additional useof rescue helicopters in EMS regions(80-km radius) remains cost-effectiveup to an ALS: helicopter cost ratio of 1:6."

number of ground ambulances neededfor long-distance patient transports. […] This will free more ambulances for local coverage."

More proof that emergency medicalhelicopters are profitable? The American hospital system, which is profit oriented, would not be the world's biggest HEMS user if helicopters ran at a loss!

Frequently, the typical HEMS new prospect goes through 6 stages:1.Total scepticism that a multi-million-dollar helicopter can save her money.2.Rhetorical—and often hostile—questioning.3.Reading Eurocopter literature when nobody is looking.4.Taking a leap of faith and going on a demonstration ride.5.Doing the math for herself.6.Becoming a HEMS enthusiast and trying to persuade friends.



Page 8: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

8 out of 10 emergency medicalhelicopters are Eurocopter’s.Here is why.

FastAn emergency medical helicopter must, ofcourse, be fast (that is what it is there for).But there are 2 kinds of "fast":

Eurocopter rotorcraft offer fast cruisingspeeds of 220 to 270 km/hr. But just asimportantly, they can be started and getoff the ground in less than 2 minutes.Some other helicopters can take up to5 minutes. That means that theEurocopter helicopter has gone 9kmwhile the other is still taking off !

This means Eurocopter helicopters arethe fastest from the time of the originalalert to the time of arrival at the patient'sside.

Land anywheresafelyEMS helicopters must be able to land on difficult, unprepared terrains. Andthey must do it in such a way that theyguarantee the safety of the personnelaboard and persons on the ground.

Eurocopter cockpits offer pilots amaximum of transparency and aminimum of instrument panel. Pilots getan excellent view of their landing terrainfrom all possible angles. Passengercabins also offer generous visibility.

Eurocopter rotorcraft are designed toprovide exceptional manoeuvrability.Their exterior dimensions are ascompact as possible. However theirskid landing gear lets them land easilyon slopes. This design ensures that thehelicopter is able to land as near to thepatient as possible, whatever theterrain.

To maximize the safety of persons onthe ground, the tail rotor on manyEurocopter aircraft is either protectedinside a casing (the shroudedFenestron®) or is mounted high up andsafely between wide ailerons. The mainrotor is also safely out of reach, a full 3metres off the ground.

Flight safetyIn order to fly safely the pilot must notbe distracted by his instruments or themechanics of the aircraft. Eurocoptercockpits use a state-of-the-artinstrument, the digital Vehicle andEngine Multifunction Display (VEMD),which summarizes what the pilot needsto know about the mechanics of theflight at any moment. On many models,our "new avionics" digital glassinstrumentation also greatly simplifiesthe pilot's task, allowing him toconcentrate on safely doing the job athand.

Another safety feature is the installationof energy-absorbing seats as for pilotand co-pilot - just in case of hardlanding.

ShhhhhhhhEmergency medical helicopters are at theservice of the community. Their quietnesscan help in community acceptance.

Thanks to the use of modern compositematerials, low noise main rotors and theshrouded Fenestron®, Eurocopter aircraftare - bar none - the quietest helicoptersin the world, with noise levels up to 2 to 3times lower than the norms for civilaviation, substantially lower than the strictregulation (ICAO) limits. At 300 metres inheight, the sound of most of our rotorcraftwould be drowned out by a passingvehicle. This is fundamental in countrieswhere hospitals’ neighbours are,sometimes, ready to lodge a complaintagainst helicopters even if they perform amedical flight!


ter© Patrick Penna


ter© Patrick Penna


y Michelin

Page 9: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

repositioned. Medical personnel can beseated at the head of the patient tofacilitate intubation, etc.

The open, undivided cabin space itselfcan be put to good advantage.Communication between medics andpilot is much improved beyond themike-and-earphone system, with thepilot able to see and react to medics'body language.

ComfortIn an emergency medical helicopternothing is more important than thecomfort and well being of the patient.

The spacious Eurocopter cabins are among the most silent andvibration-free in the world. They offer a bright, reassuringambiance that contributes to the well-being of patients and makes themedics’ work easier.

ErgonomicsLoading and caring for the sick and injured in a medical emergencyhelicopter is a delicate business. Speed is of the essence, yet easyloading and the ability to tend to thepatient are vital.

Eurocopter aircraft offer a variety ofextra-wide doors to facilitate loadingand unloading. Some, like the EC135 orthe EC145, have extra-wide slidingdoors on either side through which apatient can easily be loaded, even in a sitting position. Double clamshelldoors in the rear allow the same ease ofaccess as a ground ambulance. Othermodels have large bays for voluminousequipment. All doors are designedwithout thresholds to avoid trippingwhen entering or leaving.

Wide cabin floors are entirely flat andunobstructed so that medics can moveequipment freely and tend to patientsfrom any angle. In most casesstretchers emplacements can beswivelled for easy handling. There isroom for any configuration of medicalequipment, including large stand-aloneitems such as paediatric intensive-careunits and cardiac assistance machines.In some models the number ofstretchers and medical personnel canbe quickly and easily varied. Pivoting passenger seats can be easily

EquipmentEurocopter emergency medicalhelicopters can be fitted with a vastarray of flight-certified medicalequipment customized to the specificneeds of the operator. This includesdefibrillation devices that are certifiedfor in-flight use. This kind of equipmentmaximizes the ability of HEMS medicsto save lives, even while in-flight.

Eurocopter helicopters can also befitted with a variety of certified rescueequipment, including winches,searchlights and hailers.

The cockpit layout of our aircraft can beadapted to the type of missions that willmost likely be flown, whether night andday Visual Flight Rules, automatic pilotcoupled to navigation or Night VisionGoggles, etc. Instrument Flight Rulesequipment is also available for IFRmedical transport to or from equippedlanding platforms.

Wolfgang Obrusnik

Wolfgang Obrusnik

Page 10: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

Light single-engine helicopters AS350 B2/B3 / EC130 B4

A family concept for economical medical flightsEurocopter’s single-engine helicopters can all be equipped for the full range of medical operations with specific light dedicated

equipment. However they offer one notable advantage over twin-engine helicopters: they are considerably less expensive to

buy and maintain.The AS350 B2 and B3 are the best-selling light single-engine helicopters in the wold, and have become

much sought after for their flexibility, safety and low acquisition and maintenance costs. Thanks to its exceptional cabin size

and other qualities, the EC130 B4 is now also considered as the successor of the famous Alouette III for EMS missions.

Page 11: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

EC130 B4The EC130 B4’s cabin is a full 25cm widerthan that of the AS350 B2/B3, whichallows it to comfortably carry patient andmedical crew. The EC130 B4 featuresEurocopter’s patented Fenestron®

shrouded tail rotor, which makes it thequietiest helicopter in its class – 7dBbelow the ICAO’s strictest limits (average). Low noise parameters have also beendesigned into the flight systems, including the Full Authority Digital EngineControl (FADEC) and the controlledvariable speed rotor system.The cockpit is equipped with VEMD andFirst Limit Indicator which, along with theFADEC, greatly reduce the pilot’sworkload and improve safety.The Turbomeca Arriel 2B1 engine is ratedat 632 kW (847 shp). A high level ofredundancy is built in, with dual flightcomputers, multiple engine sensors anddual hydraulic systems. The simpledesign of the EC130 B4 considerably reducesmaintenance costs and provides a highlevel of availability.For medical evacuation, the EC130 can comfortably transport up to twostretcher patients and two doctors or medical staff.

AS350 B2 and B3The AS350 B2 can carry pilot, medicalcrew and patient as well as stowedequipment at 246 km/hr (133 kts). The AS350 B3 goes even father fasterand higher, out-classing all other 6/7-seathelicopters, and being made to measurefor very high altitudes, high temperaturesand heavy load transport. The AS350 B3 is equipped with a FullAuthority Digital Engine Control (FADEC),which ensures care-free engine handling,with guaranteed thrust settings andautomatic start-up sequence as well as

outstanding reliability and simplifiedmaintenance. Both helicopters feature acockpit equipped with a dual LCD screenVEMD which allows the pilot to see at a glance the main parameters ofthe vehicle and the engine. FADEC andVEMD systems substantially reduce thepilot’s workload and enhance safety. The Starflex hub is made entirely of composite materials; it remains as innovative and exclusive today as it ever was. The rotors themselves arecorrosion-proof and resistant to nicks asis the jointless tail rotor.

(*) At MTOW - (**) 2,370 kg with optional specific equipment kit.

AS350 B2 AS350 B3 EC130 B4CapacityPAX + pilot Up to 6 + 1 Up to 6 + 1 Up to 7 + 1With stretcher + PAX + pilot 1 + 2 + 1 1 + 2 + 1 1 + 2 + 1

Useful load kg / lbs 1,030 / 2,270 1,009 / 2,224 1,050 / 2,315

MTOW kg / lbs 2,250 / 4,960 2,250 / 4,960 (**) 2,427 / 5,351

Powerplant Turbomeca Arriel 1D1 Arriel 2B1 Arriel 2B1

Takeoff power kW / shp 546 / 732 632 / 847 632 / 847

Rotor diameter m / ft 10.69 / 35.07 10.69 / 35.07 10.69 / 35.07

Overall Length m / ft 12.94 / 42.45 12.94 / 42.45 12.64 / 41.47

Fast cruise speed (*) km/hr - kts 246 / 133 258 / 140 240 / 130

Hover ceiling IGE ISA m / ft (*) 3,000 / 9,850 4,023 / 13,200 3,100 / 10,165

Range (*) km / NM 666 / 360 657 / 355 610 / 329

Fly-over noise level compared - 4.8 - 5.1 - 8.5to ICAO limit. EPNdB

Claude Leclercq


ter© Jérôm

e Deulin



Page 12: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

Light twin-engine helicoptersAS355 NP / EC135 / EC145

Made for EMS missionsEurocopter’s light twin-engine helicopters – the AS355 NP, EC135 and EC145 – are qualified and certified for use anywhere in the

world, however strict the regulations are. The AS355 NP, twin-engine version of the single-engine AS350 series, provides the best

quality/price ratio in the twin-engine market. The combined AS350/AS355 fleet has logged over 19 million flight hours, and the

AS355 NP is one of the most successful twin-engine helicopters in the world, with over 600 currently in use. Unrivalled in its class,

the EC135 is a very powerful multi-purpose helicopter offering outstanding performance and exceptional adaptation to the EMS

role. Born of the most recent generation of light twins it is designed to keep operating costs to an absolute minimum. The EC145

fits your EMS mission as if it were made for it, because it was! The EC145 is everything the world has come to expect from

Eurocopter: dependable, efficient, quiet, powerful, comfortable and safe. But its trump card is that it has by far the biggest and

best cabin of any helicopter in its class. The EC145 can be configured to fit your needs exactly, whatever they are.

Page 13: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

EC145The EC145 offers a flat-floored, unobstructed cabin, wide cockpit andcabin access, plus wide clamshell rearloading doors and extensive glazing. Its size makes it an economical solutionfor every kind of emergency medicalservice with room for two patients onlitters plus four medical attendants andall their equipment.This single-pilot, IFR category-A-certifiedworkhorse offers the advanced,glass-cockpit VEMD man-machineinterface which makes the pilot’s jobeasier and less tiring.

The EC145 is fitted with energy-absorbingseats and landing gear, shock-resistantcomposite materials and redundantdesign of all critical systems andcomponents.

The EC145 is a record-breaking 6.7 dBbelow the already strict ICAO limits. The EC145 is particularly well adaptedto emergency medical services and flying intensive-care units.

AS355 NPThe AS355 NP is renowned as ahardworking, flexible, extremely reliableand economical high-performancehelicopter. The AS355 NP can carry onepatient and a two medical crew pluspilot and a considerable load on themost demanding high and hot missionsat a cruising speed of 222 km/hr (120 kts). It is powered by twoTurbomeca Arrius 1A1 engines, withdual FADEC systems for automatic,care-free engine handling.It also offers exceptional one-engine-inoperative (OEI) performance, whichmakes it ideal for EMS missions thatrequire a high level of safety aboveurban environments. The AS355 NPalso features a glass-cockpit VEMDman-machine interface, which makesthe pilot’s job easier and less tiring. The AS355 NP can operate frombuilding helipads in congested areas. It also offers excellent manoeuvrabilityand easy maintenance. It is fully IFR certified and can be equipped with a 3-axis autopilot.

EC135 The EC135 gives you the choice of twoTurbomeca Arrius 2B2 or two Pratt &Whitney Canada PW206B2 engines,both with dual Full Authority DigitalEngine Control (FADEC) for care-freeengine management, guaranteed thrustsettings, automatic start-up sequence,optimised fuel efficiency and simplifiedmaintenance. It also offers exceptionalOne Engine Inoperative performance andis JAR/FAR 27 compliant. Wide lateraldoors and rear clamshell doors facilitateaccess and loading, particularly usefulfor EMS missions. Flexibility, comfort,ease of handling, low maintenance; it isnot hard to see why the EC135 hasbecome a favourite for cost-consciousEMS organisations the world over. Thestate-of-the-art glass cockpit with LCDscreen Vehicle and Engine MultifunctionDisplay (VEMD) reduces the pilot’sworkload, freeing him for the mission athand. The bearingless rotor-head, finely‘tuned’ composite-material rotor bladesand third-generation, Fenestron®

shrouded tail rotor all contribute to the EC135’s exceptionally smooth and quietride, and low noise signature.

(*) At MTOW - (**) 2,370 kg with optional specific equipment kit.

AS355NP EC135 EC145CapacityPassengers + pilot Up to 6 + 1 Up to 7 + 1 Up to 8 + 1With stretcher + PAX + pilot 1 + 2 + 1 2 + 3 + 2 2 + 3 + 2

Useful load kg / lbs 1,107 / 2,440 1,455 / 2,208 1,793 / 2,953

MTOW kg / lbs 2,600 / 5,732 2,910 / 6,415 3,585 / 7,903

Powerplant Pratt & Witney PW206B2Turbomeca Arrius 1A1 Arrius 2B2 Arriel 1E2

Takeoff power kW / shp 343 / 460 498 / 667 (PW) 550 / 738473 / 634 (TM)

Rotor diameter m / ft 10.69 /35.07 10.20 / 33.50 11.00 / 36.09

Overall Length m /ft 12.94 / 42.45 12.06 / 39.90 13.03 / 42.65

Fast cruise speed (*) km/hr - kts 222 / 120 254 / 137 246 / 133

Hover ceiling IGE ISA m / ft 2,575 / 8,450 3,045 / 10,000 2,925 / 9,600

Range (*) km / NM 731 / 395 635 / 342 (PW) 680 / 370620 / 334 (TM)

Fly-over noise level compared - 2.3 - 7.8 (PW) / 9.5 (TM) - 7.3to ICAO limit. EPNdB


e Leclercq


ter© Jérôm

e Deulin


Page 14: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

Medium twin EMS helicopters AS365 NG / EC155 B10 B2/B3

Built to handle the heavy EMS missionsWhen every second can be critical for the patient, quick intervention can save life. The spacious cabins of the Eurocopter’s

Dauphin medium twins can easily accommodate bulky medical equipment. The cabins’ configurations can be changed within

minutes and allows room for the addition of a second stretcher when necessary. These aicraft are ideally suited to EMS

missions, to transfer patients from hospital to hospital or rapid flight to anaccident scene. In addition to a very high speed, the

AS365 NG Dauphin is high power reserve and its good OEI performance make it a safe aircraft for operations over urban areas

or SAR operations in difficult conditions. The AS365 NG’s large unobstructed cabin provides a platform for simultaneous

hoisting operation, if necessary, and offers plenty of room for patients to be cared for by on-board medics. The EC155 B1 is

Eurocopter's top-end 5-ton twin-engine helicopter, and features a plethora of the latest proven technologies. The EC155 B1

offers more cabin space than almost any other helicopter in its class. Its exceptional roominess, comfort, speed and endurance

make it an ideal EMS platform, with its low vibration and noise levels providing a less stressful environment for the sick and


Page 15: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

EC155 B1The EC155 B1 features two FADEC-equipped Turbomeca Arriel 2C2engines for totally automated OEIsafety. The EC155 B1’s five-bladedbearingless Spheriflex® rotor andFenestron® tail rotor result in a noiselevel that is 4.5 dB in average below theICAO's latest standards. The EC155B1’s exceptionally low noise andvibration levels make the aircraft socomfortable that passengers mighthave the impression they are in a fixed-wing airliner.

The EC155 B1’s design includes thewidespread use of highly resistant,corrosion-free composite materials andlight alloys. The EC155 B1 offers the mostadvanced man-machine interfaceavailable: the ‘Avionique Nouvelle’instrument panel with large LCDdisplays that reduce the pilot'sworkload, improve safety and easemaintenance.

The EC155 B1 offers exceptionally highcruise speeds, long range, and a largecabin. Which is why, the EC155 B1 isoften the helicopter of choice foremergency medical and flyingintensive-care missions. Lightweightmodular EMS equipment means youcan change mission configurationsquickly and easily. The large unobstructedcabin allows room for multiple patients,medical personnel and all theequipment - including bulky intensive-care units - that are needed tomaximize the patient’s health andcomfort.

AS365 NGTechnical advancements developed byEurocopter on the AS365 NG includemodular design of the mechanicalassemblies and extensive use ofcomposite materials (including theStarflex® rotor head, blades and airframe…), which has significantlyreduced maintenance requirements. The AS365 NG also incorporates the new generation, all compositeFenestron® tail rotor that provideshigher maneuverability and optimalsafety for passengers and groundpersonnel. The AS365 NG’s Fenestron®

reduces noise signature (average 3.1 dB below ICAO level) and provides improved damage tolerance, increasedService Life Limit (SLL) and reducedmaintenance.

The AS365 NG’s wide lateral cabinaccess combined with enlarged bubblesliding doors make it well adapted toSAR operations such as hoisting andlong range missions.

Its low vibration levels and high flightstability provide working comfort formedical attendants and a smooth ridefor patients. The AS365 NG can be fitted with a 4-axis autopilot and the weather radar for safe operation indemanding climatic conditions.

The Turbomeca Arriel 2C engines offera maximum power of 729 kW / 977 shpper engine with proven technology,safety and reliability at its best. The engines’ FADEC controls decreasepilot workload and increase safety.


ter© Patrick Penna


ter© D.R.


ter© Jérôm

e Deulin


ter© Patrick Penna

AS365 NG EC155 B1

CapacityPassengers + pilot Up to 12 + 2 Up to 13 + 2With stretcher + PAX + pilot 4 + 1 + 2 or 2 + 4 + 2 2 + 4 + 2

Useful load kg / lbs 1,891 / 4,169 2,302 / 5,074

MTOW kg / lbs 4,300 / 9,480 4,920 / 10,846

Powerplant Turbomeca Arriel 2C Arriel 2C2

Takeoff power kW / shp 625 / 838 703 / 943Emergency power 717 / 961 785 / 1,053

Rotor diameter m / ft 11,94 / 39.17 12.60 / 41.34

Overall Length m / ft 13.73 / 45.05 14.30 / 46.91

Fast cruise speed (*) km/hr - kts 269 / 145 265 / 143

Hover ceiling IGE ISA m / ft (*) 2,620 / 8,596 2,145 / 7,050

Range (*) km / NM 792 / 427 791 / 427

Fly-over noise level compared - 4.7 - 6.9to ICAO limit. EPNdB

(*) At MTOW

Page 16: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year





Page 17: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

Because LifeWon’t Wait.

The number of emergency phone calls has dramatically

increased in the past few years. Helicopters play a key role,

making the difference by rescuing people in many locations

and terrains: mountains, sea or city. We know that every

minute can make the difference between life and death. Your

helicopters have to be ready for missions at a minute’s notice,

any time of the day or the night. At the same time, EMS

operators must meet the demands of tight budgets and


To answer all your specific needs we have introduced innovative

programs for total support, which ensure you maximum

availability, minimum operating costs and budget control.

Through these service offerings, our target is to be your reference

partner in your day-to-day missions and to help you to achieve all

your operational and financial targets.

We know your missions are very demanding, so we offer you the very

best support.

Page 18: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

A complete series of services allows you to customize your program to match your needs.

Completely flexible, you can add a service at any time depending on your

specific requirements or constraints.

R & O Programs


Technical Assistance

In-service Introduction Package

Computer Aided Maintenance

Maintenance Tool Rental


Eurocopter© Jérôme Deulin


ter© D.R.

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• AccessThis reference program offers relevant OEM repair and overhaulservices with guaranteed repair turn-around times within an optimizedcontractual framework. Moreover, if youwant a guaranteed and predictableDMC rate, you have the option ofselecting the payment per flight houroption. As we fully understand that partavailability is a key ingredient to ensureyour missions, you may also order parts as standardexchanges within this contractualframework.

• UMIP: UnscheduledMaintenance Insurance PlanThis service provides replacementparts within 24 hours for all unscheduled repairs for dynamiccomponents, blades and basicequipment. The payment per flight houroption allows you to smooth out yourexpenses in case of unscheduledrepairs, and thus offers you bettercontrol of your budget.

• EMS Availability ProgramThis comprehensive program is basedon payment per flight hour rather thanpayment when the maintenanceactivity occurs, for both scheduled andunscheduled events. Thanks to thededicated inventory, you are guaranteedof the availability of components within24 hours without having to own aninventory. Maintenance costs are fixed andhelicopter downtime is minimized. This service allows you to accuratelyand reliably control the completeoperating and maintenance costs of your aircraft.

Repair and Overhaul Programs

At Eurocopter, we know that schedules and organized logistics are the keys

to operational readiness.

To satisfy your specific requirements, we have designed three different repair

& overhaul program levels.

From basic repair services to an all-inclusive package, each of them is

dedicated to match your business profile.


ter© Wolfgang Obrusnik


ter© Jérôm

e Deulin


ter© D.R.

We offer more than services,we offer solutions!

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• Emergency procedures training:This training covers all malfunctions and failures, either on twin or on single engines, and develops familiarity with emergency procedures. This course canbe undertaken at Eurocopter’s premises or in customer’s premises.

• Mountain training:This training teaches pilots to deal with the changing environments that can beexperienced during flights over mountains. It includes briefings on weather, navigationand manoeuvring in the mountains, and the decision-making challenges thatcrewmembers must be prepared for. This includes proper management of the aircraft’saerologic environment in order to increase safety in mountainous environment.

• IFR extension:The vast majority of commercial traffic operates exclusively under IFR. Within Type Rating or Refresher training, the IFR extension provides knowledge on anew aircraft type.

• Night Vision Goggle (NVG) training:This training is necessary to perform safe and efficient aircraft operations using nightvision goggles. The NVG training is only available at customer’s premises, in order toensure familiarity with the local operating environment. Three levels are available: initial, perfecting and instructor course.

• Mission training: Hoist training is dedicated to allcrew members: pilots, hoistoperators and rescuers. This course teaches the crew tooptimize their flight and to adapt to the rescue environment.• Safety and SurvivalTraining (SST):In order to comply with OPS3.965regarding Emergency and SafetyAid, Fire Fighting and HUET(Helicopter Underwater EscapeTraining). It includes theoreticaland practical instruction. • Crew Resource Management (CRM):The CRM course teaches optimization of the crew‘s communication. It deals withhuman performance topics suchas judgement, decision-makingand stress management in a multi-crewmember environment. • Computer Based Training (CBT) / WebBased Training (WBT):Interactive software dedicated toallow personnel to perform stand-alone training. This software isavailable on familiarization andrefresher courses. It is non-qualifying.



ter© Eric Raz

Philippe Poulet /m



ter© Patrick Penna

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Technical Assistance

Travelling to your premises, ourtechnicians can install equipment,perform maintenance operations orhelp you develop and refine yourlogistic and maintenance organization.Our maintenance experts can provideyou with on-the-job training and passalong their know-how and practicalexperience to your maintenance team.

In-service IntroductionPackage

The arrival of a new helicopter in yourfleet often entails adjustments to yourorganization, the learning of newmaintenance procedures by yourtechnicians, and familiarization with anew piloting environment for yourpilots.The answer to your specific needs isdefinitely the in-service introductionpackage. Designed to help you launchyour activities, this package includesadditional training and technicalassistance. Our technicians offer you on-the-jobtraining to assist recently qualifiedtechnicians in their daily work, givingthem full confidence in theperformance of the maintenance tasks.The additional ‘line training’ performedat your premises fully qualifies yourpilots in the operation of a newhelicopter in their specific missions andenvironment.

Computer Aided Maintenance

Operating and maintaining a helicopterfleet requires accurate, detailed andreal time data. Maintenancerequirements rely on this data andbetter safety depends on it too. To provide you with a complete pictureof your maintenance fleet requirements,we have implemented partnershipswith leading companies in computer-aided maintenance. Their software allows you to easilyschedule, track and perform yourmaintenance operations.

Maintenance Tool Rental

The choice to rent depends on yourbusiness needs, on how many toolsyou need and how long you needthem. Renting can be a sensiblesolution for expensive, bulky or seldomused tools.

To anticipate and solve all specificneeds linked to the arrival of a new type of helicopter


ter© Patrick Penna



ter© Wolfgang Obrusnik

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Jean Pierre Brassler

Page 23: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service...allocated 1 additional helicopter and had 6 ALS cars removed (daytime only). This improved response times and saved nearly €1,032,200 per year

More than 8 out of 10 Emergency

Medical Service helicopters

update for 2008 were Eurocopter

rotorcraft. There must be a reason.

With 53% of all worldwide civil andparapublic helicopter deliveries, and15% of worldwide military orders,Eurocopter is world leader in thedesign, manufacture andmaintenance of rotary-wing aircraft

We owe our success to our clients, ofcourse, and to five simple precepts:

First, safety. Safety has always been,and will always be, the top priority forEurocopter.

Second, we work hard to understandyour needs. Our mission is to providehelicopters tailor-made and fullyequipped to suit your specificrequirements.

Third, Eurocopter sells and supportsthe broadest range of helicoptersoffered by any manufacturer. We canfulfill any conceivable mission,whether it is law enforcement,Emergency Medical Services,personnel or cargo transport tooffshore oil and gas platforms in anyweather, or ferrying corporate officersand VIPs in the utmost comfort.

Fourth, meeting our clients’ demandsduring more than 43 million flight-hourshas driven our R&D engineers to animpressive number of technologicalfirsts in order to make our helicopterssafer, lighter, quieter, more durable, aswell as easier and more economical tooperate and maintain.

And fifth, Eurocopter is equipped togive you the individual attention,service and support you require. Wehave over 14,000 employees in 140countries (more than any othermanufacturer) serving our 2,800 clientsand their 10,000-odd helicopterscurrently flying. The right help is alwaysthere when you need it, fromcomponent repair and overhaulservices to parts and spares-supportand training programs.

Created in 1992 from the merger of twoexisting helicopter manufacturers,Eurocopter is today a wholly-ownedsubsidiary of EADS, the EuropeanAeronautic, Defence and SpaceCompany, one of the two largestaerospace groups in the world. Whichis a sixth reason for doing businesswith Eurocopter – you can count on usto be around for a very long time.


50 years of EMS expertise

Number one leader in the helicopterindustry.

(We must be doing something right.)




y Michelin


ter© Jérôm

e Deulin

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EMS F 05-09E. Designed by Eurocopter - Photos: Jérôme Deulin - GFJ / SAMU42 - Rémy Michelin - AEC© - Jean Pierre Brassler. , Thinking without limits, EC130 - EC135 - EC145 - EC155 - AS350 - AS355 - AS365 - VEMD are trademarks of the Eurocopter Group. Corporate Communications Department.

Eurocopter reserves the right to make configuration and data changes at any time without notice. The facts and figures contained in this document and expressed in good faith do not constitute any offer or contract with Eurocopter.

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