Here are some tips to help make your workplace safe. 1. Understand the risks. Once you know the particular hazards of your job or workplace, you can take steps to reduce your risk of work-related injury or illness. 2. Reduce workplace stress. Common causes include long hours, heavy workload, job insecurity and conflicts with coworkers or bosses. Stress can lead to depression, sleeping difficulties and problems with concentration. 3. Take regular breaks. Staying fresh and alert will help you avoid injury or burnout. Schedule the most difficult tasks of each day for times when your concentration is best, such as first thing in the morning. 4. Avoid stooping or twisting. Use ergonomically designed furniture and equipment or rearrange your work area so that everything you need is within easy reach. 5. Use mechanical aids whenever possible. Instead of trying to lift or carry a heavy object, use a wheelbarrow, conveyor belt, crane or forklift. 6. Protect your back. If you do need to pick up and carry heavy loads, keep the load close to your body and lift with your thigh muscles. 7. Wear protective equipment to suit the task. If worn correctly, gear such as earplugs, earmuffs, hard hat, safety goggles, gloves or full-face mask can dramatically reduce your risk of injury. 8. Stay sober. Alcohol and drugs are a contributing factor in around three per cent of workplace fatalities. 9. Talk over any concerns. Your employer or human resources manager need to be informed about hazards and risks. Your employer is legally obliged to ensure a safe working environment.

Here Are Some Tips to Help Make Your Workplace Safe

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Here are some tips to help make your workplace safe.

1. Understand the risks. Once you know the particular hazards of your job or workplace, you can take steps to reduce your risk of work-related injury or illness.

2. Reduce workplace stress. Common causes include long hours, heavy workload, job insecurity and conflicts with coworkers or bosses. Stress can lead to depression, sleeping difficulties and problems with concentration.

3. Take regular breaks. Staying fresh and alert will help you avoid injury or burnout. Schedule the most difficult tasks of each day for times when your concentration is best, such as first thing in the morning.

4. Avoid stooping or twisting. Use ergonomically designed furniture and equipment or rearrange your work area so that everything you need is within easy reach.

5. Use mechanical aids whenever possible. Instead of trying to lift or carry a heavy object, use a wheelbarrow, conveyor belt, crane or forklift.

6. Protect your back. If you do need to pick up and carry heavy loads, keep the load close to your body and lift with your thigh muscles.

7. Wear protective equipment to suit the task. If worn correctly, gear such as earplugs, earmuffs, hard hat, safety goggles, gloves or full-face mask can dramatically reduce your risk of injury.

8. Stay sober. Alcohol and drugs are a contributing factor in around three per cent of workplace fatalities.

9. Talk over any concerns. Your employer or human resources manager need to be informed about hazards and risks. Your employer is legally obliged to ensure a safe working environment.

10. Know your rights. Organisations such as WorkSafe Victoria or unions can offer information and advice on workplace safety issues.


Tips to stay safe at workWorkplace injuries are preventable. Here are a few tips to help you stay safe at work.

If you are asked to do a task that you think is unsafe – you have the right to say NO and refuse to do the work. Click here for tips on saying No.

1. Get some training and learn how to identify hazards, manage risks and do the job safely before you start.

2. Ask your supervisor to watch and check that you are doing the job the right way.

3. Speak up and let supervisors know if you think a task is too dangerous or difficult for you.

4. Ask questions and check with supervisors and co-workers when you aren't sure or can't remember how to do a job safely.

5. Learn what to do and where to get help in an emergency.

6. Always follow the safety rules and procedures.

7. Always wear any personal protective equipment provided by your employer.

8. Report all injuries (minor or major), WHS incidents and near misses.

9. Look out for and report hazards.

10. Keep an eye on your co-workers, especially if they are new to the workplace and don't know all the WHS issues.

11. Try to get a good night’s rest before heading into work. Feeling tired can lead to dangerous mistakes.

12. If you have a safety concern, talk with more experienced workers such as supervisors, co-workers or your family to get some advice.

Safe workplaces don’t happen by accident…They happen when there is a culture of safety within the workplace. To help encourage that culture of safety within your organization – here are 10 Workplace Safety Tips to follow in 2013.

1. Design a safe work area: A work area may include work benches, conveyors, furniture, equipment and vehicles.  The layout of an area where a particular job is based is critical to preventing injuries and ensuring an efficient job and workplace;

2. Maintain a clean work area:  A clean work area is a Safe work area.  Not only will a clean environment remove many hazards, you will ensure greater productivity from your employees;

3. Involve your employees in the safety planning: The single most powerful source of motivation for workplace safety - is employee ownership of the safety process;

4. Provide clear work instructions:  Provide thorough training and clear, written instructions and make sure that each worker reads and acknowledges your safety program;

5. Focus your safety efforts on the most likely problems: Although it’s necessary to plan for major safety concerns, your greatest impact will come from eliminating the small safety violations that contribute the most frequent injuries;

6. Encourage your employees to bring safety deficiencies to management’s attention:Employees who provide information and insight into common workplace safety issues are contributing to the culture of safety in your workplace;

7. Watch and learn how each employee performs their job:  Watch for employees who are taking shortcuts that could reduce safety but also keep an eye out for employees who are performing tasks in an improved manner that could be adopted by the other staff;

8. Maintain all machinery in good working order:  It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that all machinery is in good working order and that a routing maintenance program is in place;

9. Avoid unnecessary hazards: Do a routine inspection of your workplace frequently to identify any unnecessary hazards;

10. Revisit your safety guidelines every year. Start off each year with an inspection of your workplace and a thorough review of your safety program.

GENERAL PRECAUTIONSYour safety is your personal responsibility.

Always follow the correct procedures.

Never take shortcuts.

Take responsibility and clean up if you made a mess.

Clean and organize your workspace.

Ensure a clear and easy route to emergency exits and equipment.

Be alert and awake on the job.

Be attentive at all times to your work surroundings.

When in doubt, contact your supervisor or manager for instruction, guidance, or training.

Never take risks when it comes to safety.

Obey safety signs, stickers, and tags.

Take short breaks when you keep up a repetitive motion for a long period of time, and sit, stand, or

walk with good posture.

Report serious injuries immediately to a supervisor and get emergency assistance.

Keep things in perspective. Hazards may be limitless, so focus on the most likely risks first.

Strained backs and sliced fingers may be more popular in your workspace than would the risk of flooding

(as in a basement office) or the risk of wild animals cutting loose (as in a zoo).


Educate everyone in the workplace about the safety requirements and consider posting a list of

workplace safety tips. A workplace safety training will help them reduce or eliminate injuries and illnesses

from occurring in the workplace.Always keep the communication lines open with your co-workers, employers, or employees in order

to promote and maintain a safe environment.Immediately notify others of any (new or old) hazards that you perceive.

Be alert to hazards that could affect anyone— not just yourself; in this respect, maintain a team

mentality at all times.

Report a hazardous condition immediately to your manager or supervisor.

Be conscious as to what others are doing around you, and do your best to ensure you don’t pose a

hazard to them (and vice versa).

If you’re an employer, invite and involve your employees in safety planning; obtain their insight, give

and take suggestions, and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Always be awake and alert in your workspace.

Immediately clean and/or report any potential hazards (spills, leaks, fire hazard obstacles)

Closely follow instructions when using any tool or machine.

Dress appropriately for your specific workspace and/or task.

Always wear the protective equipment that is intended for your task.

Make safety your first thought—not your afterthought!

AN UPLIFTING THOUGHT: LIFTING AND CLIMBING SAFELYAlways use both hands when lifting a heavy or cumbersome object.

Adopt a proper stance for lifting: put the strain on your legs, not your back (crouch at your feet, keep

your back straight, and don’t bend at the waist).Test the weight before you lift something up completely; it might be too late if you realize a few

seconds later that it’s too heavy or cumbersome for you.

An easy way to do this is to nudge it with your foot first.

Consider a back brace if the work is heavy or you have a sensitive back.

Move your feet, not your back, when you want to travel or turn while carrying a heavy load.

Lift slowly and smoothly.

Keep your burden close to your body; this means less strain on you.

If your load is too heavy for you to handle alone, don’t be shy—ask for help!

Ensure ladders are secure and steady before climbing aboard.

Never climb on improvised ladders. Shelves and storage units are poor substitutes. Don’t be lazy,

and find a proper solid ladder.

Don’t let appearances fool you. Railings might appear solid and fixed, but they might be improperly

secures; at least, test them first.

Use safety harnesses if your job includes heights.

Eliminate distractions when working on a roof, scaffold, or other elevated platform. More than ever,

stay focused and alert!

Keep an eye out on the floor to ensure it’s free of obstacles and spills. If it isn’t, get cleaning!

TOOLS AND MACHINERY: PUTTING SAFETY FIRSTUse machinery only if you’re authorized, trained, and alert.

Always use the appropriate tool for the respective task.

Clean your tools and keep them in good working order.

Organize your tools and don’t be careless; someone could easily slip or get hit due to a misplaced


Always ensure that the operator of a machine sees you; never approach from behind or from a

blind side.

Do not perform a task unless you’ve been trained and you are aware of the hazards as well as how

to mitigate/eliminate them.

Never leave machinery running unattended.

Never remove safety guards that are in place to protect you and the surrounding area.

Obey all operating instructions.

If something is wrong, stop the machine immediately and get assistance.

Communicate your location and process to those around you, so they’ll know where you are, what

you’re doing, and when they need to be getting out of the way.

Never walk in front of a forklift, tractor, or any other heavy machine; the operator may not have

seen you—and, even if he has, there’s always room for error, so make sure that error isn’t you being


Always read labels and instructions alerting you to potential dangers and hazards.

Unless it’s your job, never tamper with electric controls, cords, switches, or other such hazardous


Dress properly and compactly: billowing, loose, or hanging clothes and accessories (ties, earrings,

bracelets, loose sleeves, etc.) may easily get caught up in moving parts.

At best, the offending objects may be destroyed; at worst, they could ruin the machine or severely hurt


Never insert fingers or any other objects that don’t belong into moving machinery.

Turn off machines and equipment before you even consider cleaning, un-jamming, oiling, adjusting,

or moving them.

BEWARE OF FIRE HAZARDSCome up with a fire emergency plan; ensure that everyone knows and understands it.

Practice fire drills.

Avoid “power strips” which can ignite a fire if overloaded.

Ventilation is critical, especially if dealing with fumes and chemicals.

Good ventilation helps to reduce the toxins in the air, and thus to eliminate highly flammable vapors.

In case of fire, know what has fed the fire.

Never fight a grease fire with water; water will splash the oil and spread the flames.

Be aware of the whereabouts and use of fire extinguishers.

GEARING UP FOR SAFETYAlways wear appropriate clothing and shoes respective to your job.

Fire extinguishers must be available and readily attainable.

First aid kits must be available and readily attainable.

Never remove or tamper with safety devices.

Use a back brace if you’re lifting heavy objects or you’ve got a sensitive back.

A hard hat will protect you if there’s a risk of falling objects

Wear gloves if you’re handling sharp objects or toxic substances.

Wear goggles if your work poses a hazard to your eyes.

Wear safety harnesses if you’re working from an elevated location and there’s the risk of falling.

Wear non-skid footgear:

If your workspace involves slippery surfaces (kitchens, spas, pools, etc.)

If you’re lifting heavy items

Wear a breathing mask at all times, especially if:

You deal with dangerous or toxic chemicals or fumes

Your workspace has poor ventilation

Your workspace has debris, dust, and other flying particles.

Wear the protective equipment that is intended and recommended for your particular task.

Seat belts Safety glasses or goggles Protective clothing, headgear, and/or footgear Safety harnesses, etc.

Accidents and emergency situations can happen in any environment, in any industry, at any time. While our workplaces are often protected by devoted police and security officers and efficient alarm systems, each individual must also take an active role in maintaining a safe work environment. Staying consciously aware of your surroundings and recognizing potential hazards will significantly reduce risks. Even the smallest daily tasks, such as cleaning up minor spills and washing your hands, can make a huge difference.

Safety Plan

Develop and communicate a safety and health

policy to all employees. Conduct regular safety and health meetings

involving employees from all levels. Recognize employees for safe and healthful work


Health and Safety

Have cleaning agents available to everyone to routinely clean and disinfect common areas. Wash your hands thoroughly and often—for at least 10-20 seconds—to help prevent the spread of illness. If you come across a chemical spill and cannot identify the substance, do not touch or move it. Barricade

the area, and report the spill. Keep an adequate stock of supplies such as batteries, a First Aid kit and flashlights, on hand in case of

an emergency.

Remember to:

Become familiar with the people in your immediate work area to easily identify an individual who may not

belong there. Lock all the doors and shut down all electrical devices when leaving your work space. Never take a hazardous chemical out of its original container and store it in something else. Follow manufacturers’ safety guidelines on all equipment. Keep a list of emergency contacts and information for employees and clients, and police, fire and paramedic

departments. Keep combustibles, such as wood, paper and trash, away from all heat sources. Report to a supervisor or security official if you observe a stranger or coworker displaying suspicious or

potentially threatening behavior. Keep access-control codes or keys private.

Establish and communicate a company emergency/disaster plan to all employees and make sure everyone,

including new employees, is educated on the plan. Keep all working and walking surfaces free of spills and debris. Stay calm and contact help, if necessary, if an incident does occur.