Outcome Star Operational Guidance Thriving Families January 2016 OS guidance - January 2016 Quick Start Family Star Plus is mandatory and must be completed with every family you work with. Other versions of the Star (Teen Star, My Star, Drug & Alcohol Star) can be used as engagement tools with individuals as appropriate using professional judgement. The ‘Service User ID’ must be an IES number. If you don’t use IES yourself please get the number from your local team. Save time inputting Star readings by using the ‘Quick entry’ function on Star Online. Do not use the Action Plan on Star Online (all action plans must be recorded on eCAF. There is no requirement for workers to utilise the ‘Notes’ function on Star Online. Workers can use the notes section if it aids their practice, however ALL notes recorded on Star Online must be: 1. Recorded on IES as well. 2. COMPLETELY anonymised (e.g. no names, personal info or identifying data). Best practice: Workers find that completing a Family Star Plus first helps populate the eCAF assessment, with workers referring back to the family for any missing information. Best practice: Workers find that taking a Star reading a week before the TAF provides areas of focus for the meeting. There must be a minimum of two Stars for each family by the time the case closes, even if the second one is completed by the worker alone after unplanned case closure. Still have questions? Check the following pages and the rest of this guidance Introduction 2 Training and ongoing support 2 Which Star to use 2 How to use a Star 2 When to use a Star 3 How often should Stars be completed? 3 Using a Star after the service has ended 4 Using Star online and links to eCAF and IES 4 Closing cases on Star Online 4 Information for line managers 4 Help, support and feedback 5 Appendix A Star Online user guide 6 Appendix B - How to upload a Star to an eCAF assessment 9 Appendix C - Management Information How to pull raw data reports about how your workers are using Outcomes Star 10 Appendix D - Management Information How to manipulate the raw data report about how your workers are using Outcomes Star 13 Appendix E - Management Information How to view progress across your whole team 15 Using the Snipping Tool Appendix E (point 6) 18 Appendix F - Management Information data How to view compare your readings with others using Star Online (moderating readings and ensuring consistent scoring) 19

Hertfordshire Family Star Plus Process Notesearch3.openobjects.com/mediamanager/herts/enterprise/files/... · Family Star Plus is mandatory and must be completed ... There must be

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Outcome Star Operational Guidance

Thriving Families January 2016

OS guidance - January 2016

Quick Start Family Star Plus is mandatory and must be completed with every family you work with.

Other versions of the Star (Teen Star, My Star, Drug & Alcohol Star) can be used as engagement tools with individuals as appropriate using professional judgement.

The ‘Service User ID’ must be an IES number. If you don’t use IES yourself please get the number from your local team.

Save time inputting Star readings by using the ‘Quick entry’ function on Star Online.

Do not use the Action Plan on Star Online (all action plans must be recorded on eCAF.

There is no requirement for workers to utilise the ‘Notes’ function on Star Online. Workers can use the notes section if it aids their practice, however ALL notes recorded on Star Online must be:

1. Recorded on IES as well. 2. COMPLETELY anonymised (e.g. no names, personal info or identifying data).

Best practice: Workers find that completing a Family Star Plus first helps populate the eCAF assessment, with workers referring back to the family for any missing information.

Best practice: Workers find that taking a Star reading a week before the TAF provides areas of focus for the meeting.

There must be a minimum of two Stars for each family by the time the case closes, even if the second one is completed by the worker alone after unplanned case closure.

Still have questions? Check the following pages and the rest of this guidance

Introduction 2

Training and ongoing support 2

Which Star to use 2

How to use a Star 2

When to use a Star 3

How often should Stars be completed? 3

Using a Star after the service has ended 4

Using Star online and links to eCAF and IES 4

Closing cases on Star Online 4

Information for line managers 4

Help, support and feedback 5

Appendix A – Star Online user guide 6

Appendix B - How to upload a Star to an eCAF assessment 9

Appendix C - Management Information – How to pull raw data reports about how your workers are

using Outcomes Star 10

Appendix D - Management Information – How to manipulate the raw data report about how your

workers are using Outcomes Star 13

Appendix E - Management Information – How to view progress across your whole team 15

Using the Snipping Tool – Appendix E (point 6) 18

Appendix F - Management Information data – How to view compare your readings with others using

Star Online (moderating readings and ensuring consistent scoring) 19

OS guidance - January 2016



Outcome Star – Operational Guidance – Thriving Families October 2015


Outcomes Star does not replace Family eCAF or IES. It is to be used alongside existing systems as a tool to involve families in monitoring their own progress and evidencing their distance travelled as a result of intervention. In addition to empowering families to make sustainable improvements, Outcomes Star can be used internally as part of the case discussion process.

Training and ongoing support

Training is essential to ensure countywide consistency and accuracy so All TF workers must attend the Outcomes Star training. Once a worker has completed the training they will receive a Star licence. This means that the Star materials can be downloaded, printed and copied free of charge as many times as needed under the Star license. Once workers have started using the Star with families, they can attend user groups to share good practice using anonymous case studies, ensure that the Star is being used consistently across the teams and to ask any further questions. User groups will be advertised as appropriate.

Which Star to use

Family Star Plus – is mandatory for every family we work with and MUST be completed with parents as it focuses on helping adults to become effective parents and to make personal changes related to their well-being, work and behavior. In addition, there are a number of Stars you can choose to use with individuals, if by doing so supports your work with the family:

My Star – can be used with one or more children as appropriate (the developers of Outcomes Star suggest My Star use with ages 4- 18 – being most meaningful around ages 7 – 14, however please use your professional judgement to assess suitability for the children/young people you work with). My Star is designed to work well with Family Star Plus, capturing the voice of the child in family support work.

Teen Star – can be used with young people (age 13 – 19) with a number of needs and to address risky behaviours.

Drug & Alcohol Star (senior substance misuse workers only) – can be used with family members where alcohol/ substance misuse is the main cause for concern.

How to use a Star

It is important to inform the family that Outcomes Star will be completed as part of the intervention process. Informing the family early on allows ‘worker alone’ Stars to be completed in line with data protection legislation and HCC policy. Before starting a Star with a family, the worker must ask the family if they are currently completing a Star with any other agencies, such as Children’s Centres or Youth Connexions. If they are, the worker needs to contact that agency to discuss who the lead worker is. Only one worker should complete the Star as it is not appropriate for a family to have multiple active Stars with more than one professional/agency. The family’s consent form enables other agencies to share their Star with TF workers.

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Thriving Families will aim to work with the whole family to co-produce Family Star Plus, which represents the needs of the whole family. When completing the Star with this whole family approach the family member with most needs will be represented on the Star. Staff supporting children with multiple presenting needs could complete a My Star or Teen Star for these children/young people. The scoring of a Star reflects the level of engagement towards change. If there is disagreement between worker and family around scores, the family may wish to complete a separate Star, however the worker’s score is the one to be entered into the online system. When agreeing the scores the conversation needs to concentrate on the family’s level of engagement to change. Workers can refer to the User Guide for the Stars for further information. If a family will not engage to complete the Star, workers should speak to their Team Manager about completing a ‘Worker alone’ reading – The completion of worker alone Stars must be agreed by a Team Manager. Final scores are entered via www.staronline.org.uk. Once a Star has been completed, a PDF version should be exported and uploaded to eCAF and cross-referenced on IES across family members using case notes. When completing information online and setting up a new service user, workers should remember to select support categories. Workers can go back and add categories as necessary but they should not deselect categories, as this section reflects presenting needs.

When to use a Star

Workers should not aim to complete a Star on the initial visit. Instead workers should complete a Star together with the eCAF assessment, once an open and trusting working relationship starts to form. Both the Star and eCAF assessment should be completed within 3 weeks from initiation. Where possible workers should complete all domains of the Star in one session but if this is not appropriate, workers can complete the Star over one or more sessions. Please note that only completed Stars should be entered into Star Online.

How often should Stars be completed?

Once the initial Star has been completed with a family it needs to be uploaded onto e-CAF. A second Star should be completed after 6-8 weeks, in line with the family delivery plan reviews, and thereafter in line with delivery plan review meetings, with a Star completed at the closure meeting with the family.

If after a period of 6 months the family has not made any improvement in areas of particular concern, then the worker and manager should consider whether the family would benefit from being referred to another service.

BEST PRACTICE Workers have found that completing Family Star Plus first provides useful info for populating the eCAF assessment (referring back to the family to fill any missing information).

BEST PRACTICE Consider taking a Star reading a week before the TAF meeting to inform areas for focus.

Which score should I give a parent in receipt of an ‘out of work benefit’ who is not expected to return to work in the foreseeable future?

It is acknowledged that this is a grey area and will require a professional opinion based on the specific family’s reality.

E.g. A parent in receipt of carers allowance could score ‘Effective parenting’ (9 - 10) as there is no expectation for them to be looking for work nor returning to work. Whereas a parent of a young child who is approaching school age, may not be expected to return to work but could be starting to look for work yet. This parent could be scored as ‘trying’ (5 – 6).

There must always be a minimum of two Stars for each family by the

time the case is closed, this allows you to have a start and end score to show the journey of change.

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If after completing the first Star the family no longer engage, the second Star should be completed by the worker alone (selecting the ‘worker alone’ option on Star Online) using professional judgment of their position at the time the family left the service. One year is the maximum period that you should continue to complete Star readings with a service user. If the service user requires support for more than a year, you can close the existing Star with them and initiate a new Star. However, there is a recommendation to take a break period of 3 months between ending a Star and starting a new one. If after a one year period the service user has not made any improvement on the Star then the practitioner and manager need to consider whether the service user would benefit from being signposted or referred to another service.

Using a Star after the service has ended

A final Star should be completed 3 months after case closure, in line with the Thriving Families Operational Procedures to contact the family for a follow up call at this time. After contacting the family the worker should input a ‘worker only’ reading on to Star Online.

Using Star online and links to eCAF and IES

The ‘Service user ID’ on Star Online must be an IES number. To inform colleagues/managers that a Star has been completed, a case note signposting to the eCAF to which the Star is uploaded, should be added to the appropriate case on IES (cross-referencing any other family members to which the Star relates). Workers without access to IES must obtain numbers from their local TF team.

Please make sure that the password you choose for Star Online is different to any passwords you use for other HCC systems.

Please refer to Appendix A for instructions on the use of Star Online.

Closing cases on Star Online

To close a case, input the date of case closure into the ‘Left on’ field on the Service user’s profile. Once the date has been entered and the profile has been saved, this case is closed and will no longer show up in the workers caseload. To revisit closed cases (for example workers completing monitor/follow-up Stars after the service has ended) users must select ‘Yes’ from the ‘Include service users that have left’ filter.

Information for line managers

Outcomes Star should be discussed in supervision with members of staff. Managers can ask for the intervention worker to present their Stars as a point of discussion. This can facilitate reflective practice, identify areas that other services could support with and identify further worker training/development needs. It can also help identify families that are ‘stuck’ that would benefit from a multi-agency discussion through the Action & Impact meetings.

The reallocation of service users/Stars is the responsibility of line managers in the event that a family’s lead worker changes (e.g. a worker leaves, covering long term sickness). Please make

BEST PRACTICE Workers can discuss numerous Stars at supervision to help discuss progress/stuck cases – This should then be recorded on IES as management oversight.

The ‘Left on’ date input on Star Online must reflect the case closure date used on


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sure cases are reallocated when a worker leaves so that the IE&D team can reissue the licence to another worker. To reallocate a service user to another worker, navigate to the service user dashboard and select ‘Edit’. On the ‘service user details’ page you can select the new worker from the drop down menu under the heading ‘Which worker is supporting this person?’ Outcomes Star data needs to be regularly analysed and quality assured by managers. This will enable managers to ensure that the data entered is of good quality and help to gather information about local needs for developing services. For example if the data shows a high proportion of families scoring low on a certain point then this could show where a specific service is required. It is expected of all team managers to review the team’s Outcomes Star data at least 6 monthly to support continuous service improvement and to support the team target to achieve positive progress for at least 75% of families supported, measured by Family Star Plus. Support with the reporting aspect of Outcomes Star in in this guidance.

Reallocating caseloads when a worker moves locality - Prior to the worker moving to their new locality, their active caseloads must be reallocated to the new lead worker(s) (or if appropriate, closed). Worker’s accounts cannot be changed to reflect their new team if they have an existing active caseload. Once the caseload is completely clear, contact the IE&D team and they can process the account move.

Reallocation of caseloads when a worker leaves the Service - When a worker leaves the Service, their caseload should be reallocated to the appropriate worker(s) (or if appropriate, closed) promptly. Once the caseload is completely clear, alert the IE&D Team so they can reissue the licence.

Please ensure that the IE&D team are informed and that the above actions are carried out promptly as each licence carries a cost to the Service and we cannot reallocate this licence to someone else if there are still active cases associated with it.

Help, support and feedback

Outcomes Star is not a Serco managed system – The duties and responsibilities of the Lead Star User are undertaken by the Impact, Evaluation & Development team.

Please contact 01992 556873 or email [email protected] for support

(including password resets).

BEST PRACTICE Encourage reflective practice by discussing Stars in peer support - You could also peer audit the scoring by completing a Star as a group.

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Appendix A – Star Online user guide

Logging in 6

Adding a service user 6

The ‘new service user’ screen 6

Support needs 6

The service user dashboard 7

Allocating service users to workers (managers and seniors ONLY) 7

Completing the Star (and Quick Star data entry) 7

Complete a Star - with a service user present 7

Quick Star - data entry method 7

Star data entry 8

Reviewing and comparing a service user's completed Stars 8

Star Online - Logging in

i. Go to www.staronline.org.uk and click on ‘Log in’ button (top, right hand side of page)

ii. Enter your log in details (your username is your email address). You must use a different password to any you use on other HCC systems.

Star Online - Adding a service user

Before starting to add Star data for your service users, you’ll need to add them to the system. Each service user has to be added individually and is allocated a unique ID which allows you to identify them when using the Star Online. For security reasons, do not use the service users’ real names. Instead use your services unique case management identifier (the main carer’s ID for Family Star Plus and the child’s ID for My Star) A service user can be added via a number of places in the system: a) One method is to go to the dashboard and and select ‘Add a service user’ in the ‘Service Users’ panel. b) If you’re adding a new service user and a Star for that user at the same time, select ‘Complete a new Star’ on the dashboard and ‘Add this user now’ on the ‘Enter service user’s ID' page. Both of these methods will take you through to the ‘New service user’ screen.

The ‘new service user’ screen

On the ‘New service user’ screen, enter your client’s unique ID and complete the rest of the form. If you are a manager user, you must also select the keyworker who will support this person.

Support needs

Each Outcomes Star has a set of support needs associated with it. When you’re adding a new service user you can select the needs that apply to them from the list, simply tick the boxes for the needs that apply. Tip! If you are logged in as a worker, the new service user will be automatically allocated to your caseload. Managers can reallocate service users to different workers in the same service. To allocate a service user to a different worker, a manager must add the service user or edit the service user's details.

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Star Online - The service user dashboard

The service user dashboard provides both an overview of the information stored on a single service user and easy access to carry out tasks related to this person’s support, e.g completing a Star, reviewing past Stars, accessing Star Notes and Star Action Plans.

Workers and managers with caseloads can access the dashboard for each service user they support via the 'my clients' page, which can be reached via their own dashboard.

Managers can access the dashboard for any service user in any service they manage via the 'all clients' button on their dashboard.

Star Online - Allocating service users to workers (managers and seniors ONLY)

If you’re logged in as a worker, new service users that you add will automatically be allocated to your caseload. Managers can select the worker who will support this service user. A worker cannot allocate a service user to another worker. If the worker for a service user changes, this must be updated on the Star Online by a manager. Workers needing to move a service user to another worker should ask their manager to do this.

Reallocating a service user from one worker to another

To do this, navigate to the service user dashboard and select ‘Edit’. On the ‘service user details’ page you can select the new worker from the drop down menu under the heading ‘Which worker is supporting this person?’.

Star Online - Completing the Star (and Quick Star data entry)

The Outcomes Star System can be used to enter and store your service users’ outcomes scores quickly and easily. Following completion, Stars are presented visually and scores can be compared across several Stars, allowing easy, visual comparisons between sessions.

Complete a Star - with a service user present

Completing a Star with a service user present is designed to be a slow, thought-provoking experience, and involves the following steps

As the process can take time and interruptions and useful pauses may need to take place, there are options to save and exit a Star during completion. Once a single score for one scale has been entered, you will notice 'save & exit' buttons on each screen. They are on the right of the screen, below the main menu.

To resume a part-completed Star, visit the service user's dashboard and you will see it appear in the records section. If you are unaware that there is a part-completed Star for a service user and attempt to begin a fresh Star with them, you will be prompted to either delete the earlier part-completed Star and Start again or resume.

Only Stars that are submitted as final and worker-approved are included in Outcomes Star reports, so remember to submit the Star once all ten scales are completed and agreed. You will be prompted to do this.

Quick Star - data entry method

This is designed for quickly entering Star data that has already been gathered using the paper version of the Star Chart. This option should never be used when working face-to-face with a service user. The ‘Complete Star’ option, accessible from your dashboard (managers and workers only), is designed for use in keywork.

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To use the quick data entry mode, click on the ‘Quick data entry’ button and you’ll then see the “Who completed this Star?” page.

Star data entry

Once you’ve selected and confirmed the details of the service user you’ll see the “Star data entry” screen. To complete the Star, simply click on the radio buttons (these toggle on and off) to enter the scores for each scale. A quick reminder of the detail of each scale is available by hovering over the ‘i’ icons on the left. You’ll also need to add the date the Star was completed and who it was completed by.

Saving and viewing the Stars

If you are only adding data for one completed Star, use the save button to save your data go back to the dashboard. If you want to add more than one Star, you can use the “Save and add new” option, this will take you back to the “Who completed this Star?” page so that you can repeat the process as many times as needed. To view the newly entered Star(s), click on “Review a client’s Stars” on the dashboard and then select the service user to view any of their completed Stars.

Star Online - Reviewing and comparing a service user's completed Stars

To review all of a client’s Stars, select this option from your dashboard. You’ll be presented with a list of all Service Users. Select the relevant user by clicking on ‘Select’ in the ‘Actions’ column. You’ll then see the ‘View service user's Stars’ page. On this page you can see your completed Stars and compare their scores on the Star Chart. Once you have more than one completed Star you’ll be able to use the ‘Compare Stars” panel to compare Stars by clicking on the “show” and “hide” links on the right hand side. You can also print this page and view notes for the most recent Star using the buttons above the “Compare Stars’ panel. Tip: Up to three completed sets of Star scores can be shown at once.

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Appendix B - How to upload a Star to an eCAF assessment

1. From Case Co-ordination, click on case documents

2. Add a new folder entitled ‘Outcomes Star’ and click save

3. Click on Upload new document and complete the fields Title (name and date of document) and Notes if appropriate.

4. Click Browse and navigate to where you have saved the document. 5. Select and open (or double click). Document link appears in Browse window. 6. Highlight the ‘Outcomes Star’ folder.

7. Click Save. Green banner appears to say 'Document uploaded successfully'.

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Appendix C - Management Information – How to pull raw data reports about how your workers are using Outcomes Star

Information about how your workers are using Outcomes Star is best found using a ‘raw data’ report from Star Online.

1. Click on the ‘Reports’ button at the top of the screen.

This will load the ‘reports dashboard’ which provides a list of reports to which you have access.

2. Scroll all the way down the screen and click the ‘Raw data’ button.

3. Select the type of data you would like to download at the bottom left of the page. We recommend using the ‘Service user data’ report.

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4. Once you have selected a type of data, choose ‘Open’ from the bar that appears at the bottom of your screen.

5. The report will download as a spreadsheet. When the spreadsheet launches in Excel, you may get the box below – if so, click ‘Yes’.

6. When you save the report, choose the ‘save as’ option and change the file type to ‘excel workbook’ (otherwise it will save as a webpage).

Click here and pick ‘Excel workbook’ from the drop down list.

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The columns on the Service User Data report are outlined below:

System ID A reference number assigned by the computer system – we suggest deleting this column.

Organisation All cells will read Hertfordshire County Council - Thriving Families – we suggest deleting this column.

Service Name*

This will tell you the team and the type of Star:

EH&B – East Herts & Broxbourne

NH&S – North Herts & Stevenage

WH&H – Welwyn Hatfield & Hertsmere

SA&D – St Albans & Dacorum

W&3R – Watford & Three Rivers

The type of Stars will be: Drug & Alcohol, Family Star Plus, My Star, or Teen Star.

Service User ID This is the IES number of the main carer (for Family Star Plus) or the individual (for any other Stars)

Lead worker* Name of the worker

Joined Service Allocation date – i.e. the date a worker was assigned to lead on a case.

Left Service If applicable – the date the case was closed to the Service.

Support needs Presenting needs entered by the worker when they set up a service user on the system

Date of birth

Demographic information about the service user. You may want to delete these columns to make the spreadsheet more manageable (you’re unlikely to be using these columns for the reasons you’re looking at the data).


Age range



First Star date* Date first Star was completed

Last Star date* Date most recent Star was completed

Last Star – worker name The name of the worker who completed the last Star - Only of interest if the lead worker has changed.

Last Action Plan – date TF should not be using the action plan so we suggest you delete these columns to make the spreadsheet more manageable in size.

Last Action Plan – worker name

Number of worker agreed Star readings

Total number of readings. If 0 this means the worker has set the individual up on the system but not completed any Star readings.

Most recent Star (average score)

Averages the readings for the most recent Star

Starting point (average score)

Averages the readings for the first Star

Before you start using the report, format it to make it easier to use:

Delete the two rows at the top so your top row becomes the one with the headings in.

Delete any columns you don’t need (see above).

Freeze the panes in D2 (Click in D2, go to ‘View’ at the top of the page and click – ‘Freeze Pane’ – and then ‘Freeze Pane’ again). This means that you will still see the headings when you scroll around the document.

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Appendix D - Management Information – How to manipulate the raw data report about how your workers are using Outcomes Star

Using filters to manipulate your data.

1. Select the ‘Data’ tab from the ribbon at the top

2. Select the row with the headings in (row 3) by clicking in the row number

3. Click ‘Filter’

The filter will provide a drop down arrow (‘filter’) next to all column headings. If you want to remove these filters, click ‘Filter’ again. The filters allow you to narrow down the data you see in that column – for example you can just pick out certain workers’ cases, or a particular type of Star.

Click here

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This example shows how to filter your data to show which service users have completed more than one Star reading. To select the entries you want to see:

Click on the drop down symbol for the column you want to filter.

Select which options you want to see. You can pick as many as you like.

Click ‘OK’

To go back to seeing everything:

Click on the drop down symbol

Select ‘(Select All)’

Click ‘OK’

A couple of ways you might use this report: 1. See if your workers are uploading more than one reading per case.

Filter the column entitled ‘Number of worker agreed Star readings’ to ‘0’, select all the cells with ‘0’ in and colour them red. Take the filter off. In the same way, colour all the cells with a ‘1’ in orange, and anything higher than 1 green.

Now if you filter the sheet to an individual worker you’ll be able to easily pick out if they are uploading multiple readings of Stars, or even if they’re just ‘creating’ cases on the system but with no readings.

2. See how much change a family is recording in each workers families.

Filter the column to those with a number of 1 or higher and colour them green. Do the same for cells between 0 and 0.9, making them orange, and for anything that is a minus number, making it red.

This will give you a quick way to spot the level of change workers are making with families.

Tip: You can tell if your document has any filters on by looking at the row numbers down the left of the spreadsheet. If there are filters on the row numbers will be blue.

You can tell which column has the filter on because the arrow next to it will have changed to You can remove all filters from a spreadsheet by clicking the ‘Filter’ button in the ‘Data’ tab on the ribbon at the top

Tip: You can filter as many columns at a time as you like – so you can filter one column to show a particular worker, and then filter another column to show a certain type of Star (e.g. My Star) rather than all the Stars.

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Appendix E - Management Information – How to view progress across your whole team

This information is best found using a report which is pre-prepared by Star Online.

1. Click on the ‘Reports’ button at the top of the screen:

2. Choose the ‘Service Report’.

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3. Pick what you want to look at under ‘Settings’ – most importantly, pick which service (e.g.

Family Star Plus, My Star) you want to look at.

4. Then click ‘Submit’.

Your report will display on the screen.

We don’t encourage retrospective readings to be uploaded so don’t tick this box

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5. Interpreting your report

Brief explanation of the report

Allows you download reports of Stars which have been included or excluded from the report. Only cases which have worker input (ie not service user alone readings) and which have more than one reading are included.

Shows average scores for all families included in the report. The ‘Change’ column will show you where your workers are making the biggest and smallest impact, potentially helping you identify team training needs or additional resources.

You can view the information in this table plotted on a Star if you prefer to look at it that way.

Shows you the average proportion of cases which have increased or decreased scores for each Star domain.

Shows you the average proportion of cases which have increased or decreased their overall average score.

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6. You can quickly copy these into documents or emails using the ‘Snipping Tool’ on

your computer.

Using the Snipping Tool – Appendix E (point 6)

First click on the Windows Start icon on the bottom left of your screen. Then type ‘snip’ into the search box and press enter.

Search box Windows Start icon

The snip tool will open. Choose ‘new’ and a cross will appear on your screen. Drag a box around whatever on your screen you want to copy. Go to a document or email, select ‘paste’ (or use the shortcut Ctrl V) and the piece of screen you selected will be dropped into the document or email.

Tip: There is a similar report which allows you to drill down into this information at an individual worker level. Instead of choosing the ‘service report’ in step 1, choose the ‘Caseloads’ report instead.

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Appendix F - Management Information data – How to view compare your readings with others using Star Online (moderating readings and ensuring consistent scoring)

Star Online lets you compare your data with all other similar organisations who use the same Stars elsewhere. In the set-up of our accounts we have already told the system what type of service we are (family intervention) so we are compared with similar types of services.

1. Click on the ‘Reports’ button at the top of the screen.


2. Choose ‘Compare a service externally’ (the option to compare internally does not work for the way our accounts are configured).

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3. Pick what you want to look at under ‘Settings’ – most importantly, pick which service

(e.g. Family Star Plus, My Star) you want to look at.

4. Click ‘Submit’.

Your report will display on the screen.

We don’t encourage retrospective readings to be uploaded so don’t tick this box

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5. Interpreting your report

6. You can quickly copy these into documents or emails using the ‘Snip Tool’ on your computer – see ‘Using the Snipping Tool – Appendix E (point 6)’ for details.

Brief explanation of the report

Allows you to download reports on Stars t have been included or excluded from the report. Only cases which have worker input (ie not service user alone readings) and which have more than one reading are included.

Shows how your scores compare… … and how your percentages compare.