Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Labs: (Computer Vision) Thomas Brox, (Robotics) Wolfram Burgard, (Machine Learning) Frank Hutter, (Neurorobotics) Joschka Boedecker University of Freiburg January 12, 2018 Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (1)

Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

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Page 1: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Deep Learning Lab Course 2017(Deep Learning Practical)

Labs:(Computer Vision) Thomas Brox,

(Robotics) Wolfram Burgard,(Machine Learning) Frank Hutter,

(Neurorobotics) Joschka Boedecker

University of Freiburg

January 12, 2018

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (1)

Page 2: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Technical Issues

I Location: Monday, 14:00 - 16:00, building 082, room 00 028I Remark: We will be there for questions every week from 14:00 - 16:00.

I We expect you to work on your own. Your attendance is required duringlectures/presentations

I We expect you have basic knowledge in ML (e.g. heard the MachineLearning lecture).

I Contact information (tutors):Aaron Klein [email protected] Amiranashvili [email protected] Zolfaghari [email protected] Hugle [email protected] Zhang [email protected] Eitel [email protected]

I Homepage:http://ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep learning course

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (2)

Page 3: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Schedule and outline

I Phase 1I Today: Introduction to Deep Learning (lecture).I Assignment 1) 16.10 - 06.11 Implementation of a feed-forward Neural

Network from scratch (each person individually, 1-2 page report).I 23.10: meeting solving open questionsI 30.10: meeting solving open questionsI 06.11: Intro to CNNs and Tensorflow (mandatory lecture), hand in

Assignment 1I Assignment 2) 06.11 - 20.11 Train CNN in tensorflow (each person

individually, 1-2 page report)I 13.11 meeting solving open questions

I Phase 2 (split into three tracks)I 20.11 First meeting in tracks, hand in Assignment 2I Assignment 3) 20.11 - 18.12 Group work track specific task, 1-2 page

reportI Assignment 4) 18.12 - 22.01 Group work advanced topic, 1-2 page report

I Phase 3:I 15.01: meeting final project topics and solving open questionsI Assignment 5) 22.01 - 12.02 Solve a challenging problem of your choice

using the tools from Phase 2 (group work + 5 min presentation)

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (3)

Page 4: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Schedule and outline

I Phase 1I Today: Introduction to Deep Learning (lecture).I Assignment 1) 16.10 - 06.11 Implementation of a feed-forward Neural

Network from scratch (each person individually, 1-2 page report).I 23.10: meeting solving open questionsI 30.10: meeting solving open questionsI 06.11: Intro to CNNs and Tensorflow (mandatory lecture), hand in

Assignment 1I Assignment 2) 06.11 - 20.11 Train CNN in tensorflow (each person

individually, 1-2 page report)I 13.11 meeting solving open questions

I Phase 2 (split into three tracks)I 20.11 First meeting in tracks, hand in Assignment 2I Assignment 3) 20.11 - 18.12 Group work track specific task, 1-2 page

reportI Assignment 4) 18.12 - 22.01 Group work advanced topic, 1-2 page report

I Phase 3:I 15.01: meeting final project topics and solving open questionsI Assignment 5) 22.01 - 12.02 Solve a challenging problem of your choice

using the tools from Phase 2 (group work + 5 min presentation)

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (3)

Page 5: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Schedule and outline

I Phase 1I Today: Introduction to Deep Learning (lecture).I Assignment 1) 16.10 - 06.11 Implementation of a feed-forward Neural

Network from scratch (each person individually, 1-2 page report).I 23.10: meeting solving open questionsI 30.10: meeting solving open questionsI 06.11: Intro to CNNs and Tensorflow (mandatory lecture), hand in

Assignment 1I Assignment 2) 06.11 - 20.11 Train CNN in tensorflow (each person

individually, 1-2 page report)I 13.11 meeting solving open questions

I Phase 2 (split into three tracks)I 20.11 First meeting in tracks, hand in Assignment 2I Assignment 3) 20.11 - 18.12 Group work track specific task, 1-2 page

reportI Assignment 4) 18.12 - 22.01 Group work advanced topic, 1-2 page report

I Phase 3:I 15.01: meeting final project topics and solving open questionsI Assignment 5) 22.01 - 12.02 Solve a challenging problem of your choice

using the tools from Phase 2 (group work + 5 min presentation)

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (3)

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I Track 1 Neurorobotics/RoboticsI Robot navigationI Deep reinforcement learning

I Track 2 Machine LearningI Architecture search and hyperparameter optimizationI Visual recognition

I Track 3 Computer VisionI Image segmentationI AutoencodersI Generative adversarial networks

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (4)

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I Track 1 Neurorobotics/RoboticsI Robot navigationI Deep reinforcement learning

I Track 2 Machine LearningI Architecture search and hyperparameter optimizationI Visual recognition

I Track 3 Computer VisionI Image segmentationI AutoencodersI Generative adversarial networks

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (4)

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I Track 1 Neurorobotics/RoboticsI Robot navigationI Deep reinforcement learning

I Track 2 Machine LearningI Architecture search and hyperparameter optimizationI Visual recognition

I Track 3 Computer VisionI Image segmentationI AutoencodersI Generative adversarial networks

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (4)

Page 9: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Groups and Evaluation

I In total we have three practical phasesI Reports:

I Short 1-2 page report explaining your results, typically accompanied by 1-2figures (e.g. a learning curve)

I hand in the code you used to generate these results as well, send us yourgithub/bitbucket repo

I Presentations:I Phase 3: 5 min group work presentation in last weekI the reports and presentation after each exercise will be evaluated w.r.t.

scientific quality and quality of presentation

I Requirements for passing:I attending the class in the lecture and presentation weeksI active participation in the small groups, i.e., programming, testing, writing


Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (5)

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I Groups: You will work on your own for the first exercise

I Assignment: You will have three weeks to build a MLP and apply it tothe MNIST dataset (more on this at the end)

I Lecture: Short recap on how MLPs (feed-forward neural networks) workand how to train them

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (6)

Page 11: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

(Deep) Machine Learning Overview



Model M


1 Learn Model M from the data

2 Let the model M infer unknown quantities from data

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (7)

Page 12: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

(Deep) Machine Learning Overview



Model M


Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (8)

Page 13: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Machine Learning Overview

What is the difference between deep learning and a standard machine learningpipeline ?

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (9)

Page 14: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Standard Machine Learning Pipeline

(1) Engineer good features (not learned)

(2) Learn Model

(3) Inference e.g. classes of unseen data






color height (4 cm)

color height (3.5 cm)

color height (10 cm)






Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (10)

Page 15: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Unsupervised Feature Learning Pipeline

(1a) Maybe engineer good features (not learned)

(1b) Learn (deep) representation unsupervisedly

(2) Learn Model

(3) Inference e.g. classes of unseen data






color height (4 cm)

color height (3.5 cm)

color height (10 cm)







(1b)Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (11)

Page 16: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Supervised Deep Learning Pipeline

(1) Jointly Learn everything with a deep architecture

(2) Inference e.g. classes of unseen data









Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (12)

Page 17: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Training supervised feed-forward neural networks

I Let’s formalize!I We are given:

I Dataset D = {(x1,y1), . . . , (xN ,yN )}I A neural network with parameters θ which implements a function fθ(x)

I We want to learn:I The parameters θ such that ∀i ∈ [1, N ] : fθ(x

i) = yi

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (13)

Page 18: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Training supervised feed-forward neural networks

I A neural network with parameters θ which implements a function fθ(x)

→ θ is given by the network weights w and bias terms b

x1 xj xN... ...

... ...

... ...

h (x)(1)

h (x)(2)


a a a

a a ai

a asmax smax




Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (14)

Page 19: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Neural network forward-pass

I Computing fθ(x) for a neural network is a forward-pass

I unit i activation:

ai =N∑j=i

wi,jxj + bi

I unit i output:h(1)i (x) = t(ai) where t(·) is an

activation or transfer function

x1 xj xN... ...

... ...

... ...

h (x)(1)

h (x)(2)


a a a

a a ai

a asmax smax






Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (15)

Page 20: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Neural network forward-pass

I Computing fθ(x) for a neural network is a forward-pass

alternatively (and much faster) usevector notation:

I layer activation:a(1) = W(1)x+ b(1)

I layer output:h(1)(x) = t(a(1))where t(·) is applied element wise

x1 xj xN... ...

... ...

... ...

h (x)(1)

h (x)(2)


a a a

a a ai

a asmax smax




wi,jW(1) bi

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (16)

Page 21: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Neural network forward-pass

I Computing fθ(x) for a neural network is a forward-pass

Second layer

I layer 2 activation:a(2) = W(2)h(1)(x) + b(2)

I layer 2 output:h(1)(x) = t(a(2))where t(·) is applied element wise

x1 xj xN... ...

... ...

... ...

h (x)(1)

h (x)(2)


a a a

a a ai

a asmax smax






Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (17)

Page 22: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Neural network forward-pass

I Computing fθ(x) for a neural network is a forward-pass

Output layer

I output layer activation:a(3) = W(3)h(2)(x) + b(3)

I network output:f(x) = o(a(3))where o(·) is the outputnonlinearity

I for classification use softmax:

oi(z) =ezi∑|z|j=1 e


x1 xj xN... ...

... ...

... ...

h (x)(1)

h (x)(2)


a a a

a a ai

a asmax smax







Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (18)

Page 23: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Training supervised feed-forward neural networks

I Neural network activation functionsI Typical nonlinearities for hidden layers are: tanh(ai),

sigmoid σ(ai) =1

1 + e−ai, ReLU relu(ai) = max(ai, 0)

I tanh and sigmoid are both squashing non-linearitiesI ReLU just thresholds at 0→ Why not linear ?

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (19)

Page 24: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Training supervised feed-forward neural networks

I Train parameters θ such that ∀i ∈ [1, N ] : fθ(xi) = yi

I We can do this via minimizing the empirical risk on our dataset D

minθL(fθ, D) = min





l(fθ(xi),yi), (1)

where l(·, ·) is a per example loss

I For regression often use the squared loss:

l(fθ(x),y) =1



(fj,θ(x)− yj)2

I For M-class classification use the negative log likelihood:

l(fθ(x),y) =M∑j

−log(fj,θ(x)) · yj

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (20)

Page 25: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Training supervised feed-forward neural networks

I Train parameters θ such that ∀i ∈ [1, N ] : fθ(xi) = yi

I We can do this via minimizing the empirical risk on our dataset D

minθL(fθ, D) = min





l(fθ(xi),yi), (1)

where l(·, ·) is a per example loss

I For regression often use the squared loss:

l(fθ(x),y) =1



(fj,θ(x)− yj)2

I For M-class classification use the negative log likelihood:

l(fθ(x),y) =M∑j

−log(fj,θ(x)) · yj

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (20)

Page 26: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Training supervised feed-forward neural networks

I Train parameters θ such that ∀i ∈ [1, N ] : fθ(xi) = yi

I We can do this via minimizing the empirical risk on our dataset D

minθL(fθ, D) = min





l(fθ(xi),yi), (1)

where l(·, ·) is a per example loss

I For regression often use the squared loss:

l(fθ(x),y) =1



(fj,θ(x)− yj)2

I For M-class classification use the negative log likelihood:

l(fθ(x),y) =


−log(fj,θ(x)) · yj

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (20)

Page 27: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Gradient descent

I The simplest approach to minimizing minθL(fθ, D) is gradient descent

Gradient descent:θ0 ← init randomlydo

I θt+1 = θt− γ ∂L(fθ, D)

∂θwhile(L(fθt+1 , V )−L(fθt , V ))2 >ε

I Where V is a validation dataset (why not use D ?)

I Remember in our case: L(fθ, D) =1




I We will get to computing the derivatives shortly

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (21)

Page 28: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Gradient descent

I The simplest approach to minimizing minθL(fθ, D) is gradient descent

Gradient descent:θ0 ← init randomlydo

I θt+1 = θt− γ ∂L(fθ, D)

∂θwhile(L(fθt+1 , V )−L(fθt , V ))2 >ε

I Where V is a validation dataset (why not use D ?)

I Remember in our case: L(fθ, D) =1




I We will get to computing the derivatives shortly

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (21)

Page 29: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Gradient descent

I Gradient descent example: D = {(x1, y1), . . . , (x100, y100)} with

x ∼ U [0, 1]y = 3 · x+ ε where ε ∼ N (0, 0.1)

I Learn parameters θ of function fθ(x) = θx using loss

l(fθ(x), y) =1

2‖fθ(x)− y‖22 =


2(fθ(x)− y)2

∂L(fθ, D)





∂l(fθ, D)





(θx− y)x

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (22)

Page 30: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Gradient descent

I Gradient descent example: D = {(x1, y1), . . . , (x100, y100)} with

x ∼ U [0, 1]y = 3 · x+ ε where ε ∼ N (0, 0.1)

I Learn parameters θ of function fθ(x) = θx using loss

l(fθ(x), y) =1

2‖fθ(x)− y‖22 =


2(fθ(x)− y)2

∂L(fθ, D)





∂l(fθ, D)





(θx− y)x

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (22)

Page 31: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Gradient descent

I Gradient descent example: D = {(x1, y1), . . . , (x100, y100)} with

x ∼ U [0, 1]y = 3 · x+ ε where ε ∼ N (0, 0.1)

I Learn parameters θ of function fθ(x) = θx using loss

l(fθ(x), y) =1

2‖fθ(x)− y‖22 =


2(fθ(x)− y)2

∂L(fθ, D)





∂l(fθ, D)





(θx− y)x

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (22)

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Gradient descent

I Gradient descent example γ = 2.

gradient descent

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (23)

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Stochastic Gradient descent (SGD)

I There are two problems with gradient descent:1. We have to find a good γ2. Computing the gradient is expensive if the training dataset is large!

I Problem 2 can be attacked with online optimization(we will have a look at this)

I Problem 1 remains but can be tackled via second order methods or otheradvanced optimization algorithms (rprop/rmsprop, adagrad)

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (24)

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Gradient descent

1. We have to find a good γ (γ = 2., γ = 5.)

gradient descent 2

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (25)

Page 35: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Stochastic Gradient descent (SGD)

2 Computing the gradient is expensive if the training dataset is large!I What if we would only evaluate f on parts of the data ?

Stochastic Gradient Descent:θ0 ← init randomlydo

I (x′,y′) ∼ Dsample example from dataset D

I θt+1 = θt − γt ∂l(fθ(x′),y′)


while (L(fθt+1 , V )− L(fθt , V ))2 > ε


γt →∞ and∞∑t=1

(γt)2 <∞

(γ should go to zero but not too fast)

→ SGD can speed up optimization for large datasets→ but can yield very noisy updates→ in practice mini-batches are used

(compute l(·, ·) for several samples and average)→ we still have to find a learning rate shedule γt

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (26)

Page 36: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Stochastic Gradient descent (SGD)

2 Computing the gradient is expensive if the training dataset is large!I What if we would only evaluate f on parts of the data ?

Stochastic Gradient Descent:θ0 ← init randomlydo

I (x′,y′) ∼ Dsample example from dataset D

I θt+1 = θt − γt ∂l(fθ(x′),y′)


while (L(fθt+1 , V )− L(fθt , V ))2 > ε


γt →∞ and∞∑t=1

(γt)2 <∞

(γ should go to zero but not too fast)→ SGD can speed up optimization for large datasets→ but can yield very noisy updates→ in practice mini-batches are used

(compute l(·, ·) for several samples and average)→ we still have to find a learning rate shedule γt

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (26)

Page 37: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Stochastic Gradient descent (SGD)

→ Same data, assuming that gradient evaluation on all data takes 4 times asmuch time as evaluating a single datapoint

(gradient descent (γ = 2), stochastic gradient descent (γt = 0.011


sgdAndreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (27)

Page 38: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Neural Network backward pass

→ Now how do we compute the gradient for a network ?

I Use the chain rule:






I first compute loss on output layer

I then backpropagate to get∂l(f(x),y)




x1 xj xN... ...

... ...

... ...

h (x)(1)

h (x)(2)


a a a

a a ai

a asmax smax







l(f(x), y)

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (28)

Page 39: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Neural Network backward pass

→ Now how do we compute the gradient for a network ?

I gradient wrt. layer 3 weights:∂l(f(x),y)





I assuming l is NLL and softmax outputs,gradient wrt. layer 3 activation is:∂l(f(x),y)

∂a(3)= −(y − f(x))

y is one-hot encoded

I gradient of a wrt. W(3):∂a(3)

∂W(3)= h(2)(x)T x1 xj xN... ...

... ...

... ...

h (x)(1)

h (x)(2)


a a a

a a ai

a asmax smax







l(f(x), y)

→ recalla(3) = W(3)h(2)(x) + b(3)

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (29)

Page 40: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Neural Network backward pass

→ Now how do we compute the gradient for a network ?

I gradient wrt. layer 3 weights:∂l(f(x),y)





I assuming l is NLL and softmax outputs,gradient wrt. layer 3 activation is:∂l(f(x),y)

∂a(3)= −(y − f(x))

I gradient of a wrt. W(3):∂a(3)

∂W(3)= h(2)(x)T

I combined:∂l(f(x),y)

∂W(3)= −(y − f(x))(h(2)(x))T

x1 xj xN... ...

... ...

... ...

h (x)(1)

h (x)(2)


a a a

a a ai

a asmax smax







l(f(x), y)

→ recalla(3) = W(3)h(2)(x) + b(3)

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (30)

Page 41: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Neural Network backward pass

→ Now how do we compute the gradient for a network ?

I gradient wrt. layer 3 weights:∂l(f(x),y)





I assuming l is NLL and softmax outputs,gradient wrt. layer 3 activation is:∂l(f(x),y)

∂a(3)= −(y − f(x))

I gradient of a wrt. W(3):∂a(3)

∂W(3)= (h(2)(x))T

I gradient wrt. previous layer:







)T ∂l(f(x),y)∂a(3)

x1 xj xN... ...

... ...

... ...

h (x)(1)

h (x)(2)


a a a

a a ai

a asmax smax







l(f(x), y)

→ recalla(3) = W(3)h(2)(x) + b(3)

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (31)

Page 42: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Neural Network backward pass

→ Now how do we compute the gradient for a network ?

I gradient wrt. layer 2 weights:∂l(f(x),y)







I same schema as before just have toconsider computing derivative of activation


∂a(2), e.g. for sigmoid σ(·)


∂a(2)= σ(ai)(1− ai)

I and backprop even further x1 xj xN... ...

... ...

... ...

h (x)(1)

h (x)(2)


a a a

a a ai

a asmax smax







l(f(x), y)

→ recalla(3) = W(3)h(2)(x) + b(3)

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (32)

Page 43: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Gradient Checking

→ Backward-pass is just repeated application of the chain rule

→ However, there is a huge potential for bugs ...

→ Gradient checking to the rescue (simply check code via finite-differences):

Gradient Checking:

θ = (W(1),b(1), . . . ) init randomlyx← init randomly ; y← init randomly

ganalytic ← compute gradient∂l(fθ(x),y)

∂θvia backprop

for i in #θ

I θ = θ

I θi = θi + ε

I gnumeric =l(fθ(x),y)− l(fθ(x),y)

εI assert(‖gnumeric − ganalytic‖ < ε)

I can also be used to test partial implementations(i.e. layers, activation functions)→ simply remove loss computation and backprop ones

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (33)

Page 44: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer


I If you train the parameters of a large network θ = (W(1),b(1), . . . ) youwill see overfitting!→ L(fθ(x), D)� L(fθ(x), V )

I This can be at least partly conquered with regularization

I weight decay: change cost (and gradient)

L(fθ, D) =1



l(fθ(xi),yi) +




→ enforces small weights (occams razor)I dropout: kill ≈ 50% of the activations in each hidden layer during training

forward pass. Multiply hidden activations by1

2during testing

→ prevents co-adaptation / enforces robustness to noiseI Many, many more !

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (34)

Page 45: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer


I If you train the parameters of a large network θ = (W(1),b(1), . . . ) youwill see overfitting!→ L(fθ(x), D)� L(fθ(x), V )

I This can be at least partly conquered with regularizationI weight decay: change cost (and gradient)

L(fθ, D) =1



l(fθ(xi),yi) +




→ enforces small weights (occams razor)

I dropout: kill ≈ 50% of the activations in each hidden layer during training

forward pass. Multiply hidden activations by1

2during testing

→ prevents co-adaptation / enforces robustness to noiseI Many, many more !

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (34)

Page 46: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer


I If you train the parameters of a large network θ = (W(1),b(1), . . . ) youwill see overfitting!→ L(fθ(x), D)� L(fθ(x), V )

I This can be at least partly conquered with regularizationI weight decay: change cost (and gradient)

L(fθ, D) =1



l(fθ(xi),yi) +




→ enforces small weights (occams razor)I dropout: kill ≈ 50% of the activations in each hidden layer during training

forward pass. Multiply hidden activations by1

2during testing

→ prevents co-adaptation / enforces robustness to noise

I Many, many more !

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (34)

Page 47: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer


I If you train the parameters of a large network θ = (W(1),b(1), . . . ) youwill see overfitting!→ L(fθ(x), D)� L(fθ(x), V )

I This can be at least partly conquered with regularizationI weight decay: change cost (and gradient)

L(fθ, D) =1



l(fθ(xi),yi) +




→ enforces small weights (occams razor)I dropout: kill ≈ 50% of the activations in each hidden layer during training

forward pass. Multiply hidden activations by1

2during testing

→ prevents co-adaptation / enforces robustness to noiseI Many, many more !

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (34)

Page 48: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer


I Implementation: Implement a simple feed-forward neural network bycompleting the provided stub this includes:

I possibility to use 2-4 layersI sigmoid/tanh and ReLU for the hidden layerI softmax output layerI optimization via gradient descent (gd)I optimization via stochastic gradient descent (sgd)I gradient checking code (!!!)I weight initialization with random noise (!!!) (use normal distribution with

changing std. deviation for now)I Bonus points for testing some advanced ideas:

I implement dropout, l2 regularizationI implement a different optimization scheme (rprop, rmsprop, adagrad)

I Code stub: https://github.com/aisrobots/dl_lab_2017I Evaluation:

I Find good parameters (learning rate, number of iterations etc.) using avalidation set (usually take the last 10k examples from the training set)

I After optimizing parameters run on the full dataset and test once on thetest-set (you should be able to reach ≈ 1.6− 1.8% error )

I Submission: Clone our github repo and send us the link to yourgithub/bitbucket repo including your solution code and report. Email [email protected], [email protected] [email protected]

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (35)

Page 49: Herzlich Willkommen! - Arbeitsgruppe: Autonome ...ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ws17/deep... · Deep Learning Lab Course 2017 (Deep Learning Practical) Author: Labs: (Computer

Slide Information

I These slides have been created by Tobias Springenberg for the DLLab Course WS 2016/2017.

Andreas Eitel Uni FR DL 2017 (36)