Äi'iötk Uli ^tihunt \0L« XV.N°- 4,608. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, JANUARY l>, 1^36. PRICE TWO CENTS HEW-YORK TRIBUNE. TIIK NBW.TORK DAIL¥ Till ni nk I* Fuili.hid EVERY MORN I NO *»o EVENINO, (gvaoav (lccmoj BT OBEELEY k McELIATM, a TBB w>«a icildhoi. ii.nu or «eaiAU eao iraoce- iraiirt, oprotiTit the citt hill, mml oellverad to City Sohecribere ot 1?J cenU por week, "ring!* #Av*»e* Two Cent», Mall eobecribere 4>t per annum, ia advance. Ipj fi,. »aatke. tH; for three month*, #1 3ft. TBB mu-wniK WKKKLY Tin hi vk A VK.RY LABOR PAPER POR THE COUNTRY, eaaakBaaed avert SiTl'tOat Mobminc at tko low price of . J PefjBBJB. to adver re. Three copioa for $5; Kite coptet for Ten copiei for Bl.'; a d a paper it in no caoe coatitioed be- .owl the time for which it ii paid. Advertieeinenta for thit Set will be rfcarteo SEVENTY KIVE CENTS PER UNE Be each hiaerigcn. TIIK MEMI-WF.FKI.Y Tit I HI NK every TvatoaT and Kkidav Mobmxo. Price »5 Two eoptee for #5; Kite copiee tut #11 »15. Ad- te It cent* a line for each umerUoa. TUB M H-HIIIK TKIBUNH BOB EUROPEAN CIRCULATION, la pakllikrit no Uta d»pexture of each Mail .Steamer for Livett^ooi at .' per annum, poetage included. Single copiee Six Cent*. TIIK NKW-YOKK TKIBUNK lOICHII'ORNIA, OREO ON, AND THE SANDWICH ISLANDS, fa aabklibed on tbe departure of each Mail Steamer for Aepin- wali at BI SO per annum. Sinile copiee Six Ceuta Special Noticco. Dt. Elizabeth H lurk well iraeaatt of flaaeta MtaW Coli«*", papa at the Lyiri« in Uoapital, Par,*, and atudent nt the Lcw.don Il.wpital«, atteiMla to every department of MEDICAL PRACTICE amour Ladkat ai d Children, No. 7a Eaat I Hb it. Office koaaa kaaa Ü ioUl m. I.ertarett.-The fifth letetara iu the Courae before the Brooklyn I entral Lyceum, will be delivered etJ FRIDAY Et K.NINO next, January 25, at 71 o'clock, in the Kleet-et Bf. F Chorrb, (near Ful'oti-tt.,) by the Rev. JAMES H FERRY, D.D. Sul.i. it."Secret Socio tie*." Aduiitiioo. 124 eeati. Thoninx Frnm-it Yle-aaher will leetur* on THE FINE ARTS OF ATHENS, before the Touro l.itererv IrutiMte, a' reoTehernerle, on MONDAY EVENINO, Jan.». Ti.ke>. .Betnta; R. served «enti 50cent*. Ticketa for aele at Haifa, ear. Broadway and Park-plice; Jacob*'" No. Owl Broadway; Bavertv'i. Nö. Il'i Fulton at., &c. Doom open at 7; Lecture at * o'clock. I'M L,Ive- to f»t> I «efnl. MECHANICS' IN3TI1 TI'TK, Lecture by the Rev. I EL ( IIAPIN, at the Church of Ike Divine I'liity, Broadway, near Prince »t or, FRIDAY EVENINO, Jan. I'., commencing at H o'clock. Subject! PRAt TH AL LIFE. Ticken, the number of whi. Ii it limited, JBei ntt each to b* had at the principal Hotelaand YVM. HALL A SON'S Muaic 8tore, romer of Pork place arid Broadway; alto at the door on the evening of th,* Lecture. Doora open at 7 o'clock. Mueo before and after rhe Lecture. By order of CHARLES H. DEL A VAN, Chairman of Lecture Corn. Popular I,ccturrai in rhe Broadway Tebonin.¦!*, bv JOEL TIFFANY. r.»o.-Ar the clone of a Conine of Lecture* ilelivered by Mr. TIFFANY in Stuyveeant Inatitute, be waa Invited by the audience to deliver a further roiirae of tlx Lee- tarea iu the Tabernacle. Tbit iuvitatien he accepted. The ob- Jeeta and timea of hl» iliaconraea are at followa: Freier, Jan. 25.Subject Den,an,la of the Age. Tuciifav, Jan. 29.Subject: Meauaof Redemption now Iu ute. Friday, Feb. I.Subject: Nature and Origin of E \ il. Tneeday Feb. 5-Subjert: Old and New. [Man. Friday. Feh. 8.Subjrri: Authority of Truth va. Authority of Lecturea to con,mem e at 7] o'clock. Priie for the Ceajtao, 7.Y ceuti; ainrle Lecture, 121 cento Ticken to l>e had at the door. The faoiitth KiircrtniiiMii'iil wfll t,.- gjvea al Nloio'a fialo«,ri, comer ol Lroadwav and i'ririca-t., on THURSDAY BVENINO, February U. Tiiblea will he wt for 500 ladiei aad fentl, men. YVm. E, Dodge, enq., will preaide, laaiated by several Vice Freaklaata. To ladiea, ti,e uaual facililie« will he afforded in the dreiting room. Doori open at .'.J. Supper, pre- ci« ly at 61. Dodworlh'i Band ia engaged for the occasion, and aicb ? peaking may be expected from Mr. Oouijh and uiimeroiui geiilb men trout rhil ami oilier citiea anil Slala-.. Mnxlo tirkera, ? For a lentlemaii und lady, +', Ticket! Doruhered ami aeate aecurerl. Firat pun haiei will have a choice. Plan of tal i, can be accn and ticket! obtained on Mouday next, at Hoi- Lock wood k Son'!, Publisher!, No. 411 Broadway; and at No. 149 Nnaaan at.. Ilrck Chapel. Paniea from abroad ran ae- eare leata t< gelber bv forwardina the amount. Direct: Atneri- car. Teiiiperanie l iuou, N- w Yoik. Traclicri' AawBtlBllaYal. The Annual Election of Of- Beera and Truateee will be held TO-MORROW (Saturday) EVENINO, al 7J o'clock, at the Hall of the Board of Edu, a- tkpii. JOHN lt. EANNINO, Preiident. Jaa. M. BBBBIB, Secretary. WfjkciwM*.The roamberaoi ike INDUSTRIAL nTim: ASSOCIATION No. J are hereby liulfcllll thai the raaelef Monthly Meeting will take place on FHIDA Y EVENINO, Jan. 28. The KeiKirt ot tl e Finance Committee to date will then lie presented. It la hoj^d that every member will come prepared to take hie Deed, which w ill be delivered to him ou the payiueut of tka amount due by I,im. CORNELIUS A. COOPER, Piurlia«iu« Truiteo. Hi. I.ukr'H Home.A Home tor Indigent Chrittian Fe- malea, without regard to age or nation, must eotaettaaxi itaelf to every one. Are BO] not in an eipecial manner " (iod'a Poor f Their only proapect ul earthly tut cor ii from rhoee whom tint love of (.od prompte to extend an aiding hum! to luftering hu- menily. Y oiirh.evHii when itirroumlcd by abject aataitt, U buoyed up by hope and nerved by atrength. Old lie haa no ht'lf thia aide the crave, no atrength hut for endurance.pour, le. l ie, aged, alone. Such ii the lot of moat of the inmatei of Mir Hon.e, whom it ia our privilege to turrotiud with comfort, |«otection, and the l.leaaed ofricet ol 'he Church. At pre* u: we have only accomtnoilation for aUiut fipecu. It ia very ile- rirable that a MtaMo buildiug be erected, that thia great clutrity may be than d by many more that are at preaent enjoying iL It ia eatimited thai for thii purpoae ? 25,000 will ke required. The Rectort of incut ef our Cfaurchei have eapreaeed their rea liueaa tocoinnierid it to their cnngregatioui, and in a few daya aspliee- tioiii will be made by tboac duly authorised tor aubacfiptiona to Ike building fund. On beliulf of the kttirflett Manaifera. Ifta, DANIEL HEMSEN. Pr.tident, No. 49 5th-av Mi*! Ellkn Ki MHi.i. No. .'4 Meal It. Mavoa'a OPPICI, Jan. 19, 18V. Proclnnintinn. kttM REWARD.- YVhereai JOSEPH CÖEN wai llelentlj .*.. and .. .. ri on Saturday night, the 12th mat., al or about 12 o'clock, on thnrorner of Drove and 4th ata., by loine |<era<>n or iH-raooa uukuowu to tie' authoritiea; and whereat the »M Joaeph Coen hai aincn died from the wouiuli then arid there received, now therefore I, Fernando Wood, Mayor of IbO Cily of New-York, do hv virtue of aurbor- Ity veiled fn me, offer a "reward of Two Hundred and Filty Dol- laia for theapprehenaion of Ihe per*on or peraoni who commit¬ ted laid aaaault.or Five Hundred Dollarn for the apprehenaion aud eonviction of the parry or pattiei who perpetrated the above- named outrage; io be paid on the certificate ol the Recorder or Met riet Attorney that auch aervlce baa been rendered by the pereon or perenm cleiming reid rewerda But all cleima not preecnted to the Meyer within twpntv deya after the filial die- poeiticn of the caae will be ditregardecl. IL. 8.1_FERNANDO WOOD, Mayor. Mm. P. T. Ilayra, t Inlrvayaot and llralln« Phv- aieinu..Mrt. II. ii performing wonderful cure* of diecaaeny Clairvoyant powrm. Peraoni afflicted thoul 1 cell and tee for tbeiuaelvee. Ottice, No. 17t Orend et. Examination, inelml >'I praaciiprion, *>l. Selitfectory examination! given, remem¬ ber, or no pay (Iffice boure, <rom 8 a. m. to 9 p. BX, Dr. HAYES, Pavcbologiai and Electrician. Mrt. k. J. Trtmrm PhraJa Inn. VYONDEHEI'L I URS Mide through her Cleirvoyaut Powere at No. Hi RroaJway. cal l, and ace row toiBarLvi.a. Office Iloiirt, IU a m to 1 p. in., and 2 to 4 p iu. Examination and l'r«acription Five Dollan. Peaataiir HlMttipa |S runt*) for aale at tin* office. Doublr-iolrd YVatcr proof Hoom-YY (irritated Only 4.4 50, made to order by a. BAKER. No. 15 Ann-ai . Fbae Kreuch Calf Imitation, Mock Hoot* w ith Steel Sheuke ?375, Stitched Boote, t>4 50; Stout B.aite, *4; beet Krone Ii Patent Leather Stitched Biaite, »>.Y to #7. a pet feet fit guar- rent. .,! A eaving of 25 to 50 p. r cent in your Root Hille. North Aiwrrlrnn Fire Inonrnncr Company.I eth eapital #'250,000 with e large iiir]>i'*t. Olliee No. a Well et. loaure egemit Ion or damage hv FIRE at the eetehliahej rate* JAJfXi W. OTIS, ProaidouL B, W. Bi Rtrakb. Secretary. ^innocmcnts. BUETON'» . CHAMBERS STREET..FRI¬ DAY-a Oreet Bill for On* Nigtit Only. The Come.U of SWEETHEARTS AND WIVES Billy lateeedkn, Mr. Battaa, with the ati*i:.*l Doleful and Drenlful Leniriitatia.ii in veree, eu.l the original Duet. Eaaruie, Mi*. I'erker; Mi*. Hughe., Miea Thome. Mr*. Bur¬ ton, Jlr Bradley, Mr. R< vnoldi. Ac, and the never tiling «reu e of THE TOODLEB. Mr. Burton end Mia. Hughe* bbTheToodlea Tt) MORROW, (Sttturdev.i a rapttal kill KOI R COMIC PIFt I > BROADWAY THEATER.E.A. MARSHALL, Sole I^eeee.- Roaee and Par<|uet, .'a'cenra; Family Circle end Upper Tier, 25 cente; Private Boxee, *> S aad 4>6..Been epeu at «1. commence at 7 o'clock .THIS EVENINO; KINO CHABMINO. rhfuiiiing 1.Mine Ponwi I Heu pre-1.Mr. Whiting Tyrone.Mre. lllake Troutina.Mra Little THE SEA OK ICE; Or, Thi ThiiijT FOB O01.D. Raoulde Laacoara.Mr. ( eooll lterrebat. Mr. W. A. Chapman Looiee.Mme. Ponul | Marejuie.Mr. 0. r laber 1 Al'KA KE E X E V AKIETI K B, Lave; th« MtTtoroi ivAt Tmkave*. H*o»bwav. Paiquet and Dreee Circle, 50cent* KemuT Circle, 25 cento; Orrbearra Stalle, 7.S rente Private Boxee. +\ .IKiora open at #4 commence at 7 -THIS BY ES I NO, will be performed MONKY. Evelvr.Mr. 0. Jordau Oravoi.... Mr. T. B. Johmton Sir John Vrtey.Mr. Heat Clara Ifouglai. .Miat L. Kretio PERK ECTIO.V. Mr Lewr.-nre Paragon.. Baee K.ite O'Bti -n.. Mm R "igno!.|i NATIONAL THEATER---Ä EL PURDY, Man ager and Proprietor. Dreae I'lrrle 25 rnuti; Pit I2J ceuti; 0ra.mu*Cb*ire51)ceiita-THIS EVENINO ill he performed; THE KNIOHT OK ARVA. ToDnor.Mr. J. II. Allen | Pnncei* Manilla.Mra YViIkiot Favorite end |arpuier Danen bv Mia* Henrietta Lain. Ji. be followed bv ASPHODEL', Or. Tile M tuie P»:v. wabilae.'.Mr O. L. Fox Be Mm.Miaa Hathaway To conclude with the new Drama of THE IDIOT OK THE MILL. WaiLLACK'1 UIKATKR..Ikueaand Tarquet 5* eenu; Family Circle 25 cent*; Stalle, #1; Private .Voit* et ai d ~T I'.¦ p< ii at m o'tloak ; performance* com- ¦**«»t*at7-THlS EY ENINO wUl be i^rfonueJ: . A PET OK THE PUBLIC. *I. Dorville.Mr. Srcwert I Madeline.Miaa O. HcaLauu . LAVATER Or, Nor A Bao Ji out. tit BetinaD..Mr. O. Hollajaa | Louiae.Mra Conover e .v. « AI* AWKYVARD ARRIVAL. *rthorOtmond*....Mr. Leeter I Mre. Ormonde.Mr*. 11,-v lymUaDORF OALLEKY, No. 497 Bnittdeyay, *s eoataiaa 150 of the fineet PA1NTI.NOS ever put upon ea **» on "leri DAY erj EVENINO. Admittajare 29centa IMvapH-,M»?Tw" ceI*br-«^ COLLECTION of JL£tXOY PTIAN ANT1QI IT1E8, Na 6W Broadway.-Thi. atWS\.!^TlA.f.ot,"^vU*^^ °' "t»w Object*, w.th Efokf.j ¦.»* *J,Jitl«'«.,'t tke moet poplar acd a'tra:tivo .«ikltloB Ike oty. AulluatfoB, » CeHa II I B L O" GARDEN. la FRIDAY F.VFN'INO Jex. 25, UVi THK WONDERFUL RAVEL FAMILY M'lle Tili- Kr v\ ROBERT and the Billet Tronpe. FIRST NIGHT OF KIM-KA. To comnterire it 7j o'clock with JrWt new Comictiitv "THE I C H O O L M A 8 T E R. i*r Birch....Jerome Ravel ,. .The MM hoy in the nchtv.1.Franeoia Revel Kollow rd by Piul Brflkat'i new BMTet of TERPSICHORE; Or, Thk Fnt of thk Mttr.t. Terpaicborr.WUe Tberei* Robert Apollo.%.p»ui Brillant To conclude with the Chineee Comic Pantomime of K I M K A \ antiletew.Frtnenia Ravel Kin. Ka.Antoine Ravel Frji.lg.J erome Rivrl c Incidental to the piece: A tiRAND PAS DE vil'ATRF. By MM«, Mirwt'i, M'lle Pauline Ornet, Lina Wind» and M'lle Flora Lehn.in ; and a (IRANI) ORIENTAL, COMPLEX, SYMBOLICAL FIXALE. By Thirty tlx Lud:'» and Gentli-mcD of tbe Corte de Billet, rat es or admission: TICKETS.FIFTY CENTS. Tbe only Seiti thit can be lecured in advmce ire: Orchestra Seatt.f I each, Piivite Boxe*.#5 each. Box-Office open daily, from 0 a m. to 3 p m.. for the aale of Ticken n.d »ecnrii* Orchestra Sea"a and Private Boxe* only. Doora open at f>\, performance to cntninri.ee at 7j o'clock. BAIi.M 'M" MI SKI M. . F irrt time of a deeply excitii.t Drama THE TERROR OF THE RHINE, 1 pro¬ duction of the most fitrinttinr cbtrtrter. FRIDAY, Jin. 25. Eveiiin* at H o'clock, THE TERROR OK THK RHINE; Mr. C. W. Clark in tlirre character., Mr. Hadawiy a* Oar- route. Afterrioon it 3. two pretty pie. e«. Performance* in ti e LION'S DKM at dj ai.il 7 fx. m. The LIVINO WILD A MM A LS. Ac to he aeen a* u.tial. Admittance to all, 8 rent* Children ander 10, 12* cent*. KG. CHRISTY cV WOOD»" MINSTRELS. No. 444 BROADWAY. OPEN E\ FRY EVF.NINO. Ti--kete 25 rent* All huainea* tranaactrd hy H. WOOD. B~~ÜC K LEY" BEB I: NADERS, NaT 539 Broad- w«y.-E\ FRY NIOHTthi* week BEAITY AND THE BEAST, ai.d NKORO MINSTRKLSF.Y. NoTicE-Perharnt Fourth Enterprise Oilt-Tickett are received (for the idmiawion of four pereon*) to our entertainment* For aale it the Box- Offii e. from 10 a m. to I" p. in., daily. rppl I RT I F.Til ( ONCEBT. .THEODi>BI! J. ElsFELD'S CLASSICAL SOIREE, the third of the sixth setron, on SATURDAY, Jin. 2fi, at Dodworth'.. No. v«f> Broadway. Madame W. V. Wallace (Piiniat), Meaara. J. Bentlcr, Ph. Maver, J. E. Mayer and J. Ocbrleki (Yocaliata) will lariat Theodore Kiafi-ld'a Quartet Tarty. IMMENSE BUCCES8 of BUCKLEY" SERE- NADERS, in reci ivinf for four admiaaiona to their enter¬ tainments, the- ticket, in PERIIAM'S KOI'RTII (i FT EN¬ TERPRISE Til KKTS f.,r BALE from 10 a m. to 10 p. m. at the It. v offne of BUI KLEY'S OPERA HOUSE, Nu. MJ BROADWAY, and at tin- principal Hotel* and Music Storea See bills, rtll E Of GIFT Til RETS, 01, OR II FOR *I0. MASON and BEBGMAN'8 THIRD CLA881 CAE MATINEE will be tiven at Dodworth'* Academy. 'I IESDAY, Jan. 20, it 2 o'clock p. 111., with the aiaiatance of Mia* MARIA S. HRAINERD. Doora open at I o'clock. SPD2TTUAL TESTS..lira. COAN, Rappb&g ar.rl Writing Medium. No. 11SA Orand at., a few doora w.-.t ot Broadway. PriMtr Sittini» daily from 9 a m. to 2 p. in. Peblic Circle every afternoon fron l tu V Term*. .SO cents. N. B.-Puhlic Circle next SUNDAY EVF.NINO, and every ei.lm after, until further notice. THE CRYSTAL PALACE..Thin beautiful building contain* various object* of interest.Ancient Gobelin TA PEST It Y, 1 gallery of PAINTINOS, rare end val¬ uable STATT AK Y, k**WI Agricultural Implement* and Ma¬ chinery. It will remain open until further notice. G New Publications. ANY THBEE-DOLLAB MAGAZINE FOR IBM,AMD a CERTIFICATE IN THK C08MOFOLI- TAN ART ASSOCIATION, FOR THE D1BTRIBUTIOM ON THK HIT 1NST CAN BF. HAD at THK. KNICK¬ ERBOCKER. Om< K, No. Mi BROADWAY, APPLE- TON'S BUILDING. MRS son 1IW mmi- NEW oad GREAT work la roa --ale ETUTWOSa! this oar. THE CURSE OF O LI FT ON. By the author of " The I<o*t Heireae," " The Deserted Wile," "The Missing Bride," " Wife'a Victory," Ac.coniplet.- in ,wo voliimea, pajier cover, price $1; in one volnmo, cloth, for iH 2ft. For stle by all Booksellers ati.l Nrw«-Ag»nti, and pnblitbed it T. H. PETERSON'S, No. 102 Chcetnut at., Philadelphia. Ci.piea lent by Maw, free of pottage, on receipt of price. NEW HISTORICAL WORK HOW READY. JACKSON AM) NKW OHLKANS. An authentic ntrriiive ot Ihn Memorable Achievement* o' the American Aruiv, under Andrew Jackson, before New-Or- leana, in the Winter ot 1814-15. Br Alexander Walker, (lite ol The N. O. Dilti.) \V ith Frontispiece. 12uio. #1 25. CONTEN18 Jtcktoti't Firnt Entry iato New-Orleant. Ltfittr " The Pirife." I.afitte, the Patriot. .In Ik.ii chars hia Hanks. Ti e BlllWtk Review and Eutbtlk.r Battla of Like Hortne. The British l.andint and Bivouac. The Alarm.The Hilly-The March. Battle of the Twenty-third of December. IHM. B4x Ettward Packenhtui. A Drmonatiation and a Defeat. The Hritiah I rin* up their Hit Ount. Hattle of the llatterie«. Two Notable \\'arriora and Revolationiat*. Pti ptrationa Cm the Knill l uiiflirt. The Untie of Ni w-Orle.int. The Victorv. BMtla of New-Orleant.The DsMaaM. IH.nr.« Incident*. The Finale. DERBY A, JACKSON, (late.I. C. Derby,) Piihl^hrra. No. 119 Naaaaa it., New-York. AMERICAN DLX1U8TBATED NEW8PAPER. -No.8ot KRANK LESLIE'S ILL1 si ELATEDNEWO- PAl'l K. ittued SATURDAY MORNING, and will contain the fe llow lift- apleudiil Eiifravinia: Buat of fli orite Liw, hy Jone*. Portrait of Ufwa] Knapp, latt of tVaaUaartawl'tLtlaOaaM. Wii-hinttoti'a Head.[uaitera at New bnub, New York. Extractili'ary cerru-oiiy tt the Roman Citholic Church at St. Petert, Biltimore. Broadway, New 1 ork, dutint the " Slcichilit Ciruival. ' Nrw Höfel. Biltimorr, the " 41iluiore" lioiife. <)| .1.111«; cl the StM Hailrotd in Iowa City of Davenport. Iowa Railr. tJ Bri.lte. K.^-k Maud, connecting Divauport with lto. k Inland Citv. Iowa View of Rock laland, Iowa Portrait of Oen. Santana of Dominica Pottrtit of GfaV Soiilotique, EatMtW of Hayti. Map of Central Park, Nrw-York. Tottether with mm.crone othe r uplt 11I1.I lllua'rationt. and ill Ike Newt of tbe Week. The thriilii a Romance " The Leal ol HiaRa e." couitut-nced in the laat nnml^-r. Problem* in Chea*. Ac. Offri- No... l^i-.nd 14 Sprnce-at., Ne-w York, The trade mpnlie.i by ROSS JONES a. TOUREY, No. WOMtwtaaM..M. Y., and No. M Clarke «t.. Chic 1^0 p H E A P EDITION. \J 11 -1 11 hi IMBB DIARY AND t ORRESFONDENCE 01 Till: Ltrt A MOS L A NY 11 E N O E . Edited by hit aon. Win. R. l.iwrence, M. D. With elettn' Pofirait*M Arno« and Abbott Lawrence, and other illutttaiiou.- Koval tJkaa, t loth. +1. The iK-tivo «slition ot thi* work haa ha.1 an tlmoat nnextm- pled alle. \\ itbm twelve week* alter it* rjral publKtUoU, twelve THOUSAND COPIES have l-een aold wilhont prodncint my aenaible ibateiuent o Ihr drinaii.l. In compliant e with urgrnt and tepealc.i acduila tioua from tarloua ouirtera. the Publisher* now ia*ur a CHEAP EDITION. It . laree 12mo volun r, printed on thick white pap< rtreat the plates of the ivttvo edition, and it tedd at tbe extremely low price of One Dollar. The Octavo Edition' will continue to be publitbed tad for tile a* brretoforr at One Dollar and Fitty Ceuta. GOULD a LINCOLN. No. i9 WuhintUiu at.. Bottom DÜNLÖF« DIGEST OF THE LAWS OP the UNITED STATES. a DIGEST OF THE UEMERAL Laws or thk r N I TI D IT AYES, witb Hfjt01 or thk Dkci»io\» a\d Dicta of tbe Boraaao Coaat t rot nraia Cm1aocf1 1TH9 to ia«. Bv Jame* Dunlop. of tbr Bar of Peunsylea:JaV Oiie tuper rovil e>e tato volnme. 1.700 natea Just laitdiabrd by J. Jfc LlFPlNCpTT k 40-. Fbd'a. 1^11 E T HB E E M AB R I AG E 8 J B UFFINCOTT k CtX, Pbilad'a. will puhlwb ieb. 1. THE THREE M AKKIAOES; Or, Lira At A WAIOOIBO B*/Mrs. Huh! ack. autborrsa of " The Wifn'* Suiter " " May in.liir.. 11,bet " Ac 1 IwJ U'mo. Price 01. For atie by all Binikaellrrs._ LITTELLs LIVING AGE.Every SATUB- DAY.0»i i rear. PANORAMA Ok LIKE AND LlTERATl're .Monthly. LITTELL. SON A 10 BtiaM. * ' And No. *43 Broa-i-.. K*« t NE \\ MUSI C ..All Pretty Pieaaa.. Spa-klaa Sunday Nkjht. 8. Markttein. 2* eta Tbiiikiuit of Old T.tne*. S. Markttaia. 25 eta While t iitiiif ail aiooe, Hattia 8. Mark*tein. 25 c*. Spare my brirt from tTowing old. Mela. 25 eta I cm not part with thee. Melt. 25 eta. _ Uulta Pyne Folka Marktteia, (LitJtotTraphic likeocee.1 50c. BebcUuli Polka aict*. Oaldru Drop Sc bot ti* be. JSc. xvoacioia »a. t-0OK k BRO 543 Broadway, {felt Atel '. m I!t . 11 BrvO Jfil Ready Tbia Dav: MATVE Pi ll - Hl NUN*. tmi TRAPFBXQ ADVENTI 1 I I I 111 III N 1 l I. b I I ,8Tj Or. ( ONVER.-ATIoSS AROCND THE. i AMP-FIRE. Br C*rr M.rxt RriD. Author of ¦. The Rife Hinter*:' Thr Scalp Hunter*." e*.. Beautifully lllostrfed with Ettrvvitig* by N. Orr Pr.ce 4)1 Wr venture to »«y tone ii :,o )**,t exrint which five* euch * thrili.n* and vet truth! il narrative of the ttirring end periloie life of * Trapper. »« doe* the deepl y it.terestirig trd Icsrrnetive volume before nt The author, who*- power» of description are well known to the American reader thre-itb the m»d.'im of ait Rifle Rarrtr«." 1c, has mo*t admirably blended in'trm turn w.tli amusement; for while M lie. the W olf-Killer," rheer* the Omp-Firr wi'h ;..* never-failing met o'et. the IIuaterNt: r- »Ii«? tain every occasion to inform ..el-chtc! atnhtort t th> habits, baucta ar.d chararteriatica of the animal ander discaee MmM and tbia be dnei in a manner which cannot fail to tit the information in the memory of the reader. The following brief extract ar.d synopsis of Contents mty serve t i tive some Mm ot the adventure! to be met with in thit extraordinary work: CONTENTS A Hunting Ptity. (The Bla.-a Br ir of America. The Con and Camp-Fire. The Trapper Trapped. Be»ancrn't Atuenturei in the The American Deer. Swen-p». IDeer-Hsat la a Dut-Out." The Pts»enger Pigeoi a Old Ike tnd the (Jruxly. Hui t with a Howitg. r. IA Battle with Or.rxly h- M Killing a Coui.tr. iTbe St»ana of America The ( ontar. Old Ike t Adventure. The Mutqutrb. A r..t II int Mutketor« and their Ai tulote. LAdvei.ture with a B itfalo. IV 'Cat B and hi» Hants. A *Coon C hase. Wild Hogs of th>- v. it Treed by Pi cranes. A Duck Shooting Advi Hearing the Monee. The Prairie Wolf and Wolf Killer. Hurting the Tapir. Tne Bison. Trailing the Buffalo. ApftwaeMaj laa F~fTi'~ I Lexjected t.'tetts. a Su,.per of Witt Matte«*. Hunting the Vicuna. .Hare IIuntil g and ( r.. ket A t horn of Vicunas. Dlttttt. Sijuirrel Slioting. K <irt:.d Battie. Treiing t Bear. 'The It att)II u . We ijuote i few extrai from the many flattering n jficea of the Prett: From Tim Cota»\t. Hirtioid. Opt. Reid it a ttmrite author ot our*. Hit atvle it alw.ivt sprightly. his descriptions graphic, and his narrative coi.de:.s.-l a: .1 striking. Th.a work is oat ol his tv st. It is one of the m *t viviii picturet of a Weitem hunter's lift that we have ever teen- He knows bow to leite upon the peculiarities of any treue, or ait nation, or incident, tnd arrve theui up in the moat piquant atvle for tie gratification of his readera." Prow Titr tlBBALD, St. Loci* Mci. " In til nor iperiet.i e we h»ve t teat met with t book which tne» auch vivid and »cul «tirnng pn iure» of the wonderful and terrible tdvi ntiires ot * Western I eater and trapper** life." From The Evemvg JoVKRAL. ALBANY. " Opt. Renl is tt home in the w atda, and w-ritei with the t* t ot a tree sfortimm. The work aUn.i.ds in wonderful a.'.I I ture." From Tur Advektisik PMTLAm, Me. " The au'hor is already favorably known aa a vivid narrator, tnd here I., does justice to hi in s»d f it. givn g ail the tbrilling exploits ot hnnter life. « * . It t hook which Will inter¬ est both old and young, tnd happy will lie the lireaide wheir it is read tloi.d." Fkom Tmi: TaUMVB, Bvtii. Mr. "Another wtrk from that inexhaustible story-teller, Ctpt. Reid, and just as full as hia pre\loua prixlu. tu:M "t I.e.; lit aoth esrties.and queer, odd adventures, toll in the jauntiest and licit it atj le." From Tur. Ti>n». Tot. run. Ohio. " Any one woo baa ever rrarked a rifle or dreamed of the huntet's lite will enjoy this volume with a perfect gusto. * * * Its illustrations themselves can bat fascinate the reader to be- cine better acquainted with the work." From Feto. Dören*»'» Pari:*, Rochester. N. V. " It it i alcalatad both to instruct ami *mu»t-." From The Mail, Worceiter. Matt. " Opt. Reid a'tndt to day without a rival for lupremacy in the w wL dashing and yet improving literature ol HM !. u\ c tiolllid." Faow Thi. TaiaVaTI HiTk.nr Mich. .. . . . ipLr Hnnter« Feast,'in onr opinion. It one of the ¦ < rt thrilling tnd v ivid pictures he hat yet drawn. Beaide Itt dee] Iv e.\i Hin« chnrti ter. it onttina mm ii tiaeful iiitorui ition in regard to the habits of the \arioua tniintls which inhabit onr Weatrrn wild*" This is one of the few booki which will pay a divijeud on the money liivt itt-d in ita purchase." DE WITT A DA\ EN PORT. FablaaVwa. No*. IM RJ*i Ib.' N.iaaau st. N. V. 178IC FOB THU MILLION. M BUG I I. E v I New SON<: BOOK- (For the PtrlorI, \\ ith Music attacked. JVST PUBLISHED BY PHILIP j COZAJ48, No. |eT NABSAI >TREET. PRlt E U| t EN IS. This Chtapeat of Publication« coutain» Fitly New tnd Popular Songs imoii' whieh_«re the followin" Tbe Seroiid Edition of the Old iwiii«: The Firenian'a Chant Arrntued by Ja*. Buckle Ti Aa i^ With Musi.-. Bietthe not her name. Pretty Petty Faliiier, With Miuic. Folka at Horn A* sung by Swaine Berkley. Villikiua ana bia Dinah, W ah MwrJe, As anng hv Bishop Bin kh v in Never More, I lara, dear the doleful Tragedy ol VuU-l With Mu-ic byFred-Bucal kiii« and hia Dinah. llu-h a llye. Baby. Co Way Blai kmau, Witb Miuic. KtkM t.ii ger. v\ ill. M - The Ti. kling t horns, Arranged for four voice». The Kroadwav Bm if Aa sung by Swan..- Ilm kley w ith the uioat M thuaiitlic tpplauae. Friends at Home. Mlsic by Fred. Buckley. We were Bovs and Oi'rl* to¬ gether. Bv W Perrival. Tbe Jolly Old Crow. The New' Laughing Song. With Maate. JaUetta Bell; or, Th« Nigger Coquette, sung bv Swaine Buckley. f)b. w.'re the Boy» for j.leai ore. Tbe Cotton-Pi. ker'» Song. Marv Ort», \\ ith Musi, hv W P. r. i.al. I IM Tllaiall and Old Tiu.es. Flenr de Marie. rn ]| e Book of tk« B E A s o N M. A New. t'btati Duodecimo E.Utiuu. DIARY A N D I 0K IE¦tO N DIN C E 01 AMOS LAWRENOI EDITED RV ¦!. »os, U ll.l l »vi R. LAVUaCB, M. D. \\ ith elegant Strel Portraits, and other lllusttation*. Royal Umo. Cloth. +1. The octavo editiou ot thi* work hatbadan a!mc«t anet*mpled tale. Within twelve Werkilftei its ptiblict'ion. alt edition» ot two thi uaand copict etcb have been sold, w ithout producing tny aensihle abati uirnt of the demau.L It it believed that ictrcrly tny other biographical work has met with equxl iuc- test in the tame length of time. PATRIARCHY ; Or, The Family.its Comtitutlon and Pro¬ bation By Joht Ham*, l.'mo. Cloth. a>l i\ In Press.Ready »hont Eet.ruary I: THE ANNUAL of BCIKNTIFII DISCOVERT for lli.'ii. Edittd hv Dav .d a. Well«. A. M. Price. *M M Bookaelltra in the city anil countrv are invited to fonrtrd their orders for tbia Book, and we will endeavor to All them all promptly on the day of publication. SHELDON ITAMFORTh BLAKEMAW,II Ni i I .a/OUNG tUIEBICA No. 4.-The fourth bobf 1 Wr of tbi» .op ltr «atirictl »: d bauiorout paper NOW READY. It coi.taii » twenty-tour* »ph-mtid COMIt ILLU." TRatioNS an. t great variety el tytci rtadlnj matter on a the political anil xs-ial top-ica . f the day. Everybo.lv aho-dd take t look at the Munit.pal Tops-v." and have' t peep iuto John Mitchell's >:cb<ol-rooiu. The la.lits will find in KaaM valuable aiigg.atioi a and everv!x>.H something to interest tbetn. 1'ric 61 iri.t. p. r l.un.l.er i< r ««> hv si, IVn.Jual D. a>i. ai d New. A*eut». tiA by T W. >TitO.M>. Pablieber. No. X NasaaM «'. THK NEW-YOBK WEEKLY TBIBUNE for JANUARY ( Ir. ulaiion Iff UOU. The NRW-Tou Weekly Tribuni. for this week contains the ft>llnv\ii _r I..LEADDIG ARTICLES WJ atunhe qneetlon ' End . f t ltreat Faftyi li¦ iluatcu ol the Inliau«; Whtre tbev are tioint a Stra.ite Lawm :, The Siav.- Tracing Cas. a New Ctti Wat kB KatsWsl j Slav-ry among tbe I berokee. Tne Law of D.vorc -; Poisoning in Ei glai.d. II..LETTERS FRoM MR GREELET AT MASS- INOTON: Tbe Pieaidencv in WM| Tbe laatawj Anti N'rbrtsk* Ca tic at Uliy the Huott la not Or¬ ganized: Whv the Plurality Rale « Reircte l; Tbe Ore Ftiriv Stated; First Day t Speecmeaaneaa; Secind Dav of Silei.ee. III. .ONE WEEK LATER FK".M EUROPE: Arr val of tie tteamahip* Afriea Wasl.iugtcu and Baltic; Delay :n tbe Negotitt.o.». Tbe Ltat Speech of Lou:* Napoleon. IV. .KANSAS: Letter fron. Our Own Correipo-. I* I ¦ I.twrrne«; Letter ot tte H i. D. K. AUuicou of Mi*»ou:i on the Afiair» ot Kanaut. v..Moral AND REUOIOUf. VI..REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Oivinc in acond'naad and roDsricBoas farm the latest and mo*t important even* that have transpired in the City. United S*at»». Met II. :..! ..- . H.. .»:.i E--.- > V u. .POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE: Ohio; Wi*eon»in | low t; Misauteippi. V irguna Louisiana MII..TEMrERANt il BTASE CONVENTION. IX..A NEW STORY BY DICKENS: The whole of Fart II. of Little Dorrit. a twt* Tala by Charie* Dkkena. X .POULTRY.THE PRICE AND SUPPLY. XI..PoETRi The VV.nter." XII. .MISCELLANEOUS: Prr e mi Oaano Guano ou the Motida Coast; Som« Pun.pku.»; The ^etilen m Kant**. XIII .THE LATEST iTEWI BT TELEGB_irH. XIV..MARHI kOEfl AND BwUkSMB XV..WHALI H< \\I .COMMERCIAL MATTERS: Foil Report* cf th* Stock, Mmiev,Cott..n. Grajt.. i'a'tle tod other Mar¬ ket*, *p«xwJly Reported tor Tt* Triboxe. Si McRir^iott^-Otveeopy for an* year, ft|, thrae '.opst*. Mi *vecc^i*«,VtW»;t*ncop***, f IM» Single copiee. in wrapper*, caa ha obtained at the ceunter ia (b« Fifc.;cauea Pik« ÜV» «*«r»u«f Fr.ce. 6| catta H Olid GREELBY.. THE LIFE OF HORACE GREELEYj FmTOR OF THE RXW-TOEX TRIB!~N"F. ByJameePart n. With Portraita 12mo. pp. *U. Price Bl 2*. It if agreed by friend* and fort of Mr. Orr»l»7 Uu :.o more ibiy. ei.tertainii:gty and u'.etTuctive'.v written biography häa ever n.taie Hi appearance in America Everyone who bu cut de- tire fof a famuiar acquaintance w.rh the famo .. N", w York Editor, thotild read Mr. I'art.n't b-xik. ar.d he will know Mr. Oreeiey a* well is though be had been " bccught up m the aan.e town." .. Worthy of a ple.-e by the tide of the Lifo of Benjamin Frer.k 1 1 [Hartford Religiou* Herald. The in.it aji. t and attractive Biography of the dav." "|Bo*tot Journal. " Hia ' Lifo' :t a Irvrr.g epiatle. proelaiming that virtuou* en¬ deavor* and BLteinaa toil sooner or lat»r will meet a fit recom- pen**." [N. V. Ckarkatiaaj lutriluencer. .. Of ahaorbfnt interest, and corit*::;mf much rf pleumt ha- nor. aparkling wit and attractlv« anecdote.*' [Banror Courier. '. A volume fir earnest men and boys to re.xd and study." "(Sprinrrirld Republican. " A* an incentive to vcutb in povertv to be ho:.e*\ ftirhful end persevering, epert "from it* per*.rial iutereat. it aboold ao Into the kai.c* of the your.g of America get.erallv " [Mid.i! town Sr.vnJard. ¦' Aa interfering at anv novel, yet all trnax" JPaii.eirille Pemocrat, We ccnld append 5T0 favorable no'icee bv Baa Prvee of thia beok. Already nearly Vital ropiee have been sold. It ia for aaie by Bookseller* generally, or will be tent by mad, pott-paid, to any adttre** on receipt of"the retail price. Any newspaper copying thia advertiaeuietit three time*, arid rending ut a copy marked, will receive a copv of the book, bv nail, rear paid.' MASON BROTHERS. New-York. Only Six Cent* a Copy.Twenty five for a Dollar. PBXOOLOOICAL almanac f..r 1806..Co.\ texts I'brei.cloiy and Human Protree»; Practical Pl.r.-i.clogv Ske'i be* ul Men. with Portraits; Utet, tie Esquimeux Sarah Benjamin, age.l 111 years; Oe.i. Win. CarJtit| Mile. Rachel; Dr. DtBOWJ Sharon Carter: John De- kB I.... F. Illy ; L< 1.11 Nap., .'.ii Ot... r P.teha; Von Weber; Dr. C*Axt| YVui. McFar'.ar. 1. the Limekiln Man ; Oeo. Law; the Hon. Charle. M*«on; Nicholas of Rua.'ia: Win. Oil- u.i.re Sin nn; the Value ot Phrenology New IiivemioiM, Ac FOB LER aad B ELLS No. jr* Bro*lwiy, New York. THIS WEEK'S LIFE ILLUSTRATED conraina.( hrntmai at 'Grace;" Le'rer from Pari«, Bo¬ naparte's Orinion of Russia; St. Nicbolaa; An Eveumg with Leigh Hurt; 'Welcome, Little Stranger;" Actora and their Way*: When to Eat; Teat of Politeness: A B orJ to Contrilo atora; firmiere It; Mirautay; The Seaton: Winter on the Frames; Scb.ol aid State Coiigreeeioiiel Theology; < unpli- inent to Miaa'Nightii.gaie; How 10 Improve our Country Road*; Literary Notice.; The Buaineaa World: The Mark-ta; Nataa ai d laueres; Mechanic*. Enaineering, New Iuvcntioiia: N«w "1 ear . Hay in New-York; Household C. vei.iei e.-a; vv ill En (.raved lliiiatrationa; A Mieeretlitcd Toeui. Price jeut*; a>2 1U' FOWLER and WFLLS. B* Broadway, N. Y. l.iilcntinco. V a L E n T i n E S for i B ."> a. . v PHILIP J. COZANS. VAI.lMINI MANUFACTURER, No. 107 Naaaau at., New York, corner of Annf., Pe-t cctlujly announces to Booksellers and D< alcrs in Y'«le:i tit e>, that hia new itock of Y'altHitirea, EavaaOWe* and Y'alen- t.ne St.tior.ery, meriutuctnred tor the next Yaleutine eeaa, het.p.ary, If*, ia now ready. Having imported from hi 11 ri pe a great variety of gold, ailver and ii.tiii.ii avd !e.-e at d omhn ..!. re I r i;., -., \ ,e .;. for V .' entiuea, and havinc n.anuta, ruro.l new ornanieu'g and flower*, he i* enabled to offer a auperior atoek of new Vaien'ine«, wbii h will be found to eg, el in arriatical riui-h and elegance of di «ign. Oniera will be BOfal from all i«rt< of the Cnitetl S'ate* a id Canada, ai d prompt It forwarded either by mail oretpreia, iu ktta fn u: *1 to i*l.r/aD»,,rth. For tbe ccinvenienre of pnrrhaaer., I 1 \\f done up *i0 lo'a, ronvating of bye huudrtd Y »leniinea ai d Envelope*, aaaorte-l, ranging in price fiom 3 cttite to *>l ,y0 retail, aid +ld Iota, contaitiiog BB Y'alen'i-..«, Knvaawpoa, kc, which will be aoM only for eaah accompanying rder«. Partie* waering Val-iitine* w ii' plea**- forward tneir alaaafi early to receive prouij.t itteut.on. ötalioncrt] anb famn C3ooöa. Jmums rtejuirin« new iu.an'k hooks ran be furnifhed wlib »eta airc.;dy made or made to urder.oftiie beat paier, at tbe «hurteat iiotn a, hy ¦LOTE k JAKEB, No. 9fi Fulton-at Zo favmcxQ nnö -aDtljcro. T3 FLORISTS, GARDENERS, BOTANISTS, and PROPRIETORS of NI USEKIES ot NEW-YORK, and environy..Tbe undersigned wiahea to receive (Iraneu) your Annual Catalogac*. iu order 10 forur.d order* for auch article*aa may suit. T. BACHELIER, itorticultori*t, Botaniat arid Dealer iu Oardeu la da. No. .1! Craiilinea-at, New Orlean*. L'oot anö roimij. DBAFT LOST or STOLEN from the MAIL.- A DRAFT draw bv SIDNEY B. WELLS to the order of J. H I IIELPS, de:ed Oat SI, l&YY, for BZB, Wdaya,aaaeataaj by Hurley a Mile* of the Citv t New York, an I payable at the L> nthi - Manfeclnrera' Be' k w.v. ri. nl. .1 at D ;n.letl. I'enit., 111 November leat, directed to tbe Hon. S. D. l'b> Irx. King bamton, N. Y.," ami wea uot received. All pereoti* arecautiooed . gainst negotiating ihr -eine, es pevuie .r t as been stoiuied. Dundert. Jan .n. IfcaJ. JAMAN II PHF.LPS. I OST.#6 Dollar. Reward.A PORTE-MON- MJ NAIF, eoif.it ing +12 in mor.ev and I CoittaVsata of Sun M11. n »oi taa Capital Stack ai that Barvey Bra*I aa*l Iraw Caaw- panv, atandlog in the nenie ut Serah A. Ilewl.v. The liu.ler will r'eeivr rbe el.ovi. Reward hy leaving it e* the M11.be" 01 te I: .iirence Co.. No. 146 Broadwev. A. P. BAwLBT. IXJiints. ALAD] c< ni|>et'nt to inatruft in Mttaie, on tin: Piano. Mataalaavj end Thorough Be**, Penciling, Cra fon- 11 g. Paiuting in TYalal talalB, Mouix-hroina'ic and Po'v. hr.- u.at.c the Fr> ah Language, would like a PLACE in a KtaOca] or Family to TEACH three or lour hours e de;.. for board end a nili cmpensetion rhe remaining pert of the .ley to be at her ewi, di'roeal. A elrnetfon in thi* citv preferred, but would go en hour's ride out. Alao, a place a* OROANIST u the Seh bath.keying had five years' experierue, end ran ]dav Church Ml.ic reed.l v et s,gi t, kaktlia* Blfll H., Tnbarie ÖlJice, or cell at No. Eeet .Idl er., in the forenoori. AFRENCH foBBf LADY set uat«.in.-.i to sing in Church wishes a aituariori m LEAD es e SO- pBJtBO ha a CHOIB to tkat ctityj w. «141 alaa rake eueng ue- in. nt e. perm.netit or Visiting liuvetLes*. or teke Pupil, lor M ..- or several difJerent Language*. Ii quire et liej Cenal-st. 4 RESPECTABLE jotjag Woman wanta a ait- X\ netion as CHAMBERMAID and tVATTEI bia no ob¬ ject 01 . to do general Houaework iu e private faaali baa g'»«l r. ferenre from In r lea' place. He* no objection* to go iu too taawllj. Call et No. in Downing st DlTUATIONfl WANTED.H> four rulon-.l k? vo. * \\ ¦!..;; aa aa COOK) ana <.¦ aa OENEBAL BOCSEWORB; ana as CHAMBERMAID aad YVaITER: ote a.NI RSE aasi S EA AI.-TRESS. Alao. rh- *.me bv four Preteetaeal white )c.Lg w. 1.... Apply at No. 7 litii-.t., aaaai Broadway. SIH .\'I Ii fN8 WANTED.B7 two rtry expert- enced Girl., with g««xl rity reference, one >* a goo.1 COOK . id to YVA.-H and IRON in a private family; the other aa H A.MBERM AID txuj \\ AJTEB, or es BTTkWc. Cell at No. 7.' 6th BT. in the Bookstore. ^1'ANTED.A aituatiori bv a retjwtablt? joumi; V v YVonatja.todo general BOUSEwobe| is ¦ ii>d F:n t i.uk and neet YY a»ner and Ironer. YVould like to let ,u a re- sprcreble privete family , tood city reference.; wo'ddbe willing to make herself generally tuefttl. Apple at No. 152 Jd-ev. ,cou- fe« ri«»jjery erore. t en be seen fortwo days. ANTED.A utaMeioB, bj i ProteeUat 70«^ TV \"v e... ea nr»: rate COOK hes no or..^.-:ioij .., a^-.t v. it.. Bfi st.: g U im r.-d. Can be wcu for two days et No. ti-i fb ay., betweenBth and lOth-at*.,Aral floor. cTTMPETENT^rBCtical Farmer wanta to HEN I r TAKE CHAlKrK 14 a r ARM from lttAtr.l Bast A (1 al Dairy Farm ecfeasible to New-York by ra.iroed 1 r«fined. I'nexoprionahle refereDcs giv»n and required. ^1 swers aldrea»».l to FARMER, rar- V. B. Pelr^er-a Adver rfir g Afo y. TxtVaaa Buudiuga, New-Y'ork, will be etteu 1 o tor one w eek. JOHN YOl'N'G la very arucceaaful in roitiu;/ ran.:.ies b-ard.r.g b'-ute*. kc. will S»rvanta. and Serrauta v .-1. Sir. «t;(Ls.*t the Protestant En i'loymeut Soc.e'j't Otfice No. 7 Carn.ine-et. MECHANICS WANTED to Go to K.vN- r*A.'.Stn h a. Fermere. YY'I ->:iwruhta. YY'axon and P:cw n.ekere, Blackan.itb*. Boot e ul Sboernakere, Co-.pers, Cerpertera Cabir.et-u.aker* Tenors. Herne*» maxer. Mi aaaa, kc. Person* ot good standing, and competent to conduct b-ieinees on their own account, will receive liberal encouragement. Ap¬ ply to O. C. BROWN, et the otfice of the Aetor Bo **. from 10 til.' a m. aad from 6 to 8 p. m. TO PRINTERS..A iiBa^tjlBBi BOOE bb. JOB PRINTER whoia alao a thorough Prceeman. will find pertrerert work end liberal wagee bv immediate applieetiiin to tbe subscriber. Wer red also a sn al FAST JOB PRESS.a eecor.d bar.! one preferred il m gel working order. JOHN YV. ¦taetaBHTCB, Middletown. Orange Co.. N Y_ WANTED.A litoatioo in a NEWSPAPER or TV MAO A/INF. OFFICE, bv e youag Man eapabi* of aa ...rn.g :n the Editorial derartzuent. I. aaed to Writing lor the Free* and Beetling Proor, tpeek* French, and treruvlete* with .orrecmese end fecility. Cen give gjod, refereocea Add/eea YV. T. R. Box Na iftj Tnbune OtBce. W'ANTED^By a forvitrn (ientlemaa, a inavti'i- TT e:e of :arary ta»t*. a SITUATION in a LoUeee, School, or privete family. Can teach Englieb in ail it* Irenebe«, French. Greek, Latin, Logic. Mnemonic* end the I'.djnrn'. cf Italian and Hebrew. Would give haaaon* ia the abeve ro private fejau.ee in the city. Addra**, wi'b pa-tk'ila** GRADCATE, Ir.k-ut OBs*. 1 IVANTED. V tituatioii a* BOOKKEEPER ¥ v by * highly rc-epeetabie ycmm Mar mt fmwi l> winea* aaalihVati. r». ¦ ¦ tir»t«lae* penman. »ihI rut t«Ve geuertl ckarg* nf t art of book I. w.ll be willing to n. ike h .¦.evil r rill» nteiul; compensation nualerate; city or roiia'rv Wir- WttwltelirrD. Ad.tr***, for two dir., BtX)KKEV.PER, Bos No. ISO Tribune Office. \\'AM ED.'r.'ri>. r.il.le MEN to ea II tor rub* ription* to . new ind kOjaertatl' Httieaal Wert,MWptMttkllit in .1H by D. APPLET" »N \ Co. Fir-t nuciibrr ready Thi* Da*. Liberal term*orVrexi to Agenta A| [rj to j. B. KORD. No, » ABftVetccre Building. No*. .>*> end die Broadway. AV.VN'l 1 1». 1 itr> tlr^-rate PARASOL SEW- « f ERS. Nom bot good hind* need appiv. At No Lib Wit- liin.-»t. IVANTED.A COMPETENT MAN to tskc f f tree f Markte W, rk» in Loud..;;. C*t.« Watt, He mutt be . iocd Lettrrer. and Im* tome knowledge mi Carving . id Mantle Work. The br»t r».-ooiioeu<latioi.< will he trrii ¦: d ret)tnrrd. A tnitahl* person will find thi* * sood situation. Addrea* KOWLKRA W ELLS. No. .aw Hroadway. rANTED.Two reat>ertab]e GIBLSj to make DRESS c.\ps. at No fl Kr*nkfort-«t. w 'AN I FD.Two young men who have had ex¬ perience in rniiniiig l ard Prra*es. Appit thi* morn- ¦i t. tt 10 o'clock, at No. M Ann-tt., second floor. IVAN I ID.Ina Law Orl'iee. a nm.irt, active. v v _. t [.AO. (*M who ha* had experience lud who writet ¦ good hand. Address Box dl*5, Poat-OtBce. (Tlinnrcs for ünoinces IHcn. BOOK BUSINESS and QOOD-WILL toe SALE The advertiser otter* to sell out Ilia BOOK and PIBI.ISHIN'ti BUSINESS, which it oue of the oldrat aud heat re'til Bnokstorri in the cite, having hern eitahliahed netrly leafy yean The « hole hixiue«* would he sold or a special partnership retained. To my person wishi.g to commence t'u- loo!. buul.es», an opporttiui'v to buy out «o g.xtil and aale a butitirs* arhloin Otter«. Eor further particular1 tddresi BOOh.- BELLEB, Poat OflVe. ¦EXCHANGE. .JEWELRY, WATCH M\- MZj TEKIAI.S and FAKCT QOODfl taken in Exchange for tVtdreMa BUILDING LOTS, only a ahort distune from tlii* city, in a «| lend id locality. The above-mentioned Lot* will il.o he tnld cheap for ci<h. Kor partirnlira inquire of DAVID SOLOMON, No. l">Chrv»ti,-.t..tir«t atao-a Vf^TsALi:.Tbe firat-elooa DUM o STORE JA No. 100 AOaalia at comer of Clinton it.. City of ltr.«.k Iwi, raaaytwAaf Stock an 1 Kixtnroa, ronsU'ing of plite tlis* V\ ii Qawa, it arid* Eloor. marble-top Counter*, plate elvi» Show- ca«e». etc.. etc., together with an uneapired lawM. MM merely Btniintal Inquire on the prep ises. I) REYNOLDS BUDD. A rfgwaa. 1H)B RENT.An extenaive SOAP, CANDLE at i LAUD OIL MANCEAt TORY in lull operatioti, with a hii-;i.e-a that haa been established for over twtntv vear». Kor rartlrulart aaolj to en AS. CLEA\ EK. No. $M South Water- It Chicago. III. F(»K SALE.A SIT' VM'sIIIP of about I IBM» tutu. Side Lever M*rine Engine; capacity for .'..'>00 bbla fn ighf, and accommodr.tion« for 100 first cla * p***enger*. The Ship it in perfect order and ready for my voyige. BFOFFORD, TlLi'.sroN A- Co., No. 29 Broadway, corner Morris at. CH)B SALE.A WOOLEN FACTORY, 1 W ATER-POW ER. three a, reiof I.\N'D DWKLUNO. HARN, and TENEMENTS..The above property aituatt-d near Wjieivlrit Centre, Albany County, mmm mit.» trout \ hi .. City and live t-.ilej from West Tiör ..id Cohoea The rtorj lni'lt f stone and I rirk, IIMltaAafllg two «eita of Ma- I 111.IJt ailll a Machine lot Carding Roll» it is di iten by a four- .. i. tt'et ...er shot wheel, equal to III hor»e-|K.wer. The Dam is ils.i of »tone, and built in the bt s.t manner. The ibovr Mill it in ti d order, now running, and will be sold cheap, at the an» trribcr, haaa loaa of health, wi.hr* to leave the business. Tt rms of pavment made eaav. Kol further information * ldie«* II. WATEBBI H\ Watervleii Cuter. Mbany Co.. N. Y. 1jH>B SALE..ThoSTOCK «n.l El\rn,'i:sof a Proviiimi ai d P*ckin* Establiahtnetit. wi'li itt Custoiu, in * .'.es.n.l.le locitu u. Apply it No. I Wnshlngtou-it. I ASE for SA I. E.< 'f No. 68 Wal Kit nt., fourth Li di or weit of Broadway. Kor terms inquire at the Drug lore corner of Bnw.iwnv ami Walker-*t. IMJBLIC NOTICE..MOLLIEBE SYSTEM lor MAKINO BOOTS ind SHOES bv MkCHINEKY, patented June If, |u. July I, Nov. U and /7. ami Dec. II tud I«, IV. THE MO LI. ERE BOOT AND SHOE PATENT COMPANY are now ready to mike a*le» on liberal terma of their patent! formating Boon mil ShiH-a by machinery, with a guarantee ot T'ti per enti ui tain over the axpeuaeof inatiu- lacti.re by the old niethod. for »II the United Stttes, except the Slate mt New-York, whether by States, District*, Coniitie», Citira, Town*, or otherwise. Pun baser* will he ahowu the whole MoUieri lyatein in operate it tho V Boot ind .-lie Mill, near Troy, in the State of New-York, now un¬ der the rnti.igeuiriit of Meaars. Kimball, Robinson A Co. of Brook field, Ma*s. A pplicttiona in person, or by letter, at tie Cctri|ai v's fTce, No. 'i Uroatlw.iv, New-York, promptly Il¬ mried to. By order. HENRY" DE VEI VE, Secretary. PAl'EK-MILLantl FABM tor SALE CHEAPi ne«r Amboy. New Jer»ey..Sire of the Mill. .V) by feet; good dam ttid itreim of wtter; itid 30 .icret of LamL Will ex- cLai.te lor city or Brooklyn property Inquire of S. P. TOW NSEND, No. »: Naatau it. TO STAGE-PBOPKIETORS ami OTHERS.. A Cornmittee hn» been appointed to ndver'ise for Propo¬ sal* to BUM A LINE OK STACKS from E.udh.m. through I p| n i ei till, and Lower Morriaania, Meinte, arid the nil- nit rous adjoining village*, to connect seven! tiun i . day with . line of »tfiin'out* to I.e run from Mott Haven, Harlem. Ac. tu Peck .hp Kerry, or auch other route to New-Y .rk *. individ¬ ual* n av prefer. Inquiriea ad.treased. post pni.l, to WK.ST- I HESTER COI NTi Box No. IH^ Tribuue OlHce, will receive doe attention. y I I II || || I W ANTED mi gOOw LOOOO ami XVFfvFvrvPFaraenal ptupeity arottk «.',,imi, Im v. :.-i h 7 per cent inferett will be given and an interest In a g.snd kwtwtaatl Audrea» II. II.. Hudsoii-st I'oat-Orli. e, cor. Amos sl. tflk/* \i\f\ -IRON Ktl NDERV, with Fur- *JP'ß^*ß\t\Jo nice,Tools. V.c.,c.oing t linebunneta, favor- ¦ biv Incited in the mi*t thriving town in the state, ¦ few hour*' i. Iti n.ti.ecitv ai railroadialaaaDWELLLKO-HOI dEaraa' the premiar* fit sirable Western Linda will be accepted** part pajmrnt. '.. It. SMITH A Co Baal Estate Hr.jkers, No. jvtd Brosvlway. $ff (U)(\ .PARTNER WANTE»vitn . Ftvla. *" this an.o'int. in Ol I 0i* the host paym* hus- iliesses in this country. To a i euterpriiinz mau, Ihn u a grand opt oriiiiiity, ai from 0IJK0It -1"tftt |e-r aaaui an be reel- >ged. Kcr particular* add.ett J. N. O., Tribune Offi.e, w,''i I nnil .WANTED.A PABTNEB, with *JP »\JU\F* i Caah Capital ol Olr***, to maka and read « aftmed article in nniveraal den.and tnd highly r*sTawa*wa>wA i I. ti e first mi ii hi thi* city. Every article mm will pay a clear I r. lit mt HI [erceut aapttw aaat, and cannot fail to iuaure a fur- tui.e in a short time. It is * rare opportunity for in irflvr biui- i.iu ii hi. A.!. ie»» A. B Browlway Poet-Office, with rt.-ai nil e. The belt reference given tnd require.!. iUUi To M.00O..Ati\ FMBf Mkl, of 0 «w/al t\)'f gixid character, hiving'f.-., .. t.'-o .. *«,(*0, w hieb be would be willing to lend hi* employer! at 7 per cent interrst. mav obtain . SALARY of from *600 to 02,01*3, ».r< i.rding to amount ol f .i.dt. bua.nese r*paclly, Ac. Address 1 VI LOT KB, Tribune I iftVe. sZo iJJriom it man Concern. LOOT.BOND No.ChauipftiatnCoutii'. Ohio, for *>!.' o. The public are cautioned against purchasing the lime, at the pavment of laid Bond and Coupons haa beeu .topic.I. W. E. BI'RRELL. No. U Jay it., np-atair*. tjotels. HOTEL ST. OEBMADf, 'i'.'d-at., öth-av., and Brosdway.-k RANCH* RIDER re*pectf.,l v uto-m. bi. t; t saa trd the publ.c that he hat leated the above Hotel, and trUl be r.idy for the reception of Visitor* in a fear days. Doarö anb Hooms. A EINE FRONT-HALL BEDBOOM on the ^\ »eton«. ri. or itir.t above the ttreet, TO LET, it No. 1,076 Broadway, near tfletit._ W'VNIED.By an Arneri.vu Gentleman and 11 V .'. PARLOR a d PEDHOOM. a4- |< laing, with or witboniBuard. ir the 5th or 3d W*ri». French |.i v prefrrre.1. Addrta* E. F. U., Tribune OlSce. ataling * xe of roomi term*. Ac. t)onit9 lo itt. BROADWAY STORE to LET..The tive-atory buildint No. WV a ijoinint the PREaCOTT HOUSE aud o- p. site the COLLAMOK E. A so the »|«cnau LOITS, 30x100 feet, m Nist. «7 tnd HJ9, i.ear Bleetker-at. ÖPÄtlors LOfTS to LET.At No. 343 Brood IO way with L on Leonard-**- luqti.re of 3 _B. ANTHONY. No. 30» Broadway. QTEADV STEAM-POWER.Lmrgo RWMIS, O well lighted, nummg thro .gh from Wtter to South-st. Apply at No. 489 Water st., between Pike »nd Rutgeralip»- rw\) LET.Poeaetaion immediately, two Large A LOKT« weil Lghted. No. 14 Hameraiey-st.; .!**, lwVxTi ...table for aiiy inht tusinee* not extra hajar.ioo*; rent ;o». Apply to CHARLES k JOHN BASSELL, No. Hoaaton-tt. T) LET.Next door to Sttrwaxt'a, in Cbomb«ro- tt,, a LABOE BASEMENT, suitable for Inrermee or Broker*' OkVce*. Can ha aaaa at aay rinaa, aad tmiulun given immediately. Eor term* apply to OOULD A ELLIOTT. No. TO LKT..Rooms to LET with Steam Power ob the Herten, end N.w Mavit lU..road Depot Ba..shn*-«. Inquire ofTHo< BENNETT,emmetofElat and Eraflkraneta. To LEA8E La VKSEY-ST..The twm etaeS ararilr front STDK Eft No*. St aas] «tVeeayat, talBBhlw for drv gocd» or other baaine**, connected by ar-ks**, aaay rm a-ed /or ere store »f SP fret f.uot by 91 teet *>*.>. to a* BuialeeJ for occupation bv Marek I, will be Ua«««l a*|«ratet j er ttagather. xa large nienufa.tann» | reuiues *J by i.o feet, ear tlfk *«.. near il ev.. with ereeni engine. »¦-. Re:.' + T7\ F KI--VM No 91 MeteesV.eae. Real Cetatr for Sale. ,VK RA] B or EXCHANOE for CITY PROP- I ERTY -HOCSE a...I LOT .. Mom.: Yernsja^totajaajliw : n\H\M MERRlTT, Mo. **. . rutled. LotB7xl0A. Inquire Bowery, from I to 10 a u. and from t to I p. aa 1;«>R SALE.A FARM rontaiuiB* 112 .verea, aituared to Now-Jersey, one Boer's ride by railroad, aeaj . X acres large t.n.Wt land, aalaine under * high etate »f taltivation; haa a good dwell rg-h. i»e. baiu* and other oat- LiBfB, r«* larticulara, apply to T. J. Füll) Mo. tw Caart» lau«ii**t. OESE f«»r SALE on BROOKLYN HKiHTS. II V . - aaB ktWWB «tone Hons*. .TV feet by AO, three rotsmedeep, with all the modern improaemei.1*, ai -ljatilt In too hataat u.a..in. Term* e*»v and poo***sion given is ApriL In» quire of S. IloSDLOYV, MiBlagaa at. Bear Court. HOUSE sa*i LOT FOR SALE CUEAJ», No. 1VJ Drlaiiey-et. The House i* m perfect order anal coo- tab** tafteaB room*; it haa a larae yard end good alley w«y, au.1 011 the rear of the lot are wood houae« and a two etory baild- baf, winch » aid answer far a ».rkah»p or »table. Erie* .¦.fl.SOO cash, aud the baiaii.-e an reniaen. I Maire on HS W A M E It M \ N. Mo. W Jliaxn at. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY it aow racraaao to sill ovaa two amiioat or acaaa or aaLBcTBO l KAIKIi:. FARM AM> WOtYD LANDS IN TRACT! Off to ACRES AND t'PYVABD, to anit pun baaera, on long credit* and at low rare* et* latereet. Thi y Wat* granted by the Government to encourage the Bgol this Kahcad, which run* from the extreme Borth t<J th* t atreine auth ol the Statt.' ol llliitria U pa*«e* fronx>udle) e rt rough the rkbe«t ami > Prejrtee of the State, del ted ban. a:..! [Beta with magnificent Oak Drove«. The re| rent [e.: g .! t.arly oiW--.il.« af that laWal throw a open th* I fa .a They are scattered treat one to fiftcea Bait* on each thie of it, through it* entire length. The »eil i* a dark, :i> h mold, troni one to Bve feet in dep'h. la gently roli.ng.and peculiarly tilt.-al for grating cattle Bid .he. p, *i d the culiitaUoo of wheat, Indian e-oro, Aa 1 mat crop of In.Lao corn planted ou the newly broken r a a, ataaally pay* tbe e. «< of pl.mii ««nd toinetiaaaaaaactng, Wheel aawnoa * taw at*] It .vu» to yield aery largeproOta an with a plow and tya I ¦ ill break oue Baal a-half to twoacre'ara'r.lay. CuBtlBttaeeal e made foe breaking, ready for corn or wheat, at .>.' to *>.' M pat acre. By iu-licuoia n.anagemeut farm* may he hcefcaa a: .1 fenced <h* tuet, anal Biie<< r a high ttate of twftivatstW the arcond year. larger yield on the cneap laude of lllhioi*, over high, pi ed lands In rhe Eaatem and Middle Stetes, i* kuown to aa rt 'hau antJ.eietit to pay the difference of trantporta- ti, u to oat Ea kara merket. The rapid kaaaraaaa and growth ol C wi.-l.uig tgrwaaaad yillage« along tbo line ol th* roau afford a g « it < hi Ii e deni»t d Sir farm produce. C< al ai d wood are delivered along the road at differaat polnfa, at ft ob t> I SO to a) I the cord or tun. Paittea ha\ ing in view Iowa, Kanaaa, Mekraaka or Mlanaacto fa their fatur* boeM, tboajd take into couaialaaratiow taawta** ( an IT} waat af law Mi».i*.lppt ia de.tuutaof railnWa. that tl ¦ can \< ni. eiea of tranaiairtiiig grain ami prodaee trooa tarrna a* af that llliaoia Ci M Railroad, direct to the great, M n inarkit la «uih. late*, oi itaelf to pay the Inftaioot at n Ittel tall to BfA per acta higher than in I lovernmeut landein lew e. In other word*, that it eo*ta ai much more to get produ. a i: ¦ the interior of the country weat af the Miaaneaipp) to rhe Eaatem m* «et, tl at the fermer will find It much more profit' itatle to locate on the line of thi* railroad. raica aid Tratte o* ravataar. Tie price will very from a>S to *>_. a......lug to Icetloo, quality. Ac. <'ontraeta for deeda may be made during th* yeer 1 v adptalataBatbo pun Inte money to be paid lu tee earn,el laatalla entt.the tirat to liecome due in two year* from date of * tbe other* aiwitieUy thereafter. The le»t payment wij b. e. n a due at the en.I o> ",. \ n .late of contract. tti aactiotl ol Uk* Aat a] tbe l.ecialature, approyej K'rh February. 1841, theae land* are irea from taxatioo ontil M B) .re paid lor aud a deed of conveyance granted to the aur, cheter. UTBaatTT WILL IC CHtROrOAT O.M.V TWO ttB CttT PI* abnum. Atatecnrity for the rerformance of the cot.tract, too fllet tu o veart lulrreat mutt ho paid in advance, but it mtitt he »u- deratoodthai oi.« t, .iii m{ the l..n.t pur,ii**e.l tball yearly bat Jit order enltivat,on. Lci ger ci.-.nta at en per cent per I may be negotiated by «ueei.il eoplii aiioii. Twenty par e< Bl Baa* '1.' cp .'.it m a* will be deducted for aatta, In which c.i.e the Cempaiiy't t 'on»frurtioii Hon.!* will be re. e'ted attach. It it believed that ti e " kttat credit, anal low etee of io- tere«'charted for three lend*, will enable a man with a taw hm .Ircd dollar* in BB*B and onliuaiy induatry, to make htmaelf indej endeiit belt re all the purcba*e money becometdue. Moan- tin a tha rapid aettlemeut et tl e rounirv will probably have in¬ creased their value mnr .r In.. l YViien reouired. au tine* r e-... pe.'-on trill ai, <-ii pan) epj.icn.t* to t <e Uifonual ou and eid tB *elr< ling lend*. I.a.ke Plate, ehowina rl e preclte lix-alion of 'he lend, through- out the State, may be reen at the office. Small pocket Plate, a> a (tdde to any part of the Company'* le"de. aria Pamphlete, eontaliiing latartatlaa ii tormation. a..attTaaaataei by nanaero'ta lettcrt from ret] eeteble fnrmere throughout the Stele mer ba had on apidiration at the odiee of the C ompany. No. U MicBi- gau av., Chkaao. CUABLKB M. IH7PUY, Ja., Land A lent IlltiHiie Ciuilial Railroad Company. J EST ELEVENTH-HT..FOR SALE.V «rat clan brown afon* DYV'ELLIMO llol'SK, 2Sa*o, ar .th av., with ell the modem improvement*, very tloatrabha for * private re«idenee or »phv ... »i. HEN EDICT a C»HT. \ (HHIArKKS 01 , ANL). "i'-'iiited in MaU- oJmXfx"" aataaCtfaatT,Ttaat.Itaallti from Metagoni*. on the Car ey River, tor aale oreachauge. Thie land ia wail « ateted ami'limbered, and ver, otile For full paiticulare, aiilye'No. In Wall,'., to SYLVESTER LAY, Attoravty at Law aud Coiuuiltaiuiier for all the Statea Jnoinictton. FRENCH an.1 CLASSICAL INSTITUTE ftrr A yoi KG <I] MXI MEN, No. W Ee*i .'tlh-.l.. ifbrmerl* H. I'. bLJ ELIK CHARLIER. ]AD1I>' Si l I t r M ll(l(i|. I'ORT RIC1I- i MOND, 8. I..The MISSES tNTIBCLL ba/e reo|*n..| their School. Their nnpila NeoiTB (with th» enmtorta of a home) baatriictioti la Ihaaavaral t*raj*eawaal aJaeaiioii leim*, from tfli.fi to * l.'.ti per Mumm. IAI»IES' WRITING..A Lady who ia anntp« 4 ed Tea. In tuarenteea to make any Ledy a beautiful Writer in twenty .ami, through her method. Term*, a)t, Leaaoua will aa |rT*b on raatafat a| t> aud poetaga a' ib p ea. h tfaw* A.hires* Mr- A. FRANCIS, Rocbeeter, Monroe County, N. Y. ELECT BOARDINO SCHOOL for BOY8. milee notth ol Middletown, ft. 1 w in i hw* ill P i. ir*i. S riiui; CLASSICAL liVMNASIl M, Bible- M. Hou e. A*tOT luce, entrance froiu Tmr.l avenue, ..i.docte.l byj I BINOHAM, ft e DAY HIOH ICHOOL, re.elyjna twenty pupils abov« end twenty below twelve yeare of age, pre I eretory for bush ess or ollege All |»« Ilde meane aie ueett and no cere and lebor ere s|>ared to luek» thie School in ovary ftepeei the very best on tbi* eontineut. Ve.ai.cicr, may b«a ataan d for good Hove |*-B00kkEEliNG, WRU'IVfL AR1TH- f BfETIOtaaght Ihtraaahlt et PAINES'S ACADE- MIES. No. 9ti Oraad at.. N. T., No, 101 Eultou at. Brooklyn. "Asa teacher ot I'. ..i..«nsl.ip and Uieikkeeplng <Jol. PAINK Itam'a i uriveled." (Momlog Journal. 1 Dancing ^cabemiee. ADODWORTH" PRIVATE DAN CI NO e ACADF.M.'I - No. 8<t; Broadway. New-York i No. 137 Montague place. Brooklyn, Are now open f.r the scaeoti. Pupils can cm uei.ee at ai.y i a i..en, et| lalidng time and term*, can ba had at tost Ai ai'eniiea B~ R~OOKLYN..The Second Quarter of Mr*. I.ANNA v >fl DANI IRO BCBOOL, at Montag** Hall, .' ,51 uit at., BBBl i f eu. there are vererieie* for new Eaptls. Tie Quarr.-r dat., fraai the time ol entry, I naaona on YYEDNESDAYS at S| o'clock | on riATL'RDAY« at S o'clock. Jpiano-Jorlco anö XUnoic. Ai:ol.I.\.\s, PIANOS. HYRMoMUMS aod MELODEONS aratk new iaiLroy«rr,ei,ta, fa aale at low rar. s, or for rent, with r«-nt applied If purchased, by H. T. OOR- liCN Sole A»e.t fa Balk rr, Daria a Co.'» uii/ivaled f ianoa Bi.d Me>on k H«n.lir.'e mialel Melodeun* GREAT IMl'RoV I.MI'.N'IS in I'fANO- FOKTES.-M...r.. LIOHTB NEWTON h RHADBi; RIB. No I.: H-'. o.. «t., re.j^ritully invite attention to their PIA.NO-FOBTKS, conetructed with tha patent ABC If IS REaTf, PLANK, wl .el. is uridonhtedly the Btoet s ihettnBai .mprovement ever introdeeed into ibi* popular loan a Bloat HÄlNES BROS.' IMTRÖVED IRON-FRAME PI ANCS.-Buyer* will oow find our PIANOS much im¬ proved by tbe new Iron Frame end other velnable improvements, )'.. ¦ fk t. we heve put reduced our retail primae (aaa ptlBlaal Hawk and o fie errangen., ore to keep a larte es'ortment al way* Oa hand, at tha Music .-r.f. ot COOK k URO. agent*, No. 143 Broadway. We invite attention to tbe beautiful aeaaw Bad tat- Brtor tone of our instrument*. Numerous teetimoniale frnm J. tuthonty can ha teen on application. HAINES BEOf. JA C FISCHER'" PIANOFORTE MANU- a FACTORY end YVAREROOMS, Ne< Ml, 1*3, 3*1, >t7, 24» and «51 YVeet Bth-tt., near 9tL-av. Planoe wxk the beet an.er'e tn.l wtrranted Secoi '.-i.awl i leaaae firoaa 050 to *)180. Piano* toned, repaired, to let and «tukoaawd JLAUKOTA «V MARSCHALL, MaauiVtJir- e era of superior PIANO-FORTKS at No. S Mereer et. Pianoa toned ar.d repaired and taken in exchange. Ptaaaalelet. ROAN..A »pleiidaä^OTHIC ÖROAN, with four trope end e-welt, black welnut Ca**, of extraordinary pow er end ewee'oeee of 'on«v euirable for church or parlor, for eale very cheep by A. WF.BKB, No. IW Weat Broadway. PIANOFORTES.R GLENN A Co hate re¬ moved their Piano-Eorte Manafactory and *"iriiitatl froaa No Fulton at. to No. W Spring-et, two door* Beat of Broadway. 70( 1 AN E ROSEWOOD~PIANO foTSAJ.E ~ .Rich tone end beautifully falaked with round corners; baa been in use two month*; warranted to stand the teet af a musicel eaemifjatitMi pin a tery way a perfect luaanuueat; city- n.a'e with anaxptradtwarrenty : cos* the owner BtBOi wul be told for t> 1*0 cask. Aoply at No. IS* West Sotb-et. Bear »tfc- ev .white cottage with e (erden in float- BARLOW" ROTARY WOOD-PLANING MACHINES, the beet in »ee,patented I8SS. Manufeetared end sold by the NEWARK MACHINK Co. Newark. M. J. Mae.lui.e *i»d rigkl to uaa, Call tad tea It.

HEW-YORK TRIBUNE. Äi'iötkUli^tihunt Tochroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1856-01-25/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · ARTSOFATHENS,before the Touro l.itererv IrutiMte, a' ... EVENINO,al

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Äi'iötkUli ^tihunt\0L« XV.N°- 4,608. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, JANUARY l>, 1^36. PRICE TWO CENTS


I* Fuili.hid EVERY MORN INO *»o EVENINO,(gvaoav (lccmoj

BT OBEELEY k McELIATM,a TBB *¦w>«a icildhoi. ii.nu or «eaiAU eao iraoce-

iraiirt, oprotiTit the citt hill,

mml oellverad to City Sohecribere ot 1?J cenU por week, "ring!*#Av*»e* Two Cent», Mall eobecribere 4>t per annum, ia advance.Ipj fi,. »aatke. tH; for three month*, #1 3ft.

TBB mu-wniK WKKKLY Tin hi vk

A VK.RY LABOR PAPER POR THE COUNTRY,eaaakBaaed avert SiTl'tOat Mobminc at tko low price of . JPefjBBJB. to adverre. Three copioa for $5; Kite coptet for

Ten copiei for Bl.'; a d a paper it in no caoe coatitioed be-.owl the time for which it ii paid. Advertieeinenta for thit

Set will be rfcarteo SEVENTY KIVE CENTS PER UNEBe each hiaerigcn.


every TvatoaT and Kkidav Mobmxo. Price »5Two eoptee for #5; Kite copiee tut #11 »15. Ad-

te It cent* a line for each umerUoa.

TUB M H-HIIIK TKIBUNHBOB EUROPEAN CIRCULATION,la pakllikrit no Uta d»pexture of each Mail .Steamer for Livett^ooiat .' per annum, poetage included. Single copiee Six Cent*.


SANDWICH ISLANDS,fa aabklibed on tbe departure of each Mail Steamer for Aepin-wali at BI SO per annum. Sinile copiee Six Ceuta

Special Noticco.

Dt. Elizabeth H lurk well iraeaatt of flaaeta MtaWColi«*", papa at the Lyiri« in Uoapital, Par,*, and atudent nt theLcw.don Il.wpital«, atteiMla to every department of MEDICALPRACTICE amour Ladkat ai d Children, No. 7a Eaat I Hb it.Office koaaa kaaa Ü ioUl m.

I.ertarett.-The fifth letetara iu the Courae before theBrooklyn I entral Lyceum, will be delivered etJ FRIDAYEt K.NINO next, January 25, at 71 o'clock, in the Kleet-etBf. F Chorrb, (near Ful'oti-tt.,) by the Rev. JAMES HFERRY, D.D. Sul.i. it."Secret Socio tie*." Aduiitiioo. 124eeati.Thoninx Frnm-it Yle-aaher will leetur* on THE FINE

ARTS OF ATHENS, before the Touro l.itererv IrutiMte, a'

reoTehernerle, on MONDAY EVENINO, Jan.». Ti.ke>..Betnta; R. served «enti 50cent*. Ticketa for aele at Haifa,ear. Broadway and Park-plice; Jacob*'" No. Owl Broadway;Bavertv'i. Nö. Il'i Fulton at., &c. Doom open at 7; Lectureat * o'clock.I'M t« L,Ive- to f»t> I «efnl. MECHANICS' IN3TI1

TI'TK, Lecture by the Rev. I EL ( IIAPIN, at the Church ofIke Divine I'liity, Broadway, near Prince »t or, FRIDAYEVENINO, Jan. I'., commencing at H o'clock. Subject!PRAt TH AL LIFE. Ticken, the number of whi. Ii it limited,JBei ntt each to b* had at the principal Hotelaand YVM. HALLA SON'S Muaic 8tore, romer of Pork place arid Broadway;alto at the door on the evening of th,* Lecture. Doora open at 7o'clock. Mueo before and after rhe Lecture. By order of

CHARLES H. DEL A VAN, Chairman of Lecture Corn.

Popular I,ccturrai in rhe Broadway Tebonin.¦!*, bvJOEL TIFFANY. r.»o.-Ar the clone of a Conine of Lecture*ilelivered by Mr. TIFFANY in Stuyveeant Inatitute, be waaInvited by the audience to deliver a further roiirae of tlx Lee-tarea iu the Tabernacle. Tbit iuvitatien he accepted. The ob-Jeeta and timea of hl» iliaconraea are at followa:Freier, Jan. 25.Subject Den,an,la of the Age.Tuciifav, Jan. 29.Subject: Meauaof Redemption now Iu ute.Friday, Feb. I.Subject: Nature and Origin of E \ il.Tneeday Feb. 5-Subjert: Old and New. [Man.Friday. Feh. 8.Subjrri: Authority of Truth va. Authority ofLecturea to con,mem e at 7] o'clock.Priie for the Ceajtao, 7.Y ceuti; ainrle Lecture, 121 cento

Ticken to l>e had at the door.

The faoiitth KiircrtniiiMii'iil wfll t,.- gjvea al Nloio'afialo«,ri, comer ol Lroadwav and i'ririca-t., on THURSDAYBVENINO, February U. Tiiblea will he wt for 500 ladieiaad fentl, men. YVm. E, Dodge, enq., will preaide, laaiated byseveral Vice Freaklaata. To ladiea, ti,e uaual facililie« will heafforded in the dreiting room. Doori open at .'.J. Supper, pre-ci« ly at 61. Dodworlh'i Band ia engaged for the occasion, andaicb ? peaking may be expected from Mr. Oouijh and uiimeroiui

geiilb men trout rhil ami oilier citiea anil Slala-.. Mnxlo tirkera,? For a lentlemaii und lady, +', Ticket! Doruhered amiaeate aecurerl. Firat pun haiei will have a choice. Plan oftal i, can be accn and ticket! obtained on Mouday next, atHoi- Lock wood k Son'!, Publisher!, No. 411 Broadway; and atNo. 149 Nnaaan at.. Ilrck Chapel. Paniea from abroad ran ae-

eare leata t< gelber bv forwardina the amount. Direct: Atneri-car. Teiiiperanie l iuou, N- w Yoik.

Traclicri' AawBtlBllaYal. The Annual Election of Of-Beera and Truateee will be held TO-MORROW (Saturday)EVENINO, al 7J o'clock, at the Hall of the Board of Edu, a-

tkpii.JOHN lt. EANNINO, Preiident.Jaa. M. BBBBIB, Secretary.WfjkciwM*.The roamberaoi ike INDUSTRIAL nTim:

ASSOCIATION No. J are hereby liulfcllll thai the raaelefMonthly Meeting will take place on FHIDA Y EVENINO, Jan.28. The KeiKirt ot tl e Finance Committee to date will then lie

presented. It la hoj^d that every member will come preparedto take hie Deed, which w ill be delivered to him ou the payiueutof tka amount due by I,im.

CORNELIUS A. COOPER, Piurlia«iu« Truiteo.

Hi. I.ukr'H Home.A Home tor Indigent Chrittian Fe-malea, without regard to age or nation, must eotaettaaxi itaelf to

every one. Are BO] not in an eipecial manner " (iod'a Poor fTheir only proapect ul earthly tut cor ii from rhoee whom tintlove of (.od prompte to extend an aiding hum! to luftering hu-menily. Y oiirh.evHii when itirroumlcd by abject aataitt, Ubuoyed up by hope and nerved by atrength. Old lie haa no

ht'lf thia aide the crave, no atrength hut for endurance.pour,le. l ie, aged, alone. Such ii the lot of moat of the inmatei ofMir Hon.e, whom it ia our privilege to turrotiud with comfort,|«otection, and the l.leaaed ofricet ol 'he Church. At pre* u:

we have only accomtnoilation for aUiut fipecu. It ia very ile-rirable that a MtaMo buildiug be erected, that thia great clutritymay be than d by many more that are at preaent enjoying iL Itia eatimited thai for thii purpoae ? 25,000 will ke required. TheRectort of incut ef our Cfaurchei have eapreaeed their rea liueaatocoinnierid it to their cnngregatioui, and in a few daya aspliee-tioiii will be made by tboac duly authorised tor aubacfiptiona to

Ike building fund. On beliulf of the kttirflett Manaifera.Ifta, DANIEL HEMSEN. Pr.tident, No. 49 5th-av

Mi*! Ellkn Ki MHi.i. No. .'4 Meal It.

Mavoa'a OPPICI, Jan. 19, 18V.Proclnnintinn. kttM REWARD.- YVhereai JOSEPH

CÖEN wai llelentlj .*.. and .. .. ri on Saturday night,the 12th mat., al or about 12 o'clock, on thnrorner of Drove and4th ata., by loine |<era<>n or iH-raooa uukuowu to tie' authoritiea;and whereat the »M Joaeph Coen hai aincn died from thewouiuli then arid there received, now therefore I, FernandoWood, Mayor of IbO Cily of New-York, do hv virtue of aurbor-Ity veiled fn me, offer a "reward of Two Hundred and Filty Dol-laia for theapprehenaion of Ihe per*on or peraoni who commit¬ted laid aaaault.or Five Hundred Dollarn for the apprehenaion audeonviction of the parry or pattiei who perpetrated the above-named outrage; io be paid on the certificate ol the Recorder or

Met riet Attorney that auch aervlce baa been rendered by thepereon or perenm cleiming reid rewerda But all cleima not

preecnted to the Meyer within twpntv deya after the filial die-poeiticn of the caae will be ditregardecl.IL. 8.1_FERNANDO WOOD, Mayor.Mm. P. T. Ilayra, t Inlrvayaot and llralln« Phv-

aieinu..Mrt. II. ii performing wonderful cure* of diecaaenyClairvoyant powrm. Peraoni afflicted thoul 1 cell and tee fortbeiuaelvee. Ottice, No. 17t Orend et. Examination, inelml>'I praaciiprion, *>l. Selitfectory examination! given, remem¬

ber, or no pay (Iffice boure, <rom 8 a. m. to 9 p. BX,Dr. HAYES, Pavcbologiai and Electrician.

Mrt. k. J. Trtmrm PhraJa Inn.VYONDEHEI'L I URS

Mide through her Cleirvoyaut Powere at No. Hi RroaJway.cal l, and ace row toiBarLvi.a.

Office Iloiirt, IU a m to 1 p. in., and 2 to 4 p iu.

Examination and l'r«acription Five Dollan.

Peaataiir HlMttipa |S runt*) for aale at tin* office.

Doublr-iolrd YVatcr proof Hoom-YY (irritatedOnly 4.4 50, made to order by a. BAKER. No. 15 Ann-ai .

Fbae Kreuch Calf Imitation, Mock Hoot* w ith Steel Sheuke?375, Stitched Boote, t>4 50; Stout B.aite, *4; beet Krone IiPatent Leather Stitched Biaite, »>.Y to #7. a pet feet fit guar-rent. .,! A eaving of 25 to 50 p. r cent in your Root Hille.

North Aiwrrlrnn Fire Inonrnncr Company.I eth

eapital #'250,000 with e large iiir]>i'*t.Olliee No. a Well et.

loaure egemit Ion or damage hv FIRE at the eetehliahejrate*JAJfXi W. OTIS, ProaidouL

B, W. Bi Rtrakb. Secretary.


BUETON'».CHAMBERS STREET..FRI¬DAY-a Oreet Bill forOn* Nigtit Only. The Come.U of

SWEETHEARTS AND WIVESBilly lateeedkn, Mr. Battaa, with the ati*i:.*l Doleful and

Drenlful Leniriitatia.ii in veree, eu.l the original Duet.Eaaruie, Mi*. I'erker; Mi*. Hughe., Miea Thome. Mr*. Bur¬

ton, Jlr Bradley, Mr. R< vnoldi. Ac, and the never tiling«reu e of THE TOODLEB.Mr. Burton end Mia. Hughe* bbTheToodleaTt) MORROW, (Sttturdev.i a rapttal kill KOI R COMIC

PIFt I >

BROADWAY THEATER.E.A. MARSHALL,Sole I^eeee.- Roaee and Par<|uet, .'a'cenra; Family Circle

end Upper Tier, 25 cente; Private Boxee, *> S aad 4>6..Beenepeu at «1. commence at 7 o'clock .THIS EVENINO;

KINO CHABMINO.rhfuiiiing 1.Mine Ponwi I Heupre-1.Mr. WhitingTyrone.Mre. lllake Troutina.Mra Little

THE SEA OK ICE; Or, Thi ThiiijT FOB O01.D.Raoulde Laacoara.Mr. ( eooll lterrebat. Mr. W. A. ChapmanLooiee.Mme. Ponul | Marejuie.Mr. 0. r laber

1 Al'KA K E E X E VAKIETI K B,Lave; th« MtTtoroi ivAt Tmkave*. H*o»bwav.

Paiquet and Dreee Circle, 50cent* KemuT Circle, 25 cento;Orrbearra Stalle, 7.S rente Private Boxee. +\ .IKiora open at

#4 commence at 7 -THIS BY ES I NO, will be performedMONKY.

Evelvr.Mr. 0. Jordau Oravoi.... Mr. T. B. JohmtonSir John Vrtey.Mr. Heat Clara Ifouglai. .Miat L. Kretio

PERK ECTIO.V.Mr Lewr.-nre Paragon.. Baee K.ite O'Bti -n..Mm R "igno!.|i

NATIONAL THEATER---Ä EL PURDY, Manager and Proprietor. Dreae I'lrrle 25 rnuti; Pit I2J ceuti;

0ra.mu*Cb*ire51)ceiita-THIS EVENINO v» ill he performed;THE KNIOHT OK ARVA.

ToDnor.Mr. J. II. Allen | Pnncei* Manilla.Mra YViIkiotFavorite end |arpuier Danen bv Mia* Henrietta Lain.

Ji. be followed bv ASPHODEL', Or. Tile M tuie P»:v.wabilae.'.Mr O. L. Fox BeMm.Miaa HathawayTo conclude with the new Drama of


WaiLLACK'1 UIKATKR..Ikueaand Tarquet5* eenu; Family Circle 25 cent*; Stalle, #1; Private

.Voit* et ai d ~T I'.¦ p< ii at m o'tloak ; performance* com-¦**«»t*at7-THlS EY ENINO wUl be i^rfonueJ:. A PET OK THE PUBLIC.*I. Dorville.Mr. Srcwert I Madeline.Miaa O. HcaLauu

.LAVATER Or, Nor A Bao Ji out.

tit BetinaD..Mr. O. Hollajaa | Louiae.Mra Conovere .v. «

AI* AWKYVARD ARRIVAL.*rthorOtmond*....Mr. Leeter I Mre. Ormonde.Mr*. 11,-v

lymUaDORF OALLEKY, No. 497 Bnittdeyay,*s eoataiaa 150 of the fineet PA1NTI.NOS ever put upon ea**» on "leri DAY erj EVENINO. Admittajare 29centa

IMvapH-,M»?Tw" ceI*br-«^ COLLECTION ofJL£tXOY PTIAN ANT1QI IT1E8, Na 6W Broadway.-Thi.atWS\.!^TlA.f.ot,"^vU*^^ °' "t»w Object*, w.th

Efokf.j ¦.»* *J,Jitl«'«.,'t tke moet poplar acd a'tra:tivo.«ikltloB Ike oty. AulluatfoB, » CeHa


M'lle Tili- Kr v\ ROBERT and the Billet Tronpe.FIRST NIGHT OF KIM-KA.

To comnterire it 7j o'clock with JrWt new Comictiitv"THE I C H O O L M A 8 T E R.

i*r Birch....Jerome Ravel,. .TheMM hoy in the nchtv.1.Franeoia RevelKollow rd by Piul Brflkat'i new BMTet ofTERPSICHORE; Or, Thk Fnt of thk Mttr.t.Terpaicborr.WUe Tberei* Robert

Apollo.%.p»ui BrillantTo conclude with the Chineee Comic Pantomime of

K I M K A\antiletew.Frtnenia Ravel

Kin. Ka.Antoine RavelFrji.lg.Jerome Rivrl c

Incidental to the piece:A tiRAND PAS DE vil'ATRF.

By MM«, Mirwt'i, M'lle Pauline Ornet, Lina Wind» andM'lle Flora Lehn.in ; and a

(IRANI) ORIENTAL, COMPLEX, SYMBOLICAL FIXALE.By Thirty tlx Lud:'» and Gentli-mcD of tbe Corte de Billet,

rat es or admission:TICKETS.FIFTY CENTS.Tbe only Seiti thit can be lecured in advmce ire:

Orchestra Seatt.f I each,Piivite Boxe*.#5 each.

Box-Office open daily, from 0 a m. to 3 p m.. for the aale ofTicken n.d »ecnrii* Orchestra Sea"a and Private Boxe* only.Doora open at f>\, performance to cntninri.ee at 7j o'clock.

BAIi.M 'M" MI SKI M.. F irrt time of a deeplyexcitii.t Drama THE TERROR OF THE RHINE, 1 pro¬

duction of the most fitrinttinr cbtrtrter. FRIDAY, Jin. 25.Eveiiin* at H o'clock, THE TERROR OK THK RHINE;Mr. C. W. Clark in tlirre character., Mr. Hadawiy a* Oar-route. Afterrioon it 3. two pretty pie. e«. Performance* inti e LION'S DKM at dj ai.il 7 fx. m. The LIVINO WILDA MM A LS. Ac to he aeen a* u.tial. Admittance to all, 8rent* Children ander 10, 12* cent*.


OPEN E\ FRY EVF.NINO. Ti--kete 25 rent*All huainea* tranaactrd hy H. WOOD.


BEAST, ai.d NKORO MINSTRKLSF.Y. NoTicE-PerharntFourth Enterprise Oilt-Tickett are received (for the idmiawionof four pereon*) to our entertainment* For aale it the Box-Offii e. from 10 a m. to I" p. in., daily.

rppl I RT I F.Til ( ONCEBT. .THEODi>BI!J. ElsFELD'S CLASSICAL SOIREE, the third of thesixth setron, on SATURDAY, Jin. 2fi, at Dodworth'.. No. v«f>Broadway. Madame W. V. Wallace (Piiniat), Meaara. J.Bentlcr, Ph. Maver, J. E. Mayer and J. Ocbrleki (Yocaliata)will lariat Theodore Kiafi-ld'a Quartet Tarty.

IMMENSE BUCCES8 of BUCKLEY" SERE-NADERS, in reci ivinf for four admiaaiona to their enter¬

tainments, the- ticket, in PERIIAM'S KOI'RTII (i FT EN¬TERPRISE Til KKTS f.,r BALE from 10 a m. to 10 p. m.

at the It. v offne of BUI KLEY'S OPERA HOUSE, Nu. MJBROADWAY, and at tin- principal Hotel* and Music StoreaSee bills, rtll E Of GIFT Til RETS, 01, OR II FOR *I0.

MASON and BEBGMAN'8 THIRD CLA881CAE MATINEE will be tiven at Dodworth'* Academy.

'I IESDAY, Jan. 20, it 2 o'clock p. 111., with the aiaiatance ofMia* MARIA S. HRAINERD. Doora open at I o'clock.

SPD2TTUAL TESTS..lira. COAN, Rappb&gar.rl Writing Medium. No. 11SA Orand at., a few doora w.-.t

ot Broadway. PriMtr Sittini» daily from 9 a m. to 2 p. in.

Peblic Circle every afternoon fron l tu V Term*. .SO cents.N. B.-Puhlic Circle next SUNDAY EVF.NINO, and everyei.lm after, until further notice.

THE CRYSTAL PALACE..Thin beautifulbuilding contain* various object* of interest.Ancient

Gobelin TA PEST It Y, 1 gallery of PAINTINOS, rare end val¬uable STATT AK Y, k**WI Agricultural Implement* and Ma¬chinery. It will remain open until further notice.




MRS son 1IW mmi- NEW oad GREATwork

la roa --ale ETUTWOSa! this oar.

THE CURSE OF O LIFT ON.By the author of " The I<o*t Heireae," " The Deserted Wile,"

"The Missing Bride," " Wife'a Victory," Ac.coniplet.- in

,wo voliimea, pajier cover, price $1; in one volnmo, cloth, foriH 2ft.For stle by all Booksellers ati.l Nrw«-Ag»nti, and pnblitbed

it T. H. PETERSON'S,No. 102 Chcetnut at., Philadelphia.

Ci.piea lent by Maw, free of pottage, on receipt of price.NEW HISTORICAL WORK HOW READY.JACKSON AM) NKW OHLKANS.

An authentic ntrriiive ot Ihn Memorable Achievement* o'the American Aruiv, under Andrew Jackson, before New-Or-leana, in the Winter ot 1814-15. Br Alexander Walker, (liteol The N. O. Dilti.) \V ith Frontispiece. 12uio. #1 25.

CONTEN18Jtcktoti't Firnt Entry iato New-Orleant.Ltfittr " The Pirife."I.afitte, the Patriot..In Ik.ii chars hia Hanks.Ti e BlllWtk Review and Eutbtlk.rBattla of Like Hortne.The British l.andint and Bivouac.The Alarm.The Hilly-The March.Battle of the Twenty-third of December. IHM.B4x Ettward Packenhtui.A Drmonatiation and a Defeat.The Hritiah I rin* up their Hit Ount.Hattle of the llatterie«.Two Notable \\'arriora and Revolationiat*.Pti ptrationa Cm the Knill l uiiflirt.The Untie of Ni w-Orle.int.The Victorv.BMtla of New-Orleant.The DsMaaM.IH.nr.« Incident*.The Finale.

DERBY A, JACKSON, (late.I. C. Derby,)Piihl^hrra. No. 119 Naaaaa it., New-York.


PAl'l K. ittued SATURDAY MORNING, and will contain thefe llow lift- apleudiil Eiifravinia:Buat of fli orite Liw, hy Jone*.Portrait of Ufwa] Knapp, latt of tVaaUaartawl'tLtlaOaaM.Wii-hinttoti'a Head.[uaitera at New bnub, New York.Extractili'ary cerru-oiiy tt the Roman Citholic Church at St.

Petert, Biltimore.Broadway, New 1 ork, dutint the " Slcichilit Ciruival. '

Nrw Höfel. Biltimorr, the " 41iluiore" lioiife.<)| .1.111«; cl the StM Hailrotd in IowaCity of Davenport. IowaRailr. tJ Bri.lte. K.^-k Maud, connecting Divauport with

lto. k Inland Citv. IowaView of Rock laland, IowaPortrait of Oen. Santana of DominicaPottrtit of GfaV Soiilotique, EatMtW of Hayti.Map of Central Park, Nrw-York.Tottether with mm.crone othe r uplt 11I1.I lllua'rationt. and ill

Ike Newt of tbe Week.The thriilii a Romance " The Leal ol HiaRa e." couitut-nced

in the laat nnml^-r.Problem* in Chea*. Ac.

Offri- No... l^i-.nd 14 Sprnce-at., Ne-w York,The trade mpnlie.i byROSS JONES a. TOUREY, No. WOMtwtaaM..M. Y.,

and No. M Clarke «t.. Chic 1^0

p H E A P EDITION.\J 11 -1 11 hi IMBB


A MOS L A NY 11 E N O E .

Edited by hit aon. Win. R. l.iwrence, M. D. With elettn'Pofirait*M Arno« and Abbott Lawrence, and other illutttaiiou.-

Koval tJkaa, t loth. +1.The iK-tivo «slition ot thi* work haa ha.1 an tlmoat nnextm-

pled alle. \\ itbm twelve week* alter it* rjral publKtUoU,twelve THOUSAND COPIES

have l-een aold wilhont prodncint my aenaible ibateiuent o

Ihr drinaii.l. In compliant e with urgrnt and tepealc.i acduilatioua from tarloua ouirtera. the Publisher* now ia*ur a

CHEAP EDITION.It i« . laree 12mo volun r, printed on thick white pap< rtreat

the plates of the ivttvo edition, and it tedd at tbe extremelylow price of One Dollar.The Octavo Edition' will continue to be publitbed tad for

tile a* brretoforr at One Dollar and Fitty Ceuta.GOULD a LINCOLN. No. i9 WuhintUiu at.. Bottom



r N I T I D ITAYES,witb

Hfjt01 or thk Dkci»io\» a\d Dictaof tbe

Boraaao Coaat t rot nraiaCm1aocf11TH9 to ia«.

Bv Jame* Dunlop. of tbr Bar of Peunsylea:JaVOiie tuper rovil e>e tato volnme. 1.700 natea

Just laitdiabrd by J. Jfc LlFPlNCpTT k 40-. Fbd'a.

1^11 E T HB E E M AB R I AG E 8J B UFFINCOTT k CtX, Pbilad'a. will puhlwb ieb. 1.


B*/Mrs. Huh! ack. autborrsa of " The Wifn'* Suiter " " Mayin.liir.. 11,bet " Ac 1 IwJ U'mo. Price 01.For atie by all Binikaellrrs._



* ' And No. *43 Broa-i-.. K*« t

NE \\ MUSI C ..All Pretty Pieaaa..Spa-klaa Sunday Nkjht. 8. Markttein. 2* eta

Tbiiikiuit of Old T.tne*. S. Markttaia. 25 eta

While t iitiiif ail aiooe, Hattia 8. Mark*tein. 25 c*.

Spare my brirt from tTowing old. Mela. 25 etaI cm not part with thee. Melt. 25 eta.


Uulta Pyne Folka Marktteia, (LitJtotTraphic likeocee.1 50c.BebcUuli Polka aict*. Oaldru Drop Scbot ti* be. JSc.xvoacioia r» »a.

t-0OK k BRO 543 Broadway,{felt Atel '. m I!t . 11 BrvO Jfil

Ready Tbia Dav:


I 111 III N 1 l I. b I I ,8TjOr. ( ONVER.-ATIoSS AROCND THE. i AMP-FIRE.

Br C*rr M.rxt RriD.Author of ¦. The Rife Hinter*:' Thr Scalp Hunter*." e*..

Beautifully lllostrfed with Ettrvvitig* by N. Orr Pr.ce 4)1Wr venture to »«y tone ii :,o )**,t exrint which five* euch *

thrili.n* and vet truth! il narrative of the ttirring end periloielife of * Trapper. »« doe* the deepl y it.terestirig trd Icsrrnetivevolume before nt The author, who*- power» of description are

well known to the American reader thre-itb the m»d.'im of aitRifle Rarrtr«." 1c, has mo*t admirably blended in'trm turn

w.tli amusement; for while M lie. the W olf-Killer," rheer* theOmp-Firr wi'h ;..* never-failing met o'et. the IIuaterNt: r-

»Ii«? tain every occasion to inform ..el-chtc! atnhtort t th>habits, baucta ar.d chararteriatica of the animal ander discaeeMmM and tbia be dnei in a manner which cannot fail to tit theinformation in the memory of the reader. The following briefextract ar.d synopsis of Contents mty serve t i tive some Mmot the adventure! to be met with in thit extraordinary work:

CONTENTSA Hunting Ptity. (The Bla.-a Br ir of America.The Con and Camp-Fire. The Trapper Trapped.Be»ancrn't Atuenturei in the The American Deer.Swen-p». IDeer-Hsat la a Dut-Out."

The Pts»enger Pigeoi a Old Ike tnd the (Jruxly.Hui t with a Howitg. r. IA Battle with Or.rxly h- MKilling a Coui.tr. iTbe St»ana of AmericaThe ( ontar.Old Ike t Adventure.The Mutqutrb.A r..t II intMutketor« and their Ai tulote. LAdvei.ture with a B itfalo.IV 'Cat B and hi» Hants.A *Coon C hase.Wild Hogs of th>- v. itTreed by Pi cranes.A Duck Shooting Advi

Hearing the Monee.The Prairie Wolf and Wolf

Killer.Hurting the Tapir.Tne Bison.Trailing the Buffalo.ApftwaeMaj laa F~fTi'~I Lexjected t.'tetts.a Su,.per of Witt Matte«*.

Hunting the Vicuna. .Hare IIuntil g and ( r.. ketA t horn of Vicunas. Dlttttt.Sijuirrel Slioting. K <irt:.d Battie.Treiing t Bear. 'The It att)II u .

We ijuote i few extrai t» from the many flattering n jficea ofthe Prett:

From Tim Cota»\t. Hirtioid.Opt. Reid it a ttmrite author ot our*. Hit atvle it alw.ivt

sprightly. his descriptions graphic, and his narrative coi.de:.s.-la: .1 striking. Th.a work is oat ol his tv st. It is one of the m *tviviii picturet of a Weitem hunter's lift that we have ever teen-He knows bow to leite upon the peculiarities of any treue, orait nation, or incident, tnd arrve theui up in the moat piquantatvle for tie gratification of his readera."

Prow Titr tlBBALD, St. Loci* Mci." In til nor iperiet.i e we h»ve t teat met with t book which

tne» auch vivid and »cul «tirnng pn iure» of the wonderful andterrible tdvi ntiires ot * Western I eater and trapper** life."

From The Evemvg JoVKRAL. ALBANY." Opt. Renl is tt home in the w atda, and w-ritei with the t* t

ot a tree sfortimm. The work aUn.i.ds in wonderful a.'.I Iture."

From Tur Advektisik PMTLAm, Me." The au'hor is already favorably known aa a vivid narrator,

tnd here I., does justice to hi in s»d f it. givn g ail the tbrillingexploits ot hnnter life. « * . It i» t hook which Will inter¬est both old and young, tnd happy will lie the lireaide wheir itis read tloi.d."

Fkom Tmi: TaUMVB, Bvtii. Mr."Another wtrk from that inexhaustible story-teller, Ctpt.

Reid, and just as full as hia pre\loua prixlu. tu:M "t I.e.; lit aothesrties.and queer, odd adventures, toll in the jauntiest andlicit it atj le."

From Tur. Ti>n». Tot. run. Ohio." Any one woo baa ever rrarked a rifle or dreamed of the

huntet's lite will enjoy this volume with a perfect gusto. * * *

Its illustrations themselves can bat fascinate the reader to be-cine better acquainted with the work."

From Feto. Dören*»'» Pari:*, Rochester. N. V." It it i alcalatad both to instruct ami *mu»t-."

From The Mail, Worceiter. Matt." Opt. Reid a'tndt to day without a rival for lupremacy in

the w wL dashing and yet improving literature ol HM !. u\ c

tiolllid."Faow Thi. TaiaVaTI HiTk.nr Mich.

.. . . . ipLr Hnnter« Feast,'in onr opinion. It one of the¦ < rt thrilling tnd v ivid pictures he hat yet drawn. Beaide Itt

dee] Iv e.\i Hin« chnrti ter. it onttina mm ii tiaeful iiitorui itionin regard to the habits of the \arioua tniintls which inhabit onr

Weatrrn wild*"This is one of the few booki which will pay a divijeud on the

money liivt itt-d in ita purchase."DE WITT A DA\ EN PORT. FablaaVwa.

No*. IM RJ*i Ib.' N.iaaau st. N. V.



(For the PtrlorI,\\ ith Music attacked.


PRlt E U| t EN IS.

This Chtapeat of Publication« coutain» Fitly New tnd PopularSongs imoii' whieh_«re the followin"

Tbe Seroiid Edition of the Oldiwiii«:

The Firenian'a ChantArrntued by Ja*. Buckle

Ti Aa i^

With Musi.-.Bietthe not her name.

Pretty Petty Faliiier,With Miuic.

Folka at HornA* sung by Swaine Berkley.

Villikiua ana bia Dinah,W ah MwrJe,

As anng hv Bishop Bin kh v in Never More, I lara, dearthe doleful Tragedy ol VuU-l With Mu-ic byFred-Bucalkiii« and hia Dinah. llu-h a llye. Baby.

Co Way Blai kmau,Witb Miuic.

KtkM t.ii ger.v\ ill. M -

The Ti. kling t horns,Arranged for four voice».

The Kroadwav Bm if

Aa sung by Swan..- Ilm kleyw ith the uioat M thuaiitlictpplauae.

Friends at Home.Mlsic by Fred. Buckley.

We were Bovs and Oi'rl* to¬gether.

Bv W Perrival.

Tbe Jolly Old Crow.The New' Laughing Song.

With Maate.JaUetta Bell; or, Th« NiggerCoquette,A» sung bv Swaine Buckley.

f)b. w.'re the Boy» for j.leaiore.

Tbe Cotton-Pi. ker'» Song.Marv Ort»,

\\ ith Musi, hv W P. r. i.al.I IM Tllaiall and Old Tiu.es.Flenr de Marie.

rn ]| e Book of tk« B E A s o NM. A New. t'btati Duodecimo E.Utiuu.


AMOS LAWRENOIEDITED RV ¦!. »os, U ll.l l »vi R. LAVUaCB, M. D.

\\ ith elegant Strel Portraits, and other lllusttation*.Royal Umo. Cloth. +1.

The octavo editiou ot thi* work hatbadan a!mc«t anet*mpledtale. Within twelve Werkilftei its ptiblict'ion. alt edition» ottwo thi uaand copict etcb have been sold, w ithout producingtny aensihle abati uirnt of the demau.L It it believed thatictrcrly tny other biographical work has met with equxl iuc-

test in the tame length of time.PATRIARCHY ; Or, The Family.its Comtitutlon and Pro¬

bation By Joht Ham*, l.'mo. Cloth. a>l i\In Press.Ready »hont Eet.ruary I:

THE ANNUAL of BCIKNTIFII DISCOVERT forlli.'ii. Edittd hv Dav .d a. Well«. A. M. Price. *M MBookaelltra in the city anil countrv are invited to fonrtrd

their orders for tbia Book, and we will endeavor to All them allpromptly on the day of publication.


.a/OUNG tUIEBICA No. 4.-The fourth bobf1 Wr of tbi» .op ltr «atirictl »: d bauiorout paper NOWREADY. It coi.taii » twenty-tour* »ph-mtid COMIt ILLU."TRatioNS an. t great variety el tytci rtadlnj matter on a

the political anil xs-ial top-ica . f the day. Everybo.lv aho-ddtake t look at the Munit.pal Tops-v." and have' t peep iutoJohn Mitchell's >:cb<ol-rooiu. The la.lits will find in KaaMvaluable aiigg.atioi a and everv!x>.H something to interest tbetn.1'ric 61 iri.t. p. r l.un.l.er i< r ««> hv si, IVn.Jual D. a>i.ai d New. A*eut». tiA by T W. >TitO.M>. Pablieber.

No. X NasaaM «'.


( Ir. ulaiion Iff UOU.

The NRW-Tou Weekly Tribuni. for thisweek contains the ft>llnv\ii _r

I..LEADDIG ARTICLES WJ atunhe qneetlon ' End. f t ltreat Faftyi li¦ iluatcu ol the Inliau«;Whtre tbev are tioint a Stra.ite Lawm :, TheSiav.- Tracing Cas. a New Ctti Wat kB KatsWsl jSlav-ry among tbe I berokee. Tne Law of D.vorc -;Poisoning in Ei glai.d.

II..LETTERS FRoM MR GREELET AT MASS-INOTON: Tbe Pieaidencv in WM| Tbe laatawjAnti N'rbrtsk* Ca tic at Uliy the Huott la not Or¬ganized: Whv the Plurality Rale « Reircte l; TbeOre Ftiriv Stated; First Day t Speecmeaaneaa;Secind Dav of Silei.ee.

III. .ONE WEEK LATER FK".M EUROPE: Arr valof tie tteamahip* Afriea Wasl.iugtcu and Baltic;Delay :n tbe Negotitt.o.». Tbe Ltat Speech ofLou:* Napoleon.

IV. .KANSAS: Letter fron. Our Own Correipo-. I* I ¦I.twrrne«; Letter ot tte H i. D. K. AUuicou ofMi*»ou:i on the Afiair» ot Kanaut.

v..Moral AND REUOIOUf.VI..REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Oivinc in acond'naad

and roDsricBoas farm the latest and mo*t importanteven* that have transpired in the City. UnitedS*at»». Met II. :..! ..- . H.. .»:.i E--.- >

V u. .POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE: Ohio; Wi*eon»in |low t; Misauteippi. V irguna Louisiana


II. of Little Dorrit. a twt* Tala by Charie*Dkkena.


XII. .MISCELLANEOUS: Prr e mi Oaano Guano ou theMotida Coast; Som« Pun.pku.»; The ^etilen m


\\I .COMMERCIAL MATTERS: Foil Report* cf th*Stock, Mmiev,Cott..n. Grajt.. i'a'tle tod other Mar¬ket*, *p«xwJly Reported tor Tt* Triboxe.

Si McRir^iott^-Otveeopy for an* year, ft|, thrae '.opst*.Mi *vecc^i*«,VtW»;t*ncop***, f IM»

Single copiee. in wrapper*, caa ha obtained at the ceunter ia

(b« Fifc.;cauea Pik« ÜV» «*«r»u«f Fr.ce. 6| catta



ByJameePart n. With Portraita 12mo. pp. *U. Price Bl 2*.It if agreed by friend* and fort of Mr. Orr»l»7 Uu :.o more

ibiy. ei.tertainii:gty and u'.etTuctive'.v written biography häa evern.taie Hi appearance in America Everyone who bu cut de-tire fof a famuiar acquaintance w.rh the famo .. N", w YorkEditor, thotild read Mr. I'art.n't b-xik. ar.d he will know Mr.Oreeiey a* well is though be had been " bccught up m theaan.e town."

.. Worthy of a ple.-e by the tide of the Lifo of BenjaminFrer.k 1 1 [Hartford Religiou* Herald.

The in.it aji. t and attractive Biography of the dav.""|Bo*tot Journal.

" Hia ' Lifo' :t a Irvrr.g epiatle. proelaiming that virtuou* en¬deavor* and BLteinaa toil sooner or lat»r will meet a fit recom-

pen**." [N. V. Ckarkatiaaj lutriluencer... Of ahaorbfnt interest, and corit*::;mf much rf pleumt ha-

nor. aparkling wit and attractlv« anecdote.*' [Banror Courier.'. A volume fir earnest men and boys to re.xd and study."

"(Sprinrrirld Republican." A* an incentive to vcutb in povertv to be ho:.e*\ ftirhful

end persevering, epert "from it* per*.rial iutereat. it aboold aoInto the kai.c* of the your.g of America get.erallv "

[Mid.i! town Sr.vnJard.¦' Aa interfering at anv novel, yet all trnax"

JPaii.eirille Pemocrat,We ccnld append 5T0 favorable no'icee bv Baa Prvee of thia

beok. Already nearly Vital ropiee have been sold. It ia foraaie by Bookseller* generally, or will be tent by mad, pott-paid,to any adttre** on receipt of"the retail price.Any newspaper copying thia advertiaeuietit three time*, arid

rending ut a copy marked, will receive a copv of the book,bv nail, rear paid.' MASON BROTHERS. New-York.

Only Six Cent* a Copy.Twenty five for a Dollar.PBXOOLOOICAL almanac f..r

1806..Co.\ texts I'brei.cloiy and Human Protree»;Practical Pl.r.-i.clogv Ske'i be* ul Men. with Portraits; Utet,tie Esquimeux Sarah Benjamin, age.l 111 years; Oe.i. Win.CarJtit| Mile. Rachel; Dr. DtBOWJ Sharon Carter: John De-

kB I.... F. Illy ; L< 1.11 Nap., .'.ii Ot... r P.teha; VonWeber; Dr. C*Axt| YVui. McFar'.ar. 1. the Limekiln Man ; Oeo.Law; the Hon. Charle. M*«on; Nicholas of Rua.'ia: Win. Oil-u.i.re Sin nn; the Value ot Phrenology New IiivemioiM, Ac

FOB LER aad B ELLS No. jr* Bro*lwiy, New York.

THIS WEEK'S LIFE ILLUSTRATEDconraina.( hrntmai at 'Grace;" Le'rer from Pari«, Bo¬

naparte's Orinion of Russia; St. Nicbolaa; An Eveumg withLeigh Hurt; 'Welcome, Little Stranger;" Actora and theirWay*: When to Eat; Teat of Politeness: A B orJ to Contriloatora; firmiere It; Mirautay; The Seaton: Winter on theFrames; Scb.ol aid State Coiigreeeioiiel Theology; < unpli-inent to Miaa'Nightii.gaie; How 10 Improve our Country Road*;Literary Notice.; The Buaineaa World: The Mark-ta; Nataaai d laueres; Mechanic*. Enaineering, New Iuvcntioiia: N«w"1 ear . Hay in New-York; Household C. vei.iei e.-a; vv ill En(.raved lliiiatrationa; A Mieeretlitcd Toeui. Price jeut*; a>21U'

FOWLER and WFLLS. B* Broadway, N. Y.

l.iilcntinco.V a L E n T i n E S for i B ."> a. .


No. 107 Naaaau at., New York, corner of Annf.,Pe-t cctlujly announces to Booksellers and D< alcrs in Y'«le:itit e>, that hia new itock of Y'altHitirea, EavaaOWe* and Y'alen-t.ne St.tior.ery, meriutuctnred tor the next Yaleutine eeaa,

het.p.ary, If*, ia now ready.Having imported from hi 11 ri pe a great variety of gold, ailver

and ii.tiii.ii avd !e.-e at d omhn ..!. re I r i;., -., \ ,e .;. for V .'entiuea, and havinc n.anuta, ruro.l new ornanieu'g and flower*,he i* enabled to offer a auperior atoek of new Vaien'ine«,wbii h will be found to eg, el in arriatical riui-h and elegance ofdi «ign.Oniera will be BOfal from all i«rt< of the Cnitetl S'ate* a id

Canada, ai d prompt It forwarded either by mail oretpreia, iuktta fn u: *1 to i*l.r/aD»,,rth.For tbe ccinvenienre of pnrrhaaer., I 1 \\f done up *i0 lo'a,

ronvating of bye huudrtd Y »leniinea ai d Envelope*, aaaorte-l,ranging in price fiom 3 cttite to *>l ,y0 retail, aid +ld Iota,contaitiiog BB Y'alen'i-..«, Knvaawpoa, kc, which will be aoMonly for eaah accompanying rder«. Partie* waering Val-iitine*w ii' plea**- forward tneir alaaafi early to receive prouij.t itteut.on.

ötalioncrt] anb famn C3ooöa.

Jmums rtejuirin« new iu.an'k hooks ran befurnifhed wlib »eta airc.;dy made or made to urder.oftiie

beat paier, at tbe «hurteat iiotn a, hy¦LOTE k JAKEB, No. 9fi Fulton-at

Zo favmcxQ nnö -aDtljcro.


and environy..Tbe undersigned wiahea to receive (Iraneu) yourAnnual Catalogac*. iu order 10 forur.d order* for auch article*aamay suit. T. BACHELIER,

itorticultori*t, Botaniat arid Dealer iu Oardeu la da.No. .1! Craiilinea-at, New Orlean*.

L'oot anö roimij.

DBAFT LOST or STOLEN from the MAIL.-A DRAFT draw bv SIDNEY B. WELLS to the order of

J. H I IIELPS, de:ed Oat SI, l&YY, for BZB, Wdaya,aaaeataajby Hurley a Mile* of the Citv t New York, an I payable at theL> nthi - Manfeclnrera' Be' k w.v. ri. nl. .1 at D ;n.letl. I'enit., 111

November leat, directed to tbe Hon. S. D. l'b> Irx. Kingbamton, N. Y.," ami wea uot received. All pereoti* arecautiooed.gainst negotiating ihr -eine, es pevuie .r t as been stoiuied.

Dundert. Jan .n. IfcaJ. JAMAN II PHF.LPS.

I OST.#6 Dollar. Reward.A PORTE-MON-MJ NAIF, eoif.it ing +12 in mor.ev and I CoittaVsata of SunM11. n »oi taa Capital Stack ai that Barvey Bra*I aa*l Iraw Caaw-panv, atandlog in the nenie ut Serah A. Ilewl.v. The liu.lerwill r'eeivr rbe el.ovi. Reward hy leaving it e* the M11.be" 01

te I: .iirence Co.. No. 146 Broadwev. A. P. BAwLBT.


ALAD] c< ni|>et'nt to inatruft in Mttaie, on tin:Piano. Mataalaavj end Thorough Be**, Penciling, Cra fon-

11 g. Paiuting in TYalal talalB, Mouix-hroina'ic and Po'v. hr.-u.at.c the Fr> ah Language, would like a PLACE in a KtaOca]or Family to TEACH three or lour hours e de;.. for board end anili cmpensetion rhe remaining pert of the .ley to be at her

ewi, di'roeal. A elrnetfon in thi* citv preferred, but would goen hour's ride out. Alao, a place a* OROANIST u the Sehbath.keying had five years' experierue, end ran ]dav ChurchMl.ic reed.l v et s,gi t, kaktlia* Blfll H., Tnbarie ÖlJice, or

cell at No. Eeet .Idl er., in the forenoori.

AFRENCH foBBf LADY set uat«.in.-.i tosing in Church wishes a aituariori m LEAD es e SO-

pBJtBO ha a CHOIB to tkat ctityj w. «141 alaa rake eueng ue-

in. nt e. perm.netit or Visiting liuvetLes*. or teke Pupil, lor

M ..- or several difJerent Language*. Ii quire et liej Cenal-st.

4 RESPECTABLE jotjag Woman wanta a ait-X\ netion as CHAMBERMAID and tVATTEI bia no ob¬ject 01 . to do general Houaework iu e private faaali baa g'»«lr. ferenre from In r lea' place. He* no objection* to go iu too

taawllj. Call et No. in Downing st

DlTUATIONfl WANTED.H> four rulon-.lk? vo. * \\ ¦!..;; aa aa COOK) ana <.¦ aa OENEBALBOCSEWORB; ana as CHAMBERMAID aad YVaITER:ote a.NI RSE aasi S E A AI.-TRESS. Alao. rh- *.me bv fourPreteetaeal white )c.Lg w. 1.... Apply at No. 7 litii-.t., aaaaiBroadway.

SIH .\'I Ii fN8 WANTED.B7 two rtry expert-enced Girl., with g««xl rity reference, one >* a goo.1 COOK

. id to YVA.-H and IRON in a private family; the other aa

H A.MBERM AID txuj \\ AJTEB, or es BTTkWc. Cell at No.7.' 6th BT. in the Bookstore.

^1'ANTED.A aituatiori bv a retjwtablt? joumi;V v YVonatja.todo general BOUSEwobe| is ¦ ii>d F:n

t i.uk and neet YY a»ner and Ironer. YVould like to let ,u a re-

sprcreble privete family , tood city reference.; wo'ddbe willingto make herself generally tuefttl. Apple at No. 152 Jd-ev. ,cou-fe« ri«»jjery erore. t en be seen fortwo days.

ANTED.A utaMeioB, bj i ProteeUat 70«^TV \"v e... ea nr»: rate COOK hes no or..^.-:ioij .., a^-.t

v. it.. Bfi st.: g U im r.-d. Can be wcu for two days et No. ti-ifb ay., betweenBth and lOth-at*.,Aral floor.

cTTMPETENT^rBCtical Farmer wanta toHEN I r TAKE CHAlKrK 14 a r ARM from lttAtr.l

Bast A (1 al Dairy Farm ecfeasible to New-York by ra.iroed1 r«fined. I'nexoprionahle refereDcs giv»n and required.^1 swers aldrea»».l to FARMER, rar- V. B. Pelr^er-a Adverrfir g Afo y. TxtVaaa Buudiuga, New-Y'ork, will be etteu !¦ 1o tor one w eek.

JOHN YOl'N'G la very arucceaaful in roitiu;/ran.:.ies b-ard.r.g b'-ute*. kc. will S»rvanta. and Serrauta

v .-1. Sir. «t;(Ls.*t the Protestant En i'loymeut Soc.e'j't OtficeNo. 7 Carn.ine-et.

MECHANICS WANTED to Go to K.vN-r*A.'.Stn h a. Fermere. YY'I ->:iwruhta. YY'axon and

P:cw n.ekere, Blackan.itb*. Boot e ul Sboernakere, Co-.pers,Cerpertera Cabir.et-u.aker* Tenors. Herne*» maxer. Miaaaa, kc.

Person* ot good standing, and competent to conduct b-ieineeson their own account, will receive liberal encouragement. Ap¬ply to O. C. BROWN, et the otfice of the Aetor Bo **. from 10til.' a m. aad from 6 to 8 p. m.

TO PRINTERS..A iiBa^tjlBBi BOOE bb. JOBPRINTER whoia alao a thorough Prceeman. will find

pertrerert work end liberal wagee bv immediate applieetiiin totbe subscriber. Wer red also a sn al FAST JOB PRESS.aeecor.d bar.! one preferred il m gel working order. JOHNYV. ¦taetaBHTCB, Middletown. Orange Co.. N Y_WANTED.A litoatioo in a NEWSPAPER orTV MAO A/INF. OFFICE, bv e youag Man eapabi* of aa

...rn.g :n the Editorial derartzuent. I. aaed to Writing lor theFree* and Beetling Proor, tpeek* French, and treruvlete* with.orrecmese end fecility. Cen give gjod, refereocea Add/eeaYV. T. R. Box Na iftj Tnbune OtBce.

W'ANTED^By a forvitrn (ientlemaa, a inavti'i-TT e:e of :arary ta»t*. a SITUATION in a

LoUeee, School, or privete family. Can teach Englieb in ail it*Irenebe«, French. Greek, Latin, Logic. Mnemonic* end theI'.djnrn'. cf Italian and Hebrew. Would give haaaon* ia theabeve ro private fejau.ee in the city. Addra**, wi'b pa-tk'ila**GRADCATE, Ir.k-ut OBs*. 1

IVANTED. V tituatioii a* BOOKKEEPER¥ v by * highly rc-epeetabie ycmm Mar mt fmwi l> winea*

aaalihVati. r». ¦ ¦ tir»t«lae* penman. »ihI rut t«Ve geuertlckarg* nf t art of book I. w.ll be willing to n. ike h .¦.evilr rill» nteiul; compensation nualerate; city or roiia'rv Wir-WttwltelirrD. Ad.tr***, for two dir., BtX)KKEV.PER,Bos No. ISO Tribune Office.

\\'AM ED.'r.'ri>. r.il.le MEN to eaII tor rub* ription* to . new ind kOjaertatl' HttieaalWert,MWptMttkllit in .1H by D. APPLET" »N \ Co.Fir-t nuciibrr ready Thi* Da*. Liberal term*orVrexi to AgentaA| [rj to j. B. KORD. No, » ABftVetccre Building.

No*. .>*> end die Broadway.AV.VN'l 1 1». 1 itr> tlr^-rate PARASOL SEW-« f ERS. Nom bot good hind* need appiv. At No Lib Wit-


IVANTED.A COMPETENT MAN to tskcf f tree f Markte W, rk» in Loud..;;. C*t.« >» Watt, He

mutt be . iocd Lettrrer. and Im* tome knowledge mi Carving. id Mantle Work. The br»t r».-ooiioeu<latioi.< will he trrii¦: d ret)tnrrd. A tnitahl* person will find thi* * sood situation.Addrea* KOWLKRA W ELLS. No. .aw Hroadway.

rANTED.Two reat>ertab]e GIBLSj to makeDRESS c.\ps. at No fl Kr*nkfort-«t.w'AN I FD.Two young men who have had ex¬

perience in rniiniiig l ard Prra*es. Appit thi* morn-¦i t. tt 10 o'clock, at No. M Ann-tt., second floor.

IVAN I ID.Ina Law Orl'iee. a nm.irt, active.v v _. t [.AO. (*M who ha* had experience lud who

writet ¦ good hand. Address Box dl*5, Poat-OtBce.

(Tlinnrcs for ünoinces IHcn.

BOOK BUSINESS and QOOD-WILL toeSALE The advertiser otter* to sell out Ilia BOOK and

PIBI.ISHIN'ti BUSINESS, which it oue of the oldrat audheat re'til Bnokstorri in the cite, having hern eitahliahed netrlyleafy yean The « hole hixiue«* would he sold or a specialpartnership retained. To my person wishi.g to commence t'u-loo!. buul.es», an opporttiui'v to buy out «o g.xtil and aale abutitirs* arhloin Otter«. Eor further particular1 tddresi BOOh.-BELLEB, Poat OflVe.

¦EXCHANGE. .JEWELRY, WATCH M\-MZj TEKIAI.S and FAKCT QOODfl taken in Exchange fortVtdreMa BUILDING LOTS, only a ahort distune from tlii*city, in a «| lend id locality. The above-mentioned Lot* willil.o he tnld cheap for ci<h. Kor partirnlira inquire of

DAVID SOLOMON, No. l">Chrv»ti,-.t..tir«t atao-a

Vf^TsALi:.Tbe firat-elooa DUM o STOREJA No. 100 AOaalia at comer of Clinton it.. City of ltr.«.kIwi, raaaytwAaf Stock an 1 Kixtnroa, ronsU'ing of plite tlis*V\ ii Qawa, it arid* Eloor. marble-top Counter*, plate elvi» Show-ca«e». etc.. etc., together with an uneapired lawM. MM merelyBtniintal Inquire on the prep ises.


1H)B RENT.An extenaive SOAP, CANDLEat i LAUD OIL MANCEAt TORY in lull operatioti, with

a hii-;i.e-a that haa been established for over twtntv vear». Korrartlrulart aaolj to en AS. CLEA\ EK. No. $M South Water-It Chicago. III.

F(»K SALE.A SIT' VM'sIIIP of about I IBM»tutu. Side Lever M*rine Engine; capacity for .'..'>00 bbla

fn ighf, and accommodr.tion« for 100 first cla * p***enger*. TheShip it in perfect order and ready for my voyige.

BFOFFORD, TlLi'.sroN A- Co.,No. 29 Broadway, corner Morris at.

CH)B SALE.A WOOLEN FACTORY,1 W ATER-POW ER. three a, reiof I.\N'D DWKLUNO.HARN, and TENEMENTS..The above property i» aituatt-dnear Wjieivlrit Centre, Albany County, mmm mit.» trout\ hi .. City and live t-.ilej from West Tiör ..id Cohoea Thertorj i» lni'lt f stone and I rirk, IIMltaAafllg two «eita of Ma-

I 111.IJt ailll a Machine lot Carding Roll» it is di iten by a four-.. i. tt'et ...er shot wheel, equal to III hor»e-|K.wer. The Damis ils.i of »tone, and built in the bt s.t manner. The ibovr Mill itin ti d order, now running, and will be sold cheap, at the an»

trribcr, haaa loaa of health, wi.hr* to leave the business.Tt rms of pavment made eaav. Kol further information * ldie«*

II. WATEBBI H\ Watervleii Cuter. Mbany Co.. N. Y.

1jH>B SALE..ThoSTOCK «n.l El\rn,'i:sofa Proviiimi ai d P*ckin* Establiahtnetit. wi'li itt Custoiu,

in * .'.es.n.l.le locitu u. Apply it No. I Wnshlngtou-it.I ASE for SA I. E.< 'f No. 68 Wal Kit nt., fourthLi di or weit of Broadway. Kor terms inquire at the Druglore corner of Bnw.iwnv ami Walker-*t.


patented June If, |u. July I, Nov. U and /7. ami Dec. II tud I«,IV. THE MO LI. ERE BOOT AND SHOE PATENTCOMPANY are now ready to mike a*le» on liberal terma oftheir patent! formating Boon mil ShiH-a by machinery, witha guarantee ot T'ti per enti ui tain over the axpeuaeof inatiu-lacti.re by the old niethod. for »II the United Stttes, except theSlate mt New-York, whether by States, District*, Coniitie»,Citira, Town*, or otherwise. Pun baser* will he ahowu thewhole MoUieri lyatein in operate it tho V Boot ind.-lie Mill, near Troy, in the State of New-York, now un¬der the rnti.igeuiriit of Meaars. Kimball, Robinson A Co. ofBrook field, Ma*s. A pplicttiona in person, or by letter, at tieCctri|ai v's fTce, No. 'i Uroatlw.iv, New-York, promptly Il¬mried to. By order. HENRY" DE VEI VE, Secretary.

PAl'EK-MILLantl FABM tor SALE CHEAPine«r Amboy. New Jer»ey..Sire of the Mill. .V) by *» feet;

good dam ttid itreim of wtter; itid 30 .icret of LamL Will ex-cLai.te lor city or Brooklyn property Inquire of

S. P. TOW NSEND, No. »: Naatau it.

TO STAGE-PBOPKIETORS ami OTHERS..A Cornmittee hn» been appointed to ndver'ise for Propo¬

sal* to BUM A LINE OK STACKS from E.udh.m. throughI p| n i ei till, and Lower Morriaania, Meinte, arid the nil-nit rous adjoining village*, to connect seven! tiun i . day with .line of »tfiin'out* to I.e run from Mott Haven, Harlem. Ac. tuPeck .hp Kerry, or auch other route to New-Y .rk *. individ¬ual* n av prefer. Inquiriea ad.treased. post pni.l, to WK.ST-I HESTER COI NTi Box No. IH^ Tribuue OlHce, will receivedoe attention.

y I I I I || || I W ANTED mi gOOw LOOOO amiXVFfvFvrvPFaraenal ptupeity arottk «.',,imi, Im

v. :.-i h 7 per cent inferett will be given and an interest In a g.sndkwtwtaatl Audrea» II. II.. Hudsoii-st I'oat-Orli. e, cor. Amos sl.

tflk/* \i\f\ -IRON Ktl NDERV, with Fur-*JP'ß^*ß\t\Jo nice,Tools. V.c.,c.oing t linebunneta, favor-¦ biv Incited in the mi*t thriving town in the state, ¦ few hour*'

i. Iti n.ti.ecitv ai railroadialaaaDWELLLKO-HOI dEaraa'the premiar* fit sirable Western Linda will be accepted**part pajmrnt. '.. It. SMITH A Co Baal Estate Hr.jkers,

No. jvtd Brosvlway.

$ff (U)(\ .PARTNER WANTE»vitn. Ftvla. *" this an.o'int. in Ol I 0i* the host paym* hus-

iliesses in this country. To a i euterpriiinz mau, Ihn u a grandopt oriiiiiity, ai from 0IJK0It -1"tftt |e-r aaaui an be reel->ged. Kcr particular* add.ett J. N. O., Tribune Offi.e, w,''i

I nnil .WANTED.A PABTNEB, with*JP »\JU\F* i Caah Capital ol Olr***, to maka and read« aftmed article in nniveraal den.and tnd highly r*sTawa*wa>wA iI. ti e first mi ii hi thi* city. Every article mm will pay a clearI r. lit mt HI [erceut aapttw aaat, and cannot fail to iuaure a fur-tui.e in a short time. It is * rare opportunity for in irflvr biui-i.iu ii hi. A.!. ie»» A. B Browlway Poet-Office, with rt.-ainil e. The belt reference given tnd require.!.

iUUi To M.00O..Ati\ FMBf Mkl, of0 «w/al t\)'f gixid character, hiving'f.-., .. t.'-o .. *«,(*0,w hieb be would be willing to lend hi* employer! at 7 per centinterrst. mav obtain . SALARY of from *600 to 02,01*3,».r< i.rding to amount ol f .i.dt. bua.nese r*paclly, Ac. Address1 VI LOT KB, Tribune I iftVe.

sZo iJJriom it man Concern.

LOOT.BOND No.ChauipftiatnCoutii'. Ohio,for *>!.' o. The public are cautioned against purchasing

the lime, at the pavment of laid Bond and Coupons haa beeu.topic.I. W. E. BI'RRELL. No. U Jay it., np-atair*.


HOTEL ST. OEBMADf, 'i'.'d-at., öth-av., andBrosdway.-k RANCH* RIDER re*pectf.,l v uto-m. bi.

t; t saa trd the publ.c that he hat leated the above Hotel, andtrUl be r.idy for the reception of Visitor* in a fear days.

Doarö anb Hooms.A EINE FRONT-HALL BEDBOOM on the^\ »eton«. ri. or itir.t above the ttreet, TO LET, it No. 1,076Broadway, near tfletit._W'VNIED.By an Arneri.vu Gentleman and11 V .'. PARLOR a d PEDHOOM. a4-

|< laing, with or witboniBuard. ir the 5th or 3d W*ri». French|.i v prefrrre.1. Addrta* E. F. U., Tribune OlSce. ataling* xe of roomi term*. Ac.

t)onit9 lo itt.

BROADWAY STORE to LET..The tive-atorybuildint No. WV a ijoinint the PREaCOTT HOUSE aud

o- p. site the COLLAMOK E.A so the »|«cnau LOITS, 30x100 feet, m Nist. «7 tnd HJ9,

i.ear Bleetker-at.

ÖPÄtlors LOfTS to LET.At No. 343 BroodIO way with L on Leonard-**- luqti.re of

3 _B. ANTHONY. No. 30» Broadway.

QTEADV STEAM-POWER.Lmrgo RWMIS,O well lighted, nummg thro .gh from Wtter to South-st.Apply at No. 489 Water st., between Pike »nd Rutgeralip»-rw\) LET.Poeaetaion immediately, two LargeA LOKT« weil Lghted. No. 14 Hameraiey-st.; .!**, lwVxTi

...table for aiiy inht tusinee* not extra hajar.ioo*; rent;o». Apply to CHARLES k JOHN BASSELL,

No. 7» Hoaaton-tt.

T) LET.Next door to Sttrwaxt'a, in Cbomb«ro-tt,, a LABOE BASEMENT, suitable for Inrermee or

Broker*' OkVce*. Can ha aaaa at aay rinaa, aad tmiulun givenimmediately. Eor term* apply to OOULD A ELLIOTT. No.

TO LKT..Rooms to LET with Steam Powerob the Herten, end N.w Mavit lU..road Depot Ba..shn*-«.

Inquire ofTHo< BENNETT,emmetofElat and Eraflkraneta.

To LEA8E La VKSEY-ST..The twm etaeSararilr front STDK Eft No*. St aas] «tVeeayat, talBBhlw

for drv gocd» or other baaine**, connected by ar-ks**, aaay rma-ed /or ere store »f SP fret f.uot by 91 teet *>*.>. to a* BuialeeJfor occupation bv Marek I, will be Ua«««l a*|«ratet j er ttagather.xa large nienufa.tann» | reuiues *J by i.o feet, ear tlfk *«..near il ev.. with ereeni engine. »¦-. Re:.' + T7\

F KI--VM No 91 MeteesV.eae.

Real Cetatr for Sale.,VK RA] B or EXCHANOE for CITY PROP-I ERTY -HOCSE a...I LOT .. Mom.: Yernsja^totajaajliw

: n\H\M MERRlTT, Mo. **.. rutled. LotB7xl0A. InquireBowery, from I to 10 a u. and from t to I p. aa

1;«>R SALE.A FARM rontaiuiB* 112 .verea,aituared to Now-Jersey, one Boer's ride by railroad, aeaj .X acres large t.n.Wt land, aalaine under * high etate »f

taltivation; haa a good dwell rg-h. i»e. baiu* and other oat-LiBfB, r«* larticulara, apply to T. J. Füll) Mo. tw Caart»


OESE f«»r SALE on BROOKLYN HKiHTS.II V . - aaB ktWWB «tone Hons*. .TV feet by AO, threerotsmedeep, with all the modern improaemei.1*, ai -ljatilt In toohataat u.a..in. Term* e*»v and poo***sion given is ApriL In»quire of S. IloSDLOYV, MiBlagaa at. Bear Court.

HOUSE sa*i LOT FOR SALE CUEAJ», No.1VJ Drlaiiey-et. The House i* m perfect order anal coo-

tab** tafteaB room*; it haa a larae yard end good alley w«y, au.1011 the rear of the lot are wood houae« and a two etory baild-baf, winch » aid answer far a ».rkah»p or »table. Erie*

.¦.fl.SOO cash, aud the baiaii.-e an reniaen. IMaire onHS W A M E It M \ N. Mo. a» W Jliaxn at.


it aow racraaao to sill ovaa two amiioat or acaaaor aaLBcTBO


to anit pun baaera, on long credit* and at low rare* et* latereet.Thi y Wat* granted by the Government to encourage the

Bgol this Kahcad, which run* from the extreme Borth t<Jth* t atreine auth ol the Statt.' ol llliitria U pa*«e* fronx>udle)e rt rough the rkbe«t ami > Prejrtee of the State,del ted ban. a:..! [Beta with magnificent Oak Drove«. The re|rent [e.: g .! t.arly oiW--.il.« af that laWal throw a open th*

I fa .a They are scattered treat one to fiftceaBait* on each thie of it, through it* entire length.The »eil i* a dark, :i> h mold, troni one to Bve feet in dep'h.

la gently roli.ng.and peculiarly tilt.-al for grating cattle Bid.he. p, *i d the culiitaUoo of wheat, Indian e-oro, Aa

1 mat crop of In.Lao corn planted ou the newly brokenr a a, ataaally pay* tbe e. «< of pl.mii ««nd toinetiaaaaaaactng,Wheel aawnoa * taw at*] It .vu» to yield aery largeproOta

an with a plow and tya I ¦ ill break oue Baala-half to twoacre'ara'r.lay. CuBtlBttaeeal e made foe breaking,ready for corn or wheat, at .>.' to *>.' M pat acre. By iu-licuoian.anagemeut farm* may he hcefcaa a: .1 fenced <h* tuet, analBiie<< r a high ttate of twftivatstW the arcond year.

larger yield on the cneap laude of lllhioi*, over high,pi ed lands In rhe Eaatem and Middle Stetes, i* kuown to aa

rt 'hau antJ.eietit to pay the difference of trantporta-ti, u to oat Ea kara merket. The rapid kaaaraaaa and growth olC wi.-l.uig tgrwaaaad yillage« along tbo line ol th* roau afford a

g « it < hi Ii e deni»t d Sir farm produce.C< al ai d wood are delivered along the road at differaat polnfa,

at ftob t> I SO to a) I the cord or tun.Paittea ha\ ing in view Iowa, Kanaaa, Mekraaka or Mlanaacto

fa their fatur* boeM, tboajd take into couaialaaratiow taawta**( anIT} waat af law Mi».i*.lppt ia de.tuutaof railnWa. thattl ¦ can \< ni. eiea of tranaiairtiiig grain ami prodaee trooa tarrna

a* af that llliaoia Ci M Railroad, direct to the great,M n inarkit la «uih. late*, oi itaelf to pay the Inftaioot at

n Ittel tall to BfA per acta higher than in I lovernmeut landeinlew e. In other word*, that it eo*ta ai much more to get produ. ai: ¦ the interior of the country weat af the Miaaneaipp) to rheEaatem m* «et, tl at the fermer will find It much more profit'itatle to locate on the line of thi* railroad.

raica aid Tratte o* ravataar.Tie price will very from a>S to *>_. a......lug to Icetloo,

quality. Ac. <'ontraeta for deeda may be made during th* yeer1 v adptalataBatbo pun Inte money to be paid lu tee earn,ellaatalla entt.the tirat to liecome due in two year* from date of

* tbe other* aiwitieUy thereafter. The le»t payment wijb. e. n a due at the en.I o> ",. \ n .late of contract.

tti aactiotl ol Uk* Aat a] tbe l.ecialature, approyejK'rh February. 1841, theae land* are irea from taxatioo ontilM B) .re paid lor aud a deed of conveyance granted to the aur,cheter.UTBaatTT WILL IC CHtROrOAT O.M.V TWO ttB CttT PI*

abnum.Atatecnrity for the rerformance of the cot.tract, too fllet

tu o veart lulrreat mutt ho paid in advance, but it mtitt he »u-

deratoodthai oi.« t, .iii m{ the l..n.t pur,ii**e.l tball yearly batJit order enltivat,on. Lci ger ci.-.nta at en per cent perI may be negotiated by «ueei.il eoplii aiioii. Twenty par

e< Bl Baa* '1.' cp .'.it m a* will be deducted for aatta, In whichc.i.e the Cempaiiy't t 'on»frurtioii Hon.!* will be re. e'ted attach.

It it believed that ti e " kttat credit, anal low etee of io-tere«'charted for three lend*, will enable a man with a tawhm .Ircd dollar* in BB*B and onliuaiy induatry, to make htmaelfindej endeiit belt re all the purcba*e money becometdue. Moan-tin a tha rapid aettlemeut et tl e rounirv will probably have in¬

creased their value mnr .r In.. l YViien reouired. au tine*r e-... pe.'-on trill ai, <-ii pan) epj.icn.t* to t <e Uifonual ouand eid tB *elr< ling lend*.

I.a.ke Plate, ehowina rl e preclte lix-alion of 'he lend, through-out the State, may be reen at the office. Small pocket Plate,a> a (tdde to any part of the Company'* le"de. aria Pamphlete,eontaliiing latartatlaa ii tormation. a..attTaaaataei by nanaero'talettcrt from ret] eeteble fnrmere throughout the Stele mer bahad on apidiration at the odiee of the C ompany. No. U MicBi-gau av., Chkaao. CUABLKB M. IH7PUY, Ja.,

Land A lent IlltiHiie Ciuilial Railroad Company.

J EST ELEVENTH-HT..FOR SALE.V«rat clan brown afon* DYV'ELLIMO llol'SK, 2Sa*o,

ar .th av., with ell the modem improvement*, very tloatrabhafor * private re«idenee or »phv ... »i. HEN EDICT a C»HT.

\ (HHIArKKS 01 , ANL). "i'-'iiited in MaU-oJmXfx"" aataaCtfaatT,Ttaat.Itaallti from Metagoni*.on the Car ey River, tor aale oreachauge. Thie land ia wail« ateted ami'limbered, and ver, otile For full paiticulare,aiilye'No. In Wall,'., to SYLVESTER LAY, Attoravty atLaw aud Coiuuiltaiuiier for all the Statea


FRENCH an.1 CLASSICAL INSTITUTE ftrrA yoi KG <I] MXI MEN, No. W Ee*i .'tlh-.l.. ifbrmerl*H. I'. bLJ ELIK CHARLIER.

]AD1I>' Si l I t r M ll(l(i|. I'ORT RIC1I-i MOND, 8. I..The MISSES tNTIBCLL ba/e reo|*n..|

their School. Their nnpila NeoiTB (with th» enmtorta of a home)baatriictioti la Ihaaavaral t*raj*eawaal aJaeaiioii leim*, fromtfli.fi to * l.'.ti per Mumm.

IAI»IES' WRITING..A Lady who ia anntp«4 ed Tea. In tuarenteea to make any Ledy a beautiful

Writer in twenty L« .ami, through her method. Term*, a)t,Leaaoua will aa |rT*b on raatafat a| t> aud poetaga

a' ib p ea. h tfaw* A.hires* Mr- A. FRANCIS, Rocbeeter,Monroe County, N. Y.

ELECT BOARDINO SCHOOL for BOY8.milee notth ol Middletown, ft.

1 w in i hw* ill P i. ir*i.Sriiui; CLASSICAL liVMNASIl M, Bible-M. Hou e. A*tOT luce, entrance froiu Tmr.l avenue, ..i.docte.lbyj I BINOHAM, ft e DAY HIOH ICHOOL, re.elyjnatwenty pupils abov« end twenty below twelve yeare of age, preI eretory for bush ess or ollege All |»« Ilde meane aie ueettand no cere and lebor ere s|>ared to luek» thie School in ovaryftepeei the very best on tbi* eontineut. Ve.ai.cicr, may b«aataan d for good Hove

|*-B00kkEEliNG, WRU'IVfL AR1TH-f BfETIOtaaght Ihtraaahlt et PAINES'S ACADE-

MIES. No. 9ti Oraad at.. N. T., No, 101 Eultou at. Brooklyn."Asa teacher ot I'. ..i..«nsl.ip and Uieikkeeplng <Jol. PAINKItam'a i uriveled." (Momlog Journal.


Dancing ^cabemiee.


No. 8<t; Broadway. New-York iNo. 137 Montague place. Brooklyn,

Are now open f.r the scaeoti. Pupils can cm uei.ee at ai.yi a i..en, et| lalidng time and term*, can ba had at tost

Ai ai'eniiea

B~R~OOKLYN..The Second Quarter of Mr*.I.ANNA v >fl DANI IRO BCBOOL, at Montag** Hall,

.' ,51 uit at., BBBl i f eu. there are vererieie* for new Eaptls.Tie Quarr.-r dat., fraai the time ol entry, I naaona onYYEDNESDAYS at S| o'clock | on riATL'RDAY« at S o'clock.

Jpiano-Jorlco anö XUnoic.

Ai:ol.I.\.\s, PIANOS. HYRMoMUMS aodMELODEONS aratk new iaiLroy«rr,ei,ta, fa aale at low

rar. s, or for rent, with r«-nt applied If purchased, by H. T. OOR-liCN Sole A»e.t fa Balk rr, Daria a Co.'» uii/ivaled fianoaBi.d Me>on k H«n.lir.'e mialel Melodeun*


RIB. No I.: H-'. o.. «t., re.j^ritully invite attention to theirPIA.NO-FOBTKS, conetructed with tha patent ABC IfIS REaTf, PLANK, wl .el. is uridonhtedly the Btoet s ihettnBai.mprovement ever introdeeed into ibi* popular loan a Bloat

HÄlNES BROS.' IMTRÖVED IRON-FRAMEPI ANCS.-Buyer* will oow find our PIANOS much im¬

proved by tbe new Iron Frame end other velnable improvements,)'.. ¦ fk t. we heve put reduced our retail primae (aaa ptlBlaal Hawkand o fie errangen., ore to keep a larte es'ortment al way* Oahand, at tha Music .-r.f. ot COOK k URO. agent*, No. 143Broadway. We invite attention to tbe beautiful aeaaw Bad tat-

Brtor tone of our instrument*. Numerous teetimoniale frnmJ. tuthonty can ha teen on application. HAINES BEOf.


24» and «51 YVeet Bth-tt., near 9tL-av. Planoe wxk the beetan.er'e tn.l wtrranted Secoi '.-i.awl i leaaae firoaa 050

to *)180. Piano* toned, repaired, to let and «tukoaawd

JLAUKOTA «V MARSCHALL, MaauiVtJir-e era of superior PIANO-FORTKS at No. S Mereer et.

Pianoa toned ar.d repaired and taken in exchange. Ptaaaalelet.

ROAN..A »pleiidaä^OTHIC ÖROAN, withfour trope end e-welt, black welnut Ca**, of extraordinary

pow er end ewee'oeee of 'on«v euirable for church or parlor, foreale very cheep by A. WF.BKB, No. IW Weat Broadway.

PIANOFORTES.R GLENN A Co hate re¬moved their Piano-Eorte Manafactory and *"iriiitatl froaa

No 1» Fulton at. to No. W Spring-et, two door* Beat ofBroadway.

70( 1 AN E ROSEWOOD~PIANO foTSAJ.E~ .Rich tone end beautifully falaked with round corners;

baa been in use two month*; warranted to stand the teet af amusicel eaemifjatitMi pin a tery way a perfect luaanuueat; city-n.a'e with anaxptradtwarrenty : cos* the owner BtBOi wul betold for t> 1*0 cask. Aoply at No. IS* West Sotb-et. Bear »tfc-ev .white cottage with e (erden in float-

BARLOW" ROTARY WOOD-PLANINGMACHINES, the beet in »ee,patented I8SS. Manufeetared

end sold by the NEWARK MACHINK Co. Newark. M. J.Mae.lui.e *i»d rigkl to uaa, Call tad tea It.