High Efficiency Cutters High Efficiency Grinders In the hands of the best 6 5 4 3 6 5 4 3 0 Stop 0 Stop 2 2 1

High Effi ciency Cutters High Effi ciency Grinders

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High Effi ciency CuttersHigh Effi ciency Grinders

In the hands of the best

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Page 2: High Effi ciency Cutters High Effi ciency Grinders
Page 3: High Effi ciency Cutters High Effi ciency Grinders



Overview motor variant types 5

K 30 rasant ultra /AC-8 6–7

K 40 ultra rasant /AC-8 8–9

K 60 AC-8 rasant/ultra 10–11

K 75 AC-8 rasant/ultra 12–13

K 90 AC-8 rasant/ultra 14–15

K 120 AC-8 rasant/ultra 16–18, 30

K 160 AC-8 rasant/ultra 19

K 96 AC-8 rasant/ultra 20–21

K 126 AC-8 rasant/ultra 22–23

K 64 AC-8 rasant/ultra 24

K 124 AC-8 rasant/ultra 25

K 124 H AC-8 rasant/ultra 26–27

Loading devices 18–19

Details Cutters 30–37

Cutter knives 38–39

Controls 40–43

Motor variant types 44


WD 114 K 7, 47

WD 114 9, 46

AD 114 11, 48

AE 130 17, 49

MD 114 13, 50

ME 130 15, 51

ME 130/3B 52

AE 130/3B 52

AM 130/3 53

Cutting sets 54–55

Details Grinders 56–57

Technical data 59–61

Grey printed variants are alternatively available.

Table ofcontents

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All Seydelmann Cutters are available with the following motor variant types:

AC-8 – steplessly pre-programmable high-speed machine for extremely fi ne emulsions and the highest possible protein extraction

6 steplessly programmable knife speeds, forward 2 reverse mixing speeds 2 separate bowl speeds Frequency-controlled 3-phase motor with smart control of output Command 1000, digital display and control for gear, knife speeds, running time, temperature,

bowl speeds, time Switch-off automatic system for temperature and running time Up to 9 switch-offs possible Separate panel box of stainless steel with built-in main-switch

Ultra – fi xed speeds

2 knife speeds 2 forward mixing speeds With 2 reverse mixing speeds as an option 2 separate bowl speeds All drive systems with 3-phase motors Command 1000, digital display and control for gear, knife speeds, running time, temperature,

bowl speeds, time Switch-off automatic system for temperature and running time Up to 9 switch-offs possible Separate panel box of stainless steel (installation into the machine possible)

Rasant – fi xed speeds

2 knife speeds 2 bowl speeds All drive systems with 3-phase motors Command 1000, digital display and control for gear, knife speeds, running time, temperature,

bowl speeds, time Switch-off automatic system for temperature and running time Up to 9 switch-offs possible Separate panel box of stainless steel (installation into the machine possible)

Overview motor variant types

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High-Effi ciency Cutters

The Seydelmann Cutter

Due to its seamless, largely solid stainless steel construction the Seydelmann Cutter is very robust and easy to clean. All edges are rounded and polished. In the whole cover no screws or edges where dirt or bac-teria can be deposited.

Transparent and unbreakable noise ab-sorbing cover. The machine body is largely made of solid stainless and thick-walled steel. No cast-iron or mild steel profi les, clad with thin stainless sheets. No dents in case machine is hit by trolleys etc. All machines are closed at the bottom with a stainless bottom and equipped with a ven-tilation system (airing and de-airing). Solid construction for best possible smooth op-eration associated with the double-walled cover construction ensures optimal noise-reduction.

Custom-orientated knee switches at the outside of the bowl, exactly at the oper-ating position of the operator. As the ma-chine is operated with the knee, the oper-ator always has ready hands for loading and unloading the Cutter. Command 1000, digital display and control for gear, knife speeds, running time, temperature, bowl speeds, time. Temperature probe built into the scraper, giving accurate temperature control. Experience shows that in many factories it is more likely that not enough space is available thus the very compact construction of the Seydelmann Cutter is advantageous.High Effi ciency Cutter K 30 rasant-v Standard Grinder WD 114 K – short version

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The Rasant-Cutter

A robust high-effi ciency Cutter for most intensive use. 2 knife speeds and 2 bowl speeds. Optimal operation by means of knee switches. Command 1000, digital dis-play and control for gear, knife speeds, run-ning time, temperature, bowl speeds, time. Switch-off automatic system for tempera-ture and running time. Up to 9 switch-offs possible. Activation of the switch-off auto-matic system is achieved via an additional knee switch as an option.

The Ultra-Cutter

The sturdy design allows the Ultra-Cutter to be universally used, for dry, and boiled sausages as well as for chilled or frozen ma-terial. 2 knife speeds and 2 mixing speeds for the addition of coarse material into the emulsion. On option the 2 bowl speeds can be used in combination with each knife speed. 2 reverse mixing speeds as an op-tion. Command 1000, digital display and control for gear, knife speeds, running time, temperature, bowl speeds, time. Switch-off automatic system for temperature and running time. Up to 9 switch-offs possible. Activation of the switch-off automatic sys-tem is achieved via an additional knee switch as an option.

High Effi ciency Cutter K 40 ultra-v Standard Grinder WD 114

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The AC-8 – Cutter

AC-8 Cutters are equipped with a frequency-controlled 3-phase motor. The AC-8 drive system fulfi ls in its most perfect tech-nology the ultimate demands as to safety, application technology, operating life and speed. The AC-8 Cutter is characterised by advantages such as high-speed with best performance as well as paramount relia-bility for years. The extremely robust AC-8 Cutter being designed for utmost effi ciency is working without carbon brushes or air fi lters with a high-maintenance rate. The running costs are reduced to a minimum.

The AC-8 Cutter with frequency converter and 3-phase motor is equipped with 6 gears forward and 2 reverse mixing gears or as an option with 8 pre-programmable gears forward. All speeds, from the mixing speed to the highest speed, can be steplessly pre-programmed. On request, the AC-8 can be equipped with a stepless speed. This gear, independent of the pre-programmed ideal values, lowers or raises the speeds from zero to the highest number of revolutions.

Command 1000, digital display and con-trol for gear, knife speeds, running time, temperature, bowl speeds, time. Switch-off automatic system for temperature and running time. Up to 9 switch-offs possible. Activation of the switch-off automatic sys-tem is achieved via an additional knee switch as an option.

High Effi ciency Cutter K 60 AC-8

Automatic Grinder AD 114

with seperating set

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Fourth speed with 2500 rpm for dry sau-sage and fi ne granulation. Fifth speed with 4800 rpm for fi ne emulsions.

Sixth speed with up to 6400 rpm for fi nest emulsions and ultimate protein extraction at the beginning of the cutting process.

Liver sausage, being produced with the highest number of revolutions, becomes intensely colored pink, completely fi ne and spreadable as nougat cream

Fine smoked sausage spread types and smoked beef/pork sausage types become absolutely fi ne, smooth, spreadable and a later oil leaking is avoided

The processing of raw rinds to fi ne rind emulsion creates a new potential market for the highest speed of the AC-8 Cut-ter. After only a short running time, the rind becomes structure-free and as fi ne as pudding

Lean basic emulsion for semi dry sau-sage is extremely emulsifi ed thus the visibility of the dry boundary is delayed by several days

Seventh speed (reverse) with 50 rpm re-verse for mixing and blending of bologna sausage with chunks of meat, mushrooms and boiled eggs.

Eighth speed (reverse) with 130 rpm re-verse for tumbling of additives and for intense mixing of meat without cutting or shredding of the meat for instance for Corned Beef.

Programming possibilities(for example with K 60 AC-8):

First speed with 60 rpm for mixing and blending of very coarse chunks of meat without cutting.

Second speed with 240 rpm for mixing or blending in of fi ner granulated ingredi-ents, e. g. ham sausage.

Third speed with 1200 rpm for coarse pre-cutting and deairing of the emulsion: pro-duction of coarse granulation.

Technology in the AC-8 Cutter

A coarse and very uniform texture can be achieved with a relatively low knife speed. In order to achieve uniformity with fi ner grains, the speed is selected higher accord-ing to the grain size – the knife speed is

increased as the grain size decreases. A regular, uniform spread of the product to be processed by use of the mixing speeds will improve the visual appearance of the product and will therefore improve the general sales potential.

High Effi ciency Cutter K 75 AC-8 Mixing Grinder MD 114

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Technological advantages of the AC-8 Cutter

The AC-8 Cutter allows the production of still more profi table emulsions. More effec-tive applications through the stepless pro-gramming of the 8 speeds. The technical design of the AC-8 Cutter allows speeds, that are up to 50 % higher than with usual high-speed machines. This high speed ex-tracts considerably more protein from the meat cell. Already at the beginning of the cutting process, an extremely stronger binding can be realised. Due to the high speed of the knives, inertia of the meat particles increases and the breakdown of the meat cells is complete. Not even the smallest cell compounds are missed by the knives and are cut again. This results in tougher, stronger and more homogenous emulsions. The extremely high speed guar-antees a high degree of fi neness. Not only cellular protein but also taste infl uencing substances of the meat, like enzymes and ferments etc., can be better released. The sausage has a better taste. To emulsify the product, the knife speed is programmed slightly lower. The required fi rm consist-encies of the different recipes are achieved by means of the variably adjustable speeds during the emulsifying process. The com-bination of all these features improves in particular the visual appearance of the sau-sage. A good-looking and delicious, mouth-watering sausage will attract the consum-ers and increase their willingness to buy.

High Effi ciency Cutter

K 90 AC-8 Mixing Grinder ME 130

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High Effi ciency Cutter K 120 AC-8 with ejector Automatic Grinder AE 130

Dry sausage in the AC-8 Cutter

For the production of dry sausage the ul-timate demands as to the requested grain size of the dry sausage are achieved by the individual adjustment of the knife speeds.

In particular as to coarse granulation the accurate adjustment in the lower speed range is crucial for a uniform particle def-inition.

Thanks to the special design of the Cutter cover a fast and regular mixture at low friction and temperature rise is achieved.

Trough this cover shape in connection with the deep bowl a high fi lling rate is possible.


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Loading devices

High Effi ciency Cutter K 120 AC-8 with separate loading device High Effi ciency Cutter K 160 AC-8 with integrated loading device

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The High-Effi ciency Cutter K 96 AC-8

In butcheries many tiring activities being very exhausting for the organism in the long run arise and those can’t be trans-ferred or at least not completely to ma-chines. The 90 liter Cutter K 96 AC-8 was equipped with a hydraulic ejector and a hy-draulic main cover in order to relieve the workers as best one can. Thus this equip-ment doesn’t have to be activated manual-ly any longer. This is now done automatic-ally via a cross switch.

Moreover the ejector is now taking care of the until now manual and time-consuming discharging of the Cutter bowl as well as the following scraping together of remain-ing emulsion out of the bowl.

High Effi ciency Cutter K 96 AC-8

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The High-Effi ciency Cutter K 126 AC-8

As to the K 126 AC-8 we have succeeded in transferring the preferences of the In-dustrial Cutters to the handcraft.

The machine is as standard equipped with a hydraulic ejector as well as a hydraulic main cover with special noise reduction kit and that makes work a lot easier.

On request an integrated hydraulic load-ing device is available.

The K 126 AC-8 enables a more effi cient, more economic and more comfortable work.

High Effi ciency Cutter K 126 AC-8

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Technological advantages of the vacuum

The Vacuum Cutter produces a fi rm emul-sion and reduces the volume by 5–7 %. The emulsifying effect is considerably in-creased as the knives are able to achieve a further cutting of even the fi nest meat piec-es which enables an even higher protein extraction. The higher protein extraction and an increased release of fl avor trans-ferring essences out of the meat lead to a

reduced quantity of spices while keeping the taste.

In this emulsion, being characterised by binding and stability, rind pieces and sinew pieces are not missed by the knives and are therefore cut. Thus an even better fi ne-ness of the product is achieved.

The chemical effect of vacuum

Due to the lower penetration of atmos-pheric oxygen in the Vacuum-Cutter, the reaction of oxygen and fatty acids are con-siderably reduced. The result is a much longer shelf life of the products and be-sides it leads to a fast, bright and more durable reddening and to a much longer lasting colour.

The biological effect of vacuum

As oxygen is locked out, the remaining atmosphere is replaced by chemically and biologically neutral nitrogen, the growth of germs and the loss of aroma is greatly re-duced. This increases the transport times and the product has an increased shelf life. Even with recipes poorer in protein, the heat stabilization of the emulsion is better.

Vacuum-Cooking-Cutter K 64 AC-8

Vacuum-Cooking-Cutter K 124 AC-8

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The Seydelmann-Vacuum-Cutter

Shorter periods of time for creating a com-plete vacuum after the addition of ingredi-ents enable an immediate continuing of the cutting process under vacuum. The main cover seals directly to the outside of the bowl on the body of the machine.

There is only a little air space between the emulsion and the cover. This allows very quick evacuation. Moreover it includes an essential timesaving and energysaving factor. The transparent noise absorbing cover allows permanent visibility and thus control of the product during cutting.

Additional sealing inserts are unnecessary. It also allows free access to the bowl from all sides. All Vacuum-Cutters are equipped with a maintenance-free vacuum pump.

This machine can also be used as Vacuum-Mixer when working with the mixing speeds.

Vacuum-Cooking-Cutter K 124-H AC 8

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The Seydelmann Cooking-Cutter

A nozzle system installed below the bowl is heating it by means of steam.

An enormous saving of time as well as an essential reduction of the bacteria con-tent of the sausage emulsion is achieved by avoiding various processing steps.

Especially with coarse cooked sausages a further saving of time can be achieved by the injection of live steam.

Approx. 10 % gain of normally evaporated fl a-vour by using the Seydelmann Cooking-Cut-ter. Complete preservation of taste, aroma and protein, which otherwise would get lost by cooking in water. The extremely short cooking period at the ideal tempera-ture ensures that the taste and aroma giv-ing components are completely preserved in their structure.

Therefore, longer shelf life and much bet-ter emulsion because of hot emulsifying of meat, fat and water. No fat separation.

Cooling is effected by a special nozzle cool-ing system on the bowl outside.

The Seydelmann Cooking-Cutter; standard with automatic cooking system

The material for the cutting process is heat-ed with full steam capacity in the bowl. As soon as the required temperature is reached, the heating system is switched off or reduced and the residue heat in the metal of the bowl is used to reach the pre-adjusted cooking temperature.

Then the machine automatically switches to the cooling process and cools until the fi nal temperature (68–72°C) is reached.

This prevents from overheating and the sticking of protein to the bowl. In addition energy is saved.

Then the nozzle system under the Cutter bowl is automatically switched on in order to cool the cooked sausage material down to the pre-programmed temperature. This is necessary to be able to add the pre-chopped and pre-salted liver.

The Cutter is also available as Vacuum-Cooking-Cutter.

Machine body of solid stainless steel

Nozzle system Cooking-Cutter

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Details Cutters

Hydrodynamic cover

Thanks to the newly developed hydrody-namic Cutter cover a fast and regular mix-ture at low friction and temperature rise is achieved. No coarse meat- or fat pieces stick to the cutting area of the cover. Labo-rious and time-consuming opening, proc-

ess of being unloaded and closing of the Cutter cover during the cutting process is omitted. Trough this hydrodynamic cover shape in connection with the deep bowl a high fi lling rate is possible.

Elevated feed opening

There is an elevated feed opening at the right side of the cover. This opening is also continued under the knife shaft arm. It ensures the regular and fast feed of big meat- and fat pieces.

Fine knife shaft arm

The fi ne knife shaft arm facilitates the emulsion being unloaded. It also allows free and easy access to the bowl area be-hind and under the knife shaft arm. This ensures an easy cleaning.

K 120 AC 8 with ejector

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Quality in every detail

All surfaces on the machine are designed with a slope so that cleaning water will drain completely from all surfaces. No wa-ter stains on the machine.

Central point of lubrication

The lubrication nipples for the front as well as the rear knife shaft bearing are situated out of the product area at the outside of the machine.

The stainless steel cover of the central print of lubrication ensures an easy cleaning and fulfi lls the ultimate hygiene requirements.

Embedded covers

All covers are completely embedded in the machine body. No silicone seals and rub-ber seals are necessary.

Thus the cleaning of the whole machine can be done easily by pressure washer.


Long and perfectly-shaped scrapers turn over the emulsion neatly. Even the production of small quantities of emulsion is possible. Thus it is easily possible to produce 10 % of the bowl content as minimum quantity.

Temperature sensors

Immediate and very accurate tempera-ture control.

The temperature sensor is integrated in the top end of the perfectly-shaped scraper.

Even smallest amounts of emulsion can be accurately measured and no coarse mate-rial can stick to the sensor causing incor-rect measurement.

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Speed adjustment while opening and closing the noise absorbing cover

The speed adjustment leads to an automatic reduction of the knife speed at the half of the maximum speed when opening the noise absorbing cover. The Cutter is auto-matically switching to the preseted speed after closing the noise absorbing cover.

Hygienic mounting of noiseabsorbing cover

The hinges are of solid stainless steel and the two stoppers for the noise absorbing cover are mounted outside the bowl area. There are no fl anged or screwed plates(rubber stoppers) or similar parts neces-sary on the noise absorbing cover. Wear-ing out of the hinges is avoided and the contact to the speed adjustment can’t be interrupted unintentionally.

Mechanical noise absorbing cover lock*

Due to the mechanical noise absorbing cover lock, the main cover can be opened with the noise protection cover in vertical po-sition. In addition to the compact design of the Cutter, this allows a signifi cant re-duction of the distance between the wall and Cutter in compliance with the required minimum distance.


The electronics are situated in a separate panel box. This panel box can be installed in a separate room. Thus the electronics are nearly insensitive to breakdowns. All com-ponents are stored away in a clear and logically interlinked structure. Any repairs and maintenances can be carried out standing up and in the dry. Compact and space-saving machine.

Easy lift for cover*

By request an easy lift for cover is available for all Butchery Cutters. This option serves as support for the opening and closing of the main cover.

Hydraulic main cover*

A maximum ease of operation is ensured when working with High Effi ciency Cutters with hydraulic main cover. Activation is taking place per an additional knee – or cross switch.

*available as an option

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Knee switches

Practical customer-orientated knee switch-es are integrated into the front wall of the bowl, exactly at the operator’s position. As all functions of the machine are switched with the knee, the operator’s hands are al-ways free for loading and unloading and the switches are kept clean. No interfer-enceprone sheet displays, switches and illuminated displays at the machine. The cleaning of the control elements can be done easily by pressure washers as well as all cleaning agents.


The specially designed ejector disc profi le allows quick and effi cient unloading, even with liquid materials. The hydrodynamic design of the entire ejector ensures quick and complete unloading of the emulsion.

Cross switches

The cross switches are ideally arranged according to ergonomic aspects. Contrary to common controls which are suscepti-ble to interference, the machine and all its functions can almost be operated with-out opening one’s eyes. Each switch con-trols logically inlinked functions. The ma-chine is electrically interlocked to prevent incorrect or faulty operation. No interfer-enceprone sheet displays, switches and illuminated displays at the machine. The cleaning of the control elements can be done easily by pressure washers as well as all cleaning agents.

Hydraulic ejector*

The hydraulic ejector is as standard fi tted to the right-hand side of the Cutter. Ow-ing to its geometry, shape and position in the bowl, this ejector is designed for effi -cient and accurate unloading even with liquid products such as fi ne liver sausage or blood sausage. Manual assistance with the hands or with a bowl scraper is no longer required. No visible wires, hinges and drive components. There are no fastening screws and lubrication nipples. All parts are rounded and polished.

*available as an option

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Cutter knives

E: Effi cient universal knife for boiled-, dry- and cooked sausage.

K: For extremely fi ne boiled sausage and rind-emulsions.

BA: Perfect for dry sausage production due to its drawing cut.

BA 30°: 2 x 30° knives and 2 x 60° knives provide for exactly the same cut-ting sequence provid-ed that a knife head with 4 knives is used.

Knife gauge*

For exact adjustment of the knives after regrinding. The safety stud is reduced to the correct length.

Balancing unit

Balancing unit for fi ne balancing of the whole knife set. For very smooth operation.

Knife system KO, EO and BO*

Each two knives are mounted in one level into the balancing clamping set or into the draw-in balancing clamping set with intermediate spacer. The O-knife system

can be balanced in no time to the maxi-mum smooth operation. In addition the knife replacement is very user-friendly and time-saving.

Balanceable knife head

Simple knife replacement and balancing. The knives can be inserted for any num-ber of knives and arrangement. Completely

interchangeable without taking out the individual knives. For vibration free run-ning even with high speeds.

*available as an option

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Command 1000

Digital display for gear, knife speeds, run-ning time, temperature, bowl speeds, time. All knife speeds are steplessly pre-pro-grammable according to the motor type variant and subsequently retrieved via the practical customer-orientated knee

operation or cross operation of the Cutter. Switch-off automatic system for tempera-ture and running time. Up to 9 switch-offs possible. Display of maintenance intervals and service intervals.

Command 1500

Vacuum Cutters or machines with inte-grated water dosing system with valve are equipped with the Command 1500. Addi-

Wall mounting

with pipe elbow

Ceiling side


Mounting variant

for wall

Fastened upright

through the fl oor

tionally to the functions of the Command 1000 this control type shows water quan-tities and vacuum values.

Electronic programming

The whole electronic programming unit is placed outside the Cutter i. e. in a stainless housing this makes the machines insensitive to breakdowns and to be cleaned very easily. The extra large display is fi tted within optimal sight distance of the operator either behind the machine on the wall or on a pipe console. All relevant working data is easy legible even from a considerable distance.

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Auto-Command 3000

The computer-based system solution en-ables automated cutting according to saved recipes and according to fi xed val-ues. In this connection the individual pro-gram steps and the corresponding ingredi-ents are shown during the cutting process. All machine functions are automatically selected for standardization and quality assurance of the products. During the se-quences of a programme it is possible to intervene manually at any time and to con-tinue the cutting process. In the service module maintenance intervals and serv-ice intervals are displayed. PLC – layouts, end switch functions and appearing error messages serve for fast analyzing of er-rors and ensure direct support.

Auto-Command 4000

Additionally to the functions of the Auto-Command 3000 this control type is equipped with data recording of all pro-duction stages. This additional function en-ables a subsequent evaluation as well as longterm quality proof for instance in or-der to serve as a basis for documentation within the scope of the ISO 9001 certifi -cation. Thanks to the Teach-in function it is possible to save exemplary batches after manual pre-cutting and to retrieve those at a later stage. The user admin-istration enables an activation of indi-vidual display levels and functions of the programme for the different users. All re-corded data is assigned to the respective user. In the production plan individual recipes are stored in the desired order of production.

By the recipe calculator it is possible to adjust individual quantity standards auto-matically according to modifi ed total quan-tity. The total consumption determines the quantities of all ingredients within a freely selectable period of time for imput-ed purposes.

On request it is possible to process all saved data or to add new recipes via a remote connection. Furthermore all process steps beyond the production can be followed.

Auto-Command 3000 with 24“ Wide Screen monitor Auto-Command 4000 with 24“ Wide Screen monitor

Recipe management system – Auto-Command 3000

Data recording Auto-Command 4000

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Motor variant types

AC-8 Cutter – steplessly pre-programmable high-speed machine for extremely fi ne emulsions and the highest possible protein extraction

By the AC-8 Cutters it is possible to achieve a high-speed of over 6.400 rpm. The frequency-controlled three-phase motor of the AC-8 Cutter has a signifi -cantly higher effi ciency than convention-al drives with fi xed speeds

Carbon brush and air fi lter changes no longer required

There are no more peak loads when start-ing or changing speeds compared to con-ventional three-phase drives

Regardless of the fi lling quantity, the AC-8 Cutter will work at exactly the pro-grammed speeds. Along with maximum power savings, this ensures absolute uni-formity of the product

The AC-8 cutter consumes only the pow-er needed for the relevant effort due to the preprogrammed ideal speed, i. e. no faster nor slower than required for the relevant product

Up to 25 % power saving with the AC-8 Cutter in comparison with conventional drive systems

The Ultra-Cutter – strong and universal

The sturdy design ensures the universal use for raw and boiled sausage as well as cooked sausage

2 cutting speeds and 2 mixing speeds for the addition of coarse material into the emulsion

Thus, the 2 bowl speeds can be used in combination with each knife speed, re-sulting in 8 different speed combina-tions. 2 reverse mixing speeds as an option

The Rasant-Cutter

A robust high-effi ciency Cutter for most intensive use

2 cutting speeds with 2 bowl speeds

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Seydelmann Grinders

Advantages of theSeydelmann Grinders

Stainless worm housing, stainless worm, stainless union nut or stainless bayonet locking* for highest demands in hygiene and quality. Mechanical wear of the worm housing is largely prevented by the use of a special material. Moreover the worm hous-ing is equipped with a trapezoidal thread which by contrast to a conventional fi ne-pitch thread endures the toughest use on a long-term basis.

Motors are insulated against humidity and totally closed (IP55). Drive largely wear- and maintenance-free. Waterproof panel box built into the machine.

The Standard Grinder WD 114

Largely of solid stainless steel. Worm, worm housing with trapezoidal thread and union nut or bayonet locking* are made of solid stainless steel.

Strong construction, 2-speed working worm. First speed for fresh meat and slight-ly frozen meat. Second speed for cooked products, liver, spinach, etc. Due to its special design, the outlet hand guard is arranged signifi cantly higher above the fi lling opening in line with standards re-quirements.

Therefore, fast and easy fi lling even of larg-er pieces of meat is possible. Hopper con-tent approx. 60 l. Fast and powerful con-veying of the material. Clear cut-image for each hole plate size.

Outlet hand guard* as well as separating set* are available as optional equipment.

The WD 114 is additionally available as compact version WD 114 K with short ma-chine body.

Standard Grinder WD 114 Standard Grinder WD 114 K – short version

*available as an option

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Automatic Grinders

The Automatic Grinder AD 114

Largely of solid stainless steel. Worm, worm housing with trapezoidal thread and union nut or bayonet locking* are made of solid stainless steel.

Hopper content approx. 100 l. Especially strong 2-speed main drive of the working worm, largely wear- and maintenance-free. Strong 2-speed drive for the wide conical feeding worm. The speeds of the feeding worm and the working worm can be used independently of each other. The conical feeding worm of up to approx. 230 mm diameter takes up large pieces of meat and safely transports them to the working worm without forming bridges. The safety guard with switch-off contact prevents that a worker‘s hand can get into the running feeding worm.

Feeding worm running forward and re-verse* for mixing. The mixing capacity comes up to approx. 25 kg. Outlet hand guard *as well as separating set*are avail-able as optional equipment.

The Automatic Grinder AE 130

Largely of solid stainless steel. Worm, worm housing with trapezoidal thread and un-ion nut or bayonet locking* are made of solid stainless steel.

Especially strong 2-speed main drive of the working worm, largely wear- and mainte-nance-free. For frozen meat pieces down to approx. –10 °C depending on the fi nal grinder plate hole size. Strong 2-speed drive for the wide conical feeding worm. The speeds of the feeding worm and the working worm can be used independently of each other. The conical feeding worm of up to approx. 270 mm diameter takes up large pieces of meat and safely transports them to the working worm without form-ing bridges. The safety guard with switch-off contact prevents that a worker‘s hand can get into the running feeding worm.

Feeding worm running forward and reverse* for mixing. The mixing capaci-ty comes up to approx. 35 kg. Outlet hand guard*, holding device* as well as sepa-rating set* are available as optional equip-ment.

Automatic Grinder AE 130Automatic Grinder AD 114

*available as an option

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The Mixing Grinder MD 114

Largely of solid stainless steel. Worm, worm housing with trapezoidal thread and un-ion nut or bayonet locking* are made of solid stainless steel.

The twin-armed agitator in the 75 l hop-per works as an automatic feeder and as mixer while the worm is switched off. The mixing capacity is approx. 50 kg. Interval automatic with forward and reverse run-ning agitator.

2-speed main worm. The safety guard with switch-off contact prevents that a worker‘s hand can get into the running agitator.

Also available on request is a short re-verse gear for the main worm*, outlet hand guard* as well as separating set*


Robust interval automatic with forward and reverse running agitator for optimal mixing and as automatic feeder.

The Mixing Grinder ME 130

Largely of solid stainless steel. Worm, worm housing with trapezoidal thread and un-ion nut or bayonet locking* are made of solid stainless steel.

The twin-armed agitator in the 170 l hop-per works as an automatic feeder and as mixer while the worm is switched off. The mixing capacity is approx. 100 kg. Interval automatic with forward and reverse run-ning agitator. 2-speed main worm.

The safety guard with switch-off contact prevents that a worker‘s hand can get into the running agitator.

Also available on request is a short re-verse gear for the main worm*, outlet hand guard*, holding device* as well as sepa-rating set*


Robust interval automatic with forward and reverse running agitator for optimal mixing and as automatic feeder.

Mixing Grinder MD 114 Mixing Grinder ME 130

Mixing Grinders

*available as an option

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52 53

Automatic Grinder AE 130/3B, Mixing Grinder ME 130/3B and Automatic Mixing Grinder AM 130/3

All Grinders with a hole plate diameter of 130 mm are available in the version with an integrated hydraulic loading device* and enlarged hopper content.

Loading device*

The hydraulic loading device is available for 120 ltr. or 200 ltr. loading trolleys. The hydraulic aggregate, the cylinder, valves etc. are completely built into the machine. Therefore cleaning of the Grinder is quick-ly and easily done. Due to the hydraulics the loading device is largely maintenance- free. The loading device is situated on the left hand side, in order to allow best ma-terial fl ow and perfect performance. By request it is also possible to fi t it on the right hand side. When the Grinder is not used, the loading device can be “parked” in its highest position which is a gain of space. By request the loading device can be adapted to the given space.

Automatic Mixing Grinder AM 130/3

Mixing Grinder ME 130/3B with loading device

Automatic Grinder AE 130/3B with loading device

Grinders with integrated loading device

*available as an option

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54 55

Cutting sets

Separating set*

Separating set for the improvement of the meat quality. Gain of time during debon-ing. Gristle and sinew, etc. do not have to be cut out. The separating set sorts out a great portion of the hard components in meat. No blocking of the cutting set as the hard particles are removed automatically. Therefore improved throughput with clear-est cut. The meat quality is upgraded by 1 to 2 quality levels (GEHA). Ideal for colla-gen reduction. Removed sinews are deep-frozen and bowl chopped to a fi ne emulsion which can be added to certain products.

Pneumatic separating device*

The pneumatic separating device, used with the separating set, ensures even more exact and precise control of separation and sorting out sinew and meat. The pneumat-ic separating device controls the desired fl ow by means of a ball valve. (separate compressed air connection required) The interval time between opening and clos-ing of the valve can be set individually as required. The transparent discharge hose allows you to continuously check the qual-ity of the discharged product.

*available as an option

Separating set

Cutting set, 5-piece

Cutting set, 3-piece

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56 57

Details Grinders

Outlet hand guard*

According to VBG 19 of the German acci-dent prevention regulations and/or the Eu-ropean draft standard EN 12331, the protec-tion device is required for operation with end hole disks ≥ 8 mm hole diameter and the outside knife. Its electrical interlock-ing prevents injury from the cutting set.

Bayonet locking*

The solid stainless bayonet locking ensures a fast and easy change of the hole plates and knives. As the outer ring remains on the housing, the front part of the bayonet is considerably lighter than the whole screw nut. The bayonet locking also protects the thread of the worm housing.

Control panel

All control elements are clearly installed at the operator position. The control panel of the machine is laid-out in an ergonom-ical way. Clear symbols for the functions of the machine guarantee an ease of oper-ation and avoid errors. The removal of the worm out of the worm housing is easily possible thanks to the worm ejector.

*available as an option

Outside knife*

The outside knife is running on the last hole plate. Meat coming out of the grinding set in the form of threads is cut once again getting a uniform size and blend. Ideal for coarse meat pieces, dry sausage, frying sau-sage etc. The outside knife can only be used in connection with the hand safety guard.

Outside cutting device*

The outside cutting device has a separate motor and drives the outside cutting knife independently of the working worm. The permutations are steplessly preadjustable to achieve the desired size of granulation. Higher speed produces shorter particles, slower speed produces longer particles. The outside cutting device produces exact uniform particle sizes of any material.

Holding device*

The holding device for the precutting plate (kidney plate) guarantees an almost friction-free and careful cut. The grinding set is not pressed together under the high pressure of the meat fl ow. The wear of hole plates and knives is reduced considerably.

Page 31: High Effi ciency Cutters High Effi ciency Grinders



Seydelmann machines are manufactured in accordance to legal safety regulations and have the CE-Declaration of Conformity.

Advanced quality

Innovating thinking, economic acting, qual-ity production. Certifi ed by the sought-after certifi cate ISO 9001 we will continue to safely meet the highest demands in the future.


Global service Qualifi ed service technicians Extensive spare parts supply warranted

for many years Emergency service 7 days/week Loan machine service

© 2010 Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KGAll the contents of this brochure, especially the texts and pictures,

also in excerpted form, are the intellectual property of Maschinen-

fabrik Seydelmann KG, D-70174 Stuttgart. All rights reserved. No por-

tion of this brochure may be copied, duplicated or distributed with-

out the written approval of Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG. This

prohibition covers in particular commercial duplication by copying,

recording in electronic databases, duplication on data media, and

transferring to other forms of printed products.

Page 32: High Effi ciency Cutters High Effi ciency Grinders


H3 H2








H3 H2H1 5,5





K 64K 124

K 124 HK126K160

Technical Data


Dimensions / data not binding. Alterations reserved.

X = min. width of door at disassem-bled machine

X = min. width of door at disassem-bled machine

litre power of motors in kW weight in kg dimensions in cm


ultraras v

ultra vras vs

ultra vs ACwithoutejector

withejector B1 B2 B3 B4 T1 T2 T3 H1 H2 H3 X Ø

K 64 60 12 17 21 max. 40 1900 2020 153 200 216 – 125 136 180 88 201 217 138 96

K 124 120 26 32 45 max. 80 2400 2525 181 248 253 – 152 172 224 90 236 253 164 121

K 124 H 120 26 32 45 max. 80 2500 2625 181 – – 276 152 172 224 90 236 255 171 121

K 126 126 26 32 45 max. 80 – 1800 161 – – 276 217 167 196 97 172 211 125 113

K 160 160 26 32 45 max. 80 – 2300 163 – – 299 230 170 202 97 172 220 130 123

Page 33: High Effi ciency Cutters High Effi ciency Grinders


X = min. width of door at disassembled machine



05 / 2


K 96K 40–K120


*Also available as vacuum cutters, cooking cutter or vacuum cooking cutters.

Dimensions / data not binding. Alterations reserved.

litre power of motors in kW weight in kg dimensions in cm


ultraras v

ultra vras vs

ultra vs AC

wide machine body

(small machine body) without


wide machine body

(small machine body) with



machine body(small

machine body)


machine body(small

machine body)


machine body(small

machine body) T1 T2 T3 H1 H2 H3 X Ø

K 20 20 4,4 – – – 140 – 91 – – 65 83 88 42 78 – – 57

K 30 30 9 12 17 max. 25 610 – 118 – – 86 104 130 98 161 182 86 74

K 40 40 9 12 17 max. 25 650 – 122 – – 90 108 134 98 163 184 94 80

K 60* 60 12 17 21 max. 40 830 (800) 950 (920) 132(125)


198(191) 98 116 145 98 165 190 93 89

K 75 75 17 21 26 max. 50 930 (900) 1050 (1020) 136(129)


210(203) 106 125 154 99 172 209 97 97

K 90 90 21 26 32 max. 60 1130 (1100) 1250 (1220) 142(135)


210(203) 113 135 164 96 166 203 107 103

K 96 90 21 26 32 max. 60 – 1270 170 217 – 139 159 195 97 166 203 138 103

K 120* 120 26 32 45 max. 80 1290 (1260) 1415 (1385) 152(145)


217(203) 121 145 180 97 172 211 118 113

Page 34: High Effi ciency Cutters High Effi ciency Grinders













Technical Data

dimensions in cm



er c





er a










g o

n m





. o

f re



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th in



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e w



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th o

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th w














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in kgType in litre in kW up kg / h B1 B2 B3 T1 T2 T3 T4 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5

WD 114 K 45 6 1000 58 – – 66 – 89 – 44 105 110 5 – 67 255

WD 114 60 6 1000 58 – – 90 – 113 – 44 105 110 5 – 67 285

AD 1141 100 9 1500 90 – – 69 – 84 – 43 110 116 5 – 88 450

MD 1141 75 9 1000 80 – – 85 – 106 – 43 110 116 5 – 89 465

ME 130 1 170 18 3000 77 – – 87 – 115 – 46 124 129 5 – 88 680

ME 130 / 32 300 18 3000 112 – – 107 – 134 – 75 159 198 35 – 122 900

ME 130/3B3 300 18 3000 112 250 300 107 118 145 164 75 159 198 35 312



AE 1301 130 18 3000 111 – – 89 – 106 – 48 110 115 5 – 113 680

AE 130 / 32 300 18 3500 120 – – 110 – 124 – 75 139 178 35 – 129 900

AE 130/3B3 300 18 3500 120 235 285 110 120 134 150 75 139 178 35 305



AM 130 1 140 18 3000 111 – – 89 – 106 – 43 121 126 5 – 113 850

AM 130 / 32 350 18 3500 120 – – 110 – 124 – 75 171 210 35 – 129 1200

AM 130 / 3B3 350 18 3500 120 241 291 110 120 134 150 75 171 210 35 330

160 (122)


1 With protection grate ² Without protection grate and with elongated feet ³ Without protection grate, with elongated feet and loading device

Dimensions / data not binding. Alterations reserved.

Dimensions in ( ) apply for removal of all attachments such as worm housing, protection device, loading device.


Page 35: High Effi ciency Cutters High Effi ciency Grinders

Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG


High Effi ciency CuttersHigh Effi ciency Grinders


Hoelderlinstraße 9DE-70174 Stuttgart / Germany

Tel. +49 (0) 711 / 49 00 90-0Fax +49 (0) 711 / 49 00 90-90

[email protected]


Burgstallstraße 1–3DE-73431 Aalen / GermanyTel. +49 (0) 7361 / 5 65-0Fax +49 (0) 7361 / 3 59 [email protected]