Introduction Beam emittance Beam power Acceleration Focusing Conclusion High Power Proton Linac Basics Aurélien Ponton European Spallation Source Accelerator Division Euroschool on Exotic Beams, August 21 th -26 th 2011, Jyväskylä, Finland 1/53 Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

High Power Proton Linac Basics - … · Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs. Introduction Beam emittance Beam power Acceleration Focusing Conclusion Liouville’s theorem Accelerator reference

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Page 1: High Power Proton Linac Basics - … · Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs. Introduction Beam emittance Beam power Acceleration Focusing Conclusion Liouville’s theorem Accelerator reference

IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


High Power Proton Linac Basics

Aurélien Ponton

European Spallation SourceAccelerator Division

Euroschool on Exotic Beams, August 21th-26th 2011, Jyväskylä, Finland

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Page 2: High Power Proton Linac Basics - … · Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs. Introduction Beam emittance Beam power Acceleration Focusing Conclusion Liouville’s theorem Accelerator reference

IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration



1 Introduction

2 Beam emittanceLiouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

3 Beam powerExpression of the beam powerBeam pulse and beam bunch

4 AccelerationRF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

5 FocusingSources of defocusingMagnetic quadrupoles

6 Conclusion

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration



1 Introduction

2 Beam emittanceLiouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

3 Beam powerExpression of the beam powerBeam pulse and beam bunch

4 AccelerationRF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

5 FocusingSources of defocusingMagnetic quadrupoles

6 Conclusion

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


High power proton beams applications

Nowadays there is a strong demand for proton beam sources in theMW range in order to cover numerous scientific aspects:

Fundamental laws of matter:neutrino factoriesmuon colliders

Nuclear science: investigation of the nuclear landscape with highintensity isotope beamsEnergy production and nuclear waste transmutation: AcceleratorDriven Subcritical Systems (ADS)Material science: neutron sources. . .

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


High power proton beam applications

Most of the modern projects which aims at using high power protonbeams are linac-based. Linear accelerators advantages are:

acceleration of high intensity beams: not limited by resonanceshigh repetition rate: linacs can operate easily up to CWupgradability: extra modules can be addedmodularity: repetition of identical modulesreliabilityextraction without loss at any locationSRF technological advances

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Scope of the lecture

The following lecture aims at indroducing you to linac basics:beam emittanceRF accelerationfocusing

In addition we will try to identify the challenges required in designinghigh power proton linacs.

This lecture will also give you elements to understand the linacdesign strategy of ESS (presented in the next talk).

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view


1 Introduction

2 Beam emittanceLiouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

3 Beam powerExpression of the beam powerBeam pulse and beam bunch

4 AccelerationRF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

5 FocusingSources of defocusingMagnetic quadrupoles

6 Conclusion

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view


Let’s consider a system of N particles characterized by their generalized coordinates qiand associated canonical momenta pi (i = 1, . . . ,N). For each particle we canassociate a point (qi , pi ) in a 6D phase space. The volume occupied in phase spaceby the N representative points is given, at a given time t by:

τ =

∫∫d3qi d3pi (1)

where the summation on the N particles is implicit.At a time t + δt , we have:

τ ′ =

∫∫d3q′i d3p′i (2)

Liouville’s theorem

τ = τ ′ (3)

The volume occupied by a given number of particles in phase space remains constant.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Domain of validity

1 Volume conservation of space phase is a property of Hamitonian systems calledalso conservative systems.

2 Dissipative forces (synchrotron radiations, . . . ) or particle lost invalidate theLiouville’s theorem.

3 The theorem applies stricly for non-interacting particles but remains valid whileinteractions between particles are weak. Otherwise generalization of the theoremin a 6N-dimension hyper-space is necessary.

4 In electro-magnetic (EM) fields, mechanical, P, and conjugated, p, momenta aredifferent. Conjugated momentum for a charged particle in EM fields is given by:

p = P + qA(q, t) (4)

where q is the charge and A is the potential vector.We can show that the Liouville’s theorem is valid even if mechanical momenta areconsidered, i.e. in (q,P) "mechanical" phase space:∫∫

d3qi d3Pi = Const. (5)

Exercise 1: Liouville’s theorem in mechanical phase space

Show that∫∫

d3qi d3pi =∫∫

d3qi d3Pi .Clue: Start by writing down the density functions and differentiate.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Projection of the volume onto 2D phase space

Neglecting the coupling between directions, the Hamiltonian can be written as:

H(q, p; t) = Hx (x , px ; t) +Hy (y , py ; t) +Hz (z, pz ; t) (6)

In this case the Liouville’s theorem applies in each 2D (sub-)phase space: the area(projection of the 6D volume) is conserved.The area enclosing all the particles is the beam emittance. For (x ,Px ) for example, wecan write the emittance as:

Ax,Px =∫∫

dxi dPx,i (7)

Stricly speaking the 6D volume is the emittance and we should precise "the 2Dprojection of the beam emittance on (x ,Px )".

Remark: We will see that ε =Aπ

is also referred as the beam emittance.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

New independant variable

Magnets, RF cavities and other components are defined at given locations alongthe reference trajectory.

We prefer thus make a change in independent variable from time t to path length.

Let’s choose our coordinates so that the z axis defines the reference trajectory.

Changing the variable of integration from time t to path length z, the canonicalcoordinates in the longitudinal plane become: t and −E (total energy)


In linacs the reference trajectory is a staight line defined by the symetry axis of theaccelerator elements.

In magnetic dipole fields the reference trajectory in no more a straigth line (circularmachines): we shall use of the Frenet’s frame and take into account the curvatureof the reference path.

In the ideal case the beam centroid lies on the reference trajectory. However thebeam may be off-centered (field errors, misalignment, off-axis injection).

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Transverse planes (1)

We can express the derivatives with respect to z (our new independant variable) of thetransverse coordinates as follows:

x ′ =dxdz



y ′ =dydz




where the prime denotes the derivative with respect to z.In general the longitudinal velocity in the laboratory frame is very high compared to thetransverse velocities:

vz vx and vz vy (11)

therefore:v = (vx + vy + vz )1/2 ≈ vz (12)

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Transverse planes (2)Taking into account the paraxial approximation we can rewrite the right-hand side ofEqs. 8 and 9 as:


= tan θx ≈ θx andxz

= tan θy ≈ θy (13)

for θx 1 and θy 1.θx and θy are the angles between the velocity vz and the x-component respectively they-component of the particle velocity vector (vx or vy). Therefore x ′ (or y ′) gives directaccess to the convergence or divergence behavior of the beam in the transverseplanes.The transverse emittance is expressed in mm.mrad in the (x , x ′) or (y , y ′) tracespaces.

Figure: Diverging. Figure: Parallel. Figure: Converging. 13/53Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Longitudinal plane (1)

In the longitudinal plane, we can express the emittance using various parameters.A reference particle of longitudinal position z0 and velocity v0 is always introduced.All particle parameters are expressed with respect to the reference parameters.

We have:

∆t = t − t0 (14)

∆z = z − z0 (15)

∆φ = φ− φ0 = φ− φS (16)


∆W = W −W0 (17)

δ =P − P0


∆z′ =v − v0


Remark: ∆φ = φ− φS is the phase difference (relative to the RF cavity phase)between one particle (φ) and the synchronous particle (φS). We will introduce thesynchronism concept in Section 4.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Longitudinal plane (2)

Following table summarizes some of the longitudinal emittances and their usual units(in the proton linac world!) you may deal with in accelerator physics.

∆t ∆φ ∆z∆W ns.MeV deg.MeV mm.MeVδ ns.% deg.% mm.%

∆z′ ns.mrad deg.mrad mm.mrad

Table: Some useful longitudinal emittances and their units


In the following we will stick to the emittance defined in the (∆z,∆z′) trace spacealways referred as (z, z′).

The reference particle is generally the beam centroid.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view


Normalization is necessary to observe (or not!) the Liouvillian behavior of the beam.In the following normalizations we assume that all particles move with a velocity veryclose to the reference.


Let’s rewrite Eqs. 8 and 9:

x ′ ≈Px

P0and y ′ ≈



Since P0 = β0γ0m0c2 with β0, γ0 andm0c2 repectively the reduced velocity,the reduced energy and the massenergy, we can define the tranversenormalized emittances as:

A(x,x′),n = β0γ0Ax,x′ (21)

A(y,y′),n = β0γ0Ay,y′ (22)


Let’s remind that t and −E are thecanonical variables. We have:

∆t ≈1β0c

∆z (23)

∆W ≈ β20γ

30m0c2∆z′ (24)

Therefore we can express thenormalized emittance in the (z, z′)plane as:

A(z,z′),n = β0γ30Az,z′ (25)

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Describing the beam quality (1)Let’s observe on the following figures the beam phase portrait evolution.

Linear force

Figure: z = z1.

Nonlinear force

Figure: z = z1.17/53

Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

Page 18: High Power Proton Linac Basics - … · Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs. Introduction Beam emittance Beam power Acceleration Focusing Conclusion Liouville’s theorem Accelerator reference

IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Describing the beam quality (1)Let’s observe on the following figures the beam phase portrait evolution.

Linear force

Figure: z = z2.

Nonlinear force

Figure: z = z2.17/53

Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

Page 19: High Power Proton Linac Basics - … · Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs. Introduction Beam emittance Beam power Acceleration Focusing Conclusion Liouville’s theorem Accelerator reference

IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Describing the beam quality (1)Let’s observe on the following figures the beam phase portrait evolution.

Linear force

Figure: z = z3.

Nonlinear force

Figure: z = z3.17/53

Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

Page 20: High Power Proton Linac Basics - … · Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs. Introduction Beam emittance Beam power Acceleration Focusing Conclusion Liouville’s theorem Accelerator reference

IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Describing the beam quality (1)Let’s observe on the following figures the beam phase portrait evolution.

Linear force

Figure: z = z4..

Nonlinear force

Figure: z = z4.17/53

Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

Page 21: High Power Proton Linac Basics - … · Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs. Introduction Beam emittance Beam power Acceleration Focusing Conclusion Liouville’s theorem Accelerator reference

IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Describing the beam quality (1)Let’s observe on the following figures the beam phase portrait evolution.

Linear force

Figure: z = z5.

Nonlinear force

Figure: z = z5.17/53

Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

Page 22: High Power Proton Linac Basics - … · Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs. Introduction Beam emittance Beam power Acceleration Focusing Conclusion Liouville’s theorem Accelerator reference

IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Describing the beam quality (1)Let’s observe on the following figures the beam phase portrait evolution.

Linear force

Figure: z = z6.

Nonlinear force

Figure: s = z6.17/53

Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

Page 23: High Power Proton Linac Basics - … · Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs. Introduction Beam emittance Beam power Acceleration Focusing Conclusion Liouville’s theorem Accelerator reference

IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Describing the beam quality (1)Let’s observe on the following figures the beam phase portrait evolution.

Linear force

Figure: z = z7.

Nonlinear force

Figure: z = z7.17/53

Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

Page 24: High Power Proton Linac Basics - … · Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs. Introduction Beam emittance Beam power Acceleration Focusing Conclusion Liouville’s theorem Accelerator reference

IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Describing the beam quality (1)Let’s observe on the following figures the beam phase portrait evolution.

Linear force

Figure: z = z8.

Nonlinear force

Figure: z = z8.17/53

Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

Page 25: High Power Proton Linac Basics - … · Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs. Introduction Beam emittance Beam power Acceleration Focusing Conclusion Liouville’s theorem Accelerator reference

IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Describing the beam quality (1)Let’s observe on the following figures the beam phase portrait evolution.

Linear force

Figure: z = z9.

Nonlinear force

Figure: z = z9.17/53

Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

Page 26: High Power Proton Linac Basics - … · Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs. Introduction Beam emittance Beam power Acceleration Focusing Conclusion Liouville’s theorem Accelerator reference

IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Describing the beam quality (1)Let’s observe on the following figures the beam phase portrait evolution.

Linear force

Figure: z = z10.

Nonlinear force

Figure: z = z10.17/53

Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

Page 27: High Power Proton Linac Basics - … · Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs. Introduction Beam emittance Beam power Acceleration Focusing Conclusion Liouville’s theorem Accelerator reference

IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Describing the beam quality (1)Let’s observe on the following figures the beam phase portrait evolution.

Linear force

Figure: z = z11.

Nonlinear force

Figure: z = z11.17/53

Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

Page 28: High Power Proton Linac Basics - … · Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs. Introduction Beam emittance Beam power Acceleration Focusing Conclusion Liouville’s theorem Accelerator reference

IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Describing the beam quality (1)Let’s observe on the following figures the beam phase portrait evolution.

Linear force

Figure: z = z12.

Nonlinear force

Figure: z = z12.17/53

Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Descibing the beam quality (2)

Figure: Beam in linear forces. Figure: Beam in nonlinear forces.

1 For linear forces the angular velocity in phase space or phase advance, σ,(generally expressed in deg.m−1) is constant: the shape is conserved.

2 For nonlinear forces σ is a function of the particle position. The area is conservedbut the beam has experienced filamentation. For beam densities decreasing withthe radial position, the rotation in phase space is reduced for particles in the core:it is called tune depression. For high intensity beams, non linearities comeprincipally from the self-force or space charge forces (see Section 5).

The definition of the normalized emittances of Eqs. 21, 22 and 25 does not give accessto the beam behavior under nonlinear forces.

−→We need another definition of the beam emittance.18/53

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

RMS emittanceWe thus introduce a statistical definition of the emittance based on the momenta of thesecond order of the beam distribution function. If for a system of N particles theaverage value of X is X = 1


i=1 Xi where Xi is associated to the particle i , thesecond order of the distribution function are (with w = x , y or ∆z):

w = (w − w)21/2(26)

w ′ = (w ′ − w ′)21/2


ww ′ = (w − w) · (w ′ − w ′). (28)

The (Root Mean Square) RMS emittance is then:

εw,w′ =(w2 · w ′

2− ww ′

2)1/2 (29)

Remarks:The same normalization factors as defined in Eqs. 21, 22 and 25 are valid for theRMS emittance.Equation 29 simplifies when the beam is centered (w = 0 and w ′ = 0):

εw,w′ =(w2 · w ′2 − ww ′2

)1/2 (30)

Evolution of the RMS quantities are quasi independant of the beam distribution. 19/53Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Emittance ellipse (1)

Figure: Concentration ellipses in (x, x ′)plane.

From the RMS quantities, we can define theTwiss parameters as:

αw = −ww ′


βw =w2


γw =w ′2


verifying βwγw − α2w = 1.

We can obtain an ellipse of equation:

γw w2 + 2αw ww ′ + βw w ′2 = εww′ (34)

whoose area is:

Aw,w′ = πεw,w′ (35)Remark: An ellipse ramains an ellipse under linear transformations. 20/53

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Emittance ellipse (2)Let’s rewrite Eq. 35, we have obtained:

Aw,w′ = πεw,w′ (36)

We have defined the area in trace space as:

Aw,w′ =

∫∫dw dw ′ (37)

We can find a factor η so that ηA encloses all the particles. However we will alwayshave:

ηA ≥ A (38)

ηA = A if the beam distribution in trace space is an ellipseηA A if the beam portrait is filamented (distorded) by nonlinear forces(statistical view of the beam quality)

Remark on unities: We have seen that A or ε are referred as the beam emittance. Bothof them can be used if we are careful about the unities. Let’s consider an ellipse ofmajor and minor-axis a and b, we can write:

ε = a · b [π.mm.mrad] (39)

A = π a · b [mm.mrad] (40)

with π either number or unity.21/53

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

Beam envelopeWe have seen in Eq. 32 that the beam extension can be expressed as:

x =√βx ε (41)

If we know the evolution of the betatron function βx (s) we thus have access to thebeam envelope.

Figure: x envelope in a FDO channel (50 mAproton beam, 500MeV).

The figure on the left shows the matched case:the Twiss parameters have been optimized sothat period after period the beam parametersremain identical.

If the beam was not matched to the focusingchannel the beam envelope would have beenirregular. Mismatching leads to envelopeinstabilities which is a major source of haloproduction: particles moving far from the coremay result in hazardous losses at high energy.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Liouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

In a nutshell!

We have defined the RMS normalized beam emittances in the 3 trace spaces:

in (x , x ′):

εx,n = β0γ0(x2 · x ′2 − xx ′2

)1/2 (42)

in (y , y ′):

εy,n = β0γ0(y2 · y ′2 − yy ′2

)1/2 (43)

in (z, z′):

εz,n = β0γ30

(∆z2 ·∆z′2 −∆z∆z′2

)1/2 (44)

The RMS normalized emittances are a measure of the beam quality.Minimizing emittance growth while the beam is propagating through theaccelerator is a major challenge for very intense beams.

Note that the subscripts x ′, y ′ and z′ generally disappear.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Expression of the beam powerBeam pulse and beam bunch


1 Introduction

2 Beam emittanceLiouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

3 Beam powerExpression of the beam powerBeam pulse and beam bunch

4 AccelerationRF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

5 FocusingSources of defocusingMagnetic quadrupoles

6 Conclusion

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Expression of the beam powerBeam pulse and beam bunch

Beam powerThe beam power, P, is given by:

P [MW] = Ipeak [mA]×W [GeV]× ηbeam [%] (45)

where Ipeak is the peak current, W is the beam energy and ηbeam is the beam duty cycle.The beam duty cycle can be expressed with the repetition rate, frep, and the beampulse length, Tbeam, by: ηbeam = frep Tbeam

Power is limited by thermo-mechanical stress and cooling issues in the target:survivability of the target intercepting energetic, high intensity proton bunches.Irradiation and integration has also to be taken into account.Intensity is limited by space charge effects at low energy (see Section 5): IFMIFlinac: 125 mA CW deuteron beams! But beam funneling may be an option toincrease intensity.Repetition rate may be governed by time of flight-type measurements. Highrepetition rate linacs are required for multi-physics projects (SPL). For injection inrings frep must match the revolution frequency.Maximal energy is chosen in order to have the highest production yield ofsecondary particles or it is given by the injection energy required in synchrotrons.Pulse length depends on the experiment requirements: CW for ADS and in the nsscale range for neutrino factories (with accumulator and compressor rings).

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Expression of the beam powerBeam pulse and beam bunch

Beam pulse and beam bunch

Figure: Beam pulses. Figure: Beam bunches.

Look at the different time scale!Beam pulse is a macro parameter of the beam time structure.Beam bunch is a micro time parameter related to the frequency of the resonantcavities.

In the upper example, Tbeam = 2.86 ms, ηbeam = 4 % and the cavity frequency is352.21 MHz. If all the RF periods are filled, there are about 1 · 106 bunches per pulse.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Expression of the beam powerBeam pulse and beam bunch


Exercise 2: Beam power and beam bunch

A proton linac has the following parameters:

duty cycle: ηbeam = 4 %

beam pulse length: Tbeam = 2.86 ms

frequency of the resonant cavities: fRF = 352.21 MHz

intensity: Ipeak = 50 mA

1 What is the kinetic energy of the beam in order to reach a power of 5 MW?2 How many protons in a bunch?3 What is the mass of protons produced in a year?

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity


1 Introduction

2 Beam emittanceLiouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

3 Beam powerExpression of the beam powerBeam pulse and beam bunch

4 AccelerationRF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

5 FocusingSources of defocusingMagnetic quadrupoles

6 Conclusion

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Energy gain in EM fields

A particle of charge q with velocity v propagating in EM fields (E,H) will change itsenergy W according to:


= q (v.E) (46)

Equation 46 expresses the need to produce an electric field in the direction ofpropagation in order to accelerate (stricly speaking longitudinaly) the beam.Other combination of EM fields are used:

to focalize the beam

to guide, extract, deviate the particles

Radio-Frequency (RF) resonant cavities are used to produce high accelerating fields.

Remark: G. Ising established the RF acceleration principle in 1924!

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Fields in a cavity (single gap)Maxwell’s equations combine to yield to the wave equation in vacuum:(

∇2 −1c2




= 0 (47)

Near a perfect conductor, the bundary conditions are:

n × E = 0 and n · H = 0 (48)

with n is the unity vector normal to the surface.

Figure: Pill-box cavity!.

Applying these conditions to the pill-box cavity,we find a discret set of standing wave modes:

Transverse Electric (TM)

Transverse Magnetic (TE)

Only TM have a non zero longitudinal electriccomponent on axis. In general the TM010 isused in most of the cavities.The fondamental frequency (TM010) for apill-box cavity of radius R is given by:

fRF =2.405 c


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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Fields in a cavity (single gap)Maxwell’s equations combine to yield to the wave equation in vacuum:(

∇2 −1c2




= 0 (47)

Near a perfect conductor, the bundary conditions are:

n × E = 0 and n · H = 0 (48)

with n is the unity vector normal to the surface.

Figure: Electric field configuration inthe pill-box cavity (TM010).

Applying these conditions to the pill-box cavity,we find a discret set of standing wave modes:

Transverse Electric (TM)

Transverse Magnetic (TE)

Only TM have a non zero longitudinal electriccomponent on axis. In general the TM010 isused in most of the cavities.The fondamental frequency (TM010) for apill-box cavity of radius R is given by:

fRF =2.405 c


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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Fields in a cavity (single gap)Maxwell’s equations combine to yield to the wave equation in vacuum:(

∇2 −1c2




= 0 (47)

Near a perfect conductor, the bundary conditions are:

n × E = 0 and n · H = 0 (48)

with n is the unity vector normal to the surface.

Figure: Magnetic field configurationin the pill-box cavity (TM010).

Applying these conditions to the pill-box cavity,we find a discret set of standing wave modes:

Transverse Electric (TM)

Transverse Magnetic (TE)

Only TM have a non zero longitudinal electriccomponent on axis. In general the TM010 isused in most of the cavities.The fondamental frequency (TM010) for apill-box cavity of radius R is given by:

fRF =2.405 c


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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Fields in a cavity (multiple gaps)In a multi-cell structure the coupling between the cells causes each mode to split into anumber of modes equal to the number of cells. If N is the number of cells we have thusN modes TM010:

TM010, nπN

for n = 1, . . . ,N (50)

Example of a 3-cell cavity:

mode π/3



RF coupler

Figure: Electric field.1 2 3

Cell #









c field

on a




Figure: Electric field distribition. 31/53Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Fields in a cavity (multiple gaps)In a multi-cell structure the coupling between the cells causes each mode to split into anumber of modes equal to the number of cells. If N is the number of cells we have thusN modes TM010:

TM010, nπN

for n = 1, . . . ,N (50)

Example of a 3-cell cavity:

mode 2π/3



RF coupler

Figure: Electric field.1 2 3

Cell #









c field

on a




Figure: Electric field distribition. 31/53Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Fields in a cavity (multiple gaps)In a multi-cell structure the coupling between the cells causes each mode to split into anumber of modes equal to the number of cells. If N is the number of cells we have thusN modes TM010:

TM010, nπN

for n = 1, . . . ,N (50)

Example of a 3-cell cavity:

mode π



RF coupler

Figure: Electric field.1 2 3

Cell #









c field

on a




Figure: Electric field distribition.31/53

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity


Mode TM010,π is prefered for acceleration:

better acceleration

lower RF losses

better field distribution (lowering the peak field is mandatory for superconductingcavities)


RF coupler

Beam bunch

Figure: Synchronism condition.

Synchronism condition

The beam bunch has to cross the cavity gap oflength Lgap in half of an RF period to see anaccelerating field:

Lgap =β0λRF


with λRF the RF wave length.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Practical designLet’s rewrite the synchronism condition of Eq. 51:

Lgap =β0λRF


What are the consequences on the cavity design?The best will be to increase the gap length as the particle velocity increases:

very efficient at low energy where β0 increases a lotbut the phase is fixed (coupled cavities)only particles with the same mass over charge ratio (q/A) can be accelerated

Linac is composed generally of a few families of identical cavities which areefficient in a certain range of energy.

How to choose the frequency of the cavities?At low energy the beam moves slowly: low frequencies are required.High frequency for low energy beam leads to mechanical stability issues: shortgap and short radius (fRF ∝ 1/R see Eq. 49).At high frequency (always a multiple of the lowest frequency) we can beneficiatefrom high accelerating fields available in elliptical cavities (tens of MV/m).For protons, we have in general:

300− 500 MHz for β0 < 0.5600− 1000 MHz for β0 > 0.5' 1300 MHz for β0 close to 1 (ILC technology)

In Europe, the reference frequency is the LEP frequency: 352.21 MHz.33/53

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Energy gain in RF cavities

The beam bunch average energy gain, ∆W , in a cavity is given by:

∆W = qVacc cosφS (53)

where Vacc is the accelerating voltage and φS is the synchronous phase.

Writing the electric field developed on axis as:

Ez (ρ = 0, z, t) = Ez0(ρ = 0, z)ejωRFt (54)

where ωRF is the angular frequency, we can evaluate the accelerating voltage as:

Vacc(β) =∣∣∣ ∫ z2



)dz∣∣∣ (55)

with z1 and z2 the start and the end of the field respectively.Vacc is not the voltage developed in the cavity but the voltage the beam undergoes.

The synchronous phase is the average (over the cavity length) phase differencebetween the reference particle phase and the RF phase developed in the cavity.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Phase stability (1)

For the sake of simplicity, let’s consider an RF cavity whose length is null reaching amaximum at t = 0.

1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0ωRFt/π









c field

on a


Deceleration Deceleration









Figure: Phase stability.

1 Acceleration condition:

φS ∈[−π




2 Stability condition:

φS ∈[−π

2; 0]


Remark: Bunching cavities useφS = −π2 (no acceleration)

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Phase stability (2)

1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0ωRFt/π









c field

on a


Deceleration Deceleration









Figure: Phase stability.

Phase synchronous law, φS(s), has to becarefully chosen in order not to looseparticle which migth be out of the stabilityphase.

If Φ0 is the beam phase length at a givenz1, Φ is given at any z > z1 by:







This phenomenon is called adiabatic phasedamping of the oscillations. We can thuschoose a higher synchronous phase whilethe energy increases (but losses might bemore dangerous!).

Remark: Cavities not only accelerate the beam but provide also longitudinal focusing.Synchrotron oscillations around the synchronous particle!

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity


Exercise 3: Acceptable beam losses

We have already identified sources likely to induce beam losses: mismatching, fielderrors, alignment, bad phase synchronous law.Minimization of beam losses is mandatory for maintainability of the machine. Beamlosses should not surpass 1 W/m.

1 Take the answers you have found in exercise 2 and express the fraction of thebeam that can be lost at the maximal energy within the given tolerances.

2 What is your advice if one wants to simulate carefully the beam losses in the linac?

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Transit time factorThe transit time factor, TTF, gives the ratio of the voltage seen by the beam, Vacc, to themaximal voltage available in the cavity, Vmax. By definition we have:

TTF (β) =Vacc(β)


∣∣∣ ∫ z2z1


)dz∣∣∣∫ z2


< 1 (59)












0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1



1 cellule2 cellules3 cellules4 cellules5 cellules

Figure: Transit time factor.

We can define the optimal velocity, βopt, by:

TTF (βopt) = Max(TTF (β)) (60)

Cavities are efficient only on a certainvelocity range.

At low energy, we are in a range where thevelocity invreases a lot with energy:cavities with a few cells are required (onlyfor cavities with constant gap lengths).

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Accelerating field

RF cavities are always characterized by their accelerating field, Eacc. The latter is givenby:

Eacc =Vacc(βopt)


where L is a normalization length.Unfortunately there is not any widely used definition of L and it should always beprecised when dealing with accelerating gradients.One definition independant of the cavity length is the following (for π modes):

L =ngap

2βoptλRF (62)

where ngap is the number of accelerating cells.

Remark: Real estate gradient (per meter) could be prefered.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Surface resistance


For SC material, we have:

Rs = RBCS + R0 (63)

where RBCS is the BCS resistance given, forfRF in GHz, for Niobium by:

RBCS = 2 · 10−4 1T







In the range 1− 1000 MHz, with T = 2 K,we find:

RBCS = 1− 100 nΩ (65)

R0 is the residual resistance depending onimpurities, trapped magnetic flux, surfacetreatment, . . . For well prepared cavities, wehave R0 = 1− 20 nΩ.

Normal conducting

Surface resistance, Rs , is expressed as:

Rs =



where µ0 = 4π · 10−7 H.m−1 is thepermeability constant.For Copper the electric conductivity:σ = 5.96 · 107 S.m−1 at room temperature.Considering the same frequency range, wefind:

Rs = 1− 10 mΩ (67)

Tipically 5 order of magnitude lower surfaceresistance in the SC case: voltage 100 000times less power will be lost in the cavity

walls.→ All RF power available goes to thebeam.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Cryogenic needs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Temperature [K]









704 MHz

352 MHz

Figure: Surface resistance as afunction of temperature.

102 103

Frequency [MHz]









2 K

4 K

Figure: Surface resistance as afunction of frequency.

Superconducting cavities have to be maintained at cryogenic temperatures with liquidhelium in cryostats.

For frequency greater than ∼ 400 MHz superfluid helium (T < 1.9 K) is required.The total refrigerator efficiency, ηref, has to be taken into account. It is the productof the technological efficiency, ηtec, typically 20− 30 % and the theoritical Carnotefficiency:

ηref = ηtec ×T

300− T(68)

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Cryostat (courtesy P. Pierini INFN)

“Cartoon” view of the system

All “spurious” sources of heat losses to the 2 K circuits need to be properly managed and intercepted at higher temperatures (e.g. conduction from penetration and supports, thermal)

Cold mass

To He production and distribution


2 K







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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Comparison NC vs. SC

0 1 2 3 4 5

Accelerating voltage [MV]

















K [


ηbeam =4 %


Figure: RF losses as a function of theaccelerating voltage.

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0Beam duty cycle [%]
















K [


Vacc =1 MV


Figure: RF losses as a function of the dutycycle.

Choosing SRF technology shows significant power saving for high voltage andhigh duty cycle.SRF cavities are intrinsically more stable and can have large beam tubeapertures: required for high intensity low loss linacs.They are short independantely phase structures. 43/53

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

Dynamic and static lossesIn addition to dynamic losses (when the beam is on), static losses to maintain the cavityat cryogenic temperatures play also an important role in the total losses contribution.

0 20 40 60 80 100Beam duty cycle [%]









on t

o t

he t


l lo


Vacc =5 MV


Figure: Contribution to the total losses.

0 20 40 60 80 100Beam duty cycle [%]









on t

o t

he t


l lo


Vacc =20 MV


Figure: Contribution to the total losses.

Static losses are generally the main contribution to the total losses.For continuous beam accelerating in high fileds dynamic losses becomesignificant.Cryostating strategy is one of the main challenge in designing high power protonlinacs: short modular cryomodule or long cryo-line to reduce static losses. 44/53

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


RF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

In a nutshell!

The energy gain in a cavity is given by:

∆W = qVacc cosφS (69)

The linac is composed of a few families of cavities effective in a certain range ofenergy.

Modern linacs (high repetition rate and high accelerating gradients) are almostfully superconducting.

Cavities not only accelerate but also provide longitidinal focusing.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Sources of defocusingMagnetic quadrupoles


1 Introduction

2 Beam emittanceLiouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

3 Beam powerExpression of the beam powerBeam pulse and beam bunch

4 AccelerationRF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

5 FocusingSources of defocusingMagnetic quadrupoles

6 Conclusion

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Sources of defocusingMagnetic quadrupoles

RF defocusing

Using Gauss’law:∇ · E = 0 (70)

we can show that any change in the longidutinal field results in a radial field.Because the field in rising in time in a proton linac, RF defocusing occurs. Radial kickin a cavity can be expressed by the average change in radial mechanical momentum,∆Pr as:

∆Pr = −πqVaccr sinφS




Note that the change is positive since φs < 0 for acceleration.Transverse RF defocusing disappears at relativistic velocities.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Sources of defocusingMagnetic quadrupoles

Space charge forceUsing the Lorentz force acting on a particle of charge q and velocity v:

F = q(E + v× B) (72)

we can show that:dvdt



which becomes (with ′ = d/dz):

x′′ =qE


In absence of external fields, the electric field seen by a particule j at position xj is thecontribution of all the electric fields created by the particles in the bunch:

E(xj) =N∑


Ei→j (xj) i 6= j (75)

The self-force or space charge force is significant for high intensity low energybeams.Attractive magnetic forces cancel the electric defocusing forces at retativisticvelocities.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Sources of defocusingMagnetic quadrupoles

Tune depression

Figure: Beam in non linear forces.

We have already seen in Section 2 that nonlinear forcescause the beam to undergo filamentation since theangular velocity in phase space, phase advance, is afunction of the particle position. For any particle, itsphase advance σp must obey:

σcore ≤ σp ≤ σ0 (76)

with σcore and σ0 the phase advance in the beam coreand the phase advance at zero current (for a particle farfrom the core experiencing only external fields)respectively.Tune depression, η (RMS), expressed by:

η =σ

σ0< 1 (77)

is then a tool to measure the space charge strength.It can be as low as 0.5 for very intense beams.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Sources of defocusingMagnetic quadrupoles

1 RF cavities provide longitudinal focusing.2 We need to produce a radial force to conteract transverse defocusing forces and

maintain the beam particles close to the reference axis.


Due to the velocity dependance of thedefocusing forces, the length of the focusingperiod changes along the linac. Shortperiods at the beginning to longer periods athigh energy.

How to provide the transverse focusing?

Electric focusing: only for sourceextraction and possible up to a fewMeV.

Magnetic solenoid: for β < 0.4 (exceptSC solenoids).

Focusing by magnetic quadrupole is byfar the most common.

Nota: Electric field between electrodes are limited technologically to 10 MV/m(discharge arcs) while electromagnets can produce 2T before iron saturation. Sincethe efficiency of the electric to the magnetic force is vB/E , we need 60 MV/m to equalthe magnetic force at β = 0.1 for protons!

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration


Sources of defocusingMagnetic quadrupoles

Forces in magnetic quadrupoles

Figure: Magnetic qudrupoles at J-PARClinac.

In an ideal quadrupole lense, magneticgradient, G, is constant. At first order, wehave:

G =∂B∂x




with Bpole the field on pole tip and R the poletip radius. This gives rise to the followingforces:

Fx = −q vo G x (79)

Fy = q vo G y (80)

linear in x and y .If G > 0 the quadrupole is focusing in thehorizontal plane and defocusing in thevertical plane. Opposite polarities wouldhave given G < 0.Quadrupole lenses are arranged in doubletto produce overall focusing.

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration



1 Introduction

2 Beam emittanceLiouville’s theoremAccelerator referenceStatisical view

3 Beam powerExpression of the beam powerBeam pulse and beam bunch

4 AccelerationRF cavitiesLongitudinal dynamicsAttractiveness of RF superconductivity

5 FocusingSources of defocusingMagnetic quadrupoles

6 Conclusion

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IntroductionBeam emittance

Beam powerAcceleration



We have introduced some useful tools and concepts to describe thebeam dynamics:

RMS emittancesynchronous phase and synchronismphase advance and tune depression

We have also shown that SRF technology can provide high efficiencypower transmission to the beam.Nevertheless there are issues concerning the design of high intensityproton beams with linacs for high energy applications. Thechallenges are:

space charge at low energyminimization of beam losses for maintainabilitychoice of cryostating strategycost

53/53Aurélien Ponton HPP Linacs