History of Bio Metrics

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  • 8/2/2019 History of Bio Metrics


  • 8/2/2019 History of Bio Metrics



    Biometrics is seen by many as a solution to

    a lot of the user identification and security

    problems in todayUs networks. Password

    abuse and misuse, intentional and

    inadvertent is a gaping hole in network

    security. This results mainly from human

    error, carelessness and in some cases

    maliciousness. Biometrics removes human

    error from the security equation.

    Our project will examine all the

    technological and feasibility aspects as well

    as the practical applications. We will look at

    many different biometric methods of

    identifying the user.

    A wide variety of systems require reliable

    personal recognition schemes to either

    confirm or determine the identity of an

    individual requesting their services. The

    purpose of establishing the identity is to

    ensure that only a legitimate user, and not

    anyone else, accesses the rendered services.

    Examples of such applications include

    secure access to buildings, airports,

    computer systems, cellular phones and ATMmachines. Biometric recognition, or simply

    biometrics, refers to the automatic

    recognition of individuals based on their

    physiological and/or behavioral

    characteristics. Biometrics allows us to

    confirm or establish an individuals identity

    based on who she is, rather than by what she

    possesses (e.g., an ID card) or what she

    knows (e.g., a password). Current biometric

    systems make use of identifiers such as

    fingerprints, hand geometry, iris, face and

    voice to establish an identity. Biometric

    systems also introduce an aspect of user

    convenience. For example, they alleviate the

    need for a user to remember multiple

    passwords associated with different

    applications. A biometric system that uses a

    single biometric trait for recognition has to

    contend with problems related to non-

    universality of the trait, spoof attacks,

    limited degrees of freedom, large intra-class

    variability, and noisy data. Some of these

    problems can be addressed by integrating

    the evidence presented by multiple

    biometric traits of a user (e.g., face and iris).

    Such systems, known as multimodal

    biometric systems, demonstrate substantial

    improvement in recognition performance. In

    this talk, we will present various

    applications of biometrics, challenges

    associated in designing fingerprint biometric

    systems, state-of-the-art performance,

    individuality of biometric identifiers, and

    fusion strategies available to implement a

    multimodal biometric system.

  • 8/2/2019 History of Bio Metrics


    History of Biometrics:

    The term "biometrics" is derived from the

    Greek words bio (life) and metric (to


    Biometrics is becoming an interesting topic

    now in regards to computer and network

    security, however the ideas of biometrics

    have been around for many years. Possibly

    the first known example of biometrics in

    practice was a form of finger printing being

    used in China in the 14th century, as

    reported by explorer Joao de Barros. He

    wrote that the Chinese merchants were

    stamping children's palm prints and

    footprints on paper with ink to distinguish

    the young children from one another. This is

    one of the earliest known cases of

    biometrics in use and is still being used


    In the 1890s, an anthropologist named

    Alphonse Bertillion sought to fix the

    problem of identifying convicted criminals

    and turned biometrics into a distinct field of

    study. He developed 'Bertillonage', a method

    of bodily measurement whichgot named

    after him. The problem with identifying

    repeated offenders was that the criminals

    often gave different aliases each time they

    were arrested. Bertillion realized that even if

    names changed, even if a person cut his hair

    or put on weight, certain elements of the

    body remained fixed, such as the size of the

    skull or the length of their fingers. His

    system was used by police authorities

    throughout the world, until it quickly faded

    when it was discovered that some people

    shared the same measurements and based on

    the measurements alone, two people could

    get treated as one.

    After this, the police used finger printing,

    which was developed by Richard Edward

    Henry of Scotland Yard, instead. Essentially

    reverting to the same methods used by the

    Chinese for years. However the idea of

    biometrics as a field of study with usefull

    identification applications, was there and

    interest in it has grown.

    Today we have the technology to realise the

    aims, and to refine the accuracy of biometric

    identification, and therefore the possibility

    of making it a viable field.

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    Biometrics is the science and technology of

    measuring and analyzing biological data. In

    information technology, biometrics refers to

    technologies that measure and analyze

    human body characteristics, such as DNA,

    fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voice

    patterns, facial patterns and hand

    measurements, forauthenticationpurposes.

    Kinds of biometrics:

    Biometrics can be sorted into two classes:

    Physical: fingerprint, face...

    Behavioral: handwriting, voice...

    but well, in some cases, it's hard to sort.

    Biometric identification:

    Identification is the process by which a

    person can be identified by his

    characteristics. To do this, data about the

    defining characteristic, for example the

    points where the ridges of a fingerprint split

    or end, is usually enrolled and stored in a

    database. Then, when the person wishes to

    be identified, the characteristic is scanned so

    that the computer can compare it to the dataalready stored in the database. Using

    biometric identification is a more secure

    method of identifying a person because the

    characteristic in question is a part of that

    person. This means that it cannot be easily

    shared, traded, or stolen by another.

    There are mainly two categories of

    biometrics identification: physiological

    characteristics and behavioral

    characteristics. Physiological biometrics has

    to do with the physical traits of a person, and

    behavioral biometrics has to do with the

    things that can change with the environment.

    For example, a fingerprint, a physiologicalcharacteristic, does not usually change

    except for accident or illness, but a

    signature, a behavioral characteristic, can

    change as a person ages. Examples of

    physiological biometrics include

    fingerprinting, retinal scans and handprint

    scans. Behavioral biometrics includes

    verifying signatures andvoice recognition.

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    Fingerprints recognition:

    Finger skin is made of friction ridges, with

    pores (sweat glands). Friction ridges are

    created during ftal live and only the

    general shape is genetically defined. Friction

    ridges remains the same all life long, only

    growing up to adult size. They reconstruct

    the same if not too severe injury.

    Fingerprint analysis wastraditionally a skilled activity

    performed by highly trained

    professionals. Biometric

    fingerprinting is a similar process,

    though it uses a computer to

    examine a digitally captured image

    specifically to establish a person's


    Each individual has a different set offingerprints from every other

    individual in the world. This is often

    referred to as a biometricfingerprint.

    Biometrics is the study of howhumans differ from each other based

    on biological factors, such as how

    each person's fingerprints form


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    Face recognition:

    Face recognition uses mainly the following


    Facial geometry: uses geometricalcharacteristics of the face. May use

    several cameras to get better

    accuracy (2D, 3D...)

    Skin pattern recognition (VisualSkin Print)

    Facial thermogram: uses an infraredcamera to map the face temperatures

    Smile: recognition of the wrinklechanges when smiling

    Face detection: It refers to the science of

    locating the faces of people in a scene. It is a

    critical element of focusing software in

    cameras, as well as the primary step in facial

    recognition in unconstrained scenes: the face

    must be detected before it can be compared

    to known faces and identified. It can also be

    used by newer software to organize photos

    on your computer.

    On cameras, face detection helps establish

    how the focus should work in a picture.

    Depending on the camera, face detection

    technology can identify at least 10 faces in a

    scene. Once they are identified, they can be

    prioritized, and the focus can automatically

    adjust to feature the high priority faces. The

    cameras face detection is often shown to

    the user through a series of one or more

    rectangles overlaid on the scene. With the

    face detected, the technology can also adjust

    the exposure to make sure the subject is

    properly shown, including compensating for

    dark scenes or scenes with an illuminated


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    Iris recognition:

    An "iriscode" is extracted from the iris, once

    it has been localized

    Iris recognition uses iris images captured in

    the near infrared bandwidth. The iris color is

    not used, this is rather the iris structure

    which is recognized.

    Iris biometrics is a biometrics identification

    method executed by taking high-resolution

    images of a persons eye. The technology

    utilizes a camera to make a template of the

    eye, taking note of the corneal reflection.

    The process relies on converting the image

    of the person's iris into a mathematical

    algorithm. Each time a person's eye is

    scanned, it is compared with the

    mathematical data from the first scan. Part

    of the eye is always covered by the eyelid.

    The mathematical equation takes the eyelid

    into account when matching a person to his

    scan by subtracting the areas covered by the

    eyelid from the data. This technology can be

    used to identify one person in a crowd, or

    match one person to their own identifying


    Iris scanning is used to protect sensitive

    information and allow access only to certain

    individuals. It is also used as a means of

    national security in some places. Iris

    biometrics are considered especially

    reliable. As with any identification method,

    there is still a chance of human error,

    although it is less so than other technologies

    since computations for iris identification are

    performed by a computer.

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    When compared to fingerprinting, another

    method of biometrics authentication, iris

    biometrics has several advantages. The iris

    is an internal organ, protected against

    damage from the environment. The makeup

    of the iris is determined during gestation.

    Though certain medical conditions and

    surgical procedures can affect the color and

    shape of the iris, the texture, which is what

    is measured by the technology, remains

    stable. Biometrics devices using iris scans

    have succeeded at identifying the same

    person for periods of more than 30 years.

    Iris biometrics is considered more reliable

    than the more popular retinal scanning

    method since theretinais subject to changes

    with age.

    On the other hand, iris biometrics is still

    considered a relatively new technology. For

    example, it does not have the length of time

    associated with fingerprinting. It is difficult

    to perform at a distance, and a person not

    holding his head still or not looking into the

    camera may be misidentified. Poor image

    quality and software failure are two factors

    that may adversely affect iris biometrics


    Hand, finger geometry:

    A camera capture an image of the hand, with

    the help of a mirror to get also the edge. The

    silhouette of the hand is extracted, and some

    geometrical characteristics stored.

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    Voice, laughter:

    Voice authentication, also known as

    speaker verification, is defined as the

    automated verification of a persons claimed

    identity, based on unique characteristics of

    their voice. Voice biometrics is an area of

    biometrics which focuses on identifying

    people by voice, or voice print as it is

    sometimes known. Biometrics in general

    involves measuring unique biological

    characteristics for the purpose of comparing

    unknown samples against known samples,

    usually with the goal of confirming

    someone's identity. This technology has

    attracted a great deal of attention in many

    regions of the world because it has potential

    for the security industry as well as other

    areas of human endeavor.

    When someone who is enrolled speaks into

    a voice biometrics system for the purpose of

    identification, the system compares the

    voice against the voice prints it has on file.If it detects a match, it will indicate that the

    person has been recognized and identified.

    A display may bring up details about the

    person, and the system may also activate a

    door lock or similar device to allow

    someone to pass into a secure area.

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    A simple microphone is enough to record

    the voice, then most of the algorithm are

    analysing the voice spectrum

    Handwriting / Signature:

    Handwriting recognition, or signaturerecognition also called Dynamic Signature

    Verification (DSV) analyses the way a user

    signs. The signing features such as speed,

    velocity and pressure exerted by a hand

    holding a pen are as important as the static

    shape of the finished signature.

    Required material starts from a simple

    scanner (in this case, speed & pressure are

    not available and the recognition accuracy

    decreases) to the tablet, a video camera, a

    pen containing sensors or using ultrasonic


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    Keystroke dynamics:

    Keystroke dynamics, also called typing

    rhytms or typing recognition, analyses the

    way a person types. Users enroll by typing

    the same word or words a number of times.

    Verification is based on the concept that the

    rhythm with which a person types is


    Statistics of timings between two personsshow the difference

    Mouse dynamics:

    You have to draw something, always the

    same (your name or whatever) using the

    mouse. Some relevant characteristics are

    extracted (position, velocity, angle...) and

    used for further recognition.

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    Gait recognition by radar focuses on the gait

    cycle formed by the movements of a

    person's various body parts move over time.

    "The magic goal we're shooting for is

    accuracy in the high 90 percent range,"

    Geisheimer says. "We're not there yet, but

    our initial results are encouraging and


    Researchers correctly identified 80 to 95

    percent of individual subjects, with

    variances in that range among the three

    experiment days.

    The next step is to build a more powerful

    radar system and test it in the lab and then

    the field. In experiments last year, subjects

    started walking 50 feet away from the radar

    and then walked within 15 feet of it. But

    researchers are now building a radar system

    that can detect people from 500 or more


    In the study of gait recognition by computer

    vision, researchers distinguish theirapproach from others with a technique

    called an activity-specific static biometric. A

    static property -- for example, a person's leg

    length -- is not a property of motion itself. It

    can be measured from a single image.

    "The advantage of measuring a static

    property is that it is amenable to being done

    from multiple viewpoints," Bobick says.

    ". Static measurements are view invariant,

    and that is a tremendous advantage because

    you can't control where someone goes."

    Researchers are also developing statistical

    analysis tools for using a small, easily

    gathered database to predict how well a

    particular biometric, including gait

    recognition, will work on a largerpopulation.

    These techniques will also help researchers

    determine what gait recognition properties

    to measure based on how well the

    technology can measure them.

    "You can work on your ability to improvemeasurements," Bobick says. "But if you're

    not measuring something that is diagnostic,

    there is no amount of technology that will

    solve that problem with the biometric."

    Still in its infancy, computer vision-based

    gait recognition technology holds promise,

    particularly for verification or screening, if it

    is used in conjunction with other biometric

    technologies and information, Bobick


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    Meanwhile, researchers are applying the

    findings from studies funded by the federal

    Defense Advanced Research Projects

    Agency to ongoing research in

    understanding human movement through

    video. Associate Professor Irfan Essa

    envisions applications in medical diagnosis.

    Algorithms for gait recognition are at

    development stage.


    After separation of hair area from the

    background in overhead imagery, extraction

    of features that characterize the color and

    texture of hair is done for identification

    purpose. Although the visual appearance of

    hair cannot be used as a long-term biometric

    due to the nonrigid nature of hair, a realistic

    scenario where the time interval between

    gallery and probe imagery is short enoughcan achieve reliable performance.

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    Unlike other facial features used for

    biometrics, such as eyes or ears, noses are

    difficult to conceal and also arent changed

    much by facial expression.

    Dr Adrian Evans and Adrian Moorhouse,

    from the Universitys Department of

    Electronic & Electrical Engineering, decided

    to investigate whether images of peoples

    noses could be used to recognise


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    the pattern of blood vessels that emanate

    from the optic nerve and disperse

    throughout the retina depends on

    individuals and never changes. No two

    retinas are the same, even in identicaltwins.

    First the intensity profile is extracted,

    then a circular scan is performed to locate

    blood vessels.

    retinal scan is very difficult to fake

    because no technology exists that allows the

    forgery of a human retina, and the retina of a

    deceased person decays too fast to be used

    to fraudulently bypass a retinal scan.

    Retinal scanning is part of biometrics, the

    field of science and engineering which

    develops ways to uniquely identify

    individual persons.

    the physical aspects of a persons body.

    These include items such as fingerprints,

    retinal scans, and facial scans. Behavioral

    biometric data, sometimes called

    behaviometrics, include signatures,

    handwriting analysis, and voice pattern


    Vein, Vascular pattern

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    Different part of the body can be used,

    generally the hand or the finger.

    Blood pulse, cardiac pulse

    Recognition using the blood pulse shape

    or the electrocardiogram has been

    proposed, but there is low activity on this

    subject, and this is still a not proven


    Reading is performed using the same

    material than pulse oxymetry, a infrared

    LED and a photodiode, to read the blood

    pulse shape.

    Skin spectrum

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    Lumidigm has established that the

    absorption spectrum of the skin depends on

    the individuals.

    Several LEDs send light at different

    wavelenghts into the skin, and

    photodiodes read the scattered light,

    which is analyzed to perform the


    Dental radiographs

    Dental information is used for a long time

    in forensics. Dental is not considered as

    biometrics because it is not an automated

    method, with a (fast) live acquisition of

    data. That said, an Automated Dental

    Identification System (ADIS, West

    Virginia University) is developped

    The Michigan state university

    (Jain/Chen/Minut) proposes to perform

    an automatic authentication based on

    dental radiography, using the shape of the

    teeth, at the difference of the "simple"

    identification used in forensics.

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    Ear recognition uses mainly two features:

    canal of the ear which returns a

    specific echo

    Ear geometry recognition uses the shape

    of the ear to perform identification

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    An infrared image can be used to

    eliminate hair:

    Here is a paper about ear shape

    recognition using a specific method:


    Lips are not well-known as biometric

    features, and not very much studied.

    Nevertheless, they are interesting from

    several point of views:

    Lip prints are know in forensic science

    to be different for each individual, as


    Lip movement helps identification

    associated with speaker recognition.

    Lip shape can be used as a stand-alone

    feature to perform authentication

    Lip movement

    Lip movement recognition is generally

    only a sub-system of a combination of

    several biometrics, as it is likely that this

    feature used stand-alone is not enough to

    obtain good accuracy.

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    Nail /

    Nail recognition is an emerging biometrictechnology, which has not been not very

    much studied. Mainly two methods (and two

    companies) exist:


    The nailbed is an essentially parallel

    epidermal structure located directly

    beneath the fingernail formed with

    parallel lines spaced at intervals. During

    normal growth, the fingernail travels over

    the nailbed.

    Keratin microfibrils within the nailbed

    are located at the interface of the nailbed

    and the nailplate, or fingernail. Keratin is

    a highly birefringent material, so we can

    read this structure using polarized ligh

    Fingers & Knuckles

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    3D Finger surface

    Uses the curvature of each small section of

    the finger surface, starting from a normal



    Although it is the ultimate biometrics

    (excepted for twins!) as everyone has DNA,

    this is not considered as a biometric

    technology because it is not yet fully

    automated (and fast).

    Biometric Laptop

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    For people interested in securing important

    computer information, a biometric laptop is

    the best choice. Whereas most computers

    are protected by one or more passwords,

    these laptops require data that is nearly

    impossible to hack. Biometric security,

    which requires a fingerprint, iris scan or

    voice recognition, is a rising phenomenon in

    computers. A biometric laptop's added

    protection is a nice feature, but its high-tech

    security system is not without its problems.

    Having a fingerprint reader is the most

    prominent type of biometric laptop security.

    This is a small window near the bottom of a

    keyboard or even embedded in a mouse that

    acts just like a scanner, but it scans

    fingerprints. Users save fingerprint scans in

    a security database and set the security just

    like they would for a written password. To

    gain control of the computer, the user simply

    applies a finger to the scanner, and it reads

    the unique traits of that print in order to

    grant access.

    A less common but equally protective form

    of security for a biometric laptop is the iris

    scan. This usually involves a small scanner

    that is external from the computer. Like the

    fingerprint scanner, the user places an eye to

    this camera and lets it scan the iris, saving it

    to a database within the computer. When the

    user wants to start the computer, he or she is

    prompted to put an eye to the scanner, and

    when the iris matches the database, the

    computer will grant the user access. If there

    is no match, that person will be denied.

    Another form of biometric laptop security is

    voice recognition. This feature is the least

    common of the three because it is the easiest

    to forge. Where the other two take raw

    human characteristics, this biometric device

    memorizes aspects of a voice's tone, timberand sound. If the user's voice matches the

    stored criteria, the security system allows

    him or her to use that biometric laptop.

    These biometric laptop security features

    provide an added layer of security for users,

    but they also have problems that simple text-

    based passwords do not. The voice

    recognition software often does not

    recognize the user's speech if they are not

    speaking clearly enough, and this can cause

    a great deal of frustration. Iris scanners

    provide a high level of security but can be

    expensive and delicate. Fingerprint scanners

    do not memorize the exact fingerprint but

    rather a series of points on a print and

    therefore are prone to many false negatives,

    sometimes preventing the correct person

    from gaining access.

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