History of Post Keynesian Economics Its Core Principles

History of Post Keynesian Economics Its Core Principles

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Page 1: History of Post Keynesian Economics Its Core Principles

History of Post Keynesian Economics

Its Core Principles

Page 2: History of Post Keynesian Economics Its Core Principles

History of Ideas – and of People• Keynes was a Cambridge Economist

• Working in the Cambridge Tradition

• PK economics could be called

Cambridge Economics after KeynesIf you don’t understand pre-Keynes

economics in Cambridge you can’t understand post-Keynes Cambridge economics

{There is no more Cambridge economics!}

Page 3: History of Post Keynesian Economics Its Core Principles

Pre-Keynes Cambridge Economics

• Marshall, but also Lavington, Pigou, Robertson, Hawtrey

• Monetary-Business cycle tradition

• Say’s Law tradition – self-stabilising nature of economic system

• The British Slump –started in 1920s

• Going off Gold standard

• Public works – Can Lloyd George Do It?

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Pre-Keynes Cambridge Economics• All trained by Marshall• JR anecdote• They all rebelled against Marshall• They all rejected self-adjustment• Why didn’t price adjustment produce recovery

from the slump• Kahn Fellowship Dissertation• Sraffa challenged Marshallian doctrine of perfect

competition –Laws of Returns• Joan Robinson produce Economics of Imperfect


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General Theory challenges self-adjusting system assumption

• Theory of Effective Demand

• Already present in Hawtrey – linked to financing

• Core Principle > Increasing saving does not provide resources for Investment –

• Only Increasing Income increases savings

• Fallacy of Composition

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Alternative Versions of Core Principle -- Kalecki

• Increasing profits share by reducing wages does not increase investment

• Income Distribution – by income class

• Degree of monopoly – formally equivalent to propensity to consume

• Return of Classical price theory

– constant wage share

– constant costs

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Alternate Versions of Core Principles -- Lerner-- Domar

• Fiscal Budget surplus does not free resources for investment

• Functional Finance

• Fiscal Deficits Necessary over time

• Domar – deficits can stabilise as share of GDP

• Balanced Budget Multiplier

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Rethinking the Classical Tradition

• Sraffa’s rehabilitation of Ricardo• Sraffa’s constant costs & Imperfect

Competition• Kalecki Income Distribution and Class • Marshall’s Long/Secular Period as

Classical• Long-period theory of employment – Joan

Robinson – Richard Kahn• Keynesian theory of distribution – N Kaldor

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Bastard Keynesians were also at work

• Marshall is built on process of adjustment driven by relative price determined substitution of factors

If wages are low enough a given stock of capital can employ all workers – putty capital

If wages are low enough a given stock of money will produce interest rate low enough to produced enough investment that via the multiplier will increase incomes and consumption by enough to provide full employment

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Given Capital Stock, Given Money Supply

• Both are “long-period” adjustment processes

• Ignore “History v. Equilibrium”

• Comparison v. Change

• Daylight saving time

• Pigou and Keynes on causes of fall in real wages with an increase in output and employment

• Neo-classical synthesis – neoclassical micro- Keynesian macro

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Fighting Bastard Keynesians

• Prevent bringing Pre-Keynesian theory in through the back door

• PostKeynesian Distribution Theory

• Kaldor == macro

• Kalecki == micro – degree of monopoly

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Fighting Bastard Keynesians• PostKeynesian Growth Theory – Robinson

-- Attack K in production function – marginal productivity – malleable capital

-- Sraffa – value of capital not independent of rate of interest, i.e. of its price

-- Leon - Pasinetti – Structural Change & Growth

-- Garegnani – mec curve is neoclassical

-- Roncaglia: join Prices of production to Keynes” Effective Demand ..

-- Long Period Theory of Effective Demand

{Solow-Swan comes afterwards!}

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Fighting Bastard Keynesians – Price theory

• Attack perfect competition price theory

-- Kalecki: degree of monopoly

-- Harrod: Dynamic economics

-- Sylos Labini: Oligopoly and Technical Progress

-- Weintraub: mark up pricing – magic “k”

-- Eichner: MegaCorp and Oligopoly

-- Andrews – Oxford Research Group

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Bastard Keynesians Become Neo-Neoclassics

• Capital Theory – Parables are never true• General Equilibrium – Arrow Debreu• Rational Expectations – Lucas• Samuelson surrenders -- Elvis has left the

building• Mainstream disengages• Classical Economics Redux • Return of the Budget Hawks

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New Keynesians

• Mainstream redefines Keynes – Quantity Constraints, Lemons and Asymmetric information

• Market Imperfections

• Ron Reagan and W become major PK economists

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Where have all the Bastard Keynesians Gone?

• Go Back to Monetary Production EconomicsPK is “understanding” Keynes

-- It’s Money Stupid!-- It’s Uncertainty Stupid!

PK is endogenous money -- It’s Endogenous Money Stupid!-- It’s the Circuit Stupid!

{but already present in Hawtrey, Kalecki and Keynes}

There is no money in PK Growth & Distribution Theory

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Are Core Principles Enough?

• Raising Saving, Lowering Wages, Balancing the Budget no good

• Bastard Keynesian Response says NO-- History versus Equilibrium -- Fundamental Uncertainty-- Mark-up pricing

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Monetary Production

Integration of Money and Real – Money a “Real Factor”

Integration of Micro and MacroMicro decisions Macro outcomes Expectations of the Future Impinge on Present Decisions

Financial Fragility - Instability

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Monetary Production

Money Today v. Money Tomorrow Decisions -- Marx M-C-M’

Revise our theory of Supply and Demand

Spot v. Forward Prices “Two Price” Theory

{It’s Price Theory Stupid!}

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Monetary Production

Money rate of interest rules the roostLiquidity PreferenceNeed to Define Nature of Money Define a Monetary Production Economy

-- Chapter 17 essential properties

-- Chartalism -- state money