History Previous Paper 1993

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  • 8/14/2019 History Previous Paper 1993


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    1. The kingdom of Ranjit Singh includeda. Delhib. Srinagarc. Makrand. Kabul

    2. Which one of the following is correctlymatched?

    a. Ram Narayan :General of sirajud-daula

    b. Mir madan :Diwan of Mir Jafar

    c. Rai durlabh :Governor of Bihar

    d. Jagat Seth :A famous bonder of Bengal

    3. monopoly of the East India company totrade with China was abolished by the

    Charter Act of

    a. 1793b. 1813c. 1833d. 1853

    4. What was the main cause of the growth ofmoney-lending class during the Britishrule?

    a. Failure of crops, caused by the naturalcalamities

    b. Extravagant habits of the peoplec. Demand of high revenue from the


    d. Need of capital for the cultivation.5. Which of the following were main sources

    of revenue of the company government in


    1. Land revenue2. Monopoly of salt and opium trade3. Freight charges4. Commutation bond.Chose the correct answer from the codes

    given below:

    a. 1, 2 and 3b. 1, 2 and 5c. 2, 3 and 4d. 1, 3 and 5

    6. Ring fence is associated witha. Henry Lawrenceb. Dalhousiec. Warren Hastingsd. Lord Hastings

    7. Which one of the following Actsstrengthened the unitary charter of the

    Government of India by establishing a

    general control over the finances of India

    by the Governor- General?

    a. The Regulating Act of 1773b. Pitts India Act of 1784.c. The Carter Act of 1813d. The Charter Act of 1833

    8. Assam was created a separate provincewhen

    a. Curzon partitioned Bengal in 1905b. Minto announced the new reform

    proposals in 1905-1906.

    c. Partition of Bengal was annulled in1911.

    d. Montagu-Chelmsford reforms wereimplemented in 1919.

    9. Since 1858 the supreme control offinancial administration in India was

    vested in the

    a. Supreme Government in Indiab. British parliamentc. Board of Control in Englandd. Secretary of State in council

    10. The system of competitive examination forCivil Service was accepted in principle in

    the year

    a. 1833b. 1853c. 1858d. 1882

    11. After the Revolt of 1857 the Britishrecruited Indian soldiers mostly from the

    a. Brahmins of U.P. and Biharb. Bengalis and Oriyas from the eastc. Gurkhas, Sikhs and Punjabis in the


    d. Madras Presidency in the south andMarathas from the west.

    C.S.E. Pre-1993


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    12. Which one of the following wars decidedthe fate of the French in India?

    a. First Carnatic Warb. Battle of Buxarc. Battle of Plasseyd. Battle of Wandiwash

    13. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer by using the codes givenbelow the lists:


    (Tribes who revoted against the British

    A. KhondsB. SanthalsC. KolaD. MundasList-II

    Year of revolt)


    18202. 18463. 18554. 1895Codes:

    A B C D

    a. 3 1 2 4b. 3 2 1 4c. 2 1 4 3d. 1 4 2 3

    14. Which one of the following rebellionsbegan in 1816 and lasted till 1832?

    a. Kol uprisingb. Khasi uprisingc. Kutch rebelliond. Naikada rising

    15. Which one of following pairs in notcorrectly matched?

    Persons Institutions founded

    a. C.R. Reddi: Praja Mithra Mandalib. Jotiba Phele : Satya Shodak Samajc. B.B. Ambedkar : All India..d. Dr. Atmaram : Prarthana Samaj

    16. What is the correct chronological sequenceof the following act?

    1. Indian Trade unions act2. Indian Factories Act3. The Trade Disputes Act4. Indian Mines ActSelect the correct answer from the codes

    given below:

    a. 2, 4, 1, 3b. 3, 1, 4, 2c. 1, 3, 2, 4d. 4, 2, 3, 1

    17. The President of the All India Kisan Sabhain 1936 was

    a. N.G. Rangab. Swami Sahajananda Saraswatic. Vidyanandd. Baba Ramechandra

    18. The Factory Act of 1881 was passed witha view to

    a. Prohibit the employment of childrenbelow the age of 7 in any factory

    b. Allow the workers to form tradeunions

    c. fix the wages of industrial workersd. reduce the working hours for women


    19. Match List with List II and select thecorrect answer by using the codes given

    below the lists:



    A. Hindu windowsRemarriage Act

    B. Prohibition of SatiC. Age of Consent actD. Abolition of Slavery


    (Governors General)

    1. William Benunck2. Lansdowne3. Eilenborough4. DalhousieCodes A B C D

    a. 3 4 2 1b. 4 2 1 3c.

    4 1 2 3

    d. 2 1 3 420. Who among the following were associated

    with eradication of unsociability?

    1. K. Rango Rao2. Vithal Ramji Shinde3. Gopal Krishana Gokhale4. Gangu RamChoose the correct answer from the codes

    given below:

    a. 1, 2 and 3

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    b. 1, 2 and 4c. 2 and 3d. 1, 3 and 4

    21. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer by using the codes given

    below the lists:

    List-I (Nationalist Authors)

    A. Krishnaji Prabhakar KhadilkarB. Subhadra Kuman chauhanC. Saadat husan MuntoD. Vallathol Narayana MenonList-II (Works)

    1. Jhansi Ki Rani2. Kichaka Vadh3. Kali slwar4. Enpe GurunathanCodes A B C D

    a. 4 1 3 2b. 3 4 2 1c. 2 1 3 4d. 2 3 1 4

    22. Which one of the following led to thefailure of the Cripps Mission?

    a. Indian demand for the full control ofnational defence

    b. Indian demand for completed controlover national finance

    c. Demand for the Indianisation of theCivil Services

    d. Demand for the release of all politicalprisoners

    23. The Poona Sarvajanik Sabha was used byTilak to popularize

    a. The legal right of ryots in a faminesituation

    b. The Swdeshi Movement in theBombay Province

    c. Civil disobedience Movementd. The demand for social reforms.

    24. Which of the following are correctlymatched?

    1. Chitto Pandey: Quit India Movement2. Lakshmi Swaminathan: INA3. Sasibhushan Ray Chaudhuri: Non -


    4. Gurdit Singh : Anushilan PartyChoose the correct answer from the codes

    given below:

    a. 1 and 2

    b. 1 and 3c. 2 and 4d. 3 and 4

    25. Of the four event mentioned below, whichone was chronologically the last to take


    a. Simla Conferenceb. Election of July, 1946c. The Offer of the Cabinet Mission Pland. Muslim League joining the Interim


    26. the Indian independence Act, 1947 cameinto force on

    a. February 20, 1947b. June 3, 1947c. July 18, 1947d. August 15, 1947.

    27. The largest concentration of Harappansites has been found along the.

    a. Sutlejb. Indusc. Ghaggar-Hakrad. Ravi

    28. Which of the following Harappan cropsare believed to have diffused from West


    a. Wheatb. Ricec. Cottond. BarleyChoose the correct answer from the codes

    given below:

    a. 1 and 4b. 2 and 3c. 1, 3 and 4d. 1, 2 and 4

    29. Match list with List II and select thecorrect answer using the codes given

    below the lists:

    List-I (Items found in Harappan sites)

    A. CopperB. ShellC. Lapis LazuliD. GoldList-II (Possible sources)

    1. Decan2. Rajasthan3. Kutch4. Afghanistan

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    A B C D

    a. 3 4 1 2b. 1 3 2 4c. 2 3 1 4d. 2 3 4 1

    30. Consider the map given below

    The places marked 1, 2, 3 and 4

    respectively are

    a. Ropar, Banawali, Surkotda,Alamgirpur

    b. Kalibangan, Kalibangan, SurkotdaHarappa, Almgipur.

    c. Kalibangan, Lothal, Harappa, Hulas.d. Banawali, Dholavira, Manda,


    31. That men in some areas of India lived inunderground pits is suggested by

    excavations in

    a. Biharb. Kashmirc. Karnatakad.


    32. The predominant funerary practice atHarappa was

    a. cremationb. Burying ash kept in an urnc. Extended burial of the body along with


    d. Making a memorial to mark the site33. The story of the migration of Videgha

    Mathava to the east with his priest is

    mentioned in the

    a. Aitareya Brahamanab. Satapatha Brahmanac. Goptha Brahmanad. Brihadaranyaka Upe. Goptha Brahmanaf. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

    34. Aranyani, Goddess of the forest, is firstmentioned in the

    a. Rik Samhitab. Athrvaveda

    c. Aranyaka textsd. Upanishadic texts

    35. Advaryu mentioned in the Vedic literaturewas

    a. An associated the Vedicb. One of the ratninsc. A type of chariotd. A category of sacrificial priest.

    36. Which of the following statementsregarding the hymns of the Regveda are


    1. They refer to the Himavant and theMujavant

    2. They mention geographical terms likeAryavarta and Dakshintya.

    3. Most rivers mentioned in them flow inareas West of the Yamuna and the


    4. They mention the ruling families of theKurus, Panchalas and the Ikshvakus

    Select the correct answer from the codes

    given below:

    a. 1 and 2b. 1 and 3c. 2, 3 and 4d. 1, 2, 3 and 4

    37. The group which figures prominently inthe context of cattleraids in the Rigueda

    was that of the

    a. Mlechchhasb. Dasas and Dasyusc. Panisd. Nishadas

    38. Which one of the following systems ofBuddhismemerged around the Seventh

    Century A.D.?

    a. Theravadab. Hinayanac. Mahayanad. Vajryana

    39. The doctrine of void (Shunyta) was firstexpounded by the Buddhist philosopher

    a. Nagarjunab. Nagasenac. Anandad. Ashvaghosh

    40. The first Tamil Sangam is said to havebeen instituted by

    a. Tiruvalluvar

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    b. Parasuramac. Mamulanard. Agastya

    41. Which one of the following pairs ofancient ports and places heir location is

    correctly matched?

    a. Palaib. Marudamc. Mullaid. Nedal

    42. Among the following sites, sculpturalevidence regards the first representation of

    the Buddha in human form has come from

    representation of the Buddha in human

    form has come from

    a. Arikkamedu: Coromandelb. Nelcynda : Malabarc. Masalia : Konkand. Colchi (Korkai)

    43. Among the following sites, sculpturalevidence regarding the first representation

    of the Buddha in human form has come


    a. Bharhutb. Mathurac. Sanchid. Amaravati

    44. Which of the following is/are trueregarding Budhism?

    1. It did not reject Varna and Jati2. It challenged highest social ranking of

    Brahamana Varna

    3. It regarded certain crafts as lowChoose the correct answer from the codes

    given below:

    a. 1 and 2b. 2 and 2c. 1, 2 and 3d. None

    45. Which tow of the four kings listed belowwere on friendly terms equally with

    Vardhmana Mahavira and Gautama


    1. Bimbisara of Magadha2. Prasenjit of Kosala3. Pradyota of Avanti4. Ajatasatru of Magadhaa. 1 and 3b. 1 and 4

    c. 2 and 3d. 3 and 4

    46. Which one of the following is acommentary on the Digha Nikaya?

    a. Dipavamsab. Lalitavistarac. Netti Prakarand. Sumangala Vilashi

    47. The term Nigrantha is associated witha. Ajivikasb. Charvakasc. Jainasd. Pasupatas

    48. The Jaina system of thought closelyresembles

    a. Vedantab. Sankhyac. Vaisesikad. Yogachara

    49. The original cannon of the Jainas isbelieved to have consisted of

    a. 6 angasb. 8 angasc. 10 angasd. 12 angas

    50. Which one of the following Kingdoms wasknown for wealthy merchants profession

    Jainism and building Jaina temple?

    a. The Gurjara Pratiharab. The Chaulukyac. The Gahadavalad. The Kakatiya

    51. The Besnagar inscription of Heliodorusrefers to

    a. Samkarshana and Vasudevab. Samkarshna, Pradyumna and


    c. Vasudeva onlyd.

    All the Panchaviras

    52. The Yaudheyas, a kshtriya tribe,worshipped exclusively the God

    a. Indrab. Vasudevac. Paupatid. Kartikeya

    53. What is the significance of Kayavarohanain the history of Saivism?

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    a. It is the same as Pasu-pasa-vimokshana, one of the principal

    characteristics of the Pasupata sect.

    b. It was the birth place of Lakulisac. It was one of the Vratas of the


    d. It was a ritual prescribed for thoseadhering to the Kalamukha sec.

    54. Which of the following places are knownfor Sun temples?

    1. Mandasor2. mulasthna3. konarak4. MadheraChose the correct answer from the codes

    given below:

    a. 1 and 3 onlyb. 3 and 4 onlyc. 2, 3 and 4 onlyd. 1, 2, 3 and 4

    55. Which of the following terms denotemonastic establishments of different

    religious affiliations?

    1. Vihra2. Matha3. Basadi4. MandapaChoose the correct answer from the codes

    given below:a. 1 and 2 onlyb. 2 and 3 onlyc. 3 and 4 onlyd. 1, 2 and 3

    56. The Hindu God who has sometimes beenidentified by Greek authors with Herakles


    a. Skandab. Sivac. Krishnad. Parjanya

    57. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer by using the codes given

    below the lists:


    A. NayanaB. VaisshikaC. SankhyaD. MimamsaList-II

    1. Jaimini2. Kapila3. Kanada4. GautmaCodes:

    A B C D

    a. 3 4 2 1b. 2 3 1 4c. 4 3 2 1d. 4 1 3 2

    58. Which of the following are mentioned inAsokan inscriptions?

    a. Cholas, Cheras, Pandyas and Pallvasb. Cholas, satyaputrs, Cheras and


    c. Pandyas, Satyaputras, Andhras andCheras


    Cholas, Pandyas, Bhojas and Andhras59. In the Mauryan administration the official

    designated as Rupadar saka was:

    a. Examiner of silver and other metalsb. Superintendent of courtesansc. Manager of staged. Examiner of coins

    60. Which one of the following inscriptionsmentions the name of both Chndragupta

    Maurya and Asoka?

    a. Shahbajgarhi rock edictb. Maski edictc. Junagarh inscription of Rudrammand. Junagarh inscription of Skandagupta

    61. Ashokas contemporary Greek King ofa. Ntiochus II Theosb. Ptolemy IIc. Antigonasd. Alexander

    62. The existence of store houses as faminerelief measure in the fauryan period is

    known from

    a. Rock edict II from Girnarb. Pillar edict IIc. Minor edict from Sasaramd. Sohgaura plate inscription

    63. The earliest Indian coins are not earlierthan

    a. 7th Century B.Cb. 5th Century B.Cc. 3rd Century B.C.d. 2nd Century A.D.

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    64. Nagarasresthi and Sarthavaha are referredto in the context of urban administration in

    inscriptions of the Gupta period from

    a. Madhyadesab. Pundravardhanac. Avantid. Saurashtra

    65. About the 5th Century B.C. the Indiansatrapy was paying an annual tribute of

    320 talents of gold to

    a. Greeceb. Persiac. Bactriad. China

    66. The Gupta gold and silver issue wereinitially based on the coins of the

    a. Romans and the Saka Kshtrapasb. Kushanas and Yaudheyasc. Kushans and Saka Kshtrapsd. Romans and Kushapas.

    67. Which one of the following was not anitem of export from India the West during

    the early centuries of the Christian era?

    a. Pearlsb. Fine textilesc. Preciouus stonesd. Silver

    68. Which one among the following refers tounpaid labour?a. Balib. Sulkac. Udrangad. Visti

    69. Given below are two statement one labeledas Assertion (A) and he other labeled as

    reason (R)

    Assertion (A): There are instances of rural

    resistance in early medieval Deccan and

    south India

    Reason (R): Grants of agrahaa andDevadana rights to Brahmans and temple

    respectively undermined the rights of


    In the context of the above two statements,

    which one of the following is correct?

    a. Both a and R true and R is the correctexplanation of A

    b. Both a and R are true but r is not thecorrect explanation A

    c. A is true but R is false

    d. A is false but r is true70. Which one among the following has

    different kind of connotation from the

    other three?

    a. Huen-tsangb. Banac. Subandhnd. Dandin

    71. During the period of Harshavardhana thefields were watered by the post of the

    ghali-yanlra. This is known from the

    writings of

    a. Huen-tsangb. Banac. Subandhnd. Dandin

    72. Which one of the following is trueregarding apad-dharma mentioned in the


    a. It meant dereliction of dutyb. It was permitted only to kshtriyasc. It meant special sacrifices done

    brahmanas for kings

    d. It meant duties permitted to differentvarnas at times of distress

    73. In ancient India the profession of theKaravara involved work

    a. As a prison guard.b. In leatherc. As a hunter-gathererd. As a sweeper on city streets

    74. In ancient Indian social structure the termaniravasita related

    a. As a prison guardb. Vaisyas and Sudrasc. Sudras onlyd. People outside the varna classification

    75. Who among the following stated that therewas not slavery in India?

    a. Strabob. Megasthenesc. Fa-hiend. Huen-tsang

    76. Which of the following countries weepolluting and wee not be visited except for

    pilgrimage according to Baudhyana?

    a. 1, 2 and 3b. 1, 2 and 4c. 1, 3 and 4

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    d. 2, 3 and 477. What was considered as Varna Samkara?

    a. Illegitimate birthb. Revolt against the Varna systemc. Transgression of Varna boundaries for


    d. Championing the Vernasrama dharma78. Consider the following passage:

    His records proclaim him as the feudatory

    of the employee samovara III. He had he

    had his Capitals at Talak in the south and

    bankpura in the north. It was in A.D. 1137

    that he performed the ceremony of


    The above passage refers to

    a. Mayurasarmanb. Anantavarman chodagangac. Yayati mahasivaguptal Id. Vishnuvardhna

    79. The battle of Koppam betweena. The Western Chalukyas and the


    b. The western Chalukays and the Cholasc. The Cholas and the Hoysalasd. The Pandyas and the rulers of Ceylon

    80. Which one of the following was animportant seaport in the Kakatiya



    Dharanikotab. Mottuppallic. Machilipattnad. Nelluru

    81. Consider the map given below

    The places marked 1, 2, 3 and 4respectively represent

    a. Madurai, Kalyani, kanyakubja, Gandab. Tanjavur, manyakheta, kaushimbi,


    c. Tanjavur, Manyakheta, Knyakubja,Ramvati

    d. Uraiyur, Talakad, Ahichchhatra,Pundranagara.

    82. The gold coins of Muhammad Ghoriusually bear.

    a. Goddess Lakhshmi on the observe andhis name in Nagari characters on the


    b. Kalmia on one side and his name onthe other in Arabic characters

    c. His name on the observed. Zodiac signs on the obverse and his

    name in Persian characters on the


    83. The Iqta under the Delhi Sultans was aterritorial assignment and its holder was

    designated muqli who.

    a. Had no claims on the peasant otherthan the due land tax

    b. Was the owner of the Iqta landc. Was entitled to claim forced labour

    from the cultivatorsd. Had claim on the person and property

    of the peasants.

    84. The export of slaves from India wasbanned by

    a. Muhammad Tughlaqb. Firuz tughlaqc. Allauddin Khalijid. Sikandar Lodi

    85. During the 13th and 14th centuries theIndian peasant did not cultivate

    a. Wheatb. Arleyc. Gramd. Maize

    86. Which one of the following sultansextended agricultural loan called sondhars

    to the poor peasants for promoting


    a. Balbanb. Allauddin Khaljic. Mohad. Bin Tughlaqd. Firuz Tughlaq

    87. Which one to the following statementsregarding Ghiyasuddin Tughlaqs

    concession to the rural intermediaries is


    a. He allowed them to impose taxes onpeasants

    b. He gave them revenue-assignmentsc. He enrolled then into the Delhi

    Sultanate Army

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    d. Exempted their lands from tax88. In the Vijayanagara kingdom the

    provincial governors, who did not belong

    to the royal family but were appointed on

    merit were generally known as

    a. Dalawayb. Dandanayakasc. Amaranayaksd. Upapradhani

    89. Which one of the following did not happedduring the reign of Vijaynagara King


    a. Admission of Muslims in the armyb. Intervention in Muslim states of


    c. Invasion into far southd. Sustained friend relations with the


    90. The Polygars werea. horse-traders from Afghanistan during

    the Mughal period

    b. a famous caste of bankers of bankersof Marwar

    c. Chiefs subordinate to the Nayakas theVijaynagara kingdom

    d. Agents of the European companies forpurchase of silk and muslin Bengal

    91. The Nijayanagara king who employedskilled archers of Turkistan clan and raised

    the fighting capacity of his bowmen was

    a. Bukka Ib. Devaraya Ic. Krishnadevarayad. Ramaray

    92. Which one of the following statements isnot correct regarding the state of

    commerce in the Vijaynagara kingdom?

    a. The Chettis used to go to MalayaArchipelago for trade

    b. The Malabari merchants dealt in slavetrade also and carried shiploads of

    slaves from Vijayanagara kingdom.

    c. Overseas trade was largely in thehands of foreigners

    d. The Muslim merchants were to payhigher taxes

    93. The Kalyana-mandapa was a notablefeature of temp architectural in the

    kingdom of

    a. Pallavas

    b. Cholasc. Kadambasd. Vijayanagara

    94. The statement that if by worshippingstones one can find god, I hall worship a

    mountain, was made by

    a. Ramanandb. Namdevc. Guru nanakd. Kabir

    95. the theory of Sulh-I Kul was propoundedby

    a. Nasamudding Auldyab. Akabarc. Zainu Abidind. Shaikh nasiruddin Chiragh

    96. The first surviving true dome in India isa.

    The alai Darwaza

    b. Sultan Firuzs madrasac. Balbans tombd. Arhi-din ka Jhopra

    97. The use of spinning wheel (Charkha)became common during the

    a. 7th Century A.D.b. 10 Century A.D.c. 12th entury A.D.d. 14th Century A.D.

    98. The office of the wakil-us-saltanat washeld during the first four years of Akbarsreign by

    a. Tradi Begb. Bairam Khanc. Munim Khand. Shamsuddin Alka

    99. The term Khalisa in Mughaladministration signified the

    a. Land owned by the Emperor himselfb. Entire imperial establishmentc.

    Land from where revenue wascollected for the imperial reasury

    d. Religious land grants100. The land revenue in Mughal India was a

    a. Tax on landb. Share in the producec. Tax on cultivatord. Tax on the owner of the land

    101. the greatest painter of birds at JahangirCourt was

    a. Khwaja Abdus Samad

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    b. Syed Ali Tabrizic. Basawand. Mansur

    102. Which one of the following is not correctabout the painters attached to the imperial

    establishment during the Mughal period?

    a. They did not depict the common manand his life

    b. They never over made paintings as joint work hawed any technological

    devices in their paintings

    c. They over made painting as joint workd. They never made self portraits.

    103. Akbars buildings at Fatehpur Sikri arefamous for

    a. Synthesis of trabeate and arcuatedstyles

    b. Construction of the first bulbous domein India

    c. The use of marble on a extensive scaled. Frequent employment of pietra dura

    104. The first Mughal building with completemarble facing was

    a. Humayuns tombb. Imad-ud-daulahs tombc. Taj Mahald. Moti Masjid at the Re Fort, Delhi.

    105. Who among the following is credited withthe authorship Majmu-al-Bahrain?

    a. Akabarb. Dara Shikohc. Jahangird. Humayun

    106. Match List I with List II, and select thecorrect answer from codes given below the



    A. DutchB. EnglishC. PortugueseD. FrenchList-II

    1. Goa2. Pulicut3. Hugli4. ChinsuraCodes: A B C D

    a. 3 4 1 2b. 1 3 2 4

    c. 2 3 1 4d. 2 1 4 3

    107. the Zamindari in Mughal India was nota. A saleable rightb. Hereditaryc. Ownership of landd. Mortgage able

    108. Ibrahim Khan Gardi was an importantmilitary officer of

    a. Haider Alib. Ahmadshah Durrnaic. Peshwa Balaji Baji Raod. Raj Suraj Mal

    109. The Sardeshmukhi of the Maraths wasa. A tax levied on Deshmukhb. A capitation levyc. A share in revenue collected by other

    authoritiesd. Village lands set aside for the


    110. Consider the following two statementsone labeled as Assertion (A) and the other

    labeled as Reason (R):

    Assertion (A): The Dutch East India

    Company is can to trade with India in the

    early seventeenth century.

    Reason (R): The Dutch wanted to barter

    cotton piece Goods pepper and spices in

    the Indonesian archipelago.In the context of the above two statements

    which one of the following is correct?

    a. Both A and R are true and R is thecorrect explanation

    b. Both A and R are true but R is not acorrect explanation

    The following three questions are based

    upon the map given below showing main

    trade routes in the Mughal period

    111. The place marked H representsa. Bombayb. Cambayc. Surat

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    d. Broach112. N represents

    a. Viskhapatanamb. Madrasc. Nagappatanamd. Masulippatanam

    113. The route A E passes througha. Multanb. Meerutc. Ajmerd. Lahore

    114. Which one of the following pairs waspopularly known as Sayyid others- the

    king Makders?

    a. Rafi-ud Darjat and Rafi-ud-Daulahb. Jahandar Shag and Ahmad Shahc. Husain Ali and Abdullah Husaind. Zulfikar Khan and Zakarich Khan115. What is the chronological sequence of thefollowing three Wazirs the Mughal court

    in the mid-eighteenth century?

    1. Safdarjung2. Imad-ul-mulk3. Javid KhanChoose the correct answer from the codes


    a. 2, 1, 3b. 1, 3, 2c. 2, 3, 1d. 3, 1, 2

    116. In 1751 Alivardi virtually ceded Orissa toa. Nanaji Holkarb. Raghuji bhoslec. Mahajadi Sindhiad. Baji Rao

    117. Raj Ballah, Ghasiti Begam, Shaukat Jungwere the arch foes of

    a. Alivardi Khanb. Siraj-ud-daulahc. Mir quasimd. Nanda Kumar

    118. Match List I with List II and select thecorrect answer by using the codes givenbelow lists:

    List I (Events)

    A. The first Mysore WarB. The second Mysore WarC. The third Mysore WarD. The fourth Mysore WarList-II (Persons)

    1. Comwallis2. Lord Hastings3.


    4. Warren Hastings5. Col. SmithCodes: A B C D

    a. 5 4 1 3b. 1 2 3 4c. 5 4 3 2d. 4 3 2 1

    119. In march 1784 the Treaty of Mangalorewas concluded mainly the insistence of

    a. Warren Hastingsb. Colonel Fulartonc. Tipu sultand. Lord Macartney

    120. The Dal Khalsa was founded bya. Guru gobind Singhb. Kapur singhc. Ranjit singhd. Teg Bhadur