Holy Cross Lutheran Church September 2017 Newsletter Phone: 734-427-1414 Email: [email protected] Website: www.holycrosslivonia.org SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP TEAM Pastor: Rev. Elizabeth Birkholz Pastor: Rev. Scott Seeke Cantor: Dr. Michael Burkhardt Ministers: The disciples at Holy Cross Celebrating Holy Cross Day - September 10 With Installation of Pastors Beth & Scott One service only at 10:00 am - Lunch to follow The formal installation of Pastor Beth Birkholz and Pastor Scott Seeke will be an exciting part of celebrating Holy Cross Day on September 10. We will mark this major milestone by gathering at a single worship service at 10:00 AM presided by Bishop Donald Kreiss. We see this installation as an exciting new chapter in the life of Holy Cross. Pastor Beth and Pastor Scott bring wonderful energy and enthusiasm for mission and ministry that fit perfectly with where we think God may be leading us next. Installation Luncheon Stay for lunch after the installation! BBQ meat will be provided. Please bring the item that correlates with your last name: A-L Dessert M-Z Side Dish/Salad (continued on page 7) hearts, hands and voices Music and Fine Arts School-Year Program Mondays beginning September 11, 2017, 6:30-8:00 pm This year’s Monday night hearts, hands and voices Music and Fine Arts program kicks off on September 11. Please invite any students entering Grades 2-7 you know who might be want to join us. Students in Grade 8 and over are welcome to help model for the others. The only requirement is an interest in music.

Holy Cross Lutheran Church September 2017 Newsletterstorage.cloversites.com/holycrosslutheranchurch5...I also wish I could say that I will never take my beard trimmer for granted again

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Page 1: Holy Cross Lutheran Church September 2017 Newsletterstorage.cloversites.com/holycrosslutheranchurch5...I also wish I could say that I will never take my beard trimmer for granted again

Holy Cross Lutheran Church September 2017 Newsletter

Phone: 734-427-1414

Email: [email protected] Website: www.holycrosslivonia.org

SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP TEAM Pastor: Rev. Elizabeth Birkholz Pastor: Rev. Scott Seeke Cantor: Dr. Michael Burkhardt Ministers: The disciples at Holy Cross

Celebrating Holy Cross Day - September 10 With Installation of Pastors Beth & Scott

One service only at 10:00 am - Lunch to follow

The formal installation of Pastor Beth Birkholz and Pastor Scott Seeke will be an exciting part of celebrating Holy Cross Day on September 10. We will mark this major milestone by gathering at a single worship service at 10:00 AM presided by Bishop Donald Kreiss.

We see this installation as an exciting new chapter in the life of Holy Cross. Pastor Beth and Pastor Scott bring wonderful energy and enthusiasm for mission and ministry that fit perfectly with where we think God may be leading us next.

Installation Luncheon

Stay for lunch after the installation! BBQ meat will be provided. Please bring the item that correlates with your last name:

A-L Dessert M-Z Side Dish/Salad

(continued on page 7)

hearts, hands and voices Music and Fine Arts School-Year Program

Mondays beginning September 11, 2017, 6:30-8:00 pm

This year’s Monday night hearts, hands and voices Music and Fine Arts

program kicks off on September 11. Please invite any students entering Grades 2-7 you know who might be want to join us. Students in Grade 8 and over are welcome to help model for the others. The only requirement is an interest in music.

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I never thought I would be so happy to see my beard trimmer.

Toward the end of our move, it had become apparent that my beard needed a trim. But like so much of the two weeks before, that simple need led to a whole host of questions. My beard trimmer was in a box, somewhere, so should I just go buy another one? Or should I go somewhere and have it done? Or should I just let it go? And if I go somewhere, where should I go? By that point, two weeks after moving out of our Georgia house, I was exhausted from having to make these kind of decisions all the time. Everything I wanted to do- everything- felt like it required moving heaven and earth. All I wanted to do was trim my

beard! Millions of people do it every day! Did everything have to be hard?

Then I looked in the bottom of one of the boxes we had put in one of the cars, and there it was! My beard trimmer, tucked safely into it’s case. I couldn’t believe it. Not because I was that desperate to trim my beard, but because it was such a relief to just be able to do something simply, easily, without having it be a big deal. And I was reminded of those who will never be able to do that. Those for whom a simple thing as a beard trimmer would be a major luxury. Those who are sleeping on the streets, who have no food, who are dying. And I realized that the only thing that separated me from them was God’s grace.

I wish that I hadn’t needed this reminder of God’s grace. I wish I could say that before this move, I viewed every beard trimming, every tooth brushing, with reverent thankfulness, and that every time I did them I felt overwhelmed by God’s grace. I wish I could say that, but I can’t. Because I had grown used to God’s grace. I had grown used to have all this stuff, my stuff, around me all the time. I had come to take it for granted.

I also wish I could say that I will never take my beard trimmer for granted again. That I would never take anything for granted, ever. That every time I used my beard trimmer or my toothbrush or our IKEA plates, that I would be reminded of the fact they, and everything else, are gifts of God’s grace. I wish I could say that. But I can’t. Because I know that it won’t be long before I am back to my usual routine, and I start taking everything for granted again.

Maybe this time, though, I’ll take them for granted a little less, and remember God’s grace a little more. Maybe this time, instead of lamenting, I will remember the poor, and be moved to share even more of what God has abundantly given. That’s my hope, and my prayer, for myself and for you. That all of us can just be thankful for God’s grace a little more tomorrow than we were today, and share God’s love even more with those who need it more than we do.

-Pr. Scott

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“Living Voices of the Gospel” A Hymn Festival

Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation October 2017 marks the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. As we observe this event, we are reminded and challenged through the lifework of Luther and other reformers that reformation is not simply a one-time historical event, but rather that the Body of Christ we call Church is always in need of reform and renewal in the light of the Gospel. Luther once remarked that music was a living voice of the Gospel (viva vox evangelii). Similarly, we are called to be living voices of the Gospel with our whole being, through our words, deeds and actions. We do this not on our own but empowered and guided by the Holy Spirit. In light of this, we invite you to attend…

“Living Voices of the Gospel” A Festival of Hymns for Assembly, Choir, Soloists, Brass, Organ and Handbells

Led by Dr. Michael Burkhardt 4 p.m., Sunday, October 29, Holy Cross Lutheran Church

The Festival is based on the hymns of Martin Luther and hymns of other cultural traditions expressing like-themes and spirit. We invite all singers from Holy Cross and other area churches, to join the Holy Cross Chancel Choir for this festival. A Massed Choir Rehearsal will be held at 2 p.m., the day of the event, at Holy Cross to prepare for the event. Please contact the Holy Cross office if you would like to participate or have additional questions: [email protected] or (734) 427-1414.

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A Big Thank You from

hearts, hands and voices

This year marked the eighth summer camp experience for the

hearts, hands and voices Worship and Fine Arts Program. It was

everything we hoped for and more. Everyone involved was both inspired by and challenged by the question, “Who’s goin’ to tell the story?” Over 100 campers, alumni, faculty and staff came together for an amazing four-day immersion in worship, music and the arts. If you had the opportunity to be in our building at any time from August 7 through 10, you felt the positive energy floating in the air. And so many of you were here! We are so very grateful to the dozens of helping hands generously sharing their God-given gifts: our camp assistants, daily kitchen crews, bakers, reception committee, as well as our drop-in observers. On the final evening of camp, our sanctuary was brimming over with grace and excitement as nearly 300 gathered for our closing worship! Amazing on so many levels!

And a special debt of gratitude to our many, many donors! Because of your support, we were able to offer some a scholarship to 30% of our campers. And your support will make a difference to our school-year program as well. This year’s goals include expanding our faculty and internship program to improve the multi-dimensional learning process, as well as launching a workshop series for educators and music directors.

Everyone involved in camp this year came together to create something unique and special that will continue beyond our understanding. It is our prayer that all those who attended camp, and all those who helped make it happen, have been and will continue to be touched by the One who claims us, meets us, calls us and sends us. Thank you! And thanks be to God!!!

Observations from Camp 2017 Every year, camp yields wonderful observations from campers, parents and volunteers. But there were a number of things that felt different this year. In some ways camp felt like an answer to the question, “Why does the world today need church?” While we trust the Holy Spirit had a guiding hand, sharing some of the observations will hopefully help channel that Spirit:

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63 campers from across Southeast Michigan: 40 first timers 6 through our Kids’ Hope ministry at Coolidge Elementary 19 scholarship recipients 17 from our Monday Night program Many have little firsthand experience with ‘church’

12 Alumni Campers/Youth Assistants 5 heading to college in the Fall 7 with us for a number of years, 5 since inception in 2009 1 picked up bells for the first time and didn’t miss a beat

Quotes & observations:

“I am awed by how you gave these kids a sense of sacred in the midst of having so much fun and learning!” “My kids loved, loved, loved this and can’t wait to come back!” “We attend camps around Oakland County and this is the best….and hands down, the best food!” “Thank you for giving my kids a sense of worship, our boys are new to our family and had no experience with communal worship and song.” “This seems like an exciting place and I really like your new pastors.”

Then there was: the single dad, well over 6 feet tall, who was so overwhelmed he kept leaving

closing worship Thursday night weeping the camper weeping at the reception, sad it was over and promising to be back the camp volunteer who was so inspired she thought she should be paying for the

privilege of being with the campers the 5 campers who came from a home-school network and were amazed by the

sense of community

The stories go on and on and remind us all what it possible with the help of the Holy Spirit. If you are interested in taking a peek at the fun, there are lots of pictures from camp. Follow the link to our Shutterfly album (thanks to Gabbi Thomas): pix.sfly.com/uUhFpA6p.

With Gratitude and thanksgiving, Ellen Batkie

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Join us for a time of relaxation and renewal as we celebrate 500 years since the Lutheran Reformation.




Saturday, October 14, 10 am Holy Cross Lutheran Church

$15 per person

Sponsored by: SEMI Women of the ELCA

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Upcoming Events

Aug 31 - Welcome back event! Miniature golf, 6pm, at Sportway, $7 for 18 holes. Sept 13 - Dinner & Parent and youth meeting! Sept 13 - National Gathering deposit due.

Please look for fundraising opportunities coming up!


6.1.2 Needs You!!

For those of you who didn’t know…Jeff Hatteberg has stepped down from teaching our confirmation youth. We greatly appreciate his knowledge, kindness, and help throughout all his years working with the confirmation youth. With that said, we need some help! If you are interested in teaching the confirmation youth please contact me,

Kim Rowe

(hhav Monday Nights continued)

For those that are unfamiliar with HHAV – young people come from around the region to participate in a weekly program designed to immerse them in hands-on learning opportunities in music. Led by Michael Burkhardt, the curriculum includes choral singing, handbells/chimes, African drumming and Orff ensemble. “Dr. B” is assisted by trained musicians to give everyone a great experience. We gather at 6:30 PM for a light supper and make music until 8:00 PM. The Fall Term concludes with an Advent/Christmas concert performed with the Holy Cross choirs on December 16 at 7:30 PM. The only tuition we ask is that each participant take a turn providing supper during each term. It would help us quite a bit to know who is interested in joining us so Dr. B can work on the most effective faculty model. Registration forms are on our website (www.heartshandsvoices.org) or contact Ellen Batkie ([email protected], 248-497-1451) or Cindy Channey in the church office to sign up.

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 LECTIONARY 22 4 LABOR DAY 5 6 7 NON FOOD PANTRY 8 9 8:00 am Worship 9:00 am Faith Forum 10:00 am Worship & NO Godly Play 11:30 am Intercessory Prayer


9:30 am Bible Study 6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study

8:15 am Men’s Breakfast 6:00 pm Chancel Bells 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am WELCA Board 7:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry

6:00 pm Pizza & Game Night

10 HOLY CROSS DAY 11 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 12 13 14 15 16 10:00 am Worship & NO Godly Play 11:00 am Fair Trade Sales 11:30 am Installation Luncheon

9:30 am Prayer Shawl Ministry 6:30 pm ACA Study Grp. 6:30 pm hhav 7:00 pm Ruth Circle 7:00 pm Grief Support

9:30 am Bible Study 11:30 am Christian Fellowship at Richard’s Family Restaurant 6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study

8:30 am Men’s Breakfast 6:00 pm Chancel Bells 6:12 pm 6.1.2 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal

9:30 am Esther Circle 12:00 pm Conference Mtg. 6:30 pm Council Meeting 7:00 pm Rachel Circle

10:00 am SEMI WELCA Meeting/AB

17 LECTIONARY 24 18 19 NON FOOD PANTRY 20 21 22 23 8:00 am Worship 9:00 am Faith Forum 10:00 am Worship & Godly Play 11:30 am Intercessory Prayer 2:00 pm Dragonmead Tour

6:30 pm hhav 7:00 pm Grief Support

9:30 am Bible Study 6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study

8:30 am Men’s Breakfast 6:00 pm Chancel Bells 6:12 pm 6.1.2 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal

9:00 am ServSafe 3:30 pm Book Discussion 5:00 pm SEMI Synod Crossroads Training

8:00 am SEMI Synod Crossroads Training 7:00 pm Guitar Club

8:00 am SEMI Synod Crossroads Training 2:00 pm Movies & Munchies

24 LECTIONARY 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 8:00 am Worship 9:00 am Faith Forum 10:00 am Worship & Godly Play 11:30 am Intercessory Prayer

6:30 pm ACA Study Grp. 6:30 pm hhav 7:00 pm Grief Support

9:30 am Bible Study 6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study

8:30 am Men’s Breakfast 6:00 pm Chancel Bells 6:12 pm 6.1.2 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal

9:00 am ServSafe 10:00 am Quilting Bee 7:00 pm Lydia Circle

11:40 am Turkeyville Dinner Theatre

Community Building Use

M 5pm Ellies Weigh W & Th 7am AA W & F 8pm AA W 8pm Alanon Th 11am AA Th 7:30pm AIM

F 10am AA 1st T 7pm Model Airplane 4th T 7:30pm MI Treasure Hunters 2nd & 4th F 6:30pm ACA

Building use by outside groups is

shown in red.

Italicized activities are off site.

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 LECTIONARY 22 4 LABOR DAY 5 6 7 NON FOOD PANTRY 8 9 8:00 am Worship 9:00 am Faith Forum 10:00 am Worship & NO Godly Play 11:30 am Intercessory Prayer


9:30 am Bible Study 6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study

8:15 am Men’s Breakfast 6:00 pm Chancel Bells 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am WELCA Board 7:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry

6:00 pm Pizza & Game Night

10 HOLY CROSS DAY 11 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 12 13 14 15 16 10:00 am Worship & NO Godly Play 11:00 am Fair Trade Sales 11:30 am Installation Luncheon

9:30 am Prayer Shawl Ministry 6:30 pm ACA Study Grp. 6:30 pm hhav 7:00 pm Ruth Circle 7:00 pm Grief Support

9:30 am Bible Study 11:30 am Christian Fellowship at Richard’s Family Restaurant 6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study

8:30 am Men’s Breakfast 6:00 pm Chancel Bells 6:12 pm 6.1.2 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal

9:30 am Esther Circle 12:00 pm Conference Mtg. 6:30 pm Council Meeting 7:00 pm Rachel Circle

10:00 am SEMI WELCA Meeting/AB

17 LECTIONARY 24 18 19 NON FOOD PANTRY 20 21 22 23 8:00 am Worship 9:00 am Faith Forum 10:00 am Worship & Godly Play 11:30 am Intercessory Prayer 2:00 pm Dragonmead Tour

6:30 pm hhav 7:00 pm Grief Support

9:30 am Bible Study 6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study

8:30 am Men’s Breakfast 6:00 pm Chancel Bells 6:12 pm 6.1.2 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal

9:00 am ServSafe 3:30 pm Book Discussion 5:00 pm SEMI Synod Crossroads Training

8:00 am SEMI Synod Crossroads Training 7:00 pm Guitar Club

8:00 am SEMI Synod Crossroads Training 2:00 pm Movies & Munchies

24 LECTIONARY 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 8:00 am Worship 9:00 am Faith Forum 10:00 am Worship & Godly Play 11:30 am Intercessory Prayer

6:30 pm ACA Study Grp. 6:30 pm hhav 7:00 pm Grief Support

9:30 am Bible Study 6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study

8:30 am Men’s Breakfast 6:00 pm Chancel Bells 6:12 pm 6.1.2 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal

9:00 am ServSafe 10:00 am Quilting Bee 7:00 pm Lydia Circle

11:40 am Turkeyville Dinner Theatre

Building use by outside groups is

shown in red.

Italicized activities are off site.

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In education, we call it Each One, Teach One. A student who understands a concept will help another student to understand it better. At Holy Cross we can call it Each One, Recruit One! We have many present and former Kids Hope mentors who know first hand what a difference one caring adult can make in the life of an at risk child. If you have considered participating in this

ministry, but aren't quite sure how it works, or whether it's right for you, talk to someone who knows first hand. Spending one hour per week together can be rewarding for both the mentor and the child!

Each year we have more children referred to the program, than we have mentors. Please consider joining Kids Hope this Fall. We will provide training in September and new mentors will begin shortly there after.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact either of us or talk to one of the many present and former mentors at Holy Cross!

Cindy Swift and Diane Nichols, co-directors.

Thank you to my Holy Cross family for your prayers, cards and phone calls. This meant a lot to me in my recovery.

Blessings, Pat Barton

Crossroads Anti-Racism Organizing & Training Sept. 21-23, 2017

Bishop Kreiss and the BRRICK (Building Racial Reconciliation In Christ’s Kingdom) Team have scheduled a 2 ½ day workshop to take place at Holy Cross! The workshop will begin on Thursday evening and conclude on Saturday afternoon. Those who register are expected to be present and participate in the full event.

Because space is limited, registration forms are required (by Sept. 11), along with a $125/person payment that will offset costs including meals and materials.

Registration forms are available on the bulletin board.

Thank you for the support and prayers during the time of my wife Carmen’s passing. It mean so much to have my church family there to lean on.

With gratitude, Donald Burkholder

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WAM 300 Make-A-Wish Thanks!

I want to express my sincerest gratitude and a hearty "thank you” to the generous and loving friends of Holy Cross for your support of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Michigan. Holy Cross members and friends contributed a total of 36 donations totaling $2,205 towards the granting of future "wishes" in Michigan. With the support of additional friends, relatives and other associates, I was able to submit $6,474.

Our team, “David’s Heroes” consisting of 25 riders repeated as the leading “Mid-sized but not Average” team with a total of $95,752. (Two of our riders raised over $17,000 and $15,000, respectively.) In total, this year, nearly 900 WAM cyclists on the 3-day 300-mile route raised over $2.4 million for future “wishes” to special needs children and their families in Michigan.

During the 3 days of riding, which started each morning about 6 a.m., the riders had mostly favorable cool mornings. However, by mid-day the temperature rose to low-80’s. Friday’s ride from Traverse City was routed over some very long and severe hills on the way to Ferris State University at Big Rapids. Saturday’s ride traveled through Amish farmland with more rolling hills and ended in Dewitt, north of Lansing. Finally, Sunday’s ride ended at the finish line of the Michigan International Speedway in Brooklyn, MI. (Total: 305 miles.)

Personally, I was entering the WAM with a reoccurring problem with my knees. The problem has persisted in recent years and has significantly reduced by training miles. After purchasing some Tommie Copper compression knees sleeves, I was able to complete 138 miles over the three days.

Each year, after the fund raising has been completed, the number of miles a rider completes is a personal challenge and satisfaction when completed. My commitment to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the WAM ride and “David’s Heroes” is what brings me back each year. In recent years, it’s with the understanding: “Ride as long as possible and take a ride in a SAG vehicle as needed.” (This was the third year that I used my “senior privilege card”. I guess that it might be an “age-related” problem.)

At times people question why the Make-A-Wish riders keep coming back to do this ride year after year, with all of the required training. In addition, riders have to impose upon our families and friends for donations. The answer: “It’s for the kids!”

On a personal note…I plan to sign up in October for the 2018 WAM. In the meantime, please consider renewing your pledge to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Michigan in 2018. I’ll keep riding the WAM 300 as long as there are good people who will continue to support the effort.

Al Peterson (Rider #30) “David’s Heroes” team

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Thad Aardal Betty Connell

The Family & Friends of the Following Persons Who Have Died:

To add a name to this list: Call or email the office, [email protected], put “Prayer Request” in the subject line: include

only the request information and a general reason for the request. Note that we only include members in the newsletter, with the exception of those serving our country.

Names will be removed after 3 months unless we are updated. Thank you!

(H) - Known to be Hospitalized (HO) - Hospice (R) -Rehab

Matthew Conrad Stephen Cruickshank

Taylor Furda* Tina Hiller

Michael Rasler Jennifer Smith

Dr. Erin & Paul Tracy Scott Vasko

Those in Service to Our Country:

Jayne Beyers JoAndrea Brandt Lois Cavanaugh Mildred Duby Edna Duffy

Joan Giese Muriel Harper Ann Holliday Arelene Kudlas Pat Lindholm

C. L. Mevis Bob Noechel Werner Oellerich Lee Onkka Bob Stone

Jack Thom

Those Homebound:

Those Ill or Recovering or in need of Special Prayers:

Mary Ann Asher Norma Beckerman Joyce Bigelow Mark Branton

Gary Ewing Judith Fussell Patty Gorton Donna Hagen

Maureen Hatteberg Alva Holk Ellie Leveranz Lillian May

Kathy Mertins Pete Moundros Cara Nims Betty Parsley

Ann Ransom Dan Rochowiak Dave Wheeker


Have you or someone you know, lost a loved one through death? Holy Cross will again be hosting a grief support workshop this fall. The workshop is designed to help you move toward hope and healing, while keeping your loved one in your heart forever. Journey with others who are grieving, who understand the challenges you face.

The six-week course runs September 11-October 16, 2017. All sessions are at Holy Cross on Monday evenings from 7-8:45 pm. All are invited! The program is presented free of cost. Advanced registration is appreciated. Registration forms will be available on the bulletin board and in the office. Contact Scotti Nichols or Karen Anastasiow, with questions.

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Treasurer’s Message:

I want to apologize for the lack of financial reporting over the past three months. My surgery and recovery, Carolyn's graduation, and my parents' needs have all contributed to my delinquency.

Expenses for May-July have slightly exceeded receipts over the same period, but nearly $18,000 was spent for the air conditioning and parking lot improvements, which are one-time expenditures. As can be seen from the budget comparison chart, our expenses are still under our projected year-to-date budget. We have not yet completed a full month at new staffing levels, so expect expenditures to increase from what is shown for May and June. In the seven months ended July 31, 2017, receipts exceeded expenses by $38,300.

Thanks for your continued faithful stewardship as we renew our faith journey with Pastor Beth and Pastor Scott.

Your Treasurer, Karen Brehob MacKenzie

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Lectors 8 am/10 am

September 3 Carol Schrecengost Kathryn Hall September 10 Jack Keck/Karen Berean September 17 Mary Foster Jack Dahlstrom September 24 Tami Klopfer Cheryl Pearson

Altar Guild

September 3 Peggy Hefner September 10 Please sign up! September 17 Please sign up! September 24 Marion Hansen & Barb Hunter

Communion Teams

September 3 Team Adams September 10 Team WELCA September 17 Team Berean September 24 Team Dudek


September 3 Please sign up! September 10 Alex Dudek September 17 Seth Pianga September 24 Gabriella Thomas

for September

QUILTING BEE Thursday, September 28

Fall is here and we will be back to sewing, assembling, pressing and tying quilts beginning at 10 am. We generally start to clean up at 2:30 pm. Please join us when you can, and leave when you must. Bring a snack to munch and a beverage as we usually take a short break mid-day. There will be sewing machines available to use, but if you prefer your own and it’s portable, bring it with you!

Questions? Contact Cheryl Pearson, 248-444-4003

Fellowship Events

Saturday, September 9, 6:00 pm

Pizza & Game Night ♦ ♦ ♦

Saturday, September 23, 2:00 pm

Movies & Munchies featuring

“To Sir, With Love”

Acolytes Needed

Would you like to acolyte? Maybe you never had the chance as a youth and would like to help as an adult? If you would like to help out at 8 or 10 am worship, please contact the office to sign up. All are welcome!

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Holy Cross Statement of Welcome

Holy Cross is a Christ-centered community in the Lutheran tradition (ELCA). We believe all people are created in God’s image. We are passionate about the radical hospitality that Jesus showed all people. We are committed to being a community of that same kind of hospitality. We welcome all people to our life and ministry together… …in worship, at the font, at the table and in fellowship, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age or any other category society uses to distinguish between people. We are Holy Cross and you are welcome here.

There is no longer Jew nor Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28

Coffee & Tea Servers for September

September 3 Laura Sroka & Cindy Channey September 10 Installation Luncheon September 17 Betty & Vernon Adams, Susan Morman & John Markiewicz September 24 Priscilla Circle

Please contact Susan Scholz to volunteer for this much appreciated ministry.

Altar Flowers for September

September 3 ........................... Please sign up! September 10 ............................... Holy Cross September 17 .............................. Phil Capion September 24 ............... Melodie Provencher

Please consider providing flowers for the altar. Sign up on the board

hanging across from the office.

Book Club News

Our book for September is The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman

Join us for a discussion in the Abbey, at 3:30 pm on September 21st.

Christian Fellowship will meet Tues., September 12, 11:30 am at Richard’s Family Restaurant.


DEADLINE is set for

September 11th.

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