Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: www.holynameusa.org, Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me” (Gospel). Sixth Sunday of Easter A May 17, 2020 Public Masses Will Resume May 19th, 2020 Safety Protocols Will Be Followed Parish Office Will Open For Walk-Ins May 19th, 2020 Safety Protocols Will Be Followed Daily Masses Livestreaming On Our Holy Name Website www.holynameusa.org Please Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel: Holy Name Catholic Church, San Antonio, TX Online Giving For Offertory Tithing www.holynameusa.org Van Gogh, Still Life with Open Bible New Saturday & Sunday Public Mass Times Outdoor In Parking Lot Starting May 23rd, 2020 Mandatory Face Mask & Bring Lawn Chair May 23rd, Saturday: 8:00 pm English May 24th, Sunday: 6:30 am English May 24th, Sunday: 8:00 am English May 24th, Sunday: 8:00 pm Spanish

Holy Name Catholic Church · 2020-05-17 · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Whoever has my commandments

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Page 1: Holy Name Catholic Church · 2020-05-17 · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Whoever has my commandments

Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223

Website: www.holynameusa.org, Phone (210) 333-5020

Theme: “Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me” (Gospel).

Sixth Sunday of Easter A May 17, 2020

Public Masses Will Resume

May 19th, 2020 Safety Protocols Will Be Followed

Parish Office Will Open

For Walk-Ins May 19th, 2020 Safety Protocols Will Be Followed

Daily Masses Livestreaming On Our

Holy Name Website www.holynameusa.org

Please Subscribe To Our

YouTube Channel: Holy Name

Catholic Church, San Antonio, TX

Online Giving For Offertory Tithing


Van Gogh, Still Life with Open Bible

New Saturday & Sunday Public Mass Times Outdoor In Parking Lot Starting May 23rd, 2020

Mandatory Face Mask & Bring Lawn Chair

May 23rd, Saturday: 8:00 pm English May 24th, Sunday: 6:30 am English May 24th, Sunday: 8:00 am English May 24th, Sunday: 8:00 pm Spanish

Page 2: Holy Name Catholic Church · 2020-05-17 · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Whoever has my commandments

Pastor: Rev. Martin F. Parayno (Office) 333-5020 (ext. 5106)

Email: [email protected]

Anointing: 210 367-4231 Priest in Residence: Fr. Leroy Lachica, Chaplain USAF

Deacons: Reynaldo Hinojosa, Sr. [email protected]

Joe Avila [email protected]

Retired Deacons: Daniel Kearns & Roberto Ruiz Director of Ministries: Joe Lopez 333-5020 (ext. 5102)

Email: [email protected]

Parish Special Project: David Torres Website Administrator: Pedro Ybarra Email: [email protected] Faith Formation/D.R.E.: Irma Bickel

(Office) 333-5020 (ext. 5110) Email: [email protected]

Office Manager: Allan Ford 333-5020 Email: [email protected] Bookkeeper: Daryl Ang (Office) 333-5020 (ext.5103)

Email: [email protected] Sacristan: Will Vilanova Assistant: John Honesto Mary Ellen Hinojosa, John Nava, Diane Calimlim & John Hogg

Secretary: Anna Alvarez (Office) 333-5020 (ext. 5104)

Email: [email protected]

Activity Center Event Coor. : Yvonne Rodriguez 823-8688

Email: [email protected] Maintenance Facilities: TBA

Legal Adviser: James Porter, J.D. Safety Coordinator (OVASE): Bee Bee Rodriguez Spiritual Counselor: Marta Ponce 649-2414

Pastoral Council (2019-2021)

Chairperson: David Torres, Vice Chairperson: Martha Rodriguez Secretary: Regina Robledo Members: Harry Perez, Lucy Cruz, Michael Gutierrez, Mary Jane Martinez, Suzanne M. Pedraza, Dulce Islas & James Porter, Jr.

Parish Finance Council

Chairman: Miguel Puga

Secretary: Kathryn Santella MEMBERS:

Joe Lopez James Porter Manuel Caballero Gary Mullhollen

Stewardship Committee

Chairperson: Rachel Campos Members:

Lucy Cruz Becky Pawelek Miguel Puga Yvonne Rodriguez

Capital Campaign Committee Chairman: Joe Lopez

Annual Festival Committee Chairman: Miguel Puga Email: [email protected]

Holy Name Catholic School Pre-K thru 8th

Principal: Susie Garza 333-7356

Vice-Principal: Monica Lopez Secretary: Judy Sumner

School Council President: Mark Delgado Vice-President: TBA Secretary: Anna Arratia


Lucy M. Cruz Liz Trainor Manuel Vera Jr. P.T.C. President: Roger Mendiola Alumni Association: Catherine Kramer (210) 264-7134


ACTS Core Louis Rios 573-5870 Adoration Mary Jane Martinez 445-5057 Altar Server Ministry Cecilia Ramirez 326-6902 Altar Server Ministry Assistant Gina Rios 393-0585 Altar Society Lillian Mzyk 333-5539 Bereavement Ministry Laura Garcia 269-0284 Catholic Education Ministry TBA Charismatic Prayer Group Ray Miles 633-3462 C.Y.O. Michael Borrego [email protected] Divine Mercy Cenacle Angelo Bustamante 687-9806 Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Louis & Gina Rios 573-5870 Extra Ministers of the Eucharist to the Sick & Homebound Mary Shisk 333-6760 Missionary Families of Christ (CFC-FFL) John & Katherine Baxter (714)322-9215 FIAT (Faith in Action Teens): Irma Bickel 333-5020 First Friday/Saturday Devotion (Oremus): Alden Lim 296-5505 Gift Shop Rosemary Albert 333-5020 Healing Ministry Ray & Nancy Miles 633-3462 Hospitality Alex Zapata 333-8319 Knights of Columbus #8789 Ernest Pena 213-6086 Lectors Miguel Puga 854-4096 Legion of Mary Beverly Zulaica 333-7654 Liturgy Coordinator Deacon Rey Men’s Club Floyd Lutz 333-6160 Music Ministry Jun Sorio, Laura Atamosa & Eugene Jaceldo Outreach/Food Pantry Ministry Richard Rios (210)243-4475 Pilgrimage Lourdes Bugher 516-2139 Prayer Garden Leroy Garcia R.C.I.A. Deacon Rey Hinojosa Society of Our Lady of Guadalupe; Calie Avila 323-6649

Parish Office Hours Monday thru Friday: 9AM—5PM Closed for lunch 12 Noon-1:00PM

Gift Shop Hours Sunday: 10AM—2:30PM

Monday thru Friday: 2PM—5PM

Sacramental Preparation Marriage: Please make appointment with Pastor at least 6 months

before marriage.

Baptism: Every 2nd or 4th Sunday or by appointment. Parents and Godparents are required to attend class. Every 3rd Friday at 7 PM in

the Religious Education Room.

Funeral: Call the Office for arrangements.

Devotions Adoration: Every Wednesday (9 AM—5 PM)

Benediction: Every Wednesday after the 6:30 PM Mass

Rosary:30 minutes before each Mass Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound:

Every Wednesday after the 8:00 AM

Mass Schedule Mass Daily Mass: Monday thru Thursday 8 AM Friday:8:30 AM

Wednesday: 8 AM & 6:30 PM Saturday:5 PM (English) and 7 PM (Spanish)

Sunday: 7 AM, 9 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM (all in English) Confession: Mon. - Fri. before or after Mass

and Sat. 4 PM to 4:45 PM

Mass with Anointing of the Sick:

The Last Wednesday of every month 6:30 PM

Parish Ministries

Holy Name Catholic Church San Antonio, Texas _______May 17, 2020

Page 3: Holy Name Catholic Church · 2020-05-17 · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Whoever has my commandments

Sixth Sunday of Easter (A)

May 17, 2020

Reading I: Acts 8:5-8,14-17 Responsorial Psalm 66:1-3,4-5,6-7,16,20 Reading II: 1 Peter 3:15-18 Gospel: John 14:15-21

Theme: “Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me” (Gospel).

Why can’t we just get along? In spite of the common problem we are facing, we are still torn apart and add unnecessarily issues that do not contribute to welfare, unity, and love in the world. Indeed, it is tiring and unproductive to tear each other apart. In a world that is already battered by a virulent virus, we do not need any of the toxic talk or ugly and inconsiderate social behavior in media or anywhere else.

Here is the true test of our faith and love for God. Fr. Ron Rolheiser says, “that command—love and forgive your enemies—more than any creedal formula or other moral issue, is the litmus-test for Christian discipleship. We can ardently believe in and defend every item in the creed and fight passionately for justice in all its dimensions, but the real test of whether or not we are followers of Jesus is the capacity or non-capacity to forgive an enemy, to remain warm and loving towards someone who is not warm and loving to us.”

Love for God is seen in our love for others. In order to be a true Christian, any understanding, expression, action, and living out of love ought to be referenced to the love of God for us, “as I have loved you.” “Whoever loves me will keep my word, says the Lord, and my Father will love him and we will come to him” (John 14:23). Living honorably is living by the word of God that becomes our word, promise, purpose, and life itself. When we follow God, we also prepare for the task of carrying it out in an environment that does not accept God. As the St. Peter says, “For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that be the will of God, than for doing evil” (1 Peter 3:17).

In a context of life’s journey, the most liberating experience is to love with all your heart, soul, mind, and all your being God who frees us from sin and evil. St. Augustine puts it, “Love God and do what you will.”

Let us pray: God our Father, we are grateful of your love for us in Jesus your Son who died for us all and in the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever, Amen.

In light of the Archbishop’s decree effective May 19, 2020 to open the church for services with the utmost safety and protection in mind for everyone, I thank the Pastoral Council who fleshed out policies and house rules for our Parish. God bless you.

Sexto domingo de Pascua (A) 17 de mayo de 2020

Lectura I: Hechos 8: 5-8,14-17 Salmo Responsorial 66: 1-3,4-5,6-7,16,20 Lectura II: 1 Pedro 3: 15-18 Evangelio: Juan 14: 15-21

Tema: "Quien tiene mis mandamientos y los observa es el que me ama" (Evangelio).

¿Por qué no podemos llevarnos bien? A pesar del problema común que enfrentamos, todavía estamos destrozados y agregamos problemas innecesarios que no contribuyen al bienestar, la unidad y el amor en el mundo. De hecho, es agotador e improductivo separarse. En un mundo que ya está maltratado por un virus virulento, no necesitamos ninguna conversación tóxica o comportamiento social feo y desconsiderado en los medios o en cualquier otro lugar.

Aquí está la verdadera prueba de nuestra fe y amor por Dios. El p. Ron Rolheiser dice: "ese mandamiento, amar y perdonar a tus enemigos, más que cualquier fórmula de credo u otro tema moral, es la prueba de fuego para el discipulado cristiano. Podemos creer y defender ardientemente cada elemento del credo y luchar apasionadamente por la justicia en todas sus dimensiones, pero la verdadera prueba de si somos seguidores de Jesús es la capacidad o no de perdonar a un enemigo, de mantenernos cálidos. y amando a alguien que no es cálido y amoroso con nosotros.”

El amor a Dios se ve en nuestro amor por los demás. Para ser un verdadero cristiano, cualquier comprensión, expresión, acción y vivir del amor debe referirse al amor de Dios por nosotros, "como te he amado". "El que me ama cumplirá mi palabra, dice el Señor, y mi Padre lo amará y nosotros iremos a él" (Juan 14:23). Vivir honorablemente es vivir por la palabra de Dios que se convierte en nuestra palabra, promesa, propósito y vida misma. Cuando seguimos a Dios, también nos preparamos para la tarea de llevarlo a cabo en un ambiente que no acepta a Dios. Como dice San Pedro: "Porque es mejor sufrir por hacer el bien, si esa es la voluntad de Dios, que por hacer el mal" (1 Pedro 3:17).

En un contexto de viaje de la vida, la experiencia más liberadora es amar con todo tu corazón, alma, mente y todo tu ser Dios que nos libera del pecado y del mal. San Agustín dice: "Ama a Dios y haz lo que quieras.”

Oremos: Dios nuestro Padre, estamos agradecidos de tu amor por nosotros en Jesús tu Hijo, quien murió por todos nosotros y en el Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

A la luz del decreto del arzobispo vigente el 19 de mayo de 2020 para abrir la iglesia a los servicios con la máxima seguridad y protección en mente para todos, agradezco al Consejo Pastoral que desarrolló políticas y reglas de la casa para nuestra parroquia. Dios te bendiga.

Page 4: Holy Name Catholic Church · 2020-05-17 · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Whoever has my commandments

Pastoral Reflection By Mary Jane Martinez, Pastoral Council

In the 1st Reading, Acts:14-17 the apostles in Jerusalem heard that some people in Samaria had accepted God’s message, and they sent Peter and John. When the two apostles arrived, they prayed that the people would be given the Holy Spirit. Before this, the Holy Spirit had not been given to anyone in Samaria, though some of them had been baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus. Peter and John placed their hands on everyone who had faith in the Lord, and they were given the Holy Spirit. Everyone in that city was very glad because of what was happening. In the 2nd Reading, 1 Peter 3:15-18 Peter is telling us that our hearts should be in a place where Christ is fully honored as Lord. He is writing to people who are already believers and already understand Jesus to be Lord of all. He instructs Christians to focus intently on Christ’s role as our master, living as if that were absolutely true in all cases, even in suffering. He anticipates people will become curious. Hopefulness and joy are starkly different from the normal human response to suffering. So much so that they will be eager to understand it, much like what this world is going through in this pandemic. As believers we must live in unity and refuse to seek revenge. God means to use our hopeful response to suffering to provoke the world to see His power in us. He suffered, died, resurrected and ascended into heaven. In the Gospel of John 14:15-21 Jesus promises the Holy Spirit. If we love Him and keep His commandments He will ask the Father and He will give us another advocate to help us and be with us forever, which is the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But we know Him because He remains in us. Whoever has His commandments and observes them is the one who loves Him.

Monday of the Sixth Week of Easter: ACTS 16:11-15; PS 149:1B-2, 3-4, 5-6A AND 9B; JN 15:26B, 27A; JN 15:26—16:4A

Tuesday of the Sixth Week of Easter: ACTS 16:22-34; PS 138:1-2AB, 2CDE-3, 7C-8; JN 16:7, 13; JN 16:5-11

Wednesday of the Sixth Week of Easter: ACTS 17:15, 22—18:1; PS 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14; JN 14:16; JN 16:12-15

Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter: ACTS 18:1-8; PS 98:1, 2-3AB, 3CD-4; JN 14:18; JN 16:16-20

Friday of the Sixth Week of Easter: ACTS 18:9-18; PS 47:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; LK 24:46, 26; JN 16:20-23

Saturday of the Sixth Week of Easter: ACTS 18:23-28; PS 47:2-3, 8-9, 10; JN 16:28; JN 16:23B-28

Sunday, The Ascension of the Lord: ACTS 1:1-11; PS 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9; EPH 1:17-23; MT 28:19A, 20B; MT 28:16-20

Parish Mission Statement: To unite our Parish family to grow in faith, love, and charity as we become active stewards in our church and community.

Ushers & Cleaning Crews Needed!!!

Please Help Volunteer as Ushers and For the Cleaning Crews to help keep our fellow worshipers safe.

We Need New Volunteers To Protect Our Elders. Please Call the Parish Office at 210-333-5020

Page 5: Holy Name Catholic Church · 2020-05-17 · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Whoever has my commandments

New Outdoor Weekend Mass Schedule

May 23rd, Saturday: 8:00 pm English May 24th, Sunday: 6:30 am English May 24th, Sunday: 8:00 am English May 24th, Sunday: 8:00 pm Spanish

Please Bring Your Lawn Chairs

Holy Name Church Attendance Procedures We ask for Christian patience and understanding during these difficult and challenging times. It is imperative that each of us strictly abide by these procedures to prevent contamination and/or spread of the Covid-19 to one another.

For the safety of all, these procedures are mandatory and must be adhered to for Mass attendance. Anyone who cannot comply are asked to leave. Holy Name Catholic Church Procedures will follow the Archdiocese of San Antonio Guidelines for Mass Attendees and are as follows:

1. If you are feeling sick, we ask that you stay safe at home. We highly encourage those who are most vulnerable to continue to participate in mass via live stream or website (holynameusa.org). 2. Everyone must have their temperature taken before entering the church. Anyone with a fever will not be allowed entry. Anyone coughing or sneezing may not be allowed entry.

3. Wash hands thoroughly before coming to the church.

4. All must wear a face mask that covers both nose and mouth before entering the church and throughout the Mass. No exceptions except for infant children.

5. Bring hand sanitizer, your own missal or other mass aids to church.

6. Always maintain 6 feet between you and others not in your cohabitating family. 7. Follow the instructions of the ushers as you enter and leave the Church. 8. When guided by the ushers to receive communion, is the only time you may temporarily reposition your mask to consume the Host, then immediately recover.

9. Seating will be on a first come first served basis for now, Mass capacity will be dependent on the number of attendees in each group, we can Safely seat. 10. Unfortunately, there will be no saving of seats. We ask that you ensure you enter with whomever you want to sit with. Once seated we cannot allow anyone to reposition because it will compromise the 6-foot separation distance.

11. After receiving Communion, we need everyone to maintain in their seats until the ushers direct your row towards the exits. We ask that you please be patient, as we are doing our best to maintain exiting in an orderly manner.

12. Finally, we ask that you be very patient with us, especially our volunteers who did not establish these procedures, but are only following them. They are giving of their time to help us conduct Mass, without volunteers this Mass would not happen. A thank you and a smile is greatly appreciated.

Page 6: Holy Name Catholic Church · 2020-05-17 · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Whoever has my commandments

Events for the week of May 18th –May 24th

Public Masses will commence on May 19th, 2020 by decree of Archbishop Gustavo. Please follow all safety protocols which is on our website, www.holynameusa.org. Wearing a face mask properly is mandatory. Thank you for your cooperation.

Monday, May 18, 2020

uesday, May 19, 2020 Public Masses Start8:00 am Mass

Wednesday, May 20, 2020 8:00 am Mass

Thursday, May 21, 2020 8:00 am Mass

Friday, May 22, 2020 8:30 am Mass

Saturday, May 23, 2020 8:00 pm Outside Mass in English

Sunday, May 24, 2020 6:30 am Outside Mass in English 8:00 am Outside Mass in English 8:00 pm Outside Mass in Spanish

Mass Intentions for the week of May 18th-May 24th

Monday, May 18, 2020

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Friday, May 22, 2020

Saturday, May 23, 2020 Outside Mass

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sanctuary Lamps for the week of May 17, 2020


Envelope Collection 5/10/2020………………………….…………………..………...……….………....…….….............................….…..$4,791.00

Online Donation 5/10/2020…………………………………………………………………………………..………………...........…...…..……..$1,775.00

Mother’s Day Envelopes 5/10/2020…………………………………………………………………………………………………...……………….$156.00

Total Collection 5/10/2020…………………….……...………………………………...........................................$6,722.00

2nd Collection Catholic Charities 5/10/2020………………………………………………………………….…………….$55.00

Online Giving: We encourage parishioners to sign up for online giving. Please inform the Parish office if you are interested or go to www.holynameusa.org.

Upcoming Second Collections: May 31, Outreach/Food Pantry; June 7, Priest Pension; June 14, Capital Campaign; June 28, Peter’s Pence;

July 5, Altar Society; July 19, Capital Campaign; July 26, Parish Maintenance; August 2, Outreach/Food Pantry;

August 23, Capital Campaign; September 6, Altar Society & September 13, Parish Maintenance

Other Collections:

Mass Intentions 5/10/2020……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……...…………$140.00

Grotto Donations & Paver Purchases 5/10/2020………………………………………………………………………………………………….$100.00

Maintenance Envelopes 5/10/2020………………………………………………….………………………….………………..…………...…..……$52.00

Total Expenses 5/10/2020…………………………………………..…………….……………..…………..…..….……….$5,399.64

Page 7: Holy Name Catholic Church · 2020-05-17 · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Whoever has my commandments


1. All Liturgies will be posted/Livestreamed online at our website, www.holynameusa.org. Please consider making Offerings for tithing online, Thank You.

2. Holy Name Catholic School News: Hello, from Holy Name School, We wanted to let everyone know that we are still teaching our students on the Internet and having Zoom conferences when needed. They are doing great with this new method of teaching.

We had a wonderful time on Friday, May 8th. The Faculty, Our New Principal, Mrs. Susie Garza, and Staff, and we had Allan Ford from the Parish Office out as well, we were here parked around the Church and School Parking Areas.

Our Fantastic parents brought their children and drove around telling everyone A GREAT BIG HELLO, since we have not seen them at school since before we left for Spring Break. We had a wonderful time seeing everyone. They decorated all their cars for the "Mini Parade". A fun-time was had by all. Also a big Thank you to our PTC President Roger Mendiola and Parents, for helping to organize the Parade

We are now taking Registrations for our new School Year 2020 – 2021. The office Staff are at school during the week to answer questions you may, have and schedule you for a tour of the school. We have openings in our Pre-Kinder 3K and 4K thru the 8th Grade. Call the school office at 210-333-7356 to ask questions or schedule a tour.

Congratulations to our 8th Grade Students who will be Graduating on May 22, with Zoom, to follow the Correct Guidelines of the Archdiocese.

2. DON’T BE SCAMMED!!! Please ignore scammers who are taking advantage of this pandemic crisis. They are getting our Holy Name Parish numbers from the bulletin and are posing as Fr. Martin or people in dire need of assistance. They are asking for personal information, gift cards, apple tunes & money. Please do not fall victim to these scammers. If you have questions please call the Parish Office first at 210-333-5020. Thank you.

3. Holy Name wants to thank our volunteers who are helping mow and trim the grass all around the property during this pandemic. We do need more help so please call the Parish Office at 210-333-5020 as we can coordinate with our other volunteers, Thank you.

4. Our 2nd Donation Drive on May 3, 2020 was a huge success. We want to thank all our volunteers from the Pastoral and Finance Councils of Holy Name; David Torres, Miguel Puga, Mary Jane Martinez, Regina Robledo & Harry Perez. We also want to thank all our Parishioners of Holy Name for their offertory tithes especially during these difficult times, Thank You.

6. 2020 Archbishop’s Appeal, “Accompany with Joy, Give with Grace,” is the willingness to listen deeply to the experiences, needs, joys, and hardships of another. Holy Name Catholic Church’s Goal is $21,664.00. We encourage everyone to give to the 2020 Archbishop’s Appeal. Right now we have 72 Donors and we are 63.57% to our goal. You will evangelize and share Christ’s love through acts of kindness, help the formation of seminarians and deacons, care for retired clergy, and protect God’s most vulnerable– the hungry, homeless, elderly, unborn, sick, prisoner, and lonely. Every dollar counts, Thank You.

7. 2018-2021 Capital Campaign Update. There are 160 Donors and we are 50% to our goal of $513,000.00. We ask you to please pray and participate as good stewards for our much needed multi-use building for the future of our Parish. This is a three year campaign and donations can be made one time, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. No pledge is too small and 40% of all collected will be for our multi-purpose building that is so badly needed for ministries; Outreach, CYO, and School. Thank You.

Page 8: Holy Name Catholic Church · 2020-05-17 · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Whoever has my commandments

2020-2021 Religious Education

Religious Ed hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9am—1pm.

Registration is going on now!! Registration forms are on line. You may fill them out and email to [email protected] or drop off at the office. If you need to pick one up at the office we ask you call and let us know you are coming. When you get here ring the door bell and we will give you the Registration form at the door. If neither of those options work for you and your family, please call Irma at the Parish office Monday—Friday 9-2 for further assistance. Religious Education Catechist and staff miss our families so much. We can not wait to see you all your smiling faces when we get back to “normal”. Classes for 2020-2021 are scheduled to start Sunday, Sept. 13th 2020 at 9:15am. We will have an all parent meeting prior to the first day. _______________________________________________________

1st Communion & Confirmation Mass Update: Emails have been sent if you have not received information please

call the office or email, [email protected] _______________________________________________________

Join the Holy Name Catholic Women's Conference Group!

Date Change!!!

If you would like to attend the 2020 Catholic

Women's Conference on Oct. 30 and 31st .

Group Discounts - Register as a group of (10) or more women and receive $15

off! Please join this group! To do so, contact: Irma Bickel at [email protected].

For Conference details, visit CWCSanAntonio.com.

Page 9: Holy Name Catholic Church · 2020-05-17 · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Whoever has my commandments

We prayerfully congratulate the following as they became fully initiated members of Christ’s body, the Church.

We commend these faithful candidates and their generous sponsors for steadfastly participating in the RCIA process of coming into the

Church and receiving these Sacraments of Initiation. Our prayers are with each of you as you begin the adventure of living

the challenging life of a faithful Catholic.

Thank you to Deacon Rey Hinojosa and Martha Ponce who journeyed with their class.

Completed Sacraments of Initiation:

Hector Castillo

Jonathon Del Rio

Andy Gomez

Laura Rivera

Amanda Sanders

Baptized & fully Initiated:

Roland Arnold

James Chandler

Vannesa Quintero

Roland Sanchez

Elisabeth Silva

Charlie Thai

Page 10: Holy Name Catholic Church · 2020-05-17 · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Whoever has my commandments

Items still open for sponsorships for the Grotto

Holy Water Jar: $5,000 Memorial Bricks for the Rosary: $100

Memorial Bricks in front of the Cross: $200 Memorial Bricks in front of the Blessed Mother: $300

Stations of the Cross (Bronze): SOLD OUT

11 Out of 21 Benches Left! Be A Sponsor!

Foyer Benches to the side of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Whole Bench $1,500.00

OR $500.00 PER NAME; Three Names Per Bench

Front Benches in front of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Whole Bench $2,000.00

OR $500.00 PER NAME; Four Names Per Bench

Please contact Sandra Guerra 210-378-5951 or Fr. Martin (Parish Office) 210-333-5020 if interested.

Donor Wall Project is complete and is the photo below. Donor Wall still open for Sponsorship

Archangel $1000.00 Angel $500.00 Saint $250.00

Donor $100.00

Page 11: Holy Name Catholic Church · 2020-05-17 · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Whoever has my commandments

Death exerts such a disastrous dominion that it seems absurd to suppose to

suppose its defeat. And yet thus it is in

Jesus: dead, buried and then, on the dawn

of the third day, risen and glorious. Thus

it shall be with us, if we are in Him, with

the faith, in grace, when the honesty of

our conduct, grafted onto His immortal

life our moral one. The enemy, the great

enemy will be conquered in the end.

(Pope Paul VI, Urbi et Orbi Message, 14 April 1968)

Page 12: Holy Name Catholic Church · 2020-05-17 · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Whoever has my commandments