HOLY TRINITY April 2019 Volume 50 Issue 4 ΑΓΙΑ ΤΡΙΑΣ Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Wilmington, Delaware

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April 2019

Volume 50 Issue 4

ΑΓΙΑ ΤΡΙΑΣ Holy Trinity

Greek Orthodox Church

Wilmington, Delaware

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The Official Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 808 N. Broom Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19806 / Telephone: (302) 654-4446 Fax: (302) 654-4204

Church Office Email Address: [email protected] Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 4:30pm

His Eminence Metropolitan EVANGELOS of New Jersey, Hierarch Rev. Fr. Christos Christofidis, Proistamenos, [email protected] For pastoral emergencies and confessions - please call Fr. Christos @ (717) 701-1971

Susan Kelleher, Church Secretary (302) 384-7805 (home)


George Rassias, President - (610) 322-3200 Georgia Halakos, First Vice President - (302) 379-4335

James Maravelias, Second Vice President - (302) 388-0873 Stephanos Karakasidis, Parish Council Treasurer - (856) 678-3169

Tom Karas, Assistant Treasurer - (302) 234-9090 Tom Psaltis, Parish Council Secretary - (302) 981-9352

358-8774 Marianne Archbell George Tsakataras 521-7300 (610) 358-3880 Nicholas Demourtzidis Yvonne Tsavalas 540-2891 530-2776 George Economou Paraskevi Wolcott 654-4446 584-2846 Spiros Mantzavinos Peter Xarhoulakos 562-5151


(856)217-6133 Philoptochos Vickie Karakasidis, President (856)678-4924 Sunday School Maroula Haralambidis, Co-Director 293-1127 Sunday School Amalea Rassias, Co-Director 636-0201 GOYA Katherine Mantzavinos, President (610)864-3738 JOY / HOPE Daphne Demourtzidis 654-4446 OCF (Orthodox College Fellowship) Fr. Christos Christofidis Cantors Grigorios Fotakis & Ilias Tikos 478-7864 Choir Anthony Pantelopulos, Director 373-6035 The Young @ Heart Club Chris Papachrysanthou, President 633-1112 Greek School Costas Fountzoulas, Director 478-0434 St. Elpida Gus Georgiou Terpsichorean Dance Troupes Spiridoula Gerakios 475-5035 / 239-4950 Altar Guild Evie Fournaris & Joanne Tarabicos 633-1112 Editorial Staff Dr. Costas Fountzoulas

655-2252 / 764-2183 Emmanuel Dining Room East Nikkie Tsakataras & Tina Ganiaris King 897-1029 Holy Trinity Food Pantry Steve Nicholas 798-3052 / 239-6140 Adult Bible Study George Righos & John Lazare 654-4446 Special Bible Courses and Fr. Christos Christofidis Marriage Seminars/Inquirers Classes (856)514-2227 IOCC Parish Representative Peter Kamenakis


593-1571 AHEPA Michael Klezaras III, President 322-0430 Daughters of Penelope Nikoletta Klezaras, President 897-9429 Hellenic University Club Dr. Michael Kirifides, President

Holy Trinity Website Address: www.holytrinitywilmington.org




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Soldiers of Christ 2 Timothy 2:1-15 A Soldier of Christ must be…

April 2019

One of the most challenging metaphors of the Christian life is presented in this simple passage. Here, as in his letter to the Ephesians (Ephesians 6:10-18), Paul compares Christian life to a soldier called to wage Spiritual warfare!

A Soldier of Christ must be a witness for Christ. He must be proud of being in God’s army; Proud enough and honored to trouble himself to become vitally involved in God’s enlistment program. Just notice those men at public recruitment centers. They stand at the door straight as an arrow. It is clear they have a real pride in their service. If you pause to speak to them, you will soon hear a personal testimony about the advantage of enlisting. They are very convincing; Why? Because their testimony is very personal and comes out of a heart that burns with desire to serve their country.

If this is the case, why does Jesus say to all of us, “You are-all-my witnesses..?” It is clear that in His army He expects all to understand that we are members of an elite camp of Spiritual Warriors. We are to be possessed with a good knowledge of His Word and a vital spirit that will move us to constantly and consistently seek others to increase the ranks of His volunteer army. As the faithful recruitment sergeant, we need only to speak of what we have heard, seen (Apostolic teaching-dogma and Holy tradition) and personally experienced in the ranks of God’s camp (Church). We need only to do as Peter said, “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason for the hope (life in Jesus Christ), that is in you with meekness and fear!!! We need only to follow the example of the brave and bold Paul, “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

In the Word of God we have numerous examples of new enlistees who were bold enough to give immediate expression to their salvation. The woman at the well, St Fotini said, “Come and see the man who told me all that I have done!!” And Philip the Apostle, “Come and see” he said to his doubting friend Nathaniel.

The Soldier of Christ must endure hardness. Watching war movies or documentaries which present real war stories of Special Forces who served in far away countries, to go out into dangerous isolation in the mountains, in the deserts, in places not at all familiar to them, and endure unimaginable hardness in order to serve their countries, you cannot help but to stand up and salute them. Their toughness and hardness is a real testimony of the committal to their cause. The soldier of Christ has not been promised a rose garden, but a battle ground, a Gethsemane. The millions of martyrs of our Holy Orthodox Tradition understood perfectly that there is a real cross of hardness and service and testimony involved in the Lord’s army.

When the mother of the sons of Zebedee (John and James) came and requested that her sons be given a place of prominence in the coming Kingdom of Christ, Jesus pointed out that there is a cup to drink, a cross to bear, and a baptism of blood to go through. He asked them if they were able to fight such a fight, to drink of the same cup. It appears they sincerely, but rather without much understanding, without counting the cost replied, “yes, we are able.” All ran away when Jesus was arrested. They were not ready to endure that hardness. But later, as seasoned veterans, they really were ready to lay down their lives for Him! Have we prepared for such battles? Do we know how to use the “weapons” the church has provided for us? The Lord said to his disciples, “This kind cannot go out, except by prayer and fasting.”

Continued next page...

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The Soldier of Jesus must be separated. Paul could not have placed this proposition more bluntly than with his statement in V4 “No man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life.” (see also II Corinthians 5:17; 6:14-17) The soldier remains in his world, takes care of his needs, but is not to be part of it. (We have mentioned and explained this simple rule many times in sermons). It is significant that before a great battle soldiers are usually restricted from access of the world around them. They are separated into a fighting unit. The distractions of this world cannot be a part of their preparation for war. They are often separated from their wives, children, loved ones and friends. The Hebrew people we read in the Old Testament before a war, the soldiers would even fast for three days. Do you see now why we ought to come to the Divine Liturgy with an empty stomach; even if we unfortunately have decided not to partake of the body and blood of Christ?

Everything is to change when one enlists in God’s army, the Church. Appearances change. Attitudes change. Hearts change. Life styles change. Paul tells us that we are to have the mind and purpose of Christ. “I do the will of the Father”, “I will go to the Father and prepare your room.” Paul tells us we cannot imitate the fashion – mode of this world - and please God. God calls his soldier to a transformation of values and attitudes and actions. This is one reason it is so sad to see pastors and churches adopting the life style of the world, the music of the world, the methods of this world in a vain and misguided attempt to attract a worldly crowd and make them “comfortable,” “welcome” in a church where the Living God dwells and works! “Whoever has an ear, let him hear,” says the Lord.

Many today express sorrow. They lament the fact that our culture has effectively abandoned the values and standards of previous generations. Many are not aware that this is simply because we have abandoned the true God, the God of our fathers and mothers. Nothing happens overnight. Those who struggle with the effect of this upon their children or grandchildren need to realize that this began with earlier generations. It has just found its full fruition in this generation. The soft attitude of fathers and mothers who are afraid to discipline their children have led to our situation today. It became an accepted custom long ago to be AWOL from the ranks of His people, and in today’s comfortable society as soon as the child is given the keys of an automobile; Those who felt that it was more important for their children to participate in sports, athletics, or even what they call “quality family time together” rather than faithfully attending the Lord’s House together and sit at His table, are reaping what they have sown. A nation of godlessness and uncontrollable promiscuity and immorality! Let us bow our heads to the Lord and not the world!

Soldiers of Jesus Christ must live by the rules. The soldier has no options, he must obey the commands of his Commander and Chief. God’s Word and will are not optional or negotiable. God’s law has no space for amendments. God’s law cannot be interpreted as we please, even by the highest court in the land. Christ says, “I came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it.” The story of Saul in 1 Samuel 15 teaches us that God is better pleased with obedience than vain sacrifice. It also teaches us that rebellion and overt disobedience is worse than witchcraft in the eyes of God. When the Apostles were challenged to voluntarily stop preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ they simply said, “Then Peter and the other Apostles answered and said, “we ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:20)

I read some time back that the soldiers of the German army are allowed to elect their leader and vote on orders they may wish to obey. It seems that some armies have even formed their own labor unions. Can you imagine this in a real war situation? Don’t be surprised then that according to Pew Research only 10% of Germans believe in God, His existence, His Omnipotence. As you can see we have a deep problem, a very great spiritual problem and void. But this is a subject for another time. When Christ comes back will he find faith in me?

Fr Christos

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Sunday School Directors: Amalea Rassias – (302) 293-1127 & Maroula Haralambidis – (609) 634-5339 If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call either one of us!


Why I teach Sunday School

Καλό Σαρακοστή! My name is Marina Klezaras Lurz and I am the Sunday School teacher for the Kindergarten and First grade. I have been teacher Sunday School since I graduated High School which has now been over 20 years. I enjoy every minute teaching the children about our faith and different things that go on throughout the year. One of the best moments is when I ask open ended questions and the children give me the responses that I am looking for and shows me that they are understanding! From “What is the meaning of Christmas to Why did Christ die for us?” My classes enjoy making many different crafts throughout the year, drawing different pictures about what they have learned, and coloring pictures of the topics that they learned about! At the ages of 5 and 6 the children are still young and absorb everything like sponges, so even when it is something new it is the greatest feeling in the world when they can answer the questions about the new subjects that they are taught. I hope that everyone has a great Lenten season! Καλή ανάσταση και καλό Πάσχα σε όλους!

Thank you, Marina Klezaras Lurz


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Philoptochos Sisterhood of Holy Trinity

St. Agape Chapter

Dear Beloved Philoptochos Sisters and Parishioners, Saturday, March 23rd was a sad day for our Philoptochos Chapter as we attended the funeral service of our dear sister in Christ, Mary Kountourzis. She was a “worker bee” for our Philoptochos chapter for many years and we will remember her fondly, and we will also remember her as the one who cranked out Loukoumades by hand ~ faster than our Festival machine! We continue to pray for her family. May her memory be eternal. We would like to thank all who came to the Presanctified Liturgy on Wednesday, March 27th and stayed for our Lenten Covered Dish Dinner Meeting. Thank you to all who brought the delicious Lenten dishes for us to enjoy! We were able to put some finishing touches on our up-coming Bid N Buy Fundraiser. We hope you were able to “Save the Date” (Saturday, April 6) for this wonderful annual fundraiser. See the flyer on the next page and call now to reserve your table! You do not want to miss this fun-filled day! With Pascha approaching, we will be sponsoring the Palm Sunday Luncheon and hope that you will join us on this special day. We are also going to be busy with baking and visiting our families and friends who are not able to be with us during these Holy Days. Moving forward into May, we will hold our annual elections and will also be baking pastries and gearing up for our annual Greek Festival. Look for more information for these events in the next monthly and Sunday bulletins. We wish you a blessed Pascha, In Christ’s Service, Vickie Karakasidis


Kollyva for Memorials

The Philoptochos Society would like to thank two of its members, Vasiliki Kromedas & Loula Kapordelis for their offer to help our Philoptochos Society by preparing the trays of Kollyva for any family of our community. The cost of $100 includes the Prosforon, oil and a bottle of wine. Please allow at least a week and call the church office 654-4446 and Susie will contact the Philoptochos. Your donation of $100 (less cost), will help Philoptochos Charities.

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St. Agape Chapter Ladies Philoptochos Society

Sweet Easter Bread (TSOUREKI)

Orders are being taken now. Pick up your bread on Palm Sunday, April 21

after Liturgy at the Hellenic Community Center.

Bread Freezes Very Well

For more information please contact: Alexandra Tsaganos (302) 762-5292

Please reserve ___________ Bread(s) at $17.00 each

Name: _____________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________

Phone #: ____________________________________________________________

Make your checks payable to: Philoptochos Society and send to: Alexandra Tsaganos 4626 Weldin Rd, Wilmington, DE 19803

Pascha 2019

The Ladies of Philoptochos are hosting the

Palm Sunday Community Lunch Sunday, April 21st, 2019

Cost for lunch: Adults $12 Children under 12yrs $5

Bakaliaro & Skordalia (Cod & Trimmings)

Proceeds to benefit Philoptochos Charities

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Αγίου Νικολάου Βελιμίροβιτς*

Ἀδελφοί μου, ἡ ἐπιλογή τοῦ Θεοῦ εἶναι διαφορετική ἀπό τήν ἀνθρώπινη ἐπιλογή. Ὁ Θεός ἐπέλεξε τόν Ἀβραάμ, ἕναν ἄτεκνο γέροντα ἑκατό χρονῶν, νά εἶναι ὁ πιό γόνιμος ἄνθρωπος ἀπό ὅλους τούς ἀνθρώπους στόν κόσμο. Ἐπέλεξε οἱ ἀπόγονοι τοῦ Ἀβραάμ νά ’ναι τόσο πολλοί ὅσα εἶναι τά ἀστέρια στόν οὐρανό καί οἱ κόκκοι τῆς ἄμμου στήν ἀκρογιαλιά. Ἔτσι ἀποφάσισε ὁ Θεός κι ἔτσι ἔγινε... Τόν καιρό τῆς Παλαιᾶς Διαθήκης ὁ Θεός δέν ἐπέλεξε τούς πολιτισμένους Ρωμαίους, οὔτε τούς καλοζωισμένους Αἰγυπτίους, οὔτε τούς καλλιτέχνες Ἕλληνες, οὔτε τούς σοφούς Ἰνδούς, γιά νά εἶναι ὁ λαός τοῦ Μεσσία. Ἐπέλεξε τούς Ἑβραίους πού ἦταν δοῦλοι, ἀγράμματοι, πεινασμένοι, κακόμοιροι, σκλάβοι στούς Αἰγυπτίους. Ἐπέλεξε ἕναν λαό πού ζοῦσε σέ σπίτια ἀπό λάσπη καί ἄχυρο, χωρίς ἐπιστημονικές γνώσεις, χωρίς τέχνη καί λογοτεχνία. Ἐπέλεξε ἕναν λαό πού δέν ἦταν ὀργανωμένος σέ πόλεις καί χωριά, πού δέν εἶχε κράτος καί κυρίως δέν ἦταν ἐλεύθερος. Ὁ Θεός δέν ἐπέλεξε τόν ἰσχυρό Φαραώ, ἀλλά τόν βοσκό Μωυσῆ νά ὑπαγορεύσει τίς δέκα ἐντολές Του, χωρίς τίς ὁποῖες κανένας λός καί κανένα κράτος δέν θά μποροῦσε νά ἐπιζήσει. Ὁ Θεός ἐπέλεξε τόν γεωργό Γεδεών γιά νά ἀπαλλάξει τόν λαό τοῦ Ἰσραήλ ἀπό τή σκλαβιά. Ποιός ἦταν ὁ Γεδεών; Ὁ πιό ἀσήμαντος ἀπό τούς ἀσήμαντους, ὅπως ὁ ἴδιος ὁ Γεδεών ὁμολογεῖ στόν ἄγγελο πού τοῦ παρουσιάστηκε. Ὁ Θεός ἐπέλεξε τόν Δαβίδ, πού ἦταν τσοπάνης, νά δοξασθεῖ σάν ἥρωας στή μάχη, καί στή συνέχεια νά γίνει ποιητής, προφήτης καί αὐτοκράτορας τόσο καλός, πού σάν αὐτόν δέν ὑπῆρξε ποτέ κανείς ἄλλος οὔτε πρίν ἀλλά οὔτε καί ἀργότερα. Ὁ Θεός ἐπέλεξε τόν Ἀμώς, τόν βοσκό, νά εἶναι προφήτης, νά προσέχει τόν λαό του καί ἐπιπλήττει τούς αὐτοκράτορες. Πράγματι, ὑπάρχουν πολλά γραμμένα παραδείγματα ὅπου ὁ Θεός ἀνυψώνει τόν μικρό γιά νά ντροπιάσει τόν μεγάλο, ἀνυψώνει τόν ταπεινό γιά νά ντροπιάσει τόν περήφανο. Ὅλα τά παραπάνω παραδείγματα εἶναι ἀσήμαντα σέ σχέση μέ τό τί συνέβη ὅταν ἦρθε στόν κόσμο ὁ Κύριος, ὁ αὐτοκράτορας τῶν αὐτοκρατόρων. Ποιούς ἐπέλεξε ὁ Κύριος ὅταν ἦρθε στή γῆ, ὅταν γεννήθηκε ἀπό τήν Παναγία Παρθένο Μαρία καί ἀπό τό Ἅγιο Πνεῦμα, ὅταν φανερώθηκε στούς ἀνθρώπους σάν ὁ φοβερός ἀλλά καί ὁ μακρόθυμος Μεσσίας τοῦ κόσμου; Πράγματι, δέν ἐπέλεξε οὔτε τούς Ρωμαίους, οὔτε τούς Ἕλληνες, οὔτε τούς Αἰγυπτίους, οὔτε τούς Ἄραβες, οὔτε τούς Πέρσες, οὔτε τούς Ἰνδούς, οὔτε τούς Κινέζους, ἀλλά ἐπέλεξε...Ποιούς ἐπέλεξε ὁ Κύριος; Ἐπέλεξε τούς ψαράδες τῆς Γαλιλαίας καί τούς φτωχούς τῆς Ἰουδαίας, τούς πιό ἀγνώστους, τούς πιό μικρούς καί τούς πιό ἀσήμαντους. Ποιούς ἐπέλεξε ὁ Θεός ὅταν θέλησε νά ἀπαλλαχθεῖ ἡ Εὐρώπη ἀπό τούς μωαμεθανούς; Ἐπέλεξε τούς ἁπλούς, τούς ἀγράμματους χωριάτες καί τούς καλογέρους! Ἀδελφοί μου, αὐτός εἶναι ὁ τρόπος τοῦ Θεοῦ: οἱ ἡγέτες ἑνός λαοῦ ἄν καί εἶναι μορφωμένοι καί σοφοί, ὅπως οἱ ἴδιοι πιστεύουν, ὁ Θεός ἐπιτρέπει νά καταστρέφουν τό ἴδιο τους τό κράτος, νά ἐξολοθρεύουν τόν ἴδιο τόν λαό τους. Στή συνέχεια ὁ Θεός διορθώνει τά σφάλματά τους μέ τή βοήθεια τῶν πιό φτωχῶν καί ἀσήμαντων ἀνθρώπων. Γιατί συμβαίνει αὐτό; Ἁπλούστατα, γιά νά καταλάβουν οἱ ἄνθρωποι πώς ὅλα μπορεῖ νά τά διορθώσει μόνον ὁ Θεός καί ὄχι ὁ ἄνθρωπος. Ὁ Θεός ἔκανε τόν ἄτεκνο Ἀβραάμ πολύτεκνο. Ὁ Θεός ἔκανε θαύματα διά μέσου τοῦ Μωυσῆ. Χάρισε τή δύναμη καί τή νίκη στόν μεγάλο Γεδεών. Χάρισε τό δῶρο τοῦ ἡρωισμοῦ καί τό δῶρο τῆς ποίησης στόν Δαβίδ, καί στόν γιό τοῦ Δαβίδ, στόν Σολομώντα, τό δῶρο τῆς σοφίας. Ὁ Θεός προφήτευε τί θά συμβεῖ διά μέσου τοῦ βοσκοῦ Ἀμώς. Ἔδωσε δύναμη στούς φοβισμένους ψαράδες καί τούς πλούτισε μέ τό δῶρο τῆς σοφίας, ἀλλά καί μέ τό χάρισμα τοῦ κηρύγματος. Γι’ αὐτούς τούς λόγους ἀπό πάντα ὁ Θεός ἐπιλέγει μεταξύ τῶν ἀνθρώπων ἐκεῖνον πού εἶναι ὁ πιό ἀδύναμος. Ἔτσι οἱ ἄνθρωποι ἀντιλαμβάνονται πίσω ἀπό τόν ἀδύναμο ἄνθρωπο τόν Παντοδύναμο Θεό. Ὁ Θεός ἐπιλέγει ἐκεῖνον, πού στά μάτια τῶν ἀνθρώπων δέν εἶναι σοφός, ἔτσι ὥστε πίσω ἀπό αὐτόν οἱ ἄνθρωποι νά ἀντιλαμβάνονται Αὐτόν, τόν Πάνσοφο. Ὁ Θεός ἐπιλέγει αὐτόν πού δέν ἔχει δόξα, δέν ἔχει εὐγενική καταγωγή, ἔτσι ὥστε πίσω ἀπό αὐτόν οἱ ἄνθρωποι νά ἀντιληφθοῦν τόν πιό Δοξασμένο, τόν πιό Μεγαλειώδη ἀπό τούς μεγαλειώδεις. Ὅταν δοξάζεται ἕνας σημαντικός ἄνθρωπος στον κόσμο, αὐτός δοξάζει καί προβάλλει τόν ἑαυτό του, καί ὄχι τόν Θεό. Ὅταν ὅμως δοξασθεῖ ἕνας μικρός σέ δύναμη καί ἀσήμαντος ἄνθρωπος, τότε δοξάζεται καί προβάλλεται ὁ Θεός. Ὁ Θεός ἐπιλέγοντας τούς μικρούς καί ἀσήμαντους ἀνθρώπους φανερώνει τόν ἑαυτό του καί βεβαιώνει τήν ὕπαρξή Του. Ἐπειδή κάποιος σημαντικός ἄνθρωπος κάνει κάποιο σπουδαῖο ἔργο, ὅλοι οἱ ἄνθρωποι λένε: αὐτό ἔκανε ὁ Καίσαρας ἤ ὁ βασιλιάς ἤ ὁ αὐτοκράτορας ἤ ὁ Φαραώ, ὅμως, ὅταν δύο ἁπλοί ψαράδες, ὅπως ὁ Πέτρος καί ὁ Ἰωάννης, γιατρέψουν τόν ἐκ γενετῆς κουτσό τότε ὅλοι λένε: Αὐτό εἶναι ἔργο τοῦ Θεοῦ! Οἱ σημαντικοί ἄνθρωποι δέν ἐπιτρέπουν διά μέσου αὐτῶν νά δοξασθεῖ, νά φανερωθεῖ ὁ Θεός. Γι’ αὐτόν τό λόγο ὁ Θεός φανερώνεται καί δοξάζεται διά μέσου ἀνθρώπων μικρῶν, ταπεινῶν, ἀδύναμων, ἀσήμαντων. Ἀδελφοί μου, ἄν μελετήσει κανείς τά ἔργα τῶν Ἀποστόλων, τότε κατανοεῖ πώς αὐτά καί μόνο ἀποτελοῦν ἀπόδειξη τῆς παρουσίας τοῦ Θεοῦ, τῆς δύναμης τοῦ Θεοῦ, τῆς πρόνοιας τοῦ Θεοῦ. Ἀνοῖξτε τά μάτια σας καί θά τό δεῖτε. Σκεφτεῖτε καί θά τό καταλάβετε. Πιστέψτε καί θά σωθεῖτε. Ἄς δοξάζουμε τό ὄνομα τοῦ Θεοῦ, εἰς τούς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀμήν.

*Ἅγιος Νικόλαος Βελιμίροβιτς, Μέσα ἀπό τό παράθυρο τῆς φυλακῆς, Μηνύματα στό λαό, Ὀρθόδοξος Κυψέλη, Θεσσαλονίκη 2012, σελ. 135-142.

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We are now in the Season of Great Lent and Resurrection. The list of wreaths and flowers needed during the Lenten Services is listed below. If you like to donate a wreath or flowers in celebration of ANY event contact Joanne Tarabicos at 302-239-4950 or Evie Fournaris at 302-475-5035 or use the form below.


Helen Doukakis, Evie Fournaris, Stacy Koninis, Steve Nicholas, Dimitra Pappoulis, Sophia Regas, Joanne Tarabicos, and Barbara Vassos



Telephone_____________________ Reserve Date_______________________________

Enclosed $______________ Make checks payable to "Holy Trinity Altar Guild".

Mail to: Stacy Koninis, 2602 Brightwell Drive, Wilmington DE 19810



The following items are needed during Great Lent, Holy Week and Pascha. If you would like to donate, please contact Joanne Tarabicos (302.239.4950), or Stacy Koninis (302.475.1236) or the Church Office (302.654.4446), as soon as possible. Donations will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. In the event that the item you would like to donate has already been donated, please consider either another item or a general donation towards the list. Donations will be acknowledged in the Monthly Bulletin after Pascha. Thank you for your support.

Theotokos Icon Flowers ~1st Salutation~ March 2 $45 Sunday of Orthodoxy Icon Flowers ~ March 17 $45 (taken) Theotokos Icon Flowers ~ 2nd Salutation ~ March 22 $45 St. Gregory Palamas Icon Flowers ~ March 24 $45 Theotokos Icon Flowers ~ 3rd Salutation ~ March 29 $45 (taken) Veneration of Holy Cross Icon Flowers ~ March 31 $45 Daffodils for 3rd Sunday of Lent ~ March 31 $100 Theotokos Icon Flowers ~ 4th Salutation ~ April 5 $45 (taken) Annunciation Icon Flowers ~ March 25 $45 Sunday of St. John Climacus ~ April 7 $45 (taken) Theotokos Icon Flowers ~ Akathist Hymn ~ April 12 $45 St. Mary of Egypt Icon Flowers ~ April 14 $45 Saturday of Lazarus Icon Flowers ~ April 20 $45 (taken) Palm Sunday Icon Flowers ~ April 21 $45 (taken) Palms for Palm Sunday ~ April 21 $150 Nymphios Icon Flowers ~ April 21 $45 (taken) Last Supper Icon Flowers ~ April 25 $45 (taken) Crucifixion Icon Flowers ~ April 26 $45 (taken) Wreath on Cross (roses) ~ April 26 $45 (taken) Purple mums (4) at base of Cross ~ April 26 $45 Wreath of Extreme Humility ~ April 27 $45 (taken) Apokathelosis Icon Flowers ~ April 27 $45 (taken) Resurrection Icon Flowers ~ April 28 $45 (taken) Myrrhbearers Icon Flowers ~ April 28 $45 Levaro Icon Flowers ~ April 28 $75 (taken) Lilies for Pascha - April 7 – April 8 $20 per plant Arrangements of Lilies at Altar Doors (2) $100 (taken)

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Funerals: George Charatis, fell asleep in the Lord on February 8. His funeral was held at St.

Nicholas Church in Troy, Michigan. He is survived by his twin sister, parishioner, Mary Burpulis. May his memory be eternal.

George Constantinou, fell asleep in the Lord on February 28. His funeral was held at Holy Trinity on March 6. He was predeceased by his loving wife Priscilla and daughter

Christine Heinz. He is survived by his children Beth, Gig, John (Carol) and Maria as well as grandchildren George, Ginny and Stephen. May his memory be eternal.

Maria Kountourzis, fell asleep in the Lord on March 7. Her funeral was held at Holy Trinity on March 23. She was preceded in death by her husband, Konstantinos; her son, Emmanuel; and her brother, Phillip Metaxotos. Maria is survived by her son, George

(Suzanne); grandchildren, Adam (Emily), Katie (Myron), and Alex; great-grandson, Mason; and brother, Nick Metaxotos. . May her memory be eternal.

Memorials: Robert Coustenis ~ 40 Day ~ March 3

Haralambos Marcantonis ~ 40 Day ~ March 3 Pauline Phillips ~ 1 Year ~ March 3

George Vassilatos ~ 40 Day ~ March 10 Thalia Vassilatos Warnement ~ 10 Year ~ March 10

Andreas Anastasiadis ~ 1 Year ~ March 24 George Charatis ~ 40 Day ~ March 24 Fr George Giannaris ~ 5 Year ~ March 24

Pres. Mary Giannaris ~ 2 Year ~ March 24 Haralambos Hionas ~ 1 Year ~ March 24

Anna Stylinou ~ Annual ~ March 24

When you pray…



Prayers for Health…

We ask that you give baptismal names only.

Barbara Caroline Christa

Christina Christine

Chrysanthi Daphne


Doug Elaine Eleni

Emma Ethan

Eugenia Evangelia


Jason Jeremy John

Margaret Maria Marika Mary


Michael Misha Peter

Rachel Samantha

Sophia Spyros


Stephen Taylor Tena


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The Young @ Heart

will gather on

Thursday, April 11,

We meet in the AHEPA Room

we meet @ 12:00pm

We hope to see you there!

Christos Anesti! ~ Alithos Anesti!


Next Classes are


APRIL 2 @ 7:00pm

Please send your topics of choice to Fr Christos’ email!

We will meet in the Library





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Ελληνικό Σχολείο της Αγίας Τριάδος Δρ. Κώστας Γ. Φούντζουλας

Αγαπητοί γονείς και κηδεμόνες την Κυριακή, 24ην Μαρτίου, το σχολείο μας εόρτασε εκ μέρους όλης την κοινότητας, την 198ην επέτειο της μεγάλης εορτής του έθνους μας, της 25ης Μαρτίου, 1821, η οποία είναι η επίσημη έναρξη της επαναστάσεως των σκλαβωμένων Ελλήνω εναντίοντων Οθωμανών Τούρκων.. Εκείνη η μεγάλη ημέρα της σύχρονης ιστορίας μας, έβαλε πάλι την Ελλάδα στον παγκόσμιο χάρτη σαν μία ανεξάρτητη, Χριστιανική χώρα. Οι δασκάλες του σχολείου μας προετοίμασαν τους μαθητές και μαθήτριες για τον εορτασμό αυτής της μεγάλης ημέρας με ζήλο.

Εφέτος η παρέλαση της 25ης Μαρτίου 1821, θα λάβη χώρα την Κυριακή, 7η Απριλίου 2019, στην Φιλαδέλφεια. Παρακαλώ όλους τους γονείς και κηδεμόνες να καταβάλλουν κάθε δυνατή προσπάθεια να πάρουν μέρος στην παρέλαση. Όπως κάθε χρόνο, θα υπάρχη λεωφορείο από την εκκλησία μας για την παρέλαση στην Φιλαδέλφεια και από την Φιλαδέλφεια στην εκκλησία μας. Το κοινότικό συμβούλιο ενέκρινε την ενοικίαση άρματος για την διευκόλυνση των νεώτερων μαθητριών και μαθητών μας. Η παρέλαση αυτή θα μας υπενθυμίζη πάντοτε ότι η ελευθερία ενός λαού δεν χαρίζεται, αλλά κερδίζεται με αγώνες και θυσίες. Είναι πάντοτε εντυπωσιακή η εικόνα της Φιλαδέλφειας αυτή την ημέρα ντυμένη στα γαλάζια.

Το σχολείο θα είναι κλειστό την Μεγάλη Τετάρτη, Απριλίου 24. Το Σάββατο, Μαίου 4, το σχολείο θα πάη εκδρομή στο Hershey Park. Το Σάββατο, Μαίου 11, θα έχουμε την ετησία χοροεσπερίδα, τα κέρδη της οποίας θα ενεισχύσουν το πρυπολογισμό του σχολείου του επόμενου ακαδημαικού έτους. Η αποφοίτηση των μαθητών και μαθητριών θα λάβη χώρα την Κυριακή, Μαίου 19, 2019.

Τα παιδιά μας είναι το μέλλον της κοινότητάς μας, της Ορθοδοξίας και του Ελληνισμού στην Αμερική.

Μην ξεχνάτε ότι «η Ρώμη δεν εκτίσθηκε σε

μία ημέρα» και ότι «Σιγά, σιγά γίνεται η αγουρίδα μέλι» (Ελληνική παροιμία)!

Hellenic School of Holy Trinity, DE Dr. Costas G. Fountzoulas

This year's 25 March 1821 parade, or Greek Independence Day Parade, will take place on Sunday, April 7, 2019, in Philadelphia. I kindly ask all parents and guardians, to make every effort to take part in the parade. As in every year, there will be a bus from our church to Philadelphia and from Philadelphia to our church. The council of the church approved the rental of a float for the parade and the facilitation of our youngest pupils. This parade will always remind us that the freedom of a people is not granted but is won by struggles and sacrifices. It is always impressive that Philadelphia at that day is dressed in blue. The school will be closed on Holy Wednesday, April 24th. On Saturday, May 4th, the school will go for a trip to Hershey Park. On Saturday, May 11th, we will have our annual Dinner-Dance, whose profit will be used for the budget of the next academic year. The graduation of pupils and students will take place on Sunday, May 19th, 2019. Our children are the future of our community, Orthodoxy and Hellenism in America. Let us always bear in mind that "Rome

was not built in a day"! and “It takes time for the unripe fruit to

ripe (becomes sweet like honey)” (Greek Proverb)!

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Thomas Sunday The Reading is from John 20:19-31 On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being shut where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them: "Peace be with you." When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you." And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them: "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained."

Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him: "We have seen the Lord." But he said to them: "Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and place my hand in His side, I will not believe."

Eight days later, His disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. The doors were shut, but Jesus came and stood among them, and said: "Peace be with you." Then He said to Thomas, "Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing." Thomas answered Him, "My Lord and my God!" Jesus said to Him: "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe."

Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.

Holy Myrrhbearers Sunday The Reading is from Mark 15:43-47; 16:1-8 At that time, Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the council, who was also himself looking for the kingdom of God, took courage and went to Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus. And Pilate wondered if he were already dead; and summoning the centurion, he asked him whether he was already dead. And when he learned from the centurion that he was dead, he granted the body to Joseph. And he bought a linen shroud, and taking him down, wrapped him in the linen shroud, and laid him in a tomb which had been hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a stone against the door of the tomb. Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where he was laid. And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. And very early on the first day of the week they went to the tomb when the sun had risen. And they were saying to one another, "Who will

roll away the stone for us from the door of the tomb?" And looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back; for it was very large. And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe; and they were amazed. And he said to them, "Do not be amazed; you seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen, he is not here; see the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him, as he told you." And they went out and fled from the tomb; for trembling and astonishment had come upon them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.

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20 SATURDAY OF LAZARUS Morning Orthros 8:30am Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom 9:30am Palm Crosses Preparation after services – Youth confessions Evening Great Vespers of Palm Sunday 4:00pm

21 PALM SUNDAY Morning Orthros – Blessings of Palm Crosses 8:30am Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom 9:30am Evening Orthros of Great Monday, Bridegroom (Nymphios) Service 7:00pm Procession with icon

22 HOLY AND GREAT MONDAY Evening Orthros of Great Tuesday, Bridegroom (Nymphios) Service 7:00pm

23 HOLY AND GREAT TUESDAY Morning Presanctified Divine Liturgy 8:30am Evening Orthros of Great Wednesday Bridegroom (Nymphios) Service 7:00pm & Hymn of Kassiani

24 HOLY AND GREAT WEDNESDAY Morning Presanctified Divine Liturgy 8:30am Afternoon Sacrament of Holy Unction 4:00pm Evening Orthros of Great Thursday, Bridegroom (Nymphios) Service – 7:00pm Distribution of Holy Unction

25 HOLY AND GREAT THURSDAY Morning Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil (Mystical Supper) 8:30am Evening Service of the Lord’s Passion 7:00pm

26 HOLY AND GREAT FRIDAY Morning Service of the Great Hours 8:30am Youth Retreat 11:00am Afternoon Great Friday Vespers Descent from the Cross (Apokathelosis) 3:00pm Evening Service of the Praises and the Litany of the Epitaphios 7:00pm

27 HOLY AND GREAT SATURDAY Morning Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil 8:30am Evening Vigil of the Resurrection (Pannychis) 11:00pm Paschal Orthros & Divine Liturgy of the Resurrection 12:00 midnight

28 HOLY PASCHA Morning Agape Vespers Service 11:00am

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20 ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ ΤΟΥ ΛΑΖΑΡΟΥ Πρωί Όρθρος Θεία Λειτουργία 8:30πμ του Αγίου Ιωάννου Χρυσοστόμου 9:30πμ Ετοιμασία Σταυρών με Βάγια – Εξομολόγηση νεολαίας Εσπέρας Μέγας Εσπερινός τών Βαϊων 4:00πμ 21 ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ ΒΑΪΩΝ Πρωί Όρθρος – Ευλογία Βαϊων 8:30πμ Θεία Λειτουργία του Αγίου Ιωάννου Χρυσοστόμου 9:30πμ Εσπέρας Όρθρος Μ. Δευτέρας, H Ακολουθία του Νυμφίου – περιφορά εικόνας 7:00μμ

22 ΑΓΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΔΕΥΤΕΡΑ Εσπέρας Όρθρος Μ. Τρίτης, H Ακολουθία του Νυμφίου 7:00μμ

23 ΑΓΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΤΡΙΤΗ Πρωί Θεία Λειτουργία των Προηγιασμένων Δώρων 8:30πμ Εσπέρας Όρθρος Μ. Τετάρτης, H Ακολουθία του Νυμφίου και το τροπάριο της Κασσιανής7:00μμ

24 ΑΓΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ Πρωί Θεία Λειτουργία των Προηγιασμένων Δώρων 8:30πμ Απόγευμα Μυστήριον του Αγ Ευχέλαίου 4:00μμ Εσπέρας Όρθρος Μ. Πέμπτης, H Ακολουθία του Νυμφίου – Διανομή Ιερού Ευχελαίου7:00μμ

25 ΑΓΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΠΕΜΠΤΗ Πρωί Εσπερινός και Θεία Λειτουργία του Μεγάλου Βασιλείου 8:30πμ (Ο Μυστικός Δείπνος) Εσπέρας Η Ακολουθία των Αγίων Παθών τού Κυριού 7:00μμ

26 ΑΓΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ Πρωί Ακολουθία τών Μεγάλων Ώρων 8:30πμ Επιμορφωτικό Σεμινάριο Νεολαίας 11:00πμ Απόγευμα Εσπερινός και η Αποκαθήλωσις 3:00μμ Εσπέρας Τα Εγκώμια και η Λιτανεία του Επιταφίου 7:00μμ

27 ΜΕΓΑ ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ Πρωί Εσπερινός και Θεία Λειτουργία του Μεγάλου Βασιλείου 8:30πμ Εσπέρας Παννυχίς 11:00μμ Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία της Αναστάσεως 12:00πμ

28 ΑΓΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΣΧΑ Πρωί Η Ακολουθία του Εσπερινού της Αγάπης 11:00 πμ

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Serving in April

Coffee Hours:

April 7~ Hellenic University Club

April 14 ~ Young @ Heart

April 21 ~ Philoptochos Palm Sunday Luncheon


Narthex Duty:

April 7 ~ Group 1

April 14 ~ Group 2

April 21 ~ Group 1

April 28 ~ Group 2

Prosforon Offeror's

April 7 ~ Vickie Karakasidis

April 14 ~ Eugenia Zerefos

April 21 ~ Demi Kollias

April 28 ~ Sophia Regas

If you cannot meet your scheduled date for Prosfora please contact Loula Kapordelis @ 354-5383


Alexios Angeletakis

Athanasios Bodine

Matthew Christofidis

Phillip Colborn

Constantinos Fournaris

Christopher Kontomaris

Alexander Tsakumis

Theodore Tsakumis

Nicholas Turley

Richard Turley

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GEORGE THE GREAT MARTYR & TRIUMPHANT April 23 Apolytikion in the Fourth Tone Liberator of captives, defender of the poor, physician of the sick, and champion of kings, O trophy-bearer, Great Martyr George, intercede with Christ God that our souls be saved. Kontakion in the Fourth Tone Cultivated by God, you became manifest as an honorable tiller gathering for yourself the sheaves of virtue. For you sowed with tears but reaped with gladness; in the contest you competed with your blood and came away with Christ. By your intercessions, O Holy One, all are granted forgiveness of sins. Reading: George, this truly great and glorious Martyr of Christ, was born of a father from Cappadocia and a mother from Palestine. Being a military tribune, or chiliarch (that is, a commander of a

thousand troops), he was illustrious in battle and highly honoured for his courage. When he learned that the Emperor Diocletian was preparing a persecution of the Christians, Saint George presented himself publicly before the Emperor and denounced him. When threats and promises could not move him from his steadfast confession, he was put to unheard-of tortures, which he endured with great bravery, overcoming them by his faith and love towards Christ. By the wondrous signs that took place in his contest, he guided many to the knowledge of the truth, including Queen Alexandra, wife of Diocletian, and was finally beheaded in 296 in Nicomedia. His sacred remains were taken by his servant from Nicomedia to Palestine, to a town called Lydda, the homeland of his mother, and then were finally transferred to the church which was raised up in his name. (The translation of the Saint's holy relics to the church in Lydda is commemorated on November 3; Saint Alexandra the Queen, on April 21.)

Reading courtesy of Holy Transfiguration Monastery / Apolytikion courtesy of Holy Transfiguration Monastery / Kontakion courtesy of Narthex Press

LAZARUS SATURDAY Apolytikion in the First Tone O Christ our God, before Your Passion, You raised Lazarus from the dead to confirm the common Resurrection for all. Therefore, we carry the symbols of victory as did the youths, and we cry out to You, the victor over death, "Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. " Kontakion in the Second Tone Christ, everyone's joy, the truth, the light, life, the resurrection of the world, has by His goodness appeared to those on earth. He is the archetype of the resurrection, granting divine forgiveness to all. Reading: Lazarus and his sisters Martha and Mary, the friends of the Lord Jesus, had given Him hospitality and served Him many times (Luke 10:38-4z; John 12:2-3). They were from Bethany, a village of Judea. This village is situated in the eastern parts by the foothills of the Mount of Olives, about two Roman miles from Jerusalem. When Lazarus - whose name is a

Hellenized form of "Eleazar," which means "God has helped," became ill some days before the saving Passion, his sisters had this report taken to our Saviour, Who was then in Galilee. Nonetheless, He tarried yet two more days until Lazarus died; then He said to His disciples, "Let us go into Judea that I might awake My friend who sleepeth." By this, of course, He meant the deep sleep of death. On arriving at Bethany, He consoled the sisters of Lazarus, who was already four days dead. Jesus groaned in spirit and was troubled at the death of His beloved friend. He asked, "Where have ye laid his body?" and He wept over him. When He drew nigh to the tomb, He commanded that they remove the stone, and He lifted up His eyes, and giving thanks to God the Father, He cried out with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth." And he that had been dead four days came forth immediately, bound hand and foot with the grave clothes, and Jesus said to those standing there, "Loose him, and let him go." This is the supernatural wonder wrought by the Saviour that we celebrate on this day. According to an ancient tradition, it is said that Lazarus was thirty years old when the Lord raised him; then he lived another thirty years on Cyprus and there reposed in the Lord. It is furthermore related that after he was raised from the dead, he never laughed till the end of his life, but that once only, when he saw someone stealing a clay vessel, he smiled and said, "Clay stealing clay." His grave is situated in the city of Kition, having the inscription: "Lazarus the four days dead and friend of Christ." In 890 his sacred relics were transferred to Constantinople by Emperor Leo the Wise, at which time undoubtedly the Emperor composed his stichera for Vespers, "Wishing to behold the tomb of Lazarus . . ."

Reading courtesy of Holy Transfiguration Monastery / Apolytikion courtesy of Narthex Press Kontakion courtesy of Narthex Press / Icon courtesy of Athanasios Clark

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March 12th at the Emmanuel Dining Room East

Helen Doukakis sponsored the meal on Tuesday March 12th, in loving memory of her husband, Harry. We sincerely thank her for her generosity and continuing support of this

dining room! Through her charity, 125 men, women and children enjoyed a nice warm lunch. Evie Fournaris and Tina Ganiaris worked in the kitchen to help serve the meal.

The Ganiaris family will sponsor and serve the meal on Friday April 12th, in loving memory of their father, Fr. Stamos Ganiaris. All are welcome to join to help serve that

day and on the 12th of every month!

We graciously thank all the individuals and organizations who generously give of their time and charity to this dining room and ministry!

Various groups and individuals from our church donate the food and host the luncheon

meal at the 3rd and Walnut St location. New sponsors are needed to fill a few months, so if you would like to become a part of this worthy service project with your family, friends or church organization, please contact Nikkie Tsakataras at 655-2252 or Tina

Ganiaris at 764-2183 for more information.

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter!

Holy Trinity Food Pantry

To help & assist the needy of our Wilmington Metropolitan Area +

Bring your donation of canned or non-perishable foods and place in the bin by the Church office

Help us fill these bins!

Our Food Pantry Project can only succeed if you, the parishioners, continue to donate and fill our food bins. Always needed are non-perishable items such as:

Soups, fish, vegetables, meat, fruit, (any canned item), cereals, sugar, rice, pasta, cranberry sauce, baby food, coffee, tea, gravies, etc.

Any food item that will not spoil.

Thank you for your continued generous support!

“Happy are those who are concerned for the poor; the Lord will help them when they are in trouble. The Lord will protect them and preserve their lives.”

Psalms 41:1-2

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Δρ. Κώστας Γ. Φούντζουλας

Πάσχα και Easter, δύο λέξεις που σημαίνουν το ίδιο πράγμα, την μεγαλύτερη Χριστιανική εορτή, την Ανάσταση του Κυρίου Ημών Ιησού Χριστού. Ας δούμε λοιπόν γιατί στην Ελληνική γλώσσα χρησιμοποιούμε την λέξη Πάσχα, ενώ στα Αγγλικά την λέξη Easter.

Η λέξη Πάσχα προέρχεται από την Αραμαϊκή λέξη pascha, η οποία προέρχεται από την Εβραϊκή λέξη pesakh η οποία σημαίνει πέρασμα, παρέλευση. Η λέξη χρησιμοποιήθηκε από τους Εβραίους σε ανάμνηση της Δεκάτης Πληγής κατά των Αιγυπτίων, όπου σύμφωνα με την βιβλική αφήγηση, ο Άγγελος του Θανάτου προσπερνούσε τις πόρτες των Ιουδαίων της Αιγύπτου που ήταν βαμμένες με αίμα αρνιού (αμνός) και δεν θανάτωνε τα πρωτότοκά τους. Έτσι, οι Έλληνες Χριστιανοί εχρησιμοποίησαν την λέξη Πάσχα για να εκφράσουν το πέρασμα από τον θάνατο στην ζωή (Ανάσταση). Ο Χριστός είναι ο Αμνός του Θεού που μας έσωσε με το αίμα (θυσία) του από την αμαρτία και τον θάνατο.

Η λέξη Easter η οποία χρησιμοποιείται στα Αγγλικά προήλθε από την λέξη Eastre της αρχαίας Αγγλικής πρίν από το 899 Μ.Χ. Η λέξη αναφέρεται στην Γερμανική ειδωλολατρική θεά Eastre η οποία εορτάζοταν κατά την Εαρινή Ισημερία, και η οποία αναγνωρίζεται στην αρχαία Γερμανική λέξη oestaruen-Ostern στα σύγχρονα Γερμανικά. Η λέξη Eastre προέρχεται απο την λέξη oeast η οποία ως γνωστόν σημαίνει ανατολή. Αυτό δείχνει ότι αρχικά αυτή η λέξη αναφερόταν σε θεά σχετική με την αυγή. Σχετικές Ινδοευρωπαϊκές παραδόσεις λαμβάνουν χώρα με την Ρωμαϊκή θεά Αβρόρα και την Ελληνική θεά Ομηρική Ηώς ή Έως που σημαίνει αυγή. Κατ’ άλλους όμως σχετίζεται με τις εορτές προς τιμή της Βαβυλονιακής θεάς Ishtar, η Αφροδίτη των Βαβυλωνίων.

Η ημερομηνία εορτασμού του Ορθόδοξου Πάσχα καθωρίσθηκε στην Σύνοδο της Νικαίας το 325 M.Χ. Με απόφαση αυτής της Συνόδου το Πάσχα πρέπει να εορτάζεται την Κυριακή μετά την πρώτη πανσέληνο της εαρινής ισημερίας, αλλά πάντοτε μετά το Εβραϊκό Πάσχα, ούτως ώστε να διατηρείται η ακολουθία των γεγονότων της Σταυρώσεως και Αναστάσεως σύμφωνα με τους ευαγγελιστές. Το Ορθόδοξο Πάσχα εορτάζεται από περισσότερα από 250 εκατομμύρια πιστούς σ’ όλο τον κόσμο.



Dr. Costas G. Fountzoulas

These two words, Pascha and Easter ecclesiastically mean the same thing, the largest Christian celebration, and the Resurrection of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Let us see now why in Greek we use the word Pascha, while in English we use the word Easter.

The word Pascha comes from the Aramaic word pascha, which comes from the Hebrew word pesakh, which means passage, skipping, passing over, the well known Passover. This word was used by the Jewish people in commemoration of the night of the Tenth Plague of Pharaoh, when the Angel of Death saw the blood of the passover lamb on the doorposts of the houses of Hebrews of Egypt "skipped over" them and did not kill their firstborn. Therefore, the Christian Hellenes used the word Pascha to express the passing from death the life (Resurrection). Christ is the Lamb of God, who saved us with his sacrifice (blood) from the sin and death. The modern English term Easter developed from the Old English word Eastre, which itself developed prior to 899. The name refers to the goddess Eastre in Germanic paganism, who was celebrated at the Spring equinox, and has cognates in Old High German oestaruen, plural, Easter (modern German language Ostern). The Old English term Eastre ultimately derives from oeast - meaning the direction of east. This indicates it originally referred to a goddess associated with dawn. Corresponding Indo-European traditions occur with the Roman goddess Aurora and the Greek goddess (Homeric) Eos. However, other people relate the word Easter with the festivities for the goddess Ishtar, which was the Babylonian Aphrodite.

The date of Orthodox Pascha was determined by the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. According to the decision of this Synod, Pascha should be celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon of the vernal equinox, but always after the Jewish Passover, in order to maintain the sequence of events of the Crucifixion and Resurrection according to the evangelists. The Orthodox Pascha is celebrated by more than 250 million followers around the world.



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A History of the Wilmington Greek Community

This is the final installment of the brief history of our community, up to 1961, as compiled by Alexander Laskaris and Pyrrus Dellas for the Commemorative Consecration Journal. Anyone interested is sharing old photographs and memories, please contact me at 302-454-8463 or via email at [email protected]. Youth organization photos, especially group shots, are welcome. Sons of Pericles, Maids of Athena, GOYA, even the Junior Choir of the 1960s. THANK YOU to all who have shared information thus far. We have a long way to go…

We need old photos of your family’s restaurants/businesses as well. Obituaries also provide a wealth of historical family information. If you are a college student looking for Independent Study credit, please reach out to me as we can help each other. Please visit our Facebook page (Growing Up Greek in Wilmington) where people have been sharing their stories and photos for years. It is a private group, so please ask to be added via Facebook or send me your email so I can invite you to join the group.

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Thank you to following who have thus far pledged their financial commitment to the Phase II renovation project resulting in pledges of nearly half a million dollars. Please submit your donor cards as soon as possible.

Adamopoulos, Christopher & Nancy Apostolakis, Nicholas & Irene Atsidis, Kostas & Eftihia Burpulis, Maria Caras, Chris Caras, Constantine & Maria Courtis, Harry & Sophia Dandolos, Dimitri & Carol Demourtzidis, Nicholas & Daphne Demetriou, Spyros & Anna Dignam, Agnes Drimones, Clara Drimones, Nicholas Economou, George & Lena Faller, James & Catherine Gatos, Paula Gotides, Virginia Grivas, Christopher & Michelle Halakos, Demetris, Georgia & Family Halakos, Evangelos, Donna & Family Halakos, Ioannis, Effie & Family Haldas Long, Irene Hatzis, Thomas & Bing Issaris, Katherine Karakasidis, Demetrios & Eleni Karakasidis, John & Vickie Karakasidis, Maria Karakasidis, Stavroula Karakasidis, Stephanos & Evaggelia Karavasilis, Nicholas & Foula

Kayiaros, Joanna Kirtses, Petro & Athy Lawson, Michael & Vickie Logothetis, Michael Logulla, Despiona Lomis, Dean & Toula Maravelias, James & Diane Marini, Irene Markatos, Harry & Susan Matulas, Anagnostis, Angela & Family Michell, Constantine & Elaine Michell, Theodore & Catherine Michell, Vasili & Megan Moutsatsos, George & Alexia Novakis, Louis Papettas, Vasilis & Christina Pappoulis, Dimitra Pat's Pizza Psaltis, John Psaltis, Nickolas Psaltis, Thomas & Cindy Raisis, Leo & Irene Rassias, George & Amalea Rassias, Georgia X. Rassias, Jerry G. Rassias, Nicholas G. Riggins, Margaret Roussalis, John & Valerie Schillinger, Robert & Karen Skidas, Eoanna

Souleles, Nicholas & Alexis Staikos, Nicholas & Eirini Stout, Robert & Voula Tangalidis, Dimitrios & Maria Tarabicos, John & Joanne Terss, Eugenia Tsaganos, Anthony & Ioanna Tsaganos, Nicholas & Ioanna Tsaganos, Robert & Kalliopi Tsavalas, George & Yvonne Tsionas, Angela & Family Tsionas Foula & Family Valko, Regina Vassilatos, George & Yvonne Wolcott, Josiah & Paraskevi Xarhoulakos, Peter Ziccarelli, Louis & Catherine

Add Your Name Here...

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Thank you for your commitment to our Community!

Capital Campaign

To contribute, please send your donation to: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

ATTN: Capital Campaign 808 North Broom Street Wilmington, DE 19806

As of today, 64 families have pledged financial support for necessary improvements to our Holy Trinity facilities.

Phase II Building/Elevator Fund Your Capital Campaign pledge

will be welcome and appreciated!

_____ Over $20,000 _____ $20,000 _____ $15,000

_____ $10,000 _____ $5,000 _____ $2,500

_____ $1,000 _____ $500 _____ Other

Payable as follows with your check made payable to HTGOC Building Fund:

4th Quarter of 2018 $_______ 1st Quarter of 2019 $_______

1st Quarter of 2020 $_______ 1st Quarter of 2021 $_______

Print Name: __________________________________________________ Pledges to Capital Campaign/Building Fund are separate and distinct

from annual Stewardship. All Gifts are greatly appreciated and all Donors will be recognized on a permanent display in the new facility.

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162 Trays of Dolmades Done

2019 Festival Preparation will continue! Think about what Time ~ Talent ~ or ~ Treasure you can offer!

NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY - we will teach you all you need to know!! Look in weekly bulletins for Prep start dates and times!

2 0 1 9



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April 2019 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 6:30pm AHEPA Board Meeting 7pm Circle of Adult Catechesis 7pm OCF @ UD Catholic Chapel

3 12:30pm Bible Study 5:30pm Greek School 6pm Presanctified Liturgy

4 6pm Compline

5 1pm Flag Raising Ceremony, Philadelphia 7pm 4th Salutations to the Theotokos Parish Level St John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival following the service

6 JOY HOPE Fun Day, Upper Darby PA Philoptochos Bid N Buy

7 St. John Climacus

4th Sunday of Lent 8:30am Orthros/Divine Liturgy Sunday School 2pm Greek Independence Day Parade, Philadelphia, PA


9 6:30pm AHEPA Board Meeting 7pm OCF @ UD Catholic Chapel

10 12:30pm Bible Study 5:30pm Greek School 6pm Presanctified Liturgy

11 12pm Young @ Heart Gathering 6pm Compline\Great Canon of St. Andrew

12 12pm Serving at Emmanuel Dining Room 7pm Akathyst to the Theotokos

13 GOYA Lenten Retreat, St. Luke, Broomall, PA District Oratorical Festival, St Sophia, Jeffersonville, PA

14 St Mary of Egypt 8:30am Orthros/Divine Liturgy Sunday School Elementary Level Oratorical Festival


16 6:30pm AHEPA Board Meeting 7pm OCF @ UD Catholic Chapel

17 12:30pm Bible Study 5:30pm Greek School

18 7:30pm DVYC Meeting, St Demetrios, Upper Darby, PA


20 Saturday of Lazarus 8:30am Orthros/Divine Liturgy (All Day Confessions Youth only) Lenten Breakfast Community Palm folding 4pm Vespers of Palm Sunday


21 PALM SUNDAY 8:30am Orthros/Divine Liturgy Metropolitan Evangelos presiding Family Worship Philoptochos Palm Sunday Lunch 7pm Nymphios

22 Holy Monday 7pm Nymphios FAST

23 Holy Tuesday 8:45am Presanctified Liturgy 7pm Nymphios FAST

24 Holy Wednesday 8:45am Presanctified Liturgy

4pm Holy Unction

7pm Nymphios Service/Holy Unction to be distributed FAST

25 Holy Thursday Last Supper 8:30am Vespers and Liturgy 7pm Passion of our Lord FAST

26 Holy Friday 8:30am Great Hours 11am Youth Retreat 3pm Apokathelosis 7pm Lamentations FAST

27 Holy Saturday 8:30am Liturgy of St. Basil GOYA Wrap Eggs Resurrection 11pm Orthros & Liturgy FAST

28 HOLY PASCHA 11am Agape Vespers GOYA Sponsors Egg Hunt


30 12pm St. Elpida serving Emmanuel Dining Room 7pm OCF @ UD Catholic Chapel

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Απρίλιος 2019 Κυριακή Δευτέρα Τρίτη Τετάρτη Πέμπτη Παρασκευή Σάββατο


2 6:30μμ Συνάντηση Διοικ. Συμβ. ΑΧΕΠΑ 7μμ Κύκλος Κατηχήσεως Ενηλίκων 7μμ ΟΠΦ@ UD Catholic Chapel

3 12:30μμ Μελέτη Βίβλου 5:30μμ Ελληνικό Σχολείο 6μμ Προηγιασμένη Λειτουργία

4 6μμ Απόδειπνος

5 7μμ Δ! Χαιρετισμοί Ορατορικό Φεστιβάλ Αγίου Ιωάννου του Χρυσοστόμου Επίπεδο Κοινότηας μετά την λειτουργία

6 ΗΜΕΡΑ ΔΙΑΣΚΕΔΑΣΕΩςΧΑΡΑ/ΕΛΠΙΔΑ Upper Darby PA Δημοπρασία Φιλοπτώχου

7 Αγίου Ιωάννου Κλίμακος 4η Κυριακή Σαρακοστής 8:30πμ Όρθρος/Θεία Λειτουργία Κατηχητικό 2μμ Παρέλαση Ημέρας Ανεξαρτησίας Philadelphia, PA


9 6:30μμ Συνάντηση Διοικ. Συμβ. ΑΧΕΠΑ 7μμ ΟΠΦ@ UD Catholic Chapel

10 12:30μμ Μελέτη Βίβλου 5:30μμ Ελληνικό Σχολείο 6μμ Προηγιασμένη Λειτουργία

11 12μμ Συνάτηση Αειθαλών Νέων 6μμ Απόδειπνος\Μέγας Κανών Αγίου Ανδρέου

12 12μμ Σερβίρισμα στο Emmanuel Dining Room 7μμ Ακάθυστος Ύμνος

13 Απόστρση Σαρακοστής GOYA Άγιος Λουκάς, Broomall, PA Ορατορικό Φεστιβαλ Περιφέρειας St Sophia, Jeffersonville, PA

14 Οσία Μαρία η Αιγυπτία 8:30πμ Όρθρος/Θεία Λειτουργία Κατηχητικό Ορατορικό Φεστιβάλ Επιπέδου Δημοτικού


16 6:30μμ Συνάντηση Διοικ. Συμβ. ΑΧΕΠΑ 7μμ ΟΠΦ@ UD Catholic Chapel

17 12:30μμ Μελέτη Βίβλου 5:30μμ Ελληνικό Σχολείο

18 7:30μμ Συνάμτηση DVYC , Άγιος Δημήτριος, Upper Darby, PA


20 Σάββατο του Λαζάρου 8:30πμ Όρθρος/Θεία Λειτουργία (Εξομολόγησις μόνο νέων όλη την ημέρα) Σαρακοστιανό Πρωϊνό Κοινότητας , Δίπλωμα Σταυρών 4μμ Εσπερινός της Κυριακής των Βαίων


21 ΚΥΡΙΑΞΗ ΤΩΝ ΒΑÏΩΝ 8:30πμ Όρθρος/Θεία Λειτουργία Ο μΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΊΤΗς εΥΆΓΓΕΛΟς Πρωτοστατεί στην Οικογενειακή Λατρεία Γεύμα Βαίων Φιλοπτώχου 7μμ Νυμφίος

22 Μεγάλη Δευτέρα 7μμ Νυμφίος ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ

23 Μεγάλη Τρίτη 8:45 μμ Προηγιασμένη Λειτουργία 7μμ Νυμφίος ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ

24 Μεγάλη Τετάρτη 8:45πμ Προηγιασμένη Λειτουργία

4μμ Ιερόν Ευχέλαιον

7μμ Ακολουθία Νυμφίου/Διανομή Ιερού Ευχελαίου ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ

25 Μεγάλη Πέμπτη Μυστικός Δείπνος 8:30πμ Εεπσερινός και Λειτουργία 7μμ τα Πάθη του Κυρίου ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ

26 Μεγάλη Παρασκευή 8:30πμ Μεγάλες Ώρες 11ππ Απόσυρση Νεολαίας 3μμ Αποκαθήλωσις 7μμ Επιτάφιος ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ

27 Μεγάλο Σάββατο 8:30 πμ Λειτουργία Αγίου Βασιλείου Τ’υλιγμα Αυγών από την GOYA Ανάστασις 11μμ Όρθρος & Λειτουργία ΝΗΣΤΕΙΑ

28 ΑΓΙΟ ΠΑΣΧΑ 11μμ Εσπερινός Αγάπης Ανεύρεση Αυγών, Χορηγός GOYA


30 12 μμ St. Elpida σερβίρει Emmanuel Dining Room 7μμ ΟΠΦ@ UD Catholic Chapel

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Wilmington, DE 19806



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