VOLUME XV. HOME ECONOMICS EDITION BOZEMAN, MONTANA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1924 ALUMNAE OF THE HOME ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT OF THE MONTANA STATE COLLEGE The Home Economics Club plans to pui out two News Letters to the Alumnae of the deparhnent each year. A the first letter for this year the club is sending you this special issue of 'l'he Exponent, with the best of good wishes ror the New Year. Economics Club of Montana State College Affili ated State and National Association. NUMBER 12 1 1 State Extension Staff 1 Holds Annual Meeting Miss FRANKS IN I INTERESTING FEATURES INCLUDED IN PROGRAM FATAL A rr1nENT . Entire State College Faculty l.JlJ Assembled on Campus for Special Meeting.

HOME ECONOMICS EDITION VOLUME XV. …arc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-015-12-001...Circulation Mn.nager noted, however, that only those w h o ditions of th e Ettate. are

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The Home Economics Club plans to pui out two News Letters to the Alumnae of the deparhnent each year. A the first letter for this year the club is sending you this special issue of 'l'he Exponent, with the best of good wishes ror the New Year.

Economics Club of Montana State College Affiliated State and National Association.



1 State Extension Staff

1 Holds Annual Meeting



FATAL Arr1nENT . Entire State College Faculty l.JlJ Assembled on Campus for

Special Meeting.


-----THE W££KL Y EXPO N£NT11 BATTING I AN H~'1~:,~;:=.s~~:~ERENCE ~~le!jc;a--~,..,"""'~•i:sSSC!t!-~-~~:!':l~~~~~~i!ltl~-"~'t'91••-··~=-~~""""'~


Pus~d~~~s e~~rrh:~M~~~~n~1 J~tec~~ife~%~f t'lre t8~i~~ft;~1!~:na~e FQR ELI a ~~~1~:~0:~ ;;;~s 1~e~~n~=~Yn:~d5ef~: Fl d Pl Bozeman, :Montana I tht? time when the College invites nll ower an a t

Acceptance for mailing at special rate of posta:re provided for in Section I inter .. ted men and women of the n s 1103, Act of October 3, 1911, authorized February l 7. 1919. HOOS HOO state to a week of meetin~'· The pur-

STArF I --- pose of the prorrram~ i~ to ~iYe the The Home Economic~ Department men nnd womf'n suggc~tiom; and in-

«PECIA L HOME ECONO~llUS EXPO 'EJ\T STAFF I's so strongly impartial that 1t 1s un- formation whieh they cnn take back Helen Chase \Yalter, '24 . Editor-in-Chief willing to select any ind1vid unl to to their home eommunitie!' thereby Thelma :!':t-wkirk, ·24 .Assistant Editor feature in this column. \Ve have improving the farm and home con-

Circulation Mn.nager noted, however, that only those wh o ditions of the Ettate. are particularly outstanding on the No stone is left unturned to secure


lanQohr's Greenhouse ~tore lS Eaai Main St. Octcvia ~larquis. '2!i

.Mar~aret ConklinS!, ·2.i REPORTERS

_Businei's Manager campus have been ''hooted.'' But it the best possible speakers !or this is bard to state one's perference for occassion and J\.fontana has heen un-~-·~~~~-"~""-~

Ella Clark, Helen Waite, Alice tranahan, :\fury Baldwin, Hazel lfcNall rnzzberries when one uses Mc.Bin's usually successful in thi!"'t respect. Lnst ;;:;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;::;:;::;;:;::;:;;;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;:;:;::;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:~ insn't it Dode? Now we might men-

1 year Miss .Isabel ~evier, one of the I

The Home Ecoiiomics Department of Montana State College ;icn Corp. but l11s lifr, habits and I foremost figures m the Home E eo­wishe· to extend a wish for a Happv New Year to a ll the Depart- characteristics wei e so realistically /nomics world, was the chief speaker

' s · ~ A W repictcd in the S. A. E. tunt that our on the women's program. This year m en ts of the College, to t~e Student , and to t h e lumnae. e feeble attempt would not even place I two out•tanding women have been think that the new year will hold only as much for ,each of us as third. (Corp. you ain't lookin' well. secured. Dr. Caroline Hedger, of Chi­we put into it, and that happiness comes as a result of the view we Us Home Ees recommend a diet eon- eago, and Miss Mary E. Sweeney, Ex-1 entertain on life. The coming three hundred and sixty-five days sisting chiefly of egg< nnd a Kiddie- eeutive Secretary of t he American !. will be new because thev are the Present and the Future. Therefore Kar to help you keep up the pace.) ·Home Economics AsMc!ation. . I

. ~ . . · Another difficulty we hesitate to g ive I Dr. Hedger needs no introduction to our wish for a H~ppy New Y~ar IS that you may ha\e a view on evidence of cattiness by discussing many in Montana since this will be life such as will give you h11ppmess throughout the whole of 1924. a Co-ed, so Sol you have escaped her third visit to the state. Jn the

again. But why should we tell your summer of 1921 she \\"as in Bozeman This is "Farmers' W eek." The representatives attending the j secrets, you always do it your.elf. I for a week of lectures and in the •um-. · d · I d t 11 mer of 1922 •he attended two Ex-meetmg are guests of the college for the time an are ent1t e o a . -- t · c f w · R" hi d · · T I ~ow that the rhemi~try slaug-htet ens1on amps or omen m 1c an

t he courtesies shown the Vocatwnal Congress del~gates. h con- i• ow•·. the great w~iry i;, will Saint and Valley Countie•. Dr. Hedger's ference is held under the auspices of '.he Extens10n Departm~nt. / Peter have the same "ntiancc course· specialty is Nutri.Uon and she is con-

Don't Forget All the new li.il8 in Victor Records now go on sale \'reekly instead of monthly.

New Hits Every Day IN SHEET MUSICS

Come in we will gladly play them for you either sheet music or on record.

ORTON BROS. The Home Economics Department will co-operate by sernng ___ s1dered the best informed and ablest lunches for the visitors each day. In conjunction with the two Eh is plea--.cl to henr that the Sigs: speaker in the country on 1.hi• sub- EVERYTHING IN MUSIC: congresse" for high school students, which have proved so well gaw another house party durin1< the', 1ect b.·oth .from the theoretic~! ~nd 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · , · . · . · • c.old snap, and that thP gtll'St~ w~rC' pi "ctical stdP~. Dt. Herltrer v.,11 give worth while, Farmers \Veew 1s a pa1 t of ou1 share of the I e- all rerf""tlv comfortabk ·two lectures daily, r.11 of which are spon~ibility for a better Montana. The\• wo~ld be since there were I open to the nublic.

I pient; of arminl!" blanket--. 'lis. Mary K Sweeney is one of JUST RECEIVED A FLOCK OF

CREED FOR HOME ECONOMICS No, that was wrong George, it wa'jthc most charming- and able speakers HOCKEY STJC'U'S anny blankets. that our Colleg-e community bas had I.~

I the Clpportunity o! hearing in some time. She is spoken of by her co-By Ellen H. Richards (1842-1911)

Founder of the Home Economics Movement Home Economics stands for­

Bee: "l suppose you danre '!'' Ve'rna: "Yes, I love to.'' B<.'e: "Well then let's lov<'." l

workers in Home E conomics a~ the "Bigge8t, Jittle Woman in thp field." She is the first to fill the position Tbe ideal home life to today unhampered by the traditions of past.

The utilization of the resources of modern science to improve the Metc"lf (in exam): "How do you of Executive Secretary of the Ameri­

can Home Economics Association and make it. I Montana is one of the first states to

home life. make hash?" H. E. F'rosh: "You don't

The freedom of the home from the dominance of things and their It accumulates." due ubordination t o ideals.

That simplicity in material surroundings which will free the spirit Wouldn't 1l be grand, Peg, for the more important and permanent interests of the home I Ye.ar'• came once a week~ and of society. Molly: "Ted'~rthday

I be officially Yi sited. Miss Sweeney will tnlk twice on Tuesday afternoon

if New \ at 1:00 to 2:15 on "The 11ome Mnker •and the Business World," in Room 209 I A!""icultural Hall and at the General

comes ! Ses~ion at 4 :00 p. m .. in the Asq_embly •urprise '1 Hall on the "Reinterpreting the Re­to sug-~ ~pon!liibility of Our Farm Home~.''.

Complete programs for the week j'Tell him how old yot. j may be seeured at the offi ce of the

--j- - - this m~nth. I would like to HEALTH PROBLEM ON HmlE ECONOMIC him. Have you anything

Home Economics Extension Depart- ,


I Cu~y:

I ment or of Miss Branegan. Present System of Co-operation The Home Economics work of M. are."

Between Students and College IS. C. i• not confined to the residence . to annO\lnt:(' that R esults in Epidemic Control. eaching of the campus bus includes I Eh .would like

al~o tht? Extension Department whose there W<'re two ba,ketball gam.- . H0,1E ECO 0..VllCS CHAIRMAN OF

The health of the ~tudent body is work it is to carrv the teachings of I Saturday night. We won bot!. INLAND E~PJRE TEACHERS

a bi~ prohl<'m on all college rampuses the C·'llege to inie.rested people. over ga.mf'S. ASSOCIATION

and )£. S. C. prides itself in having a the state. In the extension division • system which judging from result~ of the college the women's work has DeHart: 0 "\\'"hat's the matter, Miss Braneg-an was elected chair-is ~uperior to the averag-e. Epidemics alway~ received its due proportion of I f~l~s? One m~ tame over from man of the Horne Economirs Section wh1ch have closed schools such as, supp<"'t and it has had a very sub- LtYm~ston and nas more pep than all of the Inl and Empire Teachers asso­"\Vashing-ton ~tate and ~loscow th~~ I gtantial development. I thp stu?ents" h.ere.'' , l'intion, which meets in Spokane t he fall are practically unknown on this 1 At pre~ent the staff includes six Mashm: \es, but look what hes first week in April. of each year. This campus. The "flu11 was prevalent on\ ~tatt• :!nd ~(:Ven County worker~. They had." meeting will doubtless be of unusual th. · 1918 1819 d ti H I interest to Ilome E conomics women, is eam!'us >n - an ie 0 '."e are all regular members of the facul- 1 . Econom1es Departhmen~ was Ttuh~ned 1dn- ty, although they do most of their Be yourc::;eJf, Mashm, & vourself! as the fir~t meeting of the newly or-to an emergency osp1tal. i s ma e I work off the campus. J --- --- J?anized Inland Empire Region of the apparent a need for a ~atisfactory, S k B How did you enjoy the Elks' Mas- American Home Economics associa-. . The tate workers who ma e oze- H t· ·11 t t th t" scientific health prog-ram. (

1 1 querade, arry? 1on w1 rnee a e same 1me.

The present system is a co-opera- I man the1~ headquarters are as o - II --- The western regions of the A. H. th·e one between the coJlege and the I low~: :\It~~ Anna M. Turley, "':ho Agaard says he wa~ so tired he E. A. were not well grouped for meet-student~. The colleJ?e pays a salary has been _State Home Dernonstr~\.~t~n

1 looked that way wa' all. ing purpoges nnd it was at Miss Bran-

and furnishes quarters for the col- Leader smee Ja~uary, l!l2l; · 159 egan's i;tug~estion, while councillor of

dollars( $2.00) per quarter into a De~onstration Leader. M1"s Lottie During the month of December all Inland Empire Region was organized

Jege nurse. The students pay two I Blanche Le~, A<sistant St~te Home NEW EXTENS!O:\' QUARTERS the West Central Region, that the new

health fund which is used to pay all M~iarn, Home Mana.gement S~ec1alrnt; the members of the Extem~ion Divis- so as to make a meeting possible. Miss medical bills incurred by students on ~1S:S Ine~ La Bossier, CJothmg Spe- ion with the exception of two or three Braneg-an has completed arrangements a pro-rated basi~. The proportion has I c1~l~Sti Mis~ l\.~artha Ma_e Hunt.er, ~u- subjeet matter speeialistg moved into for the prPsence of Miss Leta Bane, never fallen below 80 per cent. JOO trition Spceiahst, and Jlhss Emily Lm- the new headquarters, the old Biology executive seeret.ary of the A. H. E. per cent was paid for the three quart- I hoff, Assistant State Boys' and Girls' building. Considerable work had pre- \ A., and for Mrs. Grace Wilmot, con­ers last year. I Club Leader. viously been done on the buildim: to I sultmg decorator, from New York

All sickness must he reported to the The Home Demonstration Agents make it very modern and comfortable. City. to take part on the Spokane nurse, and she authorizes all expendi- who work in the counties are as fol- The :q,acc released io the Agricul- pro(?ram. tures out of the health !und. All bills I !ow.: Miss Alberta Borthwick, Cas- tural building is beinj(" made good use ---------must be paid by the students, then cade Co.; Miss Doris Ingram, Still- of by the Agricultural and Home Eco- Miss Lila Harken•, for a number of turned in by the end of ench quarter Water Co.; Mrs. Bess Snyder Spar- nomics people. The farm manage- years in charge of the Home E conom­for approval and refund. When it i!' row, Lewi~ and Clark Co.; Mrs. Inez ment office has been moved in from ic~ Department at M. S. C., is spend~ realized that bills for emergency op- Foster Bell, Yellowstone Co.; Miss the south Barrie ks and consirlerable inf,\' the winter in Los Angeles. She erations totaling two hundred and fif-1 Jessie Marion , Richland Co., and Miss Rpace has been turned over to the attended Columbia for one sernister ty dollars ($250) are paid and that Gertrude Hoffman, Rosebud Co. The Federal Board men. ]Mt year. there has been only one quarter with-1 first three named are graduates of =================='==-==-========= out such an operation, the value of tl1e Home Economics Department of our health system can he appreciated. I M. S. C. In addition there are now

The health fund is, in fact, a <le- , two County Club Leaders, Miss Mar­s it nrnrie by the student insuring thn Eader, Big Horn Co., and Mrs.

funds against a time when he mny be I Mae Thomas of Fergus Co. Many ill. It a~~ures his credit and is most graduates, in fact a total of sixteen, highly satisfactory to local physicians. have entered the Extension field in All medical cases are taken care of this and other states. Three of this very efficiently and sati sfactorily at number are now state clothing spe-the Deaconess Ho!rlptal. ialists, Esther Bell Cooley in Oregon, l

Irene Piedalue in Kentucky, and Aza-Miss Anna M. Turley resigned as lea Linlield in South Dakota.

State Leader last June and was mar-ried in October to Mr. Glenn C. Cart- Miss Emily Linboff has been at her I er, state chemist of Indiana. They home in Shokapee, Minn., since leav­are making their home in West La- ing the Extension Service la•t Sep-Fai·ette, Indiana. tern ber.

Everything for the Student AT R EAL VALUES


Phillips Book Store ~'l'UDIDl'JJI ll!VPPblH


Tuxedos that you'll


College Special











I Marke~J?~~':o~-~rices I Army and Navy Clearing House ~~~

HOWARD'S Do You Skate?




$25.00 TO $40.00


Stetson Haia

Don't Be Penny Wise or Dollar Foolish





Farrells Clothes Shop I


Fraak FarreH J . H. Diekaoll


IMiss Cooley 1 Working for

Masters Degree


l the dub.

At the October meeting Miss Lei­by, of the H. FL Gossard Company, gnve a very intcrt-~ting demonstration on corsets.

The No,~ember metting inctuJed re-Vcra Gallaher, '22, and :Mr .. James I technk Jn1"titute, was a dinner guest ports on swnmer projects. and Miss

Bo•worth were m&rried at the bride's at the Ome"·a Bet.a House Sunday. First Graduate Student in Home :\!able Campbell, Regional Home Eco-E R I Economics Doing Masters j · A t t lked f 1 · home in Boicman by the Rev. · . · Bob Walter left Monday 'or Rapalji, Work in Nutrition. nomics gen • t a · k 0 d ie

1r. ex_~etnd-f:urry, Decernber !30. After a trip I Montana, whc•re he tdll teach in the ences m proJec '~or . an ~· VIH'U ."

to Spokane:· and other we.,.tern points, high school I J commended the glrl.s m their selection Mr: and Mrs. Bosworth will be at J The Sig~a Chi's who were in town~ . Tu.e. Hom: Economics Departru~nt of projects. . . I home l·n "'-'i'spell Mrs Bo•worth is te t . ed t h t t D 'lS proud this year to h:ivt cnraLE I :Uary Baldwin and Al1"e Graham . A.AJ • • • I en r am a a ouse par y a on } . . . d . a member of Iota Delta. sorority. Anderson's cabin

0 Cottonwood. 1

xts fu·st ca_nd1date for an advan, e were sent as represe~tatives t? ~he . . R E . E .25 and Leon-j P degree. Euzab oth Cooley who re- State Home Econonncs Association

ard A. Swan, '231 :vere ma.i.·rJ hy, New Year's party at her home Tues- in 1922 is V.'.>rking0

for an !\1.. S. C. Thefr reports were given at the !\o~ Lillian · 'er~. x. · 1 .ed b Mona Frazier was hostess at a small I ceived her B. S. de!?"ree from Cornel1 meeting held at Butte in October I

the. Rev. 1:· P. Smtlh at the ,Alp a I day evo.,in>( .. January L oejl'l'ce doing her major work in n;.: vember meeting. l\1is~ Fallgatter gave

0 f f .. h most The Zeta Kanpa girls entertamed at . trition and taking her mmors m interes ting facts concerning the Na-Omicron Pt house, Saturday e"\;emng, . . ' . . I

ecember ?2. nly a ew o . e I d' N y ' d j I intimate f;iends of the couple were mn~r 1 ew. ear 5 ay. bacteriology and ~ucation.. tional Organization of Phi U. • t After a brief trip, :l!r. and M1<s Carhe Reddout •pent a part . ;Interesting ll'h<"'lS I The club presented the department I ~~-e~ · .. ··n b t home in Living- of he:- vacation in Anaconda visiting ?.1iss Coo1eS•'s t hesis con3ists of a with a large framed pictqre of Ellan

: n. ·-:'1

411: ~an ~.,~a memher of Sig- the .Misses Galligher. dietary surYey in three ~tate insti- 1 H. Richards, which now hangs at the ston. ~ r . • ~w 1 • .., .


. . . . . Ch" f!;""ta Epsilon w:~h~ tf) aonounce tut1Gns. 1. c. l\Iontana State Hosprtal. head of the stairs on the second floor ~--~~~~'---'---'-~--------~---------"'"" ma 1• f h' the pledgin« of Cecil McGuin of for the Insane at Warm dpdngs, of Agricultural building. The meet- ING .\ 'D DESIGNING CLASS Arthur Sear~ spPnt mo~t o l!i va- , . . . . . h . home in Bozeman. \foor~: and Frank Collins, of Great State P'fub:.:.n·ulosis $anit.ori~m at mgs o! the cl~b are mte~esting and m- Students rn Thi~ c~.ur!llE." Design anc1 ~lake a Large Variety of Cost um cation at is Falls. Galen, and the State SclioJJ for the structive besides affordmg an oppor- Cou rne ls Handled by M:~s Agn~ Hutchison.

Miss Beatri~e Fi~ch1 came to Boz~- "Brick" Supple has returned from Dea~ and Elintl a.t Boulder. :=:,i.:e spent tunity for more unified action among

. This

man frop. H •en~ tr• atten.'I the El s J . pc!'din1< the holidays at his home in a week in re•idence at each of the the Home Economics students of ~!. J;<.;STITuTIO:": O.\L M \N .\GE)IE~'f I masquera?e o~ ~ew Years eve: v Pn,..i"7ic Jcnction. Iowa. nb0ve institutions gatlu-rin1 ~ 11er datR S. r::. I,

PHI UPSILO" O'!lCRQ~; Floyd Newkirk spent part of hJs a- while she comp!etes her work at the I The Home Demonstration Agents, cation vi~iting friends in ~utte. Mr~. A. H. Sales and Mrs. L. A. college. Similab studiE'!': h~we been who work in the counties are as fol- ?Ia~y more p~op!e arc living in in- EJ sil<>n chapter O.l uui l 1>si.lon A nun her 0 +" he RPta Epsilon boyR Sal.es were hostesses Monda~ to th~ made in several nther stat... lows: ltlrf.:,. ]ne~ Fo::;ter Bell, Yellow- sbtut1onds now than th.ere were a Ir.- 111 .on, nat1,.1n:d ~ nft>-"~Olh1. lo 1e entertained at a fireside party ~atur- active chapte~ of Alpha 0~1cron Pt Animal Fee<lin~ Bxperiment ~tone County; ?Ilise:: Je5sie Marion fe\\ yp~;:-3 ago, and 1.t is necessary ..... ... n1~mlC's. i1at.ern.1ty, w ~ 11 1 <..t~ul+ d day evening, Dece_mber 22. ~t~s1c for at th~ for1!1er s home on ~lam ~tr-~e~. . ' rhjs quarter l\fiss Cooley, under I RJC.·hland County; 1?::.s Jessie Marion, t~~t tha; cornmumty lnnng have, be- 1rn tne ... ~l~~ta.na !'tdte Lollc·{e c 11

111-dancing was furmsbed by radio. .wla~e KetrheII wa.s he1e for~ '1s1t th1.,, trijrn....+io,.., <..f 'fj~.,. ).f.etc.:iH. ~SI son. ValleY Countv; Miss Jessie Adcr.:1

~H.(' the eff1c1cJwy .:in<l PC1'':10m). a' I n .. ~ .1 I Si ·1 th~ ... time I .1s. A few of the Sigma AJp.ha Epsilon 'j wit~ hls pare~ts durmg the hohdays. cnn·ym~ on wme nutrition experi- 1 Roseoud Councy. ·1 here are two coun-1 ·l'Uc.: n o~ the hnm1•Iil:t~ cb:ractnr as ' ~1dt: iv rcJ at '" 1 • ,r .. o t1e ~·r· boys entertained c.o-ed fnends at a He t~ a c~emist for the .Great. ~est- mf'nt~ b~f feeding rats. The ~tarting ty <-Jul> leaders, Mrs. ~ay Thoma~. of pos~1bk·: To t!1i5 1..•"1d ~chovJs of H< :ne I ,· s .... . dinner party Sunday, December 30. I ern _Sugai HP~·t f'<'mpany at B1llm~s. of this type ~r work wiil hel p the I :F\.· rus Counly and l\hss Marth .. "\ R"d - Ec"·nor.1 ,·s 311 OYl r t>:~ country arc I Hi .. J i t' e ... Mr. H.J. Ulrich, coach and profes- Pt Beta Phi anounees the pledgmg Honte I g ' nfrlr "'2;' In~·1n1tirrnn! !\1anagement 'Ih.P t -:g~1 :i'.a ·, hol.!: at ... ~J'-'1 Eo':\nomics Depa.,.trnent to er~ uf Big Horn County. ~or of Biology at the Billingfs Poly- of ~laude MeNett. maitnain its place among the best of Mrs. J. R. Campbell

1 the first Home Cour~cs to their students, who ri~h .l"1e.-; c~i .crtarned ,·!~itmr,; H mt. E1·0-

Tellacco Mag.a:zilles Lunclles


We serve regular meals and short orders See u.s about your party lunch

Montana State College Bozemm1, Montana

Courses are offered in Architectural, Civil, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, in _Agriculture and its Various Branches, in Applied Science and in Household and Industrial Arts.

Five New Buildings are now Being added w the equipment of Montana State College. A school with a wonderful campus, extensive equipment and competent faculty; with a fine student spirit, in a town of finest environments.


Alfred Atkinson, President Bozeman, Montana

lANfi'S EXCLUSIVE SHOES Is the 11laee to buy your ahoes fer style ami

wear-shoes and rubbers of all kinds



Owenbouse Hardware Co.





Yellow Bus Line Solve Your Tr.ansportation Problems

rn.ne 3-1-4-W

try. Demonstration Agent in Montana, is to ~it themseh-e~ fo ... di;ecti~g dnrm'.- : . •. i(~, 1vume ... n . A~ ont 1 1t~ ic.i'"'s .... with her huflbanod in Berkley, Cali- tones. lunch-rooms, ca.leter1a, hosp1- •t..n ... 1 , nde Lakmg~ llU1 nl.{ U-e l J.St

HOME ECONOMICS fornin, th1• year where the latter is ta! food department•, etc. four :;ears, the local chaN<'" !tfts

I It is intere~ting to note that now 1.aintamed a "=i.::hol:trship fo · ~ome

CLUB ACTIVITIES domg graduate work. · the Amtrican H0tel ~.Jen's Associa-1 wr.u-thy Home Econ m~ics stu<lC'nt.

tion has recognized thei:;e courses and !\ione!'o- for this schola1sl11p has tcPn The Home Economics Club of Mon- HOME ECO. ·o~HCS SENIORS j many hotels are taking these •tu - .htaincd through doughnut '"!es.

tana State College was organized in COO PERA fE WITH dents into their hotols for experience Also. Phi U. n:emhoro haYe been ;,c-1895. The local club is affiliated with ' HO!lTTClJlfI'URE DEPARTMENT work. !Jve in campaitmin~ for funds a national organization which gh·es lj --- • • . Two years a~o the Horne Economics for the Executi\-e Secretary of opportunity for broader intrests and The raisin~ of s trawberries m Bit- Depa1·tment at Montana State started the American Hom e Ec:onomics As-accomplishments. The object of the I ter Root is assuming considerable im- such a department, so that now junior ""1<"iation and in sub~cribing- to the club is to develop a profess ional spir- port.a.nee as a commercial enterprise. and senior s tudents may elect sub- Ellen ,V. Richard'c; J.tcmorial Pund. it among the members; to bring the As more ben·ies are g'rown than can, jects which, ·with some additional ex- The active chanter has the i'lllow­!ltudents in closer touch with the great- be marketed ir:1 the fre~h state. ~he,. perience in the heal field. which they :n~ membership· Lillian Iares, er organizations of Home Economics; problem of their preserving quahttes choose, will fit them for this work. president, Alice Gr3ham, vice-prcsi­and to keep in touch with the current is of importance. l\liss M. Maxwell, house director iiJr.nt, Eazcl . 'c::\al!. chaplain, Ruth topics of the Home Economics world. I There seem~ :o be considerable dif- of Hamilton Hall, has charge of this Da\'idson, treasurer~ Hden V,"..,,lte, Te--

Regular meetings are held the last I ference of opm1on among the gro:v- wor~. She is .a graduate of the Un.i- (Ording secretary, Ethel Spargo, col'­Thursday of every month. Any stu- ers as t:r the advantage of the dif- ver~ity of Minnesota and Columbia responding secretary Ella Cfa.rk, his­dent registering in Home Economics I fe'nnt ,·arieties especia1ly in regard University and has had varied ex- torian.

J automatically becomes a member of I to the one c.r. op and everbearing kind~ . pcriences in dormitories, school dining I 'fhp. •nmna.P mt mllC"rs of Epsi.lon 1


l\Ir. Harrington, Professor of Horti- hallf', cafeteria and hospitals. which I cha!'·"· 'lre'. ~~C'<l.?·3 !I:?.ll, Ad .. Pcrr­culture of :\lontana Stat_e C'.-0llege, are e~pccially fitting for this work. .·t!'ch<- . Gl:-,dys Whitacre Cowgill, asked the oHme Economics Depart- H amilton Hall i~ used as a labora- HP1cn Tripp Davis. Henrietta ~to0bus.

FASHION Barber Shop


I ment if it would be possible for exact tory- 3 gr<:at many improvements Etta Haynes, Gencv;eve Hall, Pearl

I e~o.perimental work ~o be done to have been made in the Hall which be- Beuuc:h..:'lmp, .:\Iarjorio Burgess (r,o!e7, 1

help settle the ~uest1on. It was nr- sides makin,: it more homelike and Benlah Haller Co~k, G('orgin. K?mtt

I ~anged last sp'rtnl?'. to have~ t~~o sen- 1 more cificier.,t and enabling the stu-

1 :\ · ~·$ ad<l:n, Azalia T ... infield, Alice "'.fo-

1ors, Tht::lma Newknk aP.d ~ elhe Ref-1 denfr t'1 c!;~erve g-ood methods and I ror.e Far1es MyrUe Kuhns. Irene Ah-

l snes. do this work during the sum- different types of equipment. rahar.if.:,on, Ruby Hr.dnkiss, .!\li"'.mie mer as their thesis. Take for instance the work in rook- F.llan )farq~:i!=5 Hastings, Louise

G•t Tour Supply •f Glo Co ftere 1 Bf'rrfos were shipned in two crate ery, the tsudents in the class must i::tone ~hunk, MildrP:d Forrest, Myrtle 'i loh .rrom the Pxpr.rirnent ~t.a.tion in first prepare food in qu::mtity without lI(' 7li: r, T~oe ~luntzer. Jessie Wil-

J. B. :NEIL, Proprietor Bitter Root and t.hl:Se younQ' women labor saving rnarhir..es for there are li-'m~ Limbert, Vera Ila'rris Ecton, F' Cla &arbers CHnn+:-d, pr?Sen·ed, fi nd made jam un- many institutions which do not have 'fnrie Waterman Harper, :Mary Kret-

1 int-81

Phou 461

_J I der as near!;• standard conditions as I them and they must know what to lo"' Cal'lson, Ruby Stahlford, Dor<>-


Baths wero possible. The last shipment of do in this case. After this if you took th.- Dean, and A lice Moody. "-----------------' the everbearing berries arrived early a peep into one of these classes you Eosilon chapter is very fortun~t~ == in October. The pl'oducts were judg- would see the girl on potatoes wheel this year in ha,~n!( with them Mis.s

ed in Decembi!r, P.nd while it ;s felt out the humble spuds from a root 'I Florence Falll"atter, natinal secr6· ! that the experimen t should be re- cellar whichc i• constructed exactly tary of Phi Upsilon Omicron. I s d peated to veriiv the results befo're according to the specicfications of the

I tu en ts! 1 drfinit~ conc'usions are drawn. yet department of horticulture, put the111 HOME ECONOMICS 'ome Ye"y marked differences we1·e into the electrically run potato-peeler, 11 AT,U:llN.\E DINNER

'1 ap!larC'nt. cook them and then mash them in the ---10 poc eeAt Disceuat on y•ar The Food River berr;es were uni- electric machine. Another would make The home economics alumnae met

Sk•e Repairing fonnh' the b•st, the Dunlan. the one nine cakes very quickly in the •ame I at their second annual dinner on Mon-1 cron be1'ry fr~m the Bitter R:<>ot, wa~ I mixer, and mix the rolls for ~inner. I day e\rening of commencement week


I next b"'t, while the e,·erbeannl( were Another would chop the hash rn the last ,June. The dinner was very :>t-

champlO• n Shoe Shop the lea.,_t .atisfactory for canni~g and I ~ew _electric chopper, mix salad dress- tract~vely served by the Junior in t~e t f•'re~erv1n!?'. However. the fruit cro!') I mg m the mixer and prepare some cJothm!? laboratorv. Covers were laid

I of the everb"arinC?s yielded quite an, ice-cream which would be frozen in for forty-eight, ail being alumnae or 211 E. Main accentable product. the new power freezer with ice crush- Seniors with the •xception of the pres-

ed by a crusher attached to the same ent and past faculty members of tho 1,-..--------------- motor. d•partment. }Ii" Branegan called ================1 EYES GLASSES They would not be able to wash the thP roll n~ nll ;}:e graduates and TESTED FITTED clishe• by machine for as yet they have Myrtl• Kuhns read the responses from

not the fund~ for one. However th<'~· those ahmn'ae '' 'io could not be pres-NEW ARRIVALS IN I j E ~·E~s do scrub and wax the floors with a ent, but had written. President and f\ 1)~ l) machine. Mrs. Atkin~on look• ·Ll in upon the I w· t Ox£ d . . , I The course in Marketing of Food group and the president gave a few

I ID er Or S OPTICAL I' .ARLOM ' and Equipment is a most interestinl!' words of greefo11!' f:on"'" "ere sung Entraaee i one. The Bozeman hus~ness m~n h~ve and after voting to have the dinn~r re-

d Sli SJeeialty Beot Sbop been more than kind m contrtbutmg peated next commencement all ad-an Ppers their trade knowledge to the courrn. journed to the president's reception BltOKBN LENS:M The Restaurants and Bakeries have at Hamilton hall. Miss Alice Moody

PROMPTLY llJ:PLAC1ilD been more gracious about receiving was elected chairman for this present classes and showing their equipment. year. And the Bozeman Deaconess Hospital

100/o Discount '\

$5.35 .. $8.50

11 Werk Gllllraatffll

Specialty Boot Shop ji LANDIS sHos KBPAllt

Qulhy ""*-•d ftosiery lj _____ !_H_or _____ ~

takes in students who wish to spe- THE HOME LIVJNG COURSE cialize in hospital dietetics for prac- LOCAL PHYSICIANS LECTURE tice work.

Students who are able to take trips have been taken to towns like Spokane for observation on institutions, my Miss Maxwell.

The course is still young, but even now there are some of our graduates doing institutional work and doing it well.


The Home Living Course was start ed three years ago at the recom­mendation of DeAn Una B. Herrick, and it has done much to bring about a nnity of thought and action among the campus womE"n concerning many fundamental QU~tions. The course include" many lectureo by local phy­«rions on health and related sub­iects. Mrs. McCra). the college nurse, ~l so lectures. Every two weeks the girls are wejghed and are taught the

1· Miss Gladys Branegan, chairman of relation of diet to health. P ersonal

the Home Economic" Department, and expense account hook are kept and Miss Blanche Lee, state leader of checked every two weeks. Thi s is a Home Demonstration, and Miss Helen method of assisting the girls to spend Jones, formerly of the Gallatin Coon- their nllowances more wisely. All ty Hi!!'h School were the ~!ontann freshment women are enrolled in this representatives at the ational Home t.·our~P .


I i

Kramer's Cale and Banquet Hall

~h•r lot BM!queta sened f8r eilllegt orga11ii',1ltions lliuciq J•t .U.re year.

'lltu.ki-. Y•• fer !me past faven we wili be &'lad te l!fll"H :YH ap:ia.

»A 'fE JUtAMlllt, rI'Oll.

Economics Convention held in Chi-cago the first week in At1gu~t. Mi~~e~ . Ettr.i. 'P\'orcutt was married DecPmber T•ar, Franks and Garrison, former 20 to Mr. E. T. Attaway, business fa oily membe1·s of Montnnn State manager of Bureau of Clnbs and Piny­College, and Jeanette Kelley and Mar- grounds for the Canal Zoze. They j':arel Edward•, alumnae of Montana will make their home in lhc Canal St~te College, ·were also in atten<lance. Zone.


l--Glassic Barber Shop -1 I I· I

I MISS FALLGATTER TO TRAVEL I winter quarter, as she will spend that --- time in travel, ':siting as many schools

I Miss Florence Fallgatte1-, who has as the time and her funds perm.it. \charge of the Home Economics Teach- 1


I I ers Tninging work at the college this .\liss Ruth Sweat (M. S. C. 1920-year, also serves in the capacity oi

122) has charge of the Home Economics

State Supervisor of Home Economics. I work in the school of Cheyenne, Wyo-The fm.,.st <>hop m AL erica. r:i;e hair cuttin!:> :~ our bu ines~. \\~e ci_o la cli·-.~: hair C''.tting. ct;:Eng. massagmg and shampooing.



She will not be on the campus this I ming.

L _________ P_i_m_N_E_s_s_G_-J --'I I Is Your Suit Ji

Successful , Menand \ 1Women I I Write Out Ii Eiffel Sport

Wool Hose at Clearance Prices

I PRESS E D l In This Home Emo~;i;: l~:i,;;.~;~~: :~ !~~~~~::~~ Courc;e in Foods

I ? I ~ugh! by :lfiss Alice ;\felcalf.

Is \ "'Uieir Ideas

:::Jk and Wool 2.Iixtures. Heather Mixtures; many ha\'e Silk clocks-

Regular $1.75 Hose, $1.39.

Regular $2.25 Hose, $1.75.

.-~gular ,.2.50 Hose, $1.95.

~2.95 Drop Silk Style, $2.25.

Hollingsworth' s

I For the Next Dance. B.A.MIL'l'oN HALL IM- APPr.rcA'l'ION TO AMERICAN


AND DELIVER IT -- I PROMPTLY Some of the Bond Money was al- Miss Fredia Bull and Miss Gladys . r1TY DYE WORK(! I lotted to Hamilton Hall two yea1;;:; Branegan spent some time recently

I lJ tJ ago and has been ver)' wisely expend- preparing an application of Montana

Phone 185 I' ed by the House Director. Miss i>I.1 s.ta'."' College .to the Amencan Ass~-Ma.xwell. Prior to that ti:me prae- c:i.ation of University Women. Tlns




tically no labor s:lVing devices so com-: is a very important organization as

mon to the institutional kitchen of it is the only one representing the col­

today, were in the hall. Now the fol- lege women of America. Heretofore lowing pieces of equipment have been the A. A- U. W. bas been the sub­insta11ed: A power mixing machine, ject of much criticism for its methods I an electric ice-cream freezer, an elec- -0f rating and admitting institutions. tric food ~hopper, a potato peeler, At the last meeting held in Portland and an electric vacuum cleaner and it was decided to accept the listing

1 M. ff 1 WHITE'S scrubbing machine. The walls and of the various Regional rating agen-

C refinished. New single beds and North Central Association of High

I andy. Magazines and Daily

..,.P girls probably have taken more p.r1de vers1ty of California. Montana State

'1 ., floors of the entire building have been I' cies two of these names being the

I New...,apers I c~airs supplied for all the rooms. ~he Scb~ols and Colleges, and the Uni-

';,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Open Sundays 115 E. Main I in ~he improvements in the fo;ug ~nd I College has first class standing with I J- dmmg rooms than m any others. Fme both of these. There is a question IJii:l!m:!lCDDllllS!liilillllll:lllm:llll!llliillEllDlj I new rugs were purcha::;ed for the liV- as to whether the application was

1 -- ing rooms and halls, and wicker fur- secured in time, but barring this it ~ 1 LORRAINE : I niture with artistic tapestry upbol- would seem safe to predict that Mon-


, BEAUTY SHOPPE I stering. An Edison phonograph has tana State College alumnae would

B k- . heen purchased by the girls them-1 soon be eligible to full membership to -Gallatin Bank loc

I . . I selves. the Nationul Association and any of

Marcell mg, Shampoo, Mam- , The dining room probably shows I its branches. At the pre.sent time

I cure, French Round Curls, the greatest changes. The floors nnd I there are only two state colleges, Facials, Hair Trims and As- I steps leading to the dining room are Washington and Ioda, on the list for

I sorted Hair Rinses. 1' covered by a heavy ."ray . linoleum, I full (National) membership, and Mon-


the wood work was painted 1vory col-I tana State 15 one of five state col-

,f: .~ ...

Remington Portable Combine the habit of rcsearch,which you are forming now, with a little imagination, and you've started something.

From the time you are in college and as long as you live, your success m life and business will de~nd upon your ability to work out ideas. Outline your ideas, write your papers and lecture notes, your themes and your letters, on a Remington Portable. A few days' practice and it's faster than fong hand.

The Remington Portable has the four-row keyboard­Jike the big machines. It £ts in a case only four inches high. You can use it on your lap, if you wish, for it cal'­

ries its table on its back.

l'ri«, amtpletc rrilb case, $60~ Easy papnaU tams if desired

Gallatin Drug Company l I MILDRED -;~ANKENSHIP I or and the walls redecorated in blue leges whose alumnae are elig-ible to

11 and gr~y. The windo_ws have yellow local memberships in any branch. The

I Pkone 467 and white check curtams and the new A. A. u. w. is not opposed to state

'----------------- !lights have very artistic blue and yel- colleges, but it has al·ways stood for

"=============== liow shades. An old worn out grand a liberal arts nther than technical :- piano was made over into a very courses.


~cture Framing

GIRLS -after the holidays, new clothes is what you crave.

Dresses, blouses, footwear, coats, skirts, millinery, wool hosiery, etc. greatly reduced at-

Chambers-Fisher l


COMPA::. _ _J

1 A NEW ONE---- , beautiful buffet and enhances the

I beauty of the room. Two canaries, SUPERVISED TEACHING

/cheerfulness of this very attracti\·e (Continued from Page One.) ''44'' gifts of a friend, add much to the

room, and the tiny songsters can al- class for one quarter and the classes ways be head above the voices of the meet twice each week. The college girls. students teaching in the Senior High CIGARS

2 for 15c


I We wish you one and all a , HAPPY NEW YEAR

Success in your coming quart­! er's work. And to the Basket I Ball Players, we wish you a suc­cessful season.

LESLIE E. fiAfiE Jeweler and Optician

While there are many other things School teach a double period, five which cottld be profitably added, the days a week for two alternate three hall .is doubtless ~ow one of th~ b"'.'t week periods, per quarter. furmshed and equipped of its ltind . m This type of work is of great value the countryi. Th.e Ho~e Econom1~s. to prospective teachers in that they department is vitally mterested m I learn thru doing. Hamilton Hall as it serves as a lab-1 oratory for the classes in Institutional PLANS FOR THE NEW Management which are so ably taught I WOMEN'S BUILDING STARTED by Miss M. Maxwell. __ _


The factulty women in the Home WINTER SPORTS CLUB Economics and Art Departments are

already at work on plans for the New Why not make a go of the Winter I Women's building which is to house

Sports Club? . Every one mterested I those two departments in addition to £ should not .tail to a.ttend a m~eti~g I furnishing offices and other necessary l!i to be h.eld in the Exponent office m I space for all women's activities on the the Mam, Hall, Wednesday afte':'oon campus. It is thought that within an-at five o c_lock. i;'lans for a winter other year work will be well begun on carnival will ~ discussed. this building, the last to be erected

H. M CANN, Pres. \with the bond money. The building . . . . I is to be placed well to the north of Broken Lenses Replaced the Miss Lottie Millam, former Home H ·it Hall opposite and facina

Same Day Management Specialist, is in charge A a~i ~t 1 Hall 0


~§§§§§: · of the Home Economics in the Mo- gricu _u_ra ___ · ____ _

:; M!B - -==1c1esta Junior College in California. ANNUAL EXTEN"SIO




~15 55-PHONE-5b ~1~ 5 5



THE SUGAR BOWL The Home of Home-made Candies.

This week all of the State and' i-­Cou nt\· Extension worke-rs are as:.iem-

bled i~ Bozeman for their anual ~o ··-1

FATIMA "What a difference just a few cents make!"

I ference. "rheir progran1 is a foll 'ne and it keeps them in session ea d;

a"rl late. The conference thil< year bas t~k~:i

•he fo'rm of "Round Tables." the le'1 ;. ers and subjects havin'l: been arrang­ed <:ome time in ::iclvance. The men J

and women arc bo~cther for -practi· 1 call;• nll m eetino:s except the strictly subjeet matter discussions, as the Ex­tension program is a unified one, working- for the devC'lopment of rural life ns a 11nit.

The social side has not been alto-­rretber omitted for the calenda'r in­"'ludcs spednl rlinners. athletic. events, the A.nnuaJ Stunt i11:ht and oth"'° such ~ocial affai:rs.

'T'his year•s C"Onfcrenl'e will be srreatlv henefitted i.,- the presence and help of \fiss Grace Frysinqe?' from the Washing-ton <>ffice. Miss

I Frvsinger hns been in Monta:na sev­eral times befo1·e nnd knows enou11:h of con<litions to 11·h-..e constructive and u~enble snfnrest.ions.

These nwctin'?s are for t.he most uart closed bnt th~ prhrileg-e of at­tendance has - been opened to certain llP})€'1· r!la~s stu.dc-nts especially inter­e~ted in thE' work.

Miss Lucile Revnolds. former Hon>e Demon!"l.tration An:ent and aftt>rwarrls State Extension worker in Montana, has held the position of Stater Leader in Massachusetts for the last three year•.

For Economies Sake Don't Fail to Attend

Our January







The Willson Co.