HOME VISING IN THE LATINO CONTEXT Tressa Dabney, LSW J. Gallardo (September 2014)

HOME VISING IN THE LATINO CONTEXT Tressa Dabney, LSW J. Gallardo (September 2014)

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J. Gallardo (September 2014)

Outline • Objectives• Background information • Frameworks for practicing cultural competency,

emphasizing work with Latin@s • Self awareness, power and oppression, and

microaggressions • Mentoring others through the development of skills in

cultural competent service delivery

Objectives • Be able to recognize and use vocabulary associated with

multiculturalism, and cultural competence.

• Be able to identify cultural aspects of the Latin@ experience, and the diversity within the Latin@ context.

• Be able to recognize frameworks for conceptualizing culturally competent services.

Diebetes Association (2014)American

Population: 19133 zip code












Census.gov (2012)

Population: Total U.S.










Census.gov (2012)

“Pew Research Hispanic Trends Topic” (September 2014)

“Pew Research Hispanic Trends Topic” (September 2014)

“Pew Research Hispanic Trends Topic” (September 2014)

Ethnicity, SES, and Health • Ethnic minorities often have less assess to healthcare,

and that healthcare is often of poorer quality than that of whites.

• Ethnic minorities experience disproportionately higher poverty and social stressors (Bernal & Saez-Santiago, 2006).

Ethnicity, SES, and Health • Evidence suggests that social and economic factors are

important determinants of health. Yet, despite higher poverty rates, less education, and worse access to health care, health outcomes of many Hispanics living in the United States today are equal to, or better than, those of non-Hispanic whites. (Morales, S. L, Lara, M., kington, R. S., Valdez, R. O., Escarce, J. J. Socioeconomic, Cultural, and Behavioral Factors Affecting Hispanic Outcomes. J health care poor and underserved. PCM. Nov 2002, 13(4): 477-503.

Working with Latin@ Families • Familismo • Machismo • Language • Country of Origin • Generational differences • Religious Values • Simpatía• Personalismo


• Cultural Intentionality

• Intra-ethnic Variation

• History matters: marginalized groups have different experiences of oppression

Cultural Context


Family Context


Bernal, G., & Saez-Santiago (2006)

Beyond Cultural Competence • Assumptions:

• A process, not an event • Five constructs • There is more variation within an ethnic group, than across ethnic

groups (intra-ethnic variation) • Cultural competence is an essential component to rendering

effective and culturally responsive services

Campinha-Bacote, Jesepha. (2002).

Beyond Cultural Competence • Cultural Awareness • Cultural Knowledge • Cultural Skill • Cultural Encounters • Cultural Desire

Campinha-Bacote, Jesepha. (2002).

Culturally whaaa?

Culturally Competent?

Culturally Sensitive?

Culturally Appreciative?

Culturally Curious?

Power & Difference

• Expert power • Reverent power• Legitimate power

• Color blindness • Stereotyping • ADDRESSING

Microagressions • Brief, everyday exchanges that send denigrating

messages to certain individuals because of their group membership.” (Paludi, 2012)

• Perpetrators are generally well-meaning and microagressions subtle, so recipeints often dismiss their own experience and blame themselves for being overly sensitive (Sue, 2012).

• Perpetrators (all of us) should be self aware, remain non-defensive and quickly apologize.

BuzzFeed (September, 2014)

BuzzFeed (September, 2014)

How can I share my knowledge… Carney and Kahn have a developmental model!

Supporting Other’s Journeys Stage One Little knowledge Focus on self awareness

and exploration

Stage Two Aware of ethnocentric attitudes/not aware of affects

Examine conflicting worldviews

Stage Three

Conflicting emotions, worried about “messing up”

Support, education, exposure, acknowledge dissonance

Stage Four Considers both their own racial identity and that of client

Assists in understanding

Stage Five Advocates and promotes social equality

Consultant role

Carney & Kahn (1984)

Resources • Astuto, J., & Allen, LaRue. Home visitation and young children: An

approach worth investing in? Social Policy Report, 2009, XXIII: IV. • Bernal, G., & Saez-Santiago, E. Culturally centered psychosocial

interventions. Journal of Community Psychology, (2006) 34:2, 121-132. • Campinha-Bacote, Josepha. The Process of Cultural Competence in the

Delivery of Healthcare Services: A Model of Care. Journal of Transcultural Nursing (2002) Vol. 13, No. 181.

• Carney, C. G., & Kahn, K. B. Building competencies for effective cross-cultural counseling: A developmental view. The Counseling Psychologist, (1984). 12, 111-119.

• Gillardo J. (Image). (September, 2014). Retrieved from http://www.welovecostarica.com/public/1422.cfm

• Hays, Pamala. A. Integrating Evidence-Based Practice, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Multicultural Therapy: Ten Steps for Culturally Competent Practice. Professional Psychology, Research and Practice (2009) Vol. 40, No. 4, 354-360.

• Jani, J. S, Ortiz, L., & Aranda, M. P. Latino outcome studies in social work: A review of the literature. Research on Social Work Practice, 2009, 19:179.

• McCurdy, K, Gannon, R. A., & Daro, D. Participation patterns in home-based family support programs: Ethnic variations. Family Relations, (2003) 52:1, pp. 3-11.

• Motel, Seth & Patten, Eileen. (February 15, 2013). Statistical Portrait of Hispanics in the United States, 2011. In Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project. Retrieved from http://www.pewhispanic.org/2013/02/15/statistical-portrait-of-hispanics-in-the-united-states-2011/

• Nigatu, Heben. (September, 2014). 21 Racial Microagressions you Hear on a Daily Basis. BuzzFeed. Retrieved from http://www.buzzfeed.com/hnigatu/racial-microagressions-you-hear-on-a-daily-basis#3wbw12b

• Paludi, Michele A. Managing Diversity in Today’s Workplace: Strategies for Employees and Employers. Praeger (2012).

• Raikes, H., Green, B. L., Atwater, J., Kisker, E., Constantine, J., Chazan-Cohen, R. Involvement in early head start home visiting services: Demographic predictors and relations to child and parent outcomes. Early Childhood Research Quarterly (2006), 21:2.

• Rios, M., Romero, F., & Ramirez, R. Race reporting among hispanics: 2010. Population Division U.S. Census Bureau, (2014).

• Sue, Derald Wing. Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice. Wiley (2012). p. 173.

• Sue, Derald W. Microaggressions and Marginality: Manifestation, Dynamics, and impact. (2010) Wiley, 49-85.

• United States Census. (2011). American Fact Finder. Retrieved from http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/community_facts.xhtml