Housing Construction Process

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  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


    Wall-Ties & Forms, Inc, (WTF) is one of the world's largest

    companies in the concrete forming business, as well as the premier

    designer and manufacturer of concrete forming systems. Over 33

    years ago as a new business, WTF manufactured ties - thousands of

    them. Today we produce and ship over 30 million ties a year and

    over 200,000 aluminum concrete forms.

    It started in 1976 when Orval Engelken and Ross Worley, two menwith extensive knowledge of the construction industry. They left long

    and successful careers, one a national sales manager and the other

    a product design and manufacturing expert, knowing they could do a

    better job.

    Three principles guided them:

    1. Produce the best quality and most labor friendly product.

    2. Offer unsurpassed customer service.

    3. Provide it all at a competitive price.

    The rest is history!

  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


    WTF Manufacturing Facility

    160 Employees

    Over a 120,000 Sq. Ft.

  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


    The WTF Formwork System (manufactured byWall Ties & Forms, Inc.) is unique because itforms all of the components in the structureincluding, walls, floor slabs, columns, beams,stairs, window details, balconies, and variousdecorative features in exact accordance with

    the architect's design. No other system canmatch WTF Formwork flexibility to handle alldesign conditions.

  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


    The WTF System is erected by unskilled labor andwithout the need of hoisting cranes. The largestcomponent weight is not more than 32 kgs (70 Lbs).This enables a single worker to handle the WTFformwork components. The forms and other sections aresecured and fixed with steel pins and wedges with

    formwork ties. The only tool required is a hammer. TheWTF System can save as much as 10 - 20% of the totalcost of construction and increase speed as much as 30 -50% over traditional methods such as block andpost/beam construction.

  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


    The WTF Aluminum Formwork System for concreteconstruction is the most versatile construction system inthe world. Unlike other systems, it is equally suited toconstruct both high and low rise structures.

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    The WTF Formwork System is specifically designed to allow the rapid construction of multiple unit projects.The system is cycled daily to achieve optimum productivity.

    One and two story duplex project in Mexico consisting of 8,500 units

  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


    The simplicity of the WTF aluminum

    formwork is ideal for unskilled labor andenables unskilled labor to achieve thehighest of production rates.

    Every component is light enough to behandled by one worker, minimizing theneed for heavy lifting equipment.

    The only toolneeded to erectthe formwork is ahammer.

  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


    WTF aluminum formwork enables the developer tocast most if not all elements of the structure.

    This includes structural, non-structural, andarchitectural elements

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    The formwork for these structures included all elements, structural, non- structural, and architectural. Thearchitectural elements include, radius headers, decorative columns, pitched concrete roof, and rain gutters castdirectly into the decorative moldings.

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    Casting all elements achieves a costsavings of 10-20% over traditional methods.This home was constructed by Homex ofMexico. Homex is the largest builder inMexico with 51,000 home starts a year as of2009.

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    Casting all elements also speedsconstruction 30 - 50% over traditionalmethods. This is achieved by thespeed of the formwork system, thereduction of follow-on trades, and theease of finishing the surfaces.

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    One of the principal technical features whichenables the speed to be attained using asingle set of formwork is the unique deckbeam system. This allows the formworkremoval to take place while leaving the decksupports undisturbed. The deck panels canthen be reused immediately.

  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


    The precision of the WTF Formwork enables doors and window frames to be directly installed on sitewith no re-sizing required.

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    Because openings are so precise, the developer can beconfident in the pre-purchase of doors and windows.Often times the developer can purchase these items foran entire project with huge cost savings.

    Th t f d d ith th

  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


    The concrete surface produced with theformwork allows the achievement of a highquality wall finish without the need forextensive plastering.

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    Formwork set for final inspection at manufacturing facility in Shawnee, Kansas, USA.

    Because the WTF Formwork is constructed with the highest quality aluminum and

    welded with robotics, developers can expect 2,000 uses or more with proper care.

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    Often times the formwork outlives the life of the project and can be cycled to a new project. Because

    the formwork is modular 70- 90% of the forms are easily adapted to new construction projects.

  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


    From foundation to multi-story construction, the following pages illustrate the WTF Formwork process.

  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


    The process begins with compaction of the site. Trenches are

    then dug, plumbing installed, and WTF slab formwork is set.

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    Once structural footings are dug, slab steel isinstalled in accordance with local code.

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    Concrete is then placed using local methods.

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    Wall steel is then tied in accordance with local building codes.

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    Electrical boxes and conduit are attached to the wall steel. Rigid or flexibleconduit may be used depending on local building codes.

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    When constructing mass housing projects it is wise toprep slabs well in advance. The WTF FormworkSystem can be cycled daily for very rapid construction.

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    The beginning of the WTF formwork process normallystarts in a corner or multiple corners depending on thenumber of workers. This process continues until all

    walls are erected.

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    Once wall forms are set, decking can begin.Decking like wall formwork is hand-set andbegins in a corner.

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    Upon completion of

    decking, steel andelectrical is installedin preparation ofconcrete placement.

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    When all prep work is complete,concrete is placed monolithically inwalls and deck. Concrete placementis normally completed using a boompump but is dictated by local marketequipment. This can include trailer

    pumps, crane buckets, and evenhand bucketing.

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    The WTF formwork is removed

    the very next day to begin thecycle again.

    F lti t t t

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    For multi-story structuresscaffolding is then attached.The scaffolding not onlysupports the weight of theworkers but also supports theexterior wall forms.

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    Steel is tied, forms set, andconcrete placed repeatingthe daily cycle.

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    For markets with extreme climates, the WTFFormwork System easily incorporatesinsulation into the construction process. Theexpanded foam insulation is installed betweenformwork ties prior to setting exteriorformwork.

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    After concrete placement and curing, formwork is removed leavingfoam insulation permanently bonded to the concrete.

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    The WTF Formwork Systemis in use in over 45 countriesworldwide. The followingpages are just a fewexamples of the WTF globalpresence.

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  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


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  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process


  • 8/7/2019 Housing Construction Process
