HS2-HS2-PM-GDE-000-000002 | P02.4 | 03 May 2012 LWM Project dictionary Revision Date Issued for/Revision details Revised by P02.0 20/03/2012 Additions to acronyms and definitions P02.1 24/04/2012 Additions to acronyms and definitions P02.2 25/04/2012 Issued for Condition B review P02.3 02/05/2012 Issued for Condition A review P02.4 03/05/2012 Incorporates Condition A comments Name Data FOI / EIR None Document type Guide Directorate London West Midlands WBS Keywords Dictionary, Acronyms, Definitions Author Owner Review directorate Employer’s lead reviewer Authorised for use

HS2-HS2-PM-GDE-000-000002-24 - LWM Project dictionary · LWM Project dictionary ... AoS appraisal of sustainability ... HS2-HS2-PM-GDE-000-000002 . LWM Project dictionary . 16 . maintenance

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HS2-HS2-PM-GDE-000-000002 | P02.4 | 03 May 2012

LWM Project dictionary

Revision Date Issued for/Revision details Revised by

P02.0 20/03/2012 Additions to acronyms and


P02.1 24/04/2012 Additions to acronyms and


P02.2 25/04/2012 Issued for Condition B review

P02.3 02/05/2012 Issued for Condition A review

P02.4 03/05/2012 Incorporates Condition A


Name Data

FOI / EIR None

Document type Guide

Directorate London West Midlands


Keywords Dictionary, Acronyms, Definitions



Review directorate

Employer’s lead reviewer

Authorised for use

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LWM Project dictionary


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London West Midlands

LWM Project dictionary

Contents Page number

1 Executive summary.................................................................................................. 1

2 Acronyms................................................................................................................. 1

3 Definitions ............................................................................................................. 10


Title Reference

LWM style guide HS2-HS2-PM-GDE-000-000001

Plan template HS2-HS2-PM-TEM-000-000002

Procedure template HS2-HS2-PM-TEM-000-000003

Report template HS2-HS2-PM-TEM-000-000004

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1 Executive summary

1.1.1 This document provides comprehensive lists of all acronyms and definitions used

in LWM Project documentation.

1.1.2 Note that, although the lists are comprehensive, they may not be complete.

1.1.3 Notification of errors or omissions is welcome to the Quality Manager or by

email to

2 Acronyms

2.1.1 The following list of acronyms is under continuous development; refer to the

Definitions section as required.

2.1.2 Feedback on accuracy and / or omissions is welcome:

AA appropriate assessment

ACOP approved code of practice

ACWP actual cost of work performed

AEC architecture, engineering, construction

AFC anticipated final cost

AFR accident frequency rate

ALARP as low as reasonably practicable

AM Area Manager

AMINC Area of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation

AOD above ordnance datum

AONB area of outstanding natural beauty

AoS appraisal of sustainability

APA archaeological priority area

API application programming interface

AQL acceptable quality level

AQMA air quality management area

Arco Limited Suppliers of safety (PPE) equipment

ATO automatic train operation

ATOC Association of Train Operating Companies

BAP Biodiversity Action Plan

BCR benefit-cost ratio

BCWP budget cost of work performed

BCWS budget cost of work scheduled

BH borehole

BIM building information model

BPEO best practicable environmental option

BRE Building Research Establishment

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BS British Standards

BS EN European standard adopted as a British Standard

BW British Waterways

CA Contract Administrator

corrective action

CAAV Central Association of Agricultural Land Valuers

CAD computer-aided design

CAIC contract administration insurance coordinator

CAPEX capital expenditures

CAPM Contract Administration – Payments Manager

CAT contract administration toolbox

CBA cost benefits analysis

CBS cost breakdown structure

CCA contract commitment authorisation

CCC Committee on Climate Change

CDM Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007

(2007 No. 320)

CDM-C CDM Coordinator

CE compensation event

CEMP contraction environmental management plan

CEN European Committee for Standardisation

CEO Chief Executive Officer

ch chainage

CLA Country Land and Business Association (still known as CLA)

CLEA contaminated land exposure assessment


CMP contract management plan

CMS construction method statement

CO2 carbon dioxide

CoCP Code of Construction Practice

COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

COTS Commercially available Off-The-Shelf

CPI cost performance indicator

CPO compulsory purchase order

CPRE Campaign for the Protection of Rural England

CRL Crossrail Ltd

CRN calculation of railway noise

change request notice

CRoW Act Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (2000 c. 37)

CRTN calculation of road traffic noise

cSAC candidate Special Area of Conservation (SAC)

CTRL Channel Tunnel Rail Link (now High Speed One)

CV cost variance

curriculum vitae

D&A drugs and alcohol

dB decibel

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dB(A) ‘A’ weighted decibel

DC document control

DCLG Department for Communities and Local Government

(previously ODPM)

DCM Document Control Manager

DDA Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (1995 c. 50)

DECC Department of Energy and Climate Change

Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

DfT Department for Transport

DM LWM Delivery Manager

DMRB Design Manual for Roads and Bridges

DMS HS2 Ltd’s document management system

DP Development Partner

DSE display screen equipment

DTI Department of Trade and Industry

EA Employer’s Agent

Environment Agency

EAC estimate at completion

EAI Employer’s Agent instruction

EA PPG Environmental Agency Pollution Prevention Guidelines

EAR Employer’s Agent Representative

EAss energy assessment

eB enterprise bridge

EC European Community

European Commission

ECML East Coast Main Line

EDMS electronic document management system

EEC European Economic Community

EFC estimated final cost

EH English Heritage

EHO Environmental Health Office

EI Employer’s instruction

EIA environmental impact assessment

Environmental Investigation Agency

EIAC environmental impact assessment consultant

EIR environmental information request (under Environmental

Information Regulations, 2004)

ELCI Employer’s Liability Compulsory Insurance

ELR Employer’s lead reviewer

ELS enterprise license subscription

EMP environmental management plan

EMS environmental management system

EN European norm

English Nature

European standards for products and services maintained by CEN

EOC environmental oversight consultant

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EPM Employer’s Package Manager

EPPM enterprise project portfolio management

EqIA equality impact assessment

EQS environmental quality standards

ER Employer’s representative

ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System

ES environmental statement

ETC estimate to complete

ETCS European Train Control System

EU European Union

EU ETS European Union Emissions Trading System

EVA earned value analysis

eVDV estimated vibration dose level

EVM earned value management

EW early warning

EWN early warning notice

EWR early warning register

EWRL East West Rail Link

FME Feature Manipulation Engine

FOI freedom of information

FTE full-time equivalent

GA general arrangement

GDP gross domestic product

GHz gigahertz

GIS geographic information system

geospatial information system

GLA Greater London Authority

GLAAS Greater London Archaeological Advisory Service

GLSMR Greater London Sites and Monuments Record

GMU geotechnical management unit

GQA Environmental Agency’s general quality assessment

GRIP Governance for Railway Investment Projects

GSM-R Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway

GSPZ groundwater source protection zone

GVA Gross Value Added

GWML Great Western Main Line

HA Highways Agency

H&S Health & Safety

HD hard disk

high definition

HGV heavy goods vehicles

HIA Health Impact Assessment

HMT Her Majesty’s Treasury

HR Human Resources

HRA habitat regulations assessment

HS1 High Speed One

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HS2 High Speed Two

HS2 Ltd High Speed Two Limited

HSE Health & Safety Executive

HSQ Health, Safety and Quality

HSSE Health, Safety, Security and Environmental

HS2IM HS2 Ltd’s Insurance Manager

HSR high-speed rail

ICE Institution of Civil Engineers

implemented compensation event

ICS International Classification for Standards

ID internal diameter

IEEM Institute of Ecological and Environmental Management

IEMA Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment

IM information management

Infrastructure Manager

IMD infrastructure maintenance depot

IMechE Institution of Mechanical Engineers

IMS integrated management system

IOSH Institute of Safety and Health

IPC Infrastructure Planning Commission

IPPC integrated pollution prevention and control

IT information technology

ITSO IT Security Officer

ISO International Organisation for Standardisation

IUK Infrastructure UK

JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee

JT journey time

km kilometre

kph kilometres per hour

KPI key performance indicator

LA90 average ‘A’ weighted sound pressure level for 90% of the time

LAeq equivalent continuous sound level (noise)

LAmax maximum ‘A’ weighted sound pressure level

LBs London boroughs

LBAP Local Biodiversity Action Plan

LBC listed building consent

LCA landscape character area

LDA London Development Agency

LDF local development framework

LDS local development scheme

LEZ low emission zone

LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging (also LADAR)

LLAU limits of lands to be acquired or used

LMH Leeds, Manchester, Heathrow

LNR local nature reserve

LP London Plan

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LOD limits of deviation

LOR line of route

LTE long term evolution

LUL London Undergound Limited

Lvl level

LWM London to West Midlands

m metric metre(s)

m2 an area of square metres

m3 a volume of cubic metres

MADA multi-attribute decision analysis

M&E mechanical and electrical

MB megabyte

MCCs motor control centres

MG made ground

MML Midland Main Line

mph miles per hour

MSCA master schedule of contracts under administration

MS managed systems

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

NAQIA National Air Quality Information Archive

NAQS national air quality strategy

NCC National Conservancy Council

NCE notice of compensation event

NCR non-conformance report

NEC New Engineering Contract

noise exposure category

National Executive Committee

NEC3 New Engineering Contract (Third edition)

NFU National Farmers Union

NG National Grid

NGR national grid reference

NMR National Monuments record

NNR National Nature Reserve

NO2 nitrogen dioxide

NPS National Policy Statement

NPV net present value

NR Network Rail

NTS non-technical summary

NVC National Vegetation Classification

O&M operations and maintenance (see OMC)

OB optimism bias

OBR Office for Budget Responsibility

OBS organisational breakdown structure

OC odour control

OD outside diameter

ODN Ordnance Datum Newlyn

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ODPM Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (now DCLG)

OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Scheme

(BS OHSAS 18001:2007)

OMC Operations and Maintenance Centre

ONS Office for National Statistics

OOM order of magnitude

ORR Office of Rail Regulation

OS Ordnance Survey

OSGB36 Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936 datum

PA preventative action

personal assistant

Parliamentary Agents

PAF price adjustment factor

PC project controls

personal computer

PD Project Director

PDF portable document format

PDFH passenger demand forecasting handbook

PDG project delivery group

PDRs property development rights

PII professional indemnity insurance

PM Project Manager

Performance Manager

PMIS Project Management Information System

PMO Project Management Office

PO purchase order

PPE personal protective equipment

PPG planning policy guidance

PPS planning policy statement

ppv peak particle velocity

PSC professional services consultant

PSCAP professional services contract administration plan and

associated procedures

PSF professional service framework

PSI potential strategic importance

PTS personal track safety

PV present value

PVB present value of benefits

PVC present value of costs

QA quality assurance

QC quality control

QMS quality management system

QRA quantitative risk assessment

RACI responsibility matrix (Responsible, Accountable, Consult, Inform)

RAG rating for issues or status reports, based on Red Amber Green

RBCA risk based corrective action

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RDBMS relational database management system

RFI request for information

RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects

RIDDOR Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences

Regulations 1995

RIGS Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Sites

(also known as Regionally Important Geological sites)

RIR The Railway (Interoperability) Regulations 2011 (2011 No. 3066)

ROGS Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety)

Regulations 2006 (2006 No. 1057)

(also, Amendment 2011 No. 1860)

ROSCO Rolling Stock Operating Company

RPG regional planning guidance

RSI repetitive strain injury

RSMD rolling stock maintenance depot (see T&RSMD)

RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

RSSB Rail Safety Standards Board

S&P Standard & Poors

SA sustainability appraisal

SAC Special Area of Conservation

SAM scheduled ancient monument

SAR strategic alternative review

SBI Site of Borough Importance for Nature Conservation

SCC species for conservation concern

SCI statement of community involvement

SE senior engineer

SEA strategic environmental assessment

SFRA strategic flood risk assessment

SGVs soil guideline values

SHE Safety, Health and Environment (alternate acronym to

Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) regulations)

SI statutory instrument

SINC Site of Importance for Nature Conservation

(see also SNCI and SMINC)

SMART specific, measurable, agreed, realistic and time-dependent

SMINC Site of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation

(equivalent to SNCIs elsewhere)

SMR Sites and Monuments record

SMS safety management system

SNCI Site of Nature Conservation Interest (see also SINC and SMINC)

SNCO Statutory Nature Conservation Organisation

SoS Secretary of State

SP stated preference

SPA special protection area

SPI schedule performance indicator

SPLs significant pollutant linkages

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SPP statement of public participation

SPZ groundwater special protection zone

SPZ1 source protection zone 1

SQEP suitably qualified and experienced personnel

SQL structured query language

SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest

STAR strategic tunnel alternative review

SV schedule variance

SVOC semi-volatile organic compound

T&RSMD traction & rolling stock maintenance depot (see RSMD)

TA transport assessment

TB terabyte

TBM tunnel boring machine

TEM toluene extractable material

TfL Transport for London

TIA traffic impact assessment

TOC train operating company

ToR terms of reference

TP trial pits

tph trains per hour

TPI tender price index

TPO tree preservation order

TSI technical specification for interoperability

TTM temporary traffic measures

U&Cs undertakings and commitments

UDP unitary development plan

UK United Kingdom

µm micrometre (one millionth of a metre)

UN United Nations

URL unique reference location

VDV vibration dose value

VE value engineering

VfM value for money

VIP vertical intersection point

VM value management

VOWD value of work down

WBS work breakdown structure

WCML West Coast Main Line

WEB with economic benefits

WebTAG web transport appraisal guidance

WEI wider economic impact

WFD water framework directive

WHO World Health Organisation

WP work package

ZVI zone of visual influence

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3 Definitions

3.1.1 The list of definitions is still under development; feedback on accuracy and / or

omissions is welcome:

‘A’ weighted


Internationally accepted unit for most noise measurement and which

represents the sound pressure level weighted to correspond to the

frequency response of the human ear. A difference of 3dB(A) may

just be noticeable and a difference of 10dB(A) represents a doubling

or halving of subjective loudness.

ACOP For the purposes of the Design Health and Safety procedure, ACOP is:

HSE L144 “Managing Health and Safety in Construction”.

Aesthetic Visual appearance

Air pollutants Amounts of foreign and / or natural substances occurring in the

atmosphere that may result in adverse effects on humans, animals,

vegetation and / or materials.

Air quality sensitive


People, property or designated sites for nature conservation that may

be at risk from exposure to air pollutants that could potentially arise

as a result of the proposed development / Project.

Ambient Surrounding. For noise, for example, it is the totally encompassing

sound in a given situation at a given time usually composed of sound

from many sources near and far.

Ancient woodland Land that has been continually wooded since at least 1600.

Annual mean


The average (mean) of the hourly pollutant concentrations measured

or predicted for a one year period.

Annoyance A feeling of displeasure evoked by noise.

Appraisal of

sustainability (AoS)

(i) An HS2 Ltd report which describes how high speed rail would

support objectives for sustainable development.

(ii) The AoS is the Employer’s Appraisal of Sustainability (AoS) report

for the concept design for the route for the Project, which describes

how the proposal would support objectives for sustainable

development. Sustainable development embraces considerations of

economic development and job opportunities, and effects on

communities, as well as environmental considerations such as

landscape, natural environment and climate change.

Area of


Natural Beauty


Statutory designation intended to conserve and enhance the ecology,

natural heritage and landscape value of an area of countryside.

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BAA British Airports Authority, the operator of five British airports,

including Heathrow airport, and Naples Airport in Italy.



The contribution to the total measured or predicted concentration of

a pollutant that does not originate directly from local sources of


Baseline The situation against which the potential impacts due to the proposed

development are assessed.



Pollutant concentration for any scenario with the proposed

development / Project not in operation.

Benefit cost ratio


The net benefit of a scheme divided by the net cost to Government.


Interchange station

Interchange station on the proposed route which would allow access

to Birmingham international railway station, the National Exhibition

Centre and Birmingham Airport.

Bund An embankment which acts as a visual or noise screen.

Budget holder The individual or individuals holding budgets from which the change is

to be drawn.

CA The Employer’s Agent contract administrator supporting the

respective work package contract.

CAIC Contract Administration Insurance Co-ordinator; the DP

representative responsible for co-ordinating clause 81.2 of the C200

contract, insurance requests and information.

CAT (Contract



A database of contract and insurance information used for validating

applications for payment.

CCA Contract commitment authorisation; the Employer’s agent procedure

for financial governance of contract change on the Project.

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CDM Coordinator (i) The CDM Coordinator (CDM-C) for the LWM Project will provide

suitable and sufficient advice:

• To HS2 Ltd management to help ensure compliance with CDM


• On the selection of competent designers and contractors,

information required by them, co-ordinate health and safety

arrangements of planning and design work, ensure that HSE is

notified as necessary, advise on the suitability of the initial

construction phase plan, and prepare a H&S File;

• On management arrangements, but not the detail.

(ii) As defined in the Construction (Design and Management)

Regulations 2007, “the person appointed as the CDM Coordinator

under regulation 14(1)”. For the LWM Project, CH2M Hill Ltd has

been appointed as CDM Coordinator.

CDM risk register A risk register created by Designers to identify, and prioritise for

action, health and safety risk to contractors, operators, users or

others arising from their design.

CE The Employer’s chief engineer, as supported by technical directorate


chainage Typically, a location identifier as indicated by a cumulative

longitudinal "mileage", using miles and chains, from a zero point at

the origin or headquarters of the railway, or the originating junction

of a new branch line. On the HS2 LWM Project, chainage will be in

kilometres at 0.2km intervals, each railway work having its own

chainage starting a zero [ 0 ] at the commencement of the work. The

commencement will generally be at the London end of the work.

Classic compatible


A European high speed standard train adopted for the UK network of

conventional lines.


event An event as defined in the NEC3 Professional Services Contract (PSC)

(clause 60.1 sets out compensation events).

Concept design The Project design which exists at the appointment of the framework


Condition A Submission of deliverables to the Employer for acceptance.

Condition B Submission of deliverables to the Employer for comment.

conservation area In the UK, the term conservation area nearly always applies to an area

(usually urban) considered worthy of preservation or enhancement

because of its special architectural or historic interest, "the character

or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance," as

required by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act

1990 (Section 69 and 70). More than 8000 have been designated.

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representative The consultant’s contract representative with delegated authority.

Contract The terms and conditions relating to a package order issued under the

professional services framework agreement.


administrator The individual responsible for contract administration activities on the




An individual or individuals with delegated authority to make

contractual commitments on behalf of HS2 Ltd, in accordance with

the schedule of delegated authorities.

Conurbation A region comprising a number of cities, large towns, and other urban

areas that, through population growth and physical expansion, have

merged to form one continuous urban and industrially developed


Conventional line The term, also known as classic line, that describes the existing UK rail

network (excluding HS1) to distinguish it from high speed lines.

Crossrail A new east-west railway linking Maidenhead and Heathrow Airport in

the West via tunnels under Central London to Shenfield and Abbey

Wood in the East.



Proposed interchange station in Old Oak Common, in outer London

providing access to Crossrail and other rail services including the

Great Western Main Line.

Cut Excavated material to be re-used within the development as ‘fill’ or

removed off-site.

Dates Completion dates and key dates as defined in the NEC3 Professional

Services Contract (PSC). Dates cannot be brought forward by a

compensation event.

datum A reference point, surface, or axis on an object against which

measurements are made.

Decibel Logarithmic ratio used to relate sound pressure level to a standard

reference level.

Design As defined in the CDM Regulation 2 as “includes drawings , design

details, specifications and bills of quantities (including specifications

of articles or substances) relating to a structure and calculations

prepared for the purposes of design”..

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Designer (i) A designer prepares drawings, design details, analysis and

calculations, specification and bills of materials. For a full definition,

refer to the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations

2007. Within the Project, designers must co-operate with the CDM

Co-ordinator and others, and provide information for the H&S File.

(ii) Designers are defined under CDM Regulation 2 “as any person

(including a client, contactor or other person referred to in these

Regulations) in the furtherance of a business who prepares or

modifies a design or arranges for or instructs any person under his

control to do so”.

Detailed design The development of the design to be carried out in the delivery phase

of the Project (approximately RIBA E to F / GRIP 5)

Development brief The document to be used to guide the detail design of individual plots

within the site and the controls on future operational activities.



The Development Partner appointed by the Employer to provide

services under professional services contract number C200.

DfT (Department

for Tansport)

Government department responsible for transport policy in the UK.

Drive shaft launch


The main shaft from where the TBM is ‘driven’ forward from, i.e.

starts from. Excavated material is removed from and segments are

fed into the tunnel at the launch / drive shafts.

Dust Coarse particulate matter (between 1 and 75 µm (micrometre(s)) in

diameter) produced as a result of abrasive activities during the

construction phase of the development / Project.

Early warning

notice (EWN)

Early warning notice, as set out in clause 15.1 of the NEC3

Professional Services Contract (PSC).

Early warning

register (EWR)

Early warning register; the contract risk register as defined in clause

11.2 (36) of the NEC3 Professional Services Contract (PSC).

East Coast Main

Line (ECML)

An intercity rail route in the UK providing passenger services between

London and Edinburgh via Peterborough, Doncaster, Wakefield,

Leeds, York, Darlington and Newcastle.

Ecology Wildlife.

Effect The result of an impact on a particular resource or receptor.

Effluent The treated wastewater discharged from a sewage treatment works.

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Employer The Employer is the term used in the NEC3 contracts to describe HS2

Ltd. HS2 Ltd is also the client as defined by CDM 2007, which

stipulates that a client should ensure that for:

• Non-notifiable work - adequate funds for Health and Safety,

appointment of a competent designer, plan reviews,

communicate business needs and critical timings, appoint

competent contractor(s), adequate and suitable welfare facilities,

and continuous liaison between all parties

• Notifiable work - as for ‘non-notifiable work’, with the addition of

the appointment of a competent CDM Coordinator and Principal

Contractor, and effective progress of the Health and Safety file

until Project completion.

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 provide

a full definition of a client.

Employer’s Agent


The Employer’s Agent (EA) as defined in the NEC3 contracts is the

LWM Directorate (Development Partner) for the Project.

Employer’s Agent

instruction (EAI)

An instruction changing scope or a key date, or resolving an

ambiguity, inconsistency, illegal or impossible requirement issued to a


Employer’s Agent



(i) The individual with delegated authority to act on behalf of the EA

for a specific contract or contracts.

(ii) The individual responsible for the day-to-day delivery of the

contracts and having delegated powers as the Employer’s Agent


(iii) The individual with delegated authority to issue notices,

certificates and communications under the contract.



As defined in the NEC3 Professional Services Contract (PSC) (clause

64). An assessment is made by the Employer’s Agent in the event that

a consultant’s quotation is unable to be accepted or has not been


Employer’s lead


The Employer nominates an Employer’s lead reviewer to review a

Project contract deliverable and is responsible for coordinating the

Employer’s review teams and submitting comments on a review


Employer’s Liability


Insurance (ELCI)

Insurance that employers must take out against the personal injury of

their employees; a legal requirement under the Employer’s Liability

(Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969.



The Employer nominates an Employer’s representative to act on

behalf of the Employer under Contract C200.

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English Heritage The Government's statutory adviser on the historic environment.

Officially known as the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission

for England, English Heritage is an executive Non-Departmental Public

Body sponsored by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport,

with principal powers and responsibilities are set out in the National

Heritage Act 1997 (1997 c. 14) and 2002 (2002 c. 14)


Impact Assessment


(i) Assessment of the potential environmental impacts of a proposed

development or Project.

(ii) Assessment of the possible significant positive or negative effects

that the Project may have on the environment, together consisting of

the natural, social and economic aspects as defined in The Town and

Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations

2011 (2011 No. 1824), The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental

Impact Assessment) Regulations 2009 (2009 No. 2263) and Council

Directive No 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain

public and private projects on the environment (the EIA Directive), as



impact assessment

consultant (EIAC)

A framework consultant appointed to carry out an EIA and ES

processes for the Project.



consultant (EOC)

The framework consultant appointed to provide leadership and

oversight of the EIA and ES processes for the Project.


statement (ES)

The document setting out the Employer’s assessment of the Project’s

likely significant environmental effects, in conjunction with the hybrid

bill, as described in Schedule 4 of 2011 No. 1824 and in accordance

with Standing Order 27a of the respective House of Commons and

House of Lords Standing Orders Relating to Private Business as

described in the following web pages:




Evergreen 3 A programme of upgrades to the Chiltern Mainline to be carried out in

three phases, the first of which is now complete.

Excavated material The earth / soil / ground material removed when the shafts and

tunnels are excavated. Excavated material can be either topsoil,

subsoil or other material such as rock etc.


Hardship Scheme

Compensation scheme introduced by the Government in order to

assist those living on or close to the proposed route who wish to sell

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(EHS) their properties before a final decision is made on the Project.

Fill Material required to raise existing ground levels. This can utilise ‘cut’

material generated within the site, or necessitate the importation of


Final settlement The process stage in a sewage treatment works where ‘mixed liquor’

is treated prior to discharge of the final effluent. Within the final

settlement tanks, suspended material in the mixed liquor (known as

activated sludge) is allowed to settle. This is then continuously

withdrawn from the bottom of the tanks.



The department providing cost and budget management across the


Financial authoriser An individual or individuals with delegated authority to commit

commercial funds on behalf of HS2 Ltd. For higher value

commitments this will be an HS2 board.

Financial impact The financial impact with respect to the cost of services.

Future baseline The situation that would prevail if the proposed development does

not proceed. Predicted impacts are compared against this theoretical


gabions Cages, cylinders, or boxes filled with soil or sand.

Gateway review A design review carried out by the Employer and others to confirm

design outputs and is a key date.

Generic instruction An instruction which is common to all, or groups of, contract


Grade I building A listed building of exceptional interest, sometimes considered to be

internationally important.

Grade II building Nationally important buildings that are of special interest.

Grade II* building A listed building of particular importance, of more than special


GRIP Network Rail’s Governance for Railway Investment Projects as applied

to the Project.

Haul roads Temporary roads provided within the contractor’s site area to allow

the transportation of material around the site.

High Speed One


The Channel Tunnel Rail Link from St Pancras International station to

the Channel Tunnel.

High Speed Two

Limited (HS2 Ltd)

The company set up by the Government to develop proposals for a

new high speed railway line between London and the West Midlands

and to consider the case for new high speed rail services linking

London, northern England and Scotland.

HS2IM HS2’s Insurance Manager, responsible for insurance matters on behalf

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LWM Project dictionary

LWM Project dictionary


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Date approved – 20 March 2012

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of the Employer.

hybrid bill (i) The hybrid bill for the Project.

(ii) Public bill initiated by the Government as part of the Parliamentary

procedure required for authorising major projects where a large

number of private interests may be affected.

Note: the LWM style guide recommends consistency with the style

adopted by UK Parliament to use lower case letters (hybrid bill) when

referring to the preparation of the hybrid bill for HS2. For hybrid bills

that receive Royal Assent (i.e. are passed in Parliament), use capital

letters and italics (e.g. the Crossrail Bill).

ICE Implemented compensation event; a notice issued under clause 65.1

of the NEC3 Professional Services Contract (PSC).

Impact A physical or measurable change to the environment attributable to

the Project.


maintenance depot

Base for maintenance of infrastructure associated with the proposed

high speed rail line, including track, signalling equipment, cuttings and


Instruction An instruction changing scope or a key date, or resolving an

ambiguity, inconsistency, illegal or impossible requirement issued

under the NEC3 contract.

Intermediate shaft


Sites that contain the intermediate shafts from which the

construction of the main tunnel is supported by activities such as

secondary lining. Each site needs to provide enough space for all the

construction-related activities which vary depending on whether the

concrete for the secondary lining will be made on the site or made

elsewhere and delivered to the site by lorries.

LA10(T) The LA10 is the A-weighted sound level which is exceeded for one

tenth of a time period T. For example, the level which is exceeded for

a total of six minutes in an hour.

LA90(T) The LA90 is the A-weighted sound level which is exceeded for 90% of

a time period T.

LAeq(T) Equivalent continuous sound level is a notional steady sound level

which would cause the same A-weighted sound energy to be received

as that due to the actual and possibly fluctuating sound over a period

of time (T). It can also be used to relate periods of exposure and noise

level. Thus, for example, a halving or doubling of the period of

exposure is equivalent in sound energy to a decrease or increase of

3dB(A) in the sound level for the original period.

LAmax The maximum sound level measured on the A-weighted scale

occurring during an event.

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LWM Project dictionary

LWM Project dictionary


Revision - P02.4

Date approved – 20 March 2012

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Printed 04/05/2012



character areas

Areas of landscape that have a broadly homogeneous pattern of

topography and drainage, vegetation cover, settlement, land use and

visual structure.

Launch shaft or

drive shaft

The main shaft from where the TBM is ‘launched’, i.e. starts from.

Excavated material is removed from and segments are fed into the

tunnel at the launch / drive shafts.

lead A metallic element which, in the form of its compounds, can be

retained in the human body with clinical and sub-clinical effects. Lead

in the air arises mainly from anti-knock additives to petrol.

limits of deviation


These describe the limits of the land within which the permanent

works will be built and which can be acquired using the powers of the

Act. They generally coincide with the extent of the physical works

plus an allowance for maintenance access plus a tolerance. Where

the LOD crosses a plot of land in single ownership it may be drawn to

include the whole of the plot, so that the whole plot can be acquired.

listed buildings A listed building in the UK is a building that has been placed on the

Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.

It is a widely used status, applied to around half a million buildings. In

England, to have a building considered for listing or de-listing, the

process is to submit an application form online to English Heritage.

The applicant does not need to be the owner of the building in order

to apply for it to be listed.

limits of land to be

acquired or used


Limits of land to be acquired or used (LLAU): these define the limits of

the land that can be occupied temporarily for the purposes of

constructing the works.

Local plan An area-specific plan to interpret and apply the strategy set out in the

Structure Plan, to provide a detailed basis for the control of

development, to provide a basis for co-ordinating new development

and to bring planning issues before the public.

Main shaft site Sites that contain the main shafts from which the main tunnel is built.

Each site needs to provide enough space for all the construction-

related activities which vary depending on the type of TBM used and

whether the shaft is a launch or a reception shaft.

micrometre One-millionth of a metre (or one-thousandth of a millimetre,

0.001 mm, or about 0.000039 inches).

Micro-tunnelling Technique for installing pipes by pipe jacking using a steerable remote

controlled tunnel boring machine and where the spoil is removed by

auger or as a slurry



Actions proposed to moderate adverse impacts and to enhance

beneficial impacts arising from the whole or specific elements of the

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LWM Project dictionary

LWM Project dictionary


Revision - P02.4

Date approved – 20 March 2012

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Printed 04/05/2012



National Trust The National Trust of England, Wales and Northern Ireland, formed in

1895 operates as a charitable organisation and is dedicated to

preserving the cultural or environmental treasures.

Natural England The Government’s advisor on the natural environment who provides

practical advice, grounded in science, on how best to safeguard

England’s natural wealth for the benefit of everyone.

NCE register The compensation event register; records the status of all

compensation events notified by the consultant, together with the

status of their determination and assessment by the Employer’s




A report which briefly describes the main points discussed in the

Environmental Statement in a clear manner without the use of

technical jargon and phraseology.

Notice of



A notice issued under clause 61 of the NEC3 Professional Services

Contract (PSC).

odour Smell.

Ordnance Datum


In the British Isles, an Ordnance Datum or OD is a vertical datum used

by an ordnance survey as the basis for deriving altitudes on maps. A

spot height may be expressed as AOD for "above ordnance datum".

Usually mean sea level (MSL) is used for the datum.

Ordnance Datum

Newlyn (ODN)

In Great Britain, OD for the Ordnance Survey is ODN (Ordnance

Datum Newlyn), defined as the MSL at Newlyn in Cornwall between

1915 and 1921. Prior to 1915, OD was taken from the level of the

Victoria Dock, Liverpool.

Ordnance Survey

Great Britain 1936


The Ordnance Survey National Grid reference system is a system of

geographic grid references used in Great Britain, different from using

latitude and longitude. The grid is based on the OSGB36 datum

(Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936, based on the Airy 1830 ellipsoid

(a regional best fit for Britain)), and was introduced after the

retriangulation of 1936–1962.

Others Third parties, other consultants, contractors, stakeholders etc.



A draft invoice, setting out the consultant’s assessment of the cost for

providing the total services to the end of an assessment date

Peak particle


A measure of ground vibration magnitude and is the maximum

instantaneous particle velocity at a point during a given time interval

in mm/s.

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LWM Project dictionary

LWM Project dictionary


Revision - P02.4

Date approved – 20 March 2012

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Printed 04/05/2012


Phase one The Government’s proposal is to deliver the network in two phases,

with the first phase being a high speed line from London to the West

Midlands, including a link to the West Coast Main Line (WCML) and to

HS1 (also known as the Project).

Phase two The second phase would comprise the lines from the West Midlands

to Manchester and Leeds, including stations in South Yorkshire and

the East Midlands and a direct link to Heathrow Airport, along with

connections to the West Coast and East Coast Main Lines.

Piling blanket Granular or similar material placed on the ground to provide a stable

base over which piling rigs can manoeuvre to enable them to

construct foundation piles.

Pipe jacking Technique for installing pipes (tunnels) in the ground in which the

pipe is pushed forward from a drive shaft by hydraulic jacks and

excavated material is removed by auger or as a slurry. Pipe jacking is

a form of trenchless technology as open cut trenches are not required

to install the pipes / build the tunnel.

PM2.5 For the purposes of this assessment, PM2.5 is any particulate matter

with an aerodynamic diameter equal to or less than 2.5 µm. This size

fraction of particulate matter is respirable and has been strongly

linked to adverse effects on human health.

PM10 For the purposes of this assessment, PM10 is any particulate matter

with an aerodynamic diameter equal to or less than 10 µm.

Particulate matter of this size is respirable.

Preliminary design The development of the Project design to obtain Royal Assent

(approximately RIBA C / GRIP 3); comprising the following stages:

• Preliminary design initial stage – design development sufficient to

inform the environmental consultation;

• Preliminary design interim stage – design development complete

for the submission for the letters of no-objection from technical


• Preliminary design final stage – preliminary design development


See also reference design.

price adjustment

factor (PAF) Price adjustment factor as defined in the secondary option clauses of

the contract.

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LWM Project dictionary

LWM Project dictionary


Revision - P02.4

Date approved – 20 March 2012

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Printed 04/05/2012


Prices and costs As defined in the NEC3 Professional Services Contract’s (PSC) main

option clauses; the definition varies depending upon the pricing

option adopted under the contract. Prices can be adjusted upwards

or downwards by a compensation event. For Option C, the prices are

the lump sum for each activity (the targets on which the pain / gain

share is activated. Costs are the actual time charges incurred (against

which the consultant is paid).



Insurance (PII)

A form of liability insurance that helps protect professional advice-

and service-providing individuals and companies from bearing the full

cost of defending against a negligence claim made by a client, and

damages awarded in such a civil lawsuit.



consultants (PSCs)

Framework consultants who have agreed to provide services on the


Programme The Programme – HS2 with the Y (i.e. Phase one and phase two of the

high speed network).

Project The Project means the project for the proposed high speed line from

London to the West Midlands (also known as HS2 without the Y).

Project baseline Defines the requirements, scope, assumptions, schedule, risks, cost

and contingency for the Project.

Project costs The cost of the Project including costs associated to design, land,

undertakings and assurances, construction and other costs which

collectively contribute towards the overall Project.

Project master


The schedule that shows the engineering, procurement and

construction activities required on the Project.



The set of requirements that the design for the Project has to achieve

and demonstrate compliance thereof.

Project risk register A record of all identified threats and opportunities, relating to an

LWM initiative, that includes status, descriptions, categorisations,

assessments, controls, owners and history. There will be a hierarchy

of Project risk registers within LWM.



A potential instruction for which a quotation has been requested but

which has not yet been accepted.

Personal Track

Safety (PTS)

A system of safer working practices employed within the UK designed

to ensure the safety of railway workers who have to work on the


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LWM Project dictionary

LWM Project dictionary


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Date approved – 20 March 2012

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Printed 04/05/2012


Public Liability

Insurance (PLI)

Insurance to cover death or injury to others or damage to third party

property. An applicant (the injured party) usually sues the respondent

(the owner or occupier) under common law based on negligence and

/ or damages. Claims are usually successful when it can be shown that

the owner / occupier was responsible for an injury, therefore they

breached their duty of care.

Quotation A quotation provided by the consultant in response to an instruction

by the Employer’s agent or in response to a proposed instruction

(route C instructions only).

Rail Package 2

(sometimes also

referred to as RP2)

One of the alternative approaches to enhancing rail capacity

considered in the HS2 Strategic Alternatives Study prepared by Atkins.

Receptors People (both individually and communally) and the socio-economic

systems they support.

Reception site The area where the excavated material is placed.

Reception shaft The main shaft from where the TBM is ‘received’, i.e. ends up. The

TBM is removed from the tunnel via the reception shaft.

Reference design The development of the Project design to allow procurement of the

detailed design (approximately RIBA D / GRIP 4). See also Preliminary




A protected area of land that is of topographical, archaeological and

historic significance.

Registered park

and garden

A landscape of note that must be treated with special care.

risk register The register required under the NEC3 contract is called the early

warning register to avoid confusion. See also Project risk register and

CDM risk register.

rolling stock depot Depot used to service and maintain trains operating on the proposed


Royal Assent In the UK, the Royal Assent is the final step required for any

parliamentary bill to become law.

Scenario B One of the options assessed as a strategic alternative to the Y

Network, consisting of a combination of Rail Package 2 and

enhancements to the Midland Main Line and East Coast Main Line.



Important sites and monuments are given legal protection by being

placed on a schedule by English Heritage.

Scoping exercise An exercise undertaken to determine which elements will be covered

in an environmental statement (ES).

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LWM Project dictionary

LWM Project dictionary


Revision - P02.4

Date approved – 20 March 2012

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Printed 04/05/2012


Scoping opinion The formal view of the determining authority on the range of topics

and issues to be considered by the environmental impact assessment


Scoping report The document prepared by the applicant setting out the proposed

approach to the environmental impact assessment (EIA), including the

range of topics and issues to be addressed.

Shaft Duct / pipe / vertical tunnel

Site of Special

Scientific Interest


Conservation designation denoting an area of particular ecological or

geological importance.

Sites and

monuments record

A record of sites of archaeological interest.

Spoil Not to be used as it suggests waste material; instead, use “excavated


Sponsor The sponsor for the HS2 Programme is the Department for Transport

(DfT) for whom the services are being provided.

Standard & Poors


A United States-based financial services company that publishes

financial research and analysis on stocks and bonds, and which gives

independent assessments of insurance companies through the use of

published credit ratings.



assessment (SEA)

Approach to incorporating and addressing environmental

considerations within long-term strategic policies or plans.

Structure plan The planning policy document prepared by the County Council, which

sets out the strategic policy framework for the County.

subsoil Subsoil, or substrata, is the layer of soil under the topsoil on the

surface of the ground. (The Project document Preparation of

parliamentary schedules, tables and expenses specifies this as 9m

below the topsoil.)

Surface water run-


Water that travels across the ground and hard surfaces rather than

seeping into the soil, e.g. from paved roads and buildings.

Technical review A review of the impact that an instruction may have on technical and

assurance aspects of the wider Project.



Those third parties from which approval is required for the designs.

These include Network Rail, London Underground Limited, national

Grid and other statutory undertakers, and the Highways Authority.

The Consultation


(High Speed Rail: Investing in Britain’s Future, Consultation, February

2011) – A document published by the Government setting out its

proposed high speed rail strategy and the proposed route for an initial

high speed line from London to the West Midlands.

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LWM Project dictionary

LWM Project dictionary


Revision - P02.4

Date approved – 20 March 2012

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Printed 04/05/2012


The Wildlife Trusts The Wildlife Trusts is the largest UK voluntary organisation dedicated

to protecting wildlife and wild places.



The formal assessment of traffic and transportation issues relating to

the proposed development. The findings are usually presented in a

report which accompanies the planning application.

Transport for

London (TfL)

TfL was created in 2000 and is the integrated body responsible for

London’s transport system.


development plan

The statutory plan which sets out London Borough of Newham

planning policies.

vibration dose


The equivalent level of vibration experienced over a period of time.

West Coast Main

Line (WCML)

Intercity railway route in the UK connecting London, Birmingham,

Manchester, Liverpool and Glasgow.

Y network The proposed national high speed rail network linking London to

Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds, and including stops in the East

Midlands and South Yorkshire, as well as direct links to the HS1 line

and into Heathrow Airport (also known as Phase two of the network).

zoonotic A zoonosis or zoonose is any infectious disease that can be

transmitted between species from animals to humans or from

humans to animals (reverse zoonosis).