hto-web-resources.s3.amazonaws.com · Her projects uniquely capture the tradition and philosophy of naturopathy: ... shown ominous changes to brain chemistry at an early age, which

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Publisher ! ! Razi Berry& Author:

Content Editor: Vanessa Wiley

Art Director Matthew Knapp & Design:

Forward:! ! ! Dr Brian Mowll

Copyright © 2017 Naturopathic Doctor News & Review, LLC All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, record-ing, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embod-ied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.

Naturopathic Doctor News & Review, LLCPO Box 2968Scottsdale, AZ 85252

www.ndnr.com | www.thenatpath.com

The Great Sugar Conspiracy contains general medical information. The medical information is not advice and should not be treated as such.

Medical AssistanceYou must not rely on the information in this book as an alternative to medi-cal advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medi-cal advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information in this book.



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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

― Hippocrates


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Dear Reader,

Sugar is everywhere. It is how I was brought up to celebrate love, mile-stones and memories. Sugar used to give me a morning get up and go, and was there for me again as a pick-me-up from a mid afternoon slump. I remember reaching for the vending machine during afternoon recess in grade school to get a bag of lemon drops. I didn't realize then that I was building a habit for later. Today kids might not have ac-cess to those candies in a vending machine, but the amount of sugar in their afternoon snack of yogurt contains as much in hidden sugars.

Fast forward years later, and the sugar I consumed was in coffee drinks and meal replacement food bars. Hidden in salad dressings and Kung pao sauce. I didn't realize for a long time that I had a sugar problem because I was never overweight. Sugar does so much more than impact weight and body mass. It can lead to PMS symptoms, hor-monal imbalances, heart disease, migraines, fatigue, brain fog, mem-ory problems, skin issues, and even premature aging. When I discov-ered this, I knew I had to give up sugar. I also noticed the organic healthy fruit snacks I was giving my children, instead of candy, actu-ally had more hidden sugars than the candy I avoided!  It was sneak-ing into their diets too, and I didn't want them to become addicted to sugar.

This is why I decided to start the SUGAR FREE SUMMER. What better time to focus on eliminating hidden and added sugars and focus on fresh delicious food? The benefits were immediately noticeable! I slept better, had more energy, and my skin looked and felt better to boot! My kids began craving healthier foods once their systems were reset, they had more focus, and even listened better!

I've put this book together to give you a better understanding of why sugar addiction is not necessarily your fault. We all need to be proac-tive and take “responsibility" in making good choices, but once you un-derstand the root cause of your sugar addiction, you have a greater “ability of response” to make better choices.

I want to help you discover why sugar is so addicting, and to learn the root cause of your sugar addiction. Love is Medicine, Razi Berry



Razi Berry is the founder and publisher of the professional journal Naturopathic Doctor News & Review (NDNR.com) that has been in print since 2005 and the premier consumer-faced website of naturopathic medici-ne,NaturalPath. She is the host of The Natural Cancer Prevention Summit & The Heart Revolution-Heal, Empower and Follow Your Heart, and the popular 10 week Sugar Free Sum-mer program. 

From a near death experience as a young girl that healed her failing heart, to later overcoming infertility and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia,though naturopathic medicine, Razi has lived the mind/body healing paradigm. Her projects uniquely capture the tradition and philosophy of naturopathy: The healing power of nature, the vital life force in every living thing and the undeniable role that science and mind/body medicine have in creating health and over-coming dis-ease. Find more about Razi and her podcast Love is Medicine at thenatpath.com

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Dear Reader,

It’s not your fault.

You and I have been the unsuspecting victims of a major deception. What we’re experiencing is the result of an intentional, well-planned, nefarious plan to hijack our brains and seductively coerce us into consuming large amounts of a profitable, but destructive sludge made from a plant called Saccharum officinarum.

This is not an illegal street drug, but according to published research, may be even more addictive. It’s something that most of us living today have consumed all of our lives, and associate with happiness, vacations, celebration, rewards, and summer. We’ve been fooled by food manufacturers who care more about their bottom line than our waist lines… and it’s killing us. Worse, it’s damaging the lives of our children, leading to exponential rates of childhood obesity, heart dis-ease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

Sugar.Once a cherished, scarce treasure, has become the most dangerous drug du jour for our nation and world.

There’s no stigma with sugar, like other drugs such as cocaine and heroin. We laugh about it. We deliver it in shiny packages to the peo-ple we love most. We encourage our kids to engorge themselves with disturbing amounts of it, on their birthday, vacations, and after meals. Then, we wonder why their behavior is so erratic and uncontrollable. Even more alarming is what happens on the inside. Studies have shown ominous changes to brain chemistry at an early age, which may lead to a lifetime of addiction and disease.

The overconsumption of processed, refined sugar, high-starch vegetables and grains, and processed carbohydrates has been linked to heart and cardiovascular disease, dementia, inflammatory condi-tions, hormone imbalance, thyroid and adrenal dysfunction, behavioral problems, depression, anxiety, and mood disturbance, cancer, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

This has to stop. We have to be willing to do the hard work, to rise up and protect ourselves and our families. It won’t be easy. Breaking addiction is difficult, especially when it’s a socially acceptable, and



Dr. Brian Mowll is the founder and medical director of Sweet-Life® Diabetes Health Centers and serves clients worldwide as The Diabetes Coach™.  He is a master licensed diabetes educa-tor (MLDE), CDE, and was one of the first doctors to be certified to practice functional medicine by the prestigious Institute for Func-tional Medicine.

Since 1998, Dr. Mowll has been helping people with all forms of diabetes properly manage their complex health conditions.  Addi-tionally, with type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, and metabolic syn-drome, his goal is to not just man-age, but to reverse these condi-tions using a natural, personal-ized lifestyle approach.



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common behavior. As challenging as it may be, however, we have little choice.

The health of our nation, our families, and our loved ones depends on it.

Now is the time to make a change. “The Great Sugar Conspiracy”, writ-ten by my good friend Razi Berry will give you the fuel to drive that change. Read this with an open mind and consider joining Razi and me as we embark on our Sugar Free Summer journey.

Summer is typically a time to relax the rules, abandon routine, cut our-selves some slack, take vacation, and “enjoy ourselves”. That usually means eating more sugar and other foods that annihilate our health, and poison our childrens' brains. Let’s make a commitment to make this summer different, and let’s make it the sweetest summer ever.

Dr. Brian Mowll

The Diabetes Coach™


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You know the temptation, that feeling when confronted by the open door of a pantry, lined with the sweet morsel of bite-sized chocolates, those squishy gummies, and crispy chips. That voice that pops in your head, saying “everything in moderation, right?” So you grab a bag. Only a couple bites you say as you run through a list of predetermined scenarios that give you permission to have this one treat. Maybe you made it to the gym and this is your reward for your hard work, or maybe work is stressing you out and this one treat will make everything, just a little better….




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Whatever the case, you eat one, then two, and after an episode of your favorite sitcom, the bag is empty.

You feel guilty, foggy, bloated, not sexy at all… all from a sugar binge.

Why do we do it to ourselves? We know how it makes us feel. We know the groggy, aching feel-ing we have in the morning. The pain we have in the pit our stomach. All this just so we could have our fix of the sweet stuff.

DO YOU EVER FEEL:• ! Fuzzy thinking or brain fog?

• ! Fatigue after meals?

• ! Gas, bloating or extended stomach !! after meals?

• ! Headaches and migraines?

• ! Aching Joints?

• ! Diarrhea or constipation?

• ! Wrinkles, rashes, and ! skin problems?

• Allergies?

• Mood swings?

These conditions are often a byproduct of a sugar hangover.  Over time the stress on our or-gans can accumulate into chronic conditions, leaving permanent damage to our bodies.


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SUGAR & THE REWARD COMPLEXThinking back to every birthday, every celebra-tion, there was an ode to Big Sugar. White boxed cake, coated with layer after layer of chilled short-ening mixed cups of refined, white, granulated sugar, and topped with fluorescent col-ored sprinkles. As early as 6 months, you can find videos of me strapped to a high chair with fists full of cake and frost-ing covering my body from head-to-toe. It may seem odd to argue against such a long standing tradition, but with the epidemic of American obe-sity on the rise, we are forced to ask, how often do we treat ourselves to it? How young were you when you were exposed to sugar?

It is no coincidence that processed foods, high in sugar content, invoke that same feeling as your youngest birthday. Wrapped in the same vi-brant colors with festive fonts and powerful aroma, sugar plays to our need to be rewarded, to be celebrated. This instant gratification takes the form of a candy bar at checkout, a Starbucks on your way to work or a soda with lunch, but this little treat multiplied by every meal, every day, has led to the greatest public health crisis of our modern society. It’s no wonder sugar has grown to a $97.2 billion industry as of 2017, ac-cording to reports from the BCC.1

PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT Every day we make choices about what we’re go-ing to put in our bodies. Each day we ingrain these practices into our daily habits. So, when you get your grande double chocolate frappuc-

cino for those warm summer days, you are choosing to con-sume sugar. But, is it your fault? Or have you been conditioned to crave sugar be-cause you’re ad-dicted to it?

Addiction is a prevalent epidemic in our society and it comes in many forms, even sugary sweet forms. Just the mere mention of sugar might bring an assortment of thoughts, foods, and com-pulsive behaviors to mind; you’re not alone and it’s not your fault. From the get-go we start con-suming sugar in its celebratory form at birthday parties, holidays, doctor visits... you name it, we eat it. We all do it, maybe more than we’d like to admit, but you would be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t consume sugar on a regu-lar basis. So, when we start off young and build up a lifetime of sugar consumption it’s no wonder we fall victim to sugar-addiction, which is a real thing.

Published on August 1, 2007, scientists at the University of Bordeaux conducted studies with rats to register the level of addiction between rat and various addictive substances.2 Given the



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choice between water flavored with sucrose (sweetener) or intravenous-cocaine, time-and-time-again, the rats repeatedly chose the sugar water.2 That leaves only one correlation, you guessed it; sugar is more addictive than co-caine. How is this possible?  

Our bodies need to maintain a level of homeosta-sis where our internal system self-regulates and operates much like a complex machine adjusting as necessary to manage our internal environ-ment. When that physiology is disrupted with co-pious amounts of sugar, our brain starts misfiring sending convoluted messages that our bodies misinterpret in countless ways.3 What do you mean by copious you might wonder, certainly a can of soda isn’t copious? Oh, but it is.

One can of soda has 39 grams of sugar in it, if you convert that to teaspoons, that means, one can of soda has nearly 10 teaspoons of sugar in it.5 Now, let’s go back to that double chocolate chip frappuccino you had with breakfast, that lit-tle “treat” has 52g of sugar in it.6 That’s an equivalent of 13 teaspoons of sugar in one drink, not counting anything edible you might have had in addition to your beverage, as most of us typi-cally have food AND drink.



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Not only does the satisfying taste of sugar keep you coming back, but sugar also works by clouding the brain with false messages which deprive you of feel-ing full, therefore, you consume more to satisfy your false sense of hunger.3 And, that’s one part of addiction, known as psycho-logical addiction.7 Sugar doesn’t stop there, upon imme-diate ingestion of sugar, dopamine levels fire, and strongly, much the same way a hard-core drug user’s brain would respond when drugs are ingested.3 There is an immediate sense of reward and euphoria and that’s the hook. Sugar makes you think you feel good. How many of us have licked the frosting off a cupcake and felt a surge of “happiness” come over us as we proceed to inhale said cup-cake in one bite? But, does it really make you feel good, or happy?

Think about it; how do you feel an hour after con-suming a sugary beverage or sugar-laced treat? Much like an addict you might feel guilty or maybe you feel like you need more because you’re coming down, but would you call those feelings happy or good? I don’t know about you, but I don’t correlate guilt or feening for sugar a

happy good feeling. The high is gone and your body is crashing from the sugar come-down, which is the physical part of addic-tion,7 and it is no sooner than hours af-ter your last dalliance with your confection counterpart before you’re looking for a pick-me-up on the sugar train again.

Much like smoking, the dangers of sugar have been hidden by corporate interests in order to exploit the general population into consuming more and more of their products.8 The role of

the sugar-free summer is to educate and em-power individuals to take a look at their buying and eating habits to make better and more in-formed decisions about what we put in our bod-ies. Maybe you don’t feel well, sluggish, foggy or bloated, maybe you want more energy, maybe you want to lose weight? Whatever the reason, the sugar-free summer is here to encourage and support your health goals with real-world informa-tion on how to transform your health through the elimination of America’s greatest addiction...sugar.


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THE SECRET HISTORY OF SUGARIn our primal state, we sought out sugar as a method in determining the edibility of a possible food source found in harsh environments.9 The idea stems from taste as a vital sense for the sur-vival of our species. Taste is more than a determi-nation of whether a food is classified as “good” or “bad”. Primitive man would taste a probable food item for sweetness or bitterness to deter-mine its toxicity and nourishment. This primitive mindset would later be utilized by modern indus-try to exploit the edibility of new food like sub-stances brought to market, capitalizing on our early notions of “sweet is good.”


Sugar has been around for hundreds of years, but only since the industry was able to extract it from natural sources has its presence in the food chain altered our relationship with food and soci-ety. Wars have been fought over sugars, men and women enslaved for the harvest of it. Even to this day, sugar remains a currency of political power and public persuasion. 10


Sugar was considered an expensive spice in the Middle Ages, therefore, it was used by the wealthy or as a condiment, but certainly not in-cluded in regular consumption. The Atlantic is-land of Madeira was the first to cultivate sugar-cane on a large-scale around the 15th century. Next, the Portuguese recognized the value in this

vast commodity and this is where slaves were used to cultivate it and soon Brazilian sugarcane was introduced to the Caribbean, sometime be-fore 1647, and it escalated into Western Europe and percolated into our modern diet.11 “The Sugar Association's earliest incarnation dates back to 1943, when growers and refiners created the Sugar Research Foundation to counter World War II sugar-rationing propaganda—"How Much Sugar Do You Need? None!" declared one gov-ernment pamphlet.”23 By 1947, this was no longer the consensus and the Sugar Research Foundation soon became the Sugar Association and the zero amount of sugar needed in your diet was drastically rebranded to being a "sensi-ble new approach to weight control."23


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THE RISE OF SUGAR Now that we understand the brief history of sugar, let’s examine where it crystallized from be-ing an ancient spice into modern-day malice. It’s the 60s and the dietary days of fruits and vegeta-bles are quickly being replaced with a spoonful, or 10, of sugar because the original 6.5 ounce cans have practically doubled to 12 ounces.12 There is also an influx of disease that continues to perplex scientists questioning what has changed in the past 50 years, with an increase of technology, that is leaving Americans vulnerable to disease? Sugar, much like tobacco, was ini-tially purported to be good for you, it’s all natural after all, and while we now know that it’s not, that was not the mainstream thinking of the 60s. It was, however, the thinking of a few fringe people who conducted studies and reviewed countless information on sugar to determine if this suppos-edly naturally occurring substance could possi-bly be the culprit of our demise.  

John Yudkin, a British nutritionist, is one of the first to accurately lay blame on sugar with his 1972 book Pure, White, and Deadly. Yudkin con-ducted a series of studies on both animals and humans and arrived at the conclusion, based on raised levels of insulin and fat, that it was the in-flux of sugar and the body’s inability to maintain normalcy when faced with a spike in blood sugar that resulted in maladies such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.13 It wasn’t long after this that the McGovern Report came out to address pressing dietary concerns related to one of Amer-ica’s favorite pastimes, eating, specifically, eat-ing sugar.

The McGovern Report was created by Sen. George McGovern, aptly titled, “Dietary Goals for

the United States”, presented in 1977 as part of the US Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs with the intent of educating the public on the dangers of malnourishment brought on by excessive sugar consumption. The McGovern report included studies, research, and factual evidence that correlated over-consumption of sugar with fat and disease. In ad-dition to educating the public of the dangers of sugar and fat, the hope was to garner a warning from the Surgeon General of the immediate dan-ger sugar posed to our health.14 This was a no-go for the sugar industry. Lobbyists pushed hard against the report, insisting on a revision, and they won. Instead, the report was revised to lay blame on fat solely for the rise in obesity, heart disease, and metabolic disorders.


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Over the last several decades, allegations of sugar's role in the rise of chronic disease have been dismissed by lobbyists and special interest groups. The industry has a vested financial inter-est in controlling the narrative and relies on half-truths to support their position, remember the McGovern Report that was revised to exclude sugar and lay the blame solely on fat, this is, but one example of a sugar-spun half-truth. This posi-tion often blames the consumer, stating they are lazy, lethargic and their waistline is the result of their weight problem, which is their own fault be-cause they are too sedentary. Here is an excerpt from Coca-Cola’s obesity campaign, “Beating obesity will take action by all of us, based on one simple common-sense fact: All calories count, no matter where they come from, including Coca-Cola, and everything else with calories.”15


The position that many processed food manufac-turers and distributors take is that all calories are equal. What they’re really saying is that a can of soda-pop, around 140 calories,16 affects your body in the exact same way as eating an apple with peanut butter, around 150 calories,17 and it doesn’t matter which one you consume because all calories behave equally in the body. It’s a the-ory that works well to line their pockets, but that same theory doesn’t hold up to the lining of the

stomach (hello, leaky-gut). It seems obvious that drinking a can of pop versus eating an apple with peanut butter is a terrible caloric option, but that is not what Big Sugar wants you to believe. For example, when you drink a can of pop your body has to prepare for an onslaught of sugar overload, and I do mean onslaught. That’s be-cause your body is now overdosed with sugar and needs to regulate itself in order to sustain homeostasis.3 If you eat an apple with peanut butter you are getting fiber, protein, and nutrients that work with the natural fruit sugar so instead of spiking your blood sugar, the body is able to regulate itself and disseminate and store the calo-ries efficiently so that you feel satiated and healthy. What your body is NOT getting is that sugar-overload so it doesn’t have to go into sur-vival mode of mis-firing and madly storing those calories as fat because it doesn’t know what to do with the 10 teaspoons of sugar it’s desper-ately trying to regulate.3 You know what else you won’t be getting are the feelings of guilt, shame, and sugar-crash.


Another myth Big Sugar likes to spin is that body fat is created through the excess caloric intake or an inability to sufficiently burn off calories through lack of physical exertion. Oh, they are rich, quite literally, with a 1.7 billion dollar indus-try1 in their efforts to blame YOU for your addic-tion to sugar. The reality is that it’s not your fault, you are not some super-human that is physically active and moderate with your food consumption and subsequently fat-free and healthy. It just doesn’t work that way. I’m not claiming that Big Sugar forces you to make unhealthy food


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choices, but when they fail to offer truly healthy alternatives it marginalizes the ability to make wise dietary selections. Additionally, if we weren’t so addicted to sugar in the first place then we would have the energy to exert more physical ef-fort. Often, we find ourselves hungrier when we are actively working out because the body is seeking a sustainable energy source to burn off

calories, and we are hungrier, we are just hun-grier for real food, not processed sugar.

Big Sugar has the market cornered on sports drinks, too. If you’re able to crawl out of the sugar coma long enough to have the energy to work out then you might need to replenish all those lost electrolytes, and what better way to do








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that than drinking a sports-drink? A lot of us think we’re replenishing with electrolytes because that’s the claim on some of these sugary sports drinks, but not so fast; how much sugar is in that “electrolyte” replenishing drink?18 Additionally, how many electrolytes are in it and does it matter with all the added sugar? But, I thought Big Sugar said if I exercise more and consume less fat that I will be healthy and trim?


Fat-free and low-fat is another Big Sugar myth that went full speed ahead in the 80s and we are still recovering from that sugar-crash.19 Here’s the thing, if you take all the fat out of something, it’s most likely not going to taste very good, is it? This is where Big Sugar decided to rebrand sugar into several, or 60,20 different names to not only confuse you about sugar but to specifi-cally confuse you into thinking you were eating a fat-free item with minimal sugar content. Sugar has now infiltrated its way into 80% of our food options without effort of slowing down.21


The industry likes to dip its big sticky hands into your pockets and corner the market, literally, with “value deals” because everyone likes a deal, right? Since the splurge of value size meals, con-venience, and caloric intake has risen, and that’s not all, it’s now estimated that from 1971 - 2000 the average male added approximately 168 calo-ries to his daily diet while the average female added a whopping 335 calories to her daily diet.22 What’s with the drastic increase in caloric intake and why isn’t sugar listed as one of, if not, the main reason we face more metabolic disease and obesity? Well, to start, the fast-food industry capitalized on our sedentary ways under the guise of ‘convenience’; which, as we know, sugar has been directly linked to the lethargic life-style a lot of us lead. Some experts state their be-lief that the deadly combination of availability, convenience, larger portions, and high-caloric food are to blame.22 You’ll notice the malefactor, sugar, is still not readily mentioned as the reason behind obesity and disease. The sugar industry, much like the tobacco industry, has been very sly on ensuring you don’t know exactly why you’re fat, sick, and coming back for more. And, that’s the way they’ve designed it. All the way back to the 1970’s  when the sugar industry won the Silver Anvil award for successfully redirecting the McGovern Report from sugar-fault finding to fat fault blaming.23 Cristin Kearns, a Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of San Francisco, stated in the documentary Sugar Coated, “the industry felt strongly it needed a very comprehensive public-relations strategy to make sure there’s never a consensus on just how bad sugar is.” This methodology is strikingly similar to the To-bacco industry and their 50 year battle to keep the truth about tobacco out of government label-


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ing and interventions.25 And, they wouldn’t want you knowing how wily they are so they market to you by making you believe you’re getting a good deal, all this calorie-dense food for minimal out of pocket expense, and remember, you asked for the convenience; oh sure, you might not pay a lot for it now, but you will pay for it with your life later when your body is overrun with disease, but at least it’s not coming out of your pockets, well, not yet anyway.


This leads to another cooperative effort between big sugar and big health care and explains why the healthcare industry has bought stock in the fast-food industry as they know convenience is king and disease a cash-cow.24 This also leads into a bigger, if not, the biggest sugar problem of all - children. I should be clear, it’s not solely chil-dren that are marketed to by the sugar industry, they market to infants. How so? Sucrose is

added to some formulas as yet another way to funnel sugar into the mouths of babes.25 There-fore, they turn babies into sugar addicts so that their marketing tactics don’t break stride when they target them again as children with countless marketing campaigns aimed to keep kids, fat, sick, and coming back for more.

It’s evident children are at the heart of the sugar marketing campaign; toys are plopped into ce-real boxes, cartoon characters line the grocery store aisles, school lunches are rife with sugar, and you can’t get through a tv show without a big sugar add feeding into the minds of little ones. As mentioned before, there is no sugar-crash in sight for big sugar. In fact, TV ads marketed to children increased 60% from 2008 to 2010.26 What better way to get into your pockets than by going through your children? It’s sneaky and it’s wrong and the sugar-free summer is here to help you figure out how you can take back your life and conquer the big sugar ogre one spoonful at a time.



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YOUR FIRST STEP TO SUGAR ELIMINATIONNow that you’re aware of sugar in the food sup-ply you can better protect your family with the proper knowledge of how to make better dietary choices, and the sugar-free-summer is here to help you do it. Remember, big sugar wants to blame you for choosing to eat their chemically-corrosive “food” so join the sugar free summer and beat them at their own game. I know how overwhelming it can be going to the store and making healthy choices, not only for myself, but for my family, with so many options to choose

from, especially knowing how much added sugar is in processed pre-packaged foods. My goal is to help you feel empowered to make better die-tary choices that will result in you feeling better from the inside out.

If you’re interested in learning how to combat sugar addiction, look and feel better, and reduce your risk of metabolic disease then please join me for the Sugar Free Summer. I’ve teamed up with the Diabetes Coach, Dr. Brian Mowll and we’ve got a great course that I’ve had tremen-dous success with and I want to share this knowl-edge with you. Please, join me and let’s over-come sugar addiction together.



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1. The Market For High-Intensity Sweeteners Is Expected To Reach Nearly $1.9 Billion In 2017.https://www.bccresearch.com/pressroom/fod/market-high-intensity-sweeteners-expected-reach-nearly-$1.9-billion-2017. Published March 3, 2013. Accessed April 20, 2017.

2. Lenoir M, Serre F, Cantin L, Ahmed SH. Intense Sweetness Surpasses Cocaine Reward. PLOS ONE.http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0000698. Accessed April 20, 2017.

3. How Sugar Hijacks Your Brain And Makes You Addicted. Authority Nutrition. https://authoritynutrition.com/how-sugar-makes-you-addicted/. Published September 12, 2016. Ac-cessed April 20, 2017.

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