Human Redesign of Work Systems

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  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Human redesign of work systems


  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Contents Introduction

    Work systems

    Job specializations in designs

    Job characteristics model

    Core job characteristics

    Building designs A strategic concern

    Workers need


    Nature o task interdependence

    !utsourcing " !#shoring $ergers " Ac%uisitions

    $anaging the change


  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems



    +ro(ing needs o*er span o time, to design - redesign, recognized by &.R$ domain/

    0ossible solutions are sought to address thepre*ailing constraints o organization in terms o

    1process and results2/ 3i#erences in climate bet(een domestic and

    international organizations eed more uel toacti*ate &.R$ to play pi*oting role to strategize

    designing/ Win4 (in2 strategies are most (elcome (hich

    (ould be appreciable or 1employer4 employee2rame(ork/

  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Model of work systems

    Reerence5 Je#rey $ello, Chapter 6, &trategic .uman Resource $anagement, Cengagelearning, 0age 7894 7:8/


    (of worker)


    (of worker)

    Work &ystemsPlanned Outcome= Achieved


    Interace (ithother jobs/


  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Exercise 1

    Identiy any three jobs and measure theirachie*ed outcome against planned outcomeby using e;isting 0$& norms- methods/

    I interace - cusp jobs are identi

  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Magnifying roles - horizontal

    Job >nlargement 5 >nhancing the job by addingmore rele*ant " interdependent roles,responsibilities/ @Accentuate kno(ledge andperormance, learn the business more arepresumed outcomes/ In other sense, pro*iding

    relati*e horizontal autonomy or degree o reedomin the gi*en job pro;amples 5 / .R Recruitment " &election manager gi*en the addedportolio o 1'raining " 3e*elopment2/ 7/ )ogistic manager DarnatakaEgi*en the added portolio o 1'amilnadu2 zone/

    Job Rotation5 is a sub di*ision (hich lets anindi*idual to 1enter " enable2 into ne( job roles-locations (ithout increase in *olume unlike thejob enlargement/

  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Magnifying roles - vertical

    Job >nrichment 5 0ro*iding more relati*e*ertical autonomy or degree o reedom (hichgi*es greater insights and inuse moree;pertise into the gi*en job/ Indi*idual2s

    1creati*ity and e;ercise o reedom2 brings(idening o horizons o jobs/ >;amples5 Film - $usic directors, R " 3 scientists, Web

    designers, trainers " coaches/

    ?ertical loading5 it seems to be a sub di*ision ojob enrichment design, (hich adds moreresponsibility-accountability o immediate superiorhierarchy or super*isor/

  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Exercise 2

    Identiy a job to apply all these 1jobspecialization2 methods by considering theollo(ing/ Job descriptions

    Job speci

  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Job Characteristics Model

    Reerence5 Je#rey $ello, Chapter 6, &trategic .uman Resource $anagement, Cengagelearning, 0age 7894 7:8/

  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    5 Vital Job Characteristics


    &kill *ariety'he nature o ingredientE skills re%uired to complete - achie*e the task,o(ned by (orker

    'ask identityIdentiying the congruencies and comple;ities o task as it belongs to

    systemE to be matched (ith employee

    'ask signi

  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Resolving workers needs Changing trends in demographics and liestyle )argely inGuenced by 54 Age groups, races, religion, physical abilities, se;ual

    orientation, marital " amily status/ 'he solutions are gi*en belo(/

    Changes to be adopted in54 hiring " recruitment practices, rede

  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Nature of interdependence of tasks

    'ypes o interdependence o tasks 0ooled5 team o members re%uired or the

    completion o task , at the same time, autonomyo each jobs e;ercised/

    >;ample5 !#ering bank loan &e%uential5 di#erent teams or departments are

    re%uired to(ards completion as phase (ise/ >;ample5 Assembly line o automobile actory

    Reciprocal 5 all players are needed in a comple;arrangement o regular - emerging needs/ >;ample5 >ditorial team o Ne(spaper - '?, players

    o basket ball team,

  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Exercise 3

    Identiy K e;amples o each types o taskinterdependence (ith citation o their jobroles/

    Identiy the *arious emerging ormats, i is

    there anyL

  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Redesign of existing work design

    Re engineering - Re structuring5 consideringthe *arious acts and re%uisites, organizations1re engineer or re structure2 the e;isting (orkdesigns/ 'he ollo(ing recommendations are

    considered/ Reducing - cutting do(n o unnecessary - no *aluejobs

    3elayering o certain traditional hierarchies

    !utsourcing - o#shoring the tasks Consolidation o (ork streams

    Creating ne( di*isions o specialization

    Crating more cross unctional team

  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Exercise 4

    Identiy any t(o recommendations andormulate a ne( 1hypothetical situation2

    &tudy the pre - post status

    Consolidate 1your recommendations2 , in case,

    i the solutions are not appreciable, start thee;ercise again

  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Choice of outsourcing /offshoring

    !rganization2s pick these choices, to augmentthe organizational capacity " strength, toobtain 1edge o*er competitors2

    Hsually 1outsourcing2 gi*es cost e#ecti*eness

    and letting the company to concentrate ontheir core-critical strengths/ It may be basedupon easy access - a*ailability/

    !#shoring2 must be cleared " appro*ed

    legally by concerned go*ernments and legalrame(ork and ad*antages are 178 ; 92, lo(cost cum high proessional deli*ery like callcentersE, etc/

  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Mergers & Acquisitions


    'hey are the options or the ollo(ingobjecti*es5 &aturation in domestic market and pre*ailing cut throat


    >scaping the risks o domestic economic slo(do(n

    Attracti*e market situation o*erseas and ne(market-customer base

    Consolidation o gro(th o company in domestic and oreignsoil

    +aining 1International - $NC2 brand *alues - image

    '(o thirds o mergers ail 3ue to mismatch o contours o 1Culture, W)B o

    .uman Resource2 apart rom 0>&' actors

  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


    Managing the change

    1Change is Impro*ement25

    1Change2 should be administered periodicallybased upon emerging needs - trends

    1Change2 should be 1orecasted, designed,

    *alidated, implemented, e*aluated and absorbedor reormed2 as a dynamic process (ith support

    o 1>mployer >mployee2 rame(ork

    &trategic .R$ plays a *ital role in pi*oting a

    dynamic process to bring the concepts o

    1change management2 in designing - re designing

    (ork systems

    >;amples5 IBM, Wal-Mart, Google.

  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems


  • 7/25/2019 Human Redesign of Work Systems



    Je#rey/ A/ $ello, 'e;t book on &.R$, Cengagelearning, Indian >dition, 7, 9threprintedition/

    $ichael Armstrong, Armstrong2s handbook o

    &R.$, Dogan page, Mth

    edition/ +ary 3essler, Chapter K, &trategic .umanResource $anagement and the .R &corecard/

    Daplan, R/, " Norton, 3/ 7E/ The strategy-focused organization: How balanced scorecardco!anies thri"e in the new businessen"ironent. Boston5 .ar*ard Business&chool 0ress/