HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e ample A catalyst with Access as an example Trondheim 21.01.2011 Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

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HyWind –A success story –A catal st ith Access as an e ample A catalyst with Access as an example Trondheim 21.01.2011

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

Page 2: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

Statoil`s threefold strategyStatoil s threefold strategy

Harsh environment Maximise resource potential on the Norwegian shelf Deep water

Heavy oil

Gas value chainInternational


Gas value chain

Stepwise growth within New


Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

Page 3: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

B ildi CBuilding our Competence

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

Page 4: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

H i d l d li dHywind – slender cylinder concept

• Decision to invest was taken in May 08• Experience and knowledge from the petroleum sector have been

essential to enhance conceptessential to enhance concept

Partners/ContractorsPartners/Contractors• Siemens• Technip• Nexans• Haugaland Kraft

• Enova

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

Page 5: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

Onshore on quay Stavanger

• Preassembly of tower, nacelle and rotor• Turbine, tower and blades assembled

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

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Lift of upper tower and nacelle on 13 May 2009

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

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Hywind Status after one yearHywind – Status after one year of operation

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

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Hywind – opens new marketsA game changing technology, qualified?

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

Page 9: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

One year of operation –Th H i d i lifi dThe Hywind concept is qualified

•Production is as good as or better than th 2 3 MW Si i dother 2.3 MW Siemens wind power


– Loads factors above 40 %

•Wind turbine has preformed well. No drawbacks from being installed on a floaterfloater

– Less alarms than anticipated

•Access and maintenance equal to otherAccess and maintenance equal to other offshore wind installations

•All technical systems are working well

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

Page 10: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

S i i i ifi dSystem integrity is verified

All sub system inspected

•Mechanical systems

•Electrical systems



•Oil samples

h d h•The Hywind movements has proven not to be an issue for the system integrity

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

Page 11: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

V ifi i f l l d d lVerification of our structural load model

•The models simulate the motions and the structural loads which we control with different regulators

•We have tested two regulators working differently towards the structural loads andWe have tested two regulators working differently towards the structural loads and which have been used as important components in the cost and design optimization

Tower P itch Angle-0.5

Tower Pitch Angle

controller 1











controller 1controller 2

1 8






h [d






er p




440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520-2.2



time [s ]

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900-5



time [s]

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

[ ]

Page 12: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

Bringing Wind Power into a new era (fl i ) i b ki l 3 i(floating) is about working along 3 axis



S t i bilitS t i bilitSustainabilitySustainability


Market CompetitivenessCompetitivenessEconomyEconomyEnvironmentEnvironment

AuthoritiesCustomersSupply chain Bringing cost downBringing cost down

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

Page 13: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

F b i i dFocus areas bringing cost down

•Turbine – Close cooperation with suppliers to reduce unit costs, bring weight down and increase reliability.

C b li i f k– Create believe in future markets

•Marine operations – Utilize established routines and experience from our offshore activity working together with new and established suppliersoffshore activity, working together with new and established suppliers

– Active and demanding customer

•Sub-structure – Optimizing within Hywind patents and designSub structure Optimizing within Hywind patents and design

– Our main task

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

Page 14: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

Hywind II will have a shorter design and l bilarger turbine

Hywind || Hywind |

•Conservative design for Hywind pilot

•WTG weight sensitive

Large scale park cost comparable with bottom fixed

F i li ti f H i dFocus on commercialization of Hywind technology

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

Page 15: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

Access challenges

1H = 1 mH = 2 m

0 6

0 .8H 2 mH = 3 m

0 .4

0 .6



0 .2

2 4 6 8 1 0 1 20

M o n thM o n th

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

Page 16: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

F b T iFob Trim

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

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A h ll iAccess challenging

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B ddBuddy

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Page 19: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

FOB S hFOB Swath

1. Improve access and utilization: Operate in SWATH MODE (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) in up to 3 m. significant wave heights and in high sea swells;

2 Reduce fuel consumption 10 liters2. Reduce fuel consumption, 10 liters per nautical mile at 25 knots;

3. 30 knots as top speed and 25 knots as service speed;as service speed;

4. Improve passenger comfort for 36 passengers;

5 Improve flexibilities: Shallow water5. Improve flexibilities: Shallow water, DP, Crane, Additional boat, etc.

6. Improve safeties;

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FOB S h i lFOB Swath seatrials

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

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G b U d I d iGangway by Undertun Industri

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

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S B id b B h ASSeaBridge gangway concept by Brothers AS

The SeaBridge concept consists of three main units:consists of three main units:


•Docking station

•Universal joint/towing point

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

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SES C b U M d lSES Concept by Umoe Mandal

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

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AAccess systems

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

Page 25: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

M kMarkets

•Initial markets

– Scotland


• East coast –Maine, Great lakes

– Norwayy

•Next phase

– Asia –Japan

– Spain/Portugal - Mediterranean

– Greece, Egypt, Malta, France, Korea, Turkey, Brazil, Italy

•Third phase•Third phase

– South America, New Zealand, South Africa

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

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Great Lakes

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

Great Lakes

Page 27: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e

Scotland/Norway – A Marine Renewable AxisSustain Statoil’s leading position in offshore technology development

Develop an attractive arena for Marine Renewable business

Projects near home with potential for integration j p gwith core activity

The Vision

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21 Classification: Internal 2010-05-12

Page 28: HyWind –A success story – A catal st ith Access as an e


From Idea to Commercial Concept

Pilot ParkV if lti l ill t

2014-16Verify multiple mill concept Test and document improvementsDocument cost reductionsDevelop commercial concept

Large Parks


Commercial and Market Focus

Pilot Park2005

PrototypeCost Focus2001

Technology Focus

Cost Focus

Model test

Technology Focus


Classification: Internal 2011-01-21

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Thank you for your attentionThank you for your attention

Classification: Internal 2011-01-21