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I 1 · I 4 3 Futuring Exercises are the key to change and greater success in your life. 4 Your Personal Habits are the result of Inner Motivators (IM’s). These are created by Belief

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Page 1: I 1 · I 4 3 Futuring Exercises are the key to change and greater success in your life. 4 Your Personal Habits are the result of Inner Motivators (IM’s). These are created by Belief

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Welcome!You have successfully started your journey towards success by purchasing the Vibration Jump Method. Unlike other self-improvement methods the Vibration Jump Method will not only teach you how to use the power of your mind, through raising your vibration, but it will also teach you how to apply this practice to your life in a practical and useful way.

With the Vibration Jump Method you will learn how to:

Train your mind to spot opportunities you would have otherwise missed.

Raise your vibration to attract success.

What to do to finally achieve the success you long for.

Create a natural and healthy life within which you can thrive…

Achieving the epitome of success quickly and effortlessly.

While the Vibration Jump Method can be used to achieve monumental success in a short period of time, the goal of this method is to teach you the skills to hold onto this success. It’s a Method you can use to transform any and all aspects of your life, for the rest of your life.

The Sessions are structured one week apart, so you have time to complete the Exercises and practice the skills you have learned in the Session before moving on to the next one.

Before we begin the Vibration Jump Method Sessions, let me begin by introducing the Four Primary Components to the Vibration Jump Method.

The 4 Primary Belief Components of The Vibration Jump Method are:

1 Words are important and have the power to focus your mind to get what you want.

2 Images, felt with emotion, motivate you and drive you – towards good or bad.

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3 Futuring Exercises are the key to change and greater success in your life.

4 Your Personal Habits are the result of Inner Motivators (IM’s). These are created by Belief Components #1, #2 and #3 above and dictate the ultimate quality of your life.

The future discussions will be centered on these four concepts. Words and images will help you to focus on what you really want to do and not just what you need to do. These two components will drive and motivate you towards your goal in life. With Futuring, you will do exercises that will help you get closer to achieving your success.

Finally, by applying the first three Belief Components, you will develop your own habits according to your Inner Motivations. The habits you develop will alter the quality of your life, gearing you toward success.

This may all sound very confusing now, but once you have worked through all the Session Notes and Exercises you will have a clear understanding of how to apply the Vibration Jump Method to your own life.

So let’s begin...

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Session 1Introduction To The Vibration Jump MethodIn the first Session you will be introduced to the Vibration Jump Method. Begin by working through the Session 1 Notes. In the notes I give some background, how I discovered the Vibration Jump Method, and I explain the four Primary Belief Components in detail.

Once you have worked through the Notes, you can either turn to your Workbook, to do the first two exercises, or you can listen to the Companion Audio before starting the exercises.

The exercises for Session 1 are simple, but they form the groundwork for the rest of the Vibration Jump Method Sessions, so do them thoroughly and with conviction. Take your time, you have a week before the next Session, and then practice what you have learned consistently.

By the end of this week you should:

Understand the basics of the Vibration Jump Method.

Have a Switchword and corresponding Image.

Be repeating this Switchword with conviction while visualizing the Image at every possible moment.

Be using your Timesheets on a daily basis.

Start to experience an increase in vibration in the form of mental clarity, increased concentration and an improved mood.

They key to success is change and if you aren’t experiencing some changes by the end of the week you may have missed an important point in the Session Notes, so go over them again. If you have opted to purchase the Audio, you can also listen to the Session Audio more than once to make sure you understand all the information in this Session.

Session 1 forms the basis of the rest of the Vibration Jump Method, and while all the Sessions are equally important to success, if you miss something in this Session you progress will be stunted throughout the rest of the program.

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Session 2Finding Your Purpose And DirectionIn the second week of the Vibration Jmp Method you will be exploring your options. What is it that you want to do with your life? What is YOUR idea of success?

In this Session I will explain the importance of having a clear direction and purpose in life. Without it you become a drifter; with it you become the master of your future.

In the Session Exercise you will find out what your purpose and direction is at this point in time. It’s important to realize that your purpose or direction can change over time, but it’s even more important that you choose a direction and purpose by the end of the Session 2 Exercise.

Once you have found your direction and purpose, you may need to redo the Switchword Exercise from Session 1 if your first Switchword doesn’t match the results of your exercise. I advise revising the Switchword Exercise from Session 1 even if your direction or purpose hasn’t changed by refining the Image you visualise with your Switchword.

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During this week you will still be using your Switchword and Image as regularly as possible and your Timesheets on a daily basis.

By the end of this week you should:

Have a clear direction and purpose for your life.

Be practicing your Switchword repetitions and Timesheets daily.

Feel more motivated, energised and empowered.

Be taking responsibility for your choices.

Start to wonder about the quality of your life, how you spend your time and how you can start moving towards your goals.

While the changes you experience this week will still be minor, there is a chance that you could have a strong Impulse already. If you find yourself inexplicably motivated to make a move toward your success, jump at the opportunity. But, remember that you haven’t completed the program yet and if you stop the moment you get a bright idea you’ll be missing out on the opportunity to reach even greater heights. This advice is applicable for the rest of the program.

Depending on how much effort you’ve put into reaching success, you may have already primed your subconscious to start releasing Impulses that will lead you to success. If you ignore these Impulses now you’ll be prompting your subconscious to stop sending the Impulses, so it’s best to act on them, even if you haven’t completed all the Sessions. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity, but in order to hold onto and expand on this success you need the information in the rest of the Sessions.

Session 1 forms the basis of the rest of the Vibration Jump Method, and while all the Sessions are equally important to success, if you miss something in this Session you progress will be stunted throughout the rest of the program.

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Session 3The 3 Secrets of the 2% ClubIn the world of success there is what we call the 2% Club, the most successful people in the world.

Out of the billions of people in the world, we can only consider 2% who have become very much successful. With this percentage, we can conclude that successful people are rare. So what makes them different from the 98%?

This is the secret that people want to know. And the answer is very simple. They have passion.

In this Session I explore the three secrets that result from having a passion for what you do. After working through the Session Notes you will have a clear understanding of what sets the 2% Club apart from the rest of the world.

In the Session 3 Exercise you will be taking your Futuring Exercises to the next level by imagining your PERFECT day. For this exercise it’s very important to be as thorough as possible, so take your time to complete it.

By the end of this week you should:

Have awakened your passion.

Start to apply the three secrets that sets the 2% Club apart to your own life.

Know what your perfect day looks like and be jumping at the chance to reach it.

Be using your Switchword and Timesheets religiously as part of your daily routine.

Changing the way you perceive your life, adjusting anything that is out of sync with your success.

Session 3 is where things really start to change for people using the Vibration Jump Method. This week is going to mark a turning point in your life. Make sure that you understand and know all three sections of the Session 3 Notes. I advise working through them over and over and listening to the Audio until you can explain the content of Session 3 back to yourself.

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Session 4Getting Faster ResultsBy now you should be experiencing at least some of the amazing benefits the Vibration Jmp Method has to offer. You have been using your Switchword and Timesheets religiously, you know where you’re heading and you know which habits to adopt to reach your goal.

In Session 4 I will explain how having a harmonious mind-body connection can lead to reaching success effortlessly. It’s a really simple concept that many self-improvement movements miss. When your mind and body are out of sync, the road to success seems tedious and laborious, but when you apply the principles I teach in this Session you will find success faster and with less effort.

In the Session 4 Exercise you will learn to connect with your subconscious, strengthening the bond between your body and mind. Once this bond is in harmony you will be able to recognise the all-important Impulses immediately so you can start to take action.

By the end of this week you should:

Understand how Switchwords lead to action.

The importance of Internal Motivators.

Find a new appreciation for your Switchwords and Timesheets.

Be listening to your subconscious intently, waiting for the Impulse to strike.

Understand the importance of acting on an Impulse IMMEDIATELY.

Know the difference between an Impulse and a hunch.

Understand the importance of a harmonious, congruent rise to success, as opposed to an incongruent, fake success.

Have everything you need to reach success quickly and effortlessly.

Session 4 can be a big, personal turning point for people. If you have been struggling to convince yourself to get up and achieve success, or you aren’t comfortable with the idea of being successful, you’ll find some valuable help in this Session. Using the Vibration Jump Method to achieve success is a harmonious, effortless process and after working through this Session you will be able to apply that principle peace to your own life. 

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Session 5The Daily Power PrincipleIn order to reach success you need to work at it every single day. While, with the Vibration Jump Method, this work is effortless and enjoyable, it’s still important that you work - Every. Single. Day.

In Session 5 I teach you why working towards your success every day is important. You will learn how to fine-tune your actions. While the previous Sessions focused on creating the optimal internal environment to achieve success, this Session is focused on changing the external factors, your actions.

In Session 5’s Exercise you will be setting up achievable Action Steps you can take to reach success. It’s important to follow these steps every day, so you keep moving forward and keep your IM levels high.

By the end of this week you should:

Understand the importance of taking action.

Know what steps to take to reach your goal.

Have adjusted your Timesheets.

Know the ways to overcome self-sabotage.

Be willing to, and know the importance of changing your habits.

Have everything you need to use the Vibration Jump Method to reach success for the rest of your life.

After completing this Session you have successfully completed the Vibration Jump Method program. You should now have all the tools you need to apply this Method to every aspect of your life so you can achieve success in any field.

The 5 Sessions of the Vibration Jump Method teaches you valuable skills that you can apply to any sphere of your life. It is based on a Universal Principle of success and as such it’s only limit is your imagination.

By applying the Vibration Jump Method to your life you will be raising your vibration and jumping to success in no time. But be patient and ensure that you understand each Session completely before moving onto the next one. The worst thing you can do is jump ahead in hopes of reaching success faster. This will not work. You will miss out on valuable information and while you may be able to reach some level of success by doing this, this success is unlikely to last.

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Only once you’ve completed the entire program will you reach the sense of satisfaction the Vibration Jump Method is so well-known for. While the Vibration Jump Method works quickly when applied correctly, it is not a shortcut to success and you will have to put in the work to get the results. But, what is guaranteed is that the better the quality of the work you put in, the better the quality of your success and satisfaction will be.

Have a look at the Vibration Jump Blog for more info about using the Vibration Jump Method:

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