1 AI1sG 500 400 300 250 and 225 I frlY en300 250 and 200 for Boys 200 and 175 for Youths 1 The reputation of W L Douglas shoo for style comfort and wear I > known everywhere throughout the world They have to give better satisfaction than other hues beanie the standard has always been placed so high that the wear en expect Wore for their money than they can get elsewhere i 3 We carry a full line and can insure a perfect j fit ft Inspection Inv- itedCOYLE j HAYES BEREA KENTUCKY IIIII Ill 11 IIIII J 11I1 II J II1I11I11 J 1III1II1II11IIII J I I Berea and Vicinity GATHERED FROM A VARIETY OF SOURCES J L r Mrs Ljzzio Bilker of Lexington Ky the Misses Maud and Pearl Ohaney of Richmond Ky and Mrs Irvine Baker of Hickory Plains were the guests of Mrs P J Pawley this weekMr B E Cartmell is now among those who are rejoicing in having an Automatic telephone in his home Tho city phone fs also accessible t Mr and Mrs Cartmell since thei nextdoor neighbors have that Mr and Mrs Willie Hayes have ettirned fo their home near Wildie after a weeks visit with their mother Mrs P J Pawley Miss Ellen Hays and Mr May Mitchellwere married last Thursday by Key W Parsons Mni W J Smith and little daugh ter of Corbin are visiting Mrs J W Fowler this week 0 Miss Allie Fowler was in Cincin t inati last week purchasing new things in the millinery line She opens this week in iCJ Hanson Cos storoI Mr Frank Coyle of the firm of Coylo Hayes is much better of his attack of tonsilitis but is not yet at- tending ¬ f to business A pitiful accident happened at tho home of Mr R L Richardson last Monday The garments of his little 3yeur old daughter caught fire from j the stove aufribe was so seriously WednesdayI t L i been visiting Rev Ilpd Mrs Thomson for a few days returned to Oberlin on Thursday morning being called thither on business The Conversation Club willmeet f with Mr and Mrs Frank Coyle on Friday night of this week Subject William W Folk A full attendance j is hoped for x Mr Dizney has so far recovered from his attack of pneumonia that ho is out again 1 Tho census just taken gives 1075 inhabitants in Berea With those living just outside of tho limits we should have nearly if riot quite 1DOO Mr Harley H Racer will speakat the Congregational Church on Sun ¬ day morning at 11 oclock t Mrs Spencer will go this week to cousini unpronngI Tho Citizen is in receipt of n cir ¬ qeuler letter signed by Evangeline I Armyin unique production tho first num- ber ¬ of The Brighter Day a paper printed and issued by tho Prisoners 9 Aid Department of the Salvation y Army for circulation among those t who are in prison It is a clean little sheet containing good tnhlce in small quantities witht i many words of cheer to those who are condemned to prison walls Such work as that of the Salvation Army and of Mrs Balliugton Booth for the I prisoneru of this country is of the highest moment and should be en ¬ couraged and helped by all Marriedat tho home of the brides mother on March 28 Miss Tommie B Lake to Mr Oscar Lee Osborn The matrimonial rites were solemn ized by Rev George Shepherd pas ¬ tor of the Baptist church of Rich ¬ youngr ¬ and the groom is a prosperous young business man of West Virginia After the ceremony the young couple were driven to Richmond where they took the train for a few days sojourn in the East The Normal School bill has now become a law and the Governor will Soon appoint a commission to decide upon the location of tho two schools There is little doubt that one will be propOsition ¬ Central College can hardly be dupli ¬ cated by any other place It will bo remembered that tho bill carries with it an appropriation of 5000 for fitting up a building and 25000 for yearly expenses ofeach school literary Content Utile Dulce vs it Epd nPL The annual contest between the two girls societies of tho College was held on Friday night March 80 fir this contest an orationan essay byeach marks on each side determinedwhich society won The Mutest was hold in tho upper chapel and Professor Robinson presided The following was the program Music Ariel Quartette Oration The Lost Chord Miss Liviugood for Utile Dulce Oration The Hope of Our Nation Miss Mitchell for Pi Epsilon Pi Essay Gather up the Fragments Miss Ruth Putnam for Pi Epsilon Pi Essay The Tidings of the Seasons Miss Chrisman for Utile Dulce StoryMiss Recitation Mary Queen of Scots Miss Fenn for Pi Epsilon Pi Music Ariel Quartette The decision was in favor pf Pi Epsilon Pi 88 to 82 omitting fract ions Pi Epsilon Pi won in both ora ¬ tions and essays but Utile Dulco scored in recitation It was a very successfulcontest The Clue of the Lyceum Coune Professor Lyjiarger reached Berea by team from Fort Estillsomething after 0 oclock Wednesday night after quite a chapter of accidents Mr Racer entertained the audience while they waited The lecture on How to bo Happy was quite interesting and full of good points We think that wo would be glad to hear Professor Lybarger un ¬ more favorable circumstances The lyceum course this year has patiencebut all is due to heroic work on his part 1 1 I I I I I t t r I I I I I I r H I lfH College Items i HERE AND THERE II H 1 I I r I I I r I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I r I 10 Secretary Gamble him gone to Cin- cinnati ¬ to make arrangements for ti excursion which is scheduled for April 27- Rev I Dr Hubhartl has sent a col- of the New Testament bound wi hymns and also a button badge each member of the Tirst Regiment- j There is to lx> a Y W social Ft day afternoon of this week If tho weather is pleasant it will be on imptossiblit J Miss Corwins father a prominent minister of tho Dutch Reformed Church has been asked to supply a pulpit in Amsterdam for some wed this summer and Miss Corwin wi accompany him flClllorI College Y MC A at Ashovlllo NC was hero one day this week A land slip in connection with ono of the smaller reservoirs has cut that bythe no difference with the supply of wa- ter but makes necessary a relaying of the broken pipe in a new direc ¬ tion On Saturday and Sunday nights next Mrs Louise Seymour Houghton will be in Berea and will give illus trated lectures in the College Chapel on Syria and Palestine A rare chance for securing valuable inform ¬ partthe of Dr Cowley expects to leave for England Jl1ne14and will return about the middle of October This will give him three full months work in London Miss Clark who will accompany Dr and Mrs Cowleywill return in time for the opening of the fall term of the College Dr Ely gave a very iuteretia and effective sermon at the veryInterCfiting great cities and summer assembly workat Winona Lake at Sunday night chapel He also spoke at united chapel Monday morningt Professor Dodges rhetorical class B willgive a free public exhibition- in the chapel on Tuesday night next tho 10th inst This takes tho place of the oldtime close of torm exer ¬ cises The variety of orations essays readings instrumental and vocal mu ¬ sic etc will make a solid and enter ¬ damning program Prof D wishes i announced that the exercises will be gin exactly as the bell stops tolling It is hoped that all will bovjn their seats before that timeI The College has made arraugo 1Forest acres from the College forest domain for experiments in forestry The work to bo done is partly in the line of nursery work and partly in forest replenishment The government is endeavoring to increase the supply of hickory timber which has become se- riously depleted The compiled re port of the work done and the con partlyin ington This action by tho govern ment should mean much to the country at largo and to Kentucky in particularAuturuobllertus Line An automobilo omnibus from- Richmond was In Boron Wednesday- with I a party consisting of Mr and Mrs Ben Banks Mr and Mrs C H Power and Messrs George B Halo and Allen Zaring The macbinel weighs 5000 pounds and carry in sixteen passengers and baggage It is one of the automobiles used on the line between Richmond and uton vestigate the feasibility ofextending the line to this point The roads are in such a condition just at present however as to preclude any such scheme though it is possible that later connection may be established between the two Such a line 0would many who pass over tho pike and the traffic would increase rapidly if convenient schedule could bo I ranged = The prospects are that two public operationbetween 0tbe ville who now conducts an automo ¬ bile line between Maysville and Flemingsburg states that he will start the lino between Lexington and Richmond tomorrow and the Nich olasville line in a low days T B at Deuhurst of Lexington declares he willalso start a regular automobile system between these cities soon Lexington dispatch to Courier Jour- nal I N r A Yltlt to Richmond The edtior was in Richmond Tuesday and while there he called on the llrms that advertise in the Citizen He found Messrs Qoldon Flora busy as bees with a larK stock of orders on hand but still with room for more The now pnou matic tool plant which they have recently Installed in their shops men- lo dor them able to handle all orders with the least possible delay as this plant can ho utilized to do tho work thirtyI are courteousto mari most fastidious Mr Moborly was found in his goodsin whore ho is doing an increasing bus buses every month Those who are in need of anything in his line will sacII ing taste Messrs Crutcher Evans were carryn iegrades from common to the finest largolino to supply these in all grades as well as mattings rugs etc to all comers They also carry a fine line of lace curtains Look for their new silver tiscment next week At the Kentucky Carriage Works Mr Higgins was busy showing his line fine of vehicles to the customers that the liras spring days have reo minded that they must have some thing new this sateen Mr Higgins is always courteous and obliging and will be glad to convince tho public uptodate Time did not pennit a visit to the Richmond Greenhouses but we art assured that Mr Reichspfarr is still doing business with his many old customers and an increasing number of now ones at his old stand The editor will make a visit to Mr Reich spfarr on his next trip and will tell then what he finds ath fine juicy steak and the proper fix ins Joes place is crowded with good things to eat and ho has a din play of candles and Easter novelties just atprescnt that should bo tires be appreciated SplrnHa Kxiilbltlun nt the tutored School The subscription term of the Be roe colored school closed on Friday night with a remarkably fine exhibi tion prepared by the teachers Prof Joshua B Cran haw and Miss Paths TurnerIn of the rain the school ent thusiastic audience Mr Goodloe Chairman of tho Trustees offered opening prayer There was good music vocal and instrumental and tho was splendidly com poaedwith duo proportion of the serious and amusing so that the young and old received both pleas uro and profit The young people wont through their parts without a single break sad reflected great credit upon both their parents and teachers The attendance nt the colored school during the summer wall fall was much smaller than it should have been During the winter when thorn was a subscription price to pay the attendance was much larger and more regular and showed that there is a very line sot of young colored people and boys and girls in Boron We shall expect them to win further reputation In both study and indus ¬ riesThe school was enabled to have tho extra term and employ tho supe rior teachers by reason of sonorous aid secured by Mrs Frost to tho amount of several hundred dollars is only fair that the colored famlI who had established Ihem olvelfI Berea for the sake of Us ¬ tiered advantages and who have beenI phut out of these advantages by tho unwarranted action of the State Legislature should receive all the havlagassistaacein own Mrs Frost hopes to be able to do something for this schoolanother t year and will be grateful for contri- butions especially from those citiz in Berea who claim1 to hove byhe the Colleget I S R BAKER j Dentist Orer Printing Offlcts BEREA KY I Office hours from 8 to 4 Teeth extracted without pin 8oBnoforma For Ladies Furnishing Goods call the Now Cash Store they havo a full line of uptodate Goods TO cum A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVR DROMO Quinine Tablet Dru 4aau refund lrtfelts tocuttW ORO slgnalure le on nch box ssC N I + tI T 1 attttattttttl 300 Square Feet two coats to the gallon thats what THE SHERWINWILUAMS Pm will cover And on a good surface it will cover more than that No paint will do better and very few paints will do as well Maximum covering capacity easiest spreading qualities longest wear and greatest economy are what we claim for S W P Its the one safe paint to use Always gives satisfaction- If you want to save money in paintinglet us show you the way We sell paints of good painting- s Le v The Porter Drug Co Ixcoarouvcn- oO +O +O + O 0 +0 +o + o + o +o + 0100100 +o + o +o + 0 +0010 + 0 + 00 + oo t IAt the UptoDateGrocery YOU CAN BUT tsngtl r at 05 Meal at 25 tIAtcnt Flour05 Special Coffee15and up t + You can always find a fine lot of fruit and the lt of everything that spot cash will buy Prompt delivery t Bind + keep hay and mill feed f W D LOGSDON Prop t + o + o + o o + o o+ o ofO o o +o+ o o + o + o + o + o +o + o o + o o + oi o + 7 777777 r t Furniture is a NecessityY- ou K must have it to make your home or room look and feel comfortable for the winter There is no better i time to buy than now and we have the things you need Kitchen Din- ing room and Parlor Furniture Bed ¬ i DcsksCarpetsWindowShades LOUIS O LESTER to the Mill Chestnut Ave ScNext EEEEEEEEEEEeeE Phone 93 eooeoeoeoaoe oeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoaoeooeoeoeo e e- w o i a 1 1 i Our Motto i o Gl u H 1ft > Not low prices is our inducement g 2 I I Any body can sell cheap goods but everybody o scannot sell good goods cheap We offer a i ° superior line of seasonable goods at our urii I formly low prices Call at o wI 0 The New Cash Store i 2 0 iRIIO US GREEN i CO s- o PROPRIETORS I o oioootIaowo o ao o OIIoaoa ot rw i M r

I Items tInyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7crj48qm42/data/0544.pdf · 1 AI1sG 500 400 300 250 and 225 I frlY en300 250 and 200 for Boys 200 and 175 for Youths 1 The reputation of W L Douglas shoo

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Page 1: I Items tInyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7crj48qm42/data/0544.pdf · 1 AI1sG 500 400 300 250 and 225 I frlY en300 250 and 200 for Boys 200 and 175 for Youths 1 The reputation of W L Douglas shoo


AI1sG 500 400 300 250 and 225 I

frlY en300 250 and 200 forBoys 200 and 175 for Youths 1

The reputation of W L Douglas shoo for style comfort and wear I > knowneverywhere throughout the world They have to give better satisfaction thanother hues beanie the standard has always been placed so high that the wearen expect Wore for their money than they can get elsewhere i

3 We carry a full line and can insure a perfect j

fit ft Inspection Inv-itedCOYLE




I Berea and Vicinity


J LrMrs Ljzzio Bilker of Lexington

Ky the Misses Maud and PearlOhaney of Richmond Ky and MrsIrvine Baker of Hickory Plains werethe guests of Mrs P J Pawley this

weekMrB E Cartmell is now among

those who are rejoicing in having anAutomatic telephone in his homeTho city phone fs also accessible tMr and Mrs Cartmell since theinextdoor neighbors have that

Mr and Mrs Willie Hayes haveettirned fo their home near Wildie

after a weeks visit with their motherMrs P J Pawley

Miss Ellen Hays and Mr MayMitchellwere married last Thursdayby Key W Parsons

Mni W J Smith and little daughter of Corbin are visiting Mrs JW Fowler this week

0 Miss Allie Fowler was in Cincint inati last week purchasing new things

in the millinery line She opensthis week in iCJ Hanson CosstoroI

Mr Frank Coyle of the firm ofCoylo Hayes is much better of hisattack of tonsilitis but is not yet at-


f to businessA pitiful accident happened at tho

home of Mr R L Richardson lastMonday The garments of his little3yeur old daughter caught fire from

j the stove aufribe was so seriously

WednesdayIt Li been visiting Rev Ilpd Mrs Thomson

for a few days returned to Oberlinon Thursday morning being calledthither on business

The Conversation Club willmeetf with Mr and Mrs Frank Coyle on

Friday night of this week SubjectWilliam W Folk A full attendance

j is hoped for x

Mr Dizney has so far recoveredfrom his attack of pneumonia thatho is out again

1 Tho census just taken gives 1075inhabitants in Berea With thoseliving just outside of tho limits weshould have nearly if riot quite 1DOO

Mr Harley H Racer will speakatthe Congregational Church on Sun ¬

day morning at 11 oclock

t Mrs Spencer will go this week tocousiniunpronngITho Citizen is in receipt of n cir ¬qeuler letter signed by Evangeline

I Armyinunique production tho first num-ber


of The Brighter Day a paperprinted and issued by tho Prisoners

9 Aid Department of the Salvationy Army for circulation among thoset who are in prison It is a clean

little sheet containing goodtnhlce in small quantities withti many words of cheer to those who

are condemned to prison walls Suchwork as that of the Salvation Armyand of Mrs Balliugton Booth for the

Iprisoneru of this country is of thehighest moment and should be en ¬

couraged and helped by allMarriedat tho home of the brides

mother on March 28 Miss TommieB Lake to Mr Oscar Lee OsbornThe matrimonial rites were solemnized by Rev George Shepherd pas ¬

tor of the Baptist church of Rich ¬youngr ¬

and the groom is a prosperous youngbusiness man of West Virginia Afterthe ceremony the young couple weredriven to Richmond where they tookthe train for a few days sojourn inthe East

The Normal School bill has nowbecome a law and the Governor willSoon appoint a commission to decideupon the location of tho two schoolsThere is little doubt that one will be

propOsition ¬

Central College can hardly be dupli ¬

cated by any other place It willbo remembered that tho bill carrieswith it an appropriation of 5000for fitting up a building and 25000for yearly expenses ofeach school

literary Content Utile Dulce vs it EpdnPL

The annual contest between thetwo girls societies of tho Collegewas held on Friday night March 80fir this contest an orationan essaybyeachmarks on each side determinedwhichsociety won The Mutest was holdin tho upper chapel and ProfessorRobinson presided The followingwas the program

Music Ariel QuartetteOration The Lost Chord Miss

Liviugood for Utile DulceOration The Hope of Our Nation

Miss Mitchell for Pi Epsilon PiEssay Gather up the Fragments

Miss Ruth Putnam for Pi Epsilon PiEssay The Tidings of the Seasons

Miss Chrisman for Utile DulceStoryMissRecitation Mary Queen of Scots

Miss Fenn for Pi Epsilon PiMusic Ariel QuartetteThe decision was in favor pf Pi

Epsilon Pi 88 to 82 omitting fractions Pi Epsilon Pi won in both ora ¬

tions and essays but Utile Dulcoscored in recitation It was a verysuccessfulcontest

The Clue of the Lyceum CouneProfessor Lyjiarger reached Berea

by team from Fort Estillsomethingafter 0 oclock Wednesday nightafter quite a chapter of accidentsMr Racer entertained the audiencewhile they waited

The lecture on How to bo Happywas quite interesting and full of goodpoints We think that wo would beglad to hear Professor Lybarger un ¬

more favorable circumstancesThe lyceum course this year has

patiencebutall is due to heroic work on his part

1 1 I I I I I t t r I I I I I I r H I lfHCollege Items

i HERE AND THEREII H 1 I I r I I I r I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I r I10

Secretary Gamble him gone to Cin-cinnati


to make arrangements for tiexcursion which is scheduled forApril 27-

RevI Dr Hubhartl has sent a col-of the New Testament bound wihymns and also a button badgeeach member of the Tirst Regiment-

j There is to lx> a Y W social Ftday afternoon of this week If thoweather is pleasant it will be on

imptossiblitJ Miss Corwins father a prominentminister of tho Dutch ReformedChurch has been asked to supply apulpit in Amsterdam for some wedthis summer and Miss Corwin wiaccompany him

flClllorICollege Y M C A at Ashovlllo NCwas hero one day this week

A land slip in connection with onoof the smaller reservoirs has cut thatbytheno difference with the supply of wa-ter but makes necessary a relayingof the broken pipe in a new direc ¬

tionOn Saturday and Sunday nights

next Mrs Louise Seymour Houghtonwill be in Berea and will give illustrated lectures in the College Chapelon Syria and Palestine A rarechance for securing valuable inform ¬partthe of

Dr Cowley expects to leave forEngland Jl1ne14and will returnabout the middle of October Thiswill give him three full months workin London Miss Clark who willaccompany Dr and Mrs Cowleywillreturn in time for the opening of thefall term of the College

Dr Ely gave a very iuteretiaand effective sermon at the

veryInterCfitinggreat cities and summer assemblyworkat Winona Lake at Sundaynight chapel He also spoke atunited chapel Monday morningt

Professor Dodges rhetorical classB willgive a free public exhibition-

in the chapel on Tuesday night nexttho 10th inst This takes tho placeof the oldtime close of torm exer ¬

cises The variety of orations essaysreadings instrumental and vocal mu ¬

sic etc will make a solid and enter ¬

damning program Prof D wishes i

announced that the exercises will begin exactly as the bell stops tollingIt is hoped that all will bovjn theirseats before that timeIThe College has made arraugo1Forestacres from the College forest domainfor experiments in forestry Thework to bo done is partly in the lineof nursery work and partly in forestreplenishment The government isendeavoring to increase the supply ofhickory timber which has become se-

riously depleted The compiled report of the work done and the conpartlyinington This action by tho government should mean much to thecountry at largo and to Kentucky in


LineAn automobilo omnibus from-

Richmond was In Boron Wednesday-with


a party consisting of Mr andMrs Ben Banks Mr and Mrs C HPower and Messrs George B Haloand Allen Zaring The macbinelweighs 5000 pounds and carry insixteen passengers and baggage Itis one of the automobiles used on theline between Richmond andutonvestigate the feasibility ofextendingthe line to this point The roads arein such a condition just at presenthowever as to preclude any suchscheme though it is possible thatlater connection may be establishedbetween the two Such a line0wouldmany who pass over tho pike and thetraffic would increase rapidly ifconvenient schedule could bo


ranged =

The prospects are that two public

operationbetween0tbeville who now conducts an automo ¬

bile line between Maysville andFlemingsburg states that he willstart the lino between Lexington andRichmond tomorrow and the Nicholasville line in a low days T B atDeuhurst of Lexington declares hewillalso start a regular automobilesystem between these cities soonLexington dispatch to Courier Jour-nal


N r

A Yltlt to RichmondThe edtior was in Richmond

Tuesday and while there he calledon the llrms that advertise in theCitizen He found Messrs Qoldon

Flora busy as bees with a larKstock of orders on hand but stillwith room for more The now pnoumatic tool plant which they haverecently Installed in their shops men-

lo dor them able to handle all orderswith the least possible delay as thisplant can ho utilized to do tho workthirtyIarecourteoustomarimost fastidious

Mr Moborly was found in hisgoodsinwhore ho is doing an increasing busbuses every month Those who arein need of anything in his line willsacIIing taste

Messrs Crutcher Evans werecarryniegrades from common to the finestlargolino

to supply these in all grades as wellas mattings rugs etc to all comersThey also carry a fine line of lacecurtains Look for their new silvertiscment next week

At the Kentucky Carriage WorksMr Higgins was busy showing hisline fine of vehicles to the customersthat the liras spring days have reominded that they must have something new this sateen Mr Higginsis always courteous and obliging andwill be glad to convince tho publicuptodate

Time did not pennit a visit to theRichmond Greenhouses but we artassured that Mr Reichspfarr is stilldoing business with his many oldcustomers and an increasing numberof now ones at his old stand Theeditor will make a visit to Mr Reichspfarr on his next trip and will tellthen what he findsathfine juicy steak and the proper fixins Joes place is crowded withgood things to eat and ho has a dinplay of candles and Easter noveltiesjust atprescnt that should bo tires

be appreciated

SplrnHa Kxiilbltlun nt the tutored SchoolThe subscription term of the Be

roe colored school closed on Fridaynight with a remarkably fine exhibition prepared by the teachers ProfJoshua B Cranhaw and Miss PathsTurnerIn

of the rain the schoolentthusiastic audience Mr GoodloeChairman of tho Trustees offered

opening prayer There was goodmusic vocal and instrumental andtho was splendidly compoaedwith duo proportion of theserious and amusing so that theyoung and old received both pleasuro and profit The young peoplewont through their parts without asingle break sad reflected great creditupon both their parents and teachers

The attendance nt the coloredschool during the summer wall fallwas much smaller than it shouldhave been During the winter whenthorn was a subscription price to paythe attendance was much larger andmore regular and showed that thereis a very line sot of young coloredpeople and boys and girls in BoronWe shall expect them to win furtherreputation In both study and indus ¬

riesTheschool was enabled to have

tho extra term and employ tho superior teachers by reason of sonorousaid secured by Mrs Frost to thoamount of several hundred dollars

is only fair that the colored famlIwho had established Ihem olvelfI

Berea for the sake of Us ¬

tiered advantages and who have beenIphut out of these advantages by thounwarranted action of the StateLegislature should receive all the

havlagassistaaceinown Mrs Frost hopes to be able todo something for this schoolanother t

year and will be grateful for contri-butions especially from those citiz

in Berea who claim1 to hovebyhethe CollegetI


DentistOrer Printing Offlcts BEREA KY I

Office hours from 8 to 4

Teeth extracted without pin 8oBnoforma

For Ladies Furnishing Goods callthe Now Cash Store they havo a

full line of uptodate Goods

TO cum A COLD IN ONE DAYTake LAXATIVR DROMO Quinine TabletDru 4aau refund lrtfelts tocuttWORO slgnalure le on nch box ssC

N I+

tIT 1


300Square Feettwo coats to the gallon thats what

THE SHERWINWILUAMS Pmwill cover And on a good surface it will cover morethan that No paint will do better and very fewpaints will do as well Maximum covering capacityeasiest spreading qualities longest wear and greatesteconomy are what we claim for S W P Its the onesafe paint to use Always gives satisfaction-

If you want to save money in paintinglet us showyou the way We sell paints of goodpainting-

s Le v

The Porter Drug CoIxcoarouvcn-

oO+O +O + O0+0+o+o+ o+o+0100100 +o+o+o+0+0010 +0+00+oot

IAtthe UptoDateGrocery


tsngtl r at 05Meal at 25

tIAtcnt Flour05Special Coffee15and upt+

You can always find a fine lot of fruit and the lt ofeverything that spot cash will buy Prompt delivery t Bind

+ keep hay and mill feed

f W D LOGSDON Propt+o+o+oo+oo+oofOoo+o+oo+o+o+ o+o+o+oo+oo+oi o+

7 777777rt Furniture is a NecessityY-ouK must have it to make your homeor room look and feel comfortablefor the winter There is no betteri time to buy than now and we havethe things you need Kitchen Din-ing room and Parlor Furniture Bed ¬i DcsksCarpetsWindowShades

LOUIS O LESTERto the Mill Chestnut Ave


Phone 93

eooeoeoeoaoe oeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoaoeooeoeoeo e e-wo i

a 1 1


Our Mottoio Gl u H 1ft > Not low prices is our inducement g

2 I

I Any body can sell cheap goods but everybodyo

scannot sell good goods cheap We offer a i

°superior line of seasonable goods at our urii

I formly low prices Call ato


0The New Cash Store







oioootIaowoo ao o OIIoaoa ot

rw i M r