L > 14 hll .... 1"':11' III ImrOl.ltKlion 15 I)nrid,l Ilhil,'wl,hr II.illk.\ 1',rnl.ll pfl',kIITlllin.uion II)' 1111Jgilllllg ,Iut Ihuugl11 St:<.:rrl t)' or rum, 1Il ,lhcJd "f CX:llllpk. Ihl'Ough Ill..: manifuld of inlll;lioll-- throllgh ,ill lilt, .'Iel"\ Ih:1I Wlllll.! I ..... rC1luir<:t1 oK'IlI.IIl)' to fill ill the Illulilll: of.lIl ubj':":l (Ill' .\ alld lhcll inl.lgilliug lhe d<:ICrilliIlJ<.:Y til' lho: uhj",", (ur sequence) as lht: ClLlIlllll' JJn:.ldy lrolf".! 11\ inl.ll-\inali"n. n,',nrnill.ll)' illl.lginni ;IS ,kH"rnllll.lhilil)'·in-priIKII'Ic•.Illd d",,'rlllill:lhllify,ul-l'rill<:lllk 1IlI',lll) "I l"JlI inuginc SOIlWOII<:, pcrh.I!,l>;' 1;0..1, gr,illl-: through .!lese :>Iel's," "lle Iranso;ndcIII.I] dCltfl!lin,il it III 'lfhcing. i'ltl, III' ntk-t',Il"wing ;1 priori the r:llillll:11 orda orth,ll whit:h is so dctcrmillcd-es- IX)'''lllII11e or KcidelllS, llevi,1Iillm, :111.1 1111- k'l0W,lbilitil:s:1 ncc\'ss:lrr urde.:r nrth..: eillos :1l11llhe lo/;\us. Thus Ihc rule ",1.1.1 2" 1lI3)' Ix, misulI.lnSlood "I' Ili)lJheyl.'ll, 01 ruisuk,'s llIiSlll lx' lH,llk ill It, )'CI it ..... \'I1IS th.lt III iud}: J'lm' lhis mIt. i[ nn'ns.lril)' llelnlllllll"S III ,I pn:clse ,1l11llllllll:II<1,lhk WJ}' :llIllillue s.. :rie'" uflerms. \Ve .10 1101 llfmn,IJI)' Ihink III' our eUlll"eplil1l\ "I' ,I silllple ruk like Ihis :15 "Irom. sc..:ndellt,ll," rCt :1.S:l r"rIn ut' pre.:dClerl1l1ll:lfiOIl sCllling :lh:l11porall)' :lnd ill:1 "supcrll.II,.. I" J:lshil'lIlhe I"'llerf,r"lhc .\Cries. dl:lt is wl1:11 it is. Wilt- GClISlein bdicn:d Ih.ll MIdi :111 ;lllilUdc 101",11'.1 ruk.\ \\,:IS \'isihlc "cw!'}'- where ill 0111' lin's," nUl 0111)' in Ihc lechlli(llIe of c,lk"ublillg hUI in "inll\1' lllerJhk rd3ted pr:KI iccs" (7.. p. 279). J lis eril i'I\I\' uf rill: uLI ruk is ,Iimcd ,II shuwiuI; Ih3tlht; 'ilml Ilf J Illk is e.' ..... llIiJII)' Illtllfil'lc :llld IhJI it is ,llw.I}'S possihle Iu dn'iJlc 1;0111 Iht; nt;lhlidll:d :lppli\'Jlioll tlf:l rule whilc ,:ul1lil1l1ing Itl :u.lht;I'" 10 ih li"'IIl, In I.th:r work rhcn: is Ill' illl'i(Jl:lblc 1)l11111,1:l1'}' I,rt;"nll Ie' IIIC.lllilll:\. IIi, truc 111.11 f,JI' \Vitlgc". Slei'l 1\'''''\1.\ 11,IVt; IlI,ly ii, IJll' \'11I11CXI e,r""l.lllg11.1g\'-g,'lllc," :111<1 "runl" IIf liIO:." HIli 1I"lthn I.lIlgll,lgI' J;,lI1,es IlIlf Ii ,m" .,flil;" :'1'(' II' he ,'1111' cCllcd slnlclUred hy SlllllC sclf·idclll'(Jllilllll IIIJI IIIJrk.\. Ihcir hOllud- :ll'ics .111.1 1IJ.lkcs their vJr)'lIIg IIIJllIfe!>l.lllotl.\. lII!>t,IlKCS orthe SJ11lC, .... \Vilt- t-:cIIst..:in'.\. ,KCOllllt rullS UlllllhT to Iho.\." \'inl's Ih,u s\'e InUII:llI :Kli\·ilics ,IS Sl rut.luf\·d by "illlpll\'il mlt.:s"; Ii 'I" him Iht; :ICIII.II insl.lIIe.:e.:.\. or lIs:'gc ,lfC 111.1' "ruk.\.."" Thc or" .Irc .\1'.11 il 'I ClllpOI.i1 pll<,:11I '1,lell:l, :l1ld :In; Ie, hc ".lpl'hnJ" I" 11K (,1.'1:5. 11('1 :1\.1 rllk ""Iccil·... d or illldl;gihk tiWIII i\ .ll'plic.l, hili r,lI 111'1 ,IS ,III ,Klll:lll'hr,i":III'ukr 1\ .IIIJllit;dl<. ,I ,w:lI.I, <If '11.11\"1 i.lll; 'I' 11"rpu\c.\. "f":ulnl':lri.l.lll', In [tel, C\'CII the.uldin:uy w.lodclI 1!I,lIlthe loglls-subSlolllCe IJf! wlndl cssence ,llId:1 prlOn .In' IIlJlk, IS more ng,d th,lllthe "rule" prO\'ided b)' inst,llIcCS of uS:lge. L:U1gU:lgc s:lIl1plcs arc 1Il0le like Ihe cl:lslic ruler of whie.:h VI'ingenst\'in spc;lks illthc J(01/f,,.b01l lilt l-ill/lIIll1tio" rfMlltholllltia than the}' arc like the st:llld:mllllctcr-stick:ll 1':lI'is. . ':rulc for Ihe 01'.3 word" thcII. ill I.x / CUIISllllCll as:l fOfllllh:lllll.lkes Ihe 1)I("selll by pfcdelernlllllng II. And, 3t Ihe S.Il11e limc, sillcc mcaning lor Wingens-.cin nil 110 IUllger be simply prCS\'lIt, this mcans Ih31 IIIc:lning is no longer delcflnined by Ihc I "is," thc bcing of the is 1I....ither im:.lf:1 docs 1l 111;lke prCSl:lll Ihc Imllll.l all cnlll)'- WlIlgcnslelli s releCtl0n 01 mles as 1r:lIIscemlclll:1J !tlnl\S imposing IrJnsc\'mlclIlalnt;c\'ssil}' is-a brcak wilh the dassical mel3physi.:s of CllIil)" :1 1ll\'IJphysics which 1\.3111 u'lained Ihrough the li)lllI of 31\ ulljn'l X. 'Illis rClcnt ion is npn'i311)' in ,'onlr:asl wilh \Villgo.:n!t.leill's pruj\'CI 11OI:'::lUSC KJIU hilUsclf :1,:culIlpli.\.hnl Ihc Ir:llISblielll of III... li.rlll of II Ie ubjt;t:l inlll a nlle lilf :l seIIIKm'" Ill' repre, Sc.:IIl:llioIlS :Uld IIlllS provided:1 \'ersion or"lhe e.:(Jllrepl ufli,rm intermcdi:lte bCI weCll dassie.:almctapJlysit:S :11111 the il'e pi':IUI"e (If 1l\c:ll1ing as lelllpur:ally \·xlc.:ndnl s)'l":I)(, or tii.UrP"lWct. v (l\riSUlll:J spc:lks uf ,1(ei.kIllS in IW'I SCII!>CS. III (IIlC •.111 :Kcidelll is a 11l'(t;SS:tf)' or illlrillsi..: pWIll:rl)' Ilr :1lI o.:mil)', hilt J. prlll1ol:rty th.1I is IIUI 11:lIllCd inth.: .... Though Illil stl'i.:i1)' pari orlill' nSCII(\" this kind of pfupt.:rly IlCIIllIgS within Ihe .:ir.:k lIlJ1 is lI,;\(ctl b)' Ihe csscncc Ildinition. The second kintl of :lccidelll. huwewr, lies Olllside Ihis cirde; il is fhe sort ofindividu31 \'3fi3Iioll tll:l1 o.xul'S h)' Ch311\'C Jnd Ihat ("311r1nt be rdi:lhly prnliclcd on Ihc b,uis I)f knlJwktlg,- of Ihc \'SSCil':C. 'ntis kind uf :I\'..:idclII cumut he '-"'"0WII" inlhe scielllili..: til' philosuphictl s("nsc; il C,III- lIul he slIhllliltt:d 10 1:11\' or gt;ncr:lli"l.:uioll. Knuwing murt; Ih:ln l\riStolk diel :111t lilt C:IUS,lt illl1, wc \l'tlllltlll:1VC Itl dr.,w rile line bt;twn'n ti,e "Irgllbr" :llId Ihc .I\"cidcllt ditkn'l1ll)' th:lll Iw dllt.'S. For him, :llIlJIl\ h... ing wllitt' is ,I "dl:llKe" \':lri:llillll, silKc II is 1I\'ilhn ,llw3)'S III If USIIJII)' IllC rJSC; w ... would r,,:clIglli't...: stich .I v:lri:lliulI:IS !Jw·hmmJ :llltl wilh Ihc "n.w:ncc:" I If 1I1JII. Hut rq::lnlkss Ill' wh\'rc wc drJw IllC linc. thc dis· tinctiun '1oI:1\\'t;ell Ihe.: osclllial (as wh3t is cumil\\Ious with indud· iug I.,w-holl ..d \':lri:llil)lI) Jilt! Ihc :lCcidcllI,l!. (as wh.11 CSC,IIlt.·s Ih\' IJW IIf c\scll(e) Il1llSt se K.ner I,r IJlcr CIIlI1l' illt'. pl.l)'. A'Tidt:lll.\ ill Iht: st:(uml ;lfC the inlillilC lit .ss;hilifies or" I'.uilr;, '" ill III\' \"lillI's..: e,flllings Ihat, IX'C:lIIS\' Iht;)' :11(' i,llillite. t::lIInlll Ill: Mlhjn·lnllt. nlk. C311111)' b)' illldlerl .1I1t! bngll.lge (IHtI7J), Kn"wlnlg\'. SJ)'S Arislnill:, c,m onl)' Ill: nfwhJI is Ih\' .';I'>\.' alw:lys or Jt IeJstl'lr IIlt.sl p,lrI; bill Ihe rc:guIJrili\'s whose 1;,f1lluIJ Ihl: mimi CUI Ilisccl\'Cl' there is the illimit"Jblc rc:aJm of-'a(\'idt;lIlaloclll/;\:' anti Jcci,klll:lll,lt.'ili b is duse It) "l1oulx'ing." Arcidel\lS ill sense, l\riSlOtk, afC n", "f11l/v :lrc oilly n:lIll\·S. Now, ":lc(idcllls" 1lI:1}' Ill; illllOl:lIlJllS, :IS wbcll:l 111:111 11:lPIll;IIS 1 .. 1101: p:llc, ur n'Cl! h:lI'P)'.:ls wbo.:n :1111.111 digging 3 hole tilr:l p1.1111 1;lllb:1 l,e,lsure; hIll Ilic p,.i"riplt 1'1' Jc\·ido.:lIIs (ifwt.' C:l1I (":lU ;1 .1 prill' tte.uQ.'( / W,'rr6e.0S"(t','/0 / Negl2As,k"tl !.-,'Nu:{AJ/

I I~y - benjamin arditi · '6 [ll1ro.0.1 I1rlillll Inlr(KI\lClitUI 17 W1S.i~ ~ L.'rt.-IT . otlrSIr;e _.. Jb~ir/oJ(? 1\1~ l'f~,, hosc COll(t:pts Ihal have pb)'ed311 ,IIllIX1I'l:.lnl

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Page 1: I I~y - benjamin arditi · '6 [ll1ro.0.1 I1rlillll Inlr(KI\lClitUI 17 W1S.i~ ~ L.'rt.-IT . otlrSIr;e _.. Jb~ir/oJ(? 1\1~ l'f~,, hosc COll(t:pts Ihal have pb)'ed311 ,IIllIX1I'l:.lnl



14 hll ....1"':11' III ImrOl.ltKlion 15

I)nrid,l Ilhil,'wl,hr II.illk.\ 1',rnl.ll pfl',kIITlllin.uion II)' 1111Jgilllllg ,IutIhuugl11 St:<.:rrl t)' or ~ilnlll)' rum, 1Il ,lhcJd "f il~dr-IorCX:llllpk. Ihl'OughIll..: manifuld of inlll;lioll-- throllgh ,ill lilt, .'Iel"\ Ih:1I Wlllll.! I..... rC1luir<:t1oK'IlI.IIl)' to fill ill the Illulilll: of.lIl ubj':":l (Ill' .\ 1<:lllp"'~11 ~npJl:IH.:c) alldlhcll inl.lgilliug lhe d<:ICrilliIlJ<.:Y til' lho: uhj",", (ur ICllll'HIl~ll sequence) aslht: ClLlIlllll' JJn:.ldy lrolf".! 11\ inl.ll-\inali"n. n,',nrnill.ll)' i~ illl.lginni ;IS,kH"rnllll.lhilil)'·in-priIKII'Ic•.Illd d",,'rlllill:lhllify,ul-l'rill<:lllk 1IlI',lll) "I l"JlIinuginc SOIlWOII<:, pcrh.I!,l>;' 1;0..1, gr,illl-: through .!lese :>Iel's,"

"lle Iranso;ndcIII.I] dCltfl!lin,il it III 'lfhcing. ("~l1il i'ltl, III' ntk-t',Il"winggllar~lIlllX"S ;1 priori the r:llillll:11 orda orth,ll whit:h is so dctcrmillcd-es­l:lbJisll~'S IX)'''lllII11e ell1pirk;lllltjs~il,ilityor KcidelllS, llevi,1Iillm, :111.1 1111­k'l0W,lbilitil:s:1 ncc\'ss:lrr urde.:r nrth..: eillos :1l11llhe lo/;\us. Thus Ihc rule",1.1.1 2" 1lI3)' Ix, misulI.lnSlood "I' Ili)lJheyl.'ll, 01 ruisuk,'s llIiSlll lx' lH,llkill It, ,ll~lllic;~lillll,hu~ )'CI it .....\'I1IS th.lt III iud}: J'lm' lhis mIt. i[ nn'ns.lril)'llelnlllllll"S III ,I pn:clse ,1l11llllllll:II<1,lhk WJ}' :llIllillue s..:rie'" uflerms. \Ve.10 1101 llfmn,IJI)' Ihink III' our eUlll"eplil1l\ "I' ,I silllple ruk like Ihis :15 "Irom.sc..:ndellt,ll," rCt :1.S:l r"rIn ut' id~"ll pre.:dClerl1l1ll:lfiOIl sCllling :lh:l11porall)':lnd ill:1 "supcrll.II,.. I" J:lshil'lIlhe I"'llerf,r"lhc .\Cries. dl:lt is wl1:11 it is. Wilt­GClISlein bdicn:d Ih.ll MIdi :111 ;lllilUdc 101",11'.1 ruk.\ \\,:IS \'isihlc "cw!'}'­where ill 0111' lin's," nUl 0111)' in Ihc lechlli(llIe of c,lk"ublillg hUI in "inll\1'lllerJhk rd3ted pr:KI iccs" (7.. p. 279). J lis eril i'I\I\' uf rill: (Ull~''''pl uLI rukis ,Iimcd ,II shuwiuI; Ih3tlht; 'ilml Ilf J Illk is e.' .....llIiJII)' Illtllfil'lc :llld IhJI itis ,llw.I}'S possihle Iu dn'iJlc 1;0111 Iht; nt;lhlidll:d :lppli\'Jlioll tlf:l rulewhilc ,:ul1lil1l1ing Itl :u.lht;I'" 10 ih li"'IIl, In \VillgCIlSlt;ill'~ I.th:r work rhcn:is Ill' illl'i(Jl:lblc 1)l11111,1:l1'}' I,rt;"nll Ie' IIIC.lllilll:\. IIi, truc 111.11 f,JI' \Vitlgc".Slei'l 1\'''''\1.\ 11,IVt; lnc;lllinl~ IlI,ly ii, IJll' \'11I11CXI e,r""l.lllg11.1g\'-g,'lllc," :111<1"runl" IIf liIO:." HIli 1I"lthn I.lIlgll,lgI' J;,lI1,es IlIlf Ii ,m" .,flil;" :'1'(' II' he ,'1111'cCllcd ,I~ slnlclUred hy SlllllC sclf·idclll'(Jllilllll IIIJI IIIJrk.\. Ihcir hOllud­:ll'ics .111.1 1IJ.lkcs their vJr)'lIIg IIIJllIfe!>l.lllotl.\. lII!>t,IlKCS orthe SJ11lC, .... \Vilt­t-:cIIst..:in'.\. ,KCOllllt rullS UlllllhT to Iho.\." \'inl's Ih,u s\'e InUII:llI :Kli\·ilics ,ISSl rut.luf\·d by "illlpll\'il mlt.:s"; Ii 'I" him Iht; :ICIII.II insl.lIIe.:e.:.\. or lIs:'gc ,lfC 111.1'"ruk.\.."" Thc iIlSt:IIKe.~ or" 1I\,'g~' .Irc .\1'.11 il 'I ClllpOI.i1 pll<,:11I '1,lell:l, :l1ld :In;Ie, hc ".lpl'hnJ" I" 11K \Imkrsr:lI1dill~ urll~w (,1.'1:5. 11('1 :1\.1 rllk ""Iccil·...d:I~ ItlgCl.~ or illldl;gihk tiWIII i\ .ll'plic.l, hili r,lI 111'1 ,IS ,III ,Klll:lll'hr,i":III'ukr1\ .IIIJllit;dl<. ,I ,w:lI.I, <If '11.11\"1 i.lll; 'I' 11"rpu\c.\. "f":ulnl':lri.l.lll', In [tel, C\'CIIthe.uldin:uy w.lodclI f~IIc~,'huugh I~.\..\. "hard~' 1!I,lIlthe loglls-subSlolllCe IJf!wlndl cssence ,llId:1 prlOn .In' IIlJlk, IS more ng,d th,lllthe "rule" prO\'idedb)' inst,llIcCS of uS:lge. L:U1gU:lgc s:lIl1plcs arc 1Il0le like Ihe cl:lslic ruler ofwhie.:h VI'ingenst\'in spc;lks illthc J(01/f,,.b01l lilt l-ill/lIIll1tio" rfMlltholllltiathan the}' arc like the st:llld:mllllctcr-stick:ll 1':lI'is.

. Th~ ':rulc for Ihe 11.~.c 01'.3 word" c:lIll1~t. thcII. ill Willgcnslt;il\'~ I~)(I I.x /CUIISllllCll as:l fOfllllh:lllll.lkes Ihe nll';lllll1!~1)I("selll by pfcdelernlllllng II.

And, 3t Ihe S.Il11e limc, sillcc mcaning lor Wingens-.cin nil 110 IUllger besimply prCS\'lIt, this mcans Ih31 IIIc:lning is no longer delcflnined by Ihc

I "is," I~y thc bcing of the lJ~*:C1. ~e:lnin? is 1I....ither im:.lf:1 pr~sel.ll f(lfI~1110rdocs 1l 111;lke prCSl:lll Ihc Imllll.l all cnlll)'- WlIlgcnslelli s releCtl0n 01 mlesas 1r:lIIscemlclll:1J !tlnl\S imposing IrJnsc\'mlclIlalnt;c\'ssil}' is-a brcak wilhthe dassical mel3physi.:s of CllIil)" :1 1ll\'IJphysics which 1\.3111 u'lainedIhrough the li)lllI of 31\ ulljn'l ~ X. 'Illis rClcnt ion is npn'i311)' rc\'cJlil1~ in,'onlr:asl wilh \Villgo.:n!t.leill's pruj\'CI 11OI:'::lUSC KJIU hilUsclf :1,:culIlpli.\.hnlIhc Ir:llISblielll of III... li.rlll of II Ie ubjt;t:l inlll a nlle lilf :l seIIIKm'" Ill' repre,Sc.:IIl:llioIlS :Uld IIlllS provided:1 \'ersion or"lhe e.:(Jllrepl ufli,rm intermcdi:ltebCI weCll dassie.:almctapJlysit:S :11111 the d~·(OnSlnK·til'e pi':IUI"e (If 1l\c:ll1ing aslelllpur:ally \·xlc.:ndnl s)'l":I)(, or tii.UrP"lWct.


(l\riSUlll:J spc:lks uf ,1(ei.kIllS in IW'I SCII!>CS. III (IIlC ~"'IlSC •.111 :Kcidelll is a11l'(t;SS:tf)' or illlrillsi..: pWIll:rl)' Ilr :1lI o.:mil)', hilt J. prlll1ol:rty th.1I is IIUI11:lIllCd inth.: dl'fil1itiOllllr,:s~cn(.... Though Illil stl'i.:i1)' pari orlill' nSCII(\"this kind of pfupt.:rly IlCIIllIgS within Ihe .:ir.:k lIlJ1 is lI,;\(ctl b)' Ihe csscnccIldinition. The second kintl of :lccidelll. huwewr, lies Olllside Ihis cirde; ilis fhe sort ofindividu31 \'3fi3Iioll tll:l1 o.xul'S h)' Ch311\'C Jnd Ihat ("311r1nt berdi:lhly prnliclcd on Ihc b,uis I)f knlJwktlg,- of Ihc \'SSCil':C. 'ntis kind uf:I\'..:idclII cumut he '-"'"0WII" inlhe scielllili..: til' philosuphictl s("nsc; il C,III­lIul he slIhllliltt:d 10 1:11\' or gt;ncr:lli"l.:uioll. Knuwing murt; Ih:ln l\riStolkdiel :111t lilt C:IUS,lt illl1, wc \l'tlllltlll:1VC Itl dr.,w rile line bt;twn'n ti,e "Irgllbr":llId Ihc "Ch,1l1~'t;" .I\"cidcllt ditkn'l1ll)' th:lll Iw dllt.'S. For him, :llIlJIl\ h... ingwllitt' is ,I "dl:llKe" \':lri:llillll, silKc II is 1I\'ilhn ,llw3)'S III If USIIJII)' IllC rJSC;w... would r,,:clIglli't...: stich .I v:lri:lliulI:IS !Jw·hmmJ :llltl \'onS"i~h'lIl wilh Ihc"n.w:ncc:" IIf 1I1JII. Hut rq::lnlkss Ill' wh\'rc wc drJw IllC linc. thc IlJ.\.i~· dis·tinctiun '1oI:1\\'t;ell Ihe.: osclllial (as wh3t is cumil\\Ious with \'~nn', indud·iug I.,w-holl..d \':lri:llil)lI) Jilt! Ihc :lCcidcllI,l!. (as wh.11 CSC,IIlt.·s Ih\' IJW IIfc\scll(e) Il1llSt se K.ner I,r IJlcr CIIlI1l' illt'. pl.l)'.

A'Tidt:lll.\ ill Iht: st:(uml .~o.:nSc ;lfC the inlillilC lit .ss;hilifies or" I'.uilr;, '" illIII\' \"lillI's..: e,flllings Ihat, IX'C:lIIS\' Iht;)' :11(' i,llillite. t::lIInlll Ill: Mlhjn·lnllt.nlk. C311111)' h~' 1I1.l~1t;l"t't1 b)' illldlerl .1I1t! bngll.lge (IHtI7J), Kn"wlnlg\'.SJ)'S Arislnill:, c,m onl)' Ill: nfwhJI is Ih\' .';I'>\.' alw:lys or Jt IeJstl'lr Ih~' IIlt.slp,lrI; bill l>c)~lIld Ihe rc:guIJrili\'s whose 1;,f1lluIJ Ihl: mimi CUI Ilisccl\'Cl'there is the illimit"Jblc rc:aJm of-'a(\'idt;lIlaloclll/;\:' anti Jcci,klll:lll,lt.'ilib isduse It) "l1oulx'ing." Arcidel\lS ill Ihi~ sense, sa\,.~ l\riSlOtk, afC n", "f11l/v1'\':II-the~' :lrc oilly n:lIll\·S. Now, ":lc(idcllls" 1lI:1}' Ill; illllOl:lIlJllS, :IS wbcll:l111:111 11:lPIll;IIS 1.. 1101: p:llc, ur n'Cl! h:lI'P)'.:ls wbo.:n :1111.111 digging 3 hole tilr:lp1.1111 1;lllb:1 l,e,lsure; hIll Ilic p,.i"riplt 1'1' Jc\·ido.:lIIs (ifwt.' C:l1I (":lU ;1 .1 prill'

tte.uQ.'( .s~ / W,'rr6e.0S"(t','/0 ~ ::J::,~'z::'/ ...wt~5r'~ ~

Negl2As,k"tl Prze~S/ !.-,'Nu:{AJ/ NesFCks~4/ /~cfy

Page 2: I I~y - benjamin arditi · '6 [ll1ro.0.1 I1rlillll Inlr(KI\lClitUI 17 W1S.i~ ~ L.'rt.-IT . otlrSIr;e _.. Jb~ir/oJ(? 1\1~ l'f~,, hosc COll(t:pts Ihal have pb)'ed311 ,IIllIX1I'l:.lnl

'6 [ ll1 ro .0.1 I1rl illll Inlr(KI\lClitUI 17

W1S.i~ ~­

L.'rt.-IT .

otlrSI r;e _..Jb~ir/oJ(?


l'f~, ,, ,',' I' ., . .' .~u'" L"t'hosc COll(t:pts Ihal have pb)'ed 311 IIllIX1I'l:.lnl Wll 111 I' Ill!)!>o)' IY. Sill I 3S A,... ,,~~ ,.,.:I,

;:ll\gllage, rm::ming. inlcnlioll, ideJ, mimesis, I~Iell\(II")" lime. \lri~in, rl:pr~- iP) ~v:v.-\~Iscllialiuli. sig.n. ami so oll-Ille same kinds 01 ~·tll1l·epls IhJt \Vnq;ell:>lclIl;; .~Y't~~is cUl1(cmed w;lh. '11lcrt: is lItl 'IUl'sti'll\ here orlotlk;ll!; Itlr Ihe '\'unslim" £..'

/live oUlsidc" of 3 chair or cvcn of Ihc idea of a ch1ir. which pl:l)'S no role inthl' OIllSlillllion of philosophicJI conc\'plll:llil)'; hUI wc ItYf illlcrcsied inIhe conccpl Ilf"t:llIilY" or "object-in-ben...'r31." which does pia)' such :1 role.LeI us SChCI\IJlizc Dl'I"ri(IJ's ""oIKepl of COllM;ltIlirJl\ illlhis way: X is CCII1'slil\lled b)' ntln-X. II X hne Illt:Jns t::.st:IICC or self·idcnli!\' ali 011 iwd byphilosoph)'. :lnd non-X is Ih~1 wh!~h lill~clions as Ih,e ·oUl:loi~k." or .Iimil 10Ihe posili\'e asscnion of 11\15 sell'ltlenlll)'. Ihal wlud.l.kl'eps Il~e.altl)' ~romcomplele dUJ>ure, yel in /;mj(i'~fJ il relll:tins lhl'" ItllY l'on.lllll.1ll ,:,1 Iht.:xlssibility of Ihe lOsil i\'C a.~scnllm 0 I'S~'ncc, 'I Ie Sl>CCla al'l) lCallOn nf

I liS sc lema I3k...,s IllJn)' forms. -or enmple. Dt:rriliJ Ix,ims nUl lhat lht:ncceSsar)' condilion fill' Iht: definition of"memory" is th:ll il I11ml Ix: sl~b'

jt:CI ltl It>rl;l'lflllness:. ";I lirnillt·...s memory" wtll~ld l>c ",nol rnt.:!n..ry ~IUI .m-tinitc .scU:pr...-SCllcc" (I)iu.. p, 109). 1\111 dll'rc IS ..lie Itlrm III ....umlllHllulI1»' m'l\-X th,lI IImkrlil'S sc\'CrJI ..f nl·rritl.l.·~ mtl~1 illlptlrl;llil d"l'un",lI"lIc-lillnli. 311tllhJl is Ihe UPPtlSili.. lI IIf Of!fJ;lIlI/ prrJ(II{f :md rrp<tit;ull. III hi:lore:tdinl; (If 1111),.';o,:rl• .IS w~ ~\'ill Sl"\: in t1cla.il in Ihe. Ile~1 ell:1lltt:r, l?,:rr;~~.1 ~\'ill

:ll'pl)' Iht: art;.ullll'tll ....ngllloll prC,\l'IKe IS t'(IlUfllllled hy rl'lX'lIlloll (I.e,.h)' the IIl1n-oricin:ll. rlll" rc:rum nr ",II;Jill" of the uriginal) rcpealnll)',III II'l' Il.lirs I'rilllJI implessiwl/r.:prndm·litlll. Ntlw/l,ul-now, :llltl sign·

idem il)' I ...it-:Il ''''''1'':1 it;( 11\.

'l'lli~ Ill"\"\: .If !)erritb's SCl'lllS :)$ f:lI" :IS il (an he frtllll \Villgl'l\slei,I':lo a,,·pm.Kh. Ilmhcr dun JIIJckiug idt:.Iliry direcll)'. Derrid.l 3ppropriJIl'S il till"his ..WII pUq)OSl'S :md USCI' il againsl ilscll: r\mcric.1ll reJdcrs ~lIlal'cus­

IUUlt:d IU Iho.:: mt:laphrsi(al slYIc til' Eurnp.:,m I'hilmoph)' m:l)' hud suchIwiJols 1'1' Ihl,uglu lctlitlm-l'l'I"h,lllS IIU Illtlrl' Illan lillt-:\lil'lic Irirk.s. I W.llliIU .\Ul::t-:l'SI. Ii IUnwin!) Wiugl·m.rt:ill, lh:.ll we (.Ill IreJI Ih~ C~Ill(l:pt .uf "cs'~ell(t:"gmuJII/lIt;mlly, Ihal is, as a gellt·r.ll It'rUI whose pnllClplcs 01 Opl·r:J·tion MUll up or schelll;lIize Ihe pril\cil'kli . '1'.Ilion uf a whole set uf..ther. kJ>s Illclaphys;c:tl-soum!illg It:rm J)crrid :trglll's 111;11 the dl.ll'Jc­leri.~lil· 11l11\'e (.1' 11Il'I;lphysil:s is to SCi tlp:1 'II, ry "PIll.'l'it ion :t1\l111ll:1' lIit:r­archicllly sllbonlin:lIe ulle lerlll or Iht: Oplll.,sil iun lU 1l1l' tll!tt:r. I-krt: [ t:'lke"es~t:llce" and "accid.:nl·' as the mOSI gelleml ruhrks undcr which to rJl1ge:111 other im.l:lllCeS of rhis Opposilion and slllll.lrdin:.uilm: all .'uncepls ingellt:r:11 dropposil;on belweo.:n POSil;\'e value JIIlI prl"al ion, illside and Ulll·side, pm;,y :11111 rontamill:.lliull, ide31 or lngical3l\l1 empirical.:1 priori JildCOlli illgclIl. :llld 11Iore restricled clCpressiollS of these tJPllOsitlOlIS. such asrne:lIIinl; and sigl1, S01l1 and lxxly. mall 3nd atlim:ll, alld so Oil, EvcrYlhing

"ipkj i,_ nnt il1mxlIou.\: .ll,'id"Il1.\ h.\\'e no iltiim/ hm'ffll/fllfJII, 1;\1 ems,' willI.1 ,klinill" ]lIllllllt:ll")' dl~IWll 'II" .lr,lw.lblc :lhOUl its lilllilS. Ao.:o.:i,Ic'l[!> "(IIII\' hl'..:h.UKC (tlJ 'ltc/WII). :U1d dl.lIK,' I:l(k$ a hlllln.br)' "f definit ion ()r ,tdinilc,IIC:'S; it is f/<JriJtull (1025.L). l\bncr, imldiuilt: ill ibdf ,lilt! Glp:lhh: or he:lr­illl; Infinite prclliO::lliull. is the ,:11150.: of :lc..:idclils (1027:1), :md ;uddini,c_m'~s lhrl·.ll~IlS the pI in..:;pl..: ,If l'<.:iuS :llld of Klu,\,'ahilily. the dClcrmin3.lc,Uluficd sdls:llllcm~ss of the SJIllC, Im/him/11Il :IS sw.:h.

en I••1S IIH:...IIOll \\'11 1 n'SllCl'( 1'1 I liS SdK"III.1 i~,~.",,.,,,cnc,cp'''-'c"C,,-,~;I-,-,,~,loC:lfCC y be misumkrstO(l(.1 .111.1 $0 1~ldic;;lJ ill il.s impliclIiollS lhat it C.tll~a.r":d)'.I)C ~llldefsl~KI.. h ;~ Ihis: if l'ssence is 11/1I'~l1" exposed 10 Ihe prnsi­b~I~I)' "I :lC~~l.IcI."S, I~ lIus IInllhen 3 neCCS!3fY. I:uhn Ih311;1 Ch;lIlCC.l'ossi, *"blilly, :lIld lIn IS alw.l ':lo and Ilcce~S:lfih' 'oS)iblc is il nOI Ihcn an mOil;I'ossibilil ,~

e sai Ih.lIlhc l't·idclll '1Ilhe bad sense is li)r AriSlol1e wh;lle\'I.'r C:lII'1101 I:K: c:ll'lUred by.1 I;l·IlCI-ali ....:uioli. ami ill\'ol\'e~ in I;cner.ll lhe inddinile'r~e~ or ill~illillllh::".1' p\)'o_~ih~e p.n1icul.lri1..lliun uf Ihe matln, til" tlf 1111; pc~­sll.'.le I'cJ:l(~uru' d1.l.1 ',1 has wnh C\'l'(ylhillt-: Jft'LIlIlI if. Hy l/'l'l'anw I'rirlCipkt ,I Illth::11I111l;II\'.\S, It IllclUlk:lo 31'\.1' IlulSl' t"Xl1rrerlCl'!!: 111:11 .Ire :In'id''lIls 111 rIleEllgli)11 :>elise Ilflhc wt.nl-tli\fIIptit>tlJo t.flhl' m.un;)1 cour~c tlfillings in,1...nud.JIl'·c wilh p\lrl.ICI~, a~ whclI.I :<hip is hklWIl utl"cutlrJ>.C II)' .I SlUrm(1025:1). GCllcr.lli1..illC lhc prim'il'k- 0111' lhc ;)(cidclll;)l, Ih""I1, \\'l- C;)1l J>3y lhalil is Ihc "oUlJ>idc" ofessl'lll'e. Ihc Mo.h·elll in which lhe kl1uw,lblc :llld l'peak';)ble l'tluld losc ils lurm; .lc(idelllS ;)Jo C;)I.lSlrophi.... disnlpliom in a Sl'IISCclCprcss lhe es~n(e ufrhc al·cidcnl:ll. ib Ch;lr.lctl'r as \'iuf;lIiun 01'1I1l' cidosbllUndary. Dcrrid,l wnrb ~Imelhin ' likc 3 Ii 'IIrc·field switeh 011 Ihi!!: con'ception ,llIc 1:1 es I IC OlllSll C I., >c }lfUJ/nry lu the COI1J>lIIUlluli til a ) IC'IIOlllelion III liS :lS'SUC 1,:1 film lliOIl 011 Ie XISSI iii)' tIll Ie' Ill:>" c. "l1ms,

I~l : . Ign:"me. :.\'elll IllIell" )erm;1 argues I lal I IC possibilll)' of in.lehcll)', :lolllec 1,115 ;II\\'.I)'S po~~ibk, ollghllo I>e lIe.lled .IS all eSSClui:ll predi'l',lIe or 1.IW III Ihe 1I.lIme 01 spt:e(h ,ltU. \Ve (ould c.11I lhis :'Ul iml:\J1(c ofIh~' "gen~r:II" IJ\\' Ilf ,ll'cidl:IIIS, Ihl: pl'ill(ipk Ib.ll Slunell,inc (.III :llw:I)'s go1\'rt)llg wllh the 110rlll:lll',l\lI"So.: ul'lhings 1:K:....all.\c of lhc illil1lit;lhility (If itsrd:u i(J!IS wirh il\ "( ,,"~idl:." tlUl ""acll partinll:.r killd uf rhill!; \\'ill ;11St.1 h.IVea "sl:K:l'ial" acddellllh:1[ will hc Ihe limit :ll'prupri:llc 10 ils ll\\'ll :lJ>-slich and111:1[ will flllu!illlte il as Ihm p:lrtinll:lr kind t)f:'I.~'Slld1. In this so.:nsc ofal"comlilulive oUlside," the olllsidc is 1101 ";lCcldent31" as inddinile sill(c il ,i­is neeessary for ;I. giver1kind of 3s·such; il is al:ciJell1:.,1 3S 1101I,eSSC'Il(C lhalbcl;llls e.~SCIKe.

IIA'f(I'-A.l', rY. Now, Do.:l'rid:J 11'0I'k.~ 0111 of the Kam·Husserl "lr.lnS(elllklHal" tr.l(li. 'lion; lhllS, lhe applic:'lliolloflhc :'lS-SllCh in his IIsage is 1101 10 lhing.~,in.lheillsell'es hili lO Ibings'«Jr-collsdol1sness and to (Ono.:eplS. specifically

Page 3: I I~y - benjamin arditi · '6 [ll1ro.0.1 I1rlillll Inlr(KI\lClitUI 17 W1S.i~ ~ L.'rt.-IT . otlrSIr;e _.. Jb~ir/oJ(? 1\1~ l'f~,, hosc COll(t:pts Ihal have pb)'ed311 ,IIllIX1I'l:.lnl



.., -


1M [Ill rCKh lei i\ 111 11lIrodunion 19

Ih.It i~ ~.Iid ho.:n: (om:cming C\~'lh:C i) ,herd',r..: ill..:ndcd ,I.> n:IC\':lIll wher­e\,er ,IllY of tlw$C 1l1'1\lI.>il iUIl\. or .111)' "lhns "f tl,.;ir t )'110.:, occurs, ,lIld IItII.1.> ,...:rili'lll<: (If.m Olllllllll.kd )1)'11' ,.1' tn<:lJ.pllpi...11 .\o1 .......:lIbli,lli.

\"itl~<:n.\ou:i,,·:>(IWII ,uloid;. 1111 thl' .:, "'('(Pi iUll "I' ruks .1\ 1'~\lIY.:<:n..kIllJ(Hf ")III>I;I'I13r\I," is a )1'lC..·i"l (:IS,' ufdlis g<:mTJI Slnu:lun:, III rClllJrks )<)3­94 uf the Imntigl'lio,u, ItN' ClJmpk. h.... (OIllr.bIS ;a rcal machine, in whichdlere lila)' alw.l}') be a "dis((Jftiml of 1111,: I'Jn~~." with the pir/.'" of;) lIla­chille ur 1ll3(hinc-:lS-s)'Illhul. ill whk:h 110 5\10.:11 distortiun is possible. 'Ille

possibility of;1 !,mi,'uIM lI\O\"t;Il\l.'1\l 311' gin:lI in the Ilingmm of Ihe Illa­dline or l..kallll;\chinc SCl'lllS ahsotlllc and inllllulabk, whcrc:l.ll:lll aClualmachinc is subjcci In :lCl-idelllS; \Villgcll~lcin wanl!> us III ~II)P lhinking ofthc olper.1I iOIl of I1lles Oil lhe modd of IIle 111.1~'hille':I~'di:lgl':l1ll ,lIld Ihink, /r.uher, in IcrllIS of 1>0I11clhi1ll; aew:ll Ihal is slIhjcCI lO COnlil'l~CllCY, luwhich 'lffldmts /lilly IJilp/,m. To lhink 3n n~cllliJI bw of t:ollling{'llC)', asI)crrida ducl>, is to gencr.lli'l.c as :1 "gr.unm:u iCJI mk" Ihc prillciplcs uf ,hckiml of (fil "I"C 1h:1t \Vil'l',clll>ICill herc illS, .1I111:lIes. IrVherc:,s "Illcl.'ph)'~icil

gr:lInlll,lr" s"bordirl.ltcs :lI.Ti.1cllt to Cl>SCIKe, ilu.: cillpirical 10 lhc logi~':d,

:11'.1 ~ll Oil, "dccomtl'lu':livc gr,II1111l.lr" .1'lCl> !lOt. ICllhcr, il :lllClIlP1.\ to leI;Kcldclll:,1 lx:il1l; "pcr.lIc UpOIl dccumtruclivc writillg, ddill'lllil1g !t .lIlt!I'rcvclltillg il frum ,Ichicl'illg tr.lIlsc~'mIcIlLiI limn. (Ilencl' Ihc "'I.ig'l~'b"

111' lVl:IlICIII 'If \Villgl·ll.\ICill's l'IJil";"l'himl 11I':ft~II'f",m.) 'l'llc gr:llHlll:llic:l1l>\flIClllI'CS or ,'ylll,lclic exelllpl..rs Ilul( no.:r~ dn'iso.:s Ihlls dl'\'dop Iho.:tr;l1lslilrlll:uiull~ intu \..,riotl~ t(flllinnJot-:io.:; 01' idiuHls til' tho.: nOlioll 01'.1

"l<JlI~tillHivc flul!>idc," of Ihe lion· or :mti·,'sst'nc,' !h,u \'inl.,,\') 111\' hO"ll'd"r~",t l'llisitl\'u}' lJy wJUdl .I\C'll~'{· It h,l!> h,,'{'nl,'rlllnl,thlill 'Ill !111l<,' ne' ..l­l>Cr\,e.. 111 lis .I~-!>UC I, 'ul III VIIl!.lli,,: il hn'oUlcs Ill..' II'" 'vc ~'Huditi,," uf'"! u: \'IC'!>SI Ji II}' Ill! Ie ~!>l>Cn IIl1l 'I I lJl 'll,\uin' I.. >Illld.lr", '111..' 'lunlilill Sllllrl'lll,un!> ,I!> 10 W 't:I,n !>Ik," J pJ",'lH.\l<:.I1.!>oumling tl,rl1lul.lllull J!> Ihis1ll.lke\ :>eIlSC, ..r wh"th"l JIll' WIIst' th,lt it Ill.lko i\ Wtlllh lll.lkllll; ill MICh :I1'":'llli,lr f:"hillll. C.ln i! no! he MJlnl III IlIllre UHllmoll',,:lIst' ,lIId k» j.lr·nllt-: lel'llIS? I helio.:\'c II cumu!. 'Ii) ..Ill .\0 would hi: llllu:>e lh,' ....OIllll'o.:liollwith 1Ill' philo.'>l'l'hi".I1 H'ldllion ,Iml wnh wh,lI h:l!> ho.:l,;nl'll,~ilivd)' ,·sIJh·hsho.:d hy Ih:1I 1l~lditllUI, ~ d,lCS nUl W,IllI 11Ilkn)' Ihe sdl~ideillilrofconccpl~ or of cllliti"~l"'I!>-gi\·o.:ll·I"·kl,,,\\'kdgc;he unl\' .tcllies "'h:ll wc V.o.:""ld C.lllth,' illl >ermcahilil 'ofthc ,Is-such. 1110.: If:ul.scclIlkn131ilY or logi. ~C,l slI!>er lar'llC.ss ut !,e arno.:r Ih3t lll:lrks ulr,hc conccpw31 purity of Xfrolll cvcrything. Ih:11 is 1I00'X, It is nOI lh:lI id .... lllily is ..truwned in OIhn"ncss, bllt thaI i! is /lulu",;I, 01>C1I1O it, COIlI:llllil1:ltl'l1 b)' it. YCI the ncces·sity or esscntial ch:lr.le!er of this COIlt:lJllill,l( ion CUlI,nt be ll:ulIcd UIl!cSS wefirst grasp !hc conccpl of c.~scm:e Ill' It,rm as purity, as pure pos'itive selFidtl1tity. Otherwisc either !herc is Ilothing. to com:lll1llla!C, or Ihe force ofIho.: CUlll:l111il1a!iol1 is nnt fell. I;urthcrmorc, thc cl:lims nf positi\'e self·

idcnlil)' arc undeni:lhlc. 'Il,e Now e,mllot hc rcdUt.:nllO.th" I~~)t'llll\\': ,liS;'"sscll!i:t.llink:tgo.: with Ih~ nO.I·no\\' o.:ompfllllliSl'S Ihc pllrllY oj liS pU!>Ill\'C , $."r..~l~

idcnlily Wi,h'l\!t deslro)'lIlg u. , . ' .' f~'v"7~(l~(Tilc pllinl ofllcp:lrturc Ill' ..kCIlllslfUClion frulll phllclwplly l~ Ihus llulIC!l' ,..<l.~""~ ".yJ,.>,

~ubllc. "!lIe v;llue and m'Ccssit of lure COllce )IS 3Ull calc 'n.nes arc IllU de· ~~~:t:.:~l~4'Jnicd. bill t Icy:are no ungcr 11C 1S1 WOf{. \~'c n? onger M1I\1? rnOic an.J ,~~~,ihen sct 1sidc (he f3ctual or clllpiriul C01ll11mn111on ofour 11I1~lltS,.bu~.sc:c ltO"" y.)oIt.Ihal Ihey arc impure :tlways and in prillci~llc, :tnd pursue thc llnp!lUtKIHS

orthis eS5Cllliallaw or impurity.