I LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'« »e>trrn mlslit Uke IndciKRdenl action on If RbmU dfcllnrs lo arree lo rtti free lerrllorr i» lUly. VOL. ’30, NO. 358 Two Hurt In Elmore . Car Crash GLENNS FERny. April 7-Tft-o Glenns Ft-ro' MrU sctiool glrK Uclvn .WlIllBms and rtolorl.i Slnile. flirc injurrd .'.erioa-.ly when a cir In tttilclj they were riUliiK las; a rear T\lietl nnd turned ovtr four times. Tlic ml.nliap occiirfc<l n: 5:15 pjn. -------- -Tnr::rta’ /- oirtrrT r lilKn«-,iJ''3l3 ii?ar Ilaimnelt. Tlic Ktrb were lakrn to Bt. Liike’a JioipUiil, Uol:,r, wlu-re MU.i Sbde b reiwricti In "ixxjr" conillllon nntl Mir.i WlUliuiis 1.1 rejwrUsl In "lalr" condition. In tlip c;ir driven by M1:j Willlam.i war. II KrOii|> ol Glciin.i Fero’ lildi .ifhool student.v Taken to Ihc Glrniu rcrr>- lia;i.llal v.i-rc Sltnle Sliide. UtviTly U'cv.llni: nnd D.irbiirn Mor- K:m, Tlipy were trciued tor bruhes. cii!;i luul r.hocl:. Anotlu-r pn.v.engcr. WlllUini Tlioinjv.on. c.icnped wlUiout Injury. Klniore County Sheriff Art Stevens, reported the car, a 1040 niilck, Wll.-, traveling :it n hlsh rate or (.[Kcd- wlii-n Uic re:ir nxlc came nparl throwlnc Ihc left rrnr wlicel frnm IIic vehicle, A lrucl{lo:id of railroad workers Miw tlio ncrldcnt. One rci>orte<l the rirnrr ii.i.i tfiron’Ji M lerl M o :hc nlr nftcr Ilic car had turned over oiiccT She landed on her back on the highway. .MIsr. Slu<Ie wns Ktlll uncoiucloiw when .she WIUI t;iken to Ilic hMplial In Holr.c. She Mibmlttttl to nn opcr- ntlnn \Vc-ilnr’.<!,iy mornlnc, Uoth Utc nml M);.i Wllllnins ML'.talncd eMcn- •• Ive head tind hcxly InJurleJ and j)03* Mble Internal Injiirle.n. Ml.'ir. SI.ide Is the duuKhter of*lr»- nnd Mr.v Jc.sic E, Slade and .MLss U'llllnm.i 1.1 the di.URliter of .Mr. and Mr.i. ElnuT WllllaiTU. Sheriff Keeps Silence Over Case History Sheriff nrwin R. Rnybom late Tiii^iday d«!lncd eommenl on Uic J explanation Riven by Pro:ecutlnff At:omi-y Everett M. Swrtlcy eon- rrrnlnK tho dlipailUon of the Turf club rnld c.-ue. Earlier. Sweeley Mid prosccutlon « of the ciLie hnd been dropped fol- W lowlniT nn nriicemenl between hlm- tclf, Sheriff Rayborn nnd CUrence S-iiiniirr*. , <i^n-ctnr of ihi* jtnft , 11(11101 i-niv I'lfui-ccmcnt vj.nmU- „ rion. ; 8 nayhom had snld In &iintemtnt , Monday hu did not know why tho i case had not conic to trial. Prevlou.Hly the r-hcrllf hnd de- clined commcnl on the dkml.uat vi . of Deputy Sheriff Boyd Thlctten o. March 2B nlld the dk.mluiij of Chief o. Drpiity Sheriff Claude F. \71Icy <1 J.'ondiiy. n- U te Monday ho broke a 10-day (dtencE to wy the two former u deputlr.i hnd nut ‘■coopcfated’' wllh n, lilm. He remarked cn the Turf club c.i!;e In the nanic Rlntement. Both stnlemcnLi followed on In- ventorj' ot rome BOO bottles of llQUor jirUed Jn rnld.1 on Ihc Turf club nnd tii Canyon liidRc In Feb.. JDJ7. Tlic In- ventory revealed a ehort.ige of *2 fc bottle:.. Ottiicr.i cf tho confL’.cated liquor sc Jmvc until April 20 to present affl. „ davlU to the eounly atiorney In order to reclnlm Lielr bottler. A Klnnlc nflldavit for one bottle Jias been filed. The whbky wm tu returned to the owner by 5hcrlf^ Jt^iyborn. ,0 Ufinor not dalincd will- bo dcj. Jk troycd. Swoclcy h;ui r.nld. ,n • 2 Woman Inmates Of State’s Prison Escape, Phone in BOISE, April 7 tUPj—Tuo women be Inniatf.-., one of them Verna (Tar- nr rail) Keller, rcn'lng a life terra rc for second doRree murder, broke oul of the Idaho «Lite penitentiary la.il iilKhfju.iito.'howUcouldbcdoiir and then n.%ve them.ielves up nt rin Ontario. Ore.. tlih mornlnf:. M1-.1 K fller, 17. a hu.‘lc}- blond. nnd Margaret Baniey. 21. .vn'lng 15 jenr.i for rohbco'. ehli>|)ed n bar no Icio.'^ frum It.i moorlnw In the vo.iienV. ccll nnd ihen climbed over the wnll nn n make.ihlfl ladder, W.irden Loul.i Clnpp jald. { •nie twii KlrLi then hllchhlltcd rider. 10 Ontario, Ore., and thl.i inonilnj; lp|pplion«l Clapp from the tei hnnic of Mr;:. HirU Norton. MIm eoi Keller'a mother, to come nnd cel nu. them, Tlie two were not m l« d ~ from thclr cell unlll thts mornlnc. o S ^ Clapp s.iid the u o Klrlj worked for n long time chlpplnu ecmenl nway from the bottom of the har until It rnme loose, Tliey Ihrn lore . hnnrd.i from n coal box in the ^ klirhen of Uie women'j cell and nulled pieces of klndlhiK wood on tJiem lo mnke a ladder. Loading Refused On Russian Ship I C .NEW YORK, April 7 (,D-AFL ''’"f lonKr.horemen. .ttsscrtlns that, "kb fine t|On I wiint nny cotbo shot bacV at iL'., rc used yesterday to load the t>ovIel liner Uoi«a. _____ "cli TJie si,Ip was scheduled lo salt lo- “P day for Odcwa. In i A rpokeaman for Uie 105 water- P- front workers .lald; -irli friendly by tflailoM ^iwcen the United SUWs »tali .hi flUWlftn------Pi nwnedshlp." STIN , ) — L'ndrr- r held open rm power* 1on Trieste * ------- rttom the ”* 7 __________ A Res OKlflll CllT ir ' c-unir ParticipanI rBBSS rwo Irli. 7%^ If r in lies. e Ll ^ ind ilr" PHPgr . . j A Id! ide. if.il. 4 or- :s jjK P ":'" ■aj BK' )3> - traip'""'-" (id A chill brrrxe failed ia tnse (rlni (fop) do»»n .Main aTenoe in the Arm mander of the IKCrd infantry reclmei ' Kct. Clifford J. Roth at Capl. Jaek I elly park band shell were CapU Thoi Eucene C. Reejc. rielit (HUff pbotoi. Paul Hoffman i ;; Given Senate Okay on Post !' WASHINOTON, April 7 (<7V-The di fennto eonflrmctl P.iul O. Hoffman, o ’* Brain today. Tlie*nc:lon caine just I- , four days after enactment of Uio J. ^ $5,300,000,000 plfin to help WMtera Europe bnck on JU feet. jf,, Tlio nc'.lon waa unanlmons nnd by ct it voice vole. That required sunpen.ilon or n of the «en;ite rtilci. Nomlnstlona an rt ordinarily mu.U nwalt action for a hlj y dny. Prc.ildcntTrumnn nar.ied Hoft- pa mnn for Uic post yesterday. Uii y Tlie acnato acted wlt-’iln 35 mln- T uter. after Its forclen relutloni com- h m liuc approved Hoffman. 13 to 0. Hj' Mel With ranei \ . lloffnian, presldcnl of the Btudc- If baker corporation, met wlUi e<im- ^ d mittcc rncmbcrs for aboui nn hour ^ . nnd a half behind clo.-ed doors be- 2 fore the vole w.is Liken. >incrKlni: from the mcftlnK. the r Sa-ycar-old auto manulncturer told • reporters; ‘'n icy asked me a lot of questlonr, and I Irli-d to niu.wcr Uicm." « Tlie nuto mnnufuciiircr. J.ul re ,,,, s turned from Jnp.in where he made 1 an lndu;:trliil .lurrey for the army, ^ ' told II new.', cniifercnce lasi nluhl • he Imd neccple<l the Job becauic "It an may be the opporluiUty to put up a flKht for pc.acc." rnwpcrlty Red Antldoir “O a n vcr^- hnrd-bollol npiirat-.nl, f’"!' pro.iiwrlty L-, one cf the very be.-.t unlldotcs to communism," he said. — I Hoffman said there Is rrv<in lo 11 believe we.stern Europe will do Its TT I best to coopcralc In Uie self-help • propram which will be hLi prlmary- I re.^pon.ilblllly. n ie South Bend. Ind.. Indu.itrlal- ; Lit ruld he received Uie offer of the Sl’O.OOO.u-yenr. cnblnei rank ixi-.l- Uon while en route back from Japan. He t.ilkcd It over with Mr. 'I'ruman " ‘I • at Uie W hite Hoa-.e yesterday no<in "*=! ; Bii<l.,her.ald. •■Itoldhlm ilm idld J , not faiow how to f.ay no." l.DS niSHOr.S meet crly SAt-T LAKE CITY. Ap;ll 7 (.T— In : Hundrcd.i of bl.iliops of the Lnter- T D.iy Snlnt.i (Mormon) church at- wor tended ft special meetlnr today nt wn.i eoncliMlon of the church's llBtli nn- and nual Kcncral conference. pori Suspected IGUer ( Wife Is Lodged ELKO. April 7 (/1>-La.'y:lo Varga, out ■ Uic lO-yenr-old HunRnrlan rcfusce true accused nf rnplnK nnd murderlnK a v/ nilnlster'.i wife, wa.i lodged In Uie Mn Elko county Jail today.’ Dl.it. Atty. Alexander Pucclnelli j said Vnrgn probably win be Riven a ler preliminary heartnR this week. Call: Officer/! aied an armored slaUon Jnll. wnRon to transfer him here from Pi Sacramento, Calif., yesterday. Al- of f UlouRh Uiere were no IndlcaUons |10 7 Uial Ihe public mlRht take violent kiiiii action nealnxl Varga, he wns driven fo-e up back strccti and secrttly lodged bv L In Uio county Jail. Pucclnelli announced Varga had call, -tried to explain" Uiat checti fijned Ei by Mra. Blllee Ralie Mornlnc. Uie vonr italn wq.-nftn. were "given him by a recU truck driver." _.RiixlatlU_&il<l_.Yarxa.could nol why erplala why the chccki Mre made rceilj I Regional Ncw.spapcr Scrvinp: CllT in.1 :«w»e»nr a n ts in A rm y D ay C i' J7 "-X 'i)^ * * ¥ MT;' ,-1 Krini of members of Ihc Twin FalU VnV DArmy day parade Tuesday itlrrnonn, i eclment of Ihe natlunal Kuard Ii plctureil laek Itodarme looks on. Other reelplenls . Thomai K. Ilovendfn, third from lefl, hotos'CncraTlnRs) * * * * Wind, Snow S Day Paradi A brL-.k wljid and mow flurries o held down attendance at Uic Turji- '■ lie dny Army day ccremonle.i marked by ^ D parndc, prcscntnttnn of mcdal.i to J’ locn! Veterans and a rpcech by May. t or Herbert O. Lnuterbftch In the clly o Only a few .ipectnlor.i br.ived the r,: Inclcmenl wi-aUier to wntch Ihc pro- b by ctjslon, headed by a color gUMd ot ri on army, navy nnd marine rccrullcr.i li na and comiKiscd of Uid T sln Knll.-. r. a hlflh Rchool band. hcadt]U.irters com- tl t- pony ot Ihe ia3rd Infnntry ri'Rlmciit. fi Uie hcadijunrtcra company ot Ihe flrsl battalion of the llCrd Intuntry n rcRlmenl nnd flontr. repn-rntlnf: Uie Amerlcnn Lesion, Veternn.i ot h FL'elKti War.i nnd tlie Llom club. btartlng at * p. m. nl the corner Swift Appro f On Russ-F HELSINKI, Finlatul, Aprii .wiirce.s today prcclictcd .swift ra y_ I-'inniKli m utual aid treaty, II T hoy exprc.-4.scd Die opinion It npprovjil by the end of next ^ “ .'tijs’ncd Inat nipht in Moscow. Prc,s. Juho K. Pa.i;^ikivi is nxi) prc.slijrc behind n drive for .‘^nir ii which mo.st Fintin rexard nn a j; 1 ° Whole City Block " Is Razed in Fire *i ,, MARVSVILLE. Cnllf.. April 1 fUP.) ih p Fire e.irly todny awepi throuKh nn U '. . entire city block destroying rcvernl rn re.-.ldenre.i, a church, nml buMner.i K :> • c.-.i.ablbhmcnl.-i. nnd Icnvlns nbout eljiht fnmllle;; homelc;i-.. Fire Chief Wllllnm E. Reilly f.ild Uic tire slorU'd In the Dliimond ,,,' Mnich company lumber yard aboui p„ 3 a. m, m ined by a rtronR soiiih- crly wind Uie flame.i sprr.id with- - in 15 minutes to nearby bulldlm;B, Jw - The bla:e wm dr.^crlbed ns "ihe wor.:t In the iw st 20 ycar.i-" D.^mnKc " t wn.1 estimated at between 1500,000 L • and *1,000,000. No lnjurle.1 were rc- 1 __________ S ;r o f M in is te r ’s ■' e d in E U vo’s JaU ,«■ . out to him. Nor could he Identify Uic coi ' truck driver. Vnrga la charijed with murdcrlnR Clr Mrs, Monilng. wife ot Rev. Richard wit Momlnr, at Wells. Nev.. on March spc I 22, He wn.1 arrested a few days la- sta ler at fctnluma, Sonoma county, boi Calif., and l.iken to Uie Sacramento nai Jnll. from where he wna extradited, i Pucflnclll sold Varga cashed two jcn of Mrs. .Momlng'6 cheeti, loullng aEi; 110.75. In Elko, Ihe momtns of the me; kllllnR. ThLi was a few hours be- gar fore Mrs, Momlng’s body waa found jwl by Uie Rev, Mornlnc, who had been slRi away from home on a mlnLiterlal the call. Il Earlier lhat day, Piicclnclll said, not Varga hnd been In Wells, asklnj dl- affi recUons to the Morning home. F There haa been no explanaUnn of jijir why he should hnve nskeil lucii dl- mu' rceilons. nnd ------1 TW IN TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, « / Ceremon^s niNffiT-rJH i * VnV unit ai they rMr in an open ear on. Col, llerherl fi. l.autcrbach. com- < lured brlpw pinning a medal on Flnt ilents ot mrdali at reremonlra in Ihe t lefl, .S/Sit. Archie It. Miller and T/5 * * * * J Slash Army ide Attendance' les ot Mnln nvcnuc nnd Fourth r.incl t •Jl. nurth. the marcher.', paraded down ,,,, Main avenue to Sccoiid Ktrccl vast, r .-.wuns over to Sccond nvc.-iue car.!, t ‘0 then lb aUo-hcme Viri'cV ‘and i:ito ' y- the city park where the prc.-fntatlon lly of mednLi w.is held. r In a brief r.peech nftcr decorating he r,lx local vetcran.i. Mayor U uter- ' 0- bach, attired In tho uniform of ot rexlmentnl nimmnnder of the lfl3rd r.i Infantrj' renlmcnl of Uie nntlonal 11.-. runrd. j.lre.v.cd preparriliic:.'; nnd tl- the maintenance ot nn ndefiuate de- It. fenre for the United State:., lie "Today, wc tnunt be preiwrcd to ry meet any r.ltuailon," the mtoor .lald, u Ig "and ono wny Io be nrei'arril h* lo n ot have .-.utflclrnt mllltnrv drfcn-.es. We need. In my 0|iliil0ii," he con- t er <C.nUnu.J p.kc 3. C.\.r.n 3) F roval Seen J ■Finn Treaty ^ rii 7 (rl’) HelMnki iiolitic;il to t ratification of the lU'W iiovicl- ion jiarliamoiit mifrht kivc Its le xt week. The new trcnty was in eq (’X|)cctc(l to p u t all his pcr.-^oiKil .■^niiioth conclii.sion of tlie pact, fu a jrood deal: Thcj-' KOt cnncc;:- I*.! i^ion.s from the Rus.sian.-^ aiuI they kept their poHliciil in- ,ii (icjiuntience. - In Ma'.eow. the Finnish deleiMtr^ vli L -Aliii iienotlated the treaty during Ja p.) the I;i.M two week..,. prepAred tor br n li'.eir final official <liitlr.-, luid fnr a ll round ot tc,\.-,:i and !.i)<'eelif.- nt a ha il dinner Klvcn by Prime Minl.’.tcr no ll Stiilln tonlKht, tli .Stalin I’ropoied Paei ‘j SMiln ixr.ionnlly pniix;: ;-d the g "■ Feli- 22, ' ^ A majority of parllanicnl Li • nei.<li^I for ratlflMtlon, 'nicrc are , '■ 200 iiiembcrs, divided ns follow.-,: 51 „ l)o;i',ilardc:nocrat.i (commiinlM.-. nnd ^ pro-Mo-^ow r.oclnl drniocrat.i). « roclal dnnocr:it.i. AS ngrarlam. 23 cnn-.iTvatlvc.'.. 15 Swedli.li jtiriy and nine liberals, llie flr.it three parties '• ci):nprl.-.e the (,-overnnieni hloc, f llii.-.Mnn ratUlcailon of the Uc:iiy 1 $ n foregone eonclur.lon. Independence Guaxanlerd I Tlic opening clnu.ic ot the new rer treaty si)ells out Flnland'n territorlnl j independence If either country be- ren • eome-1 the object nf nKgre.-..Mon. I t tIo: S.IJS thal If either In iiitnckcd by ifj : Clermany or another stnto nlllKl tin; 1 with her. Finland will flRht. Bul U 1 .ipe:lflcs Uint FlnnWi force.i wl|I . stay wllhln Flnlniid's territorial , boundaries. No oUier nation wna I namM In the oggres-ilon clause. The trcnty nl.-.o s.iy.i Ru.'jla can { ' und troops Into Finland In c.v.e of : aggrrs.-.lon only by mutlinl agree- ' ment. This phrasing many Finns re- Rarde<l ns n real corcc.--ilon. Tlicy jwlnted out thal In pacis Russia P signed with Romania or Huiigarj- '' there Is no .luch provl.-.lon, In the treaty Rawln nl.-o agreed not to Interfere In Finland’s Intcnial affairs. *• Formally, the tre.-xty says boUi . rriiliiJ:llUoll'>w_itirjirlnclplcs o£ mutual resiKcl of state soverclijnlj' nnd indcpcndencc. I— WEDNKSDAV. APRIL 7, 1018 ; Stassen Leads Mac r MiCWAUKEETAliFil J Gov. Thomas E. Dewey : J lation of yestoni.-iy’H volinp she 3 StasHuii lilali' widcnctl his mar;, I The Hcvi-n deleKates riiimiiiy i I Lewis Cite Goes Bei WASHINGTON, April 7 (/P) I tion iiKaiiisl .lohn L. Lewi.s iind I the coal .‘Strike. I Clark’.s assisljinls wont before I iinil Kot an order refiiiirintr Lew on Lewi.s “to .«how c;ui.-<u. if ' any" why lie shotilil not be - fouinl ill cniiietnpt for faihire j 10 cull off the 2.1-day old work I stoiijiafTc ill the coal fields. J Clark ;ieted Jiut a lew lioiir.', alter LcwLi liiul a'ked the ciniri io .^eL iL-.lde t,‘i(.. niiii-Mrlke Injiiiu-tlun l.^• sued I.V.; Saturday iilclit. -Sena* Aides } in tlie nie:i;i;lme. L.-wLi rent rep- ^ I co;U opc.-uior:, on tho’ mim-r-.- pVn- I slon CL-;iuU-, Rhleh tou-hed off the k i coal fl;utd<iivil .March IS. r TheUMWclilel hlnvelfdld not i:o . to Ihc In^etl;•,^■, which he .Mid in h t ndVHiice wdiilii be n ■•ti>rl<irn k'"- H P turc," .Seveivnl hli lleuteniitit.-, went "cbU 's j>eH!lon fur u conKnip-. “ cltatlun n;.)-_-, tliat Li-,vh be lirmii;ht I to trial 1 / he 1 -, unable t<> i.liow next J .Monday lhal he L-. not in eoiiliinpt, or Im taken no action meanwhile lo ck'-ir hlin-ci: of the alll-^;ed con- temjit. i April ]< Sugceslrd ■' Clark MiHKe.-ied April H for the ;l trial in Uu; event one U held, n Tlie day'n lesal mnneuvcrlnt,- t. meant three separate actions on \ . I j^Uic B'.rlke i.Muti are r.:hedulcd for lc»i'll>>ll«rf*vi r ^» 14. c.tumn ‘ dl n ------------- 2------------ J, ; Traffic Study " 3 Slated in City By U. S. Unit “ 0 A .'.un-ey of iraflie n.ntroJ ntiidl- ... I. Uons in Twin F.iU;. will be niiide j,. 0 next month by Uie N.itloniil .s.ileiy '• council, 11 W.15 aiiiuniiiccd at the ‘ j Tuci.day nlnht mn llnt; nf llie Twin Falls aifcty couni'll, Tentative pl.iiti m,ide by the Io- ^vi caLcoundl ucra htld in abvyaticc until Bflcr the lurvev 1%coniplCtd. nr Iiif.pecilon of the lire nnd pnllee dcparuncnts will br conduci.-d hy rn . tho council, it war. decHled, A'miTrc im i Uiornugh under:.landing of the worklRKj o f Uie de|i:irlmcnt.-i !•: t- , sought lo better fjuallly Ihe ooiincll nu 1 to make recommendatloni concern- gi . ing the public lie:ilth and .'-ifety in tu, Uioic departmenli. -ui Chief of Police Howard \V. Cll- nn ' lelte will describe in det:ill the worl:- I Inp of personnel, routine and equipment in his department nt 7:30 ,-vi I p, m, Tliiirsday. ini ' Fire Chief E. H. I-'rnlove will I fully Mplaln like tople.i In his de- . jnrtmcJit nt 7:30 p, m. Tiie.-.day, ji [ Inspection of equipment, bulidln-:i 1 \ ‘ and otlier f.-icllltk's will be made by • the /.nfely council. 11 Wiu pointed oul that n pre- I vious coimcll recomin. nilalloti lhat : jaywnlltliig be dL-coumged had • brought re.iult.-^. 'J- . Chief Qlllcltc mill several nrrrsU-. , had been mndc and tr.ifllr rtile:; • governing Jnywalklng would con- tlnue to be enforerd. , Stand-by Controls Said Still Needed T! WASHINGTON. April 7 (,T)~ Pre.ildcnt Tru.man's council of eco- nomie advisers to<lny wild Uic need , ,, for staml-by rationing and wage- price controls b even ftrcatcr Uian '* II wn.1 three months ngo. " Chnlrmnn Edwin G. Nour.-.c nnd “ ; other council members mnde Uie _ j.lalement in prt^entlnK tlieir quar- terly report to Mr. 'Frumnn. Tlie TJ findings win be reviewed nt the JJ regular cabinet meeting Friday. Nour:e loM rciwrler-i the council reafflrrofd Mr. Truman's contra- j legWatlon.ready Ui combat infla- . _____________________________ v l« Business UiP WAElIINGTO.'f, April 7 MW Incomc tax dodging is n billion dollar a year r.tckcl In the United. States. Underr.rcy, of the Tre.a.v . ury A, L M. Wlgclns said today. Wlgjlns told a lernte appro- priatlensubcommltlee that J,''"' American taxpayers are evndlng , " UXC3 nl the rate of "no le.-j than 11, 000, 000,000 n year- and that there are about $5,000,000,000 out- standlnj In unpaid tnxe.i. • "I nm ulterly nma:«l nt the " tnx evasion Uial Li Rolng on." -Wlfwrtnrrrtrt:--------- I ----------------------- --------------------------1 i „ : Nine IrriKatcd Idaho Count tl Upsefc s W isco cArthur ii-irT TiiP)^:;TCi-ora'i:. sti 2 y in the all-important Wit showed today. With 2,77:5 of the nar^rin over the top man on MacA ui^ for Gov. Thonins K. Dewey, N.'\ ted for ‘Coi 3fore Court (/P)_Al(„fm.y General Clark totij nnd the United Mine Worker.s for fore Federal .liid^e T. Alan Colih-li Lewis lo ajiiiear in (ii.stricl court nt if ---------------- -- ----------------------------------- jRuss Declar Plane Cai I^EULIN, Ai.ri! 7 (U.R) - Hi Hriti,-ili-Sr>viet air crash over’ IJt [J the Hritisii jilane’.-^ "violation of The Hti.'^sian version of the era IC killed, was is.sued by the Soviet plete contraiiiction of .the Britis the Ihi.s.sian fijrhter buiczed the into il becaii.-e of "bad pilolinK-' It Tht! hKency account t^aid the --------------------------------- f’ I; Decline Noted " ' In Claims for , .jobless Help The weekly claim load for unem- I’’ plo.vmenl comprn-.atlon drawn ” Uiroucli thr Idaho .itate employ- . nirni r^in’lre^.otflpe in Twin FalLi decre.L-ed by iiiorc Umn 200 .Mnce Januarj-. A. E, Oh.h. .nica clnlms examiner rejioned W.xine.iday. Gt-.h. who comp’eled a periodic , .■mtnliiK of nil clalinant.i, dbclci-.rd c ' that 33:> iier;;Qn.i drew uneniploy- ment ln,'.urancc for the week ending April 3 n-', Ui;iilli:.l a clnlni lo.ad of nr;:ardlni: Uie i.creeiilng of clalm- • anil., Gh.h explaliieil lhal nt varloie: tUiie,'. clalniiint.', nre required by '■ .-.lalr regulation;^ nml the veterans en ' luIuiliiiMratlon to fill oul certain Br ‘ fciniw to find out If tliey are avail- bn able for work. If they are ;.i'eklng • Wink, or Dtlierwl'.e nre e;ij:lhle lo er^ntiniie dr.wing their -Inramnce tb • or GI benrflt..:. of - IndlvlduaLi who have been un- pir ■■ emploSed for five to 20 wei-k.i nnil cl<i : have made little effort lo find cm- on - ployiiient could hardly be con'lil- air tred a;i meeting the elklblllly re- cll I <iiilri'menl.i of nctlvely .-celling work, • Gt:,h .-.aid. Merely rei:I.Merlni: wi:h - Ithe emplnyment ;.er\-lce li not eon- nr :lderid rufllclenl to meel tliK rc- n,-' • Qiilreincnt, he noted. q,',. Aid Given lie i The employment service li doing ^|,- I everything parjlhlc to loc:ite Job% fui I but the Inw cays that ckilman;.-, pre Russ Seek Move ", Of U. S. Airbase " ’ VIENNA. AiLMrla, April 7 oVi — T, Tlie Uu'.'.inns have dem:indid tlful I I U. S, force-. In Au.'.trla remove thrlr r.idio r:in:;e .MatInn for Tulin nlr- b:i.-c from 11 '. pre.'cnt lacatl.m in ihe^ .‘^iivlil ,-one of oi-cupatlon. a ' u,.S, .-.ixikesman said till', would no! n«(.-.:.irlly mean n four-iviw.T ' .•.ItiiAllon In Vienna similar tn the ‘ 4 Beilln cr!;.ln. He i.ald 11 indicated only ih:.t "Ihe I!iu-,l:vns have found t,.,, a nf.v way to be linsl^' to u.-.." [j,|. i: ; e .•.jx)ke.-.man .-..nld Uie Uu.-.-.liini ii de:na:ided the removal of the *ta- n-e- tlon on Ihe grounds they laek tisi i.ufficlent ironp.'i lo cuard It, He s:ild. however, tliiit Ihc Uuv.l.w. never T guarded the Matlon. which Is opcr- poll alrd by remote control from Tulin sto< alrba.-e, five mile.-, nway. poll Bothne, SICE Pri Speak at Kinder* Laura Mne Bourg, prlmarj- super- yeai vh.or nt Southern Idnho College of coui EducnUon. Albion, nnd O, J, Bothne A: were speakers nt Uie ojienhoute for the Uie Pre-School PTA klhdernnrten pha Tuc.-:dny nt the American Lutheran inic church- IQ; Mlrj Bourg outlined a plan ad- phy: vocatlng nur.'.eo' r-chooLi for chll- com dren of 2-to 3 ,years of nge, kin* chlli dergarten for 4-yenr-oltLi nnd shot Junior prlmarj- for 5-ycar-olds, rath Junior prlmarj' dep.irlments. which Mir.' strc.'.i rcadlnB rendlne.vi. are Just Bi bciilnnlng lo appear In Uie west, nc- Twl cording to Ml.-j Bourg, nnd are addi de.'.lgned to help relieve Uie ilrexa a trip child fceLi when he meets Uie tchool Ulre situation for the flrsl Ume. They arc wnn c.ipeclnlly llmely nt pre.ient fJnce fror the first grnde. "Uic year the child lack learns more thua ony oUicr one < nuntlcs _______ Au.lll Harxu ,.f rirr.:.lkc:i l'I»* .r,.| Viillf.) 1 .,,*^ ts Forec onsin B r Poor I 'Sfassen upser'GenT Uoii kVisconsin presidential pri the stnle’.s n,i:!8 preeinct.s repor acArthtirs .slate to J5,();U voles. N.Y., were blacked completely on mtempt’; rt Monday totiay obtained fi contempt ciln- : for di.soboyiiiK’ an order to end ild;;horotiRh at 2;.15 p.m . (EST) ' rt next Monday. The order c;:lled ^ ire British ; msed Crash! - Russia charirod todny thnt n ^ r’lk-rlin. Monilay-was caused by 1 of flyinj: rciriilation.s." ? crash, in which lil persons were i I'iet iiew.t burcnii. It wns a com- ' ritish ver.sioii. The Brlti.sh Kaid ' the Uriti.-ih, airliner und craahcd i nK." the Rii^Rian plane wns struck ' from the rear by the Briti.nh airliner. \ ••At Uic lime of the collision Uiere s were cloud.', over the nlrfleld nt a ‘ height of 500 to COO meters (nboul I IJOO lo i.EOO feet)" Uie Ru.viinn nc- I count said. V Ruu Pilot Circled Field ^ -Tlie Soviet pilot. In his training a .. plnnc, circled around the nlrfleld C P nt nboul 450 meters,'^ 1 Tlie RiLv.lan plane wn.i nbout lo t I, land al the Sovlcl Dnhlgow airfield .. while the Brltl.h plane was coming c ,, In tor n landing al Ontow field, two .i miles nw.ay. 1 "Alter circling. Uie Ru-isl.tn pilot c , lowered his landing wheels.” Uio 1 Soviet account raid. ■•At this mo- . mrnt the Brltl.'^h piano came t ) through Ihe clouds over Uie Soviet •• airfield and the engines of the Brit- l;h plane era.-hed ngalnst the tall 7 of the .Soviet plane, destroying It. I Conirol Loit y •Tlie Eovlel nlrcrafl lost control. ,1 ern'.li'd and w:i.', dr;.lroyed. Tlie n nrlll;h plane caught fire In the air, . broke liilo pieces nnd n!so crar.hcd ^ to Ihe ground." n Tlie ."Soviet new.i bureau listed e tlx caii.-cs nf the crush n.s ••violsllon of flying regulallon.-, by the Brltl'.h L - plane, It-i .-.uddcn ru:.h from the R ;I cliiuds and Iti violation of flying . orders l-.-.ued by the directorate ot P' . air fnrrer: ot Uie nllled control coun- - . cll nf Od. 22. 191C.’’ ' "nirrclives Violated'' . ' The Uu.-.;.|iin account f.;iUl the ll • nrlll.-.h plane l-lolatcd directives by V • Hying over the traffic Iniie of the „ .^iivlet airfield. The directive ;.pcci- ' flc.s that no plane be permitted to , : aiiproarh wiUiln two miles nt an air- , field nf iinoiher nation unless 11 was •. preparing to la.id there. The.fiovlet account raid the Rui- . ;,ians had nol been Intomied by the ,, air f.afely center In Berlin that the “ !irlil:h plane wm flying over lt.5 . , 11 : : Index on Prices S To Farms Gains ' ' BOISE, April 7 (-r,-After n .sharp • dcvllne of 32 polnt/i on Feb, 15. the Maho hiilex of prlce.i rerelvcd by fanners had recovered nearly five palnl.i by March 15, Tlie U. S, dep.artment of agrlcul- lure said Ihe level still was 27 points below Ihe record of 311 on Jnn. 15 ' Uils year. Is; Higher prices fnr grnln.',, r.onie to meat nnlmah. hnv nnd potaloes fri figured In Ihe tlvc-poliit gnln nolcd na M.arch 15, nil Tlie nll-crop Index wns up 17 points, while the llvc.stock nnd live- on stock prodticLi Index was down 10 Ui polnLi from the mld-Fcbruarj- level, hn 'rim a ry C h ie f < s jrg a rte n O p e n e r Ini year,” t-, overloaded through the n countrj-, fald Mlu Bourg. l\ As explained by MLis Dourp. the Junior primary deals wllh three pha,'cs of Uic child's development— inicllcclual factors, mental ago and j IQ; .-Jjclal and personnl fnclora, and physical Incton. Educators ore be- cor coming more convinced thnt tho coj chlld'a entnnco Into the first Rmda poi should be bnscd on his mental age 1 rather thnn on his chronological age, mi Mir-1 ,13ourK_J:nld. _ co, BothV- teerctary-mahnlrer of the ( Twin Fills Chamber of Commerce, sal addressed Uie meeUne on his recent trip lo Eucope. He emphasized the lu Ulre condltlon.1 ot sUir\'aUon and wc want «-hleh keep many children lui from solng to school becftuse of th' lack ot food and cloihlns. Since Tl: .<C u U d »4 «b r>n X , c«lBBa i)t mi FINAL CITY EDITION PRICE 6 CENTS cast, Ballot; Second 5ouffIas ilacA rthur and primary election, a tabu- .i!>orted, the lowest man on the .• out of the contest. Dewey's fop — man had only 119,107. The New York Kovernor still held a slim chance of placinff one di'lcffale in the fifth di.strict race. * 17ic t.-ibuLitlon. which included r r 510 cf 570 prcclnct.s In Milwaukee V where MncArtliur'fl delegatc-s did ' well, gave th r top Sla.*:.eil dcle;;nle nt large. Wnlter J. Kohler, Jr.. Ln- 205J16, nd Ixiweit Delegale Ahead Tlie lowest Stn-'-ien candidate. D Loynl Eddy, had 100,D3C, compared with 185305 chalked up by former _ Gov. Philip LaFollctte, the lending MacArUiur siipporlcr. Sta.i.^en, who personnlly had pre- dicted he would Uike H convenUon delegates, hnd 10 district delegates who appeared cert.iln cf elccUon. I in four other ^Ilstrlct.s ftnd nil reven delegate-at-lnrgc candidates pledged to Uie former Minnesota Bovemor » were far out in front. None Sure for M’Arlhur Although MacArUiur hud MX dls- rc trict candld.ilca oul In front, none was certain of election and rome • j . were hard iire.vncd by Btnisen men. ‘'I In n .luriirlslngly wenk showlns, Cd De-A'cy had a chnnce for only ono ot the 20 convention, candidates elected from the 10 conKresalonal’■ distrlcls. And thal wna fading fast, After leading during the early vote tabulating. Bemnrd Gcltelman. ;re sUite Dewey-for-Prer.ldent club chief a dropped b.iek lo thlr<L with returns ml in from 65 ot 305 prfclncta In the ic- m u i dlBU-ict. N.Y. Vole Cile<J Dewey snld nt Albany lhat 1 ib ng still hnd Uie Inside track for ihe ;ld OOP presidential nomlnnllnn, point- ing out Ihnt ho got New York’* 00 to delegate.s ye.ilerday. :ld Ijinslng Hoyt. naUonal chairman ng of Ihe MacArihur for President club, wo .mid here thnt If MacArUiur had put in n perr.onnl nppcarance Jn Wis- lot consln before the prlm ao' •‘he would ho have won Uie Wlscon.iln deleentlon.” 0- At Mlnnenpolls, Stnssm thanked nc the people ot WLwonsln for thclr let •'early and valuable" nupport. It. ----------------------------- Non-Operator :ie ?ail Employes Ask Pay Hilic m ST, LOUIS. April 7 (U.RWO. E. . 1 , Ltliihty. projldmt of the Order of If Railroad Telegraphers, tinnounced imlay non-ojwr.aUm; railroad em- nt ployes will seek n wnge Increase of ). 25 cent.1 an hour nnd a reduction of the ba.'.lc work week lo 40 hours. Iz-lghty. rpoUer.man for the 19 l a b o r orgnniJAtlons repre.ientlnf: nboul 1,000,000 railway workem. uld the wage demands would bo sen’e<t j® on the railruads on April 10, , The non-opcraUnc employe,-! are ■° engaged In all clar.'.e.s ot nenlcc ■* other than nctu.il Irntn operation. No Wage ReducUon Lelghty said Uie demnnds would '* Include a retlucUon of the work week from 4fl to a bar.lc 40 hours ivlthout I' reductliin In Uie weekly r.lrnlghl- time pay, pay ral;:es ot 25 ccnt-i nn hour for nil employes rcprosentcd nnd ovcrllme pay for nil vcork on Saturdays. Sundays, holldnya and tn exce.M of eight hours on regular wecklv work <lay;;. S Lclghiy .mid the 18 orfianlzaUons ,, seeking the cnntract changc.i hnve ^el up an employe;,' nnUonil eon- .. terence committee composed of heads of the 10 groups wllh niiUior- ii-vtlon to ni;:r.:l.ile v.Kli the rall- . ronds on a nationwide hn.ils. ^ .1 I’rsei Rail Commltiee I;.' 5 'Hie commlltee. In Uie stalcment % ls.Mied lo<l.iy, called on Ihe milwaj-B fl e to csUiblLih n carriers’ naUonnl con- 1 ference committee to negotlnte nn a d national ba.ils In event loc.il \ ments are nol reached. ' i.- 7 Lelghty Mid the railroads nrc UiB i‘ - only i.egmcnL of American Industry * '■ 0 Uial has not made effecllve Uie 40 , i, 1. hnur work week. In Uic p.isl, he m said, the weekly pay of railway em- ploycs for 48 hours haa been com- , v , pared with the pay ot oUier Indus- .• irl.al workers for 40 hours a week, ’V wlUi ft riMUltant drop in railroad , wages ss compared to other basic P Industrlei ---------------------------- ----------------'/'■ ’ Reds Said Losing ^ : In Italy Campaign | ! [ RONtE. April 7 (;P)-Infonn«l •■£ ' American oUseri-ers saltl today the communlJl.1 arc loslnc ground In Ui# 1 campaign for lUiy* fattlul A^rll 18 L ' parllamentao^ elecUona. jk, They expect some spectacular lajt- ^ . minute propaBonda move by Uj« -J communists ! Ono American political espert . said; > t "Our big antUcommunUt 4lrlv« la e Italy began tbreo weeka ago. Xt vas 1 weU timed and Uio propoiol ta r*- 1 lum Trieste to Italy eomo at ^ut f the right moment to shut toUt. 0 Things are golns sialnst tb t ccm* munlsts now."

tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«

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Page 1: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«


ic c r tla rr of State U re tt (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'« »e>trrn mlslit Uke IndciKRdenl action on If Rbm U dfcllnrs lo arree lo r tti free lerrllo rr i» lUly.

VOL. ’30, NO. 358

Two Hurt In Elmore

. Car CrashGLENNS FE R ny. April 7-Tft-o

Glenns Ft-ro' MrU sctiool glrK Uclvn .WlIllBms and rtolorl.i Slnile. flirc injurrd .'.erioa-.ly when a c ir In tttilclj they were riUliiK las; a rear T\lietl nnd turned ovtr four times. Tlic ml.nliap occiirfc<l n: 5:15 pjn.

-------- -Tnr::rta’/ - o ir t r rT r lilKn«-,iJ''3l3 ii?arIlaimnelt.

Tlic Ktrb were lakrn to Bt. Liike’a JioipUiil, Uol:,r, wlu-re MU.i Sbde b reiwricti In "ixxjr" conillllon nntl Mir.i WlUliuiis 1.1 rejwrUsl In "lalr" condition.

In tlip c;ir driven by M1:j Willlam.i war. II KrOii|> ol Glciin.i Fero’ lild i .ifhool student.v Taken to Ihc Glrniu rcrr>- lia;i.llal v.i-rc Sltnle Sliide. UtviTly U'cv.llni: nnd D.irbiirn Mor- K:m, Tlipy were trciued tor bruhes. cii!;i luul r.hocl:. Anotlu-r pn.v.engcr. WlllUini Tlioinjv.on. c.icnped wlUiout Injury.

Klniore County S h e r i f f Art Stevens, reported the car, a 1040 niilck, Wll.-, traveling :it n hlsh rate or (.[Kcd- wlii-n Uic re:ir nxlc came nparl throwlnc Ihc left rrnr wlicel frnm IIic vehicle,

A lrucl{lo:id of railroad workers Miw tlio ncrldcnt. One rci>orte<l the r irn rr ii.i.i tfiron’Ji M lerl M o :hc nlr nftcr Ilic car had turned over oiiccT She landed on her back on the highway.

.MIsr. Slu<Ie wns Ktlll uncoiucloiw when .she WIUI t;iken to Ilic hMplial In Holr.c. She Mibmlttttl to nn opcr- ntlnn \Vc-ilnr’.<!,iy mornlnc, Uoth Utc nml M);.i Wllllnins ML'.talncd eMcn- •• Ive head tind hcxly InJurleJ and j)03* Mble Internal Injiirle.n.

Ml.'ir. SI.ide Is the duuKhter of*lr»- nnd Mr.v Jc.sic E, Slade and .MLss U'llllnm.i 1.1 the di.URliter of .Mr. and Mr.i. ElnuT WllllaiTU.

Sheriff Keeps Silence Over Case History

Sheriff nrwin R. Rnybom late ■ Tiii^iday d«!lncd eommenl on Uic J explanation Riven by Pro:ecutlnff At:omi-y Everett M. Swrtlcy eon- rrrnlnK tho dlipailUon of the Turf club rnld c.-ue.

Earlier. Sweeley Mid prosccutlon « of the ciLie hnd been dropped fol- W lowlniT nn nriicemenl between hlm-

tclf, Sheriff Rayborn nnd CUrence S-iiiniirr*. , <i^n-ctnr of ihi* j tn f t , 11(11101 i-niv I'lfui-ccmcnt v j.nm U - „ rion. ; 8

nayhom had snld In & iin tem tn t , Monday hu did not know why tho i case had n o t conic to trial.

Prevlou.Hly the r-hcrllf hnd de­clined commcnl on the dkml.uat vi

. of Deputy Sheriff Boyd Thlctten o. March 2B nlld the dk.mluiij of Chief o. Drpiity Sheriff Claude F. \71Icy <1 J.'ondiiy. n-

U te Monday ho broke a 10-day (dtencE to w y the two former u deputlr.i hnd nut ‘■coopcfated’' wllh n, lilm. He remarked cn the Turf club c.i!;e In the nanic Rlntement.

Both stnlemcnLi followed on In- ventorj' ot rome BOO bottles of llQUor jirUed Jn rnld.1 on Ihc Turf club nnd tii Canyon liidRc In Feb.. JDJ7. Tlic In- ventory revealed a ehort.ige of *2 fc bottle:..

Ottiicr.i cf tho confL’.cated liquor sc Jmvc until April 20 to present affl. „ davlU to the eounly atiorney In order to reclnlm Lielr bottler.

A Klnnlc nflldavit for one bottle Jias been filed. The whbky wm tu returned to the owner by 5hcrlf^ Jt^iyborn. ,0

Ufinor n o t dalincd will- bo dcj. Jk troycd. Swoclcy h;ui r.nld. ,n

• 2 Woman Inmates Of State’s Prison Escape, Phone in

BOISE, April 7 tUPj—Tuo women be Inniatf.-., one of them Verna (Tar- nr rail) Keller, rcn'lng a life terra rc for second doRree murder, broke oul ■ of the Idaho «Lite penitentiary la.il iilK h fju .i ito .'h o w U co u ld b cd o iir and then n.%ve them.ielves up nt rin Ontario. Ore.. tlih mornlnf:. j°

M1-.1 K fller, 17. a hu.‘lc}- blond. nnd M argaret Baniey. 21. .vn'lng 15 jenr.i for rohbco'. ehli>|)ed n bar no Icio.' frum It.i moorlnw In the vo.iienV. ccll nnd ihen climbed over the wnll nn n make.ihlfl ladder, W.irden Loul.i Clnpp jald. {

•nie twii KlrLi then hllchhlltcd rider. 10 Ontario, Ore., and thl.i inonilnj; lp|pplion«l Clapp from the tei hnnic of Mr;:. HirU Norton. MIm eoi Keller'a mother, to come nnd cel nu. them, Tlie two were not m l« d ~ from thclr cell unlll thts mornlnc. o

S^ Clapp s.iid the u o Klrlj worked

for n long time chlpplnu ecmenl nway from the bottom of the har un til It rnme loose, Tliey Ihrn lore

. hnnrd.i from n coal box in the ^ klirhen of Uie women'j cell and nulled pieces of klndlhiK wood on tJiem lo mnke a ladder.

Loading Refused On Russian Ship I C

.NEW YORK, April 7 (,D-AFL ' ' ’"f lonKr.horemen. .ttsscrtlns that, "kb fine t|On I wiint nny cotbo shot bacV at iL'., rc used yesterday to load thet>ovIel liner U oi«a. _____ "cli

TJie si,Ip was scheduled lo salt lo- “ P day for Odcwa. In i

A rpokeaman for Uie 105 water- P- front workers .lald; -irli

friendly by tfla iloM ^ iw ce n the United SUWs »tali

.h i flUWlftn------Pinwnedshlp."

STIN ,) — L 'ndrr- r held openrm power* —1 on Trieste * -------r tto m the ”* 7

__________ A Res

OKlflll CllT ir ' c-unir


r B B S SrwoIrli. 7 % ^ I f

r in


e Ll ^indilr" P H P g r . . j A


ide. i f . i l . 4or-

:s j j K P " : ' "

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- t r a i p ' " " ' - "(id

A chill brrrxe failed ia tn s e (rln i (fop) do»»n .Main aTenoe in the Arm m ander of the IKCrd infantry reclmei

' Kct. Clifford J . Roth a t Capl. Jaek I e lly park band shell were CapU Thoi Eucene C. Reejc. r ie lit (HUff pbotoi.

Paul Hoffman i ;; Given Senate

Okay on Post! ' WASHINOTON, April 7 (<7V-The di

fennto eonflrmctl P.iul O. Hoffman, o

’* Brain today. Tlie*nc:lon caine just I -, four days after enactment of Uio J . ^ $5,300,000,000 plfin to help WMtera

Europe bnck on JU feet. jf,,T lio nc'.lon waa unanlmons nnd by c t

it voice vole. T h a t required sunpen.ilon orn of th e «en;ite rtilci. Nomlnstlona anrt ordinarily mu.U nwalt action for a hljy dny. Prc.ildcntT rum nn nar.ied Hoft- pa

mnn for Uic post yesterday. Uii y T lie acnato acted wlt-’iln 35 mln- T uter. a fte r Its forclen relutloni com-h m liu c approved Hoffman. 13 to 0. Hj'“ M el W ith ranei \. llo ffn ian , presldcnl of the Btudc- —If baker corporation, met wlUi e<im- ^d m ittcc rncmbcrs for aboui nn hour ^ . nnd a ha lf behind clo.-ed doors be-2 fore th e vole w.is Liken.

>incrKlni: from the mcftlnK. the r Sa-ycar-old auto manulncturer told• reporters;

‘'n i c y asked me a lot of questlonr, and I Irli-d to niu.wcr Uicm."

« T lie nuto mnnufuciiircr. J.ul r e ,,,, s turned from Jnp.in where he made 1 an lndu;:trliil .lurrey for the army, '

told II new.', cniifercnce lasi nluhl• he Imd neccple<l the Job becauic "It an

may be the opporluiUty to put up a flKht fo r pc.acc."

rnw pcrlty Red Antldoir “O a n vcr^- hnrd-bollol npiirat-.nl, f’"!'

pro.iiwrlty L-, one cf the very be.-.t unlldotcs to communism," he said. —

I Hoffman said there Is rrv<in lo 1 1 believe we.stern Europe will do Its TT

I best to coopcralc In Uie self-help• propram which will be hLi prlmary- I re.^pon.ilblllly.• n i e South Bend. Ind.. Indu.itrlal- ; Lit ruld he received Uie offer of the

Sl’O.OOO.u-yenr. cnblnei rank ixi-.l-• Uon while en route back from Japan.

He t.ilkcd It over with Mr. 'I'ruman " ‘I• a t Uie W hite Hoa-.e yesterday no<in "*=!; Bii<l.,her.ald. • ■ I to ld h lm ilm id ld J, not faiow how to f.ay no."

l.D S niSHO r.S m e e t crlySAt-T LAKE CITY. Ap;ll 7 (.T— In :

Hundrcd.i of bl.iliops of the L nter- TD.iy Snlnt.i (Mormon) church at- wortended ft special meetlnr today nt wn.ieoncliMlon of the church's llBtli nn- andnual Kcncral conference. pori

Suspected IGUer ( W ife Is Lodged

ELKO. April 7 (/1>-La.'y:lo Varga, out ■ Uic lO-yenr-old HunRnrlan rcfusce true accused nf rnplnK nnd murderlnK a v/ nilnlster'.i wife, wa.i lodged In Uie M n Elko county Jail today.’

Dl.it. Atty. Alexander Pucclnelli j said Vnrgn probably win be Riven a ler prelim inary heartnR this week. Call:

Officer/! a ied an armored slaUon Jnll. wnRon to transfer him here from P i Sacram ento, Calif., yesterday. Al- of f UlouRh Uiere were no IndlcaUons |10 7 Uial Ihe public mlRht take violent kiiiii action nealnxl Varga, he wns driven fo-e up back strcc ti and secrttly lodged bv L In Uio county Jail.

Pucclnelli announced Varga had call, -tried to explain" Uiat checti fijned E i by Mra. Blllee Ralie Mornlnc. Uie vonr ita ln wq.-nftn. were "given him by a recU truck driver."_.RiixlatlU_&il<l_.Yarxa.could nol why e rp la la why the chccki M re made rceilj

I Regional Ncw.spapcr Scrvinp:

CllT in.1 :«w»e»nr

a n t s i n A r m y D a y C

i' J7 "-X 'i ) ^

♦ * * ¥

M T ;' , - 1

Krini of members of Ihc Twin FalU VnV D Army day parade Tuesday itlrrnonn, i eclment of Ihe natlunal Kuard Ii plctureil laek Itodarme looks on. Other reelplenls . Thomai K. Ilovendfn, third from lefl, hotos'CncraTlnRs)— * * * *

Wind, Snow S• Day Paradi

A brL-.k wljid and mow flurries oheld down attendance a t Uic Turji- '■

lie dny Army day ccremonle.i marked by D parndc, prcscntnttnn of mcdal.i to J’locn! Veterans and a rpcech by May. tor Herbert O. Lnuterbftch In the clly o

™ Only a few .ipectnlor.i br.ived the r,:Inclcmenl wi-aUier to wntch Ihc pro- b

by ctjslon, headed by a color gUMd ot rion army, navy nnd marine rccrullcr.i lina and comiKiscd of Uid T sln Knll.-. r.a hlflh Rchool band. hcadt]U.irters com- tlt- pony o t Ihe ia3rd Infnntry ri'Rlmciit. fi

Uie hcadijunrtcra company ot Iheflrsl battalion of the llCrd Intuntry n rcRlmenl nnd flontr. repn-rntlnf:Uie Amerlcnn Lesion, Veternn.i ot h FL'elKti War.i nnd tlie Llom club.

b tartlng a t * p. m. n l the corner

Swift Appro f On Russ-F

H E L S I N K I , F in la tu l, A p rii ’ .w iirce.s to d a y p rcc lic tcd .sw ift ra

y_ I-'inniKli m u tu a l a id t r e a ty ,II T h o y exprc.-4.scd Die opin ion It n p p ro v jil b y t h e e n d o f n e x t “ .'tijs’n c d In a t n ip h t in M oscow.

Prc ,s. J u h o K . Pa.i;^ ikivi is nxi) p rc.slijrc b e h in d n d r iv e f o r .‘ nir

ii w h ic h m o.st F in tin r e x a rd nn a j;

1° Whole City Block “ " Is Razed in Fire *i,, MARVSVILLE. Cnllf.. April 1 fUP.) ihp Fire e.irly todny awepi throuKh nn U'.. entire city block destroying rcvernl rn

re.-.ldenre.i, a church, nml buMner.i K:>• c.-.i.ablbhmcnl.-i. nnd Icnvlns nbout

eljiht fnmllle;; homelc;i-..Fire Chief Wllllnm E. Reilly f.ild

Uic tire slorU'd In the Dliimond ,,,' Mnich company lumber yard aboui p„ 3 a. m, m in e d by a rtronR soiiih- crly wind Uie flame.i sprr.id with-

- in 15 minutes to nearby bulldlm;B, Jw- The bla:e w m dr.^crlbed ns "ihe• wor.:t In the iw st 20 ycar.i-" D.^mnKc "t wn.1 estimated a t between 1500,000 L• and *1,000,000. No lnjurle.1 were rc- 1__________ S

; r o f M i n i s t e r ’ s ■'

e d i n E U v o ’ s J a U ,«■

. out to him. Nor could he Identify Uic coi ' truck driver.‘ Vnrga la charijed w ith murdcrlnR Clr■ Mrs, Monilng. wife ot Rev. Richard wit

M omlnr, a t Wells. Nev.. on March spcI 22, He wn.1 arrested a few days la- sta■ ler a t fctn lum a, Sonoma county, boi

Calif., and l.iken to Uie Sacramento nai Jnll. from where he wna extradited, i

Pucflnclll sold Varga cashed two jcn of Mrs. .Momlng'6 cheeti, loullng aEi; 110.75. In Elko, Ihe mom tns of the me; kllllnR. ThLi was a few hours be- gar fore Mrs, Momlng’s body waa found jwl by Uie Rev, Mornlnc, who had been slRi away from home on a mlnLiterlal the call. Il

Earlier lh a t day, Piicclnclll said, not Varga hnd been In Wells, asklnj dl- affi recUons to the Morning home. F There haa been no explanaUnn of jijir why he should hnve nskeil lucii dl- mu' rceilons. nnd

------1 T W I N


/ C e re m o n ^ sniNffiT-rJHi •

♦ ♦ * ♦

VnV unit a i they rMr in an open ear on. Col, llerherl fi. l.autcrbach. com- < lured brlpw pinning a medal on F ln t ‘ ilents ot m rdali a t reremonlra in Ihe t lefl, .S/Sit. Archie It. Miller and T/5 ‘

* * * * J

Slash Army ■ ide A ttendance 'les ot Mnln nvcnuc nnd Fourth r.incl t•Jl. nurth. the marcher.', paraded down,,,, Main avenue to Sccoiid Ktrccl vast, r

.-.wuns over to Sccond nvc.-iue car.!, t ‘0 then lb aUo-hcme Viri'cV ‘and i:ito 'y- the city park where the prc.-fntatlonlly of mednLi w.is held. r

In a brief r.peech nftcr decoratinghe r,lx local vetcran.i. Mayor U u te r- '0- bach, a ttired In tho uniform ofot rexlmentnl nim m nnder of the lfl3rdr.i Infantrj' renlmcnl of Uie nntlonal11.-. runrd. j.lre.v.cd preparriliic:.'; nndtl- the maintenance o t nn ndefiuate de-It. fenre for the United State:.,lie "Today, wc tnunt be preiwrcd tory meet any r.ltuailon," the m toor .lald, uIg "and ono wny Io be nrei'arril h* lo not have .-.utflclrnt m llltnrv drfcn-.es.

We need. In my 0 |iliil0ii," he con- ter <C.nUnu.J p.kc 3. C.\.r.n 3) F

roval Seen J ■Finn Treaty ^rii 7 (rl’) H e lM n k i iio litic ;il to t r a t i f ic a t io n o f th e lU'W iio v ic l-

i o n j ia r lia m o iit m if rh t k iv c Its lex t w ee k . T h e n e w t r c n t y w as in


(’X|)cctc(l to p u t a ll h is pcr.-^oiKil.■^niiioth conclii.sion of t l i e p a c t , fua jrood d e a l : T h c j- ' KOt cnncc;:- I*.!

• i^ion.s f ro m th e Rus.sian.-^ aiuI th e y k e p t t h e i r poH lic iil in- ,ii (icjiuntience.

- In Ma'.eow. the Finnish deleiMtr^ vliL -Aliii iienotlated the treaty during Jap.) the I;i.M two week..,. prepAred tor br n li'.eir final official <liitlr.-, luid fnr all round ot tc,\.-,:i and !.i)<'eelif.- nt a hail dinner Klvcn by Prime Minl.’.tcr noll Stiilln tonlKht, tli

.Stalin I’ropoied Paei‘j SMiln ixr.ionnlly pniix;: ;-d the g

"■ Feli- 22, ' ^A majority of parllanicnl Li

• nei.<li I for ratlflM tlon, 'n ic rc are , '■ 200 iiiembcrs, divided ns follow.-,: 51 „

l)o;i',ilardc:nocrat.i (commiinlM.-. nnd ^ pro-Mo-^ow r.oclnl drniocrat.i). «

roclal dnnocr:it.i. AS ngrarlam . 23 ■ cnn-.iTvatlvc.'.. 15 Swedli.li jtiriy and

nine liberals, l l i e flr.it three parties '• ci):nprl.-.e the (,-overnnieni hloc, f

llii.-.Mnn ratUlcailon of the Uc:iiy 1$ n foregone eonclur.lon.

Independence Guaxanlerd

I Tlic opening clnu.ic ot the new rer treaty si)ells out Flnland'n territorlnl j independence If either country be- ren

• eome-1 the object nf nKgre.-..Mon. It tIo: S.IJS tha l If either In iiitnckcd by if j

: Clermany or another stnto nlllKl tin; 1 with her. Finland will flRht. Bul U 1 .ipe:lflcs Uint FlnnW i force.i wl|I . stay wllhln Flnlniid's territorial , boundaries. No oUier nation wna I namM In the oggres-ilon clause.

The trcnty nl.-.o s.iy.i Ru.'jla can { ' u n d troops Into Finland In c.v.e of “ : aggrrs.-.lon only by mutlinl agree- “ ' ment. This phrasing m any Finns re-

Rarde<l ns n real corcc.--ilon. Tlicy jwlnted out th a l In pacis Russia P signed with Romania or Huiigarj- ' ' there Is no .luch provl.-.lon, “

In the treaty Rawln nl.-o agreed not to Interfere In Fin land’s Intcnial “ affairs. *•

Formally, the tre.-xty says boUi . r r i iliiJ :llU o ll'> w _ itir jirln c lp lc s o£ ”

mutual resiKcl of sta te soverclijnlj' nnd indcpcndencc. I—


; S t a s s e n

L e a d s

M a cr M iCW AUKEETAliFil J Gov. Thomas E. Dewey :J lation of yestoni.-iy’H v o linp she 3 StasHuii lilali' w idcnctl his mar;, I The Hcvi-n deleKates riiim iiiy i

I Lewis CiteGoes Bei

WASHINGTON, A pril 7 (/P) I tion iiKaiiisl .lohn L. Lewi.s iind I th e coal .‘Strike.I Clark’.s assisljin ls w ont before I iinil Kot an order refiiiirintr Lew

on Lewi.s “to .«how c;ui.-<u. if ' any" why lie shotilil not be - fouinl ill cniiietnpt fo r fa ih ire j10 cull o ff the 2.1-day old work

I stoiijiafTc ill th e coal fields.J Clark ;ieted Jiut a lew lioiir.', alter

LcwLi liiul a'ked the ciniri io . eL iL-.lde t,‘i(.. niiii-Mrlke Injiiiu-tlun l. • sued I.V.; Saturday iilclit.

-Sena* Aides }in tlie nie:i;i;lme. L.-wLi rent rep- ^

I co;U opc.-uior:, on tho’ mim-r-.- pVn-I slon CL-;iuU-, Rhleh tou-hed off the ki coal fl;utd<iivil .March IS. „r TheUMWclilel h ln v e lfd ld not i:o. to Ihc In etl;•, ■, which he .Mid in ht ndVHiice wdiilii be n ■•ti>rl<irn k'" - HP turc," .Seveivnl h li lleuteniitit.-, went

• " cb U 's j>eH!lon fur u conKnip-. “ cltatlun n;.)-_-, tliat Li-,vh be lirmii;ht I to trial 1/ he 1-, unable t<> i.liow next J .Monday lha l he L-. n o t in eoiiliinpt,or Im taken no action meanwhile lo ck'-ir hlin-ci: of the alll-^;ed con- temjit.

i April ]< Sugceslrd■' Clark MiHKe.-ied April H for the ;l tria l in Uu; event one U held, n Tlie day'n lesal mnneuvcrlnt,- t. meant three separate actions on \ . I j Uic B'.rlke i.Muti are r.:hedulcd for

lc»i'll>>ll«rf*vi r ^» 14. c.tumn ‘ dln ------------- 2------------ J,

; Traffic Study " 3 Slated in City■ By U. S. Unit “0 A .'.un-ey of iraflie n.ntroJ ntiidl- ... I. Uons in Tw in F.iU;. will be niiide j,.0 next month by Uie N.itloniil .s.ileiy'• council, 11 W.15 aiiiuniiiccd a t the ‘ j■ Tuci.day nlnht m n llnt; nf llie Twin

Falls a ifc ty couni'll,• Tentative pl.iiti m,ide by the Io- vi

caLcoundl ucra h tld in abvyaticc until Bflcr the lurvev 1% coniplCtd. nr

Iiif.pecilon of the lire nnd pnlleedcparuncnts will br conduci.-d hy rn

. tho council, it war. decHled, A'miTrc im i Uiornugh under:.landing of theworklRKj of Uie de|i:irlmcnt.-i !•: t- ,sought lo better fjuallly Ihe ooiincll nu

1 to make recommendatloni concern- g i . ing the public lie:ilth and .'-ifety in tu,

Uioic departmenli. -uiChief of Police Howard \V. C ll- nn

' lelte will describe in det:ill the worl:- I In p of personnel, routine and

equipment in his departm ent n t 7:30 ,-vi I p, m, Tliiirsday. ini' Fire Chief E. H. I-'rnlove will I fully Mplaln like tople.i In his de- . jnrtmcJit n t 7:30 p, m. Tiie.-.day, j i [ Inspection of equipment, bulidln-:i 1 \ ‘ and otlier f.-icllltk's will be made by• the /.nfely council.

11 Wiu pointed oul that n pre-I vious coimcll recomin. nilalloti lha t ’: jaywnlltliig be dL-coumged had• brought re.iult.- . 'J- . Chief Qlllcltc mill several nrrrsU-., had been mndc and tr .if llr rtile:;• governing Jnywalklng would con-

tlnue to be enforerd. ,

Stand-by Controls Said Still Needed T!

WASHINGTON. April 7 (,T)~ Pre.ildcnt Tru.man's council of eco- nomie advisers to<lny wild Uic need , ,, for staml-by rationing and wage- price controls b even ftrcatcr Uian '*II wn.1 three months ngo. "

Chnlrmnn Edwin G. Nour.-.c nnd “ ; other council members mnde Uie _ j.lalement in prt^entlnK tlieir quar­terly report to Mr. 'F rumnn. Tlie T J findings win be reviewed n t the J J regular cabinet meeting Friday.

Nour:e loM rciwrler-i the council reafflrrofd Mr. Trum an's co n tra - j

legWatlon.ready Ui combat infla- . _____________________________ v l«

Business UiPWAElIINGTO.'f, April 7 MW

Incomc tax dodging is n billion dollar a year r.tckcl In the United.States. Underr.rcy, of the Tre.a.v . ury A, L M. Wlgclns said today.

Wlgjlns told a le rn te appro- p r i a t l e n s u b c o m m l t l e e that J,''"' American taxpayers are evndlng , " UXC3 nl the rate of "no le.-j than 11,000,000,000 n year- and that there are about $5,000,000,000 out- standlnj In unpaid tnxe.i. • “

"I nm ulterly nm a:« l n t the " tnx evasion Uial Li Rolng on."

-Wlfwrtnrrrtrt:---------I----------------------- --------------------------1 i „ :

N in e I rr iK a tcd Id a h o C ount

tl U p s e f c

s W i s c o

c A r t h u rii-irT TiiP)^:;TCi-ora'i:. sti2 y in the all-im portant Wit

sh o w e d to d a y . W ith 2,77:5 o f th e nar^rin o v e r th e to p m a n o n M acA ui^ f o r G ov . T h o n in s K . D ew ey , N .'\

ted for ‘Coi 3fore Court( /P ) _ A l( „ f m .y G e n e ra l C la rk totij

n n d th e U n ite d M in e W orker.s fo r

fo re F e d e ra l .liid ^ e T . A la n Colih-li L ew is lo a j i i ie a r in ( ii.s tr ic l c o u r t nt i f -----------------------------------------------------

jRuss Declar Plane Cai

I^E U L IN , A i.r i! 7 (U.R) - Hi Hriti,-ili-Sr>viet a i r c ra s h o v e r’ IJt

[J th e H ri t is i i jilan e ’.- " v io la tio n of T h e Hti.'^sian v e rs io n o f th e e ra

IC k ille d , w as is.sued by th e S o v iet p le te c o n tra i i ic t io n o f . th e B r itis th e Ihi.s.sian f i j r h te r buiczed th e in to i l becaii.-e o f " b a d pilo linK -'

It Tht! hK ency a c c o u n t t^aid th e

--------------------------------- f ’

I; Decline Noted " ' In Claims for , .jobless Help

The weekly claim load for unem- I’’ plo.vmenl comprn-.atlon d r a w n

” Uiroucli th r Idaho .itate employ- . n irn i r^in’lre^.otflpe in Twin FalLi decre.L-ed by iiiorc Umn 200 .Mnce Januarj-. A. E, Oh.h. .nica clnlms examiner rejioned W.xine.iday.

Gt-.h. who comp’eled a periodic , .■mtnliiK of nil clalinant.i, dbclci-.rd c ' tha t 33:> iier;;Qn.i drew uneniploy- ment ln,'.urancc for the week ending April 3 n-', Ui;iilli:.l a clnlni lo.ad of

nr;:ardlni: Uie i.creeiilng of clalm-• anil., Gh.h explaliieil lh a l n t varloie:

tUiie,'. clalniiint.', nre required by'■ .-.lalr regulation;^ nml the veterans en■' luIuiliiiMratlon to fill oul certain Br‘ fciniw to find out If tliey are avail- bn

able for work. If they are ;.i'eklng• Wink, or Dtlierwl'.e nre e;ij:lhle lo •■ er^ntiniie dr.wing their -Inramnce tb• or GI benrflt..:. of- IndlvlduaLi who have been un- pir ■■ emploSed for five to 20 wei-k.i nnil cl<i : have made little effort lo find cm- on- ployiiient could hardly be con'lil- air■ tred a;i meeting the elklblllly re- cll I <iiilri'menl.i of nctlvely .-celling work,• Gt:,h .-.aid. Merely rei:I.Merlni: wi:h - I the emplnyment ;.er\-lce li not eon- n r

:lderid rufllclenl to meel tliK rc- n,-'• Qiilreincnt, he noted. q,',.

Aid Given liei The employment service li doing ^|,-I everything parjlhlc to loc:ite Job% fuiI but the Inw cays th a t ckilman;.-, pre

Russ Seek Move ", Of U. S. Airbase " ’

VIENNA. AiLMrla, April 7 oVi — T , Tlie Uu'.'.inns have dem:indid tlful I I U. S, force-. In Au.'.trla remove thrlr r.idio r:in:;e .MatInn for Tulin nlr- b:i.-c from 11'. pre.'cnt lacatl.m in ihe^ .‘ iivlil ,-one of oi-cupatlon.

a ' u,.S, .-.ixikesman said till', wouldno! n«(.-.:.irlly mean n four-iviw.T '.•.ItiiAllon In Vienna similar tn the ‘ 4 Beilln cr!;.ln. He i.ald 11 indicatedonly ih:.t "Ihe I!iu-,l:vns have found t,.,,a nf.v way to be linsl^' to u.-.." [j,|.

i: ;e .•.jx)ke.-.man .-..nld Uie Uu.-.-.liini iide:na:ided the removal of the *ta- n-e-tlon on Ihe grounds they laek tisi i.ufficlent ironp.'i lo cuard It, He s:ild.however, tliiit Ihc Uuv.l.w. never Tguarded the Matlon. which Is opcr- polla lrd by remote control from Tulin sto<alrba.-e, five mile.-, nway. poll

Bothne, SICE Pri Speak at Kinder*

Laura Mne Bourg, prlmarj- super- yeai vh.or nt Southern Idnho College of coui EducnUon. Albion, nnd O, J, Bothne A: were speakers nt Uie ojienhoute for the Uie Pre-School PTA klhdernnrten pha Tuc.-:dny n t the American Lutheran inic church- IQ;

Mlrj Bourg outlined a plan ad- phy: vocatlng nur.'.eo' r-chooLi for chll- com dren of 2 -to 3 ,years of nge, kin* chlli dergarten f o r 4 -yenr-o ltL i nnd shot Junior prlmarj- for 5-ycar-olds, rath Junior prlmarj' dep.irlments. which Mir.' strc.'.i rcadlnB rendlne.vi. are Just Bi bciilnnlng lo appear In Uie west, nc- Twl cording to Ml.-j Bourg, nnd are addi de.'.lgned to help relieve Uie ilrexa a trip child fceLi when he meets Uie tchool Ulre situation for the flrsl Ume. They arc wnn c.ipeclnlly llmely nt pre.ient fJnce fror the first grnde. "Uic year the child lack learns more thua ony oUicr one <

nuntlcs _______

Au.lll Harxu ,.f rirr.:.lkc:i l'I»* .r,.| Viillf.) 1.,,*^

t s F o r e c

o n s i n B

r P o o r I'Sfassen upser'G enT U o ii kVisconsin p res id e n tia l p rith e stn le’.s n , i :!8 preeinct.s repor acA rth tirs .slate to J5,();U voles. N.Y., were blacked com pletely on

mtempt’; rt Mondayto tiay o b ta in ed fi c o n te m p t c i ln - : f o r di.soboyiiiK’ a n o r d e r t o e n d

ild;;horotiRh a t 2;.15 p .m . ( E S T ) ' r t n e x t M onday . T h e o r d e r c ;:lled ^

ire British ; msed Crash!- R u ss ia c harirod to d n y t h n t n r ’ lk -rlin . M o n ilay -w as c a u s e d by1 of flyinj: rciriilation.s."? crash, in which lil persons w ere i I'iet iiew.t burcnii. I t wns a com- 'r itish ver.sioii. The Brlti.sh Kaid 'the Uriti.-ih, a irliner und craahcd inK ." ■ ‘th e Rii^Rian plane wns stru ck '

■ from the rea r by th e Briti.nh airliner. \

••At Uic lime of the collision Uiere swere cloud.', over the nlrfleld nt a ‘height of 500 to COO meters (nboul IIJOO lo i.EOO feet)" Uie Ru.viinn nc- I count said.

V Ruu Pilot Circled Field^ -Tlie Soviet pilot. In his training a.. plnnc, circled around the nlrfleld CP nt nboul 450 meters,'^ 1

Tlie RiLv.lan plane wn.i nbout lo t I, land a l the Sovlcl Dnhlgow airfield.. while the B rltl.h plane was coming c,, In t o r n landing a l Ontow field, two .i

miles nw.ay. 1"Alter circling. Uie Ru-isl.tn pilot c

, lowered his landing wheels.” Uio 1 Soviet account raid. ■•At this mo-

. m rnt the Brltl.'^h piano came t) through Ihe clouds over Uie Soviet •• “ a i r f i e l d and the engines of the Brit-

l;h plane era.-hed ngalnst the tall 7o f the .Soviet plane, destroying It. I

■ Conirol Loity •Tlie Eovlel nlrcrafl lost control.,1 ern'.li'd and w:i.', dr;.lroyed. Tlie n nrlll;h plane caught fire In the air,. broke liilo pieces nnd n!so crar.hcd to Ihe ground."

n Tlie ."Soviet new.i bureau listed e t lx caii.-cs nf the crush n.s ••violsllon

of flying regulallon.-, by the Brltl'.h L- plane, It-i .-.uddcn ru:.h from the R ;I cliiuds and Iti violation of flying. orders l-.-.ued by the directorate ot P' . air fnrrer: ot Uie nllled control coun- - . cll n f Od. 22. 191C.’’ ' “

"nirrclives Violated'' .' The Uu.-.;.|iin account f.;iUl the ll• nrlll.-.h plane l-lolatcd directives by V• Hying over the traffic Iniie of the „

. iivlet airfield. The directive ;.pcci- ' flc.s that no plane be permitted to ,

: aiiproarh wiUiln two miles nt an air- , field nf iinoiher nation unless 11 was •. preparing to la.id there.

The.fiovlet account raid the Rui- . ;,ians had nol been Intomied by the , , air f.afely center In Berlin th a t the “ !irlil:h plane wm flying over lt.5 .

, ■ ■ 11:: Index on Prices S

To Farms Gains '' BOISE, April 7 ( -r ,-A fte r n .sharp• dcvllne of 32 polnt/i on Feb, 15. the

Maho hiilex of prlce.i rerelvcd by fanners had recovered nearly five palnl.i by March 15,

Tlie U. S, dep.artment of agrlcul- lure said Ihe level still was 27 points below Ihe record of 311 on Jnn . 15 'Uils year. Is;

Higher prices fnr grnln.',, r.onie tomeat nnlmah. hnv nnd potaloes frifigured In Ihe tlvc-poliit gnln nolcd naM.arch 15, nil

Tlie nll-crop Index wns up 17points, while the llvc.stock nnd live- onstock prodticLi Index was down 10 UipolnLi from the mld-Fcbruarj- level, hn

' r i m a r y C h i e f < s

j r g a r t e n O p e n e r Ini

year,” t-, overloaded through the ncountrj-, fald M lu Bourg. • l \

As explained by MLis Dourp. the Junior primary deals wllh three pha,'cs of Uic child's development—inicllcclual factors, mental ago and j IQ; .-Jjclal and personnl fnclora, andphysical Incton. Educators ore be- corcoming more convinced th n t tho cojchlld'a entnnco Into the first Rmda poishould be bnscd on his m ental age 1rather thnn on his chronological age, miMir-1 ,13ourK_J:nld. _ co,

BothV- teerctary-m ahnlrer of the (Twin Fills Chamber of Commerce, saladdressed Uie meeUne on his recent •trip lo Eucope. He emphasized the l u Ulre condltlon.1 ot sUir\'aUon and wc want «-hleh keep m any children lui from solng to school becftuse of th' lack ot food and cloihlns. Since Tl:

.<Cu Ud»4 «b r>n X, c«lBBa i)t mi




c a s t ,

B a l l o t ;

S e c o n d5 o u f f I a s i l a c A r t h u r a n d

p r i m a r y e l e c t i o n , a t a b u -.i!>orted, the low est m an on the

.• out of the contest. D ew ey 's fop— man had only 119,107. The

New York Kovernor s till held a slim chance o f placinff one di'lcffale in th e f i f th di.strict race. *

17ic t.-ibuLitlon. which included r r 510 cf 570 prcclnct.s In Milwaukee V where MncArtliur'fl delegatc-s did ' well, gave th r top Sla.*:.eil dcle;;nle

nt large. Wnlter J . Kohler, Jr..Ln- 205J16,nd Ixiweit Delegale Ahead

Tlie lowest Stn-'-ien candidate.D Loynl Eddy, had 100,D3C, compared

with 185305 chalked up by former _ Gov. Philip LaFollctte, the lending

MacArUiur siipporlcr.Sta.i.^en, who personnlly had pre­

dicted he would Uike H convenUon delegates, hnd 10 distric t delegates who appeared cert.iln cf elccUon.

I in four other ^Ilstrlct.s ftnd nil reven delegate-at-lnrgc candidates pledged to Uie former M innesota Bovemor

» were far out in front.None Sure fo r M’A rlhur

Although MacArUiur hud MX dls- rc trict candld.ilca oul In front, none

was certain of election and rome • j . were hard iire.vncd by Btnisen men.‘'I In n .luriirlslngly wenk showlns,Cd De-A'cy had a chnnce for only ono

ot the 20 convention, candidates elected from the 10 conKresalonal’■ distrlcls. And th a l wna fading fast,

After leading during th e early vote tabulating. Bem nrd Gcltelman.

;re sUite Dewey-for-Prer.ldent club chief a dropped b.iek lo thlr<L w ith returns

ml in from 65 ot 305 prfc lncta In the ic- m u i dlBU-ict.

N.Y. Vole Cile<J Dewey snld nt Albany lh a t 1ib

ng still hnd Uie Inside track for ihe ;ld OOP presidential nom lnnllnn, point­

ing out Ihnt ho got New York’* 00 to delegate.s ye.ilerday.

:ld Ijinslng Hoyt. naUonal chairman ng of Ihe MacArihur fo r President club, wo .mid here thn t If MacArUiur had put

in n perr.onnl nppcarance Jn Wis- lot consln before the p rlm ao ' •‘h e would ho have won Uie Wlscon.iln deleentlon.”0- At Mlnnenpolls, S tn ssm thanked nc the people o t WLwonsln for thclr let •'early and valuable" nupport.I t . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

” Non-Operator :ie ?ail Employes

Ask Pay Hilicm ST, LOUIS. April 7 (U.RWO. E..1, Ltliihty. p ro jldm t of the Order of If Railroad Telegraphers, tinnounced

imlay non-ojwr.aUm; railroad em- nt ployes will seek n wnge Increase of ) . 25 cent.1 an hour nnd a reduction of

the ba.'.lc work week lo 40 hours.Iz-lghty. rpoUer.man for the 19

l a b o r orgnniJAtlons repre.ientlnf: nboul 1,000,000 railway workem. u ld the wage demands would bo sen’e<t

j® on the railruads on April 10,, The non-opcraUnc employe,-! are ■° engaged In all clar.'.e.s o t nenlcc ■* other than nctu.il Irntn operation.

No Wage ReducUon Lelghty said Uie demnnds would

'* Include a retlucUon of the work week from 4fl to a bar.lc 40 hours ivlthout

I ' reductliin In Uie weekly r.lrnlghl- time pay, pay ral;:es o t 25 ccnt-i nn hour for nil employes rcprosentcd nnd ovcrllme pay for nil vcork on Saturdays. Sundays, holldnya and tn exce.M of eight hours on regular wecklv work <lay;;.

S Lclghiy .mid the 18 orfianlzaUons ,, seeking the cnntract changc.i hnve ’ ^el up an employe;,' nnU onil eon- .. terence committee composed of ’ heads of the 10 groups w llh niiUior-

ii-vtlon to ni;:r.:l.ile v.Kli the rall- . ronds on a nationwide hn.ils. ^.1 I’rsei Rail Com mltiee I;.'5 'Hie commlltee. In Uie sta lcm ent %

ls.Mied lo<l.iy, called on Ihe milwaj-B fl e to csUiblLih n carriers’ naUonnl con- 1 ference committee to negotlnte nn a d national ba.ils In event loc.il \

ments are nol reached. ' i.-7 Lelghty Mid the railroads nrc UiB i‘- only i.egmcnL of American Industry *'■0 Uial has not made effecllve Uie 40 , i, 1. hnur work week. In Uic p.isl, he m

said, the weekly pay of railway em-ploycs for 48 hours haa been com- , v

, pared with the pay o t oUier Indus- .•irl.al workers for 40 hours a week, ’V wlUi ft riMUltant drop in railroad

, wages ss compared to o ther basic P Industrlei

---------------------------- ----------------'/'■

’ Reds Said Losing ^: In Italy Campaign | ![ RONtE. April 7 ( ;P ) - In f o n n « l •■£' American oUseri-ers saltl today the• communlJl.1 a rc loslnc g round In Ui#1 campaign for lU iy * f a t t lu l A ^rll 18 L ' parllamentao^ elecUona. jk, ■ They expect some spectacu lar la jt- ^ . minute propaBonda move by Uj« -J

communists ! Ono American politica l espert . said; >t "Our big antU com m unU t 4lrlv« la e Italy began tbreo weeka ago. Xt v as 1 weU timed and Uio propoio l ta r*- 1 lum Trieste to Italy eomo a t ^ u t f the right moment to s h u t toU t.0 Things are golns s ia ln s t t b t ccm*

munlsts now."

Page 2: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«

Speakers Ai-e Featured for Kiiulergarten

iTt.m r . f l>r.JIhfM chUdrtn are th f fiiiure rltlrfn* I o f Europe, Amcrlcana cannot -ill by nnd Jrt ihtm trow up »ltlioui proper food and rdiicailon. 5nld nothnr.

Dy some lie sjlrt, Amrrl-can t rmiJt !r>- lo brUiK ihc.T lTy:i!c n b f ttf r w,iy o'. Uf'-. Jn o'.ir ov;-n country we niuM do mnre lo Kive o u r 07,-n ft b d ic r cJucaUunond this b only ;!irot;r;i lliccffortj or .i!i iiro^-.r<i cll!K-:!ry. . Bo:hnc oplnrii. •0 ;ir Idral Roal lo- ‘ cloy U A:ncrlnin!.-.-n. noi Hrpubllcan v o r Drmofrn!,"' lie «;ild- [ _

A fliuri biijlnr.'s mcftlrR, cnn* . duc'.cd by Mr.'. 1- I.. Nlii-iini, prrnl. /\ dcn i. prrcrCfd ttic pronrnin. In her ^ ‘ or.nuKl rr;>u;i, th r jirr.-Kleiil told lh a l Ihe Kru'Jli rrcrlvpd nallonal rrcognl;lon by tontrlbiittnK on artl* elo on JU proJfftA which wn-s pub- Ibh fd tn Ihc Cc;)!rml.rr Ir.Mic of

zJnr, tilie :vl'n rrportfd Umt theeroup ’* ■•Iou:i-rr’» day" cakc b be- tinIne i rn t to the natlnnal convrnilon an(for d ijpby . and Ihol the ITp -ScIiooI •'PTA hft-i Ihc hlKhr.-.t i>..rrcntuKp ol proiub.'.cMii;ioii.' to tlip nntlonal niucn- ulltin e J(ir Uie vnrlous T kUi Kj IU bcfun lli . C

Mr/i. Loaell NiiltliiK nnd M r ^Mra. W. J. H, ti,v;K<'r w. re cho.-.cn nS J ' ' d e lrsa te i for ihe ^tiilc PTA con>cn- tlon to be held in T.vln K, 11j AprilJ , u . =i,

Mrs, Ilaljili ElUott, PTA council „ip president, ln.^:allcd the olflrrra lor the comlnK year, 'n iry m c Mrs. o](] Nlccum, pri-.*li!tn;: Mr;. H, J, Hawe.i.Mce prejidcn:; Mrs. J-Yniilc M illetl, (he trea iu rtr , and Mrs. Jam cj Horne, bon •ecretaiy. den

Mr*, l e t Oalei. waa Introduced to lorj the group bs irjitructor In the nrwly eitabllshKl klndrrK:\rlcn ' fr h 1 c h 4 epennl .Monday wltli an enrollment * ■ of <5. The kUiderKarlen roomi «ere open for inspection and during the open h o u s e relre.^luiienij were p served by Mri. Ja io ii SJurjon and pi^j Mrs. Home,

---------------------------- rlne

Elmore Vets Hold "J Special Meetings SJI

OLENHS FERRY. April 7 -V e l- nre* . efan.n enrolled In the Olenns Terry ,iro[

O I Bgrlcullural cln:,i visited tlie *eer U nion Pacific ediicalloniil ear fo r 1ns- epeclal cIoMri here Tuerday after- M noon. pllo:

T lie in tc lln s wm schetluird by UfO' Lee W ajner. aRrlcullural field mnn Ken fo r Union Pacific, and P. M. Je.i- nair new . Elmore counly nsent. w tf

Kobert Felkfy, potAto ext«i.il<in r * " .«pcclftll5t for the University of Ida­ho. dbcuMfd potato dl»a.ic4 and

'p U r tln g meUiodi. O, C. Anderson, from the university, upolte on pas­tu re managcmcnl nnd diseases and care of dairy ealvei. Colored farm m picture* were also thoTO to the carc group, 5 p

Frank Jo n tv K ins Hill. 1* the In- chm itru c lo r /o r the veterans' cls-w. In Heyl th e evenlns • ilm llar proRTun was prcflcnted to a rta fanners. T '

, Janl

The Hospital S,''. ■ I ___J chap

Eirersency beds only were nvall- ^uble Wedncjday a t llie T ain Falls 1° *• county lionplittl. Vultlnu hour.i nre from 2 to * ond 7 to 8 p. m,

AD M ITIEn I^ k fMrs, .Margin Ruhler and Ira E. Thui

Van Aulteii. Twin F^lli; Mrs. M ar- neralsa re l EnclebrlKht. Filer; Pnulino pranVltletoe. Murl.->UKh; Mr.v Orncc Vn- ouier gatft mid Mr.v Herbert H klnj. Duhl;Mrs. Oeorse Bllek, Civ.'tlpfnrd. ond i'..,],Mr.-!. Kiiri Sylvester and M n. Her- o-u,, bert Clark. F^en.

DJK.MIK.-nED ED Robert Stover, Mr.v Clyde Brndr.

Mrs. H. J. Reynold;; and Mr. H. \V. “ '’'i'* Jennincs, and .'.on. T-*ln ra ils ; Mrs,J . R. Seeloy nml Mrj. LnVeme Dovd ^and *on. Harelion; Mr.v Flfa Mof- * a n tfetl, r ilr r , and Mr.'. Chnrlr.i QulK- f 'h ’* ley. Jr,. And ,-on. Duhl.

---------------------------- DU

WeatherTw in Fatli and Ticlnlly—r» rl ly C ran

eloady wllh w Hflr tcallerrd show- Burlo er* tonI{ht and T liurtdar. Warmer.H ljh ye*terday V . low 33. Low Ihlf GO a iom lnc JO. a t 8 a jn . 31. Trace of H ar '’' precipitation. 3 p.n

--------- chnp<S'.ilon

noil, .......1... . ** jn T>|

Ommha “ 1. TI _ k: Jt.rof"rrti1»'.:'.:.'z :".n.::.: j : •:

T iln j.'.IU 47 ;o tV. W»ihlnct<iB__________ :i I) Tr.

^ B ] =E N DS TODAY _

j^ co L D .., i E C H H l C D L ^

p g j i


K e e p ttie IW ilfe F la g j E 0 / S a fe tv F ly in g I . ..

‘ I kI I mu;

It A l J I

S o w se ve n d a y s w ith o u t a ,uru tra U ic d e a th in o u r M agic V alley.

■ ----- --- ' drill

Atteiitlance at Parade Cut hy Breeze Snow S

• ir r iii r» it Ofio insu: ilnurd, "a blffser and belter arm y Oland navy," rctju

"An adrquttle defen.'e doeli nt>l rorclprovoke M r." he added, •’ratlier. II the ■

Mill cause Olher nations to hfJltiite u m t iKfore cnn.'lderlnK an altiick."

Durlrn llir ce.-emonlr.i a t the cltv "A park l..inrf shrll Fir.-t Set. ClKlnrd ' thr J , Riilli ww w iarded ihe American wlllli c.impalsn, Asiatic Pacific ihc.iler ovall nnd Amfrlon defensB mednl; S 3 s i. for r Archie D, Miller the World war II nre i victory m?ilsl; T S BURene C. ficcse, i„ w, Ihe European lliealcr, Amerlcnn de- to h ^en^^ and vlclory mrdiLi; Pfc. Har* phyn old E. Harmon the European Ihra ler quirr Iind victory mednl; Earl Hofrldi, enou (he Aslotlc-Pnclflc campaign rib* to .'1: bon: ornl Cnpt. Thomas Tl. Hovrn- the den, the Anierlc.m defeiL^e and vie- liiw." lory mrdnh. cHj

--------------------------- ------------- linn

4 Marine Airmen I™ Reported Missing I!'

PEARL llARDOR, April 7 P j j Planrs, Biibmarlnes. destroyers nnd ^small bo»t,i follrd lo find four mn- P rlne filers mLylnB alter nlRhi flslit-

Offlcer.i dlrecllns the Mmiday night msnciivcrs hnd ordered one Pin plane to Intercept the other. In the orRai; (Inrkncss. They walched tho pro- end o Rress of both planes on a radar cu.v.e. .■'cope. The two jpotji on the scope orson *eemed lo merRe—ai though collld- Tin Ins—then vanished, two j

Marine headquarlera said the slate nllols were MaJ. Stanley R. Bnllo’. electl' Urown.nllle Junction. Me., and Lieut. En.' Kenneth L. Dames, Harrison, 0 „ iiiidct nomes of the two olhera mlsalne tauKh were not reported. . ilie ------- Park

Magic Valley diM^i

Funerals I CasilrI by th

IlEY BU IlN-runeral services fo r w /h eCarol Jean Slmw will be held at, d j j - j a p. m. Friday In Uie Heybum LDS church. Burial will b t made In theHeybum ctmelery. | < j | -

TWIN rA LLS-R oiao- lor Mrs, I ?Janice Nnrma Ames Pugllano will 1be recited at 7;30 p, m. Tliursday DU:In tJie Rtj-nolds funeral home for Echapel by Ihe Rev, Falher Donald p. ni.W. Simmons- The body will be sen t lerlanlo LlvinRslon. M ont.,'fo r requiem orecnmiw and burial. ji:ir

nccoirDUnLEV-n*3.sar)' for Frandy J . cock

:,nkf will be reclle<l nl 8 p, m. jurte irhursdiiy s t the McCiilIocli fu- ^ctile ra l chapcl wlU) tlie Rev, Fatlier urcwpFtancls O'DrLscoll hi rharse. R e- icy_ qlUlem mn-M will be celebrated n t 10 oeort;I, m. Frlilsy a t the Cliurch of the no j’ -Itlle Flower- Rurlal will be In the>ikley ceincteo'. cimrl.

I33EN-Re<jtnem miu-s for Mrs, ^ i ju r MtA Marsarei Rnndall will be cele- jrated ai 10:30 a. m, Friday In St.:dward* church, Twin FalLs, with -------he Rl, Rev. MscT, OTooIe a.i cele* rrant. BiirUI will be In the Marlon emeiery. Oakley, •

DURIXY - Funeral senlces for f.l'f l3len Robinson will be held a t 1 ^ >. m. Tliur.sday a t the Durley firsti-ard LDS chapel with Dl.'lwp L. E. ”:rane of ihe Unity ward offlclatlns. ,Jurlal will be In Burley cemetery. pveSji

O O ODINO-Funrral services for " •"! larve L. Harding will be held nl

p.m. Tliursday in the Thonip'on “ hnpel Wllh Interment a l Ih# Elm- ■ ood ce.Tietery. '--------







Robert Taylor Audrey Totter

Herbert Marshall ) ^

DOROTHY P A T R I C R ^ ^ ^ ^ H^ _ a l s o


_________ KOVELTY

Decluie Noted T In Claims for „ Jobless Helj)«

i r » - P.M Ont>must abo seek employment on the ir r i oxn lni:i;i!lve. This may be doii-; by keepliu: In loucli witli o:ir's for- .'i; m rr employer o r labor union, waich- a: inK the ncis in the paper nnd con- of tar! me prospective new empIo>rr», Q lih declared. Tt

•'Many employes do ro i know th a l no money has been deducled from W their checks for unemploymrnt jn - 31' lurmice,'' OL^h conllnurd. nt:

Employer! Fay jB•'TJie unemployment sccurlly law

sla tes tha t the employer la not to po deduct ony omouni from employes' check.', for unemployment Inr.iirnncc. i In o lher words. In Idaho, nnployers ^ pay Uie intal cost of sta le unem­ployment insurance,"

"The .w la l w u r l ly tnx of one per cent which Is deducted from tho employe's clipck Ir. for old ace and survivor:.' Iii.-.urance, and Is In nt) •] ft’ay'i:uliiiecU 'J~ullli'unem ploynicnr ^|/i Insurance," he .'nld. f,l

01f.h further explained the full un: retiulremenls which a clalm unl m ust nic meet to draw compensation under Ihe emplciymenl Mcurliy net which t'*. went liilo effect July 1, I£H7,

Iteijulrements "A wcrker niu.'l be registered with [|‘'j

thr enipliiymciil sr.-vice for work, wllllm-- lo work. tcckiiiK work, and Iivalln;):r (he employment service for r i i ip ln i^ n t , Olher retiuirem rnff nre tlial U i\w orker intLM he able t» work. If lli\re I', niiy qur.Mlun ns '*nc to IiU physical ftljiliiy lo work, o physician's .'tateniriii may be re- the qulred. He must a l’O have Imd it|i[ enouRh wurk durliij ihi- ba.-.e period U.S. lo .'how siifllrlenl eiimlncs to 'm cet po Uie wacr refjulremenw re t up hy fi law." the

Cil.'.h iirKed anyone h,\viin; a qiie '- u jj linn iihinii nimpenvailan rIli:U)llliv In eontaci the rmplnvmoni ,Tnirllv **:er:c*y <n thr Twin ral'-. i s r j i o f- ni.»;

Plans to Hasten County’s School

Merges Debated StPlans fnr hastenlne the .vhool re-

orKaiiirailon electloiu In the east end and Twin F.ills oreas were rtl/.- j, cu.'r.ed Tue-*.day by the counly re- , orKonlihllon cnmnillire. ..u,

Tile committee plans to brine the two plans, already opproved by the . slate reorRanlrallon commltlee. to p. election ns ,'oon ru pov.lble.

En-'i end school dl.slrlcls covered . under the plan nre Kimberly, .\lur- ^ tftUKh. Hnitsen and Exrelslnr, In Ihe Tw in Falls plnn nre pa rt of Park Lnne, part of Union, Sham- rock. Allendale and M ountain View ' dL'trlcts.

TJic reorganliailon p l a n fur Castleford nnd Buhl waa reviewed " by the co.-nmltlee,

AnoUier meetlnR of the sroup will be held after April 30, ll wns dc- elded,

Final Rites Held j For Edward Ahlm

BUHL. April 7 - ru n J rn l services '7c'l for Edward Ahlm were held at 2 i,o , p. ni. Monday,In the Buhl Prc.'by- lerlan church with the Rev. Max Orccnice, pa-tor, o!llrlalJn(f.

Harbara Klbb r.aiif: tv,-o sclecllnns, accnmpanlrd by Mr.-,. W iijiie Ilan* . cock. Mr.i. Hiincock played the pro- * ' j lude nnd por.^lud’ jl

Active pallbp.nrers were aeorce Brewer. Tom Hejl.-:innek. L. U. Til*Icy. O, W. RlnK. Hoy Strlck’nnd and Oeor^e lileUi,

Honorary pallb'arcr.s lnchide<I I Georijo S<>ih. Clu-Ier McClain, Charles D uinnn. ,t „ II, L. Ilarron, 1 R. R. I^ve and \V ||!crd H iiukIH. '

Uurhil w,vs made In Uie Buhl ccni- fcl etery. for _________________________________ held

j Another Rumor I wllhCity police Wednivdivy In*

ve.nUated the rumor tha t a "Run duel" ua.i fouRht In a local smolie I’a shop Tue:,(Iny liSsht. L'llc

T lie nimnr. II Is brllevcd by Vern jx>tlce. orlslnaled nfier .vmie HaPI wllne.ves lo the st.vbyni; of iMul Marlin nt the climax of n boxlnR M 'P eveni In the Jerome hlph .'chool a short uhlle. esrllcr became REA Involved In n hmied nrRiinieni.No blood wns slU'd In llie .rmoke shop, police Mid, P

tos” to 'n t o h t ! = ^ wIN X E TO SKK . . . T H E


T h e W i n d " i tICOLOR I %:IGH — LE.SLIE HOWARD J

M = ^ r i) M 0 R R 0 W ! ^ ^LING MYSTERY i’i;i t t e n ! ^ ^ ^ ^ fj -j

i r i a


Twin Falls NeMedlesI Treatment Dl

De.-iny Beckstesd Is receivlne i) ireatmenl a t the vtterana hospital. 0 (. iiol:e. B-

—— datr Cvenlnr Guild pli I'I TJie FiirnlnK culld of Uie A «en-•- .-lyn Eplr«pal chu.-ch will be h rld Cl 1- a: 8 p. m. Thursday nl the homeI* cf Mr,vT. W. HIckf. on», -------- 111

Traffic .Mishap daIt Vehicles ojieraled by Oeorr:e ann W att. Buhl, and Edward Llebert, EaI - 317 Addl.'on nvenue east, were dam - Wi

need sllclilly In n colll.'lon on the100 block of Second ivcnue *e.*t Gu

ft- at 0:30 s.m, Wednesday, Twin Falls '0 pollcc report. chi

J Air Force Shifts , Recruiting Policy i ; Over Single Men> The United Stales a ir force hn.n1 li/ ie i i '‘n i7 e !f n n r iK io p ;« r T « tn a - -

ed enlistment jxillcy and resumedI unlimited rccruiilnj of unmarrlctl Tu' <- men, accordlne to M/SgU R. A.' Jackson, recruiter In charge of the ‘ TM'In Pnlls nnny recruiting office,

In revl-inK ILi enlistm ent resuln- , tl<m. the USAF rcu ined all newly-

iichiciied requlremenLs uh lch ellm- [' Iniited enlbinicnu with waivers for , a je and phvelcal ren.'.ona. The I j * USAF’a apliiude ie«l score require- . ment. no»- set ni 00. will remain , iinchnnRfd, BerKcimt Jnck-son said.

Married men will b# accepted If they qu.illly for a.ulgnmeni lo Ihe ano ii|i[)cr Ihrec Rrade.i or If they arc U.SAF veternns reenllsllng within “t ' PO days of discharge, he ndded- fwl

fierRpant JncLson explnlncd lha t Ihe a ir lorci- would prollt by accept- lOW Ins cvery’ljiinlUled appllcnnt durlnc ^ ' the next feveral montlui lo uUllic PW ext'llng trnlnlng faclllllfs to Uie m.ixlmiim, becnu.'e • reaervoir of flcH trained men Is needed lo balance ft rr he.ivy personnel lo.s:es expected . In chu; the fnll wlien many of Ihe earllesl M po.'1-wnr Ihree-year enllstmenia ex* er li pire. com

-- prw

Scout Leaders to Gather Thursday

HANSK.N, April 7 -S c cu t kadcr.i Ken In the Klmberly-Han,'cn-MuruuKh trgs district will hold their monthly dls- w h I trlct meeilnK nl 8:30 p .m , Thur.sdny' Lori In the Hansen OriinKe hnll,

Paul Scott. J r . d istrict chnlrman, -nm will be In chnrRe nf Uic niectlnR, A by I Scout Icader.i roundtable will be con- mon ducted Wllh Dlslrlcl Commissioner jj,., G arth Morrill leading tho discus- _ _ slon. Main topic of the m eetlns will be council summer camp Improve- ineiit.^ and amingemenl* for « jprlnK ca.-nporec.

All pack, troop, and senior ini;i cnmmltteemen are urcfrt to nfend Ihe roundtable with their lender.'.Scotl nnnounced.

Reserve Members May Get Training

Officers of m e orcnnlred re­serve corps may participate In t»o week-s' ftctlve traliilnR wllh the Ids* ho imtliiiial Ruard In June, nccord- IriK to Capi. Jack Rotlarme. unit OliC Iniimclor.

Tlie natlnnnl Bunrd will ir.iln at I'I, Lewlj, Wash., from June 6 lo :0. Re-.enr officers wl.'hlnR to nl* tend Ihe training camp must suli* mil nppllcntlons to the T ain I'alls ORC office r o l laier thnn Batur* day. Capinln Rodarnie indicnied.

T. M. Watkins Is Paid Final Honor

fcOKN, April 7—Funeral services ■ for TrnvLj Melvin Waiklns were held III 3 p. m. Wednesday n l the While mnriiiary chapcl. I'.vln Falls, wllh the Ittv. D. O. Re;d ufllclntlns.Mrs. Dornihy Pe.\vey w.is .--iloLU ac­companied by Mrs. O. ?. Duvall.

Pnllbearep were Jay LaJeune.'«:e.Lute LnJeiii'.e.'.se. Ralph McCauley.Vernon Lsnce, Jay Hlevlns and Happy Loy,

Iniermeiii was made a t Sunset f Memorial p.irk. Twin I'alls,





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S 1 0 R c t i iH « S H E lO (m i! I .S ra iS B * T I)l l

T IM E S -N E W S , T W f f

'Jews in Brief ^D lrthi ^

Bona were bom to Mr. and .Mrs. . Oeoree L. Ullek and Mr. and Mrs.B- P. Johnson, all Castleford, ^^le.'- day a i the Twin Falls counly ho,-.- ^ plial. ni,v

Claim nied ,l1: A claim of fiC iT . alfegedly due whi

on nn unpaid account, wii.s filed ciiri111 Twin r.ills probate court Wednes- "1 d.iy by A. C. M artin. R. W. MnrUn. live,and M. F, .Marlin, nil owners of ih r s.ilclEast Side market, against Clarencc lieaWalcott. Uie

Guild to Meet havTile Junior guild of the D relhrrn the:

church will meet a l 8 p jn . Tliurs- day a t Uie home of Mrs. Claude Ncrlon, Florence SchulU will givea demon.itratlon on making plackei-s „v,;iand a simple method of pulling In ,„j.ilppers, Al! members iliould brUiff [,.nimalerlnls lo work wllh. A teed nnd Uf,bulb exchange has been planned. riTp

Itelea«d-O eoeE f -H. RoionrTVtn-FniH.-wn* rele.v.ed from Uie eliy Jnll Inte Tue.-.day aflcr paying a j :o fine. ' " Earlier Tue.sday. Rocan was com- m illed to Jail by Judge Jam es O. Pumphrey when he was unable lo pay the line. He wn.i arrested Mon- . day for being Intoxicated In o pub-______ ;S

Janice Pugliano, j , ’ 39, Passes Here

Mrs. Jan lte Norma Agnes Pucll- yourano. 30, pro.mlneni T w in 'Falls club 3.womnn. died o l 1:30 a.m, Wednesday a.mlint her hone at Oil F\5urth avenue i.easl foliowlnK a h eart attack. that

Mrs. Pugllano wa-s bom May M. gerylOOa. In Goodrich. N. D.. and came ngal;lo Ta’ln FttlLs In JD30, She was n clnll;pMt president of ihe T»’ln Fall.i men'I’TA coimcli tnd i>x't sta te pub- partllcliy chalnnan of Uie PTA. She was fledfl member of 51. Edward's Catholic Cuchurch. cond

Mr.i, Pugllano wns on ocllve work- for Icr In the Tn'ln I-'alls Camp Fire Olrlr. clclycoiincll. She was employed os n conn proofrea<ler a t the Tlmes-News,

She Is survived by her hu.sband. T"Alfred F. PUKllano, Twin Falls; her Hmother, Mrs. Louka Fox. Llvlng.^ton. ec Moni.; one dauKhtcr. Muriel Pug-1 be ill.ino. T » ln 'F a ll.i : 'two b ro th rr.t nudliKenneUi Fox and Edgar Fox, Llv* i»r,tr.gslon; two tljter.i, Mr.v Dorothy tisrdWhiliaker, LlvinRslon, and Mr.v Inr.i iLorrnlne Schults. aenlilc. Wn:Ji, :,cho<

n<i.'.ary will be recited ol 7:30 p.m.Thur.'tlny In the Rcj-jioldj chapc! Atby Ihn Rev. r a th e r Donald W. Sim-1 stcarmon.v The body will be w ni to U v - , be.-nmssion for requiem ma.M nnd burial. | Mnce

- r T H

H t e i i i S

M an a lW (I f you w an t the b e s t yea rs yo:

c a r h a s yet to g ive . . . d ra in o

th a t th in and filchy o ld w in t

o il, refill w ith S p rin g tim e C

n o co N '* . . . an d , M is te r, 1

h e r b eg in to live!

W h en you ch a n g e to C o n o t

N '* M o to r O il (P a te fitcd )*

s p c d a l tfa'a '^ i^ingredicnt faster

a a extra film o f lu b r ic a n t s

c lo sc ly (0 m etal su rfaces th:

cy lin d e r w a lls a n d all m ov in

N iake a Ja ieCctTtuaiiMi. cteiamtiioaoaoEMy •o .& ru

fIN F A L L S , ID A H O

Cancer Group "j Leader Urges L Disease Study

Mrs, Harrj- Elcock, county com- m.vidcr of Uie Ca.^ce^ wclely. i Wednc.xiay urKed rc.Hdent.s lo learn • • •, ..n thry can about c an c e r-a dl.'easc, which. If rei.O'.'nlied early', cun be

-L;iM yesr cancer claimed U;e I1VC.S Of M3 Idaho resident/,” she s.ilcl, "A 1.UKC iKTcenlase of llie.'e cleallu could ha\c been avoided had ' ' J Uie people known the .simptoms of cancer und taken sufllcleni time to j ' ’ have lhe lr fa^nlly physician give „ ihe.-n a physical check-up.~

Soflely ObJecUre Arm-One of Ihe objectives of Ihe Can- Mrs.

cer .'oclely Is lo make eveo'one Ava; nware of the dtienso wlUioul cans- sto» inK fear or npprehenslon. Cwnpe- Bob U nl medical nnd scientific nuthorl- Hen ties tell us IhM only through early ps;er riTpgiiition.carv’s-c-hflpc lo .achieve abou vict/iry over Uie dL'e.w." morl

M<?.L_Elw<.nvlcL..accural£_lnIcr; Ins-i niiitioii about cancer Is available In every counly and town in the a rta , ^ nr through slate headquarters of \_ /3 Ihe-organliallon In Bol.se.

Ll.«t< KucieiUoni “If our residents will ron tm ber

nnd prncUce the following rugges- u i tlons much will be accomplished-In sh a i the flghl ngalnit the disease,” Mr. rd n i EIc;)ck Indicated. died

1- Kntiw. the danger signals of tD S cancer,

2. Wntch for ihe.'.e symptoms and vlvefl Rt the mere.M suspicion report to eh at your family physician. Sha»

3. H.ive a complete phj-slcal ex- and a.nilnailiin a l lea.st once a year. her

4. Inform.ynur f.imlly and friends San lha t only X-r.iy, radium nnd sur- onde gcry c a n ‘cure cancer. W arn Uiem Mrs. against con.'.ultlng quncks who spc- Fu clnllic In nppllcallon of salves, olnt* 7 p.i m ents o r "magic formulas” to nny chun p a n of Uic body. See only ft'quall- Heyb lied MD I f A danger ^/gnul appcar.v

Currently the Jny-C-E tlej are Dn conducting a campaign to gain funds liumnfor the lOlH drive of Uic Cancer eo- -------clcly. M r:. Elcock ur^ed residents lo contribute liberally.

Eden Benefit Set ^EXiIj» . April 7 -A bam dance will

be held In the Fxlen high school nudllorlum nt 8 p.m. l-'Yldny.

Procer<ls from the affair will be used 10 replace student body fund.i Inr.i In B recent robbery of Uic high .school .-.arc. I- C

---------------------------- LIojAt Lnrderello In northern It.ily, N

steam Rciieriilixl by l.lva heal ha.i bein iisfsl to crculc eleclrle powerrlnee ID20. I------



• - • -<v

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/e^ fW h ata1

! y o u r p a r ts a rc actually O iL -P l

T h is p ro te c u v c O il -P l f in tc r yp Jt be long

^ w on’t a ll d ra in d o w n int«

•*’* c rankcase, cveo w h e n yo

g inc’s id le o v e rn ig h t. An

inoco e x tra p ro te c t io n

! ) • a " d r j '- f r ia io o ” s ta r ts . . .

■stcns p o » c r .c h o k in g s lu d g e an JJ jQ bon d ue to excessive w ea

th a t F o r « / M - p o w c r f u I , i

jv in g cool, e.x:ra lo w -co s t m il

bfo ( H I M A Ta ru . K » ud u r n a

Seen Today ^Tu-o genls. with Identical ties.

Blvlng each oUier Rla.•^y stares when they pi:.J on street . . . Dog givingmotor scooter driver a bad Ume ns *’’• he pursues vehicle p a il high school. . .G irl runnlnf down Becond stree t ^north Iwlng her shoeXn process • - . „ New ^lRn obove reslimant~*cpanterdl-iplaylng mnn with two scl.i of Ieyes . . . Wood river valley residents Ic)starling drive for cancer control dafund.1 . . . Friends ll.stcnlnK w llh |envy os Celeitlne Salmon deMJlbrs onnew Job with clorlng hour a t 3 p .m . iry. . . Lnrry Laughrldge helping lake Qjdown Army day display In Idnho anPower windows , . . Earl Hofeldl Hudisplaying medal he received a t 3Army dny ceremonies . , . Jii.1l seen: terMrs. R. O. McCall, Mrs. Leonard ihiAvanl, Mrs. Tom Allred. P. H. —Stowell. U. N. Terry. Joe Blandford, ^Bob Peter.'.on, Irene Canode, Max IHen.'lckJi and Marge Lake . . . And W .PS^erheard: Group of girls telling I Iabout talk Jim Rej-nolds gavo oa the |Nmortician's trade a t n cultural m eet- MInS-OLftJCKCJLilim._____________ a

Carol J. Shaw, 12, F Heyburn, Passes I

nn 'D U R N . AprU 7—Carol Jean I Shaw. 13, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. D ' Edna FamsworUi Bhaw. Heybum . died at JI;I5 p.m. Monday In the M LDS haspltal, Balt Luke City, U tnli, H

Besides her parenls, she Is nur* M vlved by three brothers. Robert Q Bhaw, Lawrence Shaw and Jo h n ^ Shaw, Heybum. two sLMers, OrtlU and Lou Ann Shaw. H ejbum . and her grandparents, Leo Farnsw orth. H San Jase. Calif., M n. F. C. Alex- ■ ander. PorUand. O.-e.. nnd Mr. and k Mrs. R. W. Shaw. Rui>erl.

Funeral senlces will be held a l Cf* 3 p.m. Friday In ihe Heybum LD.S . church. Uiirlal will be mnde In Uie Heyburn cemcteo".

Dromlne Is a nonnal p a rt of ftll f J Human tlr.iue.___________________ - f j

A ttention Odd Fellows A


Thur«dny, April 8 ^

I. o O. F^Hnn. 335-3rd Ave. E ^ Lloyd G. VosI W. Harold M eti

Noble Grand ScereUiry £ &■ VISITORS WELCOME rj:

B iH I I ^ '


a'ifirill'b <1l- P l a t e d !

. • P l a t in g

o n g s . . I

i n to y o u r /

1 y o u r CD- /

A n d that j / i o n f r o m /

. . . f ro m V c a n d car* /

/e.xtra. 1

m il e s • . . / '

IT E !'^ ^


■ Services Are SetFor Mrs. Randall

, EDEN, April 7—Requiem mass for • Mrs, Alla Margaret Randall, « .

g who died late Monday of » self.Infllctcd gunsho: wound, will bo

,1 celebrated a t 10:30 a.m. Friday In , Bt. Edward's Calhnllc church a t

Twin Falls by the Rt. Rev. ^L•^r. J.; P. OToole-f She was bom Nov. 1, JMM. In Oak- i Icy. and was married to Oreal Ran*1 dall, Aug, 15. 103,’ She Is sunlved by her husband, s one f.l.'.ler, Mrs. W. W. Cooper. Oak-■ ley; two broUie.-s, Tliomas Iversrn.: Oakley, and Dan Iverson. Hansen.> and an aunt, Mrs. Lara C. Albcr, t Hurekii. Cnllf,t BurialTntTWIn Uie Marlon ceme- : tery, Oakley, under ihe direction of 1 the Wiley funernl home, Jerome.


oagciDjI. LASTDA-Y'


“t h e ” m a nWITH 9 LIVES”

George Pryor * Jo Ann Sayen



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1 1 = ^ i 'H I M '

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d d v e l

w lm fv s a t \ J m

Page 3: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«

R e d R e v e rs a l K ills H o p e in A il’ ‘I i ic id e u Il i j DEWITT MACKENZIEAP Forelcn Affair* AnaJr»t

Ilu.iflla'g quick public npoloijy fi the SovJcl-Drltl:.ll l)Iane ilLAali Monday In Orrmany crcnlctl hoi Unit Uils mlKht 4lninl a Kriitr ea.'.cmcin of Uic duriKcrous tm-.lc uhleh dcvrloptcJ recently bctwet the Soviet nnd llie u r iU rn a lllc .y

I tills hope li;is no t 'v ^ b f e n liirncly d l

J n <.*3 '•)><' Ru:.ilni( W ' ( 9 ^ ' ' ” 7 ^ t o d |v blnmcd U

» .’I)*' • Drilb.h for U« VWr’', '-X collUlon bet*-ee

V f e r '. , the Soviet flKli!'

. £ k piavrnKfr a li I

llvrji. Tlic bo' _ , Bhtvl/its charcc

. . Uial _me-. m U apilot vlolnt«l renul.illnrn by flyln over Uie Soviet tnif/lc zone. Th Britisli retorted Uint Uie Rurjla »tcrj' wns palpably untrue.

Tlic RtL'-'lnn.i are trcnilnc th craBh ns an ncfldent, and ichlle thn exact char.ictfruailcn mlcht b queslloiicil. the allies hnven't qulb bled over the ttrm . I t appears fror the trr.tlmnny nf cjewitnrwe.s fo the allies th a t Ihc pilot of the rc flfthttr plnne was txrlns to harrns the trn rifpirt by dKliiR.-«t It. How ever, it would bc aliMird to claln Uiat he deliberately Mcrlflced hi w n life In onler to dc.stroy Ui nrlU.'.h piniie «'lth 13 Drlt<in.s aiic two Americans nboird. He Ju.i Rn.m't .imnrt enouch lu a pilot tj do the trick of "bu:?JnK" which th' H'ltncfjes i:ay h r undortoolc.

•*- I f .a a accept Uie version of Uic.m*'IUit.'.;>c.i. we have here a typlcnl ex nmplu ot bol.sMe^vbt t;ictlcs for al occ.ir.lom. Tlic coinmiinLM plillo.i ophy of life l.i wrapped up In Mroiiff- *rm mcUiods. o.i «tiney.i the mnti'

- ncr In which they linve tnkcn ovei C the .imnll countries of eanlcrn E ur­

ope. Poiltlciil siicccfli Is achlcvctl bj the ii^e of forcc. terrorism ant; purKcf. Even In ordlniiry debut<f they don't wu.ite time w ith nlt/-mpt! a l perfuo.ilnn but rn o r t to bullylnt; and obitnicllon. as w ltn o s Uicli opcraUons tn Uie Unltfsl NnUoiis.

In the llRht of nil this, tfie Rus- xinn npolo>iy for the Berlin "col- lislnn" wns a atrlkliiR dcvlnllon from tlielr usual behavior.

Drive Is Started By Cancer Group

HAILEY. AprU 7 —T h e Dlulnc enunly unit o t Uio American Cancer •oclety h»s n tm e d It4 lt)<8 fund drive. Mr». Laura Jtictaon. county commander, nnnounced. H arry P u t- ricr *111 act m drive chairman.

PuUdcr npiwlnted Uic folloM'lUB women lo hend tho cotnmunlty drive.i; XIr*. Albert SiliaufclberKcr nnd Mrs. Gertrude Majors. K etcli- u:u; .Mrs. Wlllls McKercher. Belle-

, vue; Mrs. C. E. Allred, annn i-tt; ^ Mr.'i. Janie-1 Ch:iney, S’.anton; Mr«. ^ Uiirold llfirrls, Carey: Mr*. Jolm

narrett..T rium ph; Mrs. E. O. Sen- Kle, Stm Vallry; Mrs. Dan .Kiilf?lit. jjiu th of Keiclium; Mri.. C. E. At- kliiion, ricnbo; Mr,-;. Gale WorthliiK* ton. U. 5. hiKhwny 33 nnd Mrs. Wil­liam Sherblne. Ba'.e I.ine.

P'irm Is Engaged To.Convert P lant

BALT £ aKE c it y , April 7 (UP.)- J . R . Slmplot. Idaho Indufltrlallit.. today nnnounced lie hns let a con­trac t with (I New Yorl! firm. Dour EnKlnccrhiK companj', to conrtruct » Snlt Lnlto nmmonlum pliwph.ite pinnt nji .-oon m cnglneerlnR plans nre eompXcd.

Ho said the cnnLract Will Jnvolvo upward* of 11,500,000.

.'>implot recently purchiu-cd tho war-born Kahmlle. Inc.. p lan t In S alt Lake Clly for conversion to IHC ftji ft fortllL-er plant, II »<ia « tlm a t« l the converted lu ilt u-ould produce 80,000 tonA of nmmonlum pho.-.phaif.i per year for use In the intermountaln nrea.

-toHfllionalParU,I Cities ind Hislario R Shrinei in all 4B ^ Slalct snd Canada

P lan I Spring VaeatioH th li j e a r , b e fo re th e su m m e r r u s h . A sk y o u r n e a r e s t O verland G reyhound A g en t • b o u t co nven ien t schedule*,

^ n o n e y 's s v ln g fares.

GrtjhounJ L isJ i ia Cturfttyt


CHICAGO ____________ R 3 ,«tJ lS V EGA S------------------ 13.85n E S T E R _____________ l t0 5p n o E .v r x _____________ 17.15LOS ANGELES_________ 15.10

(AH f .m on> «mr. Ui)


* R tjJ l i , an iitt uilb ihit lillt m Coninl magatini/erAprU

L. W. CARTERu n i o n b u s d e p o t

St. E. Phone 2000

_ CtriM to UBIBII rA u m u u u , i . .



hoi>e ./ ■ K m t K B f f icneral t W M M■n.ilontween T lin»les In .

But.1 now , ■ r 1 ' ’ I

:-ilans J 'd th e . ; J , .

U,e . 1 A ■ • / V . ■t*-cen J ’j - } - - __

; 3


I his * ■' Uir

and Mare than four second feel of Just I'c)! •hoKii aborc on the .Mliililo

ol to the iraler trstx arc lucrri.itul, Z5.1 the homateadlni:. U-fl to rieht. itai

Bill Odom Lands ;i“: R efo ld s’ “Jinx”

Airplane in U. S.E 'lr- s a N FRANCISCO, April 7 fU.PJ- '1 Round-Uic-Worlil Pilot William P.

Odom landed the Reynolds cJ;i)tdl- ijon’s -J liu - plnne. The Explorer.

mpUi Jt, municipal a irport today, Uius ^ylns cndlnc Pemnaltcr Milton K. Rcy-

nolds’ uniucccn-ifud ncrlal Junket to . Chinn.

‘col- RejiK^di hlnuelt wns not on the rroni converted C-B7 Iraiuport when It

landed. In fact, the Chicago monii- fac tu rtr who snld he lost $250,000 on the Ill-fated a ttem pt to find n Chinese moimtnln hlffher lhan Mount Everr.^t. wa.i so dL^RUsted with

U P the entire a/falr that, he Is KlvlnR ulne foiir-enKlne plane to Odom, nccr tnonUi-lons aerialfund odyssey came when Odom set Uie u-M. iransporl down on th e runway al P u t . 8:30 B. m. (PDT).

Only three men were on the plane i'lUB when It landed—Odom, C,irrnll n lly (Tex) Sallee, niRht cnKlneer, nnd rRer Radio Opornlor Kd Lear, tch- Reynolds stayed behind In Honu- elle- lulu to recuperate from the ,'erles le tt; of adventures which befell the ex- Mrs. plorntlon p.irty. olm3ca- ATTEND FUNEIIALf?ht. HKYDURN. April 7 -M r. iind .Mrs. A t- Doiutlas Colcmnn rtcciiUy ntlcndcd

liiK- Uie funiral of Colcinan'x unclc, Hcn- iVlI- ry Colemiin. In SrnlUifli-ld, Ut;ih.


I WHERE i THERilUldumthe



I ■ n v i N FALLS

7, 19.18

Water for Minidol

^ ______________ >.

e l of welter pour from n {ovrm m enl I n illiildoka north side extension project. 1 ul. 23.000 a rm of land win be open fo: t. itand lnr on tniek are lUy Day ant

* * * * Minidoka Proj

g Provide ‘Ani|]fU,pj- RUPEItT. April 7 -T lie flr:.t tc: im P. PUiiipliiK from expcriinenti(ptdl- drilled on ihe .Mlnldoltn n o n )lorer. exion-lon project n o r th of Ru

Uiuj PO’l I’’'-'- proved .lucce.i.'ful.Rcy- Tlirec well.s recently were drllle

cct to for the bure.iu of rcclamiitlon im a piinip was lii.M.illcd cn one of th

n the wcllr. h .it wei-k. Tlie well wii en It pumped .sU'adlly fo r 7J llour.^. Riv lonii* Ing more than -I ou r.ecoiid f e d o 50.000 water without lowerlnK the well' Ind n watt-r level. T lir pump U dellvcrin: Ihnn 2,000 Kiillun.i a minuie.

1 Ejirllcr. Uie bureau ot rccljimutlcns.ild delivery of th rre ^eeond fee

Mom. ot'wuler per well was sufficient fo nerlnl irrlsatlon puriK)'.e:i. t Ihe Tli9 teiw will contlnuft on al »y nl three well.i nnd. If surce.-Ntiil, ^l;

more welh will bc drllle<I In lOIH plane In pr.'imritloii lor riT'.ilinlnR 25.00* irrnll acrc.i of Innd on ihc Mlnitloka pn>J

nnd cct.A luiouic piiiiip h IM-UIK Uatd t*

lonu- pump Ihe w.iter from the sround. A 'cries J, Schoonover. Uiirley. conlracKi: p ex- for Uie te.M welli. Is oiKTntlnR tin

pumpi,Tlie wiitir Is bclnK pliwd it> t

. .iniiill rc;A'nolr w hich li;i.'. a splllWAj .Mrs, con.-.tructed a t cue end wlirrc thi ndcd wivtery, floa' !\ measured.Hen- SchiVinDicr mIiI he uas ■•onlideiH 1, thnt the ler.i would prove Mieces'tu


■ |V i n S s . . I

, ' 5 2 j r

6 bo ltle s fo r 2 5 ^PIu* Depotit

‘ A j

~ ~ trade

' UHori AUTKOiirr op th c c o c a -c o ia i


' t i h e s - n e w s t

loka Homestead Pr

li• ■ ' l i " ' ' - ' . ' '* '* '

------ ^ VVdim m

t tM t Paul Chriley. well drlllem. Left ic f t. If Itupfrt; <.eorje ISeeaiel. Rupert; n fo r the Her, Jam cj II. (’rowt. Kuper

and ScliotleUI, Dolie. (Melners photo-i * * * *

oject Test Wells nple’ Water Sourec.1 test niid that the well eould produci iiental talce the uinniiiit of w.iier wllhoii no rth lo7erlnK the waUT livrl.'f Ru- If all the wrll. nre -Mlcce.^ rul. ihi

Boveninirnl pbn.'. lo le,i:.e ihc Innttrilled o" term lea-'-e:, to furUier U-.v1 imd iH'rmiinnicy of the water sup-of the l>'y bclore oikiiImk the project foi

-H5 hoiiie-jle.idhik;.. Riv. Schoonover |»>lnu-d out Uie well:ret of l'-"c t.ipi.ed Ihc undcri;rt)un(well's '■h'T which Miiiplle:. water lo Tliou-.crlnK Siirliik’s i-.c.ir Hnfrrm nn. •

r'/“; Waiter Killei-in Ogden GuiiFigiil

1 a ll OODE.V. AprU 7 i,T--A Union Pa- 1. clflc waller, T lieoiti Richnnl Wood 191!’. 23, cf Omaha, Nebr.. killed nml

:5.000 two o thrr men woun<lrd In a .«hoot- pr«J- Inn Ir.iy lar.t niiiht.

IiUiired w rrr KUKi’nc ilowman, 28, td to OKdi'n, and William 11 Weakley. 5B, Id. A. mnnaKcr of the Prrters «nd Wallers •actor club.R the Police arreMed William E<lmnnd,

40, an employe of the club, where lo n the ^hl^oilng iifcurred, tor qucllnn-llWAy hiR.c the ---------------- -----------

Itxllne n-<]iilremrn!s of women nrc ideiit pniijibly hiither durlns prrfin.mey r:.'[ul nnd l,ictalu’n_______


h p T ^ ,

l a : ■?:


y fs k J ot i l e ith er tc a y . . . ha th

ra d c -m a r h m c c n th e sa m e ih iu ^ .



O l^ a.T 'i C«o-Cal« C««Aw>r


i * r o j c c t

ll to n s ii t on cTouail nre Clark C.nntrmn. :n ; Jam es »rlRt», Salt l.alie City. lHah; BpeH; Don Chliliolm. Uurley, nnd II. JI. 9 to*ilatr entravltij) ^

; S t a n d a r d O i l C h i e f

I n s p e c t s J ? u s i n e s sC C SALT LAKf; e r r . - . Apni 7 a i r ; -

C. .E. J-'l.",iieY, Jr.. vice pre.sldent. ■duce Staiulnr;! Oil r.iiniiany n[ Caltf.irnla. hoiit toil.iy ii',-.|)(<rni proKre:.-, on iwti

Ut;ih l)ruJt.•L ot the ectiipany I'n- . the volvlii;: 111' . , i t : i of mere than land Sio.ooii.ouo.U-.'it Acro:nj),in;.,l by Slrw arl Brown,

sup. public l e h m ,n ia i i i i n e r . Piiuiey ; for the ;,lte ..f the Ji.000,000

oil relitiery l.'iunccllaiely norih ot wells S:vll Luke Clly. nml nho revk-wcd 5und plans fur ilic ^S,000,0(lO.J.llI phK'lInc '’0“ * from Ihe K iiiRcly, Cob., oilfields to

the S5>lt Lnke reflnerj’.

: h t

Slenm K leclric i

IRONSS / " ..... $21.98WIiltman'K .Sampler and Falrlilll

C H O C O L A T E SAlso Ru<«rll 6 4 ^ SSloTer'ii, Ib. . . . 9 ^ * ^ 3

E nslm an & .\nsco Box

C A M E R A S$ 3 . 16 , /$ 42.00

Kevere and E ailm an Mavle ('am erai

DeLuxc Cold W ave Kils

TONI.;! $2.00

Refills St.OO

j L cn lhcric T w ee d

I ] C O L O G N E

$ 1 .2 5Body Pojvder S1.50

WATER GUNSs« >59y Shots ...................... . 7 5 c

a IC H A R M .B Y J H E , C L O ^

' R O L * m Vmi'jitmiw / / j

n ^ l n ‘^

f plZtlcIHaUDIN*


I D e l u x e K i t $ 2 . 0 0 'lellll Kit 11.00* fligulcr Kll SI.U*

• J I w —

Judge Givens • Will Race to

Hold PositionPOCA'm.LO, April 7 ruj’>-^hi«f

H Jiullce Ilaymund L. Olvens »n- iiouncrd here today he will bc a

I jC {•andldnle for re-nomlnatlnn ondI h rr-rleciliin to the Idaho rupreme,W court on the non-iMrtlMn ballot.^ Olvens Ll i.erMnR his fourUi klx-^ year lenn which i-xjilres thL% year,. a Tlie term ot Jii.'.;icc Alfred Budse,I s sr., ako explre.i but unrirr the 10t7

3 retlremrnl Inw the vet^-ran Juristt(S U not ellKlbIr fnr rr-electlon.. , 5 To CIrrulalc PeUUon*|f’^ Givens snld he will circulate hish i petlllom In May and tile his Hecla.iH rntlnn cf enndldiiry before the July

12 driidllne,■ ^ 'nil- nnn-iiarll.';in primary Inw ap- ^ PhinK to dhtrlct nnd .niprcme court 3H judKM provides th a t If a candidate H 01 cand idate Kaln .a-niiijorliy of n votes at the primary they are Ihrrc- 3 1 . bi"—dccb.Mil cicctcd-and-n'HKl-nol M sUind for the rm rr.il cleellon.n l Tlie primary election will be held! M Aim. 10n Di.^irlei JudKr Jiinie... Portt-r. Twin |

Fiilb, ll belns urjcrd by many lawyer 1 9 Kroiips lo ,irek the jviiltlon being M vacated by Jii.itlce UiiilRe.M llurn In Orrronn Cllveii'. 62, wxN born In 1M4 In M .‘jnlerji. Orr. lie mined wllh his par- W rnis to Illackto.it In inn7 where his

father nTve<l os medical superlii- ;i* tendent ot the meiit.il luispltal Uirre.

He ntlcnde<l the public fchools at ^ Ulftckfool nnd obtained hVs law de-

Rree from Uie Unlver:.lly of Denver, mn. He beKnii praetlee of law In Bojne lah; In IDIO and r.enn! ns Adn county . JI. pro.-.rciitor 1012-lfi. He wos an Ada

county rrprescntiitlve In Ihe state------ IrKlslnlure In IDlO nnd »en-ed as

third dLMrlct J ^ i f e 1030-:.S when o f he took hi».-8cilTVMi the supreme L i. court bench. N

1to h r i n g y o u l l ia t yo u o g

^ 8 ' j ' u g g YIrhlll

s. — Tiie prelticst fnccs from “ 5 eo.i3t to eoMt we.ir fl.iltcr- 'j

ing Tussy m a k c-n p . . . ^050 T u m j crtani* nnil lotions to keep th r ir skin t (Jre.imy-soft. . . revel in /

» V Tu*^y fragrances. Come in 'lo (loon anil »cc o u r a m y of V___ Tu-vsy beauty acecfsoriea *

; . . fnmotw for tlyit ^‘ young, young look!

_ g

Crr.ni nW r»f«i.l- top..<t;<>urfmIm».aoJ<him.n raml.ISfd a r.S flog C m m -

V lo Ju d V n lb c rL o d n - T' Y »lUtTT»lin I t «V > TI..I .ml W«.lt>er C m to - Ty . s n vonJrr bud beiutiLn. t l (I

Multiple V itam ins

^ UNICAPSu t s r B ”; r i r . . - . . . $ 2 . 9 6 ^• I ,

ARciits Com plete Line I


■ ^

! Air Board Head

S’ ‘ betn nppolntw by PresUlenl T nj- man lo succeed Jar^e* M. JjijyU i

-no t -ir iK alrm an oTtlie eUil neronau- , tlei board. O’Connrll, a W nih lnr-

ton, I). C.. attorney, wa* formerly - , {rnrral eoitniel ot the t r r u u ry de-


/ VIKITS FILERKILER, April 7 -M ni, J . W. Run-

i In nlnir, Ihiix-rt. wo.i n recen t guest ol par- Mrs. Adeline Hnwkln.i.' his 'rlii-

r« Nevada, Oregon, \


!! ItwBERcBm^■ , f'Dvrna . sEBvici


I ^ i n Falls 1

AT TOOLUDg, y o u n g lo o k !

Uly preparations -

T»t*T r» « rodrt—n^iH iiIj Mfl >sJ &iilrrfn«. Hr>niMi T » i; li|MUck>-(Imion nion ll»l tUf es bnBtlfally. $1


i S T . .....2 5 c* Pond‘1 Tissues, 17c

Revlon Swecl TalkN A a POLISH

. 6 0 cf LIpsUtk t« M atch « .M ' -

d ‘Children Crusade’

I Opened for State

BOISE. April 7 — An appeal to help rucu« tha millions of Euro­pean children Xrom atAn'tttlon by conlrlbuUng to the "Crm ado for Children" wa* voiced la st night by Edward Arnold, motion picturo tnd radio actor.

Arnold, member of the naUonal board of directors of the American Overseas Aid and the Unltwl Na­tions Appeal for Children, waj ths principal speaker n l a statewide din­ner openlne the campalen In Idaho.

"What will tomorrow's world be like If mllllonii of children else­where finnlly reach ndulUiood after a fearful ordeal of starra tlon , suf- ferlnc. slcallnR and Utter tnse- curtty?- Arnold o.Oted In » speccb delivered nl the banqueU

G E T y o u r F A R M L O A N S

' i— J. E. WHITE

For new to* rate* and ten tu


tl^JtalTwaSungto!^ALL OVER Ig THE WEST SI



O N m r a V A N L I N E S o R T I IE U . 3 . 9

Phone 2 4 6 I


d r u g s2!l(r'Infnnl.s Glycerine

Suppositories ...... 1 3 <

Sl.On Ironizcd Y c n s tTabs ....'........... .......& 30

50c Wcst’f? Tooth Brn.«ih with 50c Dcntnl Cream, both fo r .. ..6 9 ^

51.00 Bubble B ath . 20B aths ......... ........... 3 9 ^

75c’ F lctchcr’sC n s to r la ________

JT.SS R ithm om Scnles,This Week-end Only _________.$ 5 .© a

25c W hite Ace Shoa -Polish ......................1 7 <

A spirin, Bottle of 100 1 3 < G lm nx Wallpaper

Cleaner, 2 f o r __..2 5 ^ChamoLs for Spring

Cleaninf; and Sponges 39<i to $ 2 .0 0

Johnson Baby Pow der 4 3 ^

Johnson Bnby Sonp....».15?J

To fill ymtr prcscrlpUon cecds \ promptly and Bccuratoly we ;

malnUUn a staff of I axperi- ■ eneed. reslstertd phum acU t*.

Wo appreclat* yottt p m c rtp - Uos business and tout Mq- tldenea lo our abUltr.


Page 4: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«

A *r r>b u IIO. *r im ioj•KUblbbaj la »ct u * Twit F>.1» S<» -

Pak:kl>.4 «>llr txl Sut£ir M 1>0 S.n>« ! T»Jk. bj U . H o«-K r-t roH»»li;l C

C«ur«l •• »*o.4 ~ i l n iii» *»'>9cal •{(!(« m T«U T i t \ U it* asj«> •'I

BUB.1CnllTt..H RATt-101 CjUU1ICB-P*T*BU5 in il)V

Ur u« --- ------------------------------------------

DT Uill^fATAnLB tN AOTA! Wllhls Ilib* ui4 CJk« Cm»17.Hr u>. OUDIS ------

n j S ■■

JJl Bolk« r«]iiirtd b; U« M br • '4 " ••’ jjMW^Uos^ui bf »st;ua«i u SK*ii ‘]t:°:rM‘iAl«d*U<r<t« i ' c i t t i n i n . lOlCMlo

G E r-T O U G H DIPLO.MA( T h e r e Is a c a n d id a te fo r Prc.MtIr

b e e n p rca ch ln K f o r m o re tlia ii a t h o le a d e rs o t b o th m a jo r partlc; m lU c d to a po licy o f ‘’g e t W ugh wl N ow a t la.'it th e re b som e basis c tisaU o n . C u t m o s t A m ericans , th i s c a n d id a te a n d h is fo llow ers, ■ le s s f in d e n c o u r a g e m e n t In th a t

T h o T r u m a n d o c tr in e w as no t n p o lic y . I t w as a m ove to s a v e Orccc I m m in e n t c lan g er of com m unlsti fo rc ib ly by th e a g c n t j o f a tough w a s al.‘io a m ove to sa v e T urkey c e r ta in ty of a .s im ila r f a t e If he, O ro c ce w ere o v e rc o m e .

T h e E R P l5 n o t a g e t- to u g h pol O rig in a l ly t h e M a rsh a ll p la n w to in c lu d e R u s s ia a n d h e r salcll E u ro p e a n t r e n d to w a rd m u tu a l m fe n s e . w i th E R P ’a h e lp , I5 a defcnsl w h ic h a rls e a f ro m R u ss ia ’s opposltl a n d c o n tin u in g a g g re ss lo a .

. N e i th e r w aa th e d e c is io n to rebul G e r m a n y a n d m a k e It a n cconom e x a m p le o f to u g h n e s s to w a rd Rus to o , w a s a fo rc e d m o v e r e s u l t in g fro I n tr a n s ig e n c e o n d In s is te n ce o a w h ic h w o u ld a m o u n t to A m erica 's G e r m a n r e p a r t i t io n p a y m e n ts to R

B u t f o u r r e c e n t e v e n ts h a v e fin so m e n o tic e t h a t th o U . S . In te r

. to u g h . T h e y a re : M r. T ru m a n ’, f o r a e le c tlv e a e rv lc o : th o p roposal T r ie s t e to lU l y : t h o n o tic e to I ta t h e r e w o u ld b e n o E R P f o r th e m If 1 I n a com m u n L st g o v e rn m e n t; thi to le a v e th e A m e ric a n zone o f G erm a r m y a u p e rv la lo n a r id to k e e p our B e r l in . ■

T h e s e f o u r e v e n ts do n o t constl m o n g c r ln g . F a r f ro m It. T h e firs t a m o v e -to b r in g o u r d e fe n se s up t im e s t r e n g th . se co n d a n d th! te m p t s to c o u n tc r 'a S o v ie t m aneuve: h a p p e n s In s te a d o f a f te r . ’Tlio la

. S o v ie t b lu ff .^ T h e s e m o v e s do n o t m e a n wa

s im p ly m e a n t h a t A m e ric a n policy . Jn g fo cu se d w h e re fo rm e r ly I t was T h e p ro c e s s o f fo cu s in g la n o t ye t T h e r e Is s t i l l a lo t o f almlc.->s, timi lu a s oye'r th ln g s 'o f m in o r I m p o r ta n t In e v ita b ly in t r u d e . '

N c v e rt lic le ss , th e r e a re a lgns t c o u n try la b e co m in g d e te rm in e d In 1 w a y . P ro b le m s o f d ip lo m a c y a n d de b e in g d e a l t w ith m o re as a u n i t , eve o u r d e fe n s e s a r e by n o m e a n s seciir( d ip lo m a c y s t i l l s u f fe r s so m e w h a t fi fu s io n a n d s h o r t- s ig h te d n e s s .

T h o c o t ln try m u s t h a s te n to bull m i l i ta ry s t r e n g th . A t th e s a m e tin s c a r c e ly b e d e n ie d U in t th e p roblem l a s t a n a ly s i s , d ip lo m a tic . O u r goal a n d Ju s tic e . O u r a im Is to a v o id wai w e m u s t p u t o u rse lv es on a w artlm i to d o so . T o s t a r t a w ar— a so-cal v e n tlv e w a r — w ou ld b e to c o n fe ss a tt c o m p le te f a i l u re o f s ta te s m a n s h ip .

TH A T “A PATHETIC HORDI M rs. B e ry l B . M eyers , a p ra c tic in g

In I d a h o F a lls , w ho Is w ell k now n 1 m o u n ta in le g a l c irc le s , g av e th e T\^ R e p u b lic a n W o m en 's c lub .som eth ing a b o u t w h e n s h e s p o k e b e fo re th e 0 t lo n re c e n tly .

M rs. M eyers , w ho la b e in g endc s o u th e r n I d a h o fo r R e p u b lic a n na tlo i m lt te e w o m a n , h a s a d i f f e r e n t appi th in g s p o l i t ic a l t h a n one u su a lly li ■ uch o c ca s io n s .

‘■I h a v e n e v e r e n g a g e d In po lities T a n c e m e n t o f m y se lf ," sh e s a y s , for 1 •‘b u t h a v e c o n tin u a l ly w o rk ed f o r Uie o f th e s t a l e a n d n a t io n ."

S h e b e liev e s U ia t su c h a n n ttltudc bo p r e s e n t t h r o u g h o u t h e r p a r ty . "1 In g n e sa to w o rk a n d w ork h a rd L-; a t th e p r e s e n t tlriie If th e n e ed s ot U on a re to be m e t . All in d iv id u a ls aBgi m e n t m u s t b e r em o v e d f ro m th e j:

T o th e a v e ra g e r e a d e r , i t w ill p robal IIS If M rs. M e y ers is 0 litU o id e a lis tic , n r e a c t io n ivUl be r e p r e s e n ta t iv e of A m e ric a ’s g r e a te s t fa u lts .■ T h e r e a r e a l l to o few w ho e n te r pol

th e g ood o f t h e i r s t a t e a n d n a tio n , sc rn c t t h a t I t ’s o n ly n a tu r a l f o r tlie pi ju e s t lo n th e i r m o tiv e s . W ith m ost p o lit ic ia n s tb e l r p o llt lc u l w e lfa re com i n d w h a t tim e th e y h a v e f o r o th e r pi f a n y , Is d e v o te d to g o v e rn m e n t.

T o M rs . M e y e rs ’ w a y of th in k in g , :r a c y Is a t s ta k e a n d " a ll A m erican vo rk a n d s a c r if ic e to p rc se n -c It." Tt: la n g e ro u a g r o u p o f a l l , s h e th in k s , t r e a t h o r d e o f p e o p le w ho a r e merely h c t ic a b o u t o u r A m e flc a n w ays."

W ell s a id . M rs. M e y ers , w e ll sa id .

M o n e y d o e sn ’t m o a n e v e ry th in g —bi ik e to se e J u s t o n t th in g th e s e daj lo e a n 't m e a n m o n e y .

S p « a k l n ^ f s k i r t s — j u s t th in k u ig th to w t l c h lo m o 'w om en wUl eo 1 Q s ty le .




Afrii ». H it »* ^ M ucArihur vofrd aM . Mt -( Umk I. II.I pf—---------------------po»rr. came to ll ;.‘i

; .,v .v r^ F o . 'y c n n It h:i.^ be,Jmp.'fi'ilon L ist Grnr:

' l i t hnd vo ird aR ain 't }i — In fact, tn * c u rv m

------------------hlKh a ir co^v! officer;------------------------ Jiuch w.ia Hie ci.-r.OTASXi u-«e c<3iirUIy r.irc iJia

I1I3 ballot tor txor.crnt 1 MO Tlic w riter. •*ho r

___________ I » « Oeiif.'al M ncA niiiirw----------------- MSS dfcldfd to go to !ir.u;

caSItd Uie alllrd ci.;ii: 1,11 faj- eaat. expliilril.-ij t

___________ » |M tude h id b(co;iic e.----------------- «i« « U.iuf. njid n-'ilnc liliii----------------------- Jie h«d votr<l. JJli cn

he wa.1 th e oiilv innnl ■Kiioi'ifcKi I. C A. ' ’0 ^ flgaJnj: the Mitcl 6.«io« U»»®i 'T Z i;; K ECO K D -O nnrrslI.sc reply the

------- -liH he-Consrr.--*lm .il :----------------------- 1£H7, I l ccrr.',l.i!p<l nf nM i r v >■> ISenator Wllry ti.icl -Mtlrnl w ho ha.-i frrrliiK th e i>o.-.!hiimoi

r l lc sn rr com- ^ “li Wltll Riusslft," the ,tcar tlin t ii.iv .ip ' isis fo r h is ac- o t O en m il .M:u-Art!ii.n.v cxce))l fo r Oi’iicrnl ^!llcArlhllr. ;TS, will d o u b t- .'-ciiator-.-. I r t lrr : liat fnet.ot a Ril-tMBli m 'u,;.(recce from th e Aome foik,n tcli u u u unlsm Im posed miclit a .M .Mime o.lviigh R u.« la. I t " I never lir:inl lliairkcy from th e Vhu'^^coii'tnm^

h e r neig h b o r nn iy M iic ii r ir" i ‘"m your attitude ,"

policy, c ltf ie r . Cenerul M arA rtluir l

S 'm S r y ^ - r “ ?.:enslve g estu re Milwaukee, ami rnjoyt osltlon to ERP for mw)V drcndr.i,

"Vour recollrctlon ofcorrcct. : t fully

ebulld w estern c e w d to exprc:.* h b 1 aomic u n it a n would he rldiculoiis lorRus-Ma. T i l .s I'lmiour, JioiKir- Ui»i n ; Irom Russia's

oa a policy tca's f in an c in g n-soiuunu. but i tio hvX) Russia, his c.ircer nhould have

finally given *ntcnda to cet, k o iic e .s—'riie o th rr

Mil to re turn , | „ „„.a ,i„ . m a arov,I ta l ia n s th a t veifm n.' from ih r ir iiu 1

I l f they vo ted Mnr)ln':iil rirrci-.-. Ill,th o decision , Mm-Anluir l;

e rm any u n d e r c h ie r o f ’ M.-itt'’ i J ’ w",o u r t o c o s in comninndrr In chief, to

^ He has been awnlled 1in stitu te w a r- rfjp lenrfrn t with niednl Ilrst is simply up to peace-

nE S IS T E D -T Iir Ihlr•Uver be fo re i t fnrcctul tnrlUod* ho emi5 la s t ca lls a pfncr.-il M ncA rthur hn»

iflrlKhtciiliiB d rn ioaitnw ar. T h ey nRnlnst tlie vctrn

ic y is becom -was d iffu sed . ,i,e hr.ihh o t tHey e t com plete. i t Li, or courae. Imiio;,:tim e-w as tin g crmlor'.i from Intliinirlni

ance . PolltlC.S • ccmmalStlfr' n u t llia.p nre tlii; b.i',

JS th n t th is who eovrreU tiie eourtmiIn a positive Inrot.ir il-. h l.i m 'w.ipnrfr

d de fense a rc ' ' '“I, "vm im thlrcd d even th o u g hcure n n d o u r „ K w n - -O o v . Thom;.:I t from con - to o.v-Tip.ilKn in \viMi>t

on the of n-porl^ :build up Its * PO'”" th lril to OrniT.i tim e I t c an

:em is, in th e prnvr dl- " t r o u f to^:Oal Is p eace Wl.-.c«r,ln lim nUvuy.: tw ar, evei^ if tor tlie New Yorkri-. litim e fo o tin g fonnUiiib',t< mi-caiicd pre- JiSa'SJ'a trac lc a n d ji'u upprai w.m nm

p. Moreover, ll 1-, uiidcr.Mo_ 6 i.v :rn \iref<-r T u f t to t

R U E - ■Ing a tto rn e y rvcntunlly .•■hltt to Uie c■n In I n te r - '

, p - „ , ft! lr;i.nt .iway from Ills pr : T w in F a llsling to th in k pn:icd. A Dcwcy runnlmle o rg an lz a - HMti. Incldi-ntully. on-t

th.it M acA rth;ir will «tindorsed in ________

V IE W S 0 :ly he a rs on r n i M r n f o i

Wc dciioiiiice the Ru.-. tics fo r a d - treeclorti to ew o

’or In sta n ce , by'^'forbUldltiK ^^eo \-ipf^ Uie w elfa re j,.-;,cy. or in Uie Uiiltoil S

iiKi>. IV mob h r rc 't r le d to ji tude shou ld hokiiiiK a nirnuiK

"fo r w in - horribly luulcniocral

1 I'i n eeded w c in u -t h r «roiiK cnoi Ot th e n a - merit in ou r dVmocMcy

a g g ra n d ize - f.imitst rpeccliM. Commi

s.sy‘s ;lc, a n d t h a t of n io n m s Ji'ffer.'on in 1 of one o f "If Iherc be ;iiiy lunnnn 1

union, or to ctinnRe Itn

■1, so few In ll left tree to eombul It." e pub lic to —-------- -OSt of o u r I.MITATI.SG tcom es f ir s t:r purposes, uicy p ^ m itie d u ir

I*r:ink H.LJiriiall, lixriil cunIng, dc n io - «eo-Icans m u s t . We hold 110 b r lit for Hiu ' Thn liomfs and brul.%e.'. :ind killI- , ? h .U , is t h a t llic tword. nci-onUng to tin ?re!y “a p a - Kut the Bii(l-co:n:nunl:.t.^

ably patriotic A»htic;i’i.’, ul I which does n o t counttiianc

ocatlou, Tliey could tioI re llln j thenuelvci, th e ir co.n

:—bu t w e’d Whenever Amerlc.-»m of days t h a t lo’''w ca iitlvM to be coadeil

J* ore dlgRlni: th e graves of UKifl prtsumftbly do hold d falLh, not repud ia te -ll whei

nk of th e **” •■••• _____________go to keep h*ppier when


IRLIGIG■N-TIie fflcl that Gen, DousIm A. d ar.iin.Ti Uie counmarUal eonvlctlcn y Mltfhpll, American prophet of a ir 1 llj;.‘il nltlclully today.

G ^ '^ ’l m' A ’h “

iom | ^

HU enblrd tfply Mid, In effect, th n t roc inniiber of Uic courunartlal body to old Mltchcll co:;v!ctlon,

leral MncArtfiur explained In hiu " ns7,-cr lo the query could be found <n.il flewTTl'imapr diitr of Teb; '10' *'■« 1 nf n If Her to 8cn. Alexander Wlley,

Ui9 backRrounrt: hniti-icl f[)on.M)rfd a rcjoIuUon eon-

humoiti nink of major cfnerol on ^ lio aft.n a nnllvc of Milwaukee. I

la t the prtipoMl lind been held up ^ i:i:iry iiff.iin conimltlcc bccati'e of f'*-'"■ •■IP' ihIh:)!' be con.*,:roctI as crlUcl.Mii :Artliur, Up linmcdblely wrote, to hur. niirt the pertinent p .vagrnph ■’ r t l r r folioa-.v licx

. .• . tor

I «iLi Uiloniicd Ihnt the rcai.oii i t gho liiiL coiniiilttr,; muy hrvve been th a l tu n tuu Uie riiactmcnt of the rc.wlutlon j• ndvi-r.ic rttlccllon upon youreclf,I lllat iirKUineiit beforr bccnll.rc It lulliiK thnt yours wni tlie only vote rtiiiarllnl vcrillct, which c<L-,lilej-ed ^

' 111 wrl'lm; to r jk that yoi) s la te

tlnir repllcil n» follon-s:

wa.i one of Billy' MltcSicIl'* mo.'.t day,o«-rf M endj from the bcKlrnlnR to - iimlllc.i came frwii the i.iine ,«ipot. theenjoyed the most cordial Intimacy nnd

ot t:on of my part in lilis trial Li entirely "Ifully knouii to him. and he never a lit

hl3 Knitltiide fnr my alUtiide. I t we 1IS lor Riiyiine lo wy thnl any p0.1l- Hiiia i ml^’ht be (rranttd him, would took0 me. He w .w a rnre genius In h is Wes iiitrlbiitert much lo Rvlatlon hlAtory whll ? \)f the dl'CUMlon Involved In your 6hoi io know lhat any part I playe^l Jn

have 110 benruiit on the m ailer." Tl

)ther Indictment agahiit MiicArUiiir the forces which flwepi down P e n n - r ? t '1 jiifflclciil aU-cPKth to meet n fo r- ‘

drove the encnmpfd World war I -r lln nnd paper ulianlle.s to tho hills

llie I’nlomw: rlvrr. luir h;n ix-i-ii crlllclicd merely fo r ^ le ntfalr. 'Die amwrr Is lhat. iw w;i. ordered by President Hoover, J'.'’

let. to lend Ihr government forces.•lied tipcau?e lio wore hbi uniform niedaLs nnd decorfttlons. His Rnrb ■cnuje^he. wns tlicn on active duty,

’ ■' * z\«K• third complaint ntlnchM to th o of n10 employed nnrt the show of nrma. whnl r hns ,'lnse expUliied Uiat only ivn recci loaitratlon nould have had any Shot, vclrm nj' "bonus army," Tliey had Be

id public rcqucjls that they re tu rn be n ind Ihclr camp w.as n menace to trrs r;ipll^il^ pni’iilallnii nnd thcnl^eIve.■ . linjiowlblc to prcveni lhc:c conr.ld- riirlnt: alumni nf the "bonus nrniy" . uiMa.-.ls may take ll out on o u r the illtlfr. th ir K- b.i'.lc f.ic[.s n.i .'u n by n w riler nirlm artb l as h pro-Mllchcll m an.porcr rc^iiwulbllltles wnuld perm it, red ilfi'|)ly with Ihr pllsht of the

lio:n;ir, K. IX'uey clrrlilfil l;r:;iledly. -------VlMoti.Mn before loday'.s prl.mary Neiloris that o!hcrwl.-e he mUhl run . . .cturnl MnrAnhur nnd Unrolrt F.. pnEiT■ o ic rn allies exphliied by phonea fornli my th:it ('.ich lui oiilccme m U h t wetk

111'; prrrlilcntl.-il ch;ui<-c.v. Pnlmviiy.i bccii a favo.Mblc butilcKround ■■■■■ •I-. I t wa., here thal he downed Q 9 jln rlvn’j n.s Wer.dell Wlllkle .ind ^ deiibcrg. For him to trnll his two M fv Id bo lo crcale the laiprc.v.Inn th u t . K'^BMphlr.ilIv wlile.-prenrt, der.Moo<l Ihsi both M;icArlhur and I to Uie Kovernnr nf the i;mplro |flr.v• enpturc s mnjorlty of the WLs- 'Ptwecti them, aiid dlioulrt they Uie Ohlo-in nt Ihe ennvcnllon. Itppde low.nT th t .'en.ile leader, o r '■ ^ 3 Ills prlnelp.il rn:i:eM;int,

th a l io<l;iy',-. vuic niiiM b. Inter- nunnlns l- .i •,vmild hr nn mih.ipiiy ,,

on.the-rvnvl>e;il;iK here 'hn.s It “Ill win. St.i,'.rn will place nnd

OF' O T H E R S pi";. FOR DEMOCKACV• R im lain for nol nllowltiR our u„ in ,I evfO’ f>:ie of tlieir cltlrens. Why. cliap.'’,r the fa-il.'t irlek ot ihe Ilu.'..-.lan3 t Ii i ':.speccli tn Trniion. or In New thr«;it-

Uoil suite.'.? Yil J if l a few weeks ixvrlUcd to prevent a ci;:iHiimiLst .^pc;^kc^ i waseilnK in the C.)iit<'i:n>orury club. v,o.i nlocrallc mlst.ike mii.n not be re - «,bro<idanKcr nil our e.icred Ill>ertles- cleaneT enoiiRh, sure enous^ of the real I w»cracy to wlthM.md n few com- Irk th:ommunl!l oralor.s nuke fools o f they ia \ when they irj- to tell how tourlMways of Mother nu.V'Ja. up onur, to he rcmhiclcJ of Uie words And si1 In his flrr.t liiauKiir.il nrtdrejs. .suntnninpt: iw who wl;.h to dl:.-olve tlifl 'e IW republican form, let Uiem L E G >s nionunienLs ot Ihe .safety wlU) ---------)ii m.iy be tolerated where reason Th.11 ll."-T ren toa (tt. J.) Tlmej. M .ifi k

I.SG O IR ENK.MU:S: the police uf Columbus, Ohio, v»r

o r If they were Uihiklni: nl all 3 11 mob to wrtck the home of aI" iu 111 cunuiiunlsl le.ulcr. o 'tew days ih.

3T HiuJuiiall, who:e party wrtcksId kill:, indlvldiiib without f.cru- .ny «r .liiK uy Uie :.wt-rd and dyltu; bylo Uie ancient prophecy. TuWijh:unl:.t-s of C6luinbiis are prc.wm- ----------■I’l.’. who llv: by a 'dlffcrenl f.-vlth, _ enance vlolewe under any prov- ^lOt resort lo 11 without dlscred- «r co.'nmually and Uielr eountiy.1.1 of Ihe tradlUonal pattern n l- idS o: :oaded Into Mis of this kind Uiey s of Uie way of llfo they ahould. lold dear. We musl live by our m u>* • ; when it Is challenied.-N am pa


Then little things are runnlnsr'l A p u to r. EOT about fauccts? Pauuhi

>_______________ -

-------------------- M

P o t I

S H O T S ^ g a;________________________________ I Lu.

I 60RTA DESPEUATED ew Mr. PoU: p r

I Yep. I know Kme of the b « t perI hunun’ weather U atlll ahead, bat wa.

In my poelUon, I can't aflord to poi] wait. Hero leap year ts more Uuin clp

a fourth gone and I ain 't had nary der a chance yet. . cal.

And vbera I'm ooncemed, balh- une tn r ta ll wraUirr U ■ handicap oio raUirr than an a ix t . al<Can you qulck-Ilko give me ihe cou

name of a weak-eyed genl who llke« P good cooking? I don't van i« be au cnsi old niald forever. inet

• G rarri Gerlla sen;. . . II ,

" DANGEEOUS PRECEDE.NT . dls: D ew Ghooter:'-A few wMk»«8^X-a-u-lnvolv*d Uv nn auto nccldenl and the Incident hni been bothering me ever since,I reallic now I nho-jld have lold Uie , ^ Judge all about the accident Instead “ ar of paying my fine without hollering,

Anyway, here's t.'ie way tho accU d in l happened: '

I was driving along behind a car be t driven by a woman. Bhe s!«naled for “nei a lefl turn, bul dldn'l turn. At the Hi next lnlcrs«Uon. ^ho ngaln signaled o e r for a lefl turn. 6ho dldn'l turn. cvac

I made up my mind to parj her. chUi She signaled for a left turn . Bhe •'■Prc turned.

I paid tlS for refkle.ssnea. -rn^A. Manpay* [c„n

KCUOLAitLY DAUGUTKU Up”Wo'll waKcr thrre a ren 't very IL-.i-I

m any little Klrls u ncholnrly a-i .slru:Hcrli West’.', dnughter. I l mny hnve e.\arKonn imnotlcol exccpt for a ehancc lncl<remark dropped hy Hctb the other th rday. Bald Herb: wa«

"I wl:,h you'd Uike Pol ShoLi off Mro) the edllorlftl page w my dauKhler litnnd I could rr td different [xjrilotia wliulof the T-N nl the snnie time.- one

"I.'ii't It rnther iinu-sual for such to Ua llttio girl lo be rending cflltorlaL!?" pollcwe a-'lted Herb. of 11

Ho didn’t jay nnyUilnr. m we nboutook It tor granted thnt little Ml.'.a ltx5‘ lW est conccnlrni«s on Uin wlltortuls tell whllft Pnpa Wcsi consumes Pol n ;Show. bark

• • • wnrrTlie Office Driver says ever? car rntln

owner in Twin Falla aeems to know of u.Uic minute u ;>arklng/me!er Is oul nwn>flf conmiK'.lon and e^'eoonc' trle i It h.'to park Uiere. reall'

-nVAS AN ERKOIt"DHI", who rr.Mdis in the vicinity -------

of Cany, lias iid\ir rirP o t .Shol.s lhal Ull- IrttiT nddri'.wd Ui "Uncle Zuk- Rle" w;wi't intended for Pot tihouv We claim to hnV8 known it nil nlonp.

Anyway. Del lays the le tl/r in­tended for Pot Shots wns recovered In Pocatello. Inasmuch n.'. wr re- cdvcd the letter Intended for "Unrlr , Zimgle" In which.hev,was Infornird I of an Imminent visit, we woniler I w hnl Uncle Zugglo thought when he I received the note/Intended for Pot I Shots. I

Betcha we know someone who'll be a mile cnrcfiil nbout putllnK let- ters In envelopes from now onl

FAMOUa LAST LINE . . . Ilf *ald If fertlliier makra

the laioi grow. It ahfluli] do >unie. th ine fur Ml hair.

GENTLHMA.V IN THF.r o im - n i n o w

BOB H O PE INew Orle.iiis has I'ji niardl Kr.is . . Atlantic Cltv hns IK beauty

in g rn n l. . , nntl ever>' year In Call- lornlft Palm Sprlnfts hns it.s rodeo vetk . . . Unit's when eveoone In ■’nlm Springs dresses in n coiUjny

rflp lc lu rr .iiu r .

**nd.r A . T h e s w a n k y

A BlluiKire h o t e l » * U JceriaiiVvKot rlKht

n,b u .«

II U.S towels were ninrki-.! - hi!, ' ! hers" . . . and ''horsey,"As hono.-ar)' mnyo.- of Pnlm

prliig.s, I took part In the c leh ra - on . . , nnd I «nip the ixilfit I .red making the "Pnle F.icr" out nt urnniniinl . , . the j:,illn;i brrrl. vihi .•.hlrt sli;rt(le<l witJi pinUi jc . iilns. ennlne neckprrlilcf. neon :iap.'., nnd elevator spur.».Tlii-re was nbo a bis p.irnde iroufh town ar.d I hnd itiv usti.il wlUon hi Uie parade . . . but •••Ince

0.1 ft llltle dirterrnt! ’ Ii;:.:c,v'd' of ■ broom, they gnve me a vacuum

I WHS reilly ver^' emb.i.-rn-'ed dur- iK th e parade though. The horse ley Kave me must have hern a — lurlM. EJver)' time 1 tried to get ■ J on his bnck. he'd throw me off Iid say, "plca-se . . . I want my 'intnn to be even."


Dl. I'urrliolr.E Atinl >i;;1I..1 onio.. i:r, tiutf. .

'Arri"*iir», .S''jlo« W.i^V^'i'rVl’;” '" 'V*rl9ui cf l>l;hlor~

Afll for Co'jnl/

'’'>IAri0t.t) A. DOVD,

NOTin: T0~imu)KH.s

un'n": p.

U>* >bo<« lira* tnil rrciKioIS*thVRiI!rrur?Ku“ *'"*r«u

V di” *"**.■ I . ’MABOtJ) A. DOYD.

4 U h . A p : n T ; r . n ^ '" * * " ‘


“ W A S H IN G T O N (

MARQUISW hal l l happfnlng in Berlin to- pa:

day was clearly foreshadowed by repa highly secret report ten t wnio f a tweeks ago by Gen. em

peril. In foci I t H ^ th ewas C l a y 's ' f ’T K d Ruip o r t ' which p rc* |& fi T c lpltatcd P r e s l - t r o t

call for the drafl bor;

a n i . [ f ;P art of the report. wlUi Its fore- T

cnsi of a showdown Uiat m ight Invrm ean war. was communicated lo Uie b.tvsenate armed services committee, e ta lI t preclplUited a long nnd solemn folkdls:U4alan„thnl £oi down finally to presw lu l policy should be folluw'ed wllh wourespect tii.tl)t_fnml!!es_of Amerlcnn all-< soldiers atid civilians ilatloiHxI Iff 'T JBerlin. IcmI

Tlie fe:ir of "another Dnlaan" w:i!i pastfrankly cxprc.'.:cd as Lho po;ilble Suvlfnte of UiB Americans on Uie lonely' "Ire.lahind of Berlin was debated. Gen- "imieral Clny wnr, urging Uiat nothing por.sbe done to ujvct the precarlou.s bnl- i.lstnance inside Germany, tlon'

He knew Uie effccl on Uio J ltteo '□ em ian jwpiilatlon of nn order nndevacuating Amcrlc-in wlve.s and rcmi:hUdren, Tlie rcpercur-nlons wuiild '■■pread throuKlioul Europe. T l

• • • th e Tills 1.S a real threa t lo Uie Amer- ‘J'’"

:can po;.lllnn. But a ivirnllef threa t the danger of war hy/.tcrla in the

United Slates which would expre:.-; , t.'.clf, no l In II firm rc.',olvc Io be ilronk-, but m f<-nr,clc;-s Jitter;., An ^‘“ 1' •.raniple Ls tho report <.f a recent ' ^ ncldcnt lu Uie mlddlewcst In which P^'-' he hou.se of nn nlle«ed communist in s att.icked by a mob nnd d c ,lroye<l '

How ’to Mrlke a balance between “ ‘'J| vliut to tell arid wh.il no t to lell lr,.nc of the problenu moM troubling o UicsL- who nre to ln g lo-fonniilntc xillcy. They fjuole James I,. Rcr.ton If the New York Times, who raid iboul congre.vi; "If you tell the.m tx>-lltllr they go fl^htn'. and If vou cll Uicm too much they go cr;uy." ‘ ‘Ii!'

n i o prese.nt tendency Is to hold iiirk in the belief lhat any fu rther " ’“Y rnmlng.s will produce mere Jltter.s n the r than more arllon. l->3r most if us living rcvcral thoifand miles wny from Uie eoiiilnent of Kurn|>e, t h. difficult to rcalire th r fearful n .m i i i o : U ,. moment.

* * * be V B u l Un»e who live on the ram - p.v.se

I H■ <= » ^ ' S f S B f f l i


T o d m fs e lectric form ula U-L-2

th a t is r lend itse lf to wha;


U, Is for th# U-ifiJped kltiO^tn L. —J .pacicui loom crcinlxed «nfor step »jy:r%o thil oH«rs ex- fj,c«II«nt relihcrnhlp of the three relm»|se woik cen-irj, pn

AU lo u r arrangem en range and sink. Ever^ convenience an d to c< show you the w onders all-electric k ith c h e n —

/ / y o u w uld tnioy the <elettdc equipmenf, homo v»rn loo. Ini,i| on Adequjti•nd •cwiomlcja too.

[N F A L L S , ID A H O


5 CHILDSp a rts have few lllusloni. A recent cer report from Prance gives this a day fateful emphasis. The prcsent gov- Ida: ernm ent repre.’.enls a heroic effort Fall lo steer a middle course between D th e cxueniej of communlan and mer do Oaullcljm. WlthU> this em bat- t « l Ucd goverwnent It Is clearly reallMd there cculd be no resistance to ahoi Rtisslan armies of Invasion. FUn

The mosi highly trained French W t: troops — perhaps 150,000 — are In Tl F rrnch Indo-Chlna try lns stu b - h i 1 bom ly to put down a revoll In lh a t not tragic colony. Any a lttm p i to re - held s is t an Invading 6ovlet arm y would In nil probability preclplialfl a sort of civil war within rrance.

T lia t Is why the approach of /in A< Invading army. In Uie event of w ar Davi b.tw een Russia and Uie United, Dcrk e tatea. wpild b« likely to bring th e — following sequence of events. T he L L ( present middle cijur^^ govenjinent _rT “ wouId“ rM lsn,'to bo followed by a a m tall-communist so^’f r p n i f tU . .____ f'A

■ ' Tiro'/lew government wouki ru th - 'Icisly suppress any a ttem pl a t op- i„n pasltlon. I t would welcome In the .vm Soviet UoopB as defenders of ti i'*'',:; "free" Europe fron the U ireat of SLib. "imperlahst" America. Clenrlj'. Uio i;or» por-slblllty of a large organljcd re- i,lstfuice movement such aa lunc- Uoned In Prance throughout tho none. Inst war, cooperating wlUi Lritl-sh ' nnd ^American agents, would l>c x-in

T h a t Is why French leaders ot t h e middle course are putting a qUMllon Uiat comes to visiting w.i Americans llko a dnsh of lee water. h.ui II:u. Uie time come lo form the bn.sb of a govcrnment-ln-eillo which could be removed at Uia flrsl tlireat IN T e ltlirr lo Londnn or to Wnshlnglon? i jl • T lic sinrtlfd Amerlc.in 'in tu rn tw put.s a question. He nsks: B ut whnl Pi-'JT can wc do to prcveni such a catast- . _ ,y rophc? And the response comes; Do th i j'ou h.ive A mlJlJo.T and a lial/ or two 1 million Irnlned trooj» Uiat you could r.piid Immediately to w c B l t r n puilit Europe? ■ . - •?

Xhls Ifcst hardly Ukeji an lui-swer. n io AUte of our unprepar«lne.« In trained manpower Is advertised ihilly. 'Hio Ru.s.ilnn3 have exact In­formation on UiB sItuaUon laslde Fr.nice.

■nicy mlglit well believe Uiat by moving now Uicy could consolidate wr.Mem Europe, wllh lls 270.000,000 [x-ople and Its great refiourcrs of Indii',lo' and science. Tlint Is tho Lhrcal In the grim K iting of force Mklng place on the Isl.ind of Berlin.\n tl meanwhile wc nre Id Uie middle )f a eonl sWko that Uie law mny

unable to end; and congress i.v.ses a lax (Jduetloa bill.'

‘2 ' f WA91TY and Cf m gLECTBSOj



B =


g —

•ic kitchen is scientifically desi| •L-2-1, stands for arrongcynents is no t only beautiful in itse lf, b

/hatever decorative schem e you


L, ll for tho deiiof>—«n id.jl kitchen fe, th* iverig# 2. Iifjni.Iv—with xoik centen well , i lim reljted fof llrnt.uvInB m«»l ' rjno«tprtWNlltn, efficie

rients are planned around th e tJ /e ry th ing in the a ll-e lectric kite! 0 conserve your energy a n d spC' Icrs of the new electric k itc h e n , n — so easy to plan— so easy to c

the comfort! of nsodemmo '.lilna mu« b« m»d- Mq j j i i Wifir^g. It’s jnurt ^


Cancer. Group to t Hold Fil^rlflfeet s

FILER. April 1—A meeUn* of the J;; local chap ter of the American C an- »i cer society will be held here T hurs- ‘c day. Members of the south cen tm l ““I Idaho district healUi unit. Tw in I t Falls, will attend.

Dr. J . W. Creed. Twin Falls, fo r- I '' merly of Filer, will speak on "De- - t« U n g Early Cancer.” Two films, Di- Issued by Uie Cancer aodety. will bo *•' shown by the health im lt group, w Films will be enUtled "Traitors Ai’ W lUiln- and "Life Saving Fingers." Jf"

T he meeUng Is open to all adults J l In Uie community. Children mny no t a ttend . The meeUng will be held ta the Filer high echool audl- cb torium a l 8 p. m. Thursday.

SIOVE TO COAST •ACEQUIA. April 7 -M r. nnd Mrs. »i*i

Dave Anderberg have moved to Berkeley. CaUf.


MAHf,rtR£7 ANNA WALTEKS. hu.- mnil »llf. t)wf«jrf.

tl hitfbr tirtti br Ul* nncj.r. *5“

hiu^.Dj »nJ - it,, t« lb,

law of Kjink L. .Sl«>h«n. Twin

Put,.: Milrtli 17, sri'A’f ril T. » » . ‘h'l

m w t W a - B S B V r ,„ : 2Tlir'-TATr Ok“idam’ ) LV AlNtTfOK ‘'ili'

Ili.lT^''l-L0v5.' I'UlMltf.'

THU CTATK OK IDAHO i.n.U rr.*l* MOJ r r t I-7 Al.hrl C. FlfrJ. Iht nMmf! t.’i« ,

lUInt hVi bMn'7 l).j“4ri*'Lt*'Jiu*ln'u?t I'ul.l

C H A R T E R fContract Grc

PEAS an dNow Contractlog Oai

Esiyclally AttrnctlK E E P ID A llO ’S J lU S IP


^ for e O B d V E IIB E N i

[OC E C e K H E I i

f e .

Jesigned and truly livable. Tha :n ts o f the m odern electrica l ec f, b u t equipm ent th a t will- 'ou wish.

Ii fee the 2-»j1I klitherv- I, |j f, I simplified corrld=f typ* *r- th» mo jno«rrent for flood worklrfj mlttino ifflciencv.

le th ree basic work ce n te rs , refi J tc h e n is designed fo r your r speed your work. A sk your > len and le t him help you realize to own.


WE^-ED N ESD A Y , A PR IL 7. 1943


. Blilctlff. »ail lou irt h.fthr <llr»<i»-l iq * a r 'v r led li> Ui. tiU «a)»UInt - wllhln e/ a .

(1 ■ u" °

WliRiu mr bisd •n<I Ih. >mI U>«I, DUlrlct Cmrl. Ihli leih i t , ct tUTch.° C.JL DUU.E8. CWik.

I TTVt.f'a'u April 1., H. tm .( NOTICE FOB Pl'nLICATION-.. IB()l.AT£n TUACT I'L'BLIC’ ObUii] 8(i 1m DfMrln.nl <f A . Inlirl**

IlgrMa .f L<n4 U iu t 'a tn l DI.TTniCT t-AND omCE, tlLACKrOOT.

IDAIIO, liARCII It. I»«».ll h.r.b7 il r« Uitl iia<»r pro-

. vliloiu cf iKllun :US, B. ii- M uiuiul.^' ■!,;!,.“ '. .T ”a ■ ! : >

e:*Ml. lirr , . 1)1 U Ih. M ib-t

, r . l 'i k a’ U.“ «a‘’Ihi lelb uVt nc'ji.; r . u “ ™ ? s i & ; '£ i ! ' ? “ r . r s . r : ‘

i;. □. M. Tlic Unit xlU b« .old »lth i r»j^r».llon of .11 m.url.U.^ind

llkl. Dia7 b« m iit br l^^rlncip.l'or bli mcmt. ill.-i.r s><naai|]r .1 111. u l . or br “ 'liu . I \ .. II III b* I' t-1 on!, If .rJh l. otfk. pfl°“ w*tli.h..'jr ClirC tor th. Ml., T h e tl.U ICUU Ix ic.-nmii.nM t r c<rilll«l ch^li or Ih. Ll.!. »n<! ir.ti^l''b. ffivflopei Tb. «n.riur« miMl U m.jk»l ■fc Ihr lo>rr Irfl-hinil nirnir lUhfUntl.lIroj.v'j"i‘°’ tiV .lu r ''e .“ i t i j r '‘^Th. Pfry,ri m.Hrc Ih. hl,b^l bid .111

^*Arr'^p.r.^.. clmlmlff

An, .nlltl^l t.i <Ulm . rrrf« .Cll.-. rielil. Iin'tff th. tint pro.Uo lo «.U .-".Inn It >1. o .ntr of cotillriNju. I.n<l muil uw rl bl. rl.lin .IDiln 3<1 d.r. fr^n• •!. lo th. hl£'ir.l I.M.'rr «nj «t th.Plr»lli)n t'**’'h'^hlib

rn*NK OtJON.ruhll.li; ll.r , II. April T .^lj.ll^ iX ]8U ^

SEED CO.Growers of

d BEAKSGarden Deans •«


PHONE M55 o r 813


S i . . . . .

T h atij equipm ent

, Ii for Ih* I.^JII kitcKer>—.» moit i:mpli(.cd layout, per- Ittino 4 imooth, eontmuouf. sembly-llrva (low o( work.

refrigerator, j r maximum ur dealer to ' lize your new


Page 5: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«

s COAi B B —

SPH_3 S.

[DcJ Mnnlc


o i n r . ...... 1

6 ^ c a n s ^ *

Grape-N WHEAT M-<-oz. __ _ _ ^ 2

M w i t S(lUM'K

* I Vor 4a uuiirl ......

I J O M A T O J U l iI ■*'> oz.

I » • - .....- 2 4

12 o z . I

• ^Hordcn’R In s ta n t . 21} oz. J .ir

COFFEE ■Maxwell H ouse, Pound

COFFEE7*0z. pR ckaj^e

CHEERIOS .A unl Jem im a, 2 J i lb. PnckaR

PAI^CAKE ISnider’s ,14-oz. B ottU



There’s an IXBtTHL JEItO:

Ert) B ro ih frt ClMnrket HI

BUHLEY RICItl Economy G rocer,Shelby DrJve-ln DECLiPlk "N - P.ik S t

CAitEY n iC T r {^llerr,on-« M ork tt-

C A s n c ro R D e d e no. t M, Food S tn lcfl Bo

GOODING r A jR fJ- C. Pain ter & C a Rsj



m TO I6fR Y ^ Ss i . n l B T n

i SI 9 c ^ ^


i g p -

r r ^ .Nut BH3 J

m t b h ;

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J ;,r

■ . . 44<

. . ■ 54<

■ ■ . 16<ka p e

F L O U R 33< ?

. . . 2 3 <


LG.A. Store N earIHOME r , u : i t

City M»rk«t „ . . f rHl-W«y Market ®

ICIIFIEU) BUPEBTPiper'* Grocerr Foodlw d

ECLO , . Meacham FoShsw '. Market w h lt le y l M.i

*D!etrlch MtretmUla SH()SIIO*fE ,£ jj C lly G rocery

Bob-S D rlve.ln ^W IN FALLS JRFIELD J a m e r FoodllRay Jones <b Bon T o rk l Pood*

7, 13-13

l i i i i imi i i i i

;a M w

Del Monlc Prune

JUICE1,‘iHsburv‘s, 4 Pound PnckuR?









G R A P E L A D i


4<f r —“ I PRUNES

4C \— \L 'L ..3 9 €

COFFEE( ^ Sjinkn

“ rt ....... 62c3<f U - ---------


«nt Co. R H ^ H

m Food Siort S B ^ ^ S*B M.irkel

ocery and Market

T ^d llner'ood*

m B

m BEST n

a s U F £ v a l u « ! IN G S G A L O R E o n w e l l k n o w n b r a n d s y o u r * a t I G A d u r g r e a t e v e n t I

N ! i ^ ^ qt. 25

FLOUK . 4<In n tl ^

! •J<

6 noiup« IF r r . . . 2 » ■

6 r " ,, 21

6r'" ,, , 2!

s ; . , . 4 ;

............ $ 1.

SSE-^- J..,r .

IJordcn’f rnndertdPonnd J a n ............... ... • Q ^

•►++++•►-f ■!.♦♦++++♦+++++++

D el IMonle. Nil. 2 ' ; C jiiik

PEARS ....... 4 3

1 SoflJi;,illt Ciikp, I’kn.


I K cIIor r h


~ ~ \ Z z .........fiSfGRAPE NUTSI’a c k i ig t ................ 18(

^ SIMONIZQ iin rts ................. 98^



m i i i i i i h i i ,


o n ' ' f f l v o r i t e i

l u r i n g I h i s _

fa ' - 'Si 5 (; S m sh i

Hi-H .... 2<

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i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ,

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9 1 c

- p f

u t a r C i e o r c t t K ^ 1 0 ? '

.$ 1 * 7 5 r

^ Fresh Fruits a

ASIL o n p . T «ndcr f ^ rc c n Spcnrfl .............

ORANGE!Huftl, Juicy

7 Pound ^ Bne _________ 4

T cxhb P ink

G R A P E F R U 1 1F a n c y S u n k is l


RADISHES, CK G a r d e n F re s h fo r^ ^ p r i n f t . Sn lndn - ............

m ml l i l l l l l l l l l l I

“ I lIT r r l l i r p a c f n t l e '

CRACKIC Inpp ’s S t rn in c d

BABY FT L ib b y 's D eep H ron

a BEANSD el M u ire N lh lr ls .

I CORN\ P u rd

i P P G Fg_____ itc K u ln r S ize , S «c«

I I S O M .

' OXYDOI 14 fin llon


Spic 6l !I I . if e b u n y

\ I SO A P

1 9 ^ J o h n s o n S e lf Po lish

GLO-CO1 P o (in d J n h n w n

I I PASTEV^^ 1 S h in o ln P a s te S hoe

I POLISHD el M on te , N o. 2>i


; and V eg 'f^BI J

S P A R A G U S ^.............I,.., 15c I

lES J CELERY♦ Cailfomm ^4 9 c ^ StririBlfiii l b , --------- J

J IT :............................ lb

..................................l b . ;


........................................................... B u n ch

■ 0 lj( l l \ \ ^

KERS . . 31<cd

FOOD 3- 22<?J ro n n , M o z . C a n s

S ■ ■ . 16<?Id s , 12 oz. Can.5

■ mP « r Can

FOOD . 13«?^ M cc th ea r l

___ m

OL pkg. 37<?

DX 26C49


: Sp an 24<^.J f e r B a r

. ■ ^ f O < ?

ilisb in ff Q u ar t

O A T . 98<Jn

W A X . 5 9 choe

^■ can 8 ^2 ! j C an«

IES . . 29C

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■lb. 7 c

b . l 2c ' W i

n c h 6 C * j ^ , ~

PAGE rrv B

Page 6: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«

Taylor Recall ‘Decision’ Not Stopping Acts

BOISE. April 7 An opinion I o f a senate auihorlly liiun’t damp- i en^d the effortj of two Boise Ol'a ‘ Bctklns Ihe frc:xir rlrctlon ot Gen.I O lrn H. Tnyior. D., Ida. -lI E. L. Fiillrr nr.il Don Smith --jidi : m I nlghl Uicy utrc'K olnf: nhr.id

wlUl Ulrlr rlnns. n i r y ’‘’ill contlnilf I to drculala pctltUuis n.-klns Tny.[ •, lor-s rrcBll, Fuller r;,lcl. PcMrcl.'■ "Wc JuU »-um the of Uic1 U nited Siati-.^ to kf.oa- Iilnl'.o Is nnt

eUndliiE brhli'.d Ti.yior."Nipt Subjrfl to Hfrall

L a : t rarliiim rn-ta rlan Chnrlr.s L. Waiklr^.. said Tay­lor 'va.'i 1 frdr.'iil (iflk-iT ninl not KUbJfit to R •'tjit'- rrrall elrctlon. n i r Ifcslllv or ft Mftl'.o rtcftll rlrc-

A tty.’ Of!!. ItnhT t J^:n>1tr. Hrnyllr ■

ru l l r r fslil 40 to .V> pcr.ion.« linvp , w rlltrn him nrkini; for petition forni.'. from nil psri.’. of the state. He /iiiM h r ha* contlriiK'd to n n more rrf|iifV_'! In Uie m;ill nnd ovit the telrjilionr.

So fur no orjranli.itlon ha.i oftrrecl to bftck the niovr, Fiil'.r: fiild. He adrtrd hr Ihoiinht .'-nmr frroup mlfrhl o ffer to Mipport It nflrr th r prllllons w rre clrc;il.i!<d.

Can HtUI Art W hen the qur.'.tloiifd l>'^allly of •

the proposed recall » tii inmlloni'd to Puller, he replied. "1 (lon't knnx ' ftboui llie leKftlliy but If we c.iii't rccnl! him « r enii let Tavlur knoa wh.-vl we thlnl: nboui him.''

In Snn Wc'-ri). C ilir , M nrth 31, , Tftylor. ttilril i>;>rty ruiiiuni; mate , u-lth Henry WiUliicc. r.:ild the Idaho j recoil move wax •'Jii'l a publlrlly , Btiint." lie ;.nld th r rerivll petition ( wBs inltliitfd by Amerlcrvn trc lon nicmberj. ^

l-'uller (k-iiled that uny icroiip Is f behind the mavr to recall Taylor.

I!c s.-vld It WH.1 .•pontaiieou.i. ond wn.i -orlRlnnled by hlnurlf nnd Smith. ' He .•lald he wn.i a member ot Uio . Velerna* ol Korelsn wiir.n. j

Debate Looms Qn Finids for Flood Control

WASHINOTON, April 7 (-•t’r -A »M1,087,000 wstens-Ays con.itrucUon pro snun for the 13 months betjln- nlnff July I headed for' irnate de- bftte todny.

T h e fenat* subcoinniUtee hnn- d im s flood contral nnd rlvem tind harbor* funds recormnendrd the rccord appropriation In-M nlsht. It eompftrej with M15i53.000 Rranted by contrr.'s lo r iJie current year ftiid j:05,000.000 .^pent In ench of the lii.1t two yearn preceding World warn.

Tile subcommittee proposed an In* ereafl* of 1102,703.700 In the amount npproved by the ho iur :,lx werk-s »«o. bu t lla rrconiincndntlon »ns still IH.KKI.OOO .'Jiort of th t bucli:et eatlmnte submitted by I»ret;ldent Trunmr;.

Mo4t of Uic prepaied Increiuc cftine fr« n r.ii. lnic nmount.i for in ­dividual projecl.1. nlthouKh Uie sen- ftte croup added more thnn a score of new projecu not includiii in the hou.ie-approve<l bill.

All of the chnnKc.i hnve r Ions • KKid to travel before they cnn be­

come effective. Tlie .•en.ite subcoiu- tn lltee’s rtccxiimcndailun must be ftctcd upon by the full /.ennte «p- proprlntlons cominliier. then by the .'cn.'itc. Then a srimir-hoiL'c con- fercncc commltu-f nuiM niirrr on a coinpromL'.t whk-h bolh the urimt*

' nnd house mu.M npiirove. Tlic bill1.1 ftlmo.M cerl.-vlti U> be w aled down In ccnfcreiice.

New flivxi control pnijcris rrc- oimnrndcd by the .sulxdiniiiltlrr •tt-hk-li « rre not in the hnusr bill Included l.ucky rr.ik n-.irvolr, in Idnho. with an 6ppriii>rlJiili'n of »:,ooo,ooo,

MOVE T() A rCQ l IA AC1-;QU1A, .^p^ll 7 -M r. mul Mr.i.

Dlclc Parker have mnvnl froiB Ru­p e rt to their farm near Aci-quln,

Another Lady Is Free of Stomach Gas and HeadacheO a« Jady said recently thn t her

stom ach u^ed to be like a “csf fn e to rrl" That !fl. ulien she tie a meftj It eeemed to lum rlKht into srui. She B-rus nlwny.i bloated, had aw ful .itomflch ra.i i>alr-', dally hcildnche.i and conit.-iiit Irreculnr boTTcl ftcUon, Nor-. Iniwever, Uils Jndy snys the Li FltEE of STOM­ACH OAS and she .lays th r chnn'Ke1.1 due to tftklnB INNER-AID. Her me.aln nKrte w ith her. No c a i or b loat after eaUng. Hendnchcj and co;i5Up.-itlon are pone, "Oh I what re llefl" lUte* Uils lady. -^Vhy don't o the r ni-1 and constlpivUon julferer* s e t INNErt-AID-

IKNEit-AID contains 13 Oreal Herb.'.: Uicy clcan.'.e boviela. clear ca.1 from eiomnch, act on elUKstih liver and kidneys. Ml.ictable peo­ple soon feel different all over. So don 't eo on sutterlnul G et INNER- A ro . Sold by all d ru f ilore.i.—Adr.




Cleaa*«uC. BoU'OUl. ? lu sh and R o d -o u t Rtp&lr *Bd R«cor8.New R adla tan . Expert vork. u tM ocU on g u f tn n te ^ l

T he Radiator ShopS33 tN D AVE. E . m O N E 2319



. WCdSCSDAY «XllSi;.-.lIon pn, [.in,ip- «ii-j ;cin«ij '• - -".n'.-n-tM

en. jii* •VoV"r'«i*"' jli-! *ii

me N .-l ':!1 j'lii:' V.rr

tt “r Blot IKL'IISIJl;i;. ;;l«i I'ni l!*iLcU «:'0 V.:!»T T.r;

n - •iwl'.i’ iri cVjh. .•.'.-I

»-(i r rn niicr.#3n. in.-." M.t, i::-r ‘-iii I

V P { j . ' J J 1tin r?.'n^"'i

ed t I-.i Vnt'r.ti (>.:fe •Wiiii, l'lr.r it ,,..,h i f:-.^f-i-,<,.iif w . 11.11 .J ; ; 'fl* n ' ' ' m'*!- 7;..I ri. j i t i i '

Photo Club Sets i Week-End Outing

A field trip to the balanced roik *'• wn i>lannfil t)y Uir .Hporter I'lioM •'*

oliiii nt Uie rfnulnr mcriliii; Tiir. ilay.U wn.1 (Iccldrd tha t the Kroup would

'>■ meet lit the aiwrtcr nt D n. rn. I'liii- f - dav lo t.ikr Ihc irlp. -

i’lcturpi taken on th r trip will br of dl.'cur.M-d nnd crltl.-lJfd in Krnrrnl M

“ debate nl a Inter meetlnK. cl:' In.’.trucllonnl topic of the eliili

Tue.idny wn.i a dbciw.lon of thr iir.c nf Ica-e Iiltcr.n In dUitant pfi-ture tftklnff. Sptelnl emphftf.b wn.-. Kinn H; filler* ellinliiatlnn mnuntalii liarr. Cl

Next meetlnK of Ihr club vUl br nl vli 8 p. t‘i- Tuciday in Tlie iijwrter an bf.cm enl. ' Hi

u V S ^ 9n- A '

H ■ VHbk. ^ V i B

Kl m i

I r P Q i L:: a a H vJl.

* ^ fc 1 - w 1 1 B u

' A

'• I 'L ^ A "S J

EkH hk3 d e b

H HM i; I e«Hfl

° O n o o f i h e h o s t v a lu

o f fe re d . . . t h o h o s t

H B c o n m a k e . B e a u t i fu l

B H H u rry in f o r y o u r s to<

S 9 A cc o u n t.

0 P h o n e 1640

233 M nln E iw l

[ a d i o S e l i i - d u l e s


.HOC 'Ul.h.M.ho .S.l- :ilNL,-.I>AV WEnSE.1DAT

'S-cJFt: IBsHsr'''*”':rNr!i'"'i^ ;» 'j i !o:1l t.vUV* " '

Olion II :« Sl.Tt T<:l.r I. 'f TiiunauAT

IL'USIJAT nwr. lii? ^■ r r>rm J^tirriil «iU Mi|l< Vtllcr Ai i l ', ; i . - i l i l i UKi^n i

• ,, E i ‘

llilO iMtCorBilcr'"** j

S ; h; i i lS f ' i«jJO Jliurr.. t

' i \ , I '. I . ! C0 iU-k rhc.

s in :.-ini.rVllMn''c-!llloa I .. II,. Ilcmlrswir ^»:«o iMr n^A. -|

1'’ lV, MK ll^M ■Sii'r> .1-------------------------------------------------------

Home Nursing Class ll

f,. Set by Rupert U n i t ;’ HUITHT. April 7-Claf.'.rn In i

(V; hnme «uir;inK will be Klven by Ilu- p.Minidoka chnpler of Uie Anicilcaii [

,'v I!i-il Cror.i Wednrsilny linil'i-Tlday,l,i 111 the courthouse. Judge M .r Wall, c tl- r liap tcr chairman, annoiiiireil.

Mr.i. Chnrle.i Joi;c,i Is chairman •] t,r of th r hnme nurJins proarnni nndnl .Ml.-!. I’l-atl Taylor Will conduct the s

clar,. c.•i. rill — t

nCTURNH IIOMK n rr HiryCURN. Ap.'ll 7-.\fr.i. E.•n Haiik.i h l i -eturiied to h tr hnme In ■r, Clcitrflrid, Utah, nfter n monlirsHi vli.lt with Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Wilcox ^er .inrt Mr. nnd,^Mrs. AiuUn Hanks. I

Hurley. r

y n T »|

t j T S ^

\ ^ 1- NoncxM to V B f l Pif' daottfk

1 8 8 1

^ ^ 9 B {

H i

v a l u e s w o V o e v e r B ^ H ' !

b e s t l a m p b u y y o u

l if u l . . . p r a c t ic a l . , ^ ^ B B . '

rs t o d a y . O p e n A n

T w in Falls


~ Arms Gii’ding Plan Is Given

=1 Rap by SolonWAHHINOTON. April fl {.r;-A ft-

rr nn exchange of critical letter*, liep. Lyndon H- Johrjon. D.. Tex.. . l;n» lold Pre:ldent Trurasn person- | aljy tha t this country should not

’'®" (;emobllltc Its Ir.dastrli! war poten- , m Hal.• 1 "We .ihouldn't »rll Jl to Jur.k d r il-

er.i today and ask consre.-j for ; woiiey to replace It lomo.Tow.'' j Johnson told reporters after a White

J!oa-e vLMt yesterday.H e fnld he n.'krrt .Mr. Truman for ,

s "firm policy o! uolng over our lurplu.i p lan t wlUi o fine loolh comb before srlllnt; or dlrmanillns them."

Johnfon said In a letter to Mr. | Tnim an Mnnrtay ihn t prcparednru , Is ' dKflcuTi (o 'iii.'hu;V6 "wlien Ihe ; ? h fe l Is 5)u.^hed up hill one dny and |

'■ dowii TiIlPThe iT.-7r,"-Tm.v’ 'U '«r llT 1 reply to a le tter to John.ion In which Mr. T rum an r.ald there would be no , world emerRency if there wns "a lit- ] Ue emerRency talk and a lltUe more ] activity oil Uip p a rt ot the conxrcM to m rrt tlie International problr.Ti."

W hen ri-jwrtcrj naked haw Presl* ' d tn t Truniaii reacted lo his com-

B m rn t an nrimlnbtratlon policy, Ihe Trx.iii rrpllfyl:

"It'ri not n prr.M.nal matter. It Is < a fjucMlon uf w-hnt policy wc .•.Houkl i

— hnvc, 1".My view 1.1 i.’:al we should mo- ,

blllic nncl ino’jlllie quickly. Tlie (lue.iilon l i : Should we let our mu- | ijlllr-itlon exteiKl Into the drntl. mil- ;

■I’ ll.iry trnlnlng and forelBn aid and , h<- cn rlKht c n di-mobllizlns in other |

field-;? \ • 1‘ly " If we mobiHji' men we shouldn't ''li demoblllrc our Kidustrlal plaiitn." |

John-ion railed his talk with .Mr. MI T nim an •'cordlnl." Ir.d John.ion srild the navy hn.i nn I he adecjtinte jxjlicy of rcvirwinc its wnr

plnnt dlr.ixj.ials before Uiry are lurne<l over lo private hnnd-v T lir I nrmy and nlr force do not, he said.

in HKCEIVLS TIIEAT.MF.ST ra SPltlNGDALE. April T -M r. nnd ~)X M r.',.'liulon Handley have IcU for ts. Portland. O rr.. where Dnndlry will

receive medlcul troauiienu

1 1 1 1 H

itog*!fiflhl from n d

| H 3 eandl« rUtur*. g f l

B i ^ E 3

tflou raAtclor.

H | H H e B H*err r*«dtd M n H B B N

B R ii

I : >«ovr«Mfttw i H■ dttIon*d boM m

wMi ntght Rghl. H

^^ ■ ‘l l ^ ^ B B rWotad m |

rofthrnnl ihodt ^ 3 D ; wi* bfoid Inm. m

btem lM •nomtlH ! . ^ B H fwut.

T IM E S -N E W S TW i:

Anderson Elected ( Head of Elmore’s Education B oard;

^ CLEN.'JS rEIUlY. April 7 -K s r l j,, Andrr.'on. K ln j Htll. was elected as n

chairman nf the Elmore countyboard of education a t the repjhir i;

• meetLig In Mountain Home Mon* nday- e.

All .T;fi7’.brrs were.present, Includ- e Ir.R Mr:. .Mary \V. Lr.-.rer. MountainHome, vlrr chalnnan; Mrs. Je.^5le f<I’roJhoM. .Mayfield; Quentin Wake- k

“I n^«n, A tlanta; Mrs, Itoivlle Slcan. POlcnn-1 FVrr>-. ar.d Mrs. C m a Good- h

■* man. secretao’. »■JL-n Fowler. sctlr.x state traw pcr- si

latlon Mipen-lsor for schools, spoke o:on the lm;)ori»nee of iiafety pre- wcautions in supervising bus trans- a

‘- portatlnn of school pupils. He willIr. be In the counly "uperlnlendent's 1'“ nftlce April 13. to a islst all Elmore a le ■couniy '.vhool' dljfrlcl board'mVm- id Ix-rn in_£larjilrd; Uie 15«-4J_.':hi^nl Iff butlgrl.-.:h Durlns Uie biulnr;* sewlon a bus ’0 driver's certificate ond operator'sI* prniilt were approved tar Ivan Uut- Ure irr. O lm ns Ferry. ^M __________________ d;

State Group Slates .i ;; ' Parley for Hospital I

BOI.SE, April 7 (U.RJ — Idaho's I* chnritabln Inftltutlons , ccromUslnn !<■ will meet lirre Friday and Saturday 0

!o consider future plaiis for the r.tnie _ mental ho'^pltal nt Dlnckfoot. F

.Mr.i. Crnevlcvc Cre.^swell. execu- “• live ^«^etftry in the comml.-.ilon.

.-.aid Dr. J . 0 . Cromwell, medical ••.upertntor.dent. nnd H. C. Jrpi>eren, buslnc'--. manager ot the DIackfoot hoipltnl. w-lll meet w-lth Uie board.

I 't Eh-. OeorKe O. A. Kellogg, Nampa.I'I commlulon ciialrmaii,

le I

J K fl I p]r n l BH IB I B W >111 M .


Steel Kitchen ScaleP la s l ic F a c e 5 2 . 9 8Neat ond oitrac'l«« lifchen tcol» priced lowl WrlQSi vp lo 3 '1b>. Eoiy-lo-rsod cteoV platlic (act. Snowy while rnomel finlih.


All M etal Commo’doEnomol F in ish $ 4 .9 8Slronglr buill of haovy >U«I. Son), tor/, eoty le clean while onamel fl'iliK. Pofcelaln erxiiTitl Injet. 7opond teal are hifiged.

I 'M odern Bath ScaleEah>- to Rend S 6 .59

Priced to lov«l Hnndwxn# whileboliad enernel flnlih bolh Koia. Ploillc fact protid lha W .lghi up lo 250 Ibu

K ehm ore Roaster'"110-120voltAC 5 1 1 .5 0Wonderful coeklna aldl It rtxiih,tinmen. iMomi. ............... ....matleally. aconomlcoUrl Chrornt- plalad flnl;K Undanvrlttn’ app'd.

m fN F A L L S , ID A H O

Officials Unite to J ; Cut Bench Firesd POCATELLO, April 1 t-?Ped-

er*l, t u t e and local offlclils fo-Tned -i a full-scale tire prrv'entlon proRram [r

•rl for Pocatello benchlanda In ■ special "j- “ merUng yesterday. yty Jim Keith, Durley, represenUng sr Ihe federal bureau of land mawKe- x 3- m enl r^ld his agency »I11 furnL-.h q

e<iulpment lo corjlruc i fire suards J- east and west of ihe city. Ilciire- [„ In .lentaUvcs of th r Carlboa national ^ le fcrt£i scn ice office, tta te fish and e- Kamc coininl:jlon and the city of n. Pocalello agreed to prm-lde funds to gj 1- hire a patrol for the watcrslied jj.

Bcalrut fire and Uespa-u during Uie r- summer inonUis. Itesreded nreas ce of recently burned-over range lands t- would be excluded trom grating to “ s- allow growth for perrniilnl covcr.Ul The group Is to meet again May ®° •{ 17 10 complete plans tor patrolling re and to scleel the fire and trespassi7lv,-lrflenr' ............... ' ' ........... ... *2ol _ ' " Dentists to Meet

•5 POCATELLO, April 7 (UPi-The Upper Snake Hlver District D enul association will meet here Satur­day to discuft oral'cancer.

The mretlng is a srcond In n series »ponjorc<l by the oral cancer com-

. m lltee uf the Idaho Slate D ental — 11 a.isoclallon.

lAmbs bom to sheep which have no t had enough iodine hnve a high j

['p deaUi rate . - I

] - C U A U A N T E E D L O W C - O S T”, R adio Service

P r o i D p t r t e k - o p - r h o o t K i t:>t Anderson- ■I FairbankA.- 717 Main Arenoe Wrtl

B ............^


C arp e t S w eeper3 8 T ouch-O -M olic^ l i f t i n g ( o p b a l l h a n d l e e m p l l e i b o l h

p e n t , l o v e r o d i u i t j i j r u i h l o l i f l t i l h e i g h t f o r o n y ruQ. WoI/xjI f l n l i h e d h a r d w o o d . R u b b e r l i r e i , b u m p e r .

G ay Kitchenwaro 'jg 1 -D o o f B ro o d B o x -

Buked enamrll Caii.ill dc.ilsnl Wastebn.-.ktl. -. 4 9 1 : Btcp - on C a n .. . $ 1 . 1 8 : C.mlitcr p e t . . . 7 9 c : Cakr S c t . . .7 9 < t : 2- Door Bread Box . . . S 1 .4 8 '

’ Y arn Hand Duster* 14*lnch H o n d l o |i Sava your budget money and get

y o u f h o w i e h o l d i o o l i o t S e o u l T w i> - Ip l y b l u a c o l t o o y o r n h e a d w i i h '

. 1 4 . 1 / k h o n d l a . O p e n - c e n l a r . '________ I

|| n ' i l — IK enm ore S terilizer

:Q Special Price I

^ I f ' s A u fom olicI $ 4 . 8 8 ^BKlrWty * j h off when bctilM or* sl»flllxed.8«i1l-Wifoekfor7i»ond- . o r d b o b y b o t 1 l a s . A » t m . l n u m c w e f t . ^ H»<tvy pervetaln boie.

Merrill Skinner s Wins Blue Pencil' • MciTiIl Skinner, rpeakln* on 1 d n v h a t I Thlnlc Is Wrong *lUi lie- , " liglon.'’ won the blue pencil a t the ** Tuer^day meeting of Ihe Twin Fnlb '

TcB 'tm nster's club- ‘8 O ther fprukers were Dr, Gordon I '■ Tobtn speaking on "San Francisco.” '

G arth Iteld discussing "Our Forgot- ; ten Aa.icts" and O. J. Bothne r t - * Intlng h is rcccnl eiperiencea In ] Europe. •

° Topics fnr the evening were ‘ speakers- c h o ic e , and W aller |

" Slaughter. Kimberly, was loasl- ^ maste,'. T he "Ice breaker” speech ' ® was Rivrn by Hud Boberis.J Chief critic for the meetlni: waa |0 Kenneth Knll, while individual

critics were Dean Bhlpley, Al N el-. son and the Rev. fllanley C hristen-,

g *en. Hugh Phillips was table topics j \ chairm an, nnd Ivan Sklniier aen-ed

A« gram m arian ......

" - W ETW RITE FIR E &, A U TO INSUHANCE ll Old Estab lished Co.

D o S u r e Y o u A r e I n n u r c d» Oen Atpey. I l l to d 6L W. ll _ -t A G O O D P L I C E TO B U T Cltl

r a DEE PACE SALEIB H On (h« Road io tbe HoeH H In Twin Falli

■ A R T M E N T F O R R E A

K o n m o r o T w o - ! n - O n o ^

1 H o a l o r o n d F a n $ 1 7 . 9 5Rip a iwitch qnd you gel a wormtJi In wintar Of Q freiJi cod bfeeiaIn ,7mmer..For 110.120voll ACUnderwrilefi Approred. •

n --------------------- 1 i

. j i C urta ln 'S tre tcher

T h r i f t P r i c e d I Eaiel back wood itrelcherU *oty I to let up. Pint and nilingi ore of

niit reilitoni metal. Seli.iquoring comers. Adjuili up lo 54x92-ln,

C l o l h o s p m * ' ' ^Special Trice

Pockago of 72 2 9 ^ ,Don'l b a >hort of clothejpinil Cal lh a ia of la lac lad hardw ood, imoothly (bi>h»d to they won’l M»ao dothav R.»Iitor,t lo .ptlttlno.

.i I r o n i n g .7 B o a r d -

j C $ S . 7 5 I' HeAonrfwNlee.- I' a>il finlihed ile.l ■

i I: .W o j h o r

I • C o v e r



5 Traffic Violators ,ji Are Pined in Rupert

RUPCIT, April 7 - Five traffic vlolatcr* were fined last weet by Probate Judge Jake Wall for Tari-

jlj, ous offenses.Ja.-nej Ferilc. Durley. pleaded

Inn tulliy to a rccklr-.i d.-lvlr.; charge and was fined i:5 nnd »3 cosU;

oL Marlin Denn was fined 110 for n . having expired licen.-f p!ale.i on hla la truck; LawTcnce R. WriKht anti

Mm. Robert Unc each were lined »5 and 13 cost.« for ruiir.lnc atop slcn.i.

Jf, and Vernal Loveland paid a 15 fine tor having expired llccnjc plates on

:ch hla car._________________________ _

' “ I G U A H A N T E E D


B y men tba t know how—backed by years of •.cloal experirnre Id KeeoHng w Kebulidini •> Ue- pairing all kind* of Kadlators.


S29tndATe.E. Pbon* «!3 U

y 600D ■

LES CO. mr Hoeplial


' M[_ ..... f-

lO -q t. Dish P a n A b m in u m $ 1 . 1 0Sltffdyolumlnum dlthpoivllimlrfor- liVa flrJih I t xo eojy lo keep bright.S u n r o y i n i l d e f ln i ih i» a o » y 10 t l e o f v

F i r m r o l l e d li ra .^

Saucepan Set m

' 3 P io c o s 5 2 . 2 4 I, I - q l . , 2 - q l , , 3 - q l . » o i i c e p a n w l ' t h o l ' i p r i c e d f o r e c o n o m y . M o d e o l

22-Oogoe aluminum wilhgroduatedm a r k i n g t < oc o c c u r a l e m e s t u r i n g , ^

All-Purpose CookerW ifh W a lT lo G r id s W ^ . S OTooiti landwlcfiej. grffl. wofflei,hoi cal^ei,bocon. eggi, whole meolilFully outomoliC) reraovabla waffltg i i d t U . L A p p r o v e d . S a r a n o w l

Use S ears .E asy Paym ent


Page 7: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«

2 of Wallace’s Backers Hurt As Fight Hitl

EVANSVILLE. Ind . April 1 OJV T «o national o.'flclnla of the Wi' Iw c 'for-P rrslden l campilKn and » u iher » r fe InJujnl la il night In fr»CM which preceded Ihe »ppeai a re e here of former Vlre PrrMder Henry A. Wallacc-

n i e oltercatlon occurred u rroup which had been plckeUnj Ui collaeum In which Wallace spok •tleaip ted lo enter the *udltoriua

C. B. Bsldwln. New York Cll] Wollaee'8 campaign man.iger. wa ilruck tn the fncr.

G lrrn B lirk Eje OllffortI Welch, alro, '.h-v Yor:

Cliy. s rialloaal field rcprrientatlvi , received » black eye and % cut ove

A ' the other eye.John Bchultr. E\'ansvllle. ai

U4her, wai alUEced In th# fact SchulU told reportc.-a he recoziiltn his *isallanl nnd would file charze of aj.'-nult tnd bniifry iiEalmt I'tm

A crowd GsUmaled by City DcKc live Marvin Huff at 3,JOO Rathere( outside the eollscum. Huff ial(

T v



L o _ a ^



GUV AV Commerei

I i __HA R R IET S


o v / f - m

LEO KN Tnuism ltlc i

Ju.«il two y ears bro, KV:

ftK the only LOC.ALLY

Mnffic V niicy . . . Today i

and nrc tru ly . T he Voice

To ou r m any loyal cllcn



s B a s in A g e n c y S e ts M e e t o n P la n n in gD 0I6E. AprU 7 - The fin t

meellns of the Columbia ba-'ln In- l | g tcr-ascncy coaiinlllee lo draft m

lenlallve eU-year pronram for ,,}iy_ northwf.item t ! i t « *111 open tn WftU Portland Thur.day.

nij Kulp, Idaho redamsllonIn I enslneer, will leave loday for Uie

— confercnce. lie said 11 waa propoied sident lo ""'■I dlscurjlcmj lo consenallon

and use of water tn the area.

IS Uie there were 150 men In a rcvolvlnj spoke picket line ouuide Uie doors.>rlum. >VaIUee HUyed SafeClly. Wallace did no t pa.y throujh Ihe

. wai line, remalnlnff a t hU hotel unlll the line had been dljbinded.

DcparllnE fro.Ti hb prepared lext. York Wflllncc lold his audience "Wo ative, fhould h a r t no hard ferlliti;.', I ; over blame this on the p rtii th a t ha#

Slven them mhlnlo.Tnallon.” an "WlUi Uie press creallns bl»4."

face. Wallace /a id . "there Ij created a lilted tendency which la un-American," arzej Tlie rcvolvlni; plckcl line w.u e»- Llai. Ubllilii'd twu.. Iwura Ijclarc liic t l ( c - meeting was to begin. Men. three of hered them In nrmy unltonns, carried pla-

laid enrda a ttnck ln ; Wallace,

VIt's Our


Hundreds ofL >AY THURSDA

9 |i - i . -

IISON PA R K E R Ifram Director

\ ' i I' J1

wercinl Mnnager

TSTANSnURY luity Uircclor

£ i i t 'a l ^ 4 ; V

KNUDSON Itlcr Engineer

KVMV first went on (ho air ofOWNED radio .station in pr

ny wc cctain that distinction, K'uice of .Masic Vnliey. arlicnLs to nil those members ou

I T S , P r e s . ; M A U R Y D O I

7, 1048

I*® K in d n e s s P a y si n g D z w r r r . la.. April 7 w’>- , Clifford Crane, hrrd'iman on theL ‘ ,‘„ Dr, M. J . Huls farm near Dewllt.

laya belrj! kind to ww» pay* dlv- f Ulends in reducing baby pig tn He M yi "gel to know yoia- sows

lallon S'If uie nnd like yo;i," By doing this, he adds. ti:s josra will have • better

k-at'o’i dUpor.ltion. TJiey wUI not be *aa. ily exclte<l and will be leas likely

------ to c ru ih Ihe lllile plga, he rr-ixirts.


Paul Village Board Piclts Unit CliairniarPAUJ,. April 7—Wa)Te Drake wn;

-Wo' •■■'''‘fn In n.f chnlnimn of the Pu»: J., ] \lll:iicc bo:\rd a l a meeting heic t ha# Mnnduy.

U, U. Loc.int;er wsj named clerk bias." of the board replacing Mehln Gru- td a '^ell, Gruwrll will re.-naln as o m," member of the board.

Uic SON nOKN•ee of UECLO. April 7 -A r,on wa.< born 1 pla- ln.^! week to .Mr. and Mrs, Chwlcs

P . Hawlter In Burley,

^ ^

Jr 2nd An• • • TH

(Dollars in Val •AY, APRIL 8

M i

ROBERT R A Y ^J^ V Announcer

1 ' A rc h ite c ts drnwinc of KVMV con.struction, will covcr more i ca.stinR facilities.

JOHN BARL Announce!

o f o u r s ta f f for th e past two j

p re se n t personnel who are w

KVM V an iriiportant and-in tei

a re a , th e officers and owners c

o u r m o st sincer* thanks,


Visits Reported byAcequia Residents

I the ACEQUIA. April 7 -M r, and Mrs wilt. Harry W. Mnrrls, recently vLMtet; tllv '>>r J. H- Hu:d home en route tc pig Peniilflon. Ore,

Ted IJcvlns and Chwlrs McNeck s<j„ Alexander, reci-nlly vWttd Mr. and

Mr»- C. A. Kob'jliu.!. he VLMlora nt the D uanl' ChUKS p j.jr home Include Mrs, Peggy Summer>,

John ChUftf. Cecil Chugg, and .Mrs. I,,,,, Catherine Itoie. Oiiden. Ulah. ,

Mr, and Mr.v Hay Sieuarl and dauKhlc.-s. Joyce and Delorli. Wln- nemucca, .Ncv,. wrrc K'lc l.■. of

------- fiiewari^ i);ireii!.v Mr, and Mra. W,J J, Ru;nn;ln(T,

1 U Mr, and Mr?. Junies Elnunonj and m n Idahn Palls, recentlyi i u u viritrcl .Mr. untl Mrs. E, D. Autcii. e wn.'. :.ir, and Mrs. Hiirlnn King have Paul I r 'l for Lo.s Aligclrj, Calif. Io vl,-.lt held tlirlr daughter.

clerk HDMi: OS LKAVEGru- ACtQUlA. April 7 - Si’ c Don E. as n Yugucr. son of Mr. and Mrs, Doin-

ln;:o ViiKUla, 1.1 lioinr on n 10-day recruit Irave from llie nnvnl train­ing- ccnL'v, ;;«n Ulfyo. Cnilf. lie wilk

born enier the aviation mn'rhlnlil school iMlcs n l .Mrnipliir. Tenn., upon completion

o t hl.i leavr.

- J l a p p i ^

nniversar)4URSDJaluabk MercliUi B (This Week)“1 '

1 - K V: Ferso

■ j W c plciiKC mirsclve.s

• -!! r ic h th e ilnily life o f

; , ' l ciliic.-ition, e n te r ta in

-';,j tio n . om ployinR th e

c n ts , kn im lcdB c ai

>"J th ro u g h th e p re.sent

1 f a c t in rcp o r tin f : th e

th e nnli(m and o n r i

I..... .........L

I ] ........f \ . - : r

i G\ __________ ___ _

\^ fa rr - r r T T-T-ri-r-i-r T-r it t-

■V \\ \

M W n e w I ra n s n i i t t in f r p la n t fn lie i>re th a n 2 ,0 0 0 K quare f e e t, and p r o

\R L O Wincer

a-o years, and to our

e workinR to mako

in teg ral p a r t - o f ou r •

TS o f KVMV extend

ER COX, Sec.

T IM E S -N E W S . TMrw iN f a l l s . IDAHO

B e a n G ro w e rs in

J e r o m e A r e a A re

- S G iv e n U . S . H e lpJEltOM E, Apnl 7 — Dr y bean

growers In Jrrom e county will be offered Insurance on their eroja this

iiiL-i* ig rlcullurt dci>irtmenlannounced Tt:e»day.

Mrs’ According the Afjoclaled Pre.'J, the lnsuraj;ce will be offered under

and experimental program authorlred Vin- if the program worka

p, out. 11 may i>e eilcncled later to other m ujar bean growing counties.

T hree oil'.er eouiitlea. Elbert In and Huron tn Michigan andntly York, will be eligible

for the i!LMir,-jnce. lave “

-llii ' Ii.i', bi-en knnwn to be an e.'.:<-ntlal In and ani-innl nutritli)!!,

wn- H eartburnday •il„-wiiwlooiIon

BEU-ANS fo r Add lndlgeslion25<

■y—and th(A Y,APandise Prizes on


M Vsonnelve.s to endeavor lo cn*' o f o u r people th rough a in m en t and inform n-

hc fu ll u se of ou r tai- Iand fac ilitie s ; and

e n ta tio n o f tr u th and the new s o f th e world, iir co m m unity .

------------ .______ y

S ^ T T ^ J • —

tie co n s tru c ted th is sjirinfr. Tins r ;>rovidc th e m o st niiKiern improver

L HI J . nillR ec.



P h o to s t

Lucky Peak Dam Is Given Unit’s Favor

C BOISE. April 7 (.5',-T lie National I Rlvcr and Harbors congresa favors

i J n P'-ompi cons'niction of the Lucky li-e Boise rlTer,

Oov, C. A, Hoblna hai been notified, ' l , l 'VllUam H, Webb. Wnshlngton, nrni ^ ' ''Icf president of the

organlivtlon, wrnic the governor thn l Ihf; project m -,'ound and ne«lful,"

*11.000,000 dam haa ‘ - been recomtnendfd by the army en-

ginecrt. The d.un would le con- ilrs. “ '''■'I'' >1 miles from BoUe.In


»nl- K 'f-r r lrrp t MotKjiy

_ UonV* JI “ '•'■I'’*

n B«l IliT tllrnuK;!! to 4 ijl.■*- - ........r ,^ ror Itrd .h U i.t.l i i "RrTY Tn^rn(5TX i:it"W j<JK ‘i 'm 310 Second Ave. E iti

Party isPRIL 8on Our Big B in \ YOUR PRIZE

V E R C O X *MannKcr — C hief EnRincer

" • .................. 1I


__________!............ " I

NS new iiiiildinu. n f mnsonry ovem ents fo r K V .M V 'h iirond-

. H ILL Record Shop



OS by K elker F o to Shop

or>ui SPECIAp'ora



i ' " GUN TVPE

For Stoves or Furnaces


: UNITED oil..............k i m b p : r l v r o a d -

<■ ---------------— - S f r i c i i i r f n

Y v }is on Us. . . pr iz e s

7~thday P a ity .. E -1 4 5 0 On Y

I - i W iI I f

JO E CLEHI S ports Dh

I ' ' . ' -


r i

VALENE l \ im T raffic Mar

■ ■

L - - ' • ~ 't i i w h B IW A LTER SP

T ran sm itte r Er



:iAL NO. 3




]IL C O ., In c .- ....... PHONE !)57

rfrtdcpcndcnt . . ,


Your Dial


L E M E N T S ‘‘! D irector

? ]i f o f i fr D A N IE L S ouncer

^ i. r*


I M m .1

I SNOW >r E ngineer

4 4 5 ^ IUXY IIN I


Page 8: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«

Cunning Says 1 9 4 8 T o u r i s t s

T o A s k M o r e

Cuiinirt:, 'idMio rii.rrclor, loM N. r:irii- l

n:i<l .•:n-l ;r- , ' m I !.

nt):u.n] n-. ;.«n ui Uic i.Mivi-riii! fe- . ,

Dr.Vr..’:il;'Kr:i<-^<T, r.ilcr.>.. VVa.-.li., to;;l !!:r a t.,ll li::l;

Ihr .•.oiillu.-ii tl'.cJ;0.-thwc:t.Tli'- tiV'! ^Iiaa liuvc rr.cili)' prwluclr. -.vh'.ih crr.iW. hr crcJ-.aiicrfl by [lie iJtlc'CL ro jic I'j Uic rro;iomli; *<lvan!.iKr uf /rrtlii:)', h r f.iU!.

O rrn A!!: -':;. O h-., <1'--»^nt)crl the lil-.t.irj ;inil pro:i\>.lli>:iof Ull- IUr,!;;i:ap.'' A'.li-» j!i .-vn I;icrr.r-<1 ariui ir.l-

tlo:i';, loiirM tn Ihr m llrr no.-Ih- l- wr I. ^

Ji>.- K. . 11 1:1;. >1liorlhWi.-.t Cir(yl;.ui!'.,! l/.i-. line <■!- HJlcl.il Iroril -Sc.ittlr, .'a lJ hi-, .un i- mji:iny h, lc .;iiu: a -'.U ii.i .rnkii r h ;;. -■

; Vhk-li V.U1 i.ioMc!-- hiilffl rirvlcr . .I *nd InviiKiry rnrllliu-.-., K I I’r rv WlL-.nii C. f t WiL'h-

th.Tl the ciitifcrci;;e br mnde un un- iiunl iiffnir.

Canyon Democrat Delegates Chosen »

NAMI’A. April 1 (.!•,—’Hip C.myoii 194 county Dcmoeraltc central commit- t « h4a elfctcd I'J (lrli'K!ilM to n t- „f Und the dclfKnt« convenUon in j Idnho Falls April 3<. Ihk

Frnnk IClblcr. M unty ch&lmmr. (,vr «3ld tile drlcH.itc.'s ttrrp; Hu

Chivrlcs Doiml. S. Bc-ii ;,(it, Diinlnp, Caldwell: C. M. Mua^cy, nu

C aldafil; Mr/i. Helrii Unwlry. Mel- frt tn ; Mrr.. M no' K. Arnold, Caldwell; /

. Wrn. Orncle Pfor.t, Nntnpa: If. D, sin irnnnn, Caldwell: Chirlr.< C. C oj- wr f f t t . Nanipa: William T. Olnrny. j:3 Jr.. Caldwell; V. K. Jrp ixrron . 1 KampA; F rank F. KIbler, Nampn, he •nd Jnmes B. Newport, Noun.

Alternates nnmed were; 1\V. W. Wftnder. Nampa; Tiomna dot

Y. aw llllim . N am pa; Frank Dicker- by Bon, Wilder; Mr*. T. M. De Coursey. i'r/ Knmpn; John Steel, jr.. Rwwrll:Mrs. Etiiel La Fond, Caldwell; Harry Thompson. W ilder; L citer M ltihell, y K sm pa; Qeorse Walker, Nampa:Wrs. Mary Porter. Caldttcll; B. W. Wftlpiind, Nampo. and Robert Ednie , Nnmpn.

Klblrr r.aW Uie tli-leKatlon will RO im lnstructed lus fnr a.% naUonal can- i ", dIdates w e concrm ed nnd thnt the _ u n it rule U Jiol applicabln to the dflrjBilon.

DcIfRntta were Iwtrueted to *ur>- porl Chwles Donnt, Nnmixi, m cnn- (lldnt« for deloKnto to the Drmo- cmtlc national convention, nntl | JudRo S. Ben Dunlap. Cnldwell. for natlonnl comrollteemnn. Klbler »nld. ^

Britain Proposes New Income Tax

LONDON. April 7 m - A new In­come tax Bchcclule for G reni Brit- ’ ntn tl proiw etl, nuMnK Uie bunlc-n oa the little m an. bul .^ctilnK a Jilshur rale on unearned income In '

' the hltthcr brackets.ro llow lna .U » table eomparlns l _

,lhe proposed new Crltljh Incometuxes wlUi the new Amerlcnn law. ___for B married couplc with two child- ^

Iiicotiie nn tl.'h T.ix American Tax,1 :,000 $ nu None

5,000 l.ORO t OJ.8010.000 S.2M 1,390.0030.000 D.olo 3.8fla.a:

100.000 85,910 <J.«12 50

L.\NU KALE.S OKAYED iJOISE, April 7 U’;-T lie stnte '

h n d board has approved the !«4lc of MO a c r n of prar.InB lanrl In Jcromr roimty nnd 60 ncre.i of farmlnR land |In Towrr counly. H


Y u iC A N lz ip r I jFLU ID D RAINED | ' iiml R EPLA CED H j.


2OG WE.ST TRUCn L.\NK |rnoNE 17U

mmml ^Wiicli U1I4 column dally for neir* of MlKlo VaUey'o farm aucUoas and for tho date their llatlns* wl l sppe.ir la . the Tlmea-New*.ChceJ; Uielr nds for locsUoa and all n e cc iia^ Infcroatioa .

A P R IL RW. J . OhliDErr

AdvrrtUfroent. April C-7 AVlUlard & E la a i, Aacllonrrre

A P R IL 8Panl R. Bescb

• A drtrlU eoient April C-7 4Ilopkltu di llum oD . Oaclioneers ■

A PR IL 9Georre H. Cojie

AdvrriUemrnl. ,4prll 7.R llBllenbecJi & ilollnibeck. Aoels.



R e d T h r e a

I r a S B Ce;.nVt.«j R«pV,'uiMtd .»j [ H W M Al ol eCewin(o>mTotVi [

. ... :M05C0W< n Z B d C m

: i ; 3 : 2 S f < ; 5>. Y TURKEY r

‘ .'^5\■ . a f r i c a A V * " * >

\ ( ' V 7 ^: ,.flfii3raccn,r.„.„.»<;,cu'.3.T i „

Msiltn H'niJg uniry 10 U'tnglht" | JT

.FU oun.I.dW .fl.nlsI.II I,

r — 1Allhoiich busv u llh Il3 rxi>..nvl>.ii |n<>

l> 1>M ll> •4nipalc» In I>rlnsrnrtlliic lo ntll. lal l.niuliill Miutrrv iiirri lljrhlM. ,Mani htirla. a i i j In < alciill.i. In infrllM t' af<- Nh'>»n on m,.ii, x.lil.h al-

Phone Firm Tells P Of Plan for New Stale Structures

NAMI’A, April 7 -V.- .Tlie Moun- I’"' l,iln ;:t,i;r^ T r lrp h o n r nnd ,Trlc- (;rajili coni;ianv lit);).'^ tn .-tnrl «cirk C on It.i lU'.v lieaiifjin'rtrrnliiilldliu: hi;i- in till- la-.t cjuarlcr of f'oi19411, 11. 1', .su,;ninil. Id,.hi> ni;>n- !;k-rr of thr c(ini|>,iny. talil Clnmilirr Uf" of Co;niiirrci- dirrctor.'; y rjirrday, Alx

Equl;ime:’,l In ko In th r nev,'build- ^ InK. lnchidl:i>: I)tllvl.^toIJ for fh,iin;c- of (.vrr to Ihr d ial -v.-lrni on r'l:;!;.;?- ncc llun, •,vlll (ii-l iiboiil $n30.f)iK). h r roii :>dtlc<l. TlK- riin-,i).iiiy hu'. oKiurt u Mn n tc odjouilm: the pexMoflice pro;i- jou erty h rrr for .'.rvrr.il venr.i. —

A nr-*' J150.000 billUanK »lll l>r P .ilnyrd a t Ih r r„Tmc tim e In Calil- wrll, tilominrl .v-ild. II will coiilnln j:31.ooo ^ c rth of ('(juipniriit

T h r Hol'c b'.illdliin. who?i- m t he did nol reveal lirrc-, als.i aill he .started a t th r r.iine Ume.

The tflephonr biL-lne.u here lias doublfd *lnc(> I3<0 nnd l<i cxiircled | by the company lo nimo.'.t dniiblr ' nRAln within 10 v^nr^, lie nddcil.

LDS Church MeetH LER, April 7-Heil(!enlA of Fi­

ler who atlend'-d ih r LD.S rhurrh ronterrnce In .Sili Lsike Cliv. in- chidr<l E<I\vim<I D arrlnntnn, .Mr nnd Mr-i. Jim B.iil'-y, Mr. and M r . ,iehu narln-,v anti Mr. i.iid Mr.^ Cin>ri;r SWnRcr.

• Bull Dozing-• Carry-all W ork• D irt M ovinp• Land Leveling'• A lfalfa Crdwninir

(No T ra r r l Chatce)No Joh too I.nrcf or loo .Small

We Truck Heavy r.jiilpm rnl

ELMKR IHLKIlN ' I’hone OlROJll |

"Wo .llovB tho E arth " j

l i i iH a v i n g r e n te d n iy fn rr

n iy |Miai-e lo c a lc il ' • m ile n r J h c s c ro n d h o u se c iis l r

FHIDAS T A R T IN G 1 ;0 0 O ’C L O C K

LIVESTOCKI ; \I ji lch c d f t 'i in i. r o a n m n re s . comfl y e a r s o ld . \v c ii;l it l.fifllly W iiile H o ls te in c in v . fi y e a r s oldn f re s h e n J u n e 1 s tH R e d h e i fe r , 2 y e a r s o ld . frc.>;hcn.>tI R cil h e i fe r . .T y e a r . '; o lil , frcs|ien .sfl R n n n h e i f e r . 2 y r .s . o ld . frc.shen.sH J u n e 6N S p o i le d h e i f e r . .T ve .nrs o ld , fI J u ly 1


F o r d t r a c to r , w i lh dtinl w heel; c o n d it io n . W i lh t h e fo llow ing m a c h in e r y lo f i t :2*w ny p lo w G a n p p lo wB e a t a n t i h e a n c u t l iv a lo r F ie ltl c t i l t i v n ln r C .vclone w e e d c r •C orn p l a n l c r M o w in g m .ic h in e , fi f t .F re s n oM a n u re lo a d e r B e ll p u lle y

GEORGE:H o llen lieck a n d H o IIe n lic ck , A u d i

•cat Looms iu Far 1

U S S R *.......-t-.tl,J:..gncdlol.nkdlc’Ctllano'J)^well


P S S s r ] ^I',<3li>ror<d Ind'on (Icmtnit ^ .’W k>

-III in.itrani In K nropr. Itu‘ -laii fommunli Ins a« niurh of t l i r far r:ist uiidrr the h; 1. Iiirrllns'i ill rr r trd liv I 'S S It rrprMciilal ill , Iiiilla. t» o r tn n l ir un A^lnll^ rdniinfi; l<h al-o tli r» c-urrrnt «t;ilu» of coniinunls

PUC Approves 2 * Freight Transfers

IIOIHF:. April 7 M '^ T lle i.lntcS p'liillc utlllll(-.i coinml.'^lnn hn.^ rr- ' i. purird trnn-.frr of ow nem hlpjjf Iwo r.. inoior frrli:ht c-utni'iinlr,?. ,■ 1: 0-*nrr.-lil|) o f Ihe American Fall-, i;•, Tf,uf:/rr cofiip.uiy K-ii'-. trnn.^/<-r.'fi! n,t fiom &nr.nt S c lim etl to lilw atil It. •. Druey. both of American J-’all.-i, Tlic nr llrni o]x-ralcs brtw<-rn Pocatrllo. i

Abrrdeen nncl Amrrlenn Fnll.'. i;TliB Caters M otor FrelKht system 0

of Spokane nl.'o chnnced hnnfb,- nccortllnc 10 t l i r commL^-lon. T hr h r roiiipany o p i 'ra tr ' ncrcv.-i norihi-rn i- 11 Mnho bi'tuccn Kiwknnr nnd .Ml.'- ti I. -louls. Menu fi


T h is fine 87B acre ranc

!l t r u e if you w an t n catl

a hom e.

H c f f i you have 200 acre

nliin;; w ith G75 acrc.s i

I T h e hom e i.i modern an

j?ravel ro:id. T h is ?'10,0(

fn r only $ 12,000 down.


ICAMIAH Rlj Kamiah,

I L I C S .farm I will s e ll th e followin;; de

mile west .*5 mile.s so u lh . f j mile ?asl of th e D ixon school— on


CK M A (. cominK H jjq

•s old. 6 Rol.. 1. H. C. hide cD um p rnke

Jicn.-, in M ay DccrinK mowclicn.H June ."S i> p o . -n..

,htn., J „ n t r, ' - * 0 - 2-""> S u p e rio r bean

■Id, freshen."? •'?',< w ide tire ■Cham pion fipu Spud p lan lc r,

" T Q I } ' McCormick hii

3-fWction wood dieels. Rood ^p rinR toollivinp Irac to r 2-row hean cu

fi-ft. cu rler S e t o f pea lifte

f 2 h a y slip.s, 7j

2 .slip chninn

Lop chains 6 corrufcators

M any o th e r sr I


: S. COPE,Auelioneerw H.

- '=■ ' •

r East, Too 'p r r ^

^ citfiipminct, Noliorolttli

N A ‘: . i • y bloOdrfijSt.lth

. • / French lontolili.h t jell-ruleHniJtfHo »

\L ChiMcnh.vtHisn RlIU ^ ^^C om m gnljl otgonitu


^ U r , Commu(iiiltlin«iMlo>t ^' -iMkinjIaMpondlhtif ,£

'XM-, ■ fjigi Iiiunlfm Isn't nvrrlnoklnic >ny belt and he hinim rr and »h klr a i posilbir, Ar- .. riilatlvrk liavr ulrrad) lirrn lirlil In iilMfiirni. Salirins reprr\rn teU In tlic'c nunhm In v.irlou^ arrav.

Girl Horn on April " .g 1—And in Germany

CAKhn’, Aiirll 7 ~ L ittle Wcnily ,,i Walker hn. iv,u distinction.',—ar- -

wo rlvliis on Aiirll Fool's day anil choc.'lni: Miiiih-h, Cirrmany. an hrr blrlliiilHce. H it parrn t.i nre Lieut. ,

Ci! nncl .\fr,-!. John H. Bho/hnicIf- /.pent the pn.M t^io ycur.n In/Ocr* he mnny. a t prc.-i n t Ilvlntt a t FiiVsten- !o. iildOrurk, whi-re L lciitcnanl Wiiliifr

h hl-ad of tlic jiubllc Infomintlon ■m office for the rlrmy a ir force, b , Newj of h rr Brrlvnl wn.i received hr In a c.iblrrram by he r Krandpar- rn i-r,i,v .Mr, and Mr.'. L.iwrrnce Ben-

ni;[l, Cnrey, Her m otlicr Is the formrr Phylllr. U m nctt.


•ancli in y o u r d r r a m c o m e

c a t l l e iMiU'li, a f a r m , a n d

a c re s of ch o icc f a r m la n d j

rc.s o f fino >rr:iv,intr In n d , -- i

1 a n d is iDi-aloil on a ^;olld

10,000 ra n c h c a n h e y o u r s



REALTY CO.ah, Idaho

Ia H I: d e sc r ib e d p r o p e r ly n lnile west o f IlazcU on— '•



dc delivery, rakee !ower. 5 f t . , j■way plow Iean and heel d rill |lrc waRon w llh Ifi-ft. rack I spud difrcer. new j

ler, 1 row. I. H . C.< hinder, 6 fl. vatorvood harrow , e x tr a Rood loolh harrow 1 cu lter

lifterA 7x1-1 f l., Rood


3FS ■ "

r sm all Hems too num erous T to mention ■;

Owner jH. E. G undlefinR cr, Clerk ^

T IM E S -N E W S T W n

Chicago Man I Hii-ed to Gain GOP’s Funds S

DOItit;, April 7 Bob Eujtuev, |,fChlcai;!!. lia» been Jilrrd by the Idii- a:;ho IlrrtiDlicnn .-.late finance com- cym ii t te jo tciiducl u tlrui; to r.il.'.e ij| «0'!.OU!j lor Uic 1018 GOl* elrcUotl

\ i i i i llln-huw. Bol.-,e, wlchulrrfun of ihe conimlUee, has in - rv

llMUcc iiu.i;.ii;e0 tJlc lOl'j GOP ll'i foi.d frlvT und lia.i jiiM coiniilcleda ;lm Jar ca:ii;i,iltn in O.-eson, 3tni- Hr:hj.w 1.-113, When he finl.-.hr: hi Ida- m:lio. hi.-U'ill lo .Sew Mcxlco. lr.;

'n i r Vomiiiltiec h as voted 10 bud- fl.'Ktt 10 prr te iil of lls luiiUa lo coun- foi tirn nnd to divide Ihir lemaliicler be-t-,Mcii Uic ila tc und national lom - Int

.Mary Soulen. Wel;er, was naiiird roi .T crciao’-irtaMircr. O ther coinmll- un k e int-mber;, arc Toii5 HcatJi. I'rci- ton; D ijld Snilt*>, dhoihonc; EurJ DJVld. .\fu.cow. t . O, CaUlcait, a t. j Marli-i; Ralph Coin.Mock, Pocatello; ,E .ifl-;V rlK hl,-D ub«l*,-«ld. y;;H kh, Durley,

Traffic Fines 'ai-lllr:, fdr overtime jurklliii h iilr W

b'-i-:i paid 12 more niolori-,1.. In D , Tv.in F.IU, ir,.ffi'; conn, elty ix)li:e 9

' T lir SI fines were paid by r ., H K;iil>ry. W. n . U uni!. .Swld and

' ciiiiip.iiiy, 3£, Ci, H iint, Victor .Stiilth,.■ .Mr;.. Allri-il iVIrr;,, It. 1.. .fm llli,

K. C. IllrliinuiKl. Lrland Hoopci. .Mrj. J. M. Howard, H, C, DontriKlit nnd Mr*. W. JI. Shllllngton, pollcc

Tlic ilfwlo bird lia s nol been seen y ;,liicc \ m . \

,il r

^ COODYEAfes/ •. \ ^ ^ S n h i v i r s a r y /

\ 1 9 4 8 . /



i Y O UDuo to the domcmd for S ablo Io znako this unuaui moro days. Cono in — C uihioti tiros and tubas ono week. Tlion, if you i a coflor rido lhan a ny Un



S U P E R - C U 5 H I O N 5 g iv oin car handling. Your car h through Iraffic. lo flow arc

S U P E R - C U S H I O N S soakT ib ra tio n . Rosulta; loss drii

I tea r on your car, lower ral

I S U P E R - C U S H I O N S consi ago them the bost sicmdar im all c a rs tide liko b ig on bettor.

S U P E R - C U S H I O N S ru n c

Bollor thoy "roll wilh tbo ■ brulao or blow ouL

A rrange for a Supor-Cuahii



Rush B ro u g h t by Uranium ‘Strike’

FLIN FLON-. M an.. A pril 7 VSTh- ^ n ie jto m lc BSC equal of the Yukon 5 cold rush h it this com m unity today.

.More than 50 iim nlim i claims have■ • Ijffn .-,taked tince two prospectors■ aimounced la.-.t week they had dli-• covcred urunlum In th e Judlque e like area norih of here .;i Uranium Is thp m ateria l from ;, which atomic t>orala a rc mude. How*- r u r . no aiinuuiicenient ha i i>ern

iiiailr of the conini'-rchil quallly of’ llu- lire ill;<-oii-rrd In tills area,1 Ji<hn MrClelliind nnd OcorKe• llrsn'A-ombr. Uie proji>fctors who- mude the flrit r tr lk r. la io airplane

Ir.ad.i of forlunr ieekcr;. have been• fl.'ins tn to Uie d ie o t tlie discover}'. for the psil sevrrnl days.

Tlir new p.'tt-.pectors a re scrainbl- . InK ,inil flKhllni: to s ta k e out the

entire jurrouiidliiK tc rr lto o ’ «ur- 1 roundliit: th r property of McClelland . und Brunicombe.

J fO.Mj’u ;T E s t u e a t .-\i i :n t- niC irnE L D , April 7—Tom Jlort-• InK has retumc<1 hom e from the• Sm VRlley hosptral w h n r he un.i- -

Lrins irented for * b roken leg ond


Horses • Muic.s - Cows : H l£hrit I’rices Paid

•Tor I’rom pt Pick-up

CALL C O LLtX T I ■ o:8C.j3= . I’EUCV G R E E N E




I R 1 D E . . .T H I S Eor Supor-Cushion liroa w« are ilunual offor lor only thoao fov^ i1 — wo'll pul a not ol Supor- iabos on your car. Drivo il for ^'OU don't agroo thoy g ivo you jy tiro you’ve ovor ow ned, wo'll i


ivo you a ron ark ab lo ro w «ase ar hags Iho road, cocmo to Ooot ’ around curves.

oak op crosiw ise (olts. look tip driving faliguo. loss v rear and

r rallies, Iowor re p a ir b ills.

onsistonlly average m ore milo- sdard tiros. Moro — th o y make g ono8 . . . mako b ig c a rs ride

un coolor: ond bocrcuso thoy 're tho punch’', aro h a rd e r to cul,

jahioa trial on y our c a r loday.


MAGEL“ W h e r e Y o u r D

12D T h ir d A v e n u e N o r t h

FOR A "P IC TU Rl L - 'a aaiW B ^ -

L A y

f Mala ir«ur (swn Ik* «irf S<ott wvy. (Hnj cal Sc»m lawn r»«d. 0«i i •swing •iggrsui grvwing

scorn lAWH »ID-S<taclallr for w«ii.m lawn., ' I lb . }1.Kjco m lAWM roc&-M6u,;,h ,ouf lav I.M, (nough <o (••<! »00 >q ll •

lAWN fOOD plui WffD C0HT«0t-Dt.' gioii to nio, btQutr In on> opoalo-tCOn jrifADIU-AppIr S<oUi In o ,


1^0 Second Avenue Soulh



m i S i € lreplaco your old tiros and tut monoy back. Tho Supor-Cuchio now kind of tire, ll ia biggor or vonllonal tiroa and runs on onl; proEsuro. It is so supcflor lhal make this am azing ollcr.

m '


■ f i l l

i x [ ) ^


L AUTO (ir DollarB A rc M ade of Rubber”


i m SESD ^t (irry *F |1>« ndgKbtiliMd tK« •eiT x t cakt «n4 wlih a m*«l af0«1 plwlr «l tMcli. Ilv'^r prau br

>win( S«llt S«*^ SUnplt a i th«»-«nd •TtniBj.

—5<t«f1 onrf tMrf b1«n<J.d *«>••»1.M S Ibi - H .U : j Ilil . MJ,7J.

■Uf lawn now. CIm". m*ol-lr(>«. ciof- - ii .t i .

,-Otitrer» il’on uqV fitd i ikt = i;en-II.oU 7:00 iq I. (or M.53.

In o j;if,, rvbb.r il>.d . IM }.


I’Imne nr>S


4 ^ ^ TIRES


□ D E !tubos and give your

chion is a ronarkablo ir and soflor lhan con- only 2-J pounds of a ir

lhal wo can allord to


r”Phone 510 [;'•


Page 9: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«

Agency Lists End of Grass Seed Plantiu®

WASHINGTON. April 7 (-1',-Thi burcnu of land m arasrm ent. ItJ rp rln j ierdlnB in Idaho snd Wyo­ming fliiWiKl by tlr , sal back U> ilay to «a lt lo r lU ran je s r a a Usrna'.

M riiiwhlle. »i8 burtau wanifC rii:ic!irr3 asalnat ir^'lnj UiMr o»t Imiidi o l rncaslns Bcet!!! In clay- ,im l-frrtllljer ptllfta and jprayliij thr:n by

U ctu r let the Interior d«parunent lest the iTjclliod fully flrf.t, courjel- rd E. N. K ftvanish. tllrcrtor of eoll conscn'allon.

Coodlnc Arra Settled . K;ivan.is:i lo!d reporters the land

V%;B:;iiK'‘nifnt bureau ha.\ alr-fceded m r:uii;r Krii.v>.i aJ.ooo a a r s o! biimcU-over Und north of Ooodlnff, lilj.. an elghl-by-tr.ree-mllft utrip in llic T liorn creek area :ind n flve- !)y-tao-mlle nlrtp on lUltlc.'.nake liuttc. II few miles dH.iiit.

ticcrt'tjry of the Interior Krug fjlrf he plan* to invite the UT:i\xr- u ty of Iilsllo to fooperite In itudy- li'.g the reiuU.'.

'D ir burraii al?n air-p!anird 20,000 a rrrs in tl;r Ma-ltral rrcrk areji of Wjnintm;.

T lir rcril U.l;. ;-r*-II, : ’)inc of It»!op l.i-iL filll ;ind win-trr, iinil rr;iilU« [iiclj.ibly r;mi;Ot be c!eirr.T.l;ir:i unlll the end cf M:iy.

50,000 A rrr . In Callfurnla In till' l.iM two yn iri. Ihc Indian

;.rn1ce Iw ■ ,.lr-; i t dr<l 50,000 Bcre.', o;i Ilir I’ai’jL'^, San CarlOi and N:iv.iJ<} iivTv;illn:is In Arlron'n and thU yc.ir Is plnntln;,' HO.OOO more nrrci on ih r NavjJo rer.crvatlnii,

"A droiitli lili A rlwna lninnnll,i!c- ly lifter th r pli»iillti';s and wc iltin’l kiio'*' yet MhrlhcT the ;.ci(l:, Mirvlv- ed." sa lj KaviiniiKli.

"Bccaii.'.r u c bad to Rajiible too iinicli oil-llic droulli In the ,*.outli- uTSt, u e decldcd lo fxperlmcnt In Idaho i.nd WyomlnK whrre Uic rntnfull uan more iiredlcuiblc."

Tlie i)l,iii!rr. eiiootmlend one new l^dU ficulty In Idaho. Tlic soil iL'cd

ihfrc for th r prlU-u conUiIned a hlgli p<rrriitnKc of ob.^Uilon. a vol­canic i:Iav, wlilch wore oul Uie pel- Irtlnu machinery.

Services Set for Casualty of Iwo

BUIILEY, A p r i l 7~O r.lvr.',ldr ifrvlcfs for Charirs Doyd JenMri, 21. s Min of .Mrs, Vrrii Milton Jn u r ii ar.d the lale John M. Jcrv^n. Diir- ley, will be held a t 3 p. m. 'nu irs- diy a l thR Burley cfm eltry.

Jensen ww killed March 12, 1015, on Iwo Jlma where he hnd been .vrvlng with Uie marine forin lu a luiNpllal atlendunl. He li.id been In th r service three years prior lo hi;. (le.Tth.

Tlie body arrived n t Burley a t « :n a. ni. Wednesday unde: mlll- t.iry c.iftirt. For the mlllt.iry ser\lce.i the American Lriilon -.viii b r in c'luirKc. Lrro>' Oiirncr. bhhon or tlic D njo LDH rhurch, will olliclat« a l

^ Uir'fomily services.W jon .vn wai born a t O.ikl.-y Bnp*.

in2<. aurvlvorr. arc; lil.'i inolhi-r. l-.wi broilierj, Don,iW J . Jcni.rn nnd C.ilvln .noy Jen.'.rti, both Burley; oi;r sl.^ter, Mftxliic Jcii-ien. Burlry. who h now on a mission for the LD.S church In ihe northwe.it itaies.

Interm ent !« under direction of thr McCiillocli funeral huiiie.

Mineral Deposits Mapped in Idaho

IIOISE. Aiirll 7 (.T—T,venty-one m;i]n !.lif)wu;i; kr.dwn locations of Iil.ilif) m!nrr,il df|i..:.itT have been cn;niileted and work Is procecdlnt; on ,'linllar majx^ for each county In tlie Btale. the bosrd of control of tiie Idaho bureau of mlnr.i and grology had b rrn lnforme<l todny.

A ri)ni|irehcnslVL- report on bureau aitlvlllr.i for 1D47 Wa;: privcntcd a l llir anniinl mfrllnfr of ilic board jr:.t«rday by A, W. rahrenw sld, Mricow. burtau director.

Ileporf.'. iUjo havr been publLrhed ou the utility of Idaho pho.-.pliatr ri.ck and another on dintomltc in ftnithwest Idaho.

A thlril reiwrt. nr.irlni: enmplrilnn »ill rover dl.Mrlbutlon of h'a\-y »1- liivlal materials.

R E rn E sn v T s n o MHANSEN, April d -R oy H. King.

Hiuaen, has been named Lh# Idaho and eastern Orefon reprejfOtaUve fo;- Ihe Oeni nefrteeraUon Salfs ami Service company. Idaho Pall?,Hr will bo isale.iman for store and re-.iauranl equlpm tnl In the rtfrlg- eriitlon line.

R e a l E s t a t e T r a n s f e r sInformallon F um lih td by

Twin Falli Till# atid T n iit Company

I>~.|: L»»l* V, MrCl^rr w Jltrr.lH A.

I '- l ; M. i. r.mi.l-!l i„ J. c. JoM.orl >-(0. ri 3« a 11.


Al'RII. 11,. t^ . f.m-

un. r i WijSf.i, o' !>,. I Y f.nanr .. .. , r. ............. . . . . k. . .

‘ •'I''"*'':'’ Orfh*ni

h. rT i, ' j mhr.*M‘r .,s’ Ivh":'.-.fn, I., r-mc, 1-, ;;«s'.v

tVMl ' Jr-jlr II. N„J I,. rh*rl™ .' firil AiMilliin.


INSULATION CO.Aathoriicd Appllcaton

Pabco R oefiun

a l l t y p e s of I r o o f i n g


7 :i fihoshon. 6 L W.


} List Strat

: * s & Au to / / / ‘ \f c . i

rned <


4—- 4 —l»nd y I

ver- )

^000 > a of >C ^ \ )

'f “ / \ -V t

>■- f!Uri Indicate U. H. b a in which I laid could be uicd In oprralloo agal Air Forces Symlntion aald B-29« ■ from Ataika and I.atirador, bomb tlioM bases or o n n In Phlllpplnei Secreury of Navv Snlllran lald auli lion weit of the ‘Iron C orta ln '" had Johnjlon Island area (B) and In »r eoasl (CI. (AP map)

to, State’s Secretary L In iapsUMT Plans

BOISE. Alirll 7 « ',-S e c v . of SU te J. D. (Cyi Price, spcnklnc to nn

■'f*' Army day meelliiK of American Lc- Klon mcmbe.~., fald la.vt n lsh l "I

' ^ have never beni complclely w ld on ''O'* universal military irulnUiK."’«*• ‘’In a dny of rocket/, robots. Jet

propulsion, atomic bo.Tibs and blo- loKlcal warfare. Ju.il w hat can bo accomplished Is prohleraallcal by six monltis of bajlc iralnlnK for every youns man In the nailon, thereby

KO retardlns-by prtMimably 0 year the I , ir.Tlniiig of every potentl.-il -selentW

and trclinldan no vllnlly needed In • modrrn unrJnrc."

• en ..[ [juiipve thr rftommi'iidnllon.'. ot the Presldent'a rommlr.jlon on unl- venal mllltury trainlnf; eome.i closer Ul the problem when li nfivocair', U OT only as pan of an Interjtrnicd

f*" defense projram and not an Iro- ' “ l.-Med effort," Price -■'aid.

hi'' ATTKNI) COSn-RENCi;SPRINGDALE, April 7—Mr. and

Mm. Ralph K. W en attended the 111- LDS prlmar>' conference In Salt

Lake City. Utah.In __________________________________


p.. Certified Jerome,1’r.nd■y:ey.hee.it


0 M bof _ y - .


rd i / P W B —Id,


1 fo i

I *sS-<^W ConciX fl3 ' 9 M aloc

N . •« epaco iX J n a w 1

Vibrapac ^ y o u r

C o n c r e te H a s o n r e

■■ G I » e s Y o u -

m l s» ti irSTOIM SAflTT E conoWrATHIl TICKTNIK loatUTt

’ suitT-iH INJOLAIIOM Concr<I untoNO cuuiiiiTT u c h K e

low upntF coiTtow INStitANCI tATIS 'R > tE ItA5Y FINANCINO , , ‘WtALrHnilKI5J P*®'®viiM!N.neorNKssnucTuiAi iiAimr i - r ' ctow 8UHOING COST lV ,ll/ ru r io coNSTiuaioH "Vclco''

cretc n




. 19-18

•ategic Bases

'%/—___ '

ileh top air fnree nfflri:i1> in NVaihlnclon I a ta ln s t any part c f Ituula. .Secretary of •29* ran lakr off In limited operations lomb any part of I tuu la and rrtum to ilne i and Okinawa. Al\n In AVaiblntton Id Bubmarlnr* -not brlniiilnc (0 any na- " had hern ■ilclitrd hi tlir Alrutiani IA). In a n area ahaut 200 m llo off Ihe V. B.

Blaine’s Red Cross Unit Doubles Quota

'* * 3 HAILCT. :-2 J |am e countylU te cxccrdrd IU Red Cna.'i (]U0lo of I an tl.Ood. by more th in 100 per cenl, Lc- Kverclt il, Ta\Iar. fund drive rlia lr-

: " I mnn, rrportcd. 'I'lita) contributions I on amounted tn S2,070.?a.

T.iylor laid Hnttry contributed . Je t Drllrviif, J ie s .'e ; C.irey nndbio- MuUioon, j : « ; itrtchum . JH1.50:1 bo Plrsbo, $33; etanloii, W0.71; Sun • six Vallry, nnd Triumph. {59.20.


m l- V llW l C4lamd-Aa<] TeaH J a p Q,i M osrr Bed b Ibi HonI>i lUrfa- u C»llie', Th. tlm lifuld iv-'ar nut ,l«ul : clnt. cf Itcd fc!l* |iJ« !:.■<. >ouf .v„v i . j ' u ufitI-o. >;"• “ yn«r f.wl ni»y n«

lillw!. 11 cs*rjiiii tl)n bowiU. Thra t u l.lifitj lift VfU7 ilaretch. V"U tn »ea- jMkj'rinV.'”'


l ^ i j N S L

f o r

e m p e r a tu r e -C o n ti::onci« t« Mm o m t h o m o i— buUt w llh n JnltB— &ra au lonutic& U r liuu lA ted w hi «& lod w ith in Ihe w s lis a s Ihoy a re ! pacoB aU o koop o u t d a a p n o i* . Thifl ; a u « n d com /ort — a l to m o ra h s s t w ’o u r C oocrolo M u o o r r ho m o u n b< { arch lloc ttiro y o u ch o o M . Y our d o t a n b o fu lly saliflflod. T hroughou t tho lo iit altractiTQ hom ob o la n d oul a s o> -oau ty 4nd T arioty in Y ib rap^ c Concro lcoD om y—sp « o d y .c o n stru c tio n —p o m >aturos a re a u u r o d i s b u ild in g you b n c re lo M aaonry hom o . T alk It o to i rchK oct a n d bu ild e r.

REEl W rite o r c a l l f o r y o u r c o p y ol I c te s to ry o f C o n c re te M a s o n r y Cc

CEEP IN MINDi'clco" Pumice Blocks are th« only units •etc raaaonr?- In Idaho approved and ccrtl le r iro Underwriters (or LO\v er JNSUl ATES. •

A s k A b o u t O u r EaK y P a y m e n t PI


Fruit Raisers ^ Optimistic on ^ Crop for ’4}' r DOlbE, April 7 i,* -Irta l'.o fru ^ Ktowfrs a r r op:lml.^•ff on Ihelr 101

C!rur.-r Yrnr, E ii|iie;t. p iu t pre: lUriii ul th r Horiiviiliiii,

■}V I'OstTty. .Mid fnm irrr* rjniir throu^ th r winiei all rijrht snd only frrl oil-s iiroblriii fncl:;g tru » e rs I.i

"V.' po%'lblr water shortapr., V T .:r U;iU .if Mall,.;. In n l t.n gro'*; ‘*>1 In Ihr .•.;.u:;ivc-:trrn |>art i>! tli rU ••'•■'tn :niiy b* T only to i“.T cei;i 0: iiLiuial.

Till-, h r intrrprcted n.i a c m . — • f lrn . A late tro.M often r.tps Idalv

orcliafii'., tall.-ll:i' cwli.'ldrrulilr lov Wlili a la ir bkxini the fru l: will no

/ be <!umuH--<! n.i r.i.-lh-, y Yiicl ,'Jl<t (hr cl'.rrry. I>eac!i ni»

prune riop ' would bc b rg e r thai In putt yrar;'-

Thcre hu \e been evldenre.i of •'111' lie cherry" blU;li: cumlni: into Uk sta te from Canida, and n thorouKi

. study '*111 be ni.KiL- iliiriiitc June ar.c N July m nn effori to chevk Its nd.

y . Y a'i f.jiid tlir Idaho apple croi should br .'ll;:hiry larger thl.i \e a r H owfirr. td a h o s npplr crop in lh(

» f past frx ;,r„rs lin.i dwlncliril l< uboir. o:ir-[iitrti o: it.i one.Hint oulpni.

C hrrr/ rr-ip pro'i>-rl.'. In th r l.rw. Istnii nr... nrr »;"f>c!. M artin rir.hci

:lon ol tiir LewiiUm-Clarkslon Chrrrj y of ar(i-,vcr.s a;.^:x:latln;i ;a |d . n i e Win' Ions tr.- Uili cold e.'uninh lo rt\lii(T tht > to and th r i)|(«:n wa:i delayed:lon I^jslirr ^uUl h ra iiT bud .'-'t., liiiII- Ba- r.iti' thr low rroi. would be nonna: IA). and C'li'.'ldrraijly better Umn 1017';r. B. unall er,.p.

otaa of cenl,

"nnd I1.50: ■ s a l t l , \ k e — ‘•®»

5 1 —

I T R A l i v V W r D 'E P O T" ■ JT .ltiU N t HO ILL

H __ r * Sv I’HON*

f Pumice Blocks


^ i t o l k d " ^ o w e ^1th m o d e m V lh r> pae D z ic ro te w h o a tho a k sp a c M bo co m o

u o laid up . T h o M d o a d a ir rhlB m osna g ro a to r b e a lth iu l- a t w ith l o u fuoL n bo of a n y dofllgn o r s ty l« d o tlre fo r a b o a u tifu l b o m a tho c oun try th o u M n d s o l tb*

LB oxam plof of th o o x c ltu lv a ncrolo M a so n ry c o o itru c tlo n . serm anoQ ce a n d m a n y o th o r y o u i V ib rapac

ov e r w ilh y o u r

ly o f th is c o m - Y C o n s tru c tio n

ccrtllled by

’* *■— I TERMS



; Stockmen Receive 11 Extension of Time

'jWASmNOl'ON. April 7 '.Py - 4 0 Kl<.-ckir.r:i ct !tar Nevada counties ■ ± •0 »!;i be sh fii »,i addltlciial tilne

monii-j 10 ic.-i; out a plan for icc fruu 0! 1;-.OVJOM VI n .r;:r hnd.

^r;,,.:<.r M , I I . Nev.. lald to- d,.\ s-vrrl..ry of i:;c In lerlvr Krug

pr -■ li.,d aKi.,.,; i„ ,n r rM,-:--.;,.:. until ‘"■''I J.*:i, 1, KHJ

'H ir N>r. K ':i;rrjlda,ll a " !-;'rkn. 'I 'he Mockinen

ro'Mi y ' ‘ il''- d 'l ' . ' " i ' ’tn i In

utii.-ti hu, ix-f.; ,ulml;iU[<ird by the '>■ Nrs.ulii r'.jir l-;.i:inrrr.

5lt;:l C L A M E B A C K \ C O l l H E C T I O ^ ’

Ispleaw ntnndpaliile .'s Usck- niid ■ t*® av.ovlu!ed with

than ^ rheumati::!!. a rlh rl-1.-.. lum- bncu. !!n:r.ach and k!rtney rtls-

•'lll- ^ ordf's It you ha \c tried tlir J evrr.ttilrii: cljf xry ndjuit-

Misl. " -.M I! obism .n,;,j ed afier fir.-i tr tilm en t.

« , ” 'n u .T \p : .M A 'n A i! i) I .N “B_ c iim ornA C T O R

croii IJOMalnSurUi Pbone2j:0

r i


^ a m fr a n c T

• UP TO 3 2 ^ I

• UP TO 55^5


/ n \ i SAVE 3 WA

i \ 1 r . . ; : : " •

\ 7 Sa o £\ * Volu«i gU* yo<\ mlUag* end ntara toUty.

\ 3. \ and pay an canvenl.m bud

m110 M A IN A V E N U E S O U !

e : High School Showsn u p n v r . Aiirll 7 — A.*stmblles

[ |](» -vhedulea for t. ie Ryjierl high Khool next week Include ihe Jrtaho Stale

’y - coIlrKf a capix-lia eh .’.r April 13 and iitlei a nvdeiil Br..-.c;:',t:y from PocnUllo nine l ^ . - c h u o l April I f


n'en ■ COtD N I O W S .j j M ORW r^^D l





VAYs\ fO** SAFER DRIVI\ A l w a y s P u t a ^

' \ T l r c i f o n t DELUXE a

d I ro u b l . b r \

I hudgst tlrm i. \ ^



ra D .tL 'G irm t BORN“ R JC im E L D . April 7 - Mf. and

Jlles J irs . Odell Chaifield are the parcnUlool of a daughter bccm Monday a l St.lale Valentine'* Ticapital. Wendell. Mri.nnd Chatfleld Is Uie former Payo John-xllo ion , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick

Johiuon. . ■. ..


m i n

3 i i j j


i t r i M E m

M l

T C ^ e '^ S e i ^ A i iM I L E A G E I N Y O I

T I R E S . Y O U 'L L B E


“Deldaxc C H /

T\ H « ro .< y o .,

CE C H A M P IO N \ J . , , ^ TUBE IN \^ A N E W \ . „ „ r i y p

^ TIRE \ P U L L aUo’

\ mUc.affo whi

\ Fircstono E



Attend Church Meetrcn u ACZQUIA, April 7—Blihcrp and t St. Mr*. D- T. Parker. K eith Parker, Mri. MaiJna Parker. Mrs. Vlrgle BuUI. ohn- van and Mr. nnd Mrs. Delbert Paric- Dlck cr attended the LDS conJe.-ence la

Sail Lakg City, UUh.

W ] ^

M l

L L T H E U N U S E D | |

O U R P R E S E N T i

B E A M A Z E D A T i


I4A M P I 0 N I T I R E S

y o n r chance to save m ono7

Bt A tte rica 'a bfffffort ti r*

E ven if y o u r p rcaon t t i r e f

ly p a rtly w orn y o u ’l l g o t

allovranco fo r th e tm iu ed

) w hen yon trado in oa n e w ;

DO Do Luxo Cbam pions. f \ ’

I ^


P H O N E 76

Page 10: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«

Assiu'ance of ] U. S. Seen in ■ Navy’s “Visit”

ny J . M. nODEUTS, Jr.AP F o rc iin Affaln Anal}>l

Arrival of t U. S. iiavftJ force In 5candltiQV|i)n walfra liU r Uib | m onth wll! os rfauurim ce loft much-won'icd a rfa Umi Amrrlca offfcrs more Ihsn a inerc lircan!- »o rk o r d o lla r ataltLn Mo'cow s c xpanilonbt ucilc^.

If repeatcjJ rcporw are true, t.ie Amcrlcan u-or.'Jitps Mil »M rt of o rir^ t for Ru.vl:m mlliUO' ■ •eUvUlM which ko U r bc)o:itl rj'.crc ' mancuvtr.i.

6«cdW» npw-'papcrs I.i:l ir.c'Mll publlihcd fcvrr,il nporl.i v.lilcli *m 'e to explain ri-cnil I'V ID in lih officials of a po-.MlJlc coup i there. These rciw ..i said Umt Itx-.- - t l i n naval j.lilp' and .itrpUnri were ^ J&nJtes nrm.■ for Dcnm.irlc's com- I inunlM-v Tlip ii-iwri-i aiiiK.irpi) in Btockholm. Bortiliolm wicl Aallwrn papcn.

B«coni« Rcllrent......... The■iradltloniilly neutral'Eeanfll-

navlani have been reticent In the hope of avoldlns trouble, but recciil- ai ly they have brcome tiiiUa oiiUpol:- ni «n tn their delarmlnallon to rrsLM p( InfUtrstloD. W

Bwedlih official* conilder Uiclr r.o HQlverwil m Jllury trnlnlrE «>-s!cm (for all tnen between 2Q and <7) In- nc lufflcleat. »nd h.ivc been ealllnz for ui more e;sten!lve defen.^e measure.i. en

Norway haa e ip m ic d delermln*- Uon “to <ll« on our feet rather than O: live on our knerv" ov

Danes ree l r ro ju re Denmark apparently has felt h rr-

gfi; even more iircni! iire.'-Mire. K.i-.- J tr leaves for her iroop.'i were e.m- j'’ celled thla year, and 2,400 men who were lo have been drmoblllr.ed iin- * , der her confcrlpllon systrm hnve been kept on active duty. Slie h.n . fought on licreempnt with Uie Brll- tih for BhlfUnp her oecup.illon brl- * Ksrie In Ocrmnny back to an area just outilde her own borders on Ihe sreunds th a t these crack tr»»ps

■" might be needed to handle an In- re; ttm a l rituailon. co

Ra'-ilan naval actlrttle.\ In the or Baltic, the flndlnff ot arms In com- eo: m unlit caches, plus Rusr.lan efforts Dl to obtain m any ext»rti which nor- D j nially go ta EnKland, all contribute me

. to th l j ncnousncM . . . . . . In



THe aritslry o f Impenal Ar

b y a wido range o f gloriou

fo r years. Every fine wool

lo tox back tha t makes Imp

it lying flat on fhe floor. An

voluc-pcrfcct. You’ll be sni<

1 roll 18th Centui

1 roll Ferncroft Fit

1 roil Ferncroft Fit

Four Floors

Elevator Servic

Free Delivery


i _____________________________

Harry Truman—'— ----------------------------------- j a

” I

, L ------------- . i L .ll rap l. llarrT S. T runuii P" 'rd fcir Ibi y tn» «'urhl « a r I. T tilrly jrar-. U trf a . p itlll has Hie lainr ilubliom elilii and »tr

■ O g d e n W o m a n I s 2

‘ C h o s e n P r e s i d e n t

F o r Y o u t h G r o u p Je 6ALT LAKE c m * . April 7 i-Tr—- An O itlni. Ulnh. ttu:ii.n:i, .Mr.n. I irr- f"';• thli Julia bloile Kecdrr. wus ap- C"' t pointed iircr.ldcnt of the You:;k

Women'4 .Mutual Improvc.mpnt x-.- *; r f.oclattou of th r Lattrr-D.Ty .Saints ■ 1 (.Monr.nn) church ^^lpr.d;ly alter-■ noon In Uie concluilUin m t’Iwi ui 1’"'' r Uie church'j IlBlh fcncnil confer-

.Mrs. needcr lucceeds Mrs. Lucy 1 G rant Cannon, who ha-i pre.^lilcd ”

over Uie orfanl.-Jilon rln rr Oc;. ^n) 1037.

.Mrs. Cannon was relen.-.cd brc:iu;e enl ’ of hor hi-.illh. Shr lunl he r

.•elo!-.\ Mrs. Verna W. tlml(l;ir(l anil ’ Lury Taylor AnVfcr-Wi. will contlnuf

In office u.^lll June. I *; Tlie cbanEC In Ihp YWMIA Irad-■ cr.\hli> Mas the only one m;u!c 111 ;!iP

ctuirch as Keni-ral iiiilhdrltlc . .ut-ri' prtT.eiUcd fnr siL’itnlnlnB vole.

‘ Attend Conference‘ HEYDUnN. April 7 — llryburn ' resldenta who attended til t LUS

conference In Salt Lake Clly. Utah.; arc Ul.'hop and Mrs, LaVuur Wil-■ cox. Dale McComb.% H-irlow Chcni-y,I Bishop Noel Crolt, Blnlno Jonr.-..• Elmer Itelncr. Mr. nml' •Mr', ll.iy-t mond Burch. Mr. and Mrs- Ei! Me- ^ . nU re and Mr.i. Lcbnd-Thaxioii. Q

I A r p n n e

$ T Q 5 0LY " ' - ^ 9 x 1 2 SIZE

I Argonnd’s lone-on-tono designs Ii '

rious colors. Tho dense, all-w ool pile v

/ool tu fris securely w oven inlo the c

Imperial A rgonnc so easy to clean or

. And Iho w onderful, low price make!

sniart lochoosc your im peria l Argoiin

^ury Broadloom, 9' wi<

Floral Rose, 9' wide .

Florol Green, 9' wide .

- !ry


—Then and Now 1

tcir (be picture a t le ft In FVanee dur- f f a< I’fr.iilrut of Ihe i:. S , r lth l, h»' nd >tral{lilfomard e x p m slo n .

2 L o c a l D e b a t e r s

W i n E v e n t H o n o r^ Auflrry .‘imlth arid LrRoy Ehlen.I) both 'IT ln-f^ lh ,-w -on a w a r d r l n ' s '-L tecriil sj>erch to u rn an irn t a t Colo-• . rndo A and M collnip, n , Collins.). Cull), accordlni; to word received

1 Dolh are students a t the College nt Maho, C.->Mwp11, M f.i fimlth with '

. D,ivStl ;iniUh, Kam:>;i, tlril for first pl.ice in Ihe m ixed cn im nce dh l-

. flon. tllilrrs wUh Bill Cooper, Cald- wfll, wnn four o u t ot 0 debatei In

y Uie men's leam division,(1 Pa.'.5in£: through Tw in Kails T utj-

day. the ,^tui!enu .-.pent thp evriiliiB a l Uio home of Ml^^ Sm ith 's par-

r ent-v Mr, and Mrs. C.lyiin K, SnUUv


!; I • Iv I .E C T R O T U K K A l’ Y

'' •C O L O N IC S


T R E A T .M E N T S

Ida M alloryi ; i o M A l N N .

1 room 22, rhone 23:6

0 ^ 3 E

9 Rugs7 ^ ^ --------------


ns is enriched ^

pile will w ear

the exclusive

an and keeps ^12

nakeslh iirug


■f t . ■ J

wide . $6.95 sq. yd.

e . . . $9.95 sq. yd.

le . . . $9.95 sq. yd.



V I S C ’s C h o i r W i l l i

I V i s i t A r e a C i t i e sI POCATEUi), April 7 /,7 '^Iduho ^I State college will fend lt-i CJ-mem- jI brr a cappella choir on 1i lou." o t 0I .•.eim .southern Wuho towns next H

I W cilry M. Harris, director, raid oI today Uie gtoiip would, p .'cstnl u ciI pronrani of tucri'd and popularI mujic In eoncrr:.^ u t American I’alla,I Ituperl and Uurley April 13 nnd at I • Duhl. Wcndrll, Gooding and Clio-if?I .•hone April M. Ilr

l_ 1 1 ^ 1


' Vardi Also [

S ■ --------------- . . "

! r ? l 'f | | I''

S 'O i i l

p t e p

Also inRemnants

Grades an A t Reduce(



Hailey Canal G roup I Elects New O fficers

5 3IAILEY, April 7—P.iul O bea was clecied pre.'ldent of Uic Uose Line

• Canal company a t un elccUon Mon-• day. New company directors Include " f Ol.-rn. A. N. Osborn ond K. L, la t HuntlnKtOii. w

The b jard voted a levj' ot « cents tl1 a waler Inch on oil &tockholder» lo toI cuirr oprrailng expeiiie.i. F:r -----------------------------

VISITB SISTER pit EDEN, April 7 — Mra. Nannie ra• I Roljert.'.cn, Ucnlon. Mont.. U visit- pi

linn h rr .'Utrr. Mrs. L. Sm ltll, Jr

V/o a ro oxdu riv o[ A m rricc ’s lirsl p a in t m aker:

L A lth c in h o ld In expo:I oro foo tlc w h en ll c c rre a ttF becauao It m a ln la ln s lobcr lo none,

' A t Bolco Pcr/o tto Ihoro'sJ prcducl for o v c ^ _ pu^>cpo.

'D iJvopakB i * M lrro lac E n am elI M E em toaoI * H ouse P a in t I -K 87 S p a r V a m U b 'I « . H ea v y D uty E n a n e l


1 e re E asy to G E T o t

I ^I m m g i ^ a m H i ^





Jn Stock ’I t s in All ' *ind Sizes ::ed Prices

'w e it\» .V EINITU;

B i l l i a r d T o u r n e y

® E n t e r e d b y G i r lI ' POCATELLO, April 1 o r^M arb* le W eetj. Pocalello, a Junior a t ISC,L la en route to OalnesvlUe, FU,

where she will compete In the n*.U tionat cocd Invitational billiards o tournament a t tho University of

Florida.MUs We^lu w on her wsy Into the

play « h ish scorer on the fire. le rae.Tber ISO coed team th a t took L- part In a recent national IntercoN

Jrglate telcpborUc billiard meet. ^

■:ivo de a le rs foi Dovoe . , •« r : {'cur.dcd In 1754).

rporlonco D cvoo Is meat •a to nov/ idoo3 In palnl abcralc ry facllltlos second

■ro's a Dovco q u a lify jxilnl >00. Here aro a Jow:

r / j y s c o NV/ofor-Proo/

Deccral/nff Producfa



|n n z n B .

jird Ave. S.—rtio n e SOI ILL GOODl.NO)NE RUPERT

1 r o l l B e l g i u m I m p o r

O n e l 2 ' x 2 2 ' G r e y wit

^ “ T H a l l a n d Ri


•‘E S B Iif



f l ^ ’e&aotuT&O,■ ■ C O N T A I N S ONI Y f l H


n 1 IrtS'T"'' ,

^ T \in » ' , 0 IW ,,,

lorted Wilton,9 'wide

vith Floral Design

Room Carpet . . $1.


^ g B N O T K IN G



’ O tV i t 'S t u o o t

r .r, » P I C I

r i H I S T I N O K I D I I N T S

• ' ' • w V W W

‘E j S ^

5 0 I^ \19 W

Je . $16^5 sq. yd.

BoiiiitifiilP n tte rn


51 Main East

Twin Falls

Phone 1295


Page 11: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«

M a r c h B r id e. ^ inaniirii

n m . g

n r n s . d e a n STrKr.>!AK__.....................— (fiurftn 'cravln t)

V * « «

R a m o n a B e c o n i 1 W e d s S t e e l m o n

HAOEnMAN, April 7 — Rnmnna Bfconl. {lni)[;li!cr nf ^!r^, V.'norta Cnmpbcll. Jrromc, and Dran StrfU mivn. fron ot Mr, iind' Mm. KrntiU S ltrlm n n . C.ildarll, v,fre ni.irjlrcl ftt Uic Mc!hotllM chiircli nt W.-n- dcll, Sftlurday. Mtirrli :::, witli the doiiblc-rlnu rcrrniony iii rfornipd bj- Ihe Rtv, A:,mon(l Maxv.Tll,

Tlie bride wn.i ko'atwI In Unlit- blue finlln and licr Ilo-,vcr,i wi-rr •sJilte canwtloM. Tin- brlrtr.-.mnl-.l, DdorB Mlilpr, v, iittlrccl In a l)licl; fro e t w ith cor.-. u-e n ' Mhllr carii.i- lion.'.. T lir bi.'t man v.! Cicnc 6 t«clmttn, twin hrotlier of the hriilp- CToom,

HrlnllvM fijirt Eunt.n n’.trndlr.i: tti« fcm iio n y liicliiilr-d .Mr.,. Wnndn Cnropbcll. J.Tniiir, mrHiuT ot the bride: Mr,v Pran'c F trrtnnn , Cald-

» wfll. m o th rr of .till- hrldi;:rcn:n: Mrs. VLtI! Evnn:, Jerrnn-, n!.*.:rr or the hrtilc; Mr, nntl Mr.-, Jaiiirs a irr l- ninn nntl dniiKht<r,'. Mnrilyn nnd

’ Bnrbarn. Jliirli'y; L, K, 3:'-i‘lmnn nnd dntiKli;<‘re. CArolyn nnd .Nnncy nnd W. SUliibrooU, Ilaccrnian,

Tlio bride KTadimted frnm lIuRPr- mnn hl(?h kIiooI In ltH6 nnd lins been employed by the Hnscmmri dniK store for thi- pwit tv.-i> years, l l i e brldrirroom wns n prnduat/r of M iddleton hlRh eeliool In 1040 mid

• htt.1 been employed by MorrlMjn- K nudftn Constrrictlon compnny for fhe p ast year. The couple v.lll mnke tlielr home In nnKermivn,

* * *

D i n n e r F e t e sCASTLEFORD, April 7 -R ecrn l

dinner p a n i« wrre Rl\rn In C,is- tleford by Mr, nnd Mrs, Rnhert Cook. Mrs, Grace Klnvmi nntl Mr. and .Mrs, Henry Graybml, .Mr. nnrt Mrs. r r e d Koch nnd d;iUKliier. Normn. Uuhl. wrre K'le't.s n l the Cook homi-. and Mrs, K&:h was ,nir- prised w ith ^ pnrly to r Ih t wrJdin?

^ hlrlhdny ftnnlver:nr7 h io In the 11 evening.

M a r i a n M a r t i nP a t t e r n


MffJlil = lllillijil/iliil ~

YOUIt DEST LtSF.I f s Uic llr.o thnt coim ul And pat- ®

te rn 0:9C Blunts It from neck and r hip to give you wondcrlul Unfit Scallops Rdd ft toft sophisticated ? touch. For striped or plain fnbrlc. {■'

Thl* p«U em Rives perfect fit. In e u y to use. Co.-nplete, lllu,itratfd *ew ch art fhowj you every step.

P a tte rn 0203 comes In flrcj 12. H.IC, IB, 20; 30. 32, 34, 30, 08. 40. iJ. e iro 10 rcqiUrrs 3 yards 39-lnch.

Bend tw-cnty.flve ceni.s In coins for thLs p a tte rn to Tlrnes-News pat-

( j | c m departm ent. T nln I’,\lls. Ida. • m n t plijlnly name, address, sone,

*lie and ntyle mmibcr.Now l5 th e Ume to ;.cw for Sprlnil

Fifteen cent,s more bring* you the colorful M nrlan Mnrllii pattern book, cram -full of excltlns >prlng

\ faahlonn for ereryone! Pin.'— n free ■ pattern prin ted In.-ldr Ihr book-

two belts to Blvc you the new lool:. Better h ava ihUI

P hoi- ^HASHESfy

'lY D in tP IN K H A M ’S J S P f f l


Clover Chur ^ Of Sunday’K KIMDE31LY. April 1 - A l B p. m

Sunday a t th e T rinity Lutheran 1 ^ church. Clover. M elba Jagels. ilaujh- l l ler of Mr. und il r s . Waller H. H Jnseb. Duhl. a n d KtlU i SUegemeler ■ .-.on of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stlti;e- J niclcr, K imberly, exchanged mar-

rl,iKC V0W3.Tlic «ev. W. F . D anncnfeldt per­

formed Uic double-ring ceremony before a backi;round of pink carna­tions and two canUelabras holding

• Jlghled tapers. Preceding the cert. mo.^y Muriel Pxiglluno lighted the candle.s and rmiiB "O Perfect love" and •'The Lord la .My Shepherd" accompanied by ,M, F, Juergrnscn.

M g l lK bride, given In marrUge by her Inlher, was gowned In whIlB

ASP iatlM fltylcd W’lUi a ieed-pearl iwcet- heart ncckllnc ond pepluni. ’ Tlio

•JM sltlrt fell from Uie fitted bodice to fonn a court train , The lace-

____Utmined fingertip veil JieW Inpface by a crow n of matching seed pearls. For a scnUm ental accessory

1 ;.hc wore a pa ir of earrlnKs. t uUt of the bridegroom. TJie tradlUon, "MmeUilng old. «ometlilng new. r.on;eUilng b o r r o w e d , something blue," was followed In her ensemble,

inrti bndal bouquet of pink ro-vawss tied w ith B flllver nbbon, OUn

•iinU cousin of tho bride, wa*,jp;l mnld of honor, nnd wns atttred In a ,Vn- Kown of fttjua blue. She carried a (I,, bour]iiet of pink camnUon.s tied w ltir

[ bj- n . thc■r ribbon,Nrll 5(lci;cmeler, brother of the

brldrKroom. was best man, and virr uslicr.'i were O lrnn Eltlng, Vcrlyn .Hl.i, Ja rrls , K enneth L lem ian nnd Lcon- Licl; nrd Eltti-.R.•11.1- Drldr.imiildti were Almu Meyer, icnc Rowned In o rchid: Florence ElUnK. Idp. cotu ln. of th e bride. In blue-green:

Ve.Tiltft Jngels, nbo a cousin, in the pink, nnd V ernn G atw how In blue, ndn .<511 )u tl Jihlt^ «Jovr,i ;uk} ra.Uchl.-ic the halos of .illver nnd carried colonial 'Id . bouqui'ts of w hite cnmuUons tied

with ^llver ribbons, icnren Faye t l 'f Gler, cousin of th e bride, and Arrie.i

Silf;:fin(ltT. coa^ln of Uie brlcle- ijrooin, were Junior brldefmaids. Doth were gowned In pink with silver halo headdreuc.s and carrlNl

■ whlto i.wfctpeas In colonial style arranKcmenl.'.

Kor her to n 's wedding Mrs. Henry Stlegcmeler chose a navy blue suit. Mr. , Wnllcr JaceU had a dres:i -of

ind crepe, and both mothers wore3J, cor.wges ot pink ror.es,Jor Tho nev. n . C. Muhly s e n td a*

loaitmn.<ter a t th e rrcepUon hrld for the 175 wetidlng guests nt Uie Trinity L utheran school. Twin FiilL?, Tlie weddlnB cake In five Uer* w.is surrounded by pink canmUons.

Out-of-ton-n giie.',Ls for the wed- dliiR , Included Florence I,«onnrd, Glrnn and Dw ayne Eltlng, Carlfion.

,j . Nrbr.: Olga N ruhart, York, Nebr.,- nfj njirt Mrs, W llllnm Stlecrm eler and pr dnushter, Ardes, »nd Mr.v Mathilda hP SprlnRer, O lltn rr , Nebr, ir . Upon th r lr re tu rn from a wedding

trip to Ihe co,i.st. Uie newlywed,i he «ll! mnke Uielr hnm e In T»-ln Falls, ,

fm- travglinc. the new Mrs, Stlrgc. : _ meler eho.-e nn aqua gnb.irdlne suit

with white accetf-orle.s.Tlie fonner M lw Jagels graduated

from Filer h lsh school In 1D47. and hns been employed a l the nd rllty 1 Nntlonal bank of T n ln FalLv Her husband n tt«nded Twin Falls hlRh ' Khool. gmdUftUnR in 1044. He servKl In th e navy nlr corps for ' two nnd onc-half years. '« « ¥P i c k e t ' s C l a s s >

H o l d s P o t l u c k !P lfk i'ls cln-ss o f Uir Methodist

.•.undny .vhool m e t In-'t Sunday In , !li>' church pa rlo r followlni: church

I .M-rvlrrs for n j>oUuck d liinrr and p.'osrnm of com m unity Mnglng dl-

I rrclrd by George Dice. ^Mni, .Marj- S taffo rd wn.s Uie plant) ”

acrompanlM, nnd the i^ wn.-. n rrnd- Ing by Mrs. A nna Dr^'nni, and vloUn :oIo,t by A. E, F rancis w ith Mr. , f Francl,v nt the plnno. !'

-Mrs. Frank NcI:ion was In charge '' of program, and Mrs. Meta Van Buren. chalrm nn of Uie foclnl a f. fnlrs. Benediction waa by the Rev. Afbrrt P a rrt tt . P

♦ ¥ *

T r a v e l o g u e.Mrs. lUehnrd BU fford pre.sented a ji

traveloRue on h e r r e c e n t t r i p ' ttiroiigh the ^nuUicm and e«ntem itntM a t the Sham rock club meet- p ing Tucjdny a t tho home of Mrs. 3 Leonard Albet.-

A tray luncheon » a a t t r r i i by n the ho.Me.ss ft,«lsted by Mrs. Evtlyn e Myrrs, The nex t meeUng will be .st wllh Mrs. Floyd Bandy on April 20 c. nnd will feature flower, bulb nnd a ^ecd exchange for spring planting,

¥ ¥ ¥

R N A 5The Royal Neighbors of America or

- April 3 with bl J ^ s . Ethel DoualBis presiding. Year In , book* were given o u t and a pracUc* at J drill WM held. O ne new member fo

haa been voted In to Oi# club. I t wl has been announced U iat Ui« next m

1 meeting will be April 10,___________m

Big: Benefit

AUClSponsored by the Moi With A ll Proceeds G Moose Hom e

TONIGHT-a t the

C.&H.SAlbES<All itt'm s su p p lied by Moos FaJU re s id e n ts ond buslncs W ithou t C h a rg e

^ F u rn itu re — CIolhinR — I M iscellaneous H em s — I

, 1948&

urch Is Scenely Wedding Rit(

¥ ♦ ¥ *p. m,



ge by • v j c j j p -

iwcet- y ■TI18 B Z * . -------

txxllco ) ■ V

tW .ln . K ^ , | .. ...........- . . ‘i l i - ______: M«(i [4 '1esiory W -v i -

' ' S W ■■: 5 I ; :

I - i ^I in a i . ' . ' b Qled a

f Uie A ••n'l / \erlyn:eon- B f 1 ’

teyer, H / . , 1Ring. B Y ,reen: B . / ' !': )a, m l * / ' I 1blue, I / ■M ai: W ‘ ioiilal W ■ . ■ ' ^

tied f ■ ■■' i ii -^ t, .-

^rrie.t . - S ./ ,ride- , ■ i ' - - ,laids. ,• /wlUi > . , .rrle<l , / • ■

/ J ' - r i

:enry ' "suit. • MRS. K m n l STlKGEMEir.R ' n -o f (Kftkrr pholo-staff rnp-avlng)

; S C a l e n d a rhrldUie

'■iilL?, Tlie meeting of the P ast Nobl< W.IS Grnnds chib hnf. tn-en iw tponed im

til a p.m, Frid.iy a t the home of M ri »-ed- C. H, Eldrcd. lard, ¥ ¥- ¥■ton. _Lriid-a-Hnnri chib will meet nl ebr.,- 3 [1, 111, Frlihiy wiih Mrs, M, O and Kuykniilatl, ifi'i Blur l-nkcs boulc-

Illda vard north,¥ ¥ ¥

Jltig 71,p Ml^Mollury tvocleUwill hold a ,-.prlni{ lunehrnn a t 1 p. m, -niur.'^iiy n t the bungalow

fSf* wllli Dr, Pnul Connvd. New York, ns KUM-. spc:ik.-r,

and 'VSCS v.lll m e n•lltv iiur!liwe;it of

' Uir city, a t » p,m. todny. .Mrs, H. C, ilcli "'"I In charge of devoUnn.<

ond Mrs. Cora Stpven.s will Rive n tnlk on 'T h e E.irth and Her In-

¥ ¥ ¥JEROME. April 7—"U fe avving

PliiKcn." nnd •T rnltor W llhln," f,u> films will he .shown n t Uic Ami-rlc.ui

' / Uglon hall n i 8 p, m. T hu rv b v . ' ; April fl, T here wUl be no chart;,•

nnd nil women ure urged to Uirr.c

and * * *t]i. T uln Fnlls .second wnrd Relief ro-

clcty will m rcl n t 10 n. m. Tliur;-- ant) chopel. n ie re will br

w.Ifnre ,'rwlng nnd a potluck will olln ‘>'•'•'•'■'‘ ‘1 n t noon, .Mrs, Lowell Nut-

tint: r.111 drm onstrat« textile pa in t­ing In the nftenioon, .Mrs, Minnie

,rge of nrrnnRf-mentj./nil ¥ ¥ ¥

A trRVfllng »mlver.slty exlilblt of , orUlnal v.-,itrr color pahillnRs, *ui>-

• ported by Uie p rnny a rt fund nf Ihe grnrrnl Fctlernted dubs, will hr on display n t Uie public llbrarv .Mondny. The public Is Invited tn a ttend the -show which will be open

Q » Irom 3 to s p ,m . and 7 to 0 p ,m . ■rip ' ¥ ¥ ¥em Tlie Women's ai,soclnUon of the et- P,-r;.byierlnn church will meet n l Irs. 3:35 p. m. Thursday a t Uie church,

Mrs, H any Ball Is In chnrge of Ihe br proKr.sm on "ChUdren's Books T hni

OT Every Ho.-ne Nced.v" Group Ilvo will oe jprve the ton, T lie uplrltual life -0 group will mevt nt 2 p, m. with Mr,-.,

■fid A. C. ITarlcr. leader.S' ¥ ¥ ¥

B inu,EY. April 7—Ruth Rebeknli lodge will hnve a eovered-dl;ih sup­per a l 7 p m . Thursday evening hon-

Ica orlng Uie official visit of thc ji-.sem - 1th bly President Lillian Hughe*. Goo<l- :ar Ing. All members aro requc.sted to lc« attend, and th e officer* are to wear )*r formals, Mrs. Doroihj- Dlnnken,Milp I t win preside as nobla grand, and me-

:xt morlftl lervlcea will be given to r two members.

T I O NM o o s e H o m e B e n e f i t

Is G o i n s : t o t h e N e w

T - 7 P . M .

1 I h o ,

IS GROUNDSM oose .M cftibers n n d T w in :slncs.sm cn — All d o n a te d

— H o u seh o ld G o o d s a n d— E v e ry o n e W elc o m e

1 R u p e r t C h a m b e r " W e l c o m e " P la i

T o l d f o r M e e t i nRUPFJIT. April 7 -H ow nrd M

P ta t, .-r^rclary nf Ihe H upert Chn bcr of Coniir.errr was preient the Womrn’ club m rrttng Thu dny nfternoca to g h r a r rp o n th r actlvltirs of tin- c hn rib rr .

He M rrufd -fa friy day." Mny j a g } ’ ond n-krd support o! th r 'flrp o

txol" nnd campftl;;n,"bLio gavi- n dit.ulrd rxjilanallon the ■■conununliy i>rr;.t)iulliy" p,

j n g gram Includim: pljintliig. clmiil ond brautllyui.- our c tly durhiK I

H R first two wrtks In .May, g S i J As a mrsns cf prr'an.-illzlng P r i ’W pert, .Mr, Moffat ;.UKi;r:tr<| ii • t . j r rncll hn:iir ounrr phiiit 11 lllai; bii

to crraU- a •Tllv nf Illnr.s." slatrd thnt ji!;Ui.n are belnK fumi

____ la trd Io h a \r fuur Cam p Fire «1. >. 'i db trlbu ir lil.irs in Uie pa.s-'rncc

------- on the Portland Uwc n t Mlnldoeach <!5V during lilac tln lr, •

Tlie nt:',t ndoptrd by t------- -- Chiuiibcr.oLCcauncTLiuio m tiu ; J l

pert Ihr fflmilly cllv, l.s "how nrlKhho:.'' Moffnt r.rplnlned Ui

' when a f,imll) mo\(S in to Uie coimunlty. Price iirar?, cltv clerk, up>

B p i flpp1Ir.s!l.:n hy the family for llgt r J nnd •A,iirr, would ni<Ufy Uip Chni

■ jm b rr Ilf Ccmnirir.', tiliortly aft l a s .Mrs. Gordon Ctoff, nv.lMunt nt t R n H chamber rocni*. uoiilri call on t.

womnn of the ho-;'p and iiitrc^du n g her tn ih r nierch.uit:; nroiiiid t: mss cliy .-quair. Till- m erchanis h iV------ ogrrKl to prr.'rnt Uii' Indy with\ wnnll Kt-jd mil Klft. In th r mi-ai I . , time thr .Mcietiry will nro lh a t ll \ mnn makes ccntnri with th e chtin \ of hb ch;ilce, Itxii-r.-, o r (ith rr 0

gnnl t-i'.Snu' In uhi, h he or olh • mrmbi-r;i of th f famllv n r r Intr

\ csto<l, Moffnt iK'Hilnl o u t Uint th . ' policy woultl nial;c nnvcnnuTS wr

conn- and r.-ialc a du;lrc fo r )>e ; m anrnt reslrtnirr,.

I Mrs, Don Dafnr, pre.-.ldrnt. rrrthe call to Hr.l (iLMrlct Fcdr.-ntc Women'^ cliil) convi-iiiion t« 6e liei

•; In RiiiH-rt May 10, 11 nnd 12 r<0 . - celved frnm .Mr.s, J. K G rahnr tj.-,.; Btnte pr.-.ltli-nl.S - ' , M^ Dafce nl:.o nnnouncrd Ull

th r Women’.' rluh was -•iptwsorhi thl- crlpiilrd children';, clinic hi-I Uial diiy mid a,''.:i-.l Mipjxirt frol club nirmb^r:. In makiiu: thl'. proj e rt u ;.ucrp-.v M.-;i, Ellon rnvp

vv re p o r t.d lrec ^ ro n i tlip clinic, ni; — —' nounclng CS'jisi'jriit-s hnd l>ern reglj ■R ' trre<l. She iirtyd conllnurd upon u ) .sorship of thh iJrnjfct, w hich Is on

of the most liiiiiyriaiit In th r count] PntlenU'. were riT btrrpd from Al Ijlon, Almo, U'Jrlfy, Declo. H eybun <Jakley. Pnul, nnd Rupert, she re

I ported.N’oble , ^ El'n'ire, prugrnm chair rt „ n . mnn. tnlroducr<l lict.-.y .May. wh V r- Plnyed two plaiin numbers, t in

roovemcni from Mo.-.irf.'. -aonaL No. Nine" mid • "..Soiig Wlthou Words," .Mendtl.v^ohn.

^ Ten wns served hv ho:,ti-.ie..., Mrf O’ .Joe Dolan. Mr.v D. L. Curlr.nn, Mrs

oulc- Dave D>;rlou. Mr-,. f5.ir,ih Mnrrl- .Mrr., G,'A, Scholcr and -Mrs, Goldli Pntil.

K-lcly ¥ ¥ ¥

:alow T h r e e L e c t u r e r s T a l k a t L e a g u e

Al Uie rcKUhr monlhly iinlt meet- m eet lng.s of Uie O lrh ' Ifain.'^' Tiicrdaj ;it of Dr. Joseph Marrhall prc-;,cntid hi;1. C , second tnlk U> the .senior clrL', tale- Unn,s of the Orient were reli>i.-d to thf ve n Junior glrLs by Mr,s. M yrtle S.ind-

In - holtr. and thr topllomore girls were i-ntert.itnrd liy I-. J, .Schrnyi-f, Journ.ilbm lr,sinictor. w ith r.torle.s

ving of Enghind,Orncc John-.on, pl.\yliig n violin

Icu i " ’'® heard by the Junior<bv. Sirls.„ rp . I t h.^s bern announced fh s l the lip.;,. Junior ulrl;. will present the nrxl

nll-league nifeting on April :’0,¥ ¥ ¥

F a r e w e l l s] CASTI-KroRD. April 7—T5iu.„uiy

evcnlni; .Mrs, E, H. Pcpi>er k.ivc a farewell parly for Sammy Yo.',lililo,

In t. w-ho lefl tha l n lgh l fo r Denver. u,,]p Colo,, where he will e n tr r a ir.sdc

' ,-<hi>ol to .Mudy refrlgerallon nnd nlr eonditloiilng. The honoree w.u. prc-

I t,f ,'ented with n rift frnm Ihc i;ui-i,<, iu|>- Castleford Loy WaldenI n f --------- -----------------------------— -----1 be _ • rary

' T h p r m n - r g g t i l n t f f

n- f o r u n i f o r t r v f u l l flthe

rch,Ihe ' '

D f W k f e r



1 h B S | ]

T I J I E S - K E W S T

f V. E. HawkI a n ^ J■ing brace Jo;1 Mof. ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

Chnm- * g i 8 S k *

T h u n - i l f t i v F M T t e t Y l i 1o n on

Hi- H B

■SBbIK: ^the

Ig Ru-

•' ^ “ue

c girls ;

nldoka yA ' -

ly the f ••, ,

S .S -, upon L ..,L£L-’«»Lk22£25.".j

MUS. v rill.V N E. HAM-K8

^.duce F a m i ly A t t e n d s V iv e B u r le y C o u p l e ' s ; | x G o l d e n W e d d i n c

DURLFTY. April 7 -M r, ond Mr'S •r or- .Sable crlebratrd Uielother goldrnttrdilii-.i; anjilversnr)’Wednr,-,

I 'tm ’;, nml M rr Ihrt Ntible. Dust Soutl - )>er- ,Mrcfl, Uurlry. wiUi a ll lhe lr chlldrei

■ri r i, PUtllupliir hc<2 re- clo;h, crnterrd w ith a tiered wed- iham. ding cal;i-.Ti-,d gnlil pcrnillte candle.i

nnd ban);rd by ilo ra l nrrniiKemc-nl.s o!^nc Oc'- 21. lO'O' , In UcninUIiil. UUvh. n . dnu^-hter ol from Lee, Mrunit- I” I5ounllliil, on,vp „ -■)■ 11: 7. 11 son of Jwe;>h

E.ite,-. and ;;) in a Mecham Noble. ' . He had Jiii-t celebrnled 'hLi aisi <pon- blrthdny, Mr, nnd Mrs, .S'obir wrrr s ono '"''f^rlrd .Mnrrh 31. 109R, In Ihe Snlt unty temple, nnd have' majlc

thrlr hnme In Durley for Ihe past bum, ytnrs.; re- Tlicy are the parent.s ot two tons

anti thrre dniinhterp. Mrs. Leonn hair- Groves, BrUlinm City, Utah; .Mrs. wlio ncrence B.v.-.nt. .Santa Monica, first Cnllf-: Mrs, Sylvia Lnke. nnd Gene

mala L. Nnblr. S.mta Ann. Calif., nnd •houl P'-fl N.:l;Ir, Hurley, Tliey hnvc 14

grandclilldrrn and five great grand- Mrs, chlltlrrn,Mrs. Olher gur-ti n t the crlcbrntlon r'rrls. Incluclrd thrre sisters of Mnt. Noble, oldlc Mrs. Mildred Tlitirgn-xl, Cl.-.irfleld

Utnh: Mrs. Luellle K drrdgr, Tn-ln Fall.-: Mrs. Marlp Hnnipton, Bountl- ful, Ulnh: aL't. .Mr, nnd .Mrs, U A. Hnnsen, Tnln Fnlbi; Mr, nnd Mrs.

. ... . Llewellyn, Drlghnm City; Clyde u e Lee. BounUful, U U h. nnd several i „ [ . srandchlldren,-tl;iy Ehiring Uie nftenioon, Mrs. MII-

hl.'. Tliurgood read a tribute lo Uie [„lr, lives of .Mr, nnd Mrs, Noble, and

fhe Ihrec .sisters .sant; lhelr favorite\nd-

’h,'!' "n 'l LeRoy Brandon, recent navy j rnli.lpe.-;. were honored n l a dltuier

lolln brew er. ^1

^ ^ e n v e idr>v ! FLOOR n n d WAlIdo, 3M A nniSO N WF.ST '

-sdc! A rm slronK 's Huhnlr

.re- A ri.stocrnt of F

d e n ,

i t f d r o a s te d

II f la v o r . ^


S T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O

t kes Marries orgenson, Utah

GOODING, April 7 -G ra ce Arler , * r \ Jo.Tie.-.'t)n, diUKtiter of Mr, ar

“ Mrs, Gilbert Jori;r;;.-,oii. Ephralr Vi.ih. w . m arrird to Verlyn 1 Hnwk.s. ."Oil of Mr, find Mrs, Clyc

B | ^ IlttwLv al the hnme of the bride |W M parents on E w ter tiandny. Ul.sha B t H Lc.-.lle M ad-rn - ix-rformcd tl:

double-ring oi'reino:iy,9 H Tlie bride wore an oflenioo

dre.v. of blue crei>e with navy ac P I f f l eev.orlrs nnd a rttr^.nge of whM

camailnns. As n tokrn of senilmer M M the bride wore a pendant belongln ■ ■fOT bndegrf>omA mother,...■^ Atirndlni? her M.-,ter wim Ev

Jorgniron who w icr w hite line with nh llr aier.v.orlr,'. and s corsng of pink nnd «h ite i-iirjintl.m.s, Snni

L • m l Hank;. Proio, rrrved as be!

B {)l Membrrs of the Immediate fnm * - llle.-i nttriuled llic wcridlnn. Includ

Ing .Mr, nnd Mr:., Clyde Hnwlis anairr r r r - : .n n * i \ r T - t- c~ Ran-aonii^ -■ Goodlr.g.• i:-. Tho bride Ls n gr,itlunte of Bno’

colleKe M i:;>hrnlni nnd a t the tlm of her marrlaije u.vs employed 1 Proio. Tlie brldet;rwini w-ils grndu

_ _ _ Bled from Oooiliiit: iukIi f<-hool. H spent twn nnd oi;?-hnlf years I Ihc army, ^erMng iti l.n:;land a par of tha t time, lloth an- now rnrolle

/ a l Brlghnm Voutii- university. The ' S will be nl home lu 'trr n brief honey

i n o A ncddlng dinner wn.% r.er\cd t the brldnl parly^olIawinK Uie ccre

' mony, A shower for the brlde-elec ineir ^]vt„ Kphriilm p.-loi-.lo Ui

dne,-,- ncddlng w ith nbout lio frtcntLs pres f Mr, cm.South During Ihc pa.-.t week a showe Idren t'onorlng the new-ly marrleil coupl

was given nt the Wllllnm Krahi home Rl Gowllng with about 5

v rrrd friends and rclntlvrs nttendlns l.ice .Mi/sIc ami r.ime.-i con-

,;-pj. ducted by'.M rs, J , V. llumgnnter idle.s !*'« group.ifnl.s! A ihrec-tlered wedding cake jQ-O iMked by the brldet;ri>oniV. grnnd-

’ liioUitr, .Mrs. E, G. Raniloljth. toppec rr of (.,,,1 „ niiiiiature bride nnd brlde-

• K-rixjni, w;is <-ut by tlie couitle am;'■'■‘•'•'••‘Id ■'■'<! coffee.s ; * * . *

R i c h f i e l d C l u b S i H a s G a t h e r i n gPnst RICHFIELD, April 7 - T h c Buniia

club mel nt the home of .Mrs, V. E, tons Perron with Mrs. Ed Appel, Mrs. eonn Tlieo Ollleu nnd Mrs, Merl Boren- .Mrs. son ns a.wIMnnt hosles;,es, nlcn, T\vcnty-three members were pres- .■ene tn i with. Mr. . Hnl Ro,-..-<. sr„ new "^'1 prer.ident, pre^ldlnK nl Ihe meeting,

‘ 4 -nir club vulfxl to donate 50 ccni.i ^nd- p ,r member lo Uie munlt:lpal park

(und,'lion .Mrs. Wllllnm Drown, a deparjlng oble. member, w.i.n prercntrd w ith n gift, leld. .Mrs, Tlieo Ollleu. club progr.im dl- rn lii rector, prrsenletl n program of con- in tl- lest games nnd nn Instrum ental duct ‘ A . by Faye Deeds nn<l ..Melba Ollleu, Mrs. pri..^., »ere awarded lo Mrs. H. A, ■lyde fjR-inney, .Mrs, C, O, Chatflcld, Mrs.

Paul Akins, Mr,v U, O, Dell and C. L. lihirmer.

Ml!- —------------------------------------------------Uie f


___ Mall Orders Cheerfully Filled

mvy K N IT -N -S T IT C H S H O l 'I ’EI :U Shoihona East rhonstT C g-

e i I A c .WALI, C O V I -R IN ( ;s

rilO N K 501-J

R u b b e r Tile . . . The

f Floo r C o v c rin R s.

H i t t s ' .


T |fS *

M a r r ie d

i h 9 9 9 H |

Arleneand -J

hralm ,E. CmClyde B f

brlde'a I f131.shop V ^ D i

th e ■ H

■moon f H■y ac- 'whiio I ■

tim ent L ' - - 9engine ' i ■ f l

I '/ l lI Eva ; \ \\linen '


' I I

iiciud- r a '’ n' , ' . J.s and til U ; T « 3 w i3onih ; 'T '!

8 nowtime

Itiirndu- . . . :'J mirs in . . . . ; .a p a rt (trolledThey . ‘' I H H

loney- j

' I - i ' . ' S . - *-elect

pres- 0 9 H n £ = i» M E i3 H s J M H H H.MUS. JACIC TIIOSII-HON

hower (.Mrlnen photo.slaff enrravlnj) rouplo ¥_. ¥ ^_¥ _¥

£ } « E m e r s o n G ir l Is T h o m p s o n B r id t

■ HURLKy, April 7 -M r. nnd Mr eakr Emcr.wn, have arrand ’ ' ' ‘f marriage of Uie-.nr-rt daughter. Lois, to Jack Tliocnii-^oi S -son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm Tliocni - ami ceremony loo

place Saturday evening. March 2' n t Uir MethodLU pnr.sonngr In But ley. with th r Hc-v, Don I, Smlt reading the jlnsle-rlng cercmony.'

For her wedding, the bride chos A long while sheer gown, fa.shlone

' * y wllh n lace bodice, Bhe wore a knee uniui length veil of lace-trlnuned bride' V. E, illusion, and her corsage wai of re- Mrs. roses. She waa atltended by her sis

sren- ter, Shirley,Following Ute cere.mony, a recep

pres- Uon w-n.s held a l the Sjieer ha-n new lor 22 reJailves nnd frlends.^Tll

•ting, .


gift. O 'k p a p e r HANGING1 dl- I ' Jcon- ALTERATIONS

>“'»■ 5 ' t >' “' “ “P'"-"-'"Mrs DECORATIONS

"Alt Worfc G uaronttfed“------ IMPERIAL WALLPAPERS


----- -------- ----------------’ETca-

S m = M

w m

‘ M s■*

I X ^ M' i n y o u r f o v o r i t e f

W ofdrobo b o jics. . . goo« corry on during every ho jhopping lo lu ncheon ...! price to pleojo yot;r budg

l!!uslroi«d..lin e .w id o c ia p la th e d o i

C a s t l e f o r d P a i r

j j | H W e d i n N e v a d cCA5TL£FOIU>. AprU 7 -M r. aa

M rt. H o m rd Darrow, CuUeforx hBT« announced th t marrlace c ihe tr daughter, Norma, to Jam es V Cook, aon of Mr and Mra. M. M Cook. CaaUetord, a t a ceiemony p«i formed a t n k o . Nct^ Eaturdaj M arch 37.

Both yoimg pcopis a r t iradua tt of the CasUeford ichooU and at tended Idaho S tate coUese and Col

S H versliy of Washington. M rt. Coo m !s teaching tho seventh grade t

Uio CasUeford schools, and her hui v H band b familng wllh his parent . ! ■ southwent of CasUeford.- t S Mr. and Mrs, Darrow en terta ln t I B Sunday In honor of th» joun \ m people.

> J * ¥ ¥

'ijtm ■ F i r e S h o w e rPAUL. April 7 -A tlr« shower wa

held Thur.\day evening In th aH B Grungo hah fur Mr. and Mrx Ralpl S a |H Dr}-;on and baby who recenUy los

thrtr* b<-longinas whrn Uielr homi was destroyed by fire.

■ ■ f l T he program for the event o!tere< Mr. und .Mrs. Rny Sanford In .tv i

■ ■ vocal numbers accompanltd by M n Ray Clnrk and games directed to

^ ^ f l Mrs, KclUi Brown and Esther RuschRefre.shmenlA were aerred a t th<

close of the evening by M n, Brown ■ ■ E 'lh er nu .vh , .Mrs. .Mnrle McGregor ■ n Mrs. Ed Athlon and Mrs. Albli


serving tnblo was centered with 1 five .t ie r e d we<ldlns cake. Quest present were Mr. and Mrs, WlUlan

M M Tltoiv^ii^on ond daughter, and Ml nnd .Mr.-;. Glenn Draper and bal^

7 all of Uurlry: Mr. nnd .Mrs. Normar *' B,illcy and family. Heybum: M rt

Laura .-jiwr. Pamia, grandtnotho ot the bride, nnd Mr. and Mrs. E. J

S Bllncoe.J T he couple will make lhelr bomi

l O e a t Emer;>on, and Uie bride p lant U .1 Mrs. cctnpleto her senior year a t Hejburr e an- school. .Mr. and MrSy-Speei

enterta ined a t a shower and partj „li..on. honoring the couple prior to theli hocnp- ninrrlagr. and Arlene Handy wai

look I 'w tf.'j n l a miscellaneous ahower. ch 30, ---------------------------------------------------

I: GRIFFINS c - S E L F -P O L IS H IN Olirlde's. ; ; j ; L I Q U I D W A X

r> guiclTbqd easy sITtnes

lU Q t. uoira • TU . n n .

i 1* **”“* 5• M lfo ii c re p M 1

\ • royOB breoddoths |

f r l ‘ glttBboM I< / *

■ JT

' 4

— > -o \ \

Ae f a b r i c s !

good cosuols designed ro / hour of iho d a y ., .f ro m 1. . . from offico fo d a t a . . .

le d .. .d e e p co llared neck* do circle skirt, la rg e flower*)d on Dunlyn Spun. 12»*


Page 12: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«

Cold Wind Area Fray:

T »ln F«ll5, Hanicn. RlcJlflrlrt ant; Tue&tlay In njii:? of cold wriiififr tl a f l t r five Innlinr'- Wlml lye.imr t« nines In snm rs a l ’I 'ttln Fulb and ]l

Scores in the four baseball kurim •ea 6. M r n 3: RlrhflrM fl, Carer 3. *nd H atelton 17. CwUrford 3,

•[ T «ln ra ils KCl olf to a flyliiRll « u n In ilif f ir jt liiniiii: blaiiKliu- [: aoodUiK 3-0. KcorliiK by l!ir Ccuile- r ford boyj wsn lir;<l 1>/ Itir .■ir.Kl'-

; h li ptlehliiB of Flnti « lio ttna-h oul i' Ilx men nnil fillourd r.o b irra on

baJIi.lloyle pilcliliiK f t r Cn.ilrfdrd

• un lc k oul four \uill;ctl klike number and k;uc 11 lilir.

Howard. Tviln rn lls second sack- «r, commuted Uie only crn>r for tlie liosl team, while rlitlil errora *ere m.-irked up fiRaln.-l Ocio<Il!ii5- Rrrors were m ule hy Kiniiiiy 4. .Mlclilles- wortli 5, Kociili: mill Rouen.

. - T»lii F-IU lilt: liinliiK v j j itio third ».lien llie Imme p b to w is crossed elulil tlirifi by Driilri plny-

Hunl cciUrrHelrirr for Cnrry In th r lr i;iiliio Wllli RlrhfleUl. luiockrd o u l llir only cirnill clout ol lliu rnroiinter. Ha.’.n uteallnK wn.i ciiin- mon (lurlnK tli# Fame \vllh U'lM. IJnnn nml Siocktnt: rnenhlns n sack rncli for Ciirey nnd Coates, Pale, ITIcliiicrr and Tljirr nrcom- plL-dilrn t>. ^lInlh^ {r;il fur Rlcll- flrUl.

Cnrry «a.'. nllcjwcd four hll.* Ui 30 hBismen, rerrm i, rrr<liie<l bs llie Tklnnlne p ir r li 'r . rnve up all four h u t enly l«o nmn were ;.eored In th e four lnlllnK^ Ilr was o:i the iiioumi. No baii'-r.-. were ualkrtl by Perron. 0avL^ lo'.liiK plifher fnr Cnrey. u a ltc d «bt tnn i In l« o in- ntnB« »nd allowed five run«.

Each tts jn mad* threo errors.Spain. Jlnnsen pltfher, nrrom-

pJl.'hf£) * plichlnff feat w hni hrfanned ou t 10 of 28 ballern thnt fnrert him. Price, plirliiiiK for r^l-'n. fttfO »Uuclc o u t 10. H r pliched to a«. Spain Rivp up six hlla.

Miller, Hansen c skher. mole the only b m In ihe gamr when he ] aneaked horn* after hlitlnK a doubl". , OtJier doublc-1 werr h it by Utier of j H ansm and K rohn of Erirn.

Tho Cnstlefonl t/-nm wnn ililfted MVfml llm et try lns to ge l a p itclirr ,from one of the e ther elKht pofitlons ,to stop H areltmi. bul lo.n the ( flme ^17 to J. f

Stlnnet. H aielion pitcher, got ttjur ,h its , one of them a four-bniiscr. . In bU Umcs a l bat. He score^l f<n;r time* and knocked In two other r\m- nera wllh h li home run,

DoualBs. f irst ba-ifmnn for Him- ,aen. who took over the mmmtl dutiesfrotn S tlnnfl n f u r five Jnnlns", hit a ihrte base ball #ntl .icorecl t*o ^

nox sioK cs "TWIN fAMJI M.^nOOniNQ ^ n

1 liiiL* Tf 1 2 U 2 C 0 K

T O l;'., I ! J E " V, ; J ; '

S V ' j ' l ’ j "T«*u :e 'u HI T -uii i : i j c

r*il» --------------------~ r«* *0—*l

R ia in r t .n »” rA nrv i j}i*''t'3S J 1 1 " II F"

2 I « i>I?, e : 1 CItU, rl • " ili " i u

river i j ? ?r'm.B p : 1 O’iv^jj I- J ___ k'

Toul. 1» I «( TfUU in I 4 Blfhfltld --------------------------- 1”

nA7.ri.Tns- jt, i-ASTi.itrouti a

liw -“ J» « ‘ J I'lA'ni'.u' ' Dlp” " ..* IS * ; I If < n ; crn Tii'-nji- p * " " 9

ShtM ii'If 1 i I'firiKi f' I e 0 Ol nUmaend.

ToUU « IT jsl Trul. II I • R,Vti*Urn ----------- -------- 1:« fif.: «—17

... ........ ,n,HANsi:s' *. »:nr.s s U-;

I'*",*"', r"; 'llir . «<•in ’ tf , < I m ; I)*»u « « <1 : U'

t , t jiKtASr, iv. I « ; In

Somtrrillt, I lll.-ll. irn S O Ov:L. . „ ; ;IturU • 1 0 CjllKIt r t ^ > 0 0 '

Cultural Value of s Boxing Probed S

MADIBON. Wls.. April 7 ( ,F ^T lie r;.' cultu ral value, nmnnx other ihlnRs. ” i of a procram which ha.n nw dr the .n . Unlvcrrlty o f WL*con*in ki.ng pin In In tfm allonal boxing waa under scrutiny TvewJay.

T ho university faculty askrd for a. broad »unry . Athletic drporttnen l officials said they'd be glad to coin- t!" ply. iioi

•'We at W l.w n;.ln wnnl to be Uie f i r s t to know if tho tpo ri Li dct- rlm entaJ or not." drclared AUiletlc D irector narrj- Sluhldrcher. r

L as t week-end WliConsln boxers lop dominated Uie N ational Collefilntc e c: imoelatlon toum ftm fnt. Pour m en cor won Jndltlduftl chnmplonshlpt. tag

r T o r s i r ii IDEAL FOR WAI ! SIZES FROM 10 TOe (Falrbanki.n

I I n t e r m o u n t a i n !, C o m p a{ 'l 8 0 6 K if f lb e r l r R o n d

g\xx3c»^CTagcgO Q aa3ct^^

/ _________________


d s H a l t T w O j

a t F i f t h Iand Hiiielton nines chalked up Mctrrle?'

er th a t r.iu.'rd U o of the gume.'' lo eiul le t<>7 cold far the pluyers a fte r five In-1 :d Hali.-en. I lies se re Twill m il l H, Ooorttiig 1; H,in- 7 3. _______________________________ _

« Golf Pro

l:r‘l j 9 ~ “V

t - f ; lid. ‘V . / 7 \ 0

i30 z n a : n i io w N is r , n

„ ,r . . . « l m Kill lake oier ailur rrorei>li>ual a l th r T n ln K.>lt« aIn miinlrlp.il jo lf rourse la lr In May. I

;he iS liff e<.traUnrl n

fnr ¥ ¥ ¥ » ,,

" N e w G o l f P r o :

D u e H e r e

L a t e i l l M a y !J'*" • Zeke Uroa-nlng. PhoenlT, A rlr. |{ 'I! hired hv Uie elty of Ta-ln Fsll*.‘"j will nrrlM- here lalr In Mny. F M. "

HUkry. rlty pnrk» drpartm enl li-arl ,'nld K;iturilny.^„, . .— .

' 'I Brt>untriff bffci.li l i i* j ;n ir i i i^ ir 'e r aA a cadrty at the m ilinK lW l'iH , ^ Oolf »ntl co im irr club In 10.13. AfteV sevrral yfar.'i nf working on vnrloii.iy golf cour.'e.-;. Iiiclurtlnc Ynklm;i. ,, WiuJi,. nnd Fte.\no, Cnllf.. Iip r r- ' tiinirrt in tlllllntr.n n,i n iirolr-'lniinl. ■’

f He remained at IlllllnK.i Ji'r one ’ ■ year, lenvlng there when the golf p,

club was sold, HI.' profeMlonnl golf- ju Ing experience Inrlude.i tours In f,

,, Florida and Colorndn.In 10«, Uroftnliig, llieii nl Cirnnil

Juncllon. Colo, uent into llu-service O and for iwo years was In cliarne O of the Fl. Warren golf course. He r

]> nrKftnlied two (,-olf tenma Uiat aon |< J sectional chftlnI)ll>n'hlp^ and In- ^

cludeil low indlvldiml nnia ln ir coif C0 fur a seven stair renlon.1 He was nl .Sun Vnlley during lfi47n golfing .leaaoii nnd Iim been work- bn e Ing Al the Kncanlo golf course. Id J Phoenix, this wliuer. bv

He la nol exivcted to tnke over as i pro nt the muiilciiinl ouir.T until xi' late in May or early In June, .-oi

i Seals Unbeaten , In Coast League S" HOLLYWOOD, A|.rll T i-V, - San

Fl-anrlvn'.i Seal' ilunuad the Hoi- n lywnod Star.n * to ,iiid rcinalii<-d , ' llir only unlwiitfii trnni tn Ihe Pa- , clflc Cnast league, Jnrk nrew»r hrlt! '. , I the Stnns well In h.iiid until Ihe .® !>th. Short.-.toii J.ick Nicfly ol Ilie ,.„j

.Seals honirrcd In the IlIili and j.lii- Kleci home another lun in the .'cv*

1 enth. t—

'! ANCKt-S n o w .v OAKS a OAKLAND. Ci.llI, April 7 i.r. - - '' Behind the maMerful n iir-liii pitch-I Ing of Jim iRe<l) I.ynn the L<\s An- i 'l ; grlp.s AliKels hhiiked the O akland •''' " Oak.\ a to 0. In a T,u-lflc Co,i.-'l ,,

league ba.Tball g:imr Tlie:,clay :n

0 Ot‘ u'‘r,7*‘“ .:.'. ; o'-fl PPo-o i 0 k 'L>ni> >r>4 U4lo«i; D. )li>« .nd Ull- 1»

1 moBdt. ______ EI RAINIERS TRIP SOLONfl ii:■ SACRAMENTO, April 7 ./F)—Dick 1“

.B arren won his :ooih P,iclflc Co:isl li-;iKUr Victory hrrc Tur.'.diiy by d r- d :

' featlng the Siicraiiieiito Soloiis for : Uie SeatUe nalnlers <-3 In the l l l h : Inning. }i>.

; BEAVERS BEAT P A nR tS iaI SAN DIEGO. Calif. April 7 (/Fr- • Staving off a tiliith inning rally by fj'’,'' I Sun Dleso, Ihe Poilland Beavers de- ii\; : fc,itrd the Piulres 4 tn 3, l;i a P.icl-

fic CoaM league gnmeTueMlay. Har- vey .Storey and Fenton Mole ho- mered for PorUanil. Tlie victory Uir p u t the Deaver.i In second plac# In l“ ; the league slandliigt,

STANiTiNT.S It" • n ,

5»n rr«!ir|»f(i___ . . .1 fl l.no.1 _ ye«i

E | S ' ‘Z E E H ! ! ?

Probably the proudest buck an te­lope on L o 't river Is the one lha l e c.•lI)<■d frucn ii game deiiartm cnt corral thU spring aftor a numbered tag was fastened lo lla ear.

T I T m T s I

^ A S T E W A T E R f r o 2 0 0 I N C H E S Sks-Mofw) f p

i n E q u i m e n t i I ? a n y | |

T w in Fn lif l 0 H


i:p Siwrt W riur ! NEW YORK, April 7 — Baw bsll . U going to havo lu own Doeion l«a

orle?'party rome October and you can e iu liiU r thal loclay from Fcarlerji

: in-1 Fralpy, Uic blliihl of Back bay, a s heI picks the Dravfs ond Uie Red Sox

r!,in- lo Intel In the world wrlck.___ All tliLi probably will make Billy

,Souiliuarih and Joe McCarthy. Uie rr-i>eethe managers, very unhappy. IJcc.iiL'r 1 have put the kL« of death

. J , on so mnny ptoplc Ihnt In some

3 Jerome Cai i Event’ Not.^ 1 JKRO.MF, April 7 -M a ln bouL of ll ■ u f occur In the ring. It was u frec-for- W moiers. two local boxers and th e rrfe Q l FollHwliig the main rvenl of the

l-wln Knil', lo:l a-clorely ^ J-'rniikit Hlanger. M nnin’s nian- ■ J sger. prote.ited the fight to re- ^ /eree John Jennings T»-ln FalLi.

I l I* reported th a t JennliiKs l-.ld .SlaiigiT he was riding him and u licn .Hlaiuirr denied 11, JeniilliKs tixik a .•.wllli; ill him, kn<>fklng him oul of the rlnc.

Ac.orclliig lo the re|>url. M artin took a uttiiig nl Jennings a.i Ktuiiger

rlliniuiig hack Inio the ring. Kil- cox then juini>e<l on .Slander a.-, hr

riucrlliK the rliij; and In n-<ew nilnuir.' the fight wiu-. broken up.

a i HoKrvcr, It wa* rejKirt'-d fiUiliger .lt« and Jennings went at. ll again nnd »y. mil Moran, T »ln Falls. Kilrox's

niananer, stepjied Into Ihe fracas, ArLortllng lo Ih r rejxirt, Mor.in

Iilrkrii up a pair of ;.cl.” or.'i and to<iK a ru t a t Btnnger bul mL-.'cd.II was reported iba i he la ter mixed u lth Marlin and Jibbed him three ilnie.i In the stomach wlUi the .icti-

jVromr cltv police Brtlv«il nnd i|Ui''ti-d the 'Txtra bout."

Mnrlln ».-a« nished to n clix'tor nhi-re lliree slltche.i were tnkrn on

.. Uie eiiis. Martin's mnnnger reported thal the cuts were on the surface snd tliat MarUn wa.i nol serloii.'ly

" slan .v r ^aUI Wcdn.-Mlay nm nilng ' llml lie "was goUlg to write th r ,Mateboxing camTiils.'Ioiier'ln nn. a ttem p t 'to get Moran's am ateur boxing 11- ;

\ ern.v lu.'pended. " ; ’' ‘•’1 "Any mnn who win pull a weapon,

^llolIld mil be nlltiw-M u. uo ik w llh ] joiing kl[M," Ktangrr said.

Results of iMe o lh rr IlKhl.' w re ;Bllrox won a d«-l,slon ovrr M artin, 1

Don Jewell, Jerome, defeated B a n i- ,liini.'e. Buhl, and Russell H nni.'F tt ln >Falls, defeated Piiddy. Twin Falla. *

Sponsor Sought ™ For Twin Falls i

SCI League Team'' « A j-iwiisor Is needed for « ba.-.e- " k- bull tnun In the South Centrnl se. Idaho league. Lliin Capp'. and Bob *

Bhmnway. »ald Wednefday. ‘as Capp< and Phuniway handle<l the til Tivln Fall-, tram , under Ihc spoil- [

.■or.'hlji ot 111.- Cowboy.s, liL-.t year ' nnd announcc<! tluil thev would no l have time to do ll ugnln Uils year. '

An crganliatlon meeMng of Uie ' RCI league will he held a t i p.m. Humlay In Jertmie and 11 will be nice.ss.iry for ;.n;nrone to ^pon.^or n tc.im If Twin FaILN wL.hr.', lo be In the |r,.gue nualii Itils year.

' ' ' nmli Cupps niKt Sliumwny rx- ‘‘I pre.vrd a wllllngiieM to eooi)rraie

^-lili a nr.* siyn.^r nnd aid them 111 ,srciirlng players. Capps can hr cwilJictul n t Ihr Mountain S t.ilc

I ' Iniplrnient comp.inv.

; Bowling Scores

'■ 'J '.'.ir.'i. r.VI- I'l, IJ>-»ti;">ir^.,,.;.i ’i j ^ 'z i i . ;» .i-

Elk.1 l’l.r4k»p U. M, C.rlt«i (

Kl■■ ■ sh l i t . .V T 1 s

0 “

_ . fcy m"* j

. v:*, vu :;;r. .'1

Idaho fishing llcen.ses for 1018 a rc p required on and after April I. Lnst

ye«r mnre Hisn MO.OOO fl.ih nnd ’ game licenses of all klnd.1 were pu r-





; SIDINGJ ! LowMt r r J « i In r * i t t f \ 8 n U l O cfcn Vea Bn?»

■j||||a|gM I

1 ........ i------------------------ - '* . I"■J'-TT — ____u - ^ . —

_________________L ______________

" t e a p a rfjuiiriafs they refiT to me a j 0:.cul. atlng Oicsr.

<bsll As a baseball boU weevil Old 1 lea Pc.TrlcrJ 1; partloilarly rffecUvt.

can Whirli uiidir.iljtrdly will liiukr me a.-. .rlcfJi welrome up C:i:nbrldge way as a 14 he Yule m,vn or a Drill-h iwcenl.

Sox Uul after a lour of the 1-lorldn training rainii.*- I have to give It lo

Billy you stralHlii. Ii'» a JOO per cent on , Uie tlie level product cf a poll of bat ippy. bovs. fore an ii'd p llchfrf. dog irark caUi rubblU, Jil ub l ma.'.scurs and golf lotnc pros. And thry know a^ much a.?

ird’s ‘Main )t in Ringof Ihe Jernme amateur flghl card did not -for-all among ino 'IVin Falla fight pro- } rrferce.the boxing card. In -Alilch Paul .Martin.

r';twt-lli!)il-lo-Ui>l>bj‘-'Sllc«X;«-Twln-Hft*L', ^ if. ^

] 1 Bouts Set"J On SaturdayS Legion Card- I'-- Kleveii tictits in tin- Twin K,ill-.

Amrrlenn ly ri"n 's nmnteiir c:ird ’ .S;.tur(l,iy ntnht liavp been s r l and n

U’th Is e»pe<trd. Promoter Frankie “ tip Stniiger snld Wedn'-.vlay,

Pnul "Priijx-r' MarUn. lightweight ■' Irom Ihe Slanurr !.!ablc;s I.s wlird-

Hied to lUhl .Sianley Noblr. AAU elianip, {’otati'llo, the m ain event,

'xrii Mnrlln may not.he uble to Jlglit, irre however, n.s he was Injured In the r t j . stomach In nn unmatched fight fol­

lowing a card nt Jerome. TUe.'day »nd night, tit.inger .'.aid, howrvrr, hf

tli<nii.;hl Martin ;\uuld bi- ready K.H- ■lor urd;i>-.on Seint.fliial rw n l will ^ee Ja;-k

IC'I PoLson. anuUirr Pocatrllo AAU . nee Ca.stleford IlKhter boxing fnr the l-'‘y Billil A. C. Until flFthlera Up the .

,-.cnles a l H'i.OlluT riTiils .vlitylulcd will pair

‘ , I3on.ltarnliou:,£..T-j.-la , F a lb . wlUi T Don Je-*ell. Jerome. In the 100-

ixnind elm's; R;iy Kerr. Twin FallJ. ' w ith OL-.ufi. O t-dlng, In th'e US- '

l(lj pound cla.Mi Ray Lanson, Pocatello, , -.vlth Don Ciiiiltcr, Gooding. In Ihc ■ i:il-i)ound fti?..; J;ii.'l; Carl'T , Poi-.i- trllo, wllh Uirry Gile:.. Jrronn '. nl ; Kl.'i; Hnney I’cck. Pocatello. witJi

i-l„ Roek Oaniey, T^'In Fnlb, o t I'.’B; I Chuck Chinii), rocalello, wllh Rils. .sell Ham, Twin Fall.i, nt n .l, and . Howe, Pixalello, wllh Albert Kaillh, I Ooodliig, al 100. 1

As yel imiiani«l PcK'ntello fiich:- ' ers will be matclic'd with Don Pal- ‘ ter.vin. Gooding, UB. nnd Don Rit- llngliou'e, T Jln Falb . 133. ,

TU-kel;. Io llie card nrc no-* on <;,ale in M-\erariM,ln Falb lni.sllU"‘r.s, ,Re.scrve ;.<'nl tukel.v can bi- luid fur „ $3.25 n t Trolliiger Drug nnd gcnrrnliidmt.'.slon tlrkrt* nre being sold a t

J , . Dell's, the Brunswick, Snoivball'.^nnd The Sporter for J13.V Prnceed.s bwill go to fill a deficit In the Amer- >lean I.'-;!loii fiind.s. liinirred during “the Golden Olovc.s lournameni.s In "

J ,; F rbniary. - j,

; Sports’ScheduIe ''FRIIIAVtiaseliall ,

;■ T.I in F,ilLs Cowtxiv.s at .Sl-rk-ton iCallt. Hiale legnu' i .j.

'. Gootlliig ut Jerome it<-nt i. n" Castleford at Fllrr. j,' Kimberly a t CiLstliiord.

Murtnugh a l H niren. i cHar.e|[on Bl HollL.-,ler.

TrackSouth fide cla-s.' A meer. Buhl

Sl'NlIAY C.«;iieet and Trap .><hoiil

Maxic Valley ATA al liv Snake h River Gun rlub trap Krouiidi.. V

Twin Falls Cowbo>.s \s. Hen's fi' Golden Glow a t Bovev springs, hi Cnllf. b:

V: Castleford Gun i! » Club to Have t

Weekly Shoot -— Beginning Sunday.-or a week frn«n ,j. "• Sunday If It IniiTli'ri.s «i!h the ...

1 Magic Valley ATA .*h.^i n lM lie _ 10, Snake River Gun club, the Castle- **

ford Gun club will hold a shix)t «t ' ' the ir new- location.

Shoots T\lll be coi-.ducted cverj- I *■ Kuiulny afternoon a t ihc nun club

Im p range nnr mile en.-.; and four ,. and one-half m llfi north ot Castle- n. ford. I

Members of the club have extend- ed a welcome to nil Magic Valley *“ .'hiHiiers to come out anil try the new range and partlcipale in the _ shool;-

Ncglectlng having your car's ra ­diator cleaned a t iea.st annually can IjTlng about utmost engine injury. Wo rcmpre scale, sedl- m rn t. m sl with sptclal equip- I m enu "flu.*h," For ‘nil m d llto r work rec Uie profes­sional shop.

Complelc Stock of - /


T I M E S - N E W S T W :

i T Y ^ P R E D l:ul- the rrj.1 nf Ih r eiprrl.*.

With the season an appropr.ale IOld 12 day» away, ihe nortensus of Ive. Frarle<j Fraley’a foircasl comes oul j• a.-, this wav: ]5 a National league American league '

1. Bo.-ton ■ Bor.lon•Ida 2. Brockjn Nc*’ York. lo 3, .'il, L*uL' Detroit ]on i. New Ycrk CleveUnd

bat i . Plll.sb.ifsh Philadelphiaark C. CliK-liU'.atl W».shlngtonTolf 7, ChUaKu ■ Chicago (

M S. Phlladr'pJiU St. Lout-.

A th le tics L o se G ear, T h e n i T il t to Y a n k s

ro.’ •‘>'r PFTERaBURO, Fla., April 7 Ii.V.-'l1ie Phlludcliililik Athlcllv^ i

;lii. played the Sew Vork Yunkcrs lu un j a->, «jUilLlW>iii .ba*4.uai-.g«mr -Tuew lnTf'

«li!lr ttearing .shoen and stoeklngi . belniiging to th rlr foes.

Thieve.s look approilmalely jr.OOO itn eq ilT.mri.l from Ihe A '. Iw-ker Jn».m Ix-t nisht.

The Yaliltcr.i won, 3-:, '

PHH.S Bl'NC II IllTK, WIN,|].. CI.KARWA1TJI, Fla., April 7 .1'. ,iirn - n i - PhlUiclelphla Phlllle.i bunched ., n .rvi-ii Id their 10 hU.-, In two In- ;

nhigr. for fix runs to defeat tlie ;To.'onin M.iplr‘ U »fs 7.-2 In nn rx- , hibltton g.ime Tuerday.

\ u I'MVM “ I

he RKDS SltAllE FARM NINK ,, ■,1- PLAN-T CITY. Fla., April 7 l,V— g ay Tlie Clncliumtl Reds exploded fortv ;l.\ nin% in the r.lxlli Inning Tuesday *;l- lo 'h iu lr Ihelr .SyraciL^ farm hands.

6-.V before ::s fan.i.,.k: n H i-

i • ■ s

,lr SOI.O.NS JIKAT NKWARKnUI.ANIX), KIa„ April 7 t-V ,-

0 . W..'hitigton defealed Newark 13-0 ' ' Ij III a wild fimo marred by 17 bw es ^

nn balLs nnd S errors h rre Tuesday.

Ul --------«; DOnr.KRfi GAIN lOTH . ■>.s. OKLAHOMA C m ', April 7 i..V— 1 Id Joe Hatten ojid Rookie John H.ill “ h, Iliiilled the Oklahoma City Indlan.s

Ilf Ihe Texa.s Irngue to ^eveIl .seal- . . irrrd hlt.i Tliesdny iis the Brooklvn ^1, Dodger!, scored Ihelr :o th stra igh t U

exhibition victory, 8 lo 1,11 )i I. ro

‘'VlVlV.",’,* Il'.’i’l '.ml'l'il'.lj'™’

a r.iANTS n n o p indI a n s ofTUCSON. A rlt, April 7 i^*»-Bob- 8 '

I..; by Rhawn’s three-run liomer In the. ll lh Inning gave the Nork Vork G I- [J;

anLs a 5-2 exlilhliloii giime vlctoQ-n ovrr Clevflniid here Tuesday, ^

w J .

n itou 'N S iia m Kik u r r n sAU.ST1N. Tex., April 7 i-V .-pete

I.iyden, n (ninlll.ir llgure to .Au.stiii football fanv sa irk k d a l bn.-ebaJl •nie.-day. ilrtvlns tn.four nin> ns Ih r .“it. I/iuls Hro-*ns defealed the Chl- ciigo Cubs 6 to 2,

w!'wJT' Mrrs’ nJ.

CIUSOX TRIP ni'CS JUARF7,, Mrx . April 7 i-V .-F ifth- j

Inning home;,s bv Oerry Scala und I While , boo-.tfd the Chicago W hite I fiox to a 7-5 decision over the Plll.i- I burgh P lra t« In an exhibition base- 1 ball game here Tuesday. I

TIGEB8 LOSE BIR.\riNOKA.M. Ala.. April T (/P)

-D e tro it Tigers Pitcher Virgil Trucks rclume<l to his home town

' Tuesday but didn't enjoy himself I very much as the Ulrmlngham club

Eleclrle Motor; R EPA IR

■ H O DD ER-SM mi

PkiK* IHM ()• Miln At*. N.

COOP SERVICEC h r y s l e r C o r p o r a t i o n

M o P a r P a r t sFO K




1 1.1.1 Third Arc. North

'W IN F A L IiS , ID A H O

)ICTED FOTrtking the American leajue f ln t.

ale let's look them over: ;of Borton-M cCarthy h u plenty ef

5Ui pu jh bultcru and his Index finger Is going to gel a terrific workout, :

;ue T lir s lu f l'i there, Buster,ion New York —Pitching whoas. ;jrk D eiroil-G ood pilch, no h it, nooit pennJjil.nd Cleveland-A darkhorse. 1:ila Phlladelp.hla-A blackhonf.on W o-shingion-In ihe D istrict of 1igo Colunjblaul'. Chicago—In a tough race, for last. I

Hagerman 1 Try Out Wi

AQUA CALICNTE, Calif.. April 7 i 7 Le.icli, tall nnd rangy outfield prospect

Iv Ihls iilternoon with hh fnlher, F rtd 1

irrr-Y otinri-i-ticnrw ht-loA c'fs'O ^eTi'.'s ':!B. ----- ^ -------------------------- ,

er B o s t o n A A U :

• T o u r n e y W o n :

B y C h a m j ) i o n s ,BOSTON, April 7 i,Ti — n ie Iwo ’

(Iflrndliii; rhiunptyni In Uie CQUi ’ National AAU Hoxlng Chumplon- *' .ship lourniimenl >ailed through *■ their iniU;.! sUrt.i Tiie.-diiy n l Bos- ton garden. I

, l^i.st sear'a 135-pound winner.<j Johnny O oit alves, O.skland. Calif., '' ouliw lnlrd Jiiinrs Perry, Honolulu.

'■ over the full ihree-rcund dLstante. ’ The (uily 18« Califomlaii victor

lo return. Light Heavyweight G ninl ' ~ Buicher, San Fmnclsco, had a rug- ,|

ged oa.vagc into the nuarier-flnaM nt the rji>en>e of FYiiiik McClennon ,

"-• of Cleveland. {'Frank Sodiino, Philadelphia 112- c

> pounder, outpointed Chester Yosul, f ' Honolulu, one of last year's semi- ir

l'l flnnli.'t.s here.The o th rr three lo gmn tlir .'.ec- a

onri-la;.t round la th a t division were r _ lY.inkle .Seniielrj. 0;>kland, Calif.. t< n W aller R.iwle.s, Norfolk, Vn., ntld ,, Rufus HDlllday, Clncuinall, j,V, Charlie Knuhiine put the Hawul- G r. lan.\ back on ihe winning road in ei ' Ihe I10-ix)und fiuaru-r-flnau by out- di

pointing lloberi Prock. K2nd iilr- tr• ! borne tlivMon, Fort Bragg, N. C. pi

The other J18-i»uniJcr.s to quali­fy for Wedtie.sdjy's semi-finals were O

I Bill \Vi.gner. PIlUsburBh. BUI O'Neil. ^II H aicrhlll, Ma.-.s., nnd Bill Morgan. ^

In ilir liravyvelKlu i.etond round ,j U lal.s-Jtiy Uimberl, Siill Liike City, yi t UL-ih, stopped John Vlngnr. Cln- at

clnnatl, O.. In 1:0S of the fIr jt t!„ I. rounil.

In the l3i-pound Qiiarier flnalr. \v ■ Griie Fullm er. .S.ill Lake Clly, de- ui

clsluiied C urth Johji.son, .New Y’ork. t,‘,-------------------------------------- ------------ p.,

of the .'soiiihiTn n.vswlntlon beat him . 8 to 7.

p,ir..it lAi 1.1" " io~ : ’J : hr

Wl,;.!-, .r.| ;;.iu. ' ' he



. i j i^ x f ie u M C ^ ’

■ ■ ■ B : >!ARK<,

B n t e r - T h a n - n m l ( ^ . R E f

A L i c h t - B b d i c d ^

B l e n d

' i l l i i

run { r u n ccnum, k ., un iiu . rux i iu

OR WORLIrtt. 8t. Loul*-lOO to I, and the. price

is «tUl too thon. Iof National leaguo:

ger BOBton-eouthwrth U oiifrdue. i lUt, In Fprtng U-alnlng his cliarta ahowed

whal JiLi players did a week from U’ednesday. Why Dot In OcUibcr?

no ' Brooklyn-ITie one to watch.St. Louts—Yearlings could make

it a triple desd heal. INew Y-ork-No fling wing, a |

of Slunghal slugger wllh a glass Jaw, i Pnt;burgh-Money l::ri every- i

LSI. Uilng,. 1

Youth Will ■™ t . f ..1 7 'Bptclal lo Ihe Tlmea-Newai—Dan sped from Hngermnn was to arrive here r td Leach, well-known ex-m.-vjor league ^

l,'2'^iches."viofted out tlilb spring wllh t— Ihe Iv>uisvllle Colunels nl Ihelr camp '

in Bradenton. Flu. Tlir Colonels are ^a trIple-A ouUll. Both Joe Me- I Carihy. manager of ihe Boston RrrtKnx. and Nemo Llebold, Coloner.i tnirntor, had proHil.>rd lo look over )the hid. bul In rlie press of otlicr cdutlis illdn'l net urciund lo It. n

I/ejirh and sevrrnl other ynung- n

He relunied home to Hagerman und jjj wllh his luihrr marie arrungrniuit.i

for a tilnl with llie CoMboys ul ih rlr "h-h

nO.SKEB BRirj-fl Jj,f, McAllLster, Okla , H In Ihe Sooner f,_ Slnle league, a cin.-j D circuit lha l lu. beg.in operations lasi )ear. coiisll- J",

tiirnt.s hnve ad^fcrd T-N i-rrllx’s. ,, Yesterday ll war. sminunn-d that. ,, the Cowboy.i hnd rrleiLs.xl iwo plny- ers to the team, bill saltl it R-a* in .

** the K-O-M league,,n Pre.'ldenl Ifalllwell of the Pl-.nerr

loop Ulll vhlt nl least two of th r (, league'* ramps while on a vWt to j; California. He and his wife leave

■I' Thur.sday and plan to spend 10 dnvn - , <■ In the Golden state. jj;

Plteher Leon Haworth has signed :• a coniracl with the Idnho n ills d, ■e RurseLs and Is Iralnlng with the fi f • team «•. 5nn Beniardlnn. Cnllf. .

Ynkima of the Cln\s B W o t.rn Y Intrmatlnjinl league uoimeed the

I- Great Fulls Electrlrs 1« lo I in nn ni n fxhlBltlon gnmc nl Yakima 'n ies- w > dny and the Billings MiiMang.i (h •. troimcrd a Pa.sadnia, Calif., :enil- u-i

pro nine 7 lo 1 Mnnda.v. u,

’ 2 Dogs of Valley ' Gain Meet Favor

Area dog: gathered honors a l the '• Uloli Field Tnnl.^ ns.'-oclatlon meet ■ a t Tri-monion Katiinlny nn<l f5un-; ll day. 11 was learned here**ye.^lerdny.

Mlkndawin, owned by Wayne ^ Wllllunn. Tivlii Falls, was ninner- * up In the piipi’)’ .stakc. , while Piit- •• toiv'A Luck Hunier, owned by L, C." Paiton. Burley, finished third In the n dtrbystakes.

All-age stake* competition wm r. won by Pirates’ Hope, ownej and I handled by R. L. Crowder. Salt Lake .- City, The dog succc.'.slully defended

her’ lltle won lasl year.

f m e s f

i n IOjS'i

o l knioiwittg, I ojUI

^ ' ■ | B E 52 S e S ^

s s r e s g sWuIE2K!!7 Q U sr*.\icnTIi SL3HP ^

S i f l f f C/S ’4 0

t i IUS3 • osm" Crt% Mjrtu ffici: b i m;


iD SERIESIce Cincinnati—Imprwfd. bu t n o t

enough,Chicago—T btrt a n club«. a ad

Uf- Cubs.Phlladelphla-Dellcve Ben Chajw

m an: 'T h e only place lo pick up lo flnlsjj lost."

■ke And Uiere you have U, except fer Uie raUier e.venUal mailer of IS i

a games each which undoubtedly . makes evenbody but Uie Brave.^7 - and the Red Box very happy. P lay


S t r a n a h a n I s

B a r r e d F r o m ^

M a s t e r s M e e tAUGUSTA, On.. April 7 (-7 -

UP Circumstniiccj surro-.mdlng the ou.-.!lng of JYank .Hlranahan from

[h the ma.Mefs golf louniamenl still .J,, were nol clear ye.stcrday and neither re •'Me Ls willing lo shed any Ilghl on c - Uie m atter,,ed However, one thing b deflnitr. r.i Oiile.ss the louniHuimi commUtcc. e r he.ulrd by Cllflonl Rol^'rl.s, doe.-: a c r rompli-te i.boui face, Uie cclcbratc<l

nin.iieur. Irntii Tuledo «lll be Just R- nnother spectator when play gct«

uiiilerA'ay Thursday.Stranahan, one of the country’s

..1. mosl tak'iited coaipetlUir.s. was bar­red [roiii pl,i)lng In the 72-holc event Frlil;iv lor whal Ihe coinmil- ten termed "dLsregard' of regula­tion '' covering prsctlee rounds,

f r He .•-lendfa.Mly has denied bemK guilty of nny inlraeiloiw, nnd has in: !• ted, ^^ltllnul avail, for a "chance to til l the roiiiiiilttce iny aide of 11 •• Tlie inclrieiil Involved an o a ’u-

** ment wlUi head gre'nikeeper. bul nil concerned have repenledly f<“- fiiw4 , to dl.’.cu's 11.

•r Slnm ahan. wlin ;.cl a record low if tor ainatfiirs o( 2U In tyli;g Byron

Ncl .on for .•/•conil place here -bust, ^ year, ren t the committee a l e t t e r ^ of npology Frld«y alter ho wna n:ked to Irnve the course,

d Ye.'.tcrday, he reque.sled Rol>er(*It- during ft niertliig wllh him n l Ui«IC club to "call the lomniltlee lOKether

so 1 ran prerent my fide of thl.-:. n You've only heard one side of 11," e Roberts declined to do no nnrt n nnollier member of the committee.■' when a wrlllcn statement wn.-. gUcn -1 Ihc pre-.-: later In the day. i.nld there • w-oulil be ‘iio furlhrr cnmnicnt from

the committer, Tlie ciLse Is clo^.nl."


Rcc Line Truck Rcnlnl

: U-DRIVEe Variaui type Irueki for al) yoor - needs-D rive 11 vonnelf. Sate . Money. Jlalea Reasonablo — No

' TRUCKS for RENT I m »kc Bros. Mobil S crrice

i Points Easl Phone H73


\ V ' ' ' ( m 9 ^ 1 - B H I

1 1'A n i l ' i T l L F O R D '

Sr Ifrivalcflock^ y / z n f U r a i / t t . u t i / /

.f o r ” j to c K I

S u p r e m e ly R ic h !

T ■ f i S t r a i g h t W h i s k e y

s ' - d , « *M J l '

I m 3 . r*n < l u a '-nrrjiE r w n m u


Page 13: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«

ACROSS t t Dn<d rocesut ]. Old card cun* Bit*i *. Comtt t,

I l l f ; : ; : .

Ji. VliUor rrhcM i’l»ct»IT. <1. i>i'>ndl>n11. ^ flowtr

And* U ^li <s- Iir*S«iiloti»UII. iUniilr.^ |Jj_lJoinin^rosa

S’?: f t 1.IJ. C lirm "^ tJ. Vi'cUn ^

p F~F~l r 1 h I® 1

C - -73 n r , , j ,a

— ------------------------

-- ------------ J,------------------------- --

J T Ss-----------j5 --

----------------7 ^ ~ t i T «

I T --------- 3 T --------------------- ” ?S

4 7 3S J T 3 S

35 13 3T

7f------------ 5 -------------------------------


WIS1USE'»:P£S;&!;,1 HAMC*01b.33 I* OP 1>AE- »t,OCO I fcOT FOR C6 CAR' 9 !LC■A^J iO^J.'••~.SPL^^Tl i6 1TCCCAT£5

/ A DEU.lCATe PR03L&\\ — OM£-OP u s G£TS *4O 0.n ,T H E OTHEtS »IIOe.)fa — HeH-HDH . ' I ’Ll. TAtCEr

y W E Le5^=EC SU M .C PC CO RSti..'y


t JM A jN "ZZT" i s(f\

1 i c K i i i I

^ ' lAiRS. p i p 's P i A g y l /V - N ' ^

“ I like PInrlon's doclor b e tte r . BcribinR pills . . . He fell.s her to k< or dress onco in n while."



riD N ESD A Y , APRIL 7, IS^s

? i g T v | e | g | * lL W c R ! o M a | v |I |B jA |6Te I R pT«

’ [eI n It ib ^ e L lep l'tT fT e » I l

R |g |p B T |R le |e B L |B |N iT |

Solution or Y cilerdiy’* Puul* DOWN I ET!ld,«4 ' ■ ,

i s .V irT j" ' *• Ipnyluci t- E«rlfAmtflcAM

I t. Uuilcti werki

- — i S r H______________ :_ ai««n iloua.

,0 t4la ito}!I. 0btiln*<2 k

— — Undirtiklfii11. Iijlt.M .

--------a i --------------1;. .Ikiii

— — • —- >r(xiii,n' :i. TA.ttuI p«f»9fl

1 33 :r . l;xrUo»ler7 *“- —— ---- ---- — :). Klnl rf r.»k Cj

31. Iri (hit pitci 3

----------- •■" r_____J__________ rn-l'ri.d tI i» I

<0 JJ. Nnthlns mor«- J J - ------- —I— : j , ys^/ulin.

___ U. Clink* bUck

' ^ <•• [ £ ; i ,

— r e -------------!I:____ ' _ I'l. AnimI floeiori

^ !■:. Hr'r.lriJ;-. ,I I I I I ii. Ccnjurctlon

------------------------------- JM A J O R H O O P L E */

A / I'M ALL TMUMBS 00 /.3 3 y ACnHMETlC, f-U SHARP : a r ^ PRlC\)D /"~B UTi5«rO 'T\t £ 5 .K o 50O h a l f OFSI.OOO?: O F / / LETS DlvJlDE »T 1 ( ( RDUSHLY THAT VJAV, SO

\ I VWlKJ-T HAVS T o ^■-f J \ C £ D 0 C e Y i3 0 T & A J /

/ c o w w o n > * - r f ^j ;

It m i ^ l l 'm w s a w n i ^ l


» i r y

i r . . . H e i.««n't nhvoyH p ro - 0 Ko out and buy n new hnt

you I


OUT OUR WAY^ G O >tfgA D .M ». \ ■; i yiO LKC MO^VsT V------------ ---

GTUFPAKOLKD- y\ 6 L ^ r - t ^ ^ V U . I C \ t i p TH'OTHCR . Ti / 7



r » f

■ ^ R■*

L V -? com. ,Ml Nt____ _ _

“I 'll b e t y o u ’ve ROt p le n ty in D on’t people w o n r o u t lo ts m o re f o r lioUFc.s iu kI b a rK u in s ? ”


/t*M tT «A tntviec. IW5- T. M. tta

" C a n 't r e m e m b e r t h e n a m e nf you h u m n c o u p lc o f b a r s f ro m tiic

____________________________^7^'EAm f l f \^miyZ!K'3n^

k ' Z . l j k

n :

“* cr,t?\vn.LiAMO iCCTGOty B


p ^ ]i I

m J ' r

. R’ in th e b a n k , M r. G iv d c y ! y " o re sh o e s now aday.s h u n tin g *

By Dick Turner j

— T T s ^ ^ n ”E

6 W M € f f i E G

MW l i O T l W ^ p


Sn f t |n ‘ p ro d u c t, c h ? Could C tiie t^ in^ inp c o m m erc ia l? ” Q


----- B


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v \ I% _______________O I P

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B y W I L L I A M S [8W‘He?CTlIfl0B(J o B J w f u l i ^ V m a n p u lle d a to d , i g a m h e ^ t T f ^ i k k p ^

r T r T ’ i ‘^ i i l y


r A W mHfcSTMlBe Y lU m m B H A O A ^ BECU AUV \ m ti lATl VEtTlR- 1

W WOR& I t w . 1 cmtm tr jfROWHWrtJJfc L 'K W W D W M I^

A ».600MHAr I 1^ ^^ B u»t55 mm Z L f * ? iS M R .C B O O W ? ^ \^ _ J \


------- f l i j i T A l ^BB Hs

v^^o ftaocY J 7 v -fv ‘w oT > ^\a. ..... ' . Z y ' ' '

"fcooK.^<a o a - (< '\C ’ . _ wiYV. v , i f f O ^T> L .9 i“ n C t* i ^*? K I IO ^'V io ' ■s5>*f‘ «r GOl.v^?« -V0 o»ivv V .m ■'iifjki\vi«, 09,1 BOt - -

S OClV'X - . Vo w i l '

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G / . . ' iA ■ WE fftra iKZET i. A / .“ i !

I SCTECTlVE ftOILP r/AV:m \S n HR «00',I-E5'’£C:AILV 7 .Q___r''-i:ar-i<Ei. _____________

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' / H A S c o n H n l ^ /tnjEBAPUBa





TlM£ IN 3 0 0 VARS ^ / KIN S W £ G its o l « TuSmipS r-i-VH ; -INSTEAD O'TVIEM > ^ l^ ^ r O '1

___________ ;

7 ~ z M A v r M R ^ a ^ i ^ i i a I T H v s T y f f c v n s a . r v e s t i ^ \ TKis3>vrr#5«fe?NSpwM>ci- V 6C^ AN- TKAT OU? OtiCK T)



■6<T dtti^ . j i a o / ( a iH iN o ■ ^ e p v o u r ’1 1 L w t ' / y ^ .°ftmT.“i

3t was ari old M bat H ■ lU f l It usually works, ■ H



V plflz— J;

/ AL»n ^ f I PCNT RN-5 A.VHHTJC "M / HE65IE B VtRy REVtWJSt N'NA. f l' hay have : -----------------^IF T «ME c

/ f e

fe is i r f m^,- . - . TO THB CXHJRT OF GT JAM(

<•... '■- • HM**FEKP1NAND FERRIT \ / * . •, MIGHT MAKE A COOP


W M i M

p-----1—/ ^— U-S. «;

f I' ve 3CAM Y (



h 8 m ^iH /ivO 'Sv/tETTcfilN K C eE P .U t"^ ?i.iX truaNiP ^ TUONIPS-SOON S ^’l.A.'jr.r-AT 7 V VO' WILL BE. MINC.- SAST AH y > A L U M IN t.» : '' y - ;iN SINK S , / -O J R ENCMItS, \VVH Tnr.TH 1 \ TV)'TERMiTtS. 1$. - -^TO 'lO ’.Ty f ALL ON TH' ISLC » J ijllr — — OF T E B M I T I ^ / ^

Ttfcein'KK. I P*51P< N3 UVXj/7- UkT A ^ X dJC N A C^T WtACIK'FrttXSKTUmS 'A AtfAUCStC^ U LfT... . C «A M - , / / /

S 1 1 ^

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N'RMDiUO Uf OU C tJO O U f-T C aaSS B / yEs TB * c o u w u i g w a o q : . [ CTIflKWWIWJRSfcWUI^UOHMW 1 S '

>UHg WITH HlW. TVEVW OOmtO — 4 RLtt m s i r c ne.

' ^ 1 5 M oue» i^

S S f M W i


' W V KU mxaF h■JB THCTE MS ■ ■ ■ FtE? KTO TKE

" 1

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F t S g U A H ^^ 0 m w A W T wm< iN S P fo cf tJJ

'Y t j ^ c t w o f e tmc«05 V M c r d r is j ^ wwouoDusoou \ K,araij0«TK!fReUU*lJS6TD(W I eASV-MR.CT x s tu m m CKOOME.- J

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MUW ^\ t t n %OHl T>«j«rt« •\0 A J M O Rt 0 \6 Vi\TilD MlTViOO Of . ?QOM ,I J ^ K ^ a 'A V \lV O

u v T ' ^ ■ r o ir a S a v w tT \ I0 TKEH KfcPEtf, 1 «U f y I T h e/re lOCtfP. / .

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IC \ -^ ^ > M3U A HINT.r W/A V *C3PCRAT)CN TtRMm* I ;


Page 14: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«

M a r k e l¥ ♦ ¥ »

S t o c k sM ARKETS A T A G LANCE -

In I;

i i l l l l '

■ i i i iOlhrr l-.-jt. h-.Uiii* k-.li.i iNrl.i.Iol

Air 'iw.l


NKW YOUK STOCKS l’>*NEW VOllK, April 7 (,r,-L a.it

CaIc: <

Amcrlcnn Cnr k Fouiulo' . - 3 3 %

iAmiconda .................. ...............3 5 \ «t<.A T & B F ..................... .......101Btldwin Locomoilve ................ H '’; ••• ■Dntli Iton ...................... ........... 12^ f'.iBtndlx .........................................33‘j

Dordcti ....................-■........ .......... Hl’iBudd Co ............................-........ OS I’.;*

Cftnutla D r> -____ Z Z I Z I 13'iCanadlivn P a c lfle ------------------V l \ ,,Ca*c .................... ........................ 4 0 \ i;.,CelolM --------- --------------- ----- :’C 'i i‘'* 'Ccrro Dc Pa.-eo ........................27 '.

Ji’- aCommtrclftl Credit ....... ........... 41 'i ;^j;common Southern pfd ;« !

CoiwolltlalConllnnilftl Oil Dclnwnrc-------SU|. rh.i ,

E w tcrn AlrlliiM .............. ......... ID’.

...IS:; "SS:

O rncrnl E lec tric .........................37 ...mOenprnl Foo<1ri.............................37

S5!:S^S;;r..Sr::::;;:::;S;:: - J

-Sidftho r w c r .... .’Z Z 32‘i

* ln ttm n tL in l" n f tr \’r 'tP r 1“ ” ! 00’’Inttrnntlnnnl Nlcklr C a n ___ 29 '.Inlemntlonnl Pnprr . ........S l \ i-:.™lnlfmi.tloiiuI Tfl. A: Trl------- V 2\ • ' - i

i i l i i SNnUonnl Arme ...’ .".T.’... .’. Z ” ! 2 T i j!'.'; \

NSuorSl S n r K i . i i o r ' : : ' . : : : : : l l \NUlonttl Dnlrj’ Pfoduet-i_____23%NallonAl DLMlllrrlM ........ .........20 '.New York C n jU a l..................... W i

E ;

1P&ramotmt r if tu rr s . --------- : a ' ,P tn n o ------ --------- •!:'»

? = r * Ik ’Piirc Oil ...................... 33 I'ORadio Corporalinn of Amrrlca 0\ nepubiic S t e e l ................. :c-.. r.,:'.',

e u n d ard Oil of N. J .................77\

I?"n \lc1h c 'm ii ' 'F . '------- - s r '

S E ^ = E ! i s;s t :

gW.lBreen ----------------------------32 ',W »mer P lc lu rc j------------------- 12\

W tstcm Union . . ._ ....Z “ Z 224 c ! t l ^

NEW • S ’



its a n d F i¥ V « I

L i v e s t o c k |

i l i i i S f K....................... f'

i l S f l sgiCa.sW '^stM ;

I I'm’,!

.IMAHA, A ,irlV * '*"V a’MlA|. It.,.

I7.MI; JJO.Ui 1I-. IC'iD.:-.; f .... ,'u...............

I M i i

^ g ! l D

g l l l f e i I ii


•■: . . . Lii'”;p ,C V :::.T T

1..1.1 T‘0: :> hich-r; *...1 t..

!:■ :=i:. T ira n s r . 's s .-w r^ » ,a » « r j s i« s s s ta : J s

r ' i " , i —

i .

: ^ £ ? t £ H t " S h S JE - c

S H i c x H S ^ T S %

T^vin Falls IV

^1 1 " . ^ H?^ = r „ ' „

--------SKg | g « i S 5 S S § '


financeI * j|i

I G r a i n

§ i


s i; li; l i ':: I f ill ii ii" I:;

M i- j

A i i ; , :::'■ --i :■■ £ ' ... li; f:i ;;i '

,s..r ;v i : v., :v5 i

i. . . t

“ t«,\NSAS IITV IllUtSKA.S’-A'- i'IIV, Aiifit I. I.I" -Ut.r«ti ,

; i.

■ .... .

; I Potatoes-Onions | i

-jii A(f> A ' • "h:

■ ; «ir ; 'i.i,.!,,, 5-'.I ’A'li ' ^"“'*’'■1 n

„;s s

; £ : ' : 5 2 = : : : ; S 3 = S


j B utter and Eggs j;": . « » .......- ..... . r

i:=E:;?:4 g l : 3S£;;K iii; 5 iv i— “

..... — S

Stock Averages ™

!;i s;SirZij i IS .i

fs;S : ; .....

____________________ ;_____________ I g

- M a r l v i ^ t s ____________

=:, y a S S 3 ”

----------1 g;

S s ' ! = E E i B p

S S [' y - s ^ = %

*____ L

~ Lewis Handed : Contempt Rap

On His ActionIf,;' all nUO a.in. (EST). Tliry nrc; (

I.. rri^,r; m ui.ivl t ir lL ^ h rM ia v c > L.kcn to ol«-y Uir injunction, whlcli JiKlKe^Mntthr«- F. McOlllrc L'Mird '

' Il«r* U -1 . Motion ' 'i".*; 3, A hcArlRi; (111 LtnU ' motliiii ,

'■ I

«. c'.l[r,l on U)lh'^ldcJ lo V l'^L ^ rl'lu '’

•n ir jaiUcc d rin rlm in t h;id bci-ij o pliinnUiK to .''■'•'t Immwlliitc tn iirt i.

mum on lt-1 iK-Jt move uftrr Gold',- ii

S g l p S r ;;2 - n i c ijftlri-r.nlftcn^i: tnin.MKir- ,[

by 25 per ccnl.FrUUr llra rln i K o« l.l r.

Lc'ttb.’ Inwyrr:i h.id n;.kr<l for »

;rr;!£S“:L“ "Ihit OoUM>oroiiKli put ll off until »•

10 n. m. (F:,ST) Monrtny. "r; n i r I,f»•l. motlnn cliallriiKc<I tlir

K™ “ml™ “

lT‘'r?’ir l J ’

ojH-r^lors to iirKott.ilr M-lllninni ini

J 9 2 a i 7 H o t t o I s i!" ■ Served Students ul

Of Schools HereI A tolal of 93,117 hot liliiclir> ttcri'

^(•rve<l (luriiiK the p.1',1 jn ir 111 T-.On j_" TiilU Kh(«l.<. iiccoidliiK to ll r.i>ort ,,v,

•n ir breakdown of Ihr liol-lunrli

.‘.ciiw l .nerwl'n tnlaVcf ai’,077 KII « llli :),747 111 March; Ihr Jilrkrl.

ll K.ml of SJ.ini with C.3Tfi In M arrli; ^Junior.•.riiiiir hl^h, fi tola: of -J:fi32 T^vltli n.ICO 1)1 Miirrli: Fd^iird';, -*■

, UlUirr'ali!^ ii’ ^'olarof T.ii'k' Tile" rr- Iiorl wns vivrii Ijy Mr.-- Li-oniiril

' Aviinl,, hot liilirll ehnlrmnn for the

' ‘"°Hclrn Hnnrlmf, Junlnr h u h m irlc

prcM drnt to the nntlonal PTA con-

the dlreclloii ot Mr.r. n ‘.brri Miller,

Two Minor Fires rl\

P ut Out at NoonTwo mlnnr flrr.v a tra.-.h fire and

a Kr.iM fire wrrc extmcul-.hrd hy J the TAln F.ilk lire driKirtment in “ i''

...it «

12:10 p.Tn, TBcnty inlniilM liiirr tliry "'j'j

-•.eliool. nccordlnu lo Fire Chlrf E. H.

_________________ V

Eden Seniors to SS Present Comedy

Uirrp-Dct c ^ r n rd y , ^-KiUj btKly’n ,,,

I l l f p S " ^ L ° ' S " D.,vli. Bcvetlrj K ln.^ FJ.inor Dun-

Mnrllj-n Ncwbry, DennU noumly, hull

P o t a t o a n d O n i o n

F u t u r e s

T I M E S - N E W S T W T :

Plan for Armory ]In Jerome Aired

For Rotary Club1 '

lilKhllKhtcfl ,i t:illc k-ivrn ly Capt.I- Lynn t).ivh a t the Jrroaic Rotary 1<

'd '''c lij^ l.- i ’ D avh alv, told the rlu l. 'i •d of tlir actlvltlea of the n;illonal u

■Ij Jercm t. .More than u p -n irm - »

'A rm y day. ' m

)t __________________^

J Further Cuts ; Slated in Kail « J Uses- oL-Coal 'i1, WASHINGTON. April 7 (UP'-Tlie

'■ ‘iyiiiif -■; Iii- ii'w’ r lM w A Mmlliiir n’lVhO^^

:rn i:r r irrv lrr hiiA lirrM In e.'Irel

• To ne -Sfrlouviy Fell"I ODT Olrrvtor J . Monroe Jolin.-.un

■•!crY()‘aMy''fek'mM^^^^^ *lhr'‘lia-

cd.il !.lrlV:e. c*’, Hr Mild th r rate of co.il con.Miinp- 0

; 21N day:,' Miiiply. laiHr .-.aui that diirlliK the pri'sent It

, eiiirr>:.iicy "rvery economy j.hould ar, he prartlerd hy nil type;; of carrirr- nii

1 Hr i-.illi'd for heavy loadliiKi and i..

Top Producer of Milk Reported by S: T ester in March

!•. owiird bv C. L-. MrChiin.’ T^^ln I-iil^, iiccnrillni; to rr-nli'. rc-p:irird , I' hv C.irl n.ilo.v tliih!, .if[lcl,il !r-,trr fnr th r Dairy l lrn l hiiprnrniciit ns-

Dalo.s ,-.;ild th r nrar-r. i-.ir.l pi <- ] diu-.T owned hy .Mi-Claln «,ivr 1.752

l.lndrr, T.vln r » l l \ prtrlucrd llir

J . Shormak^^^^ ;>ti I

of hmirrtat" The herd I

Trnrklnek, Twin K.ilL:, placed third

Talent-Show Set "

This Week to Be , Given on Friday b

Tlie Twin Fall,' lilKh .'ehool ta lent _

I" T lir ;.ho-.v prr:.rnted Filj. 20. I ^ llo.'tnd rrrclmV'clalni.'''

Ihrlr money If llu-y raiinot iiUend Friday. O lhrrwlrr, ;i;l llcketJ will

who pleaded Kiilliy lo hrlnj; Intoxl-

held Wrdne.'.day hy Jiiilce Janie.' O. Puinplirey on th r condlllon the two

der.llnallon.v Th-v wrrc nrre.Metl late Ttievday altenioon by IVlii


O n lllr Zlmmernian, 07. Ml.vourl

mM(:H.' Crmu!ny.”Apr'*' 7

cm 'K K ),^''in '


a n im a l VPH O N E US COLLECT

TitId F&IU 3U


V I N F A L L S , I D A H O

Best Experts Study Secret

Atomic Tests

prrlei of major otoinlc wco|iunii tc.'ta


At th r ^current Uie only

1 § S i H ^ | Z | S . “iMTi cned cxpcrt.n to^ keep away, J

h rlirf th .it B terirv’ of*M-vmMeMs

dt'iiiity^conimnnder in the operation. ;

“II l lS ' i l fS 1able o l DUwHot'^nic^ Isliinil

llil;r!yi)^^ of 'l'xpcn Is'im rneeded ,v5

S H i l

Nii(;a:.ai;l and HIklnl. It^icenii likely


s S i i i s j[

i l s p s f !


is iui economical niul effici


Root Knot

and other

Produco cleaner crops i

yit'lda willi

D O W F U M IA product proved by

niiiny field testa tht

K orlhw cst.

Sec your denier o r cusi

o r write

• tJkT W IIT IIH •


Classified ^SPE C IA L _

P E ttS O N A l^' £i'EKci;u y-T'cr.i.'C.fvw.

_________ _______


^ C H O O I ^ & t r a i n i n g '

" s s m m m s .4 :in R 0 P R A C T 0 R S

1)11. 1), iirjijii.sw .‘<. t:4 i w i j i i . r i t


i g n s nLOST AN D FOUND

co-irinvT~^i.c"i;,r.i. \-»a


I ' " S i r " ' | :I H ELP W A N T E D — FEM ALE ’•HU.L' li^. L.ummi. , . ,1.- Ai...t, I. ,'»■

t S l l j S ;I S A L E S L A D IE S I



F . W . W O O LW O IlTn


i r hI m i c "

>IL ATION ■ffic ien t w ay to control

rms P

lot N em atodes

ler soil pests

3ps nnil g e t In r f c r T

\E W - 4 0 Lby reaoarcj, and



“ S p B S l

? , 1 1 1 1 2 2


iv1:l r


‘’r r r i , ' : ; " . ; ; : ' . ' - : ' ; ! ." .'J; '" l;" '''* T

liliOWNLNG AUTO CO.Zvi :rO A.r, .N. I-ln K«i:*

- 2 R^ I | ^ E S S 0 1 J t ) K T U | ^ i ^

" — ~ ' -----GUOCERY STORE


TJ. ___________ _____________________



* n « r S S « ™ .I ..iS

M AVl'AIR PACKERSn.>.r. n;cf. u n .,

^ 11N F r R NIS n E I) . \ PTS.

_ M"' ;iit .n.1 M,.rUr, ;; l«. ___FU RN ISH H I) HOUSES

r*iKHiM h«L.t. t...j

' ^ ' n ^ - o i m i N T --------n iiT |i iT in .T r , ,^ :r n y ;r ^

VV -:n'l. |,r“ n .-r rru.n!r7rrr=17,7:s,

l i l i i i i i



I N E E D M ONEY? | ^



I '




^\'EDNESDAY, APRIL 7. 13-18


Page 15: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«


•irp Lorn? Term FARM LOANS^

A rriiovcD uouTnACE loans


C. ROY lIEHOrnSO.N W hfn In n f td of a


CORP.Radio Dlde. PI1D.1C C35

H0M ES“ F 0 ir s T l7 E

S i K ™Dun*, oil turr.lr*. ( ir iii

eJ-i '"7oT.*i*oO! hcg.. ti„n«.Dl:;i U l» Uc<J!•<•r l ecrt . C J

lUt ivk.^__________________ ^

»0I(^::AL>: l.r I..nrri < “ h Tmi

niONc' T 'lJI**’'*' U. ]. M.-.CAW

1'HicrD 10 ri;t.L

PliONK 410.J1 . ItL'Ill.

2 HOMES IOrn .m an« I' I. tl~>l

Vic. iB'Hl.r- h..ir. I XV,;1IS,MU. T.Tir,.,

;oiiN B. WHITE or.oi;f;r. m rr


W, A. OSTRANDHl, nrnllor LEM A. C H A PIN , Agency

m _ ‘" ‘ I

jKN’Kisy. ];i main- wrsT


J. E. J\'1[ITE A CEN CY -


iywr'wV; 1








.ic .!l .n bu, fc.r"l,}«, “ “ I

w . I . . . ■cruiM ,=a

w e d n t : s d a y , a p r i l 7. :7. 19-18


~ |' Phone. .. : 38 ,,.S3 I___ — —

HOM ES FOR SA LE_____ hri**. iiiJ Ul_h, i-fk,.! ‘w.

Wirn (•Bill,. I'ha:

r..r 1..!. rLhi,* ttiVtr*.T a r : . i - -

C33 »-r.ooM iio i’;;r Tn nc moved

5 HOriM ri„.|.,n i | ,„ | . , . . |~ ---- ri.. r>. it..!'lr.j r.,rtb. c»m.Tit U.»-• m.Ti. furi’*''. I" I"" ''.

L>i«. :iu.-;cr'U. I...n ,.n !Im I r.*UU

I'lMi W. O, B M m t •____ It.r.« * I tu.I lll.:r. I-hnn. -it



I-'. J . HACON ___ :>'■ x-'i" N- iMkW :i»-n

,‘“v I ?:i.OQO IVJLL ilA N D L E

___ ril farr.U f('"

C EC IL C. JO N ESUr.i.lr. A Tru.L llm t I'h Mil

VniV A p il Vt-Tiyi: »i;,I


lu >v A Tfu.- n;.:c. n.M-» jj:Ij'' o r c a l l JIM MARTIN


jr.'TO-r-iii.fiiuidSi i'kisic,

K.'f-' VTTIlACTIVf; TWO W.1ri.irTi



H e S ? ^ E « « s r rn ! a , J 3 s » i r s x a 5 x ! ; ........ ...

• III " a r ; . , '


| j grvi'^S^^

l l g r a v e s i SON


li r ...

I FA R M S ?7 YESSIR I 1 I rwr. ItAVr. T.M - WE sr-LL T.SI I _

■‘l i i i i s

f l i i p H s.MAGIC V A LLEY


[ c L A S :.E F .\R M S F O R SA L EI ‘w. ..II JO^Ac-ia.- ..n ' * 'j p '.

¥ ^ ^ \ L E S T A T E FO R SA!

VED I Cr.il.r, 11,


FO R SA I.E • !«* SM ALL B U IL D IN G ’-------- J TO HE AlUVl.1)

--------1 - -lOr) MAI.N E A STOR P H O N E -12.'!


*'g e o r g e ^W IRSCHING


-M r DENNIi^ S M H II■'m.'* in'

KiMiiri;i.v. ii'Aiifj

K ELTV R E A L E STA TEi-h-r.. n . . « ........ I......

80 A C R ES ^ fnTolV7t’,"’n'“rn’*.Hl',« Iilrt'up"

m ;w Mi'PKiis )inr»:i.TlTr,. futnlihH .[■.rlm.M-, t .r iv ,

AI-All'TMr.NT A Sn ihicimim; i>llh H /00."0' ‘


I'rVi " (iOOI)l'sa, IHAIIO


— JU ST R E C E IV E D 7 1 J ^ S H ^ M E N T ^ O F

SEARS R O E B U C K & CO.k TWIN fALI.n Ir ^ ' ■

— I EL^^ER n iL E R

n 1 s oik>-J:i

5 * ' " -■ • —

; m - i M O D K L


J a i i S f e" j TR A C T O R CO.



HANG-ON PL O W S L e t Us H n v c Y our O rd e r

I . . '


5 S I F I E DL E FAR.M IMPLE.MENTSy n V :. ;. n:Y^~ll).|Tl-Kri..„ i.c L i'.u r , nZur.:

■:i*-^-;C FE R TILIZER

' I' - F E R T IL IZ E R S -

;g ' '

C.M’.Mt.N..; M ,'; . i l^ ,t 1-AllMH.inii.izLi:

; ''M '. ■ •


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--------- 1 r...... ' Cu'o.H;!, c'llfr«Vj [).

. i r g ^ ^ i | ^ i ; ; i - ,c.^ 1,..^


T E ’ ' ’’‘'^ni.r''VA’rI n:iiM ASIITIIS

------- LEM A. r ilA P lN----- 1 . PH O N E Tin

f — SE E D POTATOES —^t.-.-i .voiau^ MAKoiA iii.rr. tag

'••"1 -1, ' /


■.... . >n'i-Lv (il

S KI.MMEItLV NUIiSEKIESII., ,k, H>,-i. II. K,-.,t.,rlr

I i’iiONE <6

> J? " 1 U V r i i i a iN ~ A N l)~ F E E r) '

ai... .hKl,. lU '^ ll.t .h „ , _

s p g qC.ARTER h ‘ \TC H ER Y

•- ' ‘ "-V' M.l^ I0 . I- [ \ ' ESTO C K— I ’O U r f i f T *

rMTlTTTl II i..m i-f m.f«, ]u,f°'r>r 'i

d B U S I N E S S A N D i


' i Norl.- I’hoo. lWI^^ ' * I

— I • COM.UEnOAL P i u s r t s c I

• rLCJOt; SANU ISC ‘U A l].ic.r H .. , u a „ « . f t . g m i -

S p f e j» I l/ '.s s - itAUUTuns 5

la. L r r n i w . •

T I M E S - N E W S '


‘■‘" ■ 5 ' THINGS TO E A T


•r.ii I

„u.., -WA.NTK{n‘(n } D Y


[ S ~u ;'F:[) CELO-reX

.tif»i MIOM, nn :m-M


ivlru; SCRAP IllON & S T E E L ■


rFTTT. '------------------- ------- ----------------


— r— rii;,TACT>iuhn.' H. (!. UHANNONf Ch... J. ,

Wl.I _.:... r'K V'« “r..:rr S.Xa


rori i.ii^.lsiMiuAsi T.EAl) A.'itl IIATTr.Kll

_ _ J ALuai.sL'M x;io luniA Tons

, ^irARRV ^l^OPPEL CO.

~ 0 R SALE o ' i n » A I ) E ~

MISC. RJll .SALEl»i: HAItLl.V-'l'. . I m .~ . i . . r r , r l . ,

c .ii n :jw .CI.KANU)wiSmHv ^.,f„ 1C. r,'

mTuk bwrk.u »;ri;T'r.T..,..i ;,„f,r.c<i.i.

mT s s .r..i :r .r~ "

. (iri7rmN(j"ni'.’l»rl.l..' IrVi, r ,'.T^ri7iun'

» ’ K p f « r ' s ' 3 i H i S


N». A r.~ :i,';v .

TT. ''o r



J I s s s r :"■n7^ s a l f :l-n EVERY SATURDAY_ STARTING AT 1:00 O'CLOCK

Man.iKcd bv: l i ! J . S. i D. C. KENNISON*

D P R O F E S S I O N A L j

::t o r y'■ cr‘ i*°»t*lu^7so r l ^ 8a;a, f

• _ A/OiVO T0~LOAS |



s ia s s h siiuw cA nus (I iiiiau siu.N^Tuini^j A II• TYPEWnilEBS

;» WATEfl s o n E,VERS u. w o^uutju p«cJ;i>.TT„rTTrR>


•S T W I N F A L L S, ID A H O

ITISINGr i l Y iM lSC . FOR SALE rrr., fTO'-v“r;^:^;rr.:T;.-Tr>j.'T :7T:

*■ ii«r«« . _____ ___________


WRI IK hOR I'lncr-S TO;.... i^ ;-4

IN'ITRN.VnONAl. fi.M.lV?

. rot»- ti 'i i .r c ll'.


J. A. l->,i-ur>........ M,r.I i«i :nj A... T.ln r.;:,

-------- A vNVAS DAMS“ I 1 i;l a i i I) »r.*v( •

4j;13THl'cKNr-'^' i’L .\N fll ,


____ 135DJ

------ SE A R S ROERUCK i: CO.

7 “ T o u . 1»rr«


I l ' MlI

S - U - R - P - L - U - S

S - A - L - E - S

____ I ' j nirck htom P O.


!-'Ci GOGGLES. I’olnniiiJ

- 'i" COPPER HOSi':I...


_ SU'.uO

0 , 1 ,

" Z S P E C I A L

S llE E P L lN E D . r r , TROUSERS


O .I. nUNK UL-U.T ----- Ifl.DO RET


= f u r n i t u r e . a p p l l a n c ’e sr.,H)0 ' ,;• —;y,u T iT irT 7 :> v ...'M s.n r::.u -r” iT~p






S : i 1 s : E r ^ £ E ; ! E j



"I Phone^ . 38

; F t l l iN lTllU E.A l'l'L lA N C I


I 11— ~ < m n n T A w n —

o ; 1 o'V'.r

: n w r : ; r A nm soN




r ,,^ MERCHANDISE MARTI vi;:»i, tf Oncfiunlir


, ! • «i'‘n_K'','iiivirr.

* • ’ AND‘A''/'\li'l I'llI rAM 'Lj/i,'rorrir''irM ruuw;7 inS

CO.___ _ | * ' «"•



„ (;^>i«imrt<.l.’: ' : i i will W.IUen. t91U


i.r r Ul nnMAKi: voim oi.o

MA7THi:ss Ifttii A n«w lr.r,rr.rilnx


A I;T 0 S f o r SALE

' - 7


I. uri.i.Mii.i. iir,Ai.i:ii tiAiKiNO:. iiiw I i):;r i isam im ;J. I : ) !' I-Al; ill'AllASTt.r.


■~t' 1P47 i’l.V M O trn i DKLUXE c o L 'i’i-;

K ; "a ; . I’l.YMoUTH .';i'i;ciAL





— m \ PLYMOUTH <-lX>OR


T R U C K S ~ R U C K S !

1047 DODGE 3 TON

lim i^D O D aE I 'i TON ■'




AUTOS FOR SALEm i UAUTLR d.lui* c b n ra i^

Iw*ur. Good aomljtui. milliu» U t«. Clw’«. I'b/'n. tm-KW.

i r S f ^CArii i:i A rw R in NOIITII .HUE AUTO CO.

^ M’A .^EJVnEn c o tir t

fboB. t i t ’s ? '’***”

I’r. jjj'! ”

I IU16 IMKHNA1I0NAL i.•V.op, V-toa

A' T I ■ ' S E n b s O N-------- MOTOR SALES

'r~ ^ — — __'i .......................F IN EI AUTO.MOBILESr.il.r. I ^ .


' IU)1ck '> u''.T.iRT ix ; CliLVIlOLKT s ’ich jkk-u»

AM) .sr.VKllAf, OTlICn " ■■' ’ NUT I'AUS ICl CHOni.C mO«

-------- COMt; IS AND lU.C Us ANVTIME


:o: r.h-.i,gn. w. tkobi u i '-

n ,..C| .>11 IIVICK .rp»cl«l .«vUc«!l«11 <nd IKt fUlCI i.<in• HS\ niKViiI.r.ll .(iinr ..nt, l«:< CIll'.VnoLET l.<:K>r. Jgil «T« iriil.- 19)< Lili:VllOLrr ;.<!?or. jMit iTar-

■E I'm ! ", I ui« CHI.VliriLLTI 19i: INTr.ilNAIIONAl. Iru'k •Uk



I ' r i v »» H*|.1 Thno, i : i «'* • tiUAIlAMhltU A SQUAKE OEAI.

' ---------1

_____ h i : ilUIfK .r" l« l fOnttrUb^--------, im liUirK ^ .n r tuI'. IVil I 'O I t I> .« .d o c r

1911 roHD133 CliriV.KT.ETl *r^.n, 4*4nor

JlMl I9K i:irt:vnOLCT «.Joor. ju.l «tR.' h.ulvl,

-------- m e CUKVUOLCT M i «.n.

19J« crii;vrio!.ET IBll 1'I.VMOUTII fogp.

, 19U ST11(>K1?AKKU

h i; :NTrilNA"TKV:*A1, liurk .liKCl,-.>i, .u n j.fd

— R O E M E R ’Si____ SA LES & SERVICE„ j : : Main |> .I I’h„i„ ISIU

_____ i:i:Ari,\NTi;r.r> a .'QUa k e T'Kai,




i i i f f .....s , g g . » u s w « .

‘ I l i i S ' s L F ' " 'N'ORTH SIDE

i Y O U C A N S A V E

^ I . O N T H E S E

7 I ™ ; | | •


- M O T O R C O . , I N C .

,R || |2 2 2 .^ 2 !_ _ 2 !Z 1 !Z .TRUCKS A N D .T R A IL E IC '

“ I 19.15 IN T E R N A m O N A L

1 i T v E r s " ■

Page 16: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF084/PDF/1948_04_07.pdfI LATE BULLEl WABHINGTOV, April 7 Wl — iccrtlarr of State Urett (odijr be the poMlbllllT tlial H'«

Goff to Fight Move to Kill

Tax for OleoWASniNGTON. April 7 ( r,-U n lll

n bcttiT rca.-,o:i iiiiiiiMn for rfi>c:i!- liiK U ic-IctlLral.lAs.oH aursaiiiic. nci>rtstnlnilvc CaJf, It., Ida., jiro-

iwxc.i lo flKlil for It.' ii'triitldii.H o‘ wn-1 one ot Hip ncrlciiliii.'e

commltlfe mnnljcrs w.'io volctl in commliirc lo kill ilu- bill. Ui-M

; week 218 hoa-o mniiljcr^ r!;;i;rd a § jw llllon lo ttltlidraw ilic LIU ti(i:n 2 th e cominlllce nntl pl;ice ll bclorc A th e house tor ncilon.Ij- r ic h i j nm

■■I Inlcnti to worlc iviul fU:lit nCi'lii-'l t.'ie bill," Golf to lj a re­porter.

•'I nm convlncccl Un.t Dicre willbe no prlcc rjivlni; itiroiih'li rr,if,il of tlic tax nnd I ii.'ii liicllnril lo l)C- llevp llic jiricc will Kradunlly rL-.p."

____ r.ntr 'i i t t tji£ ni.'lloii.'^oiild lnv«little f if rc l oa Iilallo riilr.i. 'Hin sl.ilr lia.-; n Iiix of 19 crnl.i n p(iu:ui

\ .o n colorrd niwcnrlnc nnrt S cpnU a pound on uncnlorcd. t'lirllicr- more, iiny ptiljllc rating luni.'p thnt «<-rvM olro niti'.t i>aM n notlcc lo tln ii cJfccl. ••

•'Ilio dairy InditU y I- cuic ol ri'al. linparuiiicp In the croiuHiiy of my B tn tr" Ootf :.ald. "I cannot forri-t UiHt clurllii; IliP (Irprt-.'lnn tlayii :il-

tlie only n r l i Incomr the fariiiur liid com c.frwn .Uie.i-Uc.uI. ' nn occ.i.'lonnl cnn of crraiii, »

I)..Mn'l -■'Ul.p Sriiie '•T iirtlicnnurr. It dix-i not ucm (

to iniikc :rtLM.' Ui;it we i.lumltl rpnul j huiidrrd .1 of nilllloiu uf dollnts to j build up toll fiTilllty niul tlirn re- , peal the Incuiillve (or cvcrj- fnrrtcr , to liavc n few cnu,'-," 1

Ootf (loubu-cl «lu 'tlicr the tire would liavo la.slliiK beiirflt f\i'n « 111 tlie iirrns th .it produce ^oy bc.in.n | •n d cotton secil, the pre.'iriii iiiiijur Jnnrctlltnl.i, H r prcdlctr<i Unit ;i.n soon ns coiidJCIoai are more .'.c!(!fcf In llic Piiclllc bland::, tin? nianu- j Incturerj will turn nijnln to cocoaniil , oil n. i an ingredient. c

---------------------------- 1

April 15 Deadline 1 ■ Set in Horse Sale i

Dcotlllne for entrlrs In Uic fourlli onmml s.icldle iw:i< -mle has brriiPTlcndPd Uy AprU 15, nccordlr.ir to ‘John S, Felclhiwn, clialminn iif '■th e rron ticr RUllnB club, »poii.'or ° Ot the iinle.

^eldha^^■n urK«l ihu l cntrj- np- p llcalloni be rcium td promptly !0 Uie jnlo cntnlof: mny be prepared,

TJie m Ic Is to be held Mny 3 nt ^the snlc.i Krouncl* in the FrontliT c RldlnK club nrcnn, A better qimlltyof hor.ie.i lu cJiwctcU tliU year tliiin cttt nny Jirn'ioun anlc, Feldliiini'n Jnlil. I’The M b will Afford hor,:cmfn in ° th is nren an out.'Uindlnic opixirtiui-Jty lo buy and ('ell Rood hor.'.cs, lie fftddfd. '>

CAI.LKI) HV ILI.NE.SS CHLTBURN, April 7 -M r. nnd Mrs. "

Ivan Slinw hnve been cnllrd lo Salt pLnkc City, Utnh, by tho r.erloii! Ill- i:ne.M ot Uielr dmichlrr, Ciirol. n

S t e r l i n g P r e s

l 'l of- H i

THE 1 1 1 ^

5 5FOR HER I B l

— ►liTHE

Regular S f rc m V h "Vi


$1 51) ^

“ W M Uti M o d 't P m Q a n He ijoM

W h eth e r you iv.nnt i!ie new trii d a in ly D em i-S ire P a rk e r ".'il". , reg ti la r l iz e . . . y<^ 'll flnJ juM you ’ve be en looking for in o i tom orrou-. Yes, it’d llie one at P a rk e r “ 51” llial you tee in lln o f w orld-fam ous m en and Komi

^ te riin g .SC T vlng M a g ic FalJcj



Carey’s AiI •

• r!’~"J ’ t 'a r c j 'i fom m unity.bullt »lfpDrt la

Inr r«-malnlnc lo be done. .Tbe <-nll "•'* chairman of the ClianiUrr ot

I . K. H<-nslr. HaUfy. hari- vnluiilrrrr lu .tabor, ua^ duint

tiirra .’’•.'100 a t\d 7,000 ruble jaril» ul cncratitic.)

" Nonsense Noises ;; Cash, “True” (

lly HAL nOVLV: Ilie NKW YOilK, April 7 *’Ul, C-i'-'-"' I ' ll yonni; roinnllaii wlu) 1

ni;i>;( MUiiid fllliiticlal ,vn:.c. •Oi;p of llir Ilr,‘i true comriliaii^ nf

'•> ihi- Iiuii liliir at.;e, Sid has jinr,ilj.vil “

Mi n e M iinlmt- J

"f ''Hr c»n a o R v jS ' A ''‘J iiiiy laiiKU.inc a n d / j'■ Imitate ivny of llie r , ^ r j 'II iioKph nnd nisi- >£[ iT-iil ,

ctii” f^ lh a l com - noTLB lillcnte m o d r r nllfe -tron i a subway tiirnjlllc to *hnnil Kreiiiulc. • Jl

•'I!l ;lil now I ’m woikliiK up i.kll "G In wlilLli 1 play t h t life of n whtic- <’II, wallid tin ',” he luiUI. '■

In III', iirc.-.cilt Hroadwiiy Job-lils ",n flr.'.l break In biK tlinc 1h tc - - 1ip In “ „( IO bit.y he meets hlmr.elf conilnsu- oil nnd off Ihc j.tuRC. J'

•■I'ni In nine J^i'iic'. h.T.c 23 ch:ii;i;i-i In cor.limir, play 23 tliar-

'.jy ncKT.i nnd hnve lo do 15 vocal mhiiuI |ctfecu," he ,^^ld Ihe oilier d;*y nl ‘

nt Llndy'.-;, a.pliice where peoiile ko to ^i-r cal breakfast fo r liiiiLli. ".y "On jm lliirlv; I have cor.limic « ,11 chanKc.n, and net ull worn out JU't P (I putting on clothc.% nml inking tliim in off." "). Cne.Mir Li n U ll, koo<1 IooUIiik Kiiy " le from Yollkrrr. who u ird to dream <if I’

bifomlnx » Krrat mii-lcl:in. He worked a.' ft doonnnn lit;re for rev- cral niorith.s before KCttliiK n bciih

J, with n Jazz band. He blew ii fi.xii- .. It plioiic—which tna j' explain Ills In- I- ilKlil Itilo the pro<lucUon of odd


e s e n t s . . .

M ' I* J g ‘

lgi&1 B O T H


I " 5 1 "i i Bot h HI Jd e n t k a l

E x c c p t m S fz c

I x

t s i l N . ^ /\ **** /

i ‘k J o H ^■mi

tr im , ilin i..". , . or t l i r Iiust llie o n r I o u r utorc t and on ly 1 llie li.inds I'omcn.

^eweh'ij- C o.^Uci/ Siuvc 1910


Airport Neai-s Cor

lort la ln-tli» final n tarc of conilmelion f rnllrc a ln trip vUl be ready lo leed lr

('(ininirrrr airport ro m m lltrr , reported iilrrrrd tn nrfd llic npproxlm airly 3C ar dijJi.llnl by area reslilrn li while only JC rils uf illrt wrre moved In levelln{ Ihr i

?es Are Good for ” Comedian Finds

I DiirliiK thfi war lie flervcd In llie eiu.’l Cii.ird. HLs burlr;.riue of ;ilr-

;li,i ))hme riitivlM In iln- coiu.t KU.ird ji,]., rhniv •'.Hlnri nnd Hpar.i" won iilni ii

HnllywiK^l contract. ^; Ilf !=ld lll;rd llie film colony nioi;cy,

b j l ciillltln'l r.talKl llie llliictlvlty be- tu irn film R'..'.lKtilnent.N.

r*fi "W hat ft llte," he mild, -n iey 5' w ve p.iUnn m e nu>tc in n week t ; thiffh.O '!''! lx-’ci> CetUiiK in a year l | wllli lilt- co;i;l Buartl. l ju t w hat did r I <lo7 I'lay 11 K.ime oi Iciinl:, lieu

Jump 111 tlie pool. P lay a round ot 1> Kolf. then Jump in the jxml. Take ft lij rule 111 my car—and b^ick Into tlie

_ pu<il nKalii. Il w,Ls ililvliiK me mil.'.." / • BelnrrJi J)l.< illUJi.i noiv ijJil

ni;m;iKt.i to Like dally Kyn> wtMk- i'; ouu und iiLo 1.1 lakliiK voice and " tlliKblK le'-ouii.

■nie vocal lei.soiu are tle'.lj;tieil lo , , nvold the diiMKer ot lO'.liiK lil.s volte

iinilrr the rtu'ipliiK chnrc% he idvn lU AlnOliK Ihe 15 IhlliKn Ilr liiill.ile.s eiitli ilay ato hinillnt: lio u n d i ii.bil- i:lr, u rillu bullet, a d ial Irk'iiliuiii', a hor;e, n p'jllce Mren inirl the .Miuiul

], of axi-, choiiiiliiK up a ■•■lol ni;i( liliic. .‘ild likes lu point a itiaehllie ak:e

nitinil ttltli 111', m achine n;;e ikll... 23 Hl:i m ini ixipiilitr liuniber lell.s_thc

, r . .Mcrj' uf a penny mim miicliirie wl'ikh ml ditldr.s honesty dix'.in’t pay because nL Ihe customers alivay;: ;.lap It arciiiul. to II hiTijine.s a cynlcnl <|iiarter .slut

iiiaclilne In a K-nniblhiK Jnlnl. but n)t eieiilutilly I.s hackcd lo pitve.i by

police r;ddeM. i.j„ •'! think this ^klt tell;; th r llic of

many on EaM tilde klil who weiil IIJ. wronK becau.'.e joniebody be^an „f pa-ihlnK him around," j.altl Sid.

Hr uvoliLi '’blue comc<ly," the otf- ■V. color K.iK.s ixijiuhir in .•onir iiIkIi I :lh Chibs. He und .Ma\ Llebimin, his


i . . . BeaC p i n p l i m e :

\ / '

B E D P I LlOO',;- W h ite Duck ’FoiiIIkt.4. E a c h .........KKt':- GooserVjithcr.fl. K ach .........20',: (iiick, so :;- Goo.sE ach ................................ion*; Do-vvn

Each ................................

P I L L O W. . . a w clcom c opport

I Fino niia lity ntiisliii inj iiPiitly bo.Xfil. P riccs :


Idaho EI t


rllon wllh only a «(nsll amosnt of rra d - ed In cra ii tlili wrtk, Leonard Howard, orted. Pele C rnsm ua. local pllol, and SC a rm nlilrlr .comprise the field. An iljr JCOO wal ip rn l fur ronstrucllon. B r- Ihr «trlK 0’li5 to T (rT ^ * -K M r* f« ‘» » '

wrltlnK eolliiborftlor. »p«id from ' th rrr to four inontha writing nnd

devcloplnK a fliiKlc ^klt.I He drupprd o(ie number, contrnst-

[ i S I3rlUill_lli'd_. » '! ''''b in ',_bc-c,iii:i' people bemm to look lor ix>-'

the luical liiiplleaUtills. air- "Humor Is really like muilc—11

iMrd iixs no boimiliirle;..'’ he Mild, "’But ni 11 wiirii-ix'opli' lire under leii.slon. you

la n 'l kid Hum, Instrnd of Iaiii;lilnK 'i;' y, itt n burlesque they iilart luiklnK. ' I '

be- hr a fn;<'lst, or 1'. he n commuiilsl?' •nil'll II Isn’t funny. And thn l's bud

Hiry —IjccaUM’ ix'uple .should always bo iVei'k (iblc lo launh a t IhcinMlve.'.."

|ta| Two Local Youths Attend Boise Meet

.U.S." Wllllnm Wnll.v Twin FiilLi hiKh ijjil >rhool .'i-nltir. and D uane Hell,

rvik- Junior, allrnili'tl n mrctlnK of the and Idaho ,'talr jriuth model leKli.liiturc

111 the eapltol bulltlliig n t BoiseI lo bV't ttci-1:.oiie T.vo bill;, wire lnlroduce<! by tlicr.e Jvci reprr.u'nlntlvi-5, dealllift wlUi In- iti.,s crea.'.liic th r Jiirbdlctlon of Ihe pro- t,„. batr CDurt, aiul calllni! for bids fur

liurthMfs nmiTonirnci.'. exctccUTr; j.jQO by lnct)ri>oniled cllle.-, nnd

i ’ur|vi;.e of Ihr convention wa.'. lo (leiiuiilnl Joutll^ with the projX'r Irt;l;laltvf prix-ediirc and worklnKS

■ik'h federal Kuvcmmmt,'.

iiml yulpliur ccii.Mltulr.1 nbniiL 5 per . ,’ cent ot Iiuman htilr und Is piir-

iiut abundant In red hnlr,


autiful Bedt e n t s t h e f a s t i d i

; L U X L

B E D S ]

. . . !n einnr patt or ft plMi

1 tlnral de;. j-r’- ''~l t'Aln nni

L L o w s ™ s , : s : ^ ;k •


i C A S E Spoi'timit.v to replenish .vour .tupply

II in “ Mr. nnd Mr.s.'', cmbri)idcrod t CCS riiiiffc from —

S 2-98 $ 3 .9 8

^IN. CASES 42x,'iG .............cddinR nnd D ra p e r y D c p 't . — Dow

Departmenif I t Isn ’t R ight, B ring I t B a

T I J I E S - N p ^ S T W i :

State to Aid " Burley Build

City’s StreetsDimLEY, April 7 - Durley city

council, m eetlns In regular .-.es-lon Mondny. n ight, heard a propo^^l

3 from the /tu ie hlRliwuy departm ent 8 In which th e deparfncnt offered* lo enter Into a cooperative agree­

m ent with th e clly for Uie rrbulld-4 Ing of U. S. highway 30 und Idnho -* hlKhwey TJ, which ure Muln street* nnd Overland avenue throUKh the .I buflne.M dLHrict of Burley.^ T lie Btalc deparUncnt's pnrt of the5 nKrecrneiit l.i nol to exceed $50,000 ? ■ T lie projmsnl followed a meellnx

In Kcbruarj' when Jnme.i Hewl. ot* Uie -■ tale deparlraeni vliltcd lJurli-y* und prellrnlnnr^- plans were d h - I- cu^.'.ed. At thftt lUiie, the pl:in d. calle<l for the recoiistnictlon of bolh id highways tlirouxh Uic city, wllh ■n excavation needed to lower the ^ur-

face 12 hKhr.':, T lirrc would then II ■■ •fte"}sM -n-7-Ineh-lo)T r--of-plt-niif-

grnvel. n two Inch layer of Uiree-— quurU-r Inch cru-shed gravel, a J d l jn , coat nnd a tliree Inch hot plant mix H(1 for topping.

TlK? city will pay part of con­s t- .structlun t-a-i.s under a proi)o:.nl JC- bii.sUuv^ ilLsirlct fitreet Improvement >o-' plan. r'ri'lliniliary surrey wuiK

Wa." done by City Engineer W, L. -11 Lts.her several m ontln ago. l l i c lul c'umcll will do more work on^ the ou plan next N'lotiday,

'H ie ordinance fur rcnumbcrlni: l lir ftlreet.'. wa.s pas.icd by Uie coun­

t-7' cll. U) be efftcUve May I, ItHU.Building iirrmlUi over $50,000 were

^ graJiU'd for reniodullng work.^ ia r lM Davte. Burley resldeiit,

was liitervlewcxl a i a pro.-;i>ceUvc city elrclrlelan. and wn.'; hired by Uie

' ■ city n t a r.nlary of J100 a m onth.- Davl-i has had con.slrtrniblo expcrl-

a t ence In elecl^eal work, being cin- ployed by IdiiTio Power company for 17 years-

y"- U'lJI/am N. Groorn.T, of UtllKy Knglnecrlnt: company, attended the council meelhiK to give. Initructlon un m aintenance of the new city |iuinp nnd motor recently In-M.illed for the cuhniiry water Ay.stcm. Grooms rrjioned lh a t the pre; en t | water i-ystcm H ndequiile for llu- 1 f j \ y Tlic two culinary wclb hiive ; a c-aiiiicliy of 2,000 gnlluiis per nilmite. ^

i? u n o l I u a ^ASPHALT t i l e !

- WALL TILE . • • •■ Let U« Help You Oeslm )^ Vour Home. \_ •'Speclallilng In Floor Coverings- |

N G .& G . FLOORSJJ 2K9 AddlJon West Phono 3001M j

d d in g• !

i i o u s h o u s e

URIOUS SPREADS In elUier a solid, all-oier moiio- p a ttr rn In deeply tufted chenille, plain bnckground overlaid, with a

design. Styles available In both nnd full flro.s In while, blue,

, green, ro:.r, blue or yellow.

. S 8 -9 5 .......;

S 9 -7 5 I

ly Hoft pillow.s in 21 x 27 covcred w ith llic finc.st

rkintf. i

$ 2 -9 8$ 3 . 9 8 I

$5.25 i... .. ' S7.50 I

:ily o r to n.' c for Kift*;.

.‘d o r cu t w ork im iuirna

8 p . i r ■ I

............... ..................7 9 c e a c h . j

d ow nsta irs

it Store ^B ack" j

V I N F A L L S . ID A H O

Lutheran Pastors I Open 3-Day Meet

POCATEXLO. April 7 OlV-Ulth- . en in ministers from northern Ulah I S and Ontnrlo,-Ore., Joined wjuUiem

Idaho pastors for a thrce-diy city Luther.m conference. «Ion l l i e ter,slon opened this morning :) al w llh a communion senlce a t which e n t the Rev. W. If. Rtat, -Jdalio Falb . red .ipoke.ee- A special pastorlal sen-lce will be lid- held tonight wlUi the Ilev. H. Jlech- ^ho inhnii. Parm a, giving Ihe'serrr^on.

i'lie CALLED BY ILLN^'iS.'ACEQUIA, April 7 -M r. ond Mr«.

tl,p G arlh Whiting and ton. Barry, have n<wi returned frum Montpelier where

they were cnllcd by the Illftcis of a0? ____________'




:: Storagei:.etl I



i i T H U R S D A Yent,

P Mid-Sec

i a icm. cu t ;

live ;. per

, i ■\\\' h iivo Koiui Ih n u iK h ot: i I fo r a quick cicaluiii — ivi


= jI Hifih Grade Dresi

y S H O E

* 4 . 1

RcRuIar valuc.s 1( includinji

• Johansens • K.D• Vitalilys • Friend

I^ row n m ui w h ile S ])cct: lioe sk in ))iiTni)s. S o f t hri pum p.'!— W iiitc f ln t hccLt lo o o x fo rd s . C om c — .see i Ih lio rc a n d sa v e !

123 Pairs:


$ 4F iv e p a irs uf H i-G r;id c H id in i; S hoes w ilh .siilc

j R o res . F iv e p a irs , 11 I in c h pu ll-on .s tra p buul.s

' I in s m a ll .sizc.s.

■ $4.66

i Idaho E. 1 . : - ^ , . . . . . . . .

) ‘Junior Stockme,nV . Association Plannee

G I BOISE, April 7 OI.B-Plans wen .J, being made today for organlrjllor , t of u Junior caUlemen's ai.-,oclnllor

ut the 3Uh unnual meeting of Uii J Idalio CatUeinen'fl a-v,oclatIun hen

' .Monday and Tue.-.day,. O urth Eckert. Uolsc. Is tempornrj . chairm an ot Uic Junior group. Ecker

.-.aid nboul 30 young eatlk in rn havi indicated Uiey will a ttend Uie meet-



! ^ c o f i

~ J ^ n m IS ALwav;


Featured atS A F E W A Y ST

^ Y ! F R I D A Y ! S


E A N -Qffine)

h o n r slocks and Krouiicd llui.sc s- ivivc on fine iiiiality foot w ear!

1 3 1 Pairsress, S treet and School

ES d

6 6to .Sl.3.0.

v.D.K.s y<§[ ; n d l y ' F l a t s

)cct;itor.s. filiie ', lirow n .strei't ice!;t, mocciu'iin ^ee if y on r .sizu

s Ladies Dres and Flat I

. $ 2- \ Regular Va

LoLs of K<x)d .school .slim .«addlc;<, drc.s.s loafers ai All nalionally known br

L ! f o r m e n

Inrluilrd In Ihli griiup , are a few pairs of goodi? a ll leather lehool short

. . . and a few pairs of - blafk, high .shoes in

d r n t styles.

Main Flot)i

D e p a r t m e i

T ^ D N E S D A T , A P K I t 7 , 1 9 4 8

» VISIT E.MEBSON’ J EJJERSON^ April 7 - U r , tn d Mrs.n e d D. W. Darls. SanU Monica, CaUf,’f fre nnd i l r . and Mrs. Z. L. W hlttakfr,

union ijupcrt. vUltcjl nt the home of Mr.Inllon and Mrs. Marlon Moncur.f iJ'e - M -----here _ ' ,

Stuart BrothersPAINTING and PAPER

tiANGING CONTIIACTOUS S3: n r th Are. E. Phcm. C i - J

W« work nnywliere ta Uaslc Vallej


f f e e a k s ^

b e t t e r - '


■ - U P ,footzmar

sc s h o r t lol.s a iu i h ro k c ii .'iizos :a r!

•s ^


Heel Styles

2.66Values to S9.95 |

.slioc.s in l l i is Kroii]). R cvcr.«e •-S a n d A 'i l a l i ly Drc.-cs .'ihoc.s—11 b r u n d s ,

M '

■ij Ir i ^


'l o t ) r S h o e D'ep’(,

m i Storei