Peas .: a ns ;ron , \ \ -10 st va ried :eland. T , PMENT MIRR'LE ES . , Ltd. 8: CO:.:Pt',;;'{ u},m'tr, ""-,--- 10-D.4 V'S SPECIAL 1957 FORD SEDAN THE DAILY NEWS Price $2100.00 ,.IFleE PRICE $1650. 00 B. Of Motors Ltd. No. 62. Pearson Comments' Newfoundla nd Policies i ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 195'> (Price: 7 Cent,) Charles Hutton & Sons Nicholson e urns rlvas Anticipated Legal Trouble " , '"I' fu!1 tC\t that the Inquiry Oe maae have supported this action of ,,!I<,n ,I, B'I umler a supcrlor court Judge thelr government If they had ; :.:, _ ,,' Ih" Op I from outsIde :\c\\'foundland not thought-and many of OTTAWA ICPI - ROIP Com·' '" I "0 I rqUr'l 10 Inl'cstigate the of them 1 am sure came to this misslOncr L, II :'-.'Icholson annCI' I rlum o reece . :r, ;,';,':i '.>1 He\l? 11"11 lesmess and I'lolence which conclusion very reluctantly- pated the legal entanglement of .:,'e"" , I h"l e t"ken place in Central that the Interest and welfare the ROIP m NClI'foundl<1nd <1 Ih;\I :'-.'ewfoundl<1nd SlTlCC the strike of the province required It \\eek before lie qUI I But he ap' ;111 of the loggers on Dc· Surely it Is our duty not only parenlly dinn't anllclr<1'e the OUl' ['ember ' The Inquiry, ac· to get all the facts about thiS come corcilnc to the press, should matter but to try and undcr· In a letter 10 'lipertntcndenl E I W I be held 'for the purpose of stand the VleWS of the people ,\ \1', Parsons of the RC,\IP III mOl 0 n a e com e' a'lci't<1l11ll1g the facts and of :'-.'c\\foundlanr with regard :-.ie'.lfo\lndlalld fI, Ihe COA1· 19-Year-Old the respollSlbllIty," to It. I hal'e trlcd to do Ihnt mis<loner co:nplimenled the S\l· "In the fllst pbce I think el'en though I could perllltendent and hiS force for II,· tLe f<1l't Ihat sudl a request not agree Il'Ith all of the steps tng 'restraint" and F EO KA L d '0 M d R lIa' made in those terms is taken, dunng s'nke dUly In tile lor e a ern ur er a·, : I';,t ,nr ellclcllce lJf the dcslrc o( "OIlC of the most disquiet. dl'pllle I t' :'1111 tile GOI'crnmcnl of :\CWfOUIlc!' ing fealures uf this whole In that lc:ler, II II;!, It-dll'll'd, , ED'\O:'-.'TO:l 'CPI -iitan \\il l:1nd to <elure anti pub, tragll' and unhappy business' Ill' ,pOKe of the aJlllr,,;tclung 'nexl Ilamson, l'J, lIas to J III' all the l<lets concCLnCI1 1 IS the growing sense of grlev. pha,e" and sa d' I ny S\'l I hl:n li,1t Ihe gla',e, oi VOl, \ :-Lly \las educalcd In mental hospl,al for obscl'IaIIO), IIlth Iho 111;1\lel' ('ol'ered h) anl'e ant! resentment in wilat "It mal' be cornphcolcil 11) lOll ,\Illl::-;S 'ReutE'rsl -I!elr!;" l'olm,llle, KII'cd In the L')PIU' ,\Ihrlls, \lhcll' Ill' ('ho'e 10 Dr, 'Ihen he oppcalcd Tuesday If 1111. IIHlull1 \\'c on tltlS side I IS all am'lcnt colonl', but a stllulon;]1 qucsllOIl, ani dl,U' nails Co' Gcolge Gmas hrokc so :hel I'e m ;ht kneel I come a l;'eek cilizell, "Ild ,soned POlll'C cOllrl on a murder ciJarge "f the Ilou.c h,110 thought nCII )1I'OllnCC, olel: what 'o! ml'nt', iJIIl I Jill sille lIe 1I1l! lio\ln and cried 1'lc"lay II,\en he 11dOJo Ihell1 111 p'i1ICr III tile (;ITch ,11'111) after a brll· al'lstn;: from a spreE 1,1:ll a full nblcclil'e in, m<111)' of its peoplc [cel to be gct tlHOllgh sliccessilllll' ,wei In a rc:url1ed Il'Iumphan:ly to The 6()·)car'old C)prlls . horll Ilant career ;It a 111I1IIar:, acado ',londdY In Ross Sheppard H,d qUII'I of Ihi, killel Iluule! he i a lack of uIldcl'st,andlng OIl I p:'bllc,,111 Ihe long frol11 ncarly fOlll' yp.arse of Iinder· (;rerk arl11Y officol' prm : School ill',ln\lle 1'1 1,['11 of the un" the In,linland of the posItion: lun ,III dPllccl:lte Ilarfare on Cypru<, e:S hefore CYP:'llS 'bat he FOCGIIT ll'nKS Wrll,anbon lias aitel lc,nll ('IC;J\Ce! and tile differ lo( I:' dlfCICUltlCS and prob, \lonci,II' \he ,1')",'1 did COI11· ,,\ole I han ,1,;O,[)OO por,ons I, fanntl(;,II,' nle> Il 111,h,' Ill' fought again" Tnr',s Ifl Ih,;cal-o'd !lOIlard Gatcs IVa' f'nlCS (If "]lIIlIOIl tllat iJal'e, !e111' ,IlId, indeed, Its nfler .,J:,'lI1g cheel'cd II e loader of Ihe r:01\.\ 'H,ll lhe IlllI"n 111",[e I, 'lll· ,\'1" 10 l"c", agall',,1 till' killed as 22·ca!.ble nne beC'n OI'CI' II ThiS feeling IS bound to bc Ihc f e t1 C I' a I gal crnmcnt Greek Cypnot unaergroul'd or· 'cr" nc soll'l 'It IS lip to them I:ah,alls In \Ibanla III 1938 ,"e"t tnc ,el'oel corridor. F'II'e ol'lllalll' happencd, The con'ill1(,l'ca'cd bv the fact that b}eacllcd " poke contl'clct IIltn galllation, a police cor· to ,rC')'ltid IllIs L Idsillp now,,' against Ihe Germans 10 the ,cc· were wounded, 1111'1 oC' 'he 11 bas becn ft til . d t'lon 'tt'ltll. s I :'-.'cwfollndlalld Illllot the don an:l molJllT\g hiS car, (,l'IaIJS II;], s:i11 illS ond \\ 01 Id \\ar, He lIas a Ilcuten· 1 D' \1' L' S" d I' , , O,CIl e con I S,,, ue , f -l('\IP' , 'f f I' I I' .• h G I. I, u".lr ,on, a li5\Cll· \llttCII\' attacked in tltc press .'ne' ('itcunlstances of :\cli") pl'OllnCC S lel):lcst I'e· (,l'I\a< granteci sale conduct to .InlOlm ° 110 en anI-co one 10 ,'hI II en reece t" d' 'd \\'11' .. , f I II TIL\IP I K' ,. b Ie' r, a ns" ,al "c examine 1 lam· , rt cl rllilcle ;]nc! as f 'I I' t th In mcemell" 'C po Icn Greece fol\olling t',e Frb, la \,ICaler, ,1a';1 reCC1C<, ,am, callle lI:lcer ,erman occupation 'f d tl th "d .111 ' , '"' [1'-. OllIH, ane ale no e ,arne lh Ilrolincc llwler a conllact Il ) I' I , ' SOIl alltl Olin le ,OU e- ddcllded Cha.nc< 0 e IS as thosc of Ihe oldcr prol'ln a g l' e e men t among Bnt;JlI1 rOllnc 'p, and relo I'er linen Re,lred In 1914 \\1Ih the rank' prc< d" l! d d f 01'(\1'1' "ne! Iwlcnce h;]I'e bccn co, Illth tile 11I(1llnc,;]1 acllllill-tra, (;,,'e(c and 'lll:kev te e<l<1blish he stC'lpccl from the C .. 17 (;rcck of full co;onel Grlalas made 'l h,se, e ur- I \ L, I \ f' . c r CXal111na Ion I lam-:on madc halc hccn rcieclcd :III' lllcfenbakcr: "'Ill' an IIlcil'pcncient Cyprlls r<'PLllIC, , r e , orce p aile t 10: C;]lflCd Ihlce unsl,ccessful b,ds to enter I lIas l,ates' mUlder I su!;gesl tilat if IIC dcslre to i SPCOkCI, perhaps tilc lion pIP'I'ntcd a Illmp of CY)lIID' sOil' ,0 d'C'"l[' P<Irliament. Tnco he s\lltchcd to II tilln hOll"S of t'l h I'ri II'lIll'rq;lI111 thc situallon, as, Gcnlloman Ilouid pcrmll a :'-.' I ' I s('t,l11. - ,talllc.! Illlh Ihe blood of Cyp·1 E'!IlR\lI'lJ IlIFf: slud)lI1g maps and drafung pl"ns ___ 1,'" \1 e do ancl If lI'e lI'i<h to 'luc'! In I'lew of :he f;]et ' ml",loll"etr p' IC, 101' 'II II ,,1 l' upel' 1'101 f!g:llel s" - ;0 ,\thcn, or :fe,' ,,1'1111), I'm\" dl cd II" 'I lie for a campaign 10 unite tr.e Hl'lt· I t IC)!I<latlon I I k 10 ellcn "I SOlb ' Katsoe", I \'ass Ilkl, I', hom Ill' h3d I'ot ,rell ISIl .\Iedltel ranean colony of Cyp· cr,tllllC 'rl'l' 1 ' t 13t 1[' is spca 'Ing at grcat "II h"loI (01111" oul of 0 ll' I If' 0 Jl "I'el in till' HOllse of ,\5'C111' Ie "tl II' ld Ihc lion Cen I '\11 mo;l fencnt \11<11 'S to SIOce 1e e tile' Oll ct 2",1" nls With Greece, " II""' nr I all 'pre'ellt I :!'her del:colee ,,11IatlOn I CI'prlfJt I 1,ltli Ihe On \pr II 1, 1 0 ,5, his hll of :\l'IIIDUIH anu In Ille(',' Ill'lllllI Ict tbc llouse know 111,1111 I'OLI 10 KnOll hUll mliCiI I '1'1 0,,1 011 so ,'g"1O ' ,n till' Ill' should ",I f tl I I nts' 1111" SUIl'C d;\'.." r,'mns S[\"i. 111 a sil311 be CcHlll',llgn gal under Ilay, ,1, , "" ' f II f '. I II lIlt I 0 lC C Cl1e 111 I "[lilll'(,ale IiiI' 11'" lill': 111 \llmh l' I I j hI' dl'Ll.1" Ii 110:" Gril'2s-terro[lst ,and murderer al'l',IL[1,( and 1I In ,01 ll'gl'I,I'llln are tl1o'c \\ltl1 Il' el ',I' f)ll t\'l' 11 \', ,I, 'PI'OC1 !lll'lflljl rr - d I ' d,lI rn illS honur bells III Ihe el'es of many Bnton>, :1\[\\111:1 ollll'l tll'e an 1m II hh II he does not agloe'" [fu,l.,dl.1l1d 11.1, IlJIII,it'd III, 11,11', .0:)' pCJ:ed :he cill and and liberalor to ill ion s of :In>tant 011 ll!iICil:o :\Jt I'c3rson:' :\!r, Speaker I III :he strd,l' alea liP 10 'datr, 1lI: I flags fle\1 frolT, nNf':Y e\cry Crceks - he to settle IJa-c oul' I It'll", ,tl'e Prlmc \linistcr did 110t, 'I m .Ul't' :'lel\' 11111.[11.1IC becn CI')lng, he compl'),rl'11 lilat the 1'.'" dOlI down qlllrtly Illlh his Illfe, a'oIay Australia And Russia Resume Dipl. Relations "\nl' dlff('I[,IH'CS of 01){1110n :J' .1111' information on m[lnl l"C,HOIlS IIhcn lomper, OI1I)]rS'l,I' had rdo-pl: '0 leI' ('1 ;[\a, bOIJ1 III (1)1111' on from strife and pol tics 1<\1'1' [,101' alc bOll'ld to haH thi' i11;]tter from hi< sine of, l'r(,,;I11[, ilalf'd ,,,HI IIhen IIlIll a --------- - --- ----------- ------------ BH1SB\\F, ,\lhtraiJa 'r.,"r a healing on nlffcrcnl'c S ,of tlip llouse I Il;]I'C <aid therc lillie Icct oi ca,illOIl olr mrn I Ipr,1 - Rus'ia and ,\u'lra'la an· e'p,'lion olel' ',lie Icglslallo n orc ('rnain 'pccific PI'oI'J'lons Ilal(, open ('1,,1111 1010 111l· Un"lon Members IWA Organl"zer Recel"ves nouncrn todav thcy v. II III1 lit lIas P;I,sCrl h\' ;]11 the in titlS \\'ith which I de"I'cillc sltuallOll' diplomatIC relatIOns after R fl'.e· mcmhers of bolli naI'lic' In J cannot and J :11Cnlion: 'This ,trd,c dut) i. onp of Ihe year ble"k 'he :\c1do.turll.1l1c1 this hcc'ausl'-" mo,L 1i"lng pol:ce 'laIC 10' GI"ve 550 000 Threatenl"ng Phone Calls Rl1Isla I\llhdrew it5 5,1 man \ "['mill),, Ilitieh lIa' .111(1 "II Dlercllhakor' "\\'hil'h 110 alll' ),,'111 mc I rir,rlle crecilt I' dlplomal c n:lS,llon from ,\us· '" olllt'l IIIr.lh lCl\1oll" al'l'olll1!.lblc to OIlCS'" ,fot Ihe rc,tlalnl .11][1 IlIdgn1l'l'1 ., '" . ' ,tlalla In April, 19-"\, immeclale[y elltd" of'tllc pcople of '\ellfoul1dl;]nd )!r B"tlel1' ":'-.'0 IInc Il1tcl"ltliey 11c1IC 1I,cd 'I'd I them to I('P -:,l110r ,,(,f\\\[)F,\l,j,S,\f.d ICP'- TII'oIllAplckC"sllrlea','fgrenlafler I'l3cllmlr Petrol' defecled II IIIII be rCl\1crnbcrerl that luPlcd ' 'heep II UJl 1lll'Ir.iJcrs In BILII,:, I llirealeiling p,lOne calls hale be· 10 the hOllse after the II th sClrels of SOlie! esp iona 6€ ",fter II;!SI ,uml11rt' t:,e Feele-ral Slarr: "W11Il'h ones do 'Whcn CIIlI" :'-.'e\\'folllld· hal e donateil almost $00,000 to I come an occupatlOr,al hazard for I main inCident, The guard now 111 Australia RU5'la also ordeted hI' ',<ltc·, Gmcrnmcnt lilitlatcd leg1s' VOlt ellsagree \lith'" land attornel' "elleral was tlic Internalional Wood\\'orkers of I b Ir,)', JIank Sklnnn, has bern reduced to one, I tlie ml<sion out of '1 ll'eIP.rr Ila\ion III Ihi' ]lou'c, ,w\llC'h • !llr, Pearsoll: "Pel'hap, tIte speaking to fcd'el'al ,\merie;! (CLC' In :-.iellfoIl11d· g;]Jcilel' for 1'1 e lJ,ternalional sa)'s protection 1S I Petrel' lias Ilmd secre· 11 Illmh lI'as ;]prrol'cd h) parliament Pl'ITlIe 7Ilinister WI]] keep quiet 1usllce ministel on tlie plione land, P"t O':'-.'e;;l. ,ccrelary of o[ Arner ea (CLCI, rot a problem, "The:e are hun· I tary of the SOl iet EmbaSle), In and by all 11111\, '\lembers of for a and let me Ihe other day, he II <1S hig:tly the R C Federallcn of Labor, Skmllrr, 32, hiS WIfe SilLy cIreds of loggers who would throw Canberr?, tillS parI)', ;]nd which ended 3 InV speech" comp:imentary of tlie \I oy the SOld end thl'ee file, elgilt a picket line around tl e hou<c on -- -- ---- stl'lkc [\11(\ senl mcn back to Speaker: "Ordcr \1.1\' dillslOlllinder your clirect.on He said he m<111ed a cheque for I and 10 a small I:oodcn a 24·hollr hasi! if 1 asked tr,em 01 Y f.\WA (CP' The CLC 'las \I 0: k TI' ,S \\'.15, of coursc, an 1 remine! both sldcs of the acted, ]!" mJCe It clear lI;e pOSl· I $3 4[)() to lile slnl,cl s I:urtng thc, colt"ge In surlJ Ilhan II rndsor to," postponed considera'lOn o[ latest cllffl' II1tcrfcrcncc with the of House thal thiS is not a de· I t'on taken bv tne PO:ICP has al· I II eekend as Ine lales! dona'loo Ilhere fccli<;g agaln,t the IWA Dozens 0: loggers phoned to of· del'clopmont! in the "line, lIe frcc, collcctive b"te, Tlle Primc :'.!inister has been meticulously correct I fcom B C runs <IS drong as It docs here fel asslslanCe the nlgnt the mob 2nd Smal:er Wo"kers enlon ,\11'. Dlcfcnbaker: "Docs the made a statcmcnt and the' and th"l the men In the area I DOI1"tlOn< Ilere contlndlOg to, Last 1 Ilil'sday I1Igh: a mOJ dc· gathe:'ed II'\D) it was learr,ed Tue:;day. 11011 Gcntleman <aI' that the, Lcader of the Opposition is I \I ere gOing out of Ihe r 11'.1) to come in f:onJ 10lals of \'aflOUS tachc' II'elf frJm a crowd thnt "\I'e clen had calls [rom some Toe union's nell 'late want.s to in ,\c\\,foUlldlantl l commentll1g upon 11." be Il11pdrtlal ' 1I1110n, throughout till' pIO,InCe, stDned the 11\ '\ hrndquarter;s H, oeuple in Wmd'or Ilho were an- worf: IowaI'd re - affillalion With is l'o]11D;]I';thlr"" :\]1', Churchill: 'At greal - -- --- II "nil ,sllrro II1dl'd : I' e Sklll' XIOIiS fa;, our safety" the CLC 'I:' PC;]I"OI1 "I ltal'e said Icngth" I T bl T G ncr home, ,a'l 'hat \11' Spenkcl. hut 1 Pearsoll' "Thank you, No rou e 0 et 1'I1e d;I1:0nSII',,[lon agal;-"t USSR Th S;l,c1I'r;]t \lC pa<scd legIslatIOn Speakcr, ,\s I wa< saving , came a' Ihe bo;I, Signs ree .II til s p,lIitamcnt last sum' beforc tile PL lmc :\11I11stcl"saw 1°: Consl, \,Ililam \IOS,5 of [nc lilt' lrrr Ilhllll II;]' an 1l1tCl'fcrence fil to Intcrrupt me, the people Extra RCMP In B. C. \C"lfOlinciaor! CO'l s 'aIiU lIa<' it". II,tI1 1'10 of (I'ce, to\leLl' of :\'c\\'foundland In this i P:dlOd .1l'oall' n ;Ia,n a' :hc Pacts I n Far East \\ Inri,ol' C\I\ s[atlOn "t I C in th;]t h\' matter, as In otiler \ l'onst :-10'5 ',I<1S falall, i'liu,'cd OIl rllaetmelll It scnt naturally senSitive to <lny mis, , ,\'I'I'lialleIJOrttothr D\II.Y "1:\\,SflornY,lllCOIlIrr !; neAd" l;driQor III a cla'1 be [t)\\J(\\ (\P' -- RII,',a has n'rn Ileek 10 work \n\ Inter' reprcsenlation of tileir " '.' I I ' 011 tIl" RC,'!I' "'"I'C"llICllt, 1II'tii IIrr'tish ('olilmhia lllCOIl P" lP "n I 11\'\ I1lCmnCl, tillee econOI11Il' pact' '11th 1]' ca.1' for fCl'rlll'c of tilat ';111r1 l'all on Y ane to anylhlng ,., ' I\[' 11I'llfie,1 ;!ftor alllhr facls 10 be unfair ill \III' the Ilri(jsh Columbia contr,lrt llith thr ROIP pro J'<I llir \ do,\I''', lllcieldc',cioprd nallonl In tnc :'iOIl(l(),()()(I n:ble loan repB,abl. fe Inri I ;J n rl D"I ell'I"nrnt Com ,\\Innlc ,on,I' ,'ai' r':a't, I 'I 0 , ""I' cent IntNMt At th, I; a< , thillk the) of ('ondiliol1s In the \idr- r\l!a ROll' ,trength at the IrltUest oC the Altornn' " . -, , ". '" , ,'l'e 'IlOII 11, ;Jalll 1 i,e K r. m II I'" /1['.1 II offlcl;1i ral. of pxchang, /o,lr lIel(' KIlOIIIl Sllmmer, on prol'incl', (,rll1'I\ll to rlral Illth general strike" ili,",tCls, such A' Sl'I:l, 1\\ \ 'lE\ ',"th Slid a n "as :'ul)lc\ equal one l'S, dDllar, I,C \l'11('n "Surel) \11 Spraker, \llIat flood" or af\\ ridl rli,tulhaurrs, Tho <,,01,01 "1,; <c, ,II': 1\', \ In Knartoum Tho cact I no tl1e IJIlIlI:1 or Ille e\pr wc may tilluk o[ J'xtra Jln)I11ClIt for the,e extra men Is ""I ken 0111 mcn \111'1 \1 Skinner In 11< prol ['e' for shipment of MI'lcI I 1 nder a ,';()(l ()()(I,{lOO ruble teCh rLIJlil' ,ClU1III dcmands ,uch aClion taken'in :'>JewloUlidlanci hI' hctwrcn Frllclal alln PrOl'illci:t1 hlll'e 111'11' II1'rr olher flIlIO'lll1fehinc', rolled Iron and <[ee!. :1Jl' ne'lion In the face in thiS labour displlte, it is of 90l'cmmcnts 111r.n-Jdf J!;r'I, hck and I til111c. 10 the Sudan Wllh foj dl ar <1nel prcscnt c\Jnger lital Importancr to do !loth R. W, Ilonncr '")' the SCII!ollnn I O'llor' Lu·h, thiS year rn return [or cotton,' 1eir r orean5 In " 10 -Pl'lllltl 01' to Ihe cconornic ing to add to this feelin" of I \\I>CI1 rI 0 111 0 n '1fJlnls ar' nllts '"s'me, Antici .• 000,II(I().kifov.,alt thermal ell'Cl.rl' I r '" I lann cOllhad mal' not he the hill he most ",,, "' c Ill' life "f the cOllnll'l' or 0 a I rcsentment or to this feeling plolcilrci, \ir, callcn Ihe, patcd I'aille of t.he trade 1I'<l! nol power aJ 115 mIlts tl \lith lhe Prolinccs are pretty l\ell slandard, 10 pl'OllnCe of misunderstood; far I' policr, .\ ':'111,' 1 C;lr arl\ en ahnu: I gil en, and "On the baSis of the fads I from thal could grow a fceling !If l[S{) sa)S th,lt In)time he hafl to call for extla RDIP 10 o'lnllle, laIn, lh;,1 arc knowll \11th regard to o[ Isolation which would be "J\e got thrm ju,t like that", In the interl'JI s"lcrdl ("I l11e ""Ill' ;hr '\ewfoundland Situation especially regrettable as we ---- -----.- - --- -- I of the ,hollt I(rolI P : IWA Loggers Stl·ck a ,0 In slrong diffcl'cnccs o[ opinion, approach the tenth anniver· t Aff - M t ('limod the flO'lt door,tep of thr, ;], \I'd, illelitablc, hal'e de· sary of that fortunate day for Ex airs Inls er darkereti bJ"sc ShJl1l1er I Iclopcd ovcr the measures Canada when the work of I they lIere fll;hl(l1cci off when he I I;]Kcn hy the gOl'crnment and Confederation was completed At A k shone a fla,hllg It at Ihem, T p. k t Ihc Legislature or \'ewfound· by joining this DI-es Of Heart tac I POlice drolc Jllal' the crowd 0 IC e land to :icnl with the situation nation, J suggest, Speaker, but It rc;]"cmbled- \\ben they' lines 1\ ll:ch confronted that provo that we al! have a responsi. .' ,Iefl The crO\I d fie<: ilt each 'ub, ,!IlC 1 hal'c expre<sed mv own bilitu In this parliamcnt. as OTT\\\'/\ '(I" - Pl'll11e "lin· the d,lI, 01 hrs life, a, a soldier" sequent police patrol hut kepI ny GEI'AL!) FRED!.\:\ camp slo .. es in a !hack , h t J 1,ler Didcnna!'ll' J'llo,ti:JI' an· n teachcr. a unlll'I,II), PI cSllir,nt COl11m" hac', Canadian Prrss StaH WrI1er I by a kerosene lantecn \ Il'II" 011 Issue I\' en thev have in the Legislative d C I I 1ft GR \"0 F \1 LS \fll CPI I 1 "00 'IE'- 'T 'ORK 'aid in I iC\l of reccnt el'cnts I Assemblv of :\clI'folindlilnd, to dnouncel tlo [I'f e 01111110ns t rc HI· an( a 111101' el' 0 111 cl'oll'n :'11' Skllner <a;r: he loaned hi, .' .• "-,. l f - ,- ., " . ." l\ f dl I 1 'I d I " en e('a', I 0 Mid 1\ 11.\[,[,)" GEi'EROlS , ,II, ,0 nfle and lI;rlteei ill lile 11\· Cncerful. del ermined and hard as i Their VClcncc IS largely a 111 \c\\ Ollll alH: WIS Ie to refrain (rolll saving or dOing 'I S II I II I I I 1 ' I I ' ' - I" Irmtcr ,1ll1 1 ' C I\OS a \I IDIC·SOcl el tn" roon' 1IIIh t,e Ilohl O'lt most' axe·handle, tb e stnklOg ge,ltirr, The company Clam]' whal I lave alrca( Y , anything which I\'ould acid an I I I 1 " , - dl d I k' tl 'laled, 10 the effect that the unnecessarl' strain on this IIe made the annolllccm,:nt In ,lll( pel"on ,1,,0 nue e of the lltgll: of \ewio \n an aim to 1,200 mcn arc at \1'01 tn rl'ec h a cllOKIllg 101Cl' ,Olllr 111 n1tnU',cs fllellrls and kcpt i:II'llds ca'tly Pl1llCn lIanled IlIllI 10 lal,e :lIS st'ck to Incl" PIC,;ct lines until, of tile f01l1 dllr'lons, of tllC \ational Li eral I union, I I ' c, f h[ d t f II I I I aflel tie opelling of 'j'lleSea) 'I 'Ihl (olInlll dnj 111f' go,ern £.Lll111' 0.1: of :,,111 "",I, !,;c\' \lln t.,elr Ig 1100 ;] U canacIY l i'al'\,1 In la/lour matters lb;]' "f call (Inly and III lOll, Common, Silting mlnl \1111 "ICdtll feci tlie lo\s of 1"11 '0 1"llh'''1 on t['o Hld'llll, 1"1l'1 lIant nllllJO lliat sland, :\'on· stnke:s al Badger, 'CCll \\. I conttnue to c I' S k II t ( ". ' c , , " ' , ')(kl " I!' 'f f I' b' I' It f ellston" (' • pca CI la 01 I 'Jlle COI'lInOIl, tnll11cillatc\l ad· I d deloled and O,CO,llpll-llcd ,lUb, Iilat 11,"ht \lould h r! ffl('ult alld up [or them, and :h", th"t mile> Ile,1 of here, don t hale to GII'CII .' ,1m) ,lSen ,on tIe rlgl ,0 the I hale gll'cn It journcd unlll \\rdnl"ddl ", a I c ,el\[,nt dnd hi' fllcn:l--of onl '\ 'lempo-a'l sol Ilion 'Inc h:ern8tlonal \\oodllorkers of ClOSS tlie picket line, They can I 11.1'111 of free, cullel'lll'e harj:;atnlng t ,,' ttabl Illat tile I 'I S I I' ' , , \ ' CLC b f II ' \'11 I Ii' d h' ' .,lnl.lllltc'll ' lS mos lC"IC r, m,IIKofll'l,uteto,.r ,11111. II Ii Il '11 IhdleiJccnpl'l\llc"edto "I Illohrrc In \\lI1d:or and tlllS ,n,Cllea l 'e,tl-tne"I, enter lC ,1005 ! a r le(d)I, Ihrllugll IIl10ns ('hosrn bl' Ihe' k' d f I ,t' c IC' D f I k I " , " "I I I t h I' f I , ,,' In 0 OlJCl II IIHlulry I er ,aid Illl \\'Ole, 1,0 olle fOI a long Id1'!O-'.111\ nol IS 1111 home 1m nol lont care a'ou a In· ane) rOLcn IlIcr, \1 \,b: lc liP, Ilorkeis :l1emsel ve s , ,I,qucs_ted bl' the GO,I'el'l1ment eXIlIC" the (("lings ,IC Idd tlie \larl11 companion·h P i ''1';11 no: II00rtCri about I1ll,clf. Crl',lSe," said a lanky Si:11I1,a: plckcl lines al ['ood \!I J Ie 1111 nl( (Eglll1ton), of Newfuundland, IlIllrh also 111 announcll1g 11ll' lr"glc los, of Ih<11 "Illi fr endsl111' hrollgn: '.I'rll' II' mY Illfe ar.d chlldrell 1 '.orn lI{'odsman from Deer Lake I B'sI1OP s Fa!.s, tlie dllJ;;IOn ;'11, II I cpo, led, 'Exl'l'pl for :\'clI'foundlanrl" I would have covered the re' a nlnn who \l'DS long" per,o:l:J1 i It' Clh;' It ;, ' I \lant to be aole to go 10 the com· I not and at n ",ked Slarr: '''';cwfounrllann quest made by the I fl'ienu, . . Ildzerr ,\ r gill', CCl" Houoe ' ",elly rllO \el." \\0\1 11' fact pallY through a I Terra :'-.'ola, , r\RSO:\, - Ihe exception" Labour Cont-:rcss for an m'l SI1lll11 had hf'Cll Leader s;]ld "I am SUf(' ,III f'a. ,he was ,,{)m'eif'.I!.' I I bale a glICIJnCC, and te!: i1re .. stl'lkcrs appeal' to bear no I Pcarson: Spcakcr qulry, And which might milllskr Since Sept 13, nadiars Iliil he ,holked at the \[1"(; [,\U,S them to do sOl11etl1l11g "lOllt It. tIl-lIllI tOllard the company _ I I ha\'c said that is the pollcy hAd Important and POSItIve :aS7 He tlte Comtnor,s Ile\\" of the sundcll of the I 'IllE' ml'nac ng (';ills h"d hl'l'll a I "If I cOd:d hal'e tl1::t J cI el('n Hatbel; they tdlk of Cif Ihc National Liberal Party resulls along the lines advo, In a byelccllOn 111 I!aslings·fron· lion, Sld,wy Slllit'l TillS IS e,pe, 'lllisance sillce the 1\\',\ 1':2l_ k [or less money hean ,or brcaKf,asl, ral'raI3"ed \ of Canada, and those words rated b)' the Prime :'!tnlstcr tenac 1\\0 monlhs Idler ciall\' sO for Ihose of llS 11110 h'llc ,I!'Ike \lcgan Dec 31, llut be· O:\' l'ICKETI:>;G DUTY fiOI,!' and fa',ontlsm sholln by ,spcak for themselves, How· hlmseH when he said we· Mr, Dlefenbaker galc no ndi, to know him well for Sid. gan JT\ earncst t.'e d"y aftel the I 'I ill' logger was onc uf :1\)OUt foreman - that glOIl' to. major ever, if lion, Gentlemen would ought to have a two,wcek calion as to the cause of dealh nel' Smllh \\as a man who did I moh stoncJ Ihe IW,\ h,nldlltg IWI slllKers into Ihree proportIOns for want of grJClance like to hear It I am prepared coollnl! off period, has been o[ the 62-year·old mmlslcr not allow partisan consldrratlOns They're begJOn ng '0 ea'e off small home, senlng as bunk· protiedure, to express an opinion, This is refused by this government" Mr, Smith had flown to Ottawa to stand in llie II ay of personal no\\'," Skinner said for pickets at :1carby Bad· ------- the fIrst occasion J have had Hon, J, W, Pickersglli. Tuesday morning from llalibx, fricndshlp," ger. al the to one of the to speak on this matter in (BonavIsta' Twilllngate): "Mr where he spoke to lne GREAT Ej>L'CATJONfST French Reds Anglo - :'-.'ellfoundland DClclop· parliament. On the basis of Speaker" I should 11kI' to ask Halifax Board of Trade, "He had an oulstancitng carecr menl 'ompany's fonr \loods dll'· thr Information I have reo the Minister from Newfound, If d lTd I' in the field of education and even' ision" He asked not to be iden:· , e let ues ay, appal"'n Ii' 'B I P I" f ccll'ed I would be unable as land j[ he concurred In the I o[lel' a lreD!'t altack aftl'r beco:ning of stJle, atl e 0 Ice lied, tearier of this party to agree decIsion of the government to for cxlernal aff,ms rctamed a Water for dcinhlng and ,hal Illg OpPOSition Le"dl'!' I'l'or,on ,.]Id wilh certain of tIle procedures repudlatc the rontrart with vcr) spoclal illlcrc,t In malters liS 'IOted In Imrels in Ihe yard, "I lime 1)['1'11 ,lioleoed anri ,old, that havc bcen followed or Ute Prolince of :,'ell[ounn <lIcll ;h f('rirral nul :0 l'dllcaitull iJ: 11\\'[\1' FI,II'CC Hful,'r,I, Hut thl' Irell liale htll" ciJJnee Ilitll specific P10I'Ision S of Ihe land", 1I0reis by the IlCII'S: "IllS slay in Parli,IlTIl'Il; \lao all \1011' t han \lIllH l'ommll'I,,[S 10 bathl' 01 cJ ange their 10JlSe ncll's Sldne,l Smltll "I}{)se unlll11e[) [UII hl'Jci and he 111.1 \'1' sorell' bnllied Illth BOO ',IO!tCl' 'itle,t1a) wood, clothes during tilclr 10 or :'Ill', Speakel': 'The lion, passing lIe so deepl, mOllrn, 110; I missed IllS tragic death has cl;1 night after Illc)' 'o,t Ill(' clly', 12,hollr <tints of PI1Kd dut, 1 he) I : "The people of :'oiCWfOlllld· 'Iemher, I tiunk, knows that I a man Ilho scncri hi, collolry all ,11Ort hh life of service '0 Ihe l11alor,llt)' 10 a S"C alis[ by one srluol11 take their co;]l, off, "ICII I I land fccl strongly on mat, the constitutIOnal practice is' ---- COml11UllIty, to IllS OIl n 1I,,[ioll alld I 10 ,Ieep mousc Assembly With very for the cabinet." \Iinl,ter intcnd to uphold the "lIc lias a of praccfulln. i lias e[ccled h) 1'1 loles agalnsll dlllSIOn enlrances In around·the·1 Weather Sunny except (or a [e\\, scattNed snOl1 flurries, ;r little m'lder High 33, TEMPERATURES ,[01111 S 26 :n :w 06 ter, Rnd I know that a unanl' Ihat the Prime speak, plemelltal'y qUestion Docs tlte I to the \\orld, I Soc alist Hobert :'lllllggllllloll rhey maintalll picket imp, at' I strong ,upport from the pco' lilt' Pickcl'sgill: "Perhaps I honoul of hi< PI'OVllllC hy I ,IIIICls an"OliS to maintain peace IR lotel fo: Ihe for ncr C Ol11n1 II· clock SIX, hour Ihlft' patrolling pie of that province would not I cuuld ask the minister a sup, I subml11ll1g hiS leslgnatJOIl':" for the world as a \\hole," nlst ma)OI, Rene ('.,mcc, I h) fool 01' huddled aruund gloll· I I I 'f \. :1 , L 1' !I " Ii 'I ( ! II II I, " I II I) r' , I I " " II I I I Ir ,i " ·1 11 " " II , I , f Ii ' , :1 ;j Ij I I, II f II [ II: ,! \ 1 I, I <I ,

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10-D.4 V'S SPECIAL 1957 FORD SEDAN THE DAILY NEWS ~tgular Price $2100.00

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Pearson Comments' Newfoundla nd Policies i

ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 195'> (Price: 7 Cent,) Charles Hutton & Sons


e urns •

rlvas Anticipated Legal Trouble " , '"I' fu!1 tC\t that the Inquiry Oe maae have supported this action of

• ,,!I<,n ,I, B'I umler a supcrlor court Judge thelr government If they had ; :.:, _ ,,' Ih" Op I from outsIde :\c\\'foundland not thought-and many of OTTAWA ICPI - ROIP Com·' '.~~; '" I "0 I rqUr'l 10 Inl'cstigate the "act~ of them 1 am sure came to this misslOncr L, II :'-.'Icholson annCI' I

• rlum o reece . :r, ;,';,':i '.>1 He\l? 11"11 lesmess and I'lolence which conclusion very reluctantly- pated the legal entanglement of

.:,'e"" , I h"l e t"ken place in Central that the Interest and welfare the ROIP m NClI'foundl<1nd <1 Ih;\I :'-.'ewfoundl<1nd SlTlCC the strike of the province required It \\eek before lie qUI I But he ap'

;111 of the loggers beg~n on Dc· Surely it Is our duty not only parenlly dinn't anllclr<1'e the OUl'

['ember ~t ' The Inquiry, ac· to get all the facts about thiS come corcilnc to the press, should matter but to try and undcr· In a letter 10 'lipertntcndenl E t· I W I be held 'for the purpose of stand the VleWS of the people ,\ \1', Parsons of the RC,\IP III mOl 0 n a e com e' a'lci't<1l11ll1g the facts and of :'-.'c\\foundlanr with regard :-.ie'.lfo\lndlalld ~latch fI, Ihe COA1· 19-Year-Old a';c",n~ the respollSlbllIty," to It. I hal'e trlcd to do Ihnt mis<loner co:nplimenled the S\l·

"In the fllst pbce I think m~'sclf, el'en though I could perllltendent and hiS force for II,·

tLe f<1l't Ihat sudl a request not agree Il'Ith all of the steps tng 'restraint" and "j\ld~rl1Cnt" F EO KA L d '0 M d R lIa' made in those terms is taken, dunng s'nke dUly In tile log~cls lor e a ern ur er a·,

: I';,t ,nr ellclcllce lJf the dcslrc o( "OIlC of the most disquiet. dl'pllle I • t' :'1111 tile GOI'crnmcnl of :\CWfOUIlc!' ing fealures uf this whole In that lc:ler, II II;!, It-dll'll'd, ~ , ED'\O:'-.'TO:l 'CPI -iitan \\il

l:1nd to <elure anti m~kc pub, tragll' and unhappy business' Ill' ,pOKe of the aJlllr,,;tclung 'nexl Ilamson, l'J, lIas rem~nded to J

III' all the l<lets concCLnCI11

IS the growing sense of grlev. pha,e" and sa d' I ny S\'l 'IO!)I\~O I hl:n li,1t Ihe gla',e, oi VOl, \ :-Lly ~,l, ln~I~, \las educalcd In mental hospl,al for obscl'IaIIO), IIlth Iho 111;1\lel' ('ol'ered h) anl'e ant! resentment in wilat "It mal' be cornphcolcil 11) lOll ,\Illl::-;S 'ReutE'rsl -I!elr!;" l'olm,llle, KII'cd In the L')PIU' ,\Ihrlls, \lhcll' Ill' ('ho'e 10 Dr, 'Ihen he oppcalcd Tuesday If

1111. IIHlull1 \\'c on tltlS side I IS all am'lcnt colonl', but a stllulon;]1 qucsllOIl, ani dl,U' nails Co' Gcolge Gmas hrokc strllg~lc so :hel I'e m ;ht kneel I come a l;'eek cilizell, "Ild ,soned POlll'C cOllrl on a murder ciJarge "f the Ilou.c h,110 thought nCII )1I'OllnCC, olel: what 'o! ml'nt', iJIIl I Jill sille lIe 1I1l! lio\ln and cried 1'lc"lay II,\en he 11dOJo Ihell1 111 p'i1ICr III tile (;ITch ,11'111) after a brll· al'lstn;: from a ~l1oolin~ spreE 1,1:ll a full ~1l[1 nblcclil'e in, m<111)' of its peoplc [cel to be gct tlHOllgh sliccessilllll' ,wei In a rc:url1ed Il'Iumphan:ly to C;r~rl'e' The 6()·)car'old C)prlls . horll Ilant career ;It a 111I1IIar:, acado ',londdY In Ross Sheppard H,d qUII'I of Ihi, killel Iluule! he i a lack of uIldcl'st,andlng OIl I 1,laY,I!'~t,lhe p:'bllc,,111 Ihe long frol11 ncarly fOlll' yp.arse of Iinder· (;rerk arl11Y officol' tol~ l~port· prm : School ill',ln\lle 1'1 1,['11 of the un" the In,linland of the posItion: lun ,III dPllccl:lte ~Ioune! Ilarfare on Cypru<, ~ e:S hefore ICJI'ln~ CYP:'llS 'bat he FOCGIIT ll'nKS Wrll,anbon lias char~ed aitel lc,nll ('IC;J\Ce! and tile differ lo( I:' dlfCICUltlCS and prob, \lonci,II' \he ,1')",'1 did COI11· ,,\ole I han ,1,;O,[)OO por,ons I, fanntl(;,II,' nle> Il 111,h,' Ill' fought again" ~he Tnr',s Ifl Ih,;cal-o'd !lOIlard Gatcs IVa' f'nlCS (If "]lIIlIOIl tllat iJal'e, !e111' ,IlId, indeed, Its rl~ll~ers IImSJO~lr Ic"~nl'd nfler .,J:,'lI1g cheel'cd II e loader of Ihe r:01\.\ 'H,ll lhe IlllI"n 111",[e I, 'lll· ,\'1" ~!ll;or 10 l"c", agall',,1 till' killed as 22·ca!.ble nne frr~ beC'n r~pl'c'sccl OI'CI' II :I~t ThiS feeling IS bound to bc Ihc f e t1 C I' a I gal crnmcnt ~a:1 Greek Cypnot unaergroul'd or· 'cr" nc soll'l 'It IS lip to them I:ah,alls In \Ibanla III 1938 ~nd ,"e"t tnc ,el'oel corridor. F'II'e ol'lllalll' happencd, The con'ill1(,l'ca'cd bv the fact that b}eacllcd " poke contl'clct IIltn galllation, b~e<Ik.ng a police cor· to ,rC')'ltid IllIs L ~ Idsillp now,,' against Ihe Germans 10 the ,cc· lel':1·a~cd ~lIls were wounded, 1111'1 oC' 'he 11 c.~!.P bas becn ft til . d t'lon 'tt'ltll. s I :'-.'cwfollndlalld Illllot glect'r~ the don an:l molJllT\g hiS car, (,l'IaIJS II;], s:i11 1\i'aI'lO~ illS ond \\ 01 Id \\ar, He lIas a Ilcuten· 1 D' \1' L' S" d I' , , O,CIl e con I S,,, ue , f -l('\IP' , 'f f I' I I' .• h G I. I, u".lr ,on, a li5\Cll· \llttCII\' attacked in tltc press .'ne' ('itcunlstances of :\cli") pl'OllnCC S lel):lcst o~', I'e· (,l'I\a< granteci sale conduct to camJ1nl~l' .InlOlm ° 110 en anI-co one 10 ,'hI II en reece t" d' 'd \\'11' .. , f I II TIL\IP I K' ,. b Ie' r, a ns" ,al "c examine 1 lam· , rt cl rllilcle ;]nc! as 'tro11~lv f 'I I' t th In mcemell" 'C po Icn Greece fol\olling t',e Frb, la \,ICaler, ,1a';1 reCC1C<, ,am, callle lI:lcer ,erman occupation 'f d tl th "d .111 ' , '"' [1'-. OllIH, ane ale no e ,arne lh Ilrolincc llwler a conllact Il ) I' I , ' SOIl alltl Olin le ,OU e-ddcllded Cha.nc< 0 e IS as thosc of Ihe oldcr prol'ln a g l' e e men t among Bnt;JlI1 rOllnc 'p, and relo I'er linen Re,lred In 1914 \\1Ih the rank' prc< d" l! d d f 01'(\1'1' "ne! Iwlcnce h;]I'e bccn co, Illth tile 11I(1llnc,;]1 acllllill-tra, (;,,'e(c and 'lll:kev te e<l<1blish he stC'lpccl from the C .. 17 (;rcck of full co;onel Grlalas made 'l h,se, e rClcol1llTlc\~llc ur-

I \ ~ L, I \ f' . c r CXal111na Ion I lam-:on

madc ~11i1 halc hccn rcieclcd :III' lllcfenbakcr: "'Ill' an IIlcil'pcncient Cyprlls r<'PLllIC, , re, orce p aile t 10: C;]lflCd ~Im Ihlce unsl,ccessful b,ds to enter I lIas char~ed III~II l,ates' mUlder

I su!;gesl tilat if IIC dcslre to i SPCOkCI, perhaps tilc lion pIP'I'ntcd a Illmp of CY)lIID' sOil' ,0 d'C'"l[' P<Irliament. Tnco he s\lltchcd to II tilln hOll"S of t'l h I'ri II'lIll'rq;lI111 thc situallon, as, Gcnlloman Ilouid pcrmll a :'-.' I ' I s('t,l11. - ,talllc.! Illlh Ihe blood of Cyp·1 E'!IlR\lI'lJ IlIFf: slud)lI1g maps and drafung pl"ns ___ '~o 1,'" \1 e do ancl If lI'e lI'i<h to 'luc'! 1~JJ1 In I'lew of :he f;]et ' ml",loll"etr p' IC, 101' 'II II ,,1 l' upel' 1'101 f!g:llel s" - ;0 ,\thcn, ~,!a) or :fe,' ,,1'1111), I'm\" dl cd II" 'I lie for a campaign 10 unite tr.e Hl'lt·

I t IC)!I<latlon I I k 10 ellcn "I SOlb ' Pau."~I;]' Katsoe", I \'ass Ilkl, I', hom Ill' h3d I'ot ,rell ISIl .\Iedltel ranean colony of Cyp· cr,tllllC 'rl'l' 1 ' t 13t 1[' is spca 'Ing at grcat "II h"loI ~r (01111" oul of 0 ll' I If' 0 ~-, Jl "I'el in till' HOllse of ,\5'C111' Ie "tl II' ld Ihc lion Cen I '\11 mo;l fencnt \11<11 'S to SIOce 1e e tile' Oll ct 2",1" nls With Greece,

" II""' nr I all 'pre'ellt I :!'her del:colee ,,11IatlOn I CI'prlfJt I 1,ltli Ihe On \pr II 1, 10,5, his EOK~ hll of :\l'IIIDUIH anu In Ille(',' Ill'lllllI Ict tbc llouse know 111,1111 I'OLI 10 KnOll hUll mliCiI I '1'1 0,,1 011 so ,'g"1O ' ,n till' "tll~lll1n Ill' should ",I f tl I I nts' 1111" SUIl'C d;\'.." r,'mns S[\"i. 111 a sil311 be CcHlll',llgn gal under Ilay, ,1, , "" ' f II f '. I II lIlt I 0 lC C Cl1e 111 I "[lilll'(,ale IiiI' 11'" lill': 111 \llmh l' I I j hI' dl'Ll.1" Ii 110:" Gril'2s-terro[lst ,and murderer

l1~'le al'l',IL[1,( and 1I In ,01 ll'gl'I,I'llln are tl1o'c \\ltl1 Il' el ',I' f)ll t\'l' I\('~',f' 11 \', ,I, 'PI'OC1 II~qUI'IIIIY !lll'lflljl rr -d I

' d,lI rn illS honur bells III Ihe el'es of many Bnton>, ~ero :1\[\\111:1 ~II ollll'l tll'e an 1m II hh II he does not agloe'" [fu,l.,dl.1l1d 11.1, IlJIII,it'd III, 11,11', .0:)' pCJ:ed IhIlJI,~houl :he cill and and liberalor to ~ ill ion s of :In>tant In~lIol'\ 011 ll!iICil:o :\Jt I'c3rson:' :\!r, Speaker I III :he strd,l' alea liP 10 'datr, 1lI: rrnll'r.\f~F!) I flags fle\1 frolT, nNf':Y e\cry Crceks - ~aid he pl~m to settle IJa-c oul' I It'll", ,tl'e Prlmc \linistcr did 110t, 'I m .Ul't' :'lel\' 11111.[11.1IC becn CI')lng, he compl'),rl'11 lilat the 1'.'" dOlI down qlllrtly Illlh his Illfe, a'oIay

Australia And Russia Resume Dipl. Relations

"\nl' dlff('I[,IH'CS of 01){1110n ~11l' :J' .1111' information on m[lnl l"C,HOIlS IIhcn lomper, OI1I)]rS'l,I' had rdo-pl: '0 leI' ('1 ;[\a, bOIJ1 III (1)1111' on from strife and pol tics 1<\1'1' [,101' alc bOll'ld to haH thi' i11;]tter from hi< sine of, l'r(,,;I11[, ilalf'd ,,,HI IIhen IIlIll a --------- - --- ----------- ------------ BH1SB\\F, ,\lhtraiJa 'r.,"r a healing on nlffcrcnl'c S ,of tlip llouse I Il;]I'C <aid therc lillie Icct oi ca,illOIl olr mrn I Ipr,1 - Rus'ia and ,\u'lra'la an· e'p,'lion olel' ',lie Icglslallon orc ('rnain 'pccific PI'oI'J'lons l'II~lt Ilal(, open ('1,,1111 1010 111l· Un"lon Members IWA Organl"zer Recel"ves nouncrn todav thcy v. II rc,um~ III1 lit lIas P;I,sCrl h\' ;]11 the in titlS Ic~islatJOn \\'ith which I de"I'cillc sltuallOll' diplomatIC relatIOns after R fl'.e· mcmhers of bolli naI'lic' In J cannot a~ree and J :11Cnlion: 'This ,trd,c dut) i. onp of Ihe year ble"k 'he :\c1do.turll.1l1c1 Lr~i<I~II\'e this hcc'ausl'-" mo,L 1i"lng I""~s pol:ce 'laIC 10' GI"ve 550 000 Threatenl"ng Phone Calls Rl1Isla I\llhdrew it5 5,1 • man \ "['mill),, Ilitieh lIa' .111(1 "II Dlercllhakor' "\\'hil'h 110 alll' ),,'111 mc I rir,rlle crecilt I' dlplomal c n:lS,llon from ,\us·

'" olllt'l IIIr.lh lCl\1oll" al'l'olll1!.lblc to OIlCS'" ,fot Ihe rc,tlalnl .11][1 IlIdgn1l'l'1 ., '" . ' ,tlalla In April, 19-"\, immeclale[y elltd" of'tllc pcople of '\ellfoul1dl;]nd )!r B"tlel1' ":'-.'0 IInc Il1tcl"ltliey 11c1IC 1I,cd 'I'd I them to \'\WOl'\I'~R I('P -:,l110r ,,(,f\\\[)F,\l,j,S,\f.d ICP'- TII'oIllAplckC"sllrlea','fgrenlafler I'l3cllmlr Petrol' defecled

II IIIII be rCl\1crnbcrerl that luPlcd ~Oll ' 'heep II UJl 1lll'Ir.iJcrs In BILII,:, ~",umbl" I llirealeiling p,lOne calls hale be· 10 the S~lI1ner hOllse after the II th sClrels of SOlie! espiona6€ ",fter II;!SI ,uml11rt' t:,e Feele-ral ~!r, Slarr: "W11Il'h ones do 'Whcn ~Ir. CIIlI" :'-.'e\\'folllld· hal e donateil almost $00,000 to I come an occupatlOr,al hazard for I main inCident, The guard now 111 Australia RU5'la also ordeted

hI' ',<ltc·, Gmcrnmcnt lilitlatcd leg1s' VOlt ellsagree \lith'" land attornel' "elleral was tlic Internalional Wood\\'orkers of I b Ir,)', br~rded JIank Sklnnn, o~-! has bern reduced to one, I tlie A:I-'ralid~ ml<sion out of '1 ll'eIP.rr Ila\ion III Ihi' ]lou'c, ,w\llC'h • !llr, Pearsoll: "Pel'hap, tIte speaking to ~!J', f~lllon fcd'el'al ,\merie;! (CLC' In :-.iellfoIl11d· g;]Jcilel' for 1'1 e lJ,ternalional ~lr, S~in;;er sa)'s protection 1S I ~losco,I'. Petrel' lias Ilmd secre·

11 Illmh lI'as ;]prrol'cd h) parliament Pl'ITlIe 7Ilinister WI]] keep quiet 1usllce ministel on tlie plione land, P"t O':'-.'e;;l. ,ccrelary of \\oodllor~er< o[ Arner ea (CLCI, rot a problem, "The:e are hun· I tary of the SOl iet EmbaSle), In

and by all 11111\, '\lembers of for a 1110~enl and let me Ihe other day, he II <1S hig:tly the R C Federallcn of Labor, ~Ir Skmllrr, 32, hiS WIfe SilLy cIreds of loggers who would throw Canberr?, tillS parI)', ;]nd which ended 3 finl~h InV speech" comp:imentary of tlie \I oy the SOld ~lon:IQ)', end thl'ee ~ons-"gcd file, elgilt a picket line around tl e hou<c on --------stl'lkc [\11(\ senl mcn back to :I~r, Speaker: "Ordcr \1.1\' dillslOlllinder your clirect.on ~ad He said he m<111ed a cheque for I and ni~c--:-\:',e 10 a small I:oodcn a 24·hollr hasi! if 1 asked tr,em 01Yf.\WA (CP' The CLC 'las \I 0: k TI' ,S \\'.15, of coursc, an 1 remine! both sldcs of the acted, ]!" mJCe It clear lI;e pOSl· I $3 4[)() to lile slnl,cl s I:urtng thc, colt"ge In surlJ Ilhan II rndsor to," postponed considera'lOn o[ latest

cllffl' II1tcrfcrcncc with the ,ri~ht of House thal thiS is not a de· I t'on taken bv tne PO:ICP has al· I II eekend as Ine lales! dona'loo Ilhere fccli<;g agaln,t the IWA Dozens 0: loggers phoned to of· del'clopmont! in the "line, ~,lilI lIe frcc, collcctive ba1'!~;]ll1lng, b"te, Tlle Primc :'.!inister has Ila~s been meticulously correct I fcom B C runs <IS drong as It docs here fel asslslanCe the nlgnt the mob 2nd Smal:er Wo"kers enlon

,\11'. Dlcfcnbaker: "Docs the made a statcmcnt and the' and th"l the men In the area I DOI1"tlOn< Ilere contlndlOg to, Last 1 Ilil'sday I1Igh: a mOJ dc· gathe:'ed II'\D) it was learr,ed Tue:;day. 11011 Gcntleman <aI' that the, Lcader of the Opposition is I \I ere gOing out of Ihe r 11'.1) to come in f:onJ 10lals of \'aflOUS tachc' II'elf frJm a crowd thnt "\I'e clen had calls [rom some Toe union's nell 'late want.s to Ir~I'l;]tion in ,\c\\,foUlldlantl l commentll1g upon 11." ~ be Il11pdrtlal ' 1I1110n, throughout till' pIO,InCe, stDned the 11\ '\ hrndquarter;s H, oeuple in Wmd'or Ilho were an- worf: IowaI'd re - affillalion With is l'o]11D;]I';thlr"" :\]1', Churchill: 'At greal - -- --- II tncls~. "nil ,sllrro II1dl'd :I' e Sklll' XIOIiS fa;, our safety" the CLC

'I:' PC;]I"OI1 "I ltal'e said Icngth" I T bl T G ncr home, ,a'l 'hat \11' Spenkcl. hut 1 ~lal'e '~II' Pearsoll' "Thank you, No rou e 0 et 1'I1e d;I1:0nSII',,[lon agal;-"t :n~i USSR Th

S;l,c1I'r;]t \lC pa<scd legIslatIOn ~lr Speakcr, ,\s I wa< saving , hra,~l)Ua,ler,< came a' Ihe bo;I, Signs ree .II til s p,lIitamcnt last sum' beforc tile PL lmc :\11I11stcl"saw 1°: Consl, \,Ililam \IOS,5 of [nc

lilt' lrrr Ilhllll II;]' an 1l1tCl'fcrence fil to Intcrrupt me, the people Extra RCMP In B. C. \C"lfOlinciaor! CO'ls'aIiU ~l'\' lIa<'

it". II,tI1 1'10 'I~ht of (I'ce, to\leLl' of :\'c\\'foundland ~re In this i P:dlOd .1l'oall' n ;Ia,n a' :hc Pacts I n Far East \\ Inri,ol' C\I\ s[atlOn "t I C h:1rg.1lnll1~, in th;]t h\' matter, as In otiler maller~, \ l'onst :-10'5 ',I<1S falall, i'liu,'cd

OIl k~I'I~tIIC rllaetmelll It scnt naturally senSitive to <lny mis, , ,\'I'I'lialleIJOrttothr D\II.Y "1:\\,SflornY,lllCOIlIrr !; neAd" l;driQor III a cla'1 be [t)\\J(\\ (\P' -- RII,',a has \i1a~'fOl11rot\\lthlraq,'IFllerl n'rn Ileek 10 work \n\ Inter' reprcsenlation of tileir " '.' I I ' 011 tIl" RC,'!I' "'"I'C"llICllt, 1II'tii IIrr'tish ('olilmhia statc~ lllCOIl P" lP "n I 11\'\ I1lCmnCl, '1~'led tillee econOI11Il' pact' '11th 1]' ~Iosrol\' ~ronday, ca.1' for ~ fCl'rlll'c of tilat ';111r1 l'all on Y live~ ane to anylhlng ,., ' I\[' 11I'llfie,1 ;!ftor alllhr facls rOI1~idel' 10 be unfair ill \III' th~1 the Ilri(jsh Columbia contr,lrt llith thr ROIP pro st:'Il;,"~ ~~d J'<I llir \ do,\I''', lllcieldc',cioprd nallonl In tnc :'iOIl(l(),()()(I n:ble loan repB,abl.

fe Inri I ;J n rl D"I ell'I"nrnt Com ,\\Innlc ,on,I' ,'ai' r':a't, I 'I 0 , ""I' cent IntNMt At th, I; a< , thillk the) reportin~ of ('ondiliol1s In the \idr- r\l!a ROll' ,trength at the IrltUest oC the Altornn' " . -, , ". '" , ,'l'e 'IlOII 11, ;Jalll 1 i,e K r. m II I'" /1['.1 II ~nr offlcl;1i ral. of pxchang, /o,lr

lIel(' KIlOIIIl la~t Sllmmer, on prol'incl', (,rll1'I\ll to rlral Illth general strike" ili,",tCls, such A' Sl'I:l, 1\\ \ 'lE\ a~rerl1lrnt ',"th Slid a n "as :'ul)lc\ equal one l'S, dDllar, ~J'Olll1cts I,C ~n1CrgCI1CY: \l'11('n "Surel) \11 Spraker, \llIat flood" or af\\ plolon~rrl ridl rli,tulhaurrs, Tho <,,01,01 "1,; <c, ,II': 1\', \ SI~:ICri In Knartoum Tho cact I •

no tl1e IJIlIlI:1 IlItcrr~t or Ille e\pr wc may tilluk o[ J'xtra Jln)I11ClIt for the,e extra men Is ""I ken 0111 mcn \111'1 \1 Skinner In 11< prol ['e' for shipment of MI'lcI I 1 nder a ,';()(l ()()(I,{lOO ruble teCh

rLIJlil' ,ClU1III dcmands ,uch aClion taken'in :'>JewloUlidlanci hI' mutll~l a~lerl1\ellt hctwrcn Frllclal alln PrOl'illci:t1 hlll'e 111'11' II1'rr olher flIlIO'lll1fehinc', rolled Iron and <[ee!. 'nlcal'a~,~I\.t,llnC,e agreeme~t :1Jl' el1'or~CI1C) ne'lion In the face in thiS labour displlte, it is of 90l'cmmcnts 111r.n-Jdf J!;r'I, hck ~lc(ool and I til111c. a~d 811~ar 10 the Sudan s:g~e~ Wllh h:\or~h Korea'b~~m

foj dl ar <1nel prcscnt c\Jnger lital Importancr to do !loth Attornc~'(;rnrr,ll R. W, Ilonncr '")' the SCII!ollnn I O'llor' Lu·h, thiS year rn return [or cotton,' ~III 1eir ~ r orean5 In " 10 -Pl'lllltl 01' to Ihe cconornic ing to add to this feelin" of I \\I>CI1 rI 0 111 0 n '1fJlnls ar' ~"ollnJ nllts Rn~ '"s'me, Antici .• 000,II(I().kifov.,alt thermal ell'Cl.rl'

I r '" I lann cOllhad mal' not he the ~~mr hill he hl'licle~ most ",,, "' c Ill' life "f the cOllnll'l' or 0 a I rcsentment or to this feeling plolcilrci, \ir, ~"nl1pr callcn Ihe, patcd I'aille of t.he trade 1I'<l! nol power ~tatlon aJ w~lI 115 mIlts tl a~rrements \lith lhe Prolinccs are pretty l\ell slandard, 10 pl'OllnCe of bein~ misunderstood; far I' policr, .\ ':'111,' 1 C;lr arl\ en ahnu: I gil en, and [aclone,~

"On the baSis of the fads I from thal could grow a fceling !If l[S{) sa)S th,lt In)time he hafl to call for extla RDIP 10 o'lnllle, laIn, lh;,1 arc knowll \11th regard to o[ Isolation which would be "J\e got thrm ju,t like that", In the JXl~llS interl'JI s"lcrdl '~ ("I l11e ""Ill' ;hr '\ewfoundland Situation especially regrettable as we ---- -----.- - --- -- I me~lbcrs of the ,hollt n~ I(rolIP : IWA Loggers Stl·ck

a ,0 In slrong diffcl'cnccs o[ opinion, approach the tenth anniver· t Aff - M - · t ('limod the flO'lt door,tep of thr, ;], \I'd, illelitablc, hal'e de· sary of that fortunate day for Ex airs Inls er darkereti bJ"sc ~Ir ShJl1l1er ~ald I Iclopcd ovcr the measures Canada when the work of I • they lIere fll;hl(l1cci off when he I I;]Kcn hy the gOl'crnment and Confederation was completed At A k shone a fla,hllg It at Ihem, T p. k t Ihc Legislature or \'ewfound· by ~cwfoundland joining this DI-es Of Heart tac I POlice drolc Jllal' the crowd 0 IC e land to :icnl with the situation nation, J suggest, ~!r, Speaker, but It rc;]"cmbled- \\ben they' lines 1\ ll:ch confronted that provo that we al! have a responsi. . ' ,Iefl The crO\I d fie<: ilt each 'ub, ,!IlC 1 hal'c expre<sed mv own bilitu In this parliamcnt. as OTT\\\'/\ '(I" - Pl'll11e "lin· the d,lI, 01 hrs life, a, a soldier" sequent police patrol hut kepI ny GEI'AL!) FRED!.\:\ [in~ camp slo .. es in a !hack

, h t J 1,ler Didcnna!'ll' J'llo,ti:JI' an· n teachcr. a unlll'I,II), PI cSllir,nt COl11m" hac', Canadian Prrss StaH WrI1er I li~blcd by a kerosene lantecn \ Il'II" 011 tlll~ Issue I\' en thev have in the Legislative d C I I 1ft ,~ GR \"0 F \1 LS \fll CPI I 1 "00 'IE'- 'T 'ORK 'aid in I iC\l of reccnt el'cnts I Assemblv of :\clI'folindlilnd, to dnouncel tlo [I'fe 01111110ns t rc HI· an( a 111101' el' 0 111 cl'oll'n :'11' Skllner <a;r: he loaned hi, .' .• "-,. l f - ,- ., " . ." l\

f dl I 1 'I d I " en e('a', I 0 E~ternal Mid 1\ 11.\[,[,)" GEi'EROlS , ,II, ,0 nfle and lI;rlteei ill lile 11\· Cncerful. del ermined and hard as i Their VClcncc IS largely a

111 \c\\ Ollll alH: WIS Ie to refrain (rolll saving or dOing 'I S II I II I I I 1 ' I I

' ' - I" Irmtcr ,1ll1 1 ' C I\OS a ~app! \I IDIC·SOcl el tn" roon' 1IIIh t,e Ilohl O'lt most' axe·handle, tb e stnklOg lo~gers ge,ltirr, The company Clam]' l'I'pr~t whal I lave alrca( Y , anything which I\'ould acid an I I I 1 ~ " , - dl d I k' tl 'laled, 10 the effect that the unnecessarl' strain on this IIe made the annolllccm,:nt In ,lll( ~e'1reOI,s pel"on ,1,,0 nue e of the lltgll: of cellt~al, \ewio \n an aim to 1,200 mcn arc at \1'01 tn rl'ec

h a cllOKIllg 101Cl' ,Olllr 111 n1tnU',cs fllellrls and kcpt i:II'llds ca'tly Pl1llCn lIanled IlIllI 10 lal,e :lIS st'ck to Incl" PIC,;ct lines until, of tile f01l1 dllr'lons, lla.l~Jn;;

pnlil'~ of tllC \ational Li eral I union, I I ' c, f h[ d t f II I I I aflel tie opelling of 'j'lleSea) 'I 'Ihl (olInlll dnj 111f' go,ern £.Lll111' 0.1: of :,,111 S~lllrl'l "",I, !,;c\' \lln t.,elr Ig 1100 ;] U canacIY

li'al'\,1 In la/lour matters lb;]' "f call (Inly and III lOll, Common, Silting mlnl \1111 "ICdtll feci tlie lo\s of 1"11 '0 1"llh'''1 on t['o Hld'llll, 1"1l'1 lIant ~ nllllJO lliat sland, :\'on· stnke:s al Badger, ~c 'CCll ~Ild \\. I conttnue to c I' ~l S k II t ( ". ' c , , " ' , ')(kl " I!' 'f f I' b' I' It f ellston" (' • pca CI la 01 I 'Jlle COI'lInOIl, tnll11cillatc\l ad· I d deloled and O,CO,llpll-llcd ,lUb, Iilat 11,"ht \lould h r! ffl('ult alld up [or them, and :h", II~y th"t mile> Ile,1 of here, don t hale to

"~ GII'CII .' ,1m) ,lSen ,on tIe rlgl ,0 the rca~ons I hale gll'cn It journcd unlll \\rdnl"ddl ", a I c ,el\[,nt dnd hi' fllcn:l--of onl '\ 'lempo-a'l sol Ilion 'Inc h:ern8tlonal \\oodllorkers of ClOSS tlie picket line, They can • I 11.1'111 of free, cullel'lll'e harj:;atnlng t ,,' ttabl Illat tile I 'I S I I' ' , , \ ' CLC b f II ' \'11 I Ii' d h' ' .,lnl.lllltc'll ' lS mos lC"IC r, m,IIKofll'l,uteto,.r ,11111. II Ii Il '11 IhdleiJccnpl'l\llc"edto "I Illohrrc In \\lI1d:or and tlllS ,n,Cllea l 'e,tl-tne"I, enter lC ,1005 ! cros~lng a

r le(d)I, Ihrllugll IIl10ns ('hosrn bl' Ihe' k' d f I ,t' c IC' D f I k I " , " "I I I t h I' f ~,C,naj I , ,,' In 0 OlJCl II IIHlulry I ~11 ICel~)a er ,aid Illl \\'Ole, 1,0 olle fOI a long Id1'!O-'.111\ nol IS 1111 home 1m nol rnlll'lIl~ lont care a'ou a \la~e In· ane) rOLcn IlIcr, \1 \,b: lc ,~,ql~J,C\rt liP, Ilorkeis :l1emselves , ,I,qucs_ted bl' the GO,I'el'l1ment ~ould eXIlIC" the (("lings ,IC Idd OI~el tlie \larl11 companion·h P i ''1';11 no: II00rtCri about I1ll,clf. Crl',lSe," said a lanky artl.cula~r Si:11I1,a: plckcl lines ,cx~,t al '~l ['ood \!I J Ie 1111 nl( (Eglll1ton), of Newfuundland, IlIllrh also 111 announcll1g 11ll' lr"glc los, of Ih<11 "Illi fr endsl111' hrollgn: '.I'rll' II' mY Illfe ar.d chlldrell 1 '.orn lI{'odsman from Deer Lake I B'sI1OP s Fa!.s, tlie onl~ dllJ;;IOn ;'11, II hal~ I cpo, led, 'Exl'l'pl for :\'clI'foundlanrl" I would have covered the re' a nlnn who \l'DS long" per,o:l:J1 i It' Clh;' It ;, ' I \lant to be aole to go 10 the com· I not operatin~, and at ~ltl!ertoll n

Iln~ ",ked ~lr. Slarr: '''';cwfounrllann quest made by the canadl~n I fl'ienu, . . Ildzerr ,\ r gill', CCl" Houoe ' ",elly rllO \el." \\0\1 11' fact pallY through a repr€sentnl!\'~ I a~~ Terra :'-.'ola, , r\RSO:\, - I~ Ihe exception" Labour Cont-:rcss for an m'l ~ll'. SI1lll11 had hf'Cll l'~lcroall Leader s;]ld "I am SUf(' ,III f'a. ,he was ,,{)m'eif'.I!.' I \\Ii~n I bale a glICIJnCC, and te!: i1re .. stl'lkcrs appeal' to bear no

~ I ~jl', Pcarson: "~lr, Spcakcr qulry, And which might i?~ve aCf~irs milllskr Since Sept 13, nadiars Iliil he ,holked at the :I!E~ \[1"(; [,\U,S them to do sOl11etl1l11g "lOllt It. ~reat tIl-lIllI tOllard the company

_ I I ha\'c said that is the pollcy hAd Important and POSItIve :aS7 He entcr~ti tlte Comtnor,s Ile\\" of the sundcll !1.1SSI:1~ of the I 'IllE' ml'nac ng (';ills h"d hl'l'll a I "If I cOd:d hal'e tl1::t J cI el('n Hatbel; they tdlk of anr,oyan~es. ~ Cif Ihc National Liberal Party resulls along the lines advo, In a byelccllOn 111 I!aslings·fron· lion, Sld,wy Slllit'l TillS IS e,pe, 'lllisance sillce the 1\\',\ lo~~cr: 1':2l_k [or less money hean ,or brcaKf,asl, ral'raI3"ed

\ of Canada, and those words rated b)' the Prime :'!tnlstcr tenac 1\\0 monlhs Idler ciall\' sO for Ihose of llS 11110 h'llc ,I!'Ike \lcgan Dec 31, llut tl'c~ be· O:\' l'ICKETI:>;G DUTY fiOI,!' and fa',ontlsm sholln by ,spcak for themselves, How· hlmseH when he said we· Mr, Dlefenbaker galc no ndi, com~ to know him well for Sid. gan JT\ earncst t.'e d"y aftel the I 'I ill' logger was onc uf :1\)OUt foreman - that glOIl' to. major

ever, if lion, Gentlemen would ought to have a two,wcek calion as to the cause of dealh nel' Smllh \\as a man who did I moh stoncJ Ihe IW,\ h,nldlltg IWI slllKers craml11e~ into Ihree proportIOns for want of grJClance like to hear It I am prepared coollnl! off period, has been o[ the 62-year·old mmlslcr not allow partisan consldrratlOns They're begJOn ng '0 ea'e off small home, senlng as bunk· protiedure, to express an opinion, This is refused by this government" Mr, Smith had flown to Ottawa to stand in llie II ay of personal no\\'," Skinner said hOllse~ for pickets at :1carby Bad· -------the fIrst occasion J have had Hon, J, W, Pickersglli. Tuesday morning from llalibx, fricndshlp," ger. al the e~',rance to one of the to speak on this matter in (BonavIsta' Twilllngate): "Mr where he spoke ~Iondny to lne GREAT Ej>L'CATJONfST French Reds Anglo - :'-.'ellfoundland DClclop· parliament. On the basis of Speaker" I should 11kI' to ask Halifax Board of Trade, "He had an oulstancitng carecr menl 'ompany's fonr \loods dll'· thr Information I have reo the Minister from Newfound, If d lTd I' in the field of education and even' ision" He asked not to be iden:·

, e let ues ay, appal"'n Ii' 'B I P I" f ccll'ed I would be unable as land j[ he concurred In the I o[lel' a lreD!'t altack aftl'r beco:ning ~ecret<1ry of stJle, atl e 0 Ice lied, tearier of this party to agree decIsion of the government to for cxlernal aff,ms rctamed a Water for dcinhlng and ,hal Illg

OpPOSition Le"dl'!' I'l'or,on ,.]Id wilh certain of tIle procedures repudlatc the rontrart with vcr) spoclal illlcrc,t In malters liS 'IOted In Imrels in Ihe yard, "I lime 1)['1'11 ,lioleoed anri ,old, that havc bcen followed or Ute Prolince of :,'ell[ounn <lIcll ;h f('rirral nul :0 l'dllcaitull iJ: 11\\'[\1' FI,II'CC Hful,'r,I, Hut thl' Irell liale htll" ciJJnee Ilitll specific P10I'Ision S of Ihe land", c1~n~l,be~ond 1I0reis by the IlCII'S: "IllS slay in Parli,IlTIl'Il; \lao all \1011' t han \lIllH l'ommll'I,,[S 10 bathl' 01 cJ ange their 10JlSe ncll's law~, Sldne,l Smltll "I}{)se unlll11e[) [UII hl'Jci and he 111.1 \'1' sorell' bnllied Illth BOO ',IO!tCl' 'itle,t1a) wood, clothes during tilclr 10 or

:'Ill', Speakel': 'The lion, passing lIe so deepl, mOllrn, 110; I missed IllS tragic death has cl;1 night after Illc)' 'o,t Ill(' clly', 12,hollr <tints of PI1Kd dut, 1 he) I : "The people of :'oiCWfOlllld· 'Iemher, I tiunk, knows that I a man Ilho scncri hi, collolry all ,11Ort hh life of service '0 Ihe l11alor,llt)' 10 a S"C alis[ by one srluol11 take their co;]l, off, "ICII I I land fccl strongly on thl~ mat, the constitutIOnal practice is' ---- COml11UllIty, to IllS OIl n 1I,,[ioll alld I ol~ 10 ,Ieep

mousc Assembly With very for the cabinet." \Iinl,ter intcnd to uphold the "lIc lias a m~1I of praccfulln. i lias e[ccled h) 1'1 loles agalnsll dlllSIOn enlrances In around·the·1

Weather Sunny except (or a [e\\,

scattNed snOl1 flurries, ;r little m'lder High 33,


,[01111 S


26 :n :w



ter, Rnd I know that a unanl' Ihat the Prime ~llnlstcr speak, plemelltal'y qUestion Docs tlte I to the \\orld, I Soc alist Hobert :'lllllggllllloll rhey maintalll picket imp, at' I strong ,upport from the pco' lilt' Pickcl'sgill: "Perhaps I honoul of hi< PI'OVllllC hy I ,IIIICls an"OliS to maintain peace IR lotel fo: Ihe for ncr C Ol11n1 II· clock SIX, hour Ihlft' patrolling pie of that province would not I cuuld ask the minister a sup, I subml11ll1g hiS leslgnatJOIl':" for the world as a \\hole," nlst ma)OI, Rene ('.,mcc, I h) fool 01' huddled aruund gloll· I ~----------..I



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South Shore News Lloyd Dawe, who are now re'l gifts and thanked all those I supply and many butchers are

Upper Gull'les siding in Seal Cove. After the I present for same. A very enjoy· finding it very diliicult to pur· ceremony and the us u a II able evening was spent by all. chase the necessary supply fur speeches given the Sir Kts. sat I The evening concluded' with a their cllstomers. Some butchers

lNSTALLATION CEREMONY down to a very delicious cup cup of tea, served by Mrs, have had to cllrtail the bus in"" Installation of officers ol! of tra, served b)' the junior Kennedy. for the present time. Sume of

King George Vl RBP :-lo. 1284 members 01 the Preceptor),. the reasons lor the shortage JS took place here on ~arch 9th. WOODS CUTTI:-IG that little, if any, beel catl:e with Past Preceptor Jack Scott NEWSY BRIEFS Although wood cutting locally are being importeu in dUring in tbe chair. The following of· Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack is almost to a star.dstill in these' the winter, "nd many pe(Jple ficers were installed: Scolt over the week end from I areas, but is stili camed on in I who have been keeping bed

W.P.-Sir Kt. Aubrey Dallc. St. John's were Mr. and Mrs. farther away places, such as cattle in the past, have founrl Dpty. Preceptor-George War· I Jack Parrott and Mrs. Fred I Salmonier Line and Trans·CaJ'· lit unprofltable to feed cat~le

ford. Lewis, also of the city. I ada Highway. The Trans·Canada lor the pnce they rccell eo J')r Chaplain-Charlie Warford. . ~k and ~Irs. George Day or I Highwa)' is Jlso closed a, far them In the spnng, but that Rellistrar-Jack Scott. I the city were visiting ~Ir. and as wood cutting is concerned, I situation hale changed \cry Financial Treasurer-Charlie i ~Irs. Hrrhert Day ol'er thc althou~h it is not known of_I much this year; the a\WiI,e

Andrews. week end. I J ficiall), If this is a permanent pnce for beef cattle <1t 1111:;

Treasurer-Jack Vaters. ~Ir, aud ~Irs. Fred Anthony measure or temporary, but it time last year ranged from 45 1st. Lecturer-Jilmes Dawe. were "isiting ~Ir, and Mrs. Phil· didn't come as any surprise to to 47 cents; this ye;u the pJ'i,e

2nd. Lecturer-George nob.! lip Dawe ol'er the week enu, I the many who went cutting I rangc from 55 to 57 cents, ~o, trt... ~Irs. Willis nussell of Dona·' wood on Ihe highway aJ:d many, 10 those who have bee! cal, Ie I

1st. Censor-Albert Harl'ey. I'i,ta Was visiting her parents" felt it was time that something Ihey should l:lke advantage ,,( i

2nd. Censor-Edwarll floilel'ts ~lr, and "11'5. William fl. War·: should be done to curb Sdcll! the good price being offered. 1st. Standard Bearer-Gordon lord, last week end, Mrs, Rus· wasle of timber that no doubt

Mor~an. ,sell is presently having a check· have been destroyed Ihis win· LEFT FOR ICE FIELDS 2nd. Standard B~orrr-nillph up at the Sanatorium on Top· ter with so much snow in tlle The following men left tlrrc

Dawf. I soil Road. I woods it must be realized that la,t week end 10 join the Arc-' OtheT officers to be ell'cted lorge quantities of wood hed 10 tic Prowler on her trip to th,,:

art Persavant anu T;'ll'r,liJil'il nRID:\L SIIOWER be lefl to deeay, ctc. So this ice fielels from Seill Cove: \Ir "ill be elected at a later dilte, A bridai shower was tt'neler· ,1ep by the Department of He· Ch:,rlie ~Iorgon, Cyril \Ior~Jn, Twu \'isiting Sir Kts. lI'ere l'd \Ii" \Iar)' Kennedy on Fri- sOllrer,' no nounl is a good one. :\('150n Yor,gr. who si;;m'd OIl

prr.<rnt for the inslallolioTl day, \Ian'h Iii he, ilt the home tind it lllay be ollly a temporary I as st'e(]J~tl cook FrIJrl hlx:,..:p: ceremony who are mcmbers of of 11('1' p~renll. \11' .. and ,Irs, 'one lur this s('a,on. :Ill' Albert l'l',aeh,both ~1r.1 .\lrCormock RBI' :\0, RU5 ot To· Hobert KenneJ!Y. pnor to her Peach Rnd ,11'. LharlJc .\Iorgan ronto. b [) t h mr!TIber,~ arc marria~e to :'lr. Williilm RJde- Ill'TCHERS' Co\TTU: l:'>i are veteran scalers ,l'ith sClwaJ , rie~ltJmJ' of .inilllllR thi, Pre· Ollt, \llmh is to LIke place on SHOnT Sl'I'PLY 'sprin~; hchilltllhe:n. Ollli I JOI:)

Hr:on hI crrll!lrolt', lIomci!, E;I.'lrr :,I"nl:".\' r.lght \1,,1',\ \\'a; Butchcl's' c;lllle ill tllis ilrea with their malll' frlenns in \\Llt,. l':r KI.<, Hur; DaM al:ri sPllli,c r0upicnt 01 man, 1I,l'illl al'p at present in wry ,;;101't ir,g :hrm a hum per :np and hlln




.( ".

TAll';:,j, 'l'.\l\\·1\='i- King Hussin I]dt), of Jord~n. <:r)'i\"~s l~c)'c :\I:lrcll rHh on :1 :,:c:~. ron;ed by Prcsident Chinng Kai-Shek. The 2:l-\-cnr-l,lcl J::;'::1l1;:,:1 :.,!r!l,;lrCll ',\'", "C:"'l'.

E:ntourage of H top-raJl.king officials. He confc;Tcd \', ;:', C~:":l~ I)~:::::-'n:' \ill :;~, :~c:. "nce considerecl yital to thcir countrics. D"ll'i:lg his \'l~;,t, llll"":' ie' 'eIL:'.i:,'ll to \i:;ll l~,ry installatirms on Taiwan.-(CPI Photo)

I'oya~e with tile ilope they Jrlng in 11lL' IlijJ[ler~.

Kelligrews will til<' insuing ),c;)r. 'fr":!.'l:: "" ',!l''. "l'ii:l' 'I, :, -',

The full owing larlies w"re .1ul.i<ir ]l"I'.I:·" .',i:·, L. ,J, ': ,\'1 e:cctu: to oWer: Worlhy .\lls rlrp\\s: (';"'fUIiJ. \:'S .'1, . 'n": tr('.".-=, ~,Ir~. Irene Tille\" Pa~:. 1):IW(', (~t:;lrrli~~Il. ~Ir~. :~\', :,JistrrS:i, .\[1'5. LiljiJ.1l . Ea~O;l: I, ,1::;[;:, j>1,I'(':or lit (.'IT'llil!;",l.'-

Ei.ECTlO:\ OF OrFIo:nS Deputy .\lJstrr'ss, :lIrs. Doris ,'I;·.s, h, 1I;!Jh: ;.s[ 1."[,·:;I,'r Hllh!' I.ol\"r. J.OR.\. :\0. ,!,\~ J','tten: Rl'cording SLc,e:aJ'\' . .\11',. ',!:I,,,'1 Scot! cui 1.(,I.JrL'r, n'J~-' J.ori"c. :~OR,\, :\0. ~:i~\lrs. Phoebe Butl"r; F,,:anci:Ei 'I:·s. IL.·ciJc< '1'(11(\, InJIl'r

Ii,'!d ils l'lpclic,n of or:icers for ScncI;JJ')" .\[rs, HilrIa 1:11,'): ClLI(',:, \:r, .. \lIl'l[' 1',1., :: (11El'T -. -------------~- - ~---~------ IJ ~Ill:l:_.:l. .\:1':- .'11:111 S, Ii. .. (.-:; ::·ld ::,

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Hare ore six of the many t9St. you'll enloy at the Do·It·Your .. lf Demonstration

Th. hune. Tut. It's not 8 new system of WlIight reducing ... lu~1 a future Ford owner enioy,rg Ine comfort of foam,cushiooed ~eats-standard In Ford but not In compeUtive cars,

Hidden Value. That'a the proud Ford ('!wner In the backgro~nd. HI! muHler Mas en aluminized coating to protect It from corrosive exhaust acids. , • protect him from frequent replacemen",


DO·IT·VOUR •• L ..


Aftp.r you've taken all the Do·lt·YolJrself tests be sure to arrange for a demonstration drivp., You choose the time ... you choose the route, We supply the Ford and you do the rest


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at your FORD dealer's You'll prove to your own satisfaction that a sLandard Ford Custom 300 Fordor Sedan gives you S87,:2.5 more value at a lower list price than any car in its class­plus a big bonus in comfort and convenience.

The Squee .. T •• t. After you've teken this test you'll really appreciate the extre width of Ford's door open· inils. Vie call it "easy·to·get·in·and·out·of·ness."

Thl Gtvm 'n ~ Tilt. Heavy suitcases' The hlgMr ycu MlIVe to lift 'em, the hMvler they seem. Ford's trunk Is cut lower so ycu rMrely slide luggage in , •• and RIve your btck. --



• •

The Thump To.l. Hc's not koocking on wood-he's finding out it It·S true that Ford 'eally has the most completp insulation in Its clJss. Come in and see how .e'Y true it ,s!

Mo .... H!ddon Value. Four thousanc miles ho j"ce1 0,1 chan~es~than the efflc,enc, record of Ford's oil fd~er. Ths ,tar,dJrd FC'd morey·saver costs $11 :0 8')(\ra on Ford's ch,cf compet,tor.



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trial firms \~ hich mn\' 'DC' ('n~l' sirlrr>l~ rc;:~hli~!lm('r;t of rf'W or hrJneil Orl'rJtlon\ in I'll' ~,!:lr:t:rr:p.., !>:-n:;r;-::n ri!~'I'C:{,:­fo" tl1r Snd~\'ille ~l1n"l": "\',1~ LGr:~,' -:\r:ld,":;I,l(' (",,-;\ j':,jl:'

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Yukon cO~ll1l\Jnit\' of Old ero',\, i AT r.\.'\.\!11 I'll ot, . has r e c e i v e d' it, fir,: mail' Tile :'fS. T: ,:,:,,:(\ .. , thr(1u~h the C:lllJcli~l1 Po:;' Of· OWtlC'rt b~\' C,'\' \t, ~,;,­ficc, Tile Po,~t Of:i('c ~3:~ 'hl.: r:;. in~ J ~C""

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broll.~'11 ;\n end 10 Cnilccl St:1IC' post,,: 'rrl'iec to tile CO!1"'!1,tv from fort YU~~[I;1, :\la::k.1, .

, r-:;r-'i,\" rwd I' Fr~lm;Jtcn

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;)1',1 ((GEORGE G. R. P ARSONS~ LIMITED ~'"(,,t' l, ... ·i:t,i 1II1 :t ':LI:'~ ~,:I\I:~i,; I I'

~t'.t'll\)ll. killlllg ~1,\ Pl'l'~Ulh. :1;, Jl.!l~ \\ Il'~lt {I'"~

cl',lrliT1~, ci~ht membl1rs ,of :naJl'll'I1?~. (,"lta~Jl~"hl:\,('I;.i) cilp::..tcr.~ )',n::;ll:-h l~(-n:lr1IrH1 I('(lm Ilw}or )C.1:,, '.lt [',' 1~" <.

;.' 'ST. JOHN'S HARBOUR GRACE GRAND FALLS d f n " I . I, h rt 1" 'n .' (:In ~(1TII n :-:ll.;;n 5 tJl~ng "';nrn r rJ, I

sports wri~cr>, I lno.


Page 3: i rlum o reece E t· I W I ~latch e a erncollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · tLe f


·qCH 18 , 1 ----

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• 1 'I;'oi,er


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• T flill f\


Would like Liberal MP's Take IWili Sue Federal Govt. B I P · S II d' i Firm Stand For JRS

Premiers e n remler rna woo S The following press rclcase Ihe I'rcnllcr's stand F or Breach Of Contract If They Had Guts Lane II ~~~l'i~~~~I~a~.;,t~~~gel~~lb\I~~~ "I\'e Ilcre dceply shocked I

_ _ I,y tile unllarranted and in', Premlcr Srnali'loo(1 allnO,JIlC foundland's rcquest." He con· pared to alIo",. disorder to hcrs oC Parliamcnt

I e~,lIsablc [nilllre 01 thc GO\' c'd III the lIouse of As-sombly tlnued, "All In NCII[oundland hold the upper hand, At all cost

"The Nell fcundland Llbcral , , I ~leJllbers of the Hou~e of ernJ11cnt of Canada to ll?nou: ~!ondd) dfternoUIl til,' I'lc l,'" ,\111 honor thc name of Como' Hcr ~Inle'ty's GOl'ernment in ,11'11ite Bay thnt he had thelr lutcre,ts atl books \\'ould bc sent to the I Common' at Ottawa halc Its pledgc tu pro\'ldc R,C~! P crnmclll o[ New[oundlalld had 'nlSSloncr 1'lcholson for ever" ;\'ewfoundland, WIth the un·

'r r Ihe Thronc heart and saId soon he hopcd camps to hclp in the recreatIOn fr th utsct supported thc rcinforcemcnls to :\'ewfonnd authOrIZed the A:torne, Gen· The Premier added, "Will oe doubted support of churches, '~IJ:' In Ihe Housc of It lIould bc pOS5lble to drive He said the new union did IO~ e~e~ actio~ o[ the pre.: land rlul'lng tillS cmcigenc' ('fal to cnter, an octlOn 111 the sJrpri,cd If hiS reslgnallOn IS' press and 98c~ of ;.icwfound

'~l ;1'~ld,~ Hc fllllShed from:it. John's to SI. Anthony, wliut the IWA could not do and~ e f r gil C 'covernm nt a ld thc I and lIe resent. as all :\ew· Exehe'luer (ourt of CJn,ada not [ollo\lcd by other' It's a landers, 11,11 keep Hcr :.talesty'l ,b'ltt' :0 Premier There were more roads needed thnt lIas sign an agreement m c, 1, C I." foun(l1~nclers will Ic.cnt, thc' apln't tlIe Goverrmrnt 01 Can· shameful business' peaee"

J ,r, II d I'd 1 "D i h D' , Housc of Assembly of ~ell-II - .. " ada for breach at contract. I II 'r afflr e I "We \vould .' "h"m hc ca c t lcre an e eetnclt~, esp te wllh I e A,N, , Compan), [dl d th' d 1"1'lnln silocKlng and plo,oeat llc nt· ReferrIng to Ihe Iloaris ell' C 1, m ( , " 11 f I h oun an lO elr c. - h n 'I . '" 0 t IC II couldn't Ke the ~'_d'fl,IOliC and Sill' 1,1e sma ness 0 some ate 'I d' . ttl all I a d order I tack bl' t c I nnlC "Inlslcr He was rcferrIng to the 1.111· nllt Ihc Prcmlcr told tbe Le"l, ~o u e ep

, Th Pith ~Ir Lane ISSUC( a Ircclil'e a IOn a up 1 c all' n . I ,,' f ti P r [I I' i I G . ' h peace, and If \Ie lIent out r q. t ';Ie' e nme p ,Ices, ere lIere sel'en mUIll· ' t C B k nd t preservc the continued I In t le ac ,IOn 0 le remlC urc 0 t 1e C( era 01 el nment i:!lure that there arc no\\ 1.:2[i() (Ion't "1101\ \I'ho \I'ould form a

,!: >c;n 1d. and the cipal regions 1n hiS dlstnct. Hc In "Iscnsc'd a ,orner rooh

a °t f the \lllip and o[ :\c"founclland In secki~g' 10 110nUI C,dUSe 1:1 of Ihl'lr lon men \lorRlng In the A ".Il. ' /' " h r ' I d th t th C 1 d II peop e an unIOns to wate I' opcra Ion a . t I rl'd' t t f I 1'( , P ,C;01 el IImenl." At thl5 point , l': all :h( 01 er pro\'· C\fa cae al a a a, h h I dl h ,. I d trv which pro to mam aln all' an 01 er In rae III re uSing to <em \ ,,,1 Company camps, llH' Badger

, d be ,1"i'1" lodd)' to Cold Storage plant at Englec ow t ey lan e t e sltuatlOn, papcr n us • ,,' thc pro\ inec II'hlle at the rClnlorccmcnls to !'iC'\found ilnd ~[ll1crlo',ln camll> are f!ll. \1;'. ~,!alcolm Hollett remarked, ':" :hr ,h,'" of 1:1C would be operaling soon, Bo· Wherc there IS support for 1\\',\ \'Ides cmplo)'mc.nt and a U\'cll· samc time r~fllsing to :tet up land \Ihcn rcque;tcd.' led Rnd men arc poul'lng into the "Landon Llde! ] suppose." , "\I',\I'I,:ndl.lnd If w~lcr's and Chestcr DaIle lJ1 111 the West It mlght lead to hood for one·thlrd uf the peo, I t1, publiC mqull'l' that :'111'. t;rancl rall~ office 5ccklng Jobs. Prcnllcr Smallwood also told

/: h',d' Iht' "ut, ' 1I'00d cutllng operations at Hod· closing of Bowatcr's, p\c of ;';ewfoun,dland. ,I s,p ~lll\'"od rrque;ted so Iha~ I In this connection Premier He thoughl tl:e Company ',Iould thc Lrgl,latllre that he had re-')I!; I" I', :I'l,,'('h ~Ir. dle'ton \lelC emplOYing 200 "Thc prescnt SituatIOn, bcll1~ i al~l'tI\C "[acls might bc ob~all1 Small\\ood "lid, 'I "('eply reo soor, hi1\'e to open up their cCII'cd a tclcgcam [rom I3bhop · '. n,' 1\' l'on,tltlie'll, I men, ' a pro"mclal maller could nol, d I placcd bcfore thc peo, ~ret thdt Call1llllSSIOl.er L A. camps at B1SIlOPS Falls ,0 Relll) In lorner Bruok who ,. " I '(' Ill,] bl'lI:g Idt I LOGGERS UNlO:"l : under the rulc, of the Housc I ~\c a~: Canada. ,r. \I' Plchrs. ;>;lchol;ol1 of the nUll' h,rs reo said he \\'3' In full ae1 relll~!lt

>: ::::, 'l"~:,\l I,n The TlIl'llIng to 1m II'orKlng can. P bl' Speak'ing of Con;molls, b~! debat?ct a: gill (!Jona\,lsla . TwilLngatcl: 'lgI,cd III prote,t o\'er the Gov- )!r Small\\ood told tho wlth BI,hop O'~c,Il's letter to '1:' :Ir,"::,,~rn, he nl'C',l(~n Illtll tile (ormation all U Ie I an carller date. O\IC\Ol nOlI C II' Carter !Burin-Burgeo)' crnment of Lanada falhn, to HOLlse, ":-iot undcr on) clrcum- ~,Ir, Dollie fulton, )Illlister of

, IIII' IlOI\<I, lin tile ;';cwfoundland Brutherhoud Ilhat il has h~cn hrougilt up 111 H. ~1. Batt~n, (Humhcr St' send ad(lItlOnal police at ;';el>' stances Imaglnablc are \Ie pre- :Justlce. (:i' 'r,ll, -[(II' lile Illt Wood Workers, .\11'. Lane ,aid C t t F lilc Fcdcl'~l Parliamcnt o,r Georgc'S!; r. H Gran~cl, ~- --~-----~--- ~- - ~~~-~~~~-~---

, __ ," ,I' pa: tlt'nl,11 I lie II"IS .1 unIOn man and a Jlrm en es or C'il\la~a h)' the Go\'crnmcn" I «;rand Fall,·White Ba,'-Lahra· Wh' We"t c rt , I 'I ,r,l'l:l1 IUl'IICIl'r 11\ 1I1IIOn" local and \IC wlsil to rCn1(lle <111\' ciouht" I Ipper atson ommunl yonce

", " I hoth III :\cll'founcilalHI alld III I nor1; ,r. H. Tucker, (Trinity I' I" rrr. i>, :11,' II!l\C' IlltcrnatlOn<li. Hl' ,aId In 1",; S J h " ".' l," '"lil II'! ~rc,11 task Ill' rrcelled the t. 0 n s Ottawa, as to Oll! support of I ConceptIOn), V' , , H .

. , '. l I"EII 11"tllr· ,(,OUPCI"tlull of .U!l\e fille UIlIOll I Ob ISltmg ere' T "Sh D I- ht" : :'" ,,"C,' Ill' ,aid Illle'll, membel's 01 Intc!'nallunal The rnlJlic·SpeilklJl~ Conlest B I S I enor eer e Ig

: ", ,1,\r ,Il'aloll I nlllOlls III cOI'ncl,tion \llth tack· for the St. John's Champion· I serves I\)upper B'lly \lah(1I1 \llll hr lor Illig tile JUu, roll', Lane Solid [Irst ship for Bo)'s takes places to. • • • 11,llmg 51. John', ~larch 20th BY EVAS l\HITEWAY I exceliCll1 dlctlon, a feature oJ his

'ill' Ihou,ht he lIas too old but morrow night, Tilursda)' rolarch I i a~d 21st a~ part of illS 6e<:0IlC. I sing ll~ ['lro Ighoul lh,~ re<:,tal. B tr \I.ile aller ttle Prclllier PlC1<llled 1191h, at 8 p,m, It Will be held I • k' D rtllnllal trans-Canada to III' Cor I John "IcColilllll, Teoor, '~llh The ~roJP of modern FrenCh ,I'",keel so, 111'011 him hc accepted He said as usual at ~lcmona1 lnll'cr,· St P t cnppled ch:ldren, ~Ir. Watson I George ~laJ:oy as aCCO!11pilm'~ ,oo~, Il'as a fme Innolat~on since

I '~l"I, \la,1 a IIlUII tlldt Ihe job 01 urbanlZlltlOn it)" and the public IS inl'ited, a ric s ay tr,llc:, across Canada at l11s olin I gal'e the Clr~t of two concerls in I lie l:ear ther:l too seldom and to , l'" '" .lil"o \1110 h,Ht been cUlllpleted and he Will Reprcsented Will be ~!acphcr' • expense, speaking to galhenngs, Pitts ~,!emorial Hall ~Ionday :'I[J_sscnet's "Elrgie" he brou~ht

_ l ", • '., tor .1 11\' sene It U:1ti! tne first conven· 1 son Acadcmy (Robert Lebans), 1 and o\e, rad,o and telel'lSlOn, to Illl;:ht a Ire'll lllterpretatlOn, a no: In-_:,' ' ,,' 'o, 11,I\,IIIOn (If lIOll IS held, I Prince 01 Walcs College (Lionel promo'e mlnre5l in crippled I It IS doubtful If SI. Johr.'s ha5 I 'ons,clc~able :cat when one con-

,,,,': \ldo\\, dlHI He ,aid he fel: It 11'06 a dutl' 'Clarke), and Sall'ation Army I SI. Patrick's Dil, In St John's exchanged:, . children and to baMt the Easter I ht'ard a ter.or \,ol'e of ,'Jcn I sidcrs tillS particular melody has He and he accl'pled the call. riow, College (Ralph Jones), From lI'as obsened by tilC Bcnevo:ent Chantable Imh Society, Scal Campaign, mag'lliLcent "ualit)' ~ince com-I prohJiJl)' been the cause 0: more

ne lIas lIlore than hapPl that' thc.sc thc IIlnner lIill compete' Insh Society iI', ~hc [asl\\on I olD Court Street, 'I munil)' Concer:s ",ere estabil,lled damp hankle~ and assortcd lumpt he had done so and had accept, I in the Finals on Apnl 2nd, I which has been thc Cllstom for' Boston, )la6s, , DUrIng his short' Isit here :-Ir I here, In aoditlol" hls n\nsiei,lll-, 1:1 tllront by Its use as back-ed the challenbe, I a~alllSt Carbonear and the 1IlJ1.1 some years pa5t. On the evening I llenc\'olcnt Irish Socletj of I \1 Jasun ,will De guest spr~~er slnp and local tpchrlque are of groun:! nlu'!e ,0 ,aGiO'S "\\'a,h·

, )11'. Lan~ bPoke of complac· ncrs of Corner Brook I'S Decr, of ~Iarch 161h, the Soclcty prc'l St. John 5 ;';ellfOlll,dland on "t the :"Ic\'.lo mdLlnd Pre,s (,nb tile 112hest order aOl: It ',1' a , \)oard I\'cepl'"" g('II' l'nc), of ric\\loundlanders and Lake and Gander \'5, Buchal:s, ,enled Its annnal r,llilo IllOl1d, the occasIOn o[ lis onc hundred dlnncr to he held Frlria) Il.~ht, i sheer dC;lgilt to hear 10 hi" flril ~Ir ,[c(olllll11 SJng a final

Ine thought In the ,land that "It " , I C,lst through the faclililes of, and fltl, •. -thlrd ann,l'ersar:" ;,Iarcil 11111 at the 01<1 (,alaI') grollp 0' old Fll~il,il song, 110,1 ~ro.IP oC m~dl'rn ,;1:1°1 'can songs Cln t 1l'l"pen here' How o[tcn All oler Newfoundland the StatlOn Cll;'; The PreSlClcnt 01 ".' D ('I.lll Other gUl'S!, at til, t1111n"r rc sang IIale \01' ~cen Bul \ III I:gllter leiI', a,thoug] the , , " ' , Itt t t k 'I ' , senels cordial !:it. Patnc" 5 al II b '\ 11 G R 'I ... h ' II'" d he asked had he heard that n er own can cs s are ta Ing the Soclet\' )lr C H Conro' ' bl' ,II p" a\u: , , .. ' cws. Wh)te lillie (dOli a lll'lc 'prl rtual ' ltne', \Ioas a stan,

, I th k S t ".,." "l cel.ngs to Its I enera c 61stcr fl I [ tIl "a t r S JI Ca \" I II II' r ood j\hrds~. "It h,IS happened," He p ace IS lice, orne OlIn: c1eli1'ercd a short aclelress and, ~ 0 lela 5 0 e L .' C • e - lll- more II'fl',aflulng song 113n lC Ollt J1 \I, grouu 0:' g mea-,aid Ihat labour le~lslatlOn champIons are known to be I a splcndld mU'lcal progl'<lmme 'OCIP~)'H ComOI Presldcnt palgn, and rrpresentalilcs 1'[ Ili.leocr i, led \0 belll'lP HO\I sure he to"cci 'n a cO'Jp:e of ,llUulel be repeilled 'Uur la. I Carbonear (Gerald Taylor o[ \\'as prcsl'nted Through Ihe I, -' 'en [( t' c'ulll I~ St. ,John's, Bnrl 101 ell ',\ as hiS ,usl.lIncd legato pseudo Ir"h 'ongs as eneo"cs, , 'I C b "t d C' h A I I ' ' ,James D, H:gglns, Secrclar) tl J I D I I' 'S ' 'I I I " ,,,. I ttl ol,ur laws nced tu be olcrhaul'l ar onear "nl enure cal' kIndness of !le\'o Brother D. 1', 1(' r II'I\l'S 10 ,0 lfl ow.at! , ,I\eet. 1',\\ I .' aC1I' I a n~(, !no ,I e

., ."-,"('1' 1111 nlore cd," he declared and su~~csted em) I and Decr. Lake, IIhlch I="ash, Supenor of St Patrlcl;'s l,i(,\l'Il'\l'al'·old Dori, l!liIIPI, ,\wlllie', and brliliont II a" 'nc, Irish Glrl'-A pll), ~.p could not ~~ d ttl Lil,lJ'ltable lmh SOClet)', b I "P I" t .[. h ~ . q rb It

_ -,,1' 11<111.l hab,t",'o 1,lbolil olltilonly be brought:~el1 s 11'0 ,.enrIc~. In~o tlC\\',Hall School, the school chOir :\rMolmdlan(i's Sy 111 0 fOi OpeJ1r'l~ song rencI .,o,e fla\e a" .some or f.e e' "c":'"I',lll. III .,t. III lrol11 the Old Countf', Hc contest \lllh LOlnel, Blouk'too', part ullder Ihe (Iirl'el10n l!all:~(lal~\'o;';I'eSllt' 111'h S'Oclct .. of CI Piller! cllll(Jlrn ~nrI a paclcnt Your ~[lH! n,:le". a ~cllin~ olIlJ~hrs' bCilll,ful al13n~emrots

, (1 P 11 I A I d • • o. S' ( II I ,10"ln .\trlto','s ',lor"' 1 rom of ~nntll'np I','lsh fnll; 'or:' ,uch , ... " hI Ir""ll 11.'11 .,\ould rathcI look cast from ,CIIIS e ey 0 . ma6amatc 01' ],"\., Brother (;1,[[nel" at Int' ,lIr"lll1r amp. 'll 1e ll, ,,'~ ~., , " l! I d I 'c :it John s :">ell!oundland 1\0\1 . (" tl h 0 '0 3 TI '1'" r,,,rct n," ,., "I'I,tI _nd Illc \\l1cl'cthcWIOl'll1cnhddcuJ1\c,: Iglan ~hllplorbettofl'l1' AI'o appe,Jl'.n;; I\cre ,II" cclc!Jra\Jl\;;llsullehunulcdaw fl'lo!her <peelal ,112,( illtllsl"n- 'OnlIlS IC m'l'le \' r as o~n!' ie""!,, ~.

1,1 JI,h tile mem\)er ueelal'ed, I maculate ConccptlOn), ElI"~bL'th ~Iel;ralh Rnd ~Ir. nl'r. Thoma, \r ne of 'Hu:e, Briton· or "Tne L,O'. PI." Olr,o '. , lIti)·t1llTd annll'erSar), ,,'lid, rlla" fame ~:r ~[cC011I1rn-\Iop ",,111'1' ,nu-

.111' Line ~ald he had \lsltcll Choice of ,ubJcct~ [or thcse ,Sian larel\, ~lIS\ .~\alll )\0110, cOfill,li St, I'ntflcks D •. \ ~lel'1 'II' ','.,,1-'"1' 'l,ll rd,II'e 'lIcil,de" If I' ~rol',p ~f ],I'c"cr "" no I I l fIlth '" \' ~ II (1 (1 a ~rrdt rOI~e-<' ~lf',1t m'l';;IClrln.

\'ollcolllCr umbcr campI a le\l sen\l.fl\\als In Ihe AII-;,;cII' acter as i\CCOJnpam, or a e lng' tv 1:,\ older 6lSici 'UCIC I" all ill)pe31;;Oce on 1\ ano rarIlo' l Intc,e,tlo~ con,r;;'t n[ Schll'Jrl'l male )ears ago, There be said thc Ifolllldiand BO)5 PubliC _ Speak., I'ocai numhers, L. H. Luuro), Plr;l<lcnl. l.r 1'111 be 10IU1\C) n~ to lIarbulll' annt:I' modern f\'chilrc Strall« Honollr< RI<n 10 r.E'I'r;:~ \!allny

thc log~cr, ol'e alhll rlggcrs and ling Contc~t IS JroIn the follo\1 I 011 St I'atmk'. Oa:' thc .Iamc,; 11 HIi!~ln<, :"eeIEtM: (,I',lce '0 an:lrc's :he KII\~nl~ Par:lcl,:arll' Imc],· "ere "Thou ,,:10 ~a~ Rn e;,reIIP'lt and ':,In· olHI Ihc) mu,t l'IlInb tree.> alld cul 1Ilg,- Il\\cmbers "semhled III tile 11'.111 dt a Illncheon llleC'lJ1~. ond ,\1'1 TIepo,'r" by Y'l\Ihert ond ratn~llc 3ceomllanhl an~ "lin

\Ihere,thcm. Sometimes there are 40,. troom.1 at 9JO ,un \\'hen tilclLhantahle Imh Soc1et), 1 11 0 'li,llahrtlllle 111\', to '1:llll1r "~!ornln(' by St"au.ls. The Amldrh~hlP<i tl'· BIl~le~c:. ,,:tn hiS , 0 .\torc I LIllO feet ot lumber III aile tree, I. Agncul,tltre in, the can'lprCSltlellt extended tlIe greel· .\Ionlreal. S Ils]nne Camp c)llldren s re- flom "La Tra':iata" was "Jng I pla,-,1l'6 of nnpln s ,.n"i.t::'n":n

'.1 cf,,,f! I\Ere Ileed· he .sald, ~Ir, Lane cnticiled adlan Econom), III~S of the da, to tho,e presen!.1 Benel'olent irl,h Sacl€l), of iJJ')llital'on CCllICr. and the ciuld·I,,\llh ~reat gll'tn /Lod I'ene and I F Sharp ~lir.Dr" ann "Dante" by ., : mRlnland newsmen for thelf 2 Doe, our Higher Standard : ~Ir. W, T, VCltch, all behalf .of St. John's l\e',\foulldlaud 011 tile I CII \ \llllg of Ille, OrtJlOperlle I partIcu'arly notable wa~ hiS Deb'l.os), , .' ,"," 1 Ihe for~~e'l bad reporting .. He also 5ald he of LlllUg Produce a Hap" Ihe membership,. repiled to tne; occaSllln of Its oue hundred anil l'os)llt;\1 in 51. ,lo,m ~, I

· n1llJIc: nOI lee tne WilS led up Illth the 0Plllionat- pIer Llfe? I' PreslClenl's greetlllgs and can· ,flft)-thir) Bnnl\e~sary send, St.1 I i' p .. ,~,~~t 50illlig erJ experts In Ottawa wbo come B, It', Good to be • Canadian \'eyed the besl wlshe5 of the I Patrick'. Day g:eetlngs, : No ' n: those of the I to Z\'ewfoundland 10 olten lind • Uranl'um a d th F t "I membership to the Exccutil'e, I . C, H, Conro), Prcs1(:ent M U Drama

I·,.. 'th t l' I k . "I ttl H d h'" n e u u re, f t I . , • e ,,01 "1 os er· 1,011' ler, 1 e, I 5BI e I VanoUli messages 0 gree lng James D, HlggJl1S, Seeret.arj I ' , Comment From

II would WrIte R book iome time II, Th, World Refugee Prob· from liister 50clcties of Boston, I 1

1::,~1 c':~:rl ne\er un· cllllt,\ed "Expert. that 1 have lem", Halifax, SI. John, N,B, Rnd st. PalrlCk', :iCX:lety. • (I b Presents : Ii(', "510 \c\\tollnd, I ~lr, Lane returned to the 7, II I were Prime M1niste: of Officers of the Soelety, In re·1 Bcncvolcnt IrISh SocIety 01 RCMP Supt. Parsons n f u:·ral (,ol'erIl' I )Iel. e, My Relillion IJi Practlcable, I Charlottetown lIere read, The, 51. John, :>/,B, U

for the I loggers and .poke lor I few Canada, galia, then proceeded to the SI. JOhll'i Newfoundland lends "Th C 'bl 1/

· lilr HS' momcnt~ on the [our prevlOus 3, Should the Rumans have I Basll1ca where .peclal seats had hC.lrtlest SI. Patmk iDa) greet e ruCi e GR . .I,~D FALLS, :\nd rCPI - Ileglslat'Jre ~"fond. ay tna: ali :\cw· , .. :1 cO'lcrncd thcrc IS 1I1l1ons Ilhleh he said had not, put the dog Lalka In thc 'bcen resel'\'ed for them ncar' EI"S, f dl d il h C mml'

I I 0 Supellntcr.dent A, \\" ?ar~ons a ,foun an, \\'. oDor, O. ~:

, ,'".l\( .. ar.1 rltl., 'I, Kcpt In touch IllIh the mcn, I Sputnik? ,the Sanctuary, High ~1.;"s lIas I C H, Conro)', PreSident. Tonight the 'Icmonal L'ni- the \'e'\'foundlald ROIP dcl3cf'.-' s,oner '-:lcllOlaon s resJ~"Jto~ .. : t.~:r'~lCIJ' , \lr Lane He revealcd that the new un' \) Experienct as I Boys" celebrated b)' HIS Gr,lce, ~l11st I James D. 1llgglllS, Secretar) lor'H, DrJm,ll:r SOCll'I) 11'111 ment ruc,dal' declined commenl .lU".IC~ '.lIl1l-'Cr f'ul:on :old the '. ,.,(, rl':hdps the) Ion was sending a camp stew- Leader II a I'aluable Ai" Re\', P. J. ~klnncr, C ,J \1., ]Jlesellt Inc pO\lerful and mal' O~ re:lOl', 11;01 he was consider· Con;l1lon· ,ronda), that (am mlS-1,:,,; II 'lithe tcnth an· ard Into all the camps to hear let lor I Successful BlIs· I A1Chblshop ot st. John's, \Ioith Charllable In.> 11 Suc cl), Illg dr,lIm "Tile (1'IIclbl(" b) Ing ,e\I~l\ing :10111 the fOlce he· 'loner 'lcl'ol,o'1 11'.15 leJ'..lI~ the

t: c '::' ct('r,tlon I all gnevances and hope to lIles! Career, I ReI', J, C, Walils as deJcon !lI\d Chariottetul\ll, P,E I. Ar:hllr ~1,l1cr , . , lJ) t,lr thell laU<r 0: ad -1''''. O\er relnfnrcc lone lli"Jusr hi, oltil-r :0 :eod I.·,'ed h, constlluents, rectify them, ~lagaziJ1e5 and 10, Richard Brothers, He\', p, J_ Le,ns as ,ub·ucaulll.1 On tile OC'I.ls:on DC ils olle most d'llbltiulh (ll'o)l'('l III ddte, mC"1 Hl ''Ill' relnfu' l enwuts to. \ ,,:,\ -

Iliis Grace II';J~ allen(led at tho I hundred 311(1 11th tlll:'U "flUI A C,I,t ot ~i ml'l11\Jrrs 11111 'I liJ\l' 110 Ullllllll'I,: all :Ii~t fflUlllllulid ',la, ronntelll,:If'il'C 0)'

I throne by Ht,. He\'. II, A, Sum \l'r,M) the Bl'J\~lolent Illsh ullng \0 IOl:d aldllcnces, 3' tile, a'l~ e ,II I Ill' Ilfllllll'llt' Sll~1 P,lr Ilrc cJltrnd

apt. Earl Winsor Labrador

I lIle r.l , P /I." V G, !leI. l' J, Soclt'ty 01 St. John's Nell'found author put. It'f' tile 1'"en:I"1 'tIns lo"i a ,PI'"rt"1 111\ I 1 HU'I 1'1\1 'IILR I Kennedl anti Re\ D. 1', ~,Illr 'land ,eds coru};}1 St, Patrick, natllre of one 0 the .trallgl"t' f I f I I 'I hr, e II cre \l1c!"'l1i c,ld repol h \11' ~1\l[11i11 oot! ,"Ill ',Ie com-IPhy, Very Hel, D, 1. O'Kl'e C',D:!) greetings, lanl Illost all I~ clnpters In TIIP,03" that Sept. Par,llos In- nlfHl'nel'! re'l~n3I,on :\lI.~llt b.

I D.P., and Rev, re, \\" ,\lc:o<cII) , C. H, Call 1'0,1', Prl'sl(lcn:, human hlstor) ., , ']lector ,\. ,\ '\rgel1t of tlle Lor- 'foloh\1'<l b) others' were masters of ceremon,es Jamcs D, HI~glns, Secrelar) d I

f h I was I The .Itory of the pia) is lIaSI'd ner Brook drlaehme~t an n- .\ttorne)' - General Le,:I" Cllr-p:rts On The preacher 0 t e cay 'on tIle f.lmo,ls "llltch.lllll:t" 'poctor ', .... , H. SICI en'on ch'ef 01 ~ , ReI'. Father McGinley 01'., onc + + + " , ' tis ~airlla,' "1 ec\; he apPc2, .. cr o[ the l'isltlng miSSlona11CS and Bene, alent II bh Society, i \1 h!( il took place In Salcm CrIminal Inl'c,ll,a(.oo In t h f more T:C\IP "al Ue \Il ~2' t re·

jJouse for lh~ Fcdera\ Government I Municipal Affalra his plans hiS sermon was a l!'il<lcrPlcce: SI. John's, l\'lId I J!a'>achuselts III the lear 1602, pro\lnce, Ilouid f"lIo11' (ofllm s- ~ll,"i 0' the' lprr!ntfnr\c'n: ': :"t~ l/" illter·, at OtlHlla to consider eX'i for the developmenl of Happy o[ elo'lucl1cc olld uletlOI1 clc., The Cn;mtable lil,n SnClet) Cnrlcr ulrector Bnall IlC;lrcioll ,ioner L H '-:ichol<on allrl trlrlel 'r,r':,\p n '-:",IIOt\o1!31j(~,' 0 11'1

,'" ': 1,_"I,II:II",lf ~lcJ\1" t(ncJln~ Its plans for the de'l Valley as! townsite, lie Hoked ,<erl'in" to ra1lk \lilh thl' ilnrsl uf Boston celebratlllg I:, t\\'o 1:1P ca,t '1,lile.111' •. lI_le r,a)~ of l,el: reSIZltr\tlon< ),,; 'ons

L I" \ " ~ I I I It I k II 'h 0 Prpnl','r ~lllall\\r(1<' 'Old in I~r i ll'-r \e ",0 "Iln, ,aid, I'clopmrnl or :\orthern C~n' that seriou~ consideral1on be Ipancg)flc.l prei\~hed ill the hundreil 1\lelll)·second ar\lll' error 011' ICrt llea I" , _____ __ In,p. 9c,o,,'no rtr, •

i ' rt prJ',onl ado to inclurle ;'\cwfoundlanrl-I given to 1mprol'ing the cOll-IBasllica on St. I'atllck's Day, 'l'crsar)' rCIOlCCS ,n )Olll illcnd· I ~lle Alllrileall tOI:II, \\oCI1,h:,. - -- - "enl '0 tid nr' he rr'r'lr,1 ,Ill' , / n q' liJOll' llie LaiJrarior where It ilas been' dillon oC the much used rond Aftcr ~!,\SS the Officers called slllp rtnd senas lOU ILs rts'ur·1 slclla and bl~olr) held .',~a! TIl'kel. ~re prH'cd " ,tj r:_ ~1CrI'al~',.' lor (0111rr,r1' r',I~. ;,," \Ieeb In 'proven t11allarge untapped from Happy Valle,\' to thatlal GOlcrnmcnt House \Ihcrc I ancc,s of esteem anu el'C1) good aHI nelghDor I\'a~ elllllIen ,erl'cd (Crom HnI\':'_ll~'1 or "I _______ ..

:,. ,_'~ \~"_"Hl.ond, but, sourcrs of IHalth st111 lie part of the road eonnectlng, they Ilere recclvcd b) 111.1 ]jOD' Wbl\,. a;::lIl"t nClghbo:. . ,CP'l\S ~cnrr:d arl~I,'Slon IJ th,r [lock \\'11<on, of tn- ! h,rit~ '_ ~,C' 1,,11\ nncs fccl. irilc," \I'lih the road to Goose Bay 'our the Lieutenant _ GOI'Cl'J1or \1!liJam t, Hlcke), PfI'Slllcnt I .\r:hur "IlIlers pia) 1-' h,IIerl door lhe pi,,\' ,,\111 he Plud'.:- I'llt", est,hl15hrn An ,1IIim~ ,: '«(lr\ tra~lc Cl'ent Refernng to hiS disappolnt- maIntained by the Dcpartment l and 'Irs, ~!aepherson, Preslder,t Dalld A, Keohan, Secrct,Or) on h'St0I'1C,11 fae' and lIas lInt eel "I till' :-!rmonal ll\1\cr.'It\ ~lalnr le,,~u~ l),I'ehall record

I.' ['I muq \e,lfound, mcnt at the dceision of Crown of Transport. 'Conroy extend0d the greellJ1gs --- I tCIl rs a prole,t al the time :\nncx lonl~ht, Thur'ooY and h d' ' In I~U n:.ll In < * a' "Hy' Ilerc f.cllerhaeh to d0clde against lIe also asked the ~flnlster of the Socie~I' to HIS llanoill' I Benelolcnt lmh Society, I whl'n ".I!acarthYIsm" \las ram· Fnday, Curiam goes up at 815 \Ihcn e ,Ole I -, l' 'f " ' S J I " I I I u"1 d St t ' 1930 , ,,( Ole. the estnilllsl\Jnent of a third uf Mines and Resources to lind Mrs. Macpherson alld reo tom S, ,,[ d, pant In t le nl ~ a C5, . ~----::==== ,'\ :, '": ,~l, d lilat he paper mill In :<:cwfoundland, look Into a spccial proJcct questell illS Honour to fOl'\larc! Tne Charitable Irish SOCICt) , ",I.," " ~ Il,( llliH'r of I Capt. II insl)r ~aid, "Pl'rsonally known 8S the hea\'er pre' to lIer ~laJcsty the (1,ll'OIl an of Jj,dlfax celeu('alln~ II~ one 'I

' '''''l' at 1111' P:lI" 11 helel high hopes Cor the pro- serves now operallng success·' assuranee of the SOCletl'" CUII- hunllrecl .nll s(;lcnl)·thml ~n· ,I • ", \ '" iI.,', t' Sill Ii jt'c!, On 11'0'0 or three occa~, fully In Quebec and Northern I tlllUccl lo\'ultv to lhc IllrOlle 11lIersary, exlellll~ warmest ,l"uu 10 I I • • t d uti ' ~'_I" "' l't' as I'll' ions last .SUllllller 1 wa~ asked Ontario, Be felt such a Hl~ Honollr expressc!i IllS pleas-' gree lng, an es .,.,,, "'~ to I

,',,",Iood lIo said "I I by the company's survey per- scheme could be'of great as- ure at the visit and reciprocat· all the members of our liister , lt tnal \l'hen the Isonnel rcgRrdlng the use of slstance to the IndIans and I I'd the SoclCty'S grectings, Be- society,

~ i!,ln" gOlcrrmcnt Is many bays and harbours many trapper~ In the area of fore leaving bouquets o[ sham- J, H, Donahoe, Pre~ident. ,,~ more glorioll~ I \\'hlch I might consider ~afe :-'orth West River and Davis rocks'llere prescnted 10 HIS W, R, Colgan. Secrelan',

I ")fI p' rl I ", I "re :0 \15, lor large ,hipping along the Inlet, He quoted from an nr- Honour and 10 ~!r.', ~!aepllcrson. '. n :.'<' "\<r 11 In rr : L"hradf)r r'oall.' tlCle In a mainland magazine From Government House the I ,James D Hlgglni, - " Ill', \ ,crlllhl,I' I C"pl. II'inwr rl'rrrrrr1 tn II'hieh ~\I~ge,\terl that such a, O[[ieer~ procceried to the' Sccretary Bene\'ulent Imh

'n n" r(111,1 I Ihe p,rlll'lIlar necn In hi, r1is- I scheme could he ~uccess[ul in I Palace to call lIpon HI, (;racc, SOCICt)', 1'<," '-,Iri 'I 11'1(1 for rl'opcr tr~n,pol'l~tion i T.ahrador, ! thc Arcilui,hop, Patron of Ihe, Sl ,John's, NfJd" I:, "nlr lire r,"'liltirs CI'OIl1 \'rwfollnrtland I CRPI. \\'Insor pnlnlcrl nut SnClrl). HI~ (irilcc \loS altcnded Saint Patnck \ SOCICt" lor 'lhl"1Ir i1no L"hrnrlnl lo Lake WAIJilsh I tilot th, fishery In LaIJr;\(lnr 'hy TIl. Hel'. H, A. Sumn:rls, Saint John, :\C\I BIUl1SIl1,rk px,

" 1:'0 llllrlll'la'lt, ilnrl Schelfen'illr "At the mo I slill rem<lln~ the main sOUl'ce I P A" V,G" Re\', F<lthcl' ~lcC;ll:- I tcr,ds cordIal 51. Palnck 5 !Jay " 'r " I d I : 'r" ; ,"~ '0 the I menl." he ~Alrl, "allyonc wish· I of employmcnt It I~ imper'llry, OP P .. the preached of the I gree lOgS an sincere gOal

~'c ". n, lile I as! Iron' 111~ to ~o to onr of these alil'e, he !ald, that the go\'crn· day, Rnd other pncsts of the w1shcs for ),Ollr future succcss I ':'1 ;,( ;" th.C l"kc \\'a· places from any part Of Lab· ment continue t.o expand the I Palace st~ff. !,resld~nt COIH'OY: and hapPlne,ss" . '~, ','01"<\01. I hope mdor must travcl from Goose program of making it pOSSIble extended the Society s grcctJ\1gs' Harr, D, Scull~, Prc~ldcllt. " ,ecI,p,p nf Labrador flay 10 :lioncton, from ]I!onc· for fishermen to ~ell their [Ish to its Patron and also ils con- P. J, Hogan, Secretary, · t';\a~O 11'0 r'Pportunity ton to Mont JoJl, Quebec, and frcsh, Instead oC salting and gratulatIOns on the anJ\\yersary I 1'1 'h~ ,n thl' dCI'clop· [rom there by boat to Seven curIng It, of HIS Grace's consecration 3S Bcnevole,nt Irish Society, , 1\/\ It \\,11 dircctil' Islands and Cram there to "One 01 the most dcmand· Archbishop, In reply HIS Grace I St. Joh? s, Nfld,

I ,worKrr, anrl Lake Wabush by rail, a dls- Ing needs of all," Capt Win' thanked the Society's reprcscn, i GreetIngs and best "",:;'" 11" "ll~hl not I"nre of about 1.400 mlles." sor said "Is sIll 1 In the field tntivcs for their viSIt and said I from Benc\'olent [mh

'; 'f "1',1<\ a 'ourrr lle pointed out that a direct of hOlls'lng, Much hRI bccn how pleased he was to he<1: of of Chi\rlottctoll'll. on I nls 'r ~,r 'h" i,lan~ hilt serl'ice from Goose Ba), to done, but Ihere Is still mueh the contlnucd progress o[ the glorJolls fcost Ol Ihe

\- ',_ r r,rlrlnpcrt for Srileffcr\'ille would cut the more to do In this respect. A Ilorganlzdtlon, lIe p<lld tribute to I <alnt of Ireland 'cf'I' I h h h Brngh " w<' r pcop r of distance hy more than 600 I conccntratcn erfort ought to the pre,le er of t e da)' on IS ' ,

r '". rfO\~\ul'h ;1, fOI' I miles and sale much ulllleccs.( be made by both the Prol'in splenchet serlllon Shamroc~s I E, B, Bl'agnn, Presidenl c11",rl"" prrJplr of Isary (lelny and expensc, elal and Federal govcrnments ,were p~'esentcdlo HI.I, (,lace, to J[, A, 1'01101', Secretory.

, 't', ,_ Capt. Winsor Raid that he to bllng better housin" faelL' 1 ~!sgr. Summers anc! I atl\('r :lIe·' ,,·r,' q 1 "1 ',,'. n~r,'" \,Irl)' was very happy to note that tle< to the peoplc oC \'orthern Glnltoy by ~I, C. J. ~l('rller, I ,,' " . 0 •

!hould PS ilt ollr some modern conveniences Labrador" V1ee·Prcsldcnt of the SOClct;" :;LEEPl:\G QLEE:\ BILLS I ~ be al'allcd of were coming to Labrador Capt, Winsor concludcd, The da,'s eclebralions cun'l TORONTO tCPI -Queen Eilza· , ~ ,elc'loPIl1Pllt~ (in ~(]rth In thp fonn of elec- "Xorlhel'n I.Rbra(lor, 11kI' the eluelell With a soci,11 hcld in beth Is pielllre(1 willI hI'!' eyes:

" lta~",1 1:,'1"'1,' tiJ~d I tl'ieal slIp]!I)' fur Happy Val· I'est of Newfolln(l\anll Is mo\,' the t'luh j(nnms ul J\lgbl. The I I'I",,',J 011 :;,1 Caoadian cOIHJlpr· : ,~ :he la,1. h'rl "!lI·.IIlI·1 11'1', tl'lephone communication Ilig fol'1I':lI'I1. The signs 11\:1)' Ute!'u!'), uilli AII\U,I'Ttlclll L'IIIll· l loit ~IO bill, Ilhkli bUlt~ lIelll " 'n'l ~t Pr,ll'lltla\ of witiJ other pal't~ of Ihe world 1I0t be 'U ObIIOU, to visitn!'s 11I1I1Ice, under the l'lia1l1l1:rlhh,p, IIU"l'tl III '[olonlo 11111111\ the b" r'l "0 clrlopCrl it 10 and the conlinue!1 e~pansion hili In 20 \'ears of a"o('i~,ion of Mr P. ,], Bing, Ilel'e hOI(, two 1I,,)s n01P o[llcI"ls ',]1:

;\. r tl,:,~UI~ "ell ho pC rrlul'<1ti0n~1 ~lld medical fa I' Ilh il T h,vr hrC'1I "hlr In ,(,0 10 Ihe mrmilcl.' 'nil Ih(,ll' the hills hp;]1 Ih (!lffcrent " I,,' , To l-, 1"'''I~rp of' cllitlr~ tho1\1, I ,01'1 rnnrirlr]11 lil,1 friends "nd d nlll,t Cnlu)aiJl(' '\11])\1,,:, ;Jod 11101 Ihle II 111'

• j"l oj, I ~ I r ~'!~OU'd 1"0 tn H~ <~Ir1 np '~~J al'o rl~2,cd L,hri1dnr 1'111 r"nUnue \1' iCIC'\!l\& ',125 ;\lcnt '1.1 I 'lIe ~I\

, not bt 'll~e ' to hear from the Minister of I grow and pro3per," folloll'lng are tbe me"saies i \JIll~ ha'. e I:ad




• Color~ Red, Black, Royal Blue and While, • A bultonup favourile with pretty Peter Pan

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----~~~~~~~~--====================-THE DAIL Y NEWS Old Inflexible

In The N ev{s Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper

YF..\nL\ SlIlS('RII'TlO:'> R,\TES

The DAIL\:' NEWS il A murnina paper established in 1B94, Ind published at the News Building 3~~· 359 Duckwortb Street, St. John's, !,;ewfoundland by Robinson &. Compan)" Limited


1'1111 Calladian Pn's5 II exciu;ively entitled to the use for republication of all new~ despatches in this paper credit· ed to it or tu the Associated Press or Rculcr! and also the lucal news publish ed therein.

S12.IlO per annum

All Prcs~ servirr anrl fcat,lre 8rticlc~ il1 Ihis paper ar~ copyrighted and their reproduction is prohibited.

tllltl'li I(j i!,gr.nlTI ;11 d

all fllll'l~n Pl,lInll'lrs SH.UO per annum .-\I:tlllll'ilcd "S sL'cunri cias.' moil, r,,;t Uffl[·e. DClla11 ment, Ottawa

.\1 ember Audit Bureau

of Circulations.

The Inadequacies Of Mr. Di efenbaker ECl',HISl' of a lceling that John

D:eiL-n\);lkcr I':as a wII'cring figure in Can,d:;):1 )11llitll", I\'e protested \'i~olll'ou"i.l· i\ fel\' ~'cars ago the

• :pffo!'ts (If lilt' LiIJer;\Is to gerr~" nlal1dcr hit:1 nut of IllS seat :1I tI~e

H(lll.'l' nf CC)tnI1H)I1S.

',- . 101 10:,tl. II'C' ,,,:rt :lE't'l' 1:1:11 It,o II',IS

~:rht' ('b .. '0:1, clwll'c tn ~lllT('crl . (j('n:~r D:·n. ;IS IO;lclCl' "I' I he C,'n· !~':-\ ~:"\'p r I! \\

:: l:' l.rr)7 ,!',r) I~Ji0. I! C

tT:p i"II'::' 'In: 11C \"(ll:ld (,:'PI'('·"'(\ iC;1c\ Ihe

" (,"11 .-(':'\.1' '. r'- to \·ic\m.l· 111 Canada \\r :.'l' I'f" ;ilo]1e tnc!il\' in thill~'

~ ;in: li'.'l .1r.lm Dicfenh;lkcl' has " !;:::c': :,) fulfill hIs enrller prolwse.

!'~:.'l: tk-l::,hl 11;1S bern gl'o\I'ing In (hl1E'!1:;ioI1S ,1nd extlrc,;sion rim·

'.' "hc ,lIP )1:1"1 ~·C;lr. Yet notlling cCI:d mo:'C' clc;1rh' rC\'c;11 the in· ?:iC'~l1~,':e<; nf :,11'. Diefenbaker

.t1~J!l h<; r':'.ri1nrriin:lr~' contrnrlic· h'!1 of nr::c:', l:'i'.-e!1 b\' the C0111-r.,:;~;r)1('~· ,.,i the RC.'\T.P. 1I1 re-5"0:1'(' 1n :~'(' rcr,ues: for rcinforce-

·1T.fl'i' f~:' CC:1:r:ll ;\c\\'[oundI8nd. 'lhe l'(JIH'calenl'e \\':15 revcaled

0" '<' ··,,,'1""' ,"'j n ll n "t'eilt C:1l'1~er ... "I.I·~I, "II.- (h'

pC<:cc o::ic'CI·. i1 m,1I1 respected far \~("'(\:'rj thr h'nicrs of (:11:Rda for \,·:,-inm. n:liL\:' ;end integrit~·. was rC':L'cl:cd bY the \\l1i\ccnltntRble :1;C:'I'C!,:in\1 of tl'o Prime ?-.1inister In rC":~ll his cnmmallc1.

L"I\\l,ilc1 lTJ:l,;nn ~icholson has rr:l1:1Wyted t1,(, RC.i\lP. since 1~:il Rllc1 hZ!, \\'nn high regard Jnd rc"'cct for hi, ~)\llld judgment al'd rifir.·:el1l'\·. }Ie hi1s maintained the fine \ri1ditions of a police force wi:h an ~11Iernalioni11 reputi1tion. :\n,\ it is nn:hin<:; short of shocking Illnt a m;1n nf his q\Dlit~' should be forced to tE'nc1rr his resignation as a re!'lllt of pnlilicZll interference.

In th:5 inien'rnron, ::-.1r. Dief­en,):,!:e:' arld his ;,Iinister, of Jus· ticr> d:d more tl:nn question the iuclQI1:ent ,md a'.lthoritv· of Com· ~1issinN'r ;\:c\10\,or.. With com· ple:e rii,re[!arc1 [or tbe consequen­CfS. t1-['I' Grnicd nece,;sar~' rein· fm'cemet;ts for the tired men of the R.c.~'.I.P. and :\c\\'foundland Con· ~tabuli\r',':n Central Newfound· land, exposed them to ranger, and

compelled the Pro\'incial Govern­ment to undermine the sccurit~, of St. John's in order to send r.lOre pro\'incial police to Grand Falls.

This was dnne without a proper inquir~' into the situation in New· foundlimd. i\nd again, wlthout in­quir.\' and without understanding, the Prime ~Jillisler of Canada from his 10ft.l· eminence has had Ilw auciacit\· to declare that Premier Smallwood, b~' his ilctions had gra\'e1.\' aggr,l\'ated the woods In bnr dispute No man of stature llli1kes such charges without i11\·es· ligation but IvIr. Diefenbaker did not take the trouble to send a reprcsentat.il'e to Newfoundland to get the (Dcts, And whi:e no· 'bod~ is likel~' to overestimate the importance of the cabinet repres· entat!ve from Newfoundland. i: is reasonn ole to suppose t1l<1 t he mi~ht ha\'e come on his owr: inili· ilti\'e in order to be able to speak intelligentl~ in cabinet and parlia· ment for his pro\·ince.

The Prime Minister, it would appeal'. must either gi\'e himself credit for a phenomenal intuitive· ness or has deludt?d himself into such belief in his own omniscience that he i'eels he must be a:v':<1~'S right. 111<1t may be bb idea, It is not the sentiment of the majority of Ihe people of this province.

By undue and excessive delav in implementing Newfoundland's contractual rights under Ille Con· federation Agreement. he has shown hitmelf careless of our wel­fare. B\' failing to fill the depleted ranks of the Supreme Court bench. he has indicilted indecision as well as neglect. But by letting down the commanding officer of the nation's police force, he has re\'eal· ed an inadequacv that does not st?em to fall short of irrespon~ibi1i· tv. To the extent that this is true the burden must be sh:Jred bv his cabinet colleagues: among them the member for St. John's West who, above all others, should have f~und out the facts at first hand and spoken up for his province,

The Post and Revision 111e most intelligent comment

yet pri:lted in the mainland press on the ~ell'foundland case for re· \'i,ion has nppearcd in the Toronto Financii11 Post.

It makes the particular point that was stressed bv the New· . . foundl,md case and ignored by the McKair Commission. This was the need for periodical review.

As the Post says, if eight million is now the appropritate amount, it may not be enough in five years' time, Or if the provincial economy expands as Newfoundlanders hope, it may be more than enough.

This leads to the inevitable con­clusion that periodical review in the interests of both prOVincial and

federal governments is highly de­sirable and even essential.

The unfathomable mystery of the :McNair Report is its failure even to mention the Newfoundland proposal for a fluctuating grant and its insistence on the recom­mendation of a fixed annual sum without even reasonable protection against a decline in purchasing power of the dollar.

Nobody seems to understand the Report and still less can anyone understand why it did not reier at all to many of the very pertinent points raised in the Newfoundland case, But the facts of our fiscal position Sil :',.\1 for themselves if the Federal GO\'l:!':lment is willing to read and learn,

Thev Stood To Be Counted Led by J. W, Pickersgill, the

Li1::eral members from Newfound­land in the House of Commons h.ave taken their stand in support of the me<'lsurcs adopted in New­foundland to bring peace to the wooels industry. Much credit goes rial'ticularly to fl1r. Pickersgill who

,!U;s unquestionably incurred the risk of great hostility within and

which he has served within I\nd outside the cabinet for the past six years,


Latest example of unwarranted gOY' ernment snooping into private affairs, according to thr Financinl Post. Is a demand from Ottawa that the char· tered banks provide a monthl, list of firms and individuais who are sub·

. stantlal borrowers.


RELATlO,~') WITH OTTAWA For many ;\cwfolllldianders dhillu

s'on about Ottawa's intercst in their prol'ince is rapidly rCilclling the point of totalit"·. Tilc contemptuous disre· ((ard for OUI' welfarc to bc found in Ih~ deliberale defcrment of a .iust dceision on the rel'ision of terr.1S llilS bcen sitoeking cno~gll. But tlw in· difference to the public safet\' reHal· cd by tile rcfmal to send reinforce· ments to the hard-prcssed R.C.\l.P. in :\cwfounctlanct is eVCn nlJrc appal· ling. It is nn inel:Cllqble and ullfo:-· gil'c~blc a'Jandonmcnt of responsi· bility.

saw little of cabinet ministers and very little rcgard for our particular new and l'igol'~us Conservatives than problcms. Hclter was hoped from the from the tired L~bcrals. But the new Governmcnt, it appear~, ~Qul[' hardly care les,. It is, like all Canadian governmcnts of recent years, I politi· cal animal. The Prime fllinistcr dirt not need the two members ~ewfound· land gave him ~t the time of his land· slide victory dnd may possIbly be feel· ing the slight to his dignity to be seen in thc fact that this province alone failed to give him ovcrwhelming S·Jp· port. We have the right to ~ay thll bccause we hal'e voted Conservative in

Thc "linistcr of Justice kncw thc every rlection and have placed on the facls. Hc knew the Il c.~.1.P. in Ccn' tral .\'cwfoundlalld, who had wen un· told admir~tlon for titeir re.-traint, cool Ill'"', d;,ciplinl' and good sense in the face of grent diffieulties. had he en working 101l~ holl1's Uno('r lwa\'y strain. lIe I~nel\' t'lat the St ,101m's pnlice force had been seriousl), WP"k· cncd til sl'11i1 il dclal'liment to Ilc:p the Il c.~l.r. f:lee nr\\' threats to ;lUb· lie safpt)· lIear Grand Fails. Yet llP halter! rcinforcements. :\~ a result more SI. .fohn·s pulice hal'(' !lad to be SPilt Ollt tn 1('a'l'e the city wi til a gral'el)' llndrrmRnnrd force, I, this tilC rrg;rrd ill Ottowa for the p'dblic ~afrty of C"n"ctian~: Docs it mran 111.11 Ihe ccutral gOI'crnmr:lI o! the 1If.linll ha, cilp'tul,l\eo to llirg propil· ~ilndil and to (eilr of losing l'otcS:

CO',Cl'lInlents may rilar.ge in Olto"'" hlll the stand,lJ'(1 of politics r,Cl'er changes. So [,1\' as parties are ['nn cerned, OI:C III a)' shake their leaders up in a hilt 2nd the)' will ill! come out a:ikc. Tile Liherals made a show of pn)'in~ some attention to ollr problem~ ~1though it is diffi,"ult to riiscol'Pr on close anal:.sL, whot they did for this pro"ince Ihilt thc"' \\'ere unwilling to do for an"' other prol'ince. \11'. St. Lot:renl presented an ahduratr front at hi' last Dominion·Prol·incial fiscal conference to the cl~ir.lS of tile Allan· lie prnl'i:lcrs for spct'ial assL'Ianre. The CllnservaliHS did n littlc heller in that re'peel. The only thing was th"t the speeinl granls tLey prol'irled were to be a pa,··off to the '-Iariti:ne PrOl'inccI In which '\l'wfoundla:Jd 11',11

no: c\pel·ted to share. Onl,' the ir.· ten'pntion of Premier Smallwood hrollght t:lis province into the picture.

Throughout thc Liberal regime we

printerl record a hi~h opinion of ,lohn Diefenhaker long before anyone he· ;ined he wO\1Ic1 ever he prime minis· ter of CJnilria.

We nre Ilonctenng also what bas happened til Newfoundland's seven members in the House of Commons ,\ gl'e"t silence ha~ fallen. :'\ot one worrl has heen rcported of anything they ma,' han hnd to say in defence of '\ewfoundland's good name while It was under hcal'Y nssault ill the Parlia· Illent and the p"es~ of the nation. F.I·ery mcmber of the House of As· semhl, in :\ewfoundland has had the (',')mage to stand llP and he counter! in a great prol'incial crisis. '\·hcre were our representiltivcs In the feo· eral parliamcnt~ Wilcre 8ft tbey nnw?

OUr mrmhers are ~Ilent. Our ~ab·

inel reilrcsrntatil'e I~ slle:Jt. '\ational leaclcrs are silent. All that they want IS conformilY. The)' knoll' nothing of :'\ewfollnrlland and care less. They seem to regard us a latter·day Lazilr· llS. We are simply a troublcsome roc' on)' who_'c cnntrlbution to the pcono· my of Canann i~ igno:'ed ilnd whose hllsic rights hal'p nCI'cr becn consider· cd. The cap'jon of this article ~ug·

gr.st, we hal'e relations with Ottawa, The fact is that we hal'e no relations other than those assigned to m as poor relations. "·ell. If they can't help us. they might as well leavp us alone. We will settle for our contractual rights hut it seems that we shall have to fight el'cn for those.

(This article was written beforr ~Ir.

Dicfrnbaker's statement In the House of Commons on the ~ewfollndland

woods situation and consequently has no reference to it).

Washington NotebOOK By JERRi' BE:\:-IETT

r\J-:A Sl;lfl Corrc;po:1dcnt

IV A Slll:-'-GT 0:'\- ( 'iL\' . - Pre.'irlrnt Eisenhower' .... rc(,pr.1 trj'j t.) ·!.,\i("j \\'.~~

anl'thing but. l'ac31ion lor his Secret Service bDdyguard.-. I J'~' J~~'l_Li ,d't'

stil: trying to catch their hreath. Their exh~lIstion sh'InS from a dinncr

p~rty which ~lPxican President Adolfo Lopez ~!"teos tossed for Ike ilt all cx· clusil'e rest;lurant s("\'eral mile., from Acapulco. Fo:lowing dinnc:, the host drol'e home by hiImelf bcliel'in,~ thilt arrangements lwd be"n Il1:lde for two automobiles to transpDrt Ike, his staff 3Ill1 Ihe Secret Serl'ice men.

But just one car showed up. And it was only hig enough to hold Ike and his official ailles So till' hodr,;u:mls had to trot beside the .uta all the way back to town

+ + +

------ ~---------------

\-Wh at -O=t==h==er,=s:::-=A=n=e="S--==a y=,=. n=:g=='

One of thc Federal Aviatioo Agency', many heildache.s is an elel'ator in the organization's nell' hc"oquartors that keep~ getting st'Jrk betwccn Coors. It·.1 been breaking down .so of tel, thilt some of the ~ecretaries t~lke booh to read whenever the ... · ride it.

+ + + Cocktail partle~ to colehrilte a poem

are Iikel)' to be n~ next year's reception "bend a for Washir.gto~ and other world capitals. For in 1950, Iran plans to c"le' brate thc 100th anni,WSilry 01 the Eng· lish translation of the ll.u\)iliyat of Omar Khan·am. Since an officia) cele~r;.tion

i! being plannerl in Tehran. the capit31. it's expected that Iran's emlJas,ies wilt folloW suit.


\'iolence has now heen adrled to the confu,ion sUfl'ounding the strike of the CBC french network prodllccrs­one flll'lher illustration of what hilp, pens when lilwful pm~edllres arc ig· llored or rejected. This strike has becn il'l'eglilar sjnee it began last De· cemher. :'\cgoliations which cI'ery, hody eon[ide~tly expeC'led would set· tie the affilir, brcke down. Frllstra· tion led to unruly conduct on the plcket·line. The police moved in.

Il !s not lInfalr to blame the pronu· ccn for this sitllation. They had al· rcad)' gained their major polnt-reelg· nilion of their 8ssoc:ation and the right of collcctilc barf(ainin~. The rights dre, to be 5Ul'e, limited. They are not as full as those enjoyed h)' brieklilyers or plumbers, but they a~· cepted the lim!tations frcely and could have been contcnt with their victory. .. egotiations did not break down on those two points but on the other. Tht Interpretation of the clause relating to affiEation was what brought dead· tock.

This, hnl'lng regard to the wording of the disputed clause, was rclalil'ely unimportant. Its interpretation could, in any event, have been left to the Canada Labor Retatlons Board Which, in dUe course, would hal'e had to deal with all dl.~putes. Once the associa· tlon was certified-and certlficatlon was certain once the CBe had made lis cO:Jcessions-either side could ap· penl to the Board for a ruling. But the producers have, from the begin' nlng, paid smilll respect to dUe prcr cess of law and the dispute has now been embittered by violence.

One of the spokesmen for the pro· ducer~ and one of the men arrested yesterday were offlrials of the Can· adiiln and Cathollc Confederation of Labor. The assumption can be made, we feel that Lilbor politics rather than strike issuel have now become dom· Inant. The producers sought the help and counsel of the CCCL at the be· ginning. They have had it ever since. Although they initalled an agreement on February 10, pledging their inde· pendence from any third person labor union or group of unions, they issued a statement yesterday In which they said there could be no question of their breaking all relations with the CCCL, and went on the speak of "the normal machinery of our association's affiliation to this labor organization" beln gnat yet co·mplete. At this the CBC very properly asked for clarifi cation. The producers deelnred t:lat the CBC was acting in bad faith, and broke off negotiations.

It may be that thc disputed clause has bcen interpreted differenll\' bv the CBC and by the prDducers~ Bl;t this l~ no reason for events to tilke the turn they have. Ortierly proce. dures are available to deal with just such matters. They have not been used.

The suspicion grows that the CCCL, having given help to the producers, is using them to try and break its way Into the labor front of eBC emplayes hitherto organized by othcr unions This is normal enough in labor poli· tics. but it i, a pity, to sny the least of it, that the TV producers shou,d find themseh'es a pawn in 5UC!1 a ~ame after they had won such substantial concessions from their employers.

Strength For Today rlf EA RL L, DOUGLASS


Sometime we may well wonder whether or not we give enollgh atten· tlon and credit to courageous pioneers to whom we owe most of the henefih we now enjoy.

Eightecnth rentury America-both In the United State~ and Canada­must have been A rough period of handship. The thirteen colonies Were trying to gain their freedom. Canada, in some parts, was a flaming battle· ground. Br()ther fought brother. S:n· cere men of good will rose agaimt other men of good will. It wouid be easy to evnlue that whole period ii we couin put all the evil peoplc on one side and all the good people on the other. But that is impossible. As in all great struggles, thcre were good people and ban people on both sides.

When our mind goes back fifteen to twenty centuries and we behold what our forebears did to get the Christian faith established, then we are humbled indeed. We, with our well·cushioned pews, with few reo ligious duties which in any way inter· fere with oUr e\lmfort-whst are we compared with tho~e people who faced the rack and the arenl with unwaver· Ing coursge.

Everything of real value in life

The Hubai:;a: is a collection of verse writlen in the 11th centm), by Persian astronomer and poet 0:n3r KhJy~·am.

But the man whom celebrants will to;lst is Eowwl FilzGer;lld, a Brilish mioister who trilnsiated the ll.uoaiyat almost a centur)' ago.

Although the R'lbaiyat has heen trans­lated into other !iln.~\lages. lr;:nia~s­

thoy used to be called Persians -- tike ~'it7Gerald'~ work best. it ranks next tn the llible in the n('mller of copies Ihat have been printed and sold.

+ + + CARE officials decided recently to

promote a joint we\tare and health ~roup fund-raising crusade by photo· graphing the campaign chairmen with a set of twim. Secretary of Health, Edu­cation and Welfare Arthur Flemming represents the health group, And Vet­erans' Administration Chief Sumner G. Whittier is in charge of the we elf are campaign.

The trouble was in finding twins. For days the CARE officials called gOl'ern· ment agencie.'l hunting for a lead. When they were almost ready to give up, they located twin daughlers of an FIll em· plo~ee.

Following the picture taking session, one of the CARE representiltil'es told Flemming ahout the trouble inl'olveo in findin~ the twins. The Sccretary wa.~

flabbergasted Reason is that he has twiTi ho),s Rnd

Whittier i~ the father of twiu girls. + + +

Public Relations man Ralph DuBroll'in became something of an aeri;ll Sir Gaia· had the other morning on a flight from Washington to New York.

While preparing hreakfast for the passengers, one of the he' l'S~cS m"hed her finger in the refriger~ft ". lloor and fainted. It<llph. who was sitting near· by, rushed to the girl and helped revive her.

Then he pitched in with the break· fast preparntior.s. For the next hour he loaded foud on trays while the other hoste~s served them.

"Everything went pretty smoothly," Ralph explains. "The only trouble was that the plane laneled before I got a chance to eat"

+ + + Show b:..rsiness executive. will be mis

;ing a bet by nol trying to sign up Krem

costs somcthing. The political liberty we enjoy today eost~ something. The fact that we have a faith, churehe5 in which to worship, and spiritual leaders who can guide us-all this was pur· [,hased by the grim sacrifice of brave men and womcn.

COlll'~geous pioneers! The term

. lin Boss Nikita Khrushchev if he ever visits the U.S For according to copie.s of his recent speechs, the guy is p


. outside the House and gravely im­perilled his prospects .as a future leader of the nation<11 Liberal party. His was all act of high moral courage and loyalty to the prov.ince

The banks are concerned, as well they might be. ol'er this intrusion on the pr.lv.!cy of their cllents and they Ire at I 105& to understand why Ot·

hwa would legitimatdy need kind of information.

this should sing a song of sweetness to our hearts.

When Khrush~hev's speeche5 !rC

printed for di5tribution, brief de scrip·

Two-Ring With tll~ Democrill, [:"a::"

on Los Angeles for lill'ir :1',1:, tion, we seem sure nu\~ ~o ~.:i.',~

cit)' sho\\' for 011: nO\' . carnil·al. For tl:e He;l\lc!':;'! reporter! firm again" ~"i:.I:' furnia this Lme.

"ice Pre~ident \ix()l'I ~~.e::

GOP candidate. i.1:j said tn fa',:­go or Philadelphia f ,r :"e Rf~. :!f-{air, Tra\'('l cn':.h n',,,': ':~ i

deill less, and Sl'!1Crll':CI a: :', ventior. can he fitted rn\l('~ ~::

I,' into prime telel'i,i"n 'iCo! The GOP, stilt rOl'kin, [rc.~ "

smocking. j~ nnt (1hou ' ttl ~~:I.:

ild\·:Jntages with a ['err:'" ,. Similar ar~llIllents :101(, h,,:

h:,' S:1me D('mocrat~, in('lui~.~

whosr names ma~ .. 't:.[, :1: :::r !.~:

niJl~ for tl:e prize, But after their part::' ~.~ ,:"

filii the m:ljority to 10" .

profcssioJl:lls seem pl'r,01.::: it risk),. \\'inr.ers can ,1'.',:', monry. Corraling a n L

could hf~ tougilcr. ~fl1r\ "'e ::, ~ing a riiffe"ent tune .. '.1"0 ttl~ll" trying to get a rot;",." sholl'.

.'\n)·way, the thing i' ,C' 1'( may han" to in\"rn', 5:n'1:f' rIft

to cOl'er some of t:ll' ;'c::, we're going to get in 19,',1

• • •

AGE OF LITTLE SQUEAKS S;r Ccdt'ir Ilarow':'" f::

~tage ~tar, W:\S sayins t:~~

that neither actors haH tr,e \'oicc and olil stilil\'ilrts had.

Said he: "I honestl)· belieli'

day~. ollr speakers hc:1 :,::( ann deeper chests. and Llo,'d George. hearls like that any Ill[,rl'

Therc's a lot in tr.;l' b' the booming nrntor. and shaggy hairdo, i' ,,'j,Y,11

low. and yoU ~implr 0' er~:l: mirrophone.

The thing toda\' is In ld Ii

cut regularly', we~r ~ ~:J! glasses that are att:'aclil P ':';:

, ~.J trading, ('on~'cr\"ati\"r !,U:' ...

s~rie5 that don't reflect ":C,i

Then tailor )'our I'~ice 10

levels and vou're rol1:r.~. It's all \'e~y neat ann 1:/1'

with it is that a loice like. ing out of the TY box. m~' much like all the oiller I'd:!f lll':ng room. Who ral"

We could do ag~in \\'ith . old stvle boomers like tl,c I . . ./ Barkley of Kentuck.l'. Tile,

man who knek how to Hving room con\'er'1tio~. ,: thundered his message. I'DU P he didn't n~ed murh help Ir.1

clectronic boys. either. I

This Is the age of :he p.,

Alld the)"l'e told errrybJd!' the guys who bellOlI' the TI cials.

tions arc gil'en of ho\\' rcr lall r/ affect the aunicn~e HeTE .

actiom that ~OIll8 of hi! I

o~ the masses: . . l' "Animation," 'IAnil1l;ltlon 11 .

I' '"Lalldl "Animation, Applause. ,: Hall," "Stormy ApplaJ~!' . Prolonged Applause,"

+ + ~ ,ill Two Cape Canaveral rnl!; ~

were startled when the)' \1'3.1 t1I House Science and Allro 11·).

mittee room III teJtif, snd .• . tn'" serted. Soon they were JO ... If'" paper reporters who 1.5~

rlered by the congressmen:0 Finally I committee ! I

' . d Ibl showed up and expla lne l~ ing had been movcd at the I{) another room. These" like the satellite progranl.

"you reporters cracked.. I' III what's going on untll tbe.

hit." [ Ib/ "In my opinion," une 0 .. ~

complained, "what this co~1> is I eountdown."


y, oh Bf or



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Stephenville Notes


seen no e\'idence o[ strained re­: lalions. He objected to the man­I ner o[ cailing and postponing , meetings on short r.otice. He had : bC€n ::;i\'ell ilO notice of the deli-

I, gation to St. John's and said he

also would like to be able to go : to St. Johr.'s at the taxpayel'll

I expense to show his side. Councilor Stacey agreed with

the fairness of this. i . ., .. \1_" '"' '~:h :1: HL'lU',ll .~t:c: .~.l.~', t'lll\l':':,it\' I

I' \1 "",' ... I . I 1

\ I\~C. ,~t'I,: \\t'l~'[I:i:t'd the I

~, ~ J ll'.rl,;:~j:l'd J Pdll.-'I i

t:\~U j ~ '! .;

TOW:,,/ COV\,UL I:·' e:,penditures were III 1 The ~Iayor said that the dele· 1'1"" ':i ' :,IEETl:'\G 'order and fu!ly jusLfied. I ga:ion to St. John', had' resul· ... '1, il i'.: t

~ •. ~ #., - t' \ 1 i I I I r.(;~:.J:,\t'~ III ,'lL _ • Il "

t :I''',\:-\:L',':- .\:.~Oll· . ;: '.;.1'~.: III~C, .\11' Hub,: .. ~ .. d ~.:;_ .\n\nU;-IY I

'" t"t'" , . . \; .... 11. 'j' r-l'::I:l'l11PII, \\~'ll , " . :::;' 1,::JI',I!;rt' lll'n\. II

",".:".:1' :1:", .. ,,_ tu l'\JlI:"il i

, - ',I" ~oJn~l l .. ('ls , .. " ..... " _ .. ·:'d;:.::Cl ,d,d the

, ,~ . - , 1 . I' ".,' ",,,\\n :hat lll"

~'>\ ::>,;U,:Cl' l'ullIll.l111(lS

, 'I,l\"';:-">'L' :1;llIlidr h)· '~" .. -; :':._, ;i~:,:, prl)yi~l'(l ~, , " ' , . ~:~, :,~_I':l' ,:- l'\'l(;l'I1('L' 0:

•.. , ..... '. II .:h r"·pect 10 't """ ~,: .. :l'~ :-l"_',I:,ir !lll1 U1C:li

',~' k:',;, :1_',;,11l ('.lrl', 111;i!l~

"'_::' ;-:"~,, i,'.:' 11:' ~IUl'UlL'd . -',1,~'I':,\~ .\l:l'r \ Ill' pJIll'11

.. - , L

L' ,\": I ,I;'", ',~ ('; (' In· i ,. ,

STEPHE\V1LLE- The Tuwn '" T"1 d ' \" COlli~:iI held its beneral meelin~ I let't'~~ [r~~\;/;~~e:1l i~~~rSi~~: ~od\llnf:oml:J()~t:ins~:cti~e of De~t~ ~.ir'.; Ii (1 'm ~Iarch 5t\ Prescn: were: th:s. CnI:r.,ilor Russe:l ,aid thnt of :'!unicipal Affairs. ') ;.: J! . :,Iayur Bruce: Dept)' ~Ia)". Tomk· : he would have believed that in-' , ,~' ij : ins: Cuup-eilers: Ford: Stneey: 1 formatiun had been sent to the Councilor Holland said he did H ',: r;j TIu5sell: J[Ol],llld and the Town I Dept. except that they said their not attend meetings where money III" f" ' ~!al1ager. inspection was dueto press state· . f:.: : I was voted. The Town Manager ,'.1, I

Tile ~Iayor called the rr.ecling mnnts only. read parts' of the minutes o[ "'I' (:i" I

to order and asked tliat it be Councilor Russell read from 1.1e these meetings showing that 'I ,':' held in Camera as persooalilies report to sliow that a'l expendi- Councilor Holland was present. .j, ti .', I.

would be in\'oll·cd. The mi"l,tc; t:lr:, !Jod heen approved in Coun· :: ;': .. I:: .. , of tile las: two meetings on Fe:l. c",., .. Hrl'ands presence and he Councilor Russell said that I' ::~, ~'l' Iii ar.n 25 were reod ane! adop:et!. . ", (,:1airman in Mayor Councilor Holland had the right ",'. 'i I~JI

Counei:or Ford asked W[wt nc Bruce ab5Cnce. to q'Jestion expenditures but he ' .. ;.'c :~ tion :IJd hecn mode on tr.e bill 0' "c· ,aid the function did it io a manner that ceusAli I ':: : $',100. [rom ~!r .. J. O. QUltlIl for l'I l:le Co~:ncil was oot to dea~ resentment. ,~I t:' :resp"" it, C2nr.ectilln wi:h ~he in setlsa:ionali"m. The Council . .' . fJ entrance to SI. G~orges AI",. 'lnd wasted ,,'alliable kne. T,lP Councilor Ford said ttJe a!'IIIlr I.:,.

I The .\.I:l)'ilr :'Ci1or:cd 0.\ till' pub:ishing o[ these disc~lSSions ,was unrortuna~ and he would I;, ,r;" ! d(lc~a:'l"l tlwt hotl ~0ne 10 St. :Iad llllrl rcia',ions 'I.ith tne Ba'e.' like the leter [rom the Dept. pub- 1\ " I ,TO:\:l'S to in:r:""'\\" t::c 111I\"el"l\· i , ( ,1.I'lciinr Eollo.,:1 asked if thiS I lis~ed to stop rumors that wert ' ~.' I' , . I r.-.rnt :.tnd ~,;d ;l1C'lr fcrllngs on ,Jet O~ the ;\Inyor:, oplTllOn ron!,:; I :!Olng round Town. ! r ~:

il '. ii'

~':-' '~t ,1dll'ILl, ,a lid I v, L ~t' n. CII""l'n

'I' .\':I',l':,lLu[J ~ rl'p, I

.:H \:l'iLI".',i1 .. \(: .... pl)~l\ 11'U111: t"Jl the im.: ;'"\1 ]t' eVl'ry,'

WASHIj\GTON-President Eisenhower, returning from his news conference hore· ~Ilarch 11th, pause" briefl" at the White House fence to play with Heidi, his pet Weimaraner.-(UPI Telephoto)

: t'le ~\le"lo.l of rn:e,!,linmcnt eX· II C'''IJ),ilor lI"::"nd soid he had. 'I.a.yor Rruce said he did not I ~. ,. i pe·)[liture of tile S:ept1rl1\'i1'.,' 1I",(rl the evening bdore with i agree with Cour.eilor Holtand ill il I C:o·,lll(",I. TIC D<1011IilC"'. ':, I Iile 13,,;e Commander and nad I method,. I ::.~",,\:; l.l.l'

["'F' ! :i ii ( I~! I, !:~ 'I:! -------'--- - ---

'I ft'l,ilion \0

.:. ,::railce [or diohetic takes of his health, his \ ing full care. of his cDnditiDn .~,"\\rd h011 dip\. and how hc follDws his and henlth mIght be constdered

., ,']Ilri I' rc ,IOCI,1I"5 ildvice. Hnd how in the a good risk-for insurance pur· ;'p r:' ,':He the. [innl anal)".,i, a diabetic cxcrci,·1 po.cs. He Licks Candy'

Pans For A Living

!Wlrlf:, ~ ,[. . 'frin",'! ·,··1 ',' . So(~efi t' r.: I~ ;:;

- ----.----._-- .-~ --• Mention was made of a letter' ,~ :til

r~~lbS ~ I \;1 . sent to ~Ir. Stewart Godfrey by 'an ~)"e·\\'itness to the death of 'Sir Frederick Banting In tile : tragic air crash near Mu!gral'e ! Harbour in 1941.

t lIefle(lor 'I • I , "l ,)


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h,": 10"11, In .eet to the hank?

'1",- , ' .. "cc,l,h, R of M

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\'.Ii,jr:c rOlllr! he ,implrr ... r \. ': It·\ II,"'" lIl"i! drpo.il'[Orm - m,ele o[ "n()o

'''i'',Tl,:' I"'\,cr - riimin:ltes the need [or :~::: ',\r ",r:lll1\!. nr me~w carbons,

I L: ::' .. ~' olll nld',' O'i~ rlrposit'~lip. Pre~to. thnc'. a ":,, Ii (on,p, hoc k from th~ 1\" 11 k as lour re·

.' .'i':"!' "I" which Y"\lltrp for your rrcnnh. .'\~ ~l,'i :.\ <\ 1)1(",tt!dln~l'd en\'elope with our form

,,; ( ',~1 \!~t' lor \nur , " It (()me~ b.Hk H 11:111 :Il,lil ',ith

\,:~: n ,\ ,!,:rd dtpmil 51ip,

I"I.U, 'c 10" "~f" ~OIJ bOrlk t, rr.CI,1 01' M¥ IANi("


The meetin~ was brou&ht to ,a close wlth tne showing of the film "The Legend of the Raven" I through the kindnm of Mr. Waller ~tiddlestead of the Na· tlonal Film Board, and refresh· ments provided by ~!iss ~1. Hop· kins, z;,st. seety. of the branch .

The president gave a list of the meetings arranged for Ih~ rest or the year; these include an ilhl.ltrated talk on April 8th

'on "A Diabetic's Sum mer I Travel. Across Newfoundland" and a dInner coupled with an entertainment at the Annual General ~Ieeting sch~duled for ~lay 13th,

This 15 to bring the first full session of the branch to a pleasant and successful conclus· ion before the summer recess.

:\ [arc h 2n d,

Stephenville News Mayor ko Brocr, Stephenvll!e, NflId.

1959. CLAUDE BAR:-lETI AT WORK: How do they get thr

Into rherry coCktal15?

By AILEE:'> SNODDY I incidentallv are often of Euro· i NEA Stalf Correspondent 'pean design, Barnett revealed'

NEW YORK C,EA1-Some some information to discourage I people have all the luck. Take ·the scourge of candydom-the 1

'1 Claude Barnett. He makes a' candy pincher. 1

Dear Mr. Mayor: .livini out of "licking the pan." 1 Pointing to a belt of choclates I You have asked me to com. Remember when you stood 1 rolling between two groups of

ment on the expenditure of In the kitchen, clutching a' women, Barnett said tr.at choc~ the Stephenvllle Town Coun. Ipoon, waiting for Mother to, lates have signatures Just !Jke ell for entertainment during finish the fudge: Well, Darnett' people. . the year 19~8. did this, too. But he had more I I: takes a woman straker SIX

pans to stick his spoon into be·, months to develop a fast An examlnatlon of your cause his familv was III the I flourish With liquirl chocolate to

audited accounts reveals that candy business.' i sign a piece of candy. 1

the expenditure for entertain· Ai; a result, he is now a However, if you look closely, 1

ment amounted to $1,019.39. candy master - a proud craft you will see a "\''' on top of Of thi~ amount :$321.09 was title which means he is king of a vanilla cream, "P" for pir.e­spent to entertain officers of the sweets in a mammoth Long I apple, uR" for raspberry, "C" Her Majesty's Armed Forces Island City candy plnnt. for chocolate. when the H.M.S. Haida vIsit· Besides being the company's And for those who can't read

LESS TRADE-IN IIS.DD Limited to 3 Lamp. on ooch Group at $5. I)(lch



"Ii 10 . o~. o~ Ot;r la,.,~'

.~ ,'l¥ "'lOll 10Id.'I 11 (0/1

10" .0 .. ~I"", 1roubl. c~C' 1~04 ,I'OI.'1Ir,

ed your town and $86.75 was top "pan·licker", the canu)' without their glasses, a squiHe spent when the council acted master also has another advan· piece of candy usually is a cara· s! host t, the MinIster and a taSe over other candy lovers. He mel. A round pitce is a cream senior officer of thl~ Depart· can get away with pinching and the oblolCg .hape usually

ment. The balance amountIng piecesolcandy~seei[helikes hi.ud;N~a~n~o~u~g~a~t.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to $61 US wu spent on I num· them, He also knows the secret I""

her of oecas!ons when your of how they get the juice into' town acted as host to the Com· cherry cocktails. 1

B.~~·K OF-MONTREAL e4lt4444 '1vwt '8~

I mandln« OIfiefr Ind memo • • • be~s of :JI~ Ita/f at Harmon I lis candy master for a firm Air Force Bile. i that lI'ips up 12 to 14 million

I pieces of candy a year, Barnett HavIng regard to the rel'-. samples e\'ery batch from the I

enue and size of your town,! test p015 and pans to the final' and particularly to the ad· dolly·boxed bon·bon be i n g vantages you derIve from your whisked away in a truck to some

I: l .. ·h"·, R"nch: (II! lr,\:! H~.nl.n.


()«. I II.\RTl.F.Y CLTt\"It\GIIAM, Mana~tJ r -(" ':".) 'I ni'hor's Fait., BoI.,ood, Buehans, ..L~:'Hr Rr:.0~. Cllfller Brool.: \\'est. Curlin,::, D~er t.\",

expenditure on entertaInment candy store. to be moderate and approve And as candy master he helps

('''no r,II •. I\.d~er, 51. Geor~t", Slephtnville, 5'.,~h,O\illc CrO\,in~ and \Vind,or

It accordingly. develop 200 new pieces each

Yours very truly,

,~ ",," (. ~ACIANS IN EVERY WAtK 01 lifE ~NC! 1117 C. W, POWELL, Deputy Minister Df MUnicipal


iI t sea "" i:h Cur.ud tomorrow .. new landI, new faces and old friends only a few enchanting d"ys away. for the mOl[ delightful, mon relaxing way o[ making your holiday dreams come true, nothing can lurpul the

. thrill of a Cunard ocean voyage to Europe. , , or a sunlit cruise to"far·off lands.

Wherever you go, whenever you tTuel with Cunud, all pleasures take on new, exciting dim em ions. LuxurioUJ It~terooms . . . out· ltanding SClvice .• , cnt~ruinment to luit every astc • , , in Ihort, the perfect letting for a holid~y you will nrver for8et!

5., Your Lacel AII,nl-No On. Can Servt You I,HI!

ge1hJ&. 7/.oe is 1Ia}j tit Tu;., !


year although only three to eight of these will appear on candy !;tore ~helvc8,

With all the tasting, touching and smelling, as part of his daily 1 work, Barnett said, "I like candy and I eat it." I

According to papyri dating i back to 500 or 2,000 B.C., candy has been with us since the Egyp· tians sold Iweetmeal!! in the market plnces, Ami the person who developed and controlled the manufacture Df sweets even· tually became the "candy mas· ter. "

"The craft," Barnett .aid, "nDrmally was handed down

; from father .to. SOI1, mother to daughter. ThiS 15 still true to a

I certain degre~." , However, persons handling formulas and mass production problems in a billion dollar in· dustry admit they profit from a scientific background. Younger candy masters sport degrees in chemistry, physics or bacteriol· ogy. But they also readily ac· knowledge they absorb tricks of the trade from older candy mas· ters who learned by trial and I nrOl. I

Barnett is a bacteriologi.'lt, and therefore, just the man to cor· ner concerning the juice that trickle. down our chins When WI. lit a cherry cocktail. He smiles slyly as he explained:

"It's simple, The cherry is dipped in 8 solid sugar sub­,tImce. Thil hal an enzyme in I

It. The dry coated cherry is 1

then dipped in chocolate and While the outer coating se!.!l the enlYme dissolves the sugar.'"

WIllie pointlnt out the hUic uta Illd production belu, which

Before you


buy ANY ... STORE.

... see how little it costs

floor for your .. INSTITUTION

have • genume to



FUTURE . . .


THE .THE TRT~ TODAY 's TO .. ~ --1








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THe D,U .. Y NEWS, ST, JOHN'S, NHD" WEDNESDAY, MARCH , S, , 95~ ~-~--------------------------------------------------~-

The LADIES * For Wedn'ld~y, March 18 • • • ~----~--------~~~~-----~-----.--~-------------- ---

Cook -- Francis To Size,48 Mature Parent i PERSONAL '__ with other su~~eslions [or social CHI T • C HAT


, Present-For You and Yours. , . Cnrry on "'ith activi­ties begun T~~dal', Energy and ambition nre accented, A'pects favor tastc for pleasure, light literature and drama, Peopl; en­joy the company of the oppolit~ lex and romance ~nd courl,hip aie highlighted, Quick wit eml mental abilities oenote bU,lCr,\ meetss,

CBn.D'S ,EXPERIENCES initialive" For her own undiges· AllIUVEU HOME AJtEN'T CARBON COPIES UF ted expcmnce o[ lonelincss had Th f' d f ~Ir Br,:

PARENTS becn so hurUul that site Just I e many rtcllbs 0 I' d t couldn't imagine Joyce experien. roll Hand would c ,P Cilse 0

Itl ~UtS, MURlEY; LAWRENCE cing it painlessly, It never v<:. know that hc ,arr,l~ed ,back The November that Joyce's curred to her that Joyce '~'as home on 51. Pntnck ,s DiI), Er,

molh~r \I'M 15, her family mol', using her solltude to indulge in rol has bcen a mcm uer of the ed, some "ery pleasant daydream. R,C,A,F, lor thc PAISt Ith~ee

AI her new high school every. ing aboot a certain boy, years and has comp e,tc( H,S

one had chosen their friends- We can make brothers and sis. trade, He 15 now rcsldlng 11'11.1

tliht, sealed circles of friends, ters miserable by refusing to re- his ~Iother ~Irs, Helen Ha~d at wh~ tlway> sat together at the I spect differences between them no 20 Froud Ave, 51. John s, , &aIlle cafeteria'tables and would, -and We can make ourselves HIS many frlcryds Wish him start talking loudly if she tried miserable by denying dlfferen. the best of luck and a hearty to sit down at one, Betw~en ces between them and us, welcome home, da5ses, thev'd crowd the halls As psychiatrists say, we "over-I -­in chatterin~ groups ignoring lIer identily" with our children so BRIDAL SHOWER IS she f;llowed them con· that e.'erything that happens to A bridal shower was giVC:l spicuously alone and unwanted, them is always rcminding us of Miss Margaret Cloutcr by th"

It [[nally worked out. One day things that happenro to us, ladics of Cochrane Street Ul11tcJ a boy checked a history assig~, If we feel resentment at Church at the home o[ ,\b, ment \I ith her-and the next cay punishment, we'll expect Bill), to Clarence Ncwcll, Bon81'entul'c one o[ thc closed circles broke to I feci it too, Actually, he may Avenuc, on Wednc,da)" ,\Inr~h invite her to join it at the calc" [eel relicf after punishm~nt. !lth, teria table, But with our own resentment of The man)' beautiful Ch!lla:

Joyce's mothcr was so grilte" it still uncligeste,i inside us, IIC cups and sauccrs II'cre OPCII/cdl lUi that shc hasti!y pushed all'ay! \I'OI1't be able to allow him a by ~Irs, I Hel',) Baggs dlld the:

\ the memory of t1IOSC first pain, I diflerent rcsponse and will trcat gift cards wcrc read I,), ~j '55 '

lui lonely days, , , him apologetically, Ella Adey, Rut lIe dc~'t always ~et rid of II our failures in school. mar- A vcry enJoyablc cI'cning 11';\5

painful r~pCl'lCnlCs hy trying to rlage 01' work are still painful to' spent by all, with sllppcr IJellll! forget thcm, Us, ,wc'lI be tcrrified of c!l1l· servcd, ,I

La~t Saturday Joycc spcnt thc dren s failures 11\ them and may ~Iiss Clolltcr's marrlagc to a!:rrnoon ln her room, Hel' be unable 10 expose them to ,\11. Donald Hiscock uf Grand' mOlhcr r"IlO\I ed Ilcr tilerc thrcc lileir own expCrienccs Falls will take place Oil E,bto:r t,me;, T!le Ilr>( lime sl1c ,aid O~r inability to allow dif· ~Ionda\' at Elhston, caa~ln&ly, "Why don't you pllOnc lcrcnce betwcen u~ can kcep us The ')'OUllg couplc 11'11i De re. S;7.ES

36-48 ~Il,d;c, dC~:': and ask 11er to 1 11\ perpetual anxiety, ,\nd It ~an; siding in Halifax, wherc ,\lr I CO,1\e 01 ct , , I make our chtldren afraid to I. I C I Hiscock IS thc mand~et 01 J

Latcr ,he lIent back upstairs too,. branch of tile B~nk of ~iullllca] I fnt.4tW. 4Je.mS

Daily Recipe BIHl'HD,\ Y GREETI:\,(;S i COd:, ea;ual, "umtort,ilJlc-

Birlhd~) grcetlI1gs Lo Pan:CLd ' ideal fol' ; ',lIln,' ;JlrJn~ da .. ', Jr,d 01, into summer, Quick.t~"e\\'­!\cwcll, !:Ionaventure ,\',e:lue,

I I it's your fJ,,'orite (';lsy·to·cntcr

who celebrated her 11th Imtil' I day 011 Saturday, ~IJrch 14lh", " , , s:,cpin, .... ith norc! ,cclloped yoke

mo" \\\' .\' \'O"H l'ROL'BL"'S rhe wcddlng of JO:llI, only Iley as "lldesmald; botn lI'are i .<dmmlll~ .skirt. T0, n,or:'ol','s pat .',," u 'L I serve it 'neath a flavorful cover· daughter of "II'. and ,Irs, Hob, wallz,lennlh velvet ,;owns with' tcrn: ,TU:lio(s outr:t,

-- let of herb sauce, made rich and BET,\ SIGMA PHI ert Francis, jll. Ho),al A\'enuc, overskirt of nylon nct in shades I Prinled Pattcrn 41,i1: Women>; LI\'ER WITH HERB S.\t:CE IS 'creamy witlt evaporated milk, The fourteenth mceting of to Calvin, only ,on of ~Ir, and of lipstick red and aqua re' Sizc~ 31i, 3R, 40, 42, 44, 41;, 48, FL.\\'ORFL'L !Ix and salory with slI'eet basil. Ncwfollndl~ntl Alpha Chaptcr ~lr" Ilcrtram Cuok, Port Hex·, spectivel)" bulh earricd match, SiZe 3" lakes 4'. yards 3iir.clt,

L'atl~llo,croatln: anelllla, ft you'll lind it superb, Beta Sigma Phi was held on lOll, Trinily B~y, tooK place ~t ing noscgays with acccssories of' Prin:ed dircctions 01 each "at, r .' _ -.. 0 en I PAN FRIED LIVER WfTH ~Londay evening, March 9th" \' I L' I I h '

rau~cd b, a ,11Ortoge of iron, HERB SAUCE 1959, at the home of ~Irs, Flur, \ c; ey nltC( L lure, January, WillLc, , tern part. Ea,':(':, nccur<Jle, maJ.;C5 man)' a homc111ilKcr drag 1 pound lil'er, sliced ence Burden, Allanrialc Apart. 15th, The beauli:ul doublc.rin;: The groom was "ttended by I ~end FIFTY CE:'>TS 'in ('o;n,' 1I1rough he!' daily stint-oft~n Seasoned flour menL<;, The Prcsidcnt, ~Iiss JCrtn ceremony lI'a5 pcrformcd by Colin .\lcreer as bcst ~an, Max I,;amps cannn: be aC2e,J:ed I fllr b:amin~ n01;,' childrcn, late TV Butter lor frying King, callcd the mecting to' Rcl'. ~r, ,\, s, BUlt

h, II' Bradle); Charles and Gcol'/;e I~is paltrrn, Plea,e )1r'nl plain·

nl':bts or ',11C rl~OI" of a Can o • D' I' U 'season-" ' To l.Je strolllS of " c WCI (ll'g P31menler acted "' ushcrs,' I)' SIZE, :'>I"IE, .. \lJDfiESS, _ .. " C IP tl'cr s ces In "" order at 8,3U p,m, lI'ith all mcm· \I h I r. I I I

~~~~ fr~I~~:~~,1;-1)' ;~~,11~~~ i~~l~,e~i:;~ ~:!:r~ f~~I~i~gb\\t~;, q~~Cr~l~ j,~:~ , bers present. ~Iurn buslnc~s was. ~;;~~~ch t ~~I ;~:~ r a~~IICl'~~ ;I~~ I ~~'ledrt;~117dcnr\~~~ \~~~ Pel~~d: cb~., s~s~~~c ~~~~~~~~i:;\f ,\D\~I~, ed [or a hi~~ hemoglobin score Herb Saucc, dlseussc,d lllcluding lhe round· I lathcr, attired in a waHl,length orgalllst. I ca:'r of ST ,.Il)lI\"S O/dL\' lor bllovant heallil. \'cl women HERB SAt:CE ers Da) dlflner to, be held Oll, gOll'll of nylon nct and I;lce over: :'>EII'S, Pattern Depl, ~n FfiO:\T do the '1l1~I'kctln~ and food pre- 2 tablespoons butter ~P~I\ 30th at the Newfoundland i satin lI'ilh headdrcss of nyion" The bride's mother received ST" WEST, TORO:,>TO, 0:\1',

,Paralton, and by includin~ iron· ~ t bl ' _"' ODe " ple<1ted t'Jlle frum whlch hung In a dusl\' rose ensemble with , a c,poons mtnCL~1 onion unng intermission, .\Irs,' h Id 1 h 'I ' " S" D

nth foods in rne~\l planning 2 tablespoons chopped parsley M tth' Program Dircctor, a s ou cr cngt I'CI, Her: white accessollCs and 8 corsage rt a\'tl'lner could prelcnt this sllatneful 1,' tcaspoon .alt ' ad el'.t sd' th I' f f bouquct, an old,[ashioned nuse, of II'hite can:ntlOlls, A rceep·' \ n13

• con uc e e e eetlOn 0 0' " f" d ", Itate, ill a country ,0 abounding I tablespoon flour f f th ' ~a" lIn, 0 rcu an whltC' tton was held at Ihe homc of in the [Duds for litness, lchersh or lt de, c ohm Ifn gil year carnations, Ihe bride's parents where the

f d d '; cup hot water w IC resu e In teo owmg Th b 'd d d b lron·rich 00 s are many, an 1 beel bouiUon cube be' ltd' e II e 11'<15 ottcn e l' usual toasls were obscl'I'ed,

enjoved bl' most families, I( 1 cup el'aporat~d milk plflg ~decte ~I Fl B ;,!rs, Douglas )Ierccr as matron,l :'Ir, and \[rs, Cook are now . . h k ' resl en - •• rI, orence ur· f h d ' " gil en half a c ~nce to ma e ~. leaspoon sweet basil den, 0 . Ollor an ~!rs, Jean Brad· reSiding at m, Royal Al'cnue,

Doctor Jordan Says thell' dehut at the .able with regu ~Ielt butter in saucepan and 1 t V' 'd t 'I N I ' L' f ]' s, Ice·preSI en -ll rs, eva ant" 11 er 0 course s our cook onion until tender and yel- J h

most pralsell'orthy sourCe of i~on low, Stir In parsley, salt and 0 2 n~on, Vi _ id pork llver bell\g espec1alll' rtch fl Add"' ill be d h', n " ee pres ent - Mrs,

, , k dOur, "ou on cu an 0, Ol1ve BlrrnenalJ In lis Iron su?pl), If coo e 10 water stirring eonslantlv until C ' t d ~ ,: th' littl' • orrespondmg Secretary - i en er coooness, ere s e cube is dtssolved and sauce 15 ' reason lor liver's popularity to th C k til thl k ed Mrs, Betty Carellon, , be anything less than to?S, ~~~ua'lIl' a~~ e~:porate~ e::Ull~ Recordln~ Sccretary - Mrs I GLASSES ,~RE 01\'[.Y TREAT I do a lot 01 e:ol~ ",ork with their E-~s meat green leaII" I'egctab "Luane NeVille, ~II:::\T FOR FAR i\:-;D -"E,\R·' eyel, lc;'a~d oatmeal are 'fine IIIP' ~~~a~~'S~!~I!lJII~~I' t~t~~r~'~~g5~~~ i T~easurer - ~lrs, ~Iari!aret I" SIGHTED i Trying to rcad poor print, poor p:lcrs <It Iron too, 50 anyone II'ho: Ilith Iller I Gr;~don'l ',lighting, f;;ull} posture, poor' lollows a ;ood eatln~ pallen:, I ' 1 ,e cu tural progtam for th\" BY EDI\'I\' p, JORD,\:\, '1. D, constrllclJOn of t1eok5 and poor Ilii~: Can3(\;(; food nulel ~~ ~ : TI e;en1l1g was taken by ;-Il's, Ji:J)" far.<~iltedJ\e"" 0: 11,;)('10111;1, !tea.tll <rem 10 lOltribute to de. tuidc, i! bound to, come Ollt a! le Tale of Nort~n Who" to~k as her ~ub" is a C0l111110n condition" I Mil. relopl11ent of r.earsightednes1, I' '''''l' "1 t~,c 'I'on 1l1tah:- ~~i11r, ! Jeet Speecn, Kay gave a Hry: not el cn ,me thnt Jt cO',I,cll1't br I ~fost of those who are nc~r,

Wtth ,thc~c (act! In mmd, the , TI BI d lnterestlllg and t,hol'oU;h ae", called a dlscase: ~[any )'011:1;: i sightC{i do not ha .. e any pat'licu.' Dalry l' oods SCl'l'ICC Burcao has, le 00 y count of Speech whtch takrs up' people who are farsighted need liar symptoms except that dislant ' lust. taste·tcsted ~ sllcculent the greater part of our day, it ~ln'5e5 to help them read or 10 i objccts look blurred, Those with, I1l'er,and·herb ~auCe comb103 Necklace !howed h~w mueh ,of her lime perform othcr kinds 01 close myop:a can continue to do clo,c' t,o~ thaI ou~ht to be the dehght • she gave In prcpartng her pro, work without fatigue, 1I'0rk liIle reading or sewing wilh of &11 liver and bacon fans, lnd gram, Before leaving the chair Farsi~l:tedness mayor may perfect comfort. Bllt Ih~\' necd i indeed, ou~ht to ~onvert most STOLEN GE:'IS ARE STAR AT- Mrs, :'latthews said how pleased not beeume progrcssil'e, ln a concaVe glasses to make 'distar,t i liI'er leathers to hl'er - lovers, TRACTlON AT LONDON SHOW she was UJ be Program Director way, it should not be consider- objects clear, !

Pan Crying lightly floured II\'er and how stimulating the pro, cd serious, since usually the vis.! ~Iention should also be m3d~' quickl,' in melted buller, 1l13: BY TOM A CULLEN grams were showing that much ual difficulty can be overcome I 01 a cond:tion called prcsbvopia, ' !1'~,nllte! belM~ I: ~ In be 'en'ed,. London _ , NEAl _ All day care and work were put in themb)' carefully fitted glasses, This involvcs a loss 01 lo~using ~r!..'\g; 1\ '0 faml]" ~Inner' 1, 3 hmouslnc~ rn;1 Up In frOllt of b)' the girls, A hyperopic, or f<1rsighted eye ability in the olde!' )'ea~, II rea; delicacy - Clnn when 1'01' . "Tile ,\~eless DiamDnd" exhibl. needs a COOlC.x glass of just tr,e may affect normal. nearsighkd,'

Ilon here, wherp 15 million dol· Following the Cu!tlttJI pro, rigllt strenglh to ca~I'p the lighL Dr fars:ghtC{i people,



gram a lovel)' supper was servo t f I I ) b I lim 1I'0rth of diamond! are on rays 0 ocus c car )' at t Je aCK Correclion req:.Jires ~ strange: , . rltial ilS in the biggest gem showed by the Social Committee, of the eye, or retma, By thiS glas~ for reading lhan is needed: pl'Pl, 'after which :'Irs, Kay Norton means, objects held closer to thc lor distance, If distance corN'C, I

The lines star forming earl)' thanked Florence for the use of eye become c:ear and s'nilrp in· tion i~ n~essary bifocals lor in the morning, but the Queen's her home, I stead of blurred and indistinct, Hen trifocal.1 \ ar~ often ad\'iscd private jewels, loaned by Eliza- The next mectlng of Kew.:" Thi~: of r coursc,: does, not i

beth 11, are not what the 2,000 foundland Alpha Chapter willi cure "th~ un~erl)'.l1g cO,ndl:lon, ,AMSTEHDAM AP - 'The visitors daily pay to see, be held on Monday evening, but mc, el~ con ects the cyesl~ht. ,mlddle.of.th~.roRd Roman Cath·

The mink-<:oated crowd comes March 23rd" at the Y\~CA Club I In a,nsll er to one, tnqUll?l, 1, ohc People s Party Thursday to gape with [asci nation at the Rooms Harl'ey Road I (Ioubt If an)'one ';'OU,(l ad me [', ga:ned tilc upjCcr hand in the. Marie Antoinett~ Necklace, 5 ' ___ , __ ._'~~ .. _ ,per,on '.\'llil far>Jglttrill1!'ss not i 1l:1tch p<1rliamenlary e:ections" .. ' : " " ,I

~trand 01 22 diamond~, the Inr- I tl• marl''' fllr IlllS [I'a,'on illolle, 11'11lnJl1g -!9 of l!iO ;;eat.~ at stak(" [),,)t.me su,ccss, Sill" ,0

ge,s[ 01 whiCh art tlt~ ~i7,e of ap· probably lle~n !J~ knowll, !lilt Appal'eutly '"flle ',lIl'i,'I:rs IIf jill' ill tilt lI,wp, chami:,'r, Tile Social. I lite IH1SlC',t dress In your \1'1r',I- i ricol seeds, ~n inleJ'r'lillK fuutllilte hal IJ!'t'lJ sigllteriJl\"s rill 11:lle ~J: 1I(,I"·,j,· isis \le1'. seclJn~ \\'Jth 47,;';0! 1'oile 10" offlee or h{)t11e, ',Iurk,or,

'I'll!' M~rlt AlJtoinl'ttl' Neck, ,"[>~Iied tu Illl' IJY ~ dt"l'PlJ.Jillll tal)' IJvllll', !Jilt Illf {"'!lllee,S, Il: pall,' had a majorily, l'Brl:a., pl:..I, (11"0,'" strl[Jes or ''':ll],: 1 IBee, Ilhi<'ll IluW lJtlUlJi' lu thf uf CardiliJI i.{llli, de l!Ull~ll, tile l'lllltll'ell ul ""Ii ~ 1,,'1',1111 iJS\l:J~ lllelJl \I'~! dis'ul',,,,t four IJ1Ull l i,s tOl' Iii" ,ldl:I',o"t "1111, H IlJPI"',j' I !J I(l'l 1"" 01 Slltlirrtulld, i~ kno\ln, m.ll btl',h<tt "r ,(..lIlilll: 'Ilt, ,,'''de '"I',i~lltel',l'h, Jl'<, IJilly 3~u ill • conllil'l over laXr~, 1 \I"hl, rlJ.'jll:llg , ,I:il::- '1""101": , ., '''I'he BIWtly N~l'kl"I't'," h~.llJeckIJ\'" ill t'IS" 'Ielllutc P!JJ'ilLJlI,ll'l) It Il,e o:ller' ___ ~, ____ , ___ " 1'11\\ , I,;",it-lll: ChJlJ s "lltfll, , tau,,, ul tilt' misforlllnr It I lit' is Prilll'f lkll :e; de 1("Ii:11l ' P:l!('lJt i, llUl'lllJt ill lllis re"IJecl I I Prlllk,1 Pa:lern 4,"1): ~L"es' ~l'IJuglit to ull who were ol'igi. 1\4, Hlld now b Briti,ll ,Ilb,icel "'ellr~ightedlJe,s Is l'slktl myp" O'l"rAII'A CP - Tile remote Sil,es l~, 11, tG, 18, 20: 4U, 42, I n~11y connected with It, living in Dorset, Prince Chdrles pia, lfere a la;r:'" strong her?· ,\'ukon community of Old Cro',v Si7,e tli 13ke~ 4', )'Drrls 3:;,inrll,

The Day Under Y cur Sign ~p.~~~ ~~;., ~h'c'''1\ ~o );:1: I?) vIr! ,'r. "~!:l ,"1)'" ,) \' • \':'. :'I;.

ll\f:': .(:.,; 0-:' :1c;r irr,'.l. 1. "r .

T)oURU~ (Apr;1;C 10 ~~a~ ~cl .'l "., ~"r.', I" 1 .. '(",:"" l;r t.~ !:.:~ \~. r~[1 ~~:-'t i; 1'" ,~, . .,'i. f',[rl "'GI ....

(.~\AiN: (MI"t 'l: to j"rHI 11) r, I': Ivl"'" .,";:1 L":r,l·~I1. :: .... \, .. ~ " ~." !., , .. I: I,,' • ,I ...

f:Af<CER IJ'". 12 to J':I: II • )''' ~;. 1 ~')'I '1 'I'. ~,' t ~ :. ' ~: ': ( .. 1' 7tr' ~. ; .. ~>:' ( rr>". '_fO I '.:~y:2:.o: Aw~, ~:1 ;,:;!::~f;':~ ~,.:'~ '.":~,~ ~;j:'", ~:.,:;';'~ ::li~,

· .... ',R,:;O !A'_'j,:2 !a 3'J~j. :21 '! ~ ,"'": ~'t'. Il a,::~r: "''; :.1', .. 'r g:,:en Ill' ;U" ,1.1:,' r)-:c,

~ : '. t " • I , ~. t '

AC'~h'IJS IJ,-, 21" f"" (p.·,.'"i:~·1.~,,:,~~, '.~'~:'"

American Menu rll:ek"ll [nr SII:Hby? Fire

idC'J-Jild CJ:-:Y on the bth!~£'t RUI choose " pnze·11 Innin~ re· cipe We Iw','c a col:eclinn [ronl I~c lllh Annllal Delman'a eh:c·

" ,

pipl!1~ ;lr

Chicken Corn Fnlier, In 1 ... ··n Irt<;

One rean:, ken Fes!il'JI in Denton, ~!:ln'. c pnllnds 'e::' !on:1. So let', enio',' a "dl'lm'''r.' milk, 1 CII;1 1>" \,[·1 Oll<; , , dinner or t·,,\,O, hJkln~ PO\~ drr' ! Chlcken Tarrn~on \\'itl1 ~[lhl1 ,1 :.11)::";)000,

rO(lm~ 14 5('r\'iil';:;:~1 n1eiteri fa: rJ!"

One rcady·to·cook l'h"ken, 3 poum!> 'cut into n::l", t table. S;:}{}[l!1 .'cCI."'onrci ~.1lt, I:! lC:1.Sl)10n

frc.'11 ~rri,Jnd pepjlCr, da;h of' pa:1 I'lka, 4 t~~):[I,:;)[lons blltter, I tah 1(':,;poo:1 t21'rac:on, 1 Or,lOIl, Ulin· I)' ,!iced' 1; pound f:'c.'h mu"ll. room" ~;]iccd, '

~easnJ1 pircc" 0: <..11'(';';('11 Will'

,":t, pc"pcr nnd palm!,a, .",lel! bl1!lcr In copprr :-.kl\1ct. Ht'(I\\'[1

chickc-n (1[1 both sid('~, Spnn::. IJ!T.1;:::W1 o','cr chi('k(:1. ,\,~,;

OI1iOn.:, and mushrooll1", err, r:' ann let ~11ll!l1Cr al)Od; 2,) JllIIl'I­

Ie.'. 0r ',;;iti: ten(:cr. Srn e rJ~1l1 f:om cllp;lrr ,'klliri. lca,!, SpeciRI I ~["h, : ~rne1'''ll'

srn'jngs' One re:1d) - tn . c')ol: ciJiche,',

,(I,bOllt 2 poun:is r~p\it in h'ilf', ! I, cu;] buttel', melled: " cup I cookin~ oil, juice of 1 lemon, :'

ounce l'Jn l'rc':,t)",-:

Bl':!t e::,

!lll:';~!lr;l. Il1l\ir,~

01' oil St:r ::' l'

)~i('cr;-; :n bali,' , ciCCI) fa: 1"'dl,,,1

till I :1 I';:;: :;','1'

find I 11 [)i'O~\:: tf) 2f1 mllllllp~

l~l.1,\· he (11"0)1)11'

F. [at to m~l'-;~ r,"

Manners Friends

clol'e garlic, 2 teasp()o)n~ sa:!. 1, : tea,poon pepper, 1:, teaspoon, You ap','I(', ,',', 'I ..

paprika, Remo,,'c wing lips and t:le pCr50:1 l\',' : " :, I place chicken in broilrr !'kin ~:G" WJ~' :11 do .,c1!··,,' ,down, Tn melted b'.ltlcr 1nci Rut sllen:

cooking oil. mid rem<lining in· enough, \'1:., ""'" I gredients; brUSh tltrou,~hl:, 01 point of 'a: !,', I ~hic:,en, Broil,20 minutcs, ba,t, promplly 10:' " : lng ~ci'eral IJOles: then \\'i::l \l'~~l:,c:!n:.: ',\ I tong" turn chicken skin side up, prccia:lo:l reo: ! R:ush lI'ith sauce cod continue to of courtc, .. , ;'1'

b:Oll \lotil go::lrn brown about rratioo fo;' 1--- '----- --,- - - -'--, I '

The original nrcklace 01 629 speaks of the necklace with bil· ditnry tendency exisls, ,lias r e c e i v edits fint mail; Printed direet:ons o~ each pat. , diamonds was slolen In 1785, terness, [or it plaguro his [amily The eveball i.~ almost al',I'ill'S' lhrough the Canadian Post Of-, lrrn part, F:a,ier, accurale, ' broken up anrt sold on the con. for ol'er 100 ye"rs aftcr tJle theft. length~n-cd in myopin, That is I lice, The Post Office said Tbur.;.1 Sene! :CORTY CE;-;TS lin coinl, tinent anrt in En~land, The For 8 century the famll)' D~lJl lhe disl~nce I1ct\l'~n II!e Irllnll ria,' the mall was fluwn Feh, 2, I,tamp, cannot he ~rt'ep!cd' fOJ

I irony is thlal the Queen 101' Ilhom off the cos'. of the nc{'klacc 10 of tllc rye nlJn tile h~ck i, ~rca· i 10 Olrl Croll, ~40 1I111c5 norlll of IllllS P?tt.CI n, , Plca>c prill: plaJil I '[ Wi! mane never wore the I' thp Pans kllcl,rr~ who marie 'I, ,Ier than, II ,l1ou]tlbr , ])a\150n and 40 1I111es easl 01 lite I), ,IZL, ... \~m, ADDfiL,~ ! ~eckla~e, hut it i. doubl[ul th"l Herr i~ the ,tory of the Iii"· What causes near,i~hledl1c'f· ,\Iaskan oornrr, hI' Connnlly· ST,n,E :>IU,'IIIEn, , , , , I \Ie I'cr aw it ' mond theft. ~,' piecf'ft to~cl.her: IS nnl cxadly knnll', J: scrills tn: na\\'~on A 1 r II' iI,I' S, Tile Ill;:I,I' ;,cnd o:'lir" 10 ,\:\\f, :\LJ,\~,I~, I ~ Th~ hilt tory' of the chicanery I from rnnl'cr,ation willt Princc i he ~"rtl~ularIY cn:l11~nr, illllOllg I hroughl an}l1rt (0 t.:lliten SI<1le,: (',3:e, of ST, ,TOn~:'S D:\ILY

I ~nd intrig~e slirrounrling the I Charles, II ~oes back, 10 lhe el'ethe hl~h,y educated ,~lt'11PS ~nrl ,postal se~ I I,CC \0 Ihe cnmuml, i "Ell S: Pattern Dept, ~n I no" r Marie Antoinette Necklace ',\'i11 of U1e French TIel'olullon, t110SC I'ho stud, cxcrssl\el~ "r from For, \UKOI" Alaska, ,,sT .. I\E5T, TOnO"TO-,-O\',.




Thj~ y.,dkil1,t: '-uit rlJr spl'il1l! h cinl1r ill wonl jrl"",..1 hI ~~; )101', ,\ 10ll~ Jackrl 11", rlrl~dl~hlr "hite I" rr""II;, ",I", 1I('rr slim ~kirl, Tile rolnr is Orirlltnl hl11e,-lh I, \lil rl ,'iL\ WOlmn's Editor,

NO CHARGE FOR OUR PROMPT PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE 1 . - .. --.-- - .. _------ ._----_.- --.

Page 7: i rlum o reece E t· I W I ~latch e a erncollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · tLe f




'. ' I .- ( \ \

~, ..... -.. --"lJ ..- . -f . -"'.

:.':' '

"" ~JE\~IS ,C;T, JOHN'S NFLD" WEDNESDAY .,. ' 1959

r:rl~_e :BRAND RIDER

I mlltl~rin~, He sairi nothillg that's h d 'I Lane cuuld lIildcrstand, I tatZl "0 Of~~~: 1~~~r:~~I~cTr~~~t~:e :.~~~ I , ~' '-' Fo'r Hawaii?

by ED LA VAHWAY and were within 5ight or the I, " FDuN\rrow bnildlngs, clJout fwu I miles from them, I rider lp'

""'''-t . , \ a~ t

',. 1't ""'1

\ .; ;:! II;~ l't'

", t n l ~ ~ !'

'('. ','i'l 0'. l'lI \L i::1 ,II . ~ j' \: i ! ~,!~.

: \ ; ~: .. d:1:~':; I"~ '" Inr: rIC'

" :,,' : ;.il: "11l1 "!;II:~ J';' ~~\(.'Y

"[, j',,1.',\ ~~~'~IlJ·

, I' ,1 r Il: 1 :: :~.

; l.. \F'''\ t'.~ it. . "I'.,ILl tih'nl

\,: \

, \ t' :",; ',1 .. tl ..

... LI'tI ttll'

,,":,1)41,;1 d: IL' j;'.. i J t

I,e I ilclll

Peared, comin" at a run. Lane! woman to care for him, no?" ~ L'crcLllo said, "Do nut I~orr l'ccogn:.cll Rodriguez, ~

,'OILIsclf, Int OI~C. Cadota will b~ i ,Jerl;lI1g hiS lforse dOil'lI, the II itll him, His wanl.!! will be sup.: SI:Ol'\)ULit .~lexlcan h<\d 10 mil plied. The ~oDll medico will It.' il UI. ~ eLrclc In br,lnglng 1M lend him. Iwire ",~ often when anlln:.1 to I ItOp. \\ hlte t~cah, he is half a, far." ,[Ja.shll1g. ~ollrlguez IBid, "Don!

The IIO'II;tiCII man was in I ~:Ia\l. I bring .you the lI'arlllng.; 11:;iI 11.11' nl:d "Ionc. now tll~t: j he Sen.or ~herLIf and the \'DI'd:I\' 'and nudnick had ridden' Deput~' ~chRrr are Ihere. Some· I 0:1. it.: h.d hcen banll~ged one kdled the banke!'. and YOu, arUllr,(] Ihe I\\iddle, anll smelled: ~I~:t f,0ln g to be Il'rc~tell for, ;" thullj;h Ihe bandage hud lM:en' "L' . ' ,o,;l,cti in whl.;:;I'. Lalle stood I ane stared at Rodriguez for; l:e.,1' Ihe hUllk al;(\ tried to get I ~, momcnt Iml then called. to I ' " . , ,CcL'cllno to puI up\. CereImo .11,n to 1<:)", I hc chnll';)' \'a. I till t Rd' ['uoru. C'os fcveris;l onlv mu"! ~ oppel 1c cam, 0 rl~ucz t'~rcd in~o!lcrennl'. I1c drew ~,L'ode closer to the buckboard, , , ' . . Iloo!ang down at Verdugo. Lane

lln,;cr Hero;, hiS Ihruat. lie dLtI sai I "s b d k'll d D ., il Ihrce til\les. :\\' I: th OI,~C kD Yb'bL de,,, raper. I

\ .. It, 'I 'II ' t' t' as e uan ro e . ,e,J; Or SJlI .. C 5 L'l'U\~ a "Who know" P' I' th t I i I 11 I' , ' L t s. cr wps as, ,. ) UII Ie s ..b0lll~ 0 cu your trnc. Bul what mutters it?" I

.. , ·'1 I , , . 1 ,

J !

@Ii ..,...j

ONE ARGU:I'IENT FOR STATEHOOD: The "Ietl· across Walklkl Bay to DiB mond Jlead.

Ihl'u.,t. Julll:. 'It tt 1 llf h I " ',. I ",',.. " . Illa ers a 0 t cy c ean· , ll,c, a rc~u~ tiled th.lt. Ken., I'U (111l lile v:ILlIt. We h~d monel i )1). ,IERRY BEN:-ICTT It hat HawaIian cOllgressmen 111:11 ';tll:ot. 1I':lb"1 "I'll' f\le:llllS

h· Help. Iherc. It means I'll lose nearli': :"lEA Stnff Correspondenl I WJulil vole for integration leg i- I

n,,· 1 .... 1 11,\1; l'ut tn~" I ought'SJ,OOO thut doe,n't belong to WASmNGTO:-l ("EA)-Ha ,'l1tio\1, hI' IIH~ht be,' able to ~It up, bul' me I Cdll" C·". r (. 1'1', \'I.ii·s chances of becoming the II '1 I II" ., 'eec 0011"

\' l"llI 11";C!,. Hichards to lose it, and I c3n'! 150th state this yeJr look better, 3. Is statehood practical? c:large it, up to .the. Four·:\rro'.'; I t,han, el'er. but it's st~ll a. contr.o,:. :"la, say the opponents, for the I

I \'\1' and \\'cu,i1cr rode on I tt C t I H I I : .. : '. hecause It II nsn t In the ranch' I erSla rna er all apL 0 11. I,bl\ds are .Icparated from the (':i,\l'r silie 01 I.he fig all the way' aeC(Junt." , There are four major ques·' rest of the l".S, bv more Ihln' 111)])\1', h~n .II eb~ter fa~ more' • • • 'Itiol\5 dil;plltcd by the opponents I 2,000 mile! of occ;n, ~UIIl'C \'I;Cl. l'lth \ el tlugo s COIll· nOIlHIG liI::l ~aid. "There is' and blckers of statehood fOJ' Yes, ~1\l' the backers, H1\waii Iur! Ihun I:,nc hnt! c,pecicil 110 tillir 10 11'01'1'), about tllll' Ihe islands. Here the,' ;)rc, WII~ , is 0:11.1' nille holl\'~ by R:rp:ane

II:' 1:1.01 10 h~, I' rl'ljucl\tl~' .thry stop· ,1\0n('Y. '."llil\l, of ,1.o1lf su[ct". Go the "rguml':Hs 01\ both sido_;:; from S"n Francisco, il.ntl t~i.~' • '11'1'1::1.1 Ild to ,cr .holl .hCII PdtlCllt no\\' I'.hilc there I.' the ehal\('e, \. \\ollid It,,tehood pose Ih o tllne Will he halved when J~tl POZ7.COLI.ITALY-Lm·elics Ingrid ~\L~k()i[ (lelt: and ::II,uia Pizm,l:

enjo\' II \'olc"nic steam bath .... Roma:1 ~tyle. !lIore than t\\'o thO~lSRnd ,\ear~ ago Julius Cae;;ar and his me:] came to thi~ zone about ?.It. Yesu· I'ius which is riddled \\'i',n \'okanic ,team fissures, tn SI\'Cilt themselves intl) .,hape, The girls' "thermometer" is impl'o\'isc'c\ :rnc! so is the "b"th" (the n.olll~\n~ built bath hOllses m-e!' the fiss~l:'e:; I bul thiS photo i!Jus­tlates the poir.t.-(UPI Photo)

":".', Idr~:";' \ Nlllu,~~."a, 11\~,k~"g The Sl'nO[ Sherif! is ~I\gr~' wilh Ihre:lt of l:Olll:l~IIIIi.:t'I'OIlI~O!!"d' sorder begi"s. There ~re direct: ,', "I ,,II: lie 1",1111\ ~ ,I .. at .1011. i111)·J\OW." Ir~I'IHtor., 11\ \\"shlll~tol\; 'telephone and adlO hooklljll tll'JI of p.1i II , ~Iu\II)' il was the "I l'an't I'UI\." Lalle ,laid, ".\rr Yes. say ~t:tlchood's oppon· with the mainland. and sercn IClcr Illnt kcptlunl to'''II~ al\ll : BUlloalll1 and Doc Brewer at the rnts, brC"llse Ihe Reds allrgrd'!rlailv nClI'spapen lhat ~lIhscrih.

i hOllsc':'~ he ashed. 1,1' control I~e Inlernation"l: 10 t:,S, wi're lenice!, Thm, ITa· , nOdrl~lIe. ,hOOK his head, l.ung,horcmcn s UlllOn and I l'Iaiianl rrceil'e neWl of world

• l' ; II r

"Duos Cole hilow \\'hcre wc'd thoreforc hal'e a strangehold on ~ e"cnl'; ju.st a~ fast II.S ~ny main· galle','" ' Ihe islands' economy. The ILWU ! lander tloes. Stalehoori hacker,l

"I thillk nill. ~l'nor. The Sl'1I0' i~ the 2:;.OOO·man uniol\ Ihat i~ I also point out that when C~lI-:'it" )lci,clde told IIim ,I'OU run by IIarry Bridges ~nd Jack: fornia wa! Rdmitted to the ______ ~~~~ were hal'ing ler\, mue;1 trouble Ball It \Vas responsible for thc I Union. a traveler to Washing·


~---. - ------ ,-- ,



MATINEE: 2 P.M. ----- ------------


TO-DAY The men woose C()lI( a~e

. , built an emp" P

,~~ f,.:~ RiTA MALA STEVE

',tliH'JASON'GAM POWERS· BRODIE ----,---------

a al Added Attraction • WILLARD PARKER • AUDREY OAL TON

. In

'The Lone Texan" IN REGALSCOPE -~--- -




Ililh the COli'S.'" i 194~ strike Iha: paralyzed Ill- i ton had to ao through hnn, L:\III' Il(OlI'lIrd Iholl1;htfllll,I'. i waiian shipping for 15g d:lVS,! dreds of miles of hostile InriiJn

,"Cole hasn't \;1)1;CII with Ball' I The OPPOIlr\:ts charge 111,,1 the territorv or tr~vtl 13.~55 mil~.' caull Ihen." hc reflccted. lie: uciOl\ has so milch political' aronod· Capt Horn. Jlloved his horse arOllnd to look: power that il ['ould swing can· I

.t Cerelino and Webster, He I gres,iunal cleclion.i, r;ranlin~ 4, Would H"waiian stntchood told. Webster. "I don't want Cole i ~tatehood. the,~ say. would he, be fair to the larger. more popu or Scharr to ~ce Verdugo Or' :Ike Inl'ltll\g SOI'let agenls to, 10m stale.,:

'elcn knoll' we hal'e him, 'i' ake sil ill the U.S, Congres" ~o. ~ay thr onponents. for the rig up the drill\' "oullder ~o, sa,l' statehood',~ bachr.<. !lawaii·., two senator5 wOlild and keep it out of si~ht until because Hawaiian cltizCIlS ,I,' rtilule thc representation in Ihe II e Ica\'c [or to"ln. t l'e"KOI1 wa.", hal'" hecn SlIrl'CSslut in I Senate of the largcr sl<ltcs ,\r,d,

,tltey'll take me 'to 10\\ Il. from combatting thp I!.WF, They, the)' claim, I!Rwaii can offer what noclrigllel says," poinl (lut the 1949 stnKe result· no lanbible bcncfit.1 to the rcst

".Iolln." '\'cbster ,aid, "L'crc' cd in the Irgislature passing a, of the nalion ,~uch a.1 Alaska fino can make il all r'ight with 1.111' allo',\'in~ lite territorial i do~ with its \'ast Ire;)s of un· \'crdLl&o, Hadn't I better riil£ ill ,~ol'ernment to seize anil \Vork,' del'rluped land Ind mineral!. wLth you:" Ihe (lucks In case of emergency. Yes, say the backers, for the'

The hI\' lias p:lSSed againsl stiff, island,; hare ~ larger population: "You ~ta,' lI'illl ('Ndina. Ii IL\\'U opposition. The backers: than Vermont. Deaware. \\'y ..

Ihe noctor h"sn:t ('ome hy, the nlso say that outspoken oppo.: oming, :-\Cl'ada ar,tI Alaska. If. tlllle you get \ erliugo 10 ilCd:: nents of the IL\\'U ha\'e becn i a(lmiUeLl to the Union. Hawaii, senti somebody 10 hunl him liP" I rlertrd rcgILl~rl~' to public of·: would join 13 other ~tales with

Webster nodded, : ficr and that the '.Inion has two senator! and only ant or "You take over. Kcn. and look' nel'er been ahle to. influence any I two representatil'e! ... Hawaii

after tile steer... Be careful importanl lcglslatlOn, The)' also; would have two, Hawausn! ad· watering them. and keep !lrift. i POI!lt out Ihe proposed I!awana.n I mit the benefits of their !tate· inr. theill up and down the flats state constLtutlOn 1I'0uidprohlbit ! hood to Ihe rest of the U,S. are,

! Ic;,ording 10 the ~rass." ('ommunist~ from holdmg pub.; intangihle at prcsent. It will! "All right. Juhll." lie office, 'take 5el'tr;Ii years for the IS,

lands' job market to reach the Lant sat his saddle ill t;IC 2, \\'uuld it be I\i;c tu ~rantl size where it will olier many,

11'all while lCl'eIino toolcd the. stalchool! to a popnlation COI1\· opportunities to mainland elti· I buckboard :IP a ri.>e 10 the' pl'i,ing so many different racial. 'lens, But ~tat~hood backers I . southwesl \\ cbster and Hodri· and cullural backgrounds! I ar~ue that creat,ng the 50th. ~UtZ ridillg ahead of the gray!.. ~o, S;)y Ihe opponents, The, state would strtngthen U,S. and he wondered wilh a fecling isl,nds' population of 500,000 IS I diplomacy and atatlls in the of regret if Verdugo would lire .hollt 25 per crnl Callcalion, 1~ Far Ea't. Accept.ing In arta,

i throu~h II. .\Io,t of Iht la· prl' ctnt I!a\\'~ii;)n. :;" prr ctnl cor.taillll\~ ~ul'h I I'ariety of I qu~ro,~ l\e\'~ r.whide :holl~h.' ,IHp;lIll'le, 12 per ccnl Filipino, .\~iall r,,"e~ WOllin erfrolil'"

he tolrl him!.lf. alit! could I.ke '1\ pfr renl Chines. and ,follr h drmnmtrat@ democracy In ~ lot of punishment. prr cent mi.,ed Of of n:h~1' rar.~ '~'c:ion,

(To Br Continued) Thcl' sal' so manl' different ra· rial' ~nli clIlIUr;)i bHckln'Ollndl, no I\o't contribLite 10 slabllit.,. .nd with !O man,\' of the islard, Obituary

Helps Y.u Overcome pr~ halin)( ~n ."~iall herilage thrl hart little in common with FREDERICK G. THOMPSON I

FALSE TEETH r.l.inlan!l citizens. On ~Iarcil ~\h, afle .. I YO!'Y

Yes sal' the statelloort back· brief illness Frederick C;, Loos.n.u and Worry el'l' 11'110 ~rglle that Hawaiians' Thumpson entered peacefully

are complel~ly American in' Into eternal rest. , No longn bt annoyed or fef'11ll-nt aue beca\ae nf loo.5t, wobbly faJb, "'Lh.l'!u!'fEETIl, an Improv,,, alka line (non-acid) powder, spr1r.tle(i 0.' rourplate~ holds them ft.rmer&D th,> tf't'l more eomfortgble. Avoid embar rft.S!'II!".l'!nt cawed by 10080 platt!. Or FA3TI::E'TI1 at Iny drui' counter.

everv wav of life, Thev lay the 1 The late 1Ilr. Thompson al· , educ'atlon'a) svstcm ra'nks with! though of a retiring dlsjJosi· ;)ny in the U,·S. They claim the tion was well known and hi.gh· racial objection stems from the Iy respec:ed in the community,

'fcar of Southcvn politicians When very young he entcr-~~--~-----~-.-~~~-------- --. cd the ~mploy of the Standard

Frequent daily VISCOUNT 5ervice

MONTREAL $85.00 One Way

HALIFAX $49.00 One Way

.~u.o daily lurbo-prop vtSCOU~T and Tourist servicr to TORO~TO, SYDm;y, J\IO~CTO;o.:. STEPHE:-< VILLE. Ask Ibout TCA's FAMILY FARES FLY NOW-PAY LATER plaLl~ for travel in Canada, the U.S, and Orer· seas. "Know C~nJrla Retter with TCA" For rp,erval:on,< call TeA at 71~1 "e\\fnunill~nd lIotpl, Of set )'Il'lr TrJI'tl AKPIII In Gallflrr. rliol:p RA4,


~Ianu{aeturing Co. and served Ihat company ,loyally and faithfully for more than 43,

: years. At the time of his reo I ; tirement in 1948 he was Su·: : perintendent of Ihe Oil : : Clothing DePt. I I In his youth the deceased I

was prcmlnent In local ath· letics partie\llarl~ in basebaJ1'

1 For I number of ;'~aTl ht P'aved with th. Red Llon~ on • • I

I Shamrock Field. , i He lt8ve~ to mourn he~lde~ !

ili5 ,bereaved willow. two on~. Fred ~nd Cvd of the city: t'\\'o daughtc:~, Catherine, CI!n, .T. Dalton of SI. John's) and Hil· da. Cllrs, \·incer.t P. ~[yrick or Gander) Ind I ~15ter. \!L'~, Br!trlc~ Joyce of St. John',

The funeral took plact on 1 ~larch 7th with ReQul~m ]lla5~

at the llasillca and intermmt Iva! at Belvedere C~meteJ'~'.



in I Family Budget

Li~i' , ... , c i

I '~heap Reliable Electricity I In o,d Around St. John's

"Dress-Sized" Figure Magic

Take inc he, off yonr l';aiRt l',;th a Forrnfit girdle in your own dress size.

Slim control ·" .. ithout 1\ bone ... Batin elastic panels front and back , .. reinforced hip panels. , . zipper smoothness. Nylon power net,

Just ask for "Dr~3-Sized" Btrle 12'i2 R€l!:ula.r. in !izes 10, 12, 4, I"ti,18. Also nrtlilabl~ ill U7.' T~lI. 1271 Short, and maichi1!g Pan!i,

""'Ile 117t R(~i1ar, nn tU.5(). ShOll,'" lCith voulhful "Roma71cr." Bra .; 73 in wlloll broadclotls .12A 10 ~OD, $+.00; 3. to WE:. $5.00. Small illui/rolion. DreS!-SilCd Girdlr 1584 .. , rein!(med tummy (mel hip~, !nil} ,Iaalie, JS Ie to, $16.50. .4.111 iIIMllrot~d, Dr, .. -Si3dd Cowl!lu 5.'i8~ .•. Slep-i" ~/y'~ ,cais/band f~alure, l'tnrtr fIl/, U 10 18; 116.50.






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• ana Ian • • ar et eports toe

Toronto 4Qut .. U"u II reJltl an1tl\ nu.rhl1 S.

......od. 1.1, ,It - El.-dlrldpnd., l.r-E," rlPla l.W-E.l.·1furcDI •. 1

oulr RL 1)00 1 • I J,lII,o. IIMI II 11 II +: nUI,kr! Hill 6:o-J 9l~ 9 .Tohurkl 9!jO ~~ :2 Zl -1 l'liIh1r- :!~!ft l;h 1'11'] t7~~..j ''.1 Jollet 1600 3~ ~ 3~ l'Jd,:lIntl 13a:.:~ ~2 =7 31 T. Jonlmllh 8COO 21 ~O ~CJ'I'" 1'.1

Nl"I Camp Chlb ~I.)Q UDll. 10 101", ... I. JO\l,.a.C)' ~66 ~4 64 114 -t J Cdn ,\lIlon. 1004"1 10\., 101',j 101~ .... l'] Ktrnlllt! Hi{lll 11 11 1~1:z _l'.l

Auc!l t;'&Il s,.i.CI ~\) ~IJ 71, _ I,;: (, D ... no 1~9j ~O ~O ~ +1 Ktrr Add a~~ Slg L, 191~ 19'''1 0- "

Ad,\"N.atf Wp..·.o ~~ :;~~ ,1sn -5 (' ."rllarl 7900 EoO ~8 ~8 KQILE~LBE 1.'.'71"l~. !I"~ \~.c"111 ~ 1.\00'1 .i~ ~~ .\Z C :'Ii Inta ,X"oOO Z2 Jl :p) - \,z KlIem \~t~ 1('0811 32 17 ~5 Alba l:).pl UM In g 1'1 .{ 1 Ca:, ~\\ 123~9ti I ~~ tn] 1M + 1 }\lr\.; ;\lln !Qjg{ ~ 63 ~t. -t 1 AlftIm lJl.\ ~1~ U'. 15 ... r 4 C'andn-re 6001 19 lR 18 I.,abrador • 1 27,"J SJ]l, 31 " Aln·L"lrdf'f 11M :~ :~" ~9 .I-~ lal1,};rin I~J671 UO 1·14 114 -11 L Duflult ~i00 137 131 1J~ Amll 'Klrt !I~\ 1~ U H -1 l'Rt'·"tt 75o.:i 68 &~ 6~ -l Laht Ll~J: 500 9 9 0 W{"t'IP l~\!:rvl !'I:I 1('1(1 C·'let ,q!t ~ 24 II 14 -1 L Shore :lj~ 49l 4'~ .;~ --,~ ABl:Jo H~r H~ I~J l~'. I~ 3,- 14 Caplnin ~~OO 13 13 13 L Wan l\g30 30 :9 2g -1 AAI: ftOU)ll ,}O, • ., ~j 4:, ~~ ... ~ CillhliH 8i7 ltI.~ 1117 1l1i,l: La LuI. too !l2j 4~O 523 AmU 1.5700 ~~ ~~ ~6 -2 Chtlt ~#.l H5 485 H' J 1e LamaquI 1 'iii j3n 330 130 ""'" It" ~-.Y1 l ~ I ~ ~ r,~ l(lr 100 :70 :TO 2jO ... = Leitch 5000 161 I ~3 U.~ -4 10.:,\ ' • .c~(:4.1o' I,', I.:.. 1 • .1: Celt rlt !OO U9 1.t8 14e -1 Ler.court :0):', IJ D 13

-Ana :9o,r\.." Ie l:~ Ijn -11 Ctrll Pore :;:00 17 16\-':1 161, -11'.1 Ltxl:ldln 1~()(l 5 .'1 ~ - 17 Arjoft 6Y1(! H H H -11: Che,Io:.!:k fOOO 7 6',. 61'.1 -1 LL L.c 1'l00 '2~(,) 213 »0 .o j AUn Yk l~ 10 10 10 - I,. Chc.ter JJSXl 39 ~ 36 1':1, -,') I.orado :H00 J~ 34 H -1 AWrl·lhu 3.:00 III }81, 1,q'~ -'":1 ("h.1b Jac IJ3i6!tO as 8 -2 Lorldo "",llJ :330 15 1~ 16 Agboelle 1('(1."1 lh'b'1'\3} :10)(1 27 1~1';) :~l';l. - l':J LyndhlJl l:JiOO 26 14 241] - \1

Awr,ICbo 17M' l1i 1~ Hi -: l'hlnlCl ~6{'0 74 ~~ 73 -2 LJ:n.... 2i100 18 16 16 -~ . "~("lr S!j :l~"I :~7 :9i -J r(\jj·R~I'Q :lOCo:) 1.3 11 1~",1 l!1l,"J - 1. )!ard.on. 100M 4~ 42 ", ... 1 -',1.!1' 1~ ~ '" f; -1 loin Lake 55X1 Iii .. 17 17\~... 'heflt lOOC 111~ IIll ill'] -+- "

BAzl.ktnO J).(¥j:n :~ :0 .. 1 ,( olomac 3000 51 ~ 'i1'J'" 1 )hcLeod j"lZj 1~.\ 121 113 .... 1 Ba~i<:ld HI~(I ~ ~ R - '" ' (omtJ ~Irl ~16S ~I 38 ' '1 :;~I":I -ll~ ~h.dJen 1lJ\1 :"2 290 ~92 + 5 Bunal ~ H:' 161 161 I Lold.lrnl ljDOiJ 8i 78 78 +3 :-tla:i1i!!t 9140 11 ~~"1 10 ~ue 1&"\') 17 H; 1 Conlil(;u l~r'(I 70 69 fo9 -:I. :\falarllc 1000 1M lO~ 1~ _. 8Ufo ~et.a1.J eM ~1 ~o ~1 .. 1 I Con.\~'Jrurn jOO :;1 31 31 "!nne .. t U 1000 91) 9'":1 OJI,. - 1'1

Rvu 71:3 1'., In ;';1:.- ') C Bel~lo:eno 500 13 13 13 :\Iarltlmt 6.I~DO HI:! lill 16D -9 I

B·{)Jq ~lllO J~ 1O :l: -1 ; CHela G 1~7 II 11',. 11 +1 :'!hrtln 1800 30 29;'.1 291. _ ~~' ~I\' tOO !jl)O :::t:::!11 :'1'I z:!1.. Ie CaiHn<ln ~~M 15 l{IJ J4l'l - ~J ~h)brun 1~8fb ~ 2: ~4 &tlcl:ler ~:~ ~M 102 10~ -2 C Vcnl'on llJ9V 112', tP. l: l , T;~ :'ttclntyr. S 1883 , !8'. ~BJ.i. B.ell .. trrn 9('(] I}J ~~.' D5 -.-, C Den I~l) 46B5 '20~ 19~ '20~ ... 6 :"t1cXen 700 lJ 13 3J -1 B.eLbtm W'i' IP-J 17,) 1M -!I C Dl!i('()\try I is .J~5 Ji5 37~ -" Mc~1.r 11)50 10 10 10 .... "'l Rt\'NH3 1!3;~8 19 !Fl":l l~ .=1::: I CD' Ul]llCI 15~(J fI ':I, 91':1, 9:'~ ~1cWat 7200 33 31 3J _I Blbi.~ 151.N't! Z':'ll~.t ~~Il'" 't I n; ,\rro~ =0..')(1 :!1 :2~!;! ~!tnl l(11Xl 17 Ii 17 ., 1 B.C'rc!t 77'":~ 7~ 7~ j.; ~ ~ C 11,:11\\,\ r<! 7.x1Nl 9) !~ 90 -1 ~~tla L'ran :woo 10 HI 10 RldC'e? ~'X' 21"1 1~:0 l'o~ HO\H'Y 6('(1 41~ 410 ~I~ ... 5 M!drim :~oo in iO n, BO .. :l.\1l1' '1'(111 C ~hrlltn '!'oo ~1 41 41 -2 ~Hn Corp 1161 '16l, 1~ lti~'4 ~ l~ JklrdlJiac lH" 11 8 S C ."tHCUS INC fiB M ~ t Wri,hl 33012 75 6~ 74 ... ~ RN1ln 13-100 7~ -:.t 75 ~ l CO:1:'1t a~d S ~:85 I~P. :J~, :l:s.w + a. !'Ifu!tJ·:'lt 700 4a ~S 4l!.1 Fo:.T.11.f ;:'1'('1 l~ 11 I~ C ~lCll:1J1 IjgS,(X': -:')0 221 ~~-l -1 ~'aml Cr 17~00 :31 J~ .'1 T 1, 'Rr.Lt'mf' :,iFJI .'J1~ in~ tJ{l C \lo;-rl!Clr, ~~c..l ~J '21 21 -3 !'I'e, Lab 1100 2,!,1,;: :!jl":l 2S:1 'R~I 'Red ,:('(J ," 33 .)3 -~ C \Iolhcr ~6~'() p.g 82 ~8 +5 ~'ew Al,ilrr 13500 1F'~ 10 10 R:':1"1:"~; t'\o'\..l ~I, ." - .• (('In ;-"t;;:u~ :,).."Ifi 31 2!l 31 I ~C'w Ath 62037 ~5 45 85 !\LI!f \:~k ~:xl :r7 :(,', ~~~ (on ~Ic:hol 1000 6') Ill, ~I~ ,~',tlY R\d 900Q 6"1

Weekly Sailings from

Gloucester, to


51. Johl1's and

Newfoundland Outports


from Gloucester:

M.V. Blue Trader March 18th - 19th.

M.V. Blue Prince March 24th - 2511

For bookings contaci

(' '.o;-tblanr1 lC-:~ J(I 29 .1fI + ~ I ~'tW CaJ 1300 Ja C Red Pt'lP ~o-')O 13 :3)3 I Xew Delh.1 19j5u ~3 C n(';cC1urt l~~Cl l.ill 13 15 - 11 '-: n.d.;~n 8~ 2i~ :,: '-;.t.ll,1nn ~'X":\ 1 ~'1 ~ ~ 1 ,~Goldvue 266 B ";"11 t',n .... r~t 110" ~g[1 470 V{l .,.5 X Hdrrl lro.l l' 1.1 ""1 ";ucl :!n.110 102 fi7 !r. -3 "-:e' ... · Ho!co ~.::~~ 112 I~'" n;l·',Ja·, :"'1:~ ~~ l~ ~ .. Kelor. "n:OO!1 '~ t opr.\n(] IJ7,lj ~5(1 :~Ii 2~fi -4 ~·rwlur.d l.."irC().1fi J~ l'{1t.: 1 rr .iL{' U .tM ~~ -I ~ :'l!~llma CI{::O ~~(l ~10 l\'JI';'or i~1l q ~ 9 -1 ;-';ewnor 111)(1 ~t1 P ('1l'1,C:l :\}() :te 1\1 11:'1 -1 \'fW Rou\·:". ~1100 14 1~ DI, _ l,. ~· .. ~,~mt ,-..... 11 ~'l,1 ~6~ U.' -10 \' Senator 24('IC l.l 7l';) 71,. .... ~:-'\\\'I'at· ~o:'J :') :~ i UI~ - l.j :"Ih:ktl ~IS ,1,671 1M 9~ I'j~ -8 :,'u~rn :~(I).l I ',I~ lJ n - I J i :\IPh'lM' H[)j 16~ :!Ml :n Jlr;'lnJ:' .t00r) "'-f, 11 .J.~ ... l~ :-'\~Io -;:1"lOO 8 ~

.J ',r,I';:lln l~j'lfJ 'I' H 4; -0\ I ,"cr· '('me l(\'ll :l.~ :~ ~~ _: 'C:.I,t,. WiU ~6 F..~ f..~ : ~'ora~da ."B S 1;1.4 ~.( ~~ - 1,4

'(,m, j ...... ) $17'. Ji'~ \7'\ - l. :\ori01d ~!)il l~ 1~ :2 111.~ .. \:d.!l I~:"'''''' 1"':~ I~ 13 : ,"crlartlr 32Co-' \, 'i.e. 17

.)u\an ::~1('i\ D·,' 041 ~l I.\:orm~[al .?1r,~ ~\~ HI\ \\~ .\mph\ 7~1' :11":, \1 11 .\o~p,ll." !VI!') ~~ :~ ~4 .- 1,

rJ~1 SJti ltiQ) ~~0 ~j1 ~.)'1 -·1 I \ i~OO :~ l~ Ii L;I"rr rJ~F.~ 1\1 ',n~ :10 -I ! \Clr~;~~ ~j15~ 74 7n 7(1 .1 ~:Id:-H'~ 7n,\,'r'i -1.\ ~f1 ~1 -1 ! ~ Goldert .!7Cil 47 4.\ '" .. I .1 ..;,.,1 .\llrl :11":1 Il''). Ill,. ~ nilnk !lfi63" l!'J11 1i.1\ lSr. ~~ ::'.;rl'k" 1~1Iii ~~ .12 .I~ ~orUl!ap F.2.!i 17~ 1jl 17.1 ~ ~

',~" \1\ F-~I 11 IJ 1\ ~1'l ..... orlh (In 1001 11~ 1~~ 1.1' -2 ;'"krl1 F-5L' S31 ~r'I' ~ ~il'4 - I" ;';on'allr l~.l:ln 21 \ I ~n L .): 1 :.11,\nii.1' ~011 !'I'\ ~n ~~ r 3 I;.; BI'il.uc: ~I)q ::'1)'1 ls cl liil !'iH;\ :I\~ \.'1\1 I~ III,: 1:\':1 - ~1. Obulo.a !~~Cl<') 12 111. 12 1..; i:'\I(''1 Tan;: 12t"J Id1, 1b l , W~ .... I O'Br\~n 7'}0 7~ 7.'; 7j -:'i~.tl;\1a 9:1"11 6~ ~3 &3 -1 Ol':-nl 3000 ' I, ~'r:-:r~\(\{'Llr '-l~r{l 9 9 9 - 11 O'Leary ~OJ(\ ~I :0 ~J _I

~'r Ihl~ttr 110:0 2U ~~ 20 -4 Open~ :)8iO f;lP, 11 ]JI( _ 17 , CircC\ ~11!l{,h 16](' S~3'~ 2~'.":I :.3', + ~~ Ormsby J'l~()("I 6j 4~ €~ +', Gr:H':\ 3:'00 17 1~ 17 -1 rlumlq 1301)(1]0 ~ R-2 Crt' Sr:cn :0J(l 137 130 l~O -~ Parbe[; I~OO 6 5 6 G!J.l\t YK :92 700 ;(\oj 700 Pater .5M 53 ~l :i3-~ G't':tn l';-an ~8M 1] 13: ... 13 +1 Pallr,Q \lis lC{'; 195 19~ lDS I GOld Eaiie 8jXl 20 19 ]9''1 Palo 2EOO 340 3~Q J40 ~ 10 ' Go <I Ibn 9;)) 31 33 31 +2 p" Expl ~()I){) :1 20 ~O c'F t. ran 4500 42 H ~1 Petrie.. 82:xJ 30 :7 Zi -3 r.~a:1droy 3i700 38 3~ 37 .'-1 Perro:1 ~3)(l 24 2::'J :21.l: r;randuc J!l~0207::!04 205 ... 3 Pick Crow 01J6(XI 9 1~~ 107 -..-2 Greyhll Z~~J\) 11 IOl." !DV", - l. Pltch,Orll ~7~ 11 Ie 10 _ ~ C,'JU Len.:i ~~o 9 9 9 - l':,l Placrr ~oo $1P, 11 I:l~ GwnnJr i291 S:5 14", 14 ' .... I, Pr Bard ZOXI 10 9 9-1 Gunnar wI' :1J~O S~O 49.5 49~ -~J Preston ~2:1o b9~ r,5~ fif>O + 20

~~;~l~OCk g;g lr' 1~b lr-) ... '.I ~~~~e~lr ~~~ 9~17 9; 9~1:l j. 1'J

H;\r·:-.tln ~L"OO 19 l! 19 .... 11 QUf' A~rQt ::~7~6 iO ~9 ~9 -1,

• OUR BOARDING HOUSE.. with MAJOR HOOPLE =r-'--___ ----g!l~


Blue Peter HJ.J&.J •. ">DO ~I 21 21 -l~l I QUe Chlb I::~~O Ii ~2 7~ H of Laki!!s 18000 20 19 ]9 -2 i Que Cop !~ ~OO 4~ 41 41 ---------- -----------

Stea~'lships Limited

'Phone: 3661. 4123

HCllh.ay 45r,Q ~R ~5l'J ~7 -2 QUf Lilh 7J.'i ~3 6f,n 6~rl ~ 10 Ht'Jlh 1000 Sl." Bt) ~ll - I. J Q :'Iirtal ~~(l(1~) 8~ ~~ -1 He'" IDlill ~ fi ~ I RadJOrf I nsCoo I~O 7~ BO lh~~·Bl"ll !OO01~3 I~I"I ISO -5 Rain.l!!r ~~OO -tR ~.~ S, _\~ i[oll!nJ;;cr 6SJ S3~~. :l1~. 3~,1~ -.- I" T!'\.5par l~ilil j() .11't '\11 -J Ilo\l~ ~1"\I1 .\~Ii ~10 !lIO Tin: RIO Rup ,V1(; Jro1. :rllJ HPJ lIuj R,,\· l:;.i~ !~p( ~2 t'o3'4 ... Jll' Roch, .. ift(l 1':; I; 1: -1 Ino Li\t,!' .'1'11'11 A ". ~ + l~ ROCklll" 1'!'100]';' 1,1; :J; -1 lnplr.lllo~ 2~.(\,' .,~ "~., ROWIn C,l,1S 7(I'l'101 ~l, Ij:) 'I1'1.j.. flll :\Ilk!,,! ,n,) .!<~\'( 91 ~..\:4· P, 'Sal' .\nt F')O Sit -"~ ~6 'lll fi;!n :n~.>;; ,i5 1J 11 i1 _')1, ~illld Rlv 21M 13 11 1311 13 II ,~I., It'r ~;~l~ i~1l .li{'; 1;'1 -10 ~i\I!'lllte "~t).' 7f'J fi~ 'iO trt'n n.3..1 ~O:') ~1~ ~"1\ 2l' -10 <:.l1ttr r.r ~~nr 1~'1 1\4; I('~ -1" 1',\1 l'1·,I., Un.;:, ~:1 F.,'\ "i -.' ,~h!'r:llt Qjr)(j 42\ .. \.~ Hi I \r,i!l" ilYl I~,~ _ : ";1~r(1r 11\r'J i1 ";, ;0 r~((1'u' .";71'\J1 2\\ :il1 :in ~-15 I S~l\nlt\,h l4iO ... , ~., oil' .I~.'r I'\p\ l'f') I~ ~i 4' -, 1~I~nl.h "'I" ~lr'J .'

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r"!lid fl ; ~i,· iJlrrl',

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Hmunl Plan Bookllt II will ~elp you control your personal finan· ces. Ask uur nearest ~Iallctl lor juur cop y 0.1 I Ii e "2,AccQur,1 Plan".

Start Plann,d Savlne at our nlarllt branch now.



Main Bronch ................................ , .. E, E. EWING, Manager Il. NICHOLSON, Manager Hamilton AVI. and Calhin St. Branch

B"I S pr RRI S ~l.pr S,nH B~lCO Brahlll Brlta:la Calalla CI E<I COil Ld'l CS 01\ \\Is CS Prtt (' Chlf!!!! ('L!'1 U!'\

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A LITTLE Goes a long way

when you Advertise in THE

! i 1 .' Cnr ~ I'dP I' lh l • F( 1 d

New York :'\r.\\ YOUI-\ {I P"S'IC; "'rO! h'"

Rplh :--'(1\'1 ':'"1 •. ~lwt\ W J BI'r~\\.\rn,.r 41 \\'Crnt -'j

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FURNESS, WITHY & CO., l.i\ 1'1'1'001 SI .IOhJI S

: II (II III \. & ,I ,lIlIllI'S

":-: ('\\ r 1I111\(1J:1 lid" ':\01''' SCI,li,," Felt ~Il '\['\\'loIII"I\'l1d" \Iar. Ii "\'0\':') SCOII~" ~l~lr ~l;

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& Dirrrt ~rT\lct nirre! Sen i~e from .':~ \. \! SAI!liT JOH!Ii, N.B. ~ ~ lULU,\' JI:

t\ovaport Novaport Novaport ."ievaport \llv;lpllrt \I,vaporl

Jan, 2.0 Feb 3

Feb. 17 ~br, J

'\I~r, 17 Mar. ~1

R,gular Sailings Ther.of/II

Il SnUHS .'periJI Ilepr~sentatlre

Tel. 5183 or 2131

I/.\RHY & CO LTV .\Hnr~

C' N(lI'~r';r(

• ~O\'ilPtl;t !\ol'aporl l\OI'.lpor( l\lll'ap"rt


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for hls coal. In IB99 he bought ~ ~ .............•...........•.

a substantial part of the Wa. ~-. _ .... M·_".· ......

Neivspaper Of Bell

History Island

bana are deposit from the No\'a Scotia Steel ar.d Coal Company, and th.e Whitney Company ap' peared on the local scene.

It was not k:lOwn as the Dominion Iron & Steel Com· pany until 1901, by which time the Sydney steel plant was in operation. J. O. Plummer was head of Dominion [ron and Steel, and James floss in charge of the Dominion Coal Company. The two companies fell out over

,the qualitj' of the coal supplied [From The Files

Of The Daily News] Chapter 25 Ito the steel plant. A great legal \ baltIc en,ued Rnd was 1I'0n 111

1907 by Duminion Iron &: Steel, which got Judgment lor S2,750'1 000,

ADDISON BOWN [n 191U Ilw I)UI1I1I1:UII Sler!, Corpol'ation which had I'cplact'J .

.. ~ ••• A"' •••••• A""""' •• A.""''''''''A''''' ....... Dominion Iron &: Steel, bought • out the Domilllon Cual (Oill'

I (II I"I! 1\[lIHO:-' dl'clilril til makc their mIn pig becamr the first manager of th~ pall)' and remained in control ,. 'I'" r Il1ancI:ll

llron from Imporled ores. Tiley, are mines, l1ad begun actual although botil comp:\nies reo

" ....

. ~~,;. ;31., thr or~allizcd the ;';e\\' Glasgow mining operations at Bell Isle tained their idcntity. The Cor· :he co~l Coal, Iroll alld Ilaiiroad Com· on July 20, 1895, after building poralion had as its subsidiaries II' \0\'" i l':1ll)' lI'ith <1 capitai of one mil· a haulage road across the is. at tilat time, the C\lmberland '.' I: ;11111 :ioll doll~r; Tiley huill furn:lccs lalld from the surface pits and flail & Coal (0., the 1)0minion

",'Ii: ""[1 :II :'\l'lI' t;l:h~OII' anll br~:lO to constructing a shipping pier on Shipping (0., James Pender & ;nllh., pig iron [or Iholr steel the island's southern side. The Co., W. B. Sydlley Lllmber Cu.,

I, 1'1.1,\1 firsl load of ore was shipped to I Dom. Iron. &. Steel I!lHI DolO.

II II" !i;0I:.:.,1 llilll 111I"I' this i\01'" Scotia all S.S. Bonallsla ','onl (omp"II). i I',:. '", ." ,'.' ".1111[1:11:1 :,'"I'ilcd uf lI:e de Deccmber 30, IB9~. . \\'11 II n '1' I . . , I . ell 1e 1'1 "1 1':lIl1l1l 'O

:1,' ,,: ~:,.: 1,:·,:1, >Il l'ill>l' III home as 1\ell' By IDOl the :'\ova Scolla Stn,1 'led alld c Ii 11"" .. , ,: _ clli;l','I'.; i'J" 'eibnei alld I . P I I and C I C h d b·1t " u, JlIcel ld Ill' .. I "~'Bg~ • b \,"}s d pro"l'1c('I'1 I o~ .. om~any at S"dl 8.192U, uil Ihe5c eon:il.:,,·o 111:11' •. 1: l'\l'l'l'I ,1:1 I • ,0 u)', Ie propel'll' at s ee ·ma,.;mg p ant a y ney lhe NO\'8 Scolia Steel & CUld 'IW PO"l': l~elle islc! als ,It was ~hen ~"Iled, ~lin~s't It. d~\'eloped o~crs:.as Compan~' and Hallbx ShipI ol'l:s _ h'.11 Ihe I ? (celt Cl ,u purte

l 'Ise. twas madr .r s In I ermany han s tP

I' to form the B. E. S. (ol:pura

[,,:.111'('. ,1 :lr"cclllg IllUI'(' . lnt was to pe ils SUI'P us ore t. ere untl tiOIl, but the Dominion Steel \ >. II.,i I'nrge proneie thelll with a huge the outbreak of the first World Corporation D m ( I C

: ': , ,I II .111 a ,(llil'el' of sllppl.l', not only for War. In 1920 it became a part pany and 1\' S °St' I ~ C iU~i ,; l'lItfl'Pei their 01l'1l plant,. but a},o for of th~ British Empire Steel Cor· retained s~ificiente~harcs °to ~e.

",II a ,m:dl till' great fUlllrc,lndu,tr;' that poratlOn. main separate compal1ies with. was to rISe III Cape Breton, as! In the mean lime big coal and in the larger one.

",.1 ,Li'el' II dl "' 'Ilppl, 111~ markels de· stcel rlel'elopment~ had been '.") Filice Icllll'cd In Ellrope I laking place in Cape Ilreton By 1924 BESCO was giving

.",II:,n l)1l1. .\ ),(,dr aftcl' Ol"king the \\·a.: where, in 18~3, Henry ~!. Whit· employment to 27,ODO workmen "'p"I';;I(', ha1\:1 pllrcila,p .. the :-;ol'a Scalia' llCY, Boston promoter, formed in Canada and Ncwfoundland,

\' ",,,11,: ~:{'rl SiC'pl al:d Forge L'olllp"ny mrrg'l the Dominion Coal Company with a payroll of 27', millions ., ... In :tnl"l!': l'ci "\Ith till' :\l'lI C;lasgo\\, Coal. to rxploit thc coal deposit, of annually. But as we ha\'e seen,

·:{,~I'lll' :1 Iron and H'lllroarl Company 10, thc area. He revolutionized the: market conditions resulting \,l\11 ~l'ot:;, [orlll Ih,' ;>.lora Scotia Steel Cu. i roal trade o[ Easlern Canada from the depreSSion afler the

I ,'j': 1'0 l'uln III 101l1l Ihe :-';ol'a 'Scoli" Steel' by shipping coal up the St. war found the huge corporation 'n Ill/Ill Con:pllll)' gilt into the coal blls,: Lawrence Rnd to the New Eng. floundering by that time in a

" I ':.l' Ccl:n inl's, b, bUYl11~ out nlC Gencr,,1 : 1"11[\ states. financiai morass. Its rcol·ganiza· I'll:, 1111.' 1',01 "i1l11lg A"orlalioll at Syciney I Finding the United States lion was now ~bout to be under-


START ~O:NT) ~EVON. E~GLAND-Smoke billo \\'5 from the Ge:')1l ,11 I :derck:lit Sill)) Vormann Ha,,, I left! as It pItches In chopp" seas off Start Point here March 11th whlle :~eing taken tow bv the Roval Na\-y Minesweeper mvlS Jewel (right). Another Ro} al ;\,<\\.:: Tllineswceper, the Hi\IS Ae'ute (bacck_ ground), stands b~'. The ?l'linesweepers steamed to the a:d of the \'ormann Ras" 999 tons of Ha~bur<1 after a fire broke out on board during the da~'. The I\Iines\\'eepers were a"sisled b\· a RO\:al ""'a\'\: H;IT~ ('opter (not shown) which transferred a fire·figh:ing team to the Gernv'tn ship. The 'fire \\'~s extinguished ~.nd the Jewel towed the Vormann Hass to De\'on port, where the\' arri\wl }Iarch 12th.-IUr(Photo)

Nfld. Skies First Quarter ~I{)on .Iow it is Graffias in thr con·

tnday ............. 11:40 a.m.i,tellolion, Scarp in, a ,tor whose )Ioonset tomorrow .. 2:00 a.m. light takes ahout 0.'i0 yeJrs to

, ,'ea['h the Earl il. Dloon rides high) Tides

., 1$

'! J' I

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~ :11 :\,.. \111ll'<: anrl the :-';01 a Scotia I market an uncertain quantit)', taken by the NatIOnal Trust, .~Icci 11I1d Coal lOlllpany \\'"8 I he conceived the idea of es. Company. !

.. h:ll'l II:l' IO~I1,cd An cllgillcer o[ this I tablishing a IteeJ plant at Syd· (NEXT: Other e\'enls of Tn':SDA Y, )Iarcll 17th. Jupiter i~ due soulh at 4:20

Sllmet toda), .. " .. 6:08 p.m ,3.:11. tomorrow and the second Sunset tomorrow ... 6.09 a.m.: magnitude star seen right he·

High 12: 12 a.m. 12:47 p.rr..

OLI \1'\ CP - Award of the ;.ra"e), ,lednl to Surer:ntcndrnt If. ,\. Lar.,en of the HOIP-A

. conqueror of the :-;orlhe,'n Pass­! ngc - \\'ao5 anno'dncerJ Thursda';

Lo\\' 'ni~'11 al Ihe .101h annual mcr::n~ I 0.56 a.m. of Ihe Rorol Canadian Geo,r:l'li'~ 1 I.

7:14 pill. i,';;1 SoriCl)·. :i

_., cOlli!," '11 .l oml"1I1). R. F:. Chambers. 11';10 ney to provide I Bteady outlet 1926),

-~ ..... - ... ,,,-,.,,,, . . t ,

,r \ .


••• Behind this ~oor is a car! But this is more thalt just a car, it is a tradition. For fifty-eight years nOHJ)

people have used its name ... Buick ... as a synonym for excellence. Now, this car has excelled

even itself. In pride and prestige, in beauty and mechanical perfection it has surpassed

every great thing its name has ever stood for. Truly, Nil1eteen-FiJty-Nine is Buick's

vintage year. A year in which one thing is certain ... better automobiles are being built ...

and Buick is building them. Drive one ... ten minutes will tell. . .

- ___________________ .-:.... SEE YOUR LOCAL BUICK DEALER------------~------------



I, I II I: ,.


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PHONE 7191, 7192, 3082, 3083



D RIVE SAFELY We welcome the opportunity to

serve your Auto Insurance Needs.

You can get the same fine service

in Auto Insurance that has pleased

thousands of satisfied Newfound.

land customers of Dependable

Guardian Fire Insurance

for 85 years

Dial 115101" To-day'




(1) This is a Match the Pairs Contest. (2) The Daily News will publish for 60 days, Monday to Friday, 2

pictures a day. Pictures number 1 to 60 will be Newfound­landers as they are today, and pictures numbered 61 to 120 will be those same people in their youth or as children. The adult pic-

ture and the youth picture will not necessarily appear on the same day. (3) The contestant must cut out the two pictures which appear each day. (4) At the close of the contest the young and old picture must be

correctly paired. (5) It will NOT be necessary to name the persons in the pictures. (6) At the close of the contest an entry form will be published and

must be filled out by each contestant and sent to the Doily News Contest P.O. Box 972,

SI. John's.

(7) The iudges will award first prize to the contestant having the highest number of matched pairs correct and so on for second and third prizes.

(8) The prizes are: , 151.-$250.00. 2nd.-$150.00. 3rd.-$100,00.

(9) The Motch the Pairs contest is open to all persons living in New­foundland excepting employees and their families of the Daily News.

(10) In the event of a tie, the contestants concerned will be asked to identify the 60 Newfoundlanders. Then the contestant with the highest number correct will be first and the other second.

(11) By entering the contest the contestant agrees to the decision of the judges.

(12) Only one prize will be ewarded to one family.

----------------­ --,::1


There's no





Th. StlW II Lc.w Ltmd-ROfW


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rio. Stf,'" lJ Rliular Lallli·ROfI,


During the past .lD. ~ears 4-wheel drive Land- Rovers have won an unrivalled reputation for toughness and reliability. Year by year, there have been modifications and improvements and today land-Rover has consolidated a 10-year lead.

We Carry A Complete Stock of








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The above items are sold on a Whole sale basis to the trade only. Individuals may contact us for prices etc.

United Nail & Foundry Co., Ltd. ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. DIAL 801i!

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co., LTD.


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LV lity to

"4 eeds,

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~l J ble

• I lire

lay !

rD. ,- JOHN'S




DIAL 80171




.,',. \.~i : .. 'i\\"o oi >cI'er,,1 freight cars wh il'h brokc loose and crashed through staLoll ,me! into , '" 'Ilutlciings dllll'l1\O\\']1 here ;\Iarch 1:~, One known dead and 20 injul'ed.-IUPI Photo)

Equipment \fllI.

DO ~ IT ~ Yourself eNT Officers Meet for

By MR, FIX I ~ascment and attie shelves 1\1 " T 11_ Distributed by NEA Service I hove a way of !(ettin& hope· :f arltIme alliS

, Icsslv elmtered after a while. 1

Backbone of Canadian Cummerce ~10:\CTO:-\-DcSl'l'ibin~ Ihe

railways as "tile bac;';bonc of Canadian commerce," W. H Collins, newly appointed em freight trilfiic manager In the Atl:1ntic region, labelled as I

I "irresponsible r• any sug~rs. I

I tions that Canadi.ln "at'on~1


Railways wcrc all the way out. On the contrary, they IIrc keeping pace with del'elop· ments ar.d rc'po'lsibilities.

In an address bcfor~ a ~lonclon church groUll, the [crmer divi,ion freight ag('nt at S~lint John said that If tlle railways wcre to ee:1se run· ning tomorrow Canadian bus· iness would come to a st01nd· st ill.

lie macle partieubr rl'fer· ,ence 10 the imporlance of , "lonelo11 in tile mat:er 01 rail ; Ira[fic Iletween the .\llantlr I Pl'o\·in~cs. ccntr~tl and wC'st­i ern Can:1da and points In the l'niten States. This was nar· ticulnrl~' (rue of (ra:lic for

,: Prince Edward Tslanr., \"ol"a 'S{'ni:a and \"rwfoundlancl.

and for export. Import "nn do· mc,tic tr:1ffic :n and out 00 ll:1li[ax. furthermore. sa:d ~1r. Coilin" traffic to ancl from other arras In t11e .\t· l:1nti~ Prol·in('('.~ fecd' through ~loncto11.

ftBARBS '.,' ."llil1~ {)1"~3I1Lati{)!1 is hal[ the .lob, Sa·vc precious hours sOille' ~lO\"C'I'O\"- Appro:<:imate·

'.'f" \e\\·. ~II1Ci1 lt come' 10 lackllllg future day, ,Iy .50 rcprcsentatil·cs of Can· In' 11.\1, COCIIJL\:\' I

.' .. ' : :',\, C".n. nOJlle [":lDr,c;. Ho~v often .havp,! Tack or lapr a list tu the I a,c\Jan \"~,tional Te\egr~phs i~l; It isn't any wonder 111:1t I .... "\ ;1', .' .\(111 pllZzlci\ 01 l'l the pl0pel edge of each shelf. ! t.1C ~1:11Itlme Pl 01 lnees a,· health leal'rs "011 when you

:1'(' lll;1l1U' 'Ill' o[ a fauect washer, Dr Label pa::kagrs Ihat al'e sembled III ~ronC'lon citll"lng nc lect :t I'ear ~ftcr ,·par. ,~ .•• 1 t .~Ir ;1:11: 1',11I(h e:l"nllt [':1r:'les elcctnc{· wrapped or In boxes. i the latter part of February, g .•••.

~.:'.,' \\'1::r('a: I), lor 1111' light :hat .iust \\"ent .., .: [or a tll·o·da~· ['onfen'nl'p. '\I' '11 '00 re011i7e tllat 1:11' (Ill:. 0:' whether you hal'C the" Krep ,1mllal' IIlI·elltory 11>1S: On hand fl'om Toronto was. c I' 111 '1 I th·

"!. t'r;ll:pn~t'n: '.' I I· d . ." Income ;lX ;l\\'S lu\'C rr In I

pre,!l!'r wrcncil for the l{)b on In5ules of e lcst lds an I lIenn' ',l:C, cOlllmen'lal su·1 I I I I' h"s :~ : :",\ :(11~ ',O:H! . " ,. . t tern ;\]1( we gr lIe al' l.: •

.'"OU·1:0 cl ling" Idosct duors. 1'00nl Olll to I perinlendcnl, rL'jll"eSel1tlng R • • • . :: ,': (',il". ~:\ of .\ fl'\\" simple l:1bels. tags, >'0liJ' wife that such lists work!, B. ~tci'\e. g{'l1l'ral superin· I h' c' TrUl·" r It's all right lor ife to cgln!

Trapped In Ditch

and lists can sal'e you hours, pretty well on fooel rcezer'.' tendent of {'astern lines. ~It 40 i: rheumalism doesn't do' 'I Iw!rl :Ih"·" 01 tin1l' ,\00, But keep them up to i I'

'I'll 10'.1110" , date, or they're worthless. I The talb, wiJil'h dealt with the same t H.n g., • ~,.!'1~" un:ll, For e~:11~lplr: :\e~t time >'ou If ~'Qlt're In the habit of all phases of the l'omll1ulllca·1 • .,. . ,

1'l'pl:1['[' a [allcct washer, note u'{ng old bottles to store odd tlOns lIld\lStl'~', II'pre pre slded :-\otlll11g ls,ll;lrlltr on ;1:', ,:r:prl1\"C'" 1 \ 1 lth 'S th3n

,",M '(,In' In it.' .<ilC. Place the in[orma· liquids, better label lhem over by R. L. l.ogan. commrr· ,an 5 ,nrl·. 1'.1 c. , llOl1 on, a tag fastened to the i clearl>'. Turpentine and lac· l'1:11 SupPl'l"l<or al ~Ionl'lon, i c:lilc{, Inends.

, a II'om·1 her 10·;

G Ri\:\D PHAIRIE -Fellow construction workcrs lift Wallace W. Cant­well, :)H. to safety after he and another worker were trapped when the wall of a ditch in I':hich they were working can:d in. Both mcn, trapped for more than· an hour. escaped with minor injuries.-i UPI Telephoto 1

P1PC be.ow the slllk, Or place,; quer thinner look pretty :lluch ;. :,' ,\lln it on a li'l th:1t you can keep I the ~amc, for instance.

·,·,C\·,1\ nl :he with I'our plumbing supplles.~. k I b I I ., 10\1 can ma e a e s an m· :.<~.,!. <:lici wh['n that parllcular washrr r· . . : portant part o. ~'o\lr malll·

", ","" .... "e 11\ ('ors,: need> rcplac\ng. you won s, I E [. ~ .., I' enance program. 'I'erv :me ,'" 11'1" 'l'I~tr~rt NH'·; na\'e In II'\"-illlrl hUV-:;C'\,C'l'fl "I . II .. .• • . . . .' I"OU 01 a motor 01' some sma

L\)' or:",,{' " fa,ter '11C~ until .I·OU hit the right; ~pplance, eVery time )'ou ,,, . ',',' 1 ",rj l1101il1· one. . ..' l'hall~e the furnace filter,

"r:','I"'I'OI1I pro·' :\ 1,,1 ;clucd to the (n'IICIt' Dlfllll1ake " note of It. .\ la~ on , I'our tool hDX cOI'rr 11'1 I te' 1 [tl I -'l . · . " r:1l'll 0 1C' 8.l"'Cl' 1 elns lS nn

YOU al a ~I;{nce what lt can· II t . Md I · . " . 'exce en remm er, anc one talns ,mel wl11 sal'e rlllllmag·" tl t' t I'k I I t I 5t · I I .. I I 10 S no 1 e v 0 ge D .•

, ln~ [or a t?O t 1at lsn I Ilere. Pu·! a lawn 'mower check , heep the .lsi up tn elatr. nnd I' t' tl "0 't t . I II I' l' 111 1e ~ara~e, n 1 . no c Ille ~'Irc tn rep ace le 100 s, when mrwcr was last sharp. I a, IJ s \ r el. I d I· t d '1 d d : . I I I I ' ene. nt JUS e, 01 c an

[~'ou lang 00 s on a peg I gre 'en hoard, outlinr each one with i a. , a pencil. Fill in the ol1tline' \"ear >'our garden tools

, with odds ancl enels of paint: han!! a lllaster list showing , you ou~ht to use Up anywa>·. every tree and shrUb in your

You' II be nble to tell at a yard. :'\nte when )"ou fertilize . ~Ianl'e which item goes where. thrill, how much of what

It's a trick used in many .<cr· kind of fertilizer you usen. 'I'il'e ~tations. :1lld worth bar· and what insecticides >'llU ap'

l I rOllin!!. plied.


\In~t verFatiie dictating machine you can own today,

Dictatp., tran8crjb~, erue, correct directly on mod­

trn, reu~ablel magnetic tape with fIlck-bt"the-thumb

microphone conI ro1. Record conferences, phone con­

\ersalionB, LBe in mOl'ing car, plane, train, Easy to

carry. Easy to use,


TOOTON'S LIMITED lares. service, Iree demonstration



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Preview for 63 millions The pressman is the first one to see your daily newspaper.

Within minutes copies will be rushed to more than 63

million cUIrtomers in North America, a growing market.

Newsprint consumption on this continent is double what

it was 20 years ago, And it is estimated that in the next

20 years today's figure will increase by 7\l percent.

In North America and around too world BQ'\I,'a~ is

preparing, by continuous research and development, to real­

ize the expaTJding opportunities of the future,

In Bowater mills and factories everywhere, greater effi­

ciency, increased output and better products are the goals

on which our eyes are confidently fixed, I

Bovvalers~ THE BOW ATE ReO R P 0 RAT I 0 ~ 0 F NOR T 1I A MER I CAL I MIT ED' ~I 0 K T REA L

Mill.! at; Corner Brook, Ncw/olltldlalld; LllUJlonl . .\"o\·a Scotia; CUI/IOI!){, Tcn)Jrs3cc; and Cnlau;ba: SOldh Carolina



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_12 __________________________________________ :HE DAILY NEWS,.~_~: J?HN~:.NFLD"WED~~:S.~~Y, MARCy

GRAND· BANK definitl will be announced In I

the near future RED CROSS APPEAL

Mar~h is Red Cross month all i across Canada, During March

GRAND BANK, ~arch 11-1 coal tram the United Statrs, thIs winter and has been at the the annual appeal for funds for ~ Uthough there are urmistak· whilst George T, Dixon Ltd, of Burin plant and will also visit the Red Cross takes pl<lce and Ible signs that Spring is with Fortune have coal coming on Gaultois and Trepassey before during this week the local' II, yet the weather continued the "Northern Ranger" te be returning to St. John's, Branch wll1 be conducting the I o be cold. Many people believe landed at Lawn, Fortune, Bay Local whalers, who had al· town canvass for funds, hat It will be well into April L'Argent, English Hr, West most given up hope that they It ill not necessary here to his year before the snow dIs· and Ramea, Meanwhile, the would be going to the Pad fie present a ~:1.!Ie for the public Ipl>ears and the Ice mel!.! In owners and ol>erators of ~,S, I coast again thL, year to prose· I te support the work and pro· he ponds and streams, "~liquelon" at St, Pierre are' cute the whale hunt, received gramme (j the Canadian Red ~uite I number of local resi· I sendIng that ship to the United! encouraging news last week, Cross Society. Su~h humani

lenlJ hive been without water States for a load of American They have been advIsed that a tar ian work is evident nil IIIpplles for se\ eral weeks The coal for the French Islands, satisfactory arrangement has arounr us, In every walk of ~talned and extreme cold A number of draggers are been reached between the oper, life, and at times of distress, !feather hI! frozen water l>ip~s now operating on St, PIerre ators, BrItish Columbia Packers afflictIon and need, We have 10lld Ind It will be sometime nank and have been gettlng Ltd, and the UnIon to send the witnessed dozen of examples of )efore they will function prop- goud :atches of fish, However, whalers out agaIn this season, the Red Cross In action in our !f1,'llaln, The Intake pipes to heavy Arctic ice Is present in It's understood that in the com· own community, and there arc 1

:he town water reservoir have that area and the draggers have promis~ agreement the fIsher· man)' other services perform· !rozen also and at present sup· to operate carefully and along men will get an Increase in ed through Its many commit·: Jiles have to be pumped into th~ edge of the ice field where wages, which will be further in· tees and agencies going on I :he lines from the pump house the fish are most abundant. creased In 1960. It's expected I daily which we never see, and I Ifhlch presents a danier of lack I S~veral fresh fishing banking that the local contingent wIll be seldom hear of, but are of tre· , Df reserve supplies 01 heavy i vessels are also fishing in thlt leaving here for British Co. mendous value and importance pressurt in case of emergency, area. lumbih !ometlme within the to the parties directly concern· ' IUch II fire, and householders fhe draggers "Fortune Star", next month, ed. Ire urged to tah every pre· and "Luckimee" returned to Last week officials from So, we can and mllS: endorse :autlon at the present time, port last week on their first Boothe Fisheries Ltd, were at ,holehcartedly the wrrk of

It hiS been a ~reat winter for I tnps since the tragIc loss of the Fortune and carried out an ex·: this great organi~ation. Once <I

:hose who have been ~oin'g into "Blue Wa\'e" au Februar~' 9th. tensil'e and detailed suney of year II'r ilre called upon to show, :he woods for firewood supplies, I The "Fortune Star" discharged the fish plant there, This is in t~rgible, support and apprecia'l 1:Ven at thIs date the hauling· one hundred anrl fifty thousand connections with the propo"ed Ilon ot Its work through fman· :onditions are excellent and I pounds and the "L)lckimee" dIS' and rumoured sale of the <IS· clal giving. We feel that once I hundred~ of cords of wood are! charged one hundred and eIghty sets of the plant and equipment <lg<lin our fellow citizens will )eing hauled to the highway, I thousand pounds and the "Blue at Fortune to Boothe Fisheries support th: appeal as generolls· ",hleh i~ in direct contrast to ~list 11" whIch has been on dock Ltd, We understand that ai, ly anc as wbst<lntlal1y as they I Nhat it was last winter when at St John's for alterations to though the officials were im. hOl'e In the past. >nIl' I small quantity of the the ship has sailed to the Banks pressed und pleased with what LOYAL ORA1\'GE Nood cu could be hauied out. from that port. thpy saw they refused any com· ASSOCIATlO:'< TEA

The feared shortage of coal mcnt relative to theil visit and The members of Ranl:ir'l lupplie.s may be of onl~' short The Fisheries Research hoat said that such would be forth· Lodge Numher 10, Loyal Or· I Juration, if it materializes at "Belle Bay" was In port last coming from higher officials of ange As-Iociation, held their

I~A\fSj\S CITY, :\IO.-A thin crescent moon and \'1' r,us ]Jut on an Ut:usual show in tile 'I"" .. i\larch 11th, bringing many inquiries from curious I'eople in ne\I,'spaprrs, radio and l('It:\ci·;I.~'rn lhe All' Force announced March 1 that an attempt woulcl be made ['arly in .June to 1i 1c,:I' :.;' ve~':ls, .TI>s photo \\'!\~ made with a 400 mm lens on ,\ :\il::on S l'~lm('ra b\,' loms· TV,:, . (" .. Chades CampbelL (pIcture 15 a horIzontal WI th Veil l\S in the upper riL; il t -( LJ PI Te ]r>: 'I: ,>, :

III Provision has been made by week with members of her crew theIr company in due course. annual tea and entertainmen'! and guosts attendeel the sociol ;outh Coast dealers to bring in doing lab, researeh work at the Meanwhile, the residents of on Wednesday, March 4th, I e',en! A very delicious me1t ~xtn ~tocks in the near future. Bonavista Cold Storage Co Ltd, Fortune, and in fact, the whole The event was held m th~, 5";,11 supper II:!S partJ',en of I!essrs Hollett &< Sons Ltd., of plant. The ship has been doing BurIn Peninsula, are hoping I fl'dnge Hall here, II and cnlo:, rd Follo\\'lll~ slipper 3urin, are importing a load of I lab, \\wk along the South Coa!! ar:d anticipatin~ that something: A large number of members the entc~tdlnmenl Jlro~ramme

i was taKen up which consi.':e.l, 'of a O1ol'ie shew which was ven' much en.iuI·ed

'J'LlJE WA ';E" '\I'P£.,·\L ,

1 inln ':;OT, II;

: i:J;;t:d .11,

h r ,I <..:" I ~l fhe (;r:1I1r! B<lnk· Fortune I Ii, 1'1'1'

Lions CJ.ill Blue \Viil'e Disaster; - II! 1:" (",

The Red Cross • IS

YOUR Organization ....

Serving for


Appral is rrcl'il'ing :I'CIHndlllls' 'FI.D,IIISTOI\\' :I"',, :'1 ',,1'0,', ".1, I', '';'' I"~,. I i ."uppurt. At the e:Hl of last w('ck.1 Slnr:o' of ~rwfoun(lIund, t:'~litl\d ;)1": ll~i'l I~l 1111' j, ·11!l~l: ....... jlll1 ot ~~!:_::·~l)ll_:l·;', ,the fund was almost up to' ilU: Cmll)1i1t'd by A. B Perlin (:"1'.'1'11''''.''11 ('1'2 \I'li' [I ',111: ,.".' 'I' , : twcnty·three thousand dollars. 'Guardian Pres.' I $2 soft COIl'r, "\ilLl:l:I: :,11 IIlId 11; (iii,''': "" 11>'.";;1"

! The Lions h~i\'e Sl'nt out o\'er $.~ hard co\'('r. ()1',j" T'~(' 1l:'I!',:, :'1"". :~. In-,·:·,t~ ill.",!.'i~~'I"~( : s '\'rnrcrTl hU:Hlred circular let- i Our apo!n~l~\.<..: 10 \1r. Perlin fUl ,;'~'vi1 ,'1" (,q,'·:.,d:',",j'"q::-: Tn, en:..' I' 'I:,

I t('r~ all 0\'('[ ',he Pro\'iner J:1d! JlOl rL'\'irw;n;; his (l}..cc<lcnt I-~l"- [1:'_,,' j":1 :'-" :11'" (Jf ~;:l : on the i11air.land to ot:1er Lions' '"or~' a wed\ "<':::0. fn~t·mo\ it:Q " ::l~':"11 :;(" !':':',,::",: , " ' , : ~ \ .

'l'lllhs, husinl'''s cor.c(>rn~, [ra- e\'cn hiqorY-JJlai-i.i:l;.:! ("·NII . ..; oj ("i::ll':: >~l :.-,,'C!..: Ct·: l;: t('rn~l or~ani?ations and to pri. tr.t' p.1..:! {t\W wl'cks kl'pt ll...; ('X- IW ;;:1'11.11111 fn~" c:"l!j';'_"::11 \\" ..... Il- "~d th-

; \'alr citi7rns Responses to the I tn'Il'I(,~Y bu,..;:; [n hi:::; ho()k '\-'jLI11 ,'t,!'t"', )-,I'jll' l:'l' hDlI~"\ rC:'(',\-t':-- [hI (':'1:::'_ \ ,

: ~ppeal to date h:l\'c b('('rt from ~ is (! ful:y rc\"i,..:{'d history of (11,[" P!Ji:,:.I' rc'('I;P~ Ill! :1 (i",~j-,: .. ,'f;";, (,,,:. ~(j;-" ~ ']1

con~riblltorfl who subscnber! 1 brlo\'cr1 cO',lntry nnrl prm'inL't?, pl'ciJ:':-' in "CllI)(d ..... Out' (';l~:'~tr!!;1!: \;(11; 0'1' I prr\'iolls~~' to rc('ei\'il1~ the ~Ir, Per:in hilS brought the r"cnt~ :-('lwu! Ii rJt ':.; ~~d:::'''':lil1~ ::':l'nd:-; ;n ',rh{)11l \\,

\\'hO!1i (!II I,

',''"{'r,: to h. 1.011:., 1,[""" ,

leiter In man,· coml11u!litics' of t:le past up to ,btl'. I'nlike thl' t"l'II' ;,;1:'I'I':i[1 (0 .'01,,':1 ' 1011 ,1IIe1

around the ProYince hnlbe.to. I usual hi <tory, it i< v:rittell :r.' t('''I''l i l1; b,,'(' not ,iool' \'.'·,':lJl:rd· house collections ha\'e been i free and cas,' style lI'ith pach, I"d j,hil('e in t'l(I Jo.I<';\· pre· made amI the response has bel'li I cililrt.'r practically an e55")'. p.Iri'C: and "cyclic S(,l'.:UI1S ai:ulIt terrific as people's hearts and! This makp:-; fnr £'~~y rL'a(l,in,~ and \"{"s:-ollnd!:ll\(1 p\l-"';!~l'd i!;to \-:.1l'i­

pockel., have responcied to the I better \lnderstanr:ln~ for tne linin· n.l, t('.\! Il,,"\, Pl'r;"'Il> til(' ',I~' "ppe:!1 made on behalf of the Itlatl\'e or olltslcicr wlshlllg to fo!:ooat!' j~il()r:l!1lC In othc'l' fifteen familirs in\'o:ved in the I ~ain some pr£lcticnl kr,ow:(ld~e, ;1:'urlrll'C5 (,():ll'i'rn:'::~ :\!''Id()t;r,d- S:i~"\l": ,,(I

I tragedy. Amollgst contrii:utlOn, o~ :O:cwfollndland. We like I~C (""Ii (''''' Itt' 1l'.I':T('I\'I' if \1 r PI'I'. \\:1'; c' recei I h b f 1 - . ;iI1 '_-; :'!<o:y i:-- T~i:l"!P :n'~liL:\):l' then ~"II',' Vc( ave een rom, umor -. -. _ .. ~_ --." R d C b I F · 1 . Off' S - 1',;;111 ~l~'I't),,~ 1:11' Ul)miri!li1. It de- ~:r]:l'~\ :1;-' e rO,ls rane les, ereW5 of i. IS ler:es Icer, enlOr wa, . draJ<ger~, m:rt from inmates of, 10 town last wrk Oil bmlr.es.' .. ",,'1'\'1'., 1!:llioll'" pl'lll1:int'llce aillh/IC "ii,

the Agnp!; Pratt Jbme, :\[l'ssr.' ~tr!;, Regin81d Coppin return- :-;1Jn1L' )'i--:(J;·!l'J.\ :-~IC:!.'; m:l.\' hi' mi::- ~llll1m;l1 1))1 "

~!a)( Stoodley and Thomas Bel. ed home over the weekend Sln~ h,,: '.h,' to/:1I1':lI'. nii·pm· \\'('ri":II<" "!

PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY. • • Newfoundland Division For 1959 5100.000

I bin have organi1.ed a committce ~Ir. Noel Halfynrri of the Dc. br:tl':r::", ti'l'V :11'(', m:tk .. , lip ill!' by tith " , th PI . f 1 h ';(IIlil' rl'~·l'rl·n':i.'~ :f:,-lt h~l\·r. ~1,1(1 11I'lell ',." 'll1 e acentl3 and Arge~tia p<lrtmpnt 0 Hea t returned til "",

~." be olr::':'·d. T:I-' hl:'I),.,)l:-iCJI ,1 . ..:- 'I'lo ( area which havc already N1Iect. SI. John', las: week, ' , 0/,.::: ed over a thousand dollars for i His man), friends are glad to' I'l'ct 0' lil(' hi:: cnmmrrciJ: s:llInt:Il" the fund. : know that ~Ir. RlI",ell Thor~. 111":1'1'.' i, !i:"" a 11':;1:>: ,i~II;C- d'(' ~I''''''!

C:ln: P:l'" U' "'J:1;.' S»~·:\: (Ii of .(;~j·:I:1 ~ The local committca of the hill is rccuperating after an

\"V\\fdl.l:ld:::[:r\''' F\cry :'lome "{[ t'I' ' Club is ir.deed indeh'ed to the operation recently at the Col· ,,'1'),1,:1 '111\ '.' :t (Op:' .~, 1 ,,'.1' :,"

I tremendous radio nnd ;c:evision i tage l!ospitJI. I puhlicity being giwn '.0 the ap·! SIIIPP!!\·r. . pcal hy DON, as wrll as the I ~I.V. "~!erilyn Clair" lo .. dc:1 other 1\'e\\'s BIII!rtin meela hoxerl 21,,1 cask fish ann sailed

TIl!: ('\11.11'1'," ~i, ( \ no:\ 1\,"111': F.\[{ E.\~; r Ill! 111(' f (~

\-\'\ ,'j,.llll:'-~\:" Hl j:<):'l,~, h:, GI.~n· I'" rl'1 T Jlldging from the ~lIccess of th91 fIll' 1l"lifJx, "1',': ,\11)('1: ',\1',\,,11:(':-('0 (:('01':;1' .'" , ..

appeal to nate the l.lOns are Drasger "Fortune SI,1r" .11.,. 'IvI.," ri. T,lil\l:I,,' ~',I; I,age'!: hopln~ th"t the fund \l'il! 1I1Ii·' ('harged one hundred and fif:I' "II!', '\ri""11 .'. "no! lilll''\ ,~ matel,. cllmh to hetween fort\' thl\usanr! pO'.lnns of fish and It "':t' j,,: ," .\' ,'10',' t,·,:· \\" ,.,' and fifty Iholl,;"nrl dollars. . ~ailed for the BallKs. .'!!·Jle;:,,:- :tili1 11l:it':l~" '\I'l':':, '1 \ ',;;,

OIllTL\RY The tanKer "lrvin~lakr" 1:;"0 :Il <I ·11:1.!: ".,"" ":c' c':',",'I':I'I,,'" 0:' :,' I';) ,-Abram Dollimnl1nt en a ~uantity of petroleum prod ',.I!' 1.,1' "~I1!' i":I"'': "I"ll. "i:lIl~ -.'ill~:'

Thp ric;lth of a well known uct5 hrrr 1il.q wrrk, "!'!'I:I:-. rt:::,]:. ?J:l'.~ ~';-It ~I.'." (t(' ,10 I{!~:, \'

'and relpected citizen of Ihis Fishery Research hoat "Brne :trtT,r :t' "li!if of th!, 11'>lI'el.' Ill,1r",'.:' : town occurren a\ his home here Bay" was in port la~t wcek. :n OIltq:i1::IIII~ (I.IC;(·, 1'::', rc'p, \1011""3" I on Saturday, ~Iarch 7th, in the I Dragger "Luckimee" ar,il'en '. :t',--:t <iul'i!l.~ 'he ",:," To I lh'I~'" or per~on of Abram Dol1imount.! from the Banks with one hurr· ' ("'a'Il:l\e the I'::tr, that rCill::, ,\ os: from i1i'

,Deceased was sixty·eight yeus clred and eighty thousa!1ds. never won, may gi\'e some pf'ople ' in\'i:erl 1'1,' i of age, I of fi,h, discharged and ~ailed' comfo,t hecause ti:ry c<ln b:ame ' ress to II' . About six months ago ~!r, again for the Bank5. ,per,onages \1 ho stood in Jlg:l I month to ' ," I

Dol1imotint retur!1ed home from CORRESPO:-lDE~T. places, General Wedemeyer fils I was n3 ,UI" the General Hospital where he ~ ----- -.-~--- ----~-

had been treated for an incur.

I able ailment. Despile a cour· ageous heart and everything

I thnt medical science could do he fought a losing, battle uotil

I he was relieved of his suffering I I Oil Saturday I<lst I i The late ~Ir. [)ol1illluun\ 11',1.<: noted for hl' ple.1<[lnt and'

: ('herry personalIty. lie was a nr.1II whu lived a clean and up·. right Christian !ife and who had a multitude or friends. For many year~ he went to sea in lhe deep·sea fishing indll,-:'r\' as cook on 8 bankin~ \ esse!. and

II in late years worked ashore .. with ~e~rs, Warren and Pen

I well here, He W,1~ a lon~ ar.rl faithful member of h<1th the Royal nran~e A,~soriallon ann Rllyal Black Preceptor, ann a: dele~ation of his hrrthren at·: tended the funeral ~en'ice i

DeceRsed is ~\lr\'il'ed hv his' widow, two son~, John re;iding I here and Frank at Toronto; nine I daughter!, M~, Aubrey King, M~, James Brown and Mra, Rose Ruelokke residin~ here, ~!r~. Wm, Vallis and Mrs. James Sellars at SI. John's, Mrs Ben· jamin Walsh at Dartmouth, N,S" Mrs, Augustus Almeda at Halifax, ~!rs, Clayton Rodway I

I at CorllH Brook :!nrl ~!r.I, Ken· i I nelh Sellars at KitrhCl)er, Ont ; ~

: also !\\'o hrothrr" ,j:;mel here, ! , and Thomas at Francois, as well' as a large number of gr"nd·' chlldren,

To the bereaved family, rela· tives and friends of the sorrow· ing family the deepest ~pmpathy of th~ whul~ cummunity is ex·

I tended in their great loss I


'Ir an,1 \lrs. Eric F. Piercy

I haH rcturacd hUl1Ie aller vGit· ing relati.,.es at Toronto. ,

~r. Arthur Grand is at pres·


ent at home spending ! vaca· tion with his parents,






• 110,[ t.lLBOARO

• ~LOOR ' .:)


,.,. . -nIANC:1





s 'f '.:


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'- ~3'd\ it .

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-~OOR . __ =5




,VE 91 111



Oil System Heats 5-6 Rooms Easily! ~'.':. ~ .. ~teel "elded construction, HOI,I,l,RT O,! Furn~ce heats 5·6 rooms with NO DOWN ,::--:" ::' eOI!' 5),000 BTU ot bonnet, ::: T 5 :'~'~c·,.~ly f ,nished in Burgurdy· ~!:! f':;--~I This offer includes new PAYMENT :.:-':". ~~ Dr.rect '" Ith 5 existing warm :. 'f; ~'e'< c~d :'. eXisting return registerl, :;:::;: ;~n all tank ond all fill and vent 23 ::.; :":;"Alrlng to eXisting open$649 $ :':.:1. l.:rr~lete, Installed _ ...


, -


, (

Call Our Heating Representative ! A"'or with till old! 'n with tIo.

"'."..! I"ltall _ trouble-fru', re­liobl. H. 0 tin. ",Item I>y HOMART -now!

\',e ,I ce glad to discuss details of your new Heating

)ie'e~ in the comfort and conveniences of your own

fo r .e ! Whatever your Heating requiremensl, Simp·

Ie' Srm\ has the Heoting Sy~tem you need-there's


~~--. I y. ~r;~(]-~r) it~l'afi~.'1 '1 I--~~I i i I ~(fT7\~~ ~~\~)J) J r l!i,II~f.i 1_ . -'. L~ ~I l .~ :,,yr-:= ." ~'Jj 1- • ., -~

,~ c~!iarJlion ~o jus' -EASY TO ""STAll



TELEPHONE HEATING DEPT. 42 TO·DAY I !\'''ry rll"rfl ~cl"'ld­"'d'l.~ 1", f ~ 1 , i,,!ta Ifotlen I

H..,t wr,.arl, ~'. It,,""

\0( ""or Mid ...... It""" wallal

~~III""o t""'~.,. !!fIJr. 'rom r."'dir"~

~ f'ood

Our ~"("f',. ... ~I!1ti It ",II ""''' • FRo! ""'! I.,. IUfV I\' I

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"_ A 325. =z:s


Filter Automatically Removes Lint, Scum and Grit While You Wash




$10 DOWN 329 $16 MONTHLY $ .95

" low price for c deluxe automatic! Just loed it, set It and forget it. Washes 011 fabrics safely. Choice of 2 woter temperature settings, Rolo!wirl agit~tor washes clethes cleonest. Full 10 lb. capacity saves you tim •.

. 5 Heat KENMORE Dryer Safely dry any fabric ...

you can chooslI from 5 heat $229 95 IlIttings. Safll, gentlll can· • vection heating dries better $10 Down, $11 Monthly than the !un. .

Has Timer And Drain Pump

KENMORE Wringer Washer

$5 Down $139.95 $8 Monlhly

S'hop early... limited quantity 1 Big 10 lb. cap­acity wQsher with fast drain pump and electrical timer. Wringer adiust for all fabrics.

SIMPSONS' -SEARS LTD. DIAL 80200 - 7645 - 80206 - 80207 - 80208

NEW! POD '5 New Harmony Hou 9

New Ad se Furniture COLDSp;;nce StYling In

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Furniture For The Home

In Smartest Styles And

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up to $200.00 (TWO HUNDRED)

ONLY $5.00 DOV/N

from $200.00

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ONLY $10,00 DOWN

De Luxe Model With Clock~Controlied Oven

, . ~ .

. ' '.. .-< . ,~ .. ." ....

Spedal Purchase!

$5Down, $10 Monthly

Only at Simpsons·Sears this quality at this low price-A big de luxe KENMORE for less than $200! Clock·can· trolled oven cooks family· size meols while you're out. Easy·ta-clean 24" oven has window, light. See - at - a -glance switches show heat in use. Buy now - pay later on Simpsons . Sears Early Easter Shopping Plan.

• Giant·si%! 24" oven

• See.at.e.glance switches

• Full·width extra·deep storage drawer for your pots, pans

51"'1"0"1·5.011 Range,; Dept. 21


: ; I

I . )

. 11: 1 [ ,

! "

I, ,

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. '.~

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, -

, , :: -- ~ .. '" . " . ... -'" .. ~ ; .....

. ".:.-. -·:1'· .... .......


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' HCAA Notes

BI' :\. ~!.

Ra~krlball !hi~ tr~m 111' tn the prr,cnt

"mp h"s IMt I~n ~.1mcs are .. ell O\lt in fronl nlld I:e~ring

• I fltp hJIf\\'~,' m"rk of the serlcs. I It IcolL' Iocr,' ,oo~ indeed for I this tram


..1 TaIlor. ~l:lI11~rr of Ihe I Dart5 tc.,"'. rcpnrt~ Ihe.1 the,'; arr in third r'J~r ano aro holo, i In~ lhrir 0\\'11 Hr i, ~n:1fi(lcllt th~1 Ihoy \\'ill m.1~e Ihr play·

51. Patrick's Day Bowling ,Clhil:!J? (By J. V, R.)


DAR.T NEWS C. Power 201 207 300 708; J. White 177 303 231 711. I W Cooney 271 3B6 247 8M'

1121 127111933585 at the Club Rooms, Henry J. Walsh 225 225 212 e62 II Club darls will get underway

TI 33 d' d th 30th -- Street (Chuck Wagon), tonight, le r anniversary, an e runnmg PATRICIANS-HOLY CROSS I March 18th., at 8 p.m. All play·!

of the st. Patrick's Day Bowling Classic between What has now come to be an ' ers are reIJuested to be on time. I the Civil Service and the Commercial bowling annual bowling a'ffair is one be· i Attelltion is drawn to the Club leagues is now written in the Records for all tween the Ladies and the Men Notice Board for schedUle an:J

bowlers of the Patrician and. list of teams. time. . Holy Crass Associations. as well :

offs Yesteroay, ~!arch 17th, 1959, 1 as that between the High Schools I ,\I\nlla\ Dinner 51. Patrick's Day, these two Rex first played ~n 1~43 and wa! of these Associations. i CI·t\r Inter-Club

The ~nnll:11 nllll1rr ~'lct d:1noc teams met to decldt thill year's again In the 'erles In 1944, 47, Yesterday at the SL Pat's • ~ 'I'ill t~l;r p,"~e e.1rll· in April. results and, when the final ball 48, 49, 50, 52, M, !)6 and 59. He Alleys, Mr. Cyril Congdon, on 01

Plans .1r,' M\\' bcinr. En:l1im! b~' had been rolled dnwn t~e. alley. has a total plnfall of 6921 pins behalf of the Patrician Associa· Bo\",ling League the eomn·it:ce. (Jnl\, n'c!llilrrs It was found that the ClVII Ser· for a series averAge of 230.70. tion, welcomed the representa· holdin~ ~orcl' nr:'liclI; tn fob I \Ice had won by a score of 2 Four other. bowlers have 9 tives of Ihe Holy Cross to yet ~~no. ·l~;n. \\'i,1 he ~!i,:iiJle tn; frames to 1. , serles to their credit, the late another series in the list which Thursday, ~larch 19th. attenn Ihi, fUl1r:inn in. opeillng the morning I Jim Carberry wilh 9 in succes. has its origin in ]948. Ill' also Allc)s 1 and 2:-fOJ(h"'·".'n~~r·' For ln59 I bowhng, ~!r. John V. ~abbi:ts, slon, Will Dalton with 8 in suc· extended the best of "Paddy's 7.1~~!un. Workers \'S Am·' Sr FootbJll 1'011h-G Per· I PreSident of the :'!en s Cml cession out of 9, also Art Earl Day" gretings to all and hoped hersl Tc. ;

~b~rd ~nj .-\ S:<n'·.:r'son 1 Son'lcc Bowhng League, ex· with the same and Art Hurley that It would be a well piayed 83{}-Holy Cross vgs. Streets, Sr '10·l:\"CI'-G. R'·.111 ann: lended to one and all the usual with 6 In succession out of 9. and hard fought series this year. \ Dept. i

J K~I:r.e~I;·.' . I "Pac!d~"s [Joy" greetings and The series record Is held by He ~tated that, if the Patrician I 9A5-B.L.C. Tc vs. Avalon! .Ir Foo:bll ("o~rh -G. Per· w.',hcd all the bowlers the best Alec Mullowney who played in I Lanies won. they would ha\'e: Telephone.

ch:<rd lot scores. All three frames 6 successive series for a pinfalJ won the "Furness Troph~'" out·! Alle)'s 3 and 4: Jr. Footbll 'l.'I1:,ger G. i \\l're closely conlested, In fact, of 4878 and 3n average of 271.00. right. but if the Holy Cross 7.15-Curtis ,AA vs. CJON.

R".l1 :l1:o.l Wllil!1'. ' litl' first being won by a single The pri;r.cs for yestcroay's play Ladies won then the Trophy 8.30-Parker s Te vs. Central I 'Sr. P,~srh~lll'c~dl -f n)-rnr PII" wilh the second being \\:on went 10 Will Cooney with 884. wO'Jld be left in for anolher Tc. .

and n ri!1~rr;1Ir. ~)y ~121~' 18 Pln~ And the third and the Single frame went to )·car. at least For the men. 945-Avalon,Ul1Ited YS. Pon· .lr Il",·\'o.'l Coa~h-R Short ').1 3, pl115. :0.:0 records were I Jack White with 303. Cooney Howi~ ~Ieeker, former N.lLL.1 tlac Tc.

~nd C; '~or,'n.".'11. . broken III the line DC scores,' had a 366 but could anI\' win' hackel' star and coach of the I Alleys 5 .nd 6: S~ 1; '«')'.'.'11 '.!.'l1crrr - C. bnt \\'111 (ool1ey had a wonder· . one prize. The prizes' were Toron'to ~Iaple Leafs. present.' 7.15-Feildian~ vs 1tarshalh

Inter-Dub Bowling League


High Three Frames: G. Chapter ..... G. Wadden A. Joy ............. . W. May ............ . C. Dominey ........... . R. McKinley: ....... . E. Kearscy ............ . J. Byrne .......... .. E:. :-.Iurphy

High Team Slng1t~:

903 892 879 872 855 838 823 804 800

Patrician! 1600

1 E. KCHsey

I K of C.:-1 1'. Brewer J. To!Jin J. ~Iurphy P. Frrnch .I. Byrne

Feildians:-3 A. Downtoll W ~Iay

IE P . I . a) ne I O. Wheeler

B. \Iurphy

: Celts:-O

, 357 305 1Gl 823 i.r Cransilaw

1600121610813897 G. Wadden ll. O'Reilly

235 215 184 G31 174 16. 250 588 203 194 ]59 55G ~I. Joseph";._~

295 195 286 771 i F Power l:.g 3!21'1 295 198 311 801: N. ~lcLeod :!3~ \il ~ I20295111903353! ll. Power 241 li)j JI

! E. \!urphy 3:15 21l ~ F. ~[aher I'll 231 1':

267 225 223 71 J 1 =I!.\ \rJ)i '; 276 225 370 8,2, SI. Bon'''-1 . 253 230 190 673, J. Power 238 1&.\'" 185 213 240 63B· J Constonl1no M 231 ~ 233 222 197 602 I C. Power I~Q 2;".

121411]612203550 '.T. Cowan 272 21; ~

I J. Curran 236 ]62 282 6RO 480 '

n. Redmond 2.9 12; ::; 1 j7 L77'"

! E. Clemens 189 155 136 i L. Jo nes 236 196 222 ~ A ~Ienchinton 213 233 281

554 Patricians :\'0. '2-1 727, E. Johnson

lIhni,"I, • flli chance to make one ol'cr 900 prrsented after the game by Mr. ed a trophy for the ~Ien's Di\'i· Te.. .Ir. !l;:,ob;;l1 "I :1:1:I,e, - \I" . ilul [ailell as he came up wllh John V. R3bbitl~, President of sian to be won any twa years 8.30-Impcnal Tc VS. Council

Di~b I H84 fur t~le hlg,hest of the day. the Men's Civil Service Bowling In succession for ownership. Tc. The F~!'C:ltil'e :11 a n'ecling 1 REX CLI.LM,oRE League, and the score shel'l I 'tr \!Or~An Action in this re· !I.4~Adelal~e Mt!. VI. Me·:

New Shipment Bowl~ng Shoe~--~uu to he h,·:r! ,hlr~'\· ·.dl dprine. B~: IllS parllclpallon In this reads as folloll's:- sppct was warmly applauded. Donald s Tc. I

\lho \\ 111 00c.rh :::.0.1 ~l~nage year -' classl~. R~x Cullmore be· ~Ien's Civll Servlre:-% i Rcl' Bro. Nash. Mr. J. A. (lnr.c),.-- ----- i lhn.-,' ·ran'.' fill' n~;~ C:1l11o. th~ .n.rst person to com· J. Ryan 233 248 190 671 i "r F WalJ Rnd ~Ir. Howie G. ~!Rrshall 187 240 236 683 I

Ti,:' .\."'''':::'111: ('\ ;cl:,b feli. pl'll' 111 1 E:-; sertCs, ano he now T. Efford 149 219 279 847 I ,reeker. threw down Ihe fint 1 A. Joy 234 223 297 733' CI;;III,':I' to ]larr,' \!.11l11l1:-r 011 I holds the record In this respecL W. Barron 282 266 2~3 801 I h:111.1 to ~ec!are the series o/fi· . E. Kei!rse), 213 223 297 733

Ladies l Sizes - 41 51 61 7, 8, 9

Gents' Sizes - 7, 8,9, 10 lhe rel'r,,: ",ldilion ~ 1 hi; f;m,il,·. 1 - ~- C. Locke 194 260 260 714' dall\' opened. I 1140111811583416 • lOILi·~::I' ,)!111< In \\'. (rn"il", ha,ketball disp13)'. F. Rodgers 264 260 248 7721 . I

~n hi, ,'I:r:::lc rrrfr::1DllcC and This coming Sunday is meet· 1122125312303603 ! Ladi!'!" Game . HIGH SCHOOL BOYS' GAME

__________________________________________________________ ~,~Oll\ ~

RI'o :" Hnll era." jli~h Schlie, in:: S'Il1!iay. so plea~c make an fommercla1:-1 The Ladic., from the West This game between the bds HOCKEY STICKS


bSKl<r:'ll te;,,), 011 Iheir rerfcct' effort 10 attend. R. Cullmore 247 170 203 620 End went righl to work tram from SL Pat's High School and ~- - ------.' the first ball and. in a \W,' can· ; lhosc from Holy Cross High

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vincing manner, proceeded to I School Wa.! also a most interesl· . take three frames from their, ing one and one which attracted l;)dy friends Irom the Patricians. I a lot of attention, with the flut Nellle O'Keefe was the bl~ gun and third framel being !luite in thi, game as she rollpd a. close.

, vel)' 10l'ely 832 which was sup· The boys trom Patricians, ported by a single of 316. For however. demonstrated their her feat Nelli. won the top superority over tha Weat End prize of the day, and, a9 ahe hoys as they took III three, couldn't win the single frame frames in a match in which they i

Pepperrell .. Pfpperrel! ..

WORMS ...... 75c. TIN

1327 1307


152 254 180 ~8r, 1 \1. (",osse 10261000 110l 3127 I G. 'Iarlin

,\1 Ibl1 'A Smilh score It was awarded to Angela were sparked by the ['ul~land·· High Team Total,,-

"f' Id . h f' 278 0 I' f C h Patriciana 3BD7 . R. l'uilm[)re 17e 2R.i 2(i.i 721 1'1 le WIt a me ,an so I ing bow m~ 0 Tam onway W 0 Pepperrell 3794 D. Fishor ~51 18G 171 G08. Feill1i;:r.' the Trophy was prfsen'cd for posted a 738 including I high '

another year. single of 321. In facl, Tom's . R ~!cKinlay :86 301 ~.~] R3R' R. Piere('), The Bcore sheet for the scare of 736 was only bettered S("ORES . W. (JakIe), 285 2:10 241 7.if): H. Ro\\e

LIIdle.'l' game showed the follow· by Will O'Reiliy's 839 and Andy PepptrreJl:-3 I G Fuller 23R 1,,3 300 ED2 1 A. llai:ey Ing result.l:- Joy's 779 and Eldred Churchill's G. ~Iercer 241 192 259 683. 123211551228 3G05· J. EdgH

741, and was better, by three E. Smith 227 284 220 731' Allandale:-O . H. Simp.<ull LadIM:-! pins, than Ed Kearsey', 733, In G. Chapter 358 222 323 903: T. Carroll 226 181 209 706' Holy Crosl

J. Dinn L. Gosse 1. Janca

20B 153 168 ~29. effort of which Tom Conway M. Gladney 2:l6 253 226 71.i. 1.. Stran.~e 242 In 215 649 183 154 130 477 i' may well be proud. C. Kavanagh 2G5 209 288 762 I J. Engli.,h 279 260 ]8;) 12" r.E.I.:-2 147 2;35 175 5~7 I Conway won the top prlle for 1327116013073794 G. TQl'lor 2~7 241 ~:l~ 727 D. ll.lt~ 133 190 192 ~1~ the b",,~, whilst the lingle Rlyerdale:-O . J. Daley 186 182 223 56~ ,; lludr!~n S. Grouchy

N. O'Keefe 31627024!l 832 fram~ !~ore went to Brian ~Ior· C. Bonnell 104222 160 576 11801055 115n 33g:l fl. Anclw.\; 987100210112910 rls Yoith a 266. The I~om· S. Epstein 202 248 251 701 1 E Rciel

I PatrIciAn Ladles:-O , were:- • H. Boegh011 98 16] 1"3 452. C.L.R.:-2 T T"nsle.1 F Cook 139 262 144 M5 i P. Armbrust 186 142 250 j7R' Jl Da'.lr ~35 208 207 700' M. Hayes 182 237 221 6~5 I 8t. Pat's High Sehnol:-! A. Lucu ]64 179 220 563. C Dominry ~~q ,:in 260 ~.;', R. Harvey 174196 161 5311 J. Burke 240190 1M ~B4 84395210742870: F. 1\ichol:e 147 l;;n 175 4RO C.\'.[':-I A. Fifield 122 124 276 ~22. J. O'Grady a1 253 139 ~331 -- i C. Andrew.' J81i 178 271 60'; n Sm!',h P. Healey 272 13n 20H 620 1 T Conwa.. 249321 166 736 Patrici~ns:-2 I J. Lane tHO ]DB 21f) 60-1 I;. \lill.s

889 953 911 28~3 1 C;: Whitt~n 172 152 l~g 483 J. O'Brien 316 259 199 774: \0471122 113j 3304 . B .\IJ(·kr.1 i B. ~[orris 217 207 265 690 M. Spearns 286 186 223 69.1 Holy (ros,,-t \\. Dalloll

10191123 8M 3026 A Jov 340 259 280 R79·.J. Wadden 199 1n3 lR5 SIl7 l' L:bh G. M.;rshall 301 207 218 726' D. Fit/gerald 244 202 167 61:1

Men'l Game The :-.len's game W~ I hard'

fought one which saw tho "Crus· Holy Cr051 ! ader~" lake two frome, from the' P. Ryall . PatrlciRn~ to register the first J. O'Brien

win on the new "Howie ~Ieeker" P. Kavanagh Trophy. The Holy Cro!!.l were W. Ryan sparked by an 839 by Will T. Wakeham O'Reillv who had the only big

. score in the game. He al.!o

High &hool:~ 202 213 138 5~S I 181 241 ~ 681 1~7 217 1~4 538 194191 173 .558 236 106 119 4!l1 970 968 853 2781



I had a 3:18 single which WR! the PRESENTATION Relulh, Mond.y, M.rch 16th. I highe.'lt. He wal awarded the C. Rockwell 12; R. Goude\' 5

highest three frame prize, but I Following the completion of C. Davies 2; A. ;\!oore 1'1. Ed. Kear~ey got the lingle with I these gamel. ~!r. Ray Walsh, on W. Tiller 10; W. Winsor 8. a 297. 1 behalf of the Furne.'\s Withy Co., R. Kent 6; H. Coupland 11

Now. Ihould the Holy Cross. presented to the Holy Cra~s A. Lush 10; J. K. Clouston :: repeat on next SL Patrlck's i Ladies the "Furness Trophy", L. Goldstcir 7. G. Bearns ~ Day, they \\i]] 'own the Trophy, which WM accept~d by Mis5 G. Horwood 8; E. F. Kcn outright. Their Icorel were:- i Nellie O·Keefe. nedy 6.

. Mr Howie ~Icel<er then pr,· .!o.. Bent 6; L Taylor 9 . I roly Cro~1 Men:-:I . sen ted to the Holv Cross ~Ien r. HUe 11; F. Colbourne 4. I W. O'Reilly 356 284 199 839! his Trophy. and lh(s wru; accept· W. Watson 3; R. .templeton ~ E Churchill 233 238 270 741 I ed by ~Ir. GUI Wadden. and in· 7-: D. Fitzgerald 195 198 179 :172 dividual prizes were presented G . .'.facDonald 5; G. Glan 1 G. Wadden 202 237 176 615 as weI! as team prizes to the . nou ~. 1 J. Cranshaw 258 2~3 187 6!l8 variom winners by Rev. Bro. A. H. Thomas 4; .r. Herrick I 12441210101134!l5 Nash, Superior of SL Patrick', 6. I Patrician Men:-l Hall School, and 10 endeJl ! F Raines~; C. lIandrigan 5. F. Cracker 234 20~ 180 e19 very fine exhibition of bowling I T. S. Clin 13; J. E. Butler 2. M. SpearllJ 272 le7 183 822 for the 1959 series. D. Edgecombe 6; F. Bishop 7


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Cltv·Slickers Bay L.dies .~.:\!.

I "r~ .. Josephson :\Irs. \\'illiacns :lJrs. Carter :llr5. Pippy

:Ill'S. Cloustoil ~,lr~. Chei\·cr.~

:\1:5. White \lr5. Thistle

P.:ll. \Irs. E. \lar.,11.111 :111';. Boyd :llr5. S:l'ong \I:·s. Cux \Irs. Lush :I I r.s. Tessit"r \Irs. Hudson :lliss Smilh

E.xhihi tiol1 Hockey At . The Stadium

City fans ." ;:: :(1 I l"lIi~ht In faulkllcr br(l!hl'~~ :r. the l\'cBr'('~ I:,~:E' :~'

ice [or their ':(,1 a~'lInst Ihe ~: Jor".'· \Irs. G. O·].c::ry :III'S. llibbs

\Irs. n. AY'fP \lrs. Stenta[ord :hi, year. The '1~e:1 . ~et IIllder''''.' ,I 9 >~ \lrs. T. O'Lc::ry \lr,. Parsons

\(is.1 1\'Yott \lrs. C. Rein pm.

:lIrs. lIiscock "rs. Conn),' I III'S. Thistle \Ir.~. \Tarshal1

:'Irs. :'lacDullald :'Irs. Wills "rs . .Tohnston :'III'S. Roone

I :l1rs. Allan ;',lr5. ~Iel'is!

I :\I:s. Shea ~Irs. :'Ic:\amara i ,:\Irs. Whelan Mrs Casey i :llrs. Elton :'lr5. B;)rtlett

Thursday, March 19th. Championship games at 2.00

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Menday. Mlreh B"mpiel

Tuesday, Mor:h Points \1:1\':1 .. U' Wednesday, Mare' Champion,;p p:a:

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names for aboll


TELEPHONE HOUR anothpr great musical tpecicl sfarri~1

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Wed. Mar. 18th 9:00-10:0~ Channel 6

Pruenteli bu




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1;; .~; ll~

:3? !1~ :.'1 !~

- -' :p,; ,,;


\ t'\ At "'tadium

• \'::::JV, MArch " ': -1\ \-~,

" .. d·oy. 'Marth "'p p:3:;

rod ~'y :"Mlrth ,., 1-5 ... :I-Coro!f1


0-10:00 6


JOHN'S, NFLD., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1959 , 1.5 '

d D G F II B II I I d D C B H" h S h .} game, with Macpher!ion getting

~"!s~"1E OW~~T Nl.:T" G~E S ,.!"" ~.~~""" p,!~,~".", b,:k. 'hco.:h B:~ket~a~O 11 Scot~, Come • Bac~ ~~:~~1;~:::~:~if:g::,~~~ ht'i~; •. )lalC1 )i-In the . A much outclasscd Grand finished out the Icoring lor Bel! at 13.19 with Gord Skanes reo T W Ch h I The DAILY NEWS offers its Ii I,.!!

pill! 01 1:.1 Quar\cr fpu:a\s Fal~B Je~mf Wtn\ dt~wnhtodthelrf Island atri

16.43 with Lloyd Shep· glstering from Ta)·lor. :\li.~e Curtis ran up the highest score 0 In amplons Ip cOllgratulations to tcam cap· . fl._·J't.-.i


.\ilSf:d II l \,lIn UI' sec n e ea. a e an I 0 pard Ilgu 01 on tile play. Fitzgcrald e\'ened things up at registered. so lar this year u ',tain )Iaril),n Rideout, coach _ ~ :t! (iwdrr Gard~ns Gander IlLSt nIght by a 6·1lcore Both squads were nabbed for 18.48 from John Y()ung to have the)' downed Pepperrell Falcons SheIla Drodge scored only once in Mon· Carolyn Pike and team mebers '; II ':'~h: The . local All at the Gander Gardens. two minor penalties each. Bell the first period end 2·2. 73.52 Monday afternoon at the day's Ladies' High School Basketball game, and Carol Prim, Judy Butler, Sheila I ' , . H ... d a 8.01 l'IClor)' over It was a 1·1 game at the end Island out shot Conception Bay Mike· Fitzpatrick opened the Salvation Army gym. Drodge. Gail Grant, Minnie ! . I, ;1' ~~! Gr3nd Falls Becs. of the first, 4·1 at the lind of 79·19. second at 2.45 unassisted. Mike Cllrtis hl'ld a 37.30 advantage it turned out to be the most important basket .\Ialthews, Beverely Tulk, Judy 1 .;:;: !':l

~JI. ~~ {an; S:lII' Ihe All I the. second and Gander went SECOND GAME MacDonald busted the Bell Is· a'. tile end of the first half and of her life, for it was all that was needed by Sheppard, Sharon Hoberts. Carol I '- ·i· t { . . fJ;I~O:nf Ihl' IlC~s fir51 I' on to win the game with two Bell lsland reached tht eight land lead to 4·2 at the 4.02 mark. finished off the second period Macpherson to win the 1959 Ladies' High School Rodgers, Babs Youden and LOIS ,; '. Iil' ,!I "I 03 , lod 10 nm;e tlie more goals 111 the third ItanZi. goal mark again ]a!t night 8.J Ash Kelly broke In alone al 6.31 wilh 36 more poinls to Pepp.r- , :.lills. :i. ,v .. 1

... 3 for (;alldcr at Ron Cooke opened thl scar· they dov.ne<l Conception Bay ~·2 10 have the ~econd period end 11' 2" Basketball Championship, BOX SCORES .' 'I I '~.I d pem J ing at 1652 on three II' t6 take a two game lead In the 52 I th I I d re :~. " I. I After R deadlocked first quar· - - ---- ~.' lacpllcr'on·. FG FT P" PI : r. 1 I " I d of the ",'(on , . . '.. ay pus· . or e ~ an ers. . Flank Butler lIas the top P0.,lt- . t S M' I' I' . ,'Id . ., J C I, .. 1 t~,'H !

"tlc:d ~",rJ;Id tn< Jubilant Ing comblllatlOn by Don Smith btlt 0/ live In lhe east coast Mh Kelly started thmgs rol· geter for CtI~tis with 33 points, I <:r :.,.c lae S ran WI oler 16-17 when Carolyn Pike, cuach :'1. Rideout .,. 6 2 4 14 '1. 1 ,"': ':1 I: . il" ·,:drh",1 111(; rl'llI'I'


and Derek Budgel!. Ed Dohaney quarter linal!. litg on a three way passing com· Eric Cooms who i, jus: getling' the Ch:llllPS tOI halcl ltha flO.3 01 the ~IQCS turned to Shella ll. Youllens ... 2 2 4 6~f".' I:. ~. ( ...... I.I! '. '''iCJm 3,1.1 h'ur lIIule intercepted 8 clearing play b)' Bell Island registered twice in bination with ~Iike MncDonald OI'er a broken leg talliC{! 25.' fa~l;e ".1. ~he ~ os~1 0- t e Irst and said "get that .!Jaskct." But. S. Drodge •. ,' 1 0 3 2 ("I ~-:!! . ~~h:~" tr.e fl,'l,' 3n;lIclcil : Grand Falls and f.ired from just the first period and added three a~d, Mike Fit~patrick. at 4.30. Bruce :-'-ewhook regislered 11 1a . \\ It gn y Hee mlI1~.rcs :'Incpher:;on was not finis:led' J. Butler ,.,. 0 0 J 0, ' .. r·. [' I: '" ! . I: .', one l'dUI'II'r. 11Il$lde the bluelllle to even more goals In the last two per· DICK Power picked up a loose with Gord ~lanstcn chipping in 10 go the ,.cols were tratlnghere and went on and tallicd C. Hodgers .... 0 0 J 0 ",: (;!." ~'

'~"~'ir.l ,,'1:,,[ lur GabllN: Ihings up at 17.24. lads of play. Conception Bay puck in front of the net and had 4 scores. . vanous-c1;~~ c05tumes- an-dlife tllO more felld goals to rap up G. Grant. .•... 0 2 U I: ,::\: j:, I.:! :r'~l la,,:;,in Juhn I Cy Hoskins took a .pass from :::ect tWi~e In the fln;t stanza the twines buldging. at 9.00 J~lln Ilill Chris:ersen went th~ dlS' me versions of both a cow and' th~ Champlonsh\p 22·17. L. ~Wls , •.•.. 0 U :.:. 0 . " ': ,i,': ; ." ,r"l :,.,,1 a lolnl of John Bursey rncmg In on the WI edre ejd


t5s /or the rO~~g ;.ou~drd out thfl ~~ortn~ :ance for the Falco~5 11'lth 24 I a horse the performers provid. : larly Rld~out. provldcd 14 J. ~lil,)pafQ .. 0 0 1 0 ;':;:f'I:Y ~

_.'j,> ,,',1 I'.\l' il,,'St5. wlIlg and slipped the puck in rema I~ e~ 0 e con cs . n e ma rame al '. I'll pOints. G~orge Bledmck ranked .'ed many laughs in their brief POIl1t.'1 for tnc winners. wh:le B. Tulk ....•. 0 0 0 0 i'.!. ~.(j ,,:. n .. 1 I!.' • ~? \o\I~~i'hY llii' Cy the Ilet at 7.38 of the &econd Cyr uland tallied from I Ml~e MacDonald collectlng the second With 18. C~arlle D\cker'l twenty minute act. Dabs Youden spilt the nm tur S. Roberts .... 0 0 (J 0 ": .~. i;'

•. :h III" ,<'als and t\l'U 10 mOl'e Gander out front, thil Aflndrew SpraklCIO It 11.47 ~ Ihe asSISt. son registered 6 With .Bob Tope I The grand parade of lhe one I >IX and ,Sheila Drodgc slnkmg Jl. Jla(thews .. 0 0 0 0 i ;,:' IJ-

• al.o!o proved to be the winning rst to giVe oncep! on ay a Btll Island held a 46·23 shoot· splitting the tWlnes wl1h four.. hundn~d and fifty entrants in' the mos, Illlportant 111'0 tallle'.I·,,::ls .. ' 9 4 25 22 :.f \ I':' I, " , f';::' :r,,:1\ \13.\ paced score. Bill Ireland picked up a 1'() lead. Dave Thompaon moved Ing advantage over the distance. Bill ChrlSlensen was the un,;" the Carnival was the most color· 1 Betty. ~!Jller went Ihe dIS' St. ~lichael's; I ,'" II !'

\ :tor ,':.': '.1 ~L' ~(lt .1\S loose puck and raced in Ilone ~~ COtoc~tlon squad fout fEronl t Conce-Ptlon

h Blay got naol>cd for player Df the Pepepr~ to be lOll" . ful sight yet seer. in the Gar.', tance WIth live pOints III each, J. ~al1lpSOn ... 0 0 4 0'. . ii' i~ 'I:.

~'t' ,;'; ;:,,' ,",: p·,-Jt)d. : to havc Ihe liGht blinking at . at . on a pass rom r c three of t e lve minor pen allies. ed out during the contest. dens The costumes of the half to be tops for SI. 1.11chac!·s, B. Jlil:s ...... 3 4 2 10' t . ~ji p.' • • ",,::.:'.; .... :re \l.b olle uf 113.30. Ilill Ireland registered child'ren included represent a- with Daphne Taylor heing the'S. lulls ....•.. 0 U 0 0 I 'I '" . I j: '1':": "., ,: a: ill" l; .• nder I IllS !econd tally of Ihe night at Nelson In F.-rst PI tions tao numerous to cnumcr-· on I)' other St. Mlke'5 player' D. Taylor .... a 7 1 7 i., l~ " 'I~ >11'

I. ,e: :,' ""',. l;rJild Fa!..1 : end 4·1. propriate music was rendered Iw\th SHen. ,G. :'Ioore ...... 0 0 1\ 0 i I'; :':' ':J I~:; ~l"' Ihnh leams 19,3U to have the middle frame a ce Gander ate. During Ihe Carnival ap.: to ligure on tne score sheet's. Payne ... ,. 0 0 1 0";" fi '.' t'

1 ;.,:: ,,:,f ;Il pia) in Ihe 1 Bill Ireland slipped a pall to By WILSON BUTLER Danny Gosse Ind Alex Rose Annual b)' Ed Goffs Solidaires. ! l'p front :'Ilarilyn Rideau:· E. Down ...•.. 0 0 1 01 '"' .. !: : ,.:.,; ::;\ ;l:r .111. SlJ1'5 ,DOll Ilowe unguarded at th. MONDAY'S GAMIS counted the others. while; The difficult la,k of judgir.g ptayed a he.1l5 ~p game IA. ~,Iajor ..... 0 0 2 0 II. ~i" 'J f ::.( , __ "'.,,;1, III 1M ;l'C' I ~oalmouth 10 have It a ~·1 en- In three games played In Gosse aha pIcked up three the entries was performed by throu;:hout for the Scots al()l\~ H. Dunne .... a 0 0 0 1: 1 i\ ,!

I'. ;,.:c ;l~."':'· : counter at 8.30. Pat Shallow', Pee Wee Action Monday assIsts. Edwards also counted Carnl"val Charles ~lardel. Ruth ;'[ardcl., With Babs Youden. Judy Bul-l TOlals ...... 3 11 16 17 .. I 'j Ii; . .: ... ' I,:, .u·' r('U 111l1l· sUlu at 15.3i for the final goal afternoon the Jets dumped the I single assist. Holding a 2-r B~ucc Taylor, )Iartha Cro,oll' ler and Sncila Drod' e Carol I :i :'. .

J:': ~c.' ·ir.,'llir kl'pi tl\~ of the night and had Gander Cansos 4·0. Briton shutout lead at the end of the fil and Mrs. ~Iorgan. I Hogen who 1\., u' cfllated I BflU:lICI\·ICK. GCmlany CP' ~i -Il' :. ;c;' ~ '·".:r,'. al 01, Illlll·.' 11'11\1\11\& the game 6·1. 1 ~Iagniflcent 3·0 and ~e150n I half the game broke riv ~i"rgaret Baird and her broth· on ,he forward sp:l1 I ,u"d· The p:ane crash that wreck&<! thp ,. ~ j'

_ ;: ,,_I,: ",nall:l.' 10' Shots were rven at 32 for the walloped York 5·0. ' open In the second pilrt as t. liAr\DER-Hockey. thil air· er Bernard Baird were declar· I ball and turr.ell il\ it \Jer· ~Ia:lchester L'nited 50ccer team ,': :;' .;-1 ... '.::.: :.,:;110 l;:I:I'tl'f,' Ihree periods. Thirteen minor! In the lirst game Jets hand·: :-lelson banged In three un 'Jrt towns favounte spectator cd Queen ar.d Kmg respecl1YCly forma,nce In tllc 1(" L',JIt. last year was caused by ice on III .•. " .... It:, 11',":UI' A pen· ,pell~llie, were called with I ed Cansos their 11th lo!!!! of I answered markers, while hold ~port, took a back scat on Sat· I of the Carnival They were ap·' Gall Grant lIas taps for Ihe .\i0- the airliner's wings. I West Ger .:1 :

,:. ,,_. ,-.,,,,": ;,;all"t l;JIl Grand Falll gettinK eiiht. the ~ea~on IS thc)' were' Ing the York scoreless and in 'urday night when the Gander! prcpnatcly dressed as tite, ners on Ihe defence as she man :n'luiry ruled Thursday. The I: I'il' I: .'.\ :.:' "'lOlid t"'r- dropped 4,0 and wIth the two so doing moved into first, Gardens was the scene of the! Queell and King of hearts. grabbed all the rebOU:lds and, plane c:aslltd on a third landin2 I:l

".". :I) Hellor FIRST GA~IE poInt! Jets mO\'ed Into flr~t place In the \,avy dll'ision' annual children's carnival. Well The other prize winners arc did a grcat Job of guarding tile' alempt, killmg 23 persons, In ~. -.. '" :u ,cure un Brll Islil.".d and Conception Bay place In the Alrforce dll'lslon standings with 18 poInts. three IOl'er one thousand people were as follows. !lest Original, 1st.. Sl. ~lichael's iorwa~ds. Lois, cll:ding eight members of man' ,I )',

opened the Enlt Coas: quarter standIng!. Jimmy vavasour ahead of the second place' seated in the local ice p~lace prize, Jimmy l::lm5; 2nd .. prize I jlills, J"dy Sheppard. BeHrly chester's English champion team'i , I ,':' " 1;,'1,11') (II Lie. flOa]s al Ihe Harbour Grace was the top scorer for the Briton. York remains In' when the show opened ~t 7.45 David Coles; 3rd. J\Illm Learn· .. TlIlk .. Sharon Habert! and' and some 01 British'l leadin; :[ li I

,,:!,r 'Irl'i1~ (;r~IIJ Stadium on ~Ionday night with winners counting a brace of lourth place with 9 paints. p.m. mgi 4th. Don Hanrahan: 5th, :'llnllle :'Iatthel\'~ also pla)'cd sports Iwters. . '\ 111 : '''' :'.' ':"':(',1 Il'lcr"h I Bell Island downIng Conception goals while Chulle Lewis and I Prior to the start of the carni· John Sutherla~d. Best FaIry· goad ball for their team. • . I, I· ','

:.,:,,: !t"",;) In 111~ 1 Bay squad 8.1. Francis Smythe each counted YESTERDAY'S GAMES ,val a special exhibil'oll of Ian; 1st. prile Patsy Dean; ~nd.1 Betty ~Iiller and Daphne . S!RIK~ CL'TS. TOLL Ii I. , ,I . : .. ". t"~:'" 11 I; rCiI:' I The :-'Iiner~ tallied twice in sIngles. RIcky Gosse and Fred In the only game played In: figure·skating and waltzing on prize, Linda Garrelt; 3rd .. Ricky i Tnylor were Ihe top scoring .:-lE\\ BRG:-lSWICK. N.J .• (API Ii ,f

::. :." .\d~:.:J > hale III] the lirst period while Conception Pell'cey each picked up assists Pee Wee action yesterday I ice was given by the Gander· I Janes; 4th ... Caroline Saunders. 1 forwards for St., Jllchael's 1I'1Ih \\orkers Tues,day walked off th.w,.l .; :: .• :.,.' p'le 10 ,,'ure i Bay scored tileir only goa!. Both One penalty was handed 0" afternoon the Cansos, cellar· ettes a school girls skating club Best Histomal: 1st. pme, Lynn . ~~ne Sampsun. Sandy Colts and .1?bs on the :<ew Jersey turnplrle,

." .. :" : .• " iIlure ~"nH'" teams went scorless In the that to the Jet~ IS Pien·L. dwellers In the Airloree di- of thirt)' members. This young I Dyke; 2nd. prize, Patty Stan·, Sheran Pane dOlllg most of the. Ille n:ost heal'll)' travelled toll: :' ol" middle Irame with Bell Island got the gate for unnecessary \'Islon came up wIth their club which was organized la~t . ford; 3rd. John Hislop; 4th.' playmaking. Elizabeth Dawn road In t ehUmted State~ .. They

,l '[Itlll\ lit (;tI.\L~ adding another six in the final roughness. first ~in of the season as fall by jirs. ~!. R. :-Iorgan. a ! Derek RlIncs. Best Animal: lsI. did a grcat job of blacking :ill' laid t~ey had a long 11SI. 01 I f 11,1 f'!'OI,"t stanza. In the second game the they nosed out the Huni·1 native of Scotland includes: prize. flay Tiilbo; 2nd. prize. Scols forwards along with Grill'~ ' .... J~'::., agalnst the turnpike, ! '.' ii., .. ,.:., llll~. C) ~like ~lacDonald Iljl€ned the Briton led by HarrIs Flight's caneS 3 to 2. ! school girls from the ages of I Janet Cha:e; 3rd .. La)'le Smit:l: ! j[oorc. Hclen Dunne and Alice authoTlt~. E~cePt for rush· 110UlI. " .. , and El,,,n ,COJ'i!l~ on a pass from Mike three goals shutout Magnifl· Paul Innes was the top man 'eight to lifteen years. In their 4th .. ;.Iyrlle Hicks; 5th .. David' ;.laJor. .,a:l;', liafflc Voas kept moving

Fillpatrick at 3.13 of the first. cent 3-0 to move Into second lor Canso! . with a pair .of 1 flrst pub.lic appearance on Sat· I Stirling. Best Pairs: .jlar~arel' SI. ~lichael's did a great job ',I'lt 1 a system of reduced tolls.: \ ,( l.r.,non. l.lo,·d Sheppard had it 2·0 ntl.20 place in the Navy standIngs goals and a single assist. while urday night. The yaung glds 1 Ba.,rd and Bern:\fC1 Baml; 2nd .. of clearlI;g the ball and Ihe:r OTTAWA CP _ The remole

, -. ~,::, .• ' l ,,~tt:b '.J~. on a pas> out from ele corner wilh 15 poInts. Briton with a teammate Bobby Brench pIck, delighted the onlookers wIth: pme Derek and Denise Learn· lorward., shootin~ wa~ cops Yukon community of Old Cro''v >.f: ,:~ ;" l. \;C (ij'I~~I\tHl .• by Geoq;e Shepparn. Hubert 2.0 lead at the end of the ed up a ~Ingle "oa1. Jim Ilal· 'their graceful figure skating, ing. Ihroughout. but Ihey became a R hid th I' II bll k' lb. . has r e C e i I' edits first mail " " ... :., Ie "7. : _ ~~c la . p \g 1. n mg I, first period Idded their third ley and Francl5 Smythe were I and waltzing .. Al the conclusIOn. ~luch credit goes to thc Gnn- . Iillle flustered when :'Iacph€r- :ilrough the Crtnadian Post Of.

~".'nrll·"'lUrl. . . 0.0_. on a nice passl~g pl~y b~. goal with less than a minute! the marksmen for the Hurrl.: a; the exhlbltlOll:. ~!rs. Morgan: ocr l;ardcl1s ~)a"ager Wes son apP:led th? pressure Ill,,1 ~iee. Thc PO.'t Oifiee said Trurs. ,r

...... _n:~ .\torpll). Shit!· DUle Thom50n for the onl~ Can, left In the game as lub ,a aile cane~. : I\as presen~ed \I\th a bouquet; Trainor who \\'''s th~ chief or· had them wIn the game. , ria'.' I'lC mail lI'il Cull'n Fer. ~5 o>i:., c '.'. Ll'u bnl:ulI. ceptlon Ray marker of the en· I Robert LeDrew was playIng HoldIng an unusl1sl 2·0 lead by l1ttle ~!tss .Jcnklns, one of' gan:zer of the icc carniv;,l.]11 .\rilcphcrson·s guards did a to' Old CL·D·.I·. 210 s ll;i:es nort!; ~I i:.

E.,.', ;433. counler. Bell Island held 1.2.1 i between the pipe. for the at the end of the first period her pupils. _~ I his efforts :'lr. Trainor recc:I" commendabie Job in Ihe pa"i:l~ D:llrsoa and 411 miles east 01 Ihe - !.'.:' .\1:. I adlsntage at tne end of the /trat, MaggIe, had a busy day. While the Canso~ added a 6in~le In The figure skating exhibition. ed I'alllable assistance from an and rebound deportmcnt, OUI\IDskan border. bv Co,.nolll'·

I Ir~~e. . I Ih John PIercey in the nets for the second half whIle holding was followed bv a slap stick ice. energetic C:lfIlil'al Committee. the forwarlls \\,cre hall' on Iheir Dawson A I r II a.,." The fll~~;t :hirrlltl'rrJlirl 3'5 r t' e~r wasd n~'l~c~rtntY ~t ~ BrIton made ~e\'eral ,relt the HurrIcanes to two goals. comedy gIven 'by e group of' The Drpt. of Tra~srul't ann the ,llOoling "l\d missed 13 of li\·;;· brou',iil 3n end :~ L:'i:~.1 Sta'tes ,,; t'l"H,n .,,0 8"n. :e

l con pel,f1o. t I) '3' orf tlhCO thgOd !a\'es in pre!ervlng hl~ shut· Paul Innes opened the scorIng local ice !ftists lert by ~lr. many Gander li:ms II lio donat· 17 free thruws. A total of 41 IOO,t":_'!· ,;', 1" I" 'Jt:~:IlU:.I

"C'"nl 0.-".ns .. ~., llng5 ro ,lOg a .• a e \r I I h d hit F k B d . k I . .. "" ,'.,' " J h 'I ' I Tom Po'" out. Two pena t e! were an· In the game wit an unags 5· ran ro enc·. Drr.iscd ir. cr pflZes. fo'lls 'lore C'lllcrl rll:!';"_' "'0 '!'I'" ,.-

~:?1\ .0," 0 n .• ur· i ~;likea ~faa~~on~~: tallied ten~:~: ed out In the xame, both to ed marker ""Ith just twenty· 1 - --.~-~--"\,:" DIICj' ~[)(J. ' conds later with ~!ike Fitzpatrick ~!agnlflcent, 15 they pi.eked Ih'e I€conds of the g~me .:one . .. _ ;r,:.1 [1; l;i<llder 31. I gelilng hi~ !€Cond a~si!t 01 tile two bench penalties. l'ihlch In the opening penod. Bob

;~; fl.' 31: I ~ight. Lloyd Sheppard had the were lerved by RoW' Ind. French gave the wInners a . . red light flashing again at 1.42 Scott. ,2·0 lead at 11.00 minutes with

lin flll~ls on 8 rink wide passing play by In the final ~ame Nehon the a5slst goIng to Innes. and 1;' :''''\\:,' ~I cprl\cd by O·Brien. Tom Power picked up whitewashed 'York. ~ I~ lnne! added the wInner at ;1:, H""ErhOl' who ex the loose puck from tht face off Brian Gibbon" eonllnued to 5.10 of the ~econd period un·

: I 'ur',' wr!cllll\e to ar.d raced in alone 10 put the add to hIs already mounttng uslsted. Halley got the Hur· . 'I -' H"e, "nil Ihrew ill I Islanders out Iront 6·! at 4.48 of poInts total" he countcd ricane5 on the score sheet at ;::1 ., <:lel lhe ~all\r. the third. Mikt Kelly lJId Lloyd three of hll tum'l fiVe loals. the seven minute mark In the

_. __ .. second half with an un·

can take AS~I.'IN any time! .... ~ "1

i' !:


,. ii I, I IJ I: , "

, 1

1\ ,i



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. ,

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It's used by millions more peopl, than any other pain reliever-

as!lsted goal and Smythe's goal came It 123~ to round out the ~corlng In the game Ind give the Cansos their flr!t wIn of the campaign, I win 'll'hleh 'll'as lI'eeteti wIth ~houts of JOY tram the Canlo's play· 'IS. ~o pena1tle~ were handed out In the ~ame by !fferees It.lph Chancey and Nell Cor· . I



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coran. TOO.A.Y'S IJAME!!

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TI.A.M STANDING!! I"eludlng ,Im,i of Mlrch 12

p W L. Ph. Imperial ....... so 28 2 28 Holy Cross 30 27 3 27 Avalon Tel. .... 30 23 7 23 Postal ......... 30 20 10 20 l .. delalde Mts ... 30 19 11 Ig Mammy's ...... 27 18 9 18 Royal Garage .. ~O 18 12 18 McDonald. . ... 30 17 13 17 Curtls . 30 17 13 17 West End .. 30 17 13 17 Avalon.Unitert 30 15 15 15 ~tun. Workers 24 14 10 14 Royal ... ' 30 13 17 D Amher~t 30 13 17 13 Councl! 24 12 12 12 Streets Dept. 24 11 13 11 Parker' I 27 11 16 11 B.L.C. . ........ 27 10 17 10 Pontiac 30 10 20 ]0 ~farshal1'~ 30 Il 22 a Felldian~ ...... 30 11 25 15 Terra Nova ~lts. 30 !I 25 15 C .. T.O.N. 27 4 23 4 HIGHE!T THREE FRAME

(TeJTI Nova Motors Vauxhall Trophy)

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Trophy) ! I ndlvldull:

. J. Dooley, Imp. ...... 396 C. Mercer, (H.G. .. 3e2


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WEDSESDAY, ~lBrch 18th.

7.~BC Newi. ?3S-Top of The Mornln&. I!.OO-CBC New. and Weather 11.1~!llusical Clcx:k. 1I.00-Mornina Devotions. 1I.1~Program Preview. Q.3~News.

9.~Direct Reports. 9.4S-Records at Random.

lO.DD-One ~Ian's Family. lO.l~lri.! Power.

Rouna. 9.OD-General Provincial New. 9.0~~!usic for ~lillionl. 9.20-The Bob Lewi~ Show.

. 9.45-Prodlgal Father.

I, 10.00-New •. IO,Ol-~llrlin's Corner.

i10.1:>-No Love for Linda. . IO.30-News. 10,31-What's Cookin'. 10.3:>-Who Am I? lO.45-Hol!;ewil'cs Choice. 11.()()-New •.

Mongolian Migration


] One of Mongollft'. mInerals

a-was' rlisco\'erd hHe in 19~O

B Its llvestock includr.! -

12 Mountain (comb. lorm)

13 Entire H Penlan lalry 15 Wolfhound

5' Green velttable

e5 Sow DOWN

1 Ruminant mammal

2 Shitld bearing 3 Slender ~ Givers 5 Cereal grains 51sland (Fr.) 7 Beast ot

burden 8Run

18 Bel'eraae 9 Dry 17lreland Ii- (comb. !onn)

Answer to Previous Punle AT PE






25 Was borno 45 rail flowers 26 Tyl>!' of 47 Bilr by

cheese estoppel 27 Negatil'e word 49 Part in a pIa,. 28 Biblical weed 50 Ages 30 Upon 5] River nymph 31 Rod 52 Pen nRme of

lO.25-For Consumers. lO.30-Atlantic School Broad·

11.01-Rel'. ~Ialthe\\'~. IUO-Hunuur Your Partner. 11.45-Swift's ~IQney ~Ian. 12.01-:I'own and Countr)'.

18 Slngingyolce'lO Gcddm 01 20 Ill-humored discord 22 Mll!lcal note 11 Number

32 Conclude! Charle! Lamb 35 Roman god ot 53 Cry 01

underworld bacchanals cast. 10.4~BBC Variety. 11.15-:,\l1d. School Broadc.,L 11.45-~lorning ~Iuslcale. 12.DD-BBC /Ii eli's. 12.l~Announcers Chotce. 12.30-Farm Broadcast. 12.4~~!id Day Serenade. l.OO-Doyle Bulletin. l.1~To Love and Honour . 1.3D-CBC News and Weather 1.~~Oppratlon ~Ioor Satel

lile. ~ OO--lI'nrd~ and ~tll,ic.

"I~-:\lld ~"I101J1 Ul'oalica;l. :!.~~-\1otn'lllon (Ill!. Time

Si~n:tl. ~ :\t)-AIlllitic ~"'\Ilol Bro",l


LOO-News. 1.01-Town IIId Countrr Silo 1.05-Wealher Forecast. t.1:>-~el'l's. l.3S-Editorial Comment. I.40-Sporl5. l.45--Ait Baker'. Notebook. 2.Q1-What's Cookin'? 2.0:l-~!adc For Each Other.

i 215-The Bennett Affair. 2.3Cl-Gcrry Wiggins Show. 3.Q1-Western Jamboree. tOO-General Prol'incial N .. " 4.Ua-\\,p,tprn Jall1boree. 5.III-Hob Ll'wis' llancf Party 8()().....:-\PW5 8nll Weather. 6.li2-Whal'J Coobll? U.O.1-lllllletin Hoard.

23 Bratll1an 19 Stlliser macaw :1 Mineral rock

24 Now G 29 StorehoWI 24 oad 33 W and _"ft"~_:-'I

! I~ 34. Burden 38 Famous

British school 37 Harem rooms ~9 Mr. Speaker 41 ThIs country

hiS an­history

. ~2 Lower H Gets aWIY H :o;.w Gliinea

port ~B While ~~ Renovates ~21'enetl'~te. ~6 Alwerian


I~ 15



l'1 Ir • fll if I I~


38 Muteness 54 Hoarfrost 40 Look over 55 Winter yehlcle 43 Marble 58 Anger

l~ II ll.

H~llappy G~n& . 3.1~Kindergarten 01 the Air 3.30-l"ews and Tram Canada I

6.10- Nltional New •. 6.15-Sports. 6.25-NcW5. ti.30-P.JI. Theatre.

leaport ~7 Suam& ~9 Wit ked 80 Secular 81 BoundarY


~ I~ ~

IYo Matinee . ~.30-Art ~Iorrows Big Ban~

Show. 5.00-(B(; News. 5.30-Fishcrtes Broadc~st. 5.4:>-Woman In my House. 6.00rlntermeuo 6.30-Supper Guest. G.4~Granr.)' ~Iarlin Steps

Out. 7.00-:>.'ews and Weather. j.l~RO\·il1g lIeportcr. 7.3D-Tops Today. 7.45-DoYle Bulletin. S.1:>-Rawhide.

7.G1-Club 93. 7.I5-Programme Preview. 7.30-JIi CWI.

8.o1-Best [rom the W ~t 9.01- What's Cookin'. 9.03-:-;l1d. Soiree, 9.30-Ch~pcl hy the Sidt of

the Road. I g..15-lJu'~(J NC\\·3. : IO.Ol-Crime Fightcf!. 110,30-Nallonal News. 10.4~Sport'. 11.01-Houseparty. 12,30-Nel\~ Roundup. 1.00-Sign Off.


(comb.lonn) 82 Capilli

ot Italy 83 EsJenUal





Jacoby On rStephenville:

• • Bridge I


8.30-~lusical Program. 9.00-lntro to Wed Nite. 9.IO-~leditation on the i Pas- I WEDNESDAY, Mlrch 18th.


WED., MARCH 18, 3,45-Nursery School

slOn. 9.3D-St. ~latthew's Passion.

12.30-CBC National Ncws.

VOCM WED:'o.'ESDA \', March 18th.

6.~B-Sign On the Air. 6.30-)I;ews. 6.3:>-Brcaldast Club. 6.5:>-~el\'!. 7.15-Sportscast. 7.30-~ews. 7.3:>-Watcrfron I Direelory. 7.~:>-:-;e\\·l.

R.2:>-N ewa. R.30-Hit 01 lh ~ D." 8.3~port3 Calendar. POO-Bmkialt ClUb.

IO.DO-Neon!. 10M-Stork Club. 10.1~Here'. Health. lO.30-~forninl Date. lO.M-:-Iews. 1l.OO-Wil! Doyle Show. 1l.55-t;en 12.00-Bargain Hour. 12.lS-Jukebox Jamboree. 12.3I}-N eli's 12.~Ramblinl wltb Record!, 12.4:>-Fi.!herman's Forecast. 1.00-Silnpson·Sears. l.1~portscalt 1.20-Ramblin' With Records. l.30-News. 1.4~The Other Worker. 2.IlO-Hamblin' with Record!. :Z.~Newl. 3.00-Dollars on Parade. 3.~~Newl. 4.00-\\'est~rnalrH. ".5~Ntws. !I.OO-\\'e~tfrnalrrJ. 5.:W-Sllppt'r Strtnadt. tl.OO-News. tl,()~Bullttin Board. 6.15-Sporhcast. 6.~O-Supper Serenauf. 6.30-That Fascinating Slol"1. 6.~News. 7.OD-Wcltern Jamboree. 7.30-CreaI1\ of the Crop. 9.4~Nel!".

lO.OD-VQC:'.{ All Time Hit rarade.

10.30-El'el]l1de MedItation!, lO.'(~portscast. lO.~~News and Torbu

Wealher. H.OS-Club "~ilO". U.OO-Newe. U.OS-Club ~90. 1.00-Close Down.

I e.OO-Sundial. 6.30-News and Weather. 7.0D-News and Weather. 7.3Cl-News and Weather. 8.M-Breakfast Club. S.3D-Bert Park! Bandstand. g,OD-1t Happened Last Night 9.55-New~ and Weather.

IO.OO-Coffee Time. r 11.00-Turn Baek the Clock, : 11.2~Point of Law. • 11.~O-PcpperreU Juke Cluo. 112.01>-.\!.arch or Eve~la. i 12.4~Sporls Page. . l:!.:JU-Juke Box. , 1.0U-M~rvin Miller. : U:}-'The Couple Next Door. • 1.3Cl-Counlry Jamboree.

2.00-News. 2.1S-SporlJ Pige. 2.30-Matin.e. 3.00-News 3.0~Flve Star ~ratinee. 3.~O-Ray Heatherton Show, 400-]'; ew!. US-Feature Page. 4.30- World of SporlJ. H5-Sputl1ght on MUlic. 5.00-News. ~.O~Spotlight. 5.30-President . Eisenhower's

News Conference. 6.00-News, 6,15-Checkin' In. a.OO-Sports Today. 8.1~~lasters of Melody. a.30 Groucho ~!arx. S,55-News and Weather. 9.00-Jim \lack us. 9.45-Sm'narl~ in Blue.

IG.OO-Final Edition. 1O.15-Nrws Yorker •. IO.30-Rohel·t Q. Lewll. 11.01J-~lltsic Till /rIidniilJl. 12.IlU-Slgn Off.


WEST .JHlat .A +XJ93 ",KH3

NORTH (D) ,AKQ8SS2 .KJH + None ",52

EAST' ,73 .85 . • A Q 10 8 e 42 "'Q7

1l0VTH • None • Q 10 H 32 .75 ",Al0BH

E.!ll and West vulncrabl~ 'NlII'lb)w1 lIono. w~t 1 • PUI 2 • rA~a

3 ... PIIS 4 '" PaIS 4 • Double 4. Pm 4 N.T, PlY ~ • Pm •• Pa.. Put Pus

Oper\InIleacl4 I

By OSWALD JACOBY Written for NEA ~ervice

Colonel Robert Scott, USA (Ret.) of San Angelo is an old campaigner in every sense of the word.

In the recent Lubbock tourna· ment he !aw through a series of camoullage bids by North

Time tOO-OUf Miss Brooks 4.30-Open House 5.00-P. M. Party 5.30-Howdy Doody .'i.5:i-Billboard S.OO-Rope Around

The Sun 6.1 :i-Children's

7'i cwsrr(' I fi.~(l-lllIc II Ie he rry

Hound 7.00-Nl'ws WeRther

And Sllort~ 7.30-Walt Di~nry

Presf'nt! 8.30-Men of

Annapolis 9:00-Spike Jones 9.30-Close Up

10.00-Music Hall ] O.30-Bat Masterson II.00-Starlight Theatre

and made the ani)' lead to beat ~IODER.\TES WN YOTE a slam contract. A~ISTERDAM AP - The

If you take a look at thc middle.of.the·road Romar. Ca~h. hands you will see that only a olic PW;1le', Parly Thursday club opening will beat the heart gained the upper hand in lhe slam. With any olher lead South I Dutcli Jl~I'li:l111elilar)' eleclion<. has time to knoc~. 0111 tile RC~' lI'iullillg 4V of ]',(1 sl':ll, al slake or tnrm[l! anti ,~I liP lire sll:rtl~ in Ille \tl\\"'r ,lljl\lL,·~ '1:,(' ~u,·i:tI. ."til lor fOllr rill" di'l':lrtls. i,h \\<I'e ,~,ulld "jilt ri. \0

\\,Il~n Nortll jumpl',1 10 Iii. pOlll' II~d 3 '''"iuril\·. Pol'll.' S131t1 llo11 couill h.mll) bdltl'e llieill Iv:" ,1"",1\ nJ tllilr 111111111" ills ear.. 11~ h<'itl lite a~e 01 ".~u in , ","lill"1 (ll'er t,\,·,. Irumps ~1\I1 lll(t hings JIIi! hiS . ______ . _______ _

Ilartner hat! doublel! North', four diamond bid. Wh~rc \\'ere all the bids ~oming from?

Obviously Nortn had a freak· ish hand. In th.t case he w.s

2.aO-Open HOU!f. surely preparerl for lhe diamond . 2.30-0ur Mis! Brook!. op~ning that E3.\t had invilr.d 3.00-:'\ursefY School Ttme. Q/i. his double of lour diamondSW' 3.15-,lIatlnee, uCon~ue5t of. ~'!';iybe he wasn t quite sn ready

Everest". for the suit that Soulh h. UO-Howdy Doody. raised. 'I' 5.00-P.~1. Party. Bob gol nis hand nn Ihe three 5.30-Huckleberry Hound, of clubs. East's queen forced 6.00-Rancb Party. South'! ace and the slam went ti·3ti-N eW8 Canleade, down. 7.00-San Francisco Beat. 7.30-Celehrlty Pllyhoule. MO-The Vise.

CJON 8.30-0ne of a Kind. Card Sense

WEDNESDAY, March 18th. B.OO-Adventures or MUsle. Q-The bidding h3.\ been: WelCOME WAGON LM.. 10.00-Closeup. I North E9!t South West 11.30-T~! Bob Lewis Show. 1l.JB-,'l/atlonal News. 2. 2. ? 1I.30-Nfld. Ne~ and Weather n.lO-Local New!. You, Soulh, Itolr\: 6.4~Headline News and Fore ILl5-The Late Show, "Thin r.4 .K J 865 .3 Z "'U 8'55

1 .... ith Gills and Greetings I

cast. Ice" starring Sonja Henle Whal do )OU do? Will Knock at Youlr Door 7.00-Nfld News and Sports. and Tyrone Power. A-Double. H It st<l~S In you I d' '. I

7.0b-Local Weather, will make a nice )lrufit. from Frlen ,y BUSiness


7.l~News TODAY'S QUESTIO~ Nei\:jhbours and Your 7.2O-The Bob Lewis Sholl'. FORD OFFERING Yo~r partner does nat sland Civic and Social 7.30-Round the World New. WASHINGTON ~P _ The for your double anrl birls three W If l d

and Weather. 2.000.000 • shnre or Ford Molor diamonds. e are ea ers 7.~Nf1d? News and SpOI'tl' Company stock for public sale Whal tlo YOII 110 now? On the occasion of: 7.~Wh~t·1 Cooktn. shortly, it notiClfil the Securities (Ansner Tomorrow) New Comer to the City. B.OO-Nfld News and WeatMr I in E x e han g c Commi;;ion I T' B' t.. f B b 1I1-Shi' R L·'Cl·OS'C. orl'OI'nated ""n'II'II'I'CS 'I . e Ir ,. 0 a a y, . -- pplng eport. ! Thursday. At Thursday's prke " " • •• 1I.20-Kiddles Calander. I for Ford comn~on .,'lal·e.,. lile 01 a~n by Canadian Indians. i, con . PHONE, 1I.30-Nfld. News and W~alhtr i fcri.l~ lI'ill be worth morr. th~n. sidcl'cd the nlnest game lin the 2 -03 93498, or 90943 j e.~Mornlnl Mer r y Go I $110,000,000. !\orth American continent. I J ,



.,.:.,...' . '~~r-


; t..:)R'--.~ C>.\..'O~ ~'-l. \\?,s ,'celt'\", '0<;' ~\y" ,""" R\G\-\\

: p,,,,s~,,,,~ '<'I::i';<'.. C~t r::N0'R't I O\..)\L. .•. ~ l..:k"RIOo





WR~ 'OJ, FGJ~". "'AT W3 LD Sf PAl~F:LL'1 "j.'B~K<W;c;n ,F

HE LEA':IJED I'D eel.li' ~o~~ ~O -:-c,," )OJ 'JMA~' : K'-'.·'::n/

J:\..\.. 't',t. G\Soo,'V ,0 . \.Vt.\..\.., \"~""\k..,,~\..'.:( ... r~ Gas,,", \;Jy\r::lU_ \.-':'0',(" 'I \eM ... '\., ~'f\H:'~, :! I..{'s~"- .. , \0I'--'--C:j\eS~y.,w-r~

By EDG.t..R

." ------.- --. AND ~l<Ye.o0(5 TOO - • HI'''~'''''';::V:iLSO<51'






;:RIENDlY· -HOP.NG I'LL DO 'SlX:6ES,'O', 3<> So"::~CO( II>"-b 5:2',:: S: .... 'GsE5T:C~ -, DE:;:::::t.~~::

. .

. , TO ~J<;~ T.JiS :, ... '~G :...


'~--- - -- - --~-~~----""------~-.






, ( Mor hl!

52.00: BanK I. flo Lloye

$5.00: Ban~

Lc J. L. 00; .:


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Wave :,Irr~cr, !Jay lloiJerts, ~".IJI': I :-iCi"mans COVe &: Lon:,; CrJ\'C, (house '0 house\ S115.00; John JcrreU, Cavendish, Trin·


~ , " ,

I i~y S" S~OO:q Andrew SI'"l)t~r,

t F d Sl. JolIn s, 1'~.OU: ,\!r. and MIs. .~FLO fAN"OA STI:.:;\l\ISHIPS :

0, e n \I'm. Ilaei:'ock, Sl. .John';;, ;;.5.00: Beil" hie II. due st. John's Isas r U Pauline Wncilici. and Vince ~I;rch l~th., sailing ~!arch 21st. : Cil!oll. St. .jr)/lIl·S. S200: The Bedford II, le:wing Halifax .

. 1 ,~.jj5,7Q. BrOQk, SIO.OO; R W, Innis, St. bwrcnl'e :--;fld. Co,. Ltd., St '~Iilrch ~Olh.. due S' .. John'. ;.:,i.l""'~[:,', :1;, .'~O.OO: .lulIn's, S~5.00. T, :llc:\lurdo .Iohn's. SIO.00: !lrlen Lcs;ie. i ~larch 2:1rd .. sailing :,I,'Ich 24th.: , ,I' (;::'I,d llank. &: Co .. Ltd .. St. J?hn:s, $50.00; The Knc:11. TOll'all. S500: L.O; Delle I,fc II, kalin~ !la;~(.'X·

;,:,,1 1']r.1'" lil'aIHI: Harl'cy & Co., Ll(. .• St. John's, L. \'0. 107. :o.·us~rJl'etown, "~!areh 25th., dUe St. Jon,,'s' ,(' .~ ",: (:rcl'nc. Sloo.OO; !lbcCormacs Dry S!O.OO: DOl~:~:i1cl Duffetl, Pcr~ I :.!;;reh 27th .• s"lling ~!areh lB.h :

\' "'I'h Clca 11" Lt" st JOIIl1'S L'nion. S5.00 C.EW.A.. Prince· Bedford II, IC31'in" Halifax:; , . qll'.l; tll11~S : n I ~ \I... , ~

'" .~. "J B)nk. S\.00: I ~25,00: .Iohn Wrlxon, Epworth, town. fl.B .. SHd)O: D. '\' \\,i,c' jl.lfCll 28th, eLie St. John's': l"I, ,.' 00 SIOOO \\"n r Ag I'es Lt·, I' mnll, St. ,Iolln·s. r.\U.OO: .10111: jlarch 31st.. sailin~ April 1st. r ,.""n U:1I1';. S~. :, .: I S8 .... enc .• :,.. ~

.. ' :':,.' (;I:md Bank SI. John's. $25.00: Commercial f):1Y. Old ~llOp. 'I'D .. So 110;.1. B~lIe 1,le II, Ica\'ing lIalifax \1, r· . . rt l' \ r ,. Sl J lIn's ,:llo1'g:1n. Sl. .folIn·s. S~.OO: IIpril 3rd, due St. John's April . ,. ,],,'1','. (.ran Iral' .. · ssoc, a "" . 0 , l-

I'" t." "\0000 .. th S k Sl I' ()·Il""I1'·!I·I .. ",'1l Fi".C'fies 5th., sQiling .\pril 7th. .' "'. \I'n' ,I. Hig~,. ~ . : . r ur par es, . '''~ . . II 1 h' S· 00 T J \1' tt st ' Corl)" Boston. Mas".. U.S.:, Bedforcl II, luvin" Halifax ,.' '.]11(1 \]1', "nl.o 11" ~. ; .• as. . ~

: "'::"] :. l;;';lnd Bank. ,.fohn·s, $20.00; Cnited ;>;a!l SoOO.OO: Gorton Pew Ltd. April 6th .. due 51. JO'm's April r. ' ]1<'. ~1: .. !lall. Gr:lIld ,& Fonndry Co.. St. John's, Clouceilcr. :lla's. U.S., S:iOOOO; Rlh., s3ilinJ April 10lh.

:.:,.,j ::',. ',' \\"'1-11, S~O.OO: ~. C. Hutton. Ltd., \'cn~o\' r:sheries Inc., Gluu, CL.\r:KL STE":ll~lIIP <':0. J '.1 I", - I 'S 1 I • S"O 00 ld S Ro ces:er. :llnss.. U.S.. 550.00: °Guifnort, Ical'in~ SL John, , • i ",I t:dwnrc,. 1. .0 m~, ". : a. . . . .

, 0;:;' .,:, '1"11 c' llmin. '"cn. St. .10I1n·s. S5.00: Fannie P;:['k '" ,",orl Ltd. 5t. .John 3, :\.B. ,Inrch 17th., Halifax I · 'T c," 00' CI'3. rle: W~ite Grona 'I h 20t' -' Ie St JIll'S "'" '. ·'n',.: ',,' ]1:1\' [job· '. Le\·ilz. Sl. .Jol1n's, S~,OO; . A, I "_,,. , ,., are II.. ul " 01

. I, ' I' ;/.1:(';', St. \loc~alJ. Ltd., St. John 5, flanK. ~1.00: J[Cl'lnr Rose, :'IJreh 23rd, s3ilin~ \!arch Uth. "" . ,',.' 'lll' I SoU 00 'II Lain" Sa\' RoD- C;"~nd Bank. S2.0tJ: J~ml's 'GlII!p:Jrt. lca\'in~ St. John, > ... '''' ,'lel ~" ':. J. : .. , an b'. (- ct Benk.' . ~ .... "., I I . : t 5'000 II (' '\'In·or St \\'"rrcn. .Ir.. .ran :I.n. ,\Lrch 31,t., Halifax April ,,' ";1 . ,'In ' .. cr s, J. : ,.. ".. I " I

II g.1: 0",' S' I I ' 52500 R 1 J !\Iur S2.00: Ed\\~rcl Ho.lett. ,,,'aIH 3rd., clue St. Juhl:'s April Hth., ~,' -, ~:(,'l" 1.:0, . l. • C :11 S'h ;., :ld C\io 00 'fh~ Bank, S2.00; Elias I'lanei,. ,ailill~ Apnl 7th.

'11,\,.1 I' 1'lf.\I & ra~·. '[' e "ou s. .: I r;ranrl Rank, S5tlll: Garfield, FLIlj\E~S \\',\1:1((';:-.0 U;'II!>; :>-" .I,'·'~'· '~I)OU: \\'ind,or ~'il'c Brigade. Wind· K '00 ,. '. I ·,,1'.". Sl ,o~, ~~5.(){): "Ir. &: ~Irs. W. G. II JlOll~las. 1;"311tl g.",', s~ . : I :\0\'" Scoli:, lea\llI;; Boston r e

,;"'" \. \\'Ild B' It G B . , Cr,nl. 1:110., IJ:JI·h:-·. <:.A, .Clar. ,",c\l[ulinulanu. lea\,]I~~ Liver, ', .• , '.', - ':'::'.', lJa' DUn!!. Ig1, ,. B;\. ." S"-OO. 11" !fl'rla' , . ,',1',\1 ',II" SIO.Ot!: [loss YOlIni:, Sl. John s. ('111'l •. e. .,].. '. 0" p"ul ,Iarcb G. rille Sl. John'.s

, St I'rcmilkll. (Ir<1l1r] [):In!: ;i· ,'It]: ,\Iul'l, I~. 1c:lIlllg for f1alifa:t .1, " S:'.()(); 5~j.OQ: C. C. \l'lIl1aI115, I 11 [lOY I - .lohll's. ~~O.OO: Ladie~ Aux. S. 11. W. SalllH er.-, 31'1'. , .. "'HI Ilunull ~,IJrcil ::. due Hall·

.:.' l.J:. ~t 00 n.R .. S:;.llll \l'n'. ,J.f1();c. ("'anrl la.~ \1:lI('b Ifj "11'1 Bustt\n .\I,,'rt·o "'. II Dil':< L'.F., Heal'l's Delight,.~. : H l II \' lors . " \'Irs. D. \\'oodman, '.II·II"r· _ .... _ .• ' __ , _ B~nk. S:;.OO: :1l1r ,':1. .' 10. leal'llig !Jo,lon jLarcb ::0

,-'''11 ~'"llr)' ., c , .- - - ~. (" i Il I" S" 00' ThomeS ,. 1 S" 00 'I L R'd ut ,Ian( 01. o. '-.... ' " .. ilnt! [101113X ,larch 24. due Sl ~j Otl; El' tOWIl. :.., : "rs. . I eo ,I . , S ' \ flo I

l'Ol'llrr nrcr Lake, 15.00; Beth !\leI" ; EASLEY. SOUTH CAROLINA-St;cond grader Elai ne .Julian ,.left) sun'e:'s the still sn:oking ruins of the ',!elloll'., 1'.. , .. :lt1[ ,.'. John's :'!.ml, ~G, <ailing a.~ln ,:",\.".' 5 0 H h h '1 I 11 h E l' . (I' f' l' l' h I I ,S~.OO: \\'nl. n. !la,·cll:]!!. Gr.lnrl \'I'C '10" for liverpool b .1 (;(lg~ill. I'CI'. Bay Rebert;, S .0: . 111'la\'nard Grammar Sc 001 near ere ,I arc 1 t..<1 I leI' tn le oa\' a He was C ISCOVel'CC 111 t e Sl'100 \. \! (' tl ."" ,,' .' ,

; , L k ·500 .. .! Bank .. ~:; all; .1. \ . '. c ,ra 1. .\L'\'a SeQII,' tL',,"':n" Liverpuol I'" "," .:,..\hirr, Rideout. Deer a 'e, ... : lunch room, All 78 pupils were evacuated in ~n orde :il' fashion. The two-ston' frame building, built in ! st. ,.Iohn·'". '23.UO: A',,;trr (f)'n .. \lar. "H, rille St. Jol;.I1·' Apr, 2, . , :,,'j' (; ~h3\1'. John Penwell. Grand Bank, .. I If I T' 1 . . . ' "PI PI . ( 0 Ha k S10 ',: :.', .. : :,,:,,'(111. I.e· i ~~5.00: ElSie Barbour, St. !921. burned to the ground In one and one-la lours. Jere were no InJunes.-I. u lOtO) : 1\11[:et; .• ~all .n .. ,. ". Buston .'\pr. &. LeavllIg Boston

• I . . <harlcs PIIOr. Gland Bank. Apr. !O :lOO !lalifax Apr. 15, ... ,." .I,',,'PII R .John·s. S~.OO: Dr. R. Hutch n· _ 0 ' ,'. . '. I '~.,'i0: Gerald S. Deyle. Ud; ,rille St. .Iolre,·s Aur. 17. Sailing

" ': "':, ~,'." I~"r~; ~~:'K~~~~~t~~I~:N~,I:1(?aO;v~:~: ~~~ng~, ~~n;'er $~~~: ~2~~; ~~~~: ~1·g~o; Lg;~i;" F~;:;:' ! ~;:~~toi~~u$s~55t~Oho~1!~Oe~C ~~~~ i ~\~~:::I'm~~~ ~. 6~~:~~~}~0~~~,' :-r'II' .lnl;l.nll'·"Gr:lnOcIO'OIl·Oa:nkH~~)~~~ 13gaN!n 6f3mertidaYd (or Llvrrr~oL

'" :-',.. b " ,_ 10rn 11 1 ,1 " ' ..... I 'rw olin 'In lC{.l.\,lnrt Llrer. :;~ .. '.- I'".;: flu,il1. cor. ~~.OO: The Holy Kame So· Wm. Rogers, Grand Bonk. Grand B:1l1k, $10.00; Arthur I Amorosl, S28,()(); St. \lark i cr, Sl. .Jr.llll ,;. S.l.OO: !\Irs. :'101' \ I' 'Salll1(lcrs Craml I rl' S 1 h'" . -", .. ". ,,·,",·"~r. SI,' l'ieIY. Sl. Lawrence. S50.00:, S~.OO·. Leslie 1I1elbourne, Skinner. Grand Bnnk, S1.00; I, L.O.L., .Jersey Hr., S~O.OO: Oti, " ian Bartle:t, St. .John's. SIO.OO, ' nailn) III OS:1 "0'" ill'uce' G,'ecn. PI ~o LAPr: 8, fue . tH· '10£,0, APr

,. k 00 ' II I I' Bit II' SC 00 T . C . T']' , .. C St I h '·1" " ~ ... , ' ''.. caving or a I oX ar. ,'.';' \":'" f.M.',('rn :\!rs. A. Rombrick. St. .John·~. Gland Ban, $5. : Capt. John Boat r. (lOUSe to lOuse), 11, Ort e t, Be eOlom. ~. " DIS ole r.ICIr.~ 0 ..... 0 IlS "r" . Bank, S'i.OO: .1. :11. DUll' 13 l '\ 1- d H.r·-.. - 11:[,,,[·c·'\CI'. SlO.nO: n. E. Good, St. John·s. Smith. Grand Bank. 55,00: Boat Hr., S40.20: Crew ,I. '1' .1:.\\' ... \ .. ,lersey Ill' .. ~5.00: An· : SIO.(lO: C;ull'~r \\'IJ'telv. St. I lr'I:['ln(;'r~I'[1 B"nk ~IO Q1' '\11'< ADS onl", pr'd B"' t Ue A "U~OX

G d , '. I . . , ' 'r 0 1 .' 0 ,v', ,." ~ .',. •. pro r all os on pr. •. ,'." .• ' ]. H Wi: S20.1I0: George Barncs. ran Samllel Ansley. (.rand Bank' i llerl1l:tngc, Ga~II.t0bls. S:5.00~ rller; 11 11 , COhl'C &, Stolnl)C\C850~:".I,OI1ll, . .',IO(); ,.De OLlP)k\lS & I ,I ~I. Dunford. Cl';:nd BanK, Leaving Boston Apr. 21 and ".," \ ;';. ~:\!l.tIU: ' Bani;. S2,00: JolIn and Gary Sl.OO: Leo Pope, GrRnd Bank, : :lllss ~I r. Ib o. (,ranll I (lO~.'C to 0 use c:t '" .. 0:: Sons. (,lace B,1)" SIIJI : .Iohn I 'i 'I~' .Ted\' Pike. Cl'allCl Bank. 'lIal'fa' A r 25 due St J hl"s

'r ~, [ .. " l'nocJ<, , Gmlle!. Burin, S2.oo: Capt. H. $5.00: l.awrence & Wm. :\k, B3nk. S20.00: C. O. E\'cleigh' l C.E.W .. \., Stone~ Cove. ~20.~OI ill. Bellnctt, Wabann. $50.00: I S,1.00:· G(or~e Diamond. Granrl . A~/ 2; S~i:ing 'a;ain '~~m~'d~, . c,' \Ia'< .. L·.S .. T.hol11usen. Grand Bank. S2.00: Laughlin, Grand Bank, S2.00: i Grand ,lRnk. ~~.UO: .\llison' SI. Illlda's pan:h, B:lY L'Ar'l \Inrtlla P. \\'ngg, SI. .Iohlf;. i;nk. S2.00: )11',. Corbr~t: for Liverpool -

: ",.,,1."[' I'wld, (,I:1(I,'s prlrc. Grand Bank. I Ahsalom Dodge. Grand Bank.: Stoylr.s , Grund Bank. SI0.00: gent. $14fi.5n; ~lce~lrc (house I 51.00: .\noll,·llloUS. St. .Iohn s, II'llltr: Gral'~ Bank. So.flO:, FUR\'E~S RED CROSS U:"<iE \1.," lS .. SI.OO: Local 5~ :\'.F. or F" S2.00: LII)' Docige. Grand .1 Il FOlile & Son" Ltd .. to house); Plccalre (housc S~.OO: .10hn Shor:, St. .Iohn·s. \Iurgan Fran~:" GrJ:1d Bank. \!:Il:ehestcr bplarcl' due St.

;:",.' ~ t·:hhl!. \a· I.itt!r Paradi,c, P.Il. $~.OO: Rank. 52.50; Lily Hiscock. (ir'IIHI B":lk, SICD 00; JolIn B. I'u,htilrough. S75.00; Lally S'1.00:.I. W. Coic, S; .• Iohn·s. :"l.UO: [:,1'1 Francis. (;rilIHI Johll's ~!ar. Ath, Icaving tllar. I" ;' '~Il [Iii; TIrr Camhria LO.L., Britannia. Grand Bank. S2,50; Fred Broy·' Foo~c. Grand Bank, ~20.00: COI'e (hOllse to housc). 5330U: SIO.O(): .lolly .I1Jnior fled ero.<s, Bank. 55.80: Wm. StO:lC Cumbo '10th. for lI:t1:fax and :lew York. \' ·,::;\I('!,e-lcr. ~~O.OO: William Cnopcr. Crand dell. (;rand Bank, $5.00: Ho\\,·' ~lIs,r< Kciza & Cora Foote, I\encontre W. (house tn housel i \\'hiliJlIlI:'lll', ':I.OJ: \\'iilialll den. Ciranu R,lli\;. S2.00: ~!rs ;'.]al:cile.'tr,· PiOllcer leaving

f "

'.' ," \\ 1!:3n1 C Bank .. ~l.OO: Bichard Taylor, I arc\ Patlen. (;1'3no Bani;, I Grand Bank, SI5.00: Samuel I S96.50: .Ierse,' Hr. (hollse to ford .. CI':iI·]ollrll'"n. B.I1. \\':11. ClIlllb<len, C;r:lnrl Bank .. \l".',' York \1.'1'. lilh, ~l. John. \J".. \.,; (;rilnd Bank. S~.OO: l'honoll'Y· S20.00: WIlllnl!' Williams. Caines. (;ranrl BanK. Sl.OO: I;houlc): SI0:;.00: Bn,r), (house SS.Oo C;rraid D.,cr, Bell j". ',·"_'.()(l,· ~.',all1uel Ilalchcl·. Ciranri "II 'I II'] II If" S' " ., .' .. "ar .,] a,,,~;, .' ... "J,- 11'1"'e. Price. C;randBallk, $1.00: :'Ilr~,: Grand Bank. ~2.00: George .1 : FI'ank D,Jdge. Sr, Grand Hank., to house!, Roxe)', ~50.DO: Trr·lland S~.DO: I,'dlt'l Sall'Hlc:'. [Jan:,. S:l.OO: Phyllis Tllorn \tar. 171h. olTlling Sl. JOhll'~

,;,., ".' j'''''11 ill: ElJl:1peth Price. Grand Bank. I Sqtlirr>. Fortune. 5!0.00: II . S~.OO: David Grant. Grand. renerl'illc Ihouse to house).: LOI:g l'ond. :l1:rnul'ls. S1.00; hill. (;r:lIId Il:in'(. Sc, 0(1; ('lldc: ~li'.r. ::Uth. ICa\lll~ .\I~,r. 23rd., '. ,],1' ~ln110n; $,1.00: \Irs. ~lartha G~lIltan, 'I C;.Walsh; Grand Bank. SIO.Uo:,' B,on~. 52.00: T1IOmas ~1\lfplIy.: ,';44.30: PJ:"O~IS TIl'. 1I1OU,;~ to. :\!rs. ,Iiuhert _\\,i.'cll~an. ShOil] r~'hC. Cr:',llri 13n:1k. s,j.OO, Ccpt. 'IiiI' 1I:l!i1M\ :rlld :lew York.

l:cd l.:d .. (,rand Bank, Sl.OO: I,dwud \\Ibon hans. Grand Bank. (,ranei Bank. SUO: lieber' house l. S~3 .. )0: Seal (0\,1' IIr. I.R, $:,.UII: Browning· Gordon Willtcrs, Grand Bailie. CLUE I'ETEII STE'\~ISHIP5 .' '1',1 \1:l1d'or Ball, Grand Bank S~.OO: ."'m· S3.00: Slephen Strong. Grand I Keeping. Cra:J(i B:1nk. S5.oo: (hou,e to hOllsn S87.50: Eng'lllar\,l':; Ltd. St .. Ioh'h. ~,2j.OO: SIOO.OO: lIarold (;r;,y. LoScic. ~L.V. Blue Trader. ~larch Ii!-'".,.;." S:~0.00:, OI'O<r. Thornhill. Grand Bank. !I B.1I1k, SIQ,QO: ,!t·s. :\l1l1ie: \\,intcrlal1c\ (IJOIISC to lJouse l. lisil TIl'. 1\'. liloll>e tn housel,' I'e:er (1:'rrJincr, Sr. .Iohn'>. SIO.OO: Sam Pard~·. Grand inth. ".~. 1,,:111',." 5,1.00; Ricilard Rose, Grand Riggs. (;rano Bank, SI.OO: I Wlnt~rland. Burin Di;t .. 563.50: ~~18.8:;: ,.\Ibert r.. Bad~ock., SlOUU: ~Ios('s BrOlin. Il!akr· Ban:;. S2(!1) ,\l.V. Blue Prince. ,\Iarch 24.

: p, "1. t',,"~Icr Bank, S2.00: Edward 1I3rrl~,lna~'Il1(Jnd Hardiman, Grandi Gau:tois Ihouse to honse. Ea)' Robcns, SI0.00: J"mc~lto\\'n X nd,.,.~Ij)OIl: Thomas FO:'\\Jrd 51H.1871. !~,'ilh.


,I,r,mtu,. V'oro

38 B~mhrlck

S'Jut Dill 7191·2

Baro ••

THL l:E:'oI'fItAL BARBO liHOP. W. In DOW operat· IDK eiiht chair •. \'ou can bt assured of lb. be5t possibl. ,ervic~ plt;1 tile lellt po. ,ibte waHinE. 24 New Gower Street, opp. Adelaid. )lo-

ton.' "'"


RElD'S CONFECTIONERY CiJarettea, fruit. lee Cl'e1Dl

ar.~ Drlw. "e Gill GWII Semel'.

ftnnn streU, Dial tlUf



B.~INE JOHNS'fON Cmfl>.O\!In', LTD.

Agrnc~ Deparrtnrnl au Waler 81. Dill net


HE.Ul & r ..... PTNERS



for the Freshesl Fruit I:a Town call E~",TRE FRUIT !oiOK';

144 Patrick Street. mil !R5t 378 Dnekll'orth st.. DIal 3911

! I'MatJDftJ:

~Nl~ir?n~ ~~·~~jaJl, Wire Iud FIRE IN'jURANCE Cablra. MotDr~, Startrrs,

LamPI, Switch~. LlIr.tinJ CROSBIE CO" LTD. !l'ixturell, fte,






H.'\Rm~ &. HISCOCK LTD GENERAL H.\RDWARE Distribu\ors for Sunbeam

Electrical Appliances. Sparling Good~ and Sports lI'ear fOi all occBS:Dns.




Campl~te Plumiling and Heating Servic~




Distriblilra '" FHA:-;K Sic NA~I.\R.\ tT!), QII['on st.



PE!'lm'Wl,LL ROAD DIAL ~i69

Complete IIp·to,dale ~! cat ~!;llkei


A. L. COLLIS Piano lind Organ Showroom:



"OTlCE For Appr8isal~ o! Rcal Est~lII

r.."d AU··t~Qll~ In pri"ate ]1OIr,2;'.


",'el I Bldelord Placr.






It. W. /,\H.'.:ES

l:-i ~rorR


OIL BUR:>.1::RS Imlll('dla!e DeDI'en

DIAL 92718

,RAS/\ FOU\lJli, LTD. 3fi2 WAfER ~T.

\fal!lt[adurer~ 01 MAID Of' A I' ALON

and HEr;AI. RA."IGES Dt\!, 3m . om

--------------------.~ f.\[, Bt,KEP,y HAHO...J..J SNOW &: SON, LTD.




Z1I WATER 81. DIAl. m~ Dial 9·2161 or 9·2162

Factory: Water St.. Hr. Grac.


Guarant~ed agains, ClIU 8IolV~uts. BruISe!!,


TOBACCOS Ili!: ffi'[ST IIRF.AD, (I}IS ~d PASTRIES ~! 10 ~ e .. bundland

I!;;I O'CB!PI OL"- _

.R. \~,1)ELL, L TO. Bt'TLDJ\{;

lI:II1·lRE~IF.~i5 , OI\L ms

lad •• trlal l1edr1e1_ 17 aamllloa lib'-.

om.. WI. Rea. 411'1


At r'a~on.ble rat ... paONE Qt3'B,



CUI b. obtalne<1 at CONNOR! DRUG 1T000a

.14 WATER ft. DIAL uti


Do\V/lili DR" <"'''LEANING LTD.

CoverhIJ St. Joha'i d rut, Efllc.l.t Iemet. J. aAMfLTON nE.




ELEGfRI(;AL E~G it Boar Stniee f« ""patn • Moton. Generatcn IIICI

1Iuaeh~1' A lI'lWefII,

DLU. m.



IIptclal!stlJ in' Moton, (kneratorJ, Steam I!cnl and

all HcU!ehold AppUanm.


SERVICE llectrieal C611lrarter

_ Water Sinel, .. JOIII'I, fIIewfe1llldlud.

1'11 ... 1144

ENGINES --------•• lad I. IA1tBOUR LTD. Dl!lributou aI:

Ittlvln M.nne Diesels Kelvin Ricardo Gu Etlinee.

run Lin. of Spare PartJ. • 71 • m WATO IT,

DIAL tfll



8"\07 h'rQatnt to _ Ou...... Ctn. Tneb,

ena .......... d Ora-.J MIl...., •. eo po. 1ft.

GUO r.xV.lUTJIIO "' "TIl. 'N" &111-_

Wa'a, •. '111'11' II. , .....


HOW~E OF FLOWEBI Bervln& St. J OM', from 1 locIUOIII:


., "AT[R ST. OIAL m.



tAtl1 and lon, dJ.h.l'lce NDT1BI, pj,t..iLlnl. craUn, _ad .nIppjU. M.mborJ 01 C.W.A. and M.M.·r ....

AI •• t> '0. United V.n 11" ••. D. &. l.dl&E,!!,. lU)I,lr.Ea om .. !It .. '''.n .... teo\"


. LAllA0Y'S

KlMEMllltANCE !!tIOP Gilta. Gam!3, Toy.,

NovelUfl, Cout'~ CardJ for an 1lCel!l1on.




leu OIo!ct 0/ "hat ,011 nHd DIAL lIlt

111 WATER !IT. WEft


PORTUGAl COVE You can buy your lToceri~! jusl a, chpap 89 in Sl. JOlllo I

and blve them d~Uv~re..' to ,our ~oor without charge. "I lin D.P's, :It.'U,",



R~p. GeDM'al I!.leetri. ~ I{lnrs lind Dial Hl1





WHmh BffiTHDAY r Certainl, a bBndm.(,~ article from NONIA if on;, tbe Bat

will do.


NO DOWN PAYMEN7 EMV ItIONnn. v P" YM!:m't • Stnrm b.lu.... lad Doou • Add thlt _x.tra room .. • llodenlJ.u lOUT klkill"

Cnntle! II .• , P,lBSOSI LT11.

Lon, PDn' aul Pl.1 ... .,


S03 WAtER ST. \men aclecting 9 DlarnOllll Rinl: see our private Diamond i3ooth .

DIAL 4501

P.O. So:< 358


DIAL t9!\8 Wedding . Photo~ Po:1ralts

and Commercial Phot~graph,

CAMEM S!101' 8'7 Lmlr-'s !lILL

Wllter . 51. Jtal !M~I





~ ewfollndland Yiews qllv mouoted lind Se~ our selectioo

arristle SERVICE fr8JTlf!d OIL fUKSAC?



THE LA WREN I .E :\FLD. CO .. In.,.

New LocatlOll' 209 . 21I DUCKWOItTH st, Paper and Paper Prociuc(2

IHIOLESALE O;-.lLY D.\lL 6288 . 7636




APPLIANCES. OJ.\L 3001 10 :1005

WEST END TEtEVISION T.V.-Radl()-Car Radio Repair,


At Night. Day. J-lolidlY l7r SUJJda\ fOI Fast Serv1ct aDd GuaranteCil wor~' ~n m7!;

• WAsnr,RB • I!I.A~·GF.!I!

NORMAN DlCP; [TD. DIAL 1m wur.. n

Sl':nv I\~':E FOR PLc\.~OS A'IID l'RCAN5

Tunlr.1 .Ile! flep.alrUl'. O"Pf ThlT1:l11 y~.n' r~~rlf'n,.. ,,~ru l"'ompflJ.nl •• r ... lcl.Ll

,;, R. ROGERS 13 '"'C'f .. rlant' 1\

'PhlJ"" .lili7






With Fr~e TrlcolollJ FlJIIIIIHp CALL SI'lS

ALLrED ~G2Nr,IF..I !I' Nell Gower lit.


Distributed b, RANK


Dlal 51tH'


A-I 1:\Xl CAL "ER A Vt;.

DIAL mo mf Anywhere. Any place.



ACE or SUPED Ti\XI DiAl ~l9 ' mt




DIAL stll

For Our Readers' Convenience

I "



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19, ______ ~ __ ~ ________________________________________________________________ ~T~H~E~DA~I~ly~N~E~W~S~,~ST~.~JO~H~~N~FL~D~.,_W~E~D_N~ES_D_Ay~,_M_A~R~CH~lB~

Raceing to Develop New Ballistic Missile

I Annual Meeting! For Rent Of R.E.W.A. FOUR OFFICES

In ~IUl'h 19~7 lhe Railllay IN OFFICE BUILDING, : tCmpioycc< Welfare As,'oeialion' 39 NEW GOWER ST, I was inaugu:'aled Illlh _ charier: rosier o[ 28 mrmiJers, On ~lon' I ,



Dial Z206


Cor, Monchv & Empire Dill 90071


A Two-bedroom Self­

contained APARTMENT

in the vicinity of the




day evening jlarch 15lh, Ihe As" Apply at ~oclalioll wllh a roll or l\carl" i

: BINOON'S PHARl'I1AO Higher Levels, Apply


Dial 91661 '80011 mcmbers RcrOS.1 the Ilom,; Roya I Groce ry ,Inion held II.i 32nJ!, anllllal' : Illeellllg In Ihe Mid, Board 01 ' marlO,t!

,'. i Trade Rooms, __ . ______ _


! I

: ~\r, ,lames V, ]lyall, Pm,irlelll ' ,and .\Ial:agl:lg Direclor, OC,

eup:ed lhe Cnrlir "IH1 Ihe annu,,1 report 01 aeliyille, oler thc p:\st year Ins read by the Sec,

Nfld. Natural

History Society, retar\'. ,I

• ,Meeting TO-NIGHT at the, The. fi':anci"l report rcllect,: Nfld Hotel 018.15 o'clock. 1

cd soliday aud cxpanSlOn III the I . . I various benefit iUl1ds opc~J:ed; An Illustrated Lecture by I by Ihe ASSoclatlOn al10 tilscl05' Mr, Finn Frosl: "Norwe-ed thaI durillg Ihe year 15 , Forestr in Relolion

I children of ti('ceased member,. glan y , ! wcre proliclcti with buuks and 10 Newfoundland,"

Iluition 110m the 1':'illlJry I-:du, .----- - -----~,- .. ---cation FUlld, 9B5 claims lIele pJid to mClllllelS 01 the Sk~ Benelll FUl1rt lot:dllllg'S7;,ill)l)" O(J, :l7dalll1> to h"lwlicl"lie"

~~~'!::~~=====~:::=;:~,":;,:::::::;;~;:;:;:;;=~~'7~....I""':-~.L.."-'-I Ol I he Il e '" i1 He 11 J'l i 1 FUlld .. -' , 11111\(lllIlle<l 10 S2U,UIIU,III1, 1211

By RAY CRO:\ILEY Pre~ent.da,' ballistic missiles I where the mi"ile lI'as ~nio~ In Widows lIne I,,"d a tl)lol 01 ~E.~ Staff Co,.,.espondcnl are likc arti!lary shells, Ooce be .would (ire at whclP Ihe l11i,,· . S6:1, l'liil,lll! 11":0 I ill' 1\,,1011,

WA5H[:-IGTO:\ - ':\E'\' - r, flred, Ille)' ~o on aknoll'n are I sile 1\,;15 sup?ose to be mal he, I'I'0S:<l11 "und, 10e 10111" to t:1l, ~. and So\'~et scientists arc ,ac, dlrecti,I' to the'ir tar~rl. . malically. \llli il \Ioulcn be. '1I1101111t at Sno,liDO.UU Ilere IS·

In~ to dCI ciop ~ rCI'olu'.ionar,' In. 1\', possible for no enemy-h,I' , there, II. would be of! on ~no:her : sued [rol11 Ihe S:1lillg, 'cnd Pru, lercont:nental ba;lislic missile-onc . Cllcckin~ a miSSile', ,peed ~nd course 10 largel" lid['nt 1",I1HI. It wa" rl'pll:'lru that wUl make a:1 prcsenl moocls ralh ca;'I," In night-to fi~\Ire 0111. \':I'cnluaJly it ,,':1 he po--,hlr alsl) Ih,\t 185 11I1Illl's arc tll'lI1g ~;'50Ietr, c~actly II'hcrp il',o ~oin~ 10 ~o, 5_Y llie cXI'~rl'. In Pili, "II ,,11'1, pu:'ch",,'u by IllemOll" Oil Ill<'

It ~':U zi; and z,,~ 'n lI~r ,1;)' ;1\1ct cldcnn i\:aiml il. Clnce fired o{ lI'iggb :nlo lhp IJalll'i:c 11115, RCIl',al I'llrdla"r I'LlI1 lilrol'gh ~t lH..., \1\j',~.1 an I',our-bc I·ir· it call't eilar,ge II~ course 01' >I;e's path, !11<1I;r il 1'ir'.lIall)' im, , lhc IJllilel;llg Fllnd "nel Ie 111[,111'

For Fast Taxi Service

HOTEL TAXI Dial 2424-2410 )p,n Irnrr· us !~ ! .,m,


t\lally impoliblc 10 5hoot down, "dod~c," po",lble 10 "hool dOI\'n ;11 l.i,I){)11 bel'S ;1C'lIlII'cd 011',,(,,',1111' rillJ'lllg _. _____ . __ ' The ~" wcapoo, ~ hen per.: "In essence ii's ~ silil1~ (hick' miles ~n hOllr, Rt lea,t h,' pI'e'eI11 I he year I rOil, Ihi, ,I)U;'lT, The

1I\Ct~d, \\111 rl en ~nllqll~te once ;'ou'ye dnr.lopcd the ri~ht i concl"p)~ ,urplu, at (lclo\)cl :Ilsl. 19,iH ~!lnu:r:n.ln and oll1e, ad- kind of ob~erl'ing Md trackin~, "Flirt don't \\O,~y ~o,"", onc,1 a.' S:J71J,UOtlOIl, "!necn nuUlle~ now on l', S ~\',Iem," says 0111" misile man I' De{cn", DE'\lartl:1enl I11I,slle. " . d:a\\':ng board~, . ':11'C5 a Ij.lX10·milc·an·hour sit· man, "R)' thai lime, '0I11con~' I he 'l1;L'stIOIl ,o{ :1, ,\11):11'01',.

It \11\1 also make the I'aunld : lin; duck, but a ~lt1J1g duck all· Will hal'e Ilwugh\ liP somc nrll Bencfll 1 Ian " I,ndel stuel) h,l billion-doUar :\ikc.Zcus anll- I the same, : defcnse ~i!11mick, It i, a contino Ihe I:;.xCClltII'C

Where To Stay

Balsam Hotel

Cor, lloolleoture and Empire A \'I, Il1AL 5ns


t04 UUI'k",-ort~ 8L, Dhl 2~81


PII."R"An COT, ~'ayor ~n~

Jlerr\'mtetin~ Ild DIAl. nRR

rARKD\U\ PIIAn,,/\CY, El\1ahpl~ A ~e,

()]at 91120

Mlmpm"s ORl'G STOltt:.

ll~"'illt13r,' !toad Dial 6Hti

THO:\lI'S()~'S PIO,\R'IlACY.

4,; Qllidi Vidl !toad

FLE:'IIIW~'S PI1,,, R"Ml,

t~, Penn~wtl' R(,ad Dial q2~~j

Jom\' .1, FEEHAN

Around St, John'S 4fl!1 Watpr ~t,

Dial 353]



, or Phone 2080 belween

9 o,m.-6 p,m. - after

6 p,m call 91484,

. Statutory Notice I" Ihe motll'r IIf Ihl' I\,ill ~I"t

J'c!,,\fo IIf Uhl'l ('lIlkrr, I,ll' IIr 11 flililpril1l' ~lrl'l't. ~1.

,1"hll\, io IiiI' Islaod IIf \1'\\

r 111111111;,,"1. .\\ a I'd c rt II' 11m an, Ii (' l'f';\ ~ f' cl.

:\';1 Pt'r. ... (J\I.~ (";liJllIIl'<! In 1ll'



I I.e: "IH' (

I \, '{1',', 0 II','I'! { n (~r;:i " 01" ',' .\ 3~· 1 n :-t ::

'1:ldil'I' ~. ()~I l'3n




I) r til :'1',1: \ :",

11l·~I'g ;\~, ~"I'I"

1 I) ~ I III: i ... r : ~ " I I 1 ...

0:' b.·'t'l II,,;'

11;1~' \"),1 ",:,,' :, .

,t· -: :'1 (I, ' . , 1 :

l'1I0\E \Ill 11'11 1.1I1'\\' \11111' R ,

,'iT ITI(I\IIIII\\ rt lilt: 1'111 1'(\\ F,ILr,1


431 VIO:1r Slr~r

51. John's, "';:!i, Tel: 8-029t

1\: I ~~. r ~ I" 'I" ii'" " '

milJi!e nili.sile ,'ystcm obsolel.e This mean, that within lcs~ ual race with both missile; anti On Illolion of ~IJ', .iolln 1'111, be!ore it is eren in continent- iban a decade it iwll be lairll' defenses geting better and marc lock, Seconded il) _\Ir, /l,

BAR,\'ES flOAD ---------'--

C'l'rdl!O),,<; or IJr \'hn h,I,\(> ~i;i\

l'\;liTll~ or r!I'ITLljld ... UpOtl or (if· r,'c::n[l' ltw {l~laIP of Etl1f'1 C'l'ol'kl'r, 1:1:(' n! 11 i':lllH':'lll('

Slrrrl. Sl. ,lohl1', afore,aid, lll;',rricd womaJ1. dC'c( ,1~('d. art' rrqllPsl(ld to ~t.'lld p;lrti(,1I1ar~

of their {'Li.:m in \Hlllll!!. duh :,'It'<ed. tn The Ea . ..;lrrl; Tn!."! l·omp~n~·. :2i5 \\'.jtrr Strr(~·.

arlrninislr:l:or (' 1 ;1 (If thl'

~f" .. T~ 1 r ',I.,.::.

wide operation, simple 10 deiend against Ihe complicated," " I Chubbs lhc repun as l"bled That'~ L1e real reason the De- present t)'Pe 01 !impl~ bal!istic Defense Dcpal'lmenl mll'\'c was un:\nimuusly aduJl~ed,

fe:';.!e Department :~ dragging m~ssile, men do want to go ahead \1'ltll The election of oflicers for Its heels on ~,ke·Zeul produc· The nell' missile, however '11m research and cel'elopment on' the ensuing term rcsulled in tio~ plans-in the face of hea\')' zig and zag like an open fleld Nike-Zeu~ Hen though the)' the re-election of 1,1st )em's, cO:l,fre.lsior.al Frest.re to get football runner, think this system mal' nel'er executil'e as lol~ows: ahead "'ith the program, It w:lI cary one or several be \LSed "We can't del'clop an President al1d ~1"l1a~ing D:,

And it's the reason Defense smal! c~,arges one for each zig anti·misslJe ~qstcm for these, rector-.l, \" H\,:1I1, Secretary :-'lcElroy doesn't warJ or zag, Some lime during flight I more complicated missilrs \Io.ti\ I VICe Prpsidrn't--J, f, P:ke, to buEd up a big stockpile of perhaps sel'eral limes-the small we learn how 10 knuck ?,I\t l!lC, r;~"l'l\li\'e S.'rrJ'I;IIY-i', J. present·day ICB~!s jll~t in time charges will fire and change the ,Itmple preseol·doy tyfWs says 1),i\IIIn, for ibe new R'J~iat1 millile to I course impo,,<ible for the enemy one" 'J'rc""lIr!'r -(', r', Stl!'3

Sltllal~d io the Hea,t of Ih' City

Quiet, Comforlable AmD., phere,

For [1csefl'J\ion! sod In, formation

Dial 6336 .'IRS. JOlIN FACF:Y Rrltd.nl Man/lf'er ...

rl1~ 1,1 I

ma~e them all antiquated, 110 predict, Only lhe men who Thel' don'l Willil to 111,.]1 il,lo Ilil'l'clllrs: ("1\""'" '\;, (;, H's also the rea;un ~lcEl;oy p\3nned tht 'lig z3g cOllrse aciIl3ii)' blliiding nn e.\II'PJ11l'I\', n"lt(ll1, 'l.Il,I':, (;, I':, '1':11 1,:1', 1', \\""~I~I'~;r::~IlI~';):lI~I":~iIll'~I'I~:~'~'

dee;n't think the R',bians are. would knoll' it, I ~X]1cnSl"C syslem tllcy'l'e almo,t ,I, Tl)lril~, II, ,I, (;rollch,:, g, (i I I I I . II q '_<

go~ng to make tbe large number II wou:d Il1u, be possible 10 : eerlain will be ob~olele ~bo',iI lile Wells, Ila ,'I 1I1tllC, 1:\ . II,,;) ... 0' ICB~ls Ihat a lee of people are hal'c Ihi~ tspe o{ ballistic mis- lime 11'5 in~lalied ar,d worklog I ______ ~_ predICllr,&, i sile head 511'ai~ht for one target Bllt Ihey wOlild I,~e 10 pili llIHTlIllA Y GREEl'I:\liS

Sa,", onr Pc::lagon mil:i1c ',hen, M the last mintlle zig In mnre monev inlo a ,11:dl' 01 Birthday ~rectillgs to Plin'ci, maQ'Tho)' don't \l'anl In :el annther larcol Inn lale {or de- ~',Iidance syslems, "\\'e mi~i1: \'rwol ' , /lOl1ncnlurr '\ '-I:I1:>r, r~II~~i "':I~ a lnl ~r olll,IO·d;lIc fenr~in~ mi"llcs In ~cl at il. ,i II"t leol'n i\ Irick 0:' t\\O in l'll'.s lIilo rele'liralr" hrr 11'11 IHrlil n,;ss:h on Ihe:r hano,s ~nl' Illorr ,\nli··,11i.'sile mis'''e dden'a I:ne heforc Ihe [111>lao no," says day on Sollll'O"y, ,\laroh ;4Ih, Ihan "r rio. ' ' -,"10m,' nasen on predicilOns o! , ;1 krl' l1ali\lic mlsile m;1n

Great East. Oil Holds Meeting

11':l1o\t ,l'pol', 1~~5, flnl ),r.H ! r.xl'rrnrd liahllilin h." ~r rl{ Irlc\'lSlOl1 in .\cwfotlno" PI'O\11ll;1,r11' Iln'cp Irl11c~ 111c I~nd Cn~l1il1~ <lfler ~ fallin~ 01'i;:i1181 (,,'lied r;1pil~1 nl{ 1:1 l~;,fi and 'orne dc~ree: The fnllnwil1~ olfier!'" IIprr of rCl'Cle\'\' in lP~7, rr,cleclcd: Dl\nn~ '1058, <l5 mrntlon~d Prpsidenl-'.Ir, r;, p, Fen

"hol'c, llip comp~ny Achlpl'cd : nrV, At the annlla[ ;:e~el'al lI1e~l, illr hl~hpst annual !Rle~ In I ~lana~il1~ Dlr~clrr-'.Ir, '\1'

Ing of the sharcholdrrs of the its hi..tol')' A ~ix per ~pnl \'i', '.lacDonald. Great Eastern Oil and Impart· dil'idcnt I\'a~ clcclared, mak- SecretAry ann A"i,t~111 Company LiJr.:tcd, held Tue~· Ing 8 total of approximately '.Ianagcr-:'Ik F, L, Burrid~r cia\' night, at the Company's ~600,OOO,OO paid out in dlvi· '.lcssrs. J, n, Par,ons Com c!!:ce, Water Street, St, dends Since the eompany'5 In· pan), Limited were clecled J:r.o',;, ;a!e3 cf ~J1300QO 00 repl!on In 1926. The company auditor! for the company Ior i we~e repo:-ted for lh~ )'ear in ~dd'tlnn Issued a 100 per the coming yeRr, !g:)g, Th!;'~ a; an i!'cl'ea,e Cn'1' :Ioek dlvident [n 1948.


CO" LTD. Radlo, Teleli510n WalhCfS

R?Iri~eralors !Jeep Frec~cr,' Electric fiangen, Floor Polisher!, Gramophoncs

PubJi~ Address Systems, Tape Recorder.,


DIAL 3001 to 3005

('OH\En EI.E('TIll(' SIlOI'-Hep;Jirs :0 radios, toa."tcr •. flo: iror,s, ond nil elcelflcal arplil'aoce'. Free Ihermo· 111 {'I 1'1',' wilh c"cr,I' job don. lhi~ wrrk. 7 Hrnry Stret. lnori8,1!1,21),cl

WClil WClshing 1111.1. 11,I'fll\r; - 11',11.

rlr,lllrri by nr'·,,· maC'in1~.

IlC::IjH.~ ~'r:'il't't. ~rI\'fl~ rrunt . _\0\\ ~!elh"rl nllg ;\1111 ':I'~il CleJl1ers, I'rrshwalpr RO:ld, 'Phone ~1O,13,

BE,\rTYL,\;\'D, 12~ Qucen'l ROill!' Speci,,1 for two 1I'1'cb, SI5,OO cold wave lor 58,00; SIO,OO permanent I\'are, S~,OO, Also cutting and tinting, Open e\'ening~, Di"l 6534,


DHL ~226 Servicl', Quality, Variety



246 Waler Strerl f)ial 3089

------ - .. _-----1\1 AWZEl.l.e 'S

Il E;\l "n' 1',\ H 1.00·R Eli'lahcth :\I'~, Dial !I019~



Illal ~~~~ Re~, !'166iF ST JOHS'S CE:;TRAL

----Il---- --


J. y, DAWE LTD, F;lr(lriral Conlr"lor

.'Iio rire ",-hen we wir! Dial ~il~O]


W, ARBOTT C1E!' t:Of cO!n)'la:1,I'S rrEI'loll;' Tho ~':",rl, Rt the end of 1958

WATER STREET :----------------------~ 24 I,I\'ing~tonf SL Dial '953



You worked for ,our mone, now let It work for you i Wr.ether )'OU ,8 ve by the

,penny, or by the pockFliul. your doUar; hatch ;rEatEI returns at the intere;t rate of

lnt'·re.st i5 cUl!':puled on the minimum qUarterl, balance R!:d' added to )'uur accornt on J~ne 30th and December 315\

Call tndey or write flM' our Deposit by Mall Form.


blauli,Itt'11 IHK7,

.. 164 \\',\'I'EIt ST" ST, J()II~'S

CI.At:IlE E, llA\\');, ~lallagrr : ~ i~n20 17,1111'12

""':. .

IIIA1. 3335


I~~~I SERVICES, 218 :->ew Go\\'· er Street, Fast dependable service from 9:0U a,m, -IG:oo p,m, daily, Dial 7009

Department of Education

SlIhjecl In Ihe approl;11 of Ihe : L e ~ i , I ~ III J' e, the Lielllen_nl

NOTICE HOTEl BARBER SHOP 'ThL~ shop 15 open 10 th!

general plIlllic, rt~ Iherf for YOllr cOJ1I'I'J1iPI1l'r II', h~I'e three fir.'t,cl", .. ~ !lar. ber" clean and IIp.lo,ual, In ('\"ery rCl;pect. !I'rdly nOllr,,-

R:30 am, - :6,0 p,m, \\'eol<·rnd hOllr~:-

8:JO A,m - ~.JO p.m, 7:182

"W~ nred ,1'l)lIr he"c! (m nttr 1111sinr:;!'''.



Sundays Dinl 61423 (Thi~ Ad I.~ worth Sl00 to YOI1), mar3,lmth

FOR SALE - Hom. fire al:1rJ11s alll! ~\til1gll:.'hers Frce d"l1loll,lr:11ion It youl' home, Spol'ial dis, ('ollnt ann bllcket plan, Ci\1I Rn)' day 6H~:l, or writo \101',\ (,(),\!PA.\Y LI '.11'1'F, 0, 101 \rw GOWN

SI" St. loiH1'.', ('peil SqlliI'P,<, Salp< ~lana£rr,

mar:l, I ml h /

1 GOIprnor in ('nllneil Ilil\ rOI1,lder makin, Ihe folloll']o" ;1rrrinlmpol lI'ilh rlulie~ In h~ .. ,p' p(fel'l from

; July 2nn, ]n,n,

DflH':rrOR GRADF; III ADl'LT C(1~TI:-;UAT!o~'


1~~m~~r:_O:'l:m:lih~~~~~~~~ "E l\\. ... G ~L\CRl\ES --~.r,

rice fo: /11 kind.1 n{ ~'I\':n~ \racl'ine<, manuf"ct'Jrin~ ~r nome,tic, w, SimmDn~,

Ii ,

!;allll'5 'j!1)f) per ."'-~~II!11 , The dutie~ of thi5 Dtreclor Will,

be 10 promote ar,d or;;anize nl;;hl ' !chooI5, under the direction of i

i the Deputy Minisler of Educat·

r'm S'dmlE 1rolDlA.if 'WlI'Ir1H lRlDAu



Mtlll1SIEI5! SIH«:1IP!B ~llJ'II"1D5


ion, at variou! centres through. out Newfoundland in co-opera lion I with local school hO;1ro~ Rnd ;'1".

gular day,schoDl tpach~r,l, The I Direclor '~'ill he rp~\lirpd 10 rp- I main in a locably or comlr".I~\ly for a sllffrcienl l~n:1 h of tim~ to estabI13j1, new ni~ht schon!'1 on ape!' man I" nIb " ~ " , Con' ide C1 hie 1 _ :.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;.;;;;;;;;:;,;

,traveliing Ihroll,i1odt the ['I'D, I ,. \'ince lI'ill be e"enlinl in orner: to luperl'ise exi!ling sCfl'ices,

Applicanls {or thh p03t ~holilc I hold s University degree, should have 8 sound practical knowledge of Newfoundland geography and community life, RS wfll a~ a nllmber of )'~al's expl'J'i~\1ce III pllblico eillleul iOll or r~bl"lt fipld

Applicaliol1s ill II'l'ilill~, ,Ill'ing : a!{e, ulllt'!lti.llH'} lillulJfi(';dioJl~ , HIIiI e,\JI!'riflll'e. ,lll'lllld he b:\ I dJ'h."pd ~o tilt' lJt'pl!I.\' \111l1'·ll'l

: o{ 1',d'IC<llioll, ]0")1'1 \I'i!li:llIl, ~I I ,John's, ,0 ,," til rPlich him 001 'Ialer th,II1 ,\pril I,ili!, tn,i~,

[;, ,~, FRECKr:n , D'puty ~1!nl!lrr or Edllcnll"n'



Gerry Halley Surveys Ltd.



Thone 3120 milrlO.lm ----- -. ---~--.. -

I1r:;UT'tTA',l) l~q QU'fO' Roaj (Theatre Hil:l, ~pw~1.

iling in a'l meth1ds of ppr· manenl wal'ing tin ling, cut· ting, Special permanent. ~E,OO Open Evenings. Dial 6534,

"r.r~,N"s for new modern 17· llert hospital; excellent equipment. Salary $270,00 p~r month; $\000 annual incremenls or commensur, ~te with ahility; 40,hour week; modern residence; ~:1od recreational faclli, ties, board room and uni· form; laundry S34,50 per month, Apply Secty,-Trea<, Union Hospital, Bengough, S:15k, martl (1 m),

i --.----. --,-"-----

( NEW MF.TIIOI) Rl1G CLEl\N EllS. Rl,gs 8n~ Curpl't 1I1,10r to 1!l1,1i lil;e new "or. Sl'ilr.,lel pruCHS i,:,il vearl

I. 10 I,fe ur rllf:~, l'leaned in home or :\1 our planl ThOllI', !lIl1:U, l\'rw MelllOti illig Clcaners, Freshwater Road,


[)Ial 5727


" Kfn~',\ Briuge ~old Dial 6~2F

--'-~'--'--- - -.----

trr:TCllENS GRO(;ER \ MEAT MARKFT, 53 WiJli3m Sterr!

Dial 7,15U and 606t

n, R, CLARKE Top'~il Rn ••

Ill. I ~2!l11l

L. m:,'LEY Cro~~ Roa~~ an~ WAin ~I

Ilial 302~



I Water Strl!f!t I Dial 2658, flU ,---------------j. MEEHAN & CO. . T.A, Bldg, Duckwortb 8t,

Dial 7046·7Of7

REG T. MORGAN fempJ, Bldg, Duckworlb !It

DIal 80!'7()"~56


Temple Bldg" Duckwortb 51 Dial ~r)370'77~F

CROSBlF. &. ('0" I.TII Wuotllortt, IlldK, Water lit

Ilia I 5"~ J

en)' A"D SUllll111A1'II ';\ IlIP.C [,~ C()I.U:CTIO~

WO ('lp,1n GJrden,. Illsemenl. Two Cummef<c:11 Pick,ups

DIAL 93211

I rsi3tr of ~ht> ~:l:d Ii(·('('.l'-:(·O, 0:\ Illr hdn1'l' till' cllill d:l', "I :\pril .-\!J I')~!I, ,dtl'~ wh'l'h rl"I,' Ih" :ullllini:.;ll';ilui· \\\11 P1'II("('1-'11 'li d'I:,ll',hllt(' llit" ~~Iid 1·~1.-·,1i'. h:! in:! l't',!..:"I'd (),llh :() lllr' (·I..Iltll,

cif \~':lirh i: ~11:11'1 qlt'tl h:I\f" b.,1i .'11 Ii. Il't'

D:!tl'ri a: S' .iIJliJl',"; Ihi." lillh dl1)' of \1;,:,11 -\ I) l!l,i!1

\I!lOIl & KELLY, ~1l1i,·Hor ... fill' Ihe

,\dl11illi~ll'l1tor. C.1..1 ,-\ [Ill r. ~:S<;'

;111"7 D\I('k'.\llrlh ~lrrf'l.

~1. J()iln't 1l'I~t:1:':'r-;-.1 ~

Executive -Housekeeper ,\pplk;llin1s ar~ il lited for q,o

i1D,t of Exec'.l:il'e 1I0usr~eeprr I' rrmnlcl 01 til' 1I0;ri1JI [or i ~!cnla; nod \'crl'oa, Disea,ps, I {or wilie:l tl:e sa:ary is 011 scak

$7,i30-IOO,2860 per a""UIll, Candidates most ha\'e con­

siderable experience in Ihe SlIp­: erl'isioo and cor,lrol o{ slaff ~nd

be re,'pon5ihl~ lor Ihe direcIll!n , and adminislrJtion of Ihe hO~15'" kt't'ping progralllnJt' in tr.e h[l~· pi 131.

Applic.il,lIn, with {ull delai', :" 10 ;I~t', t'\Pl'\':f'lH'i.', t'\c., 'II

.~l'thl'r Wilh eO;li('s 01 r('~'t'nt tl'~'

ltnOnlni:-:. ShOlild be ;nnrardt,,; a ~{)Ol~ R~ po..,:ib!r \0 thf Sl·~Cj{l':·

T,\II\', IIOSPI'J'.\L FOB \li-:\· T,IL A:\Il \1':H\'(lt'S Ol~": \. SES, W,ITEr.H)!!Il flll![)(;I: nO.lo. :;1'. ,1()lI\S

u:o,\.\no '111,U:R, '1.0, Dpnn' \lini~ll'r 01 H'ai'1, ,I ;n' II, 1~,

Statutory Notice rn th~ m~tt'r 01 tho Will Ami

F~t~t~ "r lIor~th~' "'~lIrl Pr1J',I, !~tr or ~1. John'l, 111 tlie Prn"lnr. III .'ir",foun'l hnrl, Wido"" d.cra,p.d,


, " "

Prrn incr

Newfoun I


Trdin ."11. ,I r I Ii I, •

lQ:h. "\"11' 'n;l~" (,"'

PrH'1 ~ II' I' ,;, H:H-{';lliC'1

,~n:l\ h ('(,,..<.'

PH! -.;.\ I,

2(lIh IlIII '",'

n('~IJl(1! ,,10 ~ ... illt! SI. ,1(111"" r,·,:; :!O:h_ \\'ill ~p'~~ ,:'

Ar~~nli;:! \'''I~h .\1 \'

f(jl rrJ!u!;<' p~r!~: SCf\"ICl".

Shir,pn~ ~lletC~ , ,It~d otht,:, rl'~'r .. ::~ rt'~lliJ.r pl':'~( ~",~·t "i:'p for I":"r~r~,",i'l I'l(l V \- \i ::!-::,~!';

;-t"PI t'I!' ;,! . 'nf' .FLi, ,

....~H'd :11 1\.,1. \1, ,~

n a.1II fll:'

All per'0n~ c1~iIning 10 8" . ereditor~ of or who hav~ anI' ,claim, or demands upon or ~f : Iecting the es:ate of Doro:hy 75 I

---~laurl Pelley. late of st. John's 1 aforesaid, Widow, ciecea.sed, are i Penet"oP"W' requested to ~end parliculars : Ihe Portugal c::~( of their cidim in writing, duly I situate in Ihl et" attesled, to the undersigned: Ing communi~Y,

... I" t k I 1111 Solicitun for the ",xecutor: rcma1l1 In ,,1 t~! named in lhe Will of the said· Octagon Hel! •

I . I ~I ~~ deceased, on Dr before the: 1 bcaulilu ar I 25th day oj -'larch, A.D, 1958, : Road and alrll.:, after which dale the Executor Ilun'alow! arl will proceed 10 distribute the : !hi~ °subrlil':<:C), 5~id pslale, having regal'll ani)

: to Ihe claim,~ of which hc . ,,11,111 IiiI'll have h"t! ,:olicf

tl31,·t! al SI, ,1,,111,', I hi, 2:l, iI .1;1." u{ hhl'lllll')', A!l 1%9

DIFJ(:"O\, STI It I.l \1; & I ion tl H Wid:

S(lli(ilnr~ for Ihe EXPClIlIlr 1!)!lHES~:

cB:l ])11('k,,"r'h Sirrei. Sl. .John's, !\cwfollnclllll1d,



i Dial


• 'II


B 9 6

10 12

2 3 7 1 5

14 4

Page 19: i rlum o reece E t· I W I ~latch e a erncollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · tLe f

j Conditio"


tS Tr~AI

:T U N1T1ES ~;G MEN 1 '{S OF A

-' co P>t

:. T~ADE

"J~ yOU. :. ·.I!e E:)U(~

.~: FOR ~

:.;:y CAREER :.~ YOU

..... ,.; , .

. ~::::~'~Ii,


1 ,

--'·-n ACCEPT "I ':;TRICTfD (

. -.:f. rlr .. 'lf' \o:r. ' .• ,- rt·,:nc:rd

_'. ,..~ .. ~(Y.l.:t _",~~~I',; ,11 \IOC'c,n:! . t',~ !\)i1-'"J:C

" \\ ,~,

5 f '"


t{INSMEN Boys Club

BINGO Newspaper

SERIES No. 7 8i11 30 i;(15 been won. Names of the

winners will be published to-morrow.


I •




17 25 20 2~

1 S

N 40 35 41 31 39 36 38 33 34 44

G 56 .54 59 55 53 51 57 46 49

o 61 66 67 68 74 63 69 64 /3 75 71 72 62

~elp Kin He~p Kiddies

WANTED : -·~~<,Canada Credit Corporation

Henographer Cashier (Female)

Regu lar Company Benefits.


\YANTED WI ore an established wholesale firm locking for an alive City Salesman, if IOU ore experienced and thoroughly ~uclified, apply giving full particulars c~d solar)' expected to



WANTED TO RENT A five rO:lm (two bedrooms) completely


~, End of this week, March 21 st, for a

~C; month period. 'Phone 3181, Nfld.

liSh! a~d Power.

Law Firm Requires

L FOR CASH RECEIPTS and telephone

Shorthand and tvpinq preferred.

Apply P.O. eax 2062. ST. JOHN'S


,., .' - ~ s, ,.,' rer' nf C~n~:la Umlted. welcomes busl, ~:~:-_ ':. :no," fu:: lise of c;edlt and busIness Infor· h,.; J'\I ",:1",,1,· ill their new u[fice premises In the ; .• :', f JI',I.lre f,:lIlding at 367 WATER STREET, St

", .\,.\"rl".I;d'~ild.

,', 1:1',111-', ,'c': ulll,e In :,1 ,lohn's "pencrJ ,"i.", J~'I Slnc" Ih~11 lIe have

1\ 11 r, .ll"'1 111.11lY 100PIU\I'"11'ills h;1.\'E' hepr. I, "ld f.,('I!lti!'5. \nw f)'om 0111' 1.1l'ger

'. • " ", i', ":::1",,\ lIT 1'0\1' a wrll tl'ililP.rl .tall ::".' ''',r''''1 ;,,,1 f,,;.·!, S"I'I'lee to the bllsine~se. In ~ . .',,""',,: " ,1,,'111.1 n:l'lropolitiln area and ll) the

"':,:, "f \CI\ :<IIlndland as a whole.

T"," l' u t!. 'b 0 r IS all\'a\'5 open to Newfoundland busIness, , • O~' • I:~I .nt tu &CI th~ facta that generat~ bu.siness pro,

'i\ ~ t ~,. . "Jfait )'o~ ,0 "ask Dun &I Bradstreet flrtl".

ut \ .. ' tiP.\LJ~lHU:T OF U:'<I,\DA, UmTED.


9 P.:tI. TO I A.M .. -CALL 9,ODt8 1 .. _______ - _________ ,


"When [ s~id to RE~[ODEL the hOllse, J rlirl not mean to start from scratch!"

I But YOU don't ha\e to cui , \'our own trees to do some RE~[ODELL[~G, lf YOU :Ire gelling that crc3,ivr urge to do some building, then come in and let us help you with Plan.<. Idea!. and ~!a



Crystal Palace GOULDS ROAD

OPEN 5 P.M. DAILY Catering to weddings, private parties & dance. For f Jrther information contact: MRS. AMY KY AN, 22A GOLF AVE. DIAL 90024

Velvet Horn Club



9 a.m. to 11 p.m.


1 9 5 3

C H E V. V A N



DIAL 80378-9



Haney, Hickman & Hunt (Law Office)

319 DUCKWORTH ST. PHONE 5179 - 80124


5000 SQUARE FEET of Heated, Ground Floor, Storage Space.

Reply giving location and rental

to: ,



I BEAM; H Beam; Angles; Channels; Plates; Shafting etc., Various sizes.

Nfld. Salvage & Sales Co., Ltd. 1 J PATRICK ST. 'PHONE 7709

The Memorial University

Dramatic Society




at 8:15 p.m.

March 18th, 19th and 20th in the University Annex Auditorium.

ST. JOHN/S LODGE, No. 245 There will be a meeting of the above

Lodge THURSDAY, March 19th, . at 8.30 p.m.

By Order of the Exalted Ruler,


R. J. POWER, Secretary.

, I


The ideal "first" car ... the essential ~econd car, brings you all these luxury features in the most practical and beauliful designed car in the world.

Q~ICK FACTS ABO~T ('omfort Fe3tlll'rs: YOCH DA n'JII~E Extremely quiet l'l:~ir:I'-\'ibrallOn free ride

--3utorr.alic "ferlee" c!utch-4-whecl sus'

pr:l,'ion--7 c;lbic foot Iru:lk-p)cn:y of

"1'1110\\''' ron~l-Cun\ enicolly pl~eed sparc­

fu;]m rubber seat5-sliuil1~ sunroof.

Sarety Featu:'es: Doors open again,t windstream-exl'l'ilcnt steering conlrol-LlickCl ~e31.5-l1o motal in 8(;]\.\ - curved w;lId"hield -- rllbher cushioned dashbo;mi -,'pmi,flpxlblr steer ing wh,'el--extra,big, ~\J-fade brakes­doorlo:ks,

Ecollomy Fratmrs:

::'-JJl't u\,2~lJr~t--up to 40 miles p"r ~"llnn- c,bil,' ae' "p",:['I" c,1':IilC---Ci'ilckl\, lie-1:11'!J"hll' f"':li'!rS-,II';nu', :Iule ( 11!II~l'r 1 '~('r:, - ~itJ1lllil.'~.Y IJ:" r ," I !11' dr':.] '.: YI ---;ll1 i 1':1';j t ir




Feildian Ladies" Association

Wi!r hold a


at 3.15 p.m. a! Bishop Feild College.

Entrance at Carew S'treet. Admission 5c.



Victor We5tcott Your I,ENSOX Repre,

sent.tlvr now resirttng in your lrra,

,'or frrc estimales call OWee R031l-Res. ~:lRi5H

24 HOllr Sen'il'~ Don'l take. beating on

"our heating.




Ba bnr .. ........ $1.00 Gen. Admission 50c. Tickets on sale today

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.



DIAL 2094



Aprlic.l!iol\~ aTe i'll'i\ed for lil'e ro~,;lior" in I':e technician cl:,ssifica:lo'l ~I tile lIi"IQ~c,l S1.1:,10:1 <,I'ry ppr YflJ.r, dl:'pCIHling on qUJlI:ic~tlOns, to h~gln at s;ome point in one 01 the 5C,llo,': "

As.si .. lanl rrclll~ician:! ~'j~O 1203')0 Assislant Tochrici~n 3 ~27",l:;C,:l~20 Tcchnician 1 3750 150,4350

1 The cl".lties are to assist hiolll~iqs in fisheri o5 re' le3rrh work ,lil1imum q'.IJlific,,:iom reqll,red are Grad.e X[ with good sLinriing. In:elll~e:1ce, goue! physlc,,1 CO~dl' lion and the ~bility to work al sea when neccssH)"

2 ;\PPlicJ:ill!1S ill IITiling, gi\'in~ lull n::me anti ad drc~s, Bge. mari'.al status, ar,y ~~r~\,l(~lIS wor"ln1! expen.: cnl'l', eC1;IC;]tiol1;]1 and olll"r qu"lltIC:l110nS and the name, JrHl .'1 ddrl''''sP." of two TPj"l'rCIll'l'."; (I;ot rpiatl\'(,s, ~n('. 1f ;1O"ih![" o( a :eaeller) sIIould he ,enl 10 Ihe D:rector. l'i,ht'ril's lho.<":'l'l'h Boar dof ('oll"Ii,1 B1010~lcal ~tatlon, SI )"hl1', :\(lrt, Arpii('illih !11I1,'1 inl'iurle c('rllfted cople~ of tlwir {;rad(' XI m~t:-',\s and mal'i;:-: (11 ~ny ~.lIgh('r grades the': lI1:lI' 118\'[' bCl'1I t:Ike:1. Thr,e !'('e(]]'{]' WI!I be return, cd 'l'ill'l'l 11I1,'1I"Ct's,!'ul appli(·an~.\ :I,'" nollflcd thai Ihe \I1..,lIi""" are filled, C'losing datr (0(, ai'plleatlOlIs IS April 17. !D;)f) nI,'!' U-~ ~ I ,2~


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The Daily ,News SATURDAY, MARCH 21st

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The Order Of Rebekhas

--- '---- I ----------------

I AT THE 11~1 =========::::::: "-'-

Rebekah was 8 woman of ,iecp . compass~onate feelines. This is' made very clear in Genesis 24. I

Abrahnm was anxious about his: son, [or Isnac had reached the I age of 4Q and was stilt unmar· ried. But Abraham wanted his son to mnrry into his all' n fotk

,....~ S!~N! 'Eggs .. Butter .. Cheese .. Mil~ ~ THE.

~fDO- 001' If at alt possibte. To this end Abl':lllam sellt hi.1 servant Elie· THE STORY OF NFLD. zcr to thc land of Uron a str ,lnge ,

I errnnei, - to seck a wife lor I

Ilsnac. E:liezcl' was reluctant to , ul1[!crta~e such a v€nturc, oul' , ('nntt"· a~rced to go, Ariel' a I

ton" jO'.lrnc I·. one evcning at su~· I set 0 he arri'\cd at a \\elt ou the i

: oU',skirts of the eity of Zuhor. I Tlwrc he pI'a;cd and deducd on ; a plall of action. When he would

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I see a young woman drawing I WQtcr from a wcll he would a,k 1.... _________ 1

: 'lcr [Dr a drink. II s he not only DRAGOMAN PASS I offered him a drink but proccc· 'ded f',I~:her and offered to ;m)· Eric Williams , I'ieic wntcr to thc came),. he Author of "The Wooden 'WOUld take that as a sign

l Ihat Horse" ~3.00 .

SilC lI'a" the woman for snnc. Before F.lil'zcr had alt this quitc I BONNI~ JEAN

, clear. white he wns yet tnlk'ng , James Barke with the Lord. Rebekah aPI;e?r.' NURSE! NUR:'f! cd. :\, soon as she had .Iller! I

hel' pitell('r. Eliezer hurried 10 i Pau la Deal ... her and asked for a drink. She I SINGING IN THE made 3 \'ery ready r,~spDnse" for: SHROUDS

..... 3.QO NURSE


we are told that slle hasted to I •

takc the pitcher from hcr heael.·: Ngalo Marsh 2.50 Then she went the second 111l;C .. LAUGHING OUT LOUD

I S'le olfered to give watcr to all M CoLe 3 50 i ' I I d' " yron .1 n. . I tIe carr.c 5, an agaln We rCllu I '

I Iilat ,he "r<1n" to do it, :\or ·.Ia, THE WATCH T~AT : that all. Without any enquiry in ENDS THE NIGHT : to Elicler's crc:lentI3Is. nelle·. h 3 5 • hah R>surert him of ho.'pit.1;i'Y' Hug MacLenno n .9

, ~\I;d/lh~~~~/~:k~ll~s s~~~~~· hc~~ I DI'cks & Co Ltd ,elf 10 hc a voung wom<1n of .,.

Booksellers I deep compas,io'n, the k'nd of' 1 woman \\'ho hnd the eyes to .iee

ann the heart 10 anticipate Ihe necds of others. Spin 4425 or 2008 or 3191


I, This is a precious I·irluc· Blcssings on all, old and YO:lng. : who not ani\' do kind things In a ;

To Maintain Employment

DO IT NOW I k'ndly way;' but who, like Hebc·; klh, go a se<:ond mile. In Mark I 14 II e read of a woman 11':10 _______ ~_ ---I came to .Te>lIS with an alaba>ier

'~ox of ointment of spikena:'d, I IWY precIous and "she broke

the hox. and )lQured it Ol~ his head." IHe:l some condemnd ' the woman's seeming extrd\·a· gance. .Jesus defot:ded her. "She" come aforehand to anolill 1111' bod\' to the bur"ing." Slw w~s the' founder of· the grand order of lhe "AFORE:IlANDS"- : a Reb~kah. But Prir.ce of ~ll i Ihat company was o'.Ir Lord. lIc

! is constantly anticipating the , needs of His children. "We 'Ol'e

Him who FIRST 10\'ed \IS." r ,1h. ' 4: 19l. "When He putteth forth his own sheep, He goeth he tore tllem." 1,1hm 10:4), "I go to, PREPARE: a place for you." i (,]hm 14:21. 'My God SHALL· ,upply all your needs," IPililm! 4: In,. Are YOU really a Rehe· ~ah:



Dial 5181 . 2 - 3 ________ ._ I

DEATHS '-------- -----

L"crosse. origillaled centuries a;:o by Calla dian Indians, is con· sidered the oldest game on thc :-Iorth Amcrican continent.


~IOGRfDGE - Died at To ronto on Saturday. ~tarLh 14th Laura ~Iogrirlge, brlo\"eo wife of Wil,iam :>Iogrillge. Funeral to·ddY at Toronto.

FIBLD - Dierl slldelcnl), (111

HIBBS _ Passed peacefully Friday, March l~th., ~,I:ldrd. daughter of ~I3rgaret and Joh, awal' on Saturday, ~Iareh l4th,

at Portugal Cove, ~Ir. ThJm:ls Field, :lla!or's Path, aged t:: years. Lea\'il1~ to mourn mother

Hibbs in his 83rd year Leal'lor and father. three sisters anci to mourn lI'ife, one daughter, "Irs. Walter Hammond; two three brothers. The funera!

h 'f' G t ! took place :llonelal' at 2.30 p.m. grand·daug ters, .f ISS ,er rill elf hIt . d \\ . .', Hammond at Gulph, Ont.. :VIis; ;oi~ er I a \ re;1 ellc~, . aJOl . E'I' b 'h C v at St fohn's' a . to tie, ng Lcan lemeier,

Lza e, umel . . . I Forest Road. The funeral took place \I~nday . nl 2.30 p.m. from her dall~h·, ELLIS - P""cd pcacefull) tu's residence, ~lr~. Welter :m,1V on Sa\l:rdav. ~Iarch 14th, Hammond, to Ihe Anglican: Ella', i widow of' C. H. (Bert) , C~mctHY· : Elli.<. aged 70 yed!'.;. Lea\in~

DOYI E P I ' full' I to mourn two dau~hlcrs, 011C , ,- assci peace ~ .' t ! r·. o· I " 'I' h 17th 19-9 -t son. one ,15 er. ane lIe ,lanl'

'" alan .' ilt C . <l" n I 1'h f I k I 10 ' C t \" V D "le sons. c It:lcra too p oc! a.m., ap.. m, . o. , \\ I t 11 f C !Harbour Pilot), in his 691h I • ~~c;li. a I f~m. I:;~\ air ),ear, ilt 51. Clare's ~lercy flos· ne s c't~~netl'a °tl'llC . ~\ I_Del

'1 I I 'I hL', rallc ".ec. tn 1r J ng lcan PI a. ,eal'lng 0 mourn 0 • hi,' . 'f \".. t B Cat cdra. 1.1101 menl \\a~ al \\'1 C1 'lnllle; wo son~. en-

nett. of Topsail Road. Ke\'in, 01 the Anglican l'pmcl~ry, fill rs' S!. John. N.B.: two daughters. Road.

Noreen (~!rs. Donald Carberry --------.---

of Oakl'ille, Ont.), ~\ar~aret I~--------r.a (Mrs. Robert ~Iaddigan of the cily): one brother, Capt. Mich· ael Doyle af Manhattan, ~ew Hampshire, U.S,A., and nine grandchildren. Funeral from his late re!idence, 40 Prescott Stret, to the Basieilla for Requiem Mass al 9.30 A.m. on Thurs·day. Injerment at Bel\'e· dere.

, BARRY - Passed peacefully away March 16th, Thomas, son of Agnes Ind the late Martin Barry, Port Royal. Funeral will be at St. Joseph's Church for Solemn RC«uiem High Mass at 9.30 Ihis morning. Interment al I

~lount Carmel Cemetery. Lert 10 mourn their sad ross are his mother, three brothers. Pcter, Patrick and Edward at home,


In memory of


who departed thi~ life March 18th., 1951, ,

at Banting Memorial 1111, ~ pItal, Gander. ~

~ .

~: 'J

'Slecp on. dear one, 'I'll. work is clone,

Thy mortal carcs are pa,' ,Jeslls has come and to,,'

thee home, Til Hea\'cnly rest at l:1sl

-Inserted hy hushanil John; daughters, Vet., Pearl and :llildrcfl sons Leauelrr, lJougl:J., Earle and Winston.

t; J:

. and two sisters. Liz1.y, Dlr.l, I Bernard Power, Jerseyside. Pia· centia I and Mrs. Cyril Moore of SI. John'~, ~~~~~~~~~'!"l






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