L eap Year Ball f or St. Charles To Attract Newspap er Columnist All kinds of fun is guaranteed at a gay "Leap Year " dance scheduled Satu rday at 9 p. m. in the Grand ballroom of the Patchogue hotel , sponsored by the Women ' s auxiliary of the St. Charles hosp ital , Patchogue chapter. Featured guest at the dance will be Frank Farrell , noted col- umnist for the New York World- Telegra m and former Marine major. Yes, he' s single, girls. Proceeds from the dance will go to St. Charles hospital. A de- luxe basket of cheer will be awarded at the dance along with a treasure chest chock full of all the things a girl could wish for. Music for dancing will be fur- nished by Jimmy Smith and his orchest ra and there will be sev- eral dance contests with prizes galore. There is still time to pur- chase your tickets by calling the chairman for the dance , Mrs. Wil- liam DcBono , at Patchogue 1493. If you ' re the type who puts things off you may also purchase the ticket the minute you walk Into the ballroom Saturday night. Assisting Mrs. DcBono in dance arrangements are Mrs . Edward V. Loughlin who is program chairman for the auxiliary for the current year , and the Mesdames Herbert B. Rowse, I. W. Bianchi , Joseph Laughlin , Anthony Paler- mo, Madeline Fuoeo , Joseph Mc- Carthy, James H. Barry, Jr., James A. Fornntaro , Alexander W. Pfeifle, Henry Katz , John Mar- ietta , Theodore Raffe , Paul V. Brinley, Robert Robertaccio , Rich- ard Murgatroyd, Charles Hunter , Francis LaSorsa and John Behan. Infant Dies Twelve Hours Alter Birth Fayette Christine Dooley, who was born to Mrs . Everett Dooley of 23 West avenue, Pa tchogue, at 11:40 p. m. Sunday, died at 11:10 a. m. Monday despite efforts to save her life when-Mrs . Barbara Smith of that address called the Patchogue Police department for an inhalator. Sergeant William Wiedmer re- sponded , but upon his arrival , Dr. Harry C. Phillips of Bellport pronounced the child dead of " pulmonary congestion. " The night before, when the baby was torn , a call was m ade to the Patchogue Medical group, and Dr. Yale JSoIomon responded to assist at the birth . After the child was pronounced dead , Coroner P. Jerome Laviano and sone chief investigator Jack Barry of tho district attorney' s office were called in. The child was removed to the Robertaccio Funeral home. Fayette Is survived by her mo- ther and father; her sister, Mrs . Smith , and a brother. Brookhaven town was represen- ted , along with 98 other munici- palities in the state, at a con- ference last Thursday on the Multiple Residence law called by the State Building Code commis- sion at the Hotel Statler in New " York city. Emil Lange , town building inspector , was on hand. The new residence law estab- lishes certain rules and regula- tions with emphasis on sanitation and fi re exits , according to Mr. Lange . He said that the new re- gulations , which are to be adher- ed to throughout the state , would have little effect on this area as the building code inaugurated here in 1945 already has covered the requirements adequately. "We will have practically n6 change locally, " he said. J The Multiple Residence law establishes certain minimum stan- dards of fire protection , structu- ral safety, and sanitary require- ments in new and old buildings housing thre e or more families, including hotels , lodg ing and tou- rist houses , dormitories , frater- nity houses, convalescent and nursing homes , and other multi - ple residence buildings. The law is applicable throughout the state except in cities of Buffalo and New York where the Multiple Dwelling law is already in effect. Town Is in Line With New State Building Codes Patchogue Local , Social Items Mr. and Mrs . Bernard Ryder of Cedar avenue are parents of a son , Richard Warren , born Tues- day at Mather Memorial hospital , Port Jefferson. The baby weigh- ed 8 pounds , 7^2 ounces. Mrs. Ryder is the former Miss Dor- othy Meyer of Mastic. Anthony Emma of New York city, son of Mrs. Marie Emma , spent the weekend at the home of his fiancee, Miss Frances Foti , daughte r of Mrs. Mari e Foti of Yaphank road , East Patchogue. About 50 guests were present at an engagement party give n re- cently at the Foti home. A buffet supper was served and an orches- tra furnished musical selections. The house was beautifully decor- ated and the couple received many gifts including an orchid corsage for the bride-to-be. Mrs . James Scott was hostess at a bridal shower in honor of Miss Jennie Czuchnicki of Grove avenue and held at the Scott home on Bay avenue. A large heart was on the wall and the maay streamers were attached to lovely gifts. Miss Czuchnicki will be married to Jack Pausewang of Sayville on Easter. Those pres- ent were Mesdames Martin Czuch- nicki , Armand Siegel , Josephine Morefield , Marvin Van Essendelft, James Scott and Misses Josephine Czuchnicki , Anna Bausbach and Betty Gray. Mrs. Emil Praetorius is confined to her home on Medford avenue by illness. Lawrence J. Robinson , son of Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson of Hollywood , Fla., former residents of Patchogue, was graduated cum Iaude, from the University of Miami Law school , February 4. He served as chief justice of the school honor court. Mr. Robinson, who received his BA degree from the university in 1949, was gradu- ated from Medford Avenue school and Patchogue High school. Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards of Bellport entertained at dinner last Thursday night. Their guests were Mrs. Charles Davoll of Westhampton Beach , Mrs. Elaine Hill , Mrs. M. Douthit and Mrs . H. Huston , all of Patchogue. Have your income tax returns prepared in your own home. Call Raymond Jvurshner, Patchogue 2745J.—Adv. Joanna Cardamone of Marshall street celebrated her ninth birth- day Saturday at her home with her family. Joanna received many nice gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Felice, Sr., of First street returned to their home after spending two months with their son-in-law and daujjb - ter , Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schordinc , in St. Petersburg, Fla. They mo- tored home with their son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. James Patonella of First street , who spent two weeks visitin g at the Felice home. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Coffin cele- brated their fifth wedding anniver- sary Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gazzola and Mrs. Anthony Rignola of East Patchogue motored to Elmira where they spent several days visiting Mrs. Jiignola' s son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. An- thony Rignola, Jr. Sunday they motored to Sampson Air base in Geneva where both their sons, Private Jack Gazzola , Jr , and Pri - vate Albert Rignola , are stationed. Miss Dorothy Stafetos of Bellport , fiance of Pvt. Rignola, accompan- ied them. They all returned to th» . Rignola home in Elmira and Pvl. Gazzola and Pvt. Rignola returned to the base Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Gazzola , Mrs. Rignola and Miss Stafetos returned home Mon- day. Peter Grucci , Jr., seven-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grucci of Station road, Bellport , is a pa- tient in Mather Memorial hospital , Port Jefferson , where he has pneu monia. Mr. and Mrar Nelson Crisler are parents of a son , Kevin Paul , born February 21 at Southside hospita l , Bay Shore. The baby weighed 8 pounds , 13 ounces. Mi. and Mrs. Crisler have anothe r eon , Nelson , Jr., who is 7. Mrs. Dorhinick Parente has re- turned to her home on East Main street after being a patient in Southside hospital , Bay Shore, for the past few weeks. v Mrs. Harry Conkliri , Sr., of Franklin street is a patient at Mather Memorial hospital, where she will undergo major surgery tomorrow. Mrs. Eunice Esau and Mr?. Charles Murgatroyd of West ave- nue attended the television wed- ding of the former Miss Clare Trover of Patchogue and Reginald Rogerson of Toronto , Canada . Tuesday, at station WCBS In New York city. Mrs. Richard Severns of 300 Washington avenue has returned home afte r spending Washington ' s birthday and the weekend with her husband , Private 1/c Severns , who is stationed at Fort "Jackson , S. C. A meeting of the Patchogue unit of Southside Hospital auxi- liary will be held at 1:30 p. m. tomorrow at the home of Mrs. Raymond Kennedy on 170 Jayne avenue. Mrs. Lemuel Stuart will ^reside and co-hostesses will be [rs. Ral p h Franklin , Mrs. Henry Horsefield and Mrs. George Kaler. Miss Bessie Millett of East Main street spent the Washington' s birthdav weekend with Miss Helen Eddy in Arlington, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. I. Lichensteln and daughter , Miss Evelyn Lichen- stein, of Academy street will leave Monday for a month' s vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arcuii und children , Shirley and Frank , Jr., sp^nt Friday in New York city where they attended the Sports- men ' s show in Grand Centra l pal- ace. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Okun and children , Harlen and Sheri , of Roe boulevard are leaving Monday for Detroit , Mich., where they will spend two weeks. They will re- turn through Canada and Niagara Falls. Attending a Corporate Com- munion Friday for men and boys at St. Peter ' s Episcopal church in Bay Shore were the Rev. Domenic Ciannella , the Rev. Hanington Wilson , Donald J. Hall , Dallas Brown , Nicholas Fleischmann, David Gillette and William Hua- ing of St. Paul' s Episcopal church. At a Patriots' tea held recently by Colonel Josiah Smith chapter , Daughters of the American Revo- lution in the Sorosis clubrooms , the hostesses were Mesdames Willetts W. Gardner , Sidney Hor- ton , Leon J. Barber , John Pelle- treau , I. W. Bianchi , Charles N. Butler , Jr., and Carroll M. Swe- zey. A son , Bruce Alan Rcznik , weighing 6 pounds , 12 ounces, was born Friday at Southside hos- pital , Bay Shore , to Mr. and Mrs. T. David Reznik of 45 Church street. A meeting of the committee for the twentieth anniversary dinner-dance of the Patchogue Jewish Center to be held May 25, took place recently at the Center. Sam Rein and David Rez- nik are co-chairmen of the af- fair. Mrs. Carl Okun is in charge of publicity, Al Wise and Frank Silve rman , head the historical committee and Sidney Greenwald , entertainment. Other chairman and committees will be announc- ed. Present were David Reznik , Sam Rein , Ben Tabatchnik , Mi- chael Resnik , Nat Cole, Harry Fine , Dr. Joseph Libin , Jack Gin- di , Edward Gervey, Harry Rosen- blatt , David Gottfried , Al Wise , Eli Flax , Sidney Greenwald , Ju- lius Amsterdam, Rabbi Hilel Ru- davsky, Rabbi Max Stauber and Mrs . Carl Okun. Mrs. Frank Guttridge , Sr. r of North Ocean avenue entertained the Needlecraft club Tuesday af- ternoon. The Mr. and Mrs. Club members of the Methodist church were en- tertained at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Wesley D. Osborne on Rider avenue recently. All young adult couples were invited to the open house. Games and refresh - ments were enjoyed. Member* of the Mr. and Mrs. Club who attend- ed ware Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boldt , Mr. and Mrs. John Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Davidson , Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foley, Mr. and Mrs . Doug- las Greaves, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Halliwell , Mr. and Mrs. Albert King, Mr. and Mrs. William Loris , Mr. and Mrs. David McKendrick , Mr. and Mrs. David Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schultz , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Suplee , Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stoner , Mr. and Mrs. John Stakes, Mr. and Mrs. M. Warren and the Rev. and Mrs ,, Osborne. Supervisors Act On Bills Pending On State Docket One Would Give Smithtown Rule Over Nissoquogue Lands for New Harbor RIVERHEAD Pending bills which would permit Suffolk coun- ty to use up to 50 p^.. cent of state highway aid funds to re- tire highway bonds were formally approved Monday here by the Board of Supervisors. The vote on the local message resolution offered by Supervisor Walter Fasbender of Huntington was unanimous, although Smith- town Supervisor Paul T. Given said that he voted with reserva- tions, feeling that in a county growing as fast as Suffolk , the state money should be used large- ly for highway construction. Diversion of highway funds to meet bond maturities was sanc- tioned by state law from the early 1930s until about two years ago. Suffolk' s legislators at Albany have a special bill in the works, but it seems more - likely that the Stuart-Hollowell bill , a measure of state-wide application , will be passed . This bill already has been approved by the Assembly. Rescinding a resolution passed two weeks ago, which approved a proposed law making the county treasurer ' s office responsible for notifying delinquent taxpayers of the impending sale of their , prop- erty, the board adopted another approving a new county Tax Act amendment. This would serve the same purpose of giving the de- linquents individual notice by mail , but the notices would be sent out by the town tax receivers . Failure to mail a notice, however, would not in any way affect the validity of the tax claim or the tax lien At the behest of Supervisor Norman Klipp of Southold , the board went on record as opposing legislation which would place fur- ther restrictions on commercial fishermen operating in Peconic bay. The board suggested that the State Conservation department make a study to determine "the present conditions with respect to sport and commercial fishing in this area " as a prelude to any legislation. Supervisor Given won unanimous approval of a bill providing that New York State surrender all its claims to lands under water in the Nissequogue river to the town of Smithtown. Given explained that the town hopes to dredge out the river and create a good harbor and does not want to risk state interference. A bill whieh would bring a spe- cial Suffolk County law into con- formity with the state-wide Coun- ty law in respect to the purchase of supplies and equipment without competitive bidding was approv- ed without a dissenting vote . The County law permits counties to spend up to $1 , 000 without bid- ding; the local act sets the limit at $500. PEOPLE DON'T— Go driving just to read the billboards PEOPLE DON'T- Have windshield wipers so there will be a place to tuck advertising matter PEOPLE DON'T— Build front porches to have a place where circulars , shopping sheets , etc. can be thrown BUT When they lay a dime on the line for a copy of The Patchogue Advance, you can be sure they bought it to read. You, advertisers, are assured they will get their dime ' s worth by going through the paper carefully. Every Dollar spent in newspaper advertising will net far better re- turns than ten times the amount spent for any other kind of adver- tising. If you doubt this assertion, we'll be pleased to prove it Throughout This Locality, Nearly Everybody Reads Wtyv i£attlj00U£ Aitoanrtf 11 NORTH OCEAN AVENUE Telephone Patchogue 1 000 ¦JMsisMMsTlWslsMl Sll^iMISMIMIIIlllSlMIII ¦ ¦ ¦ 111 II I 111 ¦ ¦ ¦ I I IIMIMIIII ¦¦—¦ MM Ml II '" ' "- " ¦¦ - ¦ - Win . G. HARE B SUFFOLK COUNTY MARKET PRIMS MEATS GROCERIES PROVISIONS 52 South Ocean Ave. —Fre e Delivery—Patchc** FANCY SKINNED FRESH HAM-Jersey Pork - * PRIME RIB ROAST—C hoice Beef - '* FANCY YOUNG TURKEYS—Small Sizes { PORTERHOUSE OR SIRLOIN STEAK—Choice I Wvf * SHOULDERS SPRING LAMB—City Dressed * LOCAL GRADE "A" EGGS .. M* SLICED BACON—I lb. pkg. * I SOUTH BAY I FI S H and FRUIT MARKE1 g SO S. Oce an Ave. —We Deliver—Patchogue ^ I —LENTEN SPECIALS- K B FRESH STRIPED BASS .... *&» H # FRESH BLUEFISH .... •«** I SEA CHICKEN ZZZZZZZZZZZZ '& * B WE ARE AN AUTHORIZED MEMBER FRUIT TELECB^ H DELIVERY SERVICE ANYWHERE IN V. s A The Patchotrue Terriers proved themselves- ono of the most pow- erful teams in Suffolk county Tuesday night when they beat the Islip DAV basketball quintet , 83-58, in a game playe d at the Patchogue High school gym. The frame was nip and tuck throughout the first two quarters. At the end of the first half , the score was tied , 31-31. In the third quarter, led by Bill Kaznowski , high scorer in the game , the Terriers managed to take a three-point lead. At the end of the period , they led , 54-51. In the final quarter , the home team opened up. Patchogue scor- ed 28 points during the period to eeven scored by Islip, to win ' , easily, 83-58. The box score : Terrier* <83) Islip DAV (58) G F P; G F P Rate 1 1 31 Clout 3 2 8 Newhnm 7 2 16|J. Sma ' wood 2 15 Vickers 4 4 12 Short S 1 7 Rant " 6 0 12 Ceoehnn 2 5 9 Kaznowski 8 5 21 Vand' ought 2 0 4 Hariri 4 2 10 B. Sma' wood 0 0 0 Underwood 10 2 Traup 0 0 0 Murphy 3 17 Henry 10 2 Paxson 0 0 O'Van Wyen 8 2 18 Siegel 0 0 OjTompson 2 15 Totals 34 15 83| Totals 23 12 58 Officials: Atherton and Rogers. Terriers Pull Away From DAV Quintet In Cage Tilt , 83-58 PORT JEFFERSON Group Dynamics, the democratic pro- cess , helping beginning teachers and school curricula and there im- provement were some of the top- ics discussed at an all-day meet- ing of 150 principals , supervisors and superintendents of Suffolk county on February 19 at Port Jefferson High school. Laurence R. Toftl , elementary princi pal at Port Jefferson , pre- sided at the meeting;. Raymond Ortis, elementary principal in Southampton , was ap- pointed chairman of a group to investigate the possibility of the formation of a Suffolk county group of elementary school prin- cipals. School Heads Meet With 150 Attending Three Patchogue High school students have been accepted at New York State Teachers college in Albany, it was learned this week. They are Claire Ziegelmair, Jean Shaw and Willard Monsell . The college is the only one oper- ated by the University of the State of New York with the pri- mary intention of training high school teachers . 3 PHS Students Accepted At State Teachers College ELSAH, ILL. David Pomer- an , son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pomeran of 215 South Country road , Bellport , recently starred in William Saroyan ' s "The Beau - tifu l people" presented at Prin- cipia college here. The play was the second in this year ' s Winter Workshop series , a group of dramatic pro- ductions in which the students participate in all phases of the work, including making sets, directing and acting. David Pomeran Is Star In William Saroyan Play Mrs . Gertrude Hughes had an argument Saturday with her hus- band , Jesse , at their home on Zipp avenue , East Patchogue. After awhile , Mrs. Hughes called Brook- haven Town police and charged him with diso rderly conduct , to which he pleaded guilty, and will appear for sentence tomorrow. But , in the course of investi- gation , Patrolmen Frederick H. Strybing and Robert J. Smith said they found that the duck rancher had a .38 calibre pistol in his possession without permit and Hughes, ' therefore, subse- quently was charged with posses- sion of a dangerous weapon. When police found out the pis- tol didn 't belong to Hughes, but belonged , they say, to Benjamin Arnette of Sixth street , Patcho- gue , and stated that Arnette did not have a permit , Chief Edward N. Bridge took charge of the case and picked up Arnette. Both men will be arraigned be- fore Justice of the Peace Donald W. Shaw tomorrow on the charge of possession of a dangerous weapon. Disorderl y Conduct Charge Blows Up Into Weapon Case Mr. and Mrs. Claude Minardi , Bayport, a boy, February 17; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bevis , Blue Point . a boy, February 17; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knoepffler , Bayport , a boy, February 17; Mr. and Mrs. Burdge. Diamond , Sayville, a boy, Febru- ary 18; Mr. and Mrs. William Car- roll , Sayville, a girl , February 18; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brentson, Lake Ronkonkoma, a girl , Febru- ary 18; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nad- ler , Patchogue, a girl , February 19; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Farrell , Centereach a boy, February 19; Mr. and Mrs. Paul De Salvo . Smithtown Branch , a girl , Febru- ary 19; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grady, Sayville, a boy, February 20; Mr. and Mrs . Elias Loewinthal, East Patchogue, a boy, February 21; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Crisler, Pat- chogue, a boy, February 21; Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Del Moral , Sayville, a girl , February 21; Mr. and Mrs. T. David Reznik , Patch- ogue, a boy, February 22; Mr. and Mrs . Howard Johnson , Ronkonko- ma , a boy, February 22; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bills , Nesconset, a girl , February 22; Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Beberian , Bayport , a girl, February 23; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Reed , Bellport , a boy, February 23; Mr. and Mrs. 'Thom- as H. Sheppard , Blue Point , a boy, February 23; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kaznowski , Patchogue, a girl , February 23. SOUTHSIDE HOSPITA L BIRTHS LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ^ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS TOWN OF BROOKHAVEN Pursuant to the provisions of Article XV . Section 1501 . of the Buildiner Zone Ordinance for the Town of Brookhaven, notice is hereby Riven that the Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hear- ing at the Board Rooms , Town Hall . Pat- chotrue, New York, on March 6, 1952 . at 2:00 p. m., to consider the following : 6. George V. Spohrer , 98 Dogwood Lane, Manhasset. N. Y. Location: North aide of Route 25 , 1500 ft. East of Artist Lake, Middle Island. N. Y. Applicant requests permission to erect a billboard approximatel y 20' x 20' in size. 7. Henry Johnson. 25-41 30th Rd.. As- toria 2, N. Y. Location: Southwest cor. of George St. & Lyman Rd., Bellport Beach Estates , Bellport , N. Y. Applicant requests a front yard variance. 8. G. Howard Hatfield, Roe Blvd., Pat- chogue, N. Y. Location : East side of Bay view Ave., 225 ft. South of Madison St., Blue Point, N. Y. Applicant requests a lot frontage variance. 9. Salvatore Lepore, Box #346 , Selden , N. Y. Location : North side of Hawthorn Street, Lot #76, Section 1, Map of .Na- tures ' Gardens, Selden, N. Y. Applicant requests permission to install in the existing garage, an oven for the purpose of baking bread not to be sold from the premises. 10. Waltess Estates , Inc., Lake Ron- konkoma, N. Y. Location : South side of Church St., 380 ft. East of Ronkonkoma Ave., Lake Ronkonkoma, N. Y. Appli- cant requests a side yard variance. 11. Brookhaven Lodge, Inc., Bellport , N. Y. Location : North side of South Country Rd., Bellport, N. Y. (Premises formerly known as Washington Lodge). Application to amend or define variance issued January 6, 1944 to include resi- dent camp for children under 16 years of age. 12. Bernard Silverman, 392 East Main St., Patchogue , N. Y. Location : South side of Robinson Blvd., approx. 500 ft. West of Station Rd., Bellport , N. Y. Ap- plicant requests a front yard variance. 13. Charles Pitger . 188 Medford Ave., Patchogue , N. Y. Location : 188 Medford Ave., Patchogue, N. Y. Applicant re- quests a front yard variance on neon projection sign. 14. Geo. Handley, 18 Clinton Ave.. " Patchogue , N. Y. Location : North side of Robi nson Blvd., adjoining Cruise Inn to the east. East Patchogue. N. Y. Ap- plicant desires to use premises as used car lot. pending applicant' s petition for change of zone, and also desires permi* for small office and workshop. 19. Margot Mor , Yaphank , N. Y. Lo- cation : Westerly aide of Yaphank-Middle Island Rd. , .6 of a mile approx. North of Main St. , Yaphank , N. Y. Applicant requests permission to breed and raise registered German Shepherd Dogs on premises and also accept dogs for train- ing, conditioning and boarding. Applicant also requests permission to erect a sign on the premises. Cases will be heard in the order in which they are advertised after comple- tion of other business. Matters undisposed of at the closing of the hearing will be held over until the next regular hearing of the Boa rd. Joseph S. Corbett, Chairman . Frank A. Schaefer , Secretary •> At a Special Term or tho r of the County „f Suffolk !?, '"» « County Courthouse , at Ri ' said County, on the lath J te»l ruary, 1952. " da r tf PRESENT : HON. D. ORMONDE niTCBt* C j^ny Judg In the Matter of tho AppiicT ,? * of DOLORES MARIE Dlippv : for leave to change her nam. . : DORIS MARY DUFFY . b : NOTICE Notice is hereby given that license numbe r 7 R L 1656 has been issued to the undersigned to sel l liquor, wine and beer at retail , in a restaurant, under ihe Alcoholic Beverage Control Ij«w . on south side of Middle Country Road. Rt. 25, Selden . Suffolk County, Long Island , for on'Premises consumption. MICHELE PONTRELLI dba Mickey ' s Tavern*' S/S Middle Country Road , Route 25 Selden. L. I.. N. Y. NOTICE Notice ia hereby , given that license num- ber L. 1636 has been issued to the under- signed to sell liquor and wines at retail, in a store, under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law, at 129 South Country Koad, Bellport. Suffolk County, Long Island, for off-premises consumption. CONRAD HEEDE 129 South Country Road, Bellport, New York WESTHAMPTON On condi- tion that he make restitution of approximately $400 to South Shore baymen whom he paid off in worthless checks , Vincent S. Catena, 36, a retail fish merchant ol the Bronx , was let go with a $25 fine yesterday when he was arraigned before Justice Rudolph Kammerer at Westhampton on the charge of issuing fraudulent checks as a misdemeanor. State Police Corporal Henry J. Resling and District Attorney Investiga- tor Joseph Romanski , who arrest- ed Caten a in New York Tuesday, said he victimized baymen in Spe- onk , Eastport and Westhampton . ^^ Fish Merchant Who Paid With Bad Checks Caught On reading and fi.ing ~ th77.* t DOLORES MARIE DUFFY ** 9th day of February. 1352 ' J **! a change of Maine of the ' iujh'*' being requested that she be i»»!? assume the name of Drier?* DUFFY, in the place and S > present name, and tho Court hi- * fied that the said petition i, 2 1 it appearing from the said D-IM * the Court being satiated that i? no reasonable objection to the riT name proposed , and it apn«. ri.7 , J that the petitioner is nut rSS not required to be registered ?? provisions of the United Stab« «! Service Act, "* Wi NOW, on motion of Doug]a«. » more. Attorney for an:. I petition!' 1 ORDERED, that the said iS?'i Duffy, born on February 3 , 1925 Second Avenue, New York w ' with birth certificate registered % ' issued by Department of Health L of Manhattan . New York , Ne» ' v5 and she hereby is authorized in - the name of . DORIS MARY Dm? place and stead of her preset), upon complying with the tr,,i ' Article 6 of the Civil Rig of this order, namely. That this order be entered m said petition upon which it »u be filed within ten days frotTt? hereof in the office of the Clerlt li . County of Suffolk ; that within from the date of entry .hereof 1 of this order shall be published i Patchogue Advance, a newspitJ lished in the County of Suffer York ; and that , within forty dm the making of this order, proof rf publication by affidavit shall k, with the Clerk of the Countj rf folk ; that following the 'due 81™ . said petition and entry of «jj : as hereinbefore directed, the w$l of such order and the filing &Z publication thereof , and , on aitd the 1st day of April , 1962 , the ma Dolores Marie Duffy, shall be ktci and by the name of Doris Unt which she is hereby authorited to, and by no other name, and it ii a ORDERED, that a certified n thlB order shall not. be issued tin? of compliance with the above pn has been duly filed with the Ci the County of Suffolk. Enter, D. O. RITCHIE, County Judge of Suffolk ft Granted : Feb. 19, 1952 R. Ford Hughes C.H.V. Clerk NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that 1 j Meeting of the Taxpayers of U*| Free School. District =12 , SeWn. ' of Brookhaven . Suffolk Const;, York , will be hel d on Wwir.esdij ] 12th, 1952, at the Selden School Ai ium at 8:00 P. M. Call of meeting : To approve the spending of tlf s 0-0 ,000.00 for the purchase of tiel ing described property adjacent ) school. All that certain tract or paKel i situate in the Village of Selden . 7< Brookhaven , County of Suffolk , S3 New York, bounded on the sooth \ Country Road , on the uert by lia ! House Lot , and on the northeut j highway to Port JclVersun Kw Cycle Path , extending us mora the three sides as follows: &lta) Country Road on the northern 1 of the highway two hundred t»et> (228) feet ; on the line adjoiaia; school houselot one hundred fen (176) feet and on the southerij 1 of the Cycle Pat h Highway two h fifty-two (2S2) feet. Together with all rig-ht , title a tcrest, if any, to the hetis of a«? i adjoining said premises to tie 1 lines thereof. Less the land taken for the ail of Country Road pursuant to Us 280 dated November 24 , 1931 (Lilt CP 328). Signed, Virginia Amaro. Q NOTICE Effective this date , I shall cot i sponsible for any debts incurred k one other than myself. Philip Auitin 171 Grove Ann Patchogue. N. I. dated : February 14, 1952 NOTICE Notice is hereby given thit I number 7 R L 187 has been tand l undersigned to sel l liquor , wine ri at retail, in a restaurant, under i coholic Beverage Control U*. « southwest corner Carman IiouW Merrick Road , Rrookhaven. Sulfa 1 ty. Long Island, for on-prem* sumption. HOWARD SYLVKSTEK DR£XCD dba The H Grill S/W cor. Carman Honlevard atf Merrick Rd., Box 47 lirookhaven. L. I., N. Y. * tM ^""* ¦¦—' ^- J-TJTSS^^^^ HAVE YOU ANY NE*j SEND IT IN—BUT <P

I SOUTH BAY - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1952-02-28/ed-1/seq-4.…mo, Madeline Fuoeo , Joseph Mc-Carthy, James H. Barry, Jr., James A. Fornntaro,

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Leap Year Ball f or St. CharlesTo Attract Newspap er Columnist

All kinds of fun is guaranteed at a gay "Leap Year" dancescheduled Satu rday at 9 p. m. in the Grand ballroom of the Patchoguehotel, sponsored by the Women 's auxiliary of the St. Charles hosp ital ,Patchogue chapter.

Featured guest at the dancewill be Frank Farrell, noted col-umnist for the New York World-Telegram a n d former Marinemajor. Yes, he's single, girls.

Proceeds from the dance willgo to St. Charles hospital. A de-luxe basket of cheer will beawarded at the dance along witha treasure chest chock full of allthe things a girl could wish for.

Music for dancing will be fur-nished by Jimmy Smith and hisorchestra and there will be sev-eral dance contests with prizesgalore. There is still time to pur-chase your tickets by calling thechairman for the dance, Mrs. Wil-liam DcBono, at Patchogue 1493.If you 're the type who putsthings off you may also purchasethe ticket the minute you walkInto the ballroom Saturday night.

Assisting Mrs. DcBono in dancearrangements are Mrs. EdwardV. Loughlin who is programchairman for the auxiliary for thecurrent year, and the MesdamesHerbert B. Rowse, I. W. Bianchi ,Joseph Laughlin , Anthony Paler-mo, Madeline Fuoeo, Joseph Mc-Carthy, James H. Barry, Jr.,James A. Fornntaro, Alexander W.Pfeifle, Henry Katz , John Mar-ietta , Theodore Raffe , Paul V.Brinley, Robert Robertaccio, Rich-ard Murgatroyd, Charles Hunter,Francis LaSorsa and John Behan.

Infant Dies TwelveHours Alter Birth

Fayette Christine Dooley, whowas born to Mrs. Everett Dooleyof 23 West avenue, Patchogue, at11:40 p. m. Sunday, died at 11:10a. m. Monday despite efforts tosave her life when-Mrs. BarbaraSmith of that address called thePatchogue Police department foran inhalator.

Sergeant William Wiedmer re-sponded, but upon his arrival,Dr. Harry C. Phillips of Bellportpronounced the child dead of"pulmonary c o ng e s t i o n ." Thenight before, when the baby wastorn, a call was made to thePatchogue Medical group, andDr. Yale JSoIomon responded toassist at the birth.

After the child was pronounceddead, Coroner P. Jerome Lavianoand sone chief investigator JackBarry of tho district attorney'soffice were called in. The childwas removed to the RobertaccioFuneral home.

Fayette Is survived by her mo-ther and father; her sister, Mrs.Smith, and a brother.

Brookhaven town was represen-ted , along with 98 other munici-palities in the state, at a con-ference last Thursday on theMultiple Residence law called bythe State Building Code commis-sion at the Hotel Statler in New"York city. Emil Lange, townbuilding inspector, was on hand.

The new residence law estab-lishes certain rules and regula-tions with emphasis on sanitationand fi re exits , according to Mr.Lange. He said that the new re-gulations, which are to be adher-ed to throughout the state, wouldhave little effect on this area asthe building code inauguratedhere in 1945 already has coveredthe requirements adequately. "Wewill have practically n6 changelocally," he said. J

The Multiple Residence lawestablishes certain minimum stan-dards of fire protection , structu-ral safety, and sanitary require-ments in new and old buildingshousing three or more families,including hotels, lodging and tou-rist houses, dormitories, frater-nity houses, convalescent andnursing homes, and other multi-ple residence buildings. The lawis applicable throughout the stateexcept in cities of Buffalo andNew York where the MultipleDwelling law is already in effect.

Town Is in LineWith New State

Building Codes

Patchogue Local,Social Items

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ryder ofCedar avenue are parents of ason , Richard Warren, born Tues-day at Mather Memorial hospital,Port Jefferson. The baby weigh-ed 8 pounds, 7^2 ounces. Mrs.Ryder is the former Miss Dor-othy Meyer of Mastic.

Anthony Emma of New Yorkcity, son of Mrs. Marie Emma,spent the weekend at the homeof his fiancee, Miss Frances Foti,daughter of Mrs. Marie Foti ofYaphank road , East Patchogue.About 50 guests were present atan engagement party given re-cently at the Foti home. A buffetsupper was served and an orches-tra furnished musical selections.The house was beautifully decor-ated and the couple received manygifts including an orchid corsagefor the bride-to-be.

Mrs. James Scott was hostessat a bridal shower in honor ofMiss Jennie Czuchnicki of Groveavenue and held at the Scott homeon Bay avenue. A large heartwas on the wall and the maaystreamers were attached to lovelygifts. Miss Czuchnicki will bemarried to Jack Pausewang ofSayville on Easter. Those pres-ent were Mesdames Martin Czuch-nicki, Armand Siegel, JosephineMorefield , Marvin Van Essendelft,James Scott and Misses JosephineCzuchnicki , Anna Bausbach andBetty Gray.

Mrs. Emil Praetorius is confinedto her home on Medford avenueby illness.

Lawrence J. Robinson , son ofMr. and Mrs. George Robinson ofHollywood, Fla., former residentsof Patchogue, was graduated cumIaude, from the University ofMiami Law school, February 4.He served as chief justice of theschool honor court. Mr. Robinson,who received his BA degree fromthe university in 1949, was gradu-ated from Medford Avenue schooland Patchogue High school.

Mr. and Mrs. James Edwardsof Bellport entertained at dinnerlast Thursday night. Their guestswere Mrs. Charles Davoll ofWesthampton Beach, Mrs. ElaineHill, Mrs. M. Douthit and Mrs. H.Huston, all of Patchogue.

Have your income tax returnsprepared in your own home. CallRaymond Jvurshner, Patchogue2745J.—Adv.

Joanna Cardamone of Marshallstreet celebrated her ninth birth-day Saturday at her home withher family. Joanna received manynice gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Felice, Sr.,of First street returned to theirhome after spending two monthswith their son-in-law and daujjb -ter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schordinc,in St. Petersburg, Fla. They mo-tored home with their son-in-lawand daughter, Mr. and Mrs. JamesPatonella of First street, whospent two weeks visiting at theFelice home.

Mr. and Mrs. Leland Coffin cele-brated their fifth wedding anniver-sary Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gazzola andMrs. Anthony Rignola of EastPatchogue motored to Elmirawhere they spent several daysvisiting Mrs. Jiignola's son-in-lawand daughter, Mr. and Mrs. An-thony Rignola, Jr. Sunday theymotored to Sampson Air base inGeneva where both their sons,Private Jack Gazzola , Jr, and Pri -vate Albert Rignola, are stationed.Miss Dorothy Stafetos of Bellport ,fiance of Pvt. Rignola, accompan-ied them. They all returned to th».Rignola home in Elmira and Pvl.Gazzola and Pvt. Rignola returnedto the base Sunday night. Mr. andMrs. Gazzola , Mrs. Rignola andMiss Stafetos returned home Mon-day.

Peter Grucci, Jr., seven-month-oldson of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grucciof Station road, Bellport, is a pa-tient in Mather Memorial hospital ,Port Jefferson, where he has pneu •monia.

Mr. and Mrar Nelson Crislerare parents of a son, Kevin Paul,born February 21 at Southsidehospita l, Bay Shore. The babyweighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces. Mi.and Mrs. Crisler have another eon,Nelson , Jr., who is 7.

Mrs. Dorhinick Parente has re-turned to her home on East Mainstreet after being a patient inSouthside hospital , Bay Shore, forthe past few weeks.

v Mrs. Harry Conkliri, Sr., ofFranklin street is a patient atMather Memorial hospital, whereshe will undergo major surgerytomorrow.

Mrs. Eunice Esau and Mr?.Charles Murgatroyd of West ave-nue attended the television wed-ding of the former Miss ClareTrover of Patchogue and ReginaldRogerson of Toronto, Canada.Tuesday, at station WCBS In NewYork city.

Mrs. Richard Severns of 300Washington avenue has returnedhome after spending Washington'sbirthday and the weekend with herhusband, Private 1/c Severns, whois stationed at Fort "Jackson, S. C.

A meeting of the Patchogueunit of Southside Hospital auxi-liary will be held at 1:30 p. m.tomorrow at the home of Mrs.Raymond Kennedy on 170 Jayneavenue. Mrs. Lemuel Stuart willr̂eside and co-hostesses will be[rs. Ralph Franklin, Mrs. Henry

Horsefield and Mrs. George Kaler.Miss Bessie Millett of East Main

street spent the Washington'sbirthdav weekend with Miss HelenEddy in Arlington, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. I. Lichensteln anddaughter, Miss Evelyn Lichen-stein, of Academy street will leaveMonday for a month's vacation inFlorida.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arcuii undchildren , Shirley and Frank , Jr.,sp^nt Friday in New York citywhere they attended the Sports-men 's show in Grand Centra l pal-ace.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Okun and

children , Harlen and Sheri , of Roeboulevard are leaving Monday forDetroit, Mich., where they willspend two weeks. They will re-turn through Canada and NiagaraFalls.

Attending a Corporate Com-munion Friday for men and boysat St. Peter's Episcopal church inBay Shore were the Rev. DomenicCiannella, the Rev. HaningtonWilson, Donald J. Hall, DallasB r o w n , Nicholas Fleischmann,David Gillette and William Hua-ing of St. Paul's Episcopal church.

At a Patriots' tea held recentlyby Colonel Josiah Smith chapter,Daughters of the American Revo-lution in the Sorosis clubrooms,the hostesses were MesdamesWilletts W. Gardner, Sidney Hor-ton, Leon J. Barber, John Pelle-treau, I. W. Bianchi, Charles N.Butler, Jr., and Carroll M. Swe-zey.

A son , Bruce Alan Rcznik,weighing 6 pounds, 12 ounces,was born Friday at Southside hos-pital , Bay Shore, to Mr. and Mrs.T. David Reznik of 45 Churchstreet.

A meeting of the committeefor the twentieth anniversarydinner-dance of the PatchogueJewish Center to be held May25, took place recently at t h eCenter. Sam Rein and David Rez-nik are co-chairmen of the af-fair. Mrs. Carl Okun is in chargeof publicity, Al Wise and FrankSilverman, head the historicalcommittee and Sidney Greenwald ,entertainment. O t h e r chairmanand committees will be announc-ed. Present were David Reznik ,Sam Rein , Ben Tabatchnik , Mi-chael Resnik, Nat Cole, HarryFine, Dr. Joseph Libin , Jack Gin-di, Edward Gervey, Harry Rosen-blatt, David Gottfried, Al Wise,Eli Flax, Sidney Greenwald, Ju-lius Amsterdam, Rabbi Hilel Ru-davsky, Rabbi Max Stauber andMrs. Carl Okun.

Mrs. Frank Guttridge , Sr.r ofNorth Ocean avenue entertainedthe Needlecraft club Tuesday af-ternoon.

The Mr. and Mrs. Club membersof the Methodist church were en-tertained at the home of the Rev.and Mrs. Wesley D. Osborne onRider avenue recently. All youngadult couples were invited to theopen house. Games and refresh-ments were enjoyed. Member* ofthe Mr. and Mrs. Club who attend-ed ware Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boldt,Mr. and Mrs. John Craig, Mr. andMrs. Wade Davidson, Mr. and Mrs.Martin Foley, Mr. and Mrs. Doug-las Greaves, Mr. and Mrs. AlbertHalliwell , Mr. and Mrs. AlbertKing, Mr. and Mrs. William Loris,Mr. and Mrs. David McKendrick,

Mr. and Mrs. David Matthews, Mr.and Mrs. Thomas Schultz, Mr. andMrs. Joseph Suplee, Mr. and Mrs.Richard Stoner, Mr. and Mrs.John Stakes, Mr. and Mrs. M.Warren and the Rev. and Mrs,,Osborne.

Supervisors ActOn Bills PendingOn State Docket

One Would Give SmithtownRule Over NissoquogueLands for New Harbor

RIVERHEAD — Pending billswhich would permit Suffolk coun-ty to use up to 50 p^.. cent ofstate highway aid funds to re-tire highway bonds were formallyapproved Monday here by theBoard of Supervisors.

The vote on the local messageresolution offered by SupervisorWalter Fasbender of Huntingtonwas unanimous, although Smith-town Supervisor Paul T. Givensaid that he voted with reserva-tions, feeling that in a countygrowing as fast as Suffolk , thestate money should be used large-ly for highway construction.

Diversion of highway funds tomeet bond maturities was sanc-tioned by state law from the early1930s until about two years ago.Suffolk's legislators at Albanyhave a special bill in the works,but it seems more - likely that theStuart-Hollowell bill, a measure ofstate-wide application, will bepassed. This bill already has beenapproved by the Assembly.

Rescinding a resolution passedtwo weeks ago, which approved aproposed law making the countytreasurer's office responsible fornotifying delinquent taxpayers ofthe impending sale of their, prop-erty, the board adopted anotherapproving a new county Tax Actamendment. This would serve thesame purpose of giving the de-linquents individual notice by mail,but the notices would be sent outby the town tax receivers. Failureto mail a notice, however, wouldnot in any way affect the validityof the tax claim or the tax lien

At the behest of SupervisorNorman Klipp of Southold, theboard went on record as opposinglegislation which would place fur-ther restrictions on commercialfishermen operating in Peconicbay. The board suggested thatthe State Conservation departmentmake a study to determine "thepresent conditions with respect tosport and commercial fishing inthis area" as a prelude to anylegislation.

Supervisor Given won unanimousapproval of a bill providing thatNew York State surrender all itsclaims to lands under water inthe Nissequogue river to the townof Smithtown. Given explainedthat the town hopes to dredge outthe river and create a good harborand does not want to risk stateinterference.

A bill whieh would bring a spe-cial Suffolk County law into con-formity with the state-wide Coun-ty law in respect to the purchaseof supplies and equipment withoutcompetitive bidding was approv-ed without a dissenting vote. TheCounty law permits counties tospend up to $1,000 without bid-ding; the local act sets the limitat $500.

PEOP LE DON'T—Go driving just to read the billboards

PEOPLE DON'T-Have windshield wipers so there willbe a place to tuck advertising matter

PEOPLE DON'T—Build front porches to have a placewhere circulars, shopping sheets, etc.can be thrown

BUTWhen they lay a dime on the line for a copy of The PatchogueAdvance, you can be sure they bought it to read.You, advertisers, are assured they will get their dime's worth bygoing through the paper carefully.Every Dollar spent in newspaper advertising will net far better re-turns than ten times the amount spent for any other kind of adver-tising.If you doubt this assertion, we'll be pleased to prove it

Throughout This Locality, Nearly Everybody Reads

Wtyv i£attlj00U£ Aitoanrtf11 NORTH OCEAN AVENUE

Telephone Patchogue 1 000

¦JMsisMMsTlWslsMlSll^iMISMIMIIIlllSlMIII ¦ ¦ ¦ 111 II I 111 ¦¦ ¦ I I IIMIMIIII ¦¦—¦ MM Ml II '" ' "- " ¦ ¦ - ¦ -





The Patchotrue Terriers provedthemselves- ono of the most pow-erful teams in Suffolk countyTuesday night when they beatthe Islip DAV basketball quintet ,83-58, in a game played at thePatchogue High school gym.

The frame was nip and tuckthroughout the first two quarters.At the end of the first half , thescore was tied , 31-31.

In the third quarter , led byBill Kaznowski , high scorer inthe game, the Terriers managedto take a three-point lead. Atthe end of the period , they led ,54-51.

In the final quarter, the hometeam opened up. Patchogue scor-ed 28 points during the period toeeven scored by Islip, to win ',easily, 83-58.

The box score :Terrier* <83) Islip DAV (58)

G F P; G F PRate 1 1 31 Clout 3 2 8Newhnm 7 2 16|J. Sma'wood 2 1 5Vickers 4 4 12 Short S 1 7Rant " 6 0 12 Ceoehnn 2 5 9Kaznowski 8 5 21 Vand'ought 2 0 4Hariri 4 2 10 B. Sma'wood 0 0 0Underwood 1 0 2 Traup 0 0 0Murphy 3 1 7 Henry 1 0 2Paxson 0 0 O'Van Wyen 8 2 18Siegel 0 0 OjTompson 2 1 5

Totals 34 15 83| Totals 23 12 58Officials: Atherton and Rogers.

Terriers Pull AwayFrom DAV Quintet

In Cage Tilt, 83-58

PORT JEFFERSON — GroupDynamics, the democratic pro-cess, helping beginning teachersand school curricula and there im-provement were some of the top-ics discussed at an all-day meet-ing of 150 principals, supervisorsand superintendents of Suffolkcounty on February 19 at PortJefferson High school.

Laurence R. Toftl , elementaryprincipal at Port Jefferson , pre-sided at the meeting;.

R a y m o n d Ortis, elementaryprincipal in Southampton, was ap-pointed chairman of a group toinvestigate the possibility of theformation of a Suffolk countygroup of elementary school prin-cipals.

School Heads MeetWith 150 Attending

Three Patchogue High schoolstudents have been accepted atNew York State Teachers collegein Albany, it was learned thisweek.

They are Claire Ziegelmair,Jean Shaw and Willard Monsell.The college is the only one oper-ated by the University of theState of New York with the pri-mary intention of training highschool teachers.

3 PHS Students AcceptedAt State Teachers College

ELSAH, ILL. — David Pomer-an , son of Mr. and Mrs. HarryPomeran of 215 South Countryroad, Bellport, recently starredin William Saroyan's "The Beau-tifu l people" presented at Prin-cipia college here.

The play was the second inthis year's Winter Workshopseries, a group of dramatic pro-ductions in which the studentsparticipate in all phases of thework, including making sets,directing and acting.

David Pomeran Is StarIn William Saroyan Play

Mrs. Gertrude Hughes had anargument Saturday with her hus-band , Jesse, at their home on Zippavenue, East Patchogue. Afterawhile, Mrs. Hughes called Brook-haven Town police and chargedhim with disorderly conduct, towhich he pleaded guilty, and willappear for sentence tomorrow.

But, in the course of investi-gation, Patrolmen Frederick H.Strybing and Robert J. Smithsaid they found that the duckrancher had a .38 calibre pistolin his possession without permitand Hughes, ' therefore, subse-quently was charged with posses-sion of a dangerous weapon.

When police found out the pis-tol didn 't belong to Hughes, butbelonged , they say, to BenjaminArnette of Sixth street, Patcho-gue, and stated that Arnette didnot have a permit, Chief EdwardN. Bridge took charge of thecase and picked up Arnette.

Both men will be arraigned be-fore Justice of the Peace DonaldW. Shaw tomorrow on the chargeof possession of a dangerousweapon.

Disorderly ConductCharge Blows Up

Into Weapon Case

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Minardi,Bayport, a boy, February 17; Mr.and Mrs. Milton Bevis, Blue Point.a boy, February 17; Mr. and Mrs.Henry Knoepffler, Bayport, a boy,February 17; Mr. and Mrs. Burdge.Diamond, Sayville, a boy, Febru-ary 18; Mr. and Mrs. William Car-roll , Sayville, a girl, February 18;Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brentson,Lake Ronkonkoma, a girl, Febru-ary 18; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nad-ler, Patchogue, a girl, February19; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Farrell,Centereach a boy, February 19;Mr. and Mrs. Paul De Salvo.Smithtown Branch, a girl, Febru-ary 19; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grady,Sayville, a boy, February 20; Mr.and Mrs. Elias Loewinthal, EastPatchogue, a boy, February 21;Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Crisler, Pat-chogue, a boy, February 21; Mr.and Mrs. Anthony Del Moral,Sayville, a girl, February 21; Mr.and Mrs. T. David Reznik, Patch-ogue, a boy, February 22; Mr. andMrs. Howard Johnson, Ronkonko-ma, a boy, February 22; Mr. andMrs. Robert Bills, Nesconset, agirl , February 22; Mr. and Mrs.Harold P. Beberian, Bayport, agirl, February 23; Mr. and Mrs.Arthur E. Reed, Bellport, a boy,February 23; Mr. and Mrs.'Thom-as H. Sheppard, Blue Point, a boy,February 23; Mr. and Mrs. JosephKaznowski, Patchogue, a girl,February 23.



TOWN OF BROOKHAVENPursuant to the provisions of Article

XV. Section 1501. of the Buildiner ZoneOrdinance for the Town of Brookhaven,notice is hereby Riven that the Board ofZoning Appeals will hold a public hear-ing at the Board Rooms, Town Hall . Pat-chotrue, New York, on March 6, 1952. at2:00 p. m., to consider the following :

6. George V. Spohrer, 98 DogwoodLane, Manhasset. N. Y. Location: Northaide of Route 25, 1500 ft. East of ArtistLake, Middle Island. N. Y. Applicantrequests permission to erect a billboardapproximately 20' x 20' in size.

7. Henry Johnson. 25-41 30th Rd.. As-toria 2, N. Y. Location: Southwest cor.of George St. & Lyman Rd., BellportBeach Estates , Bellport, N. Y. Applicantrequests a front yard variance.

8. G. Howard Hatfield, Roe Blvd., Pat-chogue, N. Y. Location : East side ofBay view Ave., 225 ft. South of MadisonSt., Blue Point, N. Y. Applicant requestsa lot frontage variance.

9. Salvatore Lepore, Box #346 , Selden,N. Y. Location : North side of HawthornStreet, Lot #76, Section 1, Map of .Na-tures' Gardens, Selden, N. Y. Applicantrequests permission to install in theexisting garage, an oven for the purposeof baking bread not to be sold from thepremises.

10. Waltess Estates , Inc., Lake Ron-konkoma, N. Y. Location : South side ofChurch St., 380 ft. East of RonkonkomaAve., Lake Ronkonkoma, N. Y. Appli-cant requests a side yard variance.

11. Brookhaven Lodge, Inc., Bellport,N. Y. Location : North side of SouthCountry Rd., Bellport, N. Y. (Premisesformerly known as Washington Lodge).Application to amend or define varianceissued January 6, 1944 to include resi-dent camp for children under 16 yearsof age.

12. Bernard Silverman, 392 East MainSt., Patchogue, N. Y. Location : Southside of Robinson Blvd., approx. 500 ft.West of Station Rd., Bellport, N. Y. Ap-plicant requests a front yard variance.

13. Charles Pitger. 188 Medford Ave.,Patchogue, N. Y. Location : 188 MedfordAve., Patchogue, N. Y. Applicant re-quests a front yard variance on neonprojection sign.

14. Geo. Handley, 18 Clinton Ave.."Patchogue, N. Y. Location : North sideof Robinson Blvd., adjoining Cruise Innto the east. East Patchogue. N. Y. Ap-plicant desires to use premises as usedcar lot. pending applicant's petition forchange of zone, and also desires permi*for small office and workshop.

19. Margot Mor, Yaphank, N. Y. Lo-cation : Westerly aide of Yaphank-MiddleIsland Rd., .6 of a mile approx. North ofMain St., Yaphank, N. Y. Applicantrequests permission to breed and raiseregistered German Shepherd Dogs onpremises and also accept dogs for train-ing, conditioning and boarding. Applicantalso requests permission to erect a signon the premises.

Cases will be heard in the order inwhich they are advertised after comple-tion of other business.

Matters undisposed of at the closingof the hearing will be held over untilthe next regular hearing of the Board.

Joseph S. Corbett,Chairman .Frank A. Schaefer,Secretary

•> At a Special Term or tho rof the County „f Suffolk !?,'"» «County Courthouse, at Ri 'said County, on the lath J te»lruary, 1952. " dar tf


In the Matter of tho AppiicT,? *of DOLORES MARIE Dlippv :for leave to change her nam. . :DORIS MARY DUFFY . b :

NOTICENotice is hereby given that license

number 7 R L 1656 has been issued tothe undersigned to sell liquor, wine andbeer at retail , in a restaurant, under iheAlcoholic Beverage Control Ij«w . onsouth side of Middle Country Road. Rt.25, Selden. Suffolk County, Long Island ,for on'Premises consumption.

MICHELE PONTRELLIdba Mickey 's Tavern*'S/S Middle Country Road, Route 25Selden. L. I.. N. Y.

NOTICENotice ia hereby, given that license num-

ber L. 1636 has been issued to the under-signed to sell liquor and wines at retail,in a store, under the Alcoholic BeverageControl Law, at 129 South Country Koad,Bellport. Suffolk County, Long Island,for off-premises consumption.

CONRAD HEEDE129 South Country Road,Bellport, New York

WESTHAMPTON — On condi-tion that he make restitution ofapproximately $400 to SouthShore baymen whom he paid offin worthless checks, Vincent S.Catena, 36, a retail fish merchantol the Bronx, was let go with a$25 fine yesterday when he wasarraigned before Justice RudolphKammerer at Westhampton onthe charge of issuing fraudulentchecks as a misdemeanor. StatePolice Corporal Henry J. Reslingand District Attorney Investiga-tor Joseph Romanski , who arrest-ed Catena in New York Tuesday,said he victimized baymen in Spe-onk, Eastport and Westhampton.^̂ —

Fish Merchant Who PaidWith Bad Checks Caught

On reading and fi.i ng~th77.*tDOLORES MARIE DUFFY **9th day of February. 1352 ' J**!

a change of Maine of the ' iujh'*'being requested that she be i»»!?assume the name of Drier?*DUFFY, in the place and S >present name, and tho Court hi- *fied that the said petition i, 21it appearing from the said D-IM*the Court being satiated that i?no reasonable objection to the riTname proposed, and it apn«.ri.7,Jthat the petitioner is nut rSSnot required to be registered ??provisions of the United Stab« «!Service Act, "* Wi

NOW, on motion of Doug]a«. »more. Attorney for an:. I petition!'1

ORDERED, that the said iS?'iDuffy, born on February 3 , 1925 „Second Avenue, New York w 'with birth certificate registered % 'issued by Department of Health Lof Manhattan. New York , Ne»'v5and she hereby is authorized in -the name of. DORIS MARY Dm?place and stead of her preset),upon complying with the tr,,i 'Article 6 of the Civil Rig ™ ?«of this order, namely.

That this order be entered msaid petition upon which it »ube filed within ten days frotTt?hereof in the office of the Clerlt li. County of Suffolk ; that within t«from the date of entry .hereof 1of this order shall be published iPatchogue Advance, a newspitJlished in the County of SufferYork ; and that, within forty dmthe making of this order, proof rfpublication by affidavit shall k,with the Clerk of the Countj rffolk ; that following the 'due 81™ .said petition and entry of «jj :as hereinbefore directed, the w$lof such order and the filing & Zpublication thereof , and , on aitdthe 1st day of April , 1962 , the maDolores Marie Duffy, shall be ktciand by the name of Doris Untwhich she is hereby authorited to,and by no other name, and it ii a

ORDERED, that a certified nthlB order shall not. be issued tin?of compliance with the above pnhas been duly filed with the Cithe County of Suffolk.

Enter,D. O. RITCHIE,

County Judge of Suffolk ftGranted :Feb. 19, 1952R. Ford HughesC.H.V. Clerk

NOTICENotice is hereby given, that 1 j

Meeting of the Taxpayers of U*|Free School. District =12, SeWn. 'of Brookhaven. Suffolk Const;,York, will be held on Wwir.esdij ]12th, 1952, at the Selden School Aiium at 8:00 P. M.

Call of meeting :To approve the spending of tlf s

0-0,000.00 for the purchase of tieling described property adjacent )school.

All that certain tract or paKel isituate in the Village of Selden. 7<Brookhaven , County of Suffolk , S3New York, bounded on the sooth \Country Road, on the uert by lia !House Lot, and on the northeut jhighway to Port JclVersun KwCycle Path, extending us morathe three sides as follows: &lta)Country Road on the northern 1of the highway two hundred t»et>(228) feet ; on the line adjoiaia;school houselot one hundred fen(176) feet and on the southerij 1of the Cycle Path Highway two hfifty-two (2S2) feet.

Together with all rig-ht , title atcrest, if any, to the hetis of a«? iadjoining said premises to tie 1lines thereof.

Less the land taken for the ailof Country Road pursuant to Us280 dated November 24 , 1931 (LiltCP 328).

Signed,Virginia Amaro. Q

NOTICEEffective this date , I shall cot i

sponsible for any debts incurred kone other than myself.

Philip Auitin171 Grove AnnPatchogue. N. I.

dated : February 14, 1952

NOTICENotice is hereby given thit I

number 7 R L 187 has been tand lundersigned to sel l liquor , wine riat retail, in a restaurant, under icoholic Beverage Control U*. «southwest corner Carman IiouWMerrick Road , Rrookhaven. Sulfa 1ty. Long Island, for on-prem*sumption.

HOWARD SYLVKSTEK DR£XCDdba The H GrillS/W cor. Carman Honlevard atfMerrick Rd., Box 47lirookhaven. L. I., N. Y.

*tM "̂"* — — ¦¦—' -̂ J— — -TJTSS^̂ ^^