"TV WEEKLY TRIBUNE. i! Triday, : : Dec, 17. 1S53. jEJf-Jlob- Owen, the celebrated So- cialist philosojjbor, .lied recently, in Scotland, at the age of eighty-eiirl- il . .. . .i e n i. years, lie was me lamer oi iwu'tii, Dale Owen, lateU. S. Minister to Na- -; pies, and of Eavid Dale aeo, of Indian, ihe distinguished geologist, who made the peolorneal survey of Kentucky. "Wlien the wind moves at the rate of one mils an hour, it is hardly percep tible; at two miles an hour it lans us the gentlo zophyr, and at six it becomes a pleasant wind. From lento twenty it becomes high, and thirty to lifty chatau-teriz- e storms from light .i hard, at eigh- ty miles an hour it becomes a hurricane, and at one hundred a tornado. BuWhat is styled an "Interesting Case of Body Snatching," is related in the New York papers. The body of a ' maa naroed Caiey was alleged to have been stolen by the slucents of the Four- teenth street College, and used for 'pro- fessional purposes. When a brother of the dead and disfigured man subsequentl- y; claimed the corpse fur burial, they ! patched it up with pieces from other ar.d in thai suite ci. 1'u .; it. Ti.e - affair is to undergo leal inves .i ;v7o.ii. JtSTTlio er ml iiuv of lb. " .1 Court in fcVmli Carolina rei'ui-.- l to find indictments against the ciow of the lavcr Echo, captjred not long- since. The prisoners, sixteen in number, are till held in custody, however. Their attorneys have asked for their discharge upon the ground that the law of Congress making the slave trade piracy is uncon- stitutional, The opinion of the court Lad net been "ivco at latest accounts. (KS-Vli- ile several Suites have mad" strnuouSi efforts, of late years, to abol- ish capital puuishnientaluwother the Leg- islature of Georgia is now endeavoiino; to extend this penalty to other crimes than murder and arson. Two hills have been introduced w ith a view to roakc both night burglary find robbery by 'force cap- ital offenses; but each lias failed in the Benate. They have, however, bien as to make the punishment twenty years in the penitentiary, at the i discretion of the court. i A Volcaxo is Canada. The Pem- broke Observer lias the following: The Rev. Mr. Kny. Wesleyan Minister at Wakefield , in a letter to a brother cler- gy man, says, 'I learn from an authentic .source that we hare what is supposed to be h bor.a fide volcano, about 1 30 miles up the Golineau liver. Parlies livinii near the place have seen it smoke, and its internal rttmblinf'? h.ave been heard nnd felt at the Hudson'- - Bay post At the river Desert, which tliirtv miiea dis-- j tnnt. It is called Mount Diablo. This1 may probably account fur the many shoeks of earthquake foil ia the vicin- ity. Important Medio il Fact. One of our Philadelphia exchanges gives an ac- count of an attempt to commit suicide a few days ago in that city, and says that though two ounces and ft half of lauda- num had been taken, and ho'hinic had been done for several hours, the 'liftlurtu-nat- e man was saved and restored rapidly by artinVial respiration. Thi'i in an discovery in medical science, it true, not so much on account of worH be suicides, as to those w ho sometimes tke over doses ol laudanum, or other preparations of opium through mistake. The ixperinient is worth a tiial if a cae should unfortunately occur ia which its efiieaev eoulJ be tested. A Freak of Nature. Mr. Vesiil us to go to the Commercial Motel to 8eo !i rare turns wilurca. II has a girl who ha:' four legs and feet, ami two beads, four arms and the upper puts of two bodies, perfectly flume ), h ith the exception that the heart of one of there bodies is ia the right side instead of the left, buJ though it is double as to its heads, r:na and legs, yet in its spinal and pelvis arrangements it is one. Its to beads are very i n tel nt and sin" together. Ir,ansensg questions askerl by any one. both answer questions ioieth-e- r and in the same wurds, or if different questions ara askad, each answer differ ently. Ia walking, the girl two or! four lej". vliich ver happen t ba Hi? most convenient. In eating, she uses both mouths, though it is suppose that ona wonM answer tl e purposu as well, as there) is but one sot of digestive organs. It is the most remarkubU ore nine we have seen. It is more wonderful than the Siamese Twins- lhay are two per- sons joined together by a membrane This girl is two persons willi one budy. Sishci'dc B'inHCT, To Make Casdlks of Soft T.m.low. A corMspondetit of the writes: I noticed a request ii; ihe Ceuntry Geiuleinan a short time since for a receipt to make soft tallow hard I send you ono I know by experience to be good. To twelve of tallow take half a gallon of water, to 'which add three Ublespoonsfu! of pulverized alum, ami two of saltpetre, which heat and dissolve; then add four pounds of tallow and one pound of betswax; boil hard to- gether, until ihe w lcr evapv-raied- , a;-- skim whil j boilini'i It should uot be put :n your moulds hotter tin n you can bear your hand in it. Tliec i indies look much nicer when the wicks are not tied at-th- bottom. It is not only disagree- able task to cut the wick off, bui it in- jures tho moulds. Never heat your moulds lo draw your caudles in cold weather. Perhaps it is not generally known that tallow from beuves fed on corn or tTain, ji much softer than "when fed on grass or clover. Therefore, the tallow from grass fud cattle should always be haid ' with the addition of very little alum'and! teeswax. In very cold weather ms'-- le4 alum must ba used, or they' will erack bo s to fall to pieces sometimes; and a third more of each must ba used iu very warm weather if the tallow is very soft. With a little management you can always have hard tallow for sttiu-Bi- r use, where you make all your can- dles. the DAUGHTERS COLLEGE, HARRODSCURC, KY. 6ession Institution will TUB-nex- t on third Monday in Sedtrm-be- f. Application for admission should be made early, iu order that rooms may bo secured by ppecial arrangement. Those who desire to ex- amine a copy of the laws, and course of stuy, ere requested to address the proprietors. O. E. & JNO. AUli. WILLIAMS july llJ, '5rt tf i- - V Lt.i y u .f CO h V MN. FALL ASD WINTER i n ? tot U m Ckespcst House ITsT T HIE WEST. DHY GOOD3, CARPKTIITG-fj- . GHOCEFIE3, QUEI3TT3WATtI ELEGRNT SHAWLS, CHALUlv-- , poplins. LEU AGES. LL'STUES. r.rA de;jkges, HIiAMvETS-.U- ,L KIM,:. French and Elisli SIDE SmiP.ll D13CAL3, A CHOICK SELECTION OF Eh- - xu xrsx rrj rOTTOX ClIAl.N AND ALL YiH AI.S. Hoops ard Hoop Skirts, JEANo ATD LIITSEY.j. PIOSISKT. STAPLE GOODS, Er-glis- h and American TriJits, BP.O'VN and nLFCIlED 10 i SUELTISGS- MAR-SlilLLE- QUILTS Th T,arrpst Stork of WALL PAPER 3l ECXlDKItlK C Ever brou0'iil to Danville, B00T3 m SHOES, IIWANA nml COMMON VIRGIN and M!S:-Of'R- tCJ J LLi J! wi vJ) A CLOTIIIITG! "I H ; f FALL AUDV it ... .A r mm mm. La,:; G.'KN'i li'Efr:-- YujU i u - i-- v .n cj i VESTS. M crchant rr I ... I Cloths CassiTTiCres, and Vestinjjs Gcnta' rcrnisliing Goods, Tn Cravuts, ricarf, Co'i.r( H thiiaTi.-liiefs-- ndt-rs- Vimo ua ii nl n g th"i r own hin-.- v rinis wii have, t hf taken to fit ami at Into r!f&! AM of wliiih I olt'er low fur cisli or to pronijit paying customers on my usual credit... V7. C. LTXCA3. N. n. Tim highest pric? pitd in Goods for L)auvnl;j, Ivy., s dot 24, 'o, tf AVE const a ll y on hand a lare; and sn pero- - lot o, I'mtliir, .ia!' nntl Client nut I'lan'i of pi v v.iro tv I oplar mi Chestnut Shingles .'1 foot (h,k Doarop, I'lat Ra'!'. ic wli ie.ii I am in jr vrv low lor aMi. J. M. C'JOi'17R. Stanford, Ky. i(T Ij. Tii 3nt Eyes for tli3 Blincl rPO tlioa pfilicte.H JL with wesk tves o siejit-faiiin- I none J have a lar?e ami as:.ortni(;iit of Gold, Silver, and steel OPECTACLES; Pebble G lathes ; and haviuij had considerubl experience in this line, ail who wi .h "old eve inane new, ivmiiii uo wen 10 give me k call a can suit you certain. (;;;o. sharp, jr., A y res' old Stand, Danville. Ky. O" Fine Walelu-- and Jewelry Repaired a usual, and warrantek lo give satisfaotiiou. Danville, apr 2, o8 Fine Jack for siq f A n.F 3 M fill'1 III u goad r;e.5s A my old u stoini- - who knOTV s elves iuck-b- d toi Till piense eouit and tho mini- -, as I oni erunoeile.l to money to carry on mv l.usiuess. flly i.ier.n:-nr- limited, and therefore I am compelled to do as near a cash hifiness ns j.osaible to e.,,-.lii- rue to keep "tho BALI, mnviuij." I inn i ready and williug lo do any w.-r- in mv line on Ihe shortest notice and in the best inaiieer and as reasonnhle as uny one else, when tber i. a prospe,:t of getiio-- something lor it. Tr me, and prove ihe name. C. P. B LL. may 14, '."8 tf Light for the Million. coalToil, THK Most Economical Lip:lit KVlill I.N'TKuOUOED. T AM now prepared to supply the above 1 Oil, i,ind the most ariuroved I. v l l.,r burniiifr it. 'I'h.-s- Lamps will give a light equal to six candles, at the eot of one cent lor three hours burning. The Oil 13 NOT explosive, roraaleby WM. M. STOUT april 2, '53 tf - Iiiniments, &c. Chinese Liniment, Piles Liniment, Rheumatic Liniment. Fever Tonic GridHh'.s Giillianum Strengthening Flusters. I)i rbcn.i, Flux and Cholera Medicine, Bedbug Medicine, Fits Medicine, ,tc For sole by H IIAMILT0T 24 y 57 if WE are now receiving and opening our Larsre and vrell assorted stock of Fancy and Staple i D t) If 1 9 8. Most of which was bought and at VERY LOW PRICES, And it is our intention to sell them roll bAarfj Hii.i at prioes that will be o We I: IIOSISRT ar,a GLOVES, DOTS AND SHOES, Li LP Li i 2? "2 , Kith & Cr.shsaserc, MERINOS AND DELAINES, Oicths, Gassiaeres a Vestinss, CLOT X-- X I IT G- - , c a. Jt a. rv ' t.'-- " s A I. LS T VL IZ s , Zsi:irni and T.ib!c linens. ilk i and kerchiefs, .?Z H 23 117 Skirta and Skirting, Ami a varietv of oilier floo. . W e v. i keep at all times, a aborted slock with F.anh weeii, t int-n- to sell ih 'iu ;! UNI- - I 'VI All.-- ; W il 'IRITIS Curd is tn announce to those who have t been my customers tiurint; the laM liiteen years, and to the puhlic at l..rc, that, il is my purpose to change oiy mode ot doing business, lioiu the C'ki.iut lo THE CASH SYSTEM. I have ileienniiH d on this course, mainlyfrura the tu-- reasons fullowinjr, viz: lt. 'I'lie state of my healili will not longer permit mo to do tint amount of l labor that I find tely necessary to Kimtnin a business n ilio' credit system. This reason alone would be all mflieient in my case. But 1 mny ad. a 2d. I believfl 1 can make it to the interest of paving eusiomers ludeal on Ihe CASH PVS I'EM thus avoiding two evils, one or (he oilier or both of which neces- sarily attach to a sucreesful credit business, t ; The mabins; up by c.'Jta on the part of the operator, or by extra charges on yood cuslnmi is, what is lost on delayed payments, aiul on accounts not paid at all. The above being the s'ato of tho case, a I view it, 1 shall from the date h keep ou hand such a stock of Golds in the line of Gentlemen's T7ear, As T conceive the wants of this community de- mand i be sn'id al such prices as a J ish only will justify and will receive with appmpeiate feeliniis of obligation, the patron- age of those who may del in it to their interest to deal with me ou the principle srt forlb above, W. I. JIOOKE. Danville, January 1, IPS?, tf I have on hand a small lot of the cheiccst Ovoicon,tlns both in ihe piece and made up, ivbo h I iriil oiler liom this dntc until the l.r)th of February at Cost uud a per cent. Fur 'ns!i. W. I. MUUUH. 1 , 'i Fire Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Incorporated 1S19- - Charier Pcrpf-lual- l ush AMl.'ts, Jai.uitiy, 1S..7, 51,307,900 L53. - INSL'HLS M.r ! '. - - ' .e; ly.lllld ' i, t. ' I'll'l 7 '7 ,'. rn.yi-- . .Mi - V :. - A -- ., llniii.- - sfur ks of pro ' - j .in.i chi r.ui;i . ' - in i.o,n ...v.. : ..I r ,n:i as iu-.- i- i! .l permits. suT'AH Losses equitah y and n ljusted, and .ftOMITI.V iU I'olicies of Insiirence issued by A. S. M'jGilOllTY, Ag't jao , l'u y Danville, Ky. Life InsnsancQ Company, Of nni'tl'onl, Conn. Capital, $150,CC0. JJJOLICll'.S will be granted piiyabU- - after t death, or noon the party's arriving at n specified wge, nt bin option; iu either case, free Irom cluiins of creditors, ITTThe lives of Slaves insured at reason- able rotes. I'TTamphlets! containing rates of premium, anil information it. ice.rd to the mode of opera- tions, can be obtaini b of the undersigned. A. S. McGRORTY, Ai.'t. jan 1, IHj? y Danville, Ky. CHAIN PUIMPS A N II 5 AM now prvpureil to put up on short no-- tice the uho vc n r; ides in tlie best sty le. My shop is ut l'AKIvSWLhr--j on tlits Lrbanont pikf, 7 milts Ironi DanvtHe: Any ordera lefe Willi mv ariilfi, Mt'Hsrs. H. SI. W eatherfonJ & Lee, at Danville, w ul ho promptly attii'JeJ to, F. JOHNSON. Pirksville. Kv nav . '3d t'f rTHK best of Cider and Ale Vinegar alway J- - on Laud and fjr Bale at 13 Siil.NPELBJWER' s. 1 I L A.RGE ARRIV FOR TH R .4 i Mi fat T .B A i W. WELSH, 0. W. METCALFE G. W. WELSH & CO, Are low in receipt of their F A 1 Ia S T O V Ik GOODS! Which for EXTENT AMD VARIETY Surpasses any they have ever Imparled. .a s u a 3 r - - . '" - ' i; .' I . - llhl'jA I 1 Alii il I 111 FALL STYLE SLOTS AT?3 SiUWU, Bon lifts, Rilbo .s and Trininiii!. LACi::3, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Together with our usual fall stock of j STAPLE (100D8,0ad n, 1333, Of veiy description, f ? 1"! fir rATTAVQ at . ,. Mrt. t:,- - c.s. J y L I 1iHJ,:"' and at .vmln'i end lions olily o! those we.-- ol f.traii;'- niaklll-- ' Of all grades, rr.Bot Ilipo.iu and of home - manufacture rartieular a'teulion is to our stock if Sloops and hoc$, Embracing a full and co'iiplefe assortment For Ladies', Gaats', Cliildreiis.', and Servants' Wear. Cloths, Cassimeres and Of lato and Popular Patterns. CURTAIL GOODS, Eugs & Floor Oil Cloths, Wall Paper acd Bordering. CHi'A, CLASS & "W A JR. ID . HARDWARE & CUTLERY. Pants, Oils, Varnishes. Brashes, AND WINDOWS LASS. "v"e have also imported ag usual a large and superior Kl,,ck of GROCERIES, Including cveryihing in that ling. i . i ii. r A. 1 Lw i It 1 Ij, , For CASH, or to custom;. as ou fiX ont5, Simp, All Accounts be i ii due on the 1 st dnys of. and July. Our old friends anil puich.-i-wr- trcuorally are to call and see our Goods. G. V. WELSH Sl CO. sept 3, l?5i A HOA1K OMPAN Y, COVINGTON Home Insurance Company, K Y CfSce:-No- . 4. Greer'B Scott St., near 4th, Chartered Capital, &100,0C0 Authorized Capital, $250,CC0 DIRKCTORS. M J.nUW.KY. JAMK3 SnUTHGATE. j M o. W. FIN N F, I..L, 3 A MU F.L DA VIS, SAMUEL ,T. WALKER, SMUEL DAVIS, Tres't. R. K. IRWIN, This Company does no Business Takes no Risks out of Kentucky on- ly good property for good men. It as'.is that its claims to Patronage may be favorably considered by the citizens of Keu- - IL," 'Abdications by mail will receive prompt C. W. METCALFF,, Ajct. apr 2:1, 'jS ll Da.svh.le, Kv, WIS ARE RUNNING OUR Doily Line of 4 Horse Coaches lI Hbu- - invited Jan- uary invited Block, Sec'y. Marine Insures Conne'-iinc- willi tlio AT F J IA NK FO J IT. Tlir.imjl, Ticketsciui hy procured at llie R rcat! om. or at our Oliic, at tlia tlIt House, Liiuisville, For I,awi-cncc5!ir?- , Salv;-n- , Ilarrod.-bu- rg ""J lanvil'e. l.e.ivip-Franlsfc- irl m men h,t,-- l v af;e.r Hi- :rri- . v.il (,f UieM-jriiirif- Train lor Dsuvillo; Arrivinjat t. an r l.y J n'clu-!it- , M. " Uarrodr.l,ur(f at .'1 o'eli eU, i". M; " Hanviile 4 o'eloe!,-- , I'. M. Leavinj; every ir.ri,i:i:i for Loni.-vi!-r nl Bn'el.ick A.iJ., Hiiti larredLiliu'r i r.t !) o elorl; : nnd arriving nt 'r.( k f,,rt iifiiuie (r the Evening Train (vt I.oiiisville. 1". rsons lewitij; D.uiviile ini.i ll.n rjdsl.n r by this lioute, will ,imva at Louisville a soot h by any other Uoute. Jj'l'l,rouli '1'icifis cm be procir-- J for at our oiiiee, atth.i .Sneed t.mvil!e.at Ihe B gV lintel, !l irrcdslji-- , -- ; at Lie tJ,ilt Huns,-- , l.,iwr Uur Oil :e in Fran kfwrt is at the Capit :I Mo- lei Thei" will be a Tri-Wcc- Acciiminn Mm, i S1ji;:V lor S iie i v l e '.i.-'.- iie a,l t''i':. i. ' .viB.r i, r " -- !elv , .7 . ilW'jri : :i i .ay i; n ... ., ' r a h "':!!:' at '"'Klurt. Iree ul ellr-.e- 1 fi'Vni:ntjoi;iii-"- i) u'ir not bo tu n tiv t uv lii il :c It v iMI'ill IISI'JO.V & s lt- l'f'1,1,, ' may 2s, T.s ti' (v,, ,,, .,,., LOLTISViLLE tV TANKFOiiT AM- )- LIXINGTOIJ ?.nd LOUIS 7ILLE 'Sf -- .i 'H rr-- i Suininsr Airan-eine- nt for 1353. Daily, (SU D A Y - LXCKPinu.) v li.uns will !!u:i nt foiI i;v, .vi: MttT TK.4IN- - will leave Lexington at 1 0: 15 o'clock. A. M .. stonoiii.T i ,,,,1..- - li.se. rniiiMUioi.j trims l.ir .i. I.ouis, Cairo, and a!! Wcst-m- ! e.u Sou'li, 10 to hours in advance ol any nh r rujle. SJ,(.-1KV- TiiI l.,vs Lexior-to- at 3: 15 oYn'-k- F- - .M., to;ioin, at ail Way tfta- - iio i, r on uect hit at 17 uce i.y Sldir. lot N' .v '"' '' ami iiiell-- vilif ; and ui t.ouiiivil:t. ;'. " r for ol. I. oui,, Cairo, aud all points - 7 'ii 'e.-- t and Sooih. TICKETS, :y eaer ioiVinn-iiiu- cad at th-- O.f: ' '' - I'hceoiv Hotel, oi al til Dee i. '"' - M- ami V'a'er oire LeXiajttn, i - M L GILL, S ih:riulaiLnl. ' V - Tirkel A I V, R, " .. .. S, if v-r r -e I w - u-- Ls FASlIIf-- l:i r rniture vV.rr-roc- : T k' "C, 0r purchasers C-udt- i ':' hionable Furniture, I of i.Iip on lii;' Si;. it p ftMH Lirjj ;iti-- vari-.- anil f.nn-.'- l i rinp-s- 0 I'Vfitch ami Atiifrinni tv ., '.'ler wit'i ciii'i'.pT (:r lliose wli .;iy .'oirtf t. lie invites es-- cial atlfll-Lio- to his stock of ;tjni !i Suf.is, Hair an.i Can Seal CJinirH, lHrf.i'ts, Ce itre 'I'iUih'S, Jlat Uitchs, Work-.S- l ui'ls, What-Not- mt., &c. Persons in wijiM of i'urnitu e of t'te very I.att't I'lUt'Tii.s, i f tlu) vt:iy Lc-- t in ale rial.-.- , and mam:!' iclnr'tl carcfiilly, espcM.ill r fur ri'jniur private snls, are invito to call at my v ar rfionis bcfur buying, as I fViti ili.a I can iltiite them boih in quality and pri- s, d.r ilHir, ShncU, Cotton, A: Mos tia-:- s ulw.iyson Iuhjo1, or made loonier of hiw fiirinul h i z on -- hort notice. j JJTlJvin pr. iinsd a F I N" E CA V, . I am pr,,iiarc(i to deliver rurnitur" i. y hi low a or country. j. ;;. ui!-:i;- . TH 'l nlprsi'Hiec ,r uaSi nnnuu tic to the r it izKiiM cf Daiivi, !e a no surrounding-co- niry lli.il lias prrciifiHeiJ a mz NEW GLH33 HEARSE, Kavinir tli EXCLUSIVE RIGHT for ihi-- c ...! it v, will always keep on blind a full gup. ply Metallic Burial Cases, A N I) 'r::rAL CASKETS, IM.AI.V W I)!) A.N !. CUYM-- "fall tt'f v i'ii m - v v aiiwf-iz- - -- f CALLS nil! he ntU'Tid.-- d ,:!, r. d' y or ni'ht, in i w t or kiiih-:- , mi aiiv nt th'- - surrounding town, a nil co Biit-s- will also ruci ; vf pi uinp' niifii li J. H. WIF.IJL. Danvil'.', apr 21. DOES YOUIl WATCI3 HSL cop 3."i3LTa. o 1 ,!Tp IF not, toko it to Sll Alii".S, nud he '' w'" "la1,1''' M" ri:;lit, if pussiide, or ex tcf "'' his fine G ,1,1 Watches, which heiill I two yearn, free of cesl- rirtictll;ir uttelltiou oiven to tile rewul ilm cimi eleunintr line Watches, Mich ei ..'!iroiio!n.:l r. I'oph-x- Client Lever, Koek l'iiiiou. l.'ylinder, ,Ve. All work d ine Willi 'l Omplll-e- sill, I oil T1IF. M,K,T RRASUNA Bt.e Tt'KHS. and warranted to ijiv.j salisLti-tinu- , (or no pny-- Jewelry repiir diu Ihe best man- ner. 17n.bavi.g done that cannot be excelled. Talis, atvuijS. r.F.O. FIIARPK, Jr., rractical Viit, huiaker, (sue.-esso- p to T. !;- J.Ares.) t door to the Branch Bank , Danville, dee 1, '57 tf PUMPS. r leccive.l, a reuerd assort men ' of Well iiiiiS'.'islerii 11 I S.-i- . wh en I am ready-t- pot up iu town or country, and well war- rant lobe equal if not superior to any ethers iu use. GEO. W. COLLINS. mav 778 tf i "P0111'0 itiCO CASTtt'.l OIL, withou or smell, for sale bv WM. ?.!. STOUT. juacle SS tf DANVILLE, KY, rriOfiilKTOR. rT"ini proprietor would tender his thanks to JL Him puliiis I'or Ihe anil lib- eral pntrun.ige, lie h n received, mi l would aunouaee tliat his House is ia thor- ough r p iir, and his every coin;h'lo f r l!u e.it. rtaiiiin, nl nl Trau-a.ri.- t an hoarders. Ki'ery uttention vi'l he giv-- u to uiih nice the comfoit and ol'llis palruiis. G luneeteii with tne Batterlnu House is a !ar;-- e and coulni-ulio- s IS 1' A lj LE. where 11 or- - C", Bo'iej and itacbs are kept fur lure on reason t'ole lentis. 11117 STAGES for Lexington. md l.'iali Orchard arrivojjnd depart daily Iroiu thin hou se. W.M. M. FIELDS. in ireh 2G, '53 BHEED HOUSE! ( Late "Ceutr il House,"; 3T.ti sr., Da.vvillk, kv. ALEX. - - Proprietor. rrtUB un iersigued havitij t iken rli irgr X ol IJot'-i,aii- improved, and lunii.-he- d it in tlio iest slvle de.., to inform tile travelling inildic that h is to fiiriiisli as good aecoi oriation as a a y house in this or any oliu-- section ol li e M lie h is ni ide co osid-rab- orldilions to Ihe house and his rooms to entertain verv " Mi iiher of iiersonn i;i tlie .most eoMiforla-e- ' io"-- r. Having exp. rienevi: and atteniive ' ' ' V.TV ' i.aMni'-,.- ' ., i 1 ,:i ii..-- 1 li v Err S slipob, pro ilr If- tj ri 111! HI)' irustv 0.tlj-rs- . DBOVSRS Am; others who may have aoe.fc for sale wil oe furnished with lots ndjoi n i ibe Stable ami all other convenieiKea, Thesi lots a re supplied itli Trouirhs, water. ,te. A so persons from a distance who may i can have stabling and pastu rae .for stoe'e t my farm adjoining the. Fair rounds ALKX. NEKD. Danville, n f 17, 1 S'7 tf "nd lUla I DraUr in Coafeetiousrieg and Candies, fine" (rrorrrirs. Perfumery ami Fancy Articles. Cisnrs nntl Tiiliaei-n- ; Wines and Cor- dials; Oysters, ,c. ,Vc, .o. I a : 1 sircot, march 4, '51 Danville, Kv. it v.i v ' i i 1 u CL uy ? J L i ( Wholesale and Retail Dealer n I'niits, Xut, Presrives, I'icl.lrs, Oys-ter- s, Sardines, isur, Toh-- co, Fancy Articles, A.e. Jtc. Third Street, Danville, Ily. lITTWe Ininji and Parlies promptly attended in I'm style, "pro 1, '5(i ti' HAS ins' received a lavB stock of Ol prime quality for F'amil v use 0 0 1? F 0 T I Ct .3 It X H S " Ol every description; Ticsh. and Preserved FruitL; Tine Cigars anil T..'!hcco; Sea,-- ; er. !!iniei, T,))s. iimi rmicv Aiiulcs. i'e invito a coli all who may uoi d any th in I in his line. Jr Wedding and 1'irly orders filled hi the '""st ui inoer n ull ,,--t nolice., r-- i j. o. Finvi.y. 'J - UK ill".., ,U J . "fT?-- . THE'underdifined l,a. ,il4.,. t' "hove well known ,, 'Tr''il)ix i;'vr, are prepared to grind of every dtteiiptiou. The isint-oo.- i rop-iin- aud we can lurn.out a eo-o- flour and Mml as uuy null in the conn-tr- J' HNT FLOYD, joiin scu'i r, 5,tf jan 2'J, SPECIAL NOTICE xo any who may think it worth their attention. f'N'n test.e.1 Hi rificiiM. ivcukivo o( 1111 prepared lo rerommnu-- it ta the Hwii.f , us an invaluable Mp to Ihose lio haee any considerahli- - amount oNs-ni- .M do ami ball, rinp this, f have token 7 loi the sale of snid .llach; ev 10 il" s a,,,; ihe 1 i,P Slippiyilli: IIV l .J.y ,,1, js i'- ,r s,.vio ., niitK.i .... t.j ,re-- r7' TT-'iT- nt M ,'.' 'ol - -- e lud l.y uppi- ,,r to ioc, in l . i. v , y .V,'. I. JOORE 11 ir OP PEE, TIN, .And Shoet-Iro- n Wara MANUFACTUIIY. 75 A C. P. BALL & CO., r!",r','y inform the public ' thn't they have foroied a copartnership on.l- opened a shop oa ilaiu street, in Dam-ill-- m in- i tel y opposite tiie French Ilu!i. Tin y lire now prepared to fid all orders fur Copper, Tin raid Sheet Iron Ware And House Roofing and Guttering;, And have and will continue (o keep on hand, a lull variety of all articles in their line. Thev ate det r.i ; i y t ii.-,- - .it t .. ..Is. by .... wnrk-na- id,.-.- ,.ri. . ,, a re ,. u ru A .,,. ,.wr. !"-- - .! ( t i..-- I '.' 0 it ii. , ule.i(ri on iialld. Particular attention will be iriven to C'l)!'-P;7- '.V'.iltK of every kind Pip. s for Ma ebin'-ry- , Uoilers, Ketl't s, i c. ii We v ii also (jive "U r al tent ion to (be P. e paiiung of every description of Pl.'.li'S and warrant s ai isfact ion . We invite a cail from all uho may need ; in our line. OTrThe hlubest price will be paid for Old CVppcr and l'o.v;i-r- . C. P. P. LL & CO. Danville, july 10, '57 tf Tibbs' Barber Shop. II WK removed jny Simp to the house on .Main-stree- one .ioor above Barker's Tai- lor Shop, where. shall a'lways be ready to at (nd to all calls iu my line, yiiavin", Hair Cut-linc- , ec. I um to nee my best en-d- ivors to give entire satisfaction to my bv keeping good sharp razors and every Ibiii else in the beat and mosl fashionable, style. 1 respectfully solicit a continuance of the liber- al pnlrousjre which has been extended tome for 12 years. Transient pa'.rons promptly atten- ded to, aud satisfaction wu rran'ed. BrJNJ. TI B OS- Danville, dec 1 8, AY A NT ED. O CfiClfl I't'L'NDS ;nsard Seed, fo sO'Hi which Ihe highest market pr.rc w'l lie paid. 1 have just received a lare lot of Coin Stu.ch for cook in j purposes, which I am like everything cLe in my line, jcllin-- r very low l I7. II. HAMILTON. J. B. W1LGUS cc CO. VEol3-iaI- s and Retail Ojt 2Fa. 0 O 213 lr i. O , CoiaiaisGioa and Forwarding isr.npiai-iAisri'- a, No. 41 Main Siret't, ! a i& Xa rpiIE nnclrsigned. saceesyore lo VV'ii.ni.-- & ii riur.y.. at the nl.l -- is, , VI..:.. ... . a addition to tho Block ol the old firm, have receiveu uno are now r LA RG E A DD1TK ) NS OF Of every description and of the Lest quality; FINS LIQUOI13, &o., Which they will f,H on very iW, t..r,ns I isey solicit the patn.uaae of the old friends of Wilgus & Urnce, and Ihe i.uhlic generaily Purchasers may rely upon always fiudimr with a yood Block. " I. IE WILGU3 & CO. Lexington, apr 1, 'iG i ,v . k h g i m , L:.rm HIGGSN3 HUNTER, Wholesale ans! iktaii Orcccrs, AND Comrjissioa Kercltsnta, LEXIXG-IOX- , KY. VLAfiriE urn! well assorted stock always iul.r.i- n g i- - Of e.v, O, I'. ;t.-- , I. Ai-- . a visit, that lln-- can ,ure.iiat:; su'p.-- ,'u, rie.son as pt o.fie.nn.si rom us, aslln-- can else where, aud a Caii from all'wiio wish to buy. TTO-i- stock for tho SPftlXC THAI)!-- : is very full and compu-1.-- , embraeui- - a huge of the most sunerior j un I y ILfCotmtrj- - such U8' Bacon, Lard, r tMtlu-rs- , , Wool, Clover, (ir.w and Hemp fic.. taken at the hij;he,t mar lie.', prices, iu exchange lor Groceries iik;;ins & hunter. Lexington, march 14. 'oh' tf GEO. A. BOWYERj Mill'9MNT T.-HL0K- . K A I K STREET, LEXINGTON, KY., K 171,1'S eouilantly ou hand, a large f rt"a ussurUut'1Jt of Ihe limit fa.-,- I 4 J ionable Ij Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vest- al ; inSsi -- larf Genllemen's p urmsiiiug Goods, &.c. jt.i'i. .1 I, '..s if WATKIN3 Sl OWSLEY, Commission Herchants, Provision and Tobacco Brokers. NO. 2511. .MA!. ST ... iC ET, LO'Jl.SVILLC, K V F rtlAGLTIIJE, ? iM T', 1 SI ft ?T Tj fir a y wfitl MAIN ST.. rr ".'pk, Co.'i DANVILLE, KY R iti' of every ih?s,-- ipii.ni in my line Done witii neatness and d aloh Ij'f.-rmer- and LV tiers in 11. y line are res-- I tiii.iy i.,v;t--- tij call and examine for thtm- - Danville, 111 ,v v! . T 7 rAv:xr:. -.! ( IJ. ofir h: Ml !,!.. i. 1. v.e will rry oe ii lni-- ness umlei the dr:n ei " ,7 Uur Mo.s i n I .in,. , ,nn;ij,t cu I f.;5- ' o.J Corn will eround for 6 .Toll Lumber rawed for ; our sloire ahv.iys to be iu good Luinl.tr. O.viafr !o Ibe ineoiiveiiienej of r.liansriiig so u e will rtol grind lesj thai. 2 t ii els of H heat for ciintemerp, hut will ulvas exchange one hundred pounds of Fioui lor three. InnJu Is t( jood Wheat. Corn will be ground en TueodaTs and Sat- - u We hope, by -- trirt integrity, and prompt nt- - leniion to buunost, to merit a lihorJ ihueT plllronntre. t . Cti.-d- i paid for Wl.--.a- t deliveir-- ' ,u' Jjuls i J M. Mf.'i ..!.'. Boyle co , fel '.: 5S If 5 AM imw prepared lo Gf!ID WHEAT S at the Dauviik-.ttae- Mill, and hope to be nl.le to give satHfae.th.il to the-- e s endi W h. al to b ground. As I cannot lo ju..tiee lo very small lotn, 1 would prefer exchanging Flour foi all parcels under len hushelj. I expect to ue-- p on hand a cons'ant stipplv of .Supertine and Common Also, Unbolted flour, Cora .Meal, Clioppe, Itye, Ir.i-- Ac. OTTOORN ORiN'DINt? aa .usual, on Tues- ays ar.it r noa s. ILf Cash puid for M Iip.t.'; D. CliOZIIv'l, Ag't. Rent OR, IS',", t " .? ECOHOBIIST; Oil, - Double Oven .Coolring Rarsc. j W 111 to briu: this justly popular stove S before Ibe miice of lie pujilic an-- 'iva all a chance to h iv- - iu au van . Tb.-i- are some H or III mav in use in this community and- - I believe all that are i:niuu the m" will bear ni out. in savinj, that it is cer- tainly the most ai raiigemi nt for con- venience in cooklnj; now in n, and that it will not ' .....i--- i. in b If lb- - (u, of a cotnoioo st,.-- t i its durability there eaa be f ! I; ii. , i. f ir i.. - ''i -- ' GKO. W. COLLINS. may 2?. t,' Relief in Two Llimitcs! Dr. Hull's Xfverrailin? Tooth - Ache Bomody! ,(7""-l- ' cure 'he most iuviterate Toolli-ech- iu IV o 111 ill litis Jl is a pil.rolv Conipuo-'d- , pi rfeelly bart b fl nil-- simple, and ma- be used with lv ao-- with oreat beoi fit to tho teeth nod gums iu all eases. Price, .'ia cents per bottle. The genuine article for sale in Danville only by II HAMILTON. oc(9 tf MARK TIUS. LL those who know they are indebted lo l- - me either by note or a. cou n I , are invited o come to mv store and pay the same without urther dunning, as 1 shall get the proor olli era of the law 0 collect all unpaid debts af-- ; er the 15lh of next. Pb-as- lake no lice, and govern yourselves itcconiintrly. . VV V. L L'UAS. jan 22, '5S tf WQOL CAR DIN Gs At-th- e Danville TStfcam Mill. AM to card VV oot at the Lanvtlle Stenu .Mill, lutviiifr good niaehiuery foi that pu'pose- - am a so pr. o i,t-- o ma in. u 001 intocoaiiei Oeana or Li::cey, or will those arlioies for Wool, cither washed orun- - washed.' or am also paying Cash for Wocl. J.'. LKWI tl( , .11 '.. CS.tf '56 DANV1 LLE COACH ad IIARtVES HEFOSTTOHY, Comer of Ulnin and i'oiirih Streets op Jiosilt- - the Kltloilon Hous-e- , 'VJ $f S E. PARRAND ? 7OL (jlJ tli citizenf V of Central Kentucky that his SIJ.1I, ILl STOCK is now vrv extensive and con.pleto, com-- i Img f every descriptioD of vehicle iu liis I'Oe, Coaches, Ikdawnvs, hgm, &-- c All of the latest and most approved yle aar pattern- s- manufactured l.y Ihe best workmeu of the very best materials, and of til niustex quiche finish . wishing to purciisse any kind of velntl-- or are loud of exai.-iniu- 900. iro,. go e hi. aa call. Great inducements are nftel ej at this tin. e, as his slock is la.gei an-- J eli in j cheaper than ever before. Etrv Wait warranfed. e. J- - 'VS lie l.s ulso on hand a r t.,, .... j Harness of his own manufacture, and jJcou staiitly mai.ur.ieluriiijr all 01' Carri.. and ii i.'v Humes,. Kc 011t lllb 0, a,.j ill,. .,, '.vir'o'i-- ii nri eio dnvej Ca au.t w !; v; , ,ot of 1 '" iu :i::s .'.) ud'i "'t-- . I s. il iir ;,.'.). 1 . K I'AUKANl UOACii FAOTOIiYt' B. MAN WARING & BRO. At Gruhb's .;,? s'r,,i,l. Third Street Canville, Ky., ' rrr--r- -t WOULD respectfully inform ,;';; ,th public that thev have on hand fa-- v:-7.j',- f l,'"f own manufacture, a good kof Bi:GII-:- and HOCK-AVAV- S, of t lie most superior lylesand woi Kmanship. and are prepared to in-- to order every description of work iu their line of business, s,uch as CARRIAGIS , Cars. Spring Wajons, 4i'i" ' Their stock ol Timber is Isrfje and well sea- soned, ami tlmy have nr. assortment of Trim- mings of ihe richest Ktylesand patterns. Thoy employ no.ie but the best workmen, and war-a- n both their Aood and iron work to b execu- ted in tho neatest and most durable manliar They are now using a New t'ateut Spring, winch has desirable advantages 0Ver those gen- erally A: persons desiring to purchase Carriages er Bodies, are niv.-te- to examiu, our wdrk and leai our prices, as e feel assured we can please Ibeni. OXarria-es- , Bugaiea, Rockaway, tc , r- - paired, irimioed or painted on liort noticeaua reasonahl - lerins. We have in our om..0 tine of Ihe bet painters in the Western couu- - B. MXN WARINQ & BRO. Danville., juno 1 J, '57 tf G 0AGH-MAK1- 1S ' GEORGE TURELKELD L1IM!..S his II tj th , public, lortlieliiieralnatroi.-acr- heretofore ;x te nded to him, and would respectfully inform his I. f,,!"r riro,is a,,.; the public generally. that continues to carry 011 the Cc'.rriago Mailing Business In a iH braiie.hej, nun ,, 0Wi a,,;1 ilUen(Jt 1111; on band, or will mi,;e to order. ' ofi'niifs. Rs; ,;i-- ;iys, i'ii.-ir- ,. ', ; ' '' -- rc.y . lr :r.,i,ii ,i , re. ;' " ' ' ' lo.. i .. " i. .,lii-- oi , , , e 9f ccuiii.-j- - - iO-il- still hia old stau ?- ou Sec.nd street, opponte M s. A. I: i i. 's. IT I'.iriieuUr att, nl, on will n, heretofore he ir.veii to Ihe RKPilRlxc mid vehicles of every kind. GK0- - T1RELKELD. Danville, June 8, 'yO tf $6 nsEniiR!8 ' JOXA. NICHOLS f a r t UI.LY in- - loruis, tne pulilic thnl iie'wil! conti.iiu. Ibe (,'aoioei I S' I -- jglfam Mikinfr lii'sine all ,(, branches, at the Ut. f A'oel Xiohola, (ihe old Speed shop,) opposite the Cart iiouxe All kind, ol Furniture, Hattrasses, A n. Will be ma-l- to order, of thn beat niatcrMi, o:i short notice. RL PA ulNG a's prompt!, attended to. lie hopi by f;iin? strict atten- tion tohie.businesR, by good workmanship and moderate charges, to merit aud receivo a cou tinuanue of patior.aa CALLS.' flaviuea supply of f'inh-j- JIralIio IW fit Ah CAN5-.S- and haviu? the uss of a flood e HEARS-X- , I am still prep.-.re,- ) to attend funerai calin ,ny hour In country. Wooden C(iius made- - ( order" as heretofoie. jon a. yr'fOLS.. jau 5, la.S5 tf .s. P. BAllBKE'S iilV EMPORllil 11 A i, WW L for past favors, Ibfjeleave. to iuf'irin my friends awl customers, that. I am now re.c. v inp a 0 ue r lot of articles in my line lb an e er was brought to this cit y . In my-- stock you will lind articles to tuit Youn o Old America, from ihe linest to auy grt.de j ea add ies. Wl.ipvT Cm-pel Ilai II!'S, Snas ' TiunliN, Snirlirls, Yii l!c, rolln.h,. 51 nrtinsnlfis. IJrushfts, Aly st-- it einbracfl few line Horse UiusIh-s- , lOnlisl. FillinsrK, ji iip--- 1'ils, .S.C. " ' An-- I rati safely say, that mv work ia made. up in a brtter stle liiau can be fouifd elsa--hej- ex.-- usi vei y of "IloilE Tt-- s: and intended for heme consumption- - i all 1 ask is for you to call aud see for your- selves. 7 accounts fall due the 1st July and January, and 1 hope all dealing will, me wilj bear ii iu mind, aa upon short crtdit 1 caa sell cheaper. SVML. P D ARC EE. Danville, cpr .1, 'fw tf 1 AXILLA riOTE J.Va 7.. c.ii Is. assorted a : Kill cozen Manilla ll.-- Cords; l'l do Hope Hollers; SO do Cotloa lied Corn's; , ui store and for sale by V. V II. PL RKII ARDT, sen 2.i 11" Market st. Louisville. BBLS. No. 3 LAfiGE MACKEREL; 50 5li kils No. .1 mediuiri do. iil No. 2 do do; '1 drums Ci.!fi.-h-; ' In : store and for sale bv W. & II. flURKIIRT, ea ep7'5 ' 1 Market m.ARville- - it Elect's red, LAI'C17 lot of those Tenable Match sailY-s- wannnted to keep .M ii 'y iu wet weaih- r as well as dry v. eat er. ' Lvcry family should have o- e. Also a line lot of Brit Biii k los, at IJ. HAMILTON'S. r- T I

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Triday, : : Dec, 17. 1S53.

jEJf-Jlob- Owen, the celebrated So-

cialist philosojjbor, .lied recently, in

Scotland, at the age of eighty-eiirl- il. .. ..i e n i.

years, lie was me lamer oi iwu'tii,Dale Owen, lateU. S. Minister to Na- -;

pies, and of Eavid Dale aeo, of Indian,ihe distinguished geologist, who made

the peolorneal survey of Kentucky.

"Wlien the wind moves at the rateof one mils an hour, it is hardly perceptible; at two miles an hour it lans us thegentlo zophyr, and at six it becomes a

pleasant wind. From lento twenty it

becomes high, and thirty to lifty chatau-teriz- e

storms from light .i hard, at eigh-

ty miles an hour it becomes a hurricane,and at one hundred a tornado.

BuWhat is styled an "InterestingCase of Body Snatching," is related in

the New York papers. The body of a' maa naroed Caiey was alleged to have

been stolen by the slucents of the Four-teenth street College, and used for 'pro-fessional purposes. When a brother ofthe dead and disfigured man subsequentl-y; claimed the corpse fur burial, they !

patched it up with pieces from otherar.d in thai suite ci. 1'u .; it. Ti.e

- affair is to undergo leal inves .i ;v7o.ii.

JtSTTlio er ml iiuv of lb. " .1

Court in fcVmli Carolina rei'ui-.- l tofind indictments against the ciow of thelavcr Echo, captjred not long- since.

The prisoners, sixteen in number, aretill held in custody, however. Their

attorneys have asked for their dischargeupon the ground that the law of Congressmaking the slave trade piracy is uncon-stitutional, The opinion of the courtLad net been "ivco at latest accounts.

(KS-Vli-ile several Suites have mad"

strnuouSi efforts, of late years, to abol-

ish capital puuishnientaluwother the Leg-

islature of Georgia is now endeavoiino;to extend this penalty to other crimesthan murder and arson. Two hills havebeen introduced w ith a view to roakc bothnight burglary find robbery by 'force cap-ital offenses; but each lias failed in theBenate. They have, however, bien

as to make the punishmenttwenty years in the penitentiary, at the


discretion of the court.i

A Volcaxo is Canada. The Pem-broke Observer lias the following: TheRev. Mr. Kny. Wesleyan Minister atWakefield , in a letter to a brother cler-gy man, says, 'I learn from an authentic.source that we hare what is supposedto be h bor.a fide volcano, about 1 30 milesup the Golineau liver. Parlies liviniinear the place have seen it smoke, andits internal rttmblinf'? h.ave been heardnnd felt at the Hudson'- - Bay post At theriver Desert, which tliirtv miiea dis-- j

tnnt. It is called Mount Diablo. This1may probably account fur the manyshoeks of earthquake foil ia the vicin-


Important Medio il Fact. One ofour Philadelphia exchanges gives an ac-

count of an attempt to commit suicidea few days ago in that city, and says thatthough two ounces and ft half of lauda-num had been taken, and ho'hinic hadbeen done for several hours, the 'liftlurtu-nat- e

man was saved and restored rapidlyby artinVial respiration. Thi'i in an

discovery in medical science, ittrue, not so much on account of worHbe suicides, as to those w ho sometimestke over doses ol laudanum, or otherpreparations of opium through mistake.The ixperinient is worth a tiial if a caeshould unfortunately occur ia which itsefiieaev eoulJ be tested.

A Freak of Nature. Mr. Vesiilus to go to the Commercial Motel

to 8eo !i rare turns wilurca. II has a

girl who ha:' four legs and feet, ami twobeads, four arms and the upper puts oftwo bodies, perfectly flume ), h ith theexception that the heart of one of therebodies is ia the right side instead of theleft, buJ though it is double as to itsheads, r:na and legs, yet in its spinaland pelvis arrangements it is one. Itsto beads are very i n tel nt and sin"together. Ir,ansensg questions askerlby any one. both answer questions ioieth-e- r

and in the same wurds, or if differentquestions ara askad, each answer differently. Ia walking, the girl two or!four lej". vliich ver happen t ba Hi?most convenient. In eating, she usesboth mouths, though it is suppose thatona wonM answer tl e purposu as well,as there) is but one sot of digestive organs.It is the most remarkubU ore nine wehave seen. It is more wonderful thanthe Siamese Twins- lhay are two per-sons joined together by a membraneThis girl is two persons willi one budy.Sishci'dc B'inHCT,

To Make Casdlks of Soft T.m.low.A corMspondetit of the

writes: I noticed a request ii; iheCeuntry Geiuleinan a short time sincefor a receipt to make soft tallow hardI send you ono I know by experience tobe good. To twelve of tallowtake half a gallon of water, to 'which addthree Ublespoonsfu! of pulverized alum,ami two of saltpetre, which heat anddissolve; then add four pounds of tallowand one pound of betswax; boil hard to-

gether, until ihe w lcr evapv-raied- , a;--

skim whil j boilini'i It should uot beput :n your moulds hotter tin n you canbear your hand in it. Tliec iindies lookmuch nicer when the wicks are not tiedat-th- bottom. It is not only disagree-able task to cut the wick off, bui it in-

jures tho moulds. Never heat yourmoulds lo draw your caudles in coldweather.

Perhaps it is not generally known thattallow from beuves fed on corn or tTain,ji much softer than "when fed on grassor clover. Therefore, the tallow fromgrass fud cattle should always be haid


with the addition of very little alum'and!teeswax. In very cold weather ms'--

le4 alum must ba used, or they' willerack bo s to fall to pieces sometimes;and a third more of each must ba usediu very warm weather if the tallow isvery soft. With a little managementyou can always have hard tallow for sttiu-Bi- r

use, where you make all your can-dles.


HARRODSCURC, KY.6ession Institution willTUB-nex-


on third Monday in Sedtrm-be- f.

Application for admission should be madeearly, iu order that rooms may bo secured byppecial arrangement. Those who desire to ex-

amine a copy of the laws, and course of stuy,ere requested to address the proprietors.

O. E. & JNO. AUli. WILLIAMSjuly llJ, '5rt tf

i-- V

Lt.i y u .f

C O h V M N .


i n ? totU mCkespcst House





poplins.LEU AGES.




French and Elisli

SIDE SmiP.ll D13CAL3,


Eh-- xu xrsx rrjrOTTOX ClIAl.N AND ALL YiH AI.S.

Hoops ard Hoop Skirts,



Er-glis-h and American TriJits,



Th T,arrpst Stork of

WALL PAPER 3l ECXlDKItlK CEver brou0'iil to Danville,

B00T3 m SHOES,


VIRGIN and M!S:-Of'R-

tCJ J LLi J! wi vJ)


; f FALL A U D Vit ... .Ar mm mm. La,:;

G.'KN'i li'Efr:--YujU i u -

i-- v.n cj i


M crchant rrI ... I

Cloths CassiTTiCres, and VestinjjsGcnta' rcrnisliing Goods,

Tn Cravuts, ricarf, Co'i.r( H thiiaTi.-liiefs--

ndt-rs- Vimo ua ii nl n g th"i r own hin-.- v

rinis wii have, t hf taken to fit amiat Into r!f&! AM of wliiih I olt'er low fur cislior to pronijit paying customers on my usualcredit...

V7. C. LTXCA3.N. n. Tim highest pric? pitd in Goods for

L)auvnl;j, Ivy., s dot 24, 'o, tf

AVE const a ll y on hand a lare; and snpero- - lot o, I'mtliir, .ia!' nntl Client

nut I'lan'i of pi v v.iro tv I oplar miChestnut Shingles .'1 foot (h,k Doarop, I'latRa'!'. ic wli ie.ii I am in jr vrv low loraMi. J. M. C'JOi'17R.Stanford, Ky. i(T Ij. Tii 3nt

Eyes for tli3 BlinclrPO tlioa pfilicte.HJL with wesk tves o

siejit-faiiin- I noneJ have a lar?e ami as:.ortni(;iit of

Gold, Silver, and steel

OPECTACLES;Pebble G lathes ; and haviuij had considerublexperience in this line, ail who wi .h "old eveinane new, ivmiiii uo wen 10 give me k call a

can suit you certain.(;;;o. sharp, jr.,

A y res' old Stand, Danville. Ky.O" Fine Walelu-- and Jewelry Repaired a

usual, and warrantek lo give satisfaotiiou.Danville, apr 2, o8

Fine Jack for siqf A n.F 3


fill'1 III u



A my old u stoini- - who knOTVs elves iuck-b- d toi Till piense eouit

and tho mini- -, as I oni erunoeile.l tomoney to carry on mv l.usiuess. flly i.ier.n:-nr-

limited, and therefore I am compelled todo as near a cash hifiness ns j.osaible to e.,,-.lii-

rue to keep "tho BALI, mnviuij." I inn iready and williug lo do any w.-r- in mv lineon Ihe shortest notice and in the best inaiieerand as reasonnhle as uny one else, when tberi. a prospe,:t of getiio-- something lor it. Trme, and prove ihe name.

C. P. B LL.may 14, '."8 tf

Light for the Million.


Most Economical Lip:litKVlill I.N'TKuOUOED.

T AM now prepared to supply the above1 Oil, i,ind the most ariuroved I. v l l.,rburniiifr it. 'I'h.-s- Lamps will give a lightequal to six candles, at the eot of one centlor three hours burning. The Oil 13 NOTexplosive, roraaleby

WM. M. STOUTapril 2, '53 tf -

Iiiniments, &c.Chinese Liniment, Piles Liniment,Rheumatic Liniment. Fever TonicGridHh'.s Giillianum Strengthening Flusters.I)i rbcn.i, Flux and Cholera Medicine,Bedbug Medicine, Fits Medicine, ,tc

For sole by H IIAMILT0T24 y 57 if

WE are now receiving and opening our

Larsre and vrell assorted stock of

Fancy and Staple

iD t) If 1



Most of which was bought

and at

VERY LOW PRICES,And it is our intention to sell them

roll bAarfjHii.i at prioes that will be o

We I:



Li LP Li i 2? "2 ,

Kith & Cr.shsaserc,MERINOS AND DELAINES,

Oicths, Gassiaeres a Vestinss,

CLOT X-- X I IT G-- ,

c a. Jt a. rv ' t.'--" s A I. L S T V L IZ s ,

Zsi:irni and T.ib!c linens.ilk i andkerchiefs,

.?Z H 23 117

Skirta and Skirting,Ami a varietv of oilier floo. .

W e v. i keep at all times, a abortedslock with

F.anh weeii, t int-n- to sell ih 'iu ;! UNI- -

I 'VI All.-- ; W il

'IRITIS Curd is tn announce to those who havet been my customers tiurint; the laM liiteen

years, and to the puhlic at l..rc, that, il is mypurpose to change oiy mode ot doing business,lioiu the C'ki.iut lo

THE CASH SYSTEM.I have ileienniiH d on this course, mainlyfrurathe tu-- reasons fullowinjr, viz:

lt. 'I'lie state of my healili will not longerpermit mo to do tint amount of l laborthat I find tely necessary to Kimtnin a

business n ilio' credit system. This reasonalone would be all mflieient in my case.

But 1 mny ad. a 2d. I believfl 1 can makeit to the interest of paving eusiomers ludealon Ihe CASH PVS I'EM thus avoiding twoevils, one or (he oilier or both of which neces-

sarily attach to a sucreesful credit business, t

; The mabins; up by c.'Jta on the partof the operator, or by extra charges on yoodcuslnmi is, what is lost on delayed payments,aiul on accounts not paid at all.

The above being the s'ato of tho case, a Iview it, 1 shall from the date h keep ouhand such a stock of Golds in the line of

Gentlemen's T7ear,As T conceive the wants of this community de-

mand i be sn'id al such prices as a J ishonly will justify and will receive with

appmpeiate feeliniis of obligation, the patron-age of those who may del in it to their interestto deal with me ou the principle srt forlb above,

W. I. JIOOKE.Danville, January 1, IPS?, tf

I have on hand a small lot of the cheiccst

Ovoicon,tlnsboth in ihe piece and made up, ivbo h I iriiloiler liom this dntc until the l.r)th of Februaryat Cost uud a per cent. Fur 'ns!i.

W. I. MUUUH.1 , 'i

Fire Insurance Company,OF HARTFORD, CONN.,

Incorporated 1S19- - Charier Pcrpf-lual-

l ush AMl.'ts, Jai.uitiy, 1S..7,

51,307,900 L53.- INSL'HLS M.r ! '. - -

'.e; ly.lllld ' i,

t. ' I'll'l 7 '7,'. rn.yi-- . .Mi - V :. - A -- .,

llniii.- -sfurks of pro ' -


.in.i chi r.ui;i . ' - in i.o,n...v.. : ..I r ,n:i as iu-.- i-

i! .l permits.suT'AH Losses equitah y and n ljusted, and.ftOMITI.V

iU I'olicies of Insiirence issued byA. S. M'jGilOllTY, Ag't

jao , l'u y Danville, Ky.

Life InsnsancQ Company,Of nni'tl'onl, Conn.

Capital, $150,CC0.JJJOLICll'.S will be granted piiyabU- - aftert death, or noon the party's arriving at n

specified wge, nt bin option; iu either case, freeIrom cluiins of creditors,

ITTThe lives of Slaves insured at reason-able rotes.

I'TTamphlets! containing rates of premium,anil information it. ice.rd to the mode of opera-tions, can be obtaini b of the undersigned.

A. S. McGRORTY, Ai.'t.jan 1, IHj? y Danville, Ky.


5 AM now prvpureil to put up on short no--

tice the uho vc n r; ides in tlie best sty le. Myshop is ut l'AKIvSWLhr--j on tlits Lrbanontpikf, 7 milts Ironi DanvtHe: Any ordera lefeWilli mv ariilfi, Mt'Hsrs. H. SI. W eatherfonJ &Lee, at Danville, w ul ho promptly attii'JeJ to,

F. JOHNSON.Pirksville. Kv nav . '3d t'f

rTHK best of Cider and Ale Vinegar alwayJ-- on Laud and fjr Bale at



1 I


.4 i


T .B A i



Are low in receipt of their

F A 1 Ia S T O V Ik

GOODS!Which for


Surpasses any they have ever Imparled.

.a s u a 3


- - .'"

- ' i; .' I . -

llhl'jA I1 Alii il I 111


Bon lifts, Rilbo .s and Trininiii!.





Together with our usual fall stock of j

STAPLE (100D8,0ad n, 1333,

Of veiy description,

f ? 1"! fir rATTAVQ at . ,. Mrt. t:,- - c.s.J y L I 1iHJ,:"' and at .vmln'i end

lions olily o! those we.-- ol f.traii;'- niaklll-- '

Of all grades,

rr.Bot Ilipo.iu and of home - manufacture

rartieular a'teulion is to our stock i f

Sloops and hoc$,Embracing a full and co'iiplefe assortment

For Ladies', Gaats', Cliildreiis.',

and Servants' Wear.

Cloths, Cassimeres and

Of lato and Popular Patterns.


Eugs & Floor Oil Cloths,

Wall Paper acd Bordering.


"W A JR. ID .


Pants, Oils, Varnishes. Brashes,



"v"e have also imported ag usual a large andsuperior Kl,,ck of

GROCERIES,Including cveryihing in that ling.

i . i ii.r A. 1 Lw i It 1 Ij, ,For CASH, or to custom;. as ou

fiX ont5, Simp,All Accounts be i ii due on the 1 st dnys of.

and July. Our old friends anil puich.-i-wr-

trcuorally are to call and see ourGoods.

G. V. WELSH Sl CO.sept 3, l?5i


Home Insurance Company,K Y

CfSce:-No- . 4. Greer'B Scott St., near 4th,

Chartered Capital, &100,0C0Authorized Capital, $250,CC0



R. K. IRWIN,This Company does no Business

Takes no Risks out of Kentucky on-

ly good property for good men.It as'.is that its claims to Patronage may be

favorably considered by the citizens of Keu- -

IL," 'Abdications by mail will receive prompt

C. W. METCALFF,, Ajct.apr 2:1, 'jS ll Da.svh.le, Kv,


Doily Line of 4 Horse Coaches

lI Hbu- -







Conne'-iinc- willi tlio

AT F J I A N K FO J IT.Tlir.imjl, Ticketsciui hy procured at llie R

rcat! om. or at our Oliic, at tlia tlItHouse, Liiuisville,For I,awi-cncc5!ir?- ,

Salv;-n- , Ilarrod.-bu- rg""J lanvil'e.

l.e.ivip-Franlsfc- irl m men h,t,-- l v af;e.r Hi- :rri-. v.il (,f UieM-jriiirif- Train lor Dsuvillo;

Arrivinjat t. an r l.y J n'clu-!it- , M." Uarrodr.l,ur(f at .'1 o'eli eU, i". M;" Hanviile 4 o'eloe!,-- , I'. M.

Leavinj; every ir.ri,i:i:i for Loni.-vi!-rnl Bn'el.ick A.iJ., Hiiti larredLiliu'r i r.t !)o elorl; : nnd arriving nt 'r.( k f,,rt iifiiuie(r the Evening Train (vt I.oiiisville.1". rsons lewitij; D.uiviile ini.i ll.n rjdsl.n r

by this lioute, will ,imva at Louisville asoot h by any other Uoute.

Jj'l'l,rouli '1'icifis cm be procir-- J forat our oiiiee, atth.i .Sneed

t.mvil!e.at Ihe B gV lintel, !l irrcdslji-- , -- ;at Lie tJ,ilt Huns,-- , l.,iwr

Uur Oil :e in Fran kfwrt is at the Capit :I Mo-lei

Thei" will be a Tri-Wcc- AcciiminnMm, i S1ji;:V lor S iie i v l e'.i.-'.- iie a,l t''i':. i.

' .viB.r i, r" -- !elv , .7 .

ilW'jri: :i i .ay i; n ... .,

' r a h

"':!!:' at '"'Klurt. Iree ul ellr-.e-1 fi'Vni:ntjoi;iii-"- i) u'ir not

bo tu n tiv t uv lii il :c It v

iMI'ill IISI'JO.V & s lt- l'f'1,1,, 'may 2s, T.s ti' (v,, ,,, .,,.,


LIXINGTOIJ ?.nd LOUIS 7ILLE'Sf --.i 'H rr-- i

Suininsr Airan-eine- nt for 1353.

Daily,(SU D A Y - LXCKPinu.) v

li.uns will !!u:i nt foiI i;v, .vi:MttT TK.4IN-- will leave Lexington at

1 0: 15 o'clock. A. M .. stonoiii.T i ,,,,1..- -

li.se. rniiiMUioi.j trims l.ir .i. I.ouis,Cairo, and a!! Wcst-m- !

e.u Sou'li, 10 to hours in advance olany nh r rujle.

SJ,(.-1KV- TiiI l.,vs Lexior-to- at3: 15 oYn'-k- F- - .M., to;ioin, at ail Way tfta- -

iio i, r on uect hit at 17 uce i.y Sldir. lotN' .v '"' '' ami iiiell-- vilif ; and ui t.ouiiivil:t.;'. " r for ol. I. oui,, Cairo, aud all points

- 7 'ii 'e.--t and Sooih.

TICKETS,:y eaer ioiVinn-iiiu- cad at th-- O.f: '

'' - I'hceoiv Hotel, oi al til Dee i.'"' - M- ami V'a'er oire LeXiajttn, i

- M L GILL, S ih:riulaiLnl. '

V - Tirkel AI V, R, ".. .. S, if

v-rr -eI w - u-- Ls

FASlIIf-- l:i

r rniture vV.rr-roc- :

T k' "C, 0r purchasersC-udt-

i ':' hionable Furniture,I of i.Iip on lii;'Si;. it p ftMH Lirjj ;iti-- vari-.- anil f.nn-.'- l

i rinp-s- 0 I'Vfitch ami Atiifrinnitv ., '.'ler wit'i ciii'i'.pT (:r lliose

wli .;iy .'oirtf t. lie invites es-- cial atlfll-Lio-

to his stock of ;tjni !i Suf.is,Hair an.i Can Seal CJinirH,

lHrf.i'ts, Ce itre 'I'iUih'S, Jlat Uitchs, Work-.S- lui'ls, What-Not- mt., &c. Persons in wijiM

of i'urnitu e of t'te very I.att't I'lUt'Tii.s, i ftlu) vt:iy Lc-- t in ale rial.-.- , and mam:!' iclnr'tlcarcfiilly, espcM.ill r fur ri'jniur private snls,are invito to call at my v ar rfionis bcfurbuying, as I fViti ili.a I can iltiite themboih in quality and pri- s,

d.r ilHir, ShncU, Cotton, A: Mostia-:- s ulw.iyson Iuhjo1, or made loonier ofhiw fiirinul h i z on -- hort notice.

j JJTlJvin pr. iinsd a F I N" E C A V, . I

am pr,,iiarc(i to deliver rurnitur" i. yhi low a or country.

j. ;;. ui!-:i;- .

TH 'l nlprsi'Hiec ,r uaSi nnnuu tic to the r itizKiiM cf Daiivi, !e a no surrounding-co- nirylli.il lias prrciifiHeiJ a

mz NEW GLH33 HEARSE,Kavinir tli EXCLUSIVE RIGHT for ihi-- c

...! it v, will always keep on blind a full gup.ply

Metallic Burial Cases,A N I)

'r::rAL CASKETS,IM.AI.V W I)!) A.N !. CUYM--"fall tt'f v i'ii m - v v aiiwf-iz- - --

f CALLS nil! he ntU'Tid.-- d

,:!, r. d ' y or ni'ht, in i w t or kiiih-:- ,

mi aiiv nt th'- - surrounding town,a nil co Biit-s- will also ruci ; vf pi uinp' niifii li

J. H. WIF.IJL.Danvil'.', apr 21.

DOES YOUIl WATCI3HSL cop 3."i3LTa.o1

,!Tp IF not, toko it to Sll Alii".S, nud he'' w'" "la1,1''' M" ri:;lit, if pussiide, or ex

tcf "'' his fine G ,1,1

Watches, which heiill I two yearn, freeof cesl- rirtictll;ir uttelltiou oiven to tile

rewul ilm cimi eleunintr line Watches,Mich ei ..'!iroiio!n.:l r. I'oph-x- Client Lever,Koek l'iiiiou. l.'ylinder, ,Ve. All work d ineWilli 'l Omplll-e- sill, I oil T1IF. M,K,T RRASUNA Bt.eTt'KHS. and warranted to ijiv.j salisLti-tinu- , (orno pny-- Jewelry repiir diu Ihe best man-ner. 17n.bavi.g done that cannot be excelled.Talis, atvuijS.

r.F.O. FIIARPK, Jr.,rractical Viit, huiaker, (sue.-esso- p to

T. !;- J.Ares.) t door tothe Branch Bank , Danville,

dee 1, '57 tf

PUMPS.r leccive.l, a reuerd assort men ' of WelliiiiiS'.'islerii 11 I S.-i-

. wh en I am ready-t-

pot up iu town or country, and well war-rant lobe equal if not superior to anyethers iu use.

GEO. W. COLLINS.mav 778 tf

i "P0111'0 itiCO CASTtt'.l OIL, withouor smell, for sale bv

WM. ?.!. STOUT.juacle SS tf



rT"ini proprietor would tender his thanks toJL Him puliiis I'or Ihe anil lib-

eral pntrun.ige, lie h n received, mi l wouldaunouaee tliat his House is ia thor-

ough r p iir, and his everycoin;h'lo f r l!u e.it. rtaiiiin, nl nl Trau-a.ri.- tan hoarders. Ki'ery uttention

vi'l he giv-- u to uiih nice the comfoit andol'llis palruiis.

G luneeteii with tne Batterlnu House is a!ar;-- e and coulni-ulio- s IS 1' A lj LE. where 11 or- -

C", Bo'iej and itacbs are kept fur lure onreason t'ole lentis.

11117 STAGES for Lexington.md l.'iali Orchard arrivojjnd depart daily Iroiuthin hou se.

W.M. M. FIELDS.in ireh 2G, '53

BHEED HOUSE!( Late "Ceutr il House,";

3T.ti sr., Da.vvillk, kv.ALEX. - - Proprietor.rrtUB un iersigued havitij t iken rli irgrX ol IJot'-i,aii- improved,

and lunii.-he- d it in tlio iest slvlede.., to inform tile travelling inildic that his to fiiriiisli as good aecoi oriationas a a y house in this or any oliu-- section olli e M lie h is ni ide co osid-rab- orldilionsto Ihe house and his rooms to entertain verv

" Mi iiher of iiersonn i;i tlie .most eoMiforla-e- 'io"-- r. Having exp. rienevi: and atteniive

' ' ' V.TV ' i.aMni'-,.- ' ., i 1

,:i ii..-- 1

li v ErrS slipob,

pro ilr If- tj ri 111! HI)'irustv 0.tlj-rs- .

DBOVSRSAm; others who may have aoe.fc for sale wiloe furnished with lots ndjoi n i ibe Stableami all other convenieiKea, Thesilots a re supplied itli Trouirhs, water. ,te. Aso persons from a distance who may i

can have stabling and pastu rae .for stoe'e tmy farm adjoining the. Fair rounds

ALKX. NEKD.Danville, n f 17, 1 S'7 tf

"nd lUla I DraUr inCoafeetiousrieg and Candies,

fine" (rrorrrirs.Perfumery ami Fancy Articles.

Cisnrs nntl Tiiliaei-n- ; Wines and Cor-dials; Oysters, ,c. ,Vc,.o. I a : 1 sircot,

march 4, '51 Danville, Kv.

it v.i v' i i 1 u C L u y ? J L i (

Wholesale and Retail Dealer nI'niits, Xut, Presrives, I'icl.lrs, Oys-ter- s,

Sardines, isur, Toh-- co,Fancy Articles, A.e. Jtc.Third Street, Danville, Ily.

lITTWe Ininji and Parlies promptly attendedin I'm style,

"pro 1, '5(i ti'

HAS ins' received a lavB stock of

Ol prime quality for F'amil v use

0 0 1? F 0 T I Ct .3 It X H S"

Ol every description;Ticsh. and Preserved FruitL;

Tine Cigars anil T..'!hcco; Sea,-- ; er.!!iniei, T,))s. iimi rmicv Aiiulcs.i'e invito a coli all who may uoi d any

th in I in his line.Jr Wedding and 1'irly orders filled hi the

'""st ui inoer n ull ,,--t nolice.,r-- i j. o. Finvi.y.

'J - UK ill".., ,U J

. "fT?-- . THE'underdifined l,a. ,il4.,.t' "hove well known ,,'Tr''il)ix i;'vr, are prepared to grind

of every dtteiiptiou. Theisint-oo.- i rop-iin- aud we can lurn.out a

eo-o- flour and Mml as uuy null in the conn-tr-

J' HNT FLOYD,joiin scu'i r,

5,tfjan 2'J,

SPECIAL NOTICExo any who may think it worth

their attention.

f'N'n test.e.1 Hi rificiiM. ivcukivo o(

1111 prepared lo rerommnu-- it ta the Hwii.f, us an invaluable Mp to Ihose liohaee any considerahli- - amount oNs-ni- .Mdo ami ball, rinp this, f have token 7

loi the sale of snid .llach; ev 10 il" s a,,,;ihe 1 i,PSlippiyilli: IIV l .J.y ,,1, js

i'- ,r s,.vio .,

niitK.i .... t.j ,re-- r7' TT-'iT- nt M ,'.' 'ol

- -- e lud l.y uppi- ,,r to ioc,in l . i. v , y

.V,'. I. JOORE11 ir

OP PEE, TIN,.And Shoet-Iro- n Wara


C. P. BALL & CO.,r!",r','y inform the public

' thn't they have foroied a copartnershipon.l- opened a shop oa ilaiu street, in Dam-ill--

m in- i tel y opposite tiie French Ilu!i. Tin ylire now prepared to fid all orders fur

Copper, Tin raid Sheet Iron WareAnd House Roofing and Guttering;,

And have and will continue (o keep on hand, alull variety of all articles in their line. Thev atedet r.i ; i y t ii.-,-- .it t .. ..Is.by .... wnrk-na- id,.-.- ,.ri. . ,,

a re ,. u ru A .,,. ,.wr.

!"-- - .! ( t i..--

I '.' 0 it ii. , ule.i(ri on iialld.Particular attention will be iriven to C'l)!'-P;7-

'.V'.iltK of every kind Pip. s for Maebin'-ry- , Uoilers, Ketl't s, i c.

ii We v ii also (jive "U r al tent ion to (be P. epaiiung of every description of Pl.'.li'S andwarrant s ai isfact ion .

We invite a cail from all uho may need ;

in our line.OTrThe hlubest price will be paid for Old

CVppcr and l'o.v;i-r- .

C. P. P. LL & CO.Danville, july 10, '57 tf

Tibbs' Barber Shop.II WK removed jny Simp to the house on

.Main-stree- one .ioor above Barker's Tai-lor Shop, where. shall a'lways be ready to at(nd to all calls iu my line, yiiavin", Hair Cut-linc- ,

ec. I um to nee my best en-d-

ivors to give entire satisfaction to mybv keeping good sharp razors and every

Ibiii else in the beat and mosl fashionable, style.1 respectfully solicit a continuance of the liber-al pnlrousjre which has been extended tome for12 years. Transient pa'.rons promptly atten-ded to, aud satisfaction wu rran'ed.

BrJNJ. TI B OS-Danville, dec 1 8,

AY A NT ED.O CfiClfl I't'L'NDS ;nsard Seed, fo

sO'Hi which Ihe highest market pr.rcw'l lie paid.

1 have just received a lare lot of CoinStu.ch for cook in j purposes, which I amlike everything cLe in my line, jcllin-- r very low


J. B. W1LGUS cc CO.VEol3-iaI- s and Retail

Ojt 2Fa. 0 O 213 lr i. O ,CoiaiaisGioa and Forwarding

isr.npiai-iAisri'- a,

No. 41 Main Siret't,! a i& Xa

rpiIE nnclrsigned. saceesyore lo VV'ii.ni.-- &ii riur.y.. at the nl.l -- is, , VI..:.. ... .

a addition to tho Block ol the old firm, havereceiveu uno are now r


Of every description and of the Lest quality;FINS LIQUOI13, &o.,

Which they will f,H on very iW, t..r,nsI isey solicit the patn.uaae of the old friends ofWilgus & Urnce, and Ihe i.uhlic generailyPurchasers may rely upon always fiudimrwith a yood Block. "

I. IE WILGU3 & CO.Lexington, apr 1, 'iG i

,v . k h g i m , L:.rmHIGGSN3 HUNTER,

Wholesale ans! iktaii Orcccrs,AND

Comrjissioa Kercltsnta,LEXIXG-IOX-


VLAfiriE urn! well assorted stock alwaysiul.r.i- n g

i- -Of e.v, O, I'.

;t.-- , I.Ai-- .

a visit, that lln-- can ,ure.iiat:; su'p.-- ,'u,rie.son as pt o.fie.nn.si rom us, aslln-- can elsewhere, aud a Caii from all'wiio wishto buy.

TTO-i- stock for tho SPftlXC THAI)!-- :

is very full and compu-1.-- , embraeui- - a hugeof the most sunerior j u n I y

ILfCotmtrj- - such U8' Bacon,Lard, r tMtlu-rs- , , Wool, Clover, (ir.wand Hemp fic.. taken at the hij;he,t marlie.', prices, iu exchange lor Groceries

iik;;ins & hunter.Lexington, march 14. 'oh' tf


Mill'9MNT T.-HL0K-.


K 171,1'S eouilantly ou hand, a large

f rt"a ussurUut'1Jt of Ihe limit fa.-,-

I 4 J ionable

Ij Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vest-al ; inSsi--larf Genllemen's p urmsiiiug Goods, &.c.

jt.i'i. .1 I, '..s if

WATKIN3 Sl OWSLEY,Commission Herchants, Provision

and Tobacco Brokers.NO. 2511. .MA!. ST ... iC ET,


F rtlAGLTIIJE,? iM T', 1 SI ft ?T Tj fir a y wfitl

MAIN ST.. rr ".'pk, Co.'i

DANVILLE, KYR iti' of every ih?s,-- ipii.ni in my line

Done witii neatness and d alohIj'f.-rmer- and LV tiers in 11. y line are res-- I

tiii.iy i.,v;t--- tij call and examine for thtm- -

Danville, 111 ,v v! .

T 7

rAv:xr:. -.! ( IJ. ofir h: Ml !,!..i. 1. v.e will rry oe ii lni-- ness umlei thedr:n ei " ,7

Uur Mo.s

i n I .in,. , ,nn;ij,t cuI f.;5- ' o.J Corn will eround

for 6 .Toll Lumber rawed for ; oursloire ahv.iys to be iu good Luinl.tr.

O.viafr !o Ibe ineoiiveiiienej of r.liansriiig sou e will rtol grind lesj thai. 2 t ii

els of H heat for ciintemerp, hut will ulvasexchange one hundred pounds of Fioui lorthree. InnJu Is t( jood Wheat.

Corn will be ground en TueodaTs and Sat- -


We hope, by -- trirt integrity, and prompt nt- -

leniion to buunost, to merit a lihorJ ihueTplllronntre. t .

Cti.-d- i paid for Wl.--.a- t deliveir-- ' ,u' Jjulsi J M. Mf.'i ..!.'.

Boyle co , fel '.: 5S If

5 AM imw prepared lo Gf!ID WHEATS at the Dauviik-.ttae- Mill, and hope to be

nl.le to give satHfae.th.il to the-- e s endi W h. alto b ground. As I cannot lo ju..tiee lo verysmall lotn, 1 would prefer exchanging Flour foiall parcels under len hushelj.

I expect to ue-- p on hand a cons'ant stipplvof .Supertine and Common

Also, Unbolted flour, Cora .Meal, Clioppe,Itye, Ir.i-- Ac.

OTTOORN ORiN'DINt? aa .usual, on Tues-ays ar.it r noa s.

ILf Cash puid for M Iip.t.';D. CliOZIIv'l, Ag't.

Rent OR, IS',", t " .?


Double Oven .Coolring Rarsc.j W 111 to briu: this justly popular stoveS before Ibe miice of lie pujilic an-- 'iva all

a chance to h iv- - iu au van .

Tb.-i- are some H or III mav in use in thiscommunity and- - I believe all that are i:niuuthe m" will bear ni out. in savinj, that it is cer-tainly the most ai raiigemi nt for con-venience in cooklnj; now in n, and that itwill not ' .....i--- i. in b If lb- - (u, of a

cotnoioo st,.-- t i its durability there eaa be


! I; ii. , i. f ir i..- ''i -- '

GKO. W. COLLINS.may 2?. t,'

Relief in Two Llimitcs!

Dr. Hull's Xfverrailin?Tooth - Ache Bomody!,(7""-l- ' cure 'he most iuviterate Toolli-ech-

iu IV o 111 ill litis Jl is a pil.rolvConipuo-'d- , pi rfeelly bart b fl nil--

simple, and ma- be used with lv ao-- withoreat beoi fit to tho teeth nod gums iu alleases. Price, .'ia cents per bottle.

The genuine article for sale in Danville onlyby II HAMILTON.

oc(9 tf

MARK TIUS.LL those who know they are indebted lo

l- - me either by note or a. cou n I , are invitedo come to mv store and pay the same withouturther dunning, as 1 shall get the proor olli

era of the law 0 collect all unpaid debts af-- ;

er the 15lh of next. Pb-as- lake nolice, and govern yourselves itcconiintrly.

. VV V. L L'UAS.jan 22, '5S tf

WQOL CAR DIN GsAt-th- e Danville TStfcam Mill.

AM to card VV oot at the LanvtlleStenu .Mill, lutviiifr good niaehiuery foi that

pu'pose- -

am a so pr. o i,t-- o ma in. u 001

intocoaiiei Oeana or Li::cey, or willthose arlioies for Wool, cither washed orun- -

washed.'or am also paying Cash for Wocl.J.'. LKWI tl( , .11 '..

CS.tf '56


HEFOSTTOHY,Comer of Ulnin and i'oiirih Streets op

Jiosilt- - the Kltloilon Hous-e- ,

'VJ $f

S E. PARRAND? 7OL (jlJ tli citizenf

V of Central Kentucky that his SIJ.1I,ILl STOCK is now vrv extensive andcon.pleto, com-- i Img f every descriptioD ofvehicle iu liis I'Oe,

Coaches, Ikdawnvs, hgm, &--c

All of the latest and most approved yle aarpattern- s- manufactured l.y Ihe best workmeuof the very best materials, and of til niustexquiche finish .

wishing to purciisse any kind ofvelntl-- or are loud of exai.-iniu- 900. iro,.go e hi. a a call. Great inducements are nftelej at this tin. e, as his slock is la.gei an-- J eliin j cheaper than ever before. Etrv Waitwarranfed.

e. J-- 'VSlie l.s ulso on hand a r t.,, .... j

Harness of his own manufacture, and jJcoustaiitly mai.ur.ieluriiijr all 01' Carri..and ii i.'v Humes,. Kc 011t lllb 0,a,.j ill,. .,, '.vir'o'i-- ii nri eio dnvej

Ca au.t w !; v; , ,ot of1 '" iu :i::s.'.) ud'i"'t-- . I s. il iir ;,.'.).

1 . K I'AUKANl


At Gruhb's .;,? s'r,,i,l. Third StreetCanville, Ky., '

rrr--r- -t WOULD respectfully inform,;';; ,th public that thev have on handfa-- v:-7.j',- f l,'"f own manufacture, a good

kof Bi:GII-:- and HOCK-AVAV- S,

of t lie most superiorlylesand woi Kmanship. and are prepared toin-- to order every description of work iutheir line of business, s,uch as


Cars. Spring Wajons, 4i'i" 'Their stock ol Timber is Isrfje and well sea-soned, ami tlmy have nr. assortment of Trim-mings of ihe richest Ktylesand patterns. Thoyemploy no.ie but the best workmen, and war-a- n

both their Aood and iron work to b execu-ted in tho neatest and most durable manliarThey are now using a New t'ateut Spring,winch has desirable advantages 0Ver those gen-erally

A: persons desiring to purchase Carriages erBodies, are niv.-te- to examiu, our wdrk andleai our prices, as e feel assured we canplease Ibeni.

OXarria-es- , Bugaiea, Rockaway, tc , r- -paired, irimioed or painted on liort noticeauareasonahl - lerins. We have in our om..0tine of Ihe bet painters in the Western couu- -

B. MXN WARINQ & BRO.Danville., juno 1 J, '57 tf




, public, lortlieliiieralnatroi.-acr- heretofore;x te nded to him, and would respectfully informhis I.f,,!"r riro,is a,,.; the public generally.that continues to carry 011 theCc'.rriago Mailing Business

In a iH braiie.hej, nun ,,0Wi a,,;1 ilUen(Jt

1111; on band, or will mi,;e to order.' ofi'niifs. Rs; ,;i-- ;iys, i'ii.-ir-

,. ', ; ' '' -- rc.y . lr:r.,i,ii ,i , re.

;' " ' ' ' lo.. i .." i. .,lii-- oi , ,

, e 9fccuiii.-j- - -

iO-il- still hia old stau ?- ou Sec.ndstreet, opponte M s. A. I: i i. 's.IT I'.iriieuUr att, nl, on will n, heretofore he

ir.veii to Ihe RKPilRlxc midvehicles of every kind.

GK0- - T1RELKELD.Danville, June 8, 'yO tf

$6 nsEniiR!8' JOXA. NICHOLS

f a r t UI.LY in- -

loruis, tne pulilic thnliie'wil! conti.iiu. Ibe (,'aoioei I S' I --jglfamMikinfr lii'sine all ,(, branches, at the Ut.

f A'oel Xiohola, (ihe old Speed shop,)opposite the Cart iiouxe All kind, ol

Furniture, Hattrasses, A n.Will be ma-l- to order, of thn beat niatcrMi,o:i short notice. RL PA ulNG a's prompt!,attended to. lie hopi by f;iin? strict atten-tion tohie.businesR, by good workmanship andmoderate charges, to merit aud receivo a coutinuanue of patior.aa

CALLS.'flaviuea supply of f'inh-j- JIralIio IW

fit Ah CAN5-.S- and haviu? the ussof a flood e HEARS-X- , I am stillprep.-.re,- ) to attend funerai calin ,ny hour In

country. Wooden C(iius made- - (

order" as heretofoie.jon a. yr'fOLS..

jau 5, la.S5 tf

.s. P. BAllBKE'SiilV EMPORllil

11 A i, WW L for past favors, Ibfjeleave.to iuf'irin my friends awl customers, that.

I am now re.c. v inp a 0 ue r lot of articles in myline lb a n e er was brought to this cit y . In my--

stock you will lind articles to tuit Youn oOld America, from ihe linest to auy grt.de j ea

add ies. Wl.ipvTCm-pelIlai II!'S, Snas

' TiunliN, Snirlirls,Yii l!c, rolln.h,.51 nrtinsnlfis. IJrushfts,

Aly st-- it einbracfl few lineHorse UiusIh-s- , lOnlisl. FillinsrK,

ji iip--- 1'ils, .S.C. " 'An-- I rati safely say, that mv work ia made.

up in a brtter stle liiau can be fouifd elsa--hej-

ex.-- usi vei y of "IloilETt-- s: and intended for heme consumption- - iall 1 ask is for you to call aud see for your-selves.

7 accounts fall due the 1st July andJanuary, and 1 hope all dealing will, me wiljbear ii iu mind, aa upon short crtdit 1 caa sellcheaper.

SVML. P D ARC EE.Danville, cpr .1, 'fw tf

1 AXILLA riOTEJ.Va 7.. c.ii Is. assorted a :

Kill cozen Manilla ll.-- Cords;l'l do Hope Hollers;SO do Cotloa lied Corn's;

, ui store and for sale byV. V II. PL RKII ARDT,

sen 2.i 11" Market st. Louisville.

BBLS. No. 3 LAfiGE MACKEREL;50 5li kils No. .1 mediuiri do.iil No. 2 do do;

'1 drums Ci.!fi.-h-;' In :store and for sale bv

W. & II. flURKIIRT,ea ep7'5 ' 1 Market m.ARville- -

it Elect's red,LAI'C17 lot of those Tenable MatchsailY-s- wannnted to keep

.M ii 'y iu wet weaih- r as well as dryv. eat er. ' Lvcry family should have o- e.

Also a line lot of Brit Biii k los, atIJ. HAMILTON'S.

r- TI