I r s W V r- i I i tILJt tttt i iV- OL fW 0 1J J t MINO 31 NEW YORK WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1 1884 PRICE TWO CENTS BrCULLOUGII BREAKS DOWN- A 1AINFVL HIKUTtULK IN MVECKEIL THKATItli IT CHICAGO Overwork emil III llrnllk Dlinblc the A- nd la r- InnaitcUly 1 hla I Kninsenenle fur tke ttonaon ure Mtiddenljr C- Jmojuio ueuild Bopt 300uly ono of thUs morn Inal newspapers In reviewing John MeCul- lough performance nt MoYIckors thought best to deolaro It 1 pitiable spectacle nnd to tar that We slips of the toncuo raised it hugh from tlioio Ignorant of hR truo condition In the pathetic death urcno In Tho Gladiator- ho utterly broko down There were hUioi and IronliMil remarks from different parts of tho homo Tho actor vniiiu boforo the curtain itrodo ncross the stag and said This Is the bestmannered audience lover lW U you had nurtured as I have suffered you would not do tills q Thn audience inilcklv dispersed The even- Ing patters contain nn advertisement that per- formances ¬ at McVlckcrs Theatre have been In- definitely ¬ suspended and that money will Ira refunded for tickets The proprietor has evi- dently ¬ statement to make and no apology t offer Tdrsons who were In the audience evenIng say that Mr McCullouuh was so mani- festly ¬ Incapable of performing his part that his friends In tho company should have called on the prompter to ring down the curtain He- itrugcid1through his lines like a man smitten wUhpnlsy Hols now prostrated Joioph Brooks lcCulouhl manager nnd Mr Price his 11enl elld morning that the tragedians season had boon closed that all the lat8 bad boon cancelled and that ar- rangements ¬ had boon made to send the com- pany ¬ back to How York Both icontlemon said lhe wished the public to understand that among thn company ali management all fuel- Ing of disappointment nt personal embarrass- ment ¬ or loss wore smothered In tho general ro art for Mr MeCulloughs pitiable condition They said further that they woro encouraged at tho beginning of tho season by the fact that the actor was In far better condition than he had boon In nt tho beginning of thn previous season and that they had oxnocted 18 ho became once more used to acting It would prove tonic to his system as It unit previously Ho lint been rehearsing very luiril all yesterday and this brought on his mental trouble again Tlioy lied not yet Informed him of thoir policy but expected the strongest t poIUol rrmllm when friends they In did the 10 Or I la hoped nn entIre masons rot will rAton him to Ills wonted vigor Both onto ponltlvo that the causes thoy worn tliu only ones which could bo given 1110 Mr MeOulloughs actions Inn evening It wart generally known among his friends In Now Vork that Mr McCullough was not the man hu had boon but It was not supposed that Ills hoaltti wus so shattered as compol him t abandol tho stage altogether For nearly Mr McCullouglfa health has boon faUn tin played however through tho of mHt season without losing a night Ho nit the strain mind went to Europe In tho nrlv nut nt I liinf aiiiiimiii trv iAiinorili HA vastone throe months returning to America i on Sent 0 It was his determination to nlay this nenson although Mr Wm Gonner ot time 8t Jamas I Hotel his most Intimate friend ad- vised ¬ him not to- Whol Mr McCullouch arrived In this city on hI inn from Europe It was vory hot itidond Ho mat a good many of his old friends and for a fowdnys lund a merry time with them Ono evening hn Edwin Thorno and several others wore at Dolmonlcos Its entirely too warm weather to net Tborno said Now 1vn icol to pay for It any ¬ how as rmnotirntuirtnDlavwith ropoempaiir- MrnroOulIouKU said that ho would not act In tho warm weather either but was prevailed upon to clmnifo his mind 01 Set 10 ho wont down to Coney Island was found on tho boach toward enlmr wnmlorlmi about In a dacil condltlu HU frlondi attributed this t thu MTncl of the sun and said that ho dined with oonvhial friends Th IB was pub- lished ¬ tho following day and wlmn Mr McOul louuh road it ho soul nt once for Mr llrooks nnd said that ho wanted to begin acting at- one to show that he was alt right On tho following Thursday ho appeared at Milwaukee and av cok ngo iuaterday hn began hU nnujomoltl Urn Chicago Opera House hail a great deal to do with Iniuritig Mr Cullouchs health Mr Conner eutd lat nluht For two years they bnvo said that His health wns faillnc I mill your friends should toll you ovary flay you wore look- ing ¬ bad and breaking down you would begin to think ao yourself wouldnt you AllolPe ¬ chilly I your health wns not as good bOot Why a leportor even met Mr McCul tough at Milwaukee mind submitted him to an examination as to lila health and general 1 con- dition ¬ He In a Ronsltivo man and It worried him greatly s III Mr McCulloneh suitor a largo financial lots by cancelling his engagements If ho bad continued on for the season he would have math 00000 By not playing ho Will necessarily bo that much out Will not Mr llrooks lose I Not so very much The contracts aro so Oladn that sickness Is taken Iota consideration Whom will Mr MuCullouah go I cannot toll lie lute a sister In Hornnton and his wife and son live In Philadelphia Ho peed rest QUid If he should come here 1 would bo ant too happy to tko earn of him But then c hotel ib not the for a man to ret lln- ni Mr MeCullouch an Income sufficient support him Oh yes Ho I Is amply provided for that way I cannot toll you If be wi act again for I dont Inow anything about I Mr MoCulloiiKh Is said to havo suffered greatly from sleeplessness and to have had 4 fancies that people dllked him and that he had no friends Ills niUE WITH A LUNATiC An leieane Man Capture a Carrlnaja and llu from kle Imaslnary Knemtoa- SvitACUSE Sept 30 William Dunn an em- ployee ¬ of tho Tompoy Houso near the eastern eitromitrof tho city hitched a horse to a car- riage ¬ about 0 I M yesterday and started for O firm near tho East Avenue Driving Park At a street corner near tho odeo of the city a man sprang from behind a troo jumped Into tho wacoh anti placing n revolver at Dunns head demanded tho reins which woro Handed to him Hn Inshod time horso Into a run stilt cov orlnl Hun Ivll tho weapon and threatening- to shoot ho stirred Tim man guided tho uorfte toward Thompsons Landing on the Krlo Canal find thence drovo to Mussina Hprlngs whlfli Is four miles ea tT f tho city making tho distance in lean than half an hour tho liorso running all tim way and tho wagon thumidne about fearfully Front the mans actions anti words Dunn saw that ho was Insane He asserted that ho was putftund by a band from IJulTalo ll8aanl of Hbnwmon who were hero had iloiunndod of him and would kill tOOOI him unless It At Mnusinn KprlinVH ho turned tho horso to- ward ¬ limo city nnd again urged tho terrlflod- uulnial to n brcnkniCk pace At tho corer of Jounce mind LodI Htroets the from tho wagon which passed over him bllU- llouiiHhing hla rovohcr ho jumped up and din oppourod down a side street I llunn drove Into tho city and olllcera were out out to search for tho companion of his thrilling rldp Titer found him dratBine him solf about wltrwi broken log Hn was recoe- DiTiodna William T 1 Denlton of this city and was tnken to a hospital Denbon I Is n hard drinker and his Insanity I ii due to alcohol Pistol and CeBTe- rBaiTiMoiiB 8npt 30Mr Clifton W Tay hone u ho had a little h in Union iquare Hew York will Mr A K Fulton el the Baltimore Amiritan other day urlteato 1 friend In ely LeI m re- Diliul my lillom fried ant now difeated enemy that It Ihoul1 1101 ihi rrlt of en an over eonMnlI 11010 of A illishleil old ml Ikl u- purilr lhyulcbl mlhf sri oitajr I oh- mng fl those my Tie rehtugnant I 10 liii yt ilisy uyclhekss stint ulprotth by true oour end iy geiitlniily pridi II can hut of- kuiiui bun cat Id by 1 dllulelowunnl lerbaJo iuituIliOUI valor ii sy I 11 Ircti flail worihirr I 11m I ohal ruio t am dmsappoluuluiiiu from tar rrolo Mr Helnrcltka Jealousy PoTTsrrLLS Sept 3U31rs BamuelHoIaroUu- o o Sunday Dlfiit aubbcd Mary Lludman Mary aaa been vlalUng tie Ilclnrelthi for four month Sal Sir ooniluet with lira lleiDrelth1 huabaail arouied- atra HelnraUh Jealoua tine of Ih cut II l across the niaklnn adln urln iih and tlis other U In the f Javt life miser thenfla rib Neither I danreroue The wounds wr made with I bread knit the blade of which I la fourteen Incholoo air lltlnrelth haa ben Sf7101 to gel lbs the house for week but fee refue4 i a 0 and at hut flaunted In the wire1 flee Sit kMbMcVii falilileaantu Wra Helnrellk end her SaUkUr Iff yaturday for Ctltn county whir hr t ta r> flU fit v i t- i 5 I t URN DVTLKU IN JlVtFJKU A Orciat Tetanus to Brett IllmOrndy Is Irrrnpteel by Clevclnnaa Friend BUFFALO Hept 3Tho most enthusiastic political demonstration over held In this city was thnt with which Gen Dopjamln F Duller a welcomed tonight He And Senator Grady came In on tho 740 train and woro met at the depot hy 2000 men and a brass band Cheers filled tho air while Oen flutter walked from the car to his carriage In which ho was driven to time Qonctoe Ho ¬ tel A temporary balcony was built In front of tho hotel and fireworks filled tho air At 830 oclock nearly 100 people had assembled In front of tho Oen Duller and Bon a tor Grady arm In arm walked to the balcony and woro greeted with groat applause Atlor some remarks by a local Butler orator George Blair of Now York was elected Chairman of tbo openair meeting He made a long address eulogizing Hon Hutler and tho Peoples party lie con eluded by Introducing the nominee Ion Butler commenced by proposing three cheers for Cleveland and the same for Blame which being rospondud to he observed Now that was very well but It you como to my city you will find that thoy co wi a groat deal better for me lore arose three cheers for Butler he said that we have given three rousing cheer for throe parties and are good friends good understanding with each other let ui proceed with our discourse In ¬ dulging In no vituperation but discussing can ¬ didly and fairly the groat Questions of the cam- paign ¬ Ho continued Tel lies been precious to III children sparing ua from the peitllpncc that ha visited other portion of this Klohr and haa favored ua with Hood crops Hllih country I n not proiperou Ar we extravagant I Ar wo doing anvthlnr tint our duty to ourselosi and our I children I t toil forbid torn In Kansas la at preaent worth IA enl per tunnel ant KOOI are cheaper on the Kailrrn limn they have ever hn known before Why should there be uny ooeol ed people Duller then argued that n potectlvot- arifT must 0 maintained for free trade would pauperize country Tho trouble he thoucht watt not overproduction hut underconsump ¬ lion Ha referred to his efforts tt the Chicago Convention and said the opposition thoro was mainly because ho was Huller and they feared ho would got ahead too far lie gout litllo about Cleveland and nothing against him Senator Grady was wittIly applauded when ho Was Introduced hut time conduct of tho crowd during the hour ha talked wits outrageous A delegation of the Cleveland Corps just ru turned from I parade took up n station not far front Urady mlin frequent Intervals drowned his voice ohorlla Cleveland Mr Grady spokii mainly llnllroad Five Cont Faro bill did not scorn to euro mUII what else ho Ant except to tire persecutors Ho WI however listened to with attention the main body of the people nnd was frequently applauded DlrlnJ his spooch ho v vas told that lug Chairman of the Democratic County Committee had been arrested for disturbing Iho UUtttlrur Ho l proposed throe diners for Scheu and thoy were heartily given I turned out later that Scheu slinuly went for six members of the Cleveland Corps who were ar- rested for that offence Duller nod Grady separate hero The ox Henalor coes tomorrow to LOfkl ort and through the State subsequently The General goes tomorrow to Fort Wayne and Logansport OKV nVTlEKU HOOM IX TWO STATES Connrcllrnt Teeming with Hntlrr Clubs I ril nt Work I In Now Virk Butler clubs aro organized and In good working condition In the following Important towns In Connecticut Now Haven Hartford Morldon Norwich Now London Sliddletown- Wntorbury DrldBoport Now Britain Norwalk Stamford Danbury West port Dlrmlncham Deacon Falls Naugatuck Walllngford Kant lierlin ijut MorlJon UauUi Morldon UnIon vlllo Oilllnsvlllo WlnstcJ Yolentown East Hampton Durham Weitorfleld nnd many clubs In the smaller towns Now Haven now hni three clubs and five more In process of orinlnp 8 U DliiKbam Chairman of tho Stnto Central Committee is Hooding tho State with docu- ments ¬ and attending to tIm organization of olulM In every bnmlet Tho 1coplos cause looks bright In the Nutmeg Htate- Thn work of organization in tho Interior of this Stato Is progressing with extraordinary rapidity The register at the hiadinmrtors In the city Indicates that timerriaro now 317 Duller and West clubs outside of Now York Klnll counties Tlioro will be a mass alt It Klmlra on Oct 21 at which tho Rev T 1 lioochcr will preside Corning wil have a Duller ratification mootnl on There- are excellent carrying the town Uou Duller appearance at Albany and Troy has given his boom a wonderful Ilpotll In that locality Information was at headquarters yesterday of tho organization of a Butler and West club n HoreUlvlohlvl- nI membership roll of doing excellent work In that neighborhood At n meeting of the Executive Committee of the National party held at 10 Union mjuare yesterday afternoon tho resignation of John F Seaman candidate for elector for the Twentr sixth district was received and anti John Ryan was substituted In his aecoptet The New York County Committee of the Peo- ples ¬ party mot nt tholr headquarters 12 Union square lastevenlng to I perfect their organiza- tion ¬ Every Assembly district was represented anti it was discovered by the Chairman on re- ceiving ¬ the reports that the organization was perfect in all of the districts oxcept two and that the organization of those two would bo- lerlertetln a few days It was nlso discovered of the districts thero were no loss tiTan four Duller clubs A resolution was offered railing for a free root for passengers ovor the Brooklyn Bridge Col Norton of Chicago K E Toller of Now Jersey E J Whitehead of Connecticut D W Turllndy of Now Jersey and W A Fowler addressed tile committee and a collation was served afterward Butler Club A Duller club of fifty members was organized- at Weitport Coon on Sept K7 11 name I 10 The Ni- tlonal Labor Club Jame Jenkins 1 1 President and Henry E Burr Secretary The Duller anTVe Campalfn Club of the Sixth As emhly dlitrlct 1 Ill hold I maul meetlnit ut 27 Columbia Street this evening Addre ewlll bo made by Robert tlhiiert II Wen ant hpgncer end others A public mevthiff to promot the Interval i of tile can dilates cI the 1eoplea pony will he held under tile flits lice of the Central I Club at 088 Second avenue thus eenlnir A Hutler cud Vet club of twenty members was form- ed 11 In llacketlitown last iii gut The Huller Sill Wel muh of the Third Atnembly ill Iriol mot lait 231 Molt street and arrannd for three niece meetlnica IonU Oct R In Harry lluward- aluare Oct 20i In U squire oct no rnlon iuar- On the hut named date thor will I hu a torchlight pro CessiOn A Hutler ant test Hub with fifty member wa or iranlzeil at Iymana Hotel Hunter 1oliit last e Patrick McKenna wa elected lre ldent of the ir Tame I Is the lecnml club orvaillzed III the First waul tonic lilninl City slrAiliin nn l Mcllonnld Nomlnnted Tho Peoples party of Hudson county holt a Convention on Monday night In Mclhcrion 11 le ark avenue Jr > ey City Thor were present altogether close on to 11o delegate The beets of reprenentatlon was two < lIlt from eaili polling prclnct I In the county norJo llrown Chairman 01 the County Kxecuttte omml called the trusting to ordtr nut real the call for the Contention CmluIol was elected temporary Chairman I Ic Iou erry Hecretary netolutlnna endoralnn th ilut i turin and camlldalee of lie Ieoplna National party ant dvnimuciiiir l olm ami machine rule In national 1 and local affair wr adopted with a n hlilwlud- UloonlilJackvon a prominent labor advntat wee elected permanent Chalriiueuu cud Joaeph T McLoobtrry- lerinaneiit Secretary William McAdnowaa nominated for member of COl lidward f McDonald for County Clerk I II Ixgln for KMerlft Auvuitu Day for Register ant I A Haublr aol Iatrlck Fagan for Coroner A County Executive Comnilltee of one from each pctllhg precinct waa appointed The Convention tIll not adjourn until after midnight A Prohibition Cundlilwle Tor Halo Tho General Committee of the Prohibition parly mat yesterday at 210 Eighth avenue Joitph A fiogardu presided Charles N Crlltecden wa noml nated for Mayor Chaunrey Shatter for District Attor- ney ant Pr M I llnlhrook for Coroner Tho olin lion of a candidate fur ComptrolUr wa lot to ecutive Committee Arrangementrwere for a re- ceptlotilolirglteii In ilnv HL John at Chlckcrlng lull on Oct IT 1 It I is laid that llniooe tonkllng will be In- vited to preuils at ins meeting rhbThlrteenth DIstrict Irohlbltlnn Club talktof noun bating time Ilcv Stephen Merrill for Anumbll man llefent of Ike llrlklnc Coal 11r IITDUII Pa Sept 80Time news from uilner campa along the Moncngahela lllver In dhcetee lImit the days of the strike are numbered sad that the men who quit won lait June will be compelled- to return br smaller reuse than thar received when the strIke wee begun A nulls niiitlug wa hld latl night tu the fourth pool at whlchlh aotlriint I was strongly la favor of aaceptlnjr the operators term Another meeting wilt be held tomorrow to take diclalv action I beet aJtortmant of VrpI- Tb Int lptrl14 ingrain carpet at Btamaaa 1dU I I Co0 without knit rileelllePlfa powder or jalre 1 No charge ulll Write for faferemei Ir Corklni 11 K c Belt > llen In Hreieklxau I In Brooklyn 40817 persons registered y trrdy The Mtiatrallon fur Ihe Oral day la IBM 41 4bMin IMI1 11011132 2t2P TOSHKX ItV PInE A lire In Louisville Cauada yeitcrday btirnfd Ivrenty hOI 101 12UW- At Ijiclune Quebec on Monday nllbl twentythree home were destroyed Loss tbo Flfl > famine aU rendered humclea A lure at th Krdentielm clock farm Chestnut Hill Pa yeiterday deelroyed a bern stables carriage hoUSe and other buIlding toe SJOouu fb threyearoki ally Allen daui Madg by Alum O burnd to death Of all the popularfeogltas jo called lb genuine trtKli U Or nulls Cough Syrup UcuVl r l 1 I AN OLD STYLE NEW YORKER DEATH OF JOHN SCOTT FIFK tADDT- JVDOK AND nvnaraxAX A Member of Ik Fanena N > kle Ocag wk Never Would leaive Ike Nclskbi rkaee- lllle Bccord ne Jualt und oel lsbrses Tho political fortunes of moro than ono ambitious Now Yorkor when tho politics of this city woro run aaorllDI to tho methods of the rtglmo that existence fifteen years ago depended on time action of a party of cone nlnlspirits who made their meeting place In the office of George Lulls livery stable at the corner of Bayard and Eldrldllltreotl- This was the famous Ind prominent In It twenty years ago were William- M Tweed Michael J Shandtoy Foster Dewey Daniel Drean William Oowey P Dorlon WIN ham Shawavld Mlllsr Charles Hall flick Connolly J L Korean John Scott and others who have since played Important parts not only In local politico but In the politics of the State and nation- Congressmen Senators Assemblymen and Aldermen were mad aod unmade by the Stable Gang and the receptions which It gave occa- sionally ¬ In thu stable office were always at- tended ¬ b1 politicians from all parts of tbe State who were fortunate enough to reoolvo Invita- tions ¬ Among those whom the surviving mem- bers ¬ of the Stable lane feel happy in looking back upon a blnl been their guest was tho lato Judge Follcr When bo was with them twelve conspicuous Senators participated In the festivities The aualltlei that wore requisite to make a man a congenial member the i3table Olnl brought Into prominence many perrons but for its Influence migh have remained unhonorml nnd the humbler walks nf life Tbo ranks of these old school politicians who once ruled thinKS front thoir ciunrtniA In Butts stable uro sadly thinned and tho death yesterday of niPolIco Justice John Scott romouH one of tIme oldest and most wldnly known of their number Like many of tIle politicians of thnt day John Scott began his earner Ho- sprvoil 181 Iremll his tune with old 10 wax n butcher by trade anil was for years foinmnnof thu famous uack tag outiabitelmnuont- of Johl M Smith iV Co t Canal anil KMrklc He wns born time cult Tcuith ward on Mnroh 11H21 mid nOIr lived olxnwliarn Wlmouu Twond cumo Intu power In New York be- appointod John Scott to Iho bund of time supply ilnpartmont In time Donnrtmont f 1ulillo Works In ISfiS ho was elected a Pollcu Jtia tic I a position ho hold until the Jmtlfm who were elctet thlit year mole 111111 out of oflloe In 1S71 Ho was n Hall hut ulnc turned out ot tho or anin- tlon with others when John Kelly bociimo time londornf Tnmmiiny bo nover aftorwnrd took active purl In politics onT nt Hccuniuliitail a oompotoiico Jtnlco Scott liviM a Illo of onso nnd lolnurn ulII I I his dpiUh Hi win chlll1 nnd n his wUo1 Iltllllnlolollln 1 75 Scott made ht In the family of Ills friend Ed IIIht nt 21 Klilrliluo Street 1 locality ho Pint It In hl heart leave Ho spent much of his time n the old ntiiblu quarters with survivor of time onco tioworfuluitni For years indite Scott humid boon a great putiTror with the HHthmn Decently his friends noticed that ho was suffering morn thnn usual Hn could broathn only with great dlnlctilty lie ooulllslrellllalk Un Monday George Hull who examined Jtulgt 8cut anti told him ho must bo cared once At the JUILIS own reijunst lit was taken to tho Now York Hospital Ho was placod thorn nt 12 oclock on Monday by Oeorgo Dull anti oxAlderman- Jhurlos Hull In time evening Henry Dungs an old friend nf time JudgnV culled to Sr him The iluilen said Hullo Bangs old I and loon aflnrwaril foi asleep Thoso wore the words hn At midnight twelve hours after entering hospital hn wit found 11 to ba deed There no one with him when ho diedl Dentil was duo to plourlsy tout on af ¬ batten of tho heart Judge Kcott wit I r member of the old Am d us CIt ii rut 1 far advanced L r rn A eiDer wns found In till room ttfur hii dealh In his handwriting requesting I I Ihltlo bo hurled with Masonic ceremonies worn removed from the hospital I to Undertaker Stoltsn In the flowery They will be Interred In tho lot of hil lifelong friend oxAlderman David Miller Cypress Hills Cemetery by the Bldn nf hl wlfo us soon at iiis two sisters nnd brothers who live out of town can roach limo etty During the term that Judgn Kcott 00 etiplod time bench ho was hover absent ono tIny from the court rOll Ills manner was brusiiuo anti emphatic decisions were marked by riiro good sense ami ho seldom nrred in judg- ment ¬ Hoclnlly ho WAS hearty antI genial I lie was a l practical sportsman his special delight being time rod Until a low yetrs past ho an- nually ¬ visited thn streams and lakes of 1lko county whore his blunt rind hearty manner was highly nppreeliuod Hla recltaUof expo rlnncos while on Ills like county excursions were greatly enjoyed by tile associates Once he wns taken by Kd Cahlll to a trout stream and as the Judge related It was ort on the nlrenm with the solemn assurance that then was no way to get away from It except to climb an almost perpendicular mountain UOO feet high AH his asthma mude It n matter ot no little dinictilty to walk up a flight ot stairs oxen the prospect of ascend- ing ¬ the hill was nucli that hn rogretled not having mado his will before ho left homo Vnlle hu was nonderlng ovor the Rulijeot a native flshonnnti nanm plunging along down the stream lIe told t tlmt Inn JUIIIlO It was easy to get away from tho creek for all ho Imd to du was to work his way up It five mile where tile banks wore low enough for him to climb thnpi Tho Judgo struggled near- ly ¬ to the heal of tho stream and got omit only to learn that If he had walked down stream n hundred yards from tho stoop hill ho could have stopped out on tho road ID Mllford At another Urn the Judge said ho heard of a man who luau u sure and simple euro for tho asthma Ho rode seventeen miles over a bark road to see time man Whim ho reached his cabin he was nearly dead The man laid the Judgo tho cure was infallible for Uncle Jonas All loy had used It two years before and had never had a touch ot tile asthma since al- though ¬ he had suffered with It more than thirty years The Juilcos anxiety tQl learn what tho remedy was was chnngud to disgust when ho learned that Uncle Jonas had cured his asthma by cutting his throat A favorite story of tIme Judgen was about time pickerel pond hn llfhed in out in 1lko county where ho caught twentyseven plcknrol IInu placed them in n box lying In the water at tho edge of the pond When ho canto to cot the llsh there wnr none In Ihe box Thero was a hnln In the Hide of thin box however out of which tho INh had escaped back In tbo Pond Thorn wan hut ono pIckerel In the pond he found out Thnt ono ho had caught twenty eon limes This pond was near time ono he llshed In whore the pickerel were HO small that time live minnows be hail on his hook swal ¬ lowed nino of thorn before ho know what they wore up to The A O II Not I In 1nllllra Time mooting of the Anclont Order of Hiber- nian ¬ rC the Htate of New York which wa liell I laat- llUhl at Kiiimit Hall U3J Wait Thirtieth street H aa well atteniltd National Delegate olan conifratulatail the order upon It jiroipfiroiu coaJitfon ant l upon the har- ninnv which prevailed atnniifr UM incintivra Ilo con rtriiinril the action nf crrlaln inalcontrnta nf the orilcr Inilalilillnitiii politic thla fall nnil UiIari l that the order Khotilil not In nuy loan nor I Inierftn lu tie political catapaltfti ir Suture In It la any way ami I lust mite rerioty mull nut I lie rated h > unv toe limn In ttie United Htattn The aildreiM of I tue iintlonal iltlrffitp nniappinuileit and hluhly apiirovrd t lv t the htnte itflfiiHtlon uhu con lUiillici Mr t I Henry V Kherfilatl nml I nllur exolllciTJ of Ihe order fur htivlnir without aiithnrlty intntloiifil the order aa belief In nny way Intereitfil In IolltH Irlaa Itepubllrnni CINCINNATI Bopt 30Tho National Conven- tion ¬ of thus Irlah American Republican Jeaitua aa4emtlrd here this afternoon Over moilelptfatca were reprcirnt- ej Th Convention was called tu order In the Lookout Ilouie by A L Murrlion nf New Meslco lie said this was a Convention I nf Irish l clttrene opposed Ic the eleo- tlnn of Irovir Ilcreland They hat met for the imr pose of umir every snort In their rtou ci to elect Hlalna and Loon atnl to pull them lvca on record Irrevocably aaaliiM th Hrltlah heresy of tree trade toniinltteeii were appointed nn Hnaaneni nrAnta lion Iteiolutlnni ant on I he lleceitlon of Mr Illalne Hie Cnntni tee 0n i Permanent I lrgnuizeu tutu haa elrtfd A L Morrliim for Ce ruu sueut I luelruuuuuui ant JJiimhan h for Hecr tary 1 tie Convention adjourtied until to- morrow Iellllrsi NIII The County Democracy hold primaries In tho several lecllon dldrkt list hlifht ard elected dele gatea to their Count I Conirreiii lad AnieinLly I Coiiven tlona coil Convention for the nomination nf AU rmii- Th County Ioiutatlnn will ho held i n Oct n Ihe Kepahllian of Uarrrn county iiiv York have lioilllnattd I L H Locke of Potlerolllu for Ihu Aiiemlily I Hlmeon H llawalna was nominated for inmntier of the- Atarmbly yetrday hy the Suffolk county Mebubiluftus 1 he I Dcuifcrat of liroume county nominated Judue U N LoomIs for member of Auembly yesterday Thus HnnarlTanla Ureeiiback Htate Convention at Belle font y trdav nominated N U AtwOod ot Venaniu- oountr a ronitreMinan lire The question of fusIon wu dlacuiaed last eveiilnr but was not settled JlLOTS DEFKMDINa TIlEMSKtTKB Fault rusl with Uuy VlewelAI htpi JUptndtut us Tried FUeL About a hundred pilots from Ml part of tho country held the first Conference of Pilots- of tho American Coast yesterday In the Metro- politan ¬ Jlotol Cftpt John Taylor of this citys pilot service presided Capt Harblnson of tho Sand Hook pilots made an address Of Qov Clevelands action In signing tho fee reducing measure ho said Jov CUieland came to Ihe eoncluilon that the pilots of this port ought to receive no hlhsr wages thin the pilots of any foreign ports tie did not seem to cars a bit whether the condition of the two countries were or were not the labs If our earning are totiemeaiared by ttuoas receIved In Liverpool Bristol or other Knitllili I pone then the Governor may at well apply this process of reasoning end lay that l tha worklncmen of this coun- try enirafed In any industry ouiht to receive J lull the sales ai worklntuien eniaced In Unillar I occupations Europe This I la what lbs Governor plainly sys end what we have got to lace Nut thIs I la a Mud of doctrine which we aa American oltliena wilt not awallow I aland upon the broad plan of cltlfenahln Republican and Domocrat alike shudder at lOch adoctrlne even though It cornea from K gentleman holding the hlgneat office In the State Capt Pim n ruddy man of stalwart build pointed out tho danger that lay In the present stile of long narrow RrltlAU oooan steamers They aro mere marino cofllns ho said If anything were to strike them nmldohlps It would bo thoir total destruction within the space of a few minutes Iis no wonder pas- sengers ¬ complain of rough weather But the rough weather Is often mythical Its rough because the long gasplpe structure of steamer rests on three waves at once instead of riding them eitally as the oldfashioned model The American pilots cheered Capt Mm and after Pilot Commissioner Iarker of New Jorsoy poke unanimously l passed these resolutions- That the abolition of cnmpttlaory pltutafe I outd meal fold the danger and risks Intvllaule upon i the American I coast line That the rest airvlcraof the pllnta to their country deserve grateful recoKiilllon ant Ihal at leaai Just and proper rompanaatlon should I he paid If lefftalatora cue cecd Inilcttroylnv I cotnptiliory pimutagoluu oilier word the pllotaru service itself That city effort to rexuicltate end coumuolilate the Am rloan mercantile InsOle muit Ie futile ihe main step nt that I marlnii time pllotan aertlne I is abolished Tint a Lumtnlttea I is lierebv forinod for the I purpoao of friitrMintf any overt actn alnt the employment and livelihood uf tlie pilot of Ihe Unite States Kxavsiu ON ATottmacsT DAY The l loclo on the observance of that Ilallditj by hebrew tklldren Mr 11 Lrnnklln Secretary of tho mooting of hebrew ontlel1lon hold at tho houuo of Mr Moyor 123 Kiixt Eluhtyllfth street on Katur day where thn fooling expressed against llabbla Kohlor Ootthcll and Huolwch for do daring I Itlnwful for Jnwlnh oblUlron to attend school on tIme Day of Atonement was said to be bitter wan soon by n reporter yesterday at his ofllce 32 Liberty street Wo had a glorious meeting anti Kablil Wipe has settled time ouos lion as to who knows tha lawn lint we have already be tin to obtaIn tho opinions of lend- ing ¬ European rabble rroniincnl ChrlKtlnn divine In this country will nlso bo consulted as to what they think of the fitiPBtloa as Ameri- can ¬ cltlenH Irnctleally Ilrowno lies carried his point nlrandy for seeing tho treat com- motion ¬ among tho Town time school authorllloB i told Jewish chlldion on Friday thnt thoy would be exiMUHd on Monday I huulieivo nib Jews will I votefor f the candldntn for Mayor will promises 10 no ino JUWIRII oiiiniron justice i iiave noon told that Aldermnn Irnnt has already written to Hnhbl Ilrowno that ho sympathize with the claim of time Jewish children and lledflni himself it elected to appoint such School Com I mlHsloiierH as will I do justice to all citizens alike without regard to religious dIstinctIon tllltltOTKJIS Iff FlllHT AlEXUK- Iiilin IIne Walsh nrcotrrrd an Hour titer lie wn Koblird nr II John Russell of 317 rut Thirtieth street cilod Police rind Stop thief at Twenty sixth street nnd First avenue at 1 oclock yes- terday morning Policeman Doyle found him lying on his back sufrnrlnir from a ohoklng J0 j 1 routed I JIIH tills rrlnnU I end roljb dsald Hussell Two men jumped on mo anti choked mo and cnrrlnd oft my money niidwateli Thcytlimwino down anti cit eked me nlmodt to death Imvo no Idea who they worn Ooiln helped the man homo and got n de- scription ¬ of his I natch ICUKholl Paid tho wit Itll Imd his Initials nn It An hour litter an I > nylo approached the earner of Twentyfourth street anti First ineinui a mnn who was slnndlnt Ihere run away Ioyle chnsnd him antI cap tuned 1atrlck Co tello of 142 Molt street and on ueneral principles took him to tho Twonty- sucond street slation IIOUHH us a auspicious pornon Hero he wn nenrciiod anti HuHsnUs watch wuus found In hln pocket with part of tIme chain The prisoner was remanded yesterday at tho Yotkvlllo Court TUIVE SLICK Iff VtXTEK KTHKKT The Cohen and the NIlTrretone In IMloked- Ilitllle Uvcr it Nulllnry Cuetoiner Tho Cohens and tho Sllvoratones of Baxter street had ono of thoir food battles yesterday Their clothing stores are eldo by side Jacob Young a ropor in for Cohen was talking n cus- tomer ¬ Into making a purchase at Cohens whon young MUs SIIvorMono Interfered It Is nl- loLcd tlmt Young struck Miss Sllvorstono Tho customer got away front both ol them un- hurt ¬ Jllas Hllverstonn told Young what she thought about him Her brothur Louis Hllvurstonn soul Harris Cohen jolnod in Vltiii sos Ray that about half n dozen mom ¬ bers ot inch family appeared with statj In their hands and began n battle Louis Silver Htoneltot Hovoral scalp won nils on the hond harris Cohen got a scratch on thn nock Ho- aavs old Mr Sllveratonu nlawed him When tho light was over both sides started on n dead run for the Tombs 1ollco Court to mnKa complaintH Justice White told l them that If thoy would make counter complaints against cinch other ho would bind thorn all ovor to keep tho pence for a year They Roratched their bonds l anil Wont away without putting him to that trouble NnOVilk County ntnlnntlon The liopubllcnna of Suffolk county hold their convention at the Court Home In till lllagetuli after- noon Kx Assemblyman Carpenter if Sag Harbor Ire aided I J Henry Ierklnananunanlmoualy renouilnateil for County Treaurtr Aiienibl > man hlwkhus was alror- cnomlnatcKl for AMcmMy hy acclamation wllmot N SmIth or Iatchonue wa nominated for Dlttrlct Attor- ney Thin county ticket wan completed t > Ihe iinmlna- llnmnr Dr K II Hklnnrr Lawrence H Edward slid Edgar I P Mllna for Coroner and the KrvJohnJ llnr rise of har Harbor evil 1rnr Klrhard M llaj lee of Mid din i Inland fur School CnminliloniT The main Inlerrit centred In the selection nf twrlio delFiatei I to rcpreaent the ooumt III time Kirn digress Ulilriut Conventiiin 8enutor ill head I time delegation Hilerted slut amonir the delegate tics A It Carpenter of Nuiitlilininpton AMemtilunan hi aw tins and Dr JaI II Mauliey of l 11111 1h uleluguiteu are a milt fur Henry J hcaMcr of Niirthport who represented thin district In toii roau atioul eight ears ago NpeuklUK fur tke IropneaioUnS- YIUCUBK Sept 30t a larco mooting hold In the armory tOil evening to pruteat against this aelznro- ot Ihe properly of this Iropanailda luy the Italian nOT trnnifiiit Justice Kennedy of this Supreme Court pro dIet Itetnlutlon I were adopted protesting aRniiial thus tyrannical I I conduct ol the I Italian lint eminent drclarlnir I bus property ot I the 1rnpaRanda to lie of an InUrimtlon- al rliaructor aol ralllni on the tjo ernment of limo United lii miles to tttke NC lion in tim matter rime renolu lion Mill Ion forwarded to Ireildent Arthur and the AmeHran Minuter In Italy All stales ot religious oplalon n ere repreienteil the mcellnir Delaware Ileiiubllcnna Devout Sept 3iThe Republican Stato unentloa waa hold hero today The platform de- clare nomination ot Phallus In he the result of a apontaneoua demand uf the party declares Ihe ratifica- tion of Increated rrprenontallon amenrlment to the Ktate Cnnitltutlim I aa unjust Illualnnarv I sod ml- clutet out fluid favora rtMilIng l the StIle Intn t xenatorlal and ICepreentatlvedlatrku Iii request of I Iho IVia- perance Alliance rommltleo for the Introduction of a lieu option plank wa rejected J Uv time rnmmltito on Keaoliitlnn Anthony Hltlna of New Julio ut a nom match fur CoiigreM For llutler nnd Ilmk J Ginnl Tho Worklncmops League ot tho Nineteenth Auemblydlitrlct hoot nUlit met at Fiftyfourth street slut KlKhth avenue ant by a unanlmoii vote chaniTMl ill nanin to tic IVnple parly I of Hint dlalrlct emloraeil the nomination of llmjamla j K Ii UI I her fir 1reMdint r cud ratified nomination of HughJ maui fur Me or Iongre JVomlnnllon Kenny O Durlolgh Republican Eighteenth ilUtrlcl New York K II llaydeii Republican Fifth ilUlrlclMaachuottaN- elaon Ildcock Democrat Fourth dIstrict New Jeraey Jam u Undiley Republican bevcuteeuth district New York Walter Hhtrwood Democrat Sixteenth dlttrlo Penn lylvanla CARMAN DIES OF IllS WOUND oNLY ONE BULIBT WOUND FOVHD 71- JnllJ THROAT tutu Dtmhi tbs hat was Dremk mmt IotklnaT for rightBeen BMS Ne Deal KlllleMf lea but >a tkat he Had le de II- Ilobort Carman tho bartoudor who was hot on Monday night In Patterson saloon 209 Seventh avenue died at 090 oclock yes- terday morning in St Vincent lloipltal The fatal bullot struck him In the right side of the nook just above the collar born and passing downward to the left pierced the windpipe and the apex of the loft lung fractured a rib and going through tho l heft shoulder blade lodged under the skin of the shoulder Carman did not regain consciousness aftor ho was shot lIe was strangling when ho wa brought to the hospital and to relieve him tho surgoonm inserted a tube In his windpipe to enable him- to breathe at the throat The wound made by this operation was afterward mistaken for a bullot wound and this gave rise to the belief that throe shots had boon fired in the barroom One bullot was found In the show window of the saloon having fallen thero after flattening itself against an Iron pillar David Uegnun who shot Carman Will taken from the Thirtieth street poll3 station to Jef- ferson ¬ Market by Policeman Adams yesterday morning lie la n tall man with an openpla ant tao and was neatly dressed Justice Pat torson remanded him until the proper oartlfl- oaUs of Carmans death could be produced lat- he afternoon Degnanwai again arraigned and was committed the charge of the Cor ¬ otters lie wan put In one of the tier cells of the Jefferson Market prison Coroner Levy made an Investigation of the clrcunmancas of the killing Tho principal witnesses tire James Patterson tho saloon keeper Johnson n bootblack K E Thorne James Tracy anti James Crawson who wore in time saloon when tho trouble be tan or during the shooting Their stories vary vory nllclitlj Ati ut H oclock that even- ing Cirnim wits In Marnti saloon at 2GG Eighth ayonuo Ho was partly drunk and flourished a revolver around so caolotsly that Poler Bryce took It away from him and gave U to tholmrtondor for MrO kepplng AUorawhllu- Carman porsnadad thabartondortocivelt back- to him und then with Crawxon ho walkout ovar to Pattorcons snloon They found James Tracy sitting outside and invited him In to ilrlnk AH thoy worn drinking Johnson tIm colored bootblack onmo up mill nskod If they wanted n cubit Curman culTpil him over tho head and picking him up throw him hewn on tho floor CniWHon romonntruted with him anti Cnrmnn streak Crnwnnn n violent blow In tho loft eye JJnunnn was sitting In hue saloon and saw this Ho wont ovor to Carmnn whom hn know well nnd said Bobby why cant you behave yourself Carman replied with very foul language rind flowing lcnan by tho callor butte him with his humid The two struggled up and down the room Douimn holdlncon to Carmans breast As thoy got near the side ontrnnro Carman who hud boon fumblIng around his hip pocket suddenly drow hula pistol Liugnan seized It wnBlod It away from him and two shots ware tired in quick uuccnnalon It IB possible that thn first shot was rlro1 when both mon had holliof the pistol and that thin was tho bullot llmt flow wldo of the mark Thn oIlier was bet ¬ tor aimed nnd Carman fell to the loot Just at that moment Pollcotnan Ailnms canto In Iud saw lIe nan mill pointing tho pistol at Car ¬ man Dcgnnn gave time pistol to Adams say hIll I ulvi nivsflir up I shot tho man in solfdofnnco- Dounan nt first said that Cnrman fired time first bhot but vobtnrday ho said I dont know whuthor I np il both shots or not When Ima drew the pistol I knew It wan life or doiith I knew that hn mount to kill mo and I natural ¬ ly tried to protect myself Dcenan was nskcif K ho know oxPolicomnn and lliink Durglar Nngont for whom Carman formerly peirkod amid who ones Hhot Rnrmnn- cgnnn nalil ho did not know Kuuout and hatE lunver boon in his uilrnmm DeitnnnB story tallied with that of tho eye- witnesses He has a brother on tho police force unit wa novar in trntiblo baforo Tim tiollet mIni senna of Oirmiins friends say that ho wns hnttrmpctid iful tiry quick to lien a pistol Vim wilnssns till nirroo llmt Car luiin was itniuir tutu nlliu nco of I mInor when ho entered thn saloon CniHBon loft tho saloon before tIme shooting Dnpiity Coroner Donlln mnda nil autopsy on thotiody of Carman In time nftoi noon amid traced i tmtt course of the bnllnt OH dohorlbod The Counuiers jury vlnnod tho oody and will hold tho inquest tomorrowmoriiint UttAXlt THIWKS lKltCKNTAOK Terms Klnnlly KuliinlltrU by the Olkcr M m- lirr sir ule CklniBa iuol At nn adjouriKvl mcftlnn of the cxocutivo officers amid connral managers of tho trunk limo railroads hold nt the ofllco of Commissioner Fink yesterday nil of hue roads wore repre- sented ¬ except the Urnnd Trunk Tho principal question at ISHIIO Is thin percentage of the Urnnd Trunk In thnonKtboiiml tumlnt Chicago The eompaniuue lccidd yuMtordny to niibinit to a now arbitration In I tlin nun ton of perrnni ages and also to Iciivo time elate upon which thnlr iloclslon should hocvinn opcrntlvo to the arbitrators But thoy Insisted thatBettliunonts should ho made to datn anti nt once upon tho basis of tutu original arbitration subject to pitch revisions and nindjiiHtmciiti us may be- come ¬ noijoHsnry by the rulings of tho now arbi- trators ¬ This deolKlon wan tolographod to the Grand Trunk Should It accept thoso condi ¬ tions a restoration to Hchodulo rates on cast bound freight will follow The ImproBnlon- nmona railroad managers last night was that the prouorod compromise would bo accented ObItuary Charles ModcaUo whoso sudden death nt- th age of Oil VH9 reported yesterday to tho rroduce- K > chanK was 23 years a number lie w> i In lime pro lilontradf hut recently illil lie Irnduc Kxchance1- liutlnrii fur hue lnnilnii slid ncslilrv tire Inriirniior Cuniptny lie was Loon In linKllnnrr mill we grants Klcil nt Alexandra College il Mtlir was a well Shown lawjer cud Clerk of hue Mipreine Iourt of Maryhanut r irndlu A Wnrlfnilykf 1reldrnl of the Wnrl n dyk hllk ManfacturliiK Coiniiany and the Mlintlcr of the village ut Worlniljkcon tile New Jersey Hlillainl Railroad a of tlrnUkU on Monday eieninir at tIme rrijdoncn of IH linilhrr llaMd A Vtnrteml kf utJl Weal Mnttefiitli street In I ihlicitj I Ho I wn at onullnie tIme ITiMcut nr thr Mllluiil Kjiilroixil Onmimny I ll I e wa born In IMJO Hu leave thrro KrowiMip rhllilren The runeral will Im from II reililtnce In WorliuJj at l3 oclooK to morrow afternoon Deadlock In n WinventlnnI- UTAVIA Sept l0Tlio Itcpubllcuns of tho Thirty flrft Conitrei lcjn l district are holding tlivlr Con Tcnllnn to day Kucliot the four cuuntlf > of the district I IIH ncandidate lhlnriton i re > fin Janin W WiuU worth the prpf tut tnemMr OenepB putt forwiml Viii it Wuiuooiu wlu wni defeated IMO > i> n nun liy Col tilMiii owl lug In a ill vhs art liilt Wyonilnu iinliim WilcnltJ 1 I Iliuiiiilirtr I nnd Orlenn p rees flue Hn w > er T cntiictdi l nllnli Teem tnkfii up to ii oclock This ovrnlnir inrh candlilate rereUIni ilitetn rutm every time The Oinpiitlon then adjourned until to morrow Amoiite Ibis ilelrirntti aru llfutlov lion Ktni Kenatnr Illtn suit all thn exm4cuuntor ant cx AIeuuiiily mile a from thu louiltlm fur yearn pant I tin I thounht time lonveiitii Mill lad l through time week rwxlenlera In Cnnvvnllon Time first nnnunl Convention of the News dealers if the United Blulei a a hell lerday In CUr endon Hall Nineteen Stnlei were rcpreiented and limo number of ilolcuntei gircicnt woe nlnei Forty were from thll city 1 he mretlUK Wit rullcrt to order nt 11 A M hr V if KujLcnlall Treldent nf thn Ilinoklyn NewMfnltm1 tnlon O W rlber of rhlladelphla was uncle rhalnnnn nml iporite K Uohf rteili nf Sew York John KIllK of Ihlailellihln and Mlllam Ilunrahaii of Providence Heorciuries limo icailiin Mai lirlvatr amid wa lrlnclpally devoted to dlicui ltiii the nritanl atlon- pfaNewidealera National Union Aiinihur icnluu will be lucId to duty A 81OOOOO lire ail Natronn- Pn NrroyA Sept 80The Pennsylvania Salt Hanufactiirinir Coininnyi acid manufactory here wai dsunauiul by tire to the silent of JIDOooo thin morn- Ing Thus company li i properly here valued at EcEUo < ant makes all klnili ot soils cart onale > lulldiutea or cola and oil of vitriol TIle nr atarled In the vitriol department nnil tie hiillillng rni fret lomr was eutlrely Ileitroycd The liulldlnn wee fully insured lintlnfaa llcvcraee Mitchell fc Scrucus dealers In agricultural ImrlimeiiK at Uallai hate faJed The ao U are nail mated atfJiKino Tlie Onto hop a to resume ahorlly Anetienitvv line of country credit la the cause nf the emliarraMment- W It Allfii A Co phtinheriifiiiti FrancUco have toad an aMlirnmeiit w Ith liatillltuaot 54411051 John Uiiluo Adam for tancrcaaH- OHTON Stipt 81Tluo Hooond district Doino- rrati at Julncy tn tiny nomlnditmt JotmUuluor Ailaini fur Uoiinreie ACCUSED OF MALPRACTICE A Dicta r rrho rrtftrrtflO- ratTO Rsi pyCla Ckkhii AgalUrt Ulam SYRACuSE Sept 30Dr Abram Babcock a middleaged physician who has practised la this city for many years was arrested yester- day ¬ under an Indictment accusing him ot hav- ing ¬ caused the death of Mr Martha Clark ot Uazonovlix by malpractice He WM placed under 15000 ball on that charge and wa4 to have appeared at Cazenovla title morning for examination A special report was made by the Grand Jury In order to make It certain that tOo Doctor would bo hold to answer At 7 oclock this morning time jailer found the Doctor unconscious on the cot In his cell Physicians were summoned and It was found that ho had taken morphine As the Indica- tions ¬ were that he would die an order was in sued for his removal to his homo This oven Ing his condition was somewhat Improved and it was believed that he would recover Mrs Clark was a very respectable young married woman and the testimony In the case which Includes her confession and the state- ment ¬ ot her husband ls very strong Dr flab cook has beeu arrested three times within a year on charges ot fatal malpractice In the case ot a country girl named Cite he was tried and acquitted He Is at present under an In- dictment ¬ charging that hn caused the death of Hannah Nlpo of Little Falls His family assert that he has been lit the habit of taking mor- phine ¬ and that In this instance It was not taken with suicidal Intent DKFO11E FUR ETOlBNKNT Mr Mclnljrrea Ncclccl of his With aiaid kl- AtlcaUlama to His llaleklaienD- oflTON Sopt 8OW F McIntyre whoso elopement with Miss Clara L Hutchlnson was reported In a 8t Louis despatch to TUB SUN today Is wellknown In Maiden where ho married his present wife three years ago He and Ns Hutchlnion wore brought up In Choi sea where they attended school together Molntyres employers nt the Atlantic Works say they Uncovered n deMclt of 700 In his cash accounts about a month ago Ho made full restitution and was not prosecuted On leaving his position two weeks ago he said ho had nocurod employment lu Minneapo- lis ¬ ISis neglect ot his wife anti his attentions to Miss Hutchlnaon have boon topics or corn ¬ mon talk nt Ocean Spray whero nil spent tho summon McIntyre and Miss Hutchlnson made two or three aulot Now Knglaud trips before the final elopement These facts wore broadly hinted to Mrs Sic Intyro but who refused to bolluvn anything wrong of hor huebimd until his arrest Miss HutchinBon Is lie daughter of the late William llutchlnson Cholxea Hbo Is In good circumstances and usa always moved In tho best society of her native city Slio Shut Mom tyro went together to tho Maverick Bank the day ot their denarturo and she procured a 1000 draft on Ht Louis A SZKRCllANTH SUICIDE He tula kle Tkraatt on the Curs and ken Jnmpa from the Train FoitT WAYNE Ind Sept JOOoo A Wilt of the firm of A Wilt A Son lumber mor chants of Philadelphia and a member of tim Philadelphia Hoard ol Trade coin miLled suicide today wnllo on route from Philadelphia to Muskegon Mich on the limit- ed ¬ express on the 1emiBylviuila Itnllroad When hear Lima U hn steniioil to tIle roar of the rlceplng car lu Witch he was riding cut his throat from oar to oar and jumped from tile train whloli wns running nt a high rate of spited Ho died nlmoat instantly Ills wife who was on hoard of the train dyes no cause for limo act rIme sleepingcar ofllcers say that Mr Silt appeared to bo quito deapondont for u number ot hours previously Flr non lroatrned by floe LOWELL Bopt 30Late last evening coal gas waadlacoverud lanulng from the ntnrehouHeof thus la tiul ton Manuf actiirlntr Company Tire haul got under way on the drat noor where 3 1541 ions of coal w trr stored Th erlntendrnt and two of hi aaitnnta were overcoi- by thus litnivM neil hecnmo unconfcloux limiT hnd ti Ii removed from the ImUdlniranil Were reled onlv after coimlileralilo effort The upper part ef Iho bundling l is filled with manufactured irooiln valued at tVMMJiiiio perked In ntixrit The Urn wa conflnrd lo thus oal This effrctriof tho gas upon the flremrn leers terribli Hnmo touch of them brtnif protrntril und reijulrlnir inrilkttl attendance At 12 I A M nn exphmlnn of uric took place by whliti I nrrman lulin jiilnlima leg WUK iiruUen Time races of limo lire Ha fpnntnnfoUHrombupUon laie Outromr of n Trnirrdy Wuirxwa Sept 80The steamboats Sclota and Ix mna iollldisd In ihe Ohio Itlver on July I IXH and eUhly lives were loll Suits for damage havo been In the courts over 010cc The two boats wers owned by tie Wheeling and Inrkerphurtf Transpnrlntlon OonjLi am After the ncridunt thin nameHof Iii boat ni re cliHiived but III mick tin followed thrill soul heir ownrra ever Sluice Today Hannibal Forties llnlled Mate Comnil loner I litielleil the Dlurnnl lte U Ian uad Courier nil fine sitonn hoc I heals ouiuil b > this ciunpany nnil thu will wind Ui liii affalm TIle vnrlou suite tirouitht- julnit the iiinuiny segregate lisJetu one of the comiinny hilome hues bean rntenccd tu three yinra In the Kiiltentmrj and snottIer with anverat olllaerii ore undirlnUlutnunt IxtJnv IlrndrlcU lu J < iuletIlle- sMiin Sept 30 Thoueh it has rained all dar eteli lve prvpnratlona were made fur this re- oeptlon of exdov li it lrlck who cornea us time BUeat of HIP Hoiithern KnpoBltion The city was full of visitors from the nelitliborliu Matna slid win hand omelv iluco ruled for the occatlon Mr IKndrlcla arrivedIn I tIle afternoon from Indlaimpolla and WHH met by Hie Kxpo- eltlon Commuter A Urge rrovrd trathcrrd at tIle depot hid liitened to Mr Hlnuma uuitdrces of welcome Mr llendrlck r illfil brlilly tbunkiiiK the people for their kind reception slid wits ii risu tn the Iolllm ills Hotel fnlloHeil by a mrS crun ii In thus afternoun a recep tion wa lucid at the hotel Iiidletlna nn IMIIor ftor Anon FOXDA Sept 30J F W lltittenbor formerl- y ¬ editor aunt iirojirielor of the tIoPuut I riiltev lH nr cratt was today Indicted by the Crmuut Jury for arson In the third degree In nrlnz hue Psmoirel rfflrn He n aa ar- ralRned in court pleaded not guilty and was release In- 3UII 5 Ball J I Chandler t ho raja he wan hired b- Kuttenbrr > to One I the biilldliitf win ulno hih ii end The trial l is act fur February Seine people IhlnL liultenhcr U Inaaiio Two Ilroiker KllledTa clker- roTTHTME Sept 30 Abraham and Daniel Illnktl wtnt Into their brcaatu at 1ackor No 8 uolllcry- on lout Creek today with naked lamp A large Ijody- of lulphnr hail collected In t the lireatt and was C rl ty tile hitlute A tern ime rXhhtolOtI fullowtil llotli lircHi era were blown a cruSt illntnnre down ilud hroaat and luiitnntl Killeil They were inarrivd and heave large famllu Mr Irvlnir toad Ilaa ferry QurtiKC Sept 30Mr Henry Irving nnd- Ml IIIiMi Terry nnd tho Mccmn Theatre company appeared here to 11mm lit III Mtrclianl of nlco and their leciplien waa thp grimIest ilrr nrcordtil ftliv i oiii puny III thin city Ilviry eut I In the liuuio us an taken 5u tiring 114111 hut ciii lliitkncu for a seat bou gut troll anotlur purclianer Lost tn Htakt In Montreal MONTREAL Sept 30Il W liliots son of a wealth and eminent tnirineir of Limduu su lu n arrhed- JatUI city t from Kmrland In th latter part of Juno hu its hire ii ieslmur chic Auug IH I HID I frlnidi um lu umiit ill I i tress over hla ilii Hpiieurance unit hac pluccU tho mut- ter In tile hiitiua el thus police Inratlrd by n Hlateir nf Mercy F3yutcuvuic Sept 30 Slater Mnry A nn of Mercy lloipltal Chicago han arrlt id In thl city In acarcli nf a ynunt unman of Inllmaa III who eloped from a con- vent In ChlraviiKith I a mnn whom sue aata Him iu ute traced to this city hh duUlnce I tu give the iiaiui JIunnlna vny nllli WUOOOO LINCOLN Nob Soot 30 Danjamln F Cobb a prominent young bualueaa man here haa disappeared after rmlirzzllni fJouio Othtr crime Bro charged aeilu him lher litu clue to hU nhercabouti He Uavea a young a Kb behind sr4151C8 FHO1I TiER IJfLEGJ1AZlI Tne thermometer registered B5 In FetcmbnTtf Vn- yeateraay The Duke nf Oam rnlire held a brllllaut review of the trooa In Ituullu > olerday The Providence Irtn luau hern soil to Z I White who will take poafttfailnn to day Mine Kltori will sail for till couutrr on Oct IS on a four uiontha pruftMluiial tour The astronomer Talla In Vienna tins illicovered an aa- terold of the thlrUenth maKllltliite The Vulcan Iron Work In Wllkeiljarre emiilot Inr < U person has reduced watt > ten per cent A forrK lIre lii raKlnir alunir the Him of time Norfolk tOut WcMtern Itail rush in bin lddiv ecu Ill C S a Clay and ocar nrlinKhmia lr thrra nunrr il il- yeitrrdav In Madlion Ind Clay icuw a Knlto Slut cut Oscar fatall TIme earnbms itf Aim tltn tirUon for Sentemltrr ore t112307 the uircndlturiil iaUl IT Ills nrurttaof Auburn btat prUoa nero 544 A numbrr of eminent men of irltnre have toiio to John llopklua Univeriit to attend Sir William Thorn one lecture on molecular d > namiia The Kaathamitnti Pnptr Company of Maaachtiiietta- bM failed and called a inectlnjr of creditor It waa In- corporated In April I3I with a capital of fjoijuu Mary E Barrow suit Oscar K Elaney were yratardar- Mnuuoed to ii hanged In Alfred Me on the tnlnt Fri- day la Deeeinuer IKK for the murdtr of Tuomaa Bar- row the womaaa huataod TORN TO PIECES BY WIND A tOBtfstDO BWBJtPtl jHTAT TUX MOtt OF auoxao- Tir YILL4OF Killed lanat ttunr I Jnr 4TfclHr Mull laujc E cll 4 d ToaalMteita Oleww ArM the Stre lA Mos f nrr r BBADPOBD Pa Sept 30Tho tornado which passed over this regIon last Banday crossed the Now York State flee and struck the village ot Bhonico olicbt miles south o- Wollsvlllo The little town Is today a scene of death ruin desolation Two persona were killed outright about twenty were badly In ¬ jured and thirty buildings In tho business par of tha town were destroyed The tornado came from the southwest sod was evidently In its height when it atruek- Bhoneo Those killed wore Mrs Edward Prafl stud Willis Gardner A son of Dr J A Elliott was ao terribly Injured that ho died Miss Anna Lancaster Is not expected to live Among the others Injured are Mr and Hn Edgar Foot Dr A A Elliott wife and thnf children Austin Kemp Duane Kemp sad wife Edward Pratt husband ot the lady killed Edward Brundatre wife and two ahiidran Y and Mrs Ass Qulnby of North Dlnehara 44 The house and barns of IT H Itrundoge Cb H Brundago Edward Brundaffe Anna Lancas- ter lfi Leonard Higgins Willis Gardner J Wit If J llama Dr A A Elliott Edgar Pest Homet ° j Brook Austin Kemp the Hhonao school bousn- Ueorge Frozora blacksmith shop and J OleVl ° store and barn wcro totally wrecked Horses pigs cattle and uoultry were killed and or- chards ¬ destroyed The tornados belt was narrow and its dora ¬ tion only n moment or two but there was a bra rifle rind destructive force wrapped up In It After ploughing a narrow area of wraokan among the forest trees over the hill to list southwest of tile doomed village the currsnl settled down stud crossing the valley strttok it Shongo more than two thirds ot which Is now a ruin today Mr Gardner and his daughter were alone i Ic 4v their dwolllnir Gardner was instantly ktllsxi but the daughter miraculously escaped Mr Edward Pratt lube wife rind dnughtol wore in tholr nouso Mrs Iratt was killed out S right and the husband and daughter were se- verely ¬ Injured l > r A A Elliott Buffo rod time total loss of hll homo ofllcti nnd burn anti hln horso vtun killed IJootor und Mrs Klllott wore both hurt and i their throe children Lena nnd John and at infant clillil woto severely Injured 4c John Williams his wife and two chlldret miraculously oRcapml nn did also the family ol Edward lirunilacu whoso houBO was whirled across the Street Bo force twius the wind current that In Un beautiful vlllniro cerantory onlytwo tombstone wore loft BTntidlnie nil tile rest being thrown L- itho ground and some wore oven carried out ol tho cemetery across the street Arlknr Ie lou Mnnlarre Arthur Lo Fon a French cook Is In tho Hut eon county Jail i In Jersey Cityon a charge of bigamy IA Ton who la a young man was married three years age In a young ludy at VtVj mouth Maai A year later deserted lila wife end went to Jersey City there h be > rame acquainted with Mlaa Fannie X Oignod thl datiKhlrrnf an Kplicopallan mlnlater and married her jhe iTrioy and Trie refusiiltoTiroItll him Fon followed her from place to place anti so an noSed her that she went before the ltumteoii 000515 inonut Jury amid procumod alt iudictiuient of higsm- ysgaiut himui lielecllres StallIon oh Fuiley of Jsraeg City fotund La Flfl iii 14iueton 01 Mondey anuS arresls4 him He was taken toJeraey City yeaterdar A Now First Avenue Arauienaeint 4 Tho crowds of boys that lolterln First arena from Hunaton to Khjhteenth streets have Invented newaniuieineut Timer call It cutting the dude set It conIsle nf slashIng this clothing of any welldreiaej- ycuth who passes through the Street Neatly dreaaef- riiungiterH Kotnir to nr coining from rchnol go coualdar ally out of their way rather than risk First avenue II a niatlyclRd stranger ai roache > stud the crowd U- trotiK enough they surround him and he escapee Witt- gaMiraand 51 alltacul In lila clotbea Kven glrlait I is laud Initnliro in thus nport TIter ueei to tp a good dial ol hliliw roblwrynnne by the IM ravabonja In rirej- niunuc i lull that seefls to hmeve giaeu place lo tho newt b kind or liooillumlimi Cuhnian Mlk to be Ilurled T dly The body of William Silk who was the cat man moat favored by nieinbert of the Union Club wx ci removed from the room in which lie died at 2O5 Thirl- a > enup to nn nndertakera on Second avenue yesterday niornlng letitity Coroner Conwai made time aulonvy tout fimill prfr of time muriatic noli which HIU taken in hula mumnch Thus funeral U In take place thk afternoon from time undertaker wareronm A nuns her of huts fellow cabmen viewed lime tidy vialerday Sllkwimn tlnelooklnv man of molluiil height with C full rnunil face partially bald head and shunt black ctirh whiskers JVftt Ml Carpenter The woman who was found on Monday evenI- ng In GhrUtonher end Hudson streets acting atrangely such wlioae general appearance nut dress correpond4 with tlioi of Slier Sarah O Oarpenter who disappear from lirr home In Xrooklvn rrcenlly wa rccoirnlted I la llellevuo lloipltal I elmli na Mr Weber of ll Weal Kortleth urevt Warden OKourke Sail that Mm Wibei had btcn Hufferlnv from innlnrla and I that the iiiantlty- ofmilnine nhf had taken had tcniuorartlr affected hei liraln Hlie won taken liomc yesterday VipIianm kIng Shouts Illraatlf William King of Jamesport U I aged 85- couiinittoii suicide on Monday evening He went to hU room after aupper amid coon the report or n gun was lieard Time family found him lying on the floor dead He nail tnken otr his Hhoea and atnckliifte amn haying placed thr muzlenf his breccliloader to hla left breast mLJ lulled ho trigger with lube toe lieu charge of eliot peas> leg ttnuuucl lime heart causing ln lrut death Ko cause l ha assigued a Mr Ilnrrne Drenched 4 Mr Margaret A Ilarona while passing un uler tile Hwnlim In unit of DmMT Itochea alooa oa- 1iilton street RrnoVhn In July wse drenched by tkq fuillnir of watfr 0 Inch liutl collrcted and wa dlli > dre4 with a pole liy one of Mr Kncliea aplojcea Mr lla- rennaiiDil > A for 2um aud hun furnlihed thla bill of psycho ulam HOIIIH I ia ilria H globe fJi medicine STl loft of tome from bulueaa IAi bodily lain and aufief t UK Indicted for Kllllaa kla Illother The Grand Jury found an Indictment for 4 murder In the tecotil d Kree yesterday against Jullu Mart for the kllllniror hla brother Michael They were hrotlirr ami Itohh rndern nnd Michael was atabbad la a C drnnlwiMi iiunrrrl with no e iilfuce at alt tn no nn aata shin iuu1 itoni tile Hiahhlntr The Coroner Jury found e tlmt liu hind slatted liliuolf Ilntickfue llrllirrr Hcandal At n moitinuor time Hoboken Common Coun- cil ¬ 4 I last Illxlll hue committee appointed lo InveMltfate lbs chariren fit alkaiil hrilierv In rmmertion with Hie grant Inol n frniirhi n H ilmtrlct telrvraph roinpuiy r lint eI Hint t tue ciuluegre m far UN IDUncllnian trails we- inncrrTi il hud t Ice UritAliied No notion wit takeubr the iouncll mi lime report Toting Vauiln > ut r Tblnka INciter of It- Coukliu Vandewator of South Oyetor Bay who was married tu Mine MKIIII ot Knlthvllte on Sept M I alit whys in the foilwin mornlnv rffuatd to lift with tier nllculiu thud IIP hart no knowledge uf tIme mar rltitfu la IIOM Iii illS with her Tha llllle Fellow Mnlnt 8M calnle 4 President King of tlio Erie Hallway lion anti toil all iniocr that they w ill tint he allowed to ae aum uiiy ii if Ihe rl > k < H lilrli speculation Involve In other wiinla they mint not Ko long or short ol tin iimrkuu Nlnial onice 1reitlellan Cooler fair weather variable winds orcvua AIMUI TUWM Judge Honolulu ha granted an alunlule dIvorce la B- phla Knaauhau from Nieholn I K M Kaxchau- Huiierlntendeiit Wallinir lent out a ireoernt alarm yes lerdar onlerlmf tie pollre to arrest ail meraone cauaaf- lUUo Injf or defaclHK blllboarda A ile nt woo recorded ycelerday Ly uhlch Collla P litintlniftou acquired thu four atory truck reaidauoa I Went Mftyflrat trtct for tlHoo- wIartll nf time telmerfil Heaaloin will tit today In the O > cr anil Termlner court room while this leaky window rnhiK In this Uiutral He alona court room r rtllare tinkered Thus report that Policeman fleorg A Lynch of the tonmbont iuad hft hl Is fiunm unprnvlded for at hu death va a mltake Ifie family conlta unly ut bU widow and an eliOt ton f Urn Mary Meagher of 1U21 tlrret and Third avenue 4 who w n r pi rl d niUalnir on MnmUy lihrht wa fuuna near thu Harlem bridge lIlaC nkht ant taken home tu lie been aluk for veral welt leortte II nwellof Ill Fifth avetin llrnoklyn was a prUonur at Jefferson Market yeatetdiy He liaa l teen a altMilan for H Altituni To He HIM reinaudeil cad this ohartfj Mgalnht him wa not dennlluly elated The Surlel of s2 will giio a picnic to day In lluler hi arts ii liner tae Inuil uf tIle nionununt fund of the oil aolillrra of Hi nr nf Ixu Tim flrMM Corps jt- Manallvlil and T S Llnkeli lusts J A It will gins an exhibition drill KIN u K 1cck the cnnfldince Homan wa hell ia fTrfici lill at tIme I uimuuiu ycter lay on Iliainond Dealer John llnuKha charge of urlndllnir aol perjury John I Thonia whoia ahe wn lien hired accoiiipllce was lucid In MOIKJ for perjury lloili were locked up A Ioily found noatlnv tn North Itlvr near Thirty feurth street itlirday proved lo I ba that of William Van Hlnckeu the uuatmau whoa akiff was run uncut by the nyl oat Newburih on Friday whll he wa taking one of ths crew out t WUlLamJinori yacht the hour ualiaU a 4

I W tttt i tILJt - Library of Congress...poIUol rrmllm when friends they In did I the 10 Or la hoped nn entIre masons rot will rAton him to Ills wonted vigor Both onto ponltlvo that

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Page 1: I W tttt i tILJt - Library of Congress...poIUol rrmllm when friends they In did I the 10 Or la hoped nn entIre masons rot will rAton him to Ills wonted vigor Both onto ponltlvo that

I r s

WV r-


i tILJt tttt iiV-









Overwork emil III llrnllk Dlinblc the A-

ndla r-

InnaitcUly 1 hlaI Kninsenenle furtke ttonaon ure Mtiddenljr C-


Bopt 300uly ono of thUs morn

Inal newspapers In reviewing John MeCul-lough performance nt MoYIckors thoughtbest to deolaro It 1 pitiable spectacle nnd totar that We slips of the toncuo raised it hughfrom tlioio Ignorant of hR truo condition Inthe pathetic death urcno In Tho Gladiator-ho utterly broko down There were hUioi andIronliMil remarks from different parts of thohomo Tho actor vniiiu boforo the curtainitrodo ncross the stag and said

This Is the bestmannered audience loverlW U you had nurtured as I have sufferedyou would not do tillsq Thn audience inilcklv dispersed The even-Ing patters contain nn advertisement that per-formances


at McVlckcrs Theatre have been In-


suspended and that money will Irarefunded for tickets The proprietor has evi-dently


statement to make and no apology toffer Tdrsons who were In the audienceevenIng say that Mr McCullouuh was so mani-festly


Incapable of performing his part that hisfriends In tho company should have called onthe prompter to ring down the curtain He-itrugcid1through his lines like a man smittenwUhpnlsy Hols now prostrated

Joioph Brooks lcCulouhl manager nndMr Price his 11enl elld morning thatthe tragedians season had boon closed thatall the lat8 bad boon cancelled and that ar-rangements


had boon made to send the com-pany


back to How York Both icontlemon said

lhe wished the public to understand thatamong thn company ali management all fuel-Ing of disappointment nt personal embarrass-ment


or loss wore smothered In tho general ro

art for Mr MeCulloughs pitiable conditionThey said further that they woro encouragedat tho beginning of tho season by the fact thatthe actor was In far better conditionthan he had boon In nt tho beginning of thnprevious season and that they had oxnocted

18 ho became once more used to acting Itwould prove tonic to his system as It unitpreviously Ho lint been rehearsing very luirilall yesterday and this brought on his mentaltrouble again Tlioy lied not yet Informed himof thoir policy but expected the strongest tpoIUol rrmllm when



the 10 Or

I la hoped nn entIre masons rot willrAton him to Ills wonted vigor Both ontoponltlvo that the causes thoyworn tliu only ones which could bo given1110Mr MeOulloughs actions Inn evening

It wart generally known among his friends InNow Vork that Mr McCullough was not theman hu had boon but It was not supposed thatIlls hoaltti wus so shattered as compol himtabandol tho stage altogether For nearly

Mr McCullouglfa health has boonfaUn tin played however through tho

of mHt season without losing a nightHo nit the strain mind went to Europe In thonrlv nut nt Iliinf aiiiiimiii trv iAiinorili HAvastone throe months returning to Americaion Sent 0 It was his determination to nlaythis nenson although Mr Wm Gonner ot time8t Jamas IHotel his most Intimate friend ad-vised


him not to-

Whol Mr McCullouch arrived In this city onhI inn from Europe It was vory hotitidond Ho mat a good many of his old friendsand for a fowdnys lund a merry time with themOno evening hn Edwin Thorno and severalothers wore at Dolmonlcos

Its entirely too warm weather to netTborno said Now 1vn icol to pay for It any ¬

how as rmnotirntuirtnDlavwith ropoempaiir-MrnroOulIouKU said that ho would not act In

tho warm weather either but was prevailedupon to clmnifo his mind 01 Set 10 ho wontdown to Coney Island was found on thoboach toward enlmr wnmlorlmi about In adacil condltlu HU frlondi attributed this tthu MTncl of the sun and said that hodined with oonvhial friends Th IB was pub-lished


tho following day and wlmn Mr McOullouuh road it ho soul nt once for Mr llrooksnnd said that ho wanted to begin acting at-one to show that he was alt right

On tho following Thursday ho appeared atMilwaukee and av cok ngo iuaterday hn beganhU nnujomoltl Urn Chicago Opera House

hail a great deal to do withIniuritig Mr Cullouchs health Mr Connereutd lat nluht For two years they bnvo saidthat His health wns faillnc I mill your friendsshould toll you ovary flay you wore look-ing


bad and breaking down you would beginto think ao yourself wouldnt you AllolPe ¬

chilly I your health wns not as goodbOot Why a leportor even met Mr McCultough at Milwaukee mind submitted him to anexamination as to lila health and general 1 con-dition


He In a Ronsltivo man and It worriedhim greatly

s III Mr McCulloneh suitor a largo financiallots by cancelling his engagements

If ho bad continued on for the season hewould have math 00000 By not playing hoWill necessarily bo that much outWill not Mr llrooks lose

I Not so very much The contracts aro soOladn that sickness Is taken Iota consideration

Whom will Mr MuCullouah goI cannot toll lie lute a sister In Hornnton

and his wife and son live In Philadelphia Hopeed rest QUid If he should come here1 would boant too happy to tko earn of himBut then c hotelib not the for a man toretlln-

ni Mr MeCullouch an Income sufficientsupport him

Oh yes Ho IIs amply provided for that wayI cannot toll you If be wi act again for I dontInow anything about IMr MoCulloiiKh Is said to havo sufferedgreatly from sleeplessness and to have had

4 fancies that people dllked him and that hehad no friends


An leieane Man Capture a Carrlnaja andllu from kle Imaslnary Knemtoa-

SvitACUSE Sept 30 William Dunn an em-ployee


of tho Tompoy Houso near the easterneitromitrof tho city hitched a horse to a car-riage


about 0 I M yesterday and started forO firm near tho East Avenue Driving Park Ata street corner near tho odeo of the city a mansprang from behind a troo jumped Into thowacoh anti placing n revolver at Dunns headdemanded tho reins which woro Handed tohim Hn Inshod time horso Into a run stilt cov

orlnl Hun Ivll tho weapon and threatening-to shoot ho stirred Tim man guidedtho uorfte toward Thompsons Landing on theKrlo Canal find thence drovo to MussinaHprlngs whlfli Is four miles ea tT f tho citymaking tho distance in lean than half an hourtho liorso running all tim way and tho wagonthumidne about fearfully

Front the mans actions anti words Dunnsaw that ho was Insane He asserted that howas putftund by a band from IJulTalo ll8aanlof Hbnwmon who were herohad iloiunndod of him and would killtOOOIhim unless It

At Mnusinn KprlinVH ho turned tho horso to-


limo city nnd again urged tho terrlflod-uulnial to n brcnkniCk pace At tho corer ofJounce mind LodI Htroets thefrom tho wagon which passed over him bllU-llouiiHhing hla rovohcr ho jumped up and dinoppourod down a side street

Illunn drove Into tho city and olllcera wereout out to search for tho companion of histhrilling rldp Titer found him dratBine himsolf about wltrwi broken log Hn was recoe-DiTiodna William T1 Denlton of this city andwas tnken to a hospital Denbon IIs n harddrinker and his Insanity Iii due to alcohol

Pistol and CeBTe-

rBaiTiMoiiB 8npt 30Mr Clifton W Tayhone u ho had a little h in Union iquare Hew Yorkwill Mr A K Fulton el the Baltimore Amiritanother day urlteato 1 friend In ely LeI m re-

Diliul my lillom fried ant now difeated enemy that ItIhoul1 1101 ihi rrlt of en an over eonMnlI11010 of A illishleil old ml Ikl u-

purilr lhyulcbl mlhf sri oitajr I oh-

mng flthose my Tie rehtugnantI10 liii yt ilisy uyclhekss stint ulprotth by trueoour end iy geiitlniily pridi II can hut of-

kuiiui bun cat Id by 1dllulelowunnl lerbaJoiuituIliOUI valor ii sy I11 Ircti flail worihirr I 11m I ohalruio t am dmsappoluuluiiiu from tar rroloMr Helnrcltka Jealousy

PoTTsrrLLS Sept 3U31rs BamuelHoIaroUu-oo Sunday Dlfiit aubbcd Mary Lludman Maryaaa been vlalUng tie Ilclnrelthi for four monthSal Sir ooniluet with lira lleiDrelth1 huabaail arouied-atra HelnraUh Jealoua tine of Ih cut IIl across the

niaklnn adln urln iih and tlis other U In thefJavt life miser thenfla rib Neither I danreroue Thewounds wr made with I bread knit the blade ofwhich Ila fourteen Incholoo air lltlnrelth haa benSf7101 to gel lbs the house for week but

fee refue4 i a0 and at hut flaunted In the wire1 fleeSit kMbMcVii falilileaantu Wra Helnrellk end herSaUkUr Iff yaturday for Ctltn county whir hrt ta r> flU fitv i t-

i5 I


URN DVTLKU IN JlVtFJKUA Orciat Tetanus to Brett IllmOrndy Is

Irrrnpteel by Clevclnnaa FriendBUFFALO Hept 3Tho most enthusiastic

political demonstration over held In this citywas thnt with which Gen Dopjamln F Dullera welcomed tonight He And SenatorGrady came In on tho 740 train and woro metat the depot hy 2000 men and a brass bandCheers filled tho air while Oen flutter walkedfrom the car to his carriage In whichho was driven to time Qonctoe Ho ¬

tel A temporary balcony was built Infront of tho hotel and fireworks filled thoair At 830 oclock nearly 100people hadassembled In front of tho Oen Dullerand Bon a tor Grady arm In arm walked to thebalcony and woro greeted with groatapplause Atlor some remarks by alocal Butler orator George Blair of NowYork was elected Chairman of tbo openairmeeting He made a long address eulogizingHon Hutler and tho Peoples party lie coneluded by Introducing the nominee

Ion Butler commenced by proposing threecheers for Cleveland and the same for Blamewhich being rospondud to he observed

Now that was very well but It youcomo to my city you will find that thoy cowia groat deal better for me

lore arose three cheers for Butlerhe said that we have given three

rousing cheerfor throe parties and are goodfriends good understanding with eachother let ui proceed with our discourse In ¬

dulging In no vituperation but discussing can ¬

didly and fairly the groat Questions of the cam-paign


Ho continuedTel lies been precious to III children sparing ua from

the peitllpncc that ha visited other portion of thisKlohr and haa favored ua with Hood crops Hllihcountry In not proiperou Ar we extravagant I

Ar wo doing anvthlnr tint our duty to ourselosi andourI childrenI t toil forbid

torn In Kansas la at preaent worth IA enl per tunnelant KOOI are cheaper on the Kailrrn limn theyhave ever hn known before Why should there beuny ooeol ed people

Duller then argued that n potectlvot-arifT must 0maintained for free trade wouldpauperize country Tho trouble he thouchtwatt not overproduction hut underconsump ¬

lion Ha referred to his efforts tt the ChicagoConvention and said the opposition thoro wasmainly because ho was Huller and they fearedho would got ahead too far lie gout litlloabout Cleveland and nothing against him

Senator Grady was wittIly applauded when hoWas Introduced hut time conduct of tho crowdduring the hour ha talked wits outrageous Adelegation of the Cleveland Corps just ruturned from Iparade took up n station not farfront Urady mlinfrequent Intervals drownedhis voice ohorllaCleveland Mr Gradyspokii mainly llnllroad FiveCont Faro bill did not scorn to euro mUIIwhat else ho Ant except to tirepersecutors Ho WI however listened towith attention the main body ofthe people nnd was frequently applaudedDlrlnJ his spooch ho vvas told that lug

Chairman of the Democratic CountyCommittee had been arrested for disturbingIho UUtttlrur Ho lproposed throe diners forScheu and thoy were heartily given Iturnedout later that Scheu slinuly went for sixmembers of the Cleveland Corps who were ar-rested for that offence

Duller nod Grady separate hero The oxHenalor coes tomorrow to LOfkl ort andthrough the State subsequently The Generalgoes tomorrow to Fort Wayne and Logansport


Connrcllrnt Teeming with Hntlrr Clubs

I ril nt Work IIn Now VirkButler clubs aro organized and In good

working condition In the following Importanttowns In Connecticut Now Haven HartfordMorldon Norwich Now London Sliddletown-Wntorbury DrldBoport Now Britain NorwalkStamford Danbury Westport DlrmlnchamDeacon Falls Naugatuck Walllngford Kantlierlin ijut MorlJon UauUi Morldon UnIonvlllo Oilllnsvlllo WlnstcJ Yolentown EastHampton Durham Weitorfleld nnd manyclubs In the smaller towns Now Haven nowhni three clubs and five more In process oforinlnp

8 U DliiKbam Chairman of tho Stnto CentralCommittee is Hooding tho State with docu-ments


and attending to tIm organization ofolulM In every bnmlet Tho 1coplos causelooks bright In the Nutmeg Htate-

Thn work of organization in tho Interior ofthis Stato Is progressing with extraordinaryrapidity The register at the hiadinmrtors Inthe city Indicates that timerriaro now 317 Dullerand West clubs outside of Now York Klnllcounties Tlioro will be a mass alt ItKlmlra on Oct 21 at which tho Rev T 1

lioochcr will preside Corning wil have aDuller ratification mootnl on There-are excellent carrying the townUou Duller appearance at Albany and Troyhas given his boom a wonderful Ilpotll Inthat locality Information was atheadquarters yesterday of tho organization ofa Butler and West club nHoreUlvlohlvl-nI membership roll of

doing excellent work In that neighborhoodAt n meeting of the Executive Committee of

the National party held at 10 Union mjuareyesterday afternoon tho resignation of JohnF Seaman candidate for elector for the Twentrsixth district was received and antiJohn Ryan was substituted In hisaecoptet

The New York County Committee of the Peo-ples


party mot nt tholr headquarters 12 Unionsquare lastevenlng to Iperfect their organiza-tion


Every Assembly district was representedanti it was discovered by the Chairman on re-ceiving


the reports that the organization wasperfect in all of the districts oxcept two andthat the organization of those two would bo-

lerlertetln a few days It was nlso discoveredof the districts thero were no loss

tiTan four Duller clubsA resolution was offered railing for a free

root for passengers ovor the BrooklynBridge Col Norton of Chicago K E Toller ofNow Jersey E J Whitehead of Connecticut DW Turllndy of Now Jersey and W A Fowleraddressed tile committee and a collation wasserved afterward

Butler ClubA Duller club of fifty members was organized-

at Weitport Coon on Sept K7 11 name I10 The Ni-

tlonal Labor Club Jame Jenkins 11 President andHenry E Burr Secretary

The Duller anTVe Campalfn Club of the Sixth Asemhly dlitrlct 1Ill hold Imaul meetlnit ut 27 ColumbiaStreet this evening Addre ewlll bo made by Roberttlhiiert II Wen ant hpgncer end others

A public mevthiff to promot the Intervali of tile candilates cI the 1eoplea pony will he held under tile flitslice of the CentralI Club at 088 Second avenue thuseenlnir

A Hutler cud Vet club of twenty members was form-ed11In llacketlitown last iii gut

The Huller Sill Wel muh of the Third Atnembly illIriol mot lait 231 Molt street and arrannd forthree niece meetlnica IonU Oct R In Harry lluward-aluare Oct 20i In U squire oct no rnlon iuar-On the hut named date thor will Ihu a torchlight proCessiOn

A Hutler ant test Hub with fifty member wa oriranlzeil at Iymana Hotel Hunter 1oliit last ePatrick McKenna wa elected lre ldent of the irTame IIs the lecnml club orvaillzed III the First waultonic lilninl City

slrAiliin nn l Mcllonnld NomlnntedTho Peoples party of Hudson county holt a

Convention on Monday night In Mclhcrion 11 leark avenue Jr > ey City Thor were present altogetherclose on to 11o delegate The beets of reprenentatlonwas two < lIlt from eaili polling prclnct IIn thecounty norJo llrown Chairman 01 the CountyKxecuttte omml called the trusting to ordtr nutreal the call for the Contention CmluIolwas elected temporary Chairman I IcIou erry Hecretary netolutlnna endoralnn th ilutiturin and camlldalee of lie Ieoplna National party antdvnimuciiiir lolm ami machine rule In national1and local affair wr adopted with a n hlilwlud-

UloonlilJackvon a prominent labor advntat weeelected permanent Chalriiueuu cud Joaeph T McLoobtrry-lerinaneiit Secretary

William McAdnowaa nominated for member of COllidward f McDonald for County Clerk III Ixgln for KMerlft Auvuitu Day for Register ant IA Haublr aol Iatrlck Fagan for CoronerA County Executive Comnilltee of one from each

pctllhg precinct waa appointed The Convention tIll notadjourn until after midnight

A Prohibition Cundlilwle Tor HaloTho General Committee of the Prohibition

parly mat yesterday at 210 Eighth avenue Joitph A

fiogardu presided Charles N Crlltecden wa nomlnated for Mayor Chaunrey Shatter for District Attor-ney ant Pr M I llnlhrook for Coroner Tho olinlion of a candidate fur ComptrolUr wa lot toecutive Committee Arrangementrwere for a re-ceptlotilolirglteii In ilnv HL John at Chlckcrlng lullon Oct IT 1It Iis laid that llniooe tonkllng will be In-vited to preuils at ins meeting

rhbThlrteenth DIstrict Irohlbltlnn Club talktof nounbating time Ilcv Stephen Merrill for Anumbll man

llefent of Ike llrlklnc Coal 11rIITDUII Pa Sept 80Time news fromuilner campa along the Moncngahela lllver In

dhcetee lImit the days of the strike are numbered sadthat the men who quit won lait June will be compelled-to return br smaller reuse than thar received when thestrIke wee begun A nulls niiitlug wa hld latl nighttu the fourth pool at whlchlh aotlriintI was stronglyla favor of aaceptlnjr the operators term Anothermeeting wilt be held tomorrow to take diclalv action

I beet aJtortmant ofVrpI-

Tb Intlptrl14 ingraincarpet at Btamaaa 1dU


ICo0without knit

rileelllePlfapowder or jalre1 No charge ulllWrite for faferemei Ir Corklni 11 Kc

Belt > llen In HreieklxauI In Brooklyn 40817 persons registered y

trrdy The Mtiatrallon fur Ihe Oral day la IBM 414bMin IMI1 11011132


TOSHKX ItV PInEA lire In Louisville Cauada yeitcrday btirnfd Ivrenty

hOI 101 12UW-At Ijiclune Quebec on Monday nllbl twentythree

home were destroyed Loss tbo Flfl> famineaU rendered humcleaA lure at th Krdentielm clock farm Chestnut Hill Payeiterday deelroyed a bern stables carriage hoUSe

and other buIlding toe SJOouu fb threyearokially Allen daui Madg by Alum Oburnd to death

Of all the popularfeogltas jo called lb genuinetrtKli U Or nulls Cough Syrup UcuVl r


1 I



A Member of Ik Fanena N > kle Ocag wkNever Would leaive Ike Nclskbi rkaee-lllle Bccord ne Jualt und oel lsbrses

Tho political fortunes of moro than onoambitious Now Yorkor when tho politics ofthis city woro run aaorllDI to tho methods ofthe rtglmo that existence fifteenyears ago depended on time action of a party ofcone nlnlspirits who made their meeting placeIn the office of George Lulls livery stableat the corner of Bayard and Eldrldllltreotl-This was the famous Indprominent In It twenty years ago were William-M Tweed Michael J Shandtoy Foster DeweyDaniel Drean William Oowey P Dorlon WINham Shawavld Mlllsr Charles Hall flickConnolly J L Korean John Scott and otherswho have since played Important parts notonly In local politico but In the politics of theState and nation-

Congressmen Senators Assemblymen andAldermen were mad aod unmade by the StableGang and the receptions which It gave occa-sionally


In thu stable office were always at-


b1politicians from all parts of tbe Statewho were fortunate enough to reoolvo Invita-tions


Among those whom the surviving mem-bers


of the Stable lane feel happy in lookingback upon ablnl been their guest was tholato Judge Follcr When bo was with themtwelve conspicuous Senators participated In thefestivities The aualltlei that wore requisiteto make a man a congenial member thei3table Olnl brought Into prominence manyperrons but for its Influence mighhaveremained unhonorml nnd thehumbler walks nf life Tbo ranks of these oldschool politicians who once ruled thinKS frontthoir ciunrtniA In Butts stable uro sadlythinned and tho death yesterday of niPolIcoJustice John Scott romouH one of tIme oldestand most wldnly known of their number

Like many of tIle politicians of thnt dayJohn Scott began his earner Ho-sprvoil 181 Iremllhis tune with old 10 waxn butcher by trade anil was for yearsfoinmnnof thu famous uack tag outiabitelmnuont-of Johl M Smith iV Co tCanal anil KMrklc

He wns born time cult Tcuith wardon Mnroh 11H21 mid nOIr lived olxnwliarnWlmouu Twond cumo Intu power In New York be-appointod John Scott to Iho bund of time supplyilnpartmont In time Donnrtmont f 1ulilloWorks In ISfiS ho was elected a Pollcu Jtiatic Ia position ho hold until the Jmtlfm whowere elctet thlit year mole 111111 out ofoflloe In 1S71 Ho was nHall hut ulnc turned out ot tho or anin-tlon with others when John Kelly bociimo timelondornf Tnmmiiny bo nover aftorwnrd took

active purl In politicsonT nt Hccuniuliitail a oompotoiico JtnlcoScott liviM a Illo of onso nnd lolnurn ulIII I hisdpiUh Hi win chlll1 nnd n hiswUo1 Iltllllnlolollln 1 75

Scott made ht In thefamily of Ills friend Ed IIIht nt 21 KlilrliluoStreet 1 locality ho Pint It In hlheart leave Ho spent much of his time nthe old ntiiblu quarters with survivor of timeonco tioworfuluitni

For years indite Scott humid boon a great putiTrorwith the HHthmn Decently his friends noticedthat ho was suffering morn thnn usual Hncould broathn only with great dlnlctilty lieooulllslrellllalk Un Monday George Hull

who examined Jtulgt 8cutanti told him ho must bo caredonce At the JUILIS own reijunst litwas taken to tho Now York HospitalHo was placod thorn nt 12 oclock onMonday by Oeorgo Dull anti oxAlderman-Jhurlos Hull In time evening Henry Dungsan old friend nf time JudgnV culled to Sr himThe iluilen said Hullo Bangs old I andloon aflnrwaril foi asleep Thoso wore the

words hn At midnight twelvehours after entering hospital hn wit found11to ba deed There no one with him whenho diedl Dentil was duo to plourlsy tout on af ¬

batten of tho heartJudge Kcott wit Ir member of the old Am dus CIt ii rut1 far advanced L r rn A

eiDer wns found In till room ttfur hii dealh Inhis handwriting requestingI IIhltlo bo hurledwith Masonic ceremonies wornremoved from the hospitalI to UndertakerStoltsn In the flowery They will be InterredIn tho lot of hil lifelong friend oxAldermanDavid Miller Cypress Hills Cemetery by theBldn nf hl wlfo us soon at iiis two sisters nndbrothers who live out of town can roachlimo etty During the term that Judgn Kcott 00etiplod time bench ho was hover absent ono tInyfrom the court rOll Ills manner was brusiiuoanti emphatic decisions were marked byriiro good sense ami ho seldom nrred in judg-ment


Hoclnlly ho WAS hearty antI genialI liewas a lpractical sportsman his special delightbeing time rod Until a low yetrs past ho an-nually


visited thn streams and lakes of 1lkocounty whore his blunt rind hearty mannerwas highly nppreeliuod Hla recltaUof exporlnncos while on Ills like county excursionswere greatly enjoyed by tile associates

Once he wns taken by Kd Cahlll to a troutstream and as the Judge related It was orton the nlrenm with the solemn assurance thatthen was no way to get away from It except toclimb an almost perpendicular mountain UOOfeet high AH his asthma mude It n matter otno little dinictilty to walk up a flight otstairs oxen the prospect of ascend-ing


the hill was nucli that hn rogretlednot having mado his will before ho lefthomo Vnlle hu was nonderlng ovor theRulijeot a native flshonnnti nanm plungingalong down the stream lIe told ttlmt

Inn JUIIIlOIt was easy to get away from tho creek for

all ho Imd to du was to work his way up It fivemile where tile banks wore low enough forhim to climb thnpi Tho Judgo struggled near-ly


to the heal of tho stream and got omit onlyto learn that If he had walked down stream nhundred yards from tho stoop hill ho couldhave stopped out on tho road ID Mllford

At another Urn the Judge said ho heard of aman who luau u sure and simple euro for thoasthma Ho rode seventeen miles over a barkroad to see time man Whim ho reached hiscabin he was nearly dead The man laid theJudgo tho cure was infallible for Uncle JonasAll loy had used It two years before and hadnever had a touch ot tile asthma since al-though


he had suffered with It more thanthirty years The Juilcos anxiety tQl learnwhat tho remedy was was chnngud to disgustwhen ho learned that Uncle Jonas had curedhis asthma by cutting his throat

A favorite story of tIme Judgen was about timepickerel pond hn llfhed in out in 1lko countywhere ho caught twentyseven plcknrol IInuplaced them in n box lying In the water at thoedge of the pond When ho canto to cot thellsh there wnr none In Ihe box Thero was ahnln In the Hide of thin box however out ofwhich tho INh had escaped back In tbo PondThorn wan hut ono pIckerel In the pond hefound out Thnt ono ho had caught twentyeon limes This pond was near time ono hellshed In whore the pickerel were HO small thattime live minnows be hail on his hook swal ¬

lowed nino of thorn before ho know what theywore up to

The A O II Not IIn 1nllllraTime mooting of the Anclont Order of Hiber-


rC the Htate of New York which wa liell Ilaat-

llUhl at Kiiimit Hall U3J Wait Thirtieth street H aa wellatteniltd National Delegate olan conifratulatail theorder upon It jiroipfiroiu coaJitfon antl upon the har-

ninnv which prevailed atnniifr UM incintivra Ilo conrtriiinril the action nf crrlaln inalcontrnta nf the orilcrInilalilillnitiii politic thla fall nnil UiIaril that theorder Khotilil not In nuy loan nor IInierftn lu tie politicalcatapaltfti ir Suture In It la any way ami Ilust mite reriotymull nut Ilie rated h > unv toe limn In ttie United HtattnThe aildreiM of Itue iintlonal iltlrffitp nniappinuileit andhluhly apiirovrd tlv tthe htnte itflfiiHtlon uhu conlUiillici Mrt IHenry V Kherfilatl nmlI nllur exolllciTJ ofIhe order fur htivlnir without aiithnrlty intntloiifil theorder aa belief In nny way Intereitfil In IolltH

Irlaa ItepubllrnniCINCINNATI Bopt 30Tho National Conven-


of thus Irlah American Republican Jeaitua aa4emtlrdhere this afternoon Over moilelptfatca were reprcirnt-ej Th Convention was called tu order In the LookoutIlouie by A L Murrlion nf New Meslco lie said thiswas a ConventionI nf Irishl clttrene opposed Ic the eleo-tlnn of Irovir Ilcreland They hat met for the imrpose of umir every snort In their rtou ci to elect Hlalnaand Loon atnl to pull them lvca on record IrrevocablyaaaliiM th Hrltlah heresy of tree trade

toniinltteeii were appointed nn Hnaaneni nrAntalion Iteiolutlnni ant on I he lleceitlon of Mr IllalneHie Cnntni tee 0ni Permanent I lrgnuizeu tutu haa elrtfdA L Morrliim for Ce ruu sueut I luelruuuuuui ant JJiimhanh

for Hecr tary 1 tie Convention adjourtied until to-morrow

Iellllrsi NIII

The County Democracy hold primaries In thoseveral lecllon dldrkt list hlifht ard elected delegatea to their Count I Conirreiii lad AnieinLlyI Coiiventlona coil Convention for the nomination nf AU rmii-Th County Ioiutatlnn will ho held i n Oct n

Ihe Kepahllian of Uarrrn county iiiv York havelioilllnattd IL H Locke of Potlerolllu for Ihu AiiemlilyI

Hlmeon H llawalna was nominated for inmntier of the-Atarmbly yetrday hy the Suffolk county Mebubiluftus

1 he IDcuifcrat of liroume county nominated Judue UN LoomIs for member of Auembly yesterday

Thus HnnarlTanla Ureeiiback Htate Convention atBelle font y trdav nominated N U AtwOod ot Venaniu-oountr a ronitreMinan lire The question of fusIonwu dlacuiaed last eveiilnr but was not settled


Fault rusl with Uuy VlewelAIhtpi JUptndtut us Tried FUeLAbout a hundred pilots from Ml part of

tho country held the first Conference of Pilots-of tho American Coast yesterday In the Metro-politan


Jlotol Cftpt John Taylor of thiscitys pilot service presided Capt Harblnsonof tho Sand Hook pilots made an addressOf Qov Clevelands action In signing tho feereducing measure ho said

Jov CUieland came to Ihe eoncluilon that the pilotsof this port ought to receive no hlhsr wages thin thepilots of any foreign ports tie did not seem to cars abit whether the condition of the two countries were orwere not the labs If our earning are totiemeaiaredby ttuoas receIved In Liverpool Bristol or other KnitlliliI

pone then the Governor may at well apply this processof reasoning end lay thatl tha worklncmen of this coun-try enirafed In any industry ouiht to receive Jlull thesales ai worklntuien eniaced In UnillarI occupationsEurope This Ila what lbs Governor plainly sys endwhat we have got to lace Nut thIsI la a Mud of doctrinewhich we aa American oltliena wilt not awallow Ialand upon the broad plan of cltlfenahln Republicanand Domocrat alike shudder at lOch adoctrlne eventhough It cornea from K gentleman holding the hlgneatoffice In the State

Capt Pim n ruddy man of stalwart buildpointed out tho danger that lay In the presentstile of long narrow RrltlAU oooan steamers

They aro mere marino cofllns ho said Ifanything were to strike them nmldohlps Itwould bo thoir total destruction within thespace of a few minutes Iis no wonder pas-sengers


complain of rough weather But therough weather Is often mythical Its roughbecause the long gasplpe structure of steamerrests on three waves at once instead of ridingthem eitally as the oldfashioned model

The American pilots cheered Capt Mm andafter Pilot Commissioner Iarker of New Jorsoypoke unanimously lpassed these resolutions-

That the abolition of cnmpttlaory pltutafeI outd mealfold the danger and risks Intvllaule uponi the AmericanI

coast lineThat the rest airvlcraof the pllnta to their country

deserve grateful recoKiilllon ant Ihal at leaai Just andproper rompanaatlon should Ihe paid If lefftalatora cuececd InilcttroylnvI cotnptiliory pimutagoluu oilier wordthe pllotaru service itself

That city effort to rexuicltate end coumuolilate theAm rloan mercantile InsOle muit Ie futile ihe mainstep nt thatI marlnii time pllotan aertlne Iis abolished

Tint a Lumtnlttea Iis lierebv forinod for theI purpoao offriitrMintf any overt actn alnt the employment and

livelihood uf tlie pilot of Ihe Unite States

Kxavsiu ON ATottmacsT DAY

The l loclo on the observance of thatIlallditj by hebrew tklldren

Mr 11 Lrnnklln Secretary of tho mootingof hebrew ontlel1lon hold at tho houuo of MrMoyor 123 Kiixt Eluhtyllfth street on Katurday where thn fooling expressed againstllabbla Kohlor Ootthcll and Huolwch for dodaring IItlnwful for Jnwlnh oblUlron to attendschool on tIme Day of Atonement was said to bebitter wan soon by n reporter yesterday at hisofllce 32 Liberty street Wo had a gloriousmeeting anti Kablil Wipe has settled time ouoslion as to who knows tha lawn lint we havealready be tin to obtaIn tho opinions of lend-ing


European rabble rroniincnl ChrlKtlnndivine In this country will nlso bo consultedas to what they think of the fitiPBtloa as Ameri-can


cltlenH Irnctleally Ilrowno lies carriedhis point nlrandy for seeing tho treat com-motion

¬among tho Town time school authorllloB

i told Jewish chlldion on Friday thnt thoy wouldbe exiMUHd on Monday I huulieivo nib Jews will

I voteforf the candldntn for Mayor will promises10 no ino JUWIRII oiiiniron justice i iiave noontold that Aldermnn Irnnt has already writtento Hnhbl Ilrowno that ho sympathize with theclaim of time Jewish children and lledflnihimself it elected to appoint such School Com

I mlHsloiierH as willI do justice to all citizensalike without regard to religious dIstinctIon

tllltltOTKJIS Iff FlllHT AlEXUK-

Iiilin IIne Walsh nrcotrrrd an Hourtiter lie wn Koblird nr II

John Russell of 317 rut Thirtieth streetcilod Police rind Stop thief at Twentysixth street nnd First avenue at 1 oclock yes-terday morning Policeman Doyle found himlying on his back sufrnrlnir from a ohoklng

J0j 1 routed IJIIH tills rrlnnUI endroljb dsald Hussell Two men jumped onmo anti choked mo and cnrrlnd oft my moneyniidwateli Thcytlimwino down anti cit ekedme nlmodt to death Imvo no Idea who theyworn

Ooiln helped the man homo and got n de-scription


of hisI natch ICUKholl Paid tho wit ItllImd his Initials nn It An hour litter an I > nyloapproached the earner of Twentyfourth streetanti First ineinui a mnn who was slnndlntIhere run away Ioyle chnsnd him antI captuned 1atrlck Co tello of 142 Molt street andon ueneral principles took him to tho Twonty-sucond street slation IIOUHH us a auspiciouspornon Hero he wn nenrciiod anti HuHsnUswatch wuus found In hln pocket with part of tImechain The prisoner was remanded yesterdayat tho Yotkvlllo Court


The Cohen and the NIlTrretone In IMloked-Ilitllle Uvcr it Nulllnry Cuetoiner

Tho Cohens and tho Sllvoratones of Baxterstreet had ono of thoir food battles yesterdayTheir clothing stores are eldo by side JacobYoung a ropor in for Cohen was talking n cus-tomer


Into making a purchase at Cohens whonyoung MUs SIIvorMono Interfered It Is nl-

loLcd tlmt Young struck Miss Sllvorstono Thocustomer got away front both ol them un-hurt


Jllas Hllverstonn told Young whatshe thought about him Her brothurLouis Hllvurstonn soul Harris Cohen jolnod inVltiii sos Ray that about half n dozen mom ¬

bers ot inch family appeared with statj Intheir hands and began n battle Louis SilverHtoneltot Hovoral scalp won nils on the hondharris Cohen got a scratch on thn nock Ho-aavs old Mr Sllveratonu nlawed him

When tho light was over both sides startedon n dead run for the Tombs 1ollco Court tomnKa complaintH Justice White toldl themthat If thoy would make counter complaintsagainst cinch other ho would bind thorn all ovorto keep tho pence for a year They Roratchedtheir bondsl anil Wont away without puttinghim to that trouble

NnOVilk County ntnlnntlonThe liopubllcnna of Suffolk county hold their

convention at the Court Home In till lllagetuli after-noon Kx Assemblyman Carpenter if Sag Harbor IreaidedI J Henry Ierklnananunanlmoualy renouilnateilfor County Treaurtr Aiienibl > man hlwkhus was alror-cnomlnatcKl for AMcmMy hy acclamation wllmot NSmIth or Iatchonue wa nominated for Dlttrlct Attor-ney Thin county ticket wan completed t > Ihe iinmlna-llnmnr Dr K II Hklnnrr Lawrence H Edward slidEdgar IP Mllna for Coroner and the KrvJohnJ llnrrise of har Harbor evil 1rnr Klrhard M llaj lee of Middin iInland fur School CnminliloniT

The main Inlerrit centred In the selection nf twrliodelFiateiI to rcpreaent the ooumt III time Kirn digressUlilriut Conventiiin 8enutor ill head I time delegationHilerted slut amonir the delegate tics A It Carpenter ofNuiitlilininpton AMemtilunan hi aw tins and Dr JaIII Mauliey of l11111 1h uleluguiteu are a milt fur HenryJ hcaMcr of Niirthport who represented thin districtIn toii roau atioul eight ears ago

NpeuklUK fur tke IropneaioUnS-YIUCUBK Sept 30t a larco mooting hold

In the armory tOil evening to pruteat against this aelznro-ot Ihe properly of this Iropanailda lluy the Italian nOTtrnnifiiit Justice Kennedy of this Supreme Court prodIet ItetnlutlonI were adopted protesting aRniiial thustyrannicalI I conduct ol the IItalian lint eminent drclarlnirI bus property ot Ithe 1rnpaRanda to lie of an InUrimtlon-al rliaructor aol ralllni on the tjo ernment of limoUnited lii miles to tttke NC lion in tim matter rime renolulion Mill Ion forwarded to Ireildent Arthur and theAmeHran Minuter In Italy All stales ot religiousoplalon n ere repreienteil the mcellnir

Delaware IleiiubllcnnaDevout Sept 3iThe Republican Stato

unentloa waa hold hero today The platform de-

clare nomination ot Phallus In he the result of aapontaneoua demand uf the party declares Ihe ratifica-tion of Increated rrprenontallon amenrlment to theKtate CnnitltutlimI aa unjust IllualnnarvI sod ml-clutet out fluid favora rtMilIngl the StIle Intnt xenatorlaland ICepreentatlvedlatrku Iii request of IIho IVia-perance Alliance rommltleo for the Introduction of alieu option plank wa rejectedJ Uv time rnmmltito onKeaoliitlnn Anthony Hltlna of New Julio ut a nommatch fur CoiigreM

For llutler nnd Ilmk J GinnlTho Worklncmops League ot tho Nineteenth

Auemblydlitrlct hoot nUlit met at Fiftyfourth streetslut KlKhth avenue ant by a unanlmoii vote chaniTMlill nanin to tic IVnple parlyI of Hint dlalrlct emloraeilthe nomination of llmjamlaj K Ii UI

Iher fir 1reMdint r cudratified nomination of HughJ maui fur Me or

Iongre JVomlnnllonKenny O Durlolgh Republican Eighteenth

ilUtrlcl New YorkK II llaydeii Republican Fifth ilUlrlclMaachuottaN-elaon Ildcock Democrat Fourth dIstrict New JeraeyJam u Undiley Republican bevcuteeuth district

New YorkWalter Hhtrwood Democrat Sixteenth dlttrlo Penn




tutu Dtmhi tbs hat was Dremk mmt IotklnaTfor rightBeen BMS Ne Deal KlllleMf

lea but > a tkat he Had le de II-

Ilobort Carman tho bartoudor who washot on Monday night In Patterson saloon209 Seventh avenue died at 090 oclock yes-terday morning in St Vincent lloipltal Thefatal bullot struck him In the right side of thenook just above the collar born and passingdownward to the left pierced the windpipe andthe apex of the loft lung fractured a rib andgoing through tho lheft shoulder blade lodgedunder the skin of the shoulder Carman didnot regain consciousness aftor ho was shotlIe was strangling when ho wa broughtto the hospital and to relieve him tho surgoonminserted a tube In his windpipe to enable him-to breathe at the throat The wound made bythis operation was afterward mistaken for abullot wound and this gave rise to the beliefthat throe shots had boon fired in the barroomOne bullot was found In the show window ofthe saloon having fallen thero after flatteningitself against an Iron pillar

David Uegnun who shot Carman Will takenfrom the Thirtieth street poll3 station to Jef-ferson

¬Market by Policeman Adams yesterday

morning lie la n tall man with an openplaant tao and was neatly dressed Justice Pattorson remanded him until the proper oartlfl-oaUs of Carmans death could be produced lat-he afternoon Degnanwai again arraignedand was committed the charge of the Cor ¬otters lie wan put In one of the tier cells ofthe Jefferson Market prison

Coroner Levy made an Investigation of theclrcunmancas of the killing Tho principalwitnesses tire James Patterson tho saloonkeeper Johnson n bootblack K E ThorneJames Tracy anti James Crawson whowore in time saloon when tho trouble betan or during the shooting Their storiesvary vory nllclitlj Ati ut H oclock that even-ing Cirnim wits In Marnti saloon at 2GGEighth ayonuo Ho was partly drunk andflourished a revolver around so caolotsly thatPoler Bryce took It away from him and gave Uto tholmrtondor for MrO kepplng AUorawhllu-Carman porsnadad thabartondortocivelt back-to him und then with Crawxon ho walkout ovarto Pattorcons snloon They found JamesTracy sitting outside and invited him In toilrlnk AH thoy worn drinking Johnson tImcolored bootblack onmo up mill nskod If theywanted n cubit Curman culTpil him over thohead and picking him up throw him hewn ontho floor CniWHon romonntruted with himanti Cnrmnn streak Crnwnnn n violent blow Intho loft eye JJnunnn was sitting In hue saloonand saw this Ho wont ovor to Carmnn whomhn know well nnd said Bobby why cantyou behave yourself

Carman replied with very foul language rindflowing lcnan by tho callor butte him withhis humid The two struggled up and down theroom Douimn holdlncon to Carmans breastAs thoy got near the side ontrnnro Carmanwho hud boon fumblIng around his hip pocketsuddenly drow hula pistol Liugnan seized ItwnBlod It away from him and two shots waretired in quick uuccnnalon It IB possible thatthn first shot was rlro1 when both mon hadholliof the pistol and that thin was tho bullotllmt flow wldo of the mark Thn oIlier was bet¬

tor aimed nnd Carman fell to the loot Justat that moment Pollcotnan Ailnms canto In Iudsaw lIe nan mill pointing tho pistol at Car ¬

man Dcgnnn gave time pistol to Adams sayhIll I ulvi nivsflir up I shot tho man insolfdofnnco-

Dounan nt first said that Cnrman fired timefirst bhot but vobtnrday ho said I dontknow whuthor I np il both shots or not WhenIma drew the pistol I knew It wan life or doiithI knew that hn mount to kill mo and I natural ¬ly tried to protect myself

Dcenan was nskcif K ho know oxPolicomnnand lliink Durglar Nngont for whom Carmanformerly peirkod amid who ones Hhot Rnrmnn-

cgnnn nalil ho did not know Kuuout and hatElunver boon in his uilrnmm

DeitnnnB story tallied with that of tho eye-witnesses He has a brother on tho police forceunit wa novar in trntiblo baforo

Tim tiollet mIni senna of Oirmiins friends saythat ho wns hnttrmpctid iful tiry quick tolien a pistol Vim wilnssns till nirroo llmt Carluiin was itniuir tutu nlliu nco of ImInor when hoentered thn saloon CniHBon loft tho saloonbefore tIme shooting

Dnpiity Coroner Donlln mnda nil autopsy onthotiody of Carman In time nftoi noon amid tracedi tmtt course of the bnllnt OH dohorlbod TheCounuiers jury vlnnod tho oody and will holdtho inquest tomorrowmoriiint


Terms Klnnlly KuliinlltrU by the Olkcr M m-

lirr sir ule CklniBa iuolAt nn adjouriKvl mcftlnn of the cxocutivo

officers amid connral managers of tho trunk limorailroads hold nt the ofllco of CommissionerFink yesterday nil of hue roads wore repre-sented


except the Urnnd Trunk Tho principalquestion at ISHIIO Is thin percentage of theUrnnd Trunk In thnonKtboiiml tumlnt Chicago

The eompaniuue lccidd yuMtordny to niibinitto a now arbitration In Itlin nun ton of perrnniages and also to Iciivo time elate upon whichthnlr iloclslon should hocvinn opcrntlvo to thearbitrators But thoy Insisted thatBettliunontsshould ho made to datn anti nt once upon thobasis of tutu original arbitration subject topitch revisions and nindjiiHtmciiti us may be-come


noijoHsnry by the rulings of tho now arbi-trators


This deolKlon wan tolographod to theGrand Trunk Should It accept thoso condi ¬

tions a restoration to Hchodulo rates on castbound freight will follow The ImproBnlon-nmona railroad managers last night was thatthe prouorod compromise would bo accented

ObItuaryCharles ModcaUo whoso sudden death nt-

th age of Oil VH9 reported yesterday to tho rroduce-K > chanK was 23 years a number lie w > i In lime pro

lilontradf hut recently illil lie Irnduc Kxchance1-liutlnrii fur hue lnnilnii slid ncslilrv tire InriirniiorCuniptny lie was Loon In linKllnnrr mill we grantsKlcil nt Alexandra College il Mtlir was a wellShown lawjer cud Clerk of hue Mipreine Iourt ofMaryhanutr irndlu A Wnrlfnilykf 1reldrnl of the Wnrl ndyk hllk ManfacturliiK Coiniiany and the Mlintlcr of

the village ut Worlniljkcon tile New Jersey HlillainlRailroad a of tlrnUkU on Monday eieninir at tImerrijdoncn of IH linilhrr llaMd A Vtnrteml kf utJl WealMnttefiitli street In IihlicitjI HoI wn at onullnie tImeITiMcut nr thr Mllluiil Kjiilroixil Onmimny IllI e waborn In IMJO Hu leave thrro KrowiMip rhllilren Theruneral will Im from II reililtnce In WorliuJj at l3oclooK to morrow afternoon

Deadlock In n WinventlnnI-

UTAVIA Sept l0Tlio Itcpubllcuns of thoThirty flrft Conitrei lcjn l district are holding tlivlr ConTcnllnn to day Kucliot the four cuuntlf > of the districtIIIH ncandidate lhlnriton i re > fin Janin W WiuUworth the prpf tut tnemMr OenepB putt forwiml Viiiit Wuiuooiu wlu wni defeated IMO > i>n nun liy ColtilMiii owl lug In a ill vhs art liilt Wyonilnu iinliimWilcnltJ 1 IIliuiiiilirtrI nnd Orlenn p rees flue Hn w> er T cntiictdi lnllnli Teem tnkfii up to ii oclockThis ovrnlnir inrh candlilate rereUIni ilitetn rutmevery time The Oinpiitlon then adjourned until tomorrow Amoiite Ibis ilelrirntti aru llfutlov lionKtni Kenatnr Illtn suit all thn exm4cuuntor ant cxAIeuuiiily mile a from thu louiltlm fur yearn pant I tinIthounht time lonveiitii Mill lad l through time week

rwxlenlera In CnnvvnllonTime first nnnunl Convention of the News

dealers if the United Blulei a a hell lerday In CUrendon Hall Nineteen Stnlei were rcpreiented and limonumber of ilolcuntei gircicnt woe nlnei Forty werefrom thll city 1 he mretlUK Wit rullcrt to order nt 11 AM hr V if KujLcnlall Treldent nf thn IlinoklynNewMfnltm1 tnlon O W rlber of rhlladelphla wasuncle rhalnnnn nml iporite K Uohf rteili nf Sew YorkJohn KIllK of Ihlailellihln and Mlllam Ilunrahaii ofProvidence Heorciuries limo icailiin Mai lirlvatr amidwa lrlnclpally devoted to dlicui ltiii the nritanl atlon-pfaNewidealera National Union Aiinihur icnluu willbe lucId to duty

A 81OOOOO lire ail Natronn-PnNrroyA Sept 80The Pennsylvania

Salt Hanufactiirinir Coininnyi acid manufactory herewai dsunauiul by tire to the silent of JIDOooo thin morn-Ing Thus company li i properly here valued at EcEUo <

ant makes all klnili ot soils cart onale > lulldiutea orcola and oil of vitriol TIle nr atarled In the vitrioldepartment nnil tie hiillillng rni fret lomr was eutlrelyIleitroycd The liulldlnn wee fully insured

lintlnfaa llcvcraeeMitchell fc Scrucus dealers In agricultural

ImrlimeiiK at Uallai hate faJed The ao U are nailmated atfJiKino Tlie Onto hop a to resume ahorllyAnetienitvv line of country credit la the cause nf theemliarraMment-

W It Allfii A Co phtinheriifiiiti FrancUco have toadan aMlirnmeiit w Ith liatillltuaot 54411051

John Uiiluo Adam for tancrcaaH-OHTON Stipt 81Tluo Hooond district Doino-

rrati at Julncy tn tiny nomlnditmt JotmUuluor Ailainifur Uoiinreie


A Dicta r rrho rrtftrrtflO-ratTO

Rsi pyClaCkkhii AgalUrt Ulam

SYRACuSE Sept 30Dr Abram Babcocka middleaged physician who has practised lathis city for many years was arrested yester-day


under an Indictment accusing him ot hav-ing


caused the death of Mr Martha Clarkot Uazonovlix by malpractice He WM placedunder 15000 ball on that charge and wa4 tohave appeared at Cazenovla title morning forexamination A special report was made bythe Grand Jury In order to make It certain thattOo Doctor would bo hold to answer

At 7 oclock this morning time jailer found theDoctor unconscious on the cot In his cellPhysicians were summoned and It was foundthat ho had taken morphine As the Indica-tions


were that he would die an order was insued for his removal to his homo This ovenIng his condition was somewhat Improved andit was believed that he would recover

Mrs Clark was a very respectable youngmarried woman and the testimony In the casewhich Includes her confession and the state-ment


ot her husband ls very strong Dr flabcook has beeu arrested three times within ayear on charges ot fatal malpractice In thecase ot a country girl named Cite he was triedand acquitted He Is at present under an In-dictment


charging that hn caused the death ofHannah Nlpo of Little Falls His family assertthat he has been lit the habit of taking mor-phine


and that In this instance It was nottaken with suicidal Intent


Mr Mclnljrrea Ncclccl of his With aiaid kl-AtlcaUlama to His llaleklaienD-

oflTON Sopt 8OW F McIntyre whosoelopement with Miss Clara L Hutchlnson wasreported In a 8t Louis despatch to TUB SUNtoday Is wellknown In Maiden where homarried his present wife three years ago Heand Ns Hutchlnion wore brought up In Choisea where they attended school togetherMolntyres employers nt the Atlantic Workssay they Uncovered n deMclt of 700 In his cashaccounts about a month ago Ho made fullrestitution and was not prosecuted

On leaving his position two weeks ago hesaid ho had nocurod employment lu Minneapo-lis


ISis neglect ot his wife anti his attentionsto Miss Hutchlnaon have boon topics or corn ¬

mon talk nt Ocean Spray whero nil spent thosummon McIntyre and Miss Hutchlnson madetwo or three aulot Now Knglaud trips beforethe final elopement

These facts wore broadly hinted to Mrs SicIntyro but who refused to bolluvn anythingwrong of hor huebimd until his arrest

Miss HutchinBon Is lie daughter of the lateWilliam llutchlnson Cholxea Hbo Is In goodcircumstances and usa always moved In thobest society of her native city Slio Shut Momtyro went together to tho Maverick Bank theday ot their denarturo and she procured a

1000 draft on Ht Louis


He tula kle Tkraatt on the Curs and kenJnmpa from the Train

FoitT WAYNE Ind Sept JOOoo A Wiltof the firm of A Wilt A Son lumber morchants of Philadelphia and a member oftim Philadelphia Hoard ol Trade coinmiLled suicide today wnllo on route fromPhiladelphia to Muskegon Mich on the limit-ed

¬express on the 1emiBylviuila Itnllroad When

hear Lima U hn steniioil to tIle roar of therlceplng car lu Witch he was riding cut histhroat from oar to oar and jumped from tiletrain whloli wns running nt a high rate ofspited Ho died nlmoat instantly Ills wifewho was on hoard of the train dyes no causefor limo act rIme sleepingcar ofllcers say thatMr Silt appeared to bo quito deapondont for unumber ot hours previously

Flr non lroatrned by floeLOWELL Bopt 30Late last evening coal gas

waadlacoverud lanulng from the ntnrehouHeof thus la tiulton Manuf actiirlntr Company Tire haul got under way onthe drat noor where 3 1541 ions of coal w trr stored Therlntendrnt and two of hi aaitnnta were overcoi-by thus litnivM neil hecnmo unconfcloux limiT hnd ti Iiremoved from the ImUdlniranil Were reled onlv aftercoimlileralilo effort The upper part ef Iho bundling lisfilled with manufactured irooiln valued at tVMMJiiiioperked In ntixrit The Urn wa conflnrd lo thus oal Thiseffrctriof tho gas upon the flremrn leers terribli Hnmotouch of them brtnif protrntril und reijulrlnir inrilkttlattendance At 12 I A M nn exphmlnn of uric tookplace by whlitiI nrrman lulin jiilnlima leg WUK iiruUenTime races of limo lire Ha fpnntnnfoUHrombupUon

laie Outromr of n TrnirrdyWuirxwa Sept 80The steamboats Sclota

and Ix mna iollldisd In ihe Ohio Itlver on July I IXHand eUhly lives were loll Suits for damage havo beenIn the courts over 010cc The two boats wers owned bytie Wheeling and Inrkerphurtf Transpnrlntlon OonjLi amAfter the ncridunt thin nameHof Iii boat ni re cliHiivedbut III mick tin followed thrill soul heir ownrra everSluice Today Hannibal Forties llnlled Mate Comnilloner Ilitielleil the Dlurnnl lte U Ian uad Courier nilfine sitonn hocI heals ouiuil b > this ciunpany nnil thuwill wind Ui liii affalm TIle vnrlou suite tirouitht-julnit the iiinuiny segregate lisJetu one of thecomiinny hilome hues bean rntenccd tu three yinra Inthe Kiiltentmrj and snottIer with anverat olllaerii oreundirlnUlutnunt

IxtJnv IlrndrlcU lu J <iuletIlle-sMiin Sept 30 Thoueh it has rained

all dar eteli lve prvpnratlona were made fur this re-oeptlon of exdov li it lrlck who cornea us time BUeat ofHIP Hoiithern KnpoBltion The city was full of visitorsfrom the nelitliborliu Matna slid win hand omelv ilucoruled for the occatlon Mr IKndrlcla arrivedInI tIleafternoon from Indlaimpolla and WHH met by Hie Kxpo-eltlon Commuter A Urge rrovrd trathcrrd at tIle depothid liitened to Mr Hlnuma uuitdrces of welcome Mrllendrlck r illfil brlilly tbunkiiiK the people for theirkind reception slid wits ii risu tn the Iolllm ills HotelfnlloHeil by a mrS crun ii In thus afternoun a reception wa lucid at the hotel

Iiidletlna nn IMIIor ftor AnonFOXDA Sept 30J F W lltittenbor formerl-y


editor aunt iirojirielor of the tIoPuutI riiltev lH nr crattwas today Indicted by the Crmuut Jury for arson In thethird degree In nrlnz hue Psmoirel rfflrn He n aa ar-ralRned in court pleaded not guilty and was release In-3UII5 Ball J I Chandler t ho raja he wan hired b-


to One Ithe biilldliitf win ulno hih ii end Thetrial lis act fur February Seine people IhlnL liultenhcrU Inaaiio

Two Ilroiker KllledTa clker-roTTHTME Sept 30 Abraham and Daniel

Illnktl wtnt Into their brcaatu at 1ackor No 8 uolllcry-on lout Creek today with naked lamp A large Ijody-of lulphnr hail collected In tthe lireatt and was C rl tytile hitlute A tern ime rXhhtolOtI fullowtil llotli lircHiera were blown a cruSt illntnnre down ilud hroaat andluiitnntl Killeil They were inarrivd and heave largefamllu

Mr Irvlnir toad Ilaa ferryQurtiKC Sept 30Mr Henry Irving nnd-

Ml IIIiMi Terry nnd tho Mccmn Theatre companyappeared here to 11mm lit III Mtrclianl of nlco andtheir leciplien waa thp grimIest ilrr nrcordtil ftliv i oiiipuny III thin city Ilviry eut IIn the liuuio us an taken5u tiring 114111 hut ciii lliitkncu for a seat bou gut trollanotlur purclianer

Lost tn Htakt In MontrealMONTREAL Sept 30Il W liliots son of a

wealth and eminent tnirineir of Limduu su lu n arrhed-JatUI cityt from Kmrland In th latter part of Juno hu its

hire ii ieslmur chic Auug IH IHIDI frlnidi um lu umiit illI i

tress over hla ilii Hpiieurance unit hac pluccU tho mut-ter In tile hiitiua el thus police

Inratlrd by n Hlateir nf MercyF3yutcuvuic Sept 30 Slater Mnry A nn of Mercy

lloipltal Chicago han arrlt id In thl city In acarcli nf aynunt unman of Inllmaa III who eloped from a con-vent In ChlraviiKithI a mnn whom sue aata Him iu utetraced to this city hh duUlnce Itu give the iiaiui

JIunnlna vny nllli WUOOOO

LINCOLN Nob Soot 30 Danjamln F Cobba prominent young bualueaa man here haa disappearedafter rmlirzzllni fJouio Othtr crime Bro chargedaeilu him lher litu clue to hU nhercabouti HeUavea a young a Kb behind


Tne thermometer registered B5 In FetcmbnTtf Vn-yeateraay

The Duke nf Oam rnlire held a brllllaut review of thetrooa In Ituullu > olerday

The Providence Irtn luau hern soil to Z I White whowill take poafttfailnn to day

Mine Kltori will sail for till couutrr on Oct IS on afour uiontha pruftMluiial tour

The astronomer Talla In Vienna tins illicovered an aa-terold of the thlrUenth maKllltliite

The Vulcan Iron Work In Wllkeiljarre emiilot Inr < Uperson has reduced watt > ten per cent

A forrK lIre lii raKlnir alunir the Him of time Norfolk tOutWcMtern Itail rush in bin lddiv ecu Ill C S a

Clay and ocar nrlinKhmia lr thrra nunrr il il-

yeitrrdav In Madlion Ind Clay icuw a Knlto Slut cutOscar fatall

TIme earnbms itf Aim tltn tirUon for Sentemltrr oret112307 the uircndlturiil iaUl IT Ills nrurttaofAuburn btat prUoa nero 544

A numbrr of eminent men of irltnre have toiio toJohn llopklua Univeriit to attend Sir William Thornone lecture on molecular d > namiiaThe Kaathamitnti Pnptr Company of Maaachtiiietta-

bM failed and called a inectlnjr of creditor It waa In-corporated In April I3I with a capital of fjoijuu

Mary E Barrow suit Oscar K Elaney were yratardar-Mnuuoed to ii hanged In Alfred Me on the tnlnt Fri-day la Deeeinuer IKK for the murdtr of Tuomaa Bar-row the womaaa huataod


A tOBtfstDO BWBJtPtl jHTAT TUX MOttOF auoxao-


Killed lanat ttunr I Jnr 4TfclHr Mulllaujc E cll 4 d ToaalMteita Oleww ArMthe Stre lA Mos f nrr r

BBADPOBD Pa Sept 30Tho tornadowhich passed over this regIon last Bandaycrossed the Now York State flee and struckthe village ot Bhonico olicbt miles south o-

Wollsvlllo The little town Is today a scene ofdeath ruin desolation Two persona werekilled outright about twenty were badly In ¬

jured and thirty buildings In tho business parof tha town were destroyed

The tornado came from the southwest sodwas evidently In its height when it atruek-Bhoneo Those killed wore Mrs Edward Praflstud Willis Gardner A son of Dr J A Elliottwas ao terribly Injured that ho died MissAnna Lancaster Is not expected to live

Among the others Injured are Mr and HnEdgar Foot Dr A A Elliott wife and thnfchildren Austin Kemp Duane Kemp sadwife Edward Pratt husband ot the lady killedEdward Brundatre wife and two ahiidran Y

and Mrs Ass Qulnby of North Dlnehara 44The house and barns of IT H Itrundoge Cb

H Brundago Edward Brundaffe Anna Lancas-ter

lfiLeonard Higgins Willis Gardner J Wit If J

llama Dr A A Elliott Edgar Pest Homet °jBrook Austin Kemp the Hhonao school bousn-Ueorge Frozora blacksmith shop and J OleVl °

store and barn wcro totally wrecked Horsespigs cattle and uoultry were killed and or-chards


destroyedThe tornados belt was narrow and its dora ¬

tion only n moment or two but there was a brarifle rind destructive force wrapped up In ItAfter ploughing a narrow area of wraokanamong the forest trees over the hill to listsouthwest of tile doomed village the currsnlsettled down stud crossing the valley strttok itShongo more than two thirds ot which Is nowa ruin today

Mr Gardner and his daughter were alone iIc 4vtheir dwolllnir Gardner was instantly ktllsxibut the daughter miraculously escaped

Mr Edward Pratt lube wife rind dnughtolwore in tholr nouso Mrs Iratt was killed out Sright and the husband and daughter were se-verely


l> r A A Elliott Buffo rod time total loss of hllhomo ofllcti nnd burn anti hln horso vtun killedIJootor und Mrs Klllott wore both hurt and itheir throe children Lena nnd John and atinfant clillil woto severely Injured 4c

John Williams his wife and two chlldretmiraculously oRcapml nn did also the family olEdward lirunilacu whoso houBO was whirledacross the Street

Bo force twius the wind current that In Unbeautiful vlllniro cerantory onlytwo tombstonewore loft BTntidlnie nil tile rest being thrown L-itho ground and some wore oven carried out oltho cemetery across the street

Arlknr Ie lou MnnlarreArthur Lo Fon a French cook Is In tho Hut

eon county Jail iIn Jersey Cityon a charge of bigamy IATon who la a young man was married three years ageIn a young ludy at VtVj mouth Maai A year laterdeserted lila wife end went to Jersey City there h be>

rame acquainted with Mlaa Fannie X Oignod thldatiKhlrrnf an Kplicopallan mlnlater and married her

jhe iTrioy and Trie refusiiltoTiroItll himFon followed her from place to place anti so an

noSed her that she went before the ltumteoii 000515inonut Jury amid procumod alt iudictiuient of higsm-ysgaiut himui lielecllres StallIon oh Fuiley of JsraegCity fotund La Flfl iii 14iueton 01 Mondey anuS arresls4him He was taken toJeraey City yeaterdar

A Now First Avenue Arauienaeint 4Tho crowds of boys that lolterln First arenafrom Hunaton to Khjhteenth streets have Inventednewaniuieineut Timer call It cutting the dude setIt conIsle nf slashIng this clothing of any welldreiaej-ycuth who passes through the Street Neatly dreaaef-riiungiterH Kotnir to nr coining from rchnol go coualdarally out of their way rather than risk First avenue IIa niatlyclRd stranger ai roache > stud the crowd U-

trotiK enough they surround him and he escapee Witt-gaMiraand 51

alltacul In lila clotbea Kven glrlait Iis laudInitnliro in thus nport TIter ueei to tp a good dial olhliliw roblwrynnne by the IM ravabonja In rirej-niunuc ilull that seefls to hmeve giaeu place lo tho newt bkind or liooillumlimi

Cuhnian Mlk to be Ilurled T dlyThe body of William Silk who was the cat

man moat favored by nieinbert of the Union Club wx ciremoved from the room in which lie died at 2O5 Thirl-a > enup to nn nndertakera on Second avenue yesterdayniornlng letitity Coroner Conwai made time aulonvytout fimill prfr of time muriatic noli which HIUtaken in hula mumnch Thus funeral U In take place thkafternoon from time undertaker wareronm A nunsher of huts fellow cabmen viewed lime tidy vialerdaySllkwimn tlnelooklnv man of molluiil height with C

full rnunil face partially bald head and shunt blackctirh whiskers

JVftt Ml CarpenterThe woman who was found on Monday evenI-

ng In GhrUtonher end Hudson streets acting atrangelysuch wlioae general appearance nut dress correpond4with tlioi of Slier Sarah O Oarpenter who disappearfrom lirr home In Xrooklvn rrcenlly wa rccoirnlted Ilallellevuo lloipltal I elmli na Mr Weber of ll WealKortleth urevt Warden OKourke Sail that Mm Wibeihad btcn Hufferlnv from innlnrla and Ithat the iiiantlty-ofmilnine nhf had taken had tcniuorartlr affected heiliraln Hlie won taken liomc yesterday

VipIianm kIng Shouts IllraatlfWilliam King of Jamesport U I aged 85-

couiinittoii suicide on Monday evening He went to hUroom after aupper amid coon the report or n gun waslieard Time family found him lying on the floor deadHe nail tnken otr his Hhoea and atnckliifte amn hayingplaced thr muzlenf his breccliloader to hla left breast mLJlulled ho trigger with lube toe lieu charge of eliot peas>leg ttnuuucl lime heart causing ln lrut death Ko cause lha assigued a

Mr Ilnrrne Drenched 4Mr Margaret A Ilarona while passing un

uler tile Hwnlim In unit of DmMT Itochea alooa oa-1iilton street RrnoVhn In July wse drenched by tkqfuillnir of watfr 0 Inch liutl collrcted and wa dlli>dre4with a pole liy one of Mr Kncliea aplojcea Mr lla-rennaiiDil

> Afor 2um aud hun furnlihed thla bill of psycho

ulam HOIIIH I ia ilria H globe fJi medicine STlloft of tome from bulueaa IAi bodily lain and aufief tUK

Indicted for Kllllaa kla IllotherThe Grand Jury found an Indictment for 4

murder In the tecotil d Kree yesterday against JulluMart for the kllllniror hla brother Michael They werehrotlirr ami Itohh rndern nnd Michael was atabbad la a CdrnnlwiMi iiunrrrl with no e iilfuce at alt tn no nn aatashin iuu1 itoni tile Hiahhlntr The Coroner Jury found etlmt liu hind slatted liliuolf

Ilntickfue llrllirrr HcandalAt n moitinuor time Hoboken Common Coun-

cil¬ 4

I last Illxlll hue committee appointed lo InveMltfate lbschariren fit alkaiil hrilierv In rmmertion with Hie grantInol n frniirhi n H ilmtrlct telrvraph roinpuiy rlint eI Hint t tue ciuluegre m far UN IDUncllnian trails we-inncrrTi il hud tIce UritAliied No notion wit takeubrthe iouncll mi lime report

Toting Vauiln > ut r Tblnka INciter of It-Coukliu Vandewator of South Oyetor Bay

who was married tu Mine MKIIII ot Knlthvllte on SeptMI alit whys in the foilwin mornlnv rffuatd to liftwith tier nllculiu thud IIP hart no knowledge uf tIme marrltitfu la IIOM Iii illS with her

Tha llllle Fellow Mnlnt 8M calnle 4President King of tlio Erie Hallway lion anti

toil all iniocr that they w ill tint he allowed to aeaum uiiy iiif Ihe rl > k < H lilrli speculation Involve Inother wiinla they mint not Ko long or short oltin iimrkuu

Nlnial onice 1reitlellanCooler fair weather variable winds


Judge Honolulu ha granted an alunlule dIvorce la B-

phla Knaauhau from Nieholn IK M Kaxchau-Huiierlntendeiit Wallinir lent out a ireoernt alarm yes

lerdar onlerlmf tie pollre to arrest ail meraone cauaaf-lUUo Injf or defaclHK blllboarda

A ile nt woo recorded ycelerday Ly uhlch Collla Plitintlniftou acquired thu four atory truck reaidauoa IWent Mftyflrat trtct for tlHoo-

wIartll nf time telmerfil Heaaloin will tit today In theO > cr anil Termlner court room while this leaky windowrnhiK In this Uiutral He alona court room r rtllaretinkered

Thus report that Policeman fleorg A Lynch of thetonmbont iuad hft hlIs fiunm unprnvlded for at hudeath va a mltake Ifie family conlta unly ut bUwidow and an eliOt ton f

Urn Mary Meagher of 1U21 tlrret and Third avenue 4who w n r pi rl d niUalnir on MnmUy lihrht wa fuunanear thu Harlem bridge lIlaC nkht ant taken home tulie been aluk for veral welt

leortte II nwellof Ill Fifth avetin llrnoklyn was aprUonur at Jefferson Market yeatetdiy He liaa lteen aaltMilan for H Altituni To He HIM reinaudeil cad

this ohartfj Mgalnht him wa not dennlluly elatedThe Surlel of s2 will giio a picnic to day In lluler

hi arts ii liner tae Inuil uf tIle nionununt fund of theoil aolillrra of Hi nr nf Ixu Tim flrMM Corps jt-Manallvlil and T S Llnkeli lusts J A It will gins anexhibition drill

KIN u K 1cck the cnnfldince Homan wa hell iafTrfici lill at tIme I uimuuiu ycter lay on Iliainond DealerJohn llnuKha charge of urlndllnir aol perjury JohnI Thonia whoia ahe wn lien hired accoiiipllce waslucid In MOIKJ for perjury lloili were locked up

A Ioily found noatlnv tn North Itlvr near Thirtyfeurth street itlirday proved lo Iba that of William VanHlnckeu the uuatmau whoa akiff was run uncut by thenyl oat Newburih on Friday whll he wa takingone of ths crew out t WUlLamJinori yacht the hourualiaU

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