Identification Methods for Structural Systems - ETH Zürich · PDF filesource: Jimin He, Zhi-Fang Fu, \Modal Analysis", Butterworth-Heinemann ... Institute of Structural Engineering

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  • Identification Methods for Structural Systems

    Prof. Dr. Eleni Chatzi

    Lecture 9 - 23 April, 2013

    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 1

  • Identification Methods

    The work is done either in

    the frequency domain - Modal ID methodsusing the Frequency Response Function (FRF) information

    or in the

    time domain - Time Domain ID methodswhere an analytical or numerical (FE) model of the system orinformation from the Impulse Response Function (IRF) are used.

    Reminder: The IRF is the inverse Fourier Transform of the FRF.

    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 2

  • Identification Methods



    Finite Element model updating

    Structural Modification

    Reduction of the Order of mathematical models

    Response Prediction

    Structural Damage Detection

    Active Vibration Control

    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 3

  • Modal ID Methods

    Modal Id Methods

    aim at determining the inherent dynamic characteristics of a systemin forms of natural frequencies, damping factors and mode shapes,and using them to formulate a mathematical model for its dynamicbehavior.The formulated mathematical model is referred to as modal modeland the information for the characteristics are known as its modaldata.

    Modal analysis is based upon the fact that the vibration response ofa linear time-invariant (LTI) dynamic system can be expressed as thelinear combination of a set of simple harmonic motions called thenatural modes of vibration.This concept is akin to the use of a Fourier combination of sine andcosine waves to represent a complicated waveform.

    source: Jimin He, Zhi-Fang Fu, Modal Analysis, Butterworth-Heinemann

    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 4

  • Modal Analysis Techniques

    1 Classification based on the number of input and outputlocations:


    2 Based on the type of identified properties:

    Direct Methods Indirect MethodsMechanical Modal

    k,m,c (i , i , etc)

    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 5

  • Modal ID Methods

    Basic Concepts

    Assume an N-degree of freedom system with damping:

    Mx + Cx + Kx = F

    x is the N 1 state space vector of the system and M,C,K are thesystem mass, damping and stiffness matrices.

    In steady state conditions (i.e. once the free response has dieddown), we showed that one can establish the relationship betweenthe complex amplitude of the response X and the input F = F0e it


    X = H(i) F

    where H is the FRF matrix

    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 6

  • Modal ID Methods

    As already mentioned in Lecture 5 (slide 5), the FRF can be written inpartial fraction expansion. (i.e poles/residues form):

    H() =N


    Aki k


    i k

    where Ak is the modal constant matrix with components kAij related tocomponents ik , jk of eigenvector k through the formula:

    kAij = qkikjk and qk is a modal participation factor

    In addition, index k corresponds to the k-th mode and the poles of thedenominator are simply the roots of the characteristic polynomial:

    k , k = kk i


    1 2k


    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 7

  • Modal ID Methods

    The Frequency Response Function

    We already discussed that the component Hij of the FRF matrix, H,corresponds to a particular output response at point i due to aninput force at point j .

    Based on this, Modal testing is an experimental technique used toderive the modal model of a LTI vibratory system.Combinations of excitation and response at different locations leadto a complete set of frequency response functions (FRFs) which canbe collectively represented by an FRF matrix of the system.This matrix is usually symmetric, reflecting the structural reciprocityof the system i.e. Hij = Hji .

    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 8

  • Basic Concepts

    The Impulse Response Function hij(), is the equivalent of Hij() inthe time domain, hence it can be obtained using IFT and theproperty



    a + i

    }= eat , t > 0

    or hij(t) = (kAijek t +k A


    k t)

    with k = rk + ik

    1 2k

    Ultimately this can also be compactly written as:

    hij(t) =2Nk=1

    kAijek t

    (with a slightly different notation for kAij , k)

    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 9

  • Basic Concepts

    Modal ID Fundamentals

    Returnign to the definition of the FRF, since the matrices of residualsAk , are of rank one, meaning that they can be decomposed as:

    Ak = kTk =


    [ 1k Nk ]k : eigenvector of mode k

    then it follows that essentially, the FRF of a linear mdof system withN dofs is the sum of N sdof FRFs (modal superposition) and thetransfer function matrix is completely characterized by the modalparameters i.e the roots of the character polynomial m and themode shape vectors m, m = 1, . . . , N

    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 10

  • Basic Concepts

    Mode Shapes and Operating Deflection Shapes

    At or near the natural frequency of a mode, the overall vibrationshape will be dominated by the mode shape of the resonance.

    Applying a harmonic force at one of the degrees of freedom, say r, ata frequency idn (damped frequency of the nth mode) results in adisplacement vector, X (dn), which is approximately proportional tothe mode shape vector of mode n, i.e n.

    In reality there is always a small contribution of the other modes.

    Within this context of properly exciting the structure, modal testingwas also known as resonance testing, as it initiated using variousshakers properly tuned in order to put the structure into resonance.

    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 11

  • Modal Testing

    The practice of modal testing involves measuring the FRFs or impulseresponses of a structure. The FRF measurement can simply be done byasserting a measured excitation at one location of the structure in theabsence of other excitations and measure vibration responses at one ormore location(s). The excitation can be of a selected frequency band,stepped sinusoid, transient, random or white noise. It is usually measuredby a force transducer at the driving point while the response is measured byaccelerometers or other probes.

    Given input and output time histories the FRF can be calculated throughthe output/input Fourier Transform ratio:

    Y () = H()X ()

    H() =Y ()

    X ()where X () = F {x(t)} ,Y () = F {y(t)}

    Important Note: When the Input corresponds to an impulse i.e.

    x(t) = (t) , the Fourier transform is F {x(t)} = 1 H() = Y ()

    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 12

  • Modal Testing

    For a structural system what is usually measured as input is the force(F ) inputted to the system. However the measured output can bedisplacement (U), velocity (U) or acceleration (U).

    Therefore, based on the available measurements we distinguishbetween the following cases:

    H() =U()

    F ()Receptance FRF

    H() =U()

    F ()Mobility FRF

    H() =U()

    F ()Accelerance FRF

    Also, when the response and excitation coordinates coincide (i = j),the FRF component Hij is referred to as a point FRF. For i 6= j wehave a transfer FRF.

    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 13

  • Modal Testing

    As it turns out, using fundamental properties from signal processing,the previous formulation for the estimation of the FRF is equivalentto the following ratio:

    H() =Syx()


    Sxx stands for Power Spectral Density andSyx stands for Cross Spectral Density

    This calculation proves to yield more smoothed results in thepresence of noise and is therefore preferable.

    In MATLAB the FRF is estimated via the buil-in tfestimate function.

    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 14

  • Modal Testing

    Definitions -Power Spectral Density

    The PSD is the FT of autocorrelation function (ACF) of a signal. Itrefers to the amount of power per unit (density) of frequency(spectral) as a function of the frequency.

    Sxx() =

    Rxx(t)eitdt = F (Rxx)

    This is a positive, real valued function of frequency, often called thespectrum of a signal.

    Note: For the PSD to exist, the Random Process (signal) has to beat least Wide Sense Stationary (WSS).

    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 15

  • The PSD

    PSD Properties

    1 PSD of a real valued process is symmetric S(x) = S(x)

    2 Continuous and differentiable on [, ]

    3 Has a derivative equal to 0 at x = 0

    4 Describes the mean signal power:

    Var(Xt) = Rxx(0) =1

    0 S()d (df =

    d2 )

    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 16

  • The PSD

    Examples:Consider the following random signals with different bandwidths


    Institute of Structural Engineering Identification Methods for Structural Systems 17

  • The PSD


    The width of the ACF tells us h