早稲田大学大学院文学研究科 英文学コ}ス 博士後期課程 2019 年度入学試験問題 *自分の専門に合わせて①① どちらか一方 を選択すること。 英文学を専攻する者は① の問題について、 英語学 ・英語教育を専攻する者は③ の問題に ついて、それぞれ指定の解答用紙に解答を記入 しなさ い。 2019.09.19

*自分の専門に合わせて①①どちらか一方 を選択すること ......Ines Zupanov, Reinhard Meye 同匂lkus, Heike向ul,尚iNyf1凶,Fr』ede凶kePannewick 2010,陀producedwith

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2 0 1 9年度早稲田大学大学院文学研究科入学試験問題


Ct専士後期課程} 英文学コース(英文学)

(A) (I] Read the following passage and answer the questions below.

In出ela悦 rhalf of也etwentieth cen加rymany in the social sciences and humanities gleefully proclaimed the demise of a set of traditional assumptions about cultural identity. Notions of wholeness, teleological development, evolutionary prog民ss, 組de吐micauthenticiりrwe問 saidめ havebeen dismantled fo民ver.A few lamentedせ1eirpassing, but most scholars energetically grappled with brave new theories of hybridi払 networktheoryj and the complex “flow”。fpeople, goods, money, and information across endlessly shifting social landscapes. o)But as the new centurv unfolds. it has become increasingly clear that the bodies of the deceased have refused to stav buried: those who吐1ouclltto have bid farewell once and for all to也eheavilv guarded borders of the nation”state and to the atavistic 12assions of religious and ethnic identitv find themselves confrontins;r a irlobal political landscape in which neither nationalism nor identitv politics shows組 vintention of disappeariniz. While the older conceptions of rootedness釦 dautochthony seem intellectually barむ叩t,出eheady theories of creative metissage have run aground upon the rocks of contemporary民ality.

。)百1e問 is飢 U胞 entneed to rethink fundamental assumntions about the fate of culture in an age of global mobilitv. a need to formulate‘both for scholars and for the l紅白roublic. new wavs to understand the vitally imoortant dialectic of cultural persistence and change.百1isdialectic is not only aおnctionof triumphant capitalism,企ee仕ade,and globalization; it is, as we hope to show, a much older phenomenon.

τhe閃 isno going back to the fantasy that once upon a time there we民総 仕led,coherent, and perfectly integrated national or ethnic communities. To write convincing and accurate cultural analyses -not only of the troubled present but of cen知riespast-requires, to paraphrase Hamlet, more a chronicle of carnal, bloody, and unnatural acts than a story of inevitable progress企om甘aceableorigins. We need to understand colonization, exile, emigration, wandering, contamination, and unintended consequences, along wi血 thefierce compulsions of greed, longing, and restlessness, for it is the

disruptive forces th批 principallyshape吐1ehistory and diffusion of identity組 dlanguage,組dnot a rooted sense of cultural legitimacy. At the same time, we need to account for the persistence, over very

long time periods and in the face of radical disr叩tion,of cultural identities fぽ whichsubstantial numbers of peopleぽ ewilling ぬmakeextreme sacrifices, including life itself.

(Stephen Greenblatt, Cul.加ralMob成。,:Aβ伽 1t伽的.Cambridge U耐 ersityP関紙 2010.1-2.)


( 1 ) Paraphrase the underlined p訂t( 1) in either English or Japanese.

( 2 ) Paraphrase the undぽ'linedpart (2) in either English or Japanese.

( 3 ) Summarize也ethird (1ぉt)paragraph in either English or Japanese.


※Web公開にあたり、著作権著書の裏誌により出典迫認しております。Cultural Mot語lityA Manifesto c Stephen G陪 enblatt,Ines Zupanov, Reinhard Meye同匂lkus,Heike向 ul,尚iNyf1凶,Fr』ede凶kePannewick 2010,陀producedwith permission of the Licen卸 rthrough Pl.Sclear.

(A) [II】Summarizeand comment on the following passage in English.

On the simplest level, the labor of imagination evokes the various訂tsof ornament where the imagination becomes central for its ability to play with design and create variety in how we engage the world. As we get more practical, we can easily relate the literary to the rhetorical without identifシingthem entirely. Rhetoric becomes the imaginative labor of using particul訂 swith p町suasiveforce that supports and directs紅忠lment.In contrast, we take texts as primarily liter訂γwhenimaginative labor is focused on the metaphorical elaboration of p訂ticularsso that they display and elaborate. Then the fullest language for the labor of imagination is elicited by literature’s many ways of using the hypothetical activity of practical speculation,ザpicallycons廿uctedas the display of possible worlds. In literary experience江iscrucial we admit同rodifferent foci of hypothesis, often fused in the richest texts. One is a performative level engaging th・e question who could I become or how could I act linguistically if certain conditions were presupposed and constructed to make a concrete world. The second focus locates hypothetical interests in how the values emerging in the concrete world displayed might affect the way in which we talk about possibilities in the world we have to live in. (Charles Altieri,“Afterword: Are Aesthetic Models the Best Way to Talk About the Artfulness of Lit巴raryTexts?”American Literature主Aesthetic Dimensions, edited by Cindy Weinstein and Christopher Looby. Columbia University Press, 2012. 398・99.)

※Web公開にあたり、著作権者の要請によりとH奥追記しております。Republished with permission of Columbia University Press from American literature’s aesthetic dimensions; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.

(A)【III]Referring to a literaηr work or works wi也whichyou訂 efamiliar, comment泊 Englishon one of the following five passages.

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ο) Am T凶 b批 isw帥 nin帥 elief制問叫hasbeen envisio副知dpract附 inmanywa円

erica-ways neither wholly self-invented nor merely dictated企omwithout but realized企omamong the possibilities set in different cul加ralsituations. My largest contention is也atthe history of American literature needs to be understood not as the history of literary works only but also as the history of the diverse and changing worlds也athave been constructed around writing in American social life. More precisely, since works and the way they work their situations are integral to the story, this book紅gues出atAmerican liter何 historyshould be rethought as也ehistory of the relation between literary wr江ingand the changing meanings and places made for such work in American social history-a history not of texts ・or conte双salone but of the multiform transactions也athave taken place between them. (Richard H. Brodhead, Cultures of Letters: Scenes of Reading and肋 itingin Nineteenth-Century America・百1eU凶versityof Chicago

Press, 1993. 8-9.) ※Web公開にあたり、著作権者の要請により出典追記しております。Cultures of letters . scenes of reading and w「itingin nineteenth-century America by BRODHEAD, RICHARD H. Reproduced with permission of UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS in the format Republish in other published product via Copy「ightClearance Center





但aroldBloom, How to Read and 開 y.Scribner, 2000. 173.)

(4) As a pagan or non-Christian訂tfo町民 onethat was variable depending on the natural condition

or social si札iationthat was its reference, the folktale developed a pa此ialityfor everything metallic and mineral and conceived of a world that is solid and imperishable. Such a set and highly structured world

can be linked to notions of medieval patriarchalism, monarchy, and absolutism in the fifteenth, sixteen由,and seventeenth centuries. The world of the folktale is inhabited largely bアkings, queens, princes,

princesses, soldiers, peas組 ts,animals and supernatural creatures (witches, fairies, elves, dwarfs, goblins, giants) - rarely members of the bourgeoisie or the church-and there are no machines, signs of industrialization, or elaborate descriptions of commerce and town life. In other words, the main characters and concerns of a monarchistic, pa仕iarchal,and feudal society訂 epresented, and the focus is on class struggle and competition for power among the aristocrats themselves and between the peasantry

and aristocracy. (Jack Zipes, Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion. 2nd edition. Routledge, 2006. 7.)


(5) Irony, in its con仕ariness,has gained a reputation for indeterminacy, for being all but ungraspable

except perhaps in the most仕aditionalcontexts of wittiness, paradox, the assumption of組 opposite,or a perspective of stylish but world-weary commentarγ. Irony in the more complicated view c釦 nowbe confounding, a perspective that has become more pervasive, or at least more presumed, in connection with postmodernist or deconstructive assumptions regarding the disassociative properties of language in

particular. Irony doesヲinfact, imply opposition, a consistent if at times hidden presence of the alternate view; and when such alternation is reiterated or compounded, the contrary properties of吐1eironic become correspondingly more manifest, leading potentially to progressive negation or even self-cancellation.百註s,泊brief,is an attribute belonging innately to a仕opewi也 philosophicalas well as verbal and aesthetic properties, a trait that many at times con仕ibuteto a perception of capriciousness and contradiction.

(羽TilliamStorm, 1トonyand the Modern Thea的.Cambridge University Press, 2011. 1・2.)※Web公闘にあたり、 著作権者の要請により出典追記しております。Irony and the Modern Theatre ⑥ William Storm 2011, re produced with permission of the Licensor through PL5clear.



※Web公開にあたり、著作権者の要請により出典追記しております。Fairy tales and th巴 artof subversion . the classical genr巴 forchild「巴nand th巴processof civilization by ZIP ES, JACK Reproduced with permission of ROUTLEDGE PUBLISHING INC in th巴 formatOther Published Product via Copyright Cl巴aranceC巴nter.

2 0 1 9年度早稲田大学大学院文学研究科入学試験問題


【博士後期課程】 英文学コース(英語学・英語教育)

(B) [I】Summarizeand comment on the following passage in English. Marks will be given for relevance, clarity, demonstration of knowledge, and depth of analysis.


(Adapted from Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, The Globαlisation of (Educational) Language Rights, International Review of Education 4 7, (3-4), p. 207,2001)


(B)【Il]Discuss and explain your opinions on one of the following passages (1) or (2). Marks will be

given for focused analysis of the content, demons仕ationof knowledge of relevant literature} informed op泊ions,and clearly structured text. Write in English.

(1) Depending on their theoretical perspective, linguists define grammar in a variety of different ways. For practical purposes such as teaching, however, gr釘nmaris taken to me組也atsubset of descriptive gr出nmaritems出athave been selected俗世1e‘scope組 dsequence’of language teaching syllabuses, and which typically consist of inflectional morphology and clause syntax, wi也ap紅白ularbias towards verb phrase s廿uctures(such as those that encode tense and aspect), even血 relativelyuninflected languages like English -a legacy perhaps, of the teaching of classical languages such as Greek and Latin. In fact, the findings of c倒-puslinguistics over出elast three or four decades, especially in the area of spoken language have challenged the weighting given to certain items inなaditionalg創nmarsyllabuses, although the impact of these findings on materials design has been modest, to say the least. (Adapted from Seo悦 Thornbury,Learning Grammar. In The Cambridge Gui,じた to Learning English as a Second Language, Cambridge University Press, 2018, p. 184) ※W也公開にあたり、茜作権者の蔓請により出典追認しております。

Scott Thornbu町 The Cambridge Guide to Leam加gEnglish as a Second Language, 陀producedwth pennis.gon of the Licen釦 rthrough乱Sclear.

(2) While the initial sta:句 inchildren’s minds for Ll almost surely is an innate capacity to le訂nlanguage,抗isnot at all certain whether or not such natural ability is p紅tof the initial s同.tein older learners for L2 acquisition. Some linguis包 andpsychologists believe that the genetic predisposition which children have from birth to learn language remains wi也themthroughout life, and that differences in the final outcomes of L 1 and L2 learning are at仕ibutableto other factors. Others believe that some aspects of the innate capaci匂rwhich chil的 nhave for Ll remain in force for acquisition of subsequent languages, but出atsome aspects of this natural abilityぽelost with advancing age. Still others believe出atno innate capacity for language acquisition remains beyond childhood, and that subsequent languages訂clearned by means which are more北into how older learners acquire other domains of knowledge, such as mathematics or history.

(Adapted企omM,』rielSaville・Troike,Introducing Second Langiほ'geAcquisition, Cambridge University Press. 2006, p. 1η



※Web公開!こま5たり、著作権華まの裏翁!こより出典追認しております。Muriel Savi!le”Troike, INTRODUCING SECOND LANGUAGE ACQυISITION, reproduced with permission of th e Licensor through PLSclear.



2019年度 早稲田大学大学院文学研究科

【博士後期課程】 英文学コース(英文学)専門科目

(A) [I]








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(A) [III】




【博士後期諜程】 英文学コース(英語学・英語教育)専門科目




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