If i could be someone else for the day

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  2. 2. Tyson MayrIf I could be someone else for aday I would choose to be TysonMayr, a 27 year old Australian whoworks as Chief World Explorer forthe travel company Jauntaroo.If I did Tysons job, I would earn asix figure salary for travelling theworld and working with variouscharities while documenting myexperiences in an online videodiary.I could spend the day hoppingfrom country to country, tickingthem off my bucket list as I went!
  3. 3. Chief World ExplorerHe has taught English todisadvantaged children inColumbia and hopes to help tobuild schools in Guatemala nextyear.Before taking up his post asChief World Explorer, heinstalled water filters in remotecommunities in Uganda andvolunteered as an ambassadorfor the non-profit clean waterorganisation RainCatcher.
  4. 4. Tyson will visit up to fifty destinations over the course of 2014,including Berlin, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, the Maldives and theBahamas and share his travel and volunteering experiences withhis Facebook, Twitter and Instagram followers.
  5. 5. Why would I like to be Tyson for a day?The mystery of not knowing where Iwas going to wake up the next daywould be so exciting!Like me, Tyson has a genuine love oftravel. If I could be a globetrotter fora day it would give me theopportunity to connect with newpeople from all walks of life and tohelp out in their communities. Iwould get the chance to try exoticfoods and to take part in localtraditions. Doing something I lovewhile giving back in the process,even for just one day, would be adream come true!
  6. 6. Making MemoriesBeing able to capture content that would make people smilewould also give me a great sense of satisfaction. The blog andvideo diary would be a fantastic memento of my adventures thatday that I would be able to re-visit for years to come.
  7. 7. Making MemoriesBeing able to capture content that would make people smilewould also give me a great sense of satisfaction. The blog andvideo diary would be a fantastic memento of my adventures thatday that I would be able to re-visit for years to come.