Each day we are greeted with numer- ous insurance advertisements from billboards to television commercials to radio ads. But are those working? Perhaps to a degree, but we need to think outside of the box to obtain, and especially to keep, those desired clients. Customer service — what is that? ese days, people seem to choose not to deal with each other directly. Interaction is becoming impersonal. Consumers are opting to purchase their insurance coverage from alternative sources that seem more ef- ficient, less confusing and, apparently, offering a better price. Appearance, however, is not always the reality. As a young broker in today’s fast- paced society, I have had to adapt my skills towards what con- sumers seek. It’s crucial to determine a client’s needs quickly because multiple markets are fighting for the same piece of business we are. Although insurance isn’t always the easiest thing for clients to un- derstand, it’s our job to educate. Most consum- ers have a negative outlook on insurance — it’s always a waste of money. Even though most clients would like to deal with their insur- ance as fast as possible, rarely reviewing their coverage, they are gener- ally thankful when I go through coverages and explain their policy in more detail. Brokers have a great opportunity to create a relationship with each client. When that bond is created as we talk over the phone or meet in our offices, we not only get to know more about that client but also are able to create an insurance policy that specifically fits that individual. Each client’s insurance needs will continually change over time. Single people in their twenties may require only an automobile policy, but as they get married and have children, they may require house insurance and a life insurance policy. As clients’ lives change, their insurance needs change with them. One of the determining factors when potential clients are choosing their in- surance coverage is price. Most people don’t understand or value insurance coverage, so they want to spend the least amount of money possible. Sur- prisingly enough, studies have shown that people are willing to spend more money when great service is given. Customer service seems to be a dying trend in today’s society, but it’s what sets us apart from other insurance providers. When a client speaks well of a brokerage, that positive response will draw in other consumers who are hope- ful of experiencing the same service. If we can provide excellent customer service, a competitive premium and a convenient location, then those three things will bring in new clients simply by referral. Keeping those preferred clients is another task by itself. Brokers must always provide exceptional service to their clients, but customer service is not enough. A brokerage must also keep up with technology, have educated staff, offer prompt service and continue to offer competitive premiums. ose four things go hand in hand to maintain our clients. With the hundreds of advertisements that surround us daily, we are more likely to remember the referral from a friend or our positive customer service experience than a TV ad. Even with all the other insurance providers’ market- ing claims, many, if not most, clients will choose to insure their property with brokers who provide one-of-a- kind exceptional service.

If You Serve Them, They Will Come

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PYIB Perspective Article in the Apr/May 2012 issue of Alberta Broker Magazine

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Page 1: If You Serve Them, They Will Come

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Each day we are greeted with numer-

ous insurance advertisements from

billboards to television commercials

to radio ads. But are those working?

Perhaps to a degree, but we need to

think outside of the box to obtain, and

especially to keep, those desired clients.

Customer service — what is

that? !ese days, people seem to

choose not to deal with each other

directly. Interaction is becoming

impersonal. Consumers are opting to

purchase their insurance coverage from

alternative sources that seem more ef-

"cient, less confusing and, apparently,

o#ering a better price. Appearance,

however, is not always the reality.

As a young broker in today’s fast-

paced society, I have

had to adapt my skills

towards what con-

sumers seek. It’s crucial

to determine a client’s

needs quickly because

multiple markets are

"ghting for the same

piece of business we

are. Although insurance

isn’t always the easiest

thing for clients to un-

derstand, it’s our job to

educate. Most consum-

ers have a negative

outlook on insurance

— it’s always a waste of

money. Even though

most clients would like

to deal with their insur-

ance as fast as possible,

rarely reviewing their

coverage, they are gener-

ally thankful when I go

through coverages and

explain their policy in

more detail.

Brokers have a great opportunity to

create a relationship with each client.

When that bond is created as we talk

over the phone or meet in our o%ces,

we not only get to know more about

that client but also are able to create

an insurance policy that speci"cally "ts

that individual. Each client’s insurance

needs will continually change over time.

Single people in their twenties may

require only an automobile policy, but

as they get married and have children,

they may require house insurance and

a life insurance policy. As clients’ lives

change, their insurance needs change

with them.

One of the determining factors when

potential clients are choosing their in-

surance coverage is price. Most people

don’t understand or value insurance

coverage, so they want to spend the

least amount of money possible. Sur-

prisingly enough, studies have shown

that people are willing to spend more

money when great service is given.

Customer service seems to be a dying

trend in today’s society, but it’s what

sets us apart from other insurance

providers. When a client speaks well of

a brokerage, that positive response will

draw in other consumers who are hope-

ful of experiencing the same service.

If we can provide excellent customer

service, a competitive premium and a

convenient location, then those three

things will bring in new clients simply

by referral.

Keeping those preferred clients is

another task by itself. Brokers must

always provide exceptional service to

their clients, but customer service is not

enough. A brokerage must also keep up

with technology, have educated sta#,

o#er prompt service and continue to

o#er competitive premiums. !ose four

things go hand in hand to maintain our


With the hundreds of advertisements

that surround us daily, we are more

likely to remember the referral from a

friend or our positive customer service

experience than a TV ad. Even with all

the other insurance providers’ market-

ing claims, many, if not most, clients

will choose to insure their property

with brokers who provide one-of-a-

kind exceptional service.