Organizational Behavior Assignment 3 Organizational Processes & Power Ihab Itani 11/28/2013 Creativity & Innovation

Ihab Itani-OB PPT-Creativity & Innovation

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Organizational BehaviorAssignment 3

Organizational Processes & Power

Ihab Itani


Creativity & Innovation

Table Of Contents

Creativity & Innovation

Differences Between Creativity & Innovation

Measuring Creativity & Innovation In Organizations




Creativity is the production of novel and useful ideas in any domain.

-It’s the ability to bring something new into existence.

ExpertiseSpecial Talents

Creativity Thinking


3 Component Model





Capability of performing a task



Innovation can be linked to positive changes in efficiency, productivity, quality and others

Organization culture enables organizations to translate innovative activity into tangible performance improvements.

Innovative strategies

- include hospitals digitizing medical information in electronic medical records

Innovation is the successful implementation of creative ideas within an organization.

-something original, new in whatever field that can break in a market.

Difference Between Creativity & Innovation

Creativity is about unleashing the potential of the mind to imagine new ideas.

Innovation is about introducing change into stable systemsMore concerned on the field of work.

Components of the Innovative Process

An Organization must:

• Problem Identification & Construction

• Information Search

• Idea Generation/Evaluation

• Implementation

Measuring Creativity & Innovation In Organizations

CreativityThe Awareness



Measure of innovation for organizations can be conducted by • Surveys• Workshops• consultants or internal


A high score for Attitude combined with a lower score for Behavior could for example mean that the people believe in their own creativity, but the team behavior does not support creative ideas

The Creativity Quiz!

Discover exactly how creative you are?Take the official Creativity Quiz and find out


Importance of Creativity & Innovation in Organizations

• The ability to take opportunities

• The ability to memorize and recall.

• The ability to analyze and judge.

• Creativity, ability to visualize predict and develop ideas.

• Develops the talent and success of individuals.

• Increases the quantity and quality of products and services.

• Reduce costs

• Increases employee motivation

• Promotes job satisfaction

Real World Examples Of Improvements

Apple Campus 2

The project:• Replaces the current disorganized collection of aging corporate facilities with a single high performance office, research and development building, with supporting facilities.

• The buildings are located in a unified and secure landscape, which extends and connects the interior workplaces to outdoor facilities for relaxation, recreation and reflection.

• The entire Campus, indoors and out, is intended to promote shared creativity and collaboration, and spur invention of the next several generations of Apple products.

This new development will provide a peaceful environment reflecting Apple`s brand values of innovation, ease of use and beauty.

Apple Project Objectives

• Create an innovative and beautiful campus near apple`s infinite loop facility that consolidates up to 14,200 of apples engineers.

• Consolidation within a single building set in a secure landscape is to promote shared creativity and collaboration.

Ill Give you 2 minutes to think of as many uses as possible for a paper clip??

Barriers To creative Thinking

Functional Fixedness: Limit a person to using an object only in a way its traditionally used.

Intolerance of ambiguity: Uncertainty, inexactness of using language in an organization.


• Hold papers together

• Cufflinks

• Earrings

• Imitation mini-trombone

• Keeping headphones from getting tangled up

• Bookmark

• The design and facilities available send a clear message to workers that they are both valued and have needs that must be addressed.

• The Google Toronto office, for example, boasts music rooms, mini golf an arcade games to give employees the rest and stimulation that they desire. This kind of set up not only makes employees more comfortable when it comes to sharing creative ideas

-but sends the message that they are trusted enough to both enjoy the space while producing great work, both of which facilitate a positive work attitude and stronger morale.

Real World Examples Of Improvements

Google's workplaces around the world are known for being incredibly comfortable, home-like and flexible, all with a focus on keeping employees health and happy.

Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16p9YRF0l-g

• https://s3.amazonaws.com/apple-campus2-project/Project_Description_Submittal7.pdf

 • http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=1107

• http://www.trendreports.com/article/innovative-offices
