ii- T ti 7 a J tl J- 1 > I > I r ift t h THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS > J yr < k ry < Jt 1 154 PRINTqr tJ < f I r cii x91 k J 1 CLOVERPORT KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY MAY 12 1909 8 Pales NO 44 r I 1 FLAlGiRTER i jit tf < Wi I I aSUMMONED t oto i < rrf r < PromineCittzii1 And Farmer flies a tier Weeks of Suf l vt > rm to Leavts Large j t I t Family h I t If Iilo 2 1 4 < > f t oEATri f < i CAME TIIURSDM Y 111 5 1t tT T r After 0n > illneeaof tong duration Elagetkrtirtfieof cancer Thursday- s a nijjflit i lit hU home othe HardihsbHrg and Clove PQ pike lrFtferf for years r has bleu i fell kaown firmer wI I andcltixepof preckenridgecounty r < fe was born at Cueter aud was clxay = O msarrfedMine t l lAwiGg ckildtex survive BliseaMar giireta ndCf4JIIk Carter Floyd Bernfircl f li v frank Worlaid acrd Thps Carter j 3v SefviGefwsie i held Friday morning m j t the SURowS Cittfelic church by Father f < tey end conctitded by Father Hallowiu I in the Irjrjijjtfln cemetery Atarlep f nrrxber of friendf paid tribute to his I Jf11tetidi 1gtbeHflicesI t i t BARN BURNS > t 1 c I I < 1 1 Slie Fierce Suffers Heavy Loss t 0 kfrer pn UiS farm Near IholtTliursday Nti > rlit < f f 1 It f 1O stock M < t feed barn fGabe ii ° I ip1r xtrried onbis farm near Holt maY night Contents wareas r I t 6horsps 3 hugs 300 bushel i i 1S J DSpfbaynnd1 tons o f tiiiW f 51700 with insurance t t- DffBeir Ifiiiti1kon i < v S i > Lr Improving S 4 x7 t Dr Harold Bard who was seriously snured Iflalrlrup wny at Livermore 11 Ky savetal weeks ago is improving delightel l t d 1 tooam of his rapi I recovery and hoper1 l tc see hIre t at the County Fair at Hard L iiabtir ln September I Jr J t lft English Worse i trairapkEnglish iaSAaUedb y t1 3J telegXatt lash week tp Red Qntng- J priugsto eat the bedasiileof i he condition35r isl f- S rpp rfe63 tit critical i y p bi t ivJ F t x k 1 There was a If ne crOWd of people in r ° Monday the opening of t May Judge Chelr al- tbot4h qulte weak waiJo n 1 iand with r 1 fj ttorn rdR Lay- r rn j Court was opened j Ji4fj pti lf the jury 4 i r impaneled 1 report heard a r ft > cosec eilled and out the pro f r Vt thefter wmta court room was I ItaSif threw b to thefarisi who held- Viry a f > acowefnl the 1 i fOCO u uSrii < qt + oourthodee square agnmt- k f crowd df looking pros perptt fario to > wit L aees the greet display qf i r i I a xltibition in the street it like a Horse jhoOti dray Ittibe Blue Grass I Td seee the hiindeonts stsrde > pranciiig i I Ii Sjl t tite feet i > pretty and i = f ° aij4nVt rr < they gotfd ba was truly a sight plea a ta ttQ behold < Beard rottriit of flue stallipus I cpMM he jwrewd Their Sporting p Oalef k were fine steppers U gra kre among the beet of th r3M Bros- I are to be ciMijri llpww o >< iMMf ter ptlM Uf > defforttb build up a JUIIclae d ofM in tiiii Winty I ton Jterboe Eln h4 Wi exui hitton his flue black y6ubjL mon Claude Mereer 2 jr an old flue sad ¬ t i L > JA HARDINSBURG Whirl wind Cam i paign Date Is Set Other < Notes Per 1 sonal News Items fiEND Tom Moore returned Saturday froml trip to Bowling Green Mr and Mrs Wade Pile of Mook were guests of Mr and Mrs Milt Miller Sunday and Monday Mr and Mrs Jesse Eskridge of wensboro are guests of Mr and Mrs Morris Eskridge for a few weeks Childrens Day at the M E church South next Sunday Rev Isaiah Cline preached an inter ¬ e ¬ vealed Religion was treated from the Biblical and the psychological stand ¬ Paul Compton Mrs Morris and Mrs Joel Pile were guests of Mrs Herbert Beard Saturday night The graduation examination for pub ¬ lie school students will be herd here f 85 in gold will be gh en the two who make the best averages according to certain proscribed conditions Mrs Enoch Norton arrived Saturday from California to visit her parents Mr and Mrs Marcus Kincheloe and other relatives in the city and county Mrs Lucretia Hensley Mrs John Shaw and Miss Meda Ditto left today to attend the Southern Baptist Conven- tion ¬ in Louisville Mr and Mrs John Shaw went t Stepheniport Thursday to see Mrs Skillman The second Whirlwind Campaign for public education in Kentucky is set f the week of June 27 July 3 The Ivor will begin on Sunday Juno 27 Eae in the State is being asked t deliver an address on this day on Pub- lic Education in Kentucky There will be three more days of speaking i I each county with a big County Seat rally on the first of these three days Haffey of Whitesville was Sunday the guest of Mr and Mr Joe Teaff 1 11 > d < CROWD COUNTY dt SEAT ATTENDING L CapitalIw + 5J eThorou bjeds on L r illn Beavin Mast With Sixty Hard RardinMOurg at circuitcourt Ooatroapwealths nilpopijlcoart irand yrbnjoffiwira wdiournmeut juryXF I rgulatdoeketwili iaegtugIprding cropi jwlljiodiiiijljinpe riiVijare4iMHKnbled thoroughbreds ion looked BorobtOmery andHI as of a HAPPENINGS Educational Educational SEVERAL CONVENTION thNormal pointsMrs AiJriternational in rPatric LAR6E AT i COURT ilSff Exhibition Part it9q6lock anddon die and harness horse which is destined to make a record in his time Salvator is another fine horse in t Jarboe string it is claimed that t sire of this horse won a famous race be- tween ¬ this country and England Mr Jarboe says he belongs in the class of fart horses and is one of the best This show of horses is one of the best the editor of the News eeer saw in Hnr dinsburg A horse man said that t bed gooblood In the case of JohnBeavin for selling whiskey in Oloverport to Thompson he was found guilty and Hued 60 GRAND JURY CU Hardinsburg W T Driskell West View Wm A Pile Constantine H H Hoskinson Custer CL Fisher Roc vale R A Smith Htephensport P 3 Walker Mottingly Cal Hendrick Rat ¬ dinsburg JE Dyer Custer J O Our can Mattingly I PETIT JURY Frank Compton L L Mitchell HJ J A Cannon Rufus StClair Milt Daviss Joseph Fitch F P Payne Jeff Mace W 8 Dejarnette James Adams W Bandy olm R Miller James Fran a Henry C wag oner Joe P Jones W E Ramsey John 15 Monarch Geo W- NeffjJ R Spencer John 0 Furrow t JI1 Rlcketts S PiDrury Luth Meyer Leo Hinton u fJ DEATH COMES TO W A PENICK Splendid And Well Known Man Dies At CusterIlad Been III Several Months i SUCCESSFUL IN BUSINESS t l t Willlle A Penick one of the countys bestknown and best young men died at Custer Sunday morning after an Illness of several months He was twentyfive years of age Mr Penick had sought the counsel of various physicians and only a few weeks ago returned from Martins yule Indiana where he had gone In quest of his health Mr Penick was an example of the model young man He was a consis ¬ tent member of the Methodist church a young man of finest social and business qualities For a few years he taught In the public schools later he became a bookkeeper for the firm of B F Beard S Co Hardinsburg After acceptably filling that position he resigned and went upon the road as traveling salesman After success ¬ I fully traveling he left the road to become a member of Penick Bros dry goods establishment at Custer The deceased was a son of Mr and Mrs R H Penick of near Custer and a brother of R 0 Penick David T Penick Morton Penlch and Mrs Romine of Custer and Clarence Penick of Irvlngton liont e burying ground near Custer the Masons officiating he being an honor ed member of that fraternity ori CUPh Io Presented By Louisville tilusi Lovers And Commercial Club To Riccardo Marlin At Musical srFestival A singer has honor save in his own country was contradicted in Louisville at the Music Festival last week when Riccardo Martin Kentuckys own son made his appearance for the first time before home folks His singing was a sufficient guarantee that Kentucky had produced something very fine in the way of a tenor Friday at the Seelbach a reception was given bim by hundreds of Louis villians as well gas a delegation of friends of Mr Martins from Hopkins ville and Cadiz Ky A handsome c singeS raercial Club and Music Lovers of Lou ¬ isville heBIGSPRiNG is dPersonal t Gathered By The News Correspondent at Mrs E A Strother and daughter spent Thursday night at Brandenburg Mr Russell left Thursday for Louis ville where he expects to secure a positionMr Mrs C D Hardaway spent Thursday at Brandenburg Mrs J H Meador and daughter Miss Leah are in West Point with Mrs the T C Williams for a lengthy visit J H and Gale Meador were in Lou ¬ 3isville last week attending the races J B Curtes will leave this week for Vine Grove where he will continue to clerk for H Meyer He has been with Mr Meyer for twentyone years We in regret to see him leave He will be greatly missed by all and especially the Sunday school a forG l a wo her son Dr Strother of Owensboro CC Martin and T R Moorman at- tended ¬ Quarterly meeting at Custer erMrand Mrs CD Hardaway spent t Thursday at Brandenburg 5e J o A DENTISTS MEET Association Will Be Held Next Orchardg Springs Large Attend ¬ ance Expected The Dentists In the State are show ¬ ing more than the usual amount of interest in the coming annual meeting- of the Kentucky State Dental Associa on to be held at Crab Orchard Springs May 17th 18th and 19th Ar- rangements ¬ are being made to make this meeting the largest and best in the history of the Association SAYSO DAY I Browns Confectionery Will Cele ¬ brate Saturday In Grand Style Sayso hats and pins will be given free with every ice cream cone at Browns Saturday- Mr Brown is now filling orders for ice cream and Sayso wafers to be delivered at your residence at any hour at 35 cents per quart Send him your orders If you want to be relieved of the expense and worry of making your ices and cakes Sales Of Stock Horace Smith of Lewisport sold to Mr Ireland of Skillman one 8 year old brood and work mare tar 8200 J H Tolensold to the same party a mare and colt for 210 A V Whitworth of Stephensport sold to Dr P H Nevitt a fine saddle mare for 125 FINDS RELIEF Mr Cannon Dies After Several I Months of Serious Illness AtC Kirk Irvington May 1OSpeclalLeoC- annon died at the home of his aunt Mrs Rhodes near town Saturday sight He had been ill with pneumonia for several months He was a man twentytwo years of age and a member of quite a prominent family of this county He is survived by his parrots and a number of sisters and brothers to mourn his loss The remains were taken back to Kirk and interred there in the family graveyard Will Build A Home Dr and Mrs Walker of Hardinsburg Contractoc r them a residence RAYMOND Master Hobert Hendry West Point spending a while with Mrs Alex Hen dryJohn L Cashman near Union Star spent last Thursday night in the neigh ¬ borhoodGeo Dodson Frymire spoke here the schoolhouse last Friday night in behalf of the Equity Society Mrs Morgan Chappell spent from Saturday until Monday with Mr and Chester Chappell E A Casuman was in Irviugton last I SaturdayJess I was in Louisville last week having his eyes treated Ho wasC I guest of Mrs Julia McNight while there Mrs C E Arnold and two little step ¬ I daughters Lelia and Mamy of Paynes ville spent Friday night with Mrs Wmfield Hendry c Mrs Jess Snort and daughter visited the Frymirenelthborbood last Tues ¬ day and Wednesday- s Miss Georgia Burton Mystic spent few days last week with Mrs Henry Cashrnan She was accompanied home Thursday night by little Miss Leo andI I Master Andrane Cashman Mrs Edna Taylor LJvia visited Mrsc Taylor Compton last week A U S Money Order office will be opeqed at Mrs Lillie Casl1maus June 1 I lr h 4j III I 9Roy al BaKincf Powder II 11Renders i food more wholesome and su- perior ¬ in lightness and flavor The only baking powder fromRoyal of Tartar i SPLENDID SHOW I I Emersons Floating Palace Pre ¬ sented a Good Play to a Big I House Friday Night presentedby day night was splendid In fact every ¬ one said it is the best play ever seen on ploasingfeature pretty and refined girls Mamas natur- al beauty attracted much attention Lazarus the funny man also made a hitMr Etnerfons show delighted th Clover port people and they appreciated this one more than any he has ever given Program Of District Sunday School Conven ¬ tion to be held at Custer Ky May 15 1900 Song Devotional Exorcises conducted by the pastor Rev I C Hoskinson Welcome Address Miss Pearl Rhodus SongSuggestions SundaySchool The aim of Sunday School MissI Mamie Gregory Appointment of Committee Noon Recess SongEvangelism in the Sunday School Charles Bruington What does it ttko to constitute Banner Sunday School J T Harring ¬ ton The advantages of a country Sunday School T J Harrington The teachers duties R T Hoskin ¬ sonWhat can we do to increase Sunday School membership Davis Dowell SongCollection CollectionBenediction 1 00 Subscribe Now John Elected lien Join Nat Elected of Big The Farmers and Tobacco Growers of Breckenridge County met in A mass convention at Hardinsburg Monday and organized a County Union for the pur ¬ pose of pooling and selling their tobac ¬ o John E Monarch was elected tempo ¬ rary chairman with John D Babbage stated that the object of the meeting which was for the purpose of getting together and selling their tobacco He said the arrangement they had last year was not satisfactory either to the seller or the buyer and that other arrangements had to be made if the growers wanted a fair price for their tobacco His advice was that a county union be with a view of joining the Green River Tobac- co Association of This is what the farmers should have done last year but they declined to do it thinking they could sell their product just as well tae an Independent AssodatloaDirn 7 11 1M CAPT ROWLAND District Manager For Columbia OfJ Seven Counties Capt J H Rowland has been ap ¬ pointed District Manager for the Colum ¬ bia Life Insurance Company andwill open his office on Main street over Julian Browns store at an early date J He will leave soon on a business trip tof f appoint agents and medical examiners at different places Capt Rowlands Y district contains the counties f Graye t son Hancock and Breckenridge Any one interested in realestate life and fire insurance are welcomed to make an ap- pointment ¬ with Capt Rowland at any time Successful Social No2 of the Methodist Church Parspnage Fund gave a most delightful social at the home of Mr and Mrs J C Nolte Monday even ¬ ing A large number of friends were present and gave a free will offering of 1350 Delicious refreshments were served Those who gave the reception were Mrs Nolte Mrs H Behen Mrs A H Murray Mrs Wicklitfe DeHaven and Mrs John Babbage1Editor W P Walton the out going editor nof the Kentucky State Journal con eludes his valadictory like this I know that I have had some of then warmest friends of my life in Frankfort v and some as bitter enemies For the former I shall always cherish the fondf3 est esteem The latter can go to the devil Au revoir Leitch field Gazette For Mrs Severs Mr David Phelps gave a boat party Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs Roscoe Severs of Barboursville W Va FARMERS AND TOBACCO GROWERS HAVE BIG MEETING E Monarch Secretary and in Plain Words Tells Tobacco to Hands With Green River Tobacco Association Quickly lI Shrewsbury Chairman Organization The Keynote The Gathering secretaryMr organized Owensboro following Committee i Monarch said they had found out their mistake and he thought the only thing to do now was to get into that organ ¬ ization and do it quickly The meeting then went into peter electingMat and Mr Monarch permanent secretaryI Jus W Miller moved that a county union be formed with a view of becom ¬ ing a member of the Green River To- bacco Growers Association The mod tion was carried without a dissenting voiceThere were several speeches made on the subject of organization and it seem ed to be the sentiment of the meetiajf that the county should be thoroughly organized if the growers ot tobacco ex ¬ pected a fair price for their product It was also the sentiment of the meet ¬ ing that 10000 plants to the hand be strictly adhered toN The meeting then adjourned on the call of the chairm4 TEA < tomtf j n- Q

ii- T J- J IriftPRINTqr THE BRECKENRIDGE€¦ · ii-T ti 7 a J tl J-1 > I > Ir ift t h THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS > J yr < k ry < Jt PRINTqr 1154 tJ < fr I cii x91 k

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Page 1: ii- T J- J IriftPRINTqr THE BRECKENRIDGE€¦ · ii-T ti 7 a J tl J-1 > I > Ir ift t h THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS > J yr < k ry < Jt PRINTqr 1154 tJ < fr I cii x91 k


T ti 7 a





I >




J yr

< k ry < Jt 1154PRINTqrtJ <

f Ir cii x91 k J





FLAlGiRTER ijit tf <Wi II

aSUMMONEDtoto i <

rrf r

<PromineCittzii1 And Farmer

fliesatier Weeks of Suflvt>rm

to Leavts Large j


t Family h

I t IfIilo 2 1 4 <> f

t oEATrif




1t tTT

r After 0n> illneeaof tong durationElagetkrtirtfieof cancer Thursday-



nijjflit ilit hU home othe HardihsbHrg

and Clove PQ pike lrFtferfforyearsr has bleu i fell kaown firmer

wII andcltixepof preckenridgecountyr < fe was born at Cueter aud was clxay = O


llAwiGg ckildtex survive BliseaMargiiretandCf4JIIk Carter Floyd Bernfircl

fliv frank Worlaid acrd Thps Carter j3v SefviGefwsiei held Friday morning mj t

the SURowS Cittfelic church by Fatherf< tey end conctitded by Father HallowiuI in the Irjrjijjtfln cemetery Atarlepf nrrxber of friendf paid tribute to hisI Jf11tetidi 1gtbeHflicesI



t 1c I I< 1

1 Slie Fierce Suffers Heavy Loss

t 0 kfrerpn UiS farm Near

IholtTliursday Nti >rlit<f f 1It f1Ostock M<t feed barn fGabe

ii° I ip1r xtrried onbis farm near HoltmaY night Contents wareas

r I t 6horsps 3 hugs 300 busheli i 1S J DSpfbaynnd1 tons of

tiiiW f 51700 with insurancet t-


Ifiiiti1koni < v

Si > Lr

Improving S4x7

t Dr Harold Bard who was seriouslysnured Iflalrlrup wny at Livermore

11 Ky savetal weeks ago is improvingdelightellt d1 tooam of his rapi I recovery and hoper1

l tc see hIret at the County Fair at HardL iiabtir ln September IJrJ

t lft English Worse

i trairapkEnglish iaSAaUedbyt1 3J telegXatt lash week tp Red Qntng-J priugsto eat the bedasiileofi hecondition35risl


S rpp rfe63 tit criticali y




t x k

1 There was a Ifne crOWd of people inr °

Monday the opening of

t May Judge Chelr al-

tbot4h qulte weak waiJon 1iand withr1 fj ttorn rdR Lay-

r rn j Court was openedjJi4fj ptilf the jury4ir impaneled 1 report heard a

r ft > cosec eilled and

out the pro

f r Vt thefter wmta court room wasI ItaSif threw b to thefarisi who held-


f > acowefnl the1


uuSrii< qt + oourthodee square agnmt-k f crowd df looking pros

perptt fario to >witL aees the greet display qfi

r iI axltibition in the street itlike a Horse jhoOti dray Ittibe Blue Grass

I Td seee the hiindeonts stsrde > pranciiigi

IIi Sjl ttite feet i> pretty andi= f ° aij4nVtrr< they gotfd ba was truly a

sight plea a ta ttQ behold< Beard rottriit of flue stallipus

I cpMM he jwrewd Their Sportingp Oalef

k were finesteppers U gra kre amongthe beet of th r3M Bros-

II are to be ciMijri llpww o>< iMMf terptlM Uf >defforttb build up a JUIIclae

dofM in tiiii WintyI ton Jterboe Eln h4 Wi exui

hitton his flue black y6ubjL monClaude Mereer 2 jr an old flue sad¬


i L > JA


Whirl wind Cami

paign Date Is Set Other<

Notes Per

1 sonal News Items


Tom Moore returned Saturday froml

trip to Bowling GreenMr and Mrs Wade Pile of Mook

were guests of Mr and Mrs Milt MillerSunday and Monday

Mr and Mrs Jesse Eskridge ofwensboro are guests of Mr and Mrs

Morris Eskridge for a few weeksChildrens Day at the M E church

South next Sunday

Rev Isaiah Cline preached an inter ¬

vealed Religion was treated from theBiblical and the psychological stand ¬

Paul Compton Mrs Morrisand Mrs Joel Pile were guests of

Mrs Herbert Beard Saturday nightThe graduation examination for pub¬

lie school students will be herd here

f85 in gold will be gh en the two whomake the best averages according tocertain proscribed conditions

Mrs Enoch Norton arrived Saturdayfrom California to visit her parentsMr and Mrs Marcus Kincheloe andother relatives in the city and county

Mrs Lucretia Hensley Mrs JohnShaw and Miss Meda Ditto left todayto attend the Southern Baptist Conven-tion


in LouisvilleMr and Mrs John Shaw went t

Stepheniport Thursday to see MrsSkillman

The second Whirlwind Campaign forpublic education in Kentucky is set fthe week of June 27 July 3 The Ivor

will begin on Sunday Juno 27 Eaein the State is being asked t

deliver an address on this day on Pub-

lic Education in Kentucky Therewill be three more days of speaking i I

each county with a big County Seatrally on the first of these three days

Haffey of Whitesville wasSunday the guest of Mr and Mr

Joe Teaff

1 11 >




5J eThorou bjeds on

L rilln Beavin Mast With Sixty Hard

RardinMOurg atcircuitcourt



wdiournmeutjuryXFI rgulatdoeketwili



ion looked

BorobtOmeryandHI as












i COURTilSff





die and harness horse which is destinedto make a record in his time

Salvator is another fine horse in tJarboe string it is claimed that tsire of this horse won a famous race be-tween


this country and England MrJarboe says he belongs in the class offart horses and is one of the best

This show of horses is one of the bestthe editor of the News eeer saw in Hnrdinsburg A horse man said that t

bedgoobloodIn the case of JohnBeavin for selling

whiskey in Oloverport to Thompson hewas found guilty and Hued 60

GRAND JURYCUHardinsburg W T Driskell WestView Wm A Pile Constantine H HHoskinson Custer C L Fisher Rocvale R A Smith Htephensport P 3Walker Mottingly Cal Hendrick Rat¬

dinsburg J E Dyer Custer J O Ourcan Mattingly I

PETIT JURYFrank Compton L L Mitchell HJJ

A Cannon Rufus StClair Milt Daviss

Joseph Fitch F P Payne Jeff MaceW 8 Dejarnette James Adams WBandy olm R Miller James Fran aHenry C wag oner Joe P Jones WE Ramsey John 15 Monarch Geo W-

NeffjJ R Spencer John 0 Furrowt

JI1 Rlcketts S PiDrury LuthMeyer Leo Hinton




Splendid And Well Known

Man Dies At CusterIladBeen III Several





Willlle A Penick one of thecountys bestknown and best youngmen died at Custer Sunday morningafter an Illness of several months Hewas twentyfive years of age

Mr Penick had sought the counselof various physicians and only a fewweeks ago returned from Martinsyule Indiana where he had gone Inquest of his health

Mr Penick was an example of themodel young man He was a consis ¬

tent member of the Methodist churcha young man of finest social andbusiness qualities

For a few years he taught In thepublic schools later he became abookkeeper for the firm of B FBeard S Co Hardinsburg Afteracceptably filling that position heresigned and went upon the road astraveling salesman After success¬


fully traveling he left the road tobecome a member of Penick Brosdry goods establishment at Custer

The deceased was a son of Mr andMrs R H Penick of near Custerand a brother of R 0 Penick DavidT Penick Morton Penlch and MrsRomine of Custer and ClarencePenick of Irvlngtonlionteburying ground near Custer theMasons officiating he being an honored member of that fraternityoriCUPhIoPresented By Louisville tilusi

Lovers And Commercial

Club To Riccardo

Marlin At Musical

srFestivalA singer has honor save in his own

country was contradicted in Louisvilleat the Music Festival last week whenRiccardo Martin Kentuckys own sonmade his appearance for the first timebefore home folks His singing was asufficient guarantee that Kentucky hadproduced something very fine in theway of a tenor

Friday at the Seelbach a receptionwas given bim by hundreds of Louisvillians as well gas a delegation offriends of Mr Martins from Hopkinsville and Cadiz Ky A handsome

csingeSraercial Club and Music Lovers of Lou ¬



dPersonaltGathered By The News


Mrs E A Strother and daughterspent Thursday night at Brandenburg

Mr Russell left Thursday for Louisville where he expects to secure a

positionMrMrs C D Hardaway spent

Thursday at BrandenburgMrs J H Meador and daughter

Miss Leah are in West Point with Mrs theT C Williams for a lengthy visit

J H and Gale Meador were in Lou ¬

3isville last week attending the races

J B Curtes will leave this week forVine Grove where he will continue toclerk for H Meyer He has been withMr Meyer for twentyone years We inregret to see him leave He will begreatly missed by all and especially theSunday school aforGl awo her son Dr

Strother of Owensboro

CC Martin and T R Moorman at-


Quarterly meeting at Custer

erMrand Mrs CD Hardaway spenttThursday at Brandenburg

5e Jo



Association Will Be Held Next

OrchardgSprings Large Attend ¬

ance Expected

The Dentists In the State are show ¬

ing more than the usual amount ofinterest in the coming annual meeting-of the Kentucky State Dental Associa

on to be held at Crab OrchardSprings May 17th 18th and 19th Ar-rangements


are being made to makethis meeting the largest and best in thehistory of the Association


Browns Confectionery Will Cele ¬

brate Saturday In Grand


Sayso hats and pins will be givenfree with every ice cream cone atBrowns Saturday-

Mr Brown is now filling orders forice cream and Sayso wafers to bedelivered at your residence at anyhour at 35 cents per quart Send himyour orders If you want to be relievedof the expense and worry of makingyour ices and cakes

Sales Of Stock

Horace Smith of Lewisport sold toMr Ireland of Skillman one 8 yearold brood and work mare tar 8200 JH Tolensold to the same party a mareand colt for 210

A V Whitworth of Stephensportsold to Dr P H Nevitt a fine saddlemare for 125


Mr Cannon Dies After SeveralI

Months of Serious IllnessAtCKirk

Irvington May 1OSpeclalLeoC-annon died at the home of his auntMrs Rhodes near town Saturday sightHe had been ill with pneumonia forseveral months He was a mantwentytwo years of age and a memberof quite a prominent family of thiscounty He is survived by his parrotsand a number of sisters and brothersto mourn his loss

The remains were taken back toKirk and interred there in the familygraveyard

Will Build A Home

Dr and Mrs Walker of Hardinsburg

Contractoc r

them a residence


Master Hobert Hendry West Pointspending a while with Mrs Alex Hen

dryJohnL Cashman near Union Star

spent last Thursday night in the neigh ¬

borhoodGeoDodson Frymire spoke here

the schoolhouse last Friday night inbehalf of the Equity Society

Mrs Morgan Chappell spent fromSaturday until Monday with Mr andChester Chappell

E A Casuman was in Irviugton lastI

SaturdayJess I

was in Louisville lastweek having his eyes treated Ho wasCI

guest of Mrs Julia McNight whilethere

Mrs C E Arnold and two little step ¬ I

daughters Lelia and Mamy of Paynesville spent Friday night with MrsWmfield Hendry c

Mrs Jess Snort and daughter visitedthe Frymirenelthborbood last Tues ¬

day and Wednesday-sMiss Georgia Burton Mystic spent

few days last week with Mrs HenryCashrnan She was accompanied homeThursday night by little Miss Leo andII

Master Andrane Cashman

Mrs Edna Taylor LJvia visited MrscTaylor Compton last week

A U S Money Order office will beopeqed at Mrs Lillie Casl1maus June 1


lr h 4j III


9RoyalBaKincf PowderII 11Rendersifood more wholesome and su-


in lightness and flavorThe only baking powder

fromRoyal of Tartar




Emersons Floating Palace Pre ¬

sented a Good Play to a BigI

House Friday Night

presentedbyday night was splendid In fact every¬

one said it is the best play ever seen on

ploasingfeaturepretty and refined girls Mamas natur-al beauty attracted much attentionLazarus the funny man also made ahitMr

Etnerfons show delighted thClover port people and they appreciatedthis one more than any he has ever given


Of District Sunday School Conven ¬

tion to be held at Custer Ky May 151900

SongDevotional Exorcises conducted by

the pastor Rev I C HoskinsonWelcome Address Miss Pearl Rhodus

SongSuggestionsSundaySchoolThe aim of Sunday School MissI

Mamie GregoryAppointment of Committee

Noon Recess

SongEvangelismin the Sunday School

Charles BruingtonWhat does it ttko to constitute

Banner Sunday School J T Harring ¬

tonThe advantages of a country Sunday

School T J HarringtonThe teachers duties R T Hoskin ¬

sonWhat can we do to increase SundaySchool membership Davis Dowell



1 00

Subscribe Now

John Electedlien Join

Nat Elected

of Big

The Farmers and Tobacco Growersof Breckenridge County met in A massconvention at Hardinsburg Monday andorganized a County Union for the pur ¬

pose of pooling and selling their tobac ¬

oJohn E Monarch was elected tempo ¬

rary chairman with John D Babbage

stated that the object ofthe meeting which was for the purposeof getting together and selling theirtobacco He said the arrangementthey had last year was not satisfactoryeither to the seller or the buyer and that

other arrangements had to bemade if the growers wanted a fair pricefor their tobacco His advice was thata county union be with aview of joining the Green River Tobac-co Association of This iswhat the farmers should have done lastyear but they declined to do it thinkingthey could sell their product just as well

tae an Independent


7 11



District Manager For ColumbiaOfJSeven Counties

Capt J H Rowland has been ap¬

pointed District Manager for the Colum ¬

bia Life Insurance Company andwillopen his office on Main street overJulian Browns store at an early date JHe will leave soon on a business triptoff

appoint agents and medical examinersat different places Capt Rowlands Y

district contains the counties fGraye tson Hancock and Breckenridge Anyone interested in realestate life and fireinsurance are welcomed to make an ap-pointment


with Capt Rowland at anytime

Successful Social

No2 of the MethodistChurch Parspnage Fund gave a mostdelightful social at the home of Mrand Mrs J C Nolte Monday even ¬ing A large number of friends werepresent and gave a free will offeringof 1350 Delicious refreshmentswere served Those who gave thereception were Mrs Nolte Mrs HBehen Mrs A H Murray MrsWicklitfe DeHaven and Mrs John

Babbage1EditorW P Walton the out going editor

nof the Kentucky State Journal coneludes his valadictory like this Iknow that I have had some of thenwarmest friends of my life in Frankfort vand some as bitter enemies For theformer I shall always cherish the fondf3est esteem The latter can go to thedevil Au revoir Leitch fieldGazette

For Mrs Severs

Mr David Phelps gave a boat partySaturday afternoon in honor of MrsRoscoe Severs of Barboursville WVa



E Monarch Secretary and in PlainWords Tells Tobacco to Hands With

Green River Tobacco Association Quickly lI

Shrewsbury Chairman

Organization The Keynote The Gathering






i Monarch said they had found out theirmistake and he thought the only thingto do now was to get into that organ ¬

ization and do it quicklyThe meeting then went into peterelectingMat

and Mr Monarch permanent secretaryIJus W Miller moved that a county

union be formed with a view of becom ¬

ing a member of the Green River To-bacco Growers Association The modtion was carried without a dissentingvoiceThere

were several speeches made onthe subject of organization and it seemed to be the sentiment of the meetiajfthat the county should be thoroughlyorganized if the growers ot tobacco ex¬

pected a fair price for their productIt was also the sentiment of the meet ¬

ing that 10000 plants to the hand bestrictly adheredtoNThe meeting then adjournedon the call of the chairm4

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