Ijmwiiian: &mttt, rmusnni) Every Wednesday Morning, - AT HIXDOLLLRS PER AXIsrU2L Foreign Snbscrlbere, SS.00 to 810.00. Office In the new Post Office Build-in?- , 3Icrcliant Street, Honolulu, IL 1 rrlntcd and pnbsWievl by 34. IUnxr, at the Govcro-tne- M attar; oacc to whoa sH besiness tommriiira-tii- i mUht be tdinttti. BUSINESS NOTICES. JOIIX 2VEIEE, Machinist, Lock and Cun Smith, Frwinc JluMsn repaired: Dealer in hportlnr. Goods. Agent lor the OeWnM FLORENCE f BTOO aUCIIINLS, 411, fort Street, IImoiuIo, 11. L 7 iv. ii. hates v x. r. juktw, Accountants &. Cenoral Agents. r - xai mod other doceneate or avn or wgmiMj. anil Traoers' ImL euel, written t' lmln-J- . Account end books audited and straightened up, thereby iiiK'liniiM are frvqveatly averted Dd cmpimim irilh creditors mure easily effected. HeaaUan trudiuut urf interpretine. Iflr w. II. mm Oflxe od Queeu opposite the Court House. Hon olulu, It. IL. STXW.Y, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, OaVe is Khee' Itn-fnw-T UuiMiag, u stairs, Kaahomanu Mrerl. Honolulu. iMia CASTLE & COOKE, Dealers in Gcueral Merchandise, Shipping and Commission Merchants, 3- - No M King Street, Uoaesala, IIaaiin Island. It J. B. WXLKBfl. 6. C. aLLXX. ivaeiceic A; au.o; Shipping and Commission merchants, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I. Agents for the Hawaiian Packet line. ASLXTS ra j'rhicevllle Plantation, I 1'lantathm, Oaosaea rUaulatiott, I aiosm l'lanutloa, OrewwetV a Oaffee, 1 Mu-- lire IsMarance CoaMHr. Louoon. Merchant.' Mutsialalariue lasaraacc Oo. San Francisee. 10-- .sax. w. ratacc, 1. a. rrrrjaox. A. "V. PKIRGE V CO., (Saoceesors to C. L. Fjciukm Co.,) Ship Chandlers and General Commission Merchantt- Also Agents for Ike I'uuloa Salt works. Ml Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands lljrT E. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer and Commission merchant, S Qaean Street. Honoeolu. II. I. ly C. r.MCIIOLS, 31. !., Homeopathic Physician, Comer Fort and Mut streets. At Office forenoon after 8 4 o'clock: to Or. M. reidwee. to Boretaiila St. 6m JOII.-- S. JIcGKEM, 31. IE, (Lat. Surgeon U. 5. Annj.) Can be ooMUltod at hie residence oo Hotel St., between Ala. 8- - kea aodBMBO wreels. It w. BcxmacTB. r. a&oax iiemiimiuets v ituoivA, IKPOETEES ACT WHOLESALE DEALEES In Vliua. Ffirlta, Ale. Fortcr, Ac, ic, ilercbaot Street IlMMtelfi. a. r. .ir;i, ATTOEKET AND COUKSELLOE AT LAW. 41 Qgce Xo. 89 Fort Street. HwiMolu. fly' XIIOS. G. XJIIEini'S Stationery, Cutlery and Nows Depot and Circulating Library, t Merrbant Street, llonrjoln. AIM SlentU Cottlnr. En cnei; OaUarauhr and Ooprlog, promitlj' execntad on tmaMW MM. I It A ItIC'SIAItISO.. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES ITm ObHhfng, "iiroilill,K (lutrff, rerfuiberT, Ac., corner of Fort and Mercbant Strrete. Honolulu. Aloo, Agent for the Uawaiiaa vap Co. Orders rccelred, and prwttfcl executed. IVrrionlar attetitioa ald to the Shipment of Goods to the etaar Maada. y .IOII. II. I'AXV, Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds Far the Hate of California. Office at the Eank of BMinr. a Oa., KaaliueMtnn Mreet, llonolinn. (:IJ" 1HI.I.IAGI1A.-- .V CO., IKPOETEES AND DEALEES IN HARDWARE, OnUert, lrr Goods, I'ainU and Oils, and General Men cbandbie. So. ti. King Street, llondola. C li. iL,vciii'i:i.i .v co., GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. i Qneep Street. Honolulu. II. I. I7 ED. HOFFSCHIAEGER & CO.. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 41 Honolulu. Qahn, II. I. lj7 Tr,ii:oi. c. iikucic, IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, - Honolnln. Qahn. II. I. It I A. SCIIAEFIJIt ic CO.,1 Importers and Commlslon Merchants SeJ Uonululo, UaaaiianIwlands. (lj7 C. II. LEWKKS. J. G. SICKS0X I.IAVKItS .v niciiso.-v- , IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN LUMBER, And all Mods of Building Materials, Fort Street, Honolulu. 3b-- lj6 ALIEN & CHILIINGWOETH, ICAWAIIIAU, HAWAII, WW cMtinue tkeOoeral Mercbandiee and Shipping businees at the above port, where tbej are prepared to furnish the joatlr oalatvated Kawaibae 1'oUtoee, and udi other as are required by whalebiM, at the shortest notice aad oa the most reasonable terms. Firewood always un lmd. eVlr- - .IOII x. waxijkiioijsi:, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, S Queen Street, Honolulu, IL L 17 W. J.. GBEEX, GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT AND BROKER, Office, in llbuiMins. Queen Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian ljUnds. lj6 McCOLGAX .V JOICVSOX, MERCHANT TAILORS,. Fart St., Honolulu, opposite T. C. Henck'a. ljC C. . 1VII.K.IA3IS, MANTJFACTTOEE, IMPORTER AND DEALER Id Fere i tore of every description. FarnitnreWarrnooeou Fort fctreet, opposite Cbase's 1'botograph Oallcrr. Work- shop al the old stand vn Hotel Street, near Fort. 41 Orders from the trthlsbmdjprmnptljr attended to. 11 Y. uircvuTT, 200T AND SHOE MAKER, 11) Kins Street, nt to the Bethel, Honolulu. US' XIIKO. II. UAVIKS, Lats Jaxicor, Garxx A Co. IMPORTER AXD. COMMISSION MERCHANT, isd ism n lAord's and the Liverpool tlndensTtterR, llrttish and Foreign Marine Insurance Conipanr, and JCarcaarn Assurance Ooesfanr. HYaiAA UltOTIIEItS, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS In Fashionable Clothing, Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, and srery variety of Gentlemen "a lurniahing Goods. Snow's BaQwlag, ilerchant Street, Honolulu. 7 E. E. TOKIIEKT. DEALER IN LUMBER AND EVERY KLKD OF BUILDING MATERIAL. IS Omci Corner Queen and Fort streets. Iy6 EmvE a oaks, GROCER-AN- SHIP CHANDLER, X.ali&lmi, JUaul. Honey and Recruits furnished to Ships on the most favor-1-0 able terms. fljT F. A. SCIIAEFEIE, AGENT or Bremen Board of Tlndcrtrrltrs, of Dresden Board of Underwriters, Agent of Tienna Board of Underwriters. Claims against Insurance Companies within the Jurisdiction of lb above Boards or Under riters, will bate to be ccr li- ned to by the aboie ageut to oaks them valid. MJ rastaee Carda. when frepa&f fir ease year, asaaWe ed a discount from thee which are tor transient auver taenia, w nen pau or quarterly. II. Nn. Merchant ftreet, opposite the Sailer's nome, "nrniture and taattrassos always odbJnd, and eld forature refsiiretl and Orders from the other Islands pramptiy attended to. 1 y 51. and 74 and 70 King Street, Honolulu. jjttr v ainr.iAGia built to 'aie'OKDKn and warranled. Also, rtknlar atten uon gtveo to uie tepalrlnsj of A'ehlclca of Every JCar Blacksmlthini: and KijCee Shoeine, Carriat.c, Sipn and rnaiBenUl I'alntlug, Carriaa Trimming. lc will always be tteadod to in a uuhbh to warrant satistacUeu. Exf Orders from all parts of the Islands promt Uy executed. 3 ly7 0. 6riXEX. E. KtSTLU. g. jc Co., rUf, ZIKC AND AND SHEET IRON Tunann Street, between Merchant and Qnecn Have constantly on band. Stove, I'ipe, Galvanized fCi4v Iron Ilpe, I'U:n and Hone India nsaTSE llubber Hoee-U- st in lengths of Si and SO t' and pipe complete. IUtbTnbs, KZJi and also a very large stock ofTinaareof every rartlculsr attention given to Orders from the tker Islands will be carefully attended to. , Thank Hi I to the CilUeos of Honolulu nnd the Islands AAoerally for thtir liberal 4tronage in the lst, we hope by rict attention to business to merit the same for the future. 1,6 ItOIAA'S A: CO., Ship Chardlers and Commission Merchants. ih porters and Dealers In General Merchandise, Queen Street, Uenololu, Hawaiian Islands. AT Agents for th. Kaunatakal, Moanalua, and Eakaako alt IVorls. 1 y7 IE. and w ill gire his atteution to Tarriage Saddle and Harness Hakisg, and Bepamng in all its rancnes- - Kvery dwrrifitlun of Articles coosecteil w.th the itmln cooiianiij on ua.ua, at Mtxlrralc Vri vv. Che Illm a Trial. o. 33 King Strict, next to Lewis Cooperage. IRON CO. jrfpf STEAM EXGIMvS, StiRnr JIlIlJ, t i vooiers, iron, urass ana ieaa uatiogs. of Every S3- - Made to Order. -- a 'articular attention paid to Ship's . JCe- - JOB WORK execnted on the shortest notice. 6 J. S. Ship and Sign No. 03 King Street, N'early opjioeite Messrs. IHlingham A Co. . Graining, Marbling, Gliding, Calsomloing, Taper- - oanging, sc. ac execuieu on uiesuonett notice, and ua the luott reasonable terms. 1V5I. DENTIST. Office, Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets. Ily6 V CO., AND DEALERS IN WINES, Spirits. Ale., Ac, No. S, 'uua'.u Street, opposite Merchant ftreet, Honolulu. t2ly6 A. S. AND RETAIL DEALER IN GENERAL Store, corner of Queen and Kaahumanu Streets, 'tetail ltaMishments. on nuanu Street, aud on the corner 1 Fort and Hotel Streets. muuu rrcr. a. a. p. caaixa C. .V CO., SHIPPING AND ii. i. AGENTS Of tlic Hoston nud Honolulu Packet Line. GEXTSPor tlie Mnkre, IVnlluliu and liana PlaiitAllons. AGEVTS For the I'linhascaiid Sale of Island Produce. lj7 a. r. Liitr.ns. x. jaeger. it. i i:iii.i:i:s a: co.. DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GENERAL Store on Fort St. above Odd Fellows nail. 6 C S. Salesroem on Queen Street, one door from Kaahumanu treet. o 31. S. .fc CO., AND DEALERS In Fahlonable Clothing, Hals, Caps, Boots, Shoes and verr variety of Gentlemen's enierior Furnishing Goods. Uure ia Makee'a lllock, Queen street, Honolulu, II. I. HH IJ YI Office on James Robinson & Co's Wharf, Continues the business on bis old plan of settling with dncers and seamen immediatelv on their shipping at his the Having no direct or indirect connection w ills any out- - llting eeuolisbment, and allowing no dews to be collected n lilsoaoo, ue nones togire as cooa eatisiaction .n ine iu. lure as he has in the uut. AEO.-V- Wholesale and Retail Dealers in General And China Goods. In theFirc-cro- Store on Xnuiuu Street. tinder tlx 1'uMK lull. D. H. Y Hllo, Hawaii. fly6 JI. T. CABINET MAKER AND King Street. Honolnln. oxpoite Lewis Cooper Shop. WT3I 41 buy and sell second-han- d Furniture. Iy7 CUEING 1IOO.A. Comraission Merchant and General Atrent, Importer of Teas and other Chinese and Foreign Goods, VI holesaie Dealer ia Hawaiian lToduce. and Agent for the faukaa and Amauulu Suar Plantations. 'f cuweonuoanu etreet, iriow mng. o J.-UIE- E. AND At the Old Stand, comer King and Bethel Streets. A Large Stock of Oil Snooks and all kinds of Coopering Materials constantly on hand. He hopes by attention to business to merit a continuance of the patronage which he has heretofore enjoyed, and for which he now returns his thanks. J. II. Qneen Street, Honolnln, II aj conitantly on band and for sale at the Lowest Market Prices, a good assortment of the Best Kenned Bar Iron, and the Best 6 OPEXED A nearly oppote my former stand, on Fort Street, I shall be most happy to see my eld patrons and others who wish for fin pictures, and shall try, by at- tention to the tastes of my customers, to merit their patron- age. Also, for sale. Photographs of celebrated personages, views. Ac. Pictures or all kinds taken on the most reason- able terms. J H. L. CIUSE. JIcss Pork In bond, and for fi B0LLES & CO. niRoai ko. l to lo. Cottoa Sail Twine, Assorted Sizes. For Sale by 12 B0LLES t CO. X. COEWTT, 1 f IOXALD MlCtXAT, San Frandsco. y KlXStTT MlCITlT. j roriiaou, u. & Crocers and and Dealers In Oregon SAX KUAXCISCO : Office 100 California Street, OltKGOX I 13 and 15 Front, and 10 & 12 First Street nxrrjtrjccis : IV. C. T.ilston, sq., Fnk of California San Francisco I Clias. delta. Esq , 1 TrwJ put a. sr. & 1 . sugar l).can r rancio Messrs. itooger, ileyer a vo tan t ranci-c- o Messrs. Cross a Co San I rant Mers. LadM A Triton. Bankers ... .. .Tortland. Oruron XUnk of rtritfch Golnuiola Portland, Oregon Messrs. u. uoMsmltn a, t.... 1'ortl-ind- uregon Gurbitt, Failing A Co I'ortlind, Oregon Messrs. Bisbtt A Co., Bankrs..... ... ....Honolulu oflalntiil Produce Solicited. & The Basis of Our TCTIKS'TV. To .Manufacture all such Books and Sta-- JU tionery as can be done here as well as elsewhere, nud lucreuy directly ocnect our customers anu ourselves. SKCONI). To liny nnd Sell Books and SUtion-tioner- y so as to make it to the interest cf dealers and consum ers to com. to us in preierence to senumg M'e manufacture and Imiiort every description of Sta tionery, carrying huge stocks of l'ajier. Knelopes aud Blank Hooks ot ourowu inauulacture. Inks, clales,ctc A3- - Over 1,500 varieties cf Ulank forms kept In Stock. .A. L. & CO., lS-l- Sjiu I'rsndsco, Cat. & CO.'S T "if Ir 33 FO U JM ! 53S Cla- - Street, San l'rnmlsco. Ci OL,i: Accnts for It. Hoc it Co.'s Presses O and Printers' Materials, Gordon's Job Presses, .Mather's Ink;, etc. 11 .tin H. W. & CO., & Jf. TVnrtf fifreot ftf Hlav. Rati TrnTiPiseii "Mbw- -i J ' iZL 1J I & Co. X. S. AW, Will attend to the sale of Sandwich MsnJ Produce, and arrange for advances on same. f W. b..or.EE.V Honolulu Herat to. 1 BLAIR A Co.. .San Francisco 28 1)7 D. B. WILLUXS, H. F. SUNCU1KD, C B. atOKOAX. & CO.. SHIPPING AND 1 j7) No. 21 S California Street, San Frandsco. 30 J0EX M'CKAXEC, J. C. HEBSIU, Tortland. S. F. CaL & CO., AND" ON l'ortlnii.l. Oregon. HaTinj; hrtn enpifred In our present loinei for upwards or t elve tntt. ana nelnc locaira iniit ireproor iirtf K imua- - ditij:, e arc prfparwi to receive and dif prce nf Island Staples, CoiTee, etc. to adrantare. CoDftgnments eptllr ml!cltetl tor the Oregon Market, to wbleli pervofiM attention win paiu, ana upon wnicu casn advances will be made when required. EiriaEXCES Charles IV Brooks San Francisco J C Merrill a Co fre.1 lken Iladger ft James Patrick t Co Wm T Coleman ft Oo , Stevens, ruler ft Co Allen ft Lewis. Tortland LaddaTiltou , lieonard ft Green " My6 E. 31. TAN IEEEI, ICniinMYvn. Taimii, Hit it) p the lnt facilititu through an intimate connection vltn th Japanese irsue lor ine jki? i eight jean, is prepart-i- i to transact any butinceff entnisipj to hi care, villi diiatrn. 17- - iy BY ALL THE WORLD. VANI1A, HEN Club, and other per fumes of exquisite fraerrancc. KUIMKL'a Larendar Water, distilled from Mit- - cham uotvers. llimmcl's Toilet Vinegar, celebrated for its useful and sanitary properties. ltimmcl's Extract of Lime Juice nnd Glycerine, the best for the hair, especially in warm cli mates. ltimmcl's Dugong Oil Sonp pcrlumca with Anstra- - lian Eucalyptus. llimmcl's Glycerine, nnncy, Windsor and other Toilet boaps. ltimmcl's Hose Wafer, Costnmo and Floral Crack ers. Terr amusing for balls and parties, Rimtnel's Violet, Rose-lea- f, Rice, and other Toilet rowdcrs. A liberal allowance to shippers. EUGENE KIMMEL rerfumer to If R II the Princess of Wile i, 96, Strand. 12S. Recent Street, and SI. Gomhill. London; 17, Ibsulevard des Italiens, l'aris, and 76, King lload nngliton. ZTi- r- Sold by all Perfumery Vendors. 6 Rooms TO ET nt -- 1Irs T-- No. 19 King Street. o C. W. GREY & CO., At Leleo, and Dealers In all kinds of Soap. Beef, Mutton, and Goat OfScc, 30 Fort Sect, where orders trill be received and promptly attended to. 139-I- y AND PLAIN BUSHED, assorted sizzes, double and three fold. For Sale by 12 JiUliliKS t cu. 8. HAS JUST RECEIVED BY THE and Late A Large of Choice and Manila THE BEST SMOKING AND CHEWING AND A SPLENDID LOT OF The Best ever Offered' in thisllarkct. --ALSO- on band, the Green Sea! and Head ! For Sale at the Coffee Saloon, corner of Nnn- - ann and Qnecn Streets. 1 y & lh71 r IIILO, II. I. rO aid NOW COXING IN, and for sole j in quantities to mi:purcba;ers, by VA1KEH & ALLEN, Agents, Snjar and 5tl:i!c! Crop 1871 ZOOMING IN, FOR 5ALE IN y to suit purchasers, ,y WALIKU A ALLEN, Agents. Kitar anil 5IoIascK Crop 1S71 "lOJlING IN, FOR SA,E IN KJ to suit purchasers, by iVALKEl Jt ALLEN, Agents. IVcm- - Crop of hitiKSa fc 5Ioln.sc! VT0W C0MINO IN, AND BR SALE IN QUAN- - Xi lilies to suit purchasers y C. UKEV:n A CO., Agents. VTEW CROP NOW COMING IN. FOR SALE X in quantities to suit purdiascrs, by C. llUEWEt A CO., Agents. THE OF THE "IT ii i reel ! 'T- -r g T. avi' f- ? i urtkri vrce .!...:. I I sL IIUllls ill K lis 14 A1U A. U II 1 4 11 J. .1. the past year than any other Lifo Insurance Company in too UnitcU elates, Had an income in IS70 cf. . . Its Assets amount to ON THE ALL CASH THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS! 3E3- - Premiums payable Quarterly, or Annually. It is the only Corapnnr havis a resident Director on these. Islands, IIU Excellency S. II. 1'iiiLLirs, the Attorney Gcnernl having btcn for many years a Director of the Company. Stir No Life Insutanco Ccmpany does business moro liberally than this, and nono is more reliable in ill dealings with their.sureu. For full particulars applj to m. 14 Agent for (ho Hawaiian Islands. 1'IItl Of 1803. CASH CAPITAL, in COLD. are prepared to Issue policies on Uists (with or without Iho averngo clause) on l'lantation lluildincs and 31achincrr. I'riiate llsrellings. llrlek. blone and ooilen Stores. Merchandise. Coals. Lum- - lcr, snips in rort, ac, on tlie most iaroraule terms. 4B-A- Losses Adjusted and Paid for hcro.S& For iorticulars apply at tho cfico of y Agtnta for Oio Hawaiian Islands. (If San Francisco. linvlncr been Agents for the above Cmpniiy, are prepare.1 lo issue roliclrs on targocs, j'.rrigiii ana Treat' tire. WALKUl t ALLKa, Agents. Ilonoluln. AGEXTS nf tlie Tin Comiuny. have been authorized ts insnre risks un Cnrpn, Freight an I Treasure, from Honolulu to all ports of the Hawaiian Grocp, and vicn versa. H. HACKFELn A CO. FIEE rinilE linvllil.- - been an' JL iiolnte,! Agents of tho above Company, nre prerarnl to insure risks against Fire, on Stone and HricU lliiliil- - liifra, and on Merclinmll.e stored therein, no the most favorable terms. For particulars apply at the office of r. A. tuilAl-.- r.ll ,l i:u. rmilE AGENT FOll THE IIIUTISII Fo: JL dgn Marine Insurance Ccmpany, (Limited), has re ceived instructions to reduce me rates ol Insurance between Honolulu and Ports In the Pacific, and isviowpre. pared to issue Policies 'at tlio Laxcul Halts, villi a special reduction on rreigut per bteamers. llll-.ll- 11. llAVlta. Jlgent JtriL Far. Mj r. Int. On. (Limilid) MIE AfJEXTS OF THE alwve Company, hate been antborized lo insure risks on Cnrfrn, Frelr;1it and Treaxnre, from Honolulu loauimru ot ine worm, anuvtce versa. lvivo ii. iiAUhti.i,u a tu I .11. hits fitted nn Stho Gallery on Fort Street, east side, between Klog ami Hotel Sis., and is norr prepared to take Pic- tures of any desired stylo or site, JElf Island Views fur Sale. Br Comer of Hotel anil Fort Streets. CHOICEST AND BEST OF ALES, WINES Spirits always to be found at thoBar. 22-l- y SOLE & Goat and OX HAM) and for Sal, 1VAIJIEA C. XOTbEV, Prop'r ly-- c A. S. CLEOHOia. 4gent. Per from & II F I51ILS IJEST Hirer Salmon.' Cases Superior Sugar Cured Hams Cases Oregon Bacon, Cases do Lard in 101b tins. ;37 All of which are of the best selected articles and warranted as goodas can be found in the market. For sale at the lowest prices by 14- - B0LLES CO. and A LWAVS on hand, nnd will be Sold at tho lowest prices, by HOLLES A CO. SALE BY B0LLES A CO. in barrels A small lot of rvry good quality, but as good aa the aver- age that is for sale about town. Call at HULLfca 4 CO. riniTT ITljHil Hi VOL. 1S.I HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1871. IS6.00 PER BUSINESS NOTICES. TOSS, upiiobsTEitnn, KE.FIi:iI, Wagon Carriage Builder, Description si:gi:iki;.a COPPEE SMITHS, WORKERS, llibbr,Stuiochs, WIISX5IAA m Trisuniag, ;30N0LTJLTJ W0SKS Machinery Description, Elacksraithinf MCKSOIY, IEou53, Painter, E1VC05III, CIIAEE.V5IEIs IMPORTERS CEEGIIOICV, WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE, IIKEWEIE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, noNoi.n.u, MERCHANDISE, IIAKTOIV, Gltl.-MIAU.- tl IMPORTERS WHOLESALE GEOIK.-I- 2 II.I.I.VJ1I.S, LICENSED SHIPPING AGENT, ACIIVCK, Importers, merchandise, HITCHCOCK, IVO.TAK l'SJHEIC, IM.EI.I., UPHOLSTERER LEAVES, COOPER GATJGER, TII03IISO--- , GENERAL BLACKSMITH, lUacktmith'sCoaL Gallery. HAYISifS PIIOTOGRTPIIIC American Mess Beef. Cotton Duck, E011EIGN NOTICES. CORBITT MACLEAY, Importers, Wholesale C03DIISSI0X 3IERC1IAMS, Shippers Produce. PORTliAXD, Conslgumciila BOOKS Business. BANCROFT HACAR SEVEEANCE General Shipping Commission 5IEItCIlArVXS. LEARMONTHj DICKINSON SYDNEY, General Commission Agents, MACFAULAXK, WILLIAMS. BLANCHAKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, M'CRAKEN, MEEEILL FORWARDING COMMISSI fcMhaaSuea'.SirnM.rtlce.rulu. Ltndenberger....... RIMMEL'S CHOICE PATRONIZED RIMMEL'S IHI.ANO-IHLAN- Prangipanc, preparation LS?p- - Furnished I.T.Rfn& Thrum's, ZmagEr Havaiian Soap Works, Mannfactnrcrs TallowWantcd- - Blocks, PATENT AND HEEURY "Ka Moi," Oilier Arrivals, Asssortment Havana, Cerman, CIGARS! TOBACCO, MEERSHAUM PIPES! Constantly Celebrated Diamond SMOKINC TOBACCO SUGAR Sugar Molasses, pilOI 0N0MEA PLANTATION. QUANTITIES PEINCEVILIE PLANTATION. QUANTITIES BIAKEE PLAITATION. WAILUKF PLANTATION. NOTICES. LIFE ASSURANCE States .$7,300,000 $15,000,000 INSURES PRINCIPLE lr ISAI'EEE, IJiTERIAL 1XSIUAXCE COaiPANY London.-Irutita- tcd SS,OW),OUU TUB UXDERSIGNBD JII'.KCIIAi-VI'S- ' 3UJTUAE MAEINE INSUEANCE COMPANY THE UXllCHSICM:i) CAEiroiCAIA INSURANCE COMPANY. U.MJKltSIG.VlJIJ, hyConstcrs, iEctiiti;i:Gii-iu:E.-.iE- rv INSUEANCE COMPANY. II.VUCIISIG.VKD Insurance Notice. CAEirOKiMA INSURANCE COMPANY. UNDEItSIGXEU, PHOTOGRAPHY DICKSON siwS BARTLETT SALOON, WILLIAM HUGHES, THE SADDLE LEATHER, Tanned Sheep Skins, TAXJfEltV, "Falkinburg" Portland Direct BBLS QUALITY Groceries Ship Stores California Lime, FOR RED SALMON, fi i in 1 A Ecap for Elle. I was on my Tray from Paris to Rome, and one morning In May found myself In the city of Mar tellies, where I bad made up my mind to take the steamer for Italy. The vessel I bad Intended to sail In bad departed the day previous to my arrival, so there was nothlnf lclt but to select the cut an best to commence my journey. 'After nottag the offers of the various companies, I finally settled on the General Abbertoci, of the Valery Line, and after seeing my baggage on board, and looking In rain for some one to whom I might say good-by- , I followed suit and was soon on the deck. I looked around me at our passengers; never was there a greater mixture of nations. French, Span, lib, and above il Italian, was to be heard on every side, but I listened In Tain for a sound of onr good old English tongue. After numerous s and kitslngs, such as only a foreigner can Indulge in, wc managed to get off, and steamed from tbc harbor with a light breeze following, and as happy a company as was ever got together. There were severable notables on board, the Consul General of France to Rome, and bis wife, an accomplished aud elegant woman; several Secretaries of Legation, besides many officers of the French army, who, with a comptny of troops, were on their way to relieve part of the garrison at CIvita Vccchl, then held by the French. As wc sailed along, many small boat followed us, the occupants shouting and waving their good-bye- s until wc were out of sight. Could they have seen what tho next twenty-fon- r hours would produce; could tbey have known that their adieus were Indeed farewells to those who, before the morrow's sun would bo In eternity, their glad ness would be changed to sorrow, and their rejol Ing to tears: As I have said, we sailed on tbc morning of the 7tli of May, 1SG9, aud nothing occurred t mar our voyage up to eight o'clock that night, when the wind suddenly changed and a bead sea set in, which quickly drove all the ladles and most ot tho men below. As for myself, (having spent nearly a year at sea, and never suffering from that malady called I walked the deck for some two hours, partly for the fresh air, which I could not get In the saloon, and partly because a feelicg of uneasiness and insecurity had taken hold of me, which I had endeavored in vain to throw off. There were good grouuds however for my feelings, for I had not been half an hour on board before I noticed a lack discipline among tbc officers aud crew, which boded no good In case of accident, aud which was after ward fully confirmed by their conduct. We were also heavily laden, Including araotg our freight a deck load of petroleum, upon the barrels of which the troops lay or sat smoking. I endeavored in vain by signs, to make the Captain understand the nature of snch an intlamtnablo material, but be treated the 6ubjeet with the utmost indifference, and shrugging bis shoulders, weut Into his room, as If the fate of over sixty lives were of no possible consequence. Having reinalucd on deck up till Dearly eleven o'clock, I went to my room and lay down, taking off my coat merely, for the horrid presentment that something would occur still clung to me, and made my sleep unythiug but quiet. It was about one o'clock when I was awakened by a fearful crash followed instantly by two more shocks repeated In quick succession, while at the same moment shrieks aud cries burst from all parts of the cabin, where terrified women and children were rushing madly hither and thither My first thoughts were that we had struck upon some bidden rock or shoal, which this part ot tho Mediterranean abounds Iu, but on reaching tbc deck I soon saw my mistake, for a large brig, the outlines of which I could just see in tho darkess, was slowly drilling away from us. I knew in a moment tbat wc bad crushed into her, and the only qncstlon now was, were we sinking, or was she? Every one was cow on deck, and tbc confusion and excitement was dreadful. Men called aloud for their wives, mothers and children, while others on their knees called upon God to save them. I went to the forward part of the ship aud there saw enough to convince me that an hour would soon decide the case for us all. Our bows (the vessel was an iron one, aud Clyde built,) were all store in and the water rushing In great volumes through the appcrtures. But auotber eight 1 saw, which, for cowardice and uusailor-lik- c conduct, could hardly be equaled. Tbc Captain nnd crew, with only one or two glorious exceptions, bad seized the only boat left uninjured, and in tbc indistinct light I discerned Ibcm pulling away from the ship aud leaving us to onr fate. I rushed back to the stem, where the passengers, who bad now caught sight of the boat, were vainly stretching forth their hands aud begging for the love Of God to tukc them In. The Consul, nhont I have before mentioned, shouted a reward of two hundred thousand francs If they would but take bis wife. In his agony he besccched and prayed them, but money ill that hour had no temptation, and his words fell on deaf cars to all mercy. Seeing one of tbc sailors, who yet bravely stood at the wheel, I asked by signs, for life preservers, He shook bis bead tbey bad none. I then tried to get two or three men together who would help me to wrench off doors or cut away seats and benches which ran along tbc upper deck, for a raft, but tbey would not stir; cither they could not understand or fear had paralyzed them. The vessel was now set tliug by tbc bows and rapidly sinking; the water was nearly amidships and almost up to tbc fires, The engineer bad left bis post with the engine at full speed, and it was poshing us here and there as chance directed. I now began to look around to sec how I might save myself. The time bad passed when we might have worked together, and every one for himself, was the thought of all. Having taken off my clothing, I selected a small settee; It was almost good for thing as a float, yet more than one attempted to take it from me. and It vtas only by threatening them all with my knlfu that I could keep possession. I knew tbat It was chance, if it would bold but one, aud life was too dear to part with lightly. As the water reached the boilers, tbc steam poured out in volumes, and many, thinking wc were on fire, added to the ecenc by their cries. I bad made up tny mind to throw my settee overboard, and men, jumping after it, endeavor to keep afloat until picked up by some passing ship, and was about to put it in execution when tny attentlou was drawn to the brig which was approaching again with the evident intention ol affording help. The ship bad now sunk so far that her stern was raised some thirty feet above the water, and only the tnizzen-mas- t was clear of it. Every moment, we could feel her settling lower and lower, preparing for her final plunge to the bottom. e were all huddled together in the stern, anxiously looking for boats, or at least a boat from the brig, when the Captain balled us, asking what nation the ship was. He ipokein French, and wc cried back: "The Genual Abbertoci, Italian; wc are sinking; can yon save us?" Then a silence ensued, and mothers hushed their children, and we all waited the words the words of life or death. The answer came back clear and distinct : " We can not help yon, we arc sinking ourselves." Ob, the agony of tbat moment. Yet there was no mare frantic crying, but men grasped each others' bands In a farewell grip, and a dark, settled despair wis on the face of alL I now determined to reach the brig, or perish in attempting It, for I saw there was oo hope for ns, and I reasoned tbat the brig, being a wooden vessel, wonld hold ont the longest, or at least afford the means of building a rait; at any rate, it waa death to stay where I was, for knew I shold be drawn in by the suction, when she sank. So, grasping my watch, and what money I had with me, which I had taken from my vest, I went up the rigging and as the brig snnk on tbc swells, I jumped down and across. The exact distance I sprang I cannot tit, bat I struck her gunwale and fell in the passage-way- , between Hand the after cabin. I lay for a moment stnnncd, and then springing up I came amidships. Here also everything was In confusion, our steamer having struck her on the starboard side, near the bow, cut ting a bole In Lcr to the water, and carrying away a good part of her rigging. The Captain and sailors, numbering about ten men, were endeavoring to get a small boat, which lay keel upward on her deck, free from the entangled rigging, and launch IL It was only after working with a will that we were enabled to get it over the side, and, jumping In as best we could, wc pulled away from the brig toward tho steamer, but we dare not approach too near for fear of being drawn in the vortex, bnt shouted for them to Jump, and we would try aud pick them np. It was too late. One awful scream, one cry of agony such as I pray I may never bear again as she plunged to the bottom; and of ait those cabin passengers, I alone was left. The waters met and closed over her as peacefully and calmly as If noth lng had occurred, and nearly sixty oul., men, women aud children, were In eternity. The day had fairly broken row, and with tho new light we seemed to tare rfew hope Finding that tho brig, which had drifted some way off, was still floating, wc steered forbcr, and, clambering up threw ourselves upon tus deck worn out and ex hanstcd. I think, had our vessel then sank that not a man could have saved himself, so utterly were we used up. But help was near at hand. Wc had discovered, while in the boat', the masts and spars of a ship looming up on the horizon, and cow sbe was in plain sight. We hoisted our flag as being In dls tress, and shouted, and almost cried with Joy, as we saw her return the signal, and then come bearing down toward us. As she passed where the steamer sank, she put out her boats and picked np two steer age passengers, and tben came to us. She proved to be tho King bound to tho coast of Africa from Norway. Her Captain, a bluff old sailor, but man, after a coosultation with the Captain of our brig, told him he would help blm Into the nearest port, which was Leghorn, or, as he called It, Llrerno. Our vessel, although severely damaged, would still float, for being, as sailors have It, only In ballast, viz., having no cargo we were en ablcd by constant pumping to keep the water out until we had stuffed thereat full of old cordage, sails, Ac., and nailed a large lot of canvas over the side. The Captain of the King bad also picked np tbc Captain of the steamer and his crew in the boat which tbey bad taken so basely, and, being rather short of provisions, with so many more thrown on his hands, all that could had to remain on the brig. Wc found by observation tbat wc were about 109 miles from Leghorn, and so turned onr prows In that direction ; bnt now, oue of those calms so fre quent lit this sea set in, and it was only after three days and nights' Increasing labor at the pumps that we reached the port. The ship, meanwhile, kept close by us, and at night our lamps answered each other's welcome light, while the of the two vessels sent across the water the joyful cry of "All's well." I was quite used up and unfit for duty after the secund day, for my feet were purple and swollen, and my left wrist sprained from my jump, but It was not nntil cramps set In tbat I gave up taking my turn at the pumps, for there was many a poor fellow worse than L Tbc moment wc arrived the news spread like Ore, and soon a crowd of many hundreds were about ns asking questions and pressing upon our acceptance food and money, and lu fact, like many others of our species, we needed both, for a more sorry look' lng crowd It would be hard to find. Our wardrobes were made up of tbo odds and ends belonging to the Captains of the ttvo vessels, and was anything but comfortable, bnt wc little thought of that, for life bad been spared us, while so many bad met a watery grave. Of my Journey to Home, and the re ception I received there, I,will not speak suffice It to say tbat a more people than the Italians, or ones more 'ready to help those In actual distress, do not live. I made a statement of the af fair before the American Consul at Leghorn, and have since learned that tho Captain of the Abberto ci is serving out a term of cighteenyears In the Gov crnmcnt Prison for not having his lights out, and cowardice In leaving bis vcesel. .Nearly two years have now passed since that night, bnt I can yet sec those pale faces, and hear the shrieks as tbey sank. It will cling to me while I exist, for I am sure I can never forget while mem ory lasts my leap for life. II. J. II. The Americos Vespucci Stonr. The revival, by a Washington correspondent, of the old story of Americns Vespucci, Is the occasion ol a supplement ing of her history by the Albany Arrfus. Mademoi selle Vespucci came to this country from France during the reign of Louis Philippe, over whose son Lcr Influence had not been such as to commend her strongly to tbc Prince's mother, who brought about bcr exile. Sbe was remarkably handsome, and so preyed upon the too susceptible nature of some of our Congressmen tbat tbey wished to give her some land, because she was, as she claimed, a descendant of Amerigo Vespucci. She made quite a stir in Washington circles, bnt never received what sbe asked for, "a little piece of your big country, which ray ancestor did find for yon." The rjui says that the lady was born of good bnt poor family In an Italian city, and was employed at a llthographer'a establishment.- - Americns waa guilty of Intrigues and caught the Duke of Orleans in ber tolls, as already told. On being banished, she came to Bos ton, where the Prince dc Jolnvllle saw ber at the house of a common friend, which she consented to leave Instantly, provided the Prince sbonld not ex pose her real character. When next heard from she was living under the protection of a wealthy man in a spacious mansion at O 'densburg, on the St. Lawrence. Here she dwelt in utter seclusion, of which she not unnaturally becarne weary. Appar- ently her friend did not wish to keep her with blm, for as years went on abc lost bcr personal cbarcls, and being addicted to the pleasures of the table, the grew coarse, fat and dangerous. The two bad many quarrels, and sometimes Americns would threaten to kill her protector. Things finally reached such a pass tbat a separation was agreed on, and the last tbatbaa been beard of the "descendant" of him who gave his name to.Amcrica, shows her recently living quietly at Paris on a handsome allowance given by ber American friend on condition of ber nc7er molesting him. IFbrfd. Advice to Girls. Girls, don't talk slang. If It Is necessary that any one in the family should do that, let jonr big brother, tbougb we should advise blm not to talk "Pigeon English" when there Is an elegant and eysternized language tbat be can jnst as well use, bnt don't you do It, Yon hive 9i Idea bow it sounds to cart unused or averse to it, to bear a yonng ladr, when she is asked to attend some place of amusement, answer, "Not much," or If request ed to do something sbe doc not wish to "Can't tee it I" Not long ago we heard a yonng lady, who Is educated and accomplished, say, In speaking of a youug man, that sbe Intended " to go for blm 1" and when her sister asked bcr assistance at tome work, sbo answered, "Not for Joel" Now, young ladles of unexceptionable character and real good educa- tion, fall Into this habit thinking It sbowi smart- ness to answer back In tlanz phrases: and tber toon slip flippantly from tbe tongue with a saney pertin- ence that it cot lady-lik- e or becoming; Young men who talk in tbat way do not are to hear It from tbe lips tbey lore or admire, it sounds much coarser tben. And rcallv, slanz docs not save time In nte ol language, at an abbreviation. It it much shorter and more decided to say No! than "Not much." And Yesl b quite as easily said aa "Yon bett" VS.. a . I. n .Mmtiln. m.rftn. fi.a h.an t.S.Sn. Itely postponed by such meant; for however remiss yonng men may oe lucmseivee, tncy loo&iora Be- tter thing la the girls of their choice, and It does not help them to need a bad baHrto adopt It too. RATES OF IDTERTISne. Space Measured m I. . l 1 " - -- aa. Ssa. an. .tooparelt Type, j j!3m. SLloet Winch, li 1 ay! 3 SX CKf 4 0E S S EMM CO Klines lima. 1 Mi J 06 IM in S calico It lines! Inches IOW 4 08 S (H 7 MMUn XI lines 3 laches 3 col 3 00 7 Set 10 OJ 11 OE IS 00 49 Llnes- -4 inches 4 0a s) 0D 10 Ml 1 Of HOSfalOV Quarter of Column S e 14 06 14 03) It CO ej4s)(sj Third tf Column. 01 IS 09 IS Oal S3 OS 3 Oat 00 HalfofCfclumn II oaf H OS 30 OB 44 Ort TTTO On Column . ... ; lsool3Boe)4oain oae oauW VH-N- O. YEAR. rates, charred AUCTIONEER, Photograuhic AMERICAN STATIONERY MERCHANTS, COMMISSION MERCHANT TOBACCO CIGARS! NOLTE MOLASSES INSURANCE EQUITABLE SOCIETY mm COXSTAXTI.Y The niack Sen. Tbe following remarkable article in tbo Gov crnmeni JTessmyer of St Petersburg gires) tbo official Hessian account or the settlement of tbe lllack Sea question : For fifteen yean Ratcca ba3 strictly fulBUed the obligations of the treaty of Paris, onerous ns seme of them were for her dignity. Meanwhile political events had made considerable changes in the provisions of this treaty, and in course of tirao the position of tho European Powers in tbolr retauoas toward each other had become essentially modified. It was impossible for Russia to anbmit any Ienger to tho restrictions which had been imposed on her on tho Black Sea, which bathes the Kassran coasts, after the international relations of the other States had become so remarkably altered. The Imperial Cabinet Doti&eil to Tyiropc by tho Imperial Chancellor's areolar of tbe 10th of October that it no longer considered itself booed by tbe restrictions relating to tholittck Sea, &nd that his 'majesty tho Emperor had resumed his tall sovereign rights upon that 3a,letvioga;t tbo same time tho other sore reigns tree to resvwie their rights is their entire ester.t. Notwith- standing the violent anil biased dtcJaratforu of many organs of the ftitopeM press, tbe gnat Powers which had signed the tnaty of Paris tlW not look upon ocr cirenkr si a piovooalien to Eoropo, nor as nn iajtbathm of secret pkics against her peace, bnt as a frank nod mod-era- te notification ; and they resolved, at the gestion of the North German Coofedentroa, to assemble in a Conference for the parpese of bringing ibis notifieslion of Russia into harmony with the treaty of 1857. Our Cabinet gkuily ac- cepted the invitation to tako part in the Confer- ence, more especially as In tbe ekenlar of tbe 10th of October it bad already been stated that his majesty was disposed to coecJede any aew in- ternational agreement, whose object, it shoo id be to strengthen the prospects of universal peace. While securing the dignity of Raselo, tbe la- bors of the Conference were grsotly impeded and delay "d Ly the contemporary roi:tieal evkftts: but from tho very beginning all it powers ex- pressed a readiness tbe qaeetieas ia a spirit of peace and justice. In ywteky'i M sa- ber of tbe Miatngtr a tsrfegram was printed announcing tbat a new treaty bad been signed nt tho London Conference, wbkh akilWetM those articles of the treaty of Pari that Healted the sovereign rights of Rujsio, and Turkey on tbe Black Sea. There all friends of peaee and jus- tice, will heartily rnjoKe at this Ksrepesn werfc of diplomacy. It limits no otre's rights, it dees not demand any MeriScea. white it bag reatteml rights which have been deviated, remove) a sym- bol of international distrust, and strangtlitsiad the intimate rrdatioos of the Zaropeaa Stale-- . It is a work of peaee lal jfBtr. Au Eletrnist Nteauicr. Tho new steamer Oceanic, Captain DJgby Murray, arrived at this port, late oo Tuesday night, and steamed up to ber dock early yester- day morning with the American eeign at ber foremast bead, nnd tbo llritiah flag at the peak. She excited moeli attention aaweg tbe thou- sands who crossed on the ferry boats datriBg tbe day. Since tbe Great Eastern left these waters nothing has been seen to rival tbe Oceaaie ia size. Her length is lXMeet, bread in at beast 11 feet, depth of bold 33 feet, eatire bertta 6,000 tons , engiens 3,000 bone-powe- ted te draws, at the load-lin- 25 feet of water. Her foro masts tower above all tbe shipping on tbe Jersey side, and the flags at tbei; bead eaa be seen from tbe corner of CBambers street, and Broadway. The Oceanic wa built by Ilatiaad and Wolff of Belfast, and file other vessels of equal tonnage, power, and oipet, Mmvl Atlantic Baltic, Pacific, Are tic, a ad Adrir.tie, will follow during tbe year from tbe earae yard. Tbe decks are entirely of iron, cased above ami below with wood, and she is faranhed with tbat 'great Yankee improvement " a straight Meeu. Tbo saloon is elegantly Sattbed aad nfibolatsretl. Four largo tables ran tbe entire length, wrlh seats caihioned ia magenta colored ails: velvet. and the whole saloon is repieadBt with silver plating and minora. Two cool grates with marble mantles, surmoniited by delicately fsjsbiewed bron zes, are in tbe aft end, near tbe entratvee deora. Between these stand a neat library and secretary shaped like an upright pfaao. Tbe oesy bdieV cabin, 10 by 18 feet, situated on tbe starteard side, directly aft of tbe gfitooo, ii upholstered in green velvet Tbe smoking-roo- in buff on tbe spar-deek- , affords froca tbe win- dows a complete view of the decks. Tbe state- rooms have perfect ventilation, which tlttee lyis? in tbe upper berths have it in tbeir power to control. Each state-roo- is furnished with efclt lifo preservers. An eteetrie bell, Ieadiag te the steward's room, is fitted to every sieeptag berth. These vessels are nsdoBhtediy tbe largest, bad sorriest, and beat famished of any new plvfsc; in tbe tranj-AUao- service. Tbe Oeaaste was visited yesterday afternoon by tbe leod4K mea of all tbe principal steamship compaaieH ia tbe port jYew York Tribmt, March 304b. Good Mp- - Sskake bad bees' talking to HUie Calvin, in Sunday School, a boat tbe eritl wbitfa result from nirig tobacco, and told him hem when be was a little boy, be net a geatleman ia tho street with a cigar in his raoath, aisd bed asked him to throw it away, and bow tbe geelte- - raan said, " My boy, ytw bete taught m a kma," and never smoked again. So little Calvia tried He asked the first man be met to "please throw away tbat filthy agar," bat tbe me saJd, "I'll learn yon manners, yon little fool yea," aad be ended little Calvin's ears t&l big neee Wed. So littlo Calvin thinks things are changed tisee Mr Sneake was young. Pkt Naiies. A young lady by tbe saam of Belle Brown, wishing- to be in the fashion, aad imitate the Maggie, Mollies, Annies, S&aleajict other "ies " of bcr oajnaintance, had her T kiting cards printed Bellie Brown. Whereojion Figsrc-i- 3 of the opinion that tbe sweet name of Tk& ought to be an exception to tbe patronymic rale. It tzjt : Tako for instance the case of tbat wag- er a farmer np in Oregon, Pater Ake, who bad is daughter christened Belle. We don't believe sbo will aare-bc- r cards printed "Bellie Ahn"; and if the other girls call her by that romantic carae when sbe geti big enorgh to 'rastle, we reckon tbat there'll be a lively time, and a Hhoral waft of hair and chignons upon the balray breezes of Oregon imtnedistoJy aflerwitrds.

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mUht be tdinttti.


JOIIX 2VEIEE,Machinist, Lock and Cun Smith,

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ivaeiceic A; au.o;Shipping and Commission merchants,

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Agents for the Hawaiian Packet line.ASLXTS ra

j'rhicevllle Plantation, I 1'lantathm,Oaosaea rUaulatiott, I aiosm l'lanutloa,

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C. r.MCIIOLS, 31. !.,Homeopathic Physician,

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Y. uircvuTT,200T AND SHOE MAKER,

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isd ism nlAord's and the Liverpool tlndensTtterR,llrttish and Foreign Marine Insurance Conipanr, andJCarcaarn Assurance Ooesfanr.


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BUILDING MATERIAL.IS Omci Corner Queen and Fort streets. Iy6


X.ali&lmi, JUaul.Honey and Recruits furnished to Ships on the most favor-1-0

able terms. fljT

F. A. SCIIAEFEIE,AGENT or Bremen Board of Tlndcrtrrltrs,

of Dresden Board of Underwriters,Agent of Tienna Board of Underwriters.

Claims against Insurance Companies within the Jurisdictionof lb above Boards or Under riters, will bate to be ccr li-

ned to by the aboie ageut to oaks them valid.

MJ rastaee Carda. when frepa&f fir ease year, asaaWeed a discount from thee which are tor transient auvertaenia, w nen pau or quarterly.

II.Nn. Merchant ftreet, opposite the Sailer's nome,

"nrniture and taattrassos always odbJnd, and eld foraturerefsiiretl and Orders from the other Islandspramptiy attended to. 1 y


and74 and 70 King Street, Honolulu.

jjttr v ainr.iAGia built to'aie'OKDKn and warranled.

Also, rtknlar attenuon gtveo to uie

tepalrlnsj of A'ehlclca of EveryJCar Blacksmlthini: and KijCee Shoeine, Carriat.c, Sipn and

rnaiBenUl I'alntlug, Carriaa Trimming. lc will always betteadod to in a uuhbh to warrant satistacUeu.Exf Orders from all parts of the Islands promt Uy executed.

3 ly7

0. 6riXEX. E. KtSTLU.

g. jc Co.,rUf, ZIKC AND AND

SHEET IRONTunann Street, between Merchant and Qnecn

Have constantly on band. Stove, I'ipe, GalvanizedfCi4v Iron Ilpe, I'U:n and Hone IndiansaTSE llubber Hoee-U- st in lengths of Si and SO

t' and pipe complete. IUtbTnbs,KZJi and also a very large stock ofTinaareof every

rartlculsr attention given to Orders from thetker Islands will be carefully attended to., Thank Hi I to the CilUeos of Honolulu nnd the Islands

AAoerally for thtir liberal 4tronage in the lst, we hope byrict attention to business to merit the same for the future.


ItOIAA'S A: CO.,Ship Chardlers and Commission Merchants.

ihporters and Dealers In General Merchandise, Queen Street,Uenololu, Hawaiian Islands.

AT Agents for th. Kaunatakal, Moanalua, and Eakaakoalt IVorls. 1 y7


and w ill gire his atteution to

Tarriage Saddle and Harness Hakisg,and Bepamng in all its rancnes- -

Kvery dwrrifitlun of Articles coosecteil w.th the itmlncooiianiij on ua.ua, at

Mtxlrralc Vri vv. Che Illm a Trial.o. 33 King Strict, next to Lewis Cooperage.


jrfpf STEAM EXGIMvS, StiRnr JIlIlJ,t i vooiers, iron, urass ana ieaa uatiogs.

of EveryS3-- Made to Order. -- a

'articular attention paid to Ship's .

JCe- - JOB WORK execnted on the shortest notice. 6

J. S.

Ship and SignNo. 03 King Street,

N'early opjioeite Messrs. IHlingham A Co.

. Graining, Marbling, Gliding, Calsomloing, Taper- -oanging, sc. ac execuieu on uiesuonett notice,and ua the luott reasonable terms.


Office, Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets. Ily6


Spirits. Ale., Ac, No. S, 'uua'.u Street, opposite Merchantftreet, Honolulu. t2ly6


GENERALStore, corner of Queen and Kaahumanu Streets,

'tetail ltaMishments. on nuanu Street, aud on the corner1 Fort and Hotel Streets.

muuu rrcr. a. a. p. caaixaC. .V CO.,


ii. i.AGENTS Of tlic Hoston nud Honolulu Packet

Line.GEXTSPor tlie Mnkre, IVnlluliu and liana

PlaiitAllons.AGEVTS For the I'linhascaiid Sale of Island

Produce. lj7

a. r. Liitr.ns. x. jaeger.it. i i:iii.i:i:s a: co..


Store on Fort St. above Odd Fellows nail. 6

C S.

Salesroem on Queen Street, one door from Kaahumanutreet. o

31. S. .fc CO.,AND DEALERS

In Fahlonable Clothing, Hals, Caps, Boots, Shoes andverr variety of Gentlemen's enierior Furnishing Goods.Uure ia Makee'a lllock, Queen street, Honolulu, II. I.


Office on James Robinson & Co's Wharf,Continues the business on bis old plan of settling with

dncers and seamen immediatelv on their shipping at histhe Having no direct or indirect connection w ills any out- -llting eeuolisbment, and allowing no dews to be collectedn lilsoaoo, ue nones togire as cooa eatisiaction .n ine iu.

lure as he has in the uut.


Wholesale and Retail Dealers inGeneral

And China Goods. In theFirc-cro- Store on Xnuiuu Street.tinder tlx 1'uMK lull.

D. H.Y

Hllo, Hawaii. fly6


King Street. Honolnln. oxpoite Lewis Cooper Shop. WT3I

41 buy and sell second-han- d Furniture. Iy7

CUEING 1IOO.A.Comraission Merchant and General Atrent,

Importer of Teas and other Chinese and Foreign Goods,VI holesaie Dealer ia Hawaiian lToduce. and Agent for thefaukaa and Amauulu Suar Plantations. 'f

cuweonuoanu etreet, iriow mng. o


At the Old Stand, comer King and Bethel Streets.

A Large Stock of Oil Snooks and all kinds of CooperingMaterials constantly on hand. He hopes by attention tobusiness to merit a continuance of the patronage which hehas heretofore enjoyed, and for which he now returns histhanks.

J. II.

Qneen Street, Honolnln,II aj conitantly on band and for sale at the Lowest Market

Prices, a good assortment of the Best Kenned Bar Iron, andthe Best 6

OPEXED Anearly oppote my former stand, on Fort

Street, I shall be most happy to see my eld patrons andothers who wish for fin pictures, and shall try, by at-

tention to the tastes of my customers, to merit their patron-age. Also, for sale. Photographs of celebrated personages,views. Ac. Pictures or all kinds taken on the most reason-able terms. J H. L. CIUSE.

JIcss Pork In bond, and forfi B0LLES & CO.

niRoai ko. l to lo.Cottoa Sail Twine, Assorted Sizes.

For Sale by 12 B0LLES t CO.

X. COEWTT, 1 f IOXALD MlCtXAT,San Frandsco. y KlXStTT MlCITlT.

j roriiaou, u.&

Crocers and

and Dealers In Oregon


Office 100 California Street,OltKGOX I

13 and 15 Front, and 10 & 12 First Street

nxrrjtrjccis :IV. C. T.ilston, sq., Fnk of California San Francisco I

Clias. delta. Esq , 1 TrwJ put a. sr. & 1 . sugar l).can r rancioMessrs. itooger, ileyer a vo tan t ranci-c- o

Messrs. Cross a Co San I rantMers. LadM A Triton. Bankers ... .. .Tortland. OruronXUnk of rtritfch Golnuiola Portland, OregonMessrs. u. uoMsmltn a, t.... 1'ortl-ind- uregonGurbitt, Failing A Co I'ortlind, OregonMessrs. Bisbtt A Co., Bankrs..... ... ....Honolulu

oflalntiil Produce Solicited.

&The Basis of Our

TCTIKS'TV. To .Manufacture all such Books and Sta--JU tionery as can be done here as well as elsewhere, nudlucreuy directly ocnect our customers anu ourselves.

SKCONI). To liny nnd Sell Books and SUtion-tioner- y

so as to make it to the interest cf dealers and consumers to com. to us in preierence to senumg

M'e manufacture and Imiiort every description of Stationery, carrying huge stocks of l'ajier. Knelopes aud BlankHooks ot ourowu inauulacture. Inks, clales,ctc

A3-- Over 1,500 varieties cf Ulank forms kept In Stock.

.A. L. & CO.,lS-l- Sjiu I'rsndsco, Cat.

& CO.'ST"ifIr 33 FO U JM !

53S Cla- - Street, San l'rnmlsco.

Ci OL,i: Accnts for It. Hoc it Co.'s PressesO and Printers' Materials, Gordon's Job Presses,.Mather's Ink;, etc. 11 .tin

H. W. & CO.,


Jf. TVnrtf fifreot ftf Hlav. Rati TrnTiPiseii"Mbw- -i J 'iZL 1J I

& Co.

X. S. AW,

Will attend to the sale of Sandwich MsnJ Produce, andarrange for advances on same.

f W. b..or.EE.V HonoluluHerat to. 1 BLAIR A Co.. .San Francisco28 1)7


& CO..

SHIPPING AND1 j7) No. 21 S California Street, San Frandsco. 30


Tortland. S. F. CaL

& CO.,AND"

ONl'ortlnii.l. Oregon.

HaTinj; hrtn enpifred In our present loinei for upwardsor t elve tntt. ana nelnc locaira iniit ireproor iirtf K imua- -ditij:, e arc prfparwi to receive and difprce nf Island Staples,

CoiTee, etc. to adrantare.CoDftgnments eptllr ml!cltetl tor the Oregon Market, towbleli pervofiM attention win paiu, ana upon wnicu casnadvances will be made when required.

EiriaEXCESCharles IV Brooks San FranciscoJ C Merrill a Cofre.1 lkenIladger ft

James Patrick t CoWm T Coleman ft Oo ,Stevens, ruler ft CoAllen ft Lewis. TortlandLaddaTiltou ,lieonard ft Green " My6


ICniinMYvn. Taimii,Hit it) p the lnt facilititu through an intimate connection

vltn th Japanese irsue lor ine jki? i eight jean, is prepart-i- ito transact any butinceff entnisipj to hi care, villi diiatrn.

17- - iy


Club, and other perfumes of exquisite fraerrancc.

KUIMKL'a Larendar Water, distilled from Mit- -cham uotvers.

llimmcl's Toilet Vinegar, celebrated for its usefuland sanitary properties.

ltimmcl's Extract of Lime Juice nnd Glycerine, thebest for the hair, especially in warm climates.

ltimmcl's Dugong Oil Sonp pcrlumca with Anstra- -lian Eucalyptus.

llimmcl's Glycerine, nnncy, Windsor and otherToilet boaps.

ltimmcl's Hose Wafer, Costnmo and Floral Crackers. Terr amusing for balls and parties,

Rimtnel's Violet, Rose-lea- f, Rice, and other Toiletrowdcrs.

A liberal allowance to shippers.EUGENE KIMMEL

rerfumer to If R II the Princess of Wile i, 96, Strand.12S. Recent Street, and SI. Gomhill. London;17, Ibsulevard des Italiens, l'aris, and 76, Kinglload nngliton.

ZTi- r- Sold by all Perfumery Vendors. 6

RoomsTO ET nt --1Irs T- -No. 19 King Street. o

C. W. GREY & CO.,

At Leleo, and DealersIn all kinds of Soap. Beef, Mutton, and Goat

OfScc, 30 Fort Sect, where orders trill be receivedand promptly attended to. 139-I- y

AND PLAIN BUSHED, assorted sizzes,double and three fold. For Sale by

12 JiUliliKS t cu.


and Late

A Large of Choice



The Best ever Offered' in thisllarkct.--ALSO-

on band, the

Green Sea! and Head!

For Sale at the Coffee Saloon, corner of Nnn- -

ann and Qnecn Streets. 1 y



r IIILO, II. I. rO

aidNOW COXING IN, and for solej in quantities to mi:purcba;ers, by

VA1KEH & ALLEN, Agents,

Snjar and 5tl:i!c! Crop 1871ZOOMING IN, FOR 5ALE INy to suit purchasers, ,y


Kitar anil 5IoIascK Crop 1S71"lOJlING IN, FOR SA,E IN

KJ to suit purchasers, byiVALKEl Jt ALLEN, Agents.

IVcm- - Crop of hitiKSa fc 5Ioln.sc!VT0W C0MINO IN, AND BR SALE IN QUAN--Xi lilies to suit purchasers y

C. UKEV:n A CO., Agents.

VTEW CROP NOW COMING IN. FOR SALEX in quantities to suit purdiascrs, by

C. llUEWEt A CO., Agents.



"IT ii i reel !'T- -r g T. avi' f- ? i urtkri vrce .!...:.I I sL IIUllls ill K lis 14 A1U A. U II 1 4 11

J. .1. the past year than any other Lifo InsuranceCompany in too UnitcU elates,

Had an income in IS70 cf. . .

Its Assets amount to


THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS!3E3-- Premiums payable Quarterly,

or Annually.It is the only Corapnnr havis a resident Director

on these. Islands, IIU Excellency S. II. 1'iiiLLirs,the Attorney Gcnernl having btcn for many years aDirector of the Company.

Stir No Life Insutanco Ccmpany does businessmoro liberally than this, and nono is more reliablein ill dealings with their.sureu.

For full particulars applj to

m.14 Agent for (ho Hawaiian Islands.

1'IItlOf 1803.


are prepared to Issue policies onUists (with or without Iho averngo clause) on

l'lantation lluildincs and 31achincrr. I'riiate llsrellings.llrlek. blone and ooilen Stores. Merchandise. Coals. Lum--lcr, snips in rort, ac, on tlie most iaroraule terms.

4B-A- Losses Adjusted and Paid for hcro.S&For iorticulars apply at tho cfico of

y Agtnta for Oio Hawaiian Islands.

(If San Francisco.linvlncr been

Agents for the above Cmpniiy, are prepare.1lo issue roliclrs on targocs, j'.rrigiii ana Treat'tire. WALKUl t ALLKa,

Agents. Ilonoluln.

AGEXTS nf tlieTin Comiuny. have been authorized ts insnre risksun Cnrpn, Freight an I Treasure,from Honolulu to all ports of the Hawaiian Grocp, and vicnversa.


FIEErinilE linvllil.- - been an'JL iiolnte,! Agents of tho above Company, nre prerarnl

to insure risks against Fire, on Stone and HricU lliiliil- -liifra, and on Merclinmll.e stored therein, no themost favorable terms. For particulars apply at the office of

r. A. tuilAl-.- r.ll ,l i:u.

rmilE AGENT FOll THE IIIUTISII Fo:JL dgn Marine Insurance Ccmpany, (Limited), has re

ceived instructions to reduce me rates ol Insurancebetween Honolulu and Ports In the Pacific, and isviowpre.pared to issue Policies 'at tlio Laxcul Halts, villi a specialreduction on rreigut per bteamers.

llll-.ll- 11. llAVlta.Jlgent JtriL Far. Mj r. Int. On. (Limilid)

MIE AfJEXTS OF THEalwve Company, hate been antborized lo insure risks

on Cnrfrn, Frelr;1it and Treaxnre, from Honolululoauimru ot ine worm, anuvtce versa.

lvivo ii. iiAUhti.i,u a tu


.11. hits fitted nnStho Gallery on Fort Street, eastside, between Klog ami Hotel Sis.,and is norr prepared to take Pic-

tures of any desired stylo or site,JElf Island Views fur Sale.


Comer of Hotel anil Fort Streets.

CHOICEST AND BEST OF ALES, WINESSpirits always to be found at thoBar. 22-l- y


Goat andOX HAM) and for Sal,

1VAIJIEA C. XOTbEV, Prop'rly--c A. S. CLEOHOia. 4gent.

Per from

& II F I51ILS IJESTHirer Salmon.'

Cases Superior Sugar Cured HamsCases Oregon Bacon,

Cases do Lard in 101b tins.;37 All of which are of the best selected articles

and warranted as goodas can be found in the market.For sale at the lowest prices by

14- - B0LLES CO.

andA LWAVS on hand, nnd will be Sold at

tho lowest prices, byHOLLES A CO.


in barrels A small lot ofrvry good quality, but as good aa the aver-

age that is for sale about town. Call atHULLfca 4 CO.

riniTTITljHil Hi




KE.FIi:iI,Wagon Carriage Builder,


si:gi:iki;.aCOPPEE SMITHS,






Machinery Description,



IEou53, Painter,









Gltl.-MIAU.- tl














American Mess Beef.

Cotton Duck,


CORBITT MACLEAY,Importers, Wholesale


Shippers Produce.







General Shipping Commission



General Commission Agents,












LS?p- - FurnishedI.T.Rfn& Thrum's,ZmagEr

Havaiian Soap Works,Mannfactnrcrs

TallowWantcd- -




"Ka Moi," Oilier Arrivals,


Havana, Cerman,CIGARS!



Constantly Celebrated



Sugar Molasses,pilOI















IJiTERIAL 1XSIUAXCE COaiPANYLondon.-Irutita- tcd








iEctiiti;i:Gii-iu:E.-.iE- rv



Insurance Notice.






SADDLE LEATHER,Tanned Sheep Skins,


"Falkinburg" Portland Direct


Groceries Ship Stores

California Lime,FOR


fi i in1

A Ecap for Elle.I was on my Tray from Paris to Rome, and one

morning In May found myself In the city of Martellies, where I bad made up my mind to take thesteamer for Italy. The vessel I bad Intended to sailIn bad departed the day previous to my arrival, sothere was nothlnf lclt but to select the cut anbest to commence my journey. 'After nottag theoffers of the various companies, I finally settled onthe General Abbertoci, of the Valery Line, and afterseeing my baggage on board, and looking In rain forsome one to whom I might say good-by- , I followedsuit and was soon on the deck.

I looked around me at our passengers; never wasthere a greater mixture of nations. French, Span,lib, and above il Italian, was to be heard on everyside, but I listened In Tain for a sound of onr goodold English tongue. After numerous s

and kitslngs, such as only a foreigner can Indulgein, wc managed to get off, and steamed from tbcharbor with a light breeze following, and as happya company as was ever got together. There wereseverable notables on board, the Consul General ofFrance to Rome, and bis wife, an accomplished audelegant woman; several Secretaries of Legation,besides many officers of the French army, who, witha comptny of troops, were on their way to relievepart of the garrison at CIvita Vccchl, then held bythe French. As wc sailed along, many small boatfollowed us, the occupants shouting and wavingtheir good-bye- s until wc were out of sight. Couldthey have seen what tho next twenty-fon- r hourswould produce; could tbey have known that theiradieus were Indeed farewells to those who, beforethe morrow's sun would bo In eternity, their gladness would be changed to sorrow, and their rejolIng to tears:

As I have said, we sailed on tbc morning of the7tli of May, 1SG9, aud nothing occurred t mar ourvoyage up to eight o'clock that night, when thewind suddenly changed and a bead sea set in, whichquickly drove all the ladles and most ot tho menbelow. As for myself, (having spent nearly a yearat sea, and never suffering from that malady called

I walked the deck for some two hours,partly for the fresh air, which I could not get In thesaloon, and partly because a feelicg of uneasinessand insecurity had taken hold of me, which I hadendeavored in vain to throw off. There were goodgrouuds however for my feelings, for I had not beenhalf an hour on board before I noticed a lackdiscipline among tbc officers aud crew, which bodedno good In case of accident, aud which was afterward fully confirmed by their conduct. We werealso heavily laden, Including araotg our freight adeck load of petroleum, upon the barrels of whichthe troops lay or sat smoking. I endeavored in vainby signs, to make the Captain understand the natureof snch an intlamtnablo material, but be treated the6ubjeet with the utmost indifference, and shruggingbis shoulders, weut Into his room, as If the fate ofover sixty lives were of no possible consequence.

Having reinalucd on deck up till Dearly eleveno'clock, I went to my room and lay down, takingoff my coat merely, for the horrid presentment thatsomething would occur still clung to me, and mademy sleep unythiug but quiet. It was about oneo'clock when I was awakened by a fearful crashfollowed instantly by two more shocks repeated Inquick succession, while at the same moment shrieksaud cries burst from all parts of the cabin, whereterrified women and children were rushing madlyhither and thither My first thoughts were that wehad struck upon some bidden rock or shoal, whichthis part ot tho Mediterranean abounds Iu, but onreaching tbc deck I soon saw my mistake, for a largebrig, the outlines of which I could just see in thodarkess, was slowly drilling away from us. I knewin a moment tbat wc bad crushed into her, and theonly qncstlon now was, were we sinking, or wasshe?

Every one was cow on deck, and tbc confusionand excitement was dreadful. Men called aloud fortheir wives, mothers and children, while others ontheir knees called upon God to save them. I wentto the forward part of the ship aud there saw enoughto convince me that an hour would soon decide thecase for us all. Our bows (the vessel was an ironone, aud Clyde built,) were all store in and the waterrushing In great volumes through the appcrtures.But auotber eight 1 saw, which, for cowardice anduusailor-lik- c conduct, could hardly be equaled. TbcCaptain nnd crew, with only one or two gloriousexceptions, bad seized the only boat left uninjured,and in tbc indistinct light I discerned Ibcm pullingaway from the ship aud leaving us to onr fate. Irushed back to the stem, where the passengers, whobad now caught sight of the boat, were vainlystretching forth their hands aud begging for the loveOf God to tukc them In. The Consul, nhont I havebefore mentioned, shouted a reward of two hundredthousand francs If they would but take bis wife. Inhis agony he besccched and prayed them, but moneyill that hour had no temptation, and his words fellon deaf cars to all mercy.

Seeing one of tbc sailors, who yet bravely stoodat the wheel, I asked by signs, for life preservers,He shook bis bead tbey bad none. I then tried toget two or three men together who would help meto wrench off doors or cut away seats and bencheswhich ran along tbc upper deck, for a raft, but tbeywould not stir; cither they could not understand orfear had paralyzed them. The vessel was now settliug by tbc bows and rapidly sinking; the waterwas nearly amidships and almost up to tbc fires,The engineer bad left bis post with the engine atfull speed, and it was poshing us here and there aschance directed. I now began to look around tosec how I might save myself. The time bad passedwhen we might have worked together, and everyone for himself, was the thought of all.

Having taken off my clothing, I selected a smallsettee; It was almost good for thing as a float, yetmore than one attempted to take it from me. and Itvtas only by threatening them all with my knlfu thatI could keep possession. I knew tbat It waschance, if it would bold but one, aud life was toodear to part with lightly.

As the water reached the boilers, tbc steam pouredout in volumes, and many, thinking wc were onfire, added to the ecenc by their cries. I bad madeup tny mind to throw my settee overboard, andmen, jumping after it, endeavor to keep afloat untilpicked up by some passing ship, and was about toput it in execution when tny attentlou was drawnto the brig which was approaching again with theevident intention ol affording help. The ship badnow sunk so far that her stern was raised somethirty feet above the water, and only the tnizzen-mas- t

was clear of it. Every moment, we couldfeel her settling lower and lower, preparing for herfinal plunge to the bottom. e were all huddledtogether in the stern, anxiously looking for boats,or at least a boat from the brig, when the Captainballed us, asking what nation the ship was. Heipokein French, and wc cried back: "The Genual

Abbertoci, Italian; wc are sinking; can yon saveus?" Then a silence ensued, and mothers hushedtheir children, and we all waited the words thewords of life or death. The answer came back clearand distinct : " We can not help yon, we arc sinkingourselves." Ob, the agony of tbat moment. Yetthere was no mare frantic crying, but men graspedeach others' bands In a farewell grip, and a dark,settled despair wis on the face of alL

I now determined to reach the brig, or perishin attempting It, for I saw there was oo hopefor ns, and I reasoned tbat the brig, being awooden vessel, wonld hold ont the longest, or atleast afford the means of building a rait; atany rate, it waa death to stay where I was, for

knew I shold be drawn in by the suction,when she sank. So, grasping my watch, and whatmoney I had with me, which I had taken from myvest, I went up the rigging and as the brig snnk ontbc swells, I jumped down and across. The exactdistance I sprang I cannot tit, bat I struck her

gunwale and fell in the passage-way- , between Handthe after cabin. I lay for a moment stnnncd, andthen springing up I came amidships. Here alsoeverything was In confusion, our steamer havingstruck her on the starboard side, near the bow, cutting a bole In Lcr to the water, and carrying away agood part of her rigging.

The Captain and sailors, numbering about tenmen, were endeavoring to get a small boat, whichlay keel upward on her deck, free from the entangledrigging, and launch IL It was only after workingwith a will that we were enabled to get it over theside, and, jumping In as best we could, wc pulledaway from the brig toward tho steamer, but wedare not approach too near for fear of being drawnin the vortex, bnt shouted for them to Jump, andwe would try aud pick them np.

It was too late. One awful scream, one cry ofagony such as I pray I may never bear again asshe plunged to the bottom; and of ait those cabinpassengers, I alone was left. The waters met andclosed over her as peacefully and calmly as If nothlng had occurred, and nearly sixty oul., men,women aud children, were In eternity.

The day had fairly broken row, and with thonew light we seemed to tare rfew hope Findingthat tho brig, which had drifted some way off, wasstill floating, wc steered forbcr, and, clambering upthrew ourselves upon tus deck worn out and exhanstcd. I think, had our vessel then sank that nota man could have saved himself, so utterly were weused up.

But help was near at hand. Wc had discovered,while in the boat', the masts and spars of a shiplooming up on the horizon, and cow sbe was inplain sight. We hoisted our flag as being In dlstress, and shouted, and almost cried with Joy, as wesaw her return the signal, and then come bearingdown toward us. As she passed where the steamersank, she put out her boats and picked np two steerage passengers, and tben came to us. She provedto be tho King bound to tho coast of Africa fromNorway. Her Captain, a bluff old sailor, but

man, after a coosultation with theCaptain of our brig, told him he would help blmInto the nearest port, which was Leghorn, or, as hecalled It, Llrerno. Our vessel, although severelydamaged, would still float, for being, as sailors haveIt, only In ballast, viz., having no cargo we were enablcd by constant pumping to keep the water outuntil we had stuffed thereat full of old cordage,sails, Ac., and nailed a large lot of canvas over theside.

The Captain of the King bad also picked np tbcCaptain of the steamer and his crew in the boatwhich tbey bad taken so basely, and, being rathershort of provisions, with so many more thrown onhis hands, all that could had to remain on the brig.

Wc found by observation tbat wc were about 109

miles from Leghorn, and so turned onr prows In

that direction ; bnt now, oue of those calms so frequent lit this sea set in, and it was only after threedays and nights' Increasing labor at the pumps thatwe reached the port. The ship, meanwhile, keptclose by us, and at night our lamps answered eachother's welcome light, while the ofthe two vessels sent across the water the joyful cryof "All's well." I was quite used up and unfit forduty after the secund day, for my feet were purpleand swollen, and my left wrist sprained from myjump, but It was not nntil cramps set In tbat I gaveup taking my turn at the pumps, for there wasmany a poor fellow worse than L

Tbc moment wc arrived the news spread like Ore,

and soon a crowd of many hundreds were about nsasking questions and pressing upon our acceptancefood and money, and lu fact, like many others ofour species, we needed both, for a more sorry look'lng crowd It would be hard to find. Our wardrobeswere made up of tbo odds and ends belonging tothe Captains of the ttvo vessels, and was anythingbut comfortable, bnt wc little thought of that, forlife bad been spared us, while so many bad met awatery grave. Of my Journey to Home, and the reception I received there, I,will not speak suffice Itto say tbat a more people than theItalians, or ones more 'ready to help those In actualdistress, do not live. I made a statement of the affair before the American Consul at Leghorn, andhave since learned that tho Captain of the Abbertoci is serving out a term of cighteenyears In the Govcrnmcnt Prison for not having his lights out, andcowardice In leaving bis vcesel.

.Nearly two years have now passed since thatnight, bnt I can yet sec those pale faces, and hearthe shrieks as tbey sank. It will cling to me whileI exist, for I am sure I can never forget while memory lasts my leap for life. II. J. II.

The Americos Vespucci Stonr. The revival, bya Washington correspondent, of the old story ofAmericns Vespucci, Is the occasion ol a supplementing of her history by the Albany Arrfus. Mademoiselle Vespucci came to this country from Franceduring the reign of Louis Philippe, over whose sonLcr Influence had not been such as to commend herstrongly to tbc Prince's mother, who brought aboutbcr exile. Sbe was remarkably handsome, and sopreyed upon the too susceptible nature of some ofour Congressmen tbat tbey wished to give her someland, because she was, as she claimed, a descendantof Amerigo Vespucci. She made quite a stir inWashington circles, bnt never received what sbeasked for, "a little piece of your big country, whichray ancestor did find for yon." The rjui says thatthe lady was born of good bnt poor family In anItalian city, and was employed at a llthographer'aestablishment.- - Americns waa guilty of Intriguesand caught the Duke of Orleans in ber tolls, asalready told. On being banished, she came to Boston, where the Prince dc Jolnvllle saw ber at thehouse of a common friend, which she consented toleave Instantly, provided the Prince sbonld not expose her real character. When next heard from shewas living under the protection of a wealthy manin a spacious mansion at O 'densburg, on the St.Lawrence. Here she dwelt in utter seclusion, ofwhich she not unnaturally becarne weary. Appar-

ently her friend did not wish to keep her with blm,for as years went on abc lost bcr personal cbarcls,and being addicted to the pleasures of the table, thegrew coarse, fat and dangerous. The two bad manyquarrels, and sometimes Americns would threatento kill her protector. Things finally reached such apass tbat a separation was agreed on, and the lasttbatbaa been beard of the "descendant" of him whogave his name to.Amcrica, shows her recently livingquietly at Paris on a handsome allowance given byber American friend on condition of ber nc7ermolesting him. IFbrfd.

Advice to Girls. Girls, don't talk slang. If ItIs necessary that any one in the family should dothat, let jonr big brother, tbougb we should adviseblm not to talk "Pigeon English" when there Is anelegant and eysternized language tbat be can jnst aswell use, bnt don't you do It, Yon hive 9i Ideabow it sounds to cart unused or averse to it, to beara yonng ladr, when she is asked to attend some placeof amusement, answer, "Not much," or If requested to do something sbe doc not wish to "Can't teeit I" Not long ago we heard a yonng lady, who Is

educated and accomplished, say, In speaking of ayouug man, that sbe Intended " to go for blm 1" andwhen her sister asked bcr assistance at tome work,sbo answered, "Not for Joel" Now, young ladlesof unexceptionable character and real good educa-

tion, fall Into this habit thinking It sbowi smart-

ness to answer back In tlanz phrases: and tber toonslip flippantly from tbe tongue with a saney pertin-ence that it cot lady-lik- e or becoming; Young menwho talk in tbat way do not are to hear It from tbelips tbey lore or admire, it sounds much coarsertben. And rcallv, slanz docs not save time In nte ollanguage, at an abbreviation. It it much shorterand more decided to say No! than "Not much."And Yesl b quite as easily said aa "Yon bett"VS.. a . I. n .Mmtiln. m.rftn. fi.a h.an t.S.Sn.Itely postponed by such meant; for however remissyonng men may oe lucmseivee, tncy loo&iora Be-tter thing la the girls of their choice, and It does nothelp them to need a bad baHrto adopt It too.

RATES OF IDTERTISne.Space Measured m I. . l1 " - -- aa. Ssa. an..tooparelt Type, j j!3m.

SLloet Winch, li 1 ay! 3 S X CKf 4 0E S S EMM CO

Klines lima. 1 Mi J 06 IM in S calicoIt lines! Inches IOW 4 08 S (H 7 MMUnXI lines 3 laches 3 col 3 00 7 Set 10 OJ 11 OE IS 0049 Llnes- -4 inches 4 0a s) 0D 10 Ml 1 Of HOSfalOVQuarter of Column S e 14 06 14 03) It CO ej4s)(sjThird tf Column. 01 IS 09 IS Oal S3 OS 3 Oat 00HalfofCfclumn II oaf H OS 30 OB 44 Ort TTTOOn Column . ... ; lsool3Boe)4oain oae oauW

VH-N- O. YEAR. rates,charred















The niack Sen.

Tbe following remarkable article in tbo Govcrnmeni JTessmyer of St Petersburg gires) tboofficial Hessian account or the settlement of tbelllack Sea question : For fifteen yean Ratccaba3 strictly fulBUed the obligations of the treatyof Paris, onerous ns seme of them were for herdignity. Meanwhile political events had made

considerable changes in the provisions of thistreaty, and in course of tirao the position of thoEuropean Powers in tbolr retauoas toward each

other had become essentially modified. It was

impossible for Russia to anbmit any Ienger to thorestrictions which had been imposed on her ontho Black Sea, which bathes the Kassran coasts,after the international relations of the otherStates had become so remarkably altered.

The Imperial Cabinet Doti&eil to Tyiropc bytho Imperial Chancellor's areolar of tbe 10th ofOctober that it no longer considered itself booedby tbe restrictions relating to tholittck Sea, &nd

that his 'majesty tho Emperor had resumed histall sovereign rights upon that 3a,letvioga;t tbo

same time tho other sore reigns tree to resvwie

their rights is their entire ester.t. Notwith-

standing the violent anil biased dtcJaratforu ofmany organs of the ftitopeM press, tbe gnatPowers which had signed the tnaty of Paris tlW

not look upon ocr cirenkr si a piovooalien

to Eoropo, nor as nn iajtbathm of secretpkics against her peace, bnt as a frank nod mod-era- te

notification ; and they resolved, at thegestion of the North German Coofedentroa, toassemble in a Conference for the parpese ofbringing ibis notifieslion of Russia into harmony

with the treaty of 1857. Our Cabinet gkuily ac-

cepted the invitation to tako part in the Confer-

ence, more especially as In tbe ekenlar of tbe10th of October it bad already been stated thathis majesty was disposed to coecJede any aew in-

ternational agreement, whose object, it shoo id be

to strengthen the prospects of universal peace.

While securing the dignity of Raselo, tbe la-

bors of the Conference were grsotly impeded anddelay "d Ly the contemporary roi:tieal evkftts:but from tho very beginning all it powers ex-

pressed a readiness tbe qaeetieas ia aspirit of peace and justice. In ywteky'i M sa-

ber of tbe Miatngtr a tsrfegram was

printed announcing tbat a new treaty bad beensigned nt tho London Conference, wbkh akilWetM

those articles of the treaty of Pari that Healted

the sovereign rights of Rujsio, and Turkey on tbeBlack Sea. There all friends of peaee and jus-

tice, will heartily rnjoKe at this Ksrepesn werfc

of diplomacy. It limits no otre's rights, it deesnot demand any MeriScea. white it bag reattemlrights which have been deviated, remove) a sym-

bol of international distrust, and strangtlitsiadthe intimate rrdatioos of the Zaropeaa Stale-- .

It is a work of peaee lal jfBtr.

Au Eletrnist Nteauicr.Tho new steamer Oceanic, Captain DJgby

Murray, arrived at this port, late oo Tuesdaynight, and steamed up to ber dock early yester-

day morning with the American eeign at berforemast bead, nnd tbo llritiah flag at the peak.She excited moeli attention aaweg tbe thou-

sands who crossed on the ferry boats datriBg tbeday. Since tbe Great Eastern left these waters

nothing has been seen to rival tbe Oceaaie iasize. Her length is lXMeet, bread in at beast11 feet, depth of bold 33 feet, eatire bertta6,000 tons , engiens 3,000 bone-powe- ted tedraws, at the load-lin- 25 feet of water. Herforo masts tower above all tbe shipping on tbeJersey side, and the flags at tbei; bead eaa beseen from tbe corner of CBambers street, andBroadway. The Oceanic wa built by Ilatiaadand Wolff of Belfast, and file other vessels ofequal tonnage, power, and oipet, MmvlAtlantic Baltic, Pacific, Aretic, a ad Adrir.tie,will follow during tbe year from tbe earae yard.Tbe decks are entirely of iron, cased above ami

below with wood, and she is faranhed with tbat'great Yankee improvement " a straight Meeu.

Tbo saloon is elegantly Sattbed aad nfibolatsretl.Four largo tables ran tbe entire length, wrlh

seats caihioned ia magenta colored ails: velvet.

and the whole saloon is repieadBt with silverplating and minora. Two cool grates with marble

mantles, surmoniited by delicately fsjsbiewed bron

zes, are in tbe aft end, near tbe entratvee deora.Between these stand a neat library and secretaryshaped like an upright pfaao. Tbe oesy bdieVcabin, 10 by 18 feet, situated on tbe starteardside, directly aft of tbe gfitooo, ii upholstered

in green velvet Tbe smoking-roo-

in buff on tbe spar-deek-, affords froca tbe win-

dows a complete view of the decks. Tbe state-

rooms have perfect ventilation, which tlttee lyis?in tbe upper berths have it in tbeir power tocontrol. Each state-roo- is furnished with efcltlifo preservers. An eteetrie bell, Ieadiag te thesteward's room, is fitted to every sieeptag berth.These vessels are nsdoBhtediy tbe largest,bad sorriest, and beat famished of any new plvfsc;in tbe tranj-AUao- service. Tbe Oeaaste was

visited yesterday afternoon by tbe leod4K meaof all tbe principal steamship compaaieH ia tbeport jYew York Tribmt, March 304b.

Good Mp-- Sskake bad bees' talking to HUieCalvin, in Sunday School, aboat tbe eritl wbitfa

result from nirig tobacco, and told him hemwhen be was a little boy, be net a geatleman iatho street with a cigar in his raoath, aisd bed

asked him to throw it away, and bow tbe geelte- -

raan said, " My boy, ytw bete taught m a kma,"and never smoked again. So little Calvia tried

He asked the first man be met to "pleasethrow away tbat filthy agar," bat tbe me saJd,

"I'll learn yon manners, yon little fool yea," aadbe ended little Calvin's ears t&l big neee Wed.

So littlo Calvin thinks things are changed tiseeMr Sneake was young.

Pkt Naiies. A young lady by tbe saam ofBelle Brown, wishing- to be in the fashion, aadimitate the Maggie, Mollies, Annies, S&aleajict

other "ies " of bcr oajnaintance, had her Tkitingcards printed Bellie Brown. Whereojion Figsrc-i-3

of the opinion that tbe sweet name of Tk&ought to be an exception to tbe patronymic rale.It tzjt : Tako for instance the case of tbat wag-

er a farmer np in Oregon, Pater Ake, who badis daughter christened Belle. We don't believe

sbo will aare-bc- r cards printed "Bellie Ahn";and if the other girls call her by that romanticcarae when sbe geti big enorgh to 'rastle, we

reckon tbat there'll be a lively time, and a Hhoralwaft of hair and chignons upon the balray breezesof Oregon imtnedistoJy aflerwitrds.

Page 2: Ijmwiiian: fi i ITljHil riniTT





It Lai reeased III JI HtT the King to appoint tbeHon. A. Farnander to be Ctrct-- Judge ef tbe Sec

ond JodleM Ciretrk ef Use Kingdom, in peace ef Mr.Arxlreyr J. Lawreeee, reeegned.

Kauaafcaktl, Mai, Mar


tiie District er Honours.-- ; : Year attention ii called

to the Statute pasted by the last LegWeture undervrhieh Sporting LkenfN are toned from this Depart-

ment. Complaint baring been made that person!boMiog seek Ueeneeo destroy imported and tame

hires, Netiee U hereby givea tbat any penonthe above Statute, till'. be proseented to the

utmost eateat at Ike lew, and W Lactate annulled.P. W. UtrTCHlte.

HieWer ef Interior.

Interior Department, Honolulu, Mar S, 1671.

The regular annual examination of the Gevern-me- nt

Setteeh of the Dietriot ef Etna (Ueaofcile).

Maud ef Oaho. wHl take place daring the ensuing

aoete (Jans), ai feUew :Taoedar, June 13th, at the Mililani Seheol, Kin- - St.

Wednesday, 14th, at tb Boya-- l School.Thursday, " ISA, at the Fort Street Sebeol.

ecu: Kx KBotU.Monday, Jnne Stih, at KamoUHll Chureh, 5 schools.

" " 4 "Tuesday, ""TfttiaUKawalabaoWednesday, 'i2a5'at utj " 5 "

- " 4 "Thursday.Coameneinc at S tWteek A. x. on caeh of the

above days. The palette it Invited to attend.

The regular summer .vaeation of the abore tebeelsTrill extend from the date abore named to Tuesday,

Aurust 1. 1671. freta which date a sew term will

By order of the Board of Education.W. Jas. Smith, Secretary,

lleroluw. May 9, 18T1.

The Hotel.

Tho buHding designed for hotel pur-

poses, to b4eatd on the Hooper lot, onHotel Street, lias been commenced. Theexcavation for the basement began on

" Monday last, and the work will be pushedforward as rapidly as possible until thebuilding is completed and ready for occu-

pancy. "We do not pretend to inform ourreadors wliou it will be finished, for, al-

though all the material is in the town, andoau be placed ujmhi the lot as fast as itany be needed, the labor is not so easyto obtain, and therefore, the building canprogress only as fast as men can be foundto proceed with it. It can hardly be ex-

pected that our mechanics will all be en-

gaged upon this one work, or that theywill lay aside other jobs, in order thatthis one may be finished up in an extraordinarily short time. The public necessities

do not demand the completion of thisbuHding under a pressure of labor thatshall add largely to the cost df its con

struction. It will be quite satisfactory ifit oan bo made ready for tise withfn a fewmonths from now, ami, when finished, ifit shall have bceu built in a thorough andworkmanlike manner. Our communityhave talked hotel for more than twentyyears, and now that we have really setabout having one, we may as well notfret about the time when it can possiblybe fiuishod.

The direction and oversight of the workand of the construction of the building is

in the hands of Mr. C. IL Lowers, one oftho committee cliosen by the subscribersto the bonds. His practical knowledgeof this kind of work, acquaintance withits details, and habit of managing men, issufficient guaranty that no unnecessarydelays will occur, and that tho structurewill be brought within a reasonable cost.

Of the several '.plans that have been.. considered, and dismissed very thorough-

ly, that of a building "having two wings,each 75 by ,32 feet, and connected by acentral portion, 50 by 42 feet, Las beenadopted. Such a shaped building avoidsinterior roams, and allows nearly all theapartments to have windows opening tothe outer air. The makai and maukasides will have verandahs of 10 feetwidth, so that the extreme lines of thobnilding will be 120 by 05 feet.

It will consist of a basement story, thefloor four feet below the surface of theground and twolve feet in the clear, andtwo othor stories, respectively fourteenand twelve feet iu the clear. It is dividedby hall-way- s of eight and ten feet, a widthBufiicient to give thorough ventilation aswell as easy access to all the rooms, ofwhich there arc forty-eig- ht sleeping, andten others for the general uses and needsof the establishment.

The walls are to be made of concrete,rustic finish, similar to .that of the newPost Office, with ornamental window capsiaacl sills, and such other finish as may beSuitable for the structure. It is foundthat the coral is about seven feet belowthe surface of the lot, so that the founda-tion can be made to rest upon it

The working plans and elevation, whichare being drawn by Mr. Osborne, will becompleted in a few days, and can be seenat the office of Mr. Lowers, by the subscribers and such other citizens as feelinterested in this matter.

TVchave no doubt that the buildingwill be a sightly and handsome structure,and will be a credit and ornament to thetojrn. It will bo sufficiently largo tomeet the present demand of the travelingpublic, and sufficiently roomy to givecomfortable accommodation to its occu-

pants, "and it will, therefore, remove theobjection that does exist abroa'd, in theminds of inany, against visiting 'ourIslaods.

The lot is already well covered withtrees, and is shaded and pjeasaut, t?o that

from tbc opcritns of tbe hotel and tlie of twelve miles from San Jose arc loMted tbe

commencement of the business, nothingwill he wanting to make it at once a popu-

lar ami agreeable residence for strangersand resort for residents.

A. Valuable IVorl.

There will be shortly issued from thisOffice a work compiled by the DeputyCollector of Customs, J. A. Hassingcr,which trill be a concise and complete tableof the tariff on imports; a digest of thelaws and regulations of the customs;jMjsitiou and bearings of the various lightbouses; currency tables and much othervaluable information iu rugard to thcommerce of this Iviusrdom. To thoswho know the compiler, it is only neces

sary to say that he has expended much

care ution the compilation of the work,and that it will become at once a necessityfor the counting-roo- of every merchantlwrc, and will be a most valuable workfor transmission to those abroad whohave business connections here.

TnE lalors of the Joint Iliqh Commission, which has been sitting at Washington, for the purpose of forming a basisupon which a settlement of the differencesbetween the Governments of Great Britain and the "United States could be settled,seems to promise the happiest results. Itis understood that a treaty has been draft-ed by the Commission mutually beneficialand honorable to both nations. It hasbeen generally supjwsed that what hasbeen termed the "Alabama Claims," was ofsuch an important nature that to settleit was to settle and adjust all the ques-

tions which have arisen between the twocountries since a specific settlement washad of their differences. This is, however,far from being the case. The "AlabamaClaims'' have been used as a party watch-word, and brought into prominence forthe puqioso of making politic;.! capital,instead of being the most important question between the two countries. It isknown that the politicians of both coun-

tries have used the cry of the settlementof these claims simply to influence thepeople, who, thanks to their intelligenceand appreciation of the importance ofclose commercial relations between thetwo countries, have refused to be in-

flamed, and seem determined to maintainthose relations which mutual interest andkindred blood demand. It is to be hopedthat the ratifying powers of both coun-tries will acquiesce in the basis fixed uponby the able and distinguished statesmenof both countries who compose the

It will be observed that the schoonerCambria sails with a full cargo and anumber of passengers for the Fijis to-

day. The opening up of a trade betweenhere and those islands promises good results for both archipelagoes. Theadvanc-mentofth-c

Fijis in civilization aud com-merce for the past few years has beenquite remarkable. The fertility of thegroup and its adaptability to the cultiva-tion of almost everv tropical product willreuder it in a short time one of the mostimportant countries in the Pacific. "We

notice that -- sevoral enterprising gentle-men, who have resided here for sometime, will take their departure in the Cambria with the intention of settling at Fiji.The prospect of having speedy and regu-lar steam communication established be-

tween here and the Fijis will tend tomake our interest in and our knowledge- -

of those interesting Islands much moreImportant to us than they have hithertobeen. "We do not see, from the fact thatwe arc much more favorably situated asregards the principal ports of supply,why, in time, we should not become iu ameasure the factors for the Fiji trade.

IVote. of Travel ia California.

Sa- - Feancisoo. Mat 1,

would see the GoWen Stale in itsbest aspect mast make bis observation? withinthe two months preceding the middle of Jnne.At this period, a garb of fresh verdure clothesthe country. The hills ore robed in a mantle ofliving green ; the cultivated lands give promiseof plenteous harvest, and tho fruit trees, ladenwith fragrant Wessons, join the wild flowers ingiving rare beauty to the landscape. In a shorttime, every green thing will be withered andburnt ; the streams will be dry, and the foliage cfthe trees powdered over with dust. A few notesof excursions made in this season of travel maybe of interest to your readers. They may awaken

pleasant recollections in those wbo have beenover tbe ground, and to others pire come ideaof the more noted places of tbe State. Oar firstdeparture will be southward, to

the crrr or sax jose.

. This town may be reached by either of the tworailroads , from San Francisco in an boar and ahalf. The route by the Southern Pacific takesthe traveler through a succession of pleasantlittle villages; and within view of elegant countryseats owned by some of the- - wealthiest men ofthe city. San Jose was ah old Spanish town,aA the seat of one of tbc early missions, bat itretains few .traces of its farmer condition, liroadand buy streets, lined with elegant stores ; bean-tift- tl

residences, with orchards and vineyards,give evidence of a prosperous and enterprisingpeople. ' It is tbe commercial centre of SantaCiara Valley, one of the richest agricultural

reKn3 of the State. Here is locatad the Col-

lege or Xotre Dame, one of the oldest and mostweallhy educational institutions of tbe State. Itis represented to the eye by a massive pile ofbuildings within an inclosed square, near thecentre of the city. Tbe old Padres, connectedwith tbe early mission here, are kept in pleasantmemory by two rows of trees planted by themalong the road, three mites in length, leading toSanta Clara. These have now crown to an im-

mense size, and, by their intermingling branches,form a long bower, making the shaded road oneof the most delightful drives in the world. Inthe outskirts of the city, the State NormalSchool building is in process of erection, an

immense structure wisely made of woodbraced, with reference tolhe earthquakes

to which this region is subject. At a distance


It is a spot of Dioch interest, both because of

iu natural beauties and tbe operations here car

ried on. There are but few such mines in tho

world, and n3 not many of your readers have

visited one, an account of this may be acceptable.

The rente takes one tbroogh the valley, hero fif

teen or twenty miles in width, past grain fields and

vineyards, with a view here and there of a snug

cottage embowered in trees. I he nrst indication

of a near approach to the mining locality is seen

in a long row of neat little houses, each having a

dooryard ornamented with shrubbery and vinc3,

while in the rear flows a clear mountain stream

These are the dwellings of the laborers employed

in tbe smelting works, which are situated at the

foot of the mountain. The mine itself lies at an

elevation of a thousand feet, and is reached by awinding road cut oat upon the side of the hill.

It is a finely constructed way, rising by a gradual

ascent. The most magnificent views of thesurrounding country are presented from the

higher points. Tho cya sweeps over the broad

and fertile valley to tho extent of twenty orthirtv miles

There are several tunnels running intomountain at different noints, the oldest and

largest being near the summit. This spot was,

from an unknown period, the resort of Indianswho used the ore to make the vermillion with

which they delighted to adorn their tawny

cheeks. They came here even from points as

distant as Colombia River, and wil'n their rude

implements had excavated to the depth of fifty

or a hundred feet. Difierent accounts are givenof the way in which the eiistecce of the valuable

deposit came to the knowledge of the whitesettlers, liy some, tho secret is said to have

been acquired from the Indians by a MexicanCaptain. Another story is. that a searcher forold, while testing in a retort what appeared to

bo a red earth, became salivated from inhalingthe fumes, and by this unpleasant personal ex-

perience, was made aware that he had foundmercury. The mire is now in tho hands of acompany which has control also of other leadingsources of supply, and exercising the power of amonopoly, haa forced the price to an enormousfigure. The dwellings of the miners form littlevillages, adjacent to one another even to the topof the mountain. The workmen and theirfamilies make a population of a thousand orfifteen hundred souls. The common laborers are,for the most part, Mexicans, a reckless improvident race, spending in drinking and gamblingtheir d wages. As the veins of orehave been followed, a series of labyrntltine cuttings have been made extending for miles, andrequiring many hours for their exploration. Thodescent to tho lower levels is made in someplaces through a perpendicular shaft, throughwhich a bucket lowered and raised by a steam- -

engine, conveys laborers and ore. Elsewhere,communication is by a series of ladders made ofnotched logs. Over these go the laaateros. orcarriers, with their loads of two hundred poundsheld in a sack swung upon the back, gropingtheir way along narrow shelves lighted only by adim candle here and there, threading narrowpassages, until they come to the main tunnel,wheroa car running npon a narrow track receivestheir burdens. The cars are pushed out byband, and unladed beneath a shed, where work-

men separate the ore from the useless rock. Thevaluable portion is conveyed down to the lowerworks in large wagons drawn by six horses, or incars, which, by means of a wire rope worked byan engine, run over a track that "reaches to thefoot of the mountain. Your correspondent hadneither opportunity nor inclination to explorethe subterranean passages. Some idea of theappearance of things was had by going into themain tunnel to a short distance where two intelligent, pleasant-face- d Cornish miners (of whom anumber are employed.) were at work filling a carwith the material brought out from a side passaje.The close air and tho uncomfortable sensationconnected with tho consciousness of bcin" underground, suppressed any wish to continue travelin this direction. A little experience of under-

ground life might be useful to enhance appreciation of the bouty aiid the joy of sunshine andfree air.


iut we will now follow tho ore down themountain, and see how it is made to yield up itstreasure, fhe rock itself is strangely unlike themetal derived from it, being of a rod color, andshowing only by iu surprising weight a connectionwith quicksilver. In some of the richest specimens tbe sparkle of the metal may be seen.

Tho smelting works occupy a considerablespace of ground, and consist of a collection ofbrick furnaces, each forty feet long by ten feet inheight and width. Koch includes a scries ofchambers, twelve or more in number, with open-ings alternately at the top and bottom. At onoend a chamber is filled with pieces of ore andclosely sealed. A wood fire subjects it to a heatof eight hundred or nine hundred degrees, whentbe mercury evaporates,-an- the fumes passingthrough the successive departments are con-densed, falling in shining drops of pare metalupon tho bottom. A covered trough collectsthem and conveys them through an iron pipe,whence the glittering stream poura into a reser-voir. In order to create the strong draughtneeded for the furnaces, aud to remove faraway the noxious vapors that escape, the fluesare led np the hill to a considerable height.It is surprising to see that a metal so heavy thatiron will float upon it, can be so readily turnedinto vapor. The health of the workmen em-

ployed about tho furnaces is destroyed in a shorttime, but the brief hours of work and a dollarper day beyond ordinary wages, form an induce-

ment sufficient to keep up the supply of laborers.The metal is weighed out into iron flasks holdingabout sixty pounds, and is ready to be conveyedto market. Etch flask, after being filled, is subjected to heavy blows from a sledge hammer, totest its soundness. The mine is a source of vastwealth, and tbe production is limited to such soanouat as will maintain high prices. II ere. at

cw Almaden, is the spring of Vitby Water,highly valued for its medicinal qualities.

In the mountains round about, and farthersooth, the visitor may hunt bears, (with, perhaps.the pleasing variation of being bunted' bv them.)and small game, or, if a disciple of old Isaac"Walton, may drop a line into as fine troutstreams as ever gratified a sportsman's enthusiasm. Delta.

Xrw To EE, jfey 2. Special correspondents tele-graph the followins:

Bseus, StrxDAT. An Imperii council was heldto consider tbesitnttioo of Paris. BislnarcE

was present. It was egreed to notify the VersaillesGovernment at bat fnrther limited period would beallowed for the restoration or authority, the enforce-mea- t

of order nnd the fulfilment ol treaty stipula-tion, after wblch Germany will take Independentaction to establish law and order m Paris. Tbe dis-patch wUl emphasize the wish or Germany not tointerfere in the internal political affairs of France,but will add that tneh Interminable civil war, origi.natin in revolution and characterized by disgrace-ful excesses, cannot longer be tolerated, for the mo-ral and material Interests of Germanv. a well as ofall Europe, are suflerir. Private-reliabl- e informa-tion to the belief that it is tbe Intention ot theGermans to restore tbe IU--t ccy, as the next legiti-mate Government, in the event ol tbe Versailles antborities not bein; able to enforce, their authority.

I'tue American 3'cirs,Alexandria, Ya., aVM 29ih.-- The Hon.

James Murray Mason. States fjaatorrem Mrgiula, aDi jitnUtw t0 Eoel!inil UJ tho

late Confederate Government, dted at his rjldence" v"""ns' '" thls.clty, at ten o'clock la night,lor aome time his health hid been fallbg, andwithin tho lat month he had lost hi eyf ,ht- - lie

wuzru ueuiuty, hjs ncrvous tjstiJi beinggenerally deranged. He had been unconscious for aday or two, and died very quietly. 1

--New York, iliy 5th.A severe rain ..rm set Iuhere yesterday which prevailed all dsr and nightand etill continues.

A TribuiieU Washington special sajl. SenatorsMorton and Cameron, In response to a telegramsummona from the Tresldent, arrived hefe. yester-d-

They come iu advance of the of theSenate, In order to become familiar t ith the treatyof the Joint lllsh Commissiou, and t J examine thepapers and document, which are vetV voluminousand Intricate, relating to subjects of ?discusstonbetween the English Government and' onr own.The treaty his been printed confidentially lor theuse of the Commissioners end copies will at oncebe placed in the hands of all members of the ForelsrnIielitlons Committee In the city, and also membersof the Cabinet.

Secretary Boutwcll returned jeiterday, two daysearlier than was expected, In orJer to participate Iuthe examination of the truity which Is to occupythe whole time of tbe Cabinet The

adjourn until Saturday to give the Cab-

inet time to examine all conditions embraced In thetreaty; and II the CaBlnet Jujest any amendmentor change, the same will, rtcclve the attention ofthe Committee on Saturday. It will then be signedla duplicate by all members of the Commission onbehalf of .both Governments, there being no dis-

satisfaction expressed, by any member, and allbeing fully satisfied tha!; the treaty Is Just, fair andhonorable to both Governments. '

Every American mtrhber of the Commission ex-

presses unhesitatingly .the belief that It will he rati-fied; and Judge Xcbpn, who Is the only Democratic member, Is cnttislastic in liis admlrat! in forits provisions- - He sivs no filr minded Americawho examines the subject intelligently aud withcandor can fail to aprove the treaty lu all poluts.

Tue Yacht Uacs. The first regatta of the seasoncame off on Wcdneslay last as was previously announced. 1 he yachts vera In position atStcamboaWharf at 12 o'clock noon, and started at 11 minutespast. The Esplanaie and every elevated position adjoining was crowded with spectators. Tbe wind waslight, and at the sttrt the Kulamanuled the way, fol.lowed by the Fcarlos, and the other boats in aboutline. Itwas really tbeautifultighttoircthemasthoypassed out throngh the channel, with the little steamyacht Sedan following. Before reaching the sparbuoy, the boats altcrtd their positions and rounded asfollows: Kulamanui Fearless, Cara Bell, Danntles;King Phillip and Henrietta. Being now before thewind, jibs were boomtd out, and the Henrietta goin" vitilo dippers were used freelyin wetting the sails. By the time tbe stako-boa- t was

inched, the boats hal separated considerably, withthe exception of the xulanianu and Fearless, whichwere now side by side The latter finally took thelead and tbe boats wait to leeward of tho stake-bo-

in the following order: v

Fearless Uh. 41m. 30s,Kulamanu . ...... . 1! 44 50.King Phillip 12 46 10.Henrietta.., 12 46 30.Cara Bell L 12 40 35.Dauntless 12 46 3S.

In rounding, the Fearless got her centre-boar- d fou'

and sagged off to lccmrd considerably before she wasbrought sharp on tho vind. This garo tho Knlatnann an advantage which she' made, good use of. Theboats being now on tie wind, the Henrietta showedher supcriorfq'ualities in workin; to windward, and i

soon becamo apparent, if the brceie continued tofreshen, that herchancss were ia the ascendant. ThoCara Bell also showed her good points on tho windThe Fearless made severalstort tacks in shore, therebylosing ground, as she got,the wind much lighter thantho other boats. The Dauntless and King rhillipalso appeared to be losing tho breeze and were saggin;to leeward, nhilo tho Ku.im.mu had everything herown way and was leavbg the others astern. The

y was rounded iy tho

Kulamanu ... lb.1 1 en Helta...... 1

I earless ; 1Cara Bell 1

Daontless .a 2King Thillip 2





The race was now ahost decided in favor of the Ku-

lamanu, as there was but little chance of the otherboats overhauling hernnlcss some accident happened.The Sedan fullowed the fleet, blowing her whistle asthe champion of the raeo parsed the winning-stak-

The boats arrived in the following drder :Kulamanu.......... 2h. 00m. 40s.Henrietta 2 12 5.Fearless 2 16 45.Cara Bel- l- 2 20 15.Dauntless - -- 2 25 52.King Phillip 2 36 45.

Allowing for tho difference in time as agreed npon,tbe boats stood as follows : Kulamanu, Henrietta,Cara Bell, Fearless, Dauntless and King Phillip.The boats wcro all admirably handled, and the onlything to b regretted was the want of a strongerbrecie. The new boat Henrietta labored nndcr a dis-

advantage from tbe fact that her two sails did notallow h;r to work as quickly as the others, althoughshe did first-rat- e as it was, and like the Fearless, sherequires a strong brecie to show herself to advantage.On the whole, the regatta was tho most creditable affair cf the kind that has ever taken place here.

Feeding tot Lambs. It Is one of the .most welcome duties to call attention from time to time totbc work of the Youns Men's Christian Associationin this city, because nowhere do we find work doneia a moreclear-tightcd- , practicalandrvligiousspirit.While different sects carry on their separate workof evangelization, these gentlemen, united out ofall sects, by influencing the young men about teemat home, by their hands at once on tbc lever bywhich tbe whole social structure is raised. NewTork Is crowded to suffocation with yonn menfrom all parts ot tbe country; it is tbc arena towhich every ambitious boy brings his shrewdness.or skill, or strength, for final success or defeat. Hehas cut loose from borne, old acquaintances, old hab-

its; he Is morbid y with vanity in bisbotyounblood and strength ; morbid with angerat bis own insignificance iu tbe crowd; homesick,perhaps, and ashamed ot it; sbnt In by the Indiffer-ent liurrjirrg multitude on himself, bis petty failuresor pclty successes. No boy will be compelled intoisolation tbst we all know ; least of all the genialhearty fellow, eager for sympathy and comradeship.whose power and promise are worth the most. liecannot cross the street that vice does not open adozen avenues for him to society, friends, pleasure;avenues where every aesthetic taste he has Is cunningly gratified, while a sure bold is hid on hisanimal nature to drag hiiu down. AVbat shall wedo ? "lie that lives in solitude," says La P.ocliefou- -

canM, " is either a brute or a god." Tbe ordinaryyoung man is neither. True, the churches are openbut Sunday.schools and prayer meetings require fortheir enjoyment a certain amount of active pietywhich it is most likely be has never felt. He enterstbe'only pleasant doors accessible, to him; whisky,or worse evils, lay tbeir bands upon him, and begoes down with that endless, woeful caravan tbathave gone before. Now, It is for this boy, or bisfellows, tbal tbe Associations are doing their work.They proffer him help from the hour he enters NewTork, a stranger and alone; hold ont their bandswith hearty good will, giving him a chance at oncefor what be will most probably feel the need anentrance into tbe society of cultured and well-br- ed

people. Keligion is not thrust offensively npon

him; their building, as costly and complete as themost expensive club-bou- se In tbe city, offers himthe means for tbe strengthening and amusement ofboth body and mind at the trifling outlay of a fewddlars per annum, lie finds music, art, sdentifleand popular lectures, a gymnasium, parlors fitted

up with elegance, billiard and chess rooms?" nSmeans hare been left unused to turn the bright andcordial side of an honorable life to the gallant yonog

fellow who is fighting bis way manfully alone. iV.

T. Tribune

LOXD05, 3Iay 4. Rumors are circulating that the

insurrection is Algeria is extending, and tbat theGovernment at Versailles is heedless of the growingdanger.


United States, IVcw Zealand-- AND .


For San Francisco !



For the above Port on or about June 5.


Tlio Stcniii.iiitp


Above Ports onor about June 6th......cossrcn.iQ

TVith Steamers for Melbourne) and HewZealand Pcrts,

For freight or passage apply to

IS 3t II. IIACKFELD 4 C0.,'.Aecbis.

The Steamers of the U. S.. N. Z,

Mail Steamship lineand A.

Will Leave Sau Francisco for Honolulu;

as roLLows r

Jlay 2 lib Angut 16thJune .21st September -- 13thJuly -- 19th I October 11th

The public will have timely notico of the dates ofdeparture from Honolulu for San Francisco, Ports inNew Zealand and Australia, and all further particu-lars caa be obtained at tho olfice of the undersigned.

FassongorsCan be booked at Honolulu to San Francisco, Omaha,St. Louis, New Orleans, Chicago, Baltimore, Phila-delphia, New York, Boston, and Liverpool, at lowrates, which will remain in force uotil Dec. 31, 1S71 ;also, to Auckland and other porta in New Zealand,Sydney, N. S. Y., and Melbourne.

II. IIACKFELD t CO..IS tf ; Agents.

The Equitable"



NO. I20,Broadway, N. Y.




Secretary SAMUEL BORROWE.Actuary ceorce w. phillips.

Assets, March 1st, 1871, Fifteen

Millions !

Annual Income, Seven Millions Five

Hundred Thousand !

SUrplUS, MilllOn FiVe Iron Tub,,

Thousand, beyond what is

required for reserve.

Pllfptl-- t (Villi-- 1 a I

All CashAnnual Dividends.

Dividends Paid at the End of the FIRSTand crcry succeeding year.

Xcw as official

returns, $51,021,1 11.


During January $2,000 and over.

.U'i or "NAME. RESIDENCE. Poller ass


. I $3,808 $S,2S9.63David N Bethel, Conn...

j 5,080 5,528.34

John Simpkins. New York 5,080 5,953.89

Charles Uonld-iNe- w York...... 5,000 5,8C0.59

Ed W Baldwin- - New York 25.0M 2J.080.80

M X Landon "South Hero, Vt... 2,808 2,088.00

Geo B DooUttletPainesTille, Ohio. 3,008 3,888.00

Geo n Hoppsck'charlestowD, S C 10,880 18,111.07

Fred H SpragneSa!Ubury, N C... 10,000 10,080.80

Jas W JIonMte.jllale County, Ala 10,088 10,088.88

John W SbafrerjFreeport, 10 S,tM :3,011.S8

John P G!sii...Hopkinivil!, Ky 1,9W 10,117.27

John J I'euSeM Toledo, Ohio 5,080 5,859.47t

D Eeltihoover-- Mobile, Ala 5,840 5,056.04' -

Gea II Work 'Mb3c, Ala 10,800 12.107.85

The undersigned will be happyto furnish such further information

connected with Life Insurance as

may. hp rerHired, jind particularly

as to the form of policy best suited

to an applicant.

i3. RAPLEE,Agent.

Honolulu, May 9th, 1871. 17-- tf



OUci- - for Sale,BY TIIE

Hawaiian Bark 1 KA IWOI,,


ASSORTMENT of GOODSSclcctciwith Great Caro

I IMKI. - .JU tLFAa. AiakJ i!a.xaaa.J immnrer air lawmnnnln w.t. pr.,ioQ

I 'J

--COKStSTI.tO or-,-

TTiSGIilSII l'KIXTS, Faney LUae.AMournins,

cairsing rrinu, aitiucu tumu "" ,

Faney JInslinl. Victoria Lawns, mesqulto netting.

Sor'or Cobeurg, black Alpaecu,

French Merinos and Crape, woolen dress Goods,

Black and bluo Broad Cloth,

Italian Cloths,

White Moleskins;

Black Haircloth,

'WhUe Drills' '

White lines:,

Whit Shirting and Langcloth,

Turkey Kod Cloth,

Brown and Blue Drills, heavy

Bine Cotton, Ticking,

Blue Denims, very heavy.

Blankets, largo size assorted colors,

: Bleached Linen Sheeting,

Blue Alhambra Red Quilts,'

. White Bed Quills,

Fine Linen

ATMtOtLinen A Turkey Tewels,

Superior Linen Handkerchiefs,i

Faney Cotton Handkerchiefs,

Turkey Red 4 Yellow Hd'kfs.

Plain White Flannel,1

Blue Twilled Saxony Flannel,

V.'hite Merino Seeks,

" 'Grey Mixed Soeka,

Ladles' White Hose,

Fancy Damask Table Covers,

Black Silk Neckties,

Fancy Alpacca Blouses,

" Fine Linen Bosom Shirts,

White Cotton Shirts,

Fancy Calico Shirts,

Heavy .Merino IjnUcrshirts, ,

Silk I'm'it. Under Shirts.



Cotton Shirts,

Black Silk Umbrellas,

- Black Silk

Blue Cotton Thread.

Woolen A Cotton Girths,

Feather Duster,

Boiled Linseed OilWhite Zine Paint,

Ground White LeaJ, Red Ochre,

, aud, Venetian BedBurlaps, Sail Twine,"J

i i . ScotchiHcmp Canvas,


from j iu. to 11 in.

Saucepans with

BabbitaJIetal, ,4 .

Gas 3 to i fn

HUndred Galvanised and

Cabin and Lanterns,

C. 0. Iron with.brasj guards, '

Sum Assured. Business,





- i , , in ,

,7 s: ' Salad OU.



, of

. ; in


Malt iu aud


uin in ana uoies.




Rum in , .

A Co., Ale,



Brown Under


Russia light heavy.Bright Fencing Wire,f

Hoop Iron,'

Tinned Covers,

Galranhed Pipes,

One Buckets


Pocket.Kniresand b'cisssrs,

Crushed Sugar,

French Chocolate,

French Pease nature,

Malaga Sultana Raisins,

Currants Jars,

Car vA.


CodlTrer Oil,

Ecssenees SheJd Almonds.

Liverpool Salt,

Sausages Tins,

Wiltshire Cheese,Dutch Cheese,

Vinegar DcmffoBni Barrels,

'Cream Tartar,



5ndia Coepe

Claret Boxes,

Rhine ffine.

ced Btseniti.

Schiedam Aromatic Seinapps,

DuuTtlle Irish Whiskey,

Manila Horse Rope,

StMkhelm Tar,

rilcbin half Barrels,

Portland Cement,

Fire Bricks square and arch,

Blseksmitu Cal,' Munfa Yellow MetaLand Composition NaQs,

BestRISe Powder in ) lb Tins,,

1.60 IhU New- - Oil Sbooks,

180 Tons West Hartley Steam Oal. m

Regular Packet for Molokai.

Schr. Pauani,DA1.X.ISTEK, Jla.ter,

Will as a regular paeket between Honoluluand Molokai, touching Kannakakai and Pakoo.

freight or passage apply to the Captain onboard or


Notice to Creditors.THE UNDERSIGNED, Executors of the

of GEORGE ELLIOT, deceased, herebynotify all creditors to present their claims againstsaid deceased t them, duly authenticated and withtbe proper vouchers, within six months from dat orthey will be forever barred


C. G. WILLIAMSON.Honoluin, April 24,1870. li-- il



TUB aiATTBIt of the K.tt rf HUITISWEEKS, Sr., Ulr of UVnsaiuo, Sofa Ben, Bam,ittttd. .

rwper ppuetwa nanac: aera e ntr HtMT Xtrkt, Jr., fee MMM of tMMnMa fUtr tho tet ue , nr., aanee Keener mm i.alt ba it mat coorere, that 3iary, Jim Klk, Ml, at

hi lie Brnwon, cw awmm aw, w--f it ...ii u tba liar mi4 J amlatfd fcenrtac.rpHt., a 'ftgjfi- Circuit Jwtf it JA CtmH.

Seotb Kirna. nairaH. sp't !T1- - W

COURT OP TUB 1I.VWAIXAS-9 In Ckaabcra. In ta mllr ftr S.UU .fr it KR AT. JwtMwt Order if nolle of ntMMt tlihr

Aoevnrt mil to dbcfcarg JtdBlaUtrator. Hrte Or. JaMkIlUtwrll. at CbanMn.

Oa ndhi and RHr( tfce rMMn t anftrd 8. Me, .mlniaimtnr t,f tk Mid (Mat atMse I tut aawM r awr- -dteM mar r aMolBled mr'tlw wtwud Matte ef tkminor cMUren of tlx wH 'Itc i and. 4 tfctt Me ttt l

i neh .hniafalralor wi tm allow, tad that a ettr V

ittsehutra from tie MM treat.It lanroertd mat v KtiiiuwAi, wm maff ef A4,

D. 157L at W o'ehKi la tka lirum, t Mat 1tehmby sraeM 6 bMrtn mtt PHtUm, ttftrt, k hUJanice at Ml ChamWrs. at wMeh ttm atr-- B

latecetteil naj iMtMrand thaw caw If 9r ttf aT,"waaw UMI Jane DO! Pe roim. mam ions wemw wtito

A a I tuidrrt.








Dated iieBMora, April , un i. uacALFHSD 3. HARIWni,

Jwrle oftke gaerear Opart.Attmt: VT. It. !im IVpnrjr CSnk.


For San Francisco.


The Ftne Iran 3trew Steaaer

.City of fVJelbourne,

WW be due here from Sjdaey via jriji tk sttjtor 21th insL and will proceed on imedially ts) SanFraneiMO.

For freight ar passage apeJj ttW. L. GRHBN. Agent.

feKu T ke followed every four wets by tk lxiron teraw steamers " Wonga. Woof a" aad " City asAdelaide." 1



The Fine Powufal Iron Ssrew Steamers

City of Melbourne,WONCA WO IMC A,

CITY OF ADELAIDE,Are intended to leave Honolulu for the abore Met)

on or about the lotluwina; dates: Jus 29Ui, Jly.'7tti. Aagual .'ltd, Sept. 2 lit, Uet. 1M, Jut. law.Dee. 1 ith.

For further parties lars apply to16 W. L. HKKEN. Agent.


JEWELL. .MuterWin hate iin mod lata diSMAeb for On attn jmt.Naitlua- - tbe Caataia aot tk adtriaaal, Aawal'i

of the akavoTeatel, wiU be reeponsibM 2r say enUcontracted by the erew.

For fraagBt or passage aMsr toIS II. II. HACKyiLD A CO.


For San Francisco.Th Bine American Tbre-Mata- 4 Sell weir

ik A. P.JORDAN,PEIIIIY, - -- - -- - -- - - Maaser.

Will bava dispatoh for tba above port.or passage apply to




Sx3xrixi& Soasoa of 107X.FOR NEW BEDFORD..OIL ancl BOaVS.



, 3tater,Ia now and trill have far New

Bedford dlreefi



loadiae ditsaiehv

atlbMimf OU, Bona. Wool and othar aatebamlhw will find this a opportaBity. Cstadvances made on shipments.

14- - ; V. AtKBWKK Js CU.. AgeaU.

For Kohala, Hawaii.

Schr. Active,I'ETBrt J. 3IEM.1SII, . . .

Will ran as a recalar Meket to tba above aaals.For freight or passage apply to









CASTJLE & COOKE,Consisting ia Part of

Finest White all Wool t- - Kln.Finest Whit all Wool A Angola WaHeFlawaels,Good Grey aad Waits an WaalFhuMMls. 18x4 BlaMkeat SlMetiatg.Tattaswoa'e loTJitfarg Corset.Aawakeaa; Dealaaa, Jeass, Drill, aadBltaeM and Uableaekad Cottons.

A Sup'r Ass't of Stationery,Water LiMcT Note Paper.Wfcite Rated Site Paper.White lUled Laid Lea.', Letter aad BiB gaaatvWMfe, Cat aad Amber aad letter aad Bate

Envelope.1'ayson's Indelible, and Carter'. Centaur lak.Artiste' A riexSMa Kattu,Smith A Wesson's Patois A Caiscsdgar,Hair Girth.. Stirrup A Loataetl.Sanili Tree., Creepers a' Mattes,Oak Belting, Street Brooau,Wood Faucets, Lamp Blaek,

Italian. laclln Lace 'Leather.,

Paints, Oils, &c.White Zhse ,t Lead, ia 1, 2 a-- 3 J. eoatetaerParspsnai Qaroas Ureea,Ctrreai tetW. TTatWr. Meaner,Pateat lint. Terariillee.Whiting PraHiaa, Btae, BlaaMers ef Patty,

Carriage and Coach Yarnisli;Bright, Copal and Tatastart Tarnish,uettM Liaised on, iMatoa'a Meeting. CeCea XHU.Axe. Pick, Pledge, Ads, Hat, Oo,Hamster t Chisel Readies.Wool Card. Eaddlea, taeaerfeat Tiaab,

Coopers' Tools,Croiers, Ifewats, aad Ctntmperiag Kasves,

Carpenters Planes,Fere, Smooth. Jaek A Jotatara,Cat S.Ut. 3. 4. . S. Jt. it. tt, M, 4, M andMd, Boat Rai!, 1, H,H 2 hMB.I'reasett Nails, I a 2 Mi.Cooper Rivets, 4. T A 9 kVt,Copper Biveta a Ban, . J.5 If rnea, OimpTeeti,Iron a Copper Taeka ef ail sites.Best RabtMr 11 m. 1. 1, 1, aS iaek.Ctabifagal. fares, h. Pa let. WUte-Was- is

aad Semb Urns be. Cfce'd Tta Pails,1. 1.2. 3. 4. 8. . It 12 natttt,Corerad "Hop Pail., iMppen,Dish aad JIHk Psaa,Jenniag'.fciti. seUieriag irrrat. TJfcgey.iMahyHamrBers. Oaagea. Sqaare. CHsefs,Angers. 8ie. Lnne Sqaraers, ;Yard Stick- -, Bang Stttfera, 4af,ShoveW, Spades, Oos, Laalunl, 'Eagle Horse, A and O PWwriarxtPeiatr, Paria Plows, eatra beavy and Hrn;,Prsbixkle of Iron, Pain Kafer,Poland's White Fine Coapeand,Palls, Tubs, Broom., Ete., Xte.


Pram the Boston Ilonse.

And iViany Other Articles3S-- Al.Ia TO HB SOI.U JAiVT. 3m


Page 3: Ijmwiiian: fi i ITljHil riniTT

rosmiSKriAi.tfo.voir.tr. aurn let.

The Steaeaship hvaka uiirrf on tha ntu; of

tht 14&.defcarg4 her Honolulu fveifet, leeA ia hrrmliu4nM at U Wt A. X. ea the lilt far

The edeieta hy tht SiWatlat, frets Sen Frasewee.

are nf i the ch iovt. Safer, irR rtfatUi a shadelewer, owteg b 4eet t lre jmlt betesfereed the aearktt at aaattiu. VTc Batiee hy tpapers that a portkm ef the earje as Oram Salivet d maud m atesatgtd. aad m lie hags ratiat aattK tree &M U 1. a Vr kap eoly at teeletter lgte,iMte tbe hlk es teed at itJ la M.Oar adefeet say the Sturars ete as elessaftd. Wtaaeretr adeeftattd as tea te iti At atteatiec of

TW Mlawaaic, treat the thmnuiial JirrmU cfApril Mch. resen U Saga. Ctafce. Mm iW WeoL

It W eked that the tatter artiest hat iafmWia priw. aat if fat MUiiHuaVU deteasd at the tteta-tie- m

r :Scaaa. laapartf fcaam January 1 ta April 1 :

Eesetra, aUi If: MaftOa, let. a.3l.S; tis f :H.wauaa. IW I.aie.SAS, rs MU ; Para rite, let..5l.m : Keleeian. Mm e Sl; Cea- -

tra! Atterieaa. 1W lt.Ill : CUaa. It en.tll. fk&14 ; Jawieaa. Ia 14S.T4S. pkg l.M.

The fuel mi af tht week aat torn taw taetlae faitof Hawaiian a partis daaaat-ad- - cx Cram Kthsrta.freee Heaetala. Or that. 1.444 ket. n aftee lets,tU nthaa see leasee i.ti to Ml IMaW; SIfan. SM ;KUW dasaad. ia teeee. lata. aaM

vitaietberaafeef $S.Si $ tll.C Wt aba aatfcaa lauthai 1 fcy lac 5aa Ktaewasoe Badaa Keavttytflja af bbb dr Hmia at 7re. Other sarehateeat prirata aak W aaaa affected n lata, aaaardiacUqaatat;. withta tat raag af ($lt. the lattar priettm atn aawirr. Far etbar iliiiajiHui af Xava alaanr af mr trlT-- It h gaairaUy aaJtrrtl taattaat lalaaran aaw raaaaaf an aaea aav varkac PTiJaM 1W atarr tMtf --foar aoan, tar m ail 1Maa nr to 'a thu witaaat ht nark aataiamlatjaa

of latlnai aWa aaaat aadunat that aar area afnatattptwa eoasUaUr aafanatiaf, aaf tan iaaiataiat iag a the aaaraaa railiata Mapmf theaarkata af the Great Satin wiiaia ear reach. Tat4avaa4 lar Catifaraia Caae aa4 ether reiaaa m aa-U-rt

at ratal heartatan paalirbed that, CaMerafeCaae. Hie ; CW A (rukai, lie, (iraaalatea, 1H;Feen4L 14e M m aW. ; af hhat I lexaiiL. Yeflew OaTee aad Galeae are aatihaaga4 aajrlie. It aa aaea Wai h a reteelperur that theera af 4M aerw t Uaa paraaana hj tat Califaiaiaear Beet Caeaaeay aa4 puvatad with ee.haj Veea

antoojea Vj atrvafht, vhiea. if Uae. ia a aerieeaerawaaek aaa 4iaeearafeaaeat ta thaw Jatt aaiBark-t- a

thai teapattaat teiprin. We Wart the raaaaraf peaee aafaaaai.uni'flW naa lieanj In tii AarB Mtk: Xia,

S.aa. fk.eu: Jaea. fc.Tl.tlt: MeeBt, la, la, a.ikIA III ii a. te.Sl..eea. .!: Oaataal lanrlnia.

: takMi.l. : aaalkjaUafa, Oa X.1ML

On tea Oat laat.. tear w a pabtk eaWiax af MMaaaaOaatatamaat Bla taraw, aar tar all aaaw ever $M- -

r riii " t - -- -kaga. leaaa aaaa. kiaa ir Carta Kk aaaay aaaeriar.

fkeavataaefWaataaaatatlaV; taaaSaaX lac; Uao, Ia: staaatlaKt; thaaauaka: aato aaaaeaioaaf

aptaaaniaa late, aad each Mrack mZ Ut aaaaf dMareat1 .j II 111 Ti 1 T" --

1 TaaaalatafaT aaaa afka aeilaj eald at tha w rate, faataahlarake aatpt at -t-aeir iialaaiat, ad 1 aaplkia taatraa. watk

alaaV AakartaKaltini tttajChlaWatlt4tapartiat: heaae eaared, hr

, rata aaea Bfctef piaae aaalttr aaaaMkaI wa MS heat a the prtati ef at

IheaelaaaM aat haaar nHahttiijr. theiectaanr wtrhdna-taapilialia-i.

aaa aat lta haraat Ht It. Alter thai,fear aaaal aaa af liObat eaek were aaered. aad nfMlj

late. We Item 1 it n ittlf thati lethal lip latlie pairhi , aad

eiac. kirkaiaew Aeanekrtpriaa.aaaa mat aacalta atfa, aktat l.euo aaira Oaaiiaiiki aad Carta

Xfcahet aaaa itHai lata laftt trade at ttit whkhaaraavhaeaaaSaatad the prtaitf Caatni turtraa. wMhaaahattaaakat. We aeaa ao ii4n of Jara ee atfcaae ta rteatd.

t Jaaaarr lat ta April leek : Odaa,liwiaaa. aVi4MaS; tieaaa,

lruvLat, paetaaaWlp mr mOet Se 1

ItoaaMat T)4 tyfp: Nel aoaad idiaaitaahweawof la.appaWOrtla)i Taale.

Haaiaa ao beat at S )c.aarkat eaataaaat aetiee faraa rkattictlee

atatae. Mtdiaaa gradaa

aeBatMhjatXlieiaci waBe hear; aed aafcetar Imeaairlllh I at atc. "tee haWafthe

aprtaf aaplavi abaady heaa laailattd, caaaty withiathMaaaafSeS Me. reeetalawgeclipaiaie haaa paataawd

ia dae BaMttar at SI at e.ha eaaacawa. andj aaaatt laat year't prieai hae Vtea

Tin - IWaalkef Hi at llitni hyradleMtwatd.Near It lai llitaiiatatin aneat la the atari at tallraax. Sat ahlp Oaaet, Ur New Vork. earned M,M1 IV,

I ml The tltauacHaw af aVt weak auraeaU a aulttea paaadr

St Wt haeaa Sawu aailad .T Itkiag a Mlaat eahaahla earge, Talaed at Ml,l-1- . eoanetiagaf M W ef eewaraad Stt hantb af SMtaHt.

She rhjp Saat arrired reeeerdar tt iiyt fraasyeaaatV with 81 teat af eaal far the "ar!k BaaiteTjaaaptimiiiiOaaipiaj, the ?h rwag aawereaart-e- r

ta laat faaaa Car the A atarieat Gaaae Caaapaariraem tttaac Saaen. Jareaj r Bewiaad'a IaUaae, teQatt ler at law.

3t hart Iaaia aaaVs k a few d far TaUti with

Oaathria taaW far the aa Twart- -

aaf waat paaaaaceit aad earga.

t A. f. Jttdte tmmt far Saa Tieaeieee with afall eaaaa, eadatr 3a. I eajart.

C&Um&w mIV taatar ad faaporU-taaa- e

ay the OattVaew ad HakU. 1 aaa; aafaa ate a

aWaaw eajoft.Xb aeatarrieal ftaas 5aa Fraariaet it Efteir ta he

the limiti lariar te Ware aa the lath here. ad aaafhe MBaetad here ta the Tad af Jaae to matin ttk

tee here ieae 4ta6& 'e--

efha Oar of iiiini Is expected ee --the Mtkftaai Eyaaay Tit the Pyia. aad witt hatee the falltw.iaw deqr tar Eaa ftaaaatt, aad b expaatad la make

Ska heat Cialtt at aW frtae Paytt'gaawd: withit tat aady la ath 11 vtttal that wt kaaw

af aa ta'aaitpart.


Paaa all ti lla, par MBda Calraa, Har tab:aaaaareaaaBXte Iaaia. Haefth:

a saear caaa, aat.... VTiaa,att.

aslaatil i 1 IK par .5fB---

Oiat.aaai atHaa Saa Paaaawaa, par Nearaaka. Mar Max.

..---at ei

aaaaaVa'eakai" 3 . ia ...aaaaaavaa 2 Ouli. . aa..

- Wilt . aat 54am Praah.a

1 saiaa. ea.. . 4Bat ttnata. aaat alphc st sjiifin. at. 1a . ... aW aVaSltortatT 14


alilaaat.parCX Wart. May aak;15 ail M.aaai 4

at Pat. aaat .. aTMaar. arte a iaaiaiavt.ifcaaaaaa IS Park. att. 1

Titnh Pwaatugat eC: lataaw. $4K 9Srat aatakaS Opw Ja. Ar.Btom.3sf tax:

aaaxaaalat"a a - - . 9& dnaapBaSaxa ............ aa

fallen asta Hi Ptnat.u 49OaxW aaaaaet. ea. . . ( Pinam. aai awaBa.aai, it. tm Paaa. aw IXTMaaaxvai jB aaxxaat UBB)T aanilii.pa S giniiii i.ttka .... 1Meet hi, aaaa 3aT fajtH; tat .tB4

trtadam.M4.ta at: Fatea.tz.aatr:ftraitlial aai Sedate, par Saatasea. Mar Tata.

c rradaca. M.4H ; fateaaa, HCZ aHE Baaai JteaatoataeBt paST QwCtt , lev Mb.

Tiatan, aaaa at aafae.1 WM

"ll r I t USHUM at: Terraca, MS

POUT OF norvonjx,ir.AIUtlTiD.

Mar It Beat Uizj. aa Baxaa.

Eaaahi. far Malakai aai Ka Tim. tm Klai.1-4- AnttairSeaeaekx.Hattaa-daftaaPkataaaw- ix

Uarit dafc Seat, iriiah ii 1, etdett tram ytwtait.Aat k aAJboi Xcra,Deit't2 cruise, eka.

15 r Ftaatedeaxi BawaS.

SAILED.Jitr tor Xmttli ud KiM lr t B8a

ettrt Tan? Qaaaa. fa-- Eaaalaad XilJU Ala tear yetVaa. Hiraajc. Sa-- Aacklaad aad ackrNettie Mart aad Caatf, Ut .Visf, aatIaaXaarlMefcal

Hearted. Ear S rraatawavaadaax tLOW. ae lUaai, aad lobtKs tar

TkraUleKklpXaRfaarrrnJaiLaaataa oa tat Khtatt.with terrvh f aperai elL vktck w afat ta lafe iert by

th ti Merrill, W iiarnt to Snr Setta bj tharra. Tha Sanaa will leach here bebrr peaj Sortk.

j 1Seaa4aarkHOaktiTaa.wBleh aoired ea thathlaat., vttk a ear(a of eaau (Wea STOaij, after Mac

B1 pracenl to MaUro' lalaat (altBatat la kiLe aattk. laaic 1C- - waat.) aa4 laat teaae tar Barer.

MaaaaaV Meat fcewaeaVr rara at Matheerae, kaowa a

tie Jtaldaa'a lea Oaaaa Oaaaaar.The TahMa terk leaia. whkh arrlrea at the tta part,

ftaai Tahiti, wa rrtara ta that aart vtak a reigeef Bra Mack,

eaii aklieee kaari at Metakal. -

Theaanm.Ma Sianaaa Wt 5aa Tnacaee at 1 r. x. taah ath tart, aat aTre4at tab JW1 at T A. M. ea the ltta,aaiklaa: tha faaikut w at BMaa, af T Aay aa4 2

heara. Had pkmaat weather tV eadte aakMia.aa her Ttyaae at 11 a. X. ea the JJa.

eeete TW waalv hark twuaab, a the aimae vtfwaa Xr Wiaara, wa. apokaa Jaaaary ath ia luttada.iBeaMtk, ta the IwMe, hr frxaett leawel Wfaa ltetaaa AH watt aa award aa4 Wead ta aha waatwank 4taet raaart aether aa ka4 ukeawer ataea rarhv heaji.

1AS s ir G E IIS.

Far rVrtated, OL pre eaa A laKtakttf(. iHjrtta feter

Tar Oaaaa Ittuamc C M VtWd, Mayaek- -J SrwanB.From Tahiti, per leak, Mar ttfc. w W Sewea. Area.

Saa naaaVea, per Qaaaa Eaaaa, Kaf leak. an a G&Maieaa"ihlMiia.Oaat Bataa. J Taaaaaeea, Mr Waha.

lor AarkWad aad Sedate per Nearaeka, far lath. KLiack aad wafc, S Kuaa, aad S ea raate beat Saa 1 raackKO.

mat Xewcartle. per Saav Xa.r latk. Hr. Cerdj, Xk C

E Cardj.NiM A V Cordr.X K Osee,Waker Care,J JCardjr. KGerd, Oapt T eteh

Tram Praaeaiea, per Searuka. 34ar 14th Wei T IteV-iaa-i,

mn i X Caeke, C A Oak H S (kaake, Eaaa Teny.C Seated, J eeakt, J XaUeaedt, M' Cade, W T Week.,ChtaM.C Make aad Seareate be Aarkltad aad Sedate.

Phijci of tie Xoaa for the Hezfh of Mst, 1871.

raeua r care, aastat. rata.S9XOUBIM MEAN TIME.

J.T t. rat! Xem rlav tlth. Last Qaarler. J t ixMaj lath. Xt Mnat. .. . X11leaf Sak. Tfcet Qaantr. S a ax

TIME SCX Kl.-iN-O ASBSiOTlMi.let. Saalawe aBaa....SaaSatt.. 9trxeta. fee an Sea See. BIMKaaakawa t5r eaSete 3t ..Sat.ialte..... SeaSau ..Sath. See liaa IB SaaSata. fSt ..3M. Sea Kate. .... Seat Set. S ..

Tas Lectare of the Hea. A-- S. BartareK, bereto-for- raaaoaMcd, will lake place tt the Olrtapic Halt

oa Tharedajr eecaine, lac ISta iaat. The tabjectwill be Ptalie nUmet," aad we aoeat aot thatthe lecturer tad the threat wffl had art gmettl ttlead-- a


A CmaixenwE. Mr. Chat. Loup oSers ta tail theDeaathw igmiaft ht af the boats nhich nIM hithe late nee, tither ta Diutoad or Coco Head aadback, far a eHrer rati last nil 'take the skiae" oatof the oae mesUr Failed for.

Rathe. Qatar. Daria? the aooo hoar ee Fridayhatt, the Mather of pertaae a Kaahaanaa Street,dhi aot asMMrat to over a doica. The dtr m hiremarkahlr nam, raprdally at aooa, that few e

cared aboat reetaria: ia the ttreeta.

A Caucs ia ottered by the on acre of the OtraBell to aoe oae wtthiap to pet a good boat cheap,at tsf art nUIIatr to tet toaw oae tfce take til theBare direr east which the backer of the Dtaatlet

tear hare te dkoote of.

The Kuacca. Betadrs oa tbe tteaner will betally eoanpiettd this week. ae toatmeaces ran- -abac; awala oa Mooday next, aoder coal mead ofCapt. !rGrenr, tod nill leare for HBa at the aaalboar. Her trips bare beea chaoced. tt will be no-

ticed bv tbe time-tab- le ia aaotber cotaaiB.

Saoansc Etksts. Wedaesday last was a aoUMedar ka the tfwtiac iori-- Ia aeMMoti to the rareof tbe HooolBlB Yacht Clob, aa exbibiUoo of tdea-tift- e

bratalitr, ia tbetbapeof A price kebt, betweestwo Beted fmttfl, Cobara aad Mace, was also tetake place tbe Mate day, eoaKwbere ia Cased.

Thb aoctkw tale of poodi ex CasUehow aad etherarrieak, coouaeaced at C S. Bartow's yesterday,wkx be roatfcMfd wbex ItBI be oOered alarse asortateat of ladies drees oodf, faory arti-ca- t,

1 variety of aiaoi, chajapaox, ale, porter,rope, sad maty other artidec. A aoe opportaaityia otTered for tboee la trade to repleofchtbeir stocks.

SAnrce Fackrt?. Tbere are bow three reveler-aailiB-

packet t betweeB tbb port and San Fraocieco,att of theat iatt taflerf, aad as oe Tcfds of tbeirdaas at tail froan aay port. Tbe sew packet QaeeaSaaaa raited tceaerdar toreooos wllb a carro Talaedat Ml, 1 91. Under coouaaod of Capt. iieaipetrad,the will bo don at becoate as fcaaoas for qaick

at tbe other Tewel ia tbe Use.

FaasoxxL. We notice by late papers, that Hocataxs Vocrl, Fottaxaster Geaersl of Xear Zeataad,'

after haHap sacceasfally amajeed tor the pottel ser-vie-e

betweca San Franctsce aad 'e Zeataad, bythe Wee TSmtttC etearaers, proceeded to Loadoe 00Saaaeaal basinet for tbe roloay of New Zealand.3tr. Voce! has beea ccwpactely saceetefal ia Loadocia Ms aagatamatts for x kaaa for tbe cotoey.

Tate bark Qaeeti Famt wx hxadoately decorxtedwith btmtaacoaFfMay last la boaar of the vfait ofQaeea Ksaaix, her aoblt aamesake, who went oaboard dartac; the tottao aad rrmeiacil over aaboar. Her Majesty was etcorted tfaroasb tbe vesselby Oapt. HeatBstcad, aad expressed mack pleasarethat so btiatifal a vessel was atmed alter ber, andOBleaviag.exxattsol BersenTdeTigated with bertisit.

Another Boat. Tbe yacht ieet is to haveshortly. A very foe modeled boat of

tweaty-sl- x fret keel aad etcht feet beam, is betaghoitt ben with the view, h k said, of bextiac tbethe other boats ia the race wbich comes off oa theFontb of Joly. She lj certxhrfj x tratrt lookingeratt, aai at rtftri her beiac sbat to "eleaa oat"the atbers, she wfll have to do some fast sailingarst.

Senatiosal. A raaaor aat been lately ia drca-axeb-

that Forrester, tbe tepposed msrdererof Mr.'ataaa, (pertaralars of wMea were pabKtaed asaert

tixae ago ht that paper,) bad beea traced from SixFraaefeeo to this piece, aad is sapposed to have lefthere ia a whaler. The Striatic? lor axicm eonvtyaaceacross toe Ptcme by steam, bas indacetaeats for

eaaraeteea ef this ascriptioa. as weU at ota-e- rceiebritier.

Tan FctaLSi. Oapt. J. C. Ctaaey, who ;ailedmis Sac boat la the nee last TTtriaataay, admiredber so aaea that .he has share Iuibl the oeneerof aet Ke iateaas ta Baake taate afcenrteeswUch wax Improve Ber stating eaaEtte, aaat waeaesaapkted, at fa tbe epiaeaa of levetal who amiradr to Back her, that it xS take a saaarter boattbaaia at presest iat the fieet ta beat heris the aext

Srxtxras to Abstve. The City of Metooarae.from Seaawy aad F9, wBl be dae eat VedaetdyaexL She vr rexaaia here loer eaoagfc to coal uadptoreed taroagk ta Sa Fraocbco, aad as ea pettedto aeehe the pairtpe orer la eigat davr. The Moses

Txybx is expected frrm Sas Frajaritco oa the 3d ofJane, to ceaatcf. with the Xexada, wkaek Is dae00 tbe 4tk froea AacUaaxi. The third veseel of tbebcv line xiB state Sax Ftaacatcooa taeSltk iasL,arriving here aa aecalit

War Sot! Several aeoatas saaee, the idea wasstarted by a aaaaber of yeaac ises of forauacxBti raatear drxsaatic dab. Kotaaac bat beea beard ofit siace. it woejld be x xJ idex If rocaetkaoc ofteethed was formed ia eaaseEtioB with the Olym-

pic Chab. Taere is saSdeat taaeatamoar; tbe seBJ-ber- s

af that iaeaxioa to enable then to do to, aedwhick, if sscesfei, woald sfiord the meaas otfiss-io- g

an agreeabte cve&tag aaate oftes.

Rtnt Oris. A yocsg sin was jj fo- -J 0f eeca-sleei-

"sporting5 a aat verr awkward Scare onhorseback, mo over a wemaa. aad chSd on XseacsStreet kst Tbsraday rvtatcr, fsrtcaxldv bawevtr,witaact bsrtisg thra Ecreidy. Both parties weretomewkxi to biame, xsd as It wax observed by thosewho witscssed the accident, that tbe yacag cxta didMs best te prevent a fsacral. tbe jfTairdid cot resellla asy disagrecahle cossetrBexcear to htm.

AVE sotksr that Gen. Grant bit appointed Dr. Vf.

Xtwcotnb. formerly a Trsidrnt of thijplace, asfor exaalalnt; tbe proposed Sutrv) TuoueL

Tblt taaael, nbieb will coettereral millions of dot-ta-

k lBtroiJrf to drain tbe mtoes at Gold Hill,Virginia CH J, CTdt, and a bill is before CuBgrrst

lor nodertakins tbe work. Mr. Casfcrly, at tbedose of tbe session, gat a resolution, through, appro-priati-

$10,000 to defray tbe expenses of tbe n

on n bieh Dr. Newcomb ks been appoi&Wd.

A Svaix PArcc AVe bare been favored by afriend in San Francisco, with a copy of a very dimin-

utive cewspapcr pobllsfced ia 2ew York, the .Item.II Is a paper of et--ht ropes, which, when folded,measures about two aad a half by three asd a halfiocbea. It is a spicy little sheet and has a ftlr shareaf advertisements. IVe notice that tbis is tbe lastetuaber of the --item, which wilt be SBcceeded byOvn, a raaeh ltrprr tbect, poMisbed monthly, aadfaralabed at the exeeediaiy low 'rate of twenty-fir- e

cents per year, aad wc ssppose, like PiKxaix's illas-trrte- d

paper, date w1H be supplied with "twentyespies far fifty cents."

The AuBBiCAX Sta2p Oompaxt. AVe pebttsh InxBOPaar coeama, aa adrenlteaseat of the American

Staap Ooaapany, of MetMeB, Cocs., to all tbe boysin the coaatry. The object of the comptny is to

boys to collect ohl postage stamps, wiUeh tbeeotapany will pay tbem liberally for. Altboata we

do aot tappose any boy w til make his Icrlnne ontof the batlaess, yet we believe that almost everyboy may taake somethlo; by collecting stampslsoet Mi envelopes aad fnrwardrB? thera to the com-ata- y,

who nodoebt do their besiaess la an honora-

ble tBtBBer. Stamp collectors will also ia well toapaly to theat for the stamps of Ttrioas other conntries.

Tbe Zeaiocs. Tbe Zeakws, which sailed frombeer on Saturday ereninc. the Cth iost, arrived atMaketta (Maker's Landing,) on Monday taornloj; oflast week. Tbe vessel remained at anchor at thatplace aatil Tuesday tvealnp, dnriag which time theAilmiral aad otSccrs of tbe ship trjoyed the splen-did bospilality of Caputs Makee. Tbe short stayof the vessel here, aad tbe fact that she was anchor-ti- l

oatsidc, prevented raaojr from visiting ber,5he was visited by Her Majesty Queen Emma

oa Tharsday, tbe 4th iost., who was received onboard with Royal honors. We anderstand that sev-

eral ladies and eattetsen accompanied Her Majestyon ber visit to tbe ship. The Zealous sailed IrotnMakeoa for Victoria 00 Taesday evening.

Dso Steatite, Tbe newly arrived lastitntion,tbe "scissor srinder," baring become satisfied thatbe i a pablic beoefit, has decided to become one oftbe pernstBient institutions of tbe city. He exhib-

ited to an admlrio; crowd tbe other day a specimenof bis abilities w bleb was oat of bis oscal line ofbaslncse, by "thowlag his muscle" to a GermansAoetaaker. Tbis gay old renovator of ancient cut-

lery, is a Frenchmen, and while patting an edgeoa a knife lor tbe Keicbt of St. Crispin, they bothgot into a political dltcottioo, which resulted in alively "set-to.- " tbe French awn showing consider-able science in trying to " put a head on" the shoe-

maker, be was setthtg weak 00 tt, wben tbe timelyiat erferesce of a policeman pat a stop to their forci-ble arraaKot.

A RtrsAwAT. A sensitive looking animal attachedto a milk nagon which was left standing in front ofs restaurant 00 Merchaut Street, last Thursday after-boo-

took fright at a loud tMerealioc in which thedriver was encaged, and started ont Altbeagh sev-

eral attempts were made to stop tbe runaway. Itwas about to bring tip of its own accord probablyfrom force of habit at tbe water-fonotai-n on thecoraer of Betbe! and King Streets, wben it becamestill more frigateoed by the aoisy crowd that fol-

lowed, and started off again. Force of dreumstan-ce- s

however, compelled it to bring np In " beautif nldisorder" ia froat of a wheelwright's shop, fartherzJoag oa King Street. It was no doabt consoling tothose who were compelled to go without thdr milkis eoBseqaeoce, that tbe crowd expressed consid-

erable sympathy oa thdr account.

The Nbbsassx. This toe steamer, the second ofthe Webb Hoe from San Francisco to the Colonies,arrived here on Sunday morning last at seveno clock. Tbe Nebraska is a sMe--n beel steamer ofsetrly tbe state tonnage as the Nevada, bat bas

laaco larger and more complete passenger r,

aad is probably tbe finest vessel in tbeline. Her engines are of 2000 borse-powe- r, verticalbeams, with cylinder SI Inches in diameter, 13 feetstroke, SDed with patent andthere are two Urge tabeatr boilers, recentlywith sew tubes. The vessel is said to be able tomake twelve knots per hoar, with a coosuptioo ofcoal of tbtrty-o- t tons ia twenty-fou- r boors. Tbe in-

ternal arraagemeot of the vessd is all that can bedesired for the accommodation of passengers of allclasses, the saloons being large and airy, and tbeelate rooms so imaged as to make their occapsnlias comfortable aad sedaded as possible. Vie hopeto see these dae vettcb wdt patronized, after theline is well estabBeaed, altboegh many are of tbeopiatoa that they are too large aad expensive for theinitial service 00 the line bet ween Sin Francisco andthe Coiaaies.

Fatal Accidot. A fatal aceadeat occurred attbe Iasase Asymra tm Friday last, by which oae ofthe iaantes, a CUaaatao called Jobs Chinaman,met with Us death. Tbe Superintendent, wishingto procaresome saad for tbe purpose of improvingthe walks aboat lac place, ecat four of tbe patieats,who are sometimes employed fat sack work, incharge of aa overseer, to load tbe saad at a placewhere tt bad before beea procured for the same pur-

pose. The overseer, upon examining the old a

aad aytewtteg it aaeafe, took his men to an-

other peace and set tbem at work. After some time,IheSaperintendeBt desirous of serine how the workwas progressiag, proceeded to tbe spot where themen were at work. Just upon arriving, be discovered that one of the patients, a native, bad startedto ran across the plain, la an attempt to escape, be-

ing pursued by the overseer; whereupon he Imme-diatd- y

started ia pursuit himself. In about tweatyor thirty miaates the aat was captured aad broughtback Is the place where be bad beea at work, whenIt was foaad that tbe beak where tbe men hadbees at work, bad caved in, baryiag John China-ma- a

ia the saad. Work was immedialdy coaata-ce- d

to remove the sand, aad tbe maa was soonfoaad, although life was extinct. Oa Saturday,Marshal Parke, tbe Coroner, exnnrined tbe ease, (boury being tailed,) whea by the erideace eBdte!, xll

eoaeeraed were fatly exboeerated from all blame icregard ta the accident. Tbe overseer stated that beeboxld aot hare had the sttcntestliesitxtios ia working ia tbe peace hizsli; ind the fact that be at Srsttboegat It aatafe to work in tbe larger exeavatioB,prc-se-e btax to be a caiefnl maa.

Late Foreign News.

ECItOPEAS'.Pabis, May 1. Scserat Clxsertt ia aStauated fraei

the aCee of Minister af War by the Camatasa, aadit replaced by M. Battel. The Cri mm PcmfiU saysCtaterat bat beta arretted by order af the KiecatrreCoauaittee. with the approval af the Cotaataae. Gea-e- nl

La feealia is ia tarnan ad af Fact Is y. Several

Deeraatr realise Ototcal Kateviu, wba it waaad-t-

There was ex&aoaxdiag and maaketry fire atxrNeaaty xK taraugh but eight, bat ic at saw ttaek-eae- d.

The Jmmrmml it Pmrii aayt the VersaiUitUrr rtatTTrri fiesefaara. Tbe fcrixg last Bight wasfearful there beiag netaiac ta ii niiipa it with it metthe exe3 war begxa. The extj it ti cited aad alarmtd,tbe peaple ttaaftag ia tatapt trcrywhere.

The IMxsorrie Betewxtes Attataed withaat rttsH.Thiers thjakx a yexettVi arraagemeBt iatpotsiale.

The YenxaBtti have at a tanw itnapitil Fart Issy.After its desertaxn by Ha exrritoa,

raised by the Caeaaae, isiaeii froet the cityaad aat aoly that fart wkieh they facedempty, bst after hard fighting xod at x great sacrificeaf ate. drave the esetay fram the treae&es, earnedace af their barricades and regxaaad fasieuan afthe eestery af Issy. They saw made xa xttecaptta retake Lea Mac&seaaxr hut tuted, hvisg heavSyin ktaed aadwasEded. Bvery efiart wax te made tobeta' Fart Issy bat thaald its cxptsra apcexr ixcrila-W- e,

ii wffl Ve Hewa up.Ktw warks are cei censtrseted areuad Fart Isxy,

makisg the Fart mere ursiaxhle thxa ever.The esemy'a 5re y has bees maisiy directed

agaiztt Parte Des Tcmei asd LavaBoU. A freatt

attack on Ntuillr is expected, and rtisftrctmentihart been sent there.

'r.w Vouk, May 1. A despatch dated Paris, lastevening, says yesterday witnessed a great scene atthe Champs Elysecs on the departure of the FreeMasons on their visit to Thiers. A vast crowd col-

lected, when fire was suddenly opened upon them,scattering the people In every direction. The FreeMasons, undeterred, advanced and planted 120 flags

a flag for every lodge represented on the ramparts.At tlx o'clock they reached the Versailles outposts,bearing a banner, "Aimoai --Vow fe win Xr Aufrra."They were bliBd-fohle- d and sent back, with the ex-

ception of the President and two delegates. Theirmission was unsuccessful. At 10 o'dock this morn-

ing Dombrowskl warced the Versaillists that hos-

tilities might commence hourly; 40.000 men areready for fighting In the Champs de JUrs. TheTersalllists routed ate Communistt at Monllncauxand drove them through Issy. Tbe Archbishop ofParis' has been released. The provision trains haveall been stopped.

It is also stated that Thiers has determined on amtp d"rfct after entering Paris, making himself aedMarshal McMahon joint regents with the Empress.

The Dally .Vnss says 26,000 troops have been sentagainst the insurgents makiog sorties by Cholsy. Agreat battle ht expected A new army Is

forming at Anxerre.A Ttb&rapA Berlin special says a Council of War

has agreed to give a certain limit to the Communiststo submit, otherwise tbe Prussians will Interfere.In the same manner they have notified the Ve-rsailles.

The ibtf says apoleon is ftlll suffering fromrheumatic pains.

London-- , May 1st. Earl Granville in the House

of Lords t declined to answer the questionsrespecting the state of the negotiations for the set-

tlement of tbe San Juan boundary qucttlon withtbe United Slates. He stated that the Governmentwas nnder an obligation of secrecy until the treatyratlficatious were exchanged.

Generals Sheridan and Forsyth, and the widowand son of President Lincoln, are passengers on thesteamship Jhusla, which sailed on Saturday for NewYork.

Tbe State opening of tbe London InternationalExhibition at Kensington, by Prince of Wales andPrincess Christian, took place The Inaugu-

ral ceremonies were followed by a grand internation-al concert given at Royal Albert Hall.

Lo.ndos, May 2ad. In the Chamber of Peers to-

night. Lords Kimberly, I'.uisell and Grey criticisedthe Whig administration of Ireland, which was ablydefended by Earl Granville

In tbe House of Commons there was an Interest-ing debate on ocean penny postage. Mr. Secly mo-

ved that tbe Postmaster-Gener- al should make ar-

rangements with the Postat Department of UnitedStates for a reduction in the rate of postage on let-

ters between England and America to one penny,(two cents). He pointed out the Importance ofsuch a reduction to the commercial and poorer class-es- ,

and urged that It would serve to strengthen theties between the two nations. A. Mundclla and D.C. Heron followed .with speeches in support of theresolution.

Mr. Monscll, tbe Postmaster-Genera- l, thoughtthat pending tbe present contracts with tbe oceansteamer lines, such a reduction would be Impossible,lie proceeded toargue generally against the changesof such reduction, which he said failed to bringabout an increase of btaioess suQldent to compen-

sate the department Tbe shilling rate produced190,000; tha six penny rate, .03.000; andtbetbree

penny rate brought in only 47.000, while tbe totalcost of the ocean steamer mail service, as per t,

was 53,000.

James White understood that the Post Office hada surplus of 130,000, which might be applied to thereduction of the ocean rate.

Gladstone opposed tbe resolution, and beggedthat tbe matter might be left to tbe discretion of theGovernment. Mr. Seely scouted the PostmasterGeneral's estimate of the losses, and said be bad rea-

son to know that tbe Government at Washingtonwas prepared for a reduction, and England shouldlie ready to meet it. The resolution was defeated,and x substitute embodying Gladsto'ne's view carri-

ed. The House then adjourned.

London, May 2. Several agents of the ParisCoramnBe arrived in this city yesterday- - Theyhavebeen commissioned by that body to enter into con-

tracts here for the purpose of Paris,but as they propose to pay for the goods In thirtydays tbe dealers decline any contracts with tbem.

The Emperor Xapoleon declared yesterday that hewould cot go tuck to France, cor listen to anyproposition for his return.

Paris, May -- . The Commune yesterday preferredserious charges against Cluseret, and a suggestitu wasmade to shoot him within forty-eig- hours.

There is an immense concentration of Cerarauafct!xtlssy. It is taxi ctutribatiaus are demanded fromtbe railways; 1,658, 0W francs have been alreadyreeeived, and weekly payments will be made hereafter.

The OJirinl Journal denies that the Versaillistswere victorious. The Masons are ordered to retake thebanners planted en the ramparts, the Versaillists

ta respect them.The Commune deerees a Cemmittee cf Public

Safety. Clastret's arrest was ordered because he was

negligent, whereby Felt Isry was eempramUed.Pakis, May Utenity. The JUrtit says the

attacked Fort Issy last sight, but were re-

paired. WtrkratB were sept to spike the gtfns. ThebeatDardate&t of VaBrres and Moctroage continued

y. Aa eagagevest is expected before evening.The VersaQlistt are daily gaining greend. The

af Issy is centradieted ; the Fort is

serted. Fifteen thousand Nationals carried the bar-

ricade af Lower Itty, alter xn engagement. TheMomHw says it it rumored that Dambrawski andStiff were made prisoners at Asnitres.

Sew Toax-- , May 4. A dispatch from Paris lastnight eoafrau tbe statement that Ftrt Iuy bis been

by tha Commune.Terpedact are placed Bear tbe tea them forts. On x

trial of them Cre boasts wire Mewn into the air.Batteries wilt be placed to mtaaee several paints oftbe ramparts, and nill far the purpose will be laidin forty-eig- hears.

Gteerxl Ratsel forbidi all eaauaaBication with theenemy. 2t'o Sag af trace will ba attended ta. andfiring will ga on as a taxi. -

A spatial correspondent telegraphed from Pint ata late hoar last night, that tbe inhabitants ef theAveaue Del lit5 reeeivwl notice ta leave the

within tweaty-faa- r hoars.Cenctergtries are erdered to make returns of all

paeans oeaapyiag apartattctl.The VtrsaxBas army U investing actively, and a

decisive xetStra it imminent.A battsoB with letters left the Hotel de 1ileA gnat meeting of all the Rapabuean Satieties is

caBcd far Saoday, in the eeurt-yxr- d tf the Laurre.Ledra HoUtx wrB preside.

It is reported that Cteteret will Ve tried fir com-

plicity with the Prtutjaas. Dotakrewski will be a

tanber of the L

Seals have beea pieced e the aSees ef severalrsotartca-pablt- by ardor af the Catarncne.

Vebsaillb. May I. The Versailles farces havecarried by aasaatt tha raaurgtat position at SxaaetMuX Oae beadred and fifty CantEtucists wtre killed,aad tea cancan and tbrte hundred prisoners

The if HI war, baweeer, evaeoired by theVerxiiHtJ treaps, as it was exptted to 3 dcitrBctirefire from the issorgeat ftrtiaearjass. Struct MSI isreath af. xsd about esc laile frara Fart Bieetrx andIvry.

The appraaehe ta Fart Iivy are earspltteiyand it it imrsosxtbie far the gxrrittn te

escape. The cannonade and m&tletry fire etctisses,bet the eagagetseats are ucinpartact.

Sixty prisoners hive xrrired.Favre hat gaae ta Bnuseb to participate in Use

uegttiatisBO'.LaxBOX, May 4. A Jiifj Aw etrretpendent xt

YerijBlej says 1 "Oa Tatsday night three diviiitsf,eemaaaded by McMabea, advanced towards the te

through the Beit de Boulogne. The entireArmy Carps was rderrd ta ftflow, hat owing toeassea iraprsdeat ta exffai3, the adraoce wn cotmade."

THeri refuse the earirnrraal treaty with Ger-saa-y.

Blistarck prs tests xgxlast tajart duerirninxtitst.It it said that the Ctsuatxze iciueiti tha Orleinr

Priaces ta IcaTc.

VrnsiiLi-rJ- , May 4. The Auembly ycitcrdaydebated the removal of tht Magistrates, en accountof their political antecedents, by Gambetta, duringthe administration of tho Government of the Na-

tional Defense. Dufaure. Proeurcur-Qencra- l, laidsome of these officials had been reinstated, but, on

the whole, he preferred Gatabctta'a Magiltratci tothose appointed by N'tpoleon.

It was Thiers, and not the Paris Commune, who

issued the recent order far tha expulsion of the Or-

leans Priaces.Ukcssxu, May 4. Baron Von Arnim has gene to

Berlin, and the French Plenipotentiaries to Versailles,for fresh instructions.

New Tore, May 5tb, via Londox. A Times spe-

cial says all hopes of peace are abandoned. The FreeMasons have gone to the Provinces to agitate Infavor of the Commune.

There is a constant and heavy fire between theforts

Favre, Tonyerand Qucrtier have gone to Frank-

fort to meet Bismarck.The AVtrs says the Vcrsallllsla are shelling

Autcuil from a Battery at Montrvtonl.The Prussians allow provisions to enter Paris.Versailles is uneasy. Castle Issy has betu 5rr2Tbe TrfqrrapA has a letter from Kossel, who de-

fends his conduct towards Cluserct.The republican Union League demands twenty

dtv trnre.The railway stations at Autcuil are damaged, and

the inhabitants are Hying.Since Friday the Insurgents have lost 2,000.Tbe Communists hold Issy. Having entrenched,

Issy and Vanvres Are slowly and receives a ball ofprojectiles.

' The Versaillists have unmasked a formidable bat-ter- v

at MontretouLFoule Is menacing Auteull, Font de Jour and

Passv.The Versaillists have taken St. Germsla and estab-

lished a batterT of shell gunboats.A naval coinbatda expected.There is a continuous rrsultlcss bombardment of

Jlontrouge, Haute and Brayers.The Communes occupy trenches at Vlllrjnlf.Ivry replies sharply. A great movement is expect-

ed at'NcuUIy and Lavaloes.London, May5th. H Is said that Prince Napoleon

is herePxmst, May Stb. The Commune abolishes the

political and professional oaths.The official journal says Moulin was sur-

prised by treachery, the garrison selling tbe pass-word to'the Versaillists. The place was recaptured;also Clamart Station, Cbataeo.

Issy lias been burst by the federal shells. Theofficial account admits serious losses lit provisionsand cannon; and aI?o that tho Versaillists advancedand constructed barricades at Ncnilly, and that thefire of Valcrlen has ignited Lcvallols and Neuillr-Gener-

Kossel was wounded In the shoulder.

JtlllTII.LEWIS Io lloootoln. Mix lCth, tj tha wift of Siaiuet L.

Lewi, a diogktrr


lllSillOI Jc CO.,


Draw Dills of Exclungt on

Tht Dink of Cillfcroii Sin rranrUco.11am. Lew A Waller New Tock.Trraioat Nttioail Diak - IfcMtan.OrteaUl Book Corporation Londea.OrienUI lbok Corporitkxi, payable in Sydaey, Mtlboarae,

and AockUnd.for Pidac iBSnranco CotnpiQy of Pan Trttt-rhe- o,

aad for the MlBkatUn lift Imnnnce Comraor of NewYtrk. ,

ca, p.eetive Ptpotits, IHteecnt FIntlas EaslDtts Paper,attead to Calleetier, etc, etc. 13 lr

T AVO IN TUB SANDWICH ISLANDS canJ. O leatn wy of making money during

their spare moments, easily and without eapitat, andSOUEL Y. Send your address to American StampCo., MeriJtn, Conn., U. S. Wo refer to the publish-

er af this paper, who knows the nature of our basiniss.13 tm

Cottage to Let.COTTAGE TO LET, furnished orMA" suitable for a family. For informa-

tion apply at this office. lS--

For Sctie.or the whole of tho well

TURKU-FIFTH- STaeht Ctvxmx, I toUL.

For particulars apply toIt R. NEWCOMB.

The Wholesale OfficeF MB UNDERSIGNED AT THE FlKE--0 Proef Buiidincs.



ERED WAIST, several pieces of Edgings andA Reward of $5 will be paid on delivery

of the articles at the Gazette OfSee. IS

No. 101 No.JO! No. 10!GREATEST VARIETY OFTHE Untrimmed Hats of tbe newest styles,

just reeeired by the steamer Nebraska. Also, anassortment of Ladies' Silk Ribbon, Blonde.Laet, Maltese Lace, Coventry, Victoria aod otherFrilling.



ir COTTAGE, containing an elatrattt. Parlor, three or four nedrooDts. TKn- -

il trvffififca' tag Room, Kitebcn aad Pantry, Itathi1Ll ZsS Heose, Servants' House, ete. Tbe

llaose is surrnnnded by Garden and Pasture Groundsand is pleasantly located in one of the most healtbyparts of the city. Apply to


THE DAUNTLESSHerebr CblID-e- s any of the Yachts that I at elj sail.eI for tlx Cop tbst wts von bj tbe Knlaminu, aodwill raee them to Coco or IHamood Head tb bosUto be Dwaftired aeeoniio to tbir too naze, r allofr- -ibm of tine. The prise to be a FIXE SILVERULt', UtUer tion Uu Latt).

Por particuUrj, applj to.Wifrti.fr ejiy. It CHAS. 1x0X17.

A New and Splendid "Work.DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE. eompririn5 its

Biography, Geography and Naturallliatery, with nameraas iflastratioos and naps, en--CTiveil txprettly ler tbu wtrK. rdtted by Vi - gmitb.Classical Exaaitser of the University of Lendan.

Now is tbe time to subscribe, as it cannot betf any one else but the agent. For informa-

tion apply through the Fast Ofice tsJOHN G. WOOD,

la-lr- a Special Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

FOR H ON C KONG.The A 1 Extreme Clipper Ship

JOHN MULLEN COMMANDER,Due from San Francisco shortly,

Witt have IMMEDIATE" DISPATCH for the aboveport. Far Freight or Passaze. apply to





TCmo Tablo:Leavias; HocolalB, every Monday, at 5 r. .Lexvias Lahxioa, etery Tuesday, xt 7 A. .Leariag Maalata Bay, every Taetday, at 10 a. .Leavins; Mxktnx, every Tuesday, at 12 seen.

Hilo Trip, Up.Leaving Ilooelola every tth Mendxy ia each

naath ; leivi- n- Kawaihae the next day (Taesday),at 9 r. x., and Mabakena tarae sight at II o'clock.

Hilo Trip, Down.Leaving Iliie. vfednmtij 5 Tr XtAarug AUttiusaa, Anunuxyat 4 x. .Leaving Kxwilhae every Tharsday. -- at 13 noon.

Kona Trips.Leaviag Kealakaxnx Bay, Wedsesdays. xt 12 noan.Lexrins KaiTaa. WeJaesdxys- -. . t g r. a.

PARE:Ta Lxhxicx. ti ! To Kawa&ae $10 SOTa Mxxiaex. 7M Tn IT aaaa. tm AA

ToJIaieoa S M To HBo 1J CI

Tlekttx tn HHa ai Setsrz, 225 00 !

ES Na credit far Patixge monty. All FrtigltBtHi payaUe nsatily.

1 SAMT. G. VTILDEB, Ageat.




ON THURSDAY.."Tiny IStli, at 10 A. 31. tit Salesroom,



Consisting in Part of


Prints, Brown. Bleached and Bine Cottons,Denims, Drills, Tiettini;. Coburgs.

Alpaeas, de. Ac.

FURNISHING GOODS.Fancy Goods, Hosiery

and Groceries,Ycxst Powder. Prunes. Pie Fruits.

Table Fruits, Pie Apples, Peers,Currants, Crackers, le.

Crockery and Glnxivrarc,

lltnrnliiin Suar,Ixcrostcnc Oil, Card Hltitcltcs.

Tobacco ami Clours, &c.

TI. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer.

FOI.LOH ING LIST OF JURORS wasTHE for the June term of tbe Circuit Coort,Second Judicial Circuit, to be halden in Lahalna, Isl-

and of Maui, on Tuesday, the 13th day of June, A.D.lSTt. at 9 o'clock. A. M.

W Crowler. Joseph Cook,Ch De Wolff, J Sinclair,0 J Harris.: Smith Hallock,E Raymond, W W Weed.F Holtte. lid Bailey jr.E Grube, . T 11 Cummings,Ed DevaucheUe, John Doherty,F A Oudinot. 1) F Sinford,J Markle, ll U Vela,J Hurst, A Walter,E Bal, - O W Hart,August Jean, Th C Fnrsylh.

HENRY DICKINSON JR.,Clerk Circuit Court. 2d Jud. t'irc. H. I.

Lahalna. May 11th. 1S7I. lS-- lt


A General Assortment of Merchandise......FOR

Shipping and Local Requirements

QOTTON and Hemp Duck, from O to 10,



Spunyarn, Marline. Housline, Selling Stuff, Cuttingislll, While Line,

Bloclis of loll SizesPatent, Iron Strapped and Bushed, 3 to 15 in.

Jib Hanks and Mast Hoops,Sheaves, bushed ami patent :

Hooks and Thimbles, Connecting Shaekles,

Boat Timbers, Stems ami Sterns,

Beat Boards. Oars of all lengths. Rowlocks,Bushings, Steeriop; Braces, Beat Nails,Wrought Nails, Cut Nails, Rirett of all sites,

Paints, of all Kinds !Linseed, Kerosene, Whale and Sperm Oils,Tar, Bright Varnish, Pump and Rigging Leather,Copper aod Iron Tacks,


Preserved Meats, Pie Fruits,Fieklei, Ureen Corn and Peas,

Spices, and varions other Groceries.


BRAND'S BOMB LANCES!l'circc's Whaling Guns,

Table. Dairy, and Coarse Salt, from thePnnloa Salt Works.

Perrx Davit ,fc Sons'' Palli-Klllt- r,


Various other MerchandiseCAREFULLY SELECTED,

From the California, Eastern and European Markets

pT Orders from the other Islands carefully attCBded to. 2

NOTICE!UXDEUSIGXKD HASTIIC Frank Brown, Etf., to act as bis Agent dar-

ing bit absence from Honolulu.WILLIAM HUMPHREYS,

Honolulu, April 9, 1871. I74t

Notice.AND AFTER THIS DATE I WILL PAYIjUlOM deals contracted in my name without my

written order.May iBth. 1371. 17 3t Wx. BBNNBTT.

To be Let.a PURMSHRD COTTAGE nt lVnl- -

.SULkiki in a desirable locality, by the week ormonth, ternsi reasonable. Far particulars apply to

HENRY WATERlIOnSE.Honolulu, April 2. 1371 ln

New Goods,SHIP SYREN, from Beaten dlract,pER

45,000 lbs. best Boston and Hew BedfordBread.

For Hale by 12 BOLLBS & CO.


i.lL Power of Attorney, for Stephen Spencer, Esq.,daHnr xsy absence from this Klns'lam.

U. A. WIUEMANN,his Attorney in fact.

HoBefala. May 1st. 1S71. l'JtNOTICE.

SA3IUEL C. WILDER will takeMH.charge af ray busiaest daring my absencefraai the Islands, and is authorised ta sign tny namefar that purpose.

E. P. ADAMS.Henotala, April 16, 1871. IS-- lt

.Txxsit I2.eceivelBS

tTriTio J.TFcCiriK jnburgA.D FOIL 8ALR IIV

CASTLE & COOKE,J ohnson's

Superior Oregon Sugar Cured Hams,

Oregon Extra Fainily Flonr,

Oregon Enperfine Hoar,

tt im A 1 Oregon 0at

RECEIVED PER SYRE.T " aJUST lat or fresh PLUG TOBACCO ef inferiorquality. For sals at








Whtn wUt I Sold :

Ladles' Dress Goods,Hats, Water Proof Goods,

Oilmen's Storos;New Zealand Sope, Zinc Paint, White Lead


Irish Porter, Champagne, Dunvillo't Whlskty, Ruro.

Frnior Rivor Salmon,Sonp In Boxes,

Hoop Iron, otcC. S. BARTOW, Auctioneer.

WEDNESDAY,Mny 34th, nt 10 o'clock A. 31;,


A Varied Assortment of Dry Goods.Also, a very Choke Lot of

Rare and Beautiful TreesAND FL0WERINQ PLAJfTS,

Iaclnuinc In part Bidtttll'a Arauearla, NorftlklilanJPine, Pyramid and Funeral Cypressts, (lalden ArborVita something new and very fine, CtrJyHno

Dracaena Stttctai Masutlta Oramltdtra, ra

Sehtttil. Scarlet Bauganvlllea. Salvia Ctru-le- a(Mexlcana), and many others, all adapted to this


A fair new and very Chalet Rtscs that art per-petual bloomers ia this cllsute.

0. S. BARTOW, Aattleneer.

Opium License.I ant instructed by His Hi. tht Minister of tht In-

terior, to sell at Public Auction.

On Wednesday next, May 24th,At 12 o'clock Noon, at Sales Room,

Ono Opium Liconso for HonoluluISLAND OF OAUU,

From 30th of June, 1371.(

C. S. BARTOW. Auctionntr.

For a5tle!Coolies' Cano Knives, Doublo barrel Shot Guns,

Pistols, Turret Sharp Shatters,

Silver l'lattJ Harnesses,

Ltntn Herse Covers and Sheets.







co.isisrt.to t rartror

Cliambcr Set K ,

Wood and Cano Seat Olinirs,

Rosewood Dining Chairs,

Oak Dining Chairs,

Office Chairs, Rocking Chairs,

Nurse Chair3, Children's Chairs,

"T"" j - nXattrassos,Suro'au HVL7vrtlos,


One Side-sprin- g Top Wagon,One Shifting Top Wagon,

One American CarryallSet up and Ready for Use.

Sets Silver-plate- d & Covered Harness

Made Expressly for this Market.


Wheel-Wrigh- t's Findings,Bn;sy and Wagen Epekes af att'led sites,

UuUm, Ritas, Sbafti aad Pate,

Express am! Buggy Btwf,

Male OaHan, it.Plows of Assorted Styles,Day Cutters, Road Scrapers,

Mule Harnesses, complete.


Uuckeftf and Tab,Axe-IIunillc- K, Cotton Twine.



H-3-m C. BKBWBR k CO.

Fresh California Limeroil SALE DT


Best EnglishPortland Cement,

foii Walk dttf A. w. PBIRCE t co.

15 Cases, each 24 dz.,Perry Davis' Pain Killer,



Oat, Salmon, Hasu, Bacon, lard, JJriedApple, &a, &e.


Page 4: Ijmwiiian: fi i ITljHil riniTT

A Cnrioua Community.

Tbc St Loots Ttsatex mu tkfaDoTngaeotvf a aaw ifenkjian t of wiek4aes :

It mar sot be rtwtalty fcao-r- a to the peUktaa. tWe are k ikfe city ia esWeU of katIs cmmmoIt ksoera as a --coosaakj" or satietykwj ec tew b ef vkat tWr eaH aetaalassiitesce, kW, ad cwbm prp-artr- ."

Sadk. bawoTec, is a feet. Abovt tfcvevean ago ta pit mere ia the elrprie, ai

fAroagtc esaoasra to ataXe a start,aai lEwwioa, apoa the preaeeg of pretestedfdemis, kk Sc Levis ami wtoUwhrf tbeastTsis Jasper GosBtj, ia tats State. There tarsracsM aloac t8 kit eiaatr. TW? epos

Ma rrfiaatc had tc placwJ for assfetoaNi,after A Srst aormt, Weeer, ukd to 11611

thok pwi'tr. The land had Wen hoasht oatsaae, sail thmr faaaol thwarelrea oaaUe to awe

tber iiaitioM. So tkej- were oofigmi . is-ha- ai

atoat the aiddie of the sowc, aasl preoo thoir bads, apoa watch eoasidoiahle HsproTe-raia- la

had feeee aaooVe. Before tbe ifeof-aaia- a-

tioa, the eoaMraattr CMbered aiae awe, sirwaana aasl tweatT-sere- s caildres. Seee of theatoafcers at oaee awrd farther West, dedariak M he thok iateetiaa to bar hai where it wascsWpar, aad ooaUase to propagate the prnciplesat eiaiMaauaL aad form aaather sac.UN as eoob as piWe. Others retarget! toLaaat to gather additional streecth, recrai: tairBaajLi., aad iie a aev start

Aauag these was Atexaader Loagter. theheader k the Tqawat, aad a aac who bajheea prattf aearihr all hk life eaaWreriac toceassjiae ia praettee the priacipiei of bsia.Mat aad a afrit il ro opwati . knriar; heea aa of the ftioaj -- I'hakai," which attracted so BMch atteattea fosae Trs aero, also

fc saa tiae a ateaiher of the karka eea-taaait-

ef Iowa. There are aor oror 300 cava- -

aiaMM at 2t. lioats, aaa taeee wae are ie afnhica to kaew say thr haw rosea to hefievethat aaote a aaaoWr are os&ed to loot spoathe daettkiii wk boor. Their pahfaatiea. or

eaVed the ftwawirf, which wasfor soaw tine, has ja heea rerired. aad

the awaraaoe h hold oat that it wii he fefaedrecaladhr.

The KLiiaiitMH ef the saaacters ef thethearj is btog csadaaQy perfected, aad therhave attaiaed sack staeocth as to aaake an expe-$kk- a

of thoir ptmckles of w Kttie nterest tothe pahic, eepilh- - so perhaps state this is theSet lOTuiiat ef the kiad k the State, aad itM pjaaoeti te estahfeh oae of the Societies seartWeir.

The naiaiuHr woeJd ktredace theef osr Gaferaaieatatohesiaess,

iala soekif, kte the faaafr, aad eTerrwhere,

thai ahofchiat; aM dVtiaetiocH of wealth, Waag,id OkHes ef ht kind. The beariac; ef

these "pnacialtij-- apoa aurrkee aad the seciaiea, are ef cpeckl ktereet, aad to the-- e pointspaititati alteatkn was girea m osr kires.It 7jdekred that the waaitj- - weeM takeawaj everj kdaceateat for aMrrkge except

pasa, Tianilejed aAeetMa." "o woans woeldhe drtraa kte it for the sake of seaport, beeaase

al waaM he pronded for k this respeet, whetheraaaakd or boC. Tees, after BMrrkge. aU the

te by a coawiittoo, therto casse daacreesieat, and

-- 1 ' ,. 1 1 l- - . . - l: .: rw a ntniun wthe -- ftftioa; aad kokkg after their chtwrea.This state ef aaairs woeld aeefisb the fecial enl,k k caiaed, on the groaad that the huper

ef ahaadeacd women tS throegh waaLFar the preseat the coantaaitT, as recinfe the

between aea aad fire iawith the kws of thk bet it is

expected that alter a tiae soae speck! pronsioBk the aarrkce bws wiB be Bade in their faror.Iadeed. k their theoretical, ideal caaaaaaitr.

aee aa aarrkge kw; at aS, hat the saaeaaaaaieed " freedoea" as k reCgioc whowfeh w3 aaite theasetrej as Ban and wife with

will lite together k therebtioc aay txudioc eeatraet.tapetber as as aad

thea seaaraaag. K there be soae k the eoa-utane-K

who iadelgc a praauscatfas kteicoarse,it wht aet he raraided by the coaiaaatty aspnatitHtka. skaly proapted byIV aCBriac of sect ktareoar; iwthe saaeasthe other children, aad their aethersEkanly apoa as " aafcrtaaate."

As akeadr stated, the aad ezpoaeatsof the theory preensed te settk this tiaw seae-whe- re

Bear the aad an oae ef the ruhoadjkaTrkr here. also hate it k akd te holdtaeeaags kar, aad ktite free cSscssskafhaat




loag they choose

beeaase kre."wanid reared





Hard on the OmnIbn Driver.Petbtltiij aaey bare heard the story ef the

yenac; aaa who applied te Dens Bkhaend for apeittka as caaAetor cc the Xew York CeatratPiflrd, aad was asked if he hod a gold watch,daraaoad hwa:tak, aad seae other siaikrUaakeU. When he aaswered is the aegatite,Beaa aahith ihy deehaed his serrices, sayiag :"Al aar eaadajctors are sasptkd with thesearticles, aad we do cot wish te staad aay sewexaease k that be."

This mniinri? as ef a story told with greatgastehfa kekt&iead. "Maay years heased ksaf,Baak43krwasthe great Oatai-basSog-ef

Xew 1'ork that was before streetears ware kama aad Bank's tmeses weregekcrailnV prkcHKj he;. He was a geed-aatate- d

ana, enact aad fat ef fee. The drivers of thetestes were cnihiers, toe ; reeaked the

at ekht tiiadmlcer the nay's recants. Oae eteaiag Haek wiskaf cmtki, the etafla of oae of the stables, whenJehaay Derrict. a drtter, and asshatwd a faBnw as eter cracked a whan, caae k,aad, without aetieiacr Hank, eeptied his packethate the aeoreet stafl, and eeateenced -

sp bis aeeeeat. 'That's fear sfaTs for Hank,aad faer for Be, he said, btkc an k twu

fmxr he ,' ami Ass be caadnuiiJ vBti thegwaay was bsraied iata tws piles, aad wi& aae4i hail ietUr ic Joisoj'!! hand. 'IWitbtsr

' Eii Jmwmj ; who does tMs Moec t2 ITeS,wel tiroT up, hifa for se aad tags Hiofc'aad of it veaC Taik, by jioc T be ;ak,bat4atw3i5atfair wet try K zam,' asi

sp k west oaee. more. ' Beam 1 1 tioorht Hwas cae,' aadiwftbiazatked air be pocketedIxs ciartvlad 'started tor the oke to make Ms

retarn. Hiatteota saort eat, aad when Jobssresieted waa ixttsd the coaUr ready ta receive

Hi mseer."'Geod erco'D,' said Jahany. taocMariij bat

to Hxct, as hi hid the tassey daws oa thecoaster.

"Thafi aH right, Joicny,' said Hast,t"y ; 'we dea't need yscr serried aay mere.

-- 'Eh I tow's tbatf "What tie crater, Mr.

MSerZ excJafeaed the astaetshed Jobs." ' WeH. I doc't thi: yss treated ce siactir

yjJr.' ffaglr dryly reEed; "yoa oczht ta hare

aires ne asetbsr ehaace far that four iiSTa.

S. T.Lea&r. . .

?Inrk Twain First Kniericnce InJournnllMii.

I was a Terr saart chiW at the ags of thirteeaaaasaalrr satart child I tbeaght at the time.

It was thea that I did my first newspaper

aeespectedrr to se, it stirred apa See seasatioo k the coeaaaaitr. It did,

iadeed, aad I was Terj proed of it, toe.I was a printer's " derH," aad a progessire aad

aspirkgooe. had se oa his paper(the Weeih- - Haaaihal Jbse-aoi-- a Tear ieadTaace, 240 sebscribers, aad thej paid ia cord-woo-

cabbages, aad aaaauketabk taraips.) aadoa a kckr Saannr's day he left tows to be

goae a week, aad ask ate if I tboagbt I coald

edit oae iseae of the paper kdiekesir. Ah,didat I waat to try ! Iliatoo was the editor ofthe rival paper. He had kteiy beea jilted, aadoae akht a frkad feaad an opee Bote ea thepeer felfow's bed, k which he stated he coeU aoiooger eadare life, aad had drowoed bieself in

liaex Creek. The frkad raa down there asdeascerered Hiatea wadtag bark to shore ! Hehad eoackded he woeJda't. The Tillage was fall

of it for sereral days, bet Ilia toe did aot saspeetit-- I thoeght this was a See epportaahy. Iwrete so elaborately wretched accoaat of thewhole Butter, aad thee itkitrated it with

eats eagrared oa the bottosi of woodeo

type with a kek-kajf- o oae ef theat, a pktare ofHie toe wadinc oat iota the creek k hts shirt,with a las tern, soaadkc; the depth of the waterwith a wa&kg-stie- 1 theeght it was des-

perately iaeay, aad was ifeeseir socooicioasthat there was aar aorai ohikaitj ahoat sach apaoKeatke. Bekg satbfied with this effort. Ilooked aboat for other worids to cooaaer, aad itstraek aw that it woeH awke pood, mteretioc

tter to charge the editor of a aeighborioc;coaatry paper with a piece of grataitoos rascality,aad " see hia seaira.' I did it, petting thearticle kto the hem of a parody oa the Beriatof Sir Joha Moore," aad a pretty trade parodyit was, too. Thea I huapooaed two proeuaetdtkeas oetraceoesiy aot becaase they had doneaaythke to deserre it. bat aereiy beeaase Ithooeht it was ay dety to make the paper Irery.N'ext, I zeetry toaehed ap the aewest stranger

the kw ef the day. the gorgeoes karaeyaaatsdtor front Qekey. He was a simperioc eooceoabf the Snt water, aad the "kadest" dresied

k the State. He was aa krereate woans- -kffler. Eirery week he wrote kshy 'poetry'for the Jomrmol aboat his aewest cooaeest. Hisrhyaws for ay week were headed "Mary inH 1" aeaaiac " Marr k Hinnibal." ofcoarse. Bat while setting ap the piece 1 wassaddealy rirea from head te heel by what I re-

garded as a perfect thaaderboK of haaor, and Ieanprassed it into a snappy foot-not- e at thebottoa, thes : " We wilt let this thiog pass jastthis oace, bat we wish J. Gonloa Kaaaets tocaderstaad efetiaetly that we hate a characterto sastak, aad from this time forth, wbea hewaats te eoameee with Ins Irieatis k h I. he

aas: select soae etiser aedisa thaa the coiaaasef this karaaL'

The paper eaae oat. and I never knew aaylittle taiag to attract so Beck attention as thosepbytel triaW of ake. For oace the HsonibalJouraol was k deanod a aareny it had aotexpeneaced. before. The whole town was stirred.Hktoa dropped k with a doable-barrele- d siytgaa early ia the forenoon. IVbea he foaod itwas sa kaat (as he called aej that had done

hia the daatage, he skaply patted ay ears aadwent away ; bet he threw op his sitaation thatokat aad left the town for good. The tailoreaae k with a goose and pair of shears; bat hedespised ae, tea, ai departed for the Sooththat mght The two lampooned dtkeaseaaewith threats of EbeL and west away incensed atay kstgajSeaace. The eoaotry editor prascetlin with a next day.saieriBg for bloodto driak ; bst he ended by forginng me cordiallyaad ktitiag ae down to the drag-sto-re to washaway aB aaiaosity k a friendly beeper of- Fahaestock's Veraawage."' It was little kfce.

3iy aacfe wa3 very angry when he got backeareasooabty so, I tboeght, coosidensg what antapetas I had gitea the paper, and cottsideria?also that grathade for his presertatioa osght tohate been apperaost k his sand, inssamca a3by has deby he had se woaderfoJIy escaped dissec-

tion, toaahawkiag-- See, and getticg his headshot cC Bat he softened whea he looked atthe aceoaats, aad saw that I had actually hookedthe aoparatbhd onaber of thfety-thre- e new sub-

scribers, aad had the veretableo to show for it,cord-woo- eaboages, beans, aad Basahnbfetaraipsaoaeh to raa the fanily for two years !

A Sbcosd WiiKiscTOS. Xasbr says : I coa-aeac- ed

being good at a very early age, aad Unitayseatap te the best Bedels. Iwasyetaak-fea- t

when I read the aSeetkg story of the hack-

ing down of the thaiij tree by George Washing-ton, aad the aaaly stateaeat to his falser thathe coahlaot teBiiie. I read the story, and itfilled ae with a desire to surpass hia. I wasaot going te aBewaey sach bey as George Wash--

iagtea, if he did afterward get to be President,ie excel ae k the aorafities. Immediately Iseized aa axe aad eat down the aost ralneetecherry tree ay ither had; aad aore, I dag apthe roots aad harried the branch?, so that by aemeans coeM the variety be preckeed.aad wentskatke; oae Ssaday, that I Bight eoafess thetwa foeJu aad he wept orer aad forgtten oa ac-

coaat ef ay extreae tratheakess. The experi--

aeaie. i rarrec, were partial aniens. 1 wastery aneh lit Gee Wachkgton. bet thetumble was, ay father didn't reseaafe GeorgeWashkctea "s father, which was esseotad to thesaccess of ay scheate. --Die; toa est down thatcherry tree Talked he. "Father, I cannot tcf aBe. I did it with ay Bttk hatehet," I aaswered.strikkgthe praperattitBde for the old geatlesanto shed tears oa Be. Bat he dda1 shed. Herenarked that he had rather I ami told a tboss-aa- d

Iks than to hate cat down that partieabrtree, aad he wtapaed ate aatS I was k a state ofexasperated rawness. My skating idea was aeless a faanrc I txvke threaga the ice that Saa-da- y

aad was pottgl oat with aTafkaay with a&; 'ttwa fotrATi! foe Hoat:, aad boat hwfc. As 1 1st iiet fcr a aa wilk


fcfer. I dl g a cfcuee to gee gff tie WiA-ing- ts

reaart.It iraces: Hoc Tke Abaetsi Cmtj Gn--f

Apfl tk, reiitea vfcia iaid: .-- Asmia Lfreraore, a c of sa m (luring arefL ami after nokiae im abaot foctj-fiv- e feet

t rt Bic Ue color." was ilwot jrittocr apm desfair wltes si at oace 3. drop mi water straekbis ckeek. haiiae iifles frcm above. TKe

wefl-ifcr- ?r loa&ed cp asd saw, afeeatiweatr feet above Ik oeati, a seal streoa triet-Sc-

down tke iUe of the shaft. tJAs be was caz.is; ttpward asd njSnem srer the Uranbie torate aSairs, tie itream iaeretaed k ifee.ua til, is asesjtaat alat, it borst focta ia a nhme seTerxtktebes m (fri meter, aad t&nateaesl ta dram tiehire Hi the bottec of the welL Fertrcatefr,bussa was stasiSis sear tie taeat&cf the weB,acd caispesheafeg hu parent' pr3 threw dama rof-e-

, by ceasa of which tii father rsasaged toget oat, aose the worse for a serene wetiiecr, betterriblj Irichtz&ed. Tie welf ffled sp to witiiaa few feet of tie surSice, aad the water reaoissat about the ixtt.

An Anutnx Incident.An incident, which wilt be regarded as rather

odd aad Qniqae, aay serve as raaterial for some

carkos speeabtkas, as to the force of iaagioa- -

tka, aad also the synpathy between our nsaalaad otttetory organs. Cokzel Fiiat. of theGuards, a boliy aad daeilist, described in thedrmnotis jersont as a "Bre-eater- ," was to standwith bis hack to the chimney-piec- e

ia -- Witt's Coffee Honse." The period is that ofGeorge I, when it wa3 fashionable for greatbloods aad becks of the day to sawke loag- pipedesicBated as --a yard of day." With sachpipe Colonel Flint had duly provided himself for

rehearsal : aad to make his sta business more

perfect, g doads of smoke began to is- -

see troa the bowl.aad Boat over the oace famouseoaee-roe- a. In do tiae came the manager, speakioc qekkly, "My dear II , oo no account attespt to saoke: The Qaeea detests tobacco,

and woeld bare the box imsredrately."

There is ae tobacco ia the pipe," repKeJ theCokneL

--Oh oobk Boaseose."Look here J aad the Colonel toak out of his

waistcoat pocket a baadfal of dried herbs.

"I got thea in Coareat Garden Market, thisBoraiag, oo the way to rehearsal.'

-- Well, we sraeir tobacco the moment we came

within skbt of the stae," saRi Dickens ; "thepipe mast be foaL."

--It is qaite a new pipe!"Mark Lemon bow caae up," and protesting

that he also sa?elt tobacco, aad that the pipe

aast hare beea an old one rebarnt.to look clean,

the oSeadiBg day was thrown aside.

Before the next rehearsal, however, anotherpipe, warranted new and pare, was obtained, in'

dependent of which it was placed in the fire, andkept at white heat long eooegh to parify it tentintes over, even had it beea oae of the aackwn.

Ain the doed began to unfold its volumes over"Will's Coflee Room," aod this time Sir JosephFaxtoe caae raooiot: from the seats in frost ofthe stage, declaring that the Qaeea so detestedthe sateJl of tobacco that smoking mast really notbe attempted. Oaee again the Colonel protested the iaooceace of his pipe, in proof of whichhe prodaced a haadfnl of dried thyme and roseleaves from bis waistcoat pocket. In rain SirJoseph insisted that he smelt tobacco! "Theyalt saelt it !" So this second van! of duv wassent to shivers.

Bat the Cotooei chanced to see a "Model ofthe Battle of Warterfoo" exhibited some yearsbefore in Leicester square; in which the vinousminatare platoons of infantry, as well as thebrigades of artillery, were f apposed to be SrisgTotkys, the deeds aod wreaths cf smoke beingfragile fixtares. These capital imitations ofdoads and wreaths of smoke were discovered, onvery dose exaainatioo, to be composed of

fine aod thkly drawn out webs of cotton,supported on rings aod loag twirls of almost in-

visible wire, and attached at one end to the morales and months of this minatare cannon andmusketry. This model for a triumph in the artof saokiag a pipe in the presence of a Qaeenwho abhorred tobacco, was now adopted by Cot-

ooei Flint, bat held in reserve for the roorDinerehearsal or the foil dress rehearsal of the samenight, when there would be a preliminary au-


He veotared to flatter himself that all thesedefieate cooeideratioos and assiduities would be

aech appbeded aad complimented, both by theaccomplished author and management. Far fromit, 9 sooner was the cloud of apparent smokeperceived to issne from tha pipe, than the ma nager, stage manager and Sir Joseph Paiton harmedtogether to the too assidooos Gaardsaan, begging him oa no account to persist in this smokire- -t the smoke or this (oa examining thesmoke) appearance of smoking. It would bemost iojodicwGS. Her Mksty would think she

saelt tobacco, and this woahl be as bad as ifHer Majesty had reaDy smelt it. At the sametiae, they added, collectively, that they them- -

sWtes had saelt tobacco, ao matter from whatsoeree or what casse! Of coarse, there was anea3 to the matter, as we were all anxious to beharatooioes ; and the discomfited "fire-eate- r' ofthe comedy did the best he could to bally thecompany in "Witts Coffee Room" with bis emp

and iaaacakue yard of day. Theseakate details, however, wffi serve to show thepatas that have beea taken even with the slight-

est ports of the performance pains that wereworthy of the Comtdie FrmeBue.

Faxironc DasicsATioss. Lord BrajbrolcecoaM aot understand why tenn that bad servedto cfiettngttieh woeiea shook! all be aaute to barea bad bkojhb?. He ettes "raotber" "nis,"- mmHf," - andaa," aad - Wy." Tie fact is,that, except the second, tbey were aiiomed toaffect ispectabiTity. Evea " nan," was a sort ofshy abbreviation to simply " mistress." "Lady"weat eat soaie score of years ajo. An Irish pre--kte's wife oaee coBpbtned to a tradesman of

delay ia execatJag- orders, which shetboa--ht oaht not to bare bapfeoed to her, "tiebUbep'i ladrT " Madam" said the tradesana," h wowld have bees the saae to us if yoa badbeo the bishop's wife H Twenty years since itwas eastoaaary to see io tie Births." records ofachieveanats by " tie hujy of Esq,"The editor of the CawrcA ami Stale Gasette, aweebry eceln.aiHical paper thea exfetiag-- bas theBMtit of banog pat a stop to this practice byicfaaac to sanction, the advwtiseateat of aoyberth, aaleji the wife," and not the - lady." of" so. Esq," happened to be the BMKier.

Tewaafc Bwr.

EcosoaaciL Gssbbositt. Perhsps the bestteat i act of rcoaaae fail --earTOstty oa reeard is thatof t aW laay wto toH tae presener-o- f ber Methat tae woahl aet ateteM the reward beam badia etaie far aim by attVtiac; hia uwtbis? ia tktswsdd. There a an&lte a aeaiber at good piouspeople la every caaiaygafcj who wooid be Rtrlj toiaijtalc ta oM Wj's rxxotple andtr timilar tiocam- -staaee. However, we do aot iatrod to prraeh aseraaaa oa tfte aabket, bet Beerriy to icfriudwe aBttJe aaeedate wbies we Had ia the Troy Timet.A few aaye eface a eoruia lapcr-bee- r proprietor efthat city, who ia socd for his doeeaeM, lost bUporfrnboob eaaUiaia apwards cliffA X yoaasiaaa bad the eod fbrtaac to Cad It, and dfceor-eiiau tie aaoe of the owaer apoa totse papers isthe pocket-boo- k, he retaracd ft to Mb safe andMead. The nttaed Trntoe, after eocatia theatoaejaad Smttmt it all ricc thai addresied theaader: Bo,yoa Is oae booeat raaa; IteBsroawhat 1 4a I eoakc yoo for the lacrr--"

Wotice to Creditors.TUB UXDERSIGXED, F.iecntora or the

of GEORGE . ELLIOT, deeeaied, herebynotify ail erehtori u present their eiaiais againstsaat eUeeaseii la taem. slaty aathesiieale-- i aad" withthe prsper vaoeacrs. wkhta six months from date orthey aBlW fsrever barred


Heaoinis. April it. 137. ls(t


TIE FETE SETS' SCHOOXEB CAMBBU, han'tVictoria. V. 1 copfered aad copper futesed.

is a fair sailer aad a good carrier, is i3 tout, aadwiSmake a Snt rats: coaster.

Far partkeiari apply toCarr. MELDEUM.

oo board, or to13 WALEEK A AXLES'.




Cheap for Cash! Cheap for Cash!


J. W. WIDDIFIELD,Would Cull lite Attention or





For the Wants or the Island Trade.

Merchants in Particular,would rnro rr much to their advantage

ffil'j? A CALL!

Before Purchasing ElsewhereASMAXi'TMXGS KILL SE SOLD




ricultural and Other Implements,Coming lVom tlie

The Usual Discount Made to the Trade!XO Order from the othtr IsUnJs tjpretfullT

zoocilcJ, promptly attended to and filled with cue.

TST Xo Cosasetioa with the Fim urois the 'Ws.t3m :t

11 Pro Bono Publico I"H. S.







Direct ImportationsFKOM-


The It r;rc; t andBest Ass't of Ready Made Clothing

OS THE II.VIVA II A GROUP,CfliijUn ia Tart of, viz the Celebrated

G-ZE- 3 jSTTTinsrrEJScotch Tweed Suits !

Cathmerr, Cloth A Drill Garments,in ail varieties.

Complete Black Dre.'j and IValki- D- Sails,Bojl' White Linen Cwhmere


Cents' Furnishing Goods,Saratoga aad Geots Leather Trankj,


Celebrated" Patent White Shirts,Styled Daries A Jones, ia all grades.

Over-!Uir- t: OrerIiirt! 0 crsliirts.ia Urey Flannel, Diagonal,

Printed and Crimean.



Hats! Hats! Hats!Hosiery ! Hosiery ! Hosiery !

For Gents', Ladies and Bojl.Se ENCLISH


Yaiilcee IVotioiis !


At tlic crj-- loite!t poilIe 1'riccBy the oriaal package.


French & Pumps,Of tie Latest Styles, warranted genuine, of the

very best material. Jslocoiutanilj on handThe very tt Importations of 2Iaulla CIgara

For Sale by

M. S.CRINBAUM &CO.,15-I-f MaTieeV B!elr.

AND OILFor Sale in cii:iiili!i- - to Suit,



IIECZIVD I'EK "SVRE.V" aJUST be of fresii PLUO TOBACCO of soperkr(oalitr. For sale at



--3ei V. BREWER A CO.



Cordage,B05T0X LAID MANILA Assorted thea. in

daty paid. For sale byI! BOLLEs i CO.

Cedar Boat Boards,A GOOD ARTICLE. For Sals ty


Russia Bolt Rope,SSORTED SIZES For sale by


Wood Hand Pumps,FOE WATER OB 0II For Sale by


Hooks and Thimbles,5T CLIP HOOKS, assorted sites. For Sale by


Whalemen's Oars,Q UAL ITT ASH. sues, aay from

to 23 feet. Fersaie by12 BOLLES A CO.

and Oil,HOBn.vnD'S best

Zice,Boiled Oil,

IUbfcs.nl ' White Lead,J. T. W., White Lead,

Tasey Paiati, a general autrtneat. For sale by2 BOLLES k CO.








Paints Paint


OatJ, Salmon, Earn, Bicon, lard, DriedApplej, &e, ccc




JTuust; deceived,-- BY TUE






English, German and French




Censiitia; ia l'art at follows

IQUENCH CAS1IJIEUE ."IIEHISOS,Cobura and Baratbeas, Italian Cloth,Blue, Brown and Vhite Cotton LoDcloth,ilrarv Denims, Snpcrier White Linen,Bleached Moleskin,White Muslins and Jaconets,BUek and mixed Broadcloth.Victoria Lawns. White and Bine Flannelj,Doeskin, Hock Towels,

Wen's Fine Merino ShirtsWhite Linen and Mourning Handkerchiefs,Linen Sheeting. Coatings and Wadding,White Sewing Cotton, assorted,Col's Linen Thread.Linen and Taper Collars, Cotton Caae UmbcllajWhite Quilts. Dutch Tare.Crochet Cotton and Patent Euenjarn,Ladies' While Cotton Hose,Gents' Brown Cotton half-hos-

Button Rings.Brown and White Cotton Undershirts,Patent Highland Flaying Cards,

riiilocomc, Pomade and Macassar Oil.


A Lot of Fancy Articles.ALSO

By Otlxci .A rxl-xrilis-,

A Choice Assortment of

Silk, Woolen and Cotton Dress Goods,

Clothing aad Hosiery,

Srnltllcrj--, Groccric,Broad asd Brilliant Cloths,

l'aint and Oils,IVnll Paper,


GEE1IAN" PALE ALE & P0ETEE,qts a pts Decljen A Sehrooder's Star brand.

licit French Clarets and Brandy,

' Rhine Wine, Genuine Holland Gin,

in citej and Ia talk.

Sparkling Hoc.-- . In quarts and pints,

lort "IVlitc, Iloinsi JIalt IlitractLadies and Gents1 Boots & Shoes,

of the best make and manufacture,

2 Splendid Rosewood Cottage Pianos,

of the newest pattern, and unsurpassed in bril- -,

Et'sey of toee.

Three Large Barglar and Fire-pro- of Iroa Safes,


A Variety of Other Articles,Too Xcaseroaa ta Mention,

Suitable for Town and Country Trade

JS-- For Sale en the most Reasonable Terms.


on Hana!jcMimitAY'S Fresh Oysters,

.Vo. I Hawaiian Rice, Beet Island FaeMy,

MaaBa Rope 1J, 2, 'i aad 3 iaaaee.

Hasina Cigirl the beet ia tbc BMrket,

Swias, CaDfcnrii and Limbo rg Cheese,

BoxeoSatad 03; Centary A Farelt, RoeTi-e- o

Xew Styles of Ladies' Trimmed Hats,

Gents' Farasttiia Ooorls, American, it, it,

For Sale Cheap,at the Store of

THEOD. C. HEUCK,Fort Street.

nenoialn. Sept. Slth, 167-J- 5-tf


Best A I HawaiianMESS BEEF,



5f The aLore Beef U packed by as experiencedBatcher, cored ia LireTpool Salt, aad paeied iaTark'i Island Salt. The best refsrrseee tan Igiren. For tale ia quantities to salt by

ME0D. 0. HBDCK,HoaofciJo, Sept. Kth, at


For Sale byII EOLLES A CO.

OIL WarraEted the pore article. FcrSVKR3I 2 BOLLES A CO,


Now is the Time to Purchase Your Goods

From a Fine Assortment Just Opened !


Plantations, Plantation and Country Stores, Household and Family Supplies


"Will "toe Sold. vt Low 3F5.Vtes I-- BY


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Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Paints and Oils,

Crockery, Tin and Hollow-war- e,

Iron and Steel, Etc. Etc

GROCERIES.- - Finest Assortment Spice Country Cassia,"l'erper Auspice. Ms re, ftiacer. MHtard. Caseta

mats. Finest Ollto Oil. Condensed 3IHk, Table and Dairy Salt. Yea ft rewaVtrs aad Oars Sure. TIISFINEST FLAVORING 1JXT II ACTS Lemon. VaaWa. Peoaa, CMttr, im. Otasso A Ittaekwail'jFinest 1'ickles. l'io Fruits, Jams Pare Castile Soap. Toilet Soap, Pare OM Brewn WindsorChemical Soap, Sago and Vapioca. Carb. Soda and Cream Tartar, (. ete.

UXh 1 Ou A1 2.i J X VjrUUJJO. mcnt of Printsi in thc .llntket-Prte- ieJMartetlles, Piquets. UnllUntJ, Cashmeres and Twills. Printed Liaeae, Llaea Past Stab. Robes aadFurnitures, Fane y Tweeds. Linen Daeks and Drills, Hal Linen , Fiae BroaOtlotas, DoeokhM. C"rd.roy and llelford Cord. Fine Bine Twill Narj Flannel, siarle aad double. Faaoy Flaaaola lor ektldrea'sstear, new jtjlts. LINEN GOODS Sheetings. 0 to 1M Pillow Linen. Cotiaa Shrerbg. DreoaLinens. Hollands. Mantle Linens. Homespun Linen. Bleaehed and Unbleached Listen Baaiask of Usfinest quality, Turkey lied and Blue l'lakl Damask, S- -l Damask Doylies), Flat Damask Naakias , a largoTariety of patterns. Linen and Cambric llandkerealefs. Ilea stitched lUadkorehiofs, Rasoia DiaperTer; cheap, Russia Crash, Iluekahuek, All Wool and C. A W. Water-pro- Cloth. Assorted Towels.

MrtQTT?T?"V A rlno Assortment or Rents', Hots', Ladies', Misses' nnd--LXVOXIllAV JL . Children's Hose. Meaehed and nnbleaobed. Blaek Laeo Shawls. Snoaro Shawls.

Terj cheap. Silk Nets, Fance Neekties, Collars. Doems. Wristbands. Ao.. a Seta assaelaseat of TrtsamlngBraids, Ac, Pearl Buttons, Hooks and Bjes, Silk Twist, Shetland SalrU, Alaaoas. Cokarav. Alamos Pof-li- n.

Striped Grenadines, Blaek Silk of celebrated Boaner make. Straw Hat for Moa aad Rots, as-sorted Wool Hats. Infants white Blankets. QailU. Hears- Btanketo, Light aar Mediaat. Bleoebed aadUnbleached Cottons, a line assortment of New Silk Ribbon', Btsstto Cords. Ja.a Caaeas ten Ftaa-nc- l,

MUward'i Needles), from 1 ta 12, In paper or eafev, Orn A MtNTaaghVi Spool Cotton , from 1 to IM

TT A "RTi TP" A T?T? Thc ,'ln,st Cast Steel Sntrs Hand. Rtppfeg. Baek. Coatpass.1 1 XA.JA 1J. natekerj' Ciroolar aad Pit. Draniaa;, Batehor, Caat. Fiok aad Taato

Kniies. Spokesbares. Berels. Plans Irons, Sqaares. Haratters , Chisels, (Hujes, Bits. .Wrws, RivotiagHammers. Stab's Files. Spear A Jackson's Files, Quarter Roaad. Haatt. Mitt aad Bastard Files.Rasps, Horse Rasps, Cabinet Rasps. Copper Taek. Stone Hammers, SMgo Hammers, A.

AGRICIJLTURcVL IMPLEMElNrTS.In"i7ai,s.,,;sUrcootcis oi u ainus anu prices, toras, iisaes, booope. Oo. Mattaoks. IWu. Ilarobets, Meat Kaieos,Planter's Hoes, and a numerous assortment of other itaplecaoaU for nse of plasters aad others.

RTATT"iP'Y"--Cnl- , nna I'c,, lnper or thc best nnnlltr and veryKJ JL JO. X JL JX JllAXi JL . oheup, Note aad Dill Taper, of koat qaaUtr aad trr akaaa. Sa- -

Telopes of all sires and priees. Orerland Paper, Letter awl Nolo, Wrapping 9afr, HMtlag Paper, thorcrj best. Memoramlura Books, Bristol Board, Letter Clips. Cope lag Ink, Pvm aad llsHtu. ete.

Q A TlTlT T?T? V English Saddles, vcrr chonp. .Medinm Host Hndlcs,Ullt Ll L . Bits. Headstalls, Stirrup Lejitbors. Maitisegatee. CoBan aad Hasoev,miro, nuci vui mi uwu. ubo ret ot aao stogie mggy HarnoM. Sroaat Collar.

TIN & HOLLOW YAm.-J- :viFunnels, llroilera. Milk Pans of all strict and sites. Coffee Pots, Oil Oam, CailBlri 31e PattsTmi ans, eeires. Jelly and Diana Jlange .Moulds, Strainers, Camp Ke4t3a, Faaael. Sam Libm. SoaiTureens. Dust Pans, Boxes, Pie Plates, Puff Pans, Tins. Btsoait Pins, Spoago Cako Pans.

CROCKERY. A superior Dinner Sots, warrnntcd suporiormarket, MeeHaa Nappies, Bowls. Plate.Pitchers, Ewers Basins, Cnps and Saucers, ete.

A TTtfT OTT I'oiIc,, an,l aiiiv, Cnstor Oil, Xonts Foot Oil, Ilrisht Vnr-- LM Diti- - Superior Carriogo VaraWt oao oas. Bwaer. Copal.and Farnlturo Varnish. Hubboek's No. 1 Whit, Lead Zme-ao- Tte. .,', ,,RtT Titrery iicu rutty. Veattfan Bed, Chrowe Tellow, Koorn, Umber, Drop Blaek. Seaaa.

STIN"DR.TFiR n?,,C0,.?,! rnnHh. Hair, Teeth, Crumb,r Illioder. Jo. Wroocat Iroa aaaottsMl ,jBest Cast Steel, Mlagoo.from ' 1 inch. Carbon Filters. Caarooal Tia Plates). Zbm, flolvaasaedPaHs and Tnbs. Fcneo Wire, receired splendid order cask, coaled with tar.


American Hardware, Agricultural ImplementsA FIXE .VSS0IITJLENT OF IOJR0SENE LAMPS, new styles ami bnrwmi,



The Celebrated Paris Plows and Extra Points, &c.


Ship Chandlery and Ship Stores'I asAKtil.ST ASSOUTJIKXT OX

sianu, ept ty any Uense on these Islands, aodiar as. jxiwest possible I'neea. byf BOLLE8 A CO

Hemp Cordage !A MIMSU, UEST QUAMTV. Illlsr SIA Mansfaetnre. Siies. from It t at

bond or duty paid. For sale byBOLLEfl

Hemp and Flax CanvasB EST AltllUOATII 31 AX FACT Ultxj amriM boo doty pais. For


Manila Cordage,Sl.I.S, inch, in bond

uutr paifj,

Spunyarn, Houseline,WOIOII.I.VE, Jlarlin, Seizing, Ilatlin,



JarsMet,Moses Taylor.


-2 toFor sale





ia J orA

A I. a. 5.- ojg

, , w. a tor solo bys A CO.

)J Jenny Cakes, eta.. Ma., reeeernlper BOLLBS


A SMALL LOT ItECEIVED PEIt M08B8Taylor, ria Franeisee. Sale by

Iron Stock Anchors,1,000 lbs,,

or daty paid.HOLI.E

fJ,JJJ in quantities to

Sate by








of .- -JU

in b




V 15






lbs. to inBend


froVnFor sate by

sale salt, by

of in










Sao ForCO.

Salt, for

CO., Agents.

50 Bales Oat Hay,ECEIVEDFraneisee,




I BB D. C. MBBBAr. from Sonbeet quality In the atarket. For


Hawaiian Mess Beef.PACKED on Island ofKnnal, br on

Boleher. and warrantedids. sale byBOLLBS CO.

pALIFOnXIA LIJ1E.-- W. faaro a rex.larsoppty eelsbiatol gaU Cm. LliaoKllat, which enatits ns to at tha UweitE B0LLIi3 CO.

" - or ouiy paw, K(,t ,aie5 SOLLBS

Jt CO.






k CO.

HEMP Cotton Twine For ..I,V. BOLLBS A

BEST Xer Hedford Oara-- AIl !,.by jj BOLLBS A CO.

The theKataocf,



Cak. Cake

few nnyalto Sett. Chambers.







and SailCO.





Snfxar Jfllla, Wlnil 31111s,

aeuum Pan, Cl,ll.r.,Centrifugal Jlaelilnee,

Hollers, Ooolsrs,

Tanks, trmokc Nt.chaAnd all kinds orueavr Sheet Iron Work.


Mttr.tmipmtuhuutmmttm paid

SHIP SHUT ITTWfii ii -antaraciie, unHiljerland and

uaaaMaaa tsr sale. Also,

VelreCarka, ssas tnm Week ea alssskv.


Ibt BV. fUlt mod ImMlm



J Tea l a--a1 ,1,. i , . "oasis staa.

t S7.rra 'u ss.uis. a,, tn1 bos1 TaooWU.'

. --au, wsx

Sod CeaT,



HEW androriaraiAi Bras, PhUa far

Jain Paeap,esssoa ul,,

CKiaati June,Staali

.t. IJ. Jawing nnd Wocd WorU.

For wfclta tbe VTmIs km suKsaot tufa

Licenses Expiring in May, 1871.

t 27, Jobs Sfeaotk,IteeAx A Co.. M. AtV, P. alal!?. VrJ ."it

J'V W'"ka- - Ma. IS.

KKtbkait : Haaa. lit, Aa 1. WaW. Eaal- l-VBflB) tai.HOLMALB-IIoooi- ila, I, Arfaaw X Wltf

ADOTTOX-Heasl- BS, a gfisrW. 'U1LLIAKD Heosielu, it, VUktnA.EincilBB-Wsdlo- ko. VViae KmTFllTSICUX-irawa- rU. (slaa.J, 21. Geo. F. i?fjp--

vHDT'tiSf4UU1 KKHal..

VICTOItIA aod California lied2 BOLUS A CO.