Il Presente (Present Tense) Verbi Regolari –are (Regular –are verbs)

Il Presente (Present Tense)

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Il Presente (Present Tense). Verbi Regolari –are (Regular –are verbs). I Verbi:. Verbs are “action words” = to do something There are 3 verb families in Italian: -ARE, -ERE, -IRE (based on the endings of the infinitives of the verbs) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Il Presente (Present Tense)

Il Presente (Present Tense)

Verbi Regolari –are

(Regular –are verbs)

Page 2: Il Presente (Present Tense)

I Verbi: Verbs are “action words” = to do

something There are 3 verb families in Italian: -ARE,

-ERE, -IRE (based on the endings of the infinitives of the verbs)

The following are example verb infinitives: verb form that is found in the dictionary Ex: -ARE = Ballare = to dance Ex: -ERE = Leggere = to read EX: -IRE = Uscire = to go out

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Every verb has 2 partsThe stem + ending

The stem of a verb is the part of the verb you get when you take the –are, -ere or –ire off of the infinitive

Ex: Infinitive: Stem:

Parlare Parl

Scrivere Scriv

Dormire Dorm

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The stem of common –ARE verbs:

Parlare = parl Cantare = cant Nuotare = nuot Studiare = studi Lavorare = lavor Suonare = suon

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Conjugation of verbs: Conjugation = changing the endings of the verb

so that the verb agrees with the subject of the sentence (person doing the action of the verb)

• In English, we conjugate our verbs without thinking about it. We say “I speak, he speaks, we speak.” We don’t realize we are changing out endings.

• In Italian, the endings are more exact and there are different endings on the stem of the verb for each person doing the action so we know who is doing the action by the endings of the verb.

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Ripasso dei Pronomi Personali(Subject pronouns in review)


io I tu you

(familiar) lui he lei she Lei you



noi we voi you all

(familiar) loro They Loro you all


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Conjugation of verbs cont’d: There are endings of the verb for each subject

pronoun in Italian. Therefore, each ending is different for the subject of the sentence.

To conjugate a verb there are 2 parts: drop the infinitive and add the ending for each pronoun to the stem:

ex: Parlare = to speak stem = parl

io parlo noi parliamo

tu parli voi parlate

lui parla loro parlano

lei/Lei parla Loro parlano

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As you can see, we add the new ending to the stem of the verb for each subject pronoun. This conjugates the verb from the infinitive form and gives us the new meaning.

The present tense form the verb has two possible meanings after being conjugated:

io parlo = I speak/ I am speaking

tu parli = you speak/ you are speaking

lei/lui parla = she/he speaks/ she/he is speaking

noi parliamo = we speak / we are speaking

voi parlate = you all speak / you all are speaking

loro/Loro parlano = they/you all speak/are speaking

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To form the present tense –ARE verbs:stem + ending

Io -o

Tu -i

Lui -a

Lei -a

Noi -iamo

Voi -ate

Loro -ano

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Ripasso:parlare to speak parl + endings

Io parlo I speak

Tu parli You speak

Lui parla He speaks

Lei parla She speaks

Noi parliamo We speak

Voi parlate You (p) speak

Loro parlano They speak

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Studiare – studystudi + endings

Io studio I study

Tu studi You study

Lui studia He studies

Lei studia She studies

Noi studiamo We study

Voi studiate You (p) study

Loro studiano They study

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-are verbs

Studiare Parlare Insegnare Ascoltare Alzare Imparare Lavorare Guardare Aspettare

to study To speak To teach To listen To raise To learn To work To look/to watch To wait

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More –are verbs

Suonare Camminare Comprare Cucinare Nuotare Ballare Viaggiare Riposare Lavare

To play an instrument To walk To buy To cook To swim To dance To travel To rest To wash

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More –are verbs

Abitare Cantare Passare Trovare Entrare Usare Visitare Aiutare Arrivare

To live To sing To pass To find To enter To use To visit To help To arrive

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Io parlo Lui balla Noi abitiamo Voi cucinate Loro cantano Tu riposi Carlo viaggia Maria compra Marco ed io impariamo Gli studenti entrano

Pratica: Conjugate the correct form for each pronoun and translate into English:

1. Io (parlare)

2. Lui (ballare)

3. Noi (abitare)

4. Voi (cucinare)

5. Loro (cantare)

6. Tu (riposare)

7. Carlo (viaggiare)

8. Maria (comprare)

9. Marco ed io (imparare)

10. Gli studenti (entrare)

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Qual’e` la forma correttaWhat is the correct form


Tu parli You speak

Parlare- to speak

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Qual’e` la forma corretta?


Loro Cucinano They cook

Cucinare- to cook

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Qual’e` la forma corretta?


Voi cantate You all sing

Cantare- to sing

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Making a verb negative:

Place the word “non” before the verb to make it negative = to not do something (don’t do)

ex: io ballo = I dance vs. Io non ballo = I don’t dance.

Ex: Diana non lavora = Diana doesn’t work

Ex: Gli studenti non studiano = The students don’t study

Ex: Non canti tu? Don’t you sing?

Ex: Noi non suoniamo la chitarra. = we don’t play the guitar.

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Questions with verbs in Italian:

When asking a question in Italian there is no trasnlation for “do you.” Just reverse the subject and the verb with a question mark.

Ex: Lui parla bene. = he speaks well.

Ex: Parla lui bene? = Does he speak well.

Ex: Tu canti = you sing.

Ex: Canti tu? = Do you sing?

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Using subject pronouns to ask and answer questions:

Ask Question Answer Question

tu io

lui/lei lui/lei

Lei io

voi noi

loro loro

Loro noi

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Ex: Parli bene tu? Si, io parlo bene.

Ex: Balla lui alle feste? No, lui non balla.

Ex: Ascolta lei la radio? Si, lei ascolta la radio.

Ex: Imparano molto nella lezione gli studenti?

Si, gli studenti imparano molto.

Ex: Comprate il cibo voi?

No, noi non compriamo il cibo.

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Pratica: Answer the following questions in Italian (watch for pronouns):

Alla Scuola:

1. Parli inglese?

2. Studi l’italiano?

3. Imparano molto nella lezione di matematica gli studenti?

4. Insegna la lezione d’italiano il professore Jensen?

5. Ascolate voi bene il professore?

6. Alzi la mano spesso nella classe d’italiano?

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Pratica: Answer the following questions in Italian (watch for pronouns):

Dopo Scuola:

1. Lavori in un supermercato dopo scuola?

2. Guardi la televisione?

3. Ascolti la radio?

4. Suonano la chitarra Diana e Marco?

5. Gioca a pallacanestro Giovanna?

6. Riposa molto Maria?

7. Parli al telefono con i amici?

8. Cucinate voi la cena in casa?

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Asking & Answering open ended questions with Verbs:

Question Words:

Chi? Who?

Che? / Cosa? What?

Quando? When?

Dove? Where?

Perche’? Why?

Quale? Which?

Quanti? How many?

Come? How?

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Ex: Cosa studi a scuola? Io studio l’italiano. Ex: Qual’e’ la tua materia preferita? La mia materia preferita e’ l’italiano. Ex: Chi e’ il tuo professoressa d’italiano?

La mia professoressa d’italiano e’ la Signorina Casado.

Ex: Dove lavora Giuseppe? Lui lavora in un negozio. Ex: Quanti studenti ci sono nella classe? Ci sono ventotto studenti. Ex: Quando studi? Io studio spesso in biblioteca. Ex: Com’e’ la tua lezione? La mia lezione e’ facile.

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Answer the following questions in a complete Italian sentence:

1. Chi e’ il tuo professore d’inglese?

2. Com’e’ la tua amica o il tuo amico?

3. Dove compri il cibo?

4. Quando studi?

5. Cosa giochi tu?

6. Dove studi?