Student Moldovan Antonio Profesor Coordonator Gavrila Elena ILLEGAL THINGS YOU DO EVERY DAY Sesiune de comunicari la limba engleza Deva,2015

Illegal Things You Do Every Day

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Sesiune de comunicari engleza 2015

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Illegal things you do every day

Student Moldovan AntonioProfesor Coordonator Gavrila ElenaIllegal things you do every daySesiune de comunicari la limba engleza Deva,2015

ContentIntroductionArgumentSinging ,,Happy Birthday in publicOwning a permanent markerConnecting to unsecure Wi-FiConclusionBibliography

IntroductionNone of us can claim with a straight face that we've never done anything illegal, be it speeding (on a bike), stealing a jelly bean from a bowling alley or maybe trying to hack our friends facebook acount. But on the whole, we're upstanding citizens. After all, it's not like we're out there breaking the law on a daily basis,right?

Wrong. Each and everyone of you did something illegal without even knowing. Everything youre about to see is illegal in most of, if not all of, the United States. If you live outside the U.S., you need to double check to see if you can get jail time for your hobbies.

ArgumentThe reason I chose this subject is because I want to prove that no matter how good we think we are and how good we behave , unknowingly , we are practically breaking the law without even realising.If the law was to be applied as strict as a vegan mother around her family,most of the streets would be empty but the jails would be full of ,,innocent people.As absurd as they sound , these laws actually have a good reasoning behind them even if the countries would be in danger of riots if they would be punished as hard as a real crime.

Singing happy birthday in publicThat birthday song you wait for every year is under copyright!The corporation Warner Music owns the copyright and has made illegal any public performance of the song.Can you sing it in a house with only family and a handful of closefriends around? Sure.In your college campus? Nope.On the streets? Nope.At the birthday party of a kid you dont know but you snuck in to get a piece of cake? Still nope.The next time you want to loudly serenade your friend on their birthday, you should consider paying royalties to Warner.

owning a permanent markerLet's say you're relaxing in the park one day when the cops come up and ask to talk to you. Apparently there was a string of robberies in the area and they'd like to search your bag. You agree because you've done no wrong and have nothing to hide, but also because they're cops and they have guns. Inside your bag, they find all the usual stuff: textbooks, pens, permanent markers, a mini flamethrower and a wallet. You know,nothing illegal.You reach to get your bag back when suddenly the cops grab you by the arm and haul you off to jail.What Did I Do?!Actually, it was about the permanent markers (dont worry,it was a toy flame thrower). According to basically every anti-graffiti state law out there, it is illegal simply to possess "broad-tipped markers" or "aerosol cans" in a public place, because they can be used to commit acts of vandalism. You can find such regulations all over the United States, fromFloridatoNew YorktoCalifornia, which also make it a crime to buy permanent markers for anyone under 18. California, remember, is a state where it is legal to buy weed if you have a doctor's note.Crazy little worldOn the one hand, it'skindof understandable, seeing as in California alone the removal of graffiti costs millions of dollars each year.

Say you're on a park bench a block away from Starbucks, but their signal juuust reaches you. So, you log in and check your email. Hell, if they left it unsecured, they probably WANT people to use it, right? And even if not, it's not like it can get you thrown in prison.Oh waitit totally can.Connecting to any wireless network you dont own or have permision to use,even if its not password protected,can land you in prison for at least two years and you may have to pay for it a 10.000$ fine. Considering that most modern phones and wireless devices automatically seek out and connect to nearby Wi-Fi networks makes this an extremely easy law to break . Its extremely unlikely youll actually be caught in the act , despite this there have been at least 4 known cases in the US where people have been arrested and locked up for using other peoples Wi-Fi.

Connecting to unsecured wi-fi

In conclusion

After all these were said,unless you recall doing any of the things I mentioned above (and I doubt it) , you can sleep relieved at night.If you just realized you are nothing but a filty criminal , you should turn yourself in.Shame on you!The world has many more laws like this , and trust me , you broke them as well.But since nobody bothers with actually punishing us the criminals , why should we stop? I bet not even the cops themselves know that THEY broke these laws.So lets call it even.bibliographywww.mustsharenews.comwww.cracked.comwww.wikipedia.comwww.youtube.com