“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was GOD...” John 1:1 WHAT DOES THE MIGRATORY flight of the golden plover have in common with a postcard? What is the common factor between a computer program and hieroglyphics? And what property is shared between the processes taking place in living cells and the message of the Bible? The distinctive common quantity in all these cases is information. Dr Werner Gitt used many striking examples to clarify these questions in his book: “In The Beginning Was Information”. For our November meeting, DSA member Horst Matschukat* will present a detailed review of this book, accompa- nied by an illustrative PowerPoint presentation. All living organisms require information to func- tion. If we want to make meaningful and useful statements about the origin of life, then we first have to explain what information is and how it came about. The basic principles of information are clearly established in terms of laws and theorems which are just as valid and applicable as those employed in the natural sciences. Scripture teaches that for Him (Jesus) all things were created. This “all” is all inclusive. It means that God’s intent for this world is not only revealed in scripture but it is also revealed in nature, because if God created all things then he also created natural law and by so doing reveals Himself in nature. THIS MONTHS DSA MEETING WILL BE HELD ON Saturday, November 18, 2006, from 9 to 11:30 AM. Be sure to join us as Horst guides us on a review of this illuminating subject! * Horst Matschukat was born and raised in Berlin, Germany, and holds a BSEE degree from an engineering college there. A retired Project/Construction manager, he became a Christian at 18 years old “through the good offices of the Chaplain’s Corps US Army”. He and family immigrated to this country in 1960. Horst and wife Hilla have two adult children and three grandchildren. Long involved in Bible study groups and Sunday school teaching, he has been a member of Oregon City Evangelical Church and part of the teaching ministry there for 21 years. Through a church worldview conference, he became acquainted with the work of Answers in Genesis, and later joined the AIG 2004 Portland Conference team. Horst has developed a series of eight one-hour lectures, on the foundational subject of origins. Teaching these courses, he empha- sizes that “he is not a scientist, but one that just talks about readily available information which supports Genesis 1 – 11” and specifical- ly the verse In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Illustrative Book Review In the Beginning Was Information Speaker Horst Matschukat I t is true that a little phi- losophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s minds about to reli- gion; for while the mind of man looketh upon second causes scattered, it may sometimes rest in them, and go no further; but when it beholdeth the chain of them confederate, and linked together, it must needs fly to Providence and Deity.” “...for as God uses the help of our reason to illuminate us, so should we likewise turn in every way, that we may be more capable of understanding His mysteries; provided only that the mind be enlarged, according to its capacity, to the grandeur of the myster- ies, and not the mysteries contracted to the narrowness of the mind.” Sir Francis Bacon from Essays, Civil and Moral Francis Bacon (1561 –1626), Lord Chancellor of England, is usually considered to be the man primarily responsible for the formulation and establishment of the so-called “scientific method” in science, stressing experimentation and induction from data rather than philosophi- cal deduction in the tradition of Aristotle. Bacon’s writings are also credited with leading to the founding of the Royal Society of London. Sir Francis was a devout believer in the Bible. He wrote: “There are two books laid before us to study, to prevent our falling into error; first, the volume of the Scriptures, which reveal the will of God; then the volume of the Creatures, which express his power.” Mailing address: PMB 218, 465 NE 181st Av. Portland, OR 97230 E-mail: [email protected] Change of Addresses may mail to PMB address above or E-mail to: [email protected] An Association for Good Science Meets monthly at Rolling Hills Community Church, 3550 SW Borland Rd, Tualatin, Oregon Discount creation book & video sales table at every meeting. For more information, call (503) 665-9563 Website: www.pdxdsa.org An Association for Good Science Meets monthly at Rolling Hills Community Church, 3550 SW Borland Rd, Tualatin, Oregon Discount creation book & video sales table at every meeting. For more information, call (503) 665-9563 Website: www.pdxdsa.org Morning meeting 9 AM on the third Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006 DESIGN SCIENCE ASSOCIATION newsletter —Suggested donation of $5 per year covers cost of postage & photocopying— DSA is recognized as a 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Organization DESIGN SCIENCE ASSOCIATION newsletter —Suggested donation of $5 per year covers cost of postage & photocopying— DSA is recognized as a 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Organization

Illustrative Book Review In the Beginning Was Information

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Page 1: Illustrative Book Review In the Beginning Was Information

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was GOD...” John 1:1


flight of the golden plover havein common with a postcard?What is the common factorbetween a computer programand hieroglyphics? And whatproperty is shared between theprocesses taking place in livingcells and the message of theBible? The distinctive commonquantity in all these cases isinformation.

Dr Werner Gitt used many striking examples toclarify these questions in his book: “In TheBeginning Was Information”. For our Novembermeeting, DSA member Horst Matschukat* willpresent a detailed review of this book, accompa-nied by an illustrative PowerPoint presentation.

All living organisms require information to func-tion. If we want to make meaningful and usefulstatements about the origin of life, then we firsthave to explain what information is and how itcame about.

The basic principles of information are clearlyestablished in terms of laws and theorems which

are just as valid and applicable as those employedin the natural sciences. Scripture teaches that forHim (Jesus) all things were created. This “all” isall inclusive. It means that God’s intent for thisworld is not only revealed in scripture but it is alsorevealed in nature, because if God created allthings then he also created natural law and by sodoing reveals Himself in nature.THIS MONTH’S DSA MEETING WILL BE HELD ON

Saturday, November 18, 2006, from 9 to 11:30 AM.Be sure to join us as Horst guides us on a review ofthis illuminating subject!

* Horst Matschukat was born and raised in Berlin, Germany, andholds a BSEE degree from an engineering college there. A retiredProject/Construction manager, he became a Christian at 18 years old“through the good offices of the Chaplain’s Corps US Army”. He andfamily immigrated to this country in 1960. Horst and wife Hilla havetwo adult children and three grandchildren.

Long involved in Bible study groups and Sunday school teaching,he has been a member of Oregon City Evangelical Church and part ofthe teaching ministry there for 21 years. Through a church worldviewconference, he became acquainted with the work of Answers inGenesis, and later joined the AIG 2004 Portland Conference team.

Horst has developed a series of eight one-hour lectures, on thefoundational subject of origins. Teaching these courses, he empha-sizes that “he is not a scientist, but one that just talks about readilyavailable information which supports Genesis 1 – 11” and specifical-ly the verse In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Illustrative Book Review

In the Beginning Was Information

Speaker HorstMatschukat

It is true that a little phi-losophy inclineth man’smind to atheism, but

depth in philosophy bringethmen’s minds about to reli-gion; for while the mind ofman looketh upon secondcauses scattered, it maysometimes rest in them, andgo no further; but when itbeholdeth the chain of themconfederate, and linkedtogether, it must needs fly toProvidence and Deity.”

“...for as God uses the helpof our reason to illuminateus, so should we likewise turn in every way, that we may be morecapable of understanding His mysteries; provided only that the mindbe enlarged, according to its capacity, to the grandeur of the myster-ies, and not the mysteries contracted to the narrowness of the mind.”

Sir Francis Baconfrom Essays, Civil and Moral

Francis Bacon (1561 –1626), Lord Chancellor of England, is usually considered to be theman primarily responsible for the formulation and establishment of the so-called “scientificmethod” in science, stressing experimentation and induction from data rather than philosophi-cal deduction in the tradition of Aristotle. Bacon’s writings are also credited with leading tothe founding of the Royal Society of London.

Sir Francis was a devout believer in the Bible. He wrote: “There are two books laid beforeus to study, to prevent our falling into error; first, the volume of the Scriptures, which revealthe will of God; then the volume of the Creatures, which express his power.”

Mailing address: PMB 218, 465 NE 181st Av.Portland, OR 97230

E-mail: [email protected]

Change of Addresses maymail to PMB address aboveor E-mail to: [email protected]

An Association for Good ScienceMeets monthly at Rolling Hills Community Church, 3550 SW Borland Rd, Tualatin, Oregon

Discount creation book & video sales table at every meeting. For more information, call (503) 665-9563 Website: www.pdxdsa.org

An Association for Good ScienceMeets monthly at Rolling Hills Community Church, 3550 SW Borland Rd, Tualatin, Oregon

Discount creation book & video sales table at every meeting. For more information, call (503) 665-9563 Website: www.pdxdsa.org

Morning meeting9AM on the

third Saturday,Nov. 18, 2006

DESIGN SCIENCE ASSOCIATIONn ew s l e t t e r—Suggested donation of $5 per year covers cost of postage & photocopying—

DSA is recognized as a 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Organization

DESIGN SCIENCE ASSOCIATIONn ew s l e t t e r—Suggested donation of $5 per year covers cost of postage & photocopying—

DSA is recognized as a 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Organization

Page 2: Illustrative Book Review In the Beginning Was Information

CChhrriissttmmaass ggiiffttss??!!Books, videos & DVDs—all available at the DSA Booktable

These pictured and many other materials are in stock—and all items have pre-discounted prices. Think about the DSABooktable for some of your Christmas giving!

retail: $17.95 DSA: $15.00

retail (DVD): $22.95 DSA: $18.00

retail: $16.95 DSA: $14.00

retail: $14.99 DSA: $12.00 retail (DVD): $24.95 DSA: $20.00

New at the DSA Booktable...New at the DSA Booktable...

Dr. Vij Sodera and Philip Bell examinethe origin of life, fossil formation, birdanatomy, human fossils, and more, todemonstrate that the theory of evolu-tion is a myth in this illustrated DVD.

Retail: $19.99 — DSA: $15

Refuting Compromise is a biblical and scientific refutation of“Progressive Creationism” (billions of years), as popularized byastronomer Hugh Ross. Many otherwise sound evangelical leaders,thinking that the only real enemy is “Darwinism,” are being seduced by the promise of “progressive creationism.” Its most prominent voice,astronomer Dr. Hugh Ross, has convinced many that here is a biblicallysound way to accommodate the “facts of science.” With brilliant clari-ty, Jonathan Sarfati, author of the best-selling Refuting Evolution(1 and 2) has produced a comprehensive and ringing refutation of theposition of progressive creationist Hugh Ross, whose views are causingmassive confusion about science and the Bible. This promises to be themost powerful biblical and scientific defense of a straightforward viewof Genesis creation ever written. Ross is a skillful presenter of scientif-ic evidences for the veracity of the Bible, yet he advocates the nontra-ditional views of progressive creationism, which claims such things as:

• Death, bloodshed, and disease existed before Adam and Eve. • Noah's flood was only a local event. • Man-like creatures existed before Adam and Eve, but had no spirit, and thus had no salvation. This is a much-needed wakeup call for the church - how can true revival come while we disregard the Bible's authority in the crucial area of history?

Retail: $10.99 — DSA: $5 or: if buying 2 or more to give away, $4 each