Club News GLIMPSES In DETROIT'S MIRROR - BY SYLVIA PEN N , i Old Vi. Marrh ha. blo.lfrad Into hatrolt anln, hrlntlnc with htn to our otflr* may newsy tld-bita, Including various *oeial even**. mar- ritf**, birth*, together with report* of much airkne** »nd number of death*! So, detplte the f*rt that this 1* the Lenten *ea»on, here plen- ty of "tbia and that" to pa** on to our column reader*. The slfk IJat lake* quite a prominent place this we«ek, for the la* fluenza epidemic ha* vi*!ted the home* of many of our local citizen*. On the Hat of tho*e who are convalescing from attack* of the "flu" are Mr*. Rajmond Scrugg*. Mr*. Jane Smith. Mr*. Ida Po*tle*. Mr*. Mary Graham. 323 K. t anttrld; and her son-in-law. Karl Ham* of the same address, and many other* of our friend*. Mr*. Mabel Stower* i* re- ported" ill at one of the local hospital*. Woid also come* from New York City that Golrja Smith Moody, formerly of Detroit. I* improving •lowly but steadily, following a serious nines*. Sylvia l’enn extend* greetings to eat h an I si! of those sick and convalescing friend*, and also to Mr*. James F Met all. who ha* been on the sick list for the past week We also told you la*' w*ek tha* Dr. K A. ' - art*r »»i ill with pneumonia N «v we are happy to report that h* h»* passed the crisis and 1* on 'h* road to rapid recovery. That diamond which he took to Chicago early las: week, rame ha< k on the Anger of the lady to whom 1t was given. It * very beautiful, and »o Mr*. Carlyle, who ha* been in Detroit *in<e h * iliac**. liaugh'er Marjorie *l»o i anie home Tue«- day of this week, when «h* heard of the *eriou*ness of her father s illness. It wa« Marjorie s golden opportunity to get an airplane ride home, hu* *he niis«ed the plane. Mr*. Ruby .Mitchell of the Tribune staff, ha* hern ill a’ her home on Iroquois avenue for two weeks, hut 1* Itnrrovine. Mith h. Thomas Memorial hospital ha« certainly been the *cene of !nte*e*’ recently. Thursday morning Marrh 2. Mr* Home" Smi'h gave birth *o twin daughter*, at this hospital. Kach litle girl weighs approgimatelv six pound*. Dr. Remu* Robinson was the spending phvsician The P'ra-ure Et Culture club, of which M"*. Smi'h is a member, t* planning a baby shower for her Don't forget, girl*. It's doubt* rs no'hlng While we were at the hn«pltal congratulating Mr*, ''with nnd wishing Dr Carer a speedy recovery, we caught a g tmp«e of Sam Thomas’ new I*'« an exact replica o* the one h* ran off the road la** month- a very beautiful g"e\ LaSalle, w Ith red leather up- holiteey. We were all vert sorry ♦*» learn la«t week of the death of the tra'sensl grandmother of H* ’tie Mae Jackson. She.passed a wa* in S'. Charles. Vo He":e Mae u-n* n<>nie - o a r, enf! ’h* funeral «ervic*s. We hare tried to decide which da* la*f teek wa* inure popular w|'h holte• »es -Friday or Saturday We give up so supp. ** you tty to And 'he answer, church £■>» « wil of course vote Friday "he day f.»- on that evening S*. Cyprians branch of the tSir 1 * Friendly society was ho*'*** *o Mr* Kdwtn Lord. Dioi »«*n rhai' man of ’be missions Mr* Lord showed movie* of the Len'en Mission study on 'he *wo sul'ie< - «. ' India ' and 'The Ci*y Chu-eh " On *hat »..»;• .even : g. 'he Vriralu club gave a grand bir.go party a' Mrs. M L Walker « newly en’,a*ged and decora’ed h 'me. *• til ! S'. .lean m»n Kve'v ore piesent had a hingolng good 'tme and tiiev ■> < >d 'or ‘her pr re* fa- in'o the nigh'. The club * name, for the hen»r.' of •hos* who don't already know, is "Ch*ri»v" *pel>d harkw'atti* The group is one «»f the most out- standing rha-'table organize'lon* in the cry When better bridge score* are made, the Gogglnette* make them: for don't thev play under ’ha: m«.»'e- ’each*" M"». Lyda Goggins? When higeer and beer cabaret pa-tio* are turn ’he Cos? neve* a'-o usual]j give them List Friday they spun*" ed one a- Pyhim •<, n pie the proceed* of which will he used to send a team *o ’he h’idge *<>i. *- ment in N*w York City in A i£*i*' M * Harold .1 tinson wa* lairman of the affair. As proof of the suite** of -he pa-tv over one. hundred gijegt* spent a high'v enjovahle evening wii »hc ' «•►*«*«. 'I * ha!! w*s very a"raotive)v decora’ed wi’.n <r i paper *' *arr.e « a 'tie ends of whith dangled playing (ird«. The niemoe-* t . »4<>rr . ,e<| Mm. Johnson. Mr* (Joecn*. M*« Haz- l.yn ar. Me- arre* Berlin Lanton. Katie Fuller. Kdi'h Wa'sor Lu< y jone*. Re-nad.ne Jordan. Kdi'h Whim, Thelma Houston, a"! F air.® cVnwsv, Mr* Fd'l e Rrhtn«or who i* a memhe- was ."? l m*o v .e ;•. *»•’• on, a r- ,r.t of he- i' -««. She recently returned '' rr *>.* M, * n New Or- leans A tew of th« g |p*'s a' the .at- p;. v w.--e M- ar<! V « William C‘»'dm, Dr. and Mr* Chi-.es R-eo*» Dr and Mr*. Wa!'*r lla mnr Mr. and Ralph Han M* a" i V-« R -■ C'.e-r.en* D* Oil Mr* Marlowe, Mr. and Mrs. Jorn Rogh - ugh D-. and Mr* Paul cpt.nder. Mr and Mr*. Gibbon*. V •>">' Mr* G*■•g* ('a m had. Horace Johnson. D". and Mrs. Carev ar t V- a- I Mr*. Harper Her* Swam a former Dcrolter, who hi* resided i t's « f,»r ’he past Vert vears l’*> at’end»’d the par*v K of Mr Ip'l Mts P.o\- homuirh He * here in inte-est of hi* pa eno which he :* demonstrat- ing to *ho ('h v«|cr t'orpo-a'lon. The Hridgette* met at the home of Mr*. Radford Morrl*. Fritlay evening T l '* memhers could hardlv pav ca r d* for adtr ring and in- specting all of 1.'icy Re;i « b'autifiil new furnishing* ' from *h* in'vrio," de.n-a'or'a gv >*• ..« Cij.m'h a' 'h» cvet ng II r Mis, Helen* W*«thr ook, M ’« Louise > mm* M-« H ,gh»« pe'erson. an«t Mts i’aul Alegande-. Prirei went to .M-* Jo n Smi'h, A'«t. a »Titig of highly- paln'ed Mexltn gourds; Mr* A. P. Gaski!',- 'Foogiei *etr»nd, a brown flv* a coffee jus Mrs Pe'erson g .<»• p-'ze fon*;*t.ng nf cria* r ei« Lef* tireak the monotony of elnh« and entertainment*, and give you be ' mt-ror's 'rave'ogue o' th» w"k. La l **' report* pl*i e Mr. and Mr* ,terse Kimbrough in Key West Florid*, etjovtn* the »un and the »ra. Mr and M-* .limes Smoh w *.#i * :gh»v and M" and Mr*. Fred Carter, 432 x Rru-n. *p*rc ave-r p>i*an* dsv :n T r,l edo. l**r Sundav, visl'lng fr'end* The f ir.k R’l-tor* have p, based anew car, in prepa'i* on for thetr 'nr trek *(-a*« *he i<.r-merit -o Ro*ton. Franc** - Bat!ve home, Th»v v> 'nv» son-® im* v .,« ms,• h Mr and Mr*. Jam** roho w- 'e u* from Phoenix Arizona 'M- h*v a-e ba«king in the bearhfut sunsht-'e < r "The Vi ' *r Os Th* . c on and enjoy reading their Detroit, T-'hune elrb week >ow. let’* grt i,h< k to that Friday Ngtnrriay ««Hal popularity qua*’-*,* Pa I'dav af’rnoon ’h* , ' , ’*»*»ni Rr Culture dub met w|>h M r * R' mij’ ft'■•>»!P’* » •■,<• . mphas;* of the day. Mr*. Roy Morton *o<' Mrs l in > "por* [..vr.'if r* nn*i p- /ps at bridge in the evening, Saturday. Mr». Rachel *>trnng and Ml«* Ruth ■u »r,h if'i h ••« . <. r». ... u « irh met »t th* hf>m* of Mr* Nldf'w «•* !".: ... A'< th* bis n»«s session and a An# mrk*y dir-»r ... ,:j» w -i« »«• .-a *>ni*n* '< 'Mr rvMj ns. The winner* ware Mr« Ka'V'ne I.nnmfs *'d M » Marion \me* (\ reen. Mr. and Mr*. treble I lnd*lr» on the »*me eicnlng honored Mr*, ■y fn»' ri*o“.r or > * i■»» p ]•.* «n. *• abt da» party at their horn* on Pa'’**"" av« - r < «’* rr > .-.g "ho evening «er*: Mr. and Mr*. (Miff RtJS*lar M •id M * Set < l!< n'l r " Mr. and Mr* .lo*rph Green, J)r and M*« w am Po-* « Mr* r Plumrr*'. Mi«* Wllla Moody, Mr. and M••« W rr» H’s>ku >, , rha K «h*-r. Mr* Kua«lan. Mr. PlarVh'i'n sn | V* p (rnjTi'' w"n 'ho I ;dcn prig* Mr*. Viney leaves for ho- hrn." n Phi’adeiph.a *h‘a < mine ank There ar*> several approaching *nrlal r»rnt« listed on the calender. Privig P*nn ,od forr.r* .• ba r h**n tnvi’ed to th* ch*s'erflelda an- nnai ha To ho gvd Sa- ardav March 11 n ’h* Wayne unlv*ralty'* *ymna .rr V. * »* r h* 'he'* *<■ 'h*** modern prototype* of Lord f'he*‘*rfie;d igen« of ho*p a officer. of the Huh are John PiOxhri'Oiia'" [ri-'or- Theodore Washington vice preaident; < h*'’»* H cr* loo’r’a *. **»'ir" and Ja< k Rarthwell. corre- sponding »*r?e*a* fyhe* m*mher* include William Allen, Howard Tandv, tt*.he'* P' ;g Vnthnnv Ma tin. Robert Johnson. I.even Welge f onkitr. r Rt*r f>eMarr P<>!omon I.oni* Rrav and William Rua- *#U. ill eyea are on the dale iprll H the nlirht of SI. f yprlnN* charity ha, 1 a* the Vi'fn r ballroom on March lb. the Poatnl Ktn- floyoea and 'h> \'AA< P will *ive ’h*ir annual danca and party at Fln- l*h ital!. Ro'h ;*'fal** j.romi«e *o he ) ( !ah ligh’* of the aprin* aoclal •eaaon. \ deliirlitful affair <.n tVedne*day. March 1. «»» Ihe per*ottal *how» rr liviit In honor of M («*it|iif|e \nd’ow« | ( y Mr*. Melvin- (Salnea. Among the g’ie«t« »«-r« Hmtnrtu Motion. Marjorie (ireenldte. Mildred Ituman. (i '•« Andrew*. M.nlon Raw! tic*. Dorothy Hightower, Mr*. M . it.dnr* Mr* Julia Parker Mr*. Noiine ThompM.il Mr*. Certr.ide Sm.ih. M « Mom* Jefferv. Mr*. Dolly An- r nn hii /.ahe'ii (iieen. and K’he| child*. A* the gueata entared the •Mue Room at th* YWCA where the xhower waa given. Mra. (iainea nrc'entcii *a< h wi'h a daffodil tied with gold rll.hon Gertrude received nanv iteautiful gift*. 1 he Parent. I earlier*' n»*or latlon annonnne* that If will meet Tnea. ay March H. at 3 I'. p m In the auditorium at the R«!ch school. Mra. '* ** r * Thompaon will ho (<!*•' speaker and will talk on "The Ideal* or the PT A. Rjec tlon of officer* will a l*o he held. Mra. Rochelle Redd ta president; Jeaaie Rrasher. publicity chairman. Mia* trnnee* Green Inform* n* that under the splendid direction of Mr*. Anna Caatone, the North Knd ha* organlied a Olrl Raserve branch, called Lea Courageaux club Th# cluh waa formed In January •nd all th* girl* are full of enthualaim. Thatr aim la to h* deroroua. •nd yet hare anjovment wlthouf h*lng too pungent. The girls will par* tldpat# In mutlcal program* drama*, art and hook review* and so forth. TV Huh met racently at the hom# of Mlea Allean Rose. »77 Hague. The Adolescent At*' was dlactiaaed after which a pleasant aoclal hour followed and a delectable menu wa* served by the hoateaa. Officer* and members Indud* F. Pace, president; L. Rintnn, secretary; A. Bryant, treasurer; M. Rryanf. F. Raher. 7. Flowers. G. Ziegler. H. Rlarkwan. G, Rryanf. .1. Green. M Clarke. G Marshall. A. Rota. P. Hlrha. K. Agee. M Mackey, w. T Monroe, n William*. Q Wallare. K. Foster. M- McDonald A. Lamont. F„ Rrown. M Pare. V. McFall. G. Wyatt. A. Ivive. m Reeyea, and F. Holly. Tha next m*etlng will he held at IM6 Mi. Varnoa. THE DETROIT TRIBUNE. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1989 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Garvins Celebrate Silver Anniversary GertrudeAndrews Becomes Edward Duncan’s Bride In Pretty Wedding Mr. and Mra. Charles E. Garrln observed their twenty-fifth year of happy wedded life. Sunday after- noon, February 26, at their lovely home, 410S McClellan avenue. Mra. Garvin waa stunning In a pretty gown of Ice blue taffeta and net, and her aweet smile tokened real happiness. Her complexion waa that of the modern school girl, radiating joy and contentment, a* she stood with her husband In the receiving line. Those who saw the bride on this occasion scarcely be. lleved that she had seen more than eighteen summers. a striking t«si|. mony of what beautiful character will develop. Mr. Garvin, aa be stood by his bride, appeared to be a man many yearn his Junlor.,Sc> well pre«erved and well groomed was he that one would predict for him at least an- nother twenty-five years of happy married life. Henry Talbert, Pr. stood wrh the groom. Despite the heavy snow storm which blocked the city traffic, many friends found their wav to the Garvin home to extend rongrn- uilations, The reception was ron- ducted in a formal manner, with all silver service. The home was artlstirally deco- rated with white snap dragons la silver baskets. Several beautiful and Tery ap- propriate vocal selections were ren- dered by outstanding soloists of the city. Albert. Greenlaw ssng. "0, Promise Me,’’ while Mrs. Helen Tandy, contralto, sang "Sylvia” and “The Glory Os Love." Mr. and Mrs. Garvin received many handsome gifts of sliver, as well as numerous cards, telephone calls and telegrams of congratu- lation from various parts of ths country. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of onr helot, ed mother. Mrs. Julia lie l.matt Hall, who departed this life, one tear ago. March 111, Ills'*. I.oting memory of her still lingers In onr heart*. Daughter*: Mrs. Margaret Miller Mrs. ollte Pollard Mr*. Della Griffin Andrews-Duncin Wedding Parly mam myris jy»f jr tzars'WW flp r At an impressive ceremony at the home of her parenta, Mr. and Mr*. Robert Andrew*, 562 E. Can- field. lovely Mi** Gertrude An- drews. became the hrlde of Edward | Duncan. Saturday, March 4, at 7 p. m. The home waa attractively de- corated with palm* and cut flow- era. A large number of relative* and Invited gueata wltneaaed the marriage ceremony. Rev. Horace 1 A. White officiated. The bride choee for her wedding ' a gown of white cable net. with a sweetheart neckline. She wore with it a fitted embroidered lace bolero, with tiny puffed sleeve*. Her tulle veil wa* held in place by | a wreath of orange hloaaoma. The hride'a only ornament was a atring of pearla. She wore elhow-length i lace niiltena and carried a lovely bouquet of white rosea and bahv'a breath, tied with a large tulle how. ••The matron of honor. Mra. Mel- vln Gaines, wore a dlrectolre gown ! of king blue lace, trimmed with cerise velvet ties. Miss Gladys Andrew*, maid of honor and aiater of the hrlde. wore an aquamarine starched lace dress which was bowed down the front with shell-pink grosgrain ribbon Mildred Duncan, bridesmaid nnd sister of the groom, wa* clad in pink chiffon, with jacket to match. All of the attendant* carried bou- queta of pink ro*e* and blue lrl*e*. | Mr. Duncan was assisted hv H'harlea Nay. best man; Oswald Webster, and Leonard Andrews, brother of the bride, Knr her daughter* wedding. Mrs. Andrews wore a gown of burnt orange satin. Mrs. Duncan, the groom's mother, chose a gown o,’ hyacinth blue crepe. Both wore shoulder corsages of pink sweet peas. Immediately following the cere- mony. there wa* a reception at the home. The wedding party received from 6 o'clock until ten o'clock. At each end of the bride's table, which wa* covered with a lace cloth, white pottery vase* held pink and white aweet pea*. The bridal cake centered the table. Among the guests at the cere- mony and the reception were; Mr. and Mrs. Charle* Rawlings, Mis* Marion Rawlings, Mi*s Kmmetta Morton, Mi*a June Dickens, Mi»* Margaret McCall, Mr*. Mollie Car- eer, Mr. and Mr*. Howard Nelson, Mr. and Mra. Robert Parker. Mel- vin tiainea. Mi** Ethel Childs, George Trent, Mr. and Mr*. Rob- ert L. Bradby, Jr.. Mra. Irene Hun- ton, Mr. and Mra. Earl Conway, Peccival Thompson. Clarence Thompaon, Dr. and Mra. H. Pey- ton Johnaon. Mr*. Minnie Thomp- aon, Mr. and Mr*. John Smith, Mr. Duncan, Mr. *nd Mra. Joseph An- drews. Mr. and Mra. Robert An- drew*, Jr. Ben Lambert, Mra. Gladys Mills, I'lyaae* Boykin, Mr*. Agne* Swan. Romaine John*, Mar- jorie Greenidge, Dorothy High- 1 tower. Mr. and Mr*. Jerome frsy. Mr. and Mra. 1/eonard Thomp- j son. Mr*. Waldo Beck. Mr*. Ann Cole, and many other*. Lone Star Social Club Memhers of ihe I.one Star club' were delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs Rosa Lee Mims. 2004 Antietam street, recently. The club plans elaborate activi- ties and each member is striving toward making this a banner year. After the usual business, the hoatfaa served a ta*ty luncheon. The next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. Carrie Pierson. | 2327 Hendrick*. Mr*. Viola Harper I* president; [ Mra. Carrie Pierson, secretary; Mrs. Mattie Duncan, reporter. High Fidelity Girls The High Fidelity Girl* an- nounced an afternoon social tea. Sunday, at the Franklin Settle- ment, Avery splendid program was presented by the twelve girls, (matronal, Including a number by the Robinettes; poem by Martha Thompson; selection hv Franklin's Hl-Light* quartet; talk by Mr*. Cole. Marie Me Bee was misiress of ceremonies. A. Bell i* president; Ruth Cato, secretary; Onease Hutchinson, treasurer. Members are: Ruth Wise. Elizabeth Williams. Beulah Hayes. Alice Delaney, Bessie Reese. Clarissa Pearaon, Elizabeth Thompson, and Edna Tyler. the elaborate wedding of Ml** Gertrud* Andrew* and Edward Itunean was solemn- lr*d Saturday, March 4, a* " p. m- at the home of the bride's parent*. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andrew*. Ml t f„ Can- field a ten tie. Rev. Harare A. White officiated. I*ft to right. Mr*. Josephine Gaines, I.eon* ard Andrew*. Mr. nnd Mr*. Edward Boncan. hrlde and groom: I harle* Nay, best manj Gladys Andrew*. Oswald Web- ster and Mildred linaraa. Miller-hill Wedding Is Solemked February 26 At Fbenezer Church Jolly Strollers Club The Jollv Stroller* club No. 2 gave a social affair, Saturday. March 4. at the Alkln Bar, Mack and Dubois. | Among the cluha represented | were;'The High Diver* club, Roy- al Spark*. West Side Jolly Eight, Rnval Six. Happy Landing club, High Hatter* of Division atreet, Tink Rose Social club. Mr*. Jones, of West Side Jolly Eight club, received a prixe, also Mr*. Clara Dolphin. $46 Mack avenue. Visitor* at the meeting Monday night were: Mr*. Shepherd and Mr Singleton, of the 1940 club. W. Bate* Is president of the club; Mildred Johnson, reporter. in Imemoriam In Memory of llev. I hn*. I*, f'ol- bert, who passed away two jear* ago. March IS, 19.17. Yonr passing shall never be for. gotten; your many good deeds will always •>* remembered. Rei. Mrs. ( has. I*. Colbert, Wife Mfrs. F.rsa M. Shaw, sister Or* of the pretty church wed- 1 dings recen’ly «o!emnixe<i i.n De- troit wi« that of M «s Clyde** Mil* > :• :T",l Brush *’r**’, who Wane •he t>r ic of (‘lnrente Hill. Suntlsv. Fcbru.vv at Fbenezer AME hutch. ID '. G W. Maher perfnrm- •<l the mi "inge (creniony at l;.V>i ; ni mntcdiHtely following the mot ? w *»• ip. I Tii* altar wa* artistically d*ro- i *.l wrh palm* and cut flowers, including carnations and gladnli. ’I h* bride w ore a lovely white *a' u gown and carried a bouquet j of She was attended by the folowing h" ide*ma ids: Evelyn Parker. Krncr «e A<iani*. Sue Car- ter. Margaret Drew. Mildred Eu- bank* and She; tv Mclntyre. They wo e gowtis hf the same design in pastel shades, with tinted slippers ; to match. Their dresses we e mad* j of net satin, and in their hair were, flusters of yellow carnation*. The maid of honor. Mr* Thelma 1 William*, wore a beautiful gown of peach and blue satin and ear- ned a bouquet of red rose*. Mr* Iren* Rush, sister of th* bride, and matron of honor, wore a peach gown and carried yellow rose*. The ring was carried In the heart of a Illy, at the suggestion of the bride, instead of on a pillow. Dimple* Sails, youngster daugh- ter of Mr*. Margaret Sal la. 3f»S Warren, was flower girl and wore a pretty pink aatin dr*** and white slipper*. After the ceremony the Tribune photoprapher. Mr. Then*, made a picture of the party. A reception was held at 7;3ti p. m. at 5731 Bru*h. with manv in attendance. Two hundred guest* were Invited. Out-of-town guest were: Mr and Mrs. Maynard Miller, of Gary, In- diana; Mrs. C.iri Rush, Blooming- ton. Illinois; Mr*, .lame* Marshall. Decatur. Illinois; Eugene Miller, Gary; and Rev, and Mr*. Baker, of Inkster. The groom i* an expert mecha- nic. Mr*. Hill I* an employe* of the Michigan Cnemployment Com- pensation commission. The couple will reside 231 Forest. DETROIT-IOWA CLUB, Inc. Hegtilar meeting— lst nnd .Ird Thursday night of each month* Join Mow. Henry Madden. Prea. Rose Jackson, Scc’> 2941 Sherman St. 1962 Alfred St. ~ Headquarter*—2ll3 Chene St. i Guarantee f GfT Itlltr M Est YOU* HONtY BACK 1 Buy a box of Black and Whita ~1 trOTM \ W] \ i Ointment; If it does not begin to If* OlSCO'*”,. |t i/> 1 / \ bring you “relief from the discom- \ ITCH'Nw W nID V. I / WSf A ) I forts of skin irritations" as da- fJ I .. l l in this tho J j Are any of those akin irritations printed above nimnles hlarkbA#d> ..j - . t t. v making you miserable and unhappy? If “yes” is „l,Toriei„ n- . *? and !'"* °! «xt * r (T -PS your answer, road of the relief Black and White ,„j .?.* ,Mr* demand Black \ Ointment and Skin Soap help to bring: and White Ointment and Skin Soap. \ ' First you go to your dealer rightnow and get * C " pt * ,übst,tute- yourself this famous combination treatment The 50c size of Black and White The mild super-fatted Black and White Skin Soap Ointment contains more than twice as much as the 25c size is used to cleanse the effected part of dirt end othe? tf,'?' bar , »f Black and White Skin Smp IL Trial afres Os material. Then apply Black and White Ointment s“**«•s «nd White Ointment and sL'Sap a"e wfd for accoi-dmg to plain directions within the package. 10c * l »** tlve »nd ten cent stofea. Sold by deaiera everyw here. Black and White Ointment helps to relieve the 1* you want a discomfort of itching, burning and soreness due to }" and Whiu Skin‘whit#n#r "J KlpyMmi i U "w?r d e t dr>’ eczema (salt rheum, tetter) of external origin, fa>r,r » compi.aion. At deafer?Vvarjwhtn!! 25c or simple ringworm or minor parasitic skin irrita- « tions. 1 V. W r #VTr| T A I L J Black and White Ointment also acts as an anti- lAI Is .HSUi septic dressing for such blemishes as superficial j Loyalettes Club The I.o\a]ettes ctub met at the home of Mra. Helen Hughes, 5918 St. Antoine, la at Friday. The meeting waa called ’o order by tlie president, Mra. Lillian Jas- per. The hostea* served a ta«ty luncheon. The next meeting will he wl»h Mr*. K. Ferguson. 3131 Clinton street. Mr*. ,T. Adam* 1* reporter. .. The ( Die unit of the National committee, the Son* and Daughter* of the Williams’ Kx-Slave associa- tion. a* their regular weekly meet- ing at the I*u«y Thurman YWCA. Detroit, voted to give a "silver tea,” at the residence of their *o- i ial service investlga'or, Mra. Sarah. 278 Medhury atreat. Apt. 3. Sunday. March 12. from 3toßp. m. The committee extend* a cordial invitation to the public to attend the affair. IV* must rloae now. Wa will V hack next week with another hatch of new* Rein*. I'ntll then, keep boosting the Tribune, send- ing In your new*. New Era Study Club Th# N>w Era Study club mot February 21 at th« Frng* club. Mr*. R. M. Norris, th# president. Introduced the guest speaker, At- torney Joseph A. Crulgen. who spoke on the theme, “City Govern- lient.” After the address, current event* were given by the member* and guests. Guests Included Mis* Portia Rethel. Mrs. Grayce Williams. Mrs. Hutcheon, Mrs. Ashley Cain, Miss Krmle Burrell, and Mrs. Campbell. Members present were: Mesdames George ('oilier. Waddy Grimes, James Henderson, Onslow Parish, Thomas Malone. Roll!* McMahan, Henry Overton. Harry White. Wil- liam Pickens. Rnscoe Lewis. Miss Helen Wright, Mlsa Beulah Cain, Mrs. Stewart Toodle, and Mr*. Theodor# Page. A three-coarse luncheon was nerved In the dining room. Hos- tesses were: Mlsa F#nnl# Bethel, .Miss Ruby Chambers, and Mrs. I Prentiss Walker. “MAKE SUCCESS YOUR NEW YEAR RESOLUTION”! LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE EASY TO LEARN SHORT TRAINING PERIOD SAVE AA Lowest Tuition Cost. Day or CU.se. - You Loom by Actual *T Doing Beauty 1 Work. Hundred, of Successful Graduates Prove The Remarkable Value of Bee. Dew Beauty Training YOU CHOOSE YOUR OWN TERMS ENROLL NOW TO GET SPECIAL LOW RATES { BEE-DEW BEAUTY COLLEGE ! 703 E. FOREST AVENUE 2146 St Aatob* Stmt Ctmr CdttmW*—Clifford 2924 Club News PAGE FOUR

In mam Duncan’sClub News GLIMPSES InDETROIT'S MIRROR-BY SYLVIA PENN, iOld Vi.Marrh ha.blo.lfrad Into hatroltanln, hrlntlncwith htn toour otflr* may newsy tld-bita, Including various

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Page 1: In mam Duncan’sClub News GLIMPSES InDETROIT'S MIRROR-BY SYLVIA PENN, iOld Vi.Marrh ha.blo.lfrad Into hatroltanln, hrlntlncwith htn toour otflr* may newsy tld-bita, Including various

Club News


- BY SYLVIA PEN N , iOld Vi. Marrh ha. blo.lfrad Into hatrolt anln, hrlntlnc with htn

to our otflr* may newsy tld-bita, Including various *oeial even**. mar-ritf**, birth*, together with report* of much airkne** »nd ■ number ofdeath*! So, detplte the f*rt that this 1* the Lenten *ea»on, here i» plen-ty of "tbia and that" to pa** on to our column reader*.

The slfk IJat lake* quite a prominent place this we«ek, for the la*fluenza epidemic ha* vi*!ted the home* of many of our local citizen*.On the Hat of “ tho*e who are convalescing from attack* of the "flu"are Mr*. Rajmond Scrugg*. Mr*. Jane Smith. Mr*. Ida Po*tle*. Mr*.Mary Graham. 323 K. t anttrld; and her son-in-law. Karl Ham* of thesame address, and many other* of our friend*. Mr*. Mabel Stower* i* re-ported" ill at one of the local hospital*. Woid also come* from NewYork City that Golrja Smith Moody, formerly of Detroit. I* improving•lowly but steadily, following a serious nines*. Sylvia l’enn extend*greetings to eat h an I si! of those sick and convalescing friend*, andalso to Mr*. James F Met all. who ha* been on the sick list for the pastweek We also told you la*' w*ek tha* Dr. K A. ' -art*r »»i ill withpneumonia N «v we are happy to report that h* h»* passed the crisisand 1* on 'h* road to rapid recovery. That diamond which he took toChicago early las: week, rame ha< k on the Anger of the lady to whom1t was given. It * very beautiful, and »o i» Mr*. Carlyle, who ha* beenin Detroit *in<e h * iliac**. liaugh'er Marjorie *l»o i anie home Tue«-day of this week, when «h* heard of the *eriou*ness of her father s

illness. It wa« Marjorie s golden opportunity to get an airplane ridehome, hu* *he niis«ed the plane. Mr*. Ruby .Mitchell of the Tribunestaff, ha* hern ill a’ her home on Iroquois avenue for two weeks, hut1* Itnrrovine.

Mith h. Thomas Memorial hospital ha« certainly been the *ceneof !nte*e*’ recently. Thursday morning Marrh 2. Mr* Home" Smi'hgave birth *o twin daughter*, at this hospital. Kach litle girl weighsapprogimatelv six pound*. Dr. Remu* Robinson was the spendingphvsician The P'ra-ure Et Culture club, of which M"*. Smi'h is amember, t* planning a baby shower for her Don't forget, girl*. It'sdoubt* rs no'hlng

While we were at the hn«pltal congratulating Mr*, ''with nndwishing Dr Carer a speedy recovery, we caught a g tmp«e of SamThomas’ new I*'« an exact replica o* the one h* ran off the roadla** month- a very beautiful g"e\ LaSalle, w Ith red leather up-holiteey.

We were all vert sorry ♦*» learn la«t week of the death of thetra'sensl grandmother of H* ’tie Mae Jackson. She.passed a wa* in S'.Charles. Vo He":e Mae u-n* n<>nie - o ar, enf! ’h* funeral «ervic*s.

We hare tried to decide which da* la*f teek wa* inure popularw|'h holte• »es -Friday or Saturday We give up so supp. ** you tty toAnd 'he answer, church £■>» • « wil of course vote Friday "he day f.»-on that evening S*. Cyprians branch of the tSir 1* Friendly society washo*'*** *o Mr* Kdwtn Lord. Dioi »«*n rhai' man of ’be missions Mr*Lord showed movie* of the Len'en Mission study on 'he *wo sul'ie< - «.' India ' and 'The Ci*y Chu-eh " On *hat »..»;• .even : g. 'he Vriraluclub gave a grand bir.go party a' Mrs. M L Walker « newly en’,a*gedand decora’ed h 'me. *• til ! S'. .lean m»n ,« Kve'v ore piesent hada hingolng good 'tme and tiiev ■> < >d 'or ‘her pr re* fa- in'o thenigh'. The club * name, for the hen»r.' of •hos* who don't already know,is "Ch*ri»v" *pel>d harkw'atti* The group is one «»f the most out-standing rha-'table organize'lon* in the cry

When better bridge score* are made, the Gogglnette* make them:for don't thev play under ’ha: m«.»'e- ’each*" M"». Lyda Goggins?When higeer and beer cabaret pa-tio* are turn ’he Cos? neve* a'-ousual]j give them List Friday they spun*" ed one a- Pyhim •<, n piethe proceed* of which will he used to send a team *o ’he h’idge *<>i. • *-

ment in N*w York City in A i£*i*' M * Harold .1 tinson wa* lairmanof the affair. As proof of the suite** of -he pa-tv over one. hundredgijegt* spent a high'v enjovahle evening wii »hc * ' «•►*«*«. 'I * ha!!w*s very a"raotive)v decora’ed wi’.n <r i paper *' *arr.e « a - 'tieends of whith dangled playing (ird«. The niemoe-* t. »4<>rr . ,e<|Mm. Johnson. Mr* (Joecn*. M*« Haz- l.yn ar. Me- arre* BerlinLanton. Katie Fuller. Kdi'h Wa'sor Lu< y jone*. Re-nad.ne Jordan.Kdi'h Whim, Thelma Houston, a"! F air.® cVnwsv, Mr* Fd'l eRrhtn«or who i* a memhe- was ."?

l m*o v .e ;•. *»•’• on, a r- ,r.tof he- i' -««. She recently returned '' rr *>.* M, G» * n New Or-leans A tew of th« g |p*'s a' the .at- p;. v w.--e M- ar<! V «

William C‘»'dm, Dr. and Mr* Chi-.es R-eo*» Dr and Mr*. Wa!'*rlla mnr Mr. and Ralph Han M* a" i V-« R -■ C'.e-r.en* D*

Oil Mr* Marlowe, Mr. and Mrs. Jorn Rogh - ugh D-. and Mr* Paulcpt.nder. Mr and Mr*. Gibbon*. V •>">' Mr* G*■•g* ('a m had.Horace Johnson. D". and Mrs. Carev ar t V- a- I Mr*. Harper Her*Swam a former Dcrolter, who hi* resided i t's « f,»r ’he past► Vert vears l’*> at’end»’d the par*v s« K of Mr Ip'l Mts P.o\-homuirh He * here in inte-est of hi* pa eno which he :* demonstrat-ing to *ho ('h v«|cr t'orpo-a'lon.

The Hridgette* met at the home of Mr*. Radford Morrl*. Fritlayevening T l'* memhers could hardlv pav card* for adtr ring and in-specting all of 1.'icy Re;i « b'autifiil new furnishing* ' from *h*in'vrio," de.n-a'or'a gv >*• ..« Cij.m'h a' 'h» cvet ng II r Mis, Helen*W*«thr ook, M ’« Louise > mm* M-« H ,gh»« pe'erson. an«t Mts i’aulAlegande-. Prirei went to .M-* Jo n Smi'h, A'«t. a »Titig of highly-paln'ed Mexltn gourds; Mr* A. P. Gaski!',- 'Foogiei *etr»nd, a brownflv* a coffee jus Mrs Pe'erson g .<»• p-'ze fon*;*t.ng nf cria* r ei«

Lef* tireak the monotony of elnh« and entertainment*, and giveyou be ' mt-ror's 'rave'ogue o' th» w"k. La l **' report* pl*i e Mr.and Mr* ,terse Kimbrough in Key West Florid*, etjovtn* the »un andthe »ra. Mr and M-* .limes Smoh w *.#i * :gh»v and M" and Mr*. FredCarter, 432 x Rru-n. *p*rc ave-r p>i*an* dsv :n Tr,ledo. l**r Sundav,visl'lng fr'end* The f ir.k R’l-tor* have p, based anew car, inprepa'i* on for thetr 'nr trek *(-a*« *he i<.r-merit -o Ro*ton. Franc**-Bat!ve home, Th»v v> 'nv» son-® • im* v .,« ms,• ■ h Mr and Mr*. Jam**roho w- 'e u* from Phoenix Arizona 'M- h*v a-e ba«king in thebearhfut sunsht-'e < r "The Vi ' *r Os Th* .con " and enjoy reading theirDetroit, T-'hune elrb week

>ow. let’* grt i,h< k to that Friday Ngtnrriay ««Hal popularityqua*’-*,* Pa I'dav af’rnoon ’h* ,', ’*»*»ni Rr Culture dub met w|>hMr * R' mij’ ft'■•>»!P’* » •■,<• . mphas;* of the day. Mr*. RoyMorton *o<' Mrs l in > "por* [..vr.'if r* nn*i p- /ps at bridge

in the evening, Saturday. Mr». Rachel *>trnng and Ml«* Ruth■u »r,h if'i h ••« • . <. r». • ... u « irh met »t th* hf>m* ofMr* Nldf'w «•* !".: ... A'< ■ th* bis n»«s session and a An# mrk*ydir-»r ... ,:j» w -i« • »«• .-a *>ni*n* '< 'Mr rvMj ns. The winner* wareMr« Ka'V'ne I.nnmfs *'d M » Marion \me* (\ reen.

Mr. and Mr*. treble I lnd*lr» on the »*me eicnlng honored Mr*,■y fn»' ri*o“.r or > * i■»» p

]•.* «n. *• abt da» party at their horn* onPa'’**"" av« - r < «’* rr > .-.g "ho evening «er*: Mr. and Mr*. (MiffRtJS*lar M •id M * Set < l!< n'l r " k« Mr. and Mr* .lo*rph Green,J)r and M*« w am Po-* « Mr* r Plumrr*'. Mi«* Wllla Moody, Mr.and M••« W rr» H’s>ku >, , >••• rha • K «h*-r. Mr* Kua«lan. Mr.PlarVh'i'n sn | V* p (rnjTi'' w"n 'ho I • ;dcn prig* Mr*. Viney leavesfor ho- hrn." n Phi’adeiph.a *h‘a < mine ank

There ar*> several approaching *nrlal r»rnt« listed on the calender.Privig P*nn ,od forr.r* .• ba r h**n tnvi’ed to th* ch*s'erflelda an-nnai ha To ho gvd Sa- ardav March 11 n ’h* Wayne unlv*ralty'**ymna - .rr V. * »* r h* 'he'* *<■ 'h*** modern prototype* ofLord f'he*‘*rfie;d p» igen« of ho*p a • officer. of the Huh areJohn PiOxhri'Oiia'" [ri-'or- Theodore Washington vice preaident;< h*'’»* H cr* loo’r’a *. **»'ir" and Ja< k Rarthwell. corre-sponding »*r?e*a* fyhe* m*mher* include William Allen, HowardTandv, tt*.he'* P' ;g ,« Vnthnnv Ma tin. Robert Johnson. I.evenWelge f onkitr. r Rt*r f>eMarr P<>!omon I.oni* Rrav and William Rua-*#U.

ill eyea are on the dale iprll H the nlirht of SI. f yprlnN*charity ha, 1 a* the Vi'fn r ballroom on March lb. the Poatnl Ktn-floyoea and 'h> \'AA< P will *ive ’h*ir annual danca and party at Fln-l*h ital!. Ro'h ;*'fal** j.romi«e *o he ) ( !ah ligh’* of the aprin* aoclal•eaaon.

\ deliirlitful affair <.n tVedne*day. March 1. «»» Ihe per*ottal *how»rr liviit In honor of M • («*it|iif|e \nd’ow« | ( y Mr*. Melvin- (Salnea.Among the g’ie«t« »«-r« Hmtnrtu Motion. Marjorie (ireenldte. MildredItuman. (i '•« Andrew*. M.nlon Raw! tic*. Dorothy Hightower, Mr*.

M . it.dnr* Mr* Julia Parker Mr*. NoiineThompM.il Mr*. Certr.ide Sm.ih. M « Mom* Jefferv. Mr*. Dolly An-r nn hii /.ahe'ii (iieen. and K’he| child*. A* the gueata entared the•Mue Room at th* YWCA where the xhower waa given. Mra. (iaineanrc'entcii *a< h wi'h a daffodil tied with gold rll.hon Gertrude receivednanv iteautiful gift*.

1 he Parent. I earlier*' n»*or latlon annonnne* that If will meet Tnea.ay March H. at 3 I'. p m In the auditorium at the R«!ch school. Mra.'* **r * Thompaon will ho (<!*•' speaker and will talk on "The Ideal*or the PT A. Rjec tlon of officer* will a l*o he held. Mra. Rochelle Redd

ta president; Jeaaie Rrasher. publicity chairman.Mia* trnnee* Green Inform* n* that under the splendid directionof Mr*. Anna Caatone, the North Knd ha* organlied a Olrl Raservebranch, called Lea Courageaux club Th# cluh waa formed In January•nd all th* girl* are full of enthualaim. Thatr aim la to h* deroroua.•nd yet hare anjovment wlthouf h*lng too pungent. The girls will par*tldpat# In mutlcal program* drama*, art and hook review* and soforth. TV Huh met racently at the hom# of Mlea Allean Rose. »77Hague. The Adolescent At*' was dlactiaaed after which a pleasantaoclal hour followed and a delectable menu wa* served by the hoateaa.Officer* and members Indud* F. Pace, president; L. Rintnn, secretary;A. Bryant, treasurer; M. Rryanf. F. Raher. 7. Flowers. G. Ziegler. H.Rlarkwan. G, Rryanf. .1. Green. M Clarke. G Marshall. A. Rota. P.Hlrha. K. Agee. M Mackey, w. T Monroe, n William*. Q Wallare. K.Foster. M- McDonald A. Lamont. F„ Rrown. M Pare. V. McFall. G.Wyatt. A. Ivive. m Reeyea, and F. Holly. Tha next m*etlng will he heldat IM6 Mi. Varnoa.



Garvins Celebrate Silver AnniversaryGertrudeAndrewsBecomes EdwardDuncan’s Bride In Pretty Wedding

Mr. and Mra. Charles E. Garrlnobserved their twenty-fifth year ofhappy wedded life. Sunday after-noon, February 26, at their lovelyhome, 410S McClellan avenue.

Mra. Garvin waa stunning In apretty gown of Ice blue taffeta andnet, and her aweet smile tokenedreal happiness. Her complexionwaa that of the modern school girl,radiating joy and contentment, a*she stood with her husband In thereceiving line. Those who saw thebride on this occasion scarcely be.

lleved that she had seen more thaneighteen summers. a striking t«si|.

mony of what beautiful characterwill develop.

Mr. Garvin, aa be stood by hisbride, appeared to be a man manyyearn his Junlor.,Sc> well pre«ervedand well groomed was he that onewould predict for him at least an-nother twenty-five years of happymarried life.

Henry Talbert, Pr. stood wrhthe groom.

Despite the heavy snow stormwhich blocked the city traffic,many friends found their wav tothe Garvin home to extend rongrn-uilations, The reception was ron-ducted in a formal manner, withall silver service.

The home was artlstirally deco-rated with white snap dragons lasilver baskets.

Several beautiful and Tery ap-propriate vocal selections were ren-dered by outstanding soloists of thecity. Albert. Greenlaw ssng. "0,Promise Me,’’ while Mrs. HelenTandy, contralto, sang "Sylvia”and “The Glory Os Love."

Mr. and Mrs. Garvin receivedmany handsome gifts of sliver, aswell as numerous cards, telephonecalls and telegrams of congratu-

lation from various parts of thscountry.

IN MEMORIAMIn loving memory of onr helot,

ed mother. Mrs. Julia lie l.mattHall, who departed this life, onetear ago. March 111, Ills'*. I.otingmemory of her still lingers In onrheart*.

Daughter*: Mrs. MargaretMillerMrs. ollte PollardMr*. Della Griffin

Andrews-Duncin Wedding Parly


jy»f jr


flp r

At an impressive ceremony atthe home of her parenta, Mr. andMr*. Robert Andrew*, 562 E. Can-field. lovely Mi** Gertrude An-drews. became the hrlde of Edward |Duncan. Saturday, March 4, at 7 p.m.

The home waa attractively de-corated with palm* and cut flow-era. A large number of relative*and Invited gueata wltneaaed themarriage ceremony. Rev. Horace 1A. White officiated.

The bride choee for her wedding '

a gown of white cable net. with asweetheart neckline. She worewith it a fitted embroidered lacebolero, with tiny puffed sleeve*.Her tulle veil wa* held in place by |a wreath of orange hloaaoma. Thehride'a only ornament was a atring

of pearla. She wore elhow-length ilace niiltena and carried a lovelybouquet of white rosea and bahv'abreath, tied with a large tulle how.

••The matron of honor. Mra. Mel- ’vln Gaines, wore a dlrectolre gown !of king blue lace, trimmed withcerise velvet ties.

Miss Gladys Andrew*, maid ofhonor and aiater of the hrlde. worean aquamarine starched lace dresswhich was bowed down the frontwith shell-pink grosgrain ribbon

Mildred Duncan, bridesmaid nndsister of the groom, wa* clad inpink chiffon, with jacket to match.All of the attendant* carried bou-queta of pink ro*e* and blue lrl*e*.

| Mr. Duncan was assisted hvH'harlea Nay. best man; OswaldWebster, and Leonard Andrews,brother of the bride,

Knr her daughter* wedding.

Mrs. Andrews wore a gown ofburnt orange satin. Mrs. Duncan,the groom's mother, chose a gowno,’ hyacinth blue crepe. Both woreshoulder corsages of pink sweetpeas.

Immediately following the cere-mony. there wa* a reception at thehome. The wedding party receivedfrom 6 o'clock until ten o'clock.

At each end of the bride's table,which wa* covered with a lacecloth, white pottery vase* heldpink and white aweet pea*. Thebridal cake centered the table.

Among the guests at the cere-mony and the reception were; Mr.and Mrs. Charle* Rawlings, Mis*Marion Rawlings, Mi*s KmmettaMorton, Mi*a June Dickens, Mi»*Margaret McCall, Mr*. Mollie Car-

eer, Mr. and Mr*. Howard Nelson,

Mr. and Mra. Robert Parker. Mel-vin tiainea. Mi** Ethel Childs,George Trent, Mr. and Mr*. Rob-ert L. Bradby, Jr.. Mra. Irene Hun-ton, Mr. and Mra. Earl Conway,Peccival Thompson. ClarenceThompaon, Dr. and Mra. H. Pey-ton Johnaon. Mr*. Minnie Thomp-aon, Mr. and Mr*. John Smith, Mr.Duncan, Mr. *nd Mra. Joseph An-drews. Mr. and Mra. Robert An-drew*, Jr. Ben Lambert, Mra.Gladys Mills, I'lyaae* Boykin, Mr*.Agne* Swan. Romaine John*, Mar-jorie Greenidge, Dorothy High- 1tower. Mr. and Mr*. Jeromefrsy. Mr. and Mra. 1/eonard Thomp- json. Mr*. Waldo Beck. Mr*. AnnCole, and many other*.

Lone Star Social ClubMemhers of ihe I.one Star club'

were delightfully entertained atthe home of Mrs Rosa Lee Mims.2004 Antietam street, recently.

The club plans elaborate activi-ties and each member is strivingtoward making this a banner year.

After the usual business, thehoatfaa served a ta*ty luncheon.

The next meeting will he held atthe home of Mrs. Carrie Pierson.

| 2327 Hendrick*.Mr*. Viola Harper I* president;

[ Mra. Carrie Pierson, secretary;

Mrs. Mattie Duncan, reporter.

High Fidelity GirlsThe High Fidelity Girl* an-

nounced an afternoon social tea.Sunday, at the Franklin Settle-ment, Avery splendid program waspresented by the twelve girls,(matronal, Including a number bythe Robinettes; poem by MarthaThompson; selection hv Franklin'sHl-Light* quartet; talk by Mr*.Cole. Marie Me Bee was misiress ofceremonies.

A. Bell i* president; Ruth Cato,secretary; Onease Hutchinson,treasurer. Members are: RuthWise. Elizabeth Williams. BeulahHayes. Alice Delaney, BessieReese. Clarissa Pearaon, ElizabethThompson, and Edna Tyler.

the elaborate wedding ofMl** Gertrud* Andrew* andEdward Itunean was solemn-lr*d Saturday, March 4, a* "

p. m- at the home of the

bride's parent*. Mr. and Mrs.Robert Andrew*. Mlt f„ Can-field a tentie. Rev. Harare A.White officiated. I*ft to right.

Mr*. Josephine Gaines, I.eon*

ard Andrew*. Mr. nnd Mr*.Edward Boncan. hrlde andgroom: I harle* Nay, best manjGladys Andrew*. Oswald Web-ster and Mildred linaraa.

Miller-hill Wedding Is SolemkedFebruary 26 At Fbenezer Church

Jolly Strollers ClubThe Jollv Stroller* club No. 2

gave a social affair, Saturday.March 4. at the Alkln Bar, Mackand Dubois. |

Among the cluha represented |were;'The High Diver* club, Roy-al Spark*. West Side Jolly Eight,Rnval Six. Happy Landing club,High Hatter* of Division atreet,Tink Rose Social club. Mr*.Jones, of West Side Jolly Eightclub, received a prixe, also Mr*.Clara Dolphin. $46 Mack avenue.

Visitor* at the meeting Mondaynight were: Mr*. Shepherd andMr Singleton, of the 1940 club.

W. Bate* Is president of theclub; Mildred Johnson, reporter.

in ImemoriamIn Memory of llev. I hn*. I*, f'ol-

bert, who passed away two jear*ago. March IS, 19.17.

Yonr passing shall never be for.gotten; your many good deeds willalways •>* remembered.

Rei. Mrs. ( has. I*. Colbert,Wife

Mfrs. F.rsa M. Shaw, sister

Or* of the pretty church wed- 1dings recen’ly «o!emnixe<i i.n De-troit wi« that of M «s Clyde** Mil*> :• :T",l Brush *’r**’, who Wane•he t>r ic of (‘lnrente Hill. Suntlsv.Fcbru.vv at Fbenezer AME• hutch. ID '. G W. Maher perfnrm-•<l the mi "inge (creniony at l;.V>i

; ni mntcdiHtely following themot •


? w *»• ip. •

I Tii* altar wa* artistically d*ro-•

i ■ *.l wrh palm* and cut flowers,including carnations and gladnli.

’I h* bride w ore a lovely white*a' u gown and carried a bouquet jof e« She was attended by thefolowing h" ide*ma ids: EvelynParker. Krncr «e A<iani*. Sue Car-ter. Margaret Drew. Mildred Eu-bank* and She; tv Mclntyre. Theywo e gowtis hf the same design inpastel shades, with tinted slippers ;to match. Their dresses we e mad* jof net satin, and in their hair were,flusters of yellow carnation*.

The maid of honor. Mr* Thelma 1William*, wore a beautiful gownof peach and blue satin and ear-ned a bouquet of red rose*.

Mr* Iren* Rush, sister of th*

bride, and matron of honor, worea peach gown and carried yellowrose*.

The ring was carried In the heartof a Illy, at the suggestion of thebride, instead of on a pillow.

Dimple* Sails, youngster daugh-ter of Mr*. Margaret Sal la. 3f»SWarren, was flower girl and worea pretty pink aatin dr*** andwhite slipper*.

After the ceremony the Tribunephotoprapher. Mr. Then*, made apicture of the party.

A reception was held at 7;3ti p.m. at 5731 Bru*h. with manv inattendance. Two hundred guest*

were Invited.Out-of-town guest were: Mr and

Mrs. Maynard Miller, of Gary, In-diana; Mrs. C.iri Rush, Blooming-

ton. Illinois; Mr*, .lame* Marshall.Decatur. Illinois; Eugene Miller,Gary; and Rev, and Mr*. Baker,of Inkster.

The groom i* an expert mecha-nic. Mr*. Hill I* an employe* ofthe Michigan Cnemployment Com-pensation commission. The couplewill reside *» 231 Forest.

DETROIT-IOWA CLUB, Inc.Hegtilar meeting— lst nnd .Ird Thursday night of each month*

Join Mow.Henry Madden. Prea. Rose Jackson, Scc’>

2941 Sherman St. 1962 Alfred St.~ Headquarter*—2ll3 Chene St.

i Guaranteef GfT Itlltr M Est YOU* HONtY BACK 1■ Buy a box of Black and Whita ■ ~1 trOTM \ W] \i Ointment; If it does not begin to If* OlSCO'*”,. |t i/> 1 / \

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Are any of those akin irritations printed above nimnles hlarkbA#d> ..j -.

. t t. vmaking you miserable and unhappy? If “yes” is „l,Toriei„ n- .*? and !'"* °! «xt*r- (T -PSyour answer, road of the relief Black and White ,„j .?.* ,Mr* *° demand Black \

Ointment and Skin Soap help to bring: and White Ointment and Skin Soap. \ 'First you go to your dealer rightnow and get

*C"pt * ,übst,tute-yourself this famous combination treatment The 50c size of Black and WhiteThe mild super-fatted Black and White Skin Soap Ointment contains more than twice as much as the 25c sizeis used to cleanse the effected part of dirt end othe? tf,'?' bar


»f Black and White Skin Smp IL Trial afres Osmaterial. Then apply Black and White Ointment s“**«•s «nd White Ointment and sL'Sap a"e wfd foraccoi-dmg to plain directions within the package. 10c *l »** tlve »nd ten cent stofea. Sold by deaiera everywhere.Black and White Ointment helps to relieve the 1* you want a .

discomfort of itching, burning and soreness due to }"and Whiu Skin‘whit#n#r "J KlpyMmi iU"w?r detdr>’ eczema (salt rheum, tetter) of external origin, fa>r,r

» compi.aion. At deafer?Vvarjwhtn!! 25cor simple ringworm or minor parasitic skin irrita- ■ « —-

tions. • 1 V. W r #VTr| T ▼ A ■ I L JBlack and White Ointment also acts as an anti- lAI ■ Is j£ .HSUiseptic dressing for such blemishes as superficial j

Loyalettes ClubThe I.o\a]ettes ctub met at the

home of Mra. Helen Hughes, 5918St. Antoine, la at Friday.

The meeting waa called ’o orderby tlie president, Mra. Lillian Jas-per. The hostea* served a ta«tyluncheon.

The next meeting will he wl»hMr*. K. Ferguson. 3131 Clintonstreet.

Mr*. ,T. Adam* 1* reporter.

..The ( Die unit of the National

committee, the Son* and Daughter*of the Williams’ Kx-Slave associa-tion. a* their regular weekly meet-ing at the I*u«y Thurman YWCA.Detroit, voted to give a "silvertea,” at the residence of their *o-

i ial service investlga'or, Mra.Sarah. 278 Medhury atreat. Apt. 3.Sunday. March 12. from 3toßp. m.The committee extend* a cordialinvitation to the public to attendthe affair.

IV* must rloae now. Wa will Vhack next week with anotherhatch of new* Rein*. I'ntll then,keep boosting the Tribune, send-ing In your new*.

New Era Study ClubTh# N>w Era Study club mot

February 21 at th« Frng* club.Mr*. R. M. Norris, th# president.

Introduced the guest speaker, At-torney Joseph A. Crulgen. whospoke on the theme, “City Govern-lient.”

After the address, current event*were given by the member* andguests.

Guests Included Mis* PortiaRethel. Mrs. Grayce Williams. Mrs.Hutcheon, Mrs. Ashley Cain, MissKrmle Burrell, and Mrs. Campbell.Members present were: MesdamesGeorge ('oilier. Waddy Grimes,James Henderson, Onslow Parish,Thomas Malone. Roll!* McMahan,Henry Overton. Harry White. Wil-liam Pickens. Rnscoe Lewis. MissHelen Wright, Mlsa Beulah Cain,Mrs. Stewart Toodle, and Mr*.Theodor# Page.

A three-coarse luncheon wasnerved In the dining room. Hos-tesses were: Mlsa F#nnl# Bethel,

.Miss Ruby Chambers, and Mrs.I Prentiss Walker.



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