Ymddiriedolaeth gig Ceredigion a Chanolbarth Cymru Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust CONFERENCE - Tuesday 26 June 2007 - Aberystwyth Arts Centre in O lder P eople

in Older People - NHS Wales · the All-Wales Osteoporosis Advisory Group and Clinical Editor of Falls and Fractures. Debbie received the Nursing ... in older people 15.00 Emergency

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Ymddiriedolaeth gig Ceredigion a Chanolbarth Cymru

Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust

CONFERENCE - Tuesday 26 June 2007 - Aberystwyth Arts Centre

in Older People

One in three people over 65 years and one in two people over 85 years will fall each year. Of those between 5% and 25% will suffer serious injury with 14,000 older people dying each year of hip fracture alone. But falls and fractures can be prevented through identifying those at risk of falling, and offering them full multi-factorial assessment and falls risk reduction. The risk of subsequent falls can be reduced by up to 80%.

The Wales NSF for Older People builds on previous guidance on falls prevention including that from British and American Geriatric Societies, the English NSF for Older People, the National Osteoporosis Society and NICE. It requires the NHS to work with its Local Authority partners and other stakeholders and to provide falls and fractures prevention services for the populations they serve.

The response by the Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust has been to form the county-wide, multi-agency, multi-professional Ceredigion Falls Group. Prior to publication of the Wales NSF, the group undertook a small study to test the Trust’s readiness for future work. Since the publication of the Wales NSF the group the group has provided professional advice to the Joint Older People’s Planning Group. The Trust has also developed an award-winning Integrated Osteoporosis Service and members of the Ceredigion Falls Group will be contributing to a new Master’s Level Course in Falls Prevention to be held in the School of Health Science at Swansea University.

This conference is intended to share the work from the county and provide a focus for future falls and fractures prevention work in Wales. We hope that the conference will become the first of many, and that you will make contactshere to support yourfalls and fractures prevention work wherever it takes place.

Speakers’ biographies Dr Jonathan BaylyLead Clinician, Gloucestershire Primary & Community Care Audit Group

Jonathan was a GP in Stroud for 20 years. He now concentrates on improving standards of general practice and community services. He is a member of the RCGP, the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research and the BGS. He sits on the Primary Care Forum of the National Osteoporosis Society and is editor of Osteoporosis Review.

Dr Graham BoswellConsultant Geriatrician and Lead for Intermediate Care

Consultant Geriatrician for Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust. He is a member of the British Geriatric Society, Chair of the Wales Branch of the BGS and post-graduate medical tutor for mid Wales. He developed the Falls CPD Module on www.doctors.net.uk . Graham is also a qualified fitness instructor and rugby coach.

Dr Hugh ChaddertonConsultant Nurse and Senior Lecturer

The Consultant Nurse for Older People with Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust and Senior Lecturer in Swansea University. He is Lead Clinician for the Trust Day Hospital, Trust Lead for Falls Prevention and Chair of the Ceredigion Falls Group. Hugh’s research interest is hermeneutics in clinical settings.

Dr Phil Jones, Consultant PhysicianConsultant Physician, Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust

Developed his interest in osteoporosis and fracture risk reduction whilst a registrar and senior registrar in elderly care. Phil set-up the local osteoporosis service through the purchase of a second hand DXA scanner, and has worked with the All-Wales Osteoporosis Advisory Group and the NOS on strategy for local commissioning.

Mrs Debbie StoneSpecialist Osteoporosis Nurse, Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust

Debbie was instrumental in establishing the Ceredigion Integrated Osteoporosis Service. Debbie is also founder member of the Ceredigion NOS Support Group, secretary to the All-Wales Osteoporosis Advisory Group and Clinical Editor of Falls and Fractures. Debbie received the Nursing Standard General Nursing Award 2006 for her work in osteoporosis.

Mr David LangfordRegistered Exercise ProfessionalFormer Army PTI and one of only two Registered Exercise Professionals in Wales. He has taught community-based falls prevention exercise for 10 years, six of those for Age Concern Ceredigion. David’s hobbies are martial arts, weight training and cycling.

Mrs Margaret Hands, MBEChair of Care and Repair Cymru

A registered occupational therapist who has worked for four health and local authorities: latterly as head of social services for older people in Ceredigion. Margaret initiated and evaluated the Assistive Technology Project in the county. She was awarded the MBE in 2006.

Mrs Louise WinstanleyPrescribing Pharmacist, Development Manager

Louise is a prescribing pharmacist, PCT prescribing advisor and postgraduate tutor. Her work focuses on medicines management in care homes. Louise also works with the North West England Medicines Management Team www.mmnetwork.nhs.uk on accredited learning packs. She has won awards for her work in this area.

Dr Dawn SkeltonScientific Coordinator for the Prevention of Falls Network Europe (ProFanE) at the University of Manchester

An exercise physiologist whose research has focused on exercise in older people. She is a commissioned author for WHO and the DOH, and a scientific advisor to the British Heart Foundation National Centre for Physical Activity. Dawn was recently appointed as Reader in Ageing and Health at Glasgow Caledonian University.

Professor Helen SnooksCentre for Health Information Research and Evaluation (CHIRAL), Swansea University

A social scientist whose research interests and expertise lie in the field of emergency and unscheduled care. In these fields she plans, designs and carries-out evaluations of new models of service delivery. Helen’s work is strongly patient focused and collaborative. She uses mixed methods to achieve the aims of her studies.

Ms Frances HealeyNational Patient Safety Agency (NPSA)

An RGN and RMN who has worked in acute, community and rehabilitation care as a ward manager, nurse specialist and directorate manager. Whilst working for the NPSA she has undertaken and published research on pressure ulcer prevention and falls in in-patient populations.

08.30 Registration and coffee

09.20 Introduction and Welcome Dr Anita RogersChairman, Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust

09.30 Are we any nearer a coherent and systematic approach to reducing fragility Dr Jonathan Bayly fractures by preventing falls and improving bone health?

1. Review the importance of integrating falls and bone health2. Review the evidence of sub-optimal care3. Consider where we should direct our energies to transform the experience of patients

10.00 What the Wales NSF is saying about falls prevention Wales Assembly Government - to be confirmed

10.30 Coffee and exhibition

11.00 Mapping primary and secondary falls prevention Dr Graham Boswell Dr Hugh Chadderton1. Map possible approaches to primary prevention2. Map possible approaches to secondary prevention3. Demonstrate use of mapping software

11.30 The management of osteoporosis and fracture risk reduction Dr Phil Jones Mrs Debbie Stone in high risk groups

1. Identify high risk groups for fracture2. Assessment of fracture risk3. Approaches to fracture risk reduction

12.00 Confidence and choice with assistive technology Mrs Margaret Hands1. The importance of autonomy, choice and control for older people2. How assistive technology can increase the confidence of users and carers3. How older people can be both independent and safe

Falls prevention exercise in Ceredigion Mr David Langford1. Describe falls prevention exercise undertaken by Age Concern Ceredigion2. Consider age discrimination issues in falls prevention exercise3. Describe a new ‘Cared and Cared For’ falls prevention exercise programme

12.30 Close of morning session Dr Anita Rogers

12.40 Lunch and exhibition

14.00 Medicines management, prescribing and falls in care homes Mrs Louise Winstanley1. Demonstrate how care home residents can benefit from prescribing interventions2. Describe the effectiveness of collaborative working in care homes3. Illustrate the effectiveness of prescribing interventions through case studies

14.30 Prevention of Falls Network Europe and evidence into practice Dr Dawn Skelton1. Describe the work of the ProFanE network2. Provide evidence-based reminders about the prevention of falls3. Ensure understanding about the choice of exercise in older people

15.00 Emergency care for older people; risks and opportunities Prof Helen Snooks1. Present research evidence on the emergency care of older people who fall2. Provide information about levels of risk attached to current pre-hospital care3. Discuss alternatives to current practice and the need for research to inform policy and practice development

15.30 Falls in hospitals; the picture from England and Wales Ms Frances Healey1. Present data on numbers, circumstances and outcomes of falls in hospital2. Link data to evidence for falls prevention in hospitals3. Explore practical challenges to implementing the evidence

16.00 Panel discussion All speakers

16.30 Tea and depart

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Booking Form VenueAberystwyth Arts Centre

Aberystwyth University

Penglais Hill


SY23 3DE


DateTuesday 26 June 2007

Registration from 08.30

Conference ends 16.30

Conference fee£35.00 payable by cheque to

Ceredigion and Mid Wales

NHS Trust

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for £35 to:

Chrissie Nelson

Trust Headquarters

Ceredigion and Mid Wales

NHS Trust

Bronglais Hospital


SY23 1ER

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17.00 hours on 5 June 2007.

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