Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge froms and conventions of real media products

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Question 1

We looked at and analysed a variety of different film openings and post apocalyptic sequences to help plan our final opening. We tried to avoid directly copying various shots and ideas but more try to indirectly adapt them with slight unique changes.

Our group took inspiration from long shots used in the walking dead, as it represented the character as lonely and by himself. This suited our film opening as the main protagonist has lost all in the unidentified disaster.

The walking dead

We found that in our research common codes and conventions were use of low key lighting to create a mysterious and almost grave atmosphere

The Divide

Our film opening challenges this convention because our film opening maintains high key lighting throughout. This was down to the natural lighting provided at the time, as well as to suit the narrative we had to show that the character was waking up during the day. The lack of identification of the disaster perhaps meant our lighting had to be general as lighting could have been altered depending on the disaster we used.

The titles of our film are the main problem behind the entire opening. Simple errors such as spelling mistakes and naming problems make the film appear unprofessional and rushed. If we was to do this task again, more time and consideration would be taken in the titling of the film.