INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS 27.2.2017, 1.3.2017 Conferment Ceremony Committee www.oulu.fi/promootio www.oulu.fi/confermentceremony/

INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

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Page 1: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies


27.2.2017, 1.3.2017

Conferment Ceremony Committee



Page 2: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Conferment Ceremony Events




Conferment Ceremony

Procession, Ecumenical Service

Conferment Banquet and Ball

Sailing Trip

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Page 3: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Representatives of Young Doctors

‒ Representative of Young Doctors PhD Ilpo Virtanen

Representatives of Young Doctors by Faculties:

Oulu School of Architecture (OSA) Henrika Pihlajaniemi

Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine (FBMM) Henni Piirainen

Faculty of Humanities (FHum) Maija Saviniemi Faculty of Education (FEdu) Piia Näykki Faculty of Science (FSci) Ilpo Virtanen Faculty of Medicine (FMed) Ritva Kuoppala Oulu Business School (OBS) Anne Keränen Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE) Simo Hosio

Faculty of Technology (FTech) Satu Pitkäaho

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Page 4: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Conferment Ceremony Committee Chairman: Emeritus Professor Seppo Saarela Master of Ceremonies: Professor Netta Iivari Chief Marshal: University Lecturer Aulikki Herneoja Secretary: Katri Suorsa (Main), Henna Rannanpää, Maire Honkanen Conferrers of the Degrees Faculty of Humanities: Professor Harri Mantila Faculty of Education: Professor Sanna Järvelä Faculty of Science/OMS: Professor Outi Savolainen Faculty of Medicine/FBMM: Professor Sirkka Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi OBS: Professor Rauli Svento ITEE: Professor Petri Pulli FTech / OSA: Professor Pekka Kess

Page 5: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Rehearsals Fri 19.5. at 13-15, Saalastisali (Main Building)

• Going through the details of Conferment Ceremony

• Procession and Ceremony by Faculties

• Swords and hats are not needed

• No dress code. There is plenty of time to dress for

the Sword-Whetting after the rehersals

• Promootioaktin ”kaava” käydään läpi

– kulkue ja vihkiminen tiedekunnittain

• Miekkoja ja hattuja ei tarvita

• Asu vapaa –miekanhiojaisiin ehtii hyvin pukeutua

harjoitusten jälkeen

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Page 6: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Sword-Whetting Fri 19.5. at 19, Lasaretti

‒ At 18.00 Cocktail for Honorary Doctors

‒ Klo 19.00 Sword-Whetting

‒ Chairperson and Rector will greet at the entrance of Aurora Hall

‒ Swords for Young Doctors and Honorary Doctors, no hat

‒ Programme:

- Welcoming Words (about 19.10)

– Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20)

• Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies and spouse • Honorary Doctrors and their avec • Placed seating only for Honorary Doctors and their avec’s

– Young Doctors: Whetting of the Swords and buffet (about 20.00)

• At 20.00 Merikoski-Sali: Humanities, Science, • At 21.00 Techincal, Edcuation • At 20.00 Yrjö-Sali: OBS, Medicine , • At 21.00 LTK dental, health, FT • Last one: Chief Marshal and spouse

– Puhe innoitukselle / A Speech for Inspiration (about 22.10)

– Dancing

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Page 7: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Rehearsals Sat 20.5. at 8.45-11.00

• Saalastinsali, Linnanmaa (arriving at door R)

– Procession, ceremony by Faculties

• Getting dressed already for the outfit

• Bring your hat and sword

– Name tag for the hat, inside (last name – first name – Faculty)

– Name tag for the sword, with tape (not too tightly)

– Big letters and clear writing

• Leave your hat and sword before the rehearsals (for the heralds/airut) by 9.00 the latest

• Please note that it is important to take part in the rehearsals

• A snack for the Young Doctors after the rehearsal

‒ Restaurant Stories (door R)

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Page 8: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

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Page 9: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Conferment Ceremony Sat 20.5. at 12.00, Saalastisali (Main building)

• 11.30 Organizing fo the procession to Saalastinsali (hallway in the main building, heralds are guiding)

• 11.50 Guests paikallaan (Saalastinsali and L1)

• 12.00 Procession to Saalastinsali, lead by Chief Marshal

– Doctors who are already been conferred: hat on right hand (lyre facing front)

– Guest stand up

– Master of Ceremonies enters Saalastinsali last. When everyone is in the hall, Netta bows to the Rector everyone takes a seat

– The audience does not clap and it is not allowed to take pictures at any point in the hall

– 12.05 Latecommers (guests) can enter the hall

– Speech, Conferrer of Degrees, ITEE Professori Petri Pulli

– (hat in right hand, sword in left hand

– Question for the Doctor Primus

– Doctor Primus Answers

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Page 10: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Conferment Ceremony

- 12.15 Conferment Ceremony begins, ITEE Professor Petri Pulli

- Latin - Hat on (for those who have one) - Latin - Short speech in Finnish - Honorary Doctors (about 1 min./person) - Young Doctors (about 20-25 seconds/person)

- Conferring degrees of by every Faculty (Honorary

Doctors, Young Doctors)

- FTech / OSA, Professor Pekka Kess - Fedu, Professor Sanna Järvelä - Fhum, Professor Harri Mantila - FSci / OMS, Professor Outi Savolainen - FMed / FBMM, Professor Sirkka Keinänen-

Kiukaanniemi - OBS, Professor Rauli Svento - Final words Professor Rauli Svento - Speech, Ultima Doctor (OBS)

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Page 11: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Conferment Ceremony

- 15.05 Maamme

- Standing up, singing, hats off except female heralds

- Hat on after the song

- Procession

- Chief Marshal leads the procession johdolla - Procession now in reverse order - Hat on - Sword on left hand, diploma on right hand

- Procession exits through door R, invited guests exit

through the main door and people on L1 exit through door T

- Bus transportations from the University to centre, Mannerheimin puisto (in case it is raining the procession will be cancelled and the busses will take you to church)

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Page 12: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

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Page 13: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Procession Sat 20.5. Mannerheimin puisto (park)

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Order by Faculties, guided by heralds

(poster signs)

15.45 Procession begins from the park

16.15 Ecumenical Service

hold your hat on your hands

sword on your left hand, diploma on your


17.00 Home/ to Linnanmaa

Page 14: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

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Spouses for university teachers

Rectors for other Universities

Invited guests

Rector, Vice-Rectors, hallintojohtaja (row 1)

Deans, Vice-Deans (row 2)

Prof., kirjastonjohtaja, other teachers

virkamiehet (starting form row 3)

Young Doctors .

Spouses/avec for Honorary

Doctors/Young Doctors

Conferrers of the Degrees 6 (row 1)

Honorary Doctors 23 (rows 2, 3, 4)

Young Doctors (rows 5-27)


Page 15: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Conferment Banquet and Ball Sat 20.5. at 19.00, Ouluhalli

• About 18.50 Welcome (Rector avec, Chairperson Seppo Saarela avec)

• About 19.00 Cocktail

• About 19.15 Dinner

- Starter

- Second course

• Puhe isänmaalle / A Speech for Finland

- Dessert

• Puhe yliopistolle / A Speech for the University

• Rector’s reply Rector Jouko Niinimäki

- Coffee / tea

• Puhe promoottoreille / A Speech for the Conferrers of the Degrees

• Promoottoreiden vastaus / A Reply from the Conferrers of the Degrees

• Puhe kunniatohtoreille / A Speech for the Honorary Doctors

• Kunniatohtoreiden vastaus / A Reply from the Honorary Doctors

• Puhe naiselle / A Speech for Women

• Ball ja promoottoreiden kantaminen

• Dancing, photography, airutnauhojen luovutus

• About 3.42 Puhe nousevalle auringolle / A Speech for the Rising Sun

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Page 16: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Sailing Trip Sun 21.5. at 12, Maikkula Estate

• 11.30 bus transportation from the

market sq (for Young Doctors)

• From Lasaretti (Honorary Doctors)

• Lunch, playful rowing competition,

dancing, music

• 15.30 Bus transportation back to

Market Sq and Lasaretti

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Page 17: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Dance Rehearsals

‒ After the Conferment Banquet on Saturday 20th May 2017 there is a Ball with old dances. The rehearsals for old dances are held in spring 2017 in dance hall 3 at Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Kotkantie 1, Oulu). The final rehearsal will be held in Ouluhalli.

‒ Timetable of the rehearsals:

‒ Thu 23.3.2017, time 18-20 Wed 29.3.2017, time 18-20 Thu 6.4.2017, time 18-20 Wed 12.4.2017, time 18-20 Thu 20.4.2017, time 18-20 Thu 27.4.2017, time 18-20 Thu 4.5.2017, time 18-20 Thu 18.5.2017, time 18-20 (in Ouluhalli)

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Page 18: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Dress code ‒ The dress code is very specific for

Friday and Saturday. Please take time

and read through the dress code

‒ http://www.oulu.fi/promootio/pukeu


‒ http://www.oulu.fi/confermentcerem


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Page 19: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Honorary Doctors & Hosts 2017

Oulu School of Architecture

Architect, Academic Juha Leiviskä (Anna-Maija Ylimaula)

Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine

Professor Bjørn R. Olsen (Johanna Myllyharju)

Professor Joel Sussman (Kalervo Hiltunen)

Faculty of Humanities

Professor Martin Kusch (Maija Kallinen)

Professor (Emeritus) Raymond D. Kent (Matti Lehtihalmes)

Artist, Novelist Hannu Väisänen (Paula Rossi)

Oulu Mining School

Professor Richard J. Walker (Eero Hanski)

Faculty of Education

Professor Paul Kirschner (Sanna Järvelä)

Professor Jóhanna Einarsdóttir (Eila Estola)

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Page 20: INFORMATION FOR YOUNG DOCTORS Young Doctors... · – Puhe miekalle / A Speech for the Sword (about 19.15) – Whetting of the Swords (about 19.20) • Aurora Hall • Master of Ceremonies

Oulun yliopisto

Honorary Doctors & Hosts 2017

Faculty of Science

Professor Sami Solanki (Ilya Usoskin)

Professor John A. Agnew (Anssi Paasi)

Professor Antti Kupiainen (Esa Järvenpää)

Faculty of Medicine

Professor Leena Bruckner-Tuderman (Kaisa Tasanen-Määttä)

Director of Hospital District Hannu Leskinen (Kyösti Oikarinen)

CEO, Industry Advisor Heikki Kyöstilä (Kyösti Oikarinen)

Oulu Business School

Professor Gautam Gowrisankaran (Maria Kopsakangas-Savolainen)

Councilor of Commerce, CEO Timo Levo (Petri Sahlström)

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Oulun yliopisto

Honorary Doctors & Hosts 2017

Faculty of Technology

Chief Technology Officer Matti Härkönen (Riitta Keiski)

Emerita Director of Research Danielle Ballivet-Tkatchenko (Eva Pongrácz)

Professor Lauri Lajunen (Jouko Niinimäki)

Faculty of Information Techology and Electrical Engineering

Professor Behnaam Aazhang (Markku Juntti)

Professor Anita Lloyd Spetz (Heli Jantunen)

CEO, Industry Advisor Jorma Terentjeff (Matti Sarén)

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Oulun yliopisto

More information

• http://www.oulu.fi/confermentceremony/

‒ Conferment Ceremony Committee (e-mail: firstname.surname(at)oulu.fi)

‒ Chairman Emeritusprofessor Seppo Saarela tel. 0294 481238

‒ Master of Ceremonies Professor Netta Iivari tel. 0294 481901

‒ Chief Marshal University lecturer Aulikki Herneoja tel. 0294 484950

‒ Secretary Katri Suorsa tel. 0294 481711

‒ Secretary Henna Rannanpää tel. 0294 483246

[email protected]

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Oulun yliopisto

10th Conferment Ceremony
