1 INFOSYS.110 BUSINESS SYSTEMS: DELIVERABLE 2: BUSINESS SECTION SUMMER 2014 Name Chan Wing Fung NetID cwin071 Group Number: 171 Website Link: http://infosys110group171.blogspot.co.nz/ Tutorial Details Tutor: Day: Time: Yvonne Hong Saturday 10am Time Spent on Assignment: 12 hours Word Count: 1287

INFOSYS110 2014 Deliverable 02 Hylton

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NameChan Wing Fung


Group Number:171

Website Link:http://infosys110group171.blogspot.co.nz/

Tutorial DetailsTutor:Day:Time:

Yvonne HongSaturday10am

Time Spent on Assignment:12 hoursWord Count:1287


GRaphene water purificationINTRODUCTIONDiary industry is an important pillar of New Zealands ecnomy. In recent years diary has become a lucrative business and land are converted to diary farms. This is good to our economy but diary production puts massive strain on our water systems, from over irrigation, to polluting our water ways. We may well be striking a Faustian bargain if we trade off our environment for short term economic gains. Therefore, our soulution to this is a water filtering graphene laminar which is being developed by leading universities around the world. The filter takes in salt water and transform it into fresh water .

3. BUSINESS SECTION 3.1 Vision Our visions To enable New Zealands argriculture industry to continue enjoy the gift of water through our water purification system and contribute to a sustainable economy.

3.2 Industry Analysis: Water Purification industryForce:High/Low:Justification:

Buyer power:lowBuyer power is low because there are many customers in the market that wants water purification facilities while many suppliers are not globally present and stays in their own niche so the buyer power is low. However theres not one of them is New Zealand listed and theres 2 in Australia. (Bloomberg)

Supplier power:LowSupplier power is low because there are many metal suppliers for making pipes and pumps.Also there are many filter makers in the market. (wikipedia)

Threat of new entrants:LowThreat of new entrants is low because of the capital output required to build a facility that produces water purification equipment.

Threat of substitutes:LowThreat of substitutes is low because there are little alternatives to using water purification equipments.From treating sewage to desalination,its goal is to provide people water. Water from streams and rivers are not enough even in New Zealand , farm has experienced big drought.

Rivalry among existing competitors:HighIt is high because there are lots of cmpetitors in the market offering similar solutions that purifies water and producers faces fierce competition.

Overall attractiveness of the industry: Overall this industry is attractive because the threat of substitutes and threat of new entrants is low. This means if the company becomes established in that industry it will be very profitable. Besides the buyer power is low in this industry as its relatively new. Many products are differientiated and have their own niche market. From Bloomberg we see the water purification companies market cap is small and there are a lot of them in a range of countries USA, european and Asia

3.3 Customers and Their NeedsOur primary customers are diary farmers and diary co-operative in New Zealand. Their needs are to ensure the diary cows can have water to drink and fresh grass to eat. With the goverments plan to double all argricultural exports by 2025, water will be one of the limiting factor. To stay competitive diary farms needs to find a new source of water not from rainfall but purified water. Otherwise diary farms and diary co-operative will suffer in drought years and fail to deliver milk to oversea customers. This is becoming increasingly prominent with the recent Waikato drought and they need to find solutions to fulfill governments goal.Our secondary customers will be overseas customers who are also in dairy farming, they are likely to face similar problems as New Zealand farmers.

3.4 The Product and ServiceOur products will provide them a system that integrates weather and soil water content information and automatically feeds back to the graphene water filter to determine how much water it needs to pump and filter for any given period of the year. In wet seasons such as in Winter the system will be turned off to save power.

3.5 Suppliers and PartnersWe will be partnering with Graphena which makes high quality grahene .Pump manufacturer we will be partnering with Condor pumps which is based in New Zealand .Suppliers for electrical parts we will procure the parts through HKTDC which is a B to B website. Through here we can find cheap and high quality parts that are standardized. For software we can outsource it to India and help us develop software that monitors the system.This is beneficial to us because outsourcing is cheaper and there are lots of successful examples in New Zealand. Soil moisture measuring devices will be another supplier hydroservices, which have 26 years experience so its reliable.Our partners are GSM providers that provides internet access in remote places so our system can collect weather information from Met services. Government will also be one of our partners as they plan to double all argricultural exports by 2025. Our company can help the argricultural sector in purifying water and salt water. Potentially Fonterra will also be one of our partners as the demand for milk products are high and fonterra is willing to take every drop of what milk diary farmers produces. Our water purification system provides mutual benefits to diary farmers and us which ultimately benefits Fonterra. Soil moisture measuring . Banks will be another partner which banks will generate new revenue streams from loaning providing lower interest rate for farmers low risk investment on our products .In this way farmers benefits in dry seasons and banks can benefit from a low risk relatively high return loan to farmers.

3.6 Strategy: Cost leadership OR Differentiation OR Focused Low Cost OR Focused High CostOur strategy is differentiation . We are targeting braod market because diary farms are large in New Zealand and our goal is to supply to all of them. It would be high cost because graphene laminar is expensive and our competitive advantage is our integrated system with weather and soil content monitoring. Along with our graphene laminar water filter we can stay competitive in offering water purification facilities that are lower cost because of our smart system in managing water soil content shutting it down when the system is unnecessary.

3.7 Value Chain Activity: Service after SalesOur value chain activity is service after sales as our strategy is not focusing on selling equipments to gererate profit but from managing them such as system upgrades, repairing weared parts and maintenance of the system. As our companys vision is to enable the argriculture industry to continue enjoy the gift of water through our water purification system. We want it to be affordable by most farmers and the profit margin of selling it will be low. However to maintain high standard maintanence , software update and system upgrades are necessary . These activities that are categorized as service after sales would be our value chain activity.

3.8 Business ProcessesMicrosoft VisioTo retrieve Visio: Start > All Programs > INFOSYS.110 > VisioTo retrieve snipping tool: Start > All Programs > Accessories > Snipping Tool

This is important because by relying on an automatic repair system and a monitoring system about the equipments condition. Cost will be lower for customers and our maintenance department will be notified when hardware repairs are needed. If automatic repair system can fix it nothing needs to be done after it repairs itself.

3.9 Functionalities 3.9.1. BUSINESS PROCESS 1 Managing Customer complaintsRecord missing, wrong, damanged or lost incidentModify incident3.9.2. BUSINESS PROCESS 2 Maintenance processIdentify the condition of the equipmentUpdate the status of the equipment condition after repairment 3.10 Systems

3.10.1. Specific information systems 1: Customer complaint system can accurately record all the customer complaints and this is valuable to the company. By using customers feedback on our sysytem we can constantly improve our product to better suit customers needs.3.10.2. specific information systems 2:Equipment wear and tear monitoring system can in real time monitor equipment installed throughout New Zealand. This is important because diary farms are located in remote locations and the ability to identify wear and tear before farmers do means farmers need not to worry if our companys maintanance team can react fast enough. Without needing to do regular checkups, maintanance department prioritize first on equipment that needs repairment.3.10.3. specific information systems 3: Maintenance system has an automatic repair system that can finish software update and system update. If it needs to be done manually, it will notify the maintenance department and send a team to repair the equipment.


3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain ActivityProcessesFunctionalitiesSpecific Information System(s)Broad Information System(s)

Service After SalesManaging Customer complaints

1. Record missing, wrong, damanged or lost equipment

2. Modify incidentCustomer complaints systemTPS

Maintenance process 1. Identify the condition of the equipment

2. Update the status of the equipment condition after repairmentEquipment wear and tear monitoring system

Maintenance systemDSS


CONCLUSION The information system is related to our core value chain activity service after sales. With the use of DSS in deciding whether the maintenance department have to send a team for hardware repair. Also the information system involves in tracking weather information in realtime from the met service .


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Other components under Overall Impression