Revisión del intento 1 Comenzado el martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014, 19:42 Completado el martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014, 19:42 Tiempo empleado 11 segundos Calificación 10 de un máximo de 10 (100%) Question1 Puntos: 10 Which one is instructive text? . a. b. c. Correcto Puntos para este envío: 10/10. _Activity 4/4. Taking notes Revisión del intento 1 Comenzado el sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014, 16:29 Completado el sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014, Finalizarrevis ión Finalizarrevis ión Finalizarrevis ión

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Revisin del intento 1Principio del formulario

Final del formularioComenzado elmartes, 23 de septiembre de 2014, 19:42

Completado elmartes, 23 de septiembre de 2014, 19:42

Tiempo empleado11 segundos

Calificacin10de un mximo de 10 (100%)

Question1Puntos: 10Which one is instructive text?.a.



CorrectoPuntos para este envo: 10/10.Principio del formulario

_Activity 4/4. Taking notesRevisin del intento 1Principio del formulario

Final del formularioComenzado elsbado, 27 de septiembre de 2014, 16:29

Completado elsbado, 27 de septiembre de 2014, 18:14

Tiempo empleado1 hora 45 minutos

Calificacin10de un mximo de 10 (100%)

Question1Puntos: 10Verbs:find count compare ask extend place runText 1Sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste are what allow you to experience life and create memories of what you've encountered. These senses are part of a larger system, which includes the brain, spinal cord and nerves. The senses are responsible for receiving information from the world, but it's the brain that gives it all meaning.Materials: - Open space for two people to stand, a 12 inch ruler, and a friend.1.your arm with your thumb and index finger separated, as if to pinch something.2.your friend to hold the ruler vertically just above your hand. Your friend should drop the ruler between your fingers without warning.3.Try to catch the ruler as fast as you can. How are your senses and nervous system working together to react?Did you catch the ruler the first time or did it take several tries? Did you get better with practice?What do you think about the results of your experiment?Text 2There are about 5 liters of blood constantly circulating through your body due to the pumping action of your heart. Blood is transported throughout your entire body in blood vessels, like arteries and veins, of different sizes. The circulation of blood and the way it provides oxygen to your body is what makes up the circulatory system.Materials: Open space for exercise; pencil and paper.1. Sitting quietly,your pulse with the fingers of your right hand on the underside of your left wrist. (or on the side of your neck, the vessels of your foot, or your temples.)Why do you think you can feel your pulse in so many different places?2.Write how many times your pulse beats in 30 seconds.the number down.3. Now, do a few jumping jacks.4. Immediately check your pulse again and write down the number of times it is now beating in 30 seconds5. Was your pulse rate different when you checked it the second time? Can you explain this?6. Quietly check your pulse a few more times. How long does it take for the pulse rate to return to what it was when you started the experiment?Text 3The cells that make up your body require oxygen in order to reproduce, turn food into energy, and simply to live. How do you get oxygen? When you breathe, your blood carries oxygen from the air to all parts of the body. Breathing requires the coordinated contraction and relaxation of muscles to force air in to and out of your trachea (windpipe) and lungs.Materials: - Open space for exercise, a drinking straw.1.in place for 30 seconds.2. Next,the straw in your mouth. While plugging your nose and breathing through the straw run in place for 30 seconds.3.the two sets of exercises. Did the straw make it easier or harder to breathe?CorrectoPuntos para este envo: 10/10.Principio del formulario

Domingo 05 Octubre 2014 INICIO_Activity 9/9 The history of teaRevisin del intento 1Principio del formulario

Final del formularioComenzado eldomingo, 5 de octubre de 2014, 20:36

Completado eldomingo, 5 de octubre de 2014, 20:40

Tiempo empleado4 minutos 38 segundos

Calificacin7.27de un mximo de 10 (73%)

Question1Puntos: 10Creation mythsIn one popular Chinese legendShennong, the legendaryEmperor of China1,ofagricultureandChinese medicine, was on a2about five thousand years ago. The Emperor, known for his wisdom in the ways of3,believed that the4way to drink water was by first boiling it. One day he noticed some leaves had fallen into his boiling water. The ever inquisitive and5monarch took a sip of the brew and was pleasantly surprised by its flavor and its restorative6. Variant of the legend tells that the emperor7medical properties of various herbs on himself, some of them poisonous, and found tea works as an antidote. Shennong is also mentioned in Lu Yu'sCha Jing, famous early work on the subject.A Chinese legend, which spread along with Buddhism, Bodhidharma is credited with discovery of tea. Bodhidharma, a semi-legendary Buddhist monk8,of the Chan school of Buddhism, journeyed to China. He became angered because he was falling9during meditation, so he10his eyelids. Tea bushes sprung from the spot where his eyelids11the ground. Sometimes, the second story is retold with Gautama Buddha in place of Bodhidharma In another variant of the first mentioned myth, Gautama Buddha discovered tea when some leaves had fallen into boiling water.

1inventor/invention2journey/journal3science/scientist4safety/safest5curious/curiosity6property/properties7tried/proved8founder/found9sleep/asleep10cut off/cutting11hit/hitting

Parcialmente correcto_Activity 4/4 The water cycleRevisin del intento 1Principio del formulario

Final del formularioComenzado elmartes, 7 de octubre de 2014, 16:43

Completado elmartes, 7 de octubre de 2014, 16:50

Tiempo empleado6 minutos 49 segundos

Calificacin10de un mximo de 10 (100%)

Question1Puntos: 10Es la transferencia y cambio de agua proveniente de las plantas a vapor en el aire.

Es el agua depositada dentro de la tierra y transferida al mar.

Es la transferencia de agua en la atmsfera a la tierra en forma de: granizo, lluvia o nieve.

Es el cambio de vapor de agua a gotas que se ven como nubes.

Almacenamiento de agua en forma de ros, lagos, lagunas, canales, etc.

CorrectoPuntos para este envo: 10/10.Final del formularioFinal del formulario