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Harvard Business Review (2014) Tim Halloran

The power of emotions

Stories that make you emotional are

usually the ones that are the most

significant to you. The strong

emotions make them memorable,

leaving a print on people’s minds.

Marketers have started to use this

aspect to promote their products,

creating stories with depth and feeling

about them. This way, the viewer feels

moved by the story and connected to

the brand.


Marketers have to ask themselves

“What is the objective of the brand’s

story?”. The purpose can vary from

making the consumer laugh out loud

to leaving the viewer crying his eyes

out. The important is that the story

must bring the brand’s personality to

life. Thus, the spectator will remember

the advertisement for a longer time,

feel moved by the message and

connected to the brand’s personality.

And that, of course, will significantly

increase the chances of making him a

buyer of the product.

Why marketers want to make you cry

Harvard Business Review (2012) Patrick Spenner & Karen Freeman

Excess of information does not help costumers making their decisions

Providing a lot of technical

information makes the buying

decisions more complicated.

Brands can simplify this decision

by giving trustful information

based on what he needs, helping

make the purchase quickly and

confidently. This way, the

consumer feels that this brand

understand his side and will

probably return because of a good

past experience.

The best way them to simplify the purchase decisions

Most of the customers don`t want

a full explanation about all

features of the product, they just

want someone to understand what

they really need and indicate the

best products to the situation.

Provide trustworthy sources of

product information,

recommendations and offer tools

that allow consumers to weigh

their options by identifying the

features that are most relevant to

them is the best way make a

remarkable experience.

To keep your customers, keep it


The excess of information and marketing messages are pulling the customers away Don`t be insistent at

advertising. Keeping

the customer`s mailbox

full is not going to

make the brand more

noticed and


Costumers don’t want a long term relationship

Most of the customers just want to buy the product, and if gets a

great discount is even better. Offer other products or fidelity

programs will not make them more satisfied, probably they will

think that the company is trying to fool them. When the purchase is

happening through online ways is even worse. The costumer don`t

have employee`s help and don`t want to spend hours at the store

website. That is why is so important to know who is the client what

the company can do to simplify the purchase decision. The key is to

make to confident about their choices.

Harvard Business Review (2014) Shirli Kopelman

Be mindful Means noticing and accepting what’s

happening around you from the

expressions on other peoples’ faces to

any emotions you’re feeling in that

moment, such as anxiety or pride.

Identify your emotional trigger If you can precisely identify what

triggered your emotion, then you can

choose to focus on other things or


Make your emotions work for you in


Reinterpret the trigger Often our initial interpretation of a

trigger is based on what we most

fear but you can reinterpret the

trigger to help spark another


Change the physiological expression You can alter physiological things

like your facial expression, body

posture, or breathing to decrease,

intensify, or replace the emotion

to feel safer.

Take action that other will see Feel the right emotion isn’t

enough and your actions need to

reflect those emotions. You can do

this verbally or non-verbally.

How culture shapes the offices Harvard Business Review (2013) Christine Congdon and Catherine Gall

Everyone knows that the culture

of each population directly

influences at how a company

works. But it goes more than

productivity and relationship

between the ones involved, it can

affect how an office arranges it`s

space distribution.

Culture can decide more than what is known

The space organization from each culture

The way that how the different

levels of employees are arranged

inside the company differs from

country to country. Firms can

design spaces that help

employees operate more

effectively. The allocation of

space provided happens

according to the “preferences” of

each culture. This directly

changes the level of productivity

and the results obtained.

Employee profile by country



How music makes us feel better The New Yorker (2014) Maria Konnikova

The study In 2012, a group of mice were

exposed to different kinds of

music during their recovery from

heart transplants. The sounds

varied from classical to pop music,

indistinct noise and no music at

all. It was already known that

music helps patients during

surgery and recovery, but the

researchers were trying to

indentify which kinds of music

helped the most, and what exactly

are the effects on living


The results The researchers have discovered that the

music that made the most effect was

classical, with compositions by Mozart and

Verdi. Their harmony and pace helped the

mice to keep a regular heart rate, and to

have a better acceptance of the

transplanted heart. The mice exposed to

classical musical survived for an average of

20 days longer than the others, which

confirms the benefits from listening to the


Journal of Consumer Research (2014) Cristel Antonia Russel and Hope Jensen Schau

When narrative brands end: the

impact of narrative closure and

consuption sociality on loss


Alguns entrevistados reportaram

fortes emoções e um período de luto

quando sua serie favorita acabou ou

seu personagem favorito morreu, os

autores da pesquisa afirmam que as

pessoas descreviam como se tivessem

perdido um melhor amigo.

Fortes emoções

Pode-se concluir que o processo de

perda relacionada às narrativas é o

mesmo processo de quando se perde

uma pessoa, primeiramente a fase de

negação, então uma fase de paralisia,

sem entender e por fim ocorre a


Perda familiar

Harvard Business Review John Michel

The most effective form of leadership is supportive

Leadership isn’t about exercising power

over people, but rather, it’s about finding

effective ways to work with people.

Embrace and promote a spirit of selfless service

Leaders need to be dedicated to help

others to succed, and not only dedicate

in promoting themselves at others’


Great leadership isn’t about you

Always listen to other peoples’ ideas

Leaders should be open to others

opinions, no matter how different they

may be.

Ao assalto do sono Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil (2014) Jonathan Cary

Ao analisar o sistema econômico atual,

Luc Boltanski e Eve Chiapello mostraram

como estar ocupado, em interconexão, em

interação, em comunicação um meio

telemático qualquer enaltece a figura do


O homem sempre ocupado

Insônia na modernidade

O estado desacordado sofreu

desvalorização a partir de meados do

século XVII. René Descartes, David Hume

e John Locke tinham a percepção de que o

sono atrapalhava a busca pelo


Modo suspensão Com o propósito de realizar todas

nossas tarefas, o sono é

prejudicado, uma vez que pode ser

interrompido a qualquer momento.

A lógica on/off foi ultrapassada, já

que nada mais está completamente

“desligado” ou fora do ar.

6 things you're doing that seem

productive, but aren’t

Fast Company Magazine (2014) Vivian Giang)


Right down your things

to do or take they out of

your head.


This will make you not

want to do it, especially if

you are a procrastinator.


The information you join

can be postponed and not

done immediately.


If you can do it now, do it!


Saying yes to everything

makes you an

unproductive person. You

must be focused.


Your brain can’t do multiple

things at the same time. It

only gives us a sensation of


Stadium attendance in German

professional football – the

(un)importance of uncertainly of

outcome reconsidered Applied Economics Carlos Pestana Barros, Bernd Frick e José Passos

The variables indicating whether home or

away team still has the chance to win the

championship have a significantly positive

effect on attendance

Positive performance, positive attendance

More chances to win, more attendance

The less balanced a match is, more are

the number of spectators

Variables of attendance

The ticket’s cost and the current team

performance don’t affect attendance,

while the rain reduces attendance in


The end of the hipster: how flat caps

and beards stopped being cool The Guardian (2014) Morwenna Ferrier

Who were the hipsters? The Urban Dictionary defines hipsters as “a

subculture of men and women, typically in

their 20s and 30s, that value independent

thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics.

The hipster’s death

Chris Sanderson, futurologist and co-founder

of trend forecasting agency The Future

Laboratory says: “The hipster died the

minute we called him a hipster. The word no

longer had the same meaning”

The two types of hipsters

Talking to the Observer last week, he

suggested there are now two types of

hipster: “Contemporary hipsters – the

ones with the beards we love to hate – and proto-hipsters, the real deal.”



Journal of Advertising (2013) Marie-Cécile Cervellon

“Victoria’s Dirty Secrets” is a

campaign created by ForestEthics, to

attack Victoria’s Secret for the

destruction of endangered forests

through the massive printing of

catalogues daily.

Results confirms that highly eco-

involved participants are more

affected by green communications

targeting brands than are low eco-

involved individuals, and also

indicate an effect only on the

attitude toward victoria’s secret.

These types of



costumers to

become active

players, and that’s

why are called

tactical weapons,



found that

voters dislike


campaigns and

don’t trust



Attacking a

brand is often


veas costumers

are likely to take

the defense of

the brand


A costumer’s level of involvement

with an object, situation or action,

is determined by the degree to


she perceives the concept to be

personally relevant.

The acceptance or rejection of green

claims is partly determined by the

involvement and concern of

costumers for the protection of the


Victoria’s Secret started printing

catalogues using recycled paper.

Victoria’s dirty secrets

Revista de Administração de Empresas Marcus Vinícius Peinado Gomes

Sustentabilidade e as grandes marcas

É possível perceber marcas globais

tentando seguir a tendência de ser

sustentável. Entretanto de um lado

as grandes marcas procuram

potencializar a sustentabilidade e de

outro lado, as grandes vilas, que

não se privam de limitar seus lucros

para salvar o mundo dos seus

próprios danos ambientais e sociais.

Seria o envolvimento das marcas globais com sustentabilidade uma falácia?

Os movimentos sociais constituam

parte importante dos avanços

trazidos na redução dos impactos

ambientais de diversas cadeias,

porém é apontado que as grandes

marcas transformaram a

sustentabilidade em ferramentas


Econegócios: como as grandes

marcas capturam a agenda da


Econegócios e a captura da sustentabilidade

O econegócios acabam por promover a

transformação de ‘sustentabilidade’ em

um reposicionamento de marcas.

Contudo, a utilização do termo

“sustentabilidade” como ferramenta de

negócios para benefícios da empresa,

passa descredito na possibilidade de em

praticas para conter realmente os danos

ambientais e sociais.

O papel do consumidor

É preciso, também, refletir sobre o nosso

papel nesse processo, questionando

nossos interesses, crenças e motivações,

como consumidores, cidadãos e, para nós

do mundo acadêmico, pesquisadores das


Politização da sustentabilidade Uma politização da sustentabilidade é

necessária, afinal a influência nessa

agenda se constitui por meio da relação

entre os atores e se materializa em

práticas sustentáveis e novas tecnologias

administrativas. E não somente através

do econegócio.



Jornal of Consumer Research (2014) Marcus Robert J. Fisher and Yu Ma

The beautiful is good stereotype

Attractive children are inferred to be

more intelligent, popular, sociable, well

adjusted than their less attractive

counterparts as well as being more

successful in securing their


The negative effect of attractiveness on empathy

It only occurs when the child is not in

severe need, because attractive

children are assumed to have social

skills and abilities that enable them to

differentially secure the adult

protection and nurturance they

require to survive and prosper.

The price of being beautiful: negative

effects of attractiveness on empathy

for children in need


Negative Emotions

Promoting stories about terrorism

to the international news media: a

study of public diplomacy Media, War & Conflict (2013) Moran Yarchi, Gadi Wolfsfel, Tamir Sheafer and Shaul R. Shenhav

Political actors attribute great

importance to their image in the

international arena and to so-called

‘soft power’.

Public Diplomacy

Key Elements

The political values proximity between

a particular antagonist and a target

country; The policy proximity between

a particular antagonist and a target

country; The extent of experience with

terrorism; The nature of the conflict


Successful Message

Media coverage is considered

successful when the event, topic, or

political actor is framed in a way that

supports the positions and commentary

of one side in the conflict or that is

detrimental to the other. The emphasis

should be on the brutality of the crime.

An exploratory investigation into the

effectiveness of team kit sponsorship:

fans’ perspectives of new sponsorship

in the German Bundesliga Journal of Consumer Behavior Robert James Thomas and Frank Roeseler

There is no connection between team performance

and sponsor’s power in the market

“Everybody knows that I’m a Dortmund fan, and that’s all that matters”

“Players win games, not PUMA”

The consumption of the kit sponsor’s product does

not enhance the fan’s personal relationship with the


A brand can influence perception and represent a

major condition of building equity

“We’re a winning team, so we need a winning brand”

The Guardian (2014) Stuart Jeffries

“A rede está morta”

A Wired magazine trouxe estampada

em sua capa essa frase para

argumentar que os princípios

igualitários da internet na verdade

eram utilizados como uma maneira

de aumentar o comércio.

O artigo publicado por Charles

Leadbeater com este nome procura

mostrar como a internet facilitou o

aumento do preconceito contra

mulheres e negros, da vigilância

governamental e corporativa e do


How the web lost its way and its

founding principles

“Uma rede melhor”

Considerando o sucesso do capitalismo, pode-se dizer que a idéia de Tim

Bernares-Lee ao criar a internet para ser uma forma igualitária de

compartilhar informações foi transformada em um sistema comandado

por grandes instituições como nos livros de George Orwell, um grande

exemplo disso foi pesquisa realizada pelo Facebook sem consentimento

dos usuários.

Sistema de vigilância

Making mobile ads that work Harvard Business Review (2013) Stephen, Bart and Sarvary

Mobile display ads can work for some products

Although some experts say that mobile ads

are a waste of money there are some new

researches shows that it can work for certain

types of products that are both utilitarian and

high involvement.

Go to mobile if your product is both practical and expensive

If a product is both utilitarian (practical)

and high involvement (expensive enough to

demand deliberation). It is desirable that a

digital banner shows up on the consumers

Smartphones. Psychological research

appoints that the higher people’s

involvement, the more likely they are to

process information cognitively.

Marketers should use mobile ads with higher-bandwidth ones

In conclusion, mobile display ads should

be used with higher-bandwidth ones such

as TV commercials and are more effective

when consumers are close to a purchase

decision, consequently they have high

involvement. It is necessary to understand

when these ads can work and when they

are trash.

All you need is love? Communication insights from pop music’s number-one

Journal of Advertising Research (2009) David H. Henard and Christian L. Rossetti

A research suggests that an individual’s musical

preferences are a representation of his or her

attitudes, beliefs and needs.

Of the multiple forms of

communication with which

consumers interact, people

report listening to music more

than any other form,

highlighting the integral role

that music plays in their lives.


Advertisements featuring popular music are more

effective than those without it. The inclusion of pop

music in commercials is due to music’s ability to




The research used list from past 50 years:


Individuals process lyrics and tunes

independently while listening to songs.


Researchers were unable to empirically evaluate lyrics, but is known that some sort of

words have different positive impact at the consumers, for example:


“Sempre lendo para nunca serem lidos.”

Os eruditos são aqueles que

leram coisas nos livros, mas os

pensadores, os gênios, os fachos

de luz e promotores da espécie

humana são aqueles que as

leram diretamente no livro do


Sobre a escrita e o estilo

Deve-se evitar toda prolixidade e todo

entrelaçamento de observações que não

valem o esforço da leitura. É preciso ser

econômico com o tempo, a dedicação e a

paciência do leitor, de movo a receber

dele o crédito de considerar o que foi

escrito digno de uma leitura atenta e

capaz de recompensar o esforço

empregado nela.

A arte de escrever

Sobre a erudição e os eruditos

A peruca é o símbolo mais apropriado

para o erudito puro. Trata-se de

homens que adornam a cabeça com

uma rica massa de cabelo alheio

porque carecem de cabelos próprios.