INSTITUCION EDUCATIVA EMILIANO GARCIA Girardota – Antioquia UNITE 2 1. Subject: Foreign English Language. Group: Seventh Teacher: Gabriel Antonio Zapata Borja. Period 3 Themes Axe: Nouns,quantities and readings Time: about 30 hours ESTANDAR NÚCLEO LOGRO INDICADOR a. Aplica correctamente las reglas gramaticales para formar el plural de los sustantivos en Inglés. b. Respondo a preguntas sobre cantidades formuladas con las expresiones How much and how many, is there or are there. c. Comprendo cuando me hablan en Inglés con base a temas cotidianos o lecturasprevias previas Plural and singular How many and how much. There is and there are. Readings Dada una lista de sustantivos puedo aplicar las reglas gramaticales para formar su plural. Soy capaz de responder a preguntas que se refieren a cantidades en inglés de acuerdo a mi nivel. Con la ayuda del diccionario comprendo lecturas básicas para afianzar mi conocimiento e interactuar con mis compañeros y profesor. Aplica correctamente las normas para el plural de los sustantivos en Inglés. Muestra dominio de how much and how many, there is and there are. Interactúa con otros sobre lecturas o temas cotidianos de acuerdo a su nivel.

INSTITUCION EDUCATIVA EMILIANO GARCIA Girardota ...master2000.net/recursos/menu/10/385/mper_arch_1894_INGLES SEPTIMO.pdf · para formar el plural de los sustantivos en Inglés. b

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1. Subject: Foreign English Language. Group: Seventh Teacher: Gabriel Antonio Zapata Borja. Period 3 Themes Axe: Nouns,quantities and readings Time: about 30 hours ESTANDAR NÚCLEO LOGRO INDICADOR

a. Aplica correctamente las reglas gramaticales para formar el plural de los sustantivos en Inglés.

b. Respondo a preguntas sobre cantidades formuladas con las expresiones How much and how many, is there or are there.

c. Comprendo cuando me hablan en Inglés con base a temas cotidianos o lecturasprevias previas

Plural and singular How many and how much. There is and there are. Readings

Dada una lista de sustantivos puedo aplicar las reglas gramaticales para formar su plural. Soy capaz de responder a preguntas que se refieren a cantidades en inglés de acuerdo a mi nivel. Con la ayuda del diccionario comprendo lecturas básicas para afianzar mi conocimiento e interactuar con mis compañeros y profesor.

Aplica correctamente las normas para el plural de los sustantivos en Inglés. Muestra dominio de how much and how many, there is and there are. Interactúa con otros sobre lecturas o temas cotidianos de acuerdo a su nivel.

HOW MANY languages can you speak?


HOW MUCH water can you drink in a day?

PLURAL NOUNS SUSTANTIVOS PLURALES Rules of formation: Reglas de formación:

1) Most nouns simply add -s in the plural:

1) La mayoría de los sustantivos simplemente agregan -s en el plural:

2) a dog two, three, etc dogs

un perro dos, tres, etc perros

a stamp stamps

una estampilla estampillas

a computer computers

una computadora computadoras

2) Nouns that end in -s -ss -sh -ch -x add -es in the plural:

2) A los sustantivos que terminan en ( ) se les agrega -es en el plural

a bus buses un colectivo,micro etc colectivos, micros, etc a class classes una clase clases a crash crashes un choque choques

a match matches una fósforo fósforos a box boxes una caja cajas

3) Nouns that end in a consonant + -y change to ies in the plural

3) Los sustantivos que terminan en una consonante + -y cambian a ies en el plural a city cities una ciudad ciudades

a baby babies

un bebé bebés a body bodies un cuerpo cuerpos

3') But if the noun ends in a vowel + -y the -y does not change 3') Pero si el sustantivo temina en una vocal + -y la -y no cambia

a monkey monkeys un mono monos

a day days

un día días

4) Many nouns that end in -f, in the plural change the f to v and then add es

4) Muchos sustantivos que terminan en -f , en el plural cambian la f por v y luego

agregan es

a half halves una mitad mitades

a wolf wolves

lobo lobos

5) Many nouns are irregular in the plural.

5) Muchos sustantivos presentan forma irregular en el plural:

a man men un hombre hombres

a woman women una mujer mujeres

a child children un niño niños

a foot feet un pié piés

ACTIVIDAD: Dar el plural de los siguientes sustantivos y dar su significado. Town loaf room busy fish House Company key street porch Library dollar month address brick University yard wall sandwich flower Lunch half city wife glass Sun knee pay try busy Shake push Saturday match orange Pitcher egg fish meal body

1 2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9



1. How many eyes do people have?

4. What do you use to touch things?

6. What do you use to see things?

8. Where is your tongue?

10. I _________ to music.


1. What do you use to taste things?

2. How many noses do people have?

3. What do you use to smell things?

5. I _________ TV.

6. What do you use to hear things?

7. I _________ a flower.

9. How many fingers do people have?

Answer the questions below: (1) Do you like to listen to music? (2) Do you like the taste of onions? (3) Do you like the smell of flowers? (4) Do you like to hear birds chirping? (5) Do you like the smell of garbage? (6) Do you like to see movies?

1 2 3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14 15


17 18 19





2. A time when many people are driving on the road to get to work.

3. A traffic ___________. A time when traffic almost stops because there are too many cars on the road.

4. Stealing or robbing.

5. A place with many shops in one building.

8. A place to get something to eat.

9. A place to go when you are sick.

12. A place to view art.

13. ____________ lights. Lights that tell cars when to go or stop.

15. Many sounds.

19. A road where people drive fast.


1. A place to go for a walk.

5. A place to learn history.

6. A place on the sidewalk where you can put your mail.

7. A place to see a show.

10. An underground form of transportation.

11. A place where people park their cars.

HOW MUCH and HOW MANY? How much?

Usamos “how much” si preguntamos por la cantidad de algo que es incontable* (un sustantivo incontable es uno que no se puede contar*)

How much petrol do we need? ¿Cuánta gasolina necesitamos?

How much milk is there in chocolate? ¿Cuánta leche hay en el chocolate?

Sin el sustantivo: Como en el castellano, en el inglés no es necesario poner el sustantivo si es obvio por el contexto:

John: “We need more milk!” James: “How much do we have?”

No es necesario que James use “millk” porque ya es obvio por el contexto.

Nota: *Para saber si un sustantivo es contable o incontable basta con ver si se puede decir con “uno, dos, tres …”

Por ejemplo: “dos oxígenos” o “cinco oxígenos” no decimos nunca, así que podemos estar seguros que “oxígeno” es un sustantivo incontable.

How many?

Usamos “how many” si preguntamos por la cantidad de algo que se puede contar (un sustantivo contable*)

How many chairs do we need? ¿Cuántas sillas necesitamos?

How many children are in the class? ¿Cuánto niños hay en la clase?

Sin el sustantivo: Como en el castellano, en el inglés no es necesario poner el sustantivo si es obvio por el contexto:

John: “We need more chairs!” James: “How many do we have?”

No es necesario que James use “chairs” porque ya es obvio por el contexto.

Nota: *Una regla para saber si hay que usar “how many” : Si estás esperando que la respuesta a tu pregunta sea un número, entonces tienes que usar “how many”


1. How many hats are there? --------------------------------

2. How many scarves are there?---------------------

3. How many notebooks are there?


4. How many pairs of shorts are there?

5. How many butterflies are there? ----------


3. Presentation


THERE IS – THERE ARE The impersonal expression hay in English is written: THERE IS AND THERE ARE. There is used in singular forms and there are in plural ones. For instance: There is bread on the table. There is food for me. _________________________________________ There are four boys here. _________________________________________ There are two letters for you. INTERROGATIVE FORM Is there? Are there? For instance: Is there a letter for me? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t Are there any apples in the house? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. NEGATIVE FORM There is not--- there isn’t There are not--- there aren’t

There are not apples in the apple tree _____________________________________ There is no food for me _____________________________________ There is no water _____________________________________ There is not cold water _____________________________________

Now in past tense There was – there were There was a war in Asia. ______________________________________ Was there a war in Asia? ______________________________________ Yes, there was. ______________________________________ No, there wasn’t. ______________________________________ There were no boys here. _______________________________________ Were there no boys here? _______________________________________ Yes, there were _______________________________________ No, there weren’t _______________________________________

There will be:

There will be war in Europe this year. ___________________________________ Will there be war in Europe this year? ___________________________________ Yes, there will be. ___________________________________ No, there will be not. ___________________________________

ACTIVITY ONE WRITING THERE IS AND THERE ARE There is (there’s) There are = 1. _____________a class in the room today? 2. _____________ any windows in the room. 3. _____________ a light on the ceiling. 4. _____________ a blackboard on the wall.? 5. _____________ any words on the blackboard? 6. _____________ a calendar on the door ? 7. _____________ a clock on the wall? 8. _____________ any books on the floor? 9. ______________an eraser on the desk? 10. _____________ a piece of chalk on the desk? 11. _____________ any pencils in the desk? 12. _____________ Any pictures in the third lesson? 13. _____________ Many exercises in the lesson? 14. _____________ Seven days in a week? Replace each black with the correct translation of HAY; then change the sentences to questions . 1. _____________many students in the room. 2. _____________ a big map on the wall. 3. _____________ classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

4. _____________ a lecture tomorrow night. 5. _____________ five children in the family. 6. _____________ a nice front lawn. 7. _____________ four bedrooms upstairs. 8. _____________ a telephone downstairs. 1. _____________twelve months in a gear.


THERE IS THERE ARE There is one table in this room. There is one window in this room. There are two pictures on the wall. There are three doors in this room. 1. Is there one table in this room? _______________________________________________ 2. Is there a rug on the floor? _______________________________________________ 3. Is there one window or two windows in the room? _______________________________________________ 4. There are two chairs or three chairs in the room? _______________________________________________ 5. Is there a man in the room? _______________________________________________ 6. Are there two pictures or three pictures in the room? _______________________________________________ 7. Is there a door in the room? _______________________________________________ 8. Are there curtains on the window?

WHAT TIME IS IT? 9:00 = It’s nine o’clock. 9:05 = It’s nine – five. It’s five minutes after nine. 9:10 = It’s nine – ten. It’s ten minutes after nine. 9:15 = It’s nine – fifteen. It’s a quarter after nine. 9:20 = It’s twenty minutes after nine. It’s nine – twenty. 9:30 = It’s nine – thirty. It’s a half past nine. 9:40 = It’s nine – forty. It’s ten to twenty. 9:45 = It’s nine forty – five minutes. It’s a quarter to ten. 9:55 = It’s nine fifty – five. It’s five minutes to ten. 9:59 = It’s almost ten. It’s a minute to ten. Practice



Meat Tea Toast Cake Milk Pie Butter Coffee

Orange juice Eggs Sugar Hamburger Salad Rice Cheese Fish

Chicken Beef Bananas Potatoes Carrots Lettuce Tomatoes Peas Onions Apples Grapes Ice cream


3: 38

4: 21

8: 21

9: 56

1: 46

7: 02

9: 52

7: 39

11: 48

4: 35

5: 00

1: 15 6: 33

2: 30

3: 45

4: 44

7: 17

9: 26

3: 12

Bread Avocado Pineapple Corn Beans Broth Cucumber Mustard

Spinach Cherry Beet bacon


Hat Shirt Tie Shoes Coat Socks Vest Pants

Overcoat Bathrobe Skirt Blouse Dress Umbrella Undershirt Trunks Ring Earring Necklace bracelet


Realiza con cada uno de los alimentos una oración empleando los verbos to like y to want como en el ejemplo que vas a observar a continuación. TO LIKE: este verbo expresa un gusto personal que una persona tiene por algo o por alguien. (gustar) TO WANT: tiene aproximadamente el mismo significado que Would like o querer. Example:

I WOULD LIKE a cup of coffee. or

I WANT a cup of coffee I want fried potatoes for dinner.

I like a piece of bread.

Realizar una oración completa con cada uno de los elementos del vestuario como lo podrás observan en el siguiente ejemplo. The black hat is very elegant.


At the supermarket Kate: Hi, Paul, What are you doing here? Paul: I’m buying food for my family. Kate: What are you buying? Paul: A lot. Here’s the list.

A bottle of milk A kilo of cheese A kilo of meat A loaf of bread A can of coffee

A chicken Potatoes Anions Oranges Apples

Kate: that’s a lot of food. Paul: where’s the coffee? Kate: It’s next to the tea. Paul: where are the apples? Kate: they’re over there, near the meat. Paul: where’s the meat? Kate: It’s next to the fish. Paul: and where’s the fish? Kate: right here! READINGS Number one

THE TAYLOR FAMILY AT HOME It is eight o’clock. The Taylor family is at home. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are in the kitchen. Mrs. Taylor is washing the dishes and Mr. Taylor is cleaning the table. Donald Taylor is in the bedroom. He is writing a science report and he is working hard. Janice Taylor is playing the piano in the living room. She is practicing very difficult piece. Dennis Taylor is in the basement with a friend, Carol. They are playing cards and watching television. It’s an interesting television show. They are having a good time. The Taylor family is always busy.

4. Evaluación La evaluación se aplicará tipo control constante en la cual se tendrá presente los siguientes aspectos: a. Aspecto procidemental (50%)

1. Materiales de trabajo: Diccionario Inglés Españ ol, cuaderno, lápiz, colores, marcadores, tijeras, sacapuntas, papel sil ueta,regla . . . algunos materiales sirven para el trabajo en otra s asignaturas. (10%)

2. Solución de los ejercicios propuestos en la uni dad. ( 10%)

3. Presentación de diálogos de aplicación. (20%)

4. Trabajos en equipo: como búsqueda de palabras en el diccionario.


b. Aspecto declarativo (10%) ACTIVITY WRITING


Change the following sentences to past time 1. There is a typewriter in the room _________________________________________________ 2. There are three books on the desk. _________________________________________________ 3. There are many people in the room. _________________________________________________ 4. There is a baby in the room. _________________________________________________ 5. There is a secretary in his office. _________________________________________________ 6. There are two children in the room. _________________________________________________ 7. There are ten men at the meeting.


THERE IS AND THERE ARE There is ( there’s ) delante de un nombre singular. There are = Delante de un nombre plural. 8. ________ a class in the room today ? 9. ________ any windows in the room. 10. ________ a light on the ceiling. 11. ________ a blackboard on the wall.? 12. ________ any words on the blackboard? 13. ________ a calendar on the door ? 14. ________ a clock on the wall? 8. ________ any books on the floor ? 9. ________ an eraser on the desk? 10. ________ a piece of chalk on the desk ? 11. ________ any pencils in the desk? 12. ________ Any pictures in the third lesson ? 13. ________ Many exercises in the lesson? 14. ________ Seven days in a week? Replace each black with the correct translation of HAY ; then change the sentences to questions. 1. ________ many students in the room. 2. ________ a big map on the wall. 3. ________ classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 4. ________ a lecture tomorrow night. 5. ________ five children in the family. 6. ________ a nice front lawn. 7. ________ four bedrooms upstairs. 8. ________ a telephone downstairs. 2. ________twelve months in a gear.

d. Aspecto actitudinal (40%)

1. Asistencia y actitud positiva frente al aprendi zaje del Inglés. (10%)

2. Participación activa en las actividades metodoló gicas. (10%) 3. Cooperación con los compañeros estudiantes recon ociendo

la diferencia cuando estos participan. (10%) 4. Porte correcto del uniforme y pulcritud en su en torno(10%)

5. Bibliografía

• English Series Robert Lado 1 • English here, English there , Manuel C.R. DOS SANTO S Book 1 • Windows 1 A BASIC COURSE OF ENGLISH, Editorial Norm a

Educativa. • Santillana ONE, TWO,SIX • CLICK ON, Student´s Book, Virginia Evans Neil O’Sul livan • English Long Man Pocket Dictionary

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