Journal of Econometrics 132 (2006) 491–525 Instrumental quantile regression inference for structural and treatment effect models Victor Chernozhukov , Christian Hansen Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA Available online 3 June 2005 Abstract We introduce a class of instrumental quantile regression methods for heterogeneous treatment effect models and simultaneous equations models with nonadditive errors and offer computable methods for estimation and inference. These methods can be used to evaluate the impact of endogenous variables or treatments on the entire distribution of outcomes. We describe an estimator of the instrumental variable quantile regression process and the set of inference procedures derived from it. We focus our discussion of inference on tests of distributional equality, constancy of effects, conditional dominance, and exogeneity. We apply the procedures to characterize the returns to schooling in the U.S. r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. JEL classification: C10; C11; C13; C15 Keywords: Instrumental quantile regression; Structural estimation; Treatment effects; Endogeneity; Stochastic dominance; Hausman test; Supply–demand equations with random elasticity; Returns to education 1. Introduction Quantile regression is an important method of modeling heterogeneous effects and accounting for unobserved heterogeneity. The standard quantile regression model ARTICLE IN PRESS www.elsevier.com/locate/jeconom 0304-4076/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2005.02.009 Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 617 354 6361; fax: +1 617 253 1330. E-mail address: [email protected] (V. Chernozhukov).

Instrumental quantile regression inference for structural and treatment effect models

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Journal of Econometrics 132 (2006) 491–525

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Instrumental quantile regression inference forstructural and treatment effect models

Victor Chernozhukov�, Christian Hansen

Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA

Available online 3 June 2005


We introduce a class of instrumental quantile regression methods for heterogeneous

treatment effect models and simultaneous equations models with nonadditive errors and offer

computable methods for estimation and inference. These methods can be used to evaluate the

impact of endogenous variables or treatments on the entire distribution of outcomes. We

describe an estimator of the instrumental variable quantile regression process and the set of

inference procedures derived from it. We focus our discussion of inference on tests of

distributional equality, constancy of effects, conditional dominance, and exogeneity. We apply

the procedures to characterize the returns to schooling in the U.S.

r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

JEL classification: C10; C11; C13; C15

Keywords: Instrumental quantile regression; Structural estimation; Treatment effects; Endogeneity;

Stochastic dominance; Hausman test; Supply–demand equations with random elasticity; Returns to


1. Introduction

Quantile regression is an important method of modeling heterogeneous effects andaccounting for unobserved heterogeneity. The standard quantile regression model

see front matter r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


nding author. Tel.: +1617 354 6361; fax: +1 617 253 1330.

dress: [email protected] (V. Chernozhukov).

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V. Chernozhukov, C. Hansen / Journal of Econometrics 132 (2006) 491–525492

may be developed from the basic Skorohod representation. Using this representa-tion, the outcome variable Y, conditional on the exogenous variable of interestD ¼ d; takes the form

Y ¼ qðD;UDÞ; UDjD�Uniformð0; 1Þ, (1.1)

where qðd; tÞ is the conditional t-th quantile of Y given D ¼ d and UD is thenonseparable error or rank. This model has played a fundamental role in statistics atleast since Bhattacharya (1963), Lehmann (1974), and Doksum (1974). Theconditional quantile function t 7!qðd; tÞ captures the impact of D on the outcomeat a given quantile, while the rank term UD represents an index of unobservedheterogeneity or ability. Consequently, the structural quantile effects (SQE) or,equivalently, the quantile treatment effects (QTE), cf. Doksum (1974),


qðd; tÞ or qðd; tÞ � qðd 0; tÞ

represent a causal or structural effect of D on observational units, holding the abilityor unobserved heterogeneity UD fixed at UD ¼ t: The quantile effects typically varyacross t; implying heterogeneous, nonconstant effects. Koenker and Bassett (1978)and Bhattacharya (1963) introduced estimation methods for this model based on theconditional moment restriction

P½YpqðD; tÞjD� ¼ P½UDptjD� ¼ t for each t 2 ð0; 1Þ, (1.2)

and estimation has been further developed by Powell (1986) and Portnoy (1991),among others.

In this paper, we consider estimation and inference for the endogenousgeneralization of the above model, which is particularly suited to the setting ofobservational studies where variable D is often endogenous. The model, introducedand analyzed in Chernozhukov and Hansen (2005), takes the form

Y ¼ qðD;UDÞ; UDjZ�Uniformð0; 1Þ, (1.3)

where Y is the outcome of interest, D is the endogenous or treatment variable ofinterest, and Z is an instrumental variable that is correlated with D but isindependent of rank variable UD: Chernozhukov and Hansen (2005) show how (1.3)can be derived from primitive conditions that impose a generalized form of rankinvariance and independence of structural (potential) outcomes from the instrument.Under these conditions, the function qðd; tÞ represents the t-quantile of the outcomein the population under the hypothetical exogenous assignment of variable D.Chernozhukov and Hansen (2005) also provide the conditions required fornonparametric identification of this function from the instrumental analog ofEq. (1.2):

P½YpqðD; tÞjZ� ¼ P½UDptjZ� ¼ t. (1.4)

This paper makes two contributions. The first contribution is to offer aninstrumental variable quantile regression (IV-QR) estimator of the quantile functiont 7!qðd; tÞ for the leading (linear) case and develop a set of inference tools forexamining a number of interesting hypotheses. Our estimator is a quantile analog of

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two stage least squares.1 Effectively, as in the canonical two stage least squaresmodel, instrumentation eliminates the endogeneity and selection bias commonlyoccurring in observational and experimental studies with imperfect compliance.Thus, the IV-QR process allows us to measure the exogenous treatment effect as in afully controlled experiment, whereas the conventional QR process is inherentlybiased. The second contribution is the introduction of a class of tests based on theIV-QR process which allow us to examine numerous interesting hypotheses,including (1) the hypothesis of distributional equality, or whether the treatment orendogenous variable has a significant effect on outcome Y; (2) the hypothesis of aconstant or nonvarying treatment effect, a fundamental hypothesis of causal andstructural analysis, cf. Heckman (1990) and Doksum (1974); (3) the hypothesis ofconditional stochastic dominance, a fundamental hypothesis as well, cf. Abadie(2002) and McFadden (1989); and (4) the hypothesis of exogeneity, or whether thetreatment variable is exogenous, another essential hypothesis, e.g. Hausman (1978).The critical values are generated by score subsampling, which subsamples the scoresor estimated influence functions without recomputing the estimates. This methodenables fast, computable implementation.

The use of the approach is illustrated through estimation of the impact ofschooling on earnings using the data and instruments of Angrist and Krueger (1991).We analyze the effect of schooling on earnings and find evidence in favor ofheterogeneous schooling effects: The effect of an additional year of schooling onearnings varies from almost 30% at low earning quantiles to 10% at high earningquantiles. We also reject the hypothesis of exogeneity and fail to reject the hypothesisof first order stochastic dominance. Other applications of the estimation andinference procedures of this paper can be found in Hausman and Sidak (2002),Januszewski (2002), D’Urso (2002), and Chernozhukov and Hansen (2004), amongothers.2

This paper accompanies our previous paper, Chernozhukov and Hansen(2005), that focuses on modeling and identification of QTE in the presence ofendogeneity. The present paper introduces and establishes the properties of theinstrumental variable quantile regression process and of the inference processes andtest statistics derived from it.3 It also provides practical bootstrap tools to carry outthe tests.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we brieflydiscuss the causal model and provide examples demonstrating how economic modelsmay be placed in our modeling framework. Section 3 presents the IV-QR process

1We do not use the term ‘‘two stage quantile regression’’ (2SQR) because it is already used to name the

procedure proposed by Portnoy and Chen (1996) as an analog of the two stage LAD (2SLAD) of

Amemiya (1982) and Powell (1983). This procedure has been widely used to estimate quantile effects under

endogeneity. When the QTE vary across quantiles, the 2SQR does not solve (1.4) and thus is inconsistent

relative to the treatment parameter of interest. Note that 2SLAD and 2SQR are still excellent strategies for

estimating constant treatment effect models.2A brief review of these applications is provided in Section 6.3The IV-QR estimator for a single quantile was first defined and studied in the unpublished working

paper, Chernozhukov and Hansen (2005).

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and develops its sampling theory. Section 4 develops inference procedures for the IV-QR process and presents practical inference for testing distributional hypotheses.Section 5 presents an empirical study, and Section 6 concludes.

Notation. We use the concepts of stochastic convergence as defined in van derVaart (1998). We use outer (inner) probabilities, P� ðP�Þ; to avoid measurabilityproblems;!p denotes convergence in probability under P�;!d means convergencein distribution of random vectors; and ) means weak convergence in the metricspace of bounded functions. The expression ‘‘wp ! 1’’ means ‘‘with (inner)probability going to 1.’’

2. The instrumental quantile regression model

In this section we describe the modeling framework within which we operate. Thismodel is introduced and analyzed in detail in our previous work, cf. Chernozhukovand Hansen (2005).

2.1. Potential outcomes and quantile effects

Our model is developed within the conventional potential outcome framework, cf.Heckman and Robb (1986) and Imbens and Angrist (1994). Potential real-valuedoutcomes are indexed against potential values d of the endogenous variable D, anddenoted Y d : For example, Y d is an individual’s outcome when D ¼ d: The structuraloutcomes fY dg are latent because given the selected treatment D, the observedoutcome for each individual or state of the world is Y � Y D: That is, only onecomponent of fY dg is observed for each observational unit.

Of primary interest to us are the conditional quantiles of potential outcomes,denoted as

qðd;x; tÞ

and the SQE or, equivalently, the QTE that summarize the difference between thequantiles under different levels of d,

qðd;x; tÞ � qðd 0;x; tÞ or if definedqqd

qðd; x; tÞ.

QTE represents a useful way of describing the effect of d on the marginal distributionof outcomes Y d :


Typically D is selected in relation to fY dg inducing endogeneity or selection bias,so that the conditional quantile of selected Y given the selected D, is generally notequal to the quantile of potential outcome qðd;x; tÞ: This makes the conventionalquantile regression inappropriate for the estimation of qðd; x; tÞ: Thus, a majorobstacle to learning about the quantiles of potential outcomes is sample selectivity orendogeneity. The model presented in the following section states the conditions

4The notion of QTE was rigorously introduced by Doksum (1974).

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under which we can recover the quantiles of latent outcomes through a set ofconditional moment restrictions.

2.2. The instrumental quantile regression model

Conditional on X ¼ x; the potential outcome Y d can be related to its quantilefunctions by the Skorohod representation as

Y d ¼ qðd;x;UdÞ where Ud�Uð0; 1Þ, (2.1)

and qðd; x; tÞ is the conditional t-quantile of potential outcome Y d : The rankvariable Ud characterizes heterogeneity of outcomes for individuals or observationalunits with the same observed characteristics x and treatment d. It also determinestheir relative ranking in terms of potential outcomes. This allows interpretation ofthe QTE as actual effects on people or units having fixed the level of unobservedheterogeneity Ud at some level t:

We are now prepared to state the model which is a list of five main conditions(some are representations) that hold jointly. Other, more technical conditions will beadded to discuss identification and estimation.

Assumption 1 (Main conditions of the IV-QR model). Given a common probabilityspace ðO;F ;PÞ; for P-almost every value of X ;Z; the following conditions A1–A5hold jointly:


POTENTIAL OUTCOMES. Given X ¼ x; for each d, Y d ¼ qðd; x;UdÞ; whereUd�Uð0; 1Þ and qðd; x; tÞ is strictly increasing in t:


INDEPENDECE. Given X ¼ x; fUdg is independent of Z. A3 SELECTION. Given X ¼ x;Z ¼ z; for unknown function d and random vector n;

D � dðz;x; nÞ:

A4 RANK INVARIANCE OR RANK SIMILARITY. For each d and d 0; given ðn;X ;ZÞ; either

ðaÞ Ud ¼ Ud 0 or ðbÞ Ud�Ud 0 .


OBSERVED variables consist of Y � qðD;X ;UDÞ; D � dðZ;X ; nÞ; X ; Z:

The main testable implication of A1–A5, which provides an important link of the

parameters of the IV-QR model to a set of conditional moment equations, is given inthe following theorem.

Theorem 1 (Main implication). Suppose conditions A1–A5 hold, then for any t 2ð0; 1Þ; a.s.

P½YpqðD;X ; tÞjX ;Z� ¼ P½YoqðD;X ; tÞjX ;Z� ¼ t, (2.2)

and UD is independent of Z and X.

The proof of Theorem 1 is given in Chernozhukov and Hansen (2005). Eq. (2.2) isa restriction that can be used to estimate the quantile process t 7!qðd;x; tÞ:Identification of the quantile process in the population does not require functionalform assumptions, as shown in Chernozhukov and Hansen (2005). Eq. (2.2) is

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simplest to see under rank invariance, i.e. when U ¼ Ud for each d. Under rankinvariance, we have a simple model of the form

Y d ¼ qðd;x;UÞ; U is independent of Z; given X ¼ x.

It is then immediate that the event fYpqðD;X ; tÞg is equivalent to fUptg yielding(2.2).

A detailed discussion of A1–A5 is given in Chernozhukov and Hansen (2005). Inthe following examples, we briefly illustrate how economic models may be embeddedin the IV-QR model. The first example illustrates how a typical schooling model maybe considered within the IV-QR framework, and the second example demonstratesthat the IV-QR model encompasses a general model of demand with nonseparableerror.

2.3. Example: a Roy type model of returns to education

An individual considers several levels of schooling denoted d 2 D ¼ f0; 1; . . . ; dg:The potential outcome under each schooling level is given by the individual’searnings under the different levels of training fY d ; d ¼ 0; 1; . . . ; dg: Suppose that thepotential earning outcomes, conditional on X ¼ x; are given by

Y d ¼ qðd;x;UÞ, (2.3)

where rank U�Uð0; 1Þ indexes the unobserved heterogeneity, and qðd;x;UÞ isincreasing in U. U�Uð0; 1Þ is a natural normalization in view of the Skorohodrepresentation. Thus the distribution of potential outcome Y d is characterized by thequantile functions qðd;x; tÞ: The rank variable U is assumed to be determined byability and other unobserved factors that do not vary with d.

The individual selects her schooling level to maximize her expected utility:

D ¼ arg maxd2D

E½W fY d ; d;X gjX ;Z; n�

¼ arg maxd2D

E½W fqðd;X ;UÞ; d;X gjX ;Z; n�, ð2:4Þ

where W fY d ; d;X g is the unobserved Bernoulli utility function (for example,W fy; d;xg may be increasing in y but decreasing in d, cf. Heckman and Vytlacil(1999)). As a result, the selection is represented as in A3 by D ¼ dðZ;X ; nÞ for somefunction d; where Z and X are observed, and n is an unobserved informationcomponent that is correlated with U and includes other unobserved variables thatare relevant to making the education decision. This model is thus a special case of theIV-QR model. In this model, the independence condition A2 only requires that U isindependent of Z, conditional on X.

The rank variable U (think of ability, for example) is made invariant to d, whichascribes an important role to conditioning on covariates X. Having a rich set ofcovariates makes rank invariance a more plausible approximation. The ranksimilarity condition A4(b) also relaxes rank invariance. This condition allows fornoisy, unsystematic variations of rank variable Ud across d, conditional on theinformation ðn;X ;ZÞ relevant to making the selection decision (2.4). Consider the

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following simple example, where for f : R! ½0; 1�; Ud ¼ f ðnþ ZdÞ; fZdg are mutuallyiid conditional on n;X ;Z: The variable n represents ‘‘mean’’ rank or ability of aperson, while Zd is a noisy adjustment of this rank across treatment states, relative tothe group of people that have the same observed characteristics X. This leaves theindividual optimization problem (2.4) unaffected, while allowing variation in anindividual’s rank across different potential outcomes.

2.4. Example: demand with nonseparable error

The following is a generalization of the classic supply–demand example. Considerthe model

Y p ¼ qðp;UÞ,

~Y p ¼ rðp; z;UÞ,

P 2 fp : rðp;Z;UÞ ¼ qðp;UÞg, (2.5)

where functions q and r are increasing in the last argument. The function p 7!Y p isthe random demand function, and p 7! ~Y p is the random supply function. Therandom variable U is the level of demand and describes the demand curve indifferent states of the world. Demand is maximal when U ¼ 1 and minimal whenU ¼ 0; holding p fixed. Note that we impose rank invariance in this model bymaking U invariant to p, which implies A4 (a).

The model (2.5) incorporates traditional additive error models Y p ¼ qðpÞ þ �;where � ¼ Q�ðUÞ: However, the model is more general in that the price can affect theentire distribution of the demand curve, while in traditional models it only affects thelocation of the distribution of the stochastic demand curve. The t-quantile of thedemand curve p 7!Y p is given by p 7!qðp; tÞ: Thus with probability t; the curve p 7!Y p

lies below the curve p 7!qðp; tÞ: Therefore, the various quantiles qðp; tÞ play a key rolein describing the distribution and heterogeneity of the stochastic demand curve. TheQTE is then characterized by qqðp; tÞ=qp; or, more conveniently, by the elasticityq ln qðp; tÞ=q ln p: For example, consider the Cobb–Douglas model qðp; tÞ ¼expðbðtÞ þ aðtÞ ln pÞ which corresponds to a Cobb–Douglas model for demand withnonseparable error Y p ¼ expðbðUÞ þ aðUÞ ln pÞ: The log transformation giveslnY p ¼ bðUÞ þ aðUÞ ln p; and the QTE for the log-demand equation is given bythe elasticity of the original t-demand curve

aðtÞ ¼qQlnY p


q ln p¼

q ln qðp; tÞq ln p


The elasticity aðUÞ is random and depends on the state of the demand U and mayvary considerably with U. This variation could arise when the number of buyersvaries and aggregation induces a nonconstant elasticity across the demand levels.For example, in an application to the Graddy (1995) data from a New York fishmarket, we find that the elasticity, aðtÞ; varies quite substantially from �2 for lowquantiles to �0:5 for high quantiles of the demand curve.

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The third condition in (2.5), P 2 fp : rðp;Z;UÞ ¼ qðp;UÞg; is the equilibriumcondition that generates endogeneity—the selection of the market clearing price P bythe market depends on the potential demand and supply outcomes. As a result wehave a representation that is consistent with A3,

P ¼ dðZ; nÞ where n ¼ ðU ;U; ‘‘ sunspot’’ variablesÞ,

where ‘‘sunspot’’ variables are present if there are multiple equilibria. Thus what weobserve can be written as simultaneous equations with the form

Y � qðP;UÞ; P � dðZ; nÞ; U is independent of Z. (2.6)

Identification of the t-quantile of the demand function, p 7!qðp; tÞ is obtainedthrough the use of instrumental variables Z, like weather conditions or factor prices,that shift the supply curve and do not affect the level of the demand curve, U, so thatindependence assumption A2 is met. Furthermore, the IV-QR model does not requireZ to be jointly independent of both U and n: This is considerably more general thanthe requirement that both the error U and the unobserved components of n areindependent from the instrument Z. The latter property is violated, for example, whenthere is measurement error in Z or Z is exogenous relative to the demand equation butendogeneous relative to the supply equation; see Hausman (1977).

3. The instrumental variable quantile regression

3.1. The principle

Recall from Koenker and Bassett (1978) that the (conventional) quantileregression estimator is formulated as finding the best predictor of Y given X underthe asymmetric least absolute deviation loss rtðuÞ ¼ ðt� 1ðuo0ÞÞu: In other words,assuming integrability, the tth conditional quantile of Y given X solves the problem

QY jX ðtÞ 2 arg minf2F

E½rtðY � f ðX ÞÞ�,

where F is the class of measurable functions of X (that can be suitably restricted inapplications).

The main implication of Theorem 1,

P½YoqðD;X ; tÞjX ;Z� ¼ t; a:s:; (3.1)

is equivalent to the statement that 0 is the tth quantile of random variable Y �

qðD;X ; tÞ conditional on ðX ;ZÞ:

0 ¼ QY�qðD;X ;tÞðtjX ;ZÞ a:s: for each t. (3.2)

Thus, we may pose the problem of finding a function ðd;xÞ7!qðd; x; tÞ solvingEq. (3.1) as the instrumental variable or inverse quantile regression. This problem is tofind a function ðd; xÞ7!qðd;x; tÞ such that 0 is a solution to the quantile regression ofY � qðD;X ; tÞ on ðZ;X Þ:

0 2 arg minf2F

Ert½ðY � qðD;X ; tÞ � f ðX ;ZÞÞ�, (3.3)

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whereF is the class of measurable functions of ðX ;ZÞ (that will be suitably restrictedin applications). The term ‘inverse’ emphasizes both the evident inverse relation ofthis problem to the conventional quantile regression of Koenker and Bassett (1978)and a connection to the ill-posed inverse problems of Tikhonov and Arsenin (1977).

3.2. An instrumental variable quantile regression process and an analogy with two

stage least squares

For estimation purposes, we focus on the basic linear-in-parameters model

qðd;x; tÞ ¼ d 0aðtÞ þ x0bðtÞ, (3.4)

where d is an l � 1 vector of treatment variables (possibly interacted with covariates)and x is a k � 1 vector of (transformations of) covariates.

Next, we consider a finite-sample analog of the population instrumental variablequantile regression. Define the weighted quantile regression objective function as

Qnðt; a;b; gÞ �1




rtðY i �D0ia� X 0ib� bFiðtÞ0gÞ � bV iðtÞ,

where bFiðtÞ � bFðt;X i;ZiÞ is a dimðaÞ � 1 vector of (transformations of) instruments,and bV iðtÞ � bV ðt;X i;ZiÞ is a positive weight function.

A practical formulation would be to use constant weights, bVi ¼ 1; and use theinstrument bFiðtÞ formed by the least squares projection of Di on Zi and X i (andpossibly their powers). In principle, we could include more elements in vector bFiðtÞthan the dimension of a: However, efficiency can instead be improved by choosingbFiðtÞ and bV iðtÞ appropriately.

The instrumental variable quantile regression estimator is defined as follows. DefinekxkA ¼


; and let AðtÞ be any uniformly positive definite matrix, e.g. AðtÞ ¼ I

or AðtÞ ¼ 1=nPn


0:5 Then definebaðtÞ ¼ arg infa2Akbgða; tÞkAðtÞ, (3.5)


ðbbða; tÞ;bgða; tÞÞ ¼ arginfðb;gÞ2B�G

Qnðt; a;b; gÞ, (3.6)

A and B are compact parameter sets, and G is any fixed compact cube centered at 0.The parameter estimates are given bybyðtÞ � ðbaðtÞ;bbðtÞÞ � ðbaðtÞ; bbðbaðtÞ; tÞÞ. (3.7)

Estimator (3.7) is a finite-sample instrumental quantile regression. It finds theparameter values for a and b through the inverse step (3.5) such that the value ofcoefficient bgða; tÞ on the instrument F in the quantile regression step (3.6) is driven as

5The exact form of AðtÞ is not important here, but it is often convenient to set it equal to the asymptotic

variance-covariance matrix of bgðaðtÞ; tÞ; which leads to a chi-square property for the objective function.

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close to zero as possible, by analogy with the population problem (3.2). In practice,this procedure is simple to implement as follows:

1. For a given probability index t of interest, define a grid of values faj ; j ¼

1; . . . ; Jg; and run the ordinary t-quantile regression of Y i �D0iaj on X i and bFiðtÞ toobtain coefficients bbðaj ; tÞ and bgðaj ; tÞ:

2. Choose baðtÞ as the value among faj ; j ¼ 1; . . . ; Jg that makes kbgðaj ; tÞk closest tozero. The estimate bbðtÞ is then given by bbðbaðtÞ; tÞ:

The instrumental variable quantile regression process is then defined asbyð�Þ � ðbyðtÞ; t 2TÞ,

whereT is a closed subinterval of ð0; 1Þ: In practice, we can compute byðtjÞ for a finitecollection of probability indices t; e.g. f0:1; . . . ; 0:9g; and interpolate in between.

Perhaps unexpectedly, the proposed estimation method may be viewed as anappropriate quantile regression analog of two stage least squares. To explain theanalogy, ignore the covariates X for simplicity and consider the least squares analogof (3.5)–(3.6):

ba ¼ arg infabgðaÞ0 1





!bgðaÞ" #where

bgðaÞ ¼ arg infg





ðY i �D0ia� F0igÞ2

" #, ð3:8Þ

and Fi denotes a suitable instrument. It is then obvious that (3.8) yields two stageleast squares as the solution. With additional covariates X, the proposed estimationmethod (3.5)–(3.6) may be thought of as a peculiar analog of two stage least squares,modified in a manner that makes computation feasible.

3.3. Computational properties and comparison with other estimation approaches

An estimator that is theoretically attractive, but uncomputable, has little value fordata analysis. In many cases, the proposed instrumental variable quantile regressionestimator is attractive from both a theoretical and a computational point of view.Indeed, there are three principal motivations for this estimator. First, it provides atheoretical link of the IV restrictions (3.1) to the conventional quantile regression.Second, it is computationally convenient, since it efficiently combines convexoptimization with low-dimensional searches. The estimates are computed byimplementing a series of ordinary quantile regressions (convex optimizationproblems) implying a need for a grid search only over the a-parameter (typicallyone-dimensional). Using the interior point-preprocessing methods introduced byPortnoy and Koenker (1997), the convex quantile regression steps are theoreticallyfaster than OLS.6 Third, the method can be viewed as a computationally attractive

6The computations can be improved further by employing parametric programming as in Koenker and

D’Orey (1987). In this approach the quantile regression in (3.5) is initially solved for some a; one then

solves for bbða; tÞ and bgða; tÞ for nearby a using parametric programming.

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method of approximately solving the estimating equations:




ð1ðY ipD0ibaþ X 0ibbÞ � tÞðX 0i; bFiðtÞ

0Þ0 bV iðtÞ ¼ opð1Þ. (3.9)

Thus, the estimator is asymptotically equivalent to a particular GMM estimator and,in principle, it may achieve maximal efficiency by choosing instruments Fi andweights Vi appropriately.

As stated, a simple implementation of inverse quantile regression only requires alow-dimensional search over a; where dimðaÞ equals one or two in manyapplications.7 There are other approaches, used in additive models, that one coulduse for estimation in the present nonseparable (heterogeneous effects) context:generalized method of moments based on (3.9), the minimum distance approach,8

and LIML-type estimation.9 In contrast to our approach, these other approachesinvolve highly nonconvex and multi-modal objective functions over manyparameters. Implementation of extremum estimators with nonsmooth or, moreimportantly, nonconvex objective functions may require grid type searches over asubset of RK ; where K ¼ dimðbÞ þ dimðaÞ: For example, in the empirical applicationwe consider, K ¼ 60þ 1: In contrast, in problems like these the computation of ourestimator is quite fast and often trivial. However, it must be noted that thecomputational advantages of our estimator rapidly diminish as the number ofendogenous variables dimðaÞ increases. In these cases, one can base a computableestimation procedure on the Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to GMMestimation developed in Chernozhukov and Hong (2003), which also enables one toapproximately solve Eqs. (3.9) and obtain inference statements.

3.4. Theory of identification, estimation, and basic inference

In order to obtain properties of the IV-QR process, we impose a set of regularityconditions.

Assumption 2 (Conditions for identification and estimation). In addition to (3.4),suppose



the a8Se



X 0ibj�estim



SAMPLING. ðY i;Di;X i;ZiÞ are iid defined on the probability space ðO;F ;PÞ andtake values in a compact set.

omputer programs in Matlab and Ox that implement the estimation and inference are available from


e Hogg (1975); Abadie (1995); Macurdy and Timmins (2000), and Hong and Tamer (2003) for

ent results that with some work can be adapted to the present case.

kata (2001) proposes an elegant LIML-type estimator based on the absolute deviation for the

cal location model, which solves: maxa;b ming;d½Pn

i¼1jY i �D0ia� X 0ib�F0ig� X 0idj=Pn

i¼1jY i �D0ia�: The computation of this estimator poses a serious challenge. The properties of this LAD-LIML

ator are analogous to those of LIML in the least squares case. We conjecture that the relative

etical advantages and disadvantages of our estimator vs. Sakata’s estimator are similar to the relative

rties of 2SLS vs. LIML in the least squares case.

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COMPACTNESS AND CONVEXITY. For all t; ðaðtÞ; bðtÞÞ 2 int A�B; A�B iscompact and convex.


FULL RANK AND CONTINUITY. Y has bounded conditional density, a.s.supy2R f Y jðX ;D;ZÞðyÞoK ; and for p � ða;b; gÞ; y � ða0; b0Þ; and

Pðp; tÞ � E½ðt� 1ðYoD0aþ X 0bþ FðtÞ0gÞÞCðtÞ�,

Pðy; tÞ � E½ðt� 1ðYoD0aþ X 0bÞÞCðtÞ�; CiðtÞ � V iðtÞ � ½FiðtÞ0;X 0i�


Jacobian matrices qqða0;b0Þ Pðy; tÞ and

qqðb0;g0Þ Pðp; tÞ are continuous and have full

rank, uniformly over A�B� G�T and the image of A�B under themapping ða; bÞ7!Pðy; tÞ is simply connected.


ESTIMATED INSTRUMENTS AND WEIGHTS. Wp! 1; the functions bFðt; z;xÞ;bV ðt; z; xÞ 2F and bV ðt; z; xÞ !p V ðt; z; xÞ; bFðt; z;xÞ!pFðt; x; zÞ uniformly inðt; z;xÞ over compact sets, where V ðt; z;xÞ and Fðt;x; zÞ 2F; the functionsf ðt; z; xÞ 2F are uniformly smooth functions in ðz;xÞ with the uniformsmoothness order Z4 dimðd; z; xÞ=2;10 and kf ðt0; z; xÞ � f ðt; z;xÞkoCjt� t0ja;C40; a40; for all ðz; x; t; t0Þ:

Remark 1. Condition R1 imposes iid sampling and compactness on the support ofthe variables. Compactness is not restrictive in micro-econometric applications, butit can be relaxed. Condition R2 imposes compactness on the parameter space. Suchan assumption is needed at least for the parameter aðtÞ since the objective function isnot convex in a: The role of R4 is to allow possibly estimated instruments andweights. Smoothness in R4 needs to hold only for the nondiscrete sub-component ofðd; x; zÞ: Condition R4 allows for a wide variety of nonparametric and parametricestimators of instruments, as shown by Andrews (1994). The smoothness conditionin R4 can be replaced by a more general condition of F having a finite L2ðPÞ-bracketing entropy integral. The condition in R3 implies global identification andthe continuity condition in R3 together with R1 suffices for asymptotic normality.Clearly, these conditions may be refined at a cost of more complicated notation andproof.

Remark 2. The parametric identification condition R3 converts an intuitive localidentification condition into a global one. Global identification is obtained throughthe use of a version of Hadamard’s theorem. This condition is similar in spirit to thenonparametric identification conditions discussed in Chernozhukov and Hansen(2005). This condition requires that the instrument F impacts the joint distributionof ðY ;DÞ at many relevant points. The condition that the image of the parameterspace be simply connected requires that the image can be continuously homotopized(shrunk) to a point. That is, it rules out ‘‘holes’’ in the image of the set. Thiscondition may be thought of as ruling out poorly behaved distributions. Onesufficient condition for the image to be simply connected follows from Mas-Colell(1979a).

he class of functions CZK is defined on p. 154 in van der Vaart and Wellner (1996).

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Lemma 1. A sufficient condition for global identification is as follows: There exists a

compact convex set C such that A�B � C;C has a smooth boundary qC; detq

qða0;b0ÞPðy; tÞ40 over C; and qqða0;b0ÞPðy; tÞ positive-quasi-definite on qC in the sense

defined by Mas-Colell (1979a).

Theorem 2 describes the identification of the parameters of the IV-QR model.

Theorem 2 (Identification by full rank condition). Given Assumptions 1–2, ða; b0Þ0 ¼ðaðtÞ0; bðtÞ0Þ0 uniquely solves the system of equations E½t� 1ðYoD0aþ X 0bÞCðtÞ� ¼ 0over A�B:

Theorem 3 describes the large sample theory of the IV-QR process in the metricspace of bounded functions ‘1ðTÞ:

Theorem 3 (Estimation). Given Assumptions 1–2, for �iðtÞ ¼ Y i �D0iaðtÞ þ X 0ibðtÞand liðt; yðtÞÞ ¼ ðt� 1ð�iðtÞo0ÞÞ;ffiffiffi

npðbyð�Þ � yð�ÞÞ ¼ �Jð�Þ�1




lið�; yð�ÞÞCið�Þ þ opð1Þ ) bð�Þ, (3.10)

where bð�Þ is a mean zero Gaussian process with covariance function EbðtÞbðt0Þ0 ¼JðtÞ�1Sðt; t0Þ½Jðt0Þ�1�0;

JðtÞ ¼ E½f �ðtÞð0jX ;D;ZÞCðtÞ½D0;X 0��; Sðt; t0Þ ¼ ðminðt; t0Þ � tt0ÞECðtÞCðt0Þ0.

Remark 3 (Basic inference). A basic implication of Theorem 1 is that for any givenprobability index tffiffiffi

npðbyðtÞ � yðtÞÞ!dNð0; JðtÞ

�1Sðt; tÞ½JðtÞ�1�0Þ. (3.11)

Also, for any finite collection of quantile indices ftj ; j 2 Jg

fffiffiffinpðbyðtjÞ � yðtjÞÞgj2J!dNð0; fJðtkÞ

�1Sðtk; tlÞ½JðtlÞ�1�0gk;l2JÞ, (3.12)

which gives the joint limit distribution of IV-QR for several quantiles. The result inTheorem 2 is in fact stronger, assuring that the entire empirical instrumental quantileregression process byð�Þ asymptotically behaves continuously, enabling the uniformapproximation of byð�Þ by a finite collection of instrumental regression quantilesbyðtjÞ; j 2 J for a suitably fine grid of quantile indices ftj ; j 2 Jg:

Remark 4 (Standard errors). The components of the asymptotic variance in (3.11)and (3.12) can be estimated as follows. The matrix SCðt; t0Þ can be estimated by itssample counterpart:

bSCðt; t0Þ ¼ ðminðt; t0Þ � tt0Þ1




bCiðtÞbCiðt0Þ0. (3.13)

Following Powell (1986), the estimator of JCðtÞ takes the form

bJCðtÞ ¼1




Iðjb�iðtÞjphnÞbCiðtÞ½D0i;X0i�, (3.14)

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where b�iðtÞ � Y i �D0ibaðtÞ � X 0ibbðtÞ and hn is an appropriately chosen bandwidth,

where hn ! 0 and nh2n !1:

11 The results (3.11) and (3.12) enable a simple form ofinference regarding conditional quantiles for various given probability indices. Thenext section will address more general inference questions.

Corollary 1 (Distribution-free limits). For W ðtÞ ¼ JðtÞ�1ECðtÞCðtÞ0½JðtÞ�1�0; we have

W ð�Þ�12ffiffiffinpðbyð�Þ � yð�ÞÞ ) Bpð�Þ; where Bp is a standard p-dimensional Brownian bridge

Bp (p ¼ dimðaÞ þ dimðbÞ) with covariance operator EBpðtÞBpðt0Þ0� ðminðt; t0Þ �


Remark 5 (Weights and instruments). When we choose the weight and instrumentsas V�ðtÞ ¼ f �ðtÞð0jX ;ZÞ; vðtÞ ¼ f �ðtÞð0jD;X ;ZÞ; F

�ðtÞ ¼ E½DvðtÞjX ;Z�=V�ðtÞ; andC�ðtÞ ¼ V�ðtÞ½F�ðtÞ0 : X 0�0; the variance function becomes EbðtÞbðtÞ0 ¼ tð1� tÞ �½EC�ðtÞC�ðtÞ0��1: This choice of instruments and weights leads to a pointwiseefficient procedure.12 This can be shown by appealing to the argument ofChamberlain (1987). Regularity condition R4 allows the use of a wide variety ofnonparametric estimators and parametric approximations of the optimal F and V :For particular examples of such procedures, see Amemiya (1977) and Andrews(1994). An example of a simple and practical strategy for empirical work is toconstruct F as an OLS projection of D on Z and X (and possibly their powers) andset V i ¼ 1:

4. General inference

4.1. Inference hypotheses and procedures

It is convenient to embed our hypotheses in the following null hypothesis:

RðtÞðyðtÞ � rðtÞÞ ¼ 0 for each t 2T, (4.1)

where RðtÞ denotes a known q� p matrix of rank q, qpp ¼ dimðyðtÞÞ; and rðtÞ 2 Rp:It is worth noting that this set-up differs from the classical one since yð�Þ and rð�Þ arefunctions and, in many cases, both have to be estimated.

The tests will be based on the instrumental variable quantile regression process,byð�Þ: We will focus on the basic inference process

vnð�Þ ¼ Rð�Þðbyð�Þ � brð�ÞÞ, (4.2)

and statistics of the form Sn ¼ f ðffiffiffinp

vnð�ÞÞ derived from it. In particular, we will beinterested in the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) and Smirnov–Cramer–Von–Misses

11For example, one may use the Sliverman’s rule of thumb. Specific choices of hn are discussed in

Koenker (1994).12The form of optimal weights and instrument for the global case remains an interesting open question,

since the complete quantile model involves a continuum of moment conditions.

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(CM) statistics, which have

Sn ¼ffiffiffinp

supt2TkvnðtÞkbLðtÞ; Sn ¼ n


kvnðtÞk2bLðtÞ dt, (4.3)

respectively, where the symmetric bLðtÞ!pLðtÞ uniformly in t; and LðtÞ is a positivedefinite symmetric matrix uniformly in t: The choice of LðtÞ and bLðtÞ is discussed inSection 4.4. The null hypothesis is rejected if

Sn4cð1� aÞ,

where the critical value cð1� aÞ can be obtained using the resampling procedure inSection 4.3.

The following are examples of hypotheses that may be considered in thisframework. For simplicity, we set dimðaÞ ¼ 1 in what follows; extensions to the moregeneral case are straightforward.

Example 1 (Hypothesis of no effect). A basic hypothesis is that the treatment has noimpact on the outcomes: aðtÞ ¼ 0 for all t inT: In this case, Rð�Þ ¼ R ¼ ½1; 0; . . .� andrð�Þ ¼ 0:

The next example presents a hypothesis of constant treatment effects. Thealternative is that the effect varies across quantiles, which is of fundamentalimportance because it motivates modern structural and causal models developedspecifically to cope with varying effects.

Example 2 (Location-shift or constant effect hypothesis). The hypothesis of aconstant effect is that the treatment D affects only the location of outcome Y, butnot any other moments. That is, 9a : aðtÞ ¼ a; for all t 2T; which asserts that aðtÞ isconstant across all t 2T: In this case, Rð�Þ ¼ R ¼ ½1; 0; . . .� and rð�Þ ¼ r ¼ ða; 0; . . .Þ;implying Rr ¼ a: The component r of the null hypothesis can be estimated by anymethod consistent with the null, e.g. br ¼ ðbað1

2Þ; 0; . . . Þ0:

Example 3 (Dominance hypothesis). The test of stochastic dominance, or whetherthe effect is unambiguously beneficial, involves the dominance null aðtÞX0; for allt 2T; versus the nondominance alternative aðtÞo0; for some t 2T: In this case,the least favorable null involves Rð�Þ ¼ R ¼ ½1; 0 . . .� and rð�Þ ¼ 0; and one may usethe one-sided KS or CM statistics,

Sn ¼ffiffiffinp


maxð�baðtÞ; 0Þ; and Sn ¼ n


kmaxð�baðtÞ; 0Þk2LðtÞ dtto test the hypothesis.

Example 4 (Exogeneity hypothesis). In the basic linear model, the quantiles ofpotential or counterfactual outcome Y d ; conditional on X, are given by d 0aðtÞ þx0bðtÞ: Suppose that the treatment D is chosen independently of outcomes, that is D isindependent of fUdg; conditional on X. Then the quantiles of realized outcome Y,conditional on D and X, are given by D0aðtÞ þ X 0bðtÞ: Thus, in the absence ofendogeneity, ðað�Þ0; bð�Þ0Þ0 can be estimated using the conventional quantile regressionwithout instrumenting. The difference between IV-QR estimates, byð�Þ; and QR

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estimate, bWð�Þ; can be used to formulate a Hausman test of the null hypothesis ofexogeneity:

aðtÞ ¼ WðtÞ1 for each t in T where WðtÞ � p lim bWðtÞ, (4.4)

and bWð�Þ1 is the QR estimate of að�Þ obtained without instrumenting. In this case,Rð�Þ ¼ ½1; 0; . . .� and rð�Þ ¼ Wð�Þ: The alternative of endogeneity states: 9t 2T :aðtÞaWðtÞ1:

4.2. Formal inference results

Assumption 3 (Conditions for inference). I.1. Rð�Þðyð�Þ � rð�ÞÞ ¼ gð�Þ; where thefunctions gðtÞ;RðtÞ; rðtÞ are continuous and either (a) gðtÞ ¼ 0 for all t or (b)gðtÞa0 for some t:

I.2.ffiffiffinpðbyð�Þ � yð�ÞÞ ) bð�Þ and

ffiffiffinpðbrð�Þ � rð�ÞÞ ) dð�Þ jointly in ‘1ðTÞ; where bð�Þ

and dð�Þ are jointly zero mean Gaussian functions that may have different laws underthe null and the alternative.

Remark 6. Conditions I.1(a) and (b) formulate the null and a global alternative.Condition I.2 requires that the estimates of yð�Þ and rð�Þ are asymptotically Gaussian.In our examples, I.2 holds by the Bahadur type representation of the IV-QR process(3.10) obtained in Theorem 2 and the corresponding representation of the QRprocess. Section 3.4 contains further details. I.2 also permits other asymptoticallyGaussian estimators of the parameters of the IV-QR model.

Theorem 4 (Inference). For f denoting the two- and one-sided KS or CM statistics:



Under Assumptions 1 and 3:I.1(a), and 3:I.2 Sn!dS � f ðvð�ÞÞ; where vð�Þ ¼

Rð�Þðbð�Þ � dð�ÞÞ: If vð�Þ has nondegenerate covariance kernel, then for ao1=2;PðSn4cð1� aÞÞ ! a ¼ Pðf ðvð�ÞÞ4cð1� aÞÞ; where cð1� aÞ is chosen so that

Pðf ðvð�ÞÞ4cð1� aÞÞ ¼ a:

2. Under Assumptions 1 and 3:I.1(b), and 3:I.2, Sn!d1 and PnðSn4cð1� aÞÞ ! 1:

Theorem 4 states the limit distribution of the KS and CM statistics under the nulland the alternative. In the statement of Theorem 4 we implicitly assume that for thecase of one-sided tests in Example 3, the global alternatives to the least favorable nullviolate the composite null. Theorem 4 alone does not provide us with operationaltests, since we do not know the critical value cð1� aÞ : Pðf ðvð�ÞÞ4cð1� aÞÞ ¼ a: Ingeneral, one faces the Durbin problem when estimating cð1� aÞ; since the limitdistribution of f ðvð�ÞÞ generally depends on P.13 This dependence is caused by theestimation of component rð�Þ in the hypothesis. This leads to the presence of thenonstandard term dð�Þ in the limit inference process vð�Þ � bð�Þ þ dð�Þ: In severalimportant cases, such as Examples 1 and 3, the term dð�Þ ¼ 0 because rð�Þ is knownand need not be estimated, which makes it possible to ensure the limit distribution off ðvð�ÞÞ is independent of P by choosing an appropriate weight matrix LðtÞ in (4.3).

3See e.g. Durbin (1973), Bai (1997), and Koenker and Xiao (2002) for related discussions.

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Corollary 2 (Distribution-free inference). Suppose dð�Þ ¼ 0 in I.2. If LðtÞ ¼½RðtÞW ðtÞRðtÞ0��1; with W ðtÞ ¼ JðtÞ�1E½CðtÞCðtÞ0�½JðtÞ�1�0 and bLðtÞ ¼ LðtÞ þ opð1Þuniformly in t; then f ðvnð�ÞÞ ) f ðBqð�ÞÞ; where Bq is the standard q-dimensional

Brownian bridge with covariance function: EBqðtÞBqðtÞ0¼ ðminðt; t0Þ � tt0ÞIq:

In other important cases, such as Examples 2 and 4, the simple transformationused in Corollary 2 will not provide distribution-free limits, see Durbin (1973). Thereare several ways to proceed. One method is the Khmaladze martingale transforma-tion, cf. Bai (1997) and Koenker and Xiao (2002). Another method is to use a simpleresampling procedure, recentering the inference process around its samplerealization, cf. Chernozhukov (2002). The simulation examples in Chernozhukov(2002) suggest that resampling has an accurate size and somewhat better power thanKhmaladzation. In the next section, we describe a different resampling method thatdelivers the same asymptotic quality and is more attractive computationally in thepresent setting.

4.3. Critical values by resampling scores

The method of resampling we suggest does not require the recomputation of theestimates over the resampling steps, which may be quite laborious since theoptimization problem requires many computations of ordinary quantile regressionsfor many values of a and t: Instead we resample the linear approximations of theempirical inference processes. In addition, to facilitate a feasible, practicalimplementation, we employ the m out of n bootstrap (subsampling).

Suppose that we have a linear representation for the inference process:ffiffiffinpðvnð�Þ � gð�ÞÞ ¼ �




zið�Þ þ opð1Þ, (4.5)

where zið�Þ is defined below in Proposition 1. Given a sample of the estimated scores,fbziðtÞ; ipn; t 2Tg; consider the following steps (estimation of scores is discussedbelow and other practical details are supplied in Section 4.4.).

Step 1: Construct Bn randomly chosen subsets of f1; . . . ; ng of size b. Denote suchsubsets as I i; ipBn:

14 Denote by vj;b;nð�Þ the inference process computed over the jthsubset of data I j ; i.e. vj;b;nðtÞ � 1=b

Pi2I jbziðtÞ; and define Sj;b;n � f ð

ffiffiffibp½vj;b;nð�Þ�Þ as

bSj;b;n � supt2T

ffiffiffibpkvj;b;nðtÞkbLðtÞ or bSj;b;n � b


kvj;b;nðtÞk2bLðtÞ dt,for cases when Sn is the KS or CM statistic, respectively.

Step 2: Define, for S ¼ f ðvð�ÞÞ; GðxÞ � PfSpxg: Estimate GðxÞ by bGb;nðxÞ ¼


PBnj¼1 1fSj;b;nðtÞpxg: The critical value is obtained as the 1� ath quantile ofbGb;nðxÞ; i.e. cb;nð1� aÞ ¼ inffc : bGb;nðcÞX1� ag: The level a test rejects the null

hypothesis when Sn4cb;nð1� aÞ:

14The subsampling is done without replacement. However, if b2=n! 0; subsampling without and

subsampling with replacement are equivalent wp! 1:

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In order to obtain the linear expansion (4.5), we maintain the followingassumption.

Assumption 4 (Linear representations). In addition to I.1 and I.2:



f ðw;

The estimates admit linear representations:ffiffiffinpðbyð�Þ � yð�ÞÞ ¼ �Jð�Þ�11=ffiffiffi

np Pn

i¼1 lið�; yð�ÞÞCið�Þ þ opð1Þ andffiffiffinpðbrð�Þ � rð�ÞÞ ¼ �Hð�Þ�11=

ffiffiffinp Pn

i¼1 dið�; rð�ÞÞUið�Þ þ opð1Þ in ‘

1ðTÞ; where Jð�Þ and Hð�Þ are constant invertible matrices, andliðt; yðtÞÞCiðtÞ and diðt; rðtÞÞUiðtÞ are i.i.d. mean zero for each t:


(a) We have estimates lið�;byð�ÞÞbCið�Þ and dið�;brð�ÞÞbUið�Þ that take realizationsin a Donsker class of functions with a constant envelope and are uniformlyconsistent in t in the L2ðPÞ norm.15 (b) Wp! 1; Eliðt; yðtÞÞf iðtÞjf¼bC ¼ 0 andEdiðt; rðtÞÞf iðtÞjf¼bU ¼ 0 for each i: (c) Ekliðt; yÞ � liðt; y

0ÞkoCky0 � yk;

Ekdiðt; rÞ � diðt; r0ÞkoCkr0 � rk; uniformly t 2T and in ðy; y0; r; r0Þ over compact


Lemma C.1 in Appendix C verifies that I.3 and I.4 are satisfied under Assumption2 for the particular implementations that we use.

Proposition 1 (Linear representations). Under Assumptions 1, 3, and 4ffiffiffinpðvnð�Þ �

gð�ÞÞ ¼ �1=ffiffiffinp Pn

i¼1 zið�Þ þ opð1Þ; in ‘1ðTÞ; where zið�Þ ¼ Rð�Þ½Jð�Þ�1lið�; yð�ÞÞCið�Þ �

Hð�Þ�1dið�; rð�ÞÞUið�Þ�:

Thus, the estimate of zið�Þ is given by bzið�Þ ¼ Rð�Þ½bJð�Þ�1lið�;byð�ÞÞbCið�Þ �bHð�Þ�1dið�;brð�ÞÞbUið�Þ�; where bJð�Þ and bHð�Þ are any uniformly consistent estimates ofJð�Þ and Hð�Þ; cf. Section 4.4.

Remark 7. In Assumption 4, condition I.3 requires that the estimates of yð�Þ and rð�Þ

entering the null hypotheses have asymptotically linear representations of the formdefined above and that asymptotic normality applies to these estimates. Note that I.3is formulated so that other asymptotically Gaussian estimators of the IV-QR modelare permitted. In our implementation, this condition is implied by the Bahadur typerepresentation of the IV-QR process (3.10) obtained in Theorem 2 and thecorresponding representation of QR process. Conditions I.4(a) and I.4(c) imposesufficient smoothness for developing the theory of the resampling inference. Theseconditions are also satisfied in all of the examples considered in this paper. ConditionI.4(b) is the familiar condition of ‘‘orthogonality’’, cf. Andrews (1994), which impliesthat the estimation of Ci and Ui has no effect on the asymptotic distribution of thelinear representation in I.3.

Next, we briefly go through our testing Examples 1–4 and state the scores for eachof them.


Test of no effect: Since rð�Þ ¼ 0; ziðtÞ ¼ RðtÞ½JðtÞ�1liðt; yðtÞÞCiðtÞ�; whereliðt; yðtÞÞ ¼ ðt� 1ðY ioDiaðtÞ þ X 0ibðtÞÞÞ;CiðtÞ ¼ V iðtÞ½FiðtÞ

0;X 0�0:

In the sense that bf ðW ; tÞ is consistent to f ðW ; tÞ in the L2ðPÞ norm if supt E½k~f ðw; tÞ �


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Test of constant effect: In this case, brð�Þ ¼ byð12Þ is an IV-QR estimate, and for lið�; �Þ

defined above ziðtÞ ¼ RðtÞ½JðtÞ�1liðt; yðtÞÞCiðtÞ � Jð12Þ�1lið

12; yð1




Test of dominance effect: Since rð�Þ ¼ 0; ziðtÞ ¼ RðtÞ½JðtÞ�1liðt; yðtÞÞCiðtÞ�: 4. Test of exogeneity: If rð�Þ is estimated using conventional quantile regression as

defined in Example 4, the score is given by ziðtÞ ¼ RðtÞ½JðtÞ�1liðt; yðtÞÞCiðtÞ �HðtÞ�1diðt;WðtÞÞ�; where diðt;WðtÞÞ ¼ ðt� 1ðY io ~X


iWðtÞÞÞ ~X i; ~X i ¼ ðD0i;X0iÞ0; and

HðtÞ ¼ Ef Y j ~X ðWðtÞ0 ~X Þ ~X ~X


Appendix C formally verifies I.3 and I.4 for these examples. Section 4.4 discussesestimation of H and J.

Theorem 5 (Score subsampling inference). Suppose Assumptions 1, 3 and 4 hold, and

that we have bJðtÞ ¼ JðtÞ þ opð1Þ and bHðtÞ ¼ HðtÞ þ opð1Þ uniformly in t over T: Then

as Bn !1; b!1; n!1: (1) Under the null hypothesis, if G is continuous at

G�1ð1� aÞ: cb;nð1� aÞ!pG�1ð1� aÞ; PðSn4cb;nð1� aÞÞ ! a; (2) Under the

alternative hypothesis, Sn!d1; cb;nð1� aÞ ¼ Opð1Þ; PðSn4cb;nð1� aÞÞ ! 1; (3)GðxÞ is absolutely continuous at x40 when the covariance function of v is

nondegenerate a.e. in t:

4.4. Practical details

This section supplies some necessary implementation details.

Discretization. It is practical to use a grid Tn in place of T with the largest cell sizedn ! 0 as n!1:

Corollary 3. Theorems 1–4 are valid for piecewise constant approximations of the

finite-sample processes using Tn; given that dn ! 0 as n!1:

Choice and estimation of LðtÞ; JðtÞ HðtÞ: In order to increase the test’s power wecould set L�ðtÞ ¼ ½O�ðtÞ��1 ¼ Var½ziðtÞ��1; which is an Anderson–Darling typeweight.16 In iid samples, there are many methods for estimating L�ðtÞ; uniformly

consistently in t: By I.3 and I.4, a uniformly consistent estimate of O�ðtÞ is given by

bO�ðtÞ ¼ 1





bziðtÞ ¼ RðtÞ½bJðtÞ�1liðt;byðtÞÞbCiðtÞ � bHðtÞ�1diðt;brðtÞÞbUiðtÞ�.

A uniformly consistent estimate of JðtÞ is given by the Powell (1986) estimator,bJðtÞ ¼ 1=nPn

i¼1 Khn ððY i �D0ibaðtÞ � X 0ibbðtÞÞbCiðtÞ½D0i;X

0i�Þ; where KhðuÞ ¼ h�11½jujp

h=2� and hn is chosen as in (3.14). Estimates of HðtÞ are needed in Examples 2 and 4.In Example 2, bHðtÞ ¼ bJð1

2Þ; and in Example 4, a uniformly consistent estimate

of HðtÞ is given similarly by bHðtÞ ¼ 1=nPn

i¼1 Khn ðY i � ~X0

ibWðtÞÞ ~X i


i; ~X i ¼ ðD0i;X0iÞ:

6This choice is not readily suited to Example 2, since Var zið12Þ ¼ 0:However, we can cut out ½1

2� �; 1

2þ ��

m the interval T: Alternatively, one may always simply use LðtÞ ¼ I :

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We do not discuss the formal properties of these standard estimators to savespace.17

Choice of the block size. In Politis et al. (1999) various rules are suggested forchoosing an appropriate subsample size, including the calibration and minimumvolatility methods. We use b ¼ 5n2=5; though the empirical results are not sensitive tothe subsample size.

5. Returns to schooling in the United States

One of the most widely studied topics in labor economics is the impact ofeducation on earnings. The large volume of research in this area has been motivatedby both interest in the causal effect of education on earnings as well as the inherentdifficulty in measuring this effect. The difficulty arises due to the possibleendogenous relationship between education and earnings. In particular, it seemslikely that unobserved individual ability is correlated to both a person’s educationand wages, thus biasing standard regression estimates of the relation betweenschooling and earnings. In addition, economists have long believed that the returnsto schooling may vary among individuals, further complicating the interpretation ofconventional least squares and two stage least squares results.18

In order to address the issue of heterogeneity in the returns to schooling and as anillustration of the use of the estimation and inference methods presented in thispaper, we use the data and methodology employed in Angrist and Krueger (1991) toestimate the QTE of schooling on earnings. In particular, we estimate linearconditional quantile models of the form

QlnðYsÞjXðtÞ ¼ aðtÞS þ X 0bðtÞ,

where Y is the weekly wage, S is reported years of schooling and X is a vector ofcovariates consisting of state and year of birth fixed effects, using quarter of birth asan instrument for education.19

The use of quarter of birth as an instrument is motivated by the fact that quarterof birth is correlated to years of schooling through compulsory schooling laws. Theselaws prohibit students from dropping out of school before reaching a certain age, butin general do not stipulate minimum education levels. However, most school districtsdo not admit students to the first grade unless they will be six years old by January 1of the academic year. This means that individuals born earlier in the year reach theminimum drop out age after having attended less school than those born later in theyear. Angrist and Krueger (1991), examining data from three decennial censuses,

17The uniform consistency of bO�ðtÞ and bJðtÞ can be shown using the uniform laws of large numbers,

Theorems 19.3 and 19.28 in van der Vaart (1998), respectively.18See, for example, Card (1995,1999), and Carneiro et al. (2000) for discussion and Becker and Chiswick

(1966), Mincer (1970, 1974, 1995) for early examples.19Specifically, we use the linear projection of S onto the covariates X and three dummies for first

through third quarter of birth as the instrumental variable.

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find that people born in the first quarter of the year do indeed have less schooling onaverage than those born later in the year. Based on this observation, Angrist andKrueger (1991) use quarter of birth as an instrument for years of completedschooling in an attempt to isolate the causal impact of schooling on earnings.20

We focus on the specification used in Angrist and Krueger (1991) which includesstate of birth effects, year of birth effects, and a constant in the covariate vector.21

The sample we consider consists of 329,509 males from the 1980 U.S. Census whowere born between 1930 and 1939 and have data on weekly wages, years ofcompleted education, state of birth, year of birth, and quarter of birth. The samplewas selected using the criteria described in Appendix 1 of Angrist and Krueger(1991).

IV-QR and QR estimates of the schooling coefficient are provided in Fig. 1. Theshaded region in each panel represents the 95% confidence interval. Both thequantile and instrumental variables quantile regression estimates suggest thatthe ‘‘returns to schooling’’ vary over the earnings distribution. The second rowin Table 1 reports the results from a test of the hypothesis of a constant QTEfor the IV-QR estimates which is rejected at the 10% level. The variability of QTE ismost apparent in the IV-QR estimates. While the QR estimates do varystatistically,22 they are all closely clustered around the OLS estimate. The practicallack of variability in the QR estimates is clearly demonstrated in the first panel ofFig. 1, which plots both the IV-QR (solid line) and QR (dashed line) estimates.Relative to the IV-QR estimates, the QR estimates appear to be approximatelyconstant.

The shapes of the estimated QTE are very interesting. The QR estimates exhibit adistinct u-shape, implying higher returns to schooling for those in the tails of thedistribution than for those in the middle. However, if schooling is endogenous to theearnings equation, these estimates do not consistently estimate the true (causal)QTE. IV-QR estimates, on the other hand, are consistent for the QTE underendogeneity and show quite different results than those obtained through standardQR. In particular, the IV-QR results show returns to schooling, as measured byQTE, of approximately 30% per year of additional schooling at low quantiles in theearnings distribution. The returns decrease as the quantile index increases toward themiddle of the distribution and then remain approximately constant at levels near theQR and OLS estimates. This implies that the largest gains to additional years ofschooling accrue to those at the low end of the earnings distribution. Thisobservation is consistent with the notion that people with high unobserved ‘‘ability’’,as measured by the quantile index t; will generate high earnings regardless of theireducation level, while those with lower ‘‘ability’’ gain more from the training

20Angrist and Krueger (1991) also provide evidence that quarter of birth is independent of unobserved

taste or ability factors which may affect earnings, which is necessary for quarter of birth to be a valid

instrument. For a differing viewpoint, see Bound and Jaeger (1996), who argue that quarter of birth should

not be treated as exogenous.21Note that the estimates of the schooling coefficient are not sensitive to the specification of the X vector.22The test for the quantile regression estimates is not reported, but also rejects the null hypothesis of a

constant treatment effect.

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0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8







IV-QR: Schooling

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8












QR: Schooling

Fig. 1. The sample size is 329,509. Coefficient estimates are on the vertical axis, while the quantile index is

on the horizontal axis. The shaded region is the 95% confidence band estimated using robust standard

errors. The left panel contains estimates of the returns to schooling obtained through instrumental

variables quantile regression, and the right panel presents estimates of the effect of years of schooling on

earnings obtained through standard quantile regression. For comparison, the dashed line in the first panel

plots the schooling coefficient estimated through standard quantile regression. All estimates were

computed at 0.05 unit intervals for t 2 ½0:05; 0:95�:

Table 1

Process tests for the earning equation. Subsample size ¼ 5n2=5

Null hypothesis Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic 90% Critical value 95% Critical value

No effect. að�Þ ¼ 0 4.563 2.572 2.935

Constant effect. að�Þ ¼ a 2.630 2.442 2.658

Dominance að�ÞX0 0.000 2.185 2.549

Exogeneity að�Þ ¼ aQRð�Þ 2.510 2.465 2.721

V. Chernozhukov, C. Hansen / Journal of Econometrics 132 (2006) 491–525512

provided by formal education.23 Interpreting the quantile index t as indexing ability,these results are also consistent with a simple model in which individuals acquireeducation up to the point where the cost equals the rate of return and cost dependsnegatively on ability.24 In this case, we would expect the returns to schooling to be

23The term ‘‘ability’’ is used to characterize the unobserved component of earnings, which likely

captures elements of ability and motivation as well as noise.24See, for example, Card (1999).

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decreasing in ability with the lowest ability individuals having the highest returns toeducation, which is exactly the pattern demonstrated by the IV-QR results.

The first row of Table 1 reports the results from testing that schooling has nocausal effect on earnings, while the third row reports the results from the test ofstochastic dominance. As would be expected, the tests strongly reject the hypothesisof no effect and fail to reject the null hypothesis of stochastic dominance, confirmingour intuition that schooling increases earnings across the distribution. In the finalrow of Table 1, we test the endogeneity hypothesis. The test rejects the nullhypothesis of no endogeneity at the 10% level, providing some evidence on the needto instrument for schooling in the earnings equation. Again, this confirms ourintuition that endogeneity contaminates standard estimates of the returns toschooling and underscores the importance of accounting for this endogeneity inestimation.

Overall, the estimation and testing results indicate that the causal effect ofschooling on earnings is quite heterogeneous, with the largest returns accruing tothose who fall in the lower tail of the earnings distribution. The example alsoillustrates the variety of interesting distributional hypotheses that can be tested usingthe methods developed in this paper. The IV-QR results demonstrate considerableheterogeneity in QTEs and provide additional insight into the economic relation-ships involved which could not be gained by focusing on a single feature of theoutcome distribution.

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we described how instrumental variable quantile regressioncan be used to evaluate the impact of endogenous variables (treatments) on theentire distribution of economic outcomes when the variables are self-selected orselected in relation to potential outcomes. We introduced an instrumental variablequantile regression process and the set of inferences derived from it, focusing on testsof distributional equality, constancy of effects, conditional dominance, andexogeneity. The approach was illustrated through estimation of the returns toschooling. In this example, the hypotheses of constant returns to schooling andexogeneity were rejected. The results suggest that estimates of structural (treatment)effects that focus on a single feature of the outcome distribution may fail to capturethe full impact of the treatment and serve to illustrate the variety of distributionalhypotheses that can be examined based on the instrumental quantile regressionprocess.

We believe that the results and inference methods presented in this paper will beuseful in many economic problems. Indeed, there are now several papers whichexamine the distributional impacts of economic variables using the model,identification, and estimation results provided in this paper. Hausman and Sidak(2002) consider long-distance price discrimination models with varying coefficients.Januszewski (2002) studies the impact of air traffic delays on airline ticket prices.D’Urso (2002) uses instrumental quantile regression methods to estimate the effect

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of the internet on home buyer search duration. Chernozhukov and Hansen (2004)estimate the distributional impact of 401(k) participation on assets.


The previous version of this paper was circulated under thetitle‘‘Instrumental Quantile Regression Methods for Distributional Effects’’.We benefited from seminars at Cornell, Penn, University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign (all in 2001), Harvard-MIT in 2002, and the EC2 2001Conference on Causality and Exogeneity in Econometrics in Louvain-la-Neueve. Wewould like to thank Peter Boswijk and two anonymous referees for many valuablecomments.

Appendix A. Proofs

We use the notation for empirical processes following van der Vaart and Wellner(1996). For W � ðY ;D;X ;ZÞ

f 7!Enf ðW Þ �1




f ðW iÞ; f 7!Gnf ðW Þ �1ffiffiffinp



ðf ðW iÞ � Ef ðW iÞÞ.

If bf is an estimated function, Gnf ðW Þ denotes 1=ffiffiffinp Pn

i¼1 ðf ðW iÞ � Ef ðW iÞÞf¼bf :

A.1. Proof of Theorem 1

See Chernozhukov and Hansen (2005). &

A.2. Proof of Lemma 1

The result immediately follows from the proof of Theorem 2 in Mas-Colell(1979a). &

A.3. Proof of Theorem 2

See Step 1 in the Proof of Theorem 3. &

A.4. Proof of Theorem 3

Define for W � ðb; gÞ and jtðuÞ � ð1ðuo0Þ � tÞbf ðW ; a;W; tÞ � jtðY �D0a� X 0b� bFðtÞ0gÞbCðtÞ,f ðW ; a;W; tÞ � jtðY �D0a� X 0b� FðtÞ0gÞCðtÞ,

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CðtÞ � V ðtÞ � ðFðtÞ0;X 0Þ0; FðtÞ � Fðt;X ;ZÞ; V ðtÞ � V ðt;X ;ZÞ; bCðtÞ � bV ðtÞ �ðbFðtÞ0;X 0Þ0; bFðtÞ � bFðt;X ;ZÞ; bV ðtÞ � bV ðt;X ;ZÞ; for rtðuÞ � ðt� 1ðuo0ÞÞu

bgðW ; a;W; tÞ � rtðY �D0a� X 0b� bFðtÞ0gÞ bV ðtÞ,gðW ; a;W; tÞ � rtðY �D0a� X 0b� FðtÞ0gÞV ðtÞ.


Qnða;W; tÞ � EnbgðW ; a;W; tÞ; Qða;W; tÞ � EgðW ; a;W; tÞ,

and bWða; tÞ � ðbbða; tÞ0;bgða; tÞ0Þ � arg infW2B�G

Qnða;W; tÞ,

Wða; tÞ � ðbða; tÞ0; gða; tÞ0Þ � arg infW2B�G

Qða; W; tÞ,

baðtÞ � arg infa2Akbgða; tÞk; a�ðtÞ � arg inf

a2Akgða; tÞk,

bWðtÞ � ðbbðtÞ0;bgðtÞ0Þ0 � bWðbaðtÞ; tÞ,WðtÞ � ðbðtÞ0; 00Þ0 � WðaðtÞ; tÞ,

Step 1 (Identification): We show that ðaðtÞ0;bðtÞ0Þ uniquely solves the limit problemfor each t; that is a�ðtÞ ¼ aðtÞ and bða�ðtÞ; tÞ ¼ bðtÞ: Define

Pða; b; tÞ � E½jtðY �D0a� X 0bÞCðtÞ�,

Jða;b; tÞ �q

qða0;b0ÞE½jtðY �D0a� X 0bÞCðtÞ�.

By R3, Jða;b; tÞ has full rank and is continuous in ða;bÞ; uniformly over A�B:Moreover, the image ofA�B under the mapping ða;bÞ7!Pða;b; tÞ is assumed to besimply connected. As in Chernozhukov and Hansen (2005), the application ofHadamard’s global univalence theorem for general metric spaces, e.g. Theorem 1.8in Ambrosetti and Prodi (1995), yields25 that the mapping Pð�; �; tÞ is ahomomorphism (one-to-one) between ðA�BÞ and PðA;B; tÞ; the image of A�B under Pð�; �; tÞ: By Theorem 1, ða; bÞ ¼ ðaðtÞ0;bðtÞ0Þ0 solves the equationPða;b; tÞ ¼ 0; and it is thus the only solution in ðA�BÞ: This argument appliesfor every t 2T:

So we have that the true parameters ða; bÞ ¼ ðaðtÞ;bðtÞÞ uniquely solve theequation

E½jtðY �D0a� X 0b� FðtÞ00ÞCðtÞ� ¼ 0. (A.1)

25Chernozhukov and Hansen (2005) apply the theorem in the nonparametric context. Other use of this

theorem in economic analysis includes Mas-Colell (1979b). Original references are Hadamard (1906) and

Caccioppoli (1932).

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By R3 and in view of the global convexity of Qða;W; tÞ in W for each t and a; Wða; tÞis defined by the subgradient condition

E½jtðY �D0a� X 0bða; tÞ � FðtÞ0gða; tÞÞCðtÞ�0nX0

for all n : Wða; tÞ þ n 2 B� G. ðA:2Þ

In fact, if Wða; tÞ is in the interior of B� G; it uniquely solves the first order conditionversion of (A.2):

E½jtðY �D0a� X 0bða; tÞ � FðtÞ0gða; tÞÞCðtÞ� ¼ 0. (A.3)

We need to find a�ðtÞ by minimizing kgða; tÞk over a subject to (A.2) holding. By(A.1) a�ðtÞ ¼ aðtÞ makes kgða�ðtÞ; tÞk ¼ 0 and satisfies (A.3) and hence (A.2) at thesame time. By the preceding paragraph, it is the only such solution. Thus, also by(A.3) bða�ðtÞ; tÞ ¼ bðtÞ:

Step 2 (Consistency): By the bounded density condition in R3, Qða;W; tÞ iscontinuous over A� ðB� GÞ �T; and by Lemma B.2, supða;W;tÞ2A�ðB�GÞ�TkQnða;W; tÞ �Qða;W; tÞk!p0: This implies by Lemma B.1 the uniform convergencesupða;tÞ2A�Tk

bWða; tÞ � Wða; tÞk!p0; ð�Þ; which in turn implies supða;tÞ2A�Tkkbgða; tÞkAðtÞ � kgða; tÞkAðtÞk!p0; which by invoking Lemma B.1 again impliessupt2TkbaðtÞ � aðtÞk!p0; which by ð�Þ implies supt2Tk

bbðtÞ � bðtÞk!p0 andsupt2TkbgðbaðtÞ; tÞ � 0k!p0: (Note that by the implicit function theorem Wða; tÞ iscontinuous in t and a; and aðtÞ is continuous in t:)

Step 3 (Asymptotics): Consider a collection of closed balls Bdn ðaðtÞÞ centered at aðtÞfor each t; where balls’ radius dn is independent of t and dn ! 0 slowly enough. LetanðtÞ denote any value inside BdnðaðtÞÞ: By the computational properties of theordinary quantile regression estimator bWðanðtÞ; tÞ; cf. Theorem 3.3 in Koenker andBassett (1978),

Oð1=ffiffiffinpÞ ¼


Enbf ðW ; anð�Þ;bWðanð�Þ; �Þ; �Þ. (A.4)

By Lemma B.2, the following expansion of the rhs is valid for anysupt2TkanðtÞ � aðtÞk!p0:


Oð1=ffiffiffinpÞ ¼


Enbf ðW ; anð�Þ;bWðanð�Þ; �Þ; �Þ ¼ Gn

bf ðW ; anð�Þ;bWðanð�Þ; �Þ; �Þ


Ebf ðW ; anð�Þ; bWnðanð�Þ; �Þ; �Þ

¼ Gnf ðW ; að�Þ;Wðað�Þ; �Þ; �Þ þ opð1Þ


Ebf ðW ; anð�Þ; bWðanð�Þ; �Þ; �Þ in ‘1ðTÞ. ðA:5Þ

Expanding the last line further

Oð1=ffiffiffinpÞ ¼ Gnf ðW ; að�Þ;Wð�Þ; �Þ þ opð1Þ þ ðJWð�Þ þ opð1ÞÞ

ffiffiffinpðbWðanð�Þ; �Þ � Wð�ÞÞ

þ ðJað�Þ þ opð1ÞÞffiffiffinpðanð�Þ � að�ÞÞ in ‘1ðTÞ, ðA:6Þ

26Note that by convention in empirical process theory Ebf ðW Þ means ðEf ðW ÞÞf¼bf :

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V. Chernozhukov, C. Hansen / Journal of Econometrics 132 (2006) 491–525 517


JWð�Þ ¼q

qðb0; g0ÞE½j�ðY �D0að�Þ � X 0b� Fð�Þ0gÞCð�Þ�ðg;bÞ¼ð0;bð�ÞÞ,

Jað�Þ ¼q

qða0ÞE½j�ðY �D0a� X 0bð�ÞÞCð�Þ�a¼að�Þ.

In other words for any supt2TkanðtÞ � aðtÞk!p0;ffiffiffinpðbWðanð�Þ; �Þ � Wð�ÞÞ ¼ � J�1W ð�ÞGnf ðW ; að�Þ; Wð�Þ; �Þ � J�1W ð�ÞJað�Þ½1þ opð1Þ�

�ffiffiffinpðanð�Þ � að�ÞÞ þ opð1Þ in ‘1ðTÞ,

i.e. ffiffiffinpðbgðanð�Þ; �Þ � 0Þ ¼ � Jgð�ÞGnf ðW ; að�Þ; Wð�Þ; �Þ � Jgð�ÞJað�Þ½1þ opð1Þ�

�ffiffiffinpðanð�Þ � að�ÞÞ þ opð1Þ in ‘1ðTÞ,


½Jbð�Þ0 : Jgð�Þ

0�0 is the conformable partition of J�1W ð�Þ.

By Step 2 wp! 1baðtÞ ¼ arg infanðtÞ2BnðaðtÞÞ

kbgðanðtÞ; tÞkAðtÞ for all t 2T.

By Lemma B.2, Gnf ðW ; að�Þ;Wð�Þ; �Þ ¼ Opð1Þ; thusffiffiffinpkbgðanð�Þ; �ÞkAð�Þ ¼ kOpð1Þ � Jgð�ÞJað�Þ½1þ opð1Þ�

ffiffiffinpðanð�Þ � að�ÞÞkAð�Þ in ‘


Since JgðtÞJaðtÞ and AðtÞ have full rank uniformly in t;27ffiffiffinpðbað�Þ � að�ÞÞ ¼ Opð1Þ in

‘1ðTÞ: Hence, using arguments similar to those in the proof of Lemma B.1,ffiffiffinpðbað�Þ � að�ÞÞ ¼ arg inf

m2Rlk � Jgð�ÞGnf ðW ; að�Þ; Wð�Þ; �Þ � Jgð�ÞJað�ÞmkAð�Þ

þ opð1Þ in ‘1ðTÞ.

Conclude that in ‘1ðTÞ jointlyffiffiffinpðbað�Þ � að�ÞÞ ¼ � ðJað�Þ




�Gnf ðW ; að�Þ;Wð�Þ; �Þ þ opð1Þ ¼ Opð1Þ,

ffiffiffinpðbWðbað�Þ; �Þ � Wð�ÞÞ ¼ � J�1W ð�Þ½I � Jað�ÞðJað�Þ



�Jgð�Þ0Að�ÞJgð�Þ�Gnf ðW ; að�Þ;Wð�Þ; �Þ þ opð1Þ ¼ Opð1Þ.

27Indeed, BðtÞ ¼ qPðy;tÞqðb0 ;a0 Þ

�1and GðtÞ ¼ qPðp;tÞ

qðb0 ;g0 Þ

�1; where the derivatives are evaluated at the true parameter

values, exist by the full rank assumption R3. Then using the partitioned inverse formula, note that

JgðtÞJaðtÞ ¼ G22ðtÞðB22ðtÞÞ�1; where G22ðtÞ and B22ðtÞ are l � l lower-right blocks of GðtÞ and BðtÞ: These

blocks are invertible by invertibility of GðtÞ and BðtÞ; so JgðtÞJaðtÞ is also invertible.

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Due to invertibility of JaðtÞJgðtÞffiffiffinpðbgðbað�Þ; �Þ � 0Þ ¼ ½�Jgð�Þ½I � Jað�ÞðJað�Þ


�Gnf ðW ; að�Þ; Wð�Þ; �Þ þ opð1Þ

¼ 0�Opð1Þ þ opð1Þ in ‘1ðTÞ.

Instead of working out the algebra to see a drastic simplification, using this fact andputting ðanð�Þ; bWðanð�Þ; �ÞÞ ¼ ðbað�Þ;bWð�ÞÞ ¼ ðbað�Þ;bbð�Þ; 0þ opð1=

ffiffiffinpÞÞ back into expansion

(A.6) we have

�Gnf ðW ; að�Þ;Wð�Þ; �Þ ¼ Jð�Þffiffiffinp bað�Þ � að�Þbbð�Þ � bð�Þ

!þ opð1Þ in ‘1ðTÞ.

Next by Lemma B.2, Gnf ðW ; að�Þ;Wð�Þ; �Þ ) Gð�Þ in ‘1ðTÞ; where Gð�Þ is theGaussian process with covariance function Sðt; t0Þ ¼ ðminðt; t0Þ � tt0ÞECðtÞCðtÞ0;which yields the desired conclusion

ffiffiffinp bað�Þ � að�Þbbð�Þ � bð�Þ

!) ½Jð�Þ��1Gð�Þ in ‘1ðTÞ: &

A.5. Proof of Theorem 4

Part 1 follows by the Continuous Mapping Theorem. We also need thatthe distribution function of the limit statistics is continuous on ð0;1Þ: Thisfollows by Theorem 11.1 in Davydov et al. (1998): the distribution of functionalsf ðvð�ÞÞ; where f is of the specified sort, is absolutely continuous on ð0;1Þ once vð�Þ

has a nondegenerate covariance kernel. Part 2 follows by observingthat f ð


gð�ÞÞ!p1 implies f ðffiffiffinp

gð�Þ þ Gnð�ÞÞ!p1; for any tight elementGnð�Þ ¼ Opð1Þ in ‘1ðTÞ; once the null is violated (once the composite null isviolated for one-sided tests). &

A.6. Proof of Proposition 1

The result is immediate from assumptions. &

A.7. Proof of Theorem 5

We present the proof for the case where all of subsamples of size b constructed bysampling without replacement are used. In practice, a smaller number Bn

of randomly chosen subsets can also be used, if Bn !1 as n!1: Theargument extends to randomly chosen subsets as in Section 2.5 in Politiset al. (1999). To simplify the presentation, we assume that LðtÞ; JðtÞ;HðtÞare known. However, the case with estimated matrices is a straightforwardextension which follows, for example, using the arguments in Chernozhukov

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(2002) in Step II of this proof. Part 1 is shown in Steps I and II, and Parts 2 and 3 areshown in Step III.

Step I: By assumption, wp! 1 realizations of function t 7!bzðW ; tÞ belongto a Donsker set of functions denoted as fxðW ; tÞ; t 2T; x 2 Xg: Consider theempirical process ðt; xÞ7!GnðxðtÞÞ; which is Donsker in ‘1ðT� XÞ by assumptionwith the limit law denoted J. Consider also its subsample realizationsðt; xÞ7!Gj;b;nðxðtÞÞ � 1=

ffiffiffibp P

i2I jðxðW i; tÞ � ExðW i; tÞÞ; j ¼ 1; . . . ;Bn: Let Jn denote

the sampling (outer) law of ðt; xÞ7!GnðxðtÞÞ in ‘1ðT� XÞ; and let Lb;n denote thesubsampling law of ðt; xÞ7!Gj;b;nðxðtÞÞ in ‘1ðT� XÞ: By Theorem 7.4.1 in Politiset al. (1999)

rBLðLb;n; JnÞ!p0 and rBLðLb;n; JÞ!p0, (A.7)

where rBL denotes the Bounded–Lipschitz metric that metrizes weak convergence.See Politis et al. (1999, p. 160) for definition.

For f denoting the KS and CM functionals on the empirical processes, let JnðxÞdenote the (outer) law of f ½Gnðxð�ÞÞ�; let Lb;nðxÞ denote the subsampling (outer) law off ½Gj;b;nðxð�ÞÞ�; and let JðxÞ denote the limit law of f ½Gnðxð�ÞÞ�; which exists by theContinuous Mapping Theorem. By (A.7) and definition of rBL we have thatsupx2X ½rBLðLb;nðxÞ; JðxÞÞ�!p0 and supx2X ½rBLðLb;nðxÞ; JðxÞÞ�!p0: This immediatelygives us that

½rBLðLb;nðxÞ; JnðxÞÞ�x¼z!p0 and hence ½rBLðLb;nðbzÞ; JðzÞÞ�!p0, (A.8)

provided we have the asymptotic continuity condition: rBLðJnðznÞ; JðzÞÞ ! 0 for anysequence zn 2 X such that supt2T ½EkznðtÞ � zðtÞk2� ! 0: (Recall that by I.4supt2T ½EkznðtÞ � zðtÞk2�zn¼z!p0:) But this asymptotic continuity property isimmediate from the stochastic equicontinuity of the process ðt; xÞ7!GnðxðtÞÞ impliedby the assumed Donskerness.

Let Hb;n denote the subsampling distribution function of f ½Gj;b;nðbzð�ÞÞ�; andlet G denote the limit distribution function of f ½Gnðzð�ÞÞ�: (A.8) is equivalent topointwise convergence of Hb;n to G at the continuity points x of GðxÞ; that isHb;nðxÞ!pGðxÞ: The set of continuity points of G is ð0;1Þ as shown in the proof ofTheorem 2.

Step II. Now note that we actually need to show consistency of the subsamplingdistribution Gb;n of f ½vj;b;nð�Þ�; but the difference between Gb;n and Hb;n isasymptotically negligible. Indeed,

f ½Gj;b;nðzð�ÞÞ� � Knpf ½vj;b;nð�Þ�pf ½Gj;b;nðzð�ÞÞ� þ Kn,

where e.g. when f is the KS function, for some constants Cj ; j ¼ 1; 2; 3:

Kn ¼ supt2Tkffiffiffibp� ½EzðW ; tÞ�


ffiffiffibp� supt2TjC2k

bWðtÞ � WðtÞk

þ C3kbrðtÞ � rðtÞkj ¼ Op



!¼ opð1Þ,

which follows by invoking I.4(b), I.4(c), and I.3. Thus for any d40 wp! 1 1ðEnÞ ¼

1; where En � fKnpdg: Given the event En for a small �40 there is d40 such that

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Hb;nðx� �Þ1ðEnÞpGb;nðxÞ1ðEnÞpHb;nðxþ �Þ1ðEnÞ: Hence it follows that wp! 1:Hb;nðx� �ÞpGb;nðxÞpHb;nðxþ �Þ:We have by Step I Hb;nðxþ cÞ!pGðxþ cÞ; for c ¼

� and c ¼ ��; which implies Gðx� �Þ � �pGb;nðxÞpGðxþ �Þ þ � wp! 1: Since � canbe set as small as we like and G is continuous at points x of interest, this yields theconclusion Gb;nðxÞ!pGðxÞ:

Step III. Finally, convergence of quantiles is implied by the convergence ofdistribution functions at continuity points. Part 2 of Theorem 5 follows by steps thatare identical to those in the proof of Part 1 (Steps I and II), except that we haveconvergence of the subsampling distribution Gb;n to some other distribution G0aG atthe continuity points. Note that by tightness of G0; cb;nð1� aÞ ¼ Opð1Þ even if G0 isnot continuous at G0�1ð1� aÞ: Part 3 of Theorem 5 has already been proven in theproof of Theorem 4. &

Appendix B. Lemmas

Lemma B.1 (Argmax process). Suppose that uniformly in p in a compact set P and for

a compact set K (i) ZnðpÞ is s.t. QnðZnðpÞjpÞXsupz2K QnðzjpÞ � �n; �n & 0; ZnðpÞ 2K wp! 1; (ii) Z1ðpÞ � argsupz2K Q1ðzjpÞ is a uniquely defined continuous process in

‘1ðPÞ; (iii) Qnð�j�Þ!pQ1ð�j�Þ in ‘1ðK �PÞ; where Q1ð�j�Þ is continuous. Then Znð�Þ ¼

Z1ð�Þ þ opð1Þ in ‘1ðPÞ:

Proof. The argument is a simple extension of the standard consistency argument, cf.Amemiya (1985). We have QnðzjpÞ ¼ Q1ðzjpÞ þ opð1Þ uniformly in ðz;pÞ 2 K �P:For any c40; wp! 1 uniformly in �Xc and uniformly in p 2 P we have that: [i]QnðZnðpÞjpÞXQnðZ1ðpÞjpÞ � �=3 by definition, [ii] Q1ðZnðpÞjpÞ4QnðZnðpÞjpÞ � �=3by the uniform convergence, [iii] QnðZ1ðpÞjpÞ4Q1ðZ1ðpÞjpÞ � �=3 by the uniformconvergence. Hence wp! 1 Q1ðZnðpÞjpÞ4QnðZnðpÞjpÞ � �=3XQnðZ1ðpÞjpÞ �2�=34Q1ðZ1ðpÞjpÞ � �: Pick any d40: Let fBdðpÞ;p 2 Pg be a collection of ballswith diameter d40; each centered at Z1ðpÞ: Then � � infp2P ½Q1ðZ1ðpÞjpÞ �supz2KnBdðpÞ

Q1ðzÞ�40 a.s. by assumption ii, and for any e40 we can pick c40 sothat for Pð�XcÞ41� e: It now follows that with probability becoming greater than1� e; uniformly in p: Q1ðZnðpÞjpÞ4Q1ðZ1ðpÞjpÞ �Q1ðZ1ðpÞjpÞ þ supz2KnBdðpÞQ1ðzjpÞ ¼ supz2KnBdðpÞ

Q1ðzjpÞ: Thus with probability becoming greater than 1� e;supp2PkZnðpÞ � Z1ðpÞkpd: But e is arbitrary, so supp2PkZnðpÞ � Z1ðpÞkpd wp! 1: &

Lemma B.2 (Stochastic expansions). Under assumption R1–R4, and using notation

defined in the proof of Theorem 3, the following statements are true.


supða;b;g;tÞ2A�B�G�TjEn½bgðW ; a;b; g; tÞ� � E½gðW ; a; b; g; tÞ�j ¼ opð1Þ: II. Gnf ðW ; að�Þ;bð�Þ; 0; �Þ ) Gð�Þ in ‘1ðTÞ; where G is a Gaussian process with

covariance function Sðt; t0Þ defined in Theorem 2. Furthermore, for any

supt2TkðbaðtÞ;bbðtÞ;bgðtÞÞ � ðaðtÞ; bðtÞ; 0Þk ¼ opð1Þ; it is the case that supt2T kGnbf

ðW ;baðtÞ;bbðtÞ;bgðtÞ; tÞ �Gnf ðW ; aðtÞ;bðtÞ; 0; tÞk ¼ opð1Þ:

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Proof.We first show II. Denote p ¼ ða;b; gÞ andP ¼A�B� G where G is a closedball at 0. We first show that the class of functions

H � fh ¼ ðF;C;p; tÞ7!jtðY �D0a� X 0b� FðX ;ZÞ0gÞCðX ;ZÞ,

p 2 P;C 2F;F 2Fg

is Donsker, where F is defined in R4. The bracketing number of F by Corollary2.7.4 in van der Vaart and Wellner (1996) satisfies

log N ½��ð�;F;L2ðPÞÞ ¼ Oð��dimðz;xÞ

Z Þ ¼ Oð��2�d0


for some d0o0: Thus F is Donsker with a constant envelope. By Corollary 2.7.4 invan der Vaart and Wellner (1996) the bracketing number of

X � fðF;pÞ7!ðD0a� X 0b� FðX ;ZÞ0gÞ; p 2 P;F 2Fg


logN ½��ð�;X;L2ðPÞÞ ¼ Oð��dimðz;d ;xÞ

Z Þ ¼ Oð��2�d00Þ

for some d00o0: Following Remark 4 in Chernozhukov and Hong (2002), i.e.exploiting the monotonicity and boundedness of indicator function and boundeddensity condition assumed in R3, it is immediate that the bracketing number of

V � fðF; pÞ7!1ðYoD0aþ X 0bþ FðX ;ZÞ0gÞ; p 2 P;F 2Fg


log N ½��ð�;V;L2ðPÞÞ ¼ Oð��2�d00Þ

as well. Since V also has constant envelope by R1 and R4, it is Donsker. Class H isformed by taking products and sums of bounded Donsker classes F; V; and T �ft 7!tg; i.e. H �T �F�V �F; which is Lipschitz over ðT�F�VÞ: Hence byTheorem 2.10.6 in van der Vaart and Wellner (1996) H is Donsker.

Now we show claim II using the established Donskerness. Define the process

h ¼ ðF;C; p; tÞ7!GnjtðY �D0a� X 0b� FðX ;ZÞ0gÞCðX ;ZÞ. (B.1)

This process is Donsker (asymptotically Gaussian) in ‘1ðHÞ: Therefore the processt 7!GnjtðY �D0aðtÞ � X 0bðtÞÞCðt;X ;ZÞ is also Donsker in ‘1ðTÞ by the uniformHolder continuity of t 7!ðt; aðtÞ0; bðtÞ0; Fðt;X ;ZÞ0; Cðt;X ;ZÞ0Þ0 in t with respect tothe supremum norm, as imposed by R3 and R4.28 Thus we have Gnj�ðY �D0að�Þ �X 0bð�ÞÞCð�;X ;ZÞ ) Gð�Þ: Gð�Þ has covariance function Sðt; t0Þ ¼ E½GðtÞGðt0Þ0� ¼E½jtðY �D0aðtÞ � X 0bðtÞÞCðtÞjt0 ðY �D0aðt0Þ � X 0bðt0ÞÞCðt0Þ0� ¼ E½ðt� 1ð�ðtÞp0ÞÞðt0 �1ð�ðt0Þp0ÞÞCðtÞCðt0Þ0� ¼ ðtt0 �tt0 � tt0 þminðt; t0ÞÞE½CðtÞCðt0Þ0� ¼ ðminðt; t0Þ�tt0ÞE½CðtÞCðt0Þ0�; where �ðtÞ � Y �D0aðtÞ � X 0bðtÞ: This calculation uses thatP½�ðtÞp0jZ;X � ¼ t by Theorem 1.

28To check the Donskerness, it is easy to verify: (i) the stochastic equicontinuity of the process in t withrespect to the L2ðPÞ pseudo-metric using the Holder property and stochastic equicontinuity of the process

(B.1) in h, and (ii) finite-dimensional asymptotic normality by the Lindeberg–Levy theorem.

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Since bCð�Þ!pCð�Þ and bFð�Þ!pFð�Þ uniformly over compact sets and bpðtÞ �pðtÞ!p0 uniformly in t; we have by R3 and R4 that dn �

supt2T rðh0ðtÞ; hðtÞÞjh0ðtÞ¼hðtÞ!p0; where r is the L2ðPÞ pseudometric on H:

rðh; ~hÞ

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiEkjtðY �D0a� X 0b� FðX ;ZÞ0gÞCðX ;ZÞ � j~tðY �D0 ~a� X 0 ~b� ~FðX ;ZÞ0 ~gÞ ~CðX ;ZÞk2


Hence as dn ! 0

supt2TkGnjtðY �D0baðtÞ � X 0bbðtÞ � bFðt;X ;ZÞ0bgðtÞÞbCðt;X ;ZÞ� GnjtðY �D0aðtÞ � X 0bðtÞÞCðt;X ;ZÞk

p suprð ~h;hÞpdn~h;h2H

kGnj~tðY �D0 ~a� X 0 ~b� ~FðX ;ZÞ0 ~gÞ ~CðX ;ZÞ

� GnjtðY �D0a� X 0b� FðX ;ZÞ0gÞCðX ;ZÞk ¼ opð1Þ,

by stochastic equicontinuity of h 7!GnjtðY �D0a� X 0b� FðX ;ZÞ0gÞCðX ;ZÞ:Having shown claim II, a simple way to show claim I is to note that functions

P ¼ fðF;V ; a; b; g; tÞ7!rtðY �D0a� X 0b� FðX ;ZÞ0gÞV ðX ;ZÞg

are bounded by R1 and uniformly Lipschitz over ðF�F�A�B� G�TÞwhich by Theorem 2.10.6 in van der Vaart and Wellner (1996) implies that P isDonsker. Donskerness implies a uniform LLN


jEnrtðY �D0a� X 0b� FðX ;ZÞ0gÞV ðX ;ZÞ

� ErtðY �D0a� X 0b� FðX ;ZÞ0gÞV ðX ;ZÞj!p0

which gives


jEnrtðY �D0a� X 0b� eFðt;X ;ZÞ0gÞ eV ðt;X ;ZÞ� ErtðY �D0a� X 0b� eFðt;X ;ZÞ0gÞ eV ðt;X ;ZÞjeFð�Þ¼bFð�Þ;eV ð�Þ¼bV ð�Þ!p0.

By uniform consistency of bFð�Þ and bV ð�Þ and R4 we also have that


jErtðY �D0a� X 0b� eFðt;X ;ZÞ0gÞ eV ðt;X ;ZÞjeFð�Þ¼bFð�Þ;eV ð�Þ¼bV ð�Þ� ErtðY �D0a� X 0b� Fðt;X ;ZÞ0gÞV ðt;X ;ZÞj!p0.

The last two displays imply claim I. &

Appendix C. Verification of linear representations

Lemma C.1. Conditions I.3 and I.4 hold for the proposed implementation in Examples

1–3 under conditions R.1–R.4. In Example 4 conditions I.3 and I.4 hold under

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conditions R.1–R.4 for the IV-QR estimator and the standard regularity conditions for

the QR estimator, e.g. those in Angrist et al. (2003).

Proof. In Example 1, in the test of equality of distributions, I.3 is satisfied for byð�Þ byTheorem 3. Since r ¼ 0; ziðtÞ ¼ RðtÞ½JðtÞ�1liðt; yðtÞÞCiðtÞ�; where

liðt; yðtÞÞ ¼ ðt� 1ðY ioDiaðtÞ þ X 0ibðtÞÞÞ; CiðtÞ ¼ ViðtÞ½FiðtÞ0;X 0�0. (C.1)

Condition I.4(a) is checked in the proof of Lemma B.2 in Appendix B, cf. the class offunctions H: Condition I.4(b) holds by Theorem 1 and since Ci is a function ofðX i;ZiÞ only. Condition I.4(c) holds by the bounded density condition R.3. InExample 2, in the test of constant effect, brð�Þ ¼ byð1

2Þ is an IV-QR estimate. Thus for

lið�Þ defined in (C.1) ziðtÞ ¼ RðtÞ½JðtÞ�1liðt; yðtÞÞCiðtÞ � Jð12Þ�1lið

12; yð1


12Þ�; i.e.

diðt; rðtÞÞUiðtÞ ¼ lið12; yð1


12Þ: Thus I.3–I.4 hold by the preceding argument. In

Example 3, the test of stochastic dominance, r ¼ 0; so the situation is identical tothat in Example 1. In Example 4, in the test of exogeneity, the estimate of brðtÞ is givenby the ordinary QR estimator of Y on D;X ; denoted as bWðtÞ: In this case under theregularity conditions specified in Angrist et al. (2003) the estimator bWðtÞ satisfies:ffiffiffi

npðbWð�Þ � Wnð�ÞÞ ¼ �Hð�Þ�1n�1=2

Pni¼1 dið�;Wð�ÞÞ þ opð1Þ; diðt;WðtÞÞ ¼ ðt� 1ðY io


iWðtÞÞ ~X i; ~X i ¼ ðD0i;X0iÞ0;HðtÞ ¼ Ef Y j ~X ðWðtÞ

0 ~X Þ ~X ~X0: Thus the score is given by

ziðtÞ ¼ RðtÞ½JðtÞ�1liðt; yðtÞÞCiðtÞ �HðtÞ�1diðt; WðtÞ�; where Ediðt;WðtÞÞ ¼ 0: Theconditions I.3 and I.4 for liðt; yðtÞÞCiðtÞ are checked above. As for diðt;WÞ;the proof of Lemma B.2 checks I.4(a) (put ~X i in place of Ci and g ¼ 0). Note thatEdiðt; WðtÞÞ ¼ 0; so I.4(b) holds, and I.4(c) holds by the bounded density conditionR.3. &


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