INSTRUMENTS. ALLIGATOR FORCEPS Used during surgery to hold sterile dressings

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InstrumentsAlligator Forceps

Used during surgery to hold sterile dressings.All-in-one castrator, docker and ear marker

Allows for quick work to perform castration, tail docking, and ear marking with less tools.Ambu Bag

Hand-held device used to provide air for patients who are having trouble breathing on their own.

artificial Vagina

Used during the collection of sperm.Autoclave

Pressure chamber used to sterilize equipment using high pressure steam.Automatic dose syringe

A syringe designed to deliver measured amounts of medication.Backaus towel forceps

Clamps used to hold drapes and towels in place during surgery.Balling gun

Used for oral administration of capsules or boluses to animals.Barnes dehorner

Placed over the horns, near the base and surrounding skin. Used to dehorn livestock.Bone Plate Bender

Used to bend bone plates to the proper configuration.Many different varieties used11Brown-Adson Tissue Forceps

Used to grasp tissue during surgery.Bulb Syringe

Used to clear mucous from the nose or mouth.Burdizzo

Used for castration by crushing the spermatic cord and causing testicular necrosis. Castroviejo needle holder with catch

Used to hold the fine suture needles when performing eye surgery.Cornell teat curette

Used to remove masses inside the teat.Dental rasp

Used to file down teeth.Dental Tooth Punch

For removal of cheek teeth through the sinus.Depth probe and explorer

Used during dental procedures for examination of the mouth and to remove plaque.Differential cell counter

Percentages of cell types are calculated as well as the number of each type of cell.Dog snare or capture pole

Used to catch and restrain animals.Doppler ultrasonic blood flow monitor

Measures and monitors blood flow.Drench pump

Used to administer large doses of fluid orally. Drench-matic dose syringe

Used to administer large amounts of fluid orally.Ear notcher

Used to insert an ear notch for identification purposes.Ecg monitor

Electrocardiogram-Used to measure heart rate.elastrator

Used to perform castration by administering a tiny rubber band around the testicular sac that eventually causes necrosis. Elizabethan collar

Placed around an animals head to prevent them from biting at sutures, injuries, or rashes.endoscope

A device with a light, and sometimes a camera, on the end that is used to look inside the body.Endotracheal tube

A tube inserted through the mouth of the nose into the trachea.Esophageal stethoscope

Used to monitor and provide accurate measurements for heart rate, breathing, and temperature.Equine Molar-Extracting Forceps

Used to remove molars in horses.Eye speculum

Used to hold the eye open during examination or surgery.Fecal loop

Inserted into the rectum to collect fecal samples.Feline restraint bag

Used to restrain cats during examination or insertion of catheter.Female Canine Catheter

Urinary catheter for female animals.Fetal extractor (calf puller)

Used to pull calves during difficult deliveries. Forester sponger holding forceps

Used to hold swabs or sponges to mop up areas during procedures.Groove director

Used to hold another medical instrument during a procedure and guide to a site out of view.Guillotine nail trimmer

Used for trimming animal nails.Half Circle Taper Point Suture Needle

Used for suturing. Distinguished from other suture needles by its half circle shape. Half Curved Cutting Edge Suture Needle

Used for suturing. Distinguished from other suture needles by its curved tip.Half curved tissue forceps

Used for grasping tissue during procedures.Halstead mosquito forceps

Use for grasping tissue. Designed to clamp and lock in place. Can be used for compressing bleeding vessels.Hartman mosquito forceps

Used for grasping tissue. Smallest of the hemostatic forceps.hemocytometer

Used to determine the concentration of blood cells in a sample.Holzheimer retractor

Used to hold tissue open, specifically in ophthalmic surgery. Hoof trimmer for sheep and goats

Used for trimming hooves on sheep and goats.Horn gouge

Used when dehorning cattle to separate the tissue from the horn.Identification tag applicator

Used to apply an identification tag to the ear of an animal.Incisor and root extracting forceps

Used to remove teeth in dental procedures.Insemination pipette

Used in artificial insemination to deliver semen to vagina.Intravenous drip set

Used to administer IV fluids through a catheter.Iris hook

Used in ophthalmic surgery. Jacquette tartar scaler

Used to scrap tarter off teeth in dental procedures.Kelly forceps

Used for clamping tissue and blood vessels.Killian vaginal speculum

Used mostly in canines when doing artificial insemination.Knowles bandage scissors

Used to safely probe and cut off bandages without cutting the animal. Straight blade.Lens Loop

Used in ophthalmic surgery.Lister bandage scissors

Used to safely probe and cut off bandages without cutting the animal. Curved blade.Mayo scissors

Surgical grade scissors used for cutting tissue.Mayo-hegar needle holder

Used to grasp and drive needles when suturing.Needle-Sterilizing Rack

Used to hold suture needles in place when sterilizing/autoclaving.Olsen-hegar needle holder-scissors combination

A two in one combination of needle driver and scissors. Used to grasp and drive needles when suturing as well as cut suture material.Operating scissors

Surgical grade scissors.Opthalmoscope

An instrument used to examine the eye.Oral calf drencher

Used to feed calves when they will not eating well. A tube is placed into the esophagus to deliver milk straight to the stomach.otoscope

An instrument used to examine the ear.Pet piller

Used to administer pills to animals.Pig tooth nipper

Used to clip needle teeth on piglets.Pill splitter

Used to divide pills into correct proportions.Polansky canine vaginal speculum

Used for diagnostic examinations of the vagina.Pole syringe

Used to administer medication and tranquilizers from a distance.Rectal prolapse ring

Used to repair a rectal prolapse.Refractometer

Used to measure the density of liquid.Reimer emasculator

Used for castration.Restraint gloves

Worn when restraining animals to preventing getting bit or scratched.Rumen Magnet

Used to catch foreign metal objects in the rumen. Helps prevent hardware disease.Scalpel handle

Reusable handle that can hold different size scalpel blades.Silver nitrate stick

Used to chemically cauterize superficial bleeds.Spay Hook

Inserted into abdominal cavity to hook the uterine horns and pull to surface of abdomen when spaying.sphygmomanometer

Used for measuring blood pressure.Gag Speculum

Used to hold mouth open for oral examinations.stethoscope

Device used for listening to the internal sounds of animals bodies.Stomach tube

Placed down the esophagus and into the stomach. Used to administer fluids or food.Tarter scrapers single ended

Used for scraping plaque in dental procedures.Tattoo outfit manual

Used to tattoo the insides of animals ears for identification purposes.Taylor percussion hammer

Used for testing reflexes.Teat slitter

Can be used when performing surgeries on the teats. Also used to increase milk flow in dairy animals by increasing size of opening in teat..Three way stopcock

Helps control the flow of fluids. Used especially when administering IV fluids.Tom cat catheter

Urinary catheter that is inserted to relieve urinary blockage and help with flow of urine out of the body.Transfer needle

Used when transferring fluids or medications between containers.Twitch-chain

Used for restraining horses in various stressful situations.Twitch-humane

Used for restraining animals.Umbilical clamp

Applied when cutting the umbilical cord to prevent excessive bleeding.Vetamatic Dose Syringe

Used when administering fluids and medications.White nail trimmer

Used when trimming nails on companion animals.Woods (uv) light

Used in various diagnostic procedures. Ex: Detecting ringworm on cats.X-ray measuring caliper

Used to measure the correct width or thickness when taking x-rays.