Integrated Course of College English The Third Two Periods Unit Nine Book Three Designed by SHAO Hong-wan

Integrated Course of College English The Third Two Periods Unit Nine Book Three Designed by SHAO Hong-wan

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Integrated Course of College English

The Third Two Periods

Unit Nine Book Three

Designed by SHAO Hong-wan

Page 2: Integrated Course of College English The Third Two Periods Unit Nine Book Three Designed by SHAO Hong-wan

Writing and Exercises

• Warming-up----Tongue Twister• Review--- Words and expressions• Writing Skill---Practical writing• Enriching Your Word Power• Do Exercises• Proverbs and Quotations

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Warming-up----Tongue Twister

1. A big black bear sat on a big black bug.

2. A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood.

3. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!

4. A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule.

5. A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more!

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Review-----Direction: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate given in the box. Change the forms if necessary.

stuff have access to turn a blind eye to passion additional confessmake concessions to live through scarcely dissolve

1. He _________ himself to be totally ignorant of their plans.

2. It was hard to describe the nightmare she ____________.

3. Heat __________ the candle into a pool of wax.

4. His _______ for her made him blind to everything else.

5. Students must ______________ a good library.


had lived through



have access to

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6. When ____________ information is asked for, job hunters should describe their abilities and work experience.

7. It was getting dark and she could __________ see in front of her.

8. She __________ her clothes in their suitable and then tried to close it.

9. The manager ___________________ to it when his staff were late.

10. The employer _____________________ the workers in the negotiation yesterday.




turned a blind eye

made a concessions to

stuff have access to turn a blind eye to passion additional confessmake concessions to live through scarcely dissolve

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Direction: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the words given in brackets.

1. Many _______________ of the old generation were there. (represent )

2. Only a _________of countries have observed these regulations. ( hand )

3. A more suitable man for the work can_________ be found. (scarce)

4. There is a _________ contrast between the two experiments. (strike )

5. It will take an _________ two weeks to finish the work. (add)






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6. The house looks very old, but in________ it’s quite new. (real)

7. As a foreigner from different cultural background, he can’t go along with our ____________ beliefs. (religions)

8. All the people greet the table-tennis players from other countries with warm ______________(applaud)

9. This machine has an _____________ fault. ( electricity)

10. The ___________ is a person who stands in front of a group of musicians or singers and directs their playing or singing. (conduct )






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1. 充满了2. 与……截然不同3. 死亡集中营

5. 大量滋生

7. 向……作出让步

9. 假装看不见

10. 为自己建立起声望

11. 可以利用,获得

fill with

in contrast to

extermination camp

be infested with

make concessions (to)

turn a blind eye (to)

make a name for oneself

have access to

Useful Expressions

4. 与……对抗

6. 塞满了

8. 绝望的、奄奄一息的犹太人

confront sb with sth

be packed with

desperate and dying Jews

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12. 投身于 13. 提升

14. 一把,少数

16. 度过

17. 就位

18. 为……受到惩罚

21. 与……协调一致

22. 出于对……的敬意

throw oneself into

lift up

a handful of

live through

take one’s place

pay for

in tune with

in honor of

15. 塞进 be stuffed into

19. 医疗设施

20. 死于疾病和饥饿

medical supplies

die from disease and hunger

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23. 过得舒适

24. 面对面的对抗

25. 开往

26. 看,观察;理解;吸收

live in comfort

face-to-face confrontation

bound for

take in 27. 弥漫着死亡的氛围

28. 向某人吐露想法

the pervasive atmosphere of death

confess one’s idea to sb29. 掩饰在

30. 为……卷纸烟

31. 偷偷溜去干……

32. 在一次争论得异常激烈的会议上

lay camouflaged within

make tobacco pouches for

slip away to

at a stormy meeting33. 身着纳粹全副戎装 dressed in full Nazi regalia

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Guided Writing• PartⅠ The sentence in the following passage are scrambled an

d some do not talk about its main idea. Rearrange the sentences in logical order, omitting the irrelevant ones.

• Part Ⅱ Learn more useful expressions related to the war.

• Part Writing Skill----Appropriateness of WordsⅢ• Part Write a composition entitled My View on Nuclear Ⅳ


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A brief introduction

A paragraph can be developed in different patterns: exemplification, narration, process, description, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, classification, etc. To produce a well-organized paragraph, the sentences in the paragraph should be related to the central topic and arranged in a proper logical sequence.

举例说明 叙说

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Writing Practice

A brief introduction

A paragraph can be developed in different patterns: exemplification, narration, process, description, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, classification, etc. To produce a well-organized paragraph, the sentences in the paragraph should be related to the central topic and arranged in a proper logical sequence.

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The sentences in the following passage are scrambled and some do not talk about its main idea. Rearrange the sentences in logical order, omitting the irrelevant ones.

Why Hitler Committed suicide

①The comparatively minor mass execution was also carried out upon Hitler’s order. ② As the inevitable ending was approaching, he must have sensed that what was in store for him would be nothing but the severest punishment and humiliation. ③It has been proved many a time whoever goes against the tide of history and the will of the people is doomed to failure. ④Most likely it’s just for fear of this that he killed himself. ⑤The last situation conference was held at noon on April 30, 1945. ⑥ Like all dictators he was carried away by power. ⑦Hitler fell right into his category.

③ ⑦ ② ④

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It has been proved many a time whoever goes against the tide of history and the will of the people is doomed to failure. Hitler fell right into his category. As the inevitable ending was approaching, he must have sensed that what was in store for him would be nothing but the severest punishment and humiliation. Most likely it’s just for fear of this that he killed himself.

The following sentences are in correct order:

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① The Japanese leaders were aware of America’s immense economic and technological strength, but they gambled that the American public and politicians would not have the stomach to fight to the finish. ② The American Civil War is sometimes called the War Between the States, the War of Rebellion, or the War for Southern Independence. ③ It took more than 600,000 lives, destroyed property valued at $5 billion, brought freedom to 4 million black slaves, and opened wounds that have not yet completely healed more than 125 years later. ④ After many defeats, the war ended for us in ultimate victory. ⑤ It began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate General P. G. T. Beauregard opened fire on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. ⑥ The war lasted until May 26, 1865, when the last Confederate army surrendered.

② ⑤ ⑥ ③

have desire to do sth


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The following sentences are in correct order:

The American Civil War is sometimes called the War Between the States, the War of Rebellion, or the War for Southern Independence. It began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate General P. G. T. Beauregard opened fire on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. The war lasted until May 26, 1865, when the last Confederate army surrendered. It took more than 600,000 lives, destroyed property valued at $5 billion, brought freedom to 4 million black slaves, and opened wounds that have not yet completely healed more than 125 years later.

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Useful words and expressions• pursue the policy of “burn all, kill all, and loot all”

实行“三光”政策• slaughter • leave … in ruins • the Nanjing Massacre• more than 350,000 people killed• countless houses burn out• brutal and bloodthirsty• the War of Resistance Against Japan• keep in mind• defend the fruits of our modernization effort







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• too down to earth

• be taken by surprise

• weather the storm

• be carried away by power





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Writing Skill----Appropriateness of Words

• denotation: literal meaning. 词的字面意思 ,正如字典上所定义的一样• connotation: implied meaning or meaning between lines. 由词引申联


country , nation , state 和 land ,它们的字面意思多少有相似之处,都可以译成“国家” ,但它们的涵义却相差甚远。

country: 主要指国土及国民;nation: 强调民族,种族;state: 多指国家的政府及政府机构;land: 指国家虽不够精确,但更富有文学的色彩,比 country 一词带有更多

的感情。 初学写作的人有时会选错词,但更多的时候是选词不全错,而是不够


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Write a composition entitled My View on Nuclear Weapons.

Writing Practice

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Schaechter, a conductor in his mid-30s, ______________________ _________________(刚开始有一些名气 ) in prewar Prague. Soon he was seized by the Nazis. After being kept in the extermination camp of Terezin for several years, _________________________. ( 他对纳粹的愤怒与日俱增 ) Schaechter organized a chorus to sing Verdi’s Requiem as their weapon to defy Nazi dictatorship._______________________ ________________________________________________. ( 除了一架破旧的风琴和一张乐谱,他们没有其他可以用来排练的东西。 ) Aching with hunger, all of them______________________________. ( 全身心投入排练 ) At last, their performance took place and____________________

__________ ( 观众们象被电了一样 )________________________ __________________________, ( 为了向红十字代表的来访表示敬意 ) Nazi commanded them to stage a performance. The final performance was regarded as_________________________( 面对面的对抗 ) between the defiant Jews and the man behind the Final Solution. After that, Schaechter and his chorus members were sent to

Summary Writing

burned through theelectrical charge

was just beginning to make

a name for himself

his fury at Nazis steadily grew

and a single score, they had nothing elsefor the rehearsal

threw themselves into the rehearsal

a face-to-face confrontation

by Red Cross representatives

Except a broken harmonium

In honor of a visit

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Enriching Your Word PowerAs we have learned, the suffixes-er,or,-ar,-ist,-an,-eer, etc., all can form nouns denoting persons. Now add the correct suffixes to the following words, making slight changes in the spelling where necessary.




New York












































New Yorker





singer liar

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Study the following words, and then explain how they are formed, what the commonly shared element is and what it means:

1. mid-30s

2. midnight

3. midsummer

4. mid-term

5. mid-autumn

6. midyear

7. midtown

8. midstream

9. midway


11. midpoint

12. midair













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• a striking lack of confidence • a striking change • a striking instance • a striking commercial success • in a striking way • The girl is striking in face and figure.

• Mary’s delicate figure bore a striking resemblance to her mother’s.






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1. recruit recruit 2) has thrown herself into

3) reality 4) contrast

5) transport 6) additional

7) make concessions 8) be kept a secret

9) dissolve 10) theme

11) in honor of 12) overflowed

Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase chosen from the Words & Phrases to Drill box. Change the form where necessary.

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Replace the italicized parts in the following sentences with words or phrases chosen from the Words & Phrases to Drill box.

1) is… stuffed

2) turn a blind eye to

3) Scarcely

4) handful

5) upset

6) have access to

7) bound for

8) confess

9) made a name for himself

10) swell

11) in tune

12) stiking

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1) lived/had lived through

2) is running out

3) turn out

4) brought back

5) call up

6) for … paid

7) think up

8) sent off

9) took in

10) figure out

Use the verb in brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb and complete the sentence with it.

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Cloze: fill in the missing words and phrases

Passage A:

1) in… contrast 2) reality

3) amid 4) stage

5) threw themselves …into 6) kept a secret

7) additional 8) instrument

9) triumph 10) audience

11) swelled 12) paasion

13) pay for

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Passage B. 1) how 2) got 3) women4) Ordered 5) an 6)who7) had 8) these 9) said

10) from 11) with 12) hand

13) no 14) hair 15) a16) It 17) delight 18) tears19) At 20) there 21) later

22) Found 23) on 24) still25) Lifting 26) heads 27) alive28) Full 29) contained 30) did31) At 32) feet 33) smoking

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• Gone With the Wind

• Titanic

• Brave heart

• The Terminator

• Forrest Gump

• 007






《 007 系列》

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Proverbs and Quotations

1. A valiant man’s look is more than a coward’s sword.


2. If you wish for peace, be prepared for war.


3. A hero is known in the time of misfortune.

时势造英雄。4. In this world there is always danger for those who are afraid of it. — Bernad Shaw, British dramatist

对于害怕危险的人,这个世界上总是 危险的。 —— 英国剧作家 肖伯纳

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5. Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation. — John Kennedy, American president


—— 美国总统 约翰 • 肯尼迪

6. Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. — Hellen Keller, American writer

虽然世界多苦难,但是苦难总是能战胜的。 —— 美国作家 海伦 • 凯勒

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• Read the words and learn them buy heart, next time we’ll have a dictation.

• Write the composition after class.• Preview the new words and text in Unit 10