International Capital Market Association – ICMA

International Capital Market Association – ICMA · Sustain existing repo creditor rights ... insurance companies, alternative investment managers, institutional investors and SWF

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Page 1: International Capital Market Association – ICMA · Sustain existing repo creditor rights ... insurance companies, alternative investment managers, institutional investors and SWF

International Capital Market Association – ICMA

Page 2: International Capital Market Association – ICMA · Sustain existing repo creditor rights ... insurance companies, alternative investment managers, institutional investors and SWF

Table of Contents » ICMA’s Mission Statement

» Overview of ICMA » Benefits of ICMA Membership

» Standard Documentation » Legal & Regulatory Helpdesk » Market Practice and Regulatory Policy & Quarterly Report » Market Practice & Regulatory Policy Councils and Committees

» Executive Education » List of Upcoming ICMA Executive Education Courses

» Events » List of Upcoming ICMA Events

» Membership – Regional Representation » Offices and Contacts

» 1

» 2 » 3

» 4 » 5 » 6-7 » 8-18

» 19 » 20

» 21 » 22

» 23-24 » 25-26

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ICMA’s Mission Statement

» The mission of ICMA is to promote resilient and well functioning international debt capital markets. Such markets are necessary for economic growth, and benefit market participants and their clients alike.

» Working actively with its members in all segments of the wholesale and retail markets, buy and sell side, ICMA focuses on a comprehensive range of regulatory, market and other relevant issues which impact market practices and the functioning of the international debt capital markets.

» The full mission statement is available on ICMA’s website: http://www.icmagroup.org/About-ICMA/


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Overview of the International Capital Market Association » ICMA is a unique organization and an influential voice for the global capital market. ICMA’s

market conventions and standards have been the pillars of the international debt market for over 40 years.

» Membership continues to grow and we currently have 457 members based in 53 countries. Around 80% of members are European. ICMA members include global investment banks, commercial and regional banks, brokers, private banks, institutional asset managers, pension funds, central banks, sovereign wealth funds and other institutions with a pronounced interest in the securities market, such as supranational institutions, infrastructure providers, rating agencies and leading law firms, etc.

» Visit our website for the list of ICMA members: http://www.icmagroup.org/membership

» International reach is augmented through MoUs and affiliations globally with SCA in UAE, NSMA in Russia, NAFMII in China, JSDA in Japan, ANBIMA in Brazil and ICSA.

» Regulatory interaction takes place with national, European and international authorities; and through membership of international consultative bodies such as IOSCO – AMCC.


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Benefits of ICMA Membership

» ICMA standard documentation on Primary, Secondary and Repo Markets » Important savings on legal costs with 64 GMRA legal opinions » Dedicated Legal & Regulatory Helpdesk » Dispute resolution procedures with a defined conciliation and arbitration

» ICMA Market Practice and Regulatory Policy Committees and Councils developing recommendations and guidance on best market practice and responses to regulators.

» Discounted Executive Education programmes recognised by regulators and the market

» ICMA Events: Networking opportunities at 100+ events/year » ICMA’s Members’ Register: 5,000+ contacts for members » ‘Seal of approval’: more and more financial institutions require new counterparties to be

ICMA members 3

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ICMA Standard Documentation

» ICMA’s market conventions and standards have been the pillars of the international debt market for over 40 years.

» Guidelines for the Primary Market • ICMA Primary Market Handbook

» Rules and recommendations for the Secondary Market • ICMA Rulebook

» Standard agreement for the Repo Market • Global Master Repurchase Agreement (GMRA) • Legal opinions on its validity on 60+ jurisdictions


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ICMA Legal & Regulatory Helpdesk

» ICMA’s Legal & Regulatory Helpdesk is one of the main services that we offer to our members. It provides informal legal guidance in the following areas: • ICMA Primary Market Handbook

• ICMA Rulebook (Rules and recommendations for the Secondary Market)

• GMRA and associated 60+ legal opinions for the repo market

• ICMA dispute resolution procedures: conciliation and arbitration

» And up to date information on current or proposed financial regulation

» Contacts: • London: +44 207 213 0330 • Zurich: +41 44 360 5237

• For legal issues: [email protected] • For regulatory questions: [email protected]


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ICMA Market Practice & Regulatory Policy


» ICMA members work through its market practice and regulatory policy committees and councils to provide expert views on the issues affecting the international capital markets.

» They also act as a forum for discussion and reaching a consensus on topics of common interest.

» Members can participate in ICMA Committees which enable direct influence in developing recommendations for best market practice and the efficient operation of the markets.

» The Committees also formulate guidance for members and consider policy responses to regulators.

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ICMA Quarterly Report

» ICMA’s Quarterly Report is produced by the Market Practice and Regulatory Policy team. It is an industry recognised publication focused on market practice and regulatory issues that outlines developments in the main areas in which the Association is currently engaged namely:

• regulatory response to the crisis; • sovereign bond markets; • short-term markets; • primary markets; • secondary markets; • asset management; • and market infrastructure.

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ICMA Councils and Committees

» Regulatory Policy Committee » Primary Market Practices Committee

• Legal & Documentation Committee » Financial Institution Issuer Forum » Public Sector Issuer Forum » Corporate Issuer Forum » European Repo Council and Committee » Euro Commercial Paper Committee » Secondary Market Practices Committee » Euro Debt Market AMTE Council » Asset Management and Investors Council

• Covered Bond Investor Council 8

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ICMA RPC – Regulatory Policy Committee

» ICMA RPC gathers together the head of public affairs/compliance departments of our members and the Chairs of our Councils and Committees.

» G20 financial regulatory reform agenda • FSB/BCBS; IOSCO; IMF

» European System of Financial Supervision • ESRB; ESAs (particularly ESMA)

» OTC markets regulation • EMIR; MiFID; short selling (SSR); CSDR

» Crisis management


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ICMA PMPC – Primary Market Practices Committee

» ICMA PMPC is supported by the work of ICMA’s Legal & Documentation committee and gathers the heads and senior members of the syndicate desks of 31 ICMA member banks active in lead managing syndicated bond issues in Europe.

» Market practice • Market soundings; Book-building; Allocations; Stabilisation • Asset servicing (holding chain technicalities) • Primary Market Handbook review

» Regulatory reform • Prospectus Directive review – on-going technical advice (summaries, final terms,

supplements, retail cascades) • Market Abuse Directive review – definition of inside information, stabilisation safe-harbour • MiFID review • Foreign Account Tax and Compliance Act (FATCA) • Packaged Retail Investment Products (PRIPs) proposals


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ICMA FIIF – Financial Institution Issuer Forum

» Heads or senior members of the capital raising, funding and treasury departments of ICMA member firms.

» Regulatory reform - implications for funding • Capital requirements and grandfathering under CRR/CRD • Characteristics of capital instruments, including recent “CoCo” issuances • Liquidity ratios • Debt write-down tool (bail-in)

» Asset Encumbrance » Transparency » Market Practice Points

• Prospectus liability, liability management


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ICMA PSIF – Public Sector Issuer Forum

» Brings together the major Sovereigns, Supranationals and Agencies actively issuing in the European capital markets. Currently more than 30 institutional members (of which the European Commission) represented at a senior level

» PSIF acts as an information exchange among a group of senior government and public sector officials. Neither lobbying nor advocacy group.

» Participants share experience and concerns from capital markets activity. Focus on both market practice and impact of regulation. PSIF pursues a high level dialogue with regulatory authorities bringing a unique independent public sector perspective

» ICMA supports PSIF through a Secretariat based in Paris, as well as through its other resources and, in particular its Market Practice and Regulatory Policy team 12

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ICMA CIF – Corporate Issuer Forum

» Senior participants representing a cross-section of the major corporate issuers in Europe’s debt capital markets.

» Practical Implementation of Regulations • EMIR, Dodd-Frank, Prospectus Directive

» Market Practice • New issues and syndication processes • Due diligence procedures and practices • Hybrid issuances • Retail issuances • Secondary market issues


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ICMA ERC - European Repo Council/Committee

» Over 70 members, including all the major financial institutions in repo, securities lending, and collateralisation transacting cross-border repo business in Europe.

» Shadow banking and repo: Transparency; Margins; and re-use

» New liquidity requirements

» Central Counterparty (CCP) clearing: Promote, subject to CCP robustness

» CSDs and settlement harmonisation (incl. T+2) • Preserve commercial bank money settlement alongside central bank money

» Crisis resolution measures: Sustain existing repo creditor rights

» Financial Transaction Tax (FTT)

» GMRA review: GMRA 2011 – credit claims annex


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ICMA ECP – Euro Commercial Paper Committee

» Represents the main dealers in the ECP market.

» Liquidity requirements

» Asset-Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP) • Impact of “securitisation” regulatory reforms

» Money market funds • New rules governing funds’ investments

» Financial Transaction Tax (FTT)


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ICMA SMPC – Secondary Market Practices Committee

» Senior secondary market heads, senior business managers or their equivalents in our member firms

» Secondary market rules and recommendations usage review • Settlement performance ; Impact of MiFID

» Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) and MiFIR proposals • Market structure: Organised Trading Facilities (OTFs) and Systematic Internalisers (SIs) • Transparency (pre- & post-trade): Flexibility and calibration ; Third country firms

» Market infrastructure reform • European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR); CSD Regulation:T+2


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ICMA AMIC – Asset Management & Investors Council

» AMIC gathers asset managers, fund managers, private banks, hedge funds, pension funds, insurance companies, alternative investment managers, institutional investors and SWF.

» Shadow Banking : Follow up of the FSB work streams (non-Banks non-Insurers SIFIs). » Bail-in and Asset encumbrance: bank funding, long term investments (new working group) » Private placements: Establishment of a European private placement regime (new working

group) » Long-term financing of the European Economy (EC forthcoming Communication) » Regulatory developments: UCITs, Dealing Commissions and inducements

» ICMA Wealth Management Charter of Quality: Standards adopted by the private banking and wealth management industry signed by the Luxembourg Bankers’ Association, the Liechtenstein Bankers Association and promoted via other National Associations


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ICMA CBIC – Covered Bond Investor Council

» ICMA’s CBIC is an investor driven organisation, independent of issuers and the market. CBIC embraces all investors, diversified by geography, type of activities and size. The objective of CBIC is to represent investor interests, and promote the long term future development of the European covered bond market.

» Covered bond transparency • CBIC European transparency standards template of the key information required by investors

to make better informed investment decisions (general issuer data, cover pool data)

» Covered bond liquidity

» Ratings of covered

» Regulatory treatment of covered bonds • Basel III and Solvency II

» Working group on COLA (Covered Bonds “Lookalikes”)


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ICMA Executive Education

» ICMA runs the ICMA Executive Education Programmes together with the ICMA Centre

» ICMA Executive Education Courses are recognised by regulators and market participants

» More than 600 delegates participated in our courses in 2013

» Up to 30% discounts for ICMA members

» List of courses: http://www.icmagroup.org/Training-Development/


» Contacts: David Senior E-mail: [email protected] Direct: +44 20 7213 0329

Michael MacKenzie Email: [email protected] Direct: +44 20 7213 0338

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ICMA List of Upcoming Education Courses


10-12 September London Securities Operations Foundation Course (SOFC)

22-24 September Luxembourg Financial Markets Foundation Course (FMFC)

22-26 September Hong Kong Primary Market Certificate (PMC)

7-8 October London Mastering Mandates

26-1 October-November Barcelona International Fixed Income and Derivatives Certificate Programme (IFID)

5-7 November London Financial Markets Foundation Course (FMFC)

12-14 November Brussels Securities Operations Foundation Course (SOFC)

16-22 November Brussels Operations Certificate Programme (OCP)

17-21 November London Primary Market Certificate (PMC)

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ICMA Events

» ICMA organises and supports 100+ events a year.

» Most ICMA events are free for members to attend.

» Priority for sponsorship and speaker opportunities for ICMA members.

» ICMA events provide a great opportunity for the attendees to: • Get up to date on the upcoming regulations and market issues, • Hear the views of the experts on the markets, including banks, investors and regulators, • Network with their peers, clients and potential prospects.

» List of upcoming events: http://www.icmagroup.org/events/


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ICMA List of Upcoming Events


22 September London The ICMA Guide to Best Practice in the European Repo Market

24-26 September London Global Master Agreements for Repo and Securities Lending Workshop

1 October Frankfurt The 7th Annual bwf and ICMA Capital Markets Conference

7-8 October London ICMA Skills Course: Mastering Mandates

29 October London AMIC Conference

11 November London Bond syndication practices for compliance professionals and other non-bankers Workshop

12 November London The 8th Primary Market Forum

19 November London ICMA European Repo Council (ERC) General Meeting

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ICMA Membership – 457 Members in 53 Countries


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ICMA Regions and Regional Committees

» Austria, Eastern and South Eastern Europe • Greece, Turkey, Cyprus and Balkan States

Chapter » Belgium » France and Monaco » Germany » Iberia » Italy » Luxembourg

» Middle East, Far East and Africa • The Gulf Chapter • The African Chapter

» The Netherlands » The Nordics » Russia and CIS » Switzerland and Liechtenstein » United Kingdom, Ireland and the Americas

• The Latin American Chapter


» Each ICMA Region has a committee led by a chairman who provides insight to ICMA on the regional issues and priorities

» See our website for the list of members of each Regional Committee and Chapter: http://www.icmagroup.org/About-ICMA/regions/

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ICMA Offices


ICMA Head Office - Zurich Talacker 29, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland Phone: +41 44 363 4222 Email: [email protected]

ICMA - London Office 23 College Hill, London EC4R 2RP, UK Phone: +44 20 7213 0310 Email: [email protected]

ICMA – Paris Representative Office 8 rue du Mail, 75002 Paris, France Phone: +33 1 70 17 64 72 Email: [email protected]

ICMA – Hong Kong Representative Office Unit 3603, Tower 2, Lippo Centre 89 Queensway Admiralty, Hong Kong Phone: +852 2537 1299 Email: [email protected]

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ICMA Contacts


» CEO: Martin Scheck: [email protected]

» Corporate Communications and Membership: • Allan Malvar – Managing Director: [email protected] • Sanaa Clausse – Director, Membership, Business Development: [email protected] • Candice Weinrich – Director, Membership: [email protected] • Shannelle Rose – Head of Events: [email protected]

» Executive Education: • Michael Mackenzie – Director, Business Development: [email protected] • David Senior – Business Development: [email protected]

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